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Evaluation and Selection-L. Led & Company

The director of supply management at L. Led & Company has come to you regarding
your company’s sourcing strategy for a high volume, electronic component that most
of your company’s products rely on. Many different suppliers have the capability to
produce the component. In the past, your firm has used competitive bidding, but has
typically relied on three different suppliers. The Suppliers’ performance across the
four key areas is as follows:

Compo Damian Exeter
Price/unit $2.30 $2.50 $2.60
Quality 99.4% 99.2% 5000 PPM
Delivery on-time 95% on-time 99% on-time 98% on-time
Order cycle time 2 weeks 3 weeks 24 hours

The usage is 1,000,000/month. Your Manufacturing/Quality people have estimated

that the cost/defect is $5.00. Your stakeholders tend to have clear priorities: Quality
is required but budget is the most important criterion. As a matter of fact it is equally
important than the three other factors all together.

1. Complete a weighted-point supplier evaluation scorecard (view template,
scores from 0 to 5) to evaluate these suppliers given the data provided. Please
explain how you did assign the weights to each of the four evaluation
2. Recommend a possible sourcing strategy for this item, including the
discussion of the critical factors that you should consider when deciding
whether to single source or multiple source this item

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