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1. Why is Amazon building more warehouses as it grows?

How many
warehouses should it have and where should they be located?

Amazon is keen to provide faster service to its customers by getting

closer to them by building more and more warehouses.
As it grew, the company needs to add more warehouses to react more
quickly to consumer orders.
It is obvious that by increasing the number of warehouses the response
time decrease, So by that increasing of the warehouses and locate them
near the customer will improve response time.
Amazon operates more than 175 warehouses around the world in more
than 150 million square feet of space, the majority located across North
America and Europe in addition to china and japan.

2. Should Amazon stock every product it sells?

No, but it can store products with high demand, while less consumable or
‘just in time’ products can be provided from external sellers upon request
because storing every product that Amazon sells will lead to a large

3. What advantage can brick-and-mortar players derive from setting

up an online channel? How should they use the two channels to gain
maximum advantage?

By combining the power of retail and online channels the performance of

the traditional supply chain for selling products can be greatly improved.
Products supply chains should be structured so that retail outlets provide
more items of bestsellers to be purchased by customers and only few
amounts of low demand products. Besides, Internet kiosks must be
provided in these outlets in order for the customer to order any non-
available products via the Internet. This enables the supply chain to
reduce stocks by aggregating low-demand products that are sold online
while reducing transportation costs for the best-selling products in the
retail store.

Maximum advantage through:

- Via the Internet, it is possible to collect more detailed information
about customers so that to create a customer database.
- Providing two channels to customers makes it more convenient and
suitable for their specific needs. At the same time, it can also save
unnecessary cost for the company.

4. What advantages/disadvantages does the online channel enjoy in

the sale of shoes/diapers relative to a retail store?
 Save time spent on shopping
 Cheaper pricing
 Low cost of the facility

 The cost of transportation
 Response and delivery time
 The cost of information technology

5. For what products does the online channel offer the greater
advantage relative to retail stores? What characterizes these

The e-commerce channel offers the greatest advantage to products that

are not very popular or of low demand.

Selling these products online will help save inventory costs. Some
examples of these products are: electronics, books, clothing, office
supplies and household goods.
It also provides a huge advantage for products that can be digitally
delivered (such as books and music).
Also Virtual Goods - like software as well as Physical goods - foreign
products; a product that is difficult for buyers and sellers to find

 The advantage or quality of products can be easily demonstrated
from images or description on the Internet.
 Its traditional channel can be easily replaced by the e-commerce
 Lower cost (for example, the cost of displaying and leasing
stores can be eliminated)
 The cost of searching on a traditional channel is much higher
than e-commerce.

1. About Amazon Staff. (2019). Why Amazon warehouses are called
fulfillment centers. Retrieved from

2. Chopra, S. and Meindl, P. (2013). Supply Chain Management:

Strategy, Planning & Operation (5th ed.). Pearson.

3. Ganeshan, R. and Harrison, T. P. (2016). An Introduction to Supply

Chain Management , Retrieved from

4. Levi D.S., Kaminsky P., and Levi E.S. (2000). Designing and

Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case

Studies, Irwin McGrawHill.

5. Oliveira, A. and Gimeno, A. (2014). Customer Service Supply

Chain Management: Models for Achieving Customer Satisfaction,

Supply Chain Performance, and Shareholder Value. New York:


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