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Unit 2: Word Processing Package

- Typing, Editing, Proofing and Reviewing
- Formatting text and paragraph
- Automatic Formatting and Styles
- Working with Tables
- Graphics and Frames
- Mail Merge

Word Processing
Word Processing means creating, typing and formatting of any kind of document.
This document may be letter, annual report, project report, appointment letter etc.
The job of it is to process words to generate meaningful information. It
supports CUI and GUI.

MS Word:
Microsoft Word is called a word processor. It is used to create, edit, save,
print text and graphics documents. MS Word helps to produce professional looking
document by providing set of tools.

  It can format the text as well as paragraph.
  It allows text to arrange in multiple columns.
  It checks spelling and grammar.
  It can create Macro.
  It allows generating letters with database.
  It allows adding header and footer.
  It can decorate text using WordArt.
  It can insert Images with text using ClipArt.
 It can share document confidently.

MS word 2007 contains Ribbon in the top which replace the tool bars and menu
available in previous version of MS Word. Main purpose of MS word 2007 is to
work become easy and fast.

Ribbon contains three areas:

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1. Tabs: The top most line of the Ribbon is called Tabs which contains Home,
Insert, Page Layout, Reference, Mailing, Review and View options.
2. Groups: Each Tab contains numbers of groups. For Example: Home tab
contains Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Style and Editing groups. Some groups
contain one button to the right corner which is used to open dialog box which
contains numbers of other commands.
3. Commands: Each group contains numbers of commands. For Example:
Font group contains Font, Font Size, Bold, Italic etc. commands.

Extension of Word Files:

File extension What it’s used for

.docx Standard Word document with MS word 2007

.doc Standard Word document with MS word 2003

Open MS Word 2007:

Following are the steps to open Word processing package MS Word 2007.
- Click on Start button from task bar.
- Select Program File option from menu.
- Select MS Office option from Sub-menu.
- Select MS Word 20007 option.

- Double click on the icon to open MS

word. Otherwise (using run):
- Click on Start button and select RUN option.
- Write “winword” to open MS Word.

Creating file: (Ctrl + n)

- Click on Office Button. It displays one menu.
- Select New option from it.
- Select Blank Document and Click on Create button.

Opening existing file: (Ctrl + o)

- Click on Office button. It displays one menu.
- Select Open option.
- Select the path of the file which you want to open.
- Press Open.

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Save created or edited file: (Ctrl + s)

- Click on Office button. It displays one menu.
- Select Save option.
- Select the path where you want to save.
- Give the name to the file.
- Click on Save button.

There is a difference between SAVE and SAVE AS. Save option save the same file
where as SAVE AS option saves the file into another file.

Protecting a document:
In MS word, user can protect the file by giving password to the file. To apply this security
to the file performs following steps:

1. Select Office Button.

2. Select Prepare option. It displays one menu.
3. Select ENCRYPT document which shows the following dialog box.

4. Type the password which you want to give.

5. Word again asks to retype the same password. Type the password again.

Now when user wants to open this file then word ask for the password.

If you specify the correct password then it opens the file otherwise file is not opened.

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Formatting Text:
To apply different formatting to text Font group is used. The Font Group is
available in Home Tab which contains following commands:

1. Font: It gives different font style to the text.

2. Font Size: It changes the size of the text.
3. Bold: It makes text bold.(Ctrl+B)
4. Italic: It gives italic effect. (Ctrl+I)
5. Underline: It applies underline to the text. (Ctrl+U)
6. Strikethrough: It makes line in the middle of the selected text.
7. Subscript: It writes the small letters below the text baseline.
8. Superscript: It writes the small letters above the line of the text.
9. Change Case: It changes the selected text to uppercase, lowercase, first
character in uppercase of each word etc.
10. Text Highlight Color: It highlights the selected text.
11. Font Color: It changes the text color.
12. We can also apply effects using the Font dialog box which we can open from
the right corner of the Font group:

- Shadow - Engrave
- Outline - Small Caps
- Emboss - All Caps

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- Hidden
13. We can also give space between characters from Font Dialog Box.

Text Alignment:
There are four types of alignments available in MS Word: Left, Right, Center, Justify.
These alignments are available in Home tab + Paragraph Group.

  Left: It writes text or paragraph to the left hand side of the page.(Ctrl+ L)
  Right: It writes text or paragraph to the right hand side of the page. (Ctrl + R)
 Center: It writes text or paragraph in the center of the page. (Ctrl + E)

 Justify: It aligns the text to the both side of the page by adding extra space
between words. (Ctrl + J)

Change Case: (Shift + F3)

It changes the selected text to uppercase, lowercase, first character in uppercase
of each word etc.
The change case option is available in Home Tab and Font Group. It contains
many options and the options are as follows:

1. Sentence Case: This option is used to convert first letter of each sentence
to capital from the selected text.
2. Lower Case: This option is used to convert the selected text to lower case.
3. Upper Case: This option is used to convert the selected to upper case.
4. Capitalize Each Word: This option coverts the first character of each word to capital.
5. tOGGLE cASE: This option converts uppercase character to lower case and
lower case characters to uppercase.
Sentence: “computer is an electronic MACHINE.”
Sentence case: “Computer is an electronic MACHINE.”
Lowercase: “computer is an electronic machine.”

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Capitalize Each Word: “Computer Is An Electronic MACHINE.”

Formatting Paragraph:
To apply formatting to the paragraph, Paragraph Group is used. Paragraph Group
is available in Home Tab which contains following commands:
1. We can apply Special Paragraph formatting using Paragraph dialog box which
we can open from the right corner of the Paragraph Group.

2. Three main options are there: General, Indentation, Spacing

a. General: To apply alignment – left, right, center, justify and outline level,
general tab is used.
b. Indentation:
i. Left: It applies left margin to the selected paragraph.
ii. Right: It applies right margin to the selected paragraph.
iii. Special: It contains two options:
1. First Line: It gives space to the first line of the paragraph.
2. Hanging: it gives space to the rest of line of the paragraph.
c. Spacing:
i. Before: It gives space before the selected paragraph.
ii. After: It gives space after the selected paragraph.
iii. Line Spacing: It gives space between two lines.

Drop Cap:
Drop cap option is used to increase the size of the first letter of the paragraph. Perform
following steps:

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- Select the paragraph on which you want to apply drop cap effect.
- Select INSERT Tab + Text Group + Drop Cap command. It displays following dialog box.

- Select Dropped option or In margin option.

- Select the numbers of lines you want to drop.

Bullets and Numbering:

To give point wise information, bullets and numbering options are used. These are available
in Paragraph Group of Home tab.
Following are the options:
1. Bullets:
To apply symbols before list, this option is used. This command contains
Bullets Library which contains numbers of symbols. Select the symbol which
you want to apply to the list. For Example:

2. Numbering:
To apply numbers before list, this option is used. This command contains
Numbering Library which contains different types of numbers. Select the
number which you want to apply to the list. For Example:

3. Multilevel List:

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To apply bullets and numbering to more than one level, this option is used.
This option contains library which contains different types of List format.
Select the format which you want to apply to the list. For Example:

4. Decrease Indent:
This option is used with Multilevel List. It allows us to move to the previous
level of the list.
5. Increase Indent:
This option is used with Multilevel List. It allows us to move to the next level
of the list.

Page Setup:
MS Word is used for documentation. And documentation is printed on page. So
page setup is used to apply different margin to the page.

Page Setup can apply from PAGE LAYOUT Tab.


- Margins: This command is used to set the margin to the page. (Left,
Right, Top and Bottom.) It is also used to set the GUTTER and GUTTER
POSITION on the page. (Where you want to leave space for binding.)
- Orientation: This command is used to set the page Horizontal using
(Landscape) or vertical using (Portrait).
- Size: This command helps to change the size of the page. Letter, A4, A5, Legal
etc. Select the size from the drop down menu which you want to apply.
- Columns: This command is used to divide the content of the page into
one or multiple columns. Select the columns from the drop down menu
and select the numbers of column in which you want to divide the page.
- Break: This option is used to break the page. (To type the next content
from the next page.). It is also used to divide the pages into sections.
- Line Number: This command is used to give line numbers to the pages.

- To open the dialog box of Page Setup, click on right bottom corner of
the group. This dialog box contains all options.

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- Set the background color to the page.

- Apply the watermark to the page.
- Set the Page border to the page.

Spelling and Grammar:

MS Word automatically checks the spelling and grammar. It displays red line under
the word when the spelling is wrong and it displays green line when grammatically
the sentence is wrong.
Auto correct facility is also available in MS Word which automatically corrects the
words. Manually also user can check the spelling and grammar using Spelling
and Grammar option from Proofing Group of Review Tab.

It displays following dialog box:

- First text box of dialog box shows the spelling or grammatical mistake with Red
or Green line respectively.
- The second text box shows the correct word for mistake.
- If you want to change it then click on CHANGE button.
- If you want to change all words then click on CHANGE ALL button.

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- If you want to correct automatically then click on “AutoCorrect” button.

Print Preview:
Print Preview option is used to view the preview of the document in computer so
user can get idea about how this page looks after printing.

To access print preview command:

Select the MS office button + Print command + Print Preview command.

This command opens the same window with preview mode. You can see the preview of
the pages from this window. It also contains following options:

- Print: You can take print from this window.

- Page Setup: You can change the margin of the page or page size using this group.
- Zoom: You see the preview by zooming preview. It can displays multiple page
with one screen.
- Preview: It allows you to move to previous page or next page, or to display the ruler etc.
- Close: To close the preview mode of the file, this option is used.

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Print command is used to print the document on the page. It gives hard copy output to
the user. Print command can apply using Office Button + Print option + Print option. It
displays following dialog box.

Using print dialog box, you can apply following options:

- User can print all pages, current page, and selected text.
- User can print part of the file by giving page numbers like 1, 5-10, p1s1 –p10s1.
st th th st
(It displays 1 page, 5 to 10 pages, 1 section’s 1 to 10 pages respectively.
- If multiple printers are attached then user can select the printer by name.
- User can print color print as well as he can print color page in Gray scale mode.
- User can select the Paper size of printer.
- User can start printing from the last page.
- User can make numbers of copies of the same print.

Cut-paste and Copy-paste:

Cut-paste Copy-paste
1 This option is used to move the page from This option is used to copy the file or folder from
one folder to another. one folder to another.
2 Ctrl+ X and Ctrl +V is used to apply this. Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V is used to apply this.

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Soft Copy and Hard copy:

Soft copy Hard copy
1 When the file is in digital form, it is known as When the file is printed on paper, it is
soft copy. known as Hard copy.
2 Changes can apply to the file. Changes can not apply to the file.
3 Output using Monitor, LCD Projector is of this Output using Printer, plotter is of this type.
4 Ex: Pen drive text file Ex: Xerox copy.

Style Formatting:
Style formatting is used to apply quick formatting to the document. It ties the
formatting with outline numbering list. It helps to apply different formatting to the
heading and sub heading.
The Style Group is available in Home Tab.

- Select the text on which you want to apply style.

- Select any one of the style given in Style gallery.
- The same formatting is applied to the selected
text. The format of the style can also be changed:
- Right click on any Style and click on Modify option.
- It allows you to modify the formatting style of selected style.

It is used to display table in Word. Tables group is available in Insert Tab.
Insert Table:
Table can be inserted three ways.

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To specify rows & columns

- Table Group has one down arrow key which contains one menu. From
the menu select rows and columns which you want to apply. It displays
one table on the page and also opens the Design Tab which is used to
apply different formatting to the table.
- With the help of Insert option, we can also create the table by specifying
Rows and Columns.

1. Table Style option: To mention whether header row, first column etc you
want to apply or not.
2. Table Style:
a. To apply different style to the table.
b. To apply shading to the table.
c. To apply border to the table.
3. Draw Border:
a. To split or to merge the data using Pen.
b. To change line style as well as to change colour of the border.

Other options we can apply using the Layout Tab:

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4. Table:
a. To select the table or cell.
b. To provide Table property.
c. To provide View guideline.
5. Rows & Columns:
a. To insert row or column.
b. To delete table, row or column.
6. Merge:
a. Merge Cell is used or combine numbers of cells in one cell.
b. Split Cell is used to divide the cell into numbers of rows or columns.
c. Split-up Table is used to divide table in two parts.
7. Cell Size: To specify the Height or Width of the cell, this option is used.
8. Cell Alignment:
a. To apply left, right, center, top, bottom or middle alignment.
b. To specify the margin to the cell.
c. To specify Text direction.

Macro is a series of commands and instructions that you group together as a single
command to complete the whole task automatically. It is used to create shortcut.
Macro option is available in View Tab.

To run Macro:

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There are two ways to run a macro:

1. Using Macro Name:
1. Select the View option from the Macro Group.
2. Select the Macro name which you want to apply.
3. Press RUN button.
3. Using Shortcut Key:
1. Press the shortcut key of the macro on the place where you want to apply macro.

1. Select the Record Macro option from the Macro Group.

2. It displays one dialog box.
3. Display the Macro name and click on Keyboard button to give shortcut key.
4. Mention the shortcut key which must be the combination of Shift, Alt, Ctrl
and any of the alphabetical key.
5. Press Assign button.
6. Now the recording mode is started, type the data which you want to store in Macro.
7. Click on Stop Recording option from the Macro Group to stop the Macro recording.

1. Select the View Macro option from the Macro Group.

2. Select the name of the macro and press delete button.

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Mail Marge:
Mail Merge is used to create formatted letter in place of editing same letter
numbers of times. It saves time.

To create Mail Merge two types of files are required:

- Word File: We can mention the format of the letter.
- Data File: The information about numbers of recipients are stored.
This option is available in Mailings Tab then clicks on Start Mail Merge and select
Step Mail Merge Wizard. It displays one Sidebar of the Mail Merge to the right side
which contains many steps:
1. In this step, select the type of the document i.e. Letter, Envelope, Labels etc.
For Ex: select the Letter option and click the Next option.
2. In this step, select the document in which you want to apply the Mail merge.
Select Next option.
3. In this step, select the database file from the existing list or create new
database. Here the data file is linked with the document file. Select next option.
4. In this step, insert the fields of database in the document file means link
records of the database file with the document file. Select Next option.
5. This step is used to preview the letters which helps to verify data.
6. This step is used to print all the letters or to edit all the letters to a new file. It
also allows us to merge selected records.

Drawing Objects:
Drawing related options are available in Illustrations group of Insert Tab.

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1. Picture: To insert the picture file on page this option is used.

a. Select the file which you want to insert.
b. Press Insert Button.
2. ClipArt: To insert the clips from ClipArt Gallery, this option is used.
a. Select the clip and insert the clip.
3. Shapes: To apply different shapes to draw the picture, this option is used.
a. It displays list of shapes.
b. Select the shape you want to apply.
c. With the help of Mouse, drag the shape on page.
4. Smart Art: To give smart look to the list, this option is used.
a. It displays Smart Art Graphics Dialog Box.
b. Select the Pattern.
c. Press OK button.
d. It displays the pattern on page. Now write the text which you want to apply.
5. Chart: To draw chart on page, this option is used.
a. It displays numbers of charts.
b. Select the chart which you want to apply.
c. Press OK button.
d. Specify the data whose chart you want to draw and press OK button.

WordArt is used to decorate the text in document.
- WordArt option is available in Text Group of Insert Tab.
- It has WordArt Gallery which contains different styles of text.
- Select the style from the gallery.
- Mention the text which you want to decorate.
- It displays decorative text on the page.

- Example:
With the WordArt, One Format Tab is opened which allows to apply formatting to
the WordArt.

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- Text Group: It allows editing text, to align the text, to apply space
between characters etc.
- WordArt Styles Group: It allows changing WordArt Style, to fill color to
shape, to give outlines and to change shape of the WordArt.
- Shadow Effects: Allows applying shadow to WordArt.
- 3-D Effects: Allows applying 3D effects to the WordArt.
- Arrange: Allows changing the position of the WordArt, rotation, to wrap text etc.
- Size: Allows changing the height or Width of the WordArt.

Clip Art:
ClipArt is used to insert images on the page.
- The ClipArt option is available in Illustration Group of Insert Tab.
- It contains various Clips in the Sidebar of ClipArt. .
- User can see all the clips using Organize Clip option.
- User can find out any of the image using search option.
With the ClipArt, One Format Tab is opened which allows to apply formatting to the ClipArt.

- Adjust:
o To apply brightness, contrast and recolour to the image.
o To reset image, to apply border to the image.
- Picture Styles:
o To apply different style to image.
o To change the shape of the image.
o To apply border to the image.
o To give effects to the image.
- Arrange:
o To change the position of the image on the paper.
o To apply Text Wrapping to the image.
o To align the image.
o To rotate the image.
- Size:
o To specify the height and width of the image.

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Undo : Undo option is used to remove the last change which is made in the
document. This option is available in Quick Access Tool Bar which is to the left top
of the window.(Ctrl + Z)
Redo : Redo option is used to recall the changes made by undo. This option is
available in Quick Access Tool Bar which is to the left top of the window.(Ctrl + Y)

Header and Footer: MS Word reserves the space for the header and footer on
each page. Header means display the data on the top of the page and footer
means display the data to the bottom of the page. It becomes visible only when the
user applies header and footer on the page.

These options are available in Header and Footer group of Insert Tab. User can
also apply page number from this group.

Find, Go to and Replace: Find function is used to find out the word from the given
document. Replace function is used to replace the specific word from the given
document. Go to option is used to go to a specific location within same file. These
options are available in Editing group of Home Tab.

Auto Text:

Auto Correct:

Auto formatting option automatically formats the text which was written by user.
st st
Ex: if user write “1 ” then auto format automatically apply 1 .
In MS word 2007 onwards, this option is not visible in Ribbon. But it can be added
to the quick access tool box. Steps to insert auto-format option to the Quick
access tool box are as follows:
o Right click on Office Button.
o It displays one menu select “Customize Quick Access Toolbar” option.
o It displays on dialog box, select the “Commands not in ribbon” option from
“Choose commands from” combo box.
o Select “Auto Format” option and click on “Add” button.
o It displays the Auto-format option to the Quick Access toolbar.
o Click on this icon to open access this command.

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