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3 Belgrade International chess festival 2020

29th Jun – 14th Jul

Sahovska Akademija Sampiona in Belgrade, organizes 3rd Belgrade International chess festival.

The first part of festival consists of international open tournaments (A, B, C, Blitz).

Total prize fund: 703.000 dinars + 150.000 prizes in goods

Second part of the festival is scheduled for closed Berger tournaments, 2. IM and 2. GM tournaments.
The right to participate in the International Chess Festival has chess players from Serbia and abroad.
For all interested participants the organizer has a wide offer of accomodation at discounted prices.

Schedule 3rd Belgrade International chess festival:

International open tournaments (A,B,C,Blitz) 29.6. – 06.7.2020.

Restaurant “Ser Gilles”, Crnotravska 4. Belgrade

Berger tournaments (2 x IM, 2 x GM) 08.7. – 14.7.2020.

Hotel “Sterling”, Pazinska 31. Belgrade


A tournament 29.6. – 06.7.2020.

Open tournament for players rated higher than 2100.

Number of rounds : 9
Time control : 90 min for 40 moves + 15 min for the rest of the game + 30 sec. increment for every move played
starting from the first move.
Tournament is rated by FIDE – August Rating list 2020.
The tournament is eligible for all international chess norms. (GM,IM,WGM,WIM).
Possible BYE (1/2 point) in the first 6. rounds.
Organizer reserves the right to enter and lower rated players in tournament.

Prize fund : 575.000 dinars (1 eur = 120 rsd)

1. 170.000; 2.100.000; 3. 80.000; 4. 60.000; 5. 50.000; 6. 35.000; 7. 25.000; 8. 15.000; 9. 12.000; 10. 10.000;
Special prizes :
Best woman 6.000
Best cadet (born 2002. and younger ) 6.000
Best veteran (born 1960., and older ) 6.000
One player can take just one prize!
Registration fees for A tournament :
GM players> 2500: no entry fee
Women, Cadets (<2002) 40 eur

All Players > 2100: 50 eur

List of participants is concluded 29.6.2020. at 2 pm.

Package offer:

The package includes 8x B&B + registration fee:

Hotel “N” 3* (10 min. walking distance) double rooms with breakfast 220 eur for person
Hotel “Sterling” 4* (10 min. walking distance) double rooms with breakfast 270 eur for person
Hotel “Avalon” 4* (10 min. walking distance) double and triple rooms with breakfast 270 eur for person

airport Nikola Tesla (Beograd) - hotel - airport Nikola Tesla (Beograd) 25 eur for person


B tournament 29.6. – 06.7.2020.

Open tournament for players rated lower or equal to 2100.

Number of rounds : 9
Time control : 90 min. for 40 moves + 15 min. for the rest of game + 30 sec.increment for every move starting with
move one.
Tournament is rated by FIDE – Rating list August 2020.
Prize fund : 128.000 dinars + (118.000 prizes in goods)
1.40.000; 2. 25.000; 3. 15.000; 4. 10.000; 5. 8.000; 6. 6.000; 7. 6.000; 8. 6.000; 9. 6.000; 10. 6.000;
Prizes in goods (118.000 dinars) for best in their categories : woman, veteran (1960,and older), cadets 10, 12, 14, 16,
18 years, etc.
Registration fees B tournament : 28.6.2020. 29.6.2020.
women; players born 2002.and young 25 eur 30 eur
Players < 2100: 30 eur 35 eur

List of participants is concluded 29.6.2020. at 2 pm.

C tournament 30.6. – 05.7.2020.

Open tournament for players rated lower or equal to 1500 and born

Number of rounds: 9
Time control : 60 min for whole game,no increment.
Organizer provide cups,medals, chess literature for most succesful
Writing moves is a obligation!
The tournament is elgible to win categories!
Registration fee: 15 eur

Blitz tournament 02.7.2020.

Time control : 3min + 2sec

Tournamet is rated by FIDE for blitz rating
Registration fee: 5 eur


08th – 14th Jul

Šahovska Akademija Šampiona organize two GM (third and fourth in a row) and two IM (fifth and sixth in a
Tournament venue : Hotel “Sterling”, Street Pazinska 31, Belgrade

third and fourth GM tournaments:

Minimal average tournament rating >2380
Number of rounds : 9
Time control : 90 min. for 40 moves + 15 min. for rest of a game + 30 sec.increment,starting from first move.
Tournament are rated by FIDE – Rating List August 2020.
Tournament is eligible for all international chess norms (GM,IM,WGM,WIM).

fifth and sixth

sixth IM tournaments :
Minimal rating average >2230
Number of rounds : 9
Time control : 90 min. for 40 moves + 15 min. for the rest of the game + 30 sec.increment starting from the first move.
Tournament are rated by FIDE – Rating List August 2020.
Tournaments are eligible for all international chess norms (IM,WGM,WIM).

Right to play has all rated players from Serbia and abroad.
The amount of registration fee for participation in the tournaments is determined by the organizer in
proportion to the current rating of the interested player.


Optional Berger tournament enrollment table :

GM tournaments:
tournaments: IM tournaments :

>2500 100 eur >2350 100 eur

2451 - 2500 200 eur 2301 - 2350 150 eur
2401 - 2450 250 eur 2250 - 2300 200 eur
2351 - 2400 300 eur 2201 - 2250 250 eur
2301 - 2350 350 eur 2151 - 2200 300 eur
< 2300 500 eur < 2150 400 eur

REGISTRATION: [email protected]

TEL. +381 62 325 515; +381 63 237 762; +381 60 633 92 02; SMS, VIBER, WHATSAPP


GM Ivanišević Ivan
GM Perunović Miloš
GM Tadić Branko




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