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We want to say few words of thanks to A new commandment, I give unto you,
those who initiated this work and to those that you love one another as I have loved
who brought it to its completion. Some you, that you love one another as I have
years back already, Rev Fr Florent loved you.
Eloundou SAC got the wonderful
inspiration to set up a collection of hymns By this the world will know that
and songs that were to lead the Pallottine you are my disciples, if you have
communities in South Africa in prayer loved one for another. By this the
and worship. He started this process while world will know that you are my
at Merrivale. The Brothers at St Vincent disciples, if you have loved one for
Pallotti House took the responsibity to another.
hand. With hard work and abnegation they
tirelessly continued to collect, practice,
teach and write the hymns down. Among
these are, Br John Paul Nweke. The one A nna Maria e a nna Maria e ovuma a
brother who devoted an incredible among nya nkode ovuma 2x
of time and dedication to the final touch
of this work is for sure Brother Augustine 1. Zamba anga fu wa nnem o
Chika. He designed the layout and the nye na wayi bege abum nkode
format the hymn book has taken. We want wayi bie nkode besem aa
to thank indeed the whole community of
the Pallottines at Vincent Pallotti house 2. Bia zu wa lugu a nya nkode
for their constant and prompt response to bia zu wa lugu edunu ngon o
this endeavour from the beginning till the ovuma a nya nkode ovuma
end. We thank Fr Heinz-Joseh Schoeder
SAC for his fraternal sponsorhip. Thank 3. Bia zu wa lugu a nya nkode
you all Brothers and Fathers, we just hope bia zu wa lugu a mkpege elomo
and pray that this songs will, not only ovuma a nya nkode ovuma
gather Pallottine communities in worship,
but also will open more hearts to the
divine, with shouts of joy. We offer this
work for the Infinite Glory of God and for BASS: A a Semilamitu X3
the Salvation of all Souls. da jeyi e e zadi semilami X3

On October, 2010 Semi konko zadi semilami X2

At Merrivale, kenke ngulo zadi semilamiX2
Fr Ambroise B. Bayiha SAC
BASS: A a semilamitu.

O Mary, Queen of mothers
4. still smile on young and old
A a Tara e e one ayob e e A Tara e e bless hearth and home and harvest,
bless farm and field and fold
1. Eyole dzoe ene ngie o, eluguban oo;
Ayoň doe aza asi, asi ndon mu oo. 3. Pray Mother Queen in glory
Minkomban mie mibo asi avala ya Before the Father’s throne
yob oo a tara ee Praise God’s eternal wisdom
The child who is your own;
2. Va bia bidi, na biza wu zai oo. Rejoice in God the Spirit
Abim da yian ai bia, amos ose o. Whose power let you conceive
The child of Eden’s promise,
3. Djam bia minsem, minsem bia sem O new and sinless Eve.
oo. Ane bia djam fö, eba bese ba wulu
fufulu ai bia.
4. Ma yem na ose kig do yebe, na biku a 1. A man Ntomba Zamba o o
mebobela me satan o. Man Ntomba Zamba kude ngol
Okodege bia a nsem, nsem ose wake Wa yawa vah misem o a Nti
ai bia a ndzan kom. Kude bia ngol o engogol 1&2

Coda: A esya ya yoboo, A tara ee, wo 2. A man Ntomba Zamba o o

obele edzue ese, ngul ese, ai duma ase, Man Ntomba zamba kude ngol
Esya ya yob o, a tara e. (X2) Wa yawa vah misem o a Nti
Vah bia move o engogol
5. 1. A minha vida é p’ra ti senhor (3x)
1. A sign is seen in heaven. A minha vida é p’ra ti.
A maiden-mother fair,
Her mantle is the sunlight Porque tu me deste a vida
And stars adorn her hair Porque tu me deste o existir
The maiden’s name is Mary Porque tu me deste
In love she brings to birth o carinho me deste o amor.
The Lord of all the ages
The King of all the earth.
2. O pão e vinho são p’ra ti
2. Like moonlight on the hilltops Senhor (3x)
She shines on all below O pão e vinho são p’ra ti.
like sunlight on the mountains
Her child outshines the snow

6. I’m your shepherd, I will lead you
3. Minha alegria é p’ra ti …
Senhor 3x 7. Peace I leave you, peace I give you
Minha alegria é p’ra ti. …
8. I’m your life and resurrection
4. Minha esperansa é p’ra ti 9. Glory Father, glory Spirit …
Senhor (3x)
Minha esperansa é p’ra ti. Other words from Scripture may be
substituted according to the occasion or
the season. For example, in Advent:
Abba, Abba Father, you are the 1. Come, Lord Jesus, Light of nations
porter; we are the clay, the work of …
your hands 2. Come, Lord Jesus, born of Mary

1. Mould us, mould us and fashion us 3. Come, and show the Father’s glory
into the image of Jesus, your son, of
Jesus, your Son [2]
2. Father, may we be one in you Abale ndifunsa? Funsa!x2
as he is in you
and you are in him [2] Kachokera kuti Kankhosa kotere?
Kachokera kwa Ambuye (X2)
3. Glory, glory and praise to you, Bwerani, Bwerani Bwerani
Glory and praise to you forever. Amen. Mudzaone, Mudzaone Kankhosa (X2)
For ever. Amen. [2]
Bwerani, Bwerani Bwerani
Mutipatse mtendere.
1. Abba, Father, send your Spirit.
Glory, Jesus Christ. (2)

Glory hallelujah, glory, Jesus Christ. (2)

2. I will give you living water …

3. If you seek me you will find me …
4. If you listen you will hear me
5. Come, my children, I will teach

These humble gifts of bread and wine;
11. That with ourselves we offer thee
1. Abide with me, fast falls the returning gifts already thine
eventide; the darkness deepens,
Lord, with me abide! 2. Behold this host and chalice Lord To
When other helpers fail, and thee in heaven the gifts we raise,
comforts flee, help of the helpless, Through them may we our homage
O abide with me. pay, Our adoration and our praise

2. Swift to its close ebbs out life’s

little day; earth’s joys grow dim,
its glories pass away; change and 13.
decay in all around I see; O thou 1. Accept Almighty Father
who changest not, abide with me. These gifts of bread and wine
Now offered at the altar
3. I need thy presence every passing To you through Christ our Head
hour; what but thy grace can foil In humble reparation
the tempter’s power? Who like For sins and failings dread;
thyself my guide and stay can be? To gain life everlasting
Through cloud and sunshine, O For living and for dead
abide with me.
2. O God, by this co-mingling
4. I fear no foe with thee at hand to Of water and of wine
bless; ills have no weight and tears May he who took our nature
no bitterness. Where is death’s Give us his life divine
sting? Where, grave, thy victory? I Come then, and make us holy
triumph still, if thou abide with Receive this sacrifice
me. Into your favour take us,
In Christ may we arise
5. Hold thou thy cross before my
closing eyes; shine through the
gloom, and point me to the skies; 14.
heaven’s morning breaks, and Aceitai senhor os nossos dons
earth’s vain shadows flee: in life, Aceitai a nossa vida e o nosso amor (2x)
in death, O Lord, abide with me!
1. Aceitai senhor o pao e vinho que
vimos trazer
1.Accept, Oh Father in thy love

2. Nossa juventude vimos oferecer(2x) 1. Adorote te devote latens Deitas,
Aceitai senhor os frutos que aterra Quae sub his figuris vere latitas:
produz Tibi se cor meun totum subjicit,
Quia te contemplans totum deficit
3. Nossa juventude da’-se com jesus (2x).
Aceitai senhor o nosso amor 2. Visus tactus, gustus in te falitur
De jovens cristaos Sed auditu solo tuto creditur
Credo quid quid dixit Dei filius
4. Nossa juventude esta em vossas Nil hoc verbo veritatis verius
3. In cruce latebat sola Deitas,
5. Nossa juentude canta a vossa paz. Ad hic latet simus et humanitas
Ambo tamen credens atque
15. Peto quod petivit latro poenitens.
1. Ada nke Nna ji ike nile,
Marịa, Nne nke Chukwu, 4. Plagas sicut Thomas non intueor
Chukwu n’ onwe Ya kele Gị, Deum tamen meun te Confiteor
Macula non est in te. Fac me tibi semper magis credere
In te spem habere, te diligere.
(non est in te)
Macula non est in te 5. O memoriale mortis Domoni
Panis vivus vitam praestans
2. Eze nwanyị nọ n’eligwe, homini.
Marịa, na- ebughị njọ, Praesta meae menti de te vivere
Ndị Mmụọma na- anọrube Gị Et te illi semper dulce sapere.
Macula non est in te
6. Pie pelicane, Jesu Domine,
3. Nne Jesu, bụ Onye Nzọpụta Me immundum munda tuo
Inye aka, ndụ, n’ụzọ anyi, sanguine; Cujus una stilla salvum
Biko nara ekele anyị, facere
Macula non est in te. Totum mundum quid ab omni
4. N’ ụwa anyị nọ n’ọchịchịrị,
Duba anyị n’ihe eligwe, 7. Jesu, quem velatum nunc aspicio,
Ebe ahụ ka anyị ga- ahụ Nna Oro fiat illud, quod tam sitio
Macula non est in te. Ut te revelata cernens facie
Visu sim beatus tuae gloriae.
16. Amen.

V. Panem de caelo praestisti eis
R. Omne delectamentum in se habentem.
Agneau de Dieu
17. qui enleve le peche du monde
1. Adoremus in aetemum, Prends pitie de nous [2x]
Sanctissimum Sacramentum
Adoremus in aeternun Agneau de Dieu ………….
Santissimum Sacramentum. Donne nous la paix

2. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes. 20.

Laudate eum omnes populi. 1. Ah NKosi, khawamkele isonka
Quoniam confirmata est super Nos newayine, Ziza kuba nguMzimba
misericordia ejus et veritas Domini neGazi lomsindisi.
manet in aetenum.
2. Yamkela elaa Dini/
3. Gloria patri, et fillio, lenziw’emnqalezweni /
et Spiritui Sancto. Liphindw’apha nguYesu
Sicut erat in principio, esibingelelweni.
et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula seaculorum. 3. Samkele nathi, Nkosi wamkele
Amen. konk’okwethu
Kube ngumbingelelo
Agnus Dei X2 [Bass:]
Qui tollis peccata mundi, 21.
Miserere nobis 1. Aletareng Ho tla phetoa
Hlabelo sa kalvari
T/A/S:Agnus Dei X2 Tlong re fumaneng
qui tollis peccata mundi, Grasia ka mali a ‘moloki.
Miserere nobis (x2)

Bass:Agnus Dei X2
qui tollis peccata mundi,
dona nobis pacem.

T/A/S:Agnus Dei X2
qui tollis peccata mundi
dona nobis pacem

Morena re ipolela ibe
Tsohle tsa rona 22.
Re nehe soabo ea ‘nete Bass: All Glory belongs to you (All
Li tla hlakoha ruri wisdom; all power; all honour; all
praises; Thanksgiving)
Ch. JESU, JESU All: All Glory belongs to you Holy
Trinity. (responses are as introduced by
2. Jesu jesu ea monate ea the bass)
Tlileng ho rona. Bass: God is Three
Lula lipelong ka mehla All: O yes God is Three
Ho li fepa hantle. Bass: God is one
Lula li pelong ka mehla All: O yes God is one
Ho li fe pa hantle. Tutti: There is one God in three persons.
All glory belongs to you Holy Trinity
3. Molisa o re lisetse
Makhulong a matle 1. We call upon you , we praise you,
Ha rena ho hloka letho we worship you, O blessed trinity
Kalosong ea hao
2. You are our hope, and salvation,
4. U morara oa sebele and glory, O blessed trinity
O fepang makala
Ak’u re phelise bohle
Ba lutseng ho uena
[All I Have is Yours]
5. Jesu a k’u re re khatholle
Hoba re khathetse
Re lumelle ho phomola
Sefubeng sa hao

6. U seliba sa bophelo
Le sa khalelo
Lula li pelong tsa rona
Ho li halaletsa

7. Moratuoa ea monate
Re u boka ruri
Ka ho tla hao ho rona
Tafoleng ea hao

We thank you great Mother
Chorus: O my God, You are my all The source of our joy…
Everything I have is all yours. Ave Maria our noble Queen
Ref: $ O God take me as I am, O God use
me as You will. D$ 2. We thank you our Father
Who gave you to us…
1. All my joys and sorrows: all is We thank Lord Jesus
yours. All my passions O God: all Who showed you to us…
is yours. Ref We thank you great mother
Pure in heart and deed…
2. All my talents O God: all is yours. We thank you great Queen
All my knowledge O God all is Conceived without sin…
yours. Ref. & Chorus Ave Maria our noble Queen

3. All my wisdom O God: all is 3. We thank you great mother

yours. All my beauty O God: all is Queen of all virgins…
yours. Ref. We thank you great mother
Queen of all saints…
4. All my wealth O God: all is yours. We thank you great Mother
All my pleasures O God: all is Queen of all prophets…
yours. Ref. & Chorus We thank you great Mother
Queen of all martyrs…
5. When I’m healthy O God, I am Ave Maria our noble Queen
yours. In my sickness O God, I am
yours. Ref. 4. We thank you sweet mother
Refuge of sinners…
6. All my lifetime O God: I am yours, We thank you sweet mother
even when I die O God: I am Health of the sick…
yours. Ref. & Chorus We thank you sweet mother

1. All men big and small
Come and hail your Queen…
We thank you great Queen
The Mother of Christ…
We thank you great Mother
The pride of our race…
We thank you great Queen
Both Mother and Virgin…

Gate of heaven… 1. All over the world, the Spirit is
We thank you sweet mother moving; all over the world, as the
Seat of wisdom… prophet said it would be, alleluia.
We thank you sweet mother All over the world, there’s a
Star of the sea… mighty revelation of the glory of
Ave Maria our noble Queen the Lord
as the waters cover the sea.
5. All men big and small
Give praise to the Father… 2. Right here in this place, the Spirit
All men big and small is moving…
Give praise to the Son…
All men big and small 3. Deep down in my heart, the Spirit
Give praise to the Spirit… is moving…
Ave Maria our noble Queen
4. All over the Church, the Spirit is
moving …..
All of my life I will praise the living God;
My heart full of joy I will praise His Holy 27.
Name 1. All people that on earth do dwell
sing to the Lord with cheerful voice;
1. Bless the Lord O my soul Him serve with fear, his praise forth
And never forget his gifts tell, come ye before him and rejoice

2. Bless the Lord O my soul 2. The Lord, ye know is God indeed

He pardons all our sins without our aid he did us make
we are his folk, he doth us feed
3. Bless the Lord O my soul And for his sheep he doth us take.
He saves all from all harm
3. O enter then his gates with praise,
4. Bless the Lord O my soul approach with joy his courts unto
He fills our lives with good

5. Bless the Lord O my soul

He keeps us ever young


praise laud and bless his name always; 6. Honour and praise be to the Father,
for it is seemly so to do. The Son and the Spirit world
without end.
4. For why the Lord our God is good:
His mercy is for ever sure
His truth at all times firmly stood 29.
and shall from age to age endure. 1. All to Jesus I surrender.
All to Him I freely give.
5. To Father, Son and Holy Ghost I will ever love and trust him,
the God whom heaven and earth adore; In His presence daily live.
from men and from the Angel-host be
praise and glory evermore. I surrender all, I surrender all,
All to thee, my Blessed Saviour, I
surrender all.
All the earth proclaim the Lord 2. All to Jesus I surrender.
Sing and praise to God. Humbly at His feet I bow.
Worldly pleasures all forsaken,
1. Serve ye the Lord, heart filled with take me, Jesus, take me now.
gladness. Come into his presence
singing for joy. 3. All to Jesus I surrender.
Make me, Saviour, wholly thine.
2. Know that the Lord is our creator, Let me feel the Holy Spirit,
Yes, He is our Father, we are His Truly know that thou art mine.
4. All to Jesus I surrender.
3. We are the sheep of His green Lord, I give myself to thee.
pasture, for we are His people, He Fill me with thy love and power,
is our God. Let thy blessings fall on me.

4. Enter His gates bringing

thanksgiving, O enter his courts 30.
while singing His praise. 1. All you who seek a comfort sure,
In trouble and distress,
5. Our Lord is good, His love Whatever sorrow vex the mind,
enduring, His word is abiding now Or guilt the soul oppress:
with all men.

Il a montré sa puissanse,
2. Jesus, who gave himself for you, Aux peuples de toute la terre.
Upon the cross to die,
Opens to you his Sacred Heart; [English version]
Oh, to that heart draw nigh. 4. Praise the Lord, all you nations 2x
Acclaim him, all you peoples 2x
3. Ye hear how kindly he invites; Great is his love for us
Ye hear his words so blest: He is faithful for ever!
‘all ye that labour come to me,
And I will give you rest.’ A-alle-elu-uia, 4x

4. Jesus, thou joy of Saints on high, 5. Sing praise to the Lord, all you
Thou hope of sinners here, peoples,
Attracted by those loving words to Sing of the wonders He’s fashioned oh!
thee I lift my prayer. Sing to the Lord without ceasing

5. Wash thou my wounds in that dear

blood, which forth thee doth flow; 32.
New grace, new hope inspire, a Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia,
new and better heart bestow. alleluia babela
1. Lugane zamba min’meyon mese
taman nye bese min’ minam mise.

31. 2. Edin yakar bidin embe foe apkim

Alleluia [French tune] babela woe ane foe kom ya kom
tege man
1. Louez Dieu tous les peoples (X2)
Chantez sa grande gloire (X2) 3. Duma abo ye zamba esia duma abo
Oui, notre Dieu nous aime, ai mon, Duma ye nsisim zamba
Son amour est fidèle. akom ya kom amen.

A-alle-elu-uia, 4x

2. Chantez le seigneur par

des hymnes,
Car il a fait des merveilles,
Chantez le seigneur,
terre entière.

3. Il a rèvélé sa justice

33. 1. Alleluia, sing to Jesus
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. (X4) his the scepter, his the throne
Alleluia Amen. Alleluia Amen. alleluia, his the triumph,
his the victory alone;
Alleluia alleluia. Alleluia, alleluia [x2] hark the songs of peaceful sion
Amen. Alleluia thunder like a mighty flood;
Alleluia [x2] Jesus, out of every nation, hath
redeemed us by his blood.
Bass: Alleluia O Alleluia x2
Alleluia O Alleluia x2 2. Alleluia, not as orphans
are we left in sorrow now
Alleluia Alleluia alleluia, he is near us, faith
Bass: Amen alleluia believes no question how
though the clouds form sight
received him
34. when the forty days were o’er
Alleluia O biliwo, O biliwo shall our hearts forget his promise
Jesu, akpogburu n’elu obe onye mmeri; ‘I am with you ever more’?
Alleluia O biliwo nezie O biliwo, Jesu
akpogburu n’elu obe onye mmeri [DC] 3. Alleluia, Bread of Angels
thou on earth our food, our stay;
1. N’uzo ututu ka umu nwanyi jere, alleluia, here the sinful
N’ili ite ude n’aru Jesus muoma si flee to thee from day to day
n’igwe gbadata n’ili wee si ha na o intercessor, friend of sinners
biliwo earth’s redeemer, plead for me
where the songs of all the sinless;
2. Mary na-ebe akwa na-acho aru sweep across the crystal sea.
Jesu, Mary na-eti mkpu n’ili Jesu;
Mary na-akwughari ebe eliri Jesu
Mgbe o zutere Dinwenu.

3. Mary emetukwana m aka na akaro

m we gakwu Nnam gabazia ga
gwa umu azu m
Ka ha gaba na Galile
Ebe ahu ka m ga ano
Gosi ha onwe m n’uju.

Tithokoze Ambuye
4. Alleluia, King eternal, Ambuye zikomo
thee the Lord of Lords we own; Zikomo: zikomo Ambuye
alleluia, born of Mary
earth thy footstool, heav’n thy 2. Ambuye mumatisunga...
throne; Thou within the veil hast 3. Ambuye mumatidyetsa...
entered robed in flesh, our great 4. Ambuye ndi Mbusa wathu...
High Priest 5. Ambuye ndi njira yathu...
thou on earth both priest and 6. Ambuye ndi nyale yathu
victim; in the Eucharist Feast.
36. Ambuye mutichitire chisoni
1. Amazing grace! How sweet the Ambuye mutichitire chisoni
sound, that saved a wretch like me. Ambuye mutichitire [2]
I once was lost but now I’m found,
was blind but now I see. E Khristu mutichitire chisoni
E Khristu mutichitire chisoni
2. ‘Twas grace that taught my heart E Khristu mutichitire
to fear, and grace my fears relieved. Ambuye……
How precious did that grace appear,
the hour I first believe.
3. Through many dangers, toils and Ambuye mutichitire chisoni
snares, I have already come. Ambuye; Mutichitire chisoni Ambuye
‘Tis grace hath brought me safe mutichitire
thus far, and grace will lead me

4. The Lord has promised good

to me; his word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be
as long as life endures

1. Ambuye mumatikonda
Ambuye mumatikonda
Zikomo: zikomo Ambuye

6. Ambuye ndi nyale yathu…
E Ambuye mutichitire 2x [Bass]
[Sop] Ambuye
All: Mutichitire chisoni 42.
Ambuye mutichitire 1. Ambuye mumatikonda
Ambuye mumatikonda
[Sop] E Khristu mutichitire chisoni Zikomo ndithu
E Khristu
Mutichitire chisoni E Khristu mitichitire Tipereka zikomo
E Khristu mutichitire Zikomo lero zikomo x2
E Khristu mutichitire Zikomo ndithu
E Khristu
mutichitire chisoni 2. Ambuye mumatisunga...
E Khristu Mutichitire 3. Ambuye mumatidyetsa...
4. Ambuye ndi m’busa wathu...
Ambuye mutichitire chisoni... 5. Ambuye ndi njira yathu...
6. Ambuye ndi nyale yathu...
A---ambuye mutichitire
A—ambuye mutichitire chisoni
A-a-a- Ambuye Ambuye mutichitire
Khri—stu mutichitire chisoni
Khri—stu mutichitire chisoni
A---ambuye repeat (1)

1. Ambuye mumatikonda, E e e e
Ambuye mumatikonda, Zikomo

Tipereka Zikomo
Tipereka Zikomo kwa inu Ambuye
Dzina lanu Tate litamandike
Zikomo, Zikomo

2. Ambuye mumatisunga…
3. Ambuye mumatidyetsa…
4. Ambuye ndi Mbusa wathu…
5. Ambuye ndi njira yathu…

Gloria in excelsis deo
1. Ambuye mumatikonda inu Ambuye 2. Shephereds, why this exultation?
Tikuti zikomo [2x] Why your rapturous stain prolong?
Tell us of the gladsome tidings
Tikuti zikomo inu Ambuye which inspire your joyous song.
Tikuti zikomo 2x
Oo pazonsezi tikuti zikomo 3. Come to Bethlehem, and see him
Oo mwatipatsa tikuti zikomo o’er whose birth the angels sing,
come, adore, devoutly keeling,
2. Ambuye mumatisunga inu Ambuye… Christ the Lord the new born King.

3. Ambuye mumatidyetsa inu Ambuye… 4. See him in a manger lying

whom the choir of angels praise!
44. Mary, Joseph, come to aid us
while our hearts in love we raise.
Amohela hle Morena (X3)
Amohela dimpho tsena.
Re litlisa ho wena (X2) Anima Christi sanctifaca me Corpus
Amohela dimpho tsena. Christi salva me

Ke rona bana Morena (X3)

Retlisa dimpho tsena.

Amohele hle morena 3x
Amohele limpho tsena
Re litlisa ho uena 2x
Amohele limpho tsena.

1. Angels we have heard in heaven
sweetly o’er our plains,
and the mountain tops in answer,
echoing their joyous strains

Gloria in excelsis deo

Sanguis sanguis Christe in—a brea me Anyị g’eje gbuoro ya ikpere kpọọ isi
ala nye ya.
48. 3. Anyị g’eje n’iru Chineke,
Aňụrị bụ nke ha, aňụri bụ nke ha ndị Onyekelu ụwa chọọ ya mma
Chineke họtara ka ha bụrụ ndị nke ya. Anyị gee je gbuoro ya
ikpere kpọọ isi ala nye ya.
1. Chineke edewo gị nsọ,
Ọ họtawo gị k’ịburu nwa nke ya
2. Site na baptism, I bụrụgo nwa Anyị abịawo Chineke, anyị abịawo
Chineke onye amụnyere na ndụ Nna, anyị abịawo ikele Gị gọzie anyị
ọhụrụ. Chukwu.

3. Chineke agọziwo gị nye gi ike 1. Bịanu ụmụ Chineke

site n’okwukwe inwere na K’ anyị kelenụ Nna
Dinwenu, iji merie ekwensu. Bianụ ndị kwere na Ọkpara Ya
4. Chineke agọziwo gi
O nyere gị ike iji nabata okwu ya. 2. Toonu Chineke onye kere ụwa nile,
Toonu Chineke onye na echekwaba
Chukwu ahọtago gị (All) anyị.
(Ref)K ‘ịburu nwa nke ya
O nyego gị ike ….(ref) 3. Chukwu ebuka, Chukwu ebuka
Ọ gọziwo gị……. Ngọzi Ya karịrị akarị n’ ebe
O tewo gị mmanụ…….. Anyị nọ, kele Ya, kele Ya,

Anyị g’eje n’iru Chineke nye ya ekele,
onye obioma ya n’enwero ube. Anyị g’eji
nnukwu aja nke missa too ya, wee yọkwa
ya mgbaghara njọ.

1. Anyị g’eji n’iru Chineke Onye kelu

ụwa nile, anyị g’eje gbuoro ya ikpere
kpọọ isi ala nye ya.

2. Anyị g’eje n’iru Chineke

Onye kelu akụ n’ụba nile

kelenụ Chukwu. 2. Die wonder dat God tot sy diens ons
bevry, sy Gees ons in liefde en
4. Gị bụ Nna nwe ekele anyi n’ ututu n’ waarheid kom lei, word eendag
ehihie, gi bụ Nna nwe ekele anyị ma volkome as Christus verskyn. Wat
mgbede ma anyasị. sonde en dood dan laat verdwyn.

51. 53.
Anyi esekpuoro gị Are you washed in the blood 2x, in the
Osebụrụwa (2x) soul cleansing blood of the Lamb. Are
your garments spotless are the white as
1. Otito na ngọzi dịrị gị nna, snow? Are you washed in the blood of
Otito na ngozi dịrị gị mgbe dum. the Lamb?

2. Bịanụ ụmụnnem nile, k’anyị 1. Have you been to Jesus for the
kpọrọ Ya isi ala cleansing power. Are you washed
N’eto Chineke oge nile. in the blood of the Lamb. Are you
fully trusting in his grace this hour.
3. Biko Jesu cheta anyị, Are you washed in the blood of the
Enekwana anya na njọ anyị Lamb.
N’ihi n’anyị bụ ụmụ ome njọ.
2. Are you working daily by the
Saviour side. Are you washed in
52. the blood of the Lamb. Do you rest
1. Aan God al die eer, Hy wat each moment in the crucified. Are
wondere doen ons skulde deur you washed in the blood of the
Jesus se kruisdood versoen; Lamb.
ons sondes vergewe dat ons kan
vergeef; ons met Hom laat sterwe om
met Hom te leef. 54.
Arise come to your God
Loof die Heer, Hy’s getrou Sing him your songs of rejoicing
nooit sal Hy ons vegeet.
Loof die Heer , Hy is goed 1. Cry out with joy to the Lord all the
sy gelowiges weet! earth; serve the Lord with gladness
Want Hy wat in Christus Come before Him singing for joy
ons Vader wil wees,
Hy gee aan sy kinders 2. Know that he the Lord is God.
die Heilige Gees. He made us we belong to Him.

We are his people the sheep of His As ons sê: Amen! Amen! Amen!
flock. Amen! Amen! Verheerlik ons Sy Naam.

3. Go within His gates giving thanks,

enter His courts with songs of praise, 57.
give thanks to Him and bless His 1. As the deer pants for the water,
name. so my soul longs after you.
You alone are my heart’s desire
4. Indeed how good is the Lord and I long to worship you.
Eternal his merciful love;
He is faithful from age to age. You alone are my strength, my
shield, to you alone may my
5. Give glory to the Father Almighty Spirit yield. You alone are my
To His Son, Jesus Christ, the Lord. heart’s desire and I long to
To the Spirit who dwell in our hearts. worship you.

2. I want you more than gold and

55. silver, only you can satisfy.
1. As I kneel before you, You alone are the real joy-giver
As I bow my head in prayer, and the apple of my eye.
Take this day, make it yours
and fill me with your love. 3. You’re my Friend and you’re my
Brother, even though you are a King. I
Ave Maria, gratia plena, love you more than any other, So much
Dominus tecum benedicta tum. more than

2. All I have I give you.

Ev’ry dream and wish are yours.
Mother of Christ, mother of mine,
Present them to my Lord.

3. As I kneel before you,

And I see your smiling face
Ev’ry thought ev’ry word
is lost in your embrace.

As ons sê: Amen!
Verheerlik ons Sy Naam. (X2)

anything. we find the battle won.

58. 59.
1. As we come before you now 1. Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep,
Mary, hear us as we call from which none ever hopes to weep,
take our prayers to Christ the Lord A calm and undisturbed repose,
O Mother of us all. unbroken by the last of the foes

Ave Maria, gratia plena 2. Asleep in Jesus peaceful rest

Dominus tecum, benedicta tu. Whose waking is supremely blest,
no fear, no woe, shall dim that hour,
2. You who heard the angel’s voice, that manifests the Saviour’s power.
you who hastened o obey
show us how to serve the Lord 3. Asleep in Jesus O for me
and walk in heaven’s way. May such a blissful refuge be,
Securely shall my ashes lie
3. You who cared for God’s own Son waiting the summons from on high.
you who played the mother’s part
show us how to welcome Christ 4. Asleep in Jesus far from thee;
and hold him in our heart.

4. You whose heart was pieced with

grief; you who saw your son in pain
teach us not to flinch from fight
but strive the prize to gain.

5. You who saw Christ ris’n again

you who felt the Spirit’s flame
teach us how to raise our voices
and praise God’s holy name

6. You whom God raised up on higer

First to taste redemption’s joy
Be for us a sign of hope
That fear cannot destroy

7. Pray with us poor sinners now

help us follow your dear Son
so that when our hour has come

thy kindred and their graves may be. 2. Through her heart his sorrow sharing,
But there is still a blessed sleep, all his bitter anguish bearingNow at
from which none ever wakes to weep length the sword has pass’d.

3. Oh, how sad and sore distress’d

60. was that mother highly blest,
1. Asituse umsindisi Of the sole-begotten one.
Ongumondli nomfindisi
Nomalus’omuhle wethu 4. Christ above in torment hangs;
Asimbonge simdumise she beneath beholds the pangs
Ngokwamandla ethu onke of her dying glorious Son.
Ufanelw’ dumo lonke X3
5. Is there one who would not weep
2. Nas’isinkwa sokuphila ‘whelm’d in miseries so deep,
Esivela ezulwini Christ dear mother to behold?
Esizophilisa thina
Lesi sinkwa sengelosi 6. Can the human heart refrain
Awusiphe sona nkosi from partaking in her pain
Sizwe ubumnandi baso X2 In that mother’s pain untold?

3. Nant’igazi lomsindisi
Lingumthombo wokucweba
Lisihlaz’izono zethu
Jesu ake usihlanze
Ngalo leligazi lakho
Khona soba mhlophe njalo X2

4. E! Malusi weth’omuhle
Akusondle thin’abakho
Usaluse usilonde
Ube nathi ekufeni
Usiyise ezulwini
Sithokoze kanye nawe X2

1. At the cross her station keeping,
stood the mournful mother weeping,
close to Jesus to the last.

7. Bruised, derided, cursed, defiled, 17.Wounded with his every wound
she behold her tender child steep my soul till it hath swoon’d
all with bloody scourges rent. in his very blood away.

8. For the sins of his own nation 18.Be to me, O virgin nigh,
saw him hang in desolation, lest in flames I burn and die,
Till his spirit forth he sent. in his awful judgement day.

9. O thou mother! Fount of love! 19.Christ, when thou shalt call me hence,
Touch my spirit from above, be thy mother my defence,
make my heart wth thine accord. be thy cross my victory.

10.Make me feel as thou hast felt; 20.While my body here decays,

make my soul to glow and melt may my soul thy goodness praise,
With the love of Christ my Lord.

11.Holy Mother, pierce me through

in my heart each wound renew
of my saviour crucified.

12.Let me share with thee his pain

who for all my sins was slain,
who for me in torments died.

13.Let me mingle tears with thee

mourning him who mourn’d for me,
all the days that I may live.

14.By the cross with thee to stay,

there with thee to weep and pray,
Is all I ask of thee to give.

15.Virgin of all virgins best

listen to my fond request;
let me share thy grief divine.

16.Let me to my latest breath

in my body bear the death
of that dying son of thine.

safe in paradise with thee. *
25. Popeza kuti...
26. Ufumu mphamvu...
1. Atate athu – Atate 27. Ndiulemelero...
2. Muli m’mwamba – Atate, Atate 28. Ndi wanu nthawi zonse...
3. Dzina lanu... 25. Popeza kuti...
4. Liyeretsedwe... 26. Ufumu mphamvu...

5. Ufumu wanu... 27. Ndiulemelero...

6. Wanu udze... 28. Ndiwanu nthawi zonse...

7. Kufuna kwanu...
8. Kuchitidwe... 63.
1. Atate athu muli kumwamba,
9. Monga kumwamba... Liyeretsedwe dzina lanu
10.Choncho pansi pano... 2. Dzina lanu liyeretsedwe,
Liyeretsedwe dzina lanu
12.Ife chakudya... 3. Ufumu wanu udze…
4. Kufuna kwanu kuchitidwe…
13.Chakudya chathu...
14.Chathu cha lero... 5. Monga kumwamba
Choncho pansi pano…
15.Mutikhululukire... 6. Mutipatse ife lero…
16.Ife zochimwa zathu...
7. Chakudya chathu chalero…
17.Monga ifenso... 8. M’zochimwa zathu mutimasulire…
9. Monga ifenso tikhulukira…
19.Adani athu... 10. Tikhululukira adani athu…
20.Adani athu...
11. Musatisiye ife m’chinyengo,
21.Musatisiye... 12. Mutipulumutse ife kwa zoipa…
22.Ife muchinyengo...
13. Ufumu mphamvu ndi ulemelero…
23.Koma mutipulu... 14. Ndi wanu nthawi zonse…
24.mutse ku zoipa...

2. Ave Maria, the night shades are
64. falling, softly, our voices arise unto
Ch. Ave, Ave, Ave Maria. thee; earth’s lonely exiles for
succor are calling, sinless and
1. Obi nsọ Marịa kasị ịfụnanya. beautiful Star of the sea.
Anyị na ndị Mụọ ọma kele I n’
ekwe. 3. Ave Maria, thy children are
kneeling, words of endearment are
2. Wer’ obi ebere, O Nne nke gratịa murmured to thee; softly thy Spirit
Na enekwasị anya na mkpa nke upon us is stealing,
ụmụ Gị. Sinless and beautiful Star of the
3. Ka I nye ndị kpuru isi onyinye nke
Rịọtara ndị ome njọ gratịa nke 66.
nlogha. 1. Ave sanctum Viaticum, Agnus Dei
velatus; Ave so lamen cordium,
4. I bụ Nne nke Jesu, Nne dị Fons pacis consecrates. Ad te, o
kwerenu,... Jesu sitio, Te quaero te esurio. Qui
Otito ndị dị nsọ, nchedo nke ndị sum in te ranatus
2. Indignum me Confiteor Recipere te
5. Na ezi-na-ụlọ anyị tinye otu obi corde: Divinitatem vereor In
Debe n’ obodo anyị ndokwa nke pecatorum sorde. Die verbo
Chukwu. tantum: anima Sanabitur et vivida
Tuofruetur corde. Amen.
1. Ave Maria, O Maiden, O Mother, 67.
Fondly thy children are calling on 1. Ave maris Stella
thee; Thine are the graces Dei Mater Alma
unclaimed by another, Sinless and Atque simper Virgo
beautiful Star of the sea. Felix caeli porta

Mater amabilis, ora pro nobis, 2. Sumens illud ave

Pray for thy children who call upon thee; Gabrielis ore,
Ave Sanctissima, Ave Purissima Funda nos in pace,
Sinless and beautiful Star of the sea. Mutans evae nomen

3. Solve vincla reis

Profer lumen caecis 4. Ungasingenisi Ekulingweni
Malanastra Pella, (kodw’usisindise kokubi x3)
Bona cuncta posce. ……………………........
5. Ngoba owakh’umbuso namandla,
4. Monstra te esse matrem (nobukhosi kuze kube phakade x3)
Sumat per te preces
Qui pro nobis natus
Tulit esse tuus. 69.
1. Bandla mtuse uMsindisi ongumholi
5. Virgo singularis nomalusi. Thatha amagama onke
Inter omnes mitis umhubele ungaphesi. /: Osuk’ edla
Nos culpais solutes lesisinkwa uyakuphila
Mites’fac et castos. naphakade!:/

6. Vitam presta puram 2. Namhla sidumis’ isinkwa esiphila

Iter para tutum, siphilisa. Wasinika abafundi
Ut vitenttes Jesum ekudleni kokugcina.
Sempercollaetemur /: Osuk’ edla lesisinkwa
uyakuphila naphakade!:/
7. Sit laus Deo Patri,
Summon cristo decus 3. Nas’ isinkwa sokuphila
Spiritui Sancto: ngesokondla izihambi. Singukudla
Tribus honor unus. kwabantwana
Amen. singedliwe oyisoni. /: Osuk’ edla
lesisinkwa uyakuphila naphakade!

68. 4. Imfundiso yethu ithi lesisinkwa

1. Baba wethu Osezulwini sab’ Inyama. Newayini lab’ igazi
malingcweliswe igamalakho kholwa noma ungaboni. /: Osuk’
(umbuso wakho, mawufike x2) edla lesisinkwa uyakuphila
2. Intando yakho mayenziwe,
Emhlabeni njengasezulwini 70.
(awusiphe namhla isinkwa sethu 1. Banehlanhla labo bantu
x2) abavuma ngenhliziyo. Imithetho
nezindlela azishumayel’ uJesu
3. Semihla ngemihla usithethelele /:Thin’ esafuman’ iBandla lika
izono zethu Njengobanathhi Jesu uMsindisi. Asibonge
(sibathethelela abasonayo x2) sithokoze, asibonge ngokulunga.

2. Banenhlanla labo bantu All: Bawo wethu – osezulwini – sidumisa
abalahl’ ijok’ elibi, balivum’ – igama lakho.
elikaJesu elilu elimnandi. / : Thina
….:/ 1. Bawo wethu – osezulwini –
malingcwaliswe – igama lakho.
3. Banenhlanla labo bantu 2. Mabufike – ubukumkani –
abahluphekel’ okuhle, bekunqab’ ubukamkani _‘kumkani bakho.
okubi konke, belwa nako baze 3. Mayenziwe – intanto yakho –
bafe. /: Thina….:/ emhlaben’njenga – sezulwini.
4. Siphe namhlanje – isonka sethu –
isonk’semihla – ngemihla.
71. 5. Usixolele – izono zethu –
Batawanụ n’oge ahụ erugo usixolele – izono zethu,
Batawanụ n’ụlọ nsọ nke Chukwu 6. Njengokuba – nathi, nathi –
sibaxolela – abasonayo.
1. Batawanụ ụmụ Chineke 7. Ungasiyekel’ – ekulingweni –
Batawanụ n’oge akara aka erugo. koko sisindise – kongendawo.
8. Ngoba bobakho – ubukumkani –
2. Batawanụ k’anyị fee Chukwu ubukumkani – ubukumkani.
Batawanụ k’anyị bunye y’ofufe 9. Namandla – namandla, ‘mandla –
kwesiri ya. nozuko, ‘zuko – ngonaphakade.
10. Bawo wethu – osezulwini –
3. Batawanụ k’anyị bunye y’otito malingcwaliswe – igama lakho
Bianụ kelee Chineke na Ọ na
emere anyị mma.
4. Burunu mkpa gị nile bute n’ihu 1. Be still and know I am with you,
Chineke, kosara Ya mkpa gị n’ihi be still, I am the Lord.
n’Ọbu Nna gị o. I will not leave you orphans,
I leave with you my world.
5. Burunu ọrịa gị nile ahụ butere Be one.
Chineke, ihe nile ahụ bụ mkpa gị
gwa ya Chineke. 2. You fear the light may be fading,
you fear to lose your way.
6. Batawanụ nwanne mo n’obu n’ulo Be still, and know I am near you
Nna gị o, were aňụrị batawa k’anyị I’ll lead you to the day
kele Chineke. and the sun.

3. Be glad the day you have sorrow,

72. be glad, for then you live.

The stars shine only in darkness in His great love, the church of
and in your need I give my peace. Christ the Lord.

5. People now by the body of the

B Lord, people who are sit down to
1. Be still and know that I am God [3] new paschal supper, who shall pass
from death to life, The church of
2. I am the Lord that healeth thee [3] Christ the Lord.

3. In thee, O Lord, I put my trust [3]

Because He loves me so 2x He died for
74. me at calvary just because He loves me
Behold among men the dwelling place of so.
God they shall be His people and He
shall be their Lord and God.
1. People called by God through the 1. Be soka be mlandela. X2
word of the prophets; people Ba ishiya e meze ya bo,
brought together in the house of Be soka be mlandela
the Lord, people who attend to
their Lord the Church of Christ the 2. Ba tloha ba mmalatela
Lord. Ba isiha metse ya bona
Ba tloha ba mmatela
2. Temple build by Saints by the
Martyrs and Apostle Holy temple 3. They leave their countries
build upon Christ the corner stone They follow Jesus Christ
holy dwelling place of our God the They leave their countries
Church of Christ the Lord. They follow Jesus Christ

3. People who are born in the waters 4. Be soka be mlandela x2

of spirit, people who are marked Ba ishiya e meze ya bo,
by the seal of the Spirit, Be soka be mlandela.
people in the spirit made one,
the church of Christ the lord
4. People who are grafted in Jesus the Bass: Beto tunga, beto tunga, beto tunga
vine, branches bearing fruit in the aye X2 Beto tunga dibundu, beto tunga
grace of the Lord, branches rooted aye, beto tunga dibundu, beto tunga aye.

Tenor: Beto tunga X8 Tenor/Bass: Bianụ ụmụ Chineke
Sop/alt: Kuisa mpangi nata makabu na All : Bịanụ bịanụ ụmụ Chineke
nge ye e beto tunga X2 K’ anyị kpọọ isi ala nye Ya.
Dibundu ya nzambi ikele ya moto
yonso o beto tunga X2 dibundu
Bass: Iyeye e 1. Ya kere igwe n’ ihe dum nọ na ya;
Alto: Iyeye e Ya kekwara ala, n’ ihe dum nọ na
Tenor: Iyeye e ya.
All : aye
2. Ihe nile ekereke kpọọ isi ala nye
Kuisa mpangi nata makabu na nge Onyenweanyị, Ọ bụ Eze dị egwu
ye e beto tunga X2 Eze dị ebube.
Batata na beto nata maka bo o beto tunga
X2 dibundu. 3. Ụmụ mmadụ nile, kpọọ isi ala nye
Osebrụwa, bata n’ ụlọ nsọ Ya, n’
Kuisa mpangi nata makabu na nge obi aňụrị n’ ekele.
ye e beto tunga X2
Ba maman na beto nata maka bo o beto 4. O tosiri inye ekele, n’ ụlọ nsọ nke
tunga X2 dibundu. Ya, maka ịhụnanya Ya, n’ ebe
mmadụ nọ.
Kuisa mpangi nata makabu na nge
ye e beto tunga X2. 5. O zitere Nwa Ya, k’ Ọgbapụta anyị
Bilenge na beto nata maka bo o beto na njọ, Nwa Ya nwụrụ n’ obe
tunga X2 dibundu. maka njọ nk’ anyị.

Kuisa mpangi nata makabu na nge 6. Ịhụnanya dị otua, bụ nke Chukwu

ye e beto tunga X2 anyị, Ọ bu Chi dị ebere, Chineke
Chorale na beto ikele ya moto yonso o ịhụnanya.
beto tunga X2 dibundu.
7. Ụmụ mmadụ nile tụọnu Chukwu
Kuisa mpangi nata makabu na nge ye egwu, ike nile si n’ aka Ya bịa n’
e beto tunga X2 ụwa.
Paroisse na beto ikele yam to yonso o
beto tunga X2 dibundu. 8. Chefuo ihe nk’ ụwa, ma bata n’ ụlọ
Ya, cheta ihe nke eligwe, ụlọ nke
Nna anyị.
Bịanụ bịanụ ụmụ Chineke
K’ anyị kpọọ isi ala nye Ya. 79.
Bịanụ bịanụ ụmụ Chineke

Bịanụ, k’ anyị kpọọrọ Jesu isi ala. Akụ gị bụrụ nke kwụ ọtọ
Kele Chineke gị na Chukwu meere
1. Ya kere Igwe.... gị ihe.
2. N’ ihe dị n’ ime ya....
3. Mụọ ozi bi n’ igwe.... 5. Ị bụrụ ọgaranya kpachara anya,
4. Igwe agha nke eligwe.... imegbula onye Ị ka mma, ihe nile
5. Ya kere ụwa..... si n’ aka Chukwu bịa, Ọ ga-
6. N’ ihe dị n’ ime ya.... alakwuru Chukwu.
7. Urukpu dị n’ enu....
8. Mmiri dị n’ elu....
9. Ụmụ nnụnụ bi n’ elu.... 81.
10. Azụ bi na mmiri.... Biko nara Nna nara biko
11. Anụmanụ bi n’ ọhịa.... Nara onyinye anyi
12. Osisi kwụ n’ ọhịa.... Biko nara ya gọzie ya dịka aj’Abel.
13. Ụnụ mba nile....
14. Otito dịrị Ya.... 1. Chukwu bịara n’ụwa n’ụdị
15. N’ ụwatụwa nile.... nke anyị were zọpụta anyi,
Biko nara ya gọzie ya dịka aja
Bịa nye Ya ekele, bịa 2. Achịcha na mmanya bụ aja nke
sekpuoro Ya, bịa nye Ya anyị Kristi na-achụ maka anyị,
ekele, toonu Chukwu. Biko nara ya gọzie ya dịka aj’Abel.

1. Kristi hụrụ gị n’anya 3. Nna bi n’igwe nụrụ ekpere anyị

were gbapụta gị na njọ Biko nara arịrịọ anyị
were mee gị nwa Chukwu biko nara ya gịzie ya dịka aj’Abel.
Toonu Chukwu.

2. Chukwu hụrụ gị n’anya

were nye gị ahụ ike 82.
Chekwaba gị n’ihe mberede, toonu Bilienu kwebenu ukwe aňụrị
Chukwu. Bịakwutenu Chukwu ụnụ.

3. Ị bụrụ ogbenye kele Ya 1. Tobenụ Chineke, ụwa nile,

Afụma Chukwu ebuka werwenu obi aňụrị fee ya
ụgwọ gị n’ echere gị n’ alaeze Werenụ ukwe aňụrị bịa n’iru ya.
2. Maranụ na Dinwenu n’onwe ya
4. Ị bụrụ ọgaranya ňụrịa

bụ Chineke, ya kere anyi, ya nwe This is my story, this is my song
anyị, anyị bụ ndị nke ya, igwe Praising my saviour all the day long;
atụrụ Ọ na-azụ. this is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Saviour all the day long.
3. Werenụ ekele gafee ọnụ ụzọ Ya
Werenụ ukwe otito baa n’obi Ya 2. Perfect submission, perfect delight
Keelenụ Ya, toonu aha Ya. visions of rapture burst on my
sight angels descending, bring
from above, echoes of mercy,
83. whispers of love
Bind us together, Lord,
bind us together with cords 3. Perfect submission, all is at rest,
that cannot be broken. I in my Saviour am happy and blest;
Bind us together, Lord, watching and waiting, looking
bind us together, above, filled with his goodness, lost
bind us together with love. in his love

1. There is only one God.

There is only one King. 85.
There is only one Body. 1. Blessed be the Lord our God
That is why we sing: Unto us Israel he came
Brought redemption to his sons
2. Made for the glory of God, saved us in his holy name.
purchased by his precious Son, Blessed be the Lord our God
born with the right to be clean, House of David chosen one,
for Jesus the victory has won. sees the prophecy fulfilled
Enemies shall not prevail,
3. You are the family of God, We are rescued as he willed
you are the promise divine, Mighty is his saving arm.
you are God’s chosen desire,
you are the glorious new wine. 2. Mercy to our Father come,
Holy covenant was made
Oath to Abraham he kept,
84. sons of God be not afraid.
1. Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine: Blessed be the Lord our God
O what a foretaste of glory divine! Now from evil we are saved,
Heir of salvation, purchase of God; We may serve him without fear
born of His Spirit, washed in his All our days in holiness,
blood in his love till he appear.
Mighty is his saving arm.

this bread we offer, fruit of the
3. You my child shall lead the way, earth, work of our hands, it will
Prophet of our God most high become the bread of life.
Bring us word the Lord will come,
Now is your salvation nigh. Blessed be God! Blessed be God!
Blessed be the Lord our God Blessed be God forever! Amen!
God in love will visit us Blessed be God! Blessed be God!
in the shades of death and night Blessed be God forever! Amen!
from our sins he sets us free
Lead our steps to peace and light 2. Blest are you Lord, God of all
Mighty is his saving arm. creation, thanks to your goodness
this wine we offer; fruit of the
earth, work of our hands, it will
86. become the cup of life.
Blessed be God
Blessed be His Holy Name
Blessed be Jesus Christ true God and true 88.
man Tutti: 1. Bolingo bwa zambe, boleki
Blessed be the Name of Jesus bonene, wana tindeli Kristo
Blessed be His most Sacred Heart Yesu mobikisi.
Blessed be His most Precious Blood Bass: Salelaka mokonzi okoyoka
Blessed be Jesus in the most holy esengo
sacrament of the alter Ten/Bass: Salelaka mokonzi okoyoka
Blessed be the Holy Spirit the Paraclete esengo
Blessed be the Great Mother of God AltTen/Bass: Salelaka mokonzi okoyoka
Mary most Holy esengo
Blessed be Her Holy and Immaculate Sop: Salela mokonzi iya ee X2
Conception Moko mokonzi X4
Blessed be Her Glorious Assumption Salela mokonzi iya ee okoyoka
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and esengo.
Blessed be St. Joseph Her most chaste 2. Ilolaka langelu loye Maria
Spouse Nd’ aboti Emmaluelu Kristi
Blessed be God in His angels and in His mosikoli.
3. Mesaleli wanzambe, nangi
meliya, mpomanso
87. malobiyonde galinga.
1. Blest are you Lord, God of all
creation; thanks to your goodness 4. Olisimulya eya, luiya liyeli

Bo yambi bwa Maria tzwe
Ibiki. 90.
1. Bongan’ iNkosi! Sibonga iNkos’
5.Paradizuya adamo, nzele esezulwini, ekhonzwa yizidalwa
zapani, lelo Kristo bomo zonke.
inampe sielue.
2. Bongan’ iNkosi! Sibonga iNkos’,
6. Musumu kisapela, kumisa uMhlengi wethu, omusa wakhe
nzambe, yembelu niyempe toyo umi njalo
ndo’ ye
3. Bongan’ iNkosi! Sibonga
iNkos’njengengelosi, eziyilokhu
89. ziyitusa.
1. Bomonate jwa godimo
Bo tlatsa moya, pelo 4. Bongan’ iNkosi! Sibonga iNkos’,
Ke o twile molaetsa siyidumise ngodumo
Modimo ke wa gago. x2 olungapheliyo.

2. Letsatsi ja gompijeno ke
Modiro o montle; 91.
Ka barongwa ba mpitsa; Bread of heaven (2x) feed me, now and
Ngwana tla kwano kgosing. x2 ever more (DC)

3. Oh Mmoloki, morategi, 1. Guide me now my great redeemer

ntimole le nyora: pilgrim through the barren land I
Ke nyelela mo sekakeng am weak but thou art mighty hold
Wena o le kgakala. x2 me with thy powerful hands.

4. Pelo yame o e tshware 2. We gather Lord around your table

E nne e nne ya gago; Waiting for the bread of life, make
nkgorose kwa godimo us worthy, make us holy, take
Kwa pusong ya ga Rra’go. x2 away all sin and strife.

Living bread came down from

heaven, he who eats it shall not
die. Come and eat and live forever,
you shall live with God on High.

92. 6. Give glory to the Father Almighty
Bring to the Lord your offerings; to His Son, Jesus Christ, the Lord,
adore him in his holy place. to the Spirit who dwells in our
hearts, both now for ever. Amen.
1. O give the Lord you sons of
God, give the Lord Glory and
power; give the Lord the glory 93.
of his name; adore the Lord in his 1. Brilhou no ceu da igreja
holy court. Uma luz que chamava
Os homens a uniao .
2. The Lord’s voice resounding on Deuss inspirava um homem,
the waters the Lord on the Vicente Pallotti,
immensity of waters; the voice lhe deu uma missao .
of the Lord, full of power, the Reavivar nas pessoas ,
voice of the Lord, full of A chama da fe, da vida e do amor.
splendour. Dizer que somos Apostolos
E mensageiros de Cristo Senhor.
3. The Lord’s voice shattering the
cedars, the Lord shatters the cedars E hoje Pallotti convida
of Lebanon; he makes A gente pra mesma
Lebanon leap like a calf and Sirion Missao do Senhor.
like a young wild-ox. Fazer com que os homens
Se amem e vivam a fe,
4. The Lord’s voice shaking the A justica e o amor.
wilderness, the Lord shakes the
wilderness of Kadesh; the Lord’s 2. E o mundo de agora
voice rending the oak tree and É o mesmo de autrora
stripping the forest bare. Que Vicente viu.

5. The God of glory thunders in his

temple they all cry: ‘glory; The
Lord sat enthroned over the flood;
the Lord sits as King for ever.

Os homens estao divididos Bia kele ya, kele Nna Omeka
Em racas e credos, em classe e cor Kele, Chineke n’omeka
Existe a falta de fe , Kele onye kere ụwa n’Omeka
A falta de vida, de pao e de amor. Kele ya n’Ọhụrụ gị n’anya.
E o mesmo sonho persiste,
Lutarmos unidos 2. Gabanụ n’alter nke Chukwu ka anyị
Por um mundo melhor. nyenụ ya ihe dị mma.

3. Chukwu onye kere ụwa n’ihe dị ya

ka anyị nyenụ ya ihe dị mma.
94. 4. Onyinye nile si n’aka Chukwu
1. Busuku obuhle, kuthulile konke ka anyị nyenụ ya ihe dị mma.
nya. Emuzini eBethlehema,
uMsindisi azelwe kuwo. 5. Chukwu nyere anyị akụ n’ụba nile
Akadunyiswe uJesu! ka anyị nyenụ ya ihe dị mma.
Akadunyisw’ uJesu!

2. Busuku obuhle, abelusi nampaya

bethandaza eBethlehema,
Nengelosi zihuba zithi: “Gloria,
Gloria, Gloria in excelsis Deo.”

3. Busuku obuhle, uMsindisi

nanguya. Eze kithi eBethlehema,
uze kusisindisa thina.
Asimdumise simbomge kuze
kube nini.

1. Butenu ihe onyinye dị mma ka anyị
nyenụ Chukwu kere anyị.

Onye n’enye Chukwu onyinye dị mma na

akwadoro onwe ya akụnụba n’igwe.
Bịanụ nye ya, onyinye dị mma. Bịanụ
nye ya, onyinye dị mma
Ka anyị nye ya, onyinye dị mma
Nye ya na ihe Omere anyi erika

1. Bwana nakushukuru asante (X2) 99.
Pendo lako kwangu kubwa sana (X2) 1. Bwana Yesu anakuita wewe anataka
2. Umenilisha mwili wako Sikia sauti yake umutimikie anaku
Na damu yako, (Bwana) penda”(x2).
Ili nipate uzima wa milele (Ewe)
3. Bwana nakushukuru asante, Ee Baba, wache yote, baba yoo, ee
Nitakulipa nini mimi Baba kuja kwa Yesu akupenda.
Mwokozi wangu, Ee mama, wache yote, mama yoo, ee
Kwa mema yote Mama kuja kwa Yesu akupenda.
Ambayo wanijalia (Ewe) Ee, Ndugu, wache yote, ndugu yoo, ee
Bwana nakushukuru Asante. Ndugu, kuja kwa Yesu akupenda.
Ee, dada, wache yote, dada yoo, ee
4. Bwana nakushukuru, asante (X2) Dada, kuja kwa Yesu akupenda.
Kwani umeninywesha damuyo (X2)
2. Wewe uliye kuwa mlevi Bwana Yesu,
5. Pendo lako kwangu kubwa sana (X2) Leo anakuita
Nami nitakusifu daima (X2) “Sikia sauti yake…”

3. Wewe uliye kuwa mcharati

97. Bwana Yesu leo anakuita
Bwana uturumie x2 “Sikia sauti yake…’
Eeee bwana x2 Oruma

Christu uturumie x2 100.

Eeee Christu x2 Oruma Cheta m Onyenwe m, echefụna nwaodibọ
Gị, Cheta m onyenwe m, Chukwu Nna
Bwana uturumie x2 moo.

1. Chetamụ Onyenwe m, chetanu

onye I jiri maka ya taa ahụhụ,
98. cheta mụ ekwela ka m la n’iyi.
Bwana utuhurumie...
2. Cheta m Onyenwe m, amara Gị ụra
Kritsu utuhurumie kee Gi agbụ n’ihi m, cheta mụ
Onyenwe m, Onye m hụrụ n’anya.
Bwana utuhurumie

3. Lee obe kalvary ebe akpọgburu May all the nations
Dinwenu, lee obe kalvary. Sing out with one voice
Light of the world
4. Cheta ebere Gị, O Dinwenu, cheta You have helped us to see
ebere Gị, Chukwu Nna moo. That all men are brothers
And all men one day will be free.
101. 2. He came to open the eyes of the
Chineke Nna, anyị abịa tata blind letting the sunlight pour into
ịkpọ isi ala nekele nekele, their minds vision is waiting for
Wetara anyị ndụ nke si n’igwe. those who have hope. He is the
light of the world
1. Ọbụ okwu Gị kere ndụ nile,
ka mmadụ nile nye Gị ekele. 3. He came to speak tender words to
the poor He is the gateway and He
2. Bịanụ n’ihu Ya, ụnụ ndị nke Ya, is the door
k’Ọgbaghara ụnụ k’Owe nara ụnụ. Riches are waiting for all those
who hope He is the light of the
3. Toonu olu Ya. Toonu ebube Ya, world
ka O nye ụnụ ahụ ike.
4. He came to love every man on this
4. Ị bụ eziokwu, Ị bụ sọ otito earth and through his Spirit he
Onye dị nwayoo, Onye dị ebere. promised rebirth new life is
waiting for all those who hope
5. Toonu Chukwu Nna, Toonu He is the light of the world
Chukwu Nwa, ka Mụọ Nsọ wee
bia biri n’obi ụnụ.

Christ est Venu, Christ est ne
Christ a souffert, Christ est mort,
Christ est ressuscite, Christ est vivant,
Christ reviendra, Christ est la
Christ reviendra, Christ est la

1. Christ is our King,
Let the whole world rejoice

104. 107.
Christ has died, Alleluia. 1. Christus is die ware wynstok.
Christ is risen, Alleluia. En ons is die lote.
Christ will come again, Alleluia. Dra ons vrug word ons gereinig,
Alleluia. Sodat ons weer vrug kan dra.

Bly in my, soos ek in julle.

105. Dan sal julle vrugte dra.
1. Christ the Lord is risen again! Sonder my kan julle niks doen,
Christ hath broken every chain, Daarom moet my nie verlaat.
hark, the angels shout for joy,
singing ever more on high, 2. As jul na my woorde luister
Alleluya kry jul alles wat jul vra.
Ook verheerlik jul die Vader
2. He who gave for us his life, who deur die vrugte wat jul dra.
for us endures the strife,
Is our paschal lamb today! 3. Soos die Vader my bemin het,
We too sing for joy, and say het Ek jul ook lief gehad.
Alleluya Bly in hierdie liefde van my.
Min mekaar met woord en daad.
3. He who bore all pain and loss
Comfortless upon the cross, Lives
in glory now on high, Pleads for 108.
us, and hears our cry, Alleluya Chukwu nwe ụwa, Onye nwe ụwa nile,
Chukwu g’ekpe ụwa nile ikpe DC
4. Now he bids us tell abroad How
the loss may be restored, How the
penitent forgiven, pleads for us,
and hear our cry.

Christ is the Son of the living God;
the Son of the living God.
Alleluia (X6)

2. Come lift your hearts on high;
1. Osebụrụwa Chukwu, Ọ bụ Gị kere Alleluia Amen; let praises fill the
anyị nyere anyị aka iso Kristi. sky Alleluia Amen.
He is our guide and friend, to us he
2. Osebụrụwa Chukwu, Ọ bụ Gị kere will condescend; His love shall
anyị, Nna zọpụta anyị ekpo Ị never end, Alleluia Amen.
k’ekpe anyị ikpe.
3. Praise yet our Christ again,
3. Adam mere njọ anyị na ata ya ụta, Alleluia Amen; life shall not end
mana anyị n’eme njọ onye ga-ata the strain alleluia amen
anyị ụta. On heavens blissful short his
goodness well adore; Singing for ever
4. Jesu Nwa Chukwu mgbe Ị ga-abịa more alleluia Amen.
ọzọ, dulu anyị baa n’aňụrị ebebe.
109. 1. Come Holy Ghost Creator come
1. Come and go with me from thy bright heavenly throne
[to my Father’s house] X3 come take possession of our souls
Come and go with me and make them all thine own.
To my Father’s house
Where there is joy, joy, joy. 2. Thou who art called the Paraclete
best gift of God above
2. It’s not very far to… the living spring, the living fire
sweet unction and true love.
3. We will dance and sing in…
3. Thou who art sev’nfold in thy grace
4. We will all rejoice in… finger of God’s right hand
his promise teaching little ones
5. Jesus is the way to… to speak and understand.

4. O guide our minds with thy blest light,

110. with love our hearts inflame
1. Come Christians join to sing,
Alleluia Amen; loud praise to
Christ our King Alleluia Amen;
Let all with heart and voice before
his throne rejoice, praise is his
gracious choice Alleluia Amen.

and with thy strength which ne’er 2. Oh tell to earth’s remotest bound
decays God is love. In Christ is full
confirm our mortal frame. redemption found, God is love. His
blood can cleanse our sins away.
5. Far from us drive our deadly foe His spirit turns our night to day.
true peace unto us bring And leads our souls with joy to
and through all perils lead us safe say, God is love
beneath thy sacred wing.

6. Through thee may we the Father know

through thee th’eternal Son,
and thee the Spirit of them both
thrice-blessed Three in one.

7. All glory to the Father be

with his co-equal Son:
the same to thee great Paraclete
while endless ages run.

1. Come let us all unite to sing, God
is love. While heaven and earth
their praises bring,
God is love. Let every soul from
sin awake.
Each in one’s heart sweet music
made. And sweetly sing for Jesus
sake God is love

Refrain: God is love (is love), God is

love (is love), come let us all unite to sing
God is love.

3. How happy is our portion here. 114.
God is love! His promises our 1. Come praise the Lord, you
spirits cheer. God is love. He is our children of the Lord. Come
sun and shield by day. Our help, praise your voices in joyous song.
our hope, our strength our stay. He Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
will be with us all the way. God is
love 2. Come bless His name, you
children of the Lord. Come sing
4. What though my heart and flesh His praise and let the trumpet
shall fail. God is love. Through sound. Alleluia…
Christ of shall o’er death prevail,
God is love. E’en Jordan’s swell I 3. Rejoice in God His love descends
will not fear. For Jesus will be with on us, lift up your voice and sound
me there. My soul above the waves his name afar. Alleluia…
to bear. God is love.

113. 115.
1. Come, my brothers, praise the 1. Come, praise the Lord the
Lord, alleluia. almighty the King of all nations!
He’s our God and we are his, alleluia. Tell forth his fame, O ye peoples,
with loud acclamation! His love is
2. Come to him with songs of praise, sure;
songs of praise, rejoice in him. Faithfull his word shall endure,
Steadfast through all generation!
3. For the Lord is mighty God,
He is king of all the world.

4. In his hands are valleys deep,

In his hands are mountain peaks.

5. In his hands are all the seas,

and the lands which he has made.

6. Praise the Father, praise the Son, praise

the Spirit, the Holy One.

2. Praise to the father most gracious, 117.
the Lord of creation! 1. Come sound His praise abroad.
Praise to his Son, the Redeemer And hymns of glory sing. Jesus is
who wrought our salvation! the sovereign Lord. The universal
O heav’nly Dove, praise to thee, King.
fruit of their love
Giver of all consolation! Praise ye the Lord Alleluia. Praise ye the
Lord Alleluia. Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia.
Praise ye the Lord.
1. Come thou Almighty King 2. He formed the deeps unknown. He
Help us your name to sing. gave the seas their bounds. The
Help us to praise! watery worlds are all His own.
Father all glorious, wholly victorious And all the solid ground.
come and rule over us.
Ancient of Days. 3. Come worship at His throne. Come
bow before the Lord. We are His
2. Come, Thou Incarnate Word, work, and not our own. He formed
And make your message heard us by His word.
Our prayer attend.
Come and your people bless, 4. Today attend His voice. Nor dare
and give your word success; provoke His rod. Come like the
and let your holiness to us descend. people of His choice and own your
gracious God.
3. Come, Holy Comforter
Your sacred witness bear
in this glad hour. 118.
You who Almighty art, Cyepo si nyapgwon ye boloee,
enlighten every heart, olokuido, do ta do mama x2
from us do not depart Spirit of pow’r. Ngamto lo ke bon demmea’a hosanna
[coda 2x + Ref 2x]
4. To you great One in Three Bouagni bi ntem cyepo, eddje soo
eternal praises be. hosanna [coda 2x+ref 2x]
Hence, ever more! Coda: Hosanna x3 bi cyepo si kebon [bis]
Your sovereign majesty.
may we in glory see
and to eternity love and adore.

1. Daily daily sing to Mary Mother of our Lord and King,
sing my soul her praises due while we sing her awful glory,
all her feasts, her actions honour far above our fancy’s reach,
with the hearts let our hearts be quick to offer
devotion true lost in wondering love the heart alone can teach.
contemplation, be her Majesty
confessed call her Mother, call her
Virgin, happy Mother, Virgin blest 120.
1. Day is done, but love unfailing
2. She is mighty to deliver dwells ever here;
Call her, trust her lovingly, Shadows fall, but hope, prevailing,
When the tempest rages round you calms every fear.
She will calm the troubled sea. Loving Father, none forsaking,
Gifts of heaven she has given take our hearts, of love’s own
Noble Lady! To our race, making, watch our sleeping, guard
She the Queen, who decks her our waking, be always near!
subjects with the light of God’s
own Grace. 2. Dark descends, but light unending
shines through our night;
3. Sing, my tongue the Virgin’s You are with us, ever lending
trophies, who for us her maker new strength to sight;
bore, for the curse of old inflicted, one is love, your truth confessing,
peace and blessing to restore. one in hope of heaven’s blessing,
Sing in songs of praise unending, may we see, in love’s possessing,
sing the world’s majestic Queen love’s endless light!
weary not nor faint in telling
all the gifts she gives to men. 3. Eyes will close, but you,
unsleeping, watch by our side;
4. All my senses, heart, affections, death may come: in love’s safe
strive to sound her glory forth; keeping, still we abide.
spread abroad the sweet memorials God of love, all evil quelling, sin
of the Virgin’s priceless worth, forgiving, fear dispelling, stay with
where the voice of music thrilling us, our hearts indwelling, this
Where the tongues of eloquence eventide!
that can utter hymns beseeming all
her matchless excellence?
5. All our joys do flow from Mary, Die Gees van die Here, Hy is
all then join her praise to sing; op hom. Hy is op hom om die
trembling sing the Virgin Mother, boodskap te bring. (X2)

1. Dimpho tsa rona (X3)
Salf hom Here, salf hom. (X2) di amohele
Salf hom om die boodskap te bring. Ntate amohela
dimpho tsa rona,
Ntate amohela
122. dimpho tsena.
Die liefde van Jesus is wondebaar,
wonderbaar pry sy naam 2. Come down together (X3)
Die liefde van jesus is wondebaar vir my Let’s praise the Lord.
Kom ons verheerlik Sy Naam, Sy Naam
Die liede vanjesus is wondebaar vir my. 3. Daal neer tesame (X3)
Kom prys die Heer.
Dieu nous accueille en sa maison, Dieu 125.
nous invite à son festin: jour d’allegresse 1. Ding dong! Merrily on high in
et jour de joie! Alleluia. heav’n the bells are ringing
ding dong! Verily the sky
1. O quelle joie quand on m’a dit, is riv’n with angels singing.
Approchons-nous de sa maison,
Dans la cité du Dieu Vivant. Glo---Glo---Glo---Glo---Glo---Gloria
Hosanna in excelsis.
2. Jérusalem, réjouis-toi,
Car le Seigneur est avec toi, 2. E’en so here below, below
Pour ton bonheur il t’a choisie. let steeple bells be swungen,
and io, io, io,
3. Criez de joie pour notre Dieu, by priests, and people sungen.
Chantez pour lui, car il est bon,
Car éternel est son amour. 3. Pray you, dutifully prime

4. Avec Jésus, nous étions mort,

Avec Jésus, nous revivrons,
Nous avons part à sa clarté.

5. Approchons-nous de ce repas,
Ou Dieu convie tous ses enfants,
Mangeons le pain qui donne vie.

your matin chime, ye ringers; In the Spirit I believe, …
may you beautifully rime Lord verifier of all, (Ch)
your evetime song, ye singers.
5. With the Father and the Son,
He is adored and glorified,
126. I believe in Holy Church,
Dying you destroyed our death, and one baptism professed,(Ch)
rising you restored our life.
Lord Jesus come in glory, 6. I shall see him there in Heaven
Lord Jesus come in glory. Living in the world to come
Amen amen
127. Amen amen (Ch)
Bass: Do you believe?
ALL: Yes I believe, 128.
In the Father and the Son, All things bright and beautiful,
And the Holy Spirit, all creatures great and small,
Yes, I believe. (2x) all things wise and wonderful,
the Lord God made them all.
1. Mighty Father I believe,
Do you believe?
Ref: Yes, I believe
You created Heaven and Earth…
I believe in Jesus Christ, .…
Everlasting Son of God, (Ch)

2. Equal in the Father’s power, …

And through Him all things were
It was He who saves us all, …
and from heaven came to earth,(Ch)

3. Of the Virgin Mary born, …

By the Spirit word made flesh, …
Suffered death was crucified, …
and He rose up from the dead, (Ch.)

4. He ascended into Heaven, …

And His kingdom has no end,

1. Each little flower that opens, Light of all lights…
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colours, 4. In our resting…
He made their tiny wings. In our rising…
In our hoping…
2. The purple-headed mountain, In our waiting…
the river running by,
the sunset and the morning, 5. In our dreaming…
that brightens up the sky. In our daring…
In our searching…
3. The cold wind in the winter, In our sharing…
the pleasant summer sun,
the ripe fruits in the garden, 6. God of laughter…
he made them every one. God of sorrow…
Home and shelter…
4. The tall trees in the greenwood,
the meadows for our play,
the rushes by the water,
to gather every day.

5. He gave us eyes to see them,

and lips that we may tell,
how great is God almighty,
who has made all things well.

1. Earth’s creator, everyday God
Loving maker, O Jesus
You who shaped us, O Spirit
Recreate us, come be with us

2. In your presence…
We are gathered…
You have called us…
To restore us…

3. Life of all lives…

Love of all loves…
Hope of all hopes…

Strong and patient… 3. Shephered, seek the sheep that
strayed! Come to contrite Peter’s
7. Way of freedom… aid! Strengthen him to be the rock;
Star of morning… Make him shepherd of your flock!
Timeless Healer…
Flame eternal… 4. Seek no life within the tomb;
Christ stands in the upper room!
8. Word of gladness… Risen glory he conceals,
Word of mercy… Risen body he reveals!
Word of friendship…
Word of challenge… 5. Though we see his face no more,
He is with us as before! Glory
9. Gentle Father… veiled , he is our priest, His true
Faithful brother… flesh and blood our feast!
Tender sister…
Loving mother…
10.Our beginning… 1. Ecce panis Angelorum, Factus cibus
Our unfolding… viatorum: Vere panis filiorum, Non
Our enduring… mitem dus canibus.
Journey’s ending…
2. In figures praesignatar, Cum Isaac
11.Alleluia… immolator; Agnus Paschae de putatur,
Now and always… Datur manna patribus. Amen
Through all ages… 132.
Eis me aqui Senhor ;;
130. P’ra fazer tua vontade::
P’ra fazer no teu amor ;;
1. Easter glory fill the sky! Alleluya!
Christ now lives, no more to die! “”Eis me aqui Senhor””’.
Alleluya! Darkness has been put to
flight,Alleluya! By the living Lord 1. O senhor e meu pastor que me
of light!Alleluya! conduz,
Por caminho nunca visto me enviou,
2. Mary, mother, greet your Son, Sou chamado a ser fermento sal e luz,
Radiant from his triumph won! E por isso respondei “aqui estou”!!!
By his cross you shared your pain,
So for ever share this reign!

Mfumu ee, Mfumuee,Mfumu ee, Mfumu ee
2. Ele pos em minha boca uma cancao Mfumu ee, Mfumuee,Mfumu ee, Mfumu ee
me ungiu como profeta e trovador da eeeh! X2
historia e da vida do meu povo e por
isso respondei “aqui estou.”’ 2. E ee Mfumu e yamba mampa x2
Yamba mampa ya kimenga na betoo
x2 Tala maboko na mono ya kele
mpambaa x2
133. Tala mono kimbeni nsukami ya
1. E’Jesu nkos’sizinikela kuwe, nene x2 Nki kima mono ta lenda pesa
Ukuba sib’abantwanabakho njalo, na ngeye x2
Singabe sisabuye sisuleke] 3. E ee Mfumu yamba vinoo x2
Yamba vino ya kimenga nabeto x2
2. E Jesu nkos’ak’uhawukele bonke Tala maboko na mono ya kele
Abasahlezi ezonweni zabo mpambaa x2
[Ubadonsel’enhliziyweni yakho, Tala mono kimbeni nsukami ya
Babuye bakuthande bakukhonze] nene x2
Nki kima mono ta lenda pesa na
3. E’Jesu nkos’ziland’izimvu zakho ngeye x2
Ezidukile zingenamalusi
[Yikhona koba isibaya sinye,
Kub’umalusi munye wethu sonke] 135.
1. Enyi wa baba wote,
4. E Jesu nkos’akothi mhla sifayo’ Tuto we sadaka (X2)
Usamukele’ekhaya lakho’eihle,
[Siphumul’enhliziyweni yakho, Tutabarikiwa (X2)
Eyisiphethu sentokozo zonke] Naye Mungu Baba (X2)
Tukimutoleya [ toleya X2]
Sadaka yetu kwa furaha.
1. E ee Mfumu e yamba makabu x2
Yamba makabu ya kimenga na betoo
x2 Tala maboko na mono ya kele
mpambaa x2
Tala mono kimbeni nsukami
ya nene x2 Nki kima mono ta lenda
pesa na ngeye x2

2. Enyi wa mama wote, 3. Engongol mfumfub nsisim mayon e a
3. Enyi wa kaka wote, nti bise mindzug mibi ye ma mayon e
4. Enyi wa dada wote, esa e. (X2)
5. Enyi vijana wote,
6. Enyi wapadri wote, 4. Nde maloe wa a Zamba esya asu na
7. Enyi wabikira wote. madzoban abe mindzug mibi ye ma
mayon e esa a e. (X2)
1. Enkosi angifanele, eNkosi angifanele 138.
Ukwamukela wena awungenze 1. Enter rejoice and come in
ngifanele. Enter rejoice and come in
A’wungenze, ngicelakuwe nkosi Today will be a joyful day
Vuma-ke ukungena kimina oyisoni. Enter rejoice and come in
Woza – Jesu wami, woza-ke, Jesu.
Uhlalenjalo kimi 2. Sing alleluia to the Lord
Sing alleluia to the Lord
2. Ngizinikela kuwe, ngizinikela kuwe Today will be a joyful day
Ukuba ngibo’wakho. Ngiphilangawe Sing alleluia to the Lord
Nkosi ngiphila ngawe nkosi,
uyintokozo yami, 3. Lift up your hearts to the Lord
E sidlo esimnandi, o sinkwa sengelosi Lift up your hearts to the Lord
Ngikhweze ngisekhona, ngikhweze Today will be a joyful day
ngisekhona Lift up your hearts to the Lord
Nasekufeni kwami
4. Open your hearts to the Lord
Open your hearts to the Lord
Engongol o o o. (x2)

1. Engongol a zamba esya mayon e a nti

bise mindzug mibi ye ma
mayon e esa e. (X2)

2. Engongol a zamba mon mayon

e nti bise mindzug mibi ye ma
mayon e esa e. (X2)

Today will be a joyful day
Open your hearts to the Lord
5. We are chosen race, we are his 1. Ek weet verseker dat Jesus leef:
People made one. Hy het my sonde uit liefde
Today will be a joyful day. vergeef. Ek was verlore; maar
Enter rejoice and come in. deur sy bloed is daar nou vrede in my

139. Hy is my Leidsman, Hy laat my

1. Ek, die Heer van see en lug Leef! Hy is Oorwinnaar – Hy is die
Het gehoor my mense sug Heer! Selfs as ek struikel, en het Berou
Vasgevang in duisternis; Sal Hy vergewe: Hy bly getrou.
Ek sal hul red.
Ek, die skepper van die ruim, 2. Lig is sy las en is sag is sy juk.
Ek sal weer die lig laat skyn. Hy gee vermoeides die ware geluk.
Waar’s die draer van my lig? Uit sy genade, liefde en trou
Wie sal ek stuur? weet hul dat God sy kinders behou.

Hier is ek, Heer; stuur vir my, Heer; Want

U roep my uit die duisternis. Ek sal gaan, 141.
Heer; lei my weg, Heer; Al u mense dra Ekwerem na otu Chineke N-na o-nye j’i-
ek in my hart. ke ni-le [Ref I]

2. Ek, die Heer van sneeu en reën,

het gehoor my mense ween.
Daarom bloei my hart vir hul;
Hul bly net kil
Harde harte sal ek breek
en dit in my liefde week,
en my woorde sal weer seëvier.
Wie sal ek stuur?

3. Ek, die Heer van wind en vlam.

Ek sal omgee vir jou land,
en ‘n fees vir jou berei;
Ek sal jou lei. Rykste kosse sit
ek voor om jul harte te bekoor.
Ek sal jul my lewe gee;
Wie sal ek stuur?

1. Onye mer’ e-ligwe n’ala n’ihe nile a- 9. O rọgoro n’eligwe nọrọ n’aka nri
na-hụ anya na ndị anaghi ahụ anya.Ref Nna..Ref II

2. Ya n’otu Onyenwe a-nyị Jesu Kristi 10.Ma Ọg’abịaghachi ọzọ n’ebube ya ikpe
s’o-tu nwa Chi-ne-ke mụ-rụ. Ref ndi dị ndụ na ndị nwụr’anwụ ikpe…
Ref II
3. Nna mụrụ tup’ ụwatụwa nile Chukwu
si na Chukwu ihe si n’ihe e e. Ref 11.O nye ọchịchị ya enweghị njedebe
..Ref II
4. Ezi Chukwu si n’ezi Chukwu..Ref
12.Ekwerem na Mụọ Nsọ Onyenweanyị
5. Amụrụ ya amụ emeghi y’eme ya na n’enye ndụ... Ref I
Nna bu o-tu n’ihe ha ji bụrụ Chukwu.
Ref 13.Onye si na Nna na Nwa pụta onye
an’esekpuru.... Ref I
6. Onye si na ya mee ihe nile
7. Onye mak’ihi anyụ bụ mmadụ. Ref 14.N’etokọdo ya na Nna na Nwa onye si
na ndị Amụma kwuokwu ...Ref I
8. Na ma k’ihi nzọpụta anyị siri n’eligwe
gbadata a a. Ref 15.Ekwe m n’otu nzukọ Nsọ Katọlik
n’Apọstọlik.. Ref 1
[A cappella]
O wer’ahụ na Virgin Marịa site na Mụọ 16.Ekwupụta m’otu baptisma nke
Nsọ Ọ bụrụ mmadụ. mgbaghara njọ. ..Ref 1
Sop & Alto: A bịa kpọgbuo ya n’obe
A bịa kpọgbuo ya n’o-be n’i-hi 17.Ana m atụ anya, ana m atụ anya
anyị mbilite n’ọnwu ndị nwụr’anwụ na
All: N’oge ọchịchị Pontius pilate nd’ụwa g’abịanụ
Sop & Alto: Ọ- ta-hụ-hụ Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen.
Sop/alto/tenor: Ọ t’ahụhụ Ọ nwụọ
All: elie Ya
[Instrument] 1. E! Jesu Mhlengi wethu, igama
Sop: Ma Obilitere n’ụbọchị nk’atọ ka lakho lihle. Lavela eZulwini,
Akwụkwọ Nsọ siri kwu

All: Obilitere n’ọnwụ O bilitere n’ọnwụ

[Ref II]

limnandi kithi sonke. Alikh’ elinye
futhi elihle njengelakho, kuyilo nje 144.
kuphela, esingasinda ngalo. 1. E Nkukunkulu Nkosi, zivume
Lezizipho. Ezinikelwa kuwe
2. Ngegama lakho Jesu, kuguqa phansi nguMpriste elathini. Awenze
konke. Kutusa ubukhosi, ziphenduke, inyama yoMsindisi,
nobungqongqoshe bakho. neGazi lakhe futhi, kub’ umhlabis’
Liyisihlangu sethu, esingavika omuhle.
ngaso, la sihlaselwa impi, kasathan’
elwa nathi. 2. Wubheke lomhlabiso, usihawukele
ngawo. Nalabo abahlanzwa izono
3. Limnand’ igama lakho, lihlab’ emlilweni. Ungab’ usazibheka izono
iNkosi umxhwele. Ingasinika zethu manje, njengoba sinxuselwa
konke, nxa siyincenga ngalo. nguJesu eLathini.
Nasekufeni kwethu, solulanyiswa
yilo, igama lakho Jesu, Msindisi
wethu sonke.
1. E! Ngelosi engilonda, ebusuku
nasemini. Unomusa ngiyabonga,
143. ngobubele bakho kimi.
1. E mame nina womsindisi sibheke
Thin’ abaka Jesu oyena
Wasibeka kuwe
[Ukuba ub’umame wethu]

2. Maria sibonise’Ujesu untwana

Wakho onomusa
Sengathi nathi singamgona
[Njengoba wawu mgona wena]

3. Virigo elicwebileyo
Elihle kunezi ngelosi, sihlenge
Engozini zonke.
[Singaze sisondele kuzo]

4. E Mame, awusikhumbula
Mhlazane Simukayo lapha isise
[Simbone embusweni wakho]

Igugu nomcwebisi wawo.
2. La ngiduka ungavumi, yiqondis’
indlela yami. Uma kungiyeng’ 3. E! Sandla sikaNkulunkulu,
okubi, ngivikele Mlondi wami. sihambise thina bantu. Sihambe
endleleni (x3)
3. Wophumuz’ umoya wami, uma Esisa kuwe ezulwini.
Sengisekufeni. Ungiyis’ ekhaya
lami, ngiphumule ebuhleni. 4. Uthando lwakho olumnandi,
luvuthise kithi sonke. Yikhona
sokukhonza (x3)
146. Sigcine imithetho yakho.
1. E! Sidlo esimnandi, E! Sinkwa
sokuphila. Silangazela wena
ongukuphila kwethu. E! Jesu 148.
Mondli wethu, akusikhaliphise, Ee Nkumu wabileko Oyamba
usiph’ amandla njalo, singaze Ee Mabuza Mabuza tata Oyamba

2. E! Gazi elingcwele, eloph’

emanxebeni. KaJesu, uMsindisi,
esesiphambanweni. Siphethu
sokucweba, naz’ inhliziyo zethu,
ezingcolisw’ izono, zihlanze zibe

3. Delisa inhliziyo, zabantu bakho,

Jesu. Zename, zithokoze, zingabe
zisalamba. Nasekufeni kwethu,
uzusilulamise, ngaleliSakramente,
elingumphako wethu.

1. E! Woza Moya Ocwebile, hlala
kithi njalo njalo. Khanyis’ igqondo
zethu (x3)
Siqonde osazisa kona.

2. Nguwena ongumthokozisi, Isiphethu

sokuphila. Umnini mphefumulo (x3)

1. Tobenzeliyo manpa nan vino tata gwa mụo nwannem ịga eji ya
Oyamba Ee Mabuza Mabuza tata fee ya na ala mmụọ.
2. Tobenzeliyo batata banso tata 4. Ị na-atajiri ya anya ọbụ onyinye
Oyamba Chukwu bịa bịa bịa were nke gị
3. Tobenzeliyo bamama banso tata tụọrọ ya mma mma. Onyinye nile
oyamba bụ Chukwu na-enye ejina onyinye
4. Tobenzeliyo basango banso tata Chineke eme ngala.
5. Tobenzeliyo batreres banso tata 2nd Part
oyamba ALL: M’ ịbụ ọgaranya
6. Tobenzeliyo banyango banso tata ejina onyinye Chinke eme ngala
oyamba 1st Part: M’ịbụ ogbenye
ejina onyinye Chineke eme ngala
149. 2nd part: ịna eriju afọ
ejina onyinye Chineke eme ngala.
Ejina Onyinye Chineke Eme ngala 1st Part: Ọ bụrụ na Ị na-achiachi
BASS: Bịanụ, 2nd Part: Ọ bụrụ na Ị mara mma
All: Bịanụ ụnụ ndị Chineke mere ihe 1st Part Ọ bụrụ na Ị nwere di
ọma, bịanụ nye ya ekele ; jaa ya mma, Ọ ejina onyinye Chineke eme ngala.
bụ onye ọma.(DC)

1. Gụkọba ngọzi gị n’otu n’otu, 150.

gịnị ka I nwere na esighị n’aka 1. Ele é exaltado
Chineke were bịa. O Senhor é exaltado no céu
Nwa nne m jụọ onwe gị ajụjụ. Eu O Louvo
Ejila onyinye Chineke eme ngala. Ele é exaltado
O Senhor é exaltado no céu
2. Lekene onwe gị anya ọbụ mma O Louvo.
ịmara na-awa gị isi (Bass:
nwannem lekene onwe gị anya ka 2. Ele é O Senhor
ọbụ ọgụgụ isi gị Chineke si E pra sempre reinara
n’ọgụgụ isi ya na mma ya nyetụ gị Terra e céu
nke gị, ejila onyinye Se alegram em ilhe adorar
Chineke eme ngala Ele é exaltado
O Senhor é exaltado No céu.
3. 2nd Part: Lekene onyinye
Chineke nyere gị
ALL: Ọ bụrụna ijighi ya fee ya
ugbua ịdị ndụ

3. He is exalted Eyen edong abasi afo emiemende, mme
The King is exalted on high idiokonkpo ererimbot efep
I will praise Him. Na nnyin emen.
He is exalted
And I will praise His name.
4. He is the Lord 1. Eu te amo o Senhor
For ever His truth shall reign Deus em quem acreditei
Heaven and earth Ilumina os meus caminhos
Rejoice in His holy name E contigo avancarei
He is exalted
The king is exalted on high. 2. 1 minha forca meu refugio
Eu te amo o senhor
Em ti ponho a confianca
151. Porques es meu Salvador
1. Enyen edong abasi afo emiemende,
mme Idiokonkpo eriembot efep, tua 3. Contre mim se levantaram
nnyin mbom Inimigos poderosos
Mas dues veio e recolheu-me
2. Eyen edong abasi afo emiemende, Em seus bracos amorosos
Mme idiokonkpo ererimbot efeep na
nnyin emen. 4. Estive a beira do abismo
E a morte me envolveu
Invoquei a dues meu pai
Eternal, eternal life (x2)
I want to live eternal life God
Save my soul (x2)
Oh my Saviour, when you want
To collect your people
Remember me Oh Lord (x2)
When you want to collect your
People remember me Oh Lord my God.

Eyen edong abasi afo emiemende, mme
idiokonkpo ererimbot efep, tua nnyin
mbom [repeat]

E a vida renasceu Hear your children’s prayer,
Lord most high.
Hallowed be thy name,
155. Lord most high.
Eyaa Eyaa Mkpa jide gị gwa Maria. O! Lord, hear our prayer. (X2)
Chebe Ọ ga-ezute gị ina-ekpere ya.
2. May Your kingdom come,
1. Mary bụ nne nke ụwa nile here on earth,
Ọ na-azọkwa, Ọ na-azọkwa anyị na may Your will be done,
mpa anyị nile here on earth,
Mbge inweghi ike, mbge inweghi as it is in heaven
ike Ọ ga-anụ olu gị so on earth
Mgbe Ị kpọrọ ya mgbe ikporo ya O! Lord hear our prayer. (X2)
Ọ ga-anụ olu gị
3. Give us daily bread
2. Ọ na-anọdebe ndị nọ n’ụjụ day by day,
ntasiobi ntasiobi ka O ji abịa
mgbe nile
Nkolopụ obi nkolopụ obi gị
Ọ mazulu
Setịa aka setịa aka Ọ ga-adonị gị

3. Ọ na-ahụ ndị nọ na mkpa n’anya

Nsogbu gị nsogbu gị bụkwa
nsobgu ya
Atụna egwu atụna egwu
nekewasị ya anya.
Nchekwube na aňụrị ka O ji abịa

4. Nikpeazụ anyị ga-aza aha nne anyị

Ọ ga-edu anyị oge anyị gekwulu
Anyị ga-anọ na anyị ga-no na aňụrị
nke Chukwu
Mgbe ebighi ebi rue mgbebighi ebi
1. Father God in Heaven
Lord most high.

and forgive us our sins friends and family. Father, I place
day by day, into your hands the things that
as we too forgive trouble me. Father, I place into your
day by day. hands the person I would be, for I
O! Lord, hear our prayer. (X2) know I always can trust you.

4. Lead us in your way, 3. Father, we love to see your face, we

make us strong, love to hear your voice. Father, we
when temptations come, love to sing your praise and in your
make us strong. name rejoice. Father, we love to
Save us from all sin, walk with you and in your presence
keep us strong. rest, for we know we always can
O! Lord, hear our prayer. (X2) trust you.

(Celebrant!) 4. Father, I want to be with you and do

the things you do. Father, I want to
5. All things come from You, speak the words that you are speaking
all are Yours, too. Father, I want to love the ones
kingdom, glory, power, that you will draw to you, for I know
all are Yours, that I am one with you.
take our lives, our gifts,
all are Yours 159.
O! Lord, hear our prayer. (X2) 1. Father, hear the prayer we offer
Not for ease that prayer shall be
But for strenghth that we may ever
157. Live our lives courageously
Father I adore you
Lay my hands before you
Father I love you.

1. Father, I place into your hands the
things I cannot do. Father, I place
into your hands the things that I’ve
been through. Father, I place into your
hands the way that I should go, for I
know I always can trust you.

2. Father, I place into your hands my

2. Not for ever in green pastures We your people, make our prayer
Do we ask our way to be Give us grace to love as brothers
But the steep and rugged pathway All whose burdens we can share where
May we tread rejoicingly your name binds us together
You Lord Christ will surely be
3. Not for ever by still waters Where no selfishness can server
Would we idly rest and stay There your love may all men see
But would smite the living fountains
from the rocks along the way 3. Holy Spirit rushing burning
Wind and flame of Pentecost
4. Be our strength in hours of weakness Fire our heart afresh with yearning
in our wandering be our guide; To regain what we have lost
Through endeavour, failour May your love unite our action,
danger,Father, be there at our side. Nevermore to speak alone
God, in us abolish faction,
God through us your love make known
1. Father, in my life I see
You are God, who walks with me 162.
You hold my life in your hands 1. Father we adore you,
Close beside you I will stand With the Heart of Jesus,
I give all my life to you We thank You with Heart of Jesus,
Help me Father to be true We offer His Wounds.

2. Jesus in my life I see To heal the wounds of all,

To heal the wounds of all,
3. Spirit in my life I see Our Eucharistic Saviour,

1. Father, Lord of all creation,
Ground of being, life and love
Height and depth beyond description
only life in you can prove. You are
mortal life’s dependence thought,
speech sight are ours by grace Yours is
every hour’s existence Sovereign Lord
of time and space

2. Jesus Christ, the man for others

To heal the Wounds of all mankind, 2. My heart is longing for You come
Have mercy on us. O Lord enter my heart.

2. We adore Jesus through Mary, 3. Without You who am I without

That is the most perfect adoration, You Lord I am nothing
He is both God and Man,
Our Saviour and Our Brother 4. One with You is many one with
You Lord can triumph.
3. Adore the Heavenly Father,
Through His Son the Object of delight, 5. Be with me O Lord be with me all
and our adoration will be my life
worthy that of Jesus.
163. 1. Fill my house unto your fullest, eat
1. Father we praise you now the night is my bread and drink my wine. The
over; active and watchful, stand we all love I bear is held from no one.
before you;
Singing, we offer pray’r and All own and all I do I give to you.
meditation: thus we adore you.
2. Take my time unto the fullest, find
2. Monarch of all things, fit us for your in me the trust you seek, and take
kingdom; banish our weakness, health my hands to you outreaching.
and wholeness sending;
3. Christ our Lord with love enormous
Bring us to heaven, where your saints
from the cross His lesson taught to
united; joy without ending.
love all men, as I have loved
3. All holy Father, Son and equal Spirit,
Trinity blessed, send us your salvation;
Yours is the glory gleaming and 4. Join with me as one in Christ love,
resounding through all creation. may our hearts all beat as one, and
may we give ourselves completely

164. 166.
Feed me O Lord feed me with Your food 1. Firmly I believe and truly
(2x). God is three, and God is one
And I next acknowledge duly
1. Unworthy though I am say one
word I will live

Manhood taken by the Son.
3. The worlds must ever serve you
2. And I trust and hope most fully Your kingdom embraces our time
in that manhood crucified; And will be in eternity
and each thought and deed unruly Christ for you alone.
do to death, as he has died.
4. The kingdom of the truth
3. Simply to his grace and wholly Your love and sanctity
Light and life and strength belong Our life and peaceful living
and I love supremely, solely, And justification too.
Him the holy, him the strong.

4. And I hold in veneration, 168.

For the love of him alone 1. For the beauty of the earth, for the
Holy Church, as his creation, glory of the skies, for the love which
and her teaching as his own. from our birth. Over and around us lies

5. Adoration aye be given, Lord of all to thee we raise, this our hymn
with and through th’angelic host of greatful praise.
to the God of earth and heaven,
Father, Son and Holy Ghost. 2. For the beauty of each hour
For the day and of the night, hill and
valley trees and flower, sun and moon
167. and stars of night.
[For Christ the King]
1. For Christ the eternal high priest 3. For the joy of ear and eye, for the heart
The king over all the world and mind delight, for the mystic
Christ your Father’s choice has harmony, liking sense to soun and
anointed you, Christ you you alone… sight.

Christ must King be

For our world and time
For all eternity
For all eternity

2. All sacrifices purest

Our peaceful Lamb of God
Our Savior and Redeemer
You died on a wooden cross.

3. Give me love in my heart keep me
4. For thyself best give to divine serving, give me love in my heart I
To our race so freely given, for that pray, give me love in my heart keep
great great love of thine, peace on me serving, keep me serving till the
earth and joy in heaven. end of day.

169. 171.
For St. Vincent Pallotti 1. Glory be to God the Father
give thanks to the Trinity; to the Son and Spirit too.
with Queen of the Apostles; Peace on earth to all His creatures
give praise to God’s name. we thank You and Praise Your
1. Vincent did every thing for love,
showed us God’s infinite mercy. Gloria, Gloria in excelsis deo.

2. Rekindle faith and charity, 2. We continue to adore You

this is the task that he gave to us. with unfailing faith in You.
You are God the great creator
3. And so we all apostles must be, we thank You and Praise Your
till there’s one flock and one shepherd. name.

3. You cleanse us from our

170. transgressions, you the Lamb of
1. Give me joy in my heart keep me God most high. You the giver of
praising give me joy in my heart I pray all mercy, we thank You and
give joy in my heart keep me praising Praise Your name.
keep me praising till the end of day.

Sing hosanna, sing hosanna 172.

Sing hosanna to the king of kings Glory to God in the highest. (X2)
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
Sing hosanna to the king

2. Give me peace in my heart keep me

resting, give me peace in my heart I
pray, give peace in my heart keep keep
me resting. Keep me resting till the end
of day.

We praise you, we bless you
1. And on earth peace to men,
peace to men, who are God’s friends. 4. Jesus Christ Son of God
The only Son of the Father
2. God Almighty Father heavenly King, Lord God O Lamb of God
we praise You and we bless You.
5. Have mercy on us Lord
3. We adore You, we glorify You You who take away sin
we give You thanks for Your great The sins of all mankind
6. Have mercy on us Lord
4. Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the You who take away sin
Father, Lord, Lamb of God, Jesus Receive our prayer O Lord
7. Have mercy on us Lord
5. You take away the sins of the world, You who sit at the right hand
have mercy, receive our prayer. Of the Father in heaven

6. You are seated at the right hand of the 8. You alone Lord Jesus
Father, have mercy, Lord Jesus Christ. You alone are Holy
You alone are most high
7. You alone are holy, You alone are
Lord, You alone are most high. 9. You alone Lord Jesus

8. Glory to the Father, glory to the Son,

glory to the Spirit, world without end.
Glory be to God in the highest.

1. And on earth peace to men

Peace to men of good will
We praise you we bless you

2. We bless and worship you

We glorify your great name
We give you thanks, O Lord

3. Lord God heavenly king

God Almighty Father

With the Holy Spirit
In the Father’s glory
Amen. 175.
Gloria a Deus na imensidao,
174. E paz na terra ao homem nosso irmao.
1. Glory be to Jesus, who in bitter
pains poured for me the life-blood 1. Senhor Deus pai,criador omnipotente.
from his sacred veins. Nos vos louvamos e vos bendizemos.
Por nos terdes dado o Cristo Salvador.
2. Grace and life eternal in that blood
I find: blest be his compassion, 2. Senhor,Jesus , unigenito do pai.
infinitely kind. Nos vos damos gracas por terdes vindo
ao mundo.
3. Blest through endless ages be the Feito nosso irmao, sois nosso
precious streams, which from Redentor.
endless torment doth the world
redeem. 3. Senhor, espirito santo,Deus amor.
Nos vos adoramos e vos glorificamos.
4. There the fainting Spirit drinks of Por nos conduzirdes por Cristo ao
life her fill; There as in a fountain nosso pai.
laves herself at will.
4. Gloria ao pai e ao Cristo sejam dadas.
5. Abel’s blood for vengeance Glorias ao Espirito santo sem cessar.
pleaded to the skies Agora e para sempre, por toda
but the blood of Jesus for our eternidade.
pardon cries.

6. Oft as it is sprinkled on our guilty 176.

hearts, Satan in confusion terror- BASS Gloria in excelsis Deo x3
struck departs. All: Gloria in excelsis Deo x3
Alto/Tenor: in excelsis Deo
7. Oft as earth exulting wafts its Bass : Deo.....(chorus)
praise on high,
hell with horror trembles; heaven 1. Et in terra pax hominibus
is filled with joy. bonae voluntatis
laudamuste, benedicimus Te,
8. Lift ye, then, your voices; swell the adoramus Te, glorificamus Te,
mighty flood; gratias agimus tibi
louder still and louder, praise the propter magnam gloriam tuam,
precious blood. Domine Deus X2

Alto/Tenor: in excelsis Deo pecca-ta mundi, suscipe deprecationem
Bass : Deo............(chorus nostram. Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris,
Miserere nobis. Quoniam tu solus
2. Rex caelestis sanctus. Tu Solus Dominus. Tu solus
Deus Pater omnipotens Altissimus, Jesu Christe. Cum Sancto
Domine Fili unigenite, Spiritu, in Gloria Dei patris. Amen.
Iesu Christe, Domine Deus
Alto/Tenor: in excelsis Deo
Bass : Deo............(chorus) 178.
Glory! Glory! Glory to God!
3. Agnus Dei, Filius Patris Glory! Glory! Glory to God!
Qui tollis peccata mundi,
miserere nobis; 1. Glory to God in the heights
Qui tollis peccata mundi of the heavens.
suscipe depricationem nostram. Peace to God’s people, all people on
Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, earth
miserere nobis X2
Alto/Tenor: in excelsis Deo 2. Son of the Father,
Bass : Deo............(chorus All glory and worship;
Praise and thanks giving
4. Quoniam tu solus sanctus To you. Lamb of God.
Tu solus Dominus,
Tu solus Altissimus, 3. You take away
Iesu Christe, cum Sancto Spiritu: The sin of the world;
in Gloria Dei Patris, A--men Have mercy on us,
Alto/Tenor: in excelsis Deo Receive our prayer.
Bass : Deo..........(chorus)

Glo-ri-a in excelsis De-o. Et in ter-ra pax
homi-nibus. Bona vo-lunta-tis. Laudamus
te. Benedi-ci-mus te. Adoramus te. Glo-ri-
fi-camus te. Gra-ti-as agimus ti-bi propter
magnam glo-ri-am tu-am. Domine De-us,
Rex caelestis, De-us Pa-ter omni-pot-ens.
Domine fi-li unigeni-te, Je-su Christe. Do-
mi-ne De-us, Agnus De-i
Fi-li-us Pa-tris. Qui tollis pecca-ta mundi,
Mi-se-re-re no-bis. Qui tollis

You alone are Holy
4. Seated in pow’r You alone are most high.
at the right of the Father,
Jesus alone is the Lord, 8. You alone Lord Jesus
the Most High. With the Holy Spirit
in the Father’s glory.
5. And with the Spirit
of love everlasting, 9. Amen Alleluia,
reigning in glory Amen Alleluia
forever. Amen. Amen Alleluia

179. 180.
1. Glory to God on high 1. Glory to God, glory to God,
Glory to the Lord God Glory to the Father (2)
Glory to you on high To him be glory for ever. (2)

Holy Holy is the Lord.

2. And on earth peace to men

Peace to men of goodwill
We praise we bless you.

3. We bless and worship you

We glorify your great name
We give you thanks Oh Lord

4. Lord God our heavenly King

God the Almighty Father
We praise you we bless you.

5. Jesus Christ Son of God

The only Son of the Father
Lord God Oh Lamb of God.

6. Have mercy on us Lord

You who sit at the tight hand
Of the Father in heaven.

7. You alone Lord Jesus

Alleluia, amen. (4)
7. You alone Lord Jesus
2. Glory to God , glory to God, You alone are Holy
Son of the Father. (2) You alone are most high
To him be glory for ever. (2)
Alleluia, amen. (4) 8. You alone Lord Jesus
With the Holy Spirit
3. Glory to God, glory to God, In the Father’s glory
Glory to the Spirit. (2)
To God be glory for ever (2) 9. Amen Alleluia
Alleluia, amen. (4) Amen Alleluia

181. 182.
Glory to God (2x) Gloria, gloria, gloria a Deus
Glory to God (Ref) Paz, paz, paz entre os homens

1. And on earth peace to men (Ref)

Peace to men of good will (Ref)
We praise you we bless you (Ref)

2. We bless and worship you (Ref)

We glorify your great name (Ref)
We give you thanks Oh Lord (Ref)

3. Lord God our heavenly King (Ref)

God the Almighty Father (Ref)
We praise you we bless you(Ref)

4. Jesus Christ Son of God (Ref)

The only Son of the Father (Ref)
Lord God Oh Lamb of God (Ref)

5. Have mercy on us Lord (Ref)

You who take away sins (Ref)
Receive our prayers Oh Lord (Ref)

6. Have mercy on us (Ref)

You who sit at the right hand (Ref)
Of the Father in Heaven (Ref)

Aux homes qu’il aime
1. Gloria a Deus nas alturas Gloire a dieu merveille pour l’homme
e paz na terra aos homens por ele Alleluya.
1. Nous te louons, nous t’acclamons
2. Senhor Deus, rei dos ceus,
Deus pai todo poderoso 2. Nous t’adorons, nous te chantons

3. Nos vos louvamos, nos vos 3. Agneau de Dieu, tu es la paix

Nos vos adoramos, nos vos 4. Tu es vivant, tu es l’Amour
5. Toi seul es saint, toi seul es Dieu
4. Nos vos damos gracas por vossa
imensa gloria,
Senhor Jesus filho unigenito. 185.
Glory, honour, power and majesty be unto
Christ our Lord
Gloire à Dieu paix aux hommes
Joie du ciel sur la terre (X2). 186.
1. Go, the Mass is ended,
1. Pour tes merveilles seigneur Dieu Children of the Lord.
Ton peuple te rend grâce
Ami des homes sois béni
Pour ton reigne qui vient
A toi nos chants de fête
Par ton fils bien-aimé dans l’esprit

2. Sauveur du monde Jésus Christ

Ecoute nos prières
Agneau de Dieu vainqueur du mal
Sauve-noue du péché!
Dieu Saint Splendeur du Père
Dieu Vivant le Très-Haut le

Gloire a Dieu et paix sur la terre

Take God’s word to others 2. All pow’r is giv’n in Jesus’ name;
As you’ve heard it spoken to you. in earth and heav’n in Jesus’ name;
Go the Mass is ended, and in Jesus name I come to you
go and tell the world to share his pow’r as he told me to.
the Lord is good, the Lord is kind,
and loves us ev’ry one. 3. God gives us life in Jesus’ name;
He lives in us in Jesus’ name;
2. Go, the Mass is ended, and in Jesus name I come to you;
take God’s love to all. to share his peace as he told me to.
Gladden all who meet you,
Fill their hearts with hope and
courage. Go, the Mass is ended, 188.
fill the world with love, 1. God of mercy and compassion
and give to all what you’ve Look with pity upon me
received - the peace and the joy of Father let me call thee father
Christ. ‘tis thy child returns to thee

3. Go, the Mass is ended, Jesus Lord I ask for mercy

strengthened in the Lord, Let me not implore in vain
lighten ev’ry burden, All my sins I now detest them never will I
spread the joy of Christ around sin again.
you. Go, the Mass is ended,
take God’s peace to all. 2. By my sins I have deserved
This day is yours to change the death and endless misery
world - to make God known and

1. God forgave my sin in Jesus’name
I’ve been born again in Jesus name
and in Jesus name I come to you
to share his love as he told me to

He said,
‘Freely, freely you have received
Freely freely give
Go in my name and because you believe
others will know that I live’

hell with all its pain and torments
and for all eternity.
3. By my sins I have abandon’d 1. Guide me oh thou great redeemer
right and claim to heaven above, pilgrim through this barren land
where the saints rejoice for ever I am weak, but thou art mighty hold
in a boundless sea of love. me with thy powerful hands,
Bread of heaven bread of heaven
4. See our Saviour, bleeding dying Feed me till I want no more 2x
on the cross of Calvary;
to that cross my sins have nail’d him, 2. Open now the crystal fountain whence
yet he bleeds and dies for me. the healing stream doth flow
Let the fire and cloudy pillar
Lead me all my journey through
Strong deliverer, strong deliverer
Be thou still my strength and shield 2x
Great things happen when God mixes 3. When I tread the verge of Jordan bid
with us (X2) Great and beautiful, my anxious fears subside, death of
wonderful things; Great things happen death and hell’s destruction land me
when God mixes with us. safe on canaan’s side
Songs of praises, songs of praises
1. Some find life, some find peace, I will ever give to thee 2x
Some people even find joy.
Some see things as they never
could before. And some people find 191.
that they can now begin to trust. Ha – kena kgauta
le silivera
2. Some find health, some find hope, ema otsamaye
Some people even find joy. Some see ka lebitso la Ntate
themselves as they never could before.
And some people find that they can Ema – ee, Ema –ee
now begin to live.

3. Some find peace, some are

disturbed; some people even find
joy. Some see their lives as they
never could before, and some
people find that they must now
begin to change.

Ema, Ema o tsamaye Ndi mutithandize
ka lebitso la Ntate
1. Zoipa zilizonse
192. Ndi mudakhalakhala
1. Hail holy Joseph hail Ndi mtima wodekha
Husband of Mary, hail
2. Kumwamba mudalitse
Chaste as the lily flower
Ana anu onse,
In eden’s peaceful vale.
Titsatire zabwino
Tikane zoipa
2. Hail holy Joseph hail
Father of Christ esteemed 3. Munali wamtendere
Father be thou to those Wosakwiya konse,
Thy foster Son redeemed. Mudakonda anzanu
Chifukwa cha Mulungu
3. Hail holy Joseph hail 4. Pokhala pansi pano
Prince of the house of God Mukapanga ntchito,
May his blest graces be
By thy pure hands bestowed.

4. Hail holy Joseph hail

Comrade of angels, hail
Cheer thou the hearts that faint
and guide the steps that fail

5. Hail, holy Joseph hail

God’s choice wert thou alone
To thee the word made flesh
was subject as a Son.

6. Mother of Jesus, bless

and bless, ye saints on high
all meek and simple souls
that to Saints Joseph cry.

192 B
Yosefe Bambo wathu
Bwenzi la Mulungu
Mutipempherere ife

Muli wosauka 194.
Ha re re Amen, reaororisa (X2)
5. Tonse tigwire ntchito
Ha re re Amen Ntate, Amen Ntate.
Lamulo lilipo
Amen, reaororisa.
Akukhala alesi
Achimwa ntheradi

1. Hail Holy Queen enthroned above,
O Maria, Hail Mother of mercy
and of Love, O Maria

Refrain: Triumph all ye Cherubim, sing

with us ye Seraphim, Heaven and earth
resound the hymn, salve, salve, salve

2. Our life our sweetness here below,

O Maria. Our hope in sorrow and
in woe O Maria

3. O turn then most gracious

advocate, O Maria. Towards us
thine eyes compassionate, O Maria

4. When this our exile is complete, O

Maria. Show us thy son, Our Jesus
sown, O Maria

5. O clement gracious mother sweet,

O Maria. O Virgin Mary we
entreat, O Maria

3. O Mother of mercy, o star of the
sea, O hope of the guilty, o light of
195. the grace, through thee may we
1. Hail Mary full of grace..... come to the heaven of rest, and see
heaven’s king in the courts of the
Pray for us oh Mary [holy] Mother of blest,
grace. (Ref) Clear star of the morning …

2. The Lord is with Thee Mama

Mary. 197.
1. Hail Queen of heaven, the Ocean
3. Blessed art Thou among women. Star, Guide of the wanderer here
below, thrown on life’s surge, we
4. And blest is the fruit of Thy womb claim thy care save us from peril
Jesus. and from woe, Mother of Christ,
star of the sea
5. Holy Mary Mother of God..... Pray for the wanderer, pray for me
Pray for us sinners now at the hour
of our death. 2. O gentle, chaste, and spotless
Maid, We sinners make our
prayers through thee
196. Remind thy son that he has paid,
1. Hail queen of the heaven, hail the price of our iniquity
Mistress of earth, hail Virgin most Virgin most pure, star of the sea
pure of immaculate birth, Pray for the sinners, pray for me
Clear star of the morning, in
beauty enshrined, o Mary make 3. Sojourners in the vale of tears
speed to the help of mankind To thee, blest advocate we cry
Clear star of the morning………. Pity our sorrows, calm all our fears
and soothe with hope our misery;
2. Hail Mother most pure, hail Virgin Refuge in grief, star of the sea,
renowned, hail Queen with the Pray for the mourner, pray for me
stars, as diadem crowned, above all
the angels, in glory untold, 4. And while to him, who reigns
standing next to the king in a above, in God head one, in person
vesture of gold three, The source of life, of grace,
(Ref) Clear star of the of love homage we pay on bended
morning………. knee, do thou bright Queen, star of
the sea,
Pray for thy children, pray for me.

that Jesus Christ is Lord.
1. Hark the herald angels sing 2. He is King, He is King
glory to the new born King He is risen from the dead and he is
Peace on earth, mercy mild King Ev’ry knee shall bow, ev’ry
God and sineers reconciled tongue confess that Jesus Christ is
Joyful, all ye nations rise, King
Join the triumph of the skies
With angelic-host proclaim 3. He is Love, He is Love
Christ is born in Bethlehem He is risen from the dead, and He is
Love Ev’ry knee shall bow, ev’ry
Hark, the herald Angels sing glory tongue confess That Jesus Christ is
to the new born King. love

2. Christ, by highest heaven adored,

Christ, the everlasting Lord, 200.
late in time behold him come, 1. Hearken to the news, the good
offspring of a Virgin’s womb! news on the air, Jesus Christ is
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see, born to us today. Many people in
hail the incarnate Deity! the past waited his day. They never
Pleased as man with man to dwell, saw it but he is here today.
Jesus, our Emmanuel.
Good news the long expected
3. Hail the heaven-born prince of saviour is lying in the manger. Let
peace! Hail the sun of us rejoice and sing. Alleluia for the
righteousness! Light and life to all of the world is born
he brings, risen with healing in his
wings; 2. Tell it on the hill that Jesus Christ
mild he lays his glory by, is born. Tell it everywhere you find
born that man no more may die, yourself. Never close your month
born to raise the sons of earth, born for this news must be shared. O
to give them second birth. sing with the Angels Glory be to
199. 3. Worship Christ the king, the
1. He is Lord; He is Lord. spotless Lamb of God, Newly born
He is risen from the dead to us in Bethlehem, Baby in a
He is Lord. manger born to save mankind. O
Every knee shall bow what a great Saviour that we now
every tongue confess behold

and we’ll all join in and sing.
4. Angels of the lord, we join you in
your song. Shepherds in the fields 2. Let us make the world
we laugh with you. Mother of our an alleluia,
God we give honour to you. O let us make the world
foster father of Jesus thanks to you. a better place.
Keep a smile handy:
have a helping hand,
201. let us all join in and sing.
1. Heilig, heilig, heilig. Heilig is die
Heer. Heilig, heilig heilig. Sing die 3. Happy is the man
heel natuur. Hy wat geen begin het, Hy Who does his best
wat ewig is, het oor dood en lewe deur to free the troubled world
sy wil beslis. From it’s pains
Join we with that man
2. Heilig, heilig, heilig. Heilig is die and free the world
Heer. Heilig, heilig, heilig. Sing die as we’ll all join in and sing.
heel natuur. Almag, wonder,
liefde.Dui sy grootsheid aan.
Hemele en aarde bid sy wysheid aan. 204.
1. Ho! My comrades see the signal
waving in the sky Re-enforcement now
202. appearing victory is nigh
Here, ontferm U oor ons (x3)
Christus, ontferm U oor ons. (x3) Hold fort, for I am coming
Here, ontferm U oor ons. (x3) Jesus signals still
Wave the answer back to heaven
203. By thy grace we will. 2x
Here we are altogether as we sing 2. See the Mighty Host advancing
our song joyfully. Satan leading on
Here we are altogether as we pray Mighty men around us failing
We’ll always be. Courage almost gone
1. Join we now as friends 3. See the glorious banner waving
and celebrate Hear the trumpet blow
The brotherhood we share, In our leaders name we triumph
all as one, Over every foe
Keep the fire burning,
Kindle it with care, 4. Fierce and long the battle rages

But our help is near Infinite thy vast domain,
Onwards comes our Great everlasting is thy reign.
Commander, Cheer my comrades,
cheer. 2. Hark! The loud celestial hymn,
angel choirs above are raising;
cherubim and seraphim,
205. in unceasing chorus praising,
Hold my hand , O! Lord, in my fill the heavens with sweet accord,
journey. [in my journey] Guide me in holy, holy, holy Lord.
the world the way You want. [The
road] 3. Holy Father, Holy Son;
the road is so long and very rough, but Holy Spirit, three we name thee,
if you take my hand I’ll have no fear] while in essence only one
(X2) undivided God we claim thee;
and, adoring, bend the knee
1. I had a great wish for a journey. While we own the mystery.
You told me to go and I went.
But now so many friends were 4. Spare thy people, Lord, we pray,
asking me, tell why you go and by a thousand snares surrounded;
leave forever home. keep us without sin today;
never let us be confounded.
2. However young and strong still Lo, I put my trust in thee,
I am, I feel very old in my heart. never, Lord, abandon me.
Those things I believed
Deceived me. I search only for
freedom and True love. 207.
1. Holy, Holy, holy, holy
3. One day another journey You The angels are signing,
Proposed to me. My heart told me Hosanna in the highest
yes you can go. I can not see why
people try to stop me. I have Hosanna in the highest.
found true peace and Happiness in Hosanna in the highest
You. The angels are singing
Hosanna in the highest.
206. 2. Lord God of power and might
1. Holy God we praise thy name The angels are singing
Lord of all, we bow before thee! Hosanna in the highest.
All on earth thy sceptre own,
all in heaven above adore thee.

3. Heaven and earth are full of your glory And we lift our hands before you
the angels are singing, as a token of our love,
Hosanna in the highest. Precious jesus, precious Jesus.

4. Blessed is he who comes 4. Holy spirit, Holy Spirit,

in the Lord’s name Come and fill our heart anew, Holy
The angels are singing, Spirit. And we lift our voice before
Hosanna in the highest you as a token of our love, Holy
Spirit, Holy Spirit.
208. 5. Hallelujah, hallelujah,
1. Holy, holy, holy, holy Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
Lord of power Lord of might And we lift our heart before you as
Heaven and earth are filled with a token of our love, hallelujah,
glory sing hosanna evermore hallelujah.

2. Blest and holy, blest and holy

He who comes from God on High 210.
Raise your voices sing his glory Holy, Holy, Holy,
Praise his name forever more. Lord God of the universe,
the heavens and the earth
are filled with your own glory.
1. Holy, holy holy, holy, Hosanna, Hosanna,
Holy holy, holy, Lord God Hosanna to God in the highest (X2)
Almighty! And we lift our hearts
before you as a token of our love: Blessed is he who comes
Holy holy holy holy. In the name of the Lord (X2)

2. Gracious Father, gracious Father,

We are glad to be your children, 211.
Gracious Father. And we lift our Holy, Holy, Holy
heads before you as a token of our Lord God of power and might (X2)
love Gracious father, gracious
Father Hosanna- Ho ho ho,
Ho ho hosanna in the highest (X2)
3. Precious jesus precious Jesus,
We are glad you have redeemed Heaven and earth are full of your glory
us, Precious Jesus. (X2)

Blessed is he who comes in the name of Ave, Ave, Ave Maria
the Lord (X2).
2. By your faith and loving accord,
as the handmaid of the Lord,
212. you undertook God’s plan to
1. Holy, holy, holy Lord God embrace. Mary, we thank you, hail
Almighty! Early in the morning full of grace.
our song shall rise to thee; holy,
holy, holy! Merciful and mighty. 3. Refuge for your children so weak,
God in Three Persons, Blessed sure protection all can seek.
Trinity! Problems of life you help us to
face. Mary, we trust you, hail full
2. Holy, holy, holy! All the saints of grace.
adore thee, casting down their
golden crowns around the glassy 4. To our needy world of today
sea; cherubim and seraphim falling love and beauty you portray,
down before thee, which wert, and showing the part to Christ we must
art, and evermore shalt be. trace. Mary, our mother, hail, full
of grace.
3. Holy, holy, holy! Though the
darkness hide thee, though the eye
made blind by sin thy glory may 214.
not see; only thou art holy, there is 1. Holy Queen we bend before thee,
none beside thee, perfect in power, Queen of purity divine!
in love and purity. Make us love Thee, we implore
Thee; make us truly to be Thine.
4. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God
Almighty! All thy works shall Teach oh teach us Holy Mother
praise thy name in earth, and sky How to conquer ev’ry sin;
and sea; holy, holy, holy! merciful How to love and help each other,
and mighty! God in Three Persons How the prize of life to win.
Blessed Trinity!
2. Thou to whom a Child was given,
213. Greater than the souls of man,
Coming down from highest heaven
1. Holy Virgin, by God’s decree, you to create the world again.
were called eternally; that he could
give his Son to our race. Mary, we 3. Oh by that Almighty Maker,
praise you, hail full of grace. Whom thyself a Virgin bore!
Oh by thy Supreme Creator

Link’d with Thee for evermore! 4. Your servant Lord your servant am
I, You have loosened my bonds.
4. By the hope thy name inspires, A thanksgiving sacrifice I make,
Be our doom reversed through I will call on the Lord’s name.
Thee, help us Queen of Angel-
Choirs, to a blest eternity! 5. My vows to the Lord I will fulfil
before all his people
In the courts of the house of the
215. Lord, in your midst O Jerusalem.
Hongoleni nethu hiya hakha pfhumo
(3x) Kholu khuye mune nya womi 6. Praise the Father, the Son, and
Holy Spirit
Ha kha guna gipumbu nyumbani both now and forever,
Ga pfhumo-hyatshavbothu gu lumba The God who is, who was and is to
uye… come, at the end of the ages.
Kha guna sikhodzi khaguna
Valombo va mune.
1. How excellent, how excellent,
216. is thy loving kindness.
How can I repay the Lord Is thy loving kindness O God,
for His goodness to me, I will raise How excellent, how excellent
the cup of salvation I will call is thy loving kindness,
on the Lord’s name. is thy loving kindness O God.
Therefore, the children of men,
1. I trusted even when I said: therefore the children of men,
“I am sorely afflicted” therefore the children of men put
And when I said in my alarm: their trust; therefore the children of
“No man can be trusted.” men put their trust, therefore put
their trust under the shadow of
2. How can I repay the Lord your wings.
for His goodness to me?
The cup of salvation I will raise: 2. They shall be abundantly satisfied,
I will call on the Lord’s name. with the fullness of your name,
And you shall make them drink of
3. My vows to the Lord I will fulfil the river of your pleasure, And you
before all his people, shalt make them drink of the river
O precious in the eyes of the Lord of your pleasure of your loving
is the death of His faithful. kindness, they shall be abundantly
satisfied They shall be abundantly

satisfied, they shall be abundantly who brings good news, good news,
satisfied with the fullness of your announcing peace, proclaiming
house, and you shall make them news of happiness:
drink of the river of your pleasure;
that know you, unto them that Our God reigns [6]
know you and your righteousness,
your pleasures, and you shall make 2. You watchmen, lift your voices
them drink of the river of your Joyfully as one,
pleasure to the upright in heart. shout for your King, your King!
See eye to eye, the Lord restoring
218. our God reigns…
1. How good it is to know your name,
You came to claim us long ago, 3. Wasteplaces of Jerusalem,
We are the people that you know, break forth with joy!
How good it is to sing to you. We are redeemed, redeemed
the Lord has saved
2. How good it is to sing to you, and comforted his people.
You are the God, who heals our Our God reigns…
You are the Home Where we 4. Ends of the earth, see
belong, the salvation of our God!
How good it is to sing you. Jesus is Lord, is Lord!
Before the nations
3. How good it is to find you near, he has bared his holy arm.
We are the seeds you make us Our God reigns…
grow, You are the Heaven we the
How good it is to find you near. 220.
1. Hubelani umsindisi
4. How good it is to sing to you, Ongumholi nomalusi
You are the reason for our song, Nimhubele ningaphezi X2
You are the Bread that make us
strong, How good it is to sing to 2. Mdumiseni nimdumise
you. Ngamahubo ubukhosi
Uyadlul’udumo lonke X2
219. 3. Asituse; asitu’isakramente
1. How lovely on the mountains Alimis’ujesu kristo
are the feet of him Eszosifela sonke X2

back to his dear loving arms Do I
4. Walinika: walinik’abaphostole flee, when I remember that Jesus
Ekudleni kokugcina loves even me.
Liyisinkwa sokuphila X2
4. O if there is only one song I can
5. E! Makholwa bhekanini sing, When in His beauty I see the
Nas’isinkwa siphenduka great King.
SibuMzimba woMsindisi X2 This shall my song in eternity be,
O what a wonder that Jesus loves
6. Kuphenduka newayini me.
Lib’gazi likajesu
Elisus’izono zethu X2 5. If one should ask of me, how can I
Glory to Jesus, I know very well,
221. God’s Holy Spirit with mine doth
1. I am so glad that our Father in agree,
heaven, Tells me of his love in the Constantly witnessing Jesus loves
book. me.
He had given; wonderful things in
the Bible I see,
This is the dearest that Jesus loves 222.
me. 1. I am the bread of life
He who comes to me shall not
Refrain: I am so glad that Jesus hunger, he who believes shall not
loves me, Jesus loves me, Jesus thirst. No one can come to me
loves me, I am so glad that unless the Father draws him.
Jesus loves me,Jesus loves even me.
And I will raise him up x3
2. I am so glad that our Father in On the last day
heaven, Tells of His love in the
Book He has given; 2. The bread that I will give
Wonderful things in the Bible see, is my flesh for the life of the
This is the dearest, that Jesus loves world, and if you eats of this bread
me you shall live forever
you shall live forever.
3. Though I forgot Him, and wonder
away, Shall He doth love me. 3. Unless you eat
Wherever I stray; of the flesh of the Son of Man,
and drink of his blood
and drink of the blood

you shall not have life within you. the ground it can only Spring up
with new life, hundredfold.
4. I am the Resurrection,
I am the life. 4. I am the Shepherd, come into the
If you believe in me, sheepfold to help feed my lambs,
even though you die, feed my sheep Bring back the
you shall live for ever. straying, and bind up their wounds
and rejoice when you've found
5. Yes, Lord, I believe, what was lost.
that you are the Christ,
the Son of God,
who have come 224.
into the world. I am the way, I am the truth
I am the life, of the world
If you follow me, you will never lost
223. I will lead you to the Father
1. I am the light, bringing you out of
darkness 1. Let not your heart be troubled,
So come, take my light to the trust in God, and trust in me
world. I am the bread you must
feed to the hungry The wine that 2. In my Father’s house, there are
must fill every heart mansions, if it were not so I should
  have told you
REF: Foxes have holes; birds
have 3. I am departing for a mission, to
their nests, But the Son of man has prepare for you a place in heaven
no place to rest. Come, follow me
be the light of the nations: Leave 4. No one can come to the Father,
your nets and come follow me. unless that person goes through me
2. I am the life that must change ev'ry
life and the Way that must alter 225.
your ways. I am the Truth and my 1. I am thine O Lord, I have heard thy
word is the cross. You must take if voice, and it told thy love to me,
you want to be free. but I long to rise in the arms of
faith, and be closer drawn to Thee.
3. I am the sower, come work in my
vineyard my field, tend my vines, Draw me nearer,
sow my grain And should it fall to Nearer Blessed Lord
To the cross where thou has died

Draw me nearer, None but thee, dear Lord, none but
Nearer Blessed Lord thee.
To thy precious bleeding side
3. When my feeble life is over,
2. Consecrate me now to thy service Time for me will be no more.
Lord Guide me gently, safely over,
By the power of grace divine To thy kingdom shore, to thy
Let my soul looks up with a shore.
steadfast hope,
and my will be lost in Thine.
3. O the pure delight of a single hour, Sop: I believe
That before thy throne I spend All: in one God, oh in one God, I
When I kneel in prayer and with believe in one God Father Son and
thee my Lord Spirit
I commune as friend with friend.
1. Mighty Father I believe
4. There are depth of love that I You created heaven and earth
cannot know I believe in Jesus Christ
Till I cross that narrow sea Everlasting Son of God.
There are heights of joy that I may
not reach 2. Equal in the Father’s power
Till I rest in peace with Thee. And through Him all things were
It was He who saved us all
226. And from heaven came to earth.
1. I am weak but thou art strong.
Jesus, keep me from all wrong, 3. Of the Virgin Mary born
I’ll be satisfied as long, as I walk, By the Spirit Word made flesh
Let me walk close to thee. Suffer death was crucified
And He rose up from the dead
Just a closer walk with thee,
Grant it Jesus is my plea. 4. He ascended into heaven
Daily walking close to thee, And His kingdom has no end
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be. In the Spirit I believe
Lord verifier of all
2. Through this world of toil and
snares, If I falter, Lord, who cares? 5. With the Father and the Son
Who with me my burden share? He is adored and glorified
I believe in Holy Church

And one baptism profess 4. I believe in God the Father,
Spirit and Son.
6. I shall see Him there in heaven I believe the Church is holy,
Living in the world to come Universal, one. And through water
Amen Amen all our guilt is cleansed we are
Amen Amen made new Dying we will rise again
to live for ever more.
1. I believe in God Almighty,
Who made heaven and earth. 229.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, I believe in one God,the Almighty
His only Son. Father Creator of heaven and
God from God and Light from Earth.
Light, The one true God above,
With the Father He is one, 1. And in Jesus Christ his only Son
Creator of all things. our Lord who was conceived by
the Holy Spirit.
Oh I believe in God Almighty
Who made heaven and earth. 2. Born of the Virgin Mary suffered
Yes, I believe in God Almighty under Pontius Pilate was crucified
Who made heaven and earth. dead and buried.

2. Through the Spirit, born of Mary, 3. He descended into hell the third
God became a man. day he rose again from the dead
For our sake He suffered death. again from the death.
They nailed Him to a cross.
But no earthly grave could hold 4. He ascended into heaven sitted at
The Lord of heaven and earth; the right hand of God the Father
Bursting forth He rose again, Just Almighty.
as the prophets said.
5. From hence he shall come to judge
3. Forty days He walked the earth, A the living and the dead I believe in
dead man come alive. the Holy Spirit.
Then He did His friends farewell
Retuning to His heaven He will 6. The Holy Catholic Church the
come again to judge The living and communion of the saints the
the dead. forgiveness of the sins.
He is Lord of all the worlds;
His kingdom has no end.
I have decided to follow Jesus (X3) let mortal ne’er disclaim
No turning back, no turning back! O may I imitae thee
and magnify God’s name.
1. The world behind me,
The cross before me… 4. But in the crown of Mary,
There lies a wondorous gem,
2. Though none go with me, as Queen of all the Angels,
Still I shall follow… which Mary shares witht them;
no sin hath e’er defiled thee,
3. For I have known how so doth our faith proclaim;
This Jesus loves me… O may I imitae thee
and magnify God’s name.
4. The glories of this world,
I do not want them…
1. I dance in the morning
231. When the world was begun
1. I’ll sing a hymn to Mary, And i dance in the moon
the Mother of my God, And the stars and the sun
the Virgin of all Virgins, And I came down from heaven
of David’s royal blood. And i danced on the earth
O teach me, holy Mary at Bethlehem I had my birth
a loving song to frame,
O may I imitae thee Dance then wherever you may be;
and magnify God’s name. I am the Lord of dance, said he.
And I’ll lead you all, wherever
2. O noble tower of David, you
Of gold and ivory, may be and I’ll lead you all in the
the ark of God’s own presence, dance, said he.
the gate of heav’n to me,
to live and not to love thee, 2. I danced for the scribe and the
would fill my soul with shame, Pharisee but they would not dance
O may I imitate thee and they wouldn’t follow me; i
and mignify God’s name. danced for the fishermen for james
and john –they cmae with me and
3. The Saints are high in glory, the dance went on
with golden crowns so bright;
but brighter far is Mary, 3. I danced on the Sabbath
upon her throne of light. And I cured the lame
O that which God did give thee,

The holy people said it was a 3. I need Thee every hour,
shame; they whipped and they Stay Thee near by.
stripped and they hung me high Temptations lose their power,
And they left me there When thou art night.
On the cross to die
4. I need Thee every hour,
4. I danced on a Friday Teach me thy will.
When the sky turned black And thy rich promises,
It’s hard to dance In me fulfil.
With the devil on your back
They buried my body
And they thought i’d gone 234.
But I am the dance and i still go on I thank my God each time I think of
you; and when I pray for you, I pray
5. They cut me down with joy
And I leap up high
I am the life 1. Now there is one thing I am sure
That’ll never, never die of, he who began this work in you,
I’ll live in you will see that it is truly finished,
If you ‘ll live in me when the day of Jesus comes
I am th Lord
Of the dance, said he 2. That I should feel like this towards
you, seems only natural to me; for
you have shared with me my
233. labours
1. I need Thee every hour, The gospel privilege with me
Most gracious Lord.
No tender voice like Thine, 3. Since you have born with me my
Can peace afford. burdens I now bear you within my
I need Thee, O! I need Thee, And God alone knows how I miss
every hour I need Thee. you,
O! Bless me now my Saviour, I love you just as Christ loves me.
I come to Thee.
4. I pray your knowledge will be
2. I need Thee every hour, Deepened, your love be mutual
In joy or in pain. and strong; then you will reach the
Come quickly and abide, perfect goodness, then to the Lord
Or life is vain. you will belong.

Oh Mai,
235. Mai, Maria a a,
1. Idzani kwa Maria Amai mudzitipempherera
Nyimbo zathu tiimbe
Ndi Amai opambana 2. Amai a Mpulumutsi
Adatininkha Mbuye Tikulemekezani….
Ave Maria Potipatsa Mwananu
Mutipatsa zonsetu…
2. Amai a Mpulumutsi
Tikulemekezani 3. Mudutsa maunyolo
Potipatsa mwananu Demoni adamanga..
Mutipatsa zonsetu Padziko pathu pano
Ave Maria Mphamvu zake muthera…

3. Mudutsa maunyolo 4. Ku dziko la kumwamba

Demoni adamanga Muli nawo ufumu…
Padziko pathu pano Ndi ulemu woposa
Mphamvu zake muthera Muli opanda mnzanu….
Ave Maria
5. Mudavala dzuwali
4. Kudziko la kumwamba Ndi mweziwu muponda…
Muli nawo ufumu Pa mtu panu nyenyezi
Ndi ulemu woposa Waliwali ziwala…
Muli opanda mnzanu
Ave Maria

5. Mudavala dzuwali 237.

Ndi mweziwu muponda – Igama lenkosi malibongwe Baba,
Pa mtu panu nyenyezi (Malibongwe)
Waliwali ziwala – Izwi leNkosi linamandla Baba...
Ave Maria (Linamandla)
– Dumisani - dumisan’ igama leNkosi
1. Idzani kwa Maria 238.
Nyimbo zathu tiimbe 1. Immaculate Mary!
Amai mudzitipempherera Our heart are on fire,
Ndi Amai opambana that title so wondrous
Adatininkha Mbuye… fills all our desire.

Ave ave ave Maria! To behold soon in heaven
Ave ave ave Maria! God’s ravishing face

2. We pray for God’s glory, 10.To God be all glory

may his kingdom come! And worship for aye
We pray for his vicar, And to God’s virgin mother
our father, and Rome. An endless Ave.

3. We pray for our mother

the Church upon earth, 239.
and bless, sweetest Lady Imvana kaNkulunkulu, yonesusa izono
the land of our birth. zomhlaba. (x2)
Yafa! Yafela thina. (X2)
4. For poor, sick, afflicted
thy mercy we crave; Imvana kaNkulunkulu, yonesusa izono
and comfort the dying zomhlaba. (x2)
thou light of the grave. Sisize! Usiphuxolo.

5. There is no need, Mary

nor ever has been,
which thou canst not succour, Inde Mbuye tifuna kulapa
Immaculate Queen. Machimo athuwa
Inde Mbuye tifuna kulapa
6. In grief and temptation
in joy or in pain 1. Tadza kwa Inu
we’ll ask thee, our mother, Mpulumutsi wathu. Inde
nor seek thee in vain. Inde Mbuye tifuna kulapa
7. O bless us, dear Lady, tilira misozi. Inde
With blessings from heaven. Imvani Yesu
And to our petitions mapemphero athu. Inde
let answer be given.
2. Ndinu wamphamvu
8. In death’s solem moment ndi woyera mtima…
Our mother, be nigh; Mutiitana
As children of Mary m’dziko la kumwamba…
Help us when we die. Koma tachimwa
Tasiyana nanu…
9. And crown thy sweet mercy
With this special grace 3. Ife tachimwa

Kawirikawiri… of Your wings
Koma tichita that we may overcome
Chisoni chambiri… the tribulations of the world.
zakwaipa zathu… 4. Let glory and honour
be ascribed to the Father
4. Zoipa zina the Son and the Holy Ghost
pena taiwala… forever more.
Pamaso panu
zonse zaoneka…
Muzimwazenso 242.
ife tizilapa…. 1. Inu Mulungu titama
[Inu Mulungu:]
5. Mudazunzidwa Inu ndinudi Ambuye
kutiwombolera … [Inu Mulungu:]
tonse pamtanda… A: Refrain- Inu Mulungu zikomo
Mutisungitse Chorus: Zikomo inu Mulungu
Mutipulumutse… Inu Mulungu ae inu Mulungu
Inu Mulungu:
Inu Mulungu Zikomo.
241. B: Refrain- Hosanna kumwamba
Into Your sanctuary we’ve come to adore Chorus: Hosanna, Hosanna
You Lord(x2) in adoration and praise we timuyimbire (timthokoze),
glorify Your holy name, into Your Hosanna, Hosanna kumwamba.
sanctuary we’ve come to adore You
2. Inu ndinudi Atate…
1. We thank You Lord Pa nthawi zonse mulipo…
for the gift of life in us,
we reverence Your holy name 3. Anjelo onse kumwamba…
oh God. Amaimbira inutu…

2. With sweet melody of joy 4. Ndinu woyera Mulungu…

Our mouth is full of praise, Ambuye wankhondo
for one day in Your house kumwamba…
is better than a thousand
elsewhere. 5. Ulemu wanu Ambuye…
Pa dziko lonse wadzadza…
3. Hide us under the shadows

6. Oyera onse kumwamba…
Akutamanda inutu… Second chorus: Zikomo inu mulungu inu
mulungu a e inu mulungu Inu mulungu,
7. Ndi Mwana wanu mmodzidi… inu mulungu zikomo.
Ulemu Mzimu Woyera…

8. Tikupemphani Ambuye… 244.

Mutithandize tonsefe… 1. Inu Kankhosa ka Mulungu
Amene muchotsa
243. Machimo a anthu
1. Inu mulungu titama inu ndinudi Mutichitire chisoni (X2)
All: Ambuye 2. Inu Kankhosa ka Mulungu
Amene muchotsa
2. Inu ndinudi Atate panthawi zonse Machimo a anthu
mulipo Mutipatse mtendere.
All: mulipo

Mtima wanga utamanda utamanda 245.

Ambuye Bass:Inu Kankhosa ka Mulungu amene
All: ndipo mzimu wanga ukondwerara Cantor: Amene
Mulungu All: Amene muchotsa
Mpulumutsi wanga Machimo a anthu
Mutichitire chinsoni (X2)
3. Anjelo onse kumwamba
amaimbira inutu Cantor: Muti.....
All: inutu Mutichitire, mutichitire
Cantor: muti
4. Ndinu woyera Mulungu Mbuye Mutichitire chisoni
Kumwamba Bass: Inu Kankhosa ka Mulungu amene
All: kumwamba Cantor: Amene
All: Amene muchotsa Machimo a anthu
5. Ulemu wanu Ambuye padziko Mutipatse Mtendere.
lonse wadzaza Cantor: Muti
All: wadzadza Mutipatse mutipatse
Cantor: Muti
6. Oyera onse kumwamba Mutipatse Mtendere
akutamanda inutu
All: inutu

1. I, the Lord of sea and sky,
246. I have heard my people cry.
Inuka, Inu Kankhosa, Inuka All who dwell in dark and sin
Ka Mulungu amene m’chotsa My hand will save.
Machimo a anthu I who made the stars of night,
Mutichitire i I will make their darkness bright.
Ife chisoni Who will bear my light to them?
Mutipa mutipatse 3x Whom shall I send?
Ife mtendere
247. Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
1. I sing the Lord God’s praises, I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I answer to His call. I will hold your people in my heart.
His servant girl He raises,
She will be blessed by all. 2. I, the Lord of snow and rain,
The Lord God gives His power I have borne my people’s pain.
To her who loves His name; I have wept for love of them.
O’er her His strength will tower, They turn away.
His mercies will remain. I will break their hearts of stone,
give them hearts for love alone.
2. Proud-hearted men He scatters, I will speak my word to them.
The strong will pass away; Whom shall I send?
And for the kind and gentle
There dawns the Lord’s own day. 3. I, the Lord of wind and flame,
Woe to the rich and mighty! I will tend the poor and lame.
He feeds and satisfies I will set a feast for them.
Those who for justice hunger, My hand will save.
And to Him turn their eyes. Finest bread I will provide
till their hearts be satisfied.
3. A Saviour He had promised I will give my life to them.
To Abram long ago; Whom shall I send?
And now to His people
His mercy He will show.
Come let us praise the our Father, 249.
For he fulfils His word, I want Jesus in my life.
And sends His Holy Spirit He’s my everything. (X2)
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Mina ngino Jesu wam’
Ongiholayo, ongiholayo.
248. [Repeat]

Forever I will sing, of the blessings
250. of the Lord (X2)
1. I watch the sunrise lighting the
sky, casting its shadows near. With my mouth, will I make known,
And on this morning bright though Thy faithfulness, thy faithfulness,
it be, I feel your shadows near me. With my mouth, will I make Known
Thy faithfulness in all generations,
But you are always close to me, I will sing of the blessings of the Lord
following all my ways. Forever, I will sing of the blessings of
May I be always close to you the Lord.
following all your ways Lord.
2. I will sing of the praises of the
2. I watch the sunlight shine through Lord...
the clouds, warming the earth 3. I will sing of the Goodness of the
below. And at the midday life Lord...
seems to say: ‘I fell your 4. I will sing of the Mercies of the
brightness near me’. Lord...
5. I will sing of the Greatness of the
For you are always close… Lord...

3. I watch the sunset, fading away,

lighting the clouds with sleep. 252.
And as the evening closes its eyes Tama Ukaristia
I feel your presence near me. Lalika Mpulumutsi
[: Ali mu Sakramenti:]
For you are always close…
Ngodala amene adzalandira
Zaulere zake zosangalatsa ngati mana
4. I watch the moonlight guarding the
night, waiting till morning comes. 1. Pa Misa popemphera
The air is silent, earth is at rest, Wansembe amatchula
only your peace is near me. Mau amphamvu ndithu
[: M’dzina lake la Mlungu:]
Yes, you are always close…
2. Ndipo tsopano lino
251. Yesu Khristu alipo
Ndi Umulungu wake
1. I will sing of the Blessings of the [: Umunthu wake womwe:]
3. M’Sakramenti limene

M’chigawo chonsechonse
Cha mkate ndi cha vinyo
[: Yesu yense alimo:] 254.
1. I medi ndi komfi abasi
4. Tiwona ngati mkate nyin ke akwa imafo ye ye
Koma ndi thupi lake nnyin bo m’eno em’ikot f
Tiwona ngati vinyo oe node fi yak mmo enem fie sit
[: Magazitu alimo:]
O bo m’eno….
Emi idade Isok fi ete
253. Edi eno inem esit
1. Imba lilime langa Eno esit ima
Tama Ukaristia Mbok bo mmo nnyun
Lalika Mpulumutsi Da mmo dion ikot fo mi
Ali mu Sakramenti (X2)
2. O etei mono fi idem nnyin
Lero talandira Ambuye Ke akwa imafo ye nnyin
Lero talandira, Lero talandira, I mono fie sit ye uwem nnyin
Lero talandira, talandira Ambuye Yak mmo enem fie esit
Lero talandira Ambuye
3. I mada uyo ye wine isio fi
2. Pa Misa popemphera Bo mmoke I nem esit
Wansembe amatchula Ye mme a kam emi nnyin I bonde
Mau amphamvu ndithu Yak edok edi k’iso fo.
M’dzina lake la Mlungu (X2)

3. Ndipo tsopano lino 255.

Yesu Khristu alipo 1. Immortal, Invisible, God only
Ndi Umulungu wake wise, in light inaccessible hid from
Umunthu wake womwe (X2) our eyes; most blessed, most
glorious, the Ancient of Days,
4. M’Sakramenti limene almighty, victorious, thy great
m’chigawo chonsechonse name we praise.
cha mkate ndi cha vinyo
Yesu yense alimo (X2) 2. Unresting, unhasting, and silent as
light; nor wanting, nor wasting,
5. Tiona ngati mkate thou rulest in might; thy justice
Koma ndi thupi lake like mountain high-soaring above
Tiona ngati vinyo thy clouds which are fountains of
Magazitu alimo (X2) goodness and love.

1. In bread we bring you, Lord, our
3. To all life thou givest, to both great bodies labour. In wine we offer
and small; in all life thou livest the you, our spirit’s grief. We do not
true life of all; we blossom and ask you, Lord, who is my
flourish as leaves on the tree, neighbour? But stand united now,
and wither and perish; but naught one in belief.
changeth thee. Oh, we have gladly heard, your
Word,you holy Word, and now in
4. Great Father of glory, pure Father answer, Lord, our gifts we bring.
of light, thine angels adore thee, all Our selfish hearts make true, our
veiling their sight; all laud we failing faith renew, our lives
would render: O help us to see; ‘tis belong to you, our Lord and King.
only the splendour of light hideth
thee. 2. The bread we offer you is blessed
and broken, and it becomes for us
our spirit’s food. Over the cup we
256. bring your Word is spoken; make
1. Inwi mambo, imwi mambo it your gift to us your healing
Tiri mvashaishi, mvashaishi blood. Take all that daily toil
Imwi mambo tiitire unhasha.(2) plants in our heart’s poor soil, take
Tiri mvashaishi mambo oe all we start and spoil, each hopeful
Taphosa komuri mambo oe dream, the chances we have
Imwi mambo tiitirenhi unhasha missed, the graces we resist, Lord,
in thy Eucharist, take and redeem.
2. Imwi Kristo, imwi Kristo
Tiri mvashaishi, mvashaishi
Imwi Kristo, tiitirenhi unhasha(x2) 258.
Tiri mvashaishi Kristo oe 1. In the Bible I read and I pray (X4).
Taphosa komuri Kristo oe O! Lord, O! Lord (X3), in the
Imwi Kristo tiitirenhi unhasha Bible I read and I pray.

3. Inwi mambo, imwi mambo 2. We are marching forward to Zion

Tiri mvashaishi, mvashaishi (X3), to the beautiful City of God.
Imwi mambo tiitire unhasha.(2) O! Lord, O! Lord (X3), to the
Tiri mvashaishi mambo oe beautiful City of God.
Taphosa komuri mambo oe
Imwi mambo tiitirenhi unhasha
1. In your body Lord we are one
257. (X3). O, Lord we are one.

Mme o nts’o nkgothatsa,
2. In this banquet Lord, we find Mme o thebe ya ka
strength (X3). O, Lord we find E ntshireleditseng.

3. Draw us nearer Lord, each to 261.

each (X3). O, Lord, each to Isibingelelo seNkosi singcwele kanye x2
each. Otha engcwele x3

4. Fill our minds Lord, with your

peace (X3). O, Lord with your 1. Isinkwa siyanikelwa,
peace. Yamukela Nkosi. (X2)

5. Fill our hearts Lord with your Lezi, lez’ izipho zethu
care (X3). O, Lord with your Thina, thina siyanikela
care. Kuwe, kuwe Nkosi Jesu.

2. Iwayini liyanikelwa,
260. Yamukela Nkosi. (X2)
1. Inkele Morena
Pelo ya ka yohle
E buswe ke wena
Ka mehla le mehla 1. It's not an easy road, we are
traveling to heaven, for many
Inkele Morena are the thorns on the way, it's not
Pelo ya ka yohle an easy road, but the Saviour is
E buswe ke wena with us his presence give us joy
Ka mehla le mehla. over there.

2. Hobane ke wena No no it's not an easy road (x2)

Molisa oa ka, but Jesus walks before us and
Hobane ke wena brightens the journey and light
Setsabelo sa ka. to see the heavenly road.

3. Leha nka tsamaya 2. It's not an easy road. We are

Kgohlong e lififi, traveling to heaven. For many
Ha ke tsabe letho are the thorns on the way. A better
Ha ke tsabe letho. is coming. When
morning is the glory, we rest in
4. Hoba o na le nna perfect peace over there.

so, that he gave his Son, to die on
3. It's not an easy road, there are the cross for your sake.
trials and trouble and many are
the dangers we meet but Jesus
guard and keep us so that 266.
nothing can harm us. And Izipho zethu
smooths the ragged path for Siziletha kuwe Somandla.
over feet.
264. 267.
1. It is wonderful to be a Christian, Izwi le Nkosi limnadi l’yaphilisa thatha
(X2) nalilizwi ngelakho nawe (x2)
It is wonderful, wonderful,
It is wonderful to be a Christian.
Izwi lakho Nkosi
2. It is wonderful to be together… Limnandi liyaphilisa
Hhe she limnandi liyaphilisa
3. It is wonderful to be a Pallottine…
Ahheshe limnandi liyaphilisa
Ahheshe limnandi liyaphilisa
It is time, to offer gifts to the Lord
It is time to say thank you Lord
It is time come and offer your gift to Izipho siyaz’inikela
Yamkela Nkosi
the lord Ezi- ezi zipho zethu
Thina thina siyazinikela
1. Our life is a gift, our health is a gift Kuwe- kuwe Nkosi yethu
All that we have are gift from the
Lord We have to say thank you
J’ai recu le Dieu Vivant
2. God blessed everyone, of us in ET mon Coeur est plein de joie (X2).
some way we have to show a deep
gratitude by offering him gifts of 1. Il m’a dit: je suis le pain préparé
thanks pour vous nourrir :
me mangera ne peut
3. Remember dear friend, when life craindre de mourir.
treats you bad, that God’s love you

2. Il m’a dit: je suis le cep loin wees. As God’s volk mekaar weer
duquel rien ne murit: sien.
demeure en moi reste
membre de mon corps. 3. En as hul staan rondom u troon. En
as hul staan rondom u troon. Dan
3. Il m’a dit: je suis la vie et ma croix laat ook my daarby wees. As hul
detruit la mort : staan rondom u troon.
suivra mes pas verra
mon avenement. 4. En as die Boek, geopen word.
En as die Boek, geopen word.
4. Il m’a dit: je suis le jour au milieu Dan laat ook my daarby wees.
de votre nuit: As die Boek, geopen word.
m’accueille en lui est
guide par mon esprit. 5. Ja, as mens sing, Alleluja.
Ja, as mens sing, Alleluja.
5. Il m’a dit; je suis l‘amour qui peut Dan laat ook my daarby wees.
seul tout rassembler: As mens sing, Alleluja.
m’a decouvert me recoit
pour me donner.
6. Il ma dit: je suis la paix dont le 1. Jabulani, Jabulani,
monde a tant besoin: Jabulani, Jabulani Makholwa!
me fait aimer, de mon Nituse iNkosi ngob’ inqobile.
règne est mon témoin.
Alleluya, Alleluya, Alleluya, Alleluya,
7. Il m’a dit: je suis l’agneau mis à Alleluya, Alleluya, Alleluya, Alleluya.
mort pour les pécheurs:
a bu mon sang doit
poursuivre mon labeur. 2. Jabulani, Jabulani,
Jabulani, Jabulani maKristo!
Nishay’ imitshingo nibeth’
271. ihlombe.
1. Ja, as die Heer vir ewig kom.
Ja, as die Heer vir ewig kom. 3. Jabulani, Jabulani,
Dan laat ook my daarby wees. Jabulani, Jabulani zintaba!
As die Heer vir ewig kom. Mahlathi omhlaba nani zilwandle.

2. En as God’s volk mekaar weer 4. Jabulani, Jabulani,

sien. En as God’s volk mekaar Jabulani, Jabulani mimoya!
weer sien. Dan laat ook my daarby Zihlambi zehlobo nani nqoqwane.

7. Thy wall are made of precious
5. Jabulani, Jabulani, stones, thy bulwarks diamonds
Jabulani, Jabulani zidalwa! square; thy gates are of right orient
Bantwana babantu nani zilwane. pearl; exceeding rich and rare.

6. Jabulani, Jabulani, 8. Thy turrets and thy pinnacles

Jabulani, Jabulani zikhethwa! with carbuncles do shine;
Tusani iNkosi ngunaphakade. thy very streets are paved with
gold, surpassing clear and fine.
1. Jerusalem, my happy home. 9. Thy houses are of ivory,
When shall I come to thee? thy windows crystal clear;
When shall my sorrows have an thy tiles are made of beaten gold
end? the joys when shall I see? O God that I were thee.

2. O happy habour of the saints! 10.Within thy gates nothing doth

O sweet and pleasant soil come; that is not passing clean,
In thee no sorrow may be found no spider’s web, no dirt, no dust,
no grief no care no toil. no filth may there be seen.

3. In thee no sickness may be seen, 11.Ah my sweet home Jerusalem,

no hur,t no ache, no sore; would God I were in thee!
in thee there is no dread of death Would God my woes were at an
but life for evermore. end. The joys that i might see!

4. No dampish mist is seen in thee,

no cold nor darksome night; 274.
there every soul shines as the sun; Jeso Kristi isi dị asọ, anyị bịara
there God himself gives light. ịchu aja, aja nke ahụ n’ọbara gị
nke Ịchụrụ n’elu obe.
5. There lust and lucre cannot dwell;
there envy bears no sway; 1. Sọ Chukwu k’ana achuru aja,
there is no hunger, heat, nor cold, Sọ ya kere mmadụ, sọ Ya bụ
but pleasure every way. Eze nke ihe nile, sọ Ya bụ
6. Jerusalem, Jerusalem
God grant I once may see 2. O Chukwu Mmụọ Nsọ gbadata,
thy endless joys and of the same Bịa n’ime obi anyị, k’anyị wee nụ
Partaker aye may be! okwu Chukwu
K’anyị hụ Ya n’anya.

4. Jesus nwụrụ n’ihi m, Jesus nwụrụ
3. O Jeso Onye Nzọpụta, Onye isi n’ihi m,
nke Nzukọ, yọtara anyị Jesus nwụrụ n’ihi m n’elu obe.
mgbaghara njọ, na ngọzị Onyenwe m Jesus, wee nwụọ n’ihi
nke Chukwu. m; n’elu obe k’Ọnwụrụ na calvary.

275. 277.
Jesu Agneau de Dieu 1. Jesus Berger, de toute humanite
Prends pitie, prends pirie de nous… (x2) Tu es venu chercher ceux
Prends…prends pitie de nous Qui etaient perdus
Enleve …enleve nos peches (x2)
Prends pitie de nous, fais-nous
Donne nous, donne nous la paix…(x2) revenir fais-nous revenir a toi,
Donne…donne nous la paix prends pitie de nous
Enleve…enleve nos peches.
2. Jesus berger de toute humanite
Tu es venu guerir ceux qui etaient
276. maladies.
1. Jesus aha n’atọ m ụtọ; Jesus aha
n’atọ m ụtọ, Jesus aha ka chasie 3. Jesus, Berger de toute humanite Tu
ebube site n’ugwu rue na ndịda, es venu sauver ceux qui etaient
Jesus aha Gi dị ụtọ, Jesus, Jesus, pecheurs.
Jesus aha kachasị ebube n’enye
ndụ ebighebi.
2. Ịhụnanya nke Jesus; ihụnanya nke Jesu aku re re
Jesus, ihụnanya nke Jesus, Khatholle
enweghị mgbanwe ọbụla; Hoba re khathetse
ịhụnanya, ịhụnanya,ịhụnanya, Re lumelle ho phomola
ịhụnanya nke Jesus na-adịgịde oo. Sefubeng sa hao

3. N’ime mkpagbu m nile; n’ime

ahụhụ m nile, n’ime nsogbu m
nile; Jesus n’azọpụta mo, ọbụ 279.
Jesus, ọbụ Jesus, ọbụ Jesus 1. Jesu, Jesu ea monate
n’azọpụta mo; nzoputa nke Jesus Ea tlileng ho rona,
na-adịgide o. [: Lula lipelong ka mehla
Ho li fepa hantle:]

2. Molisa u re lisitse 4. Thy body, soul, and God-head, all;
Makhulong a matle O mystery of love divine!
[: Ha re na ho hloka letho I cannot compass all I have,
Kalosong ea hao:] for all thou hast and art are mine.

3. U morara oa sebele 5. Come now ye angels to our aid,

O fepang makala sound, sound God’s praises higher
[:Ak’u re phelise bohle still; ‘tis God, whose power
Ba lutseng ho uena:] created us, and whose praise
creation thrills.
4. U seliba sa bophelo
Le sa khalalelo
[: Lula lipelong tsa rona 281.
Ho li halaletsa:] 1. Jesu nampa thin’abakho
Size emiseni lapho uphinda
280. [Wasonqamulezweni]
1. Jesus, my Lord, my God, My all,
how can l love thee as I ought? 2. Size kukhuleka baba
And how revere this wondrous Nkulunkulu wethu –
gift, Sizethule kuwe
So far surpassing hope or thought? [Nathi uqobo lwethu]

Sweet sacrament, we thee adore; 3. Sizovuma phambi kwakho

Oh, make us love thee more and Amacala ethu-ngokwethemb’
more, Oh, make us love thee more Umusa wakho
and more. [Nesihawu sakho]

2. Had I but Mary’s sinless heart, 4. Sizobonga kuwe nkosi,

to love thee with my dearest King, Konke’osipha kona-
Oh, with what burst of fervent Lomhlabis’udlula konke
praise, thy goodness, Jesus, would [Ongabongwa ngakho]
I sing!
5. Sizocela futhi kuwe
3. Ah, see! Within a creatures hand, Esikudingayo-
the vast Creator, deigns to be, Wena nkosi uyazazi
reposing, infant-like, as though [Izicelo zethu]
On Joseph’s arm or Mary’s knee
6. Sidumis’ubungqon
Gqoshe nobukhulu bakho –

Asiyazi eny’inkosi Asasithenjiswe kona
[Engaphezu kwakho]
4. Jesu sinkwa sengelosi,
Woza kith’usiphamandla,
282. Khona sothi nxa sinawe,
1. Jesu ngiyinika wena inhliziyo Singahlulwa ukulingwa
yami /: Ngoba nguw’ oyifunayo
lenhliziyo yami :/ 5. Jesu, sikhuleka kuwe
Ukuleli Sakramente;
2. Nguwe othi: Letha lapha kade Senze sikuthande njalo
ngayifisa, /: Ib’ eyami njalonjalo Njengokuba usithanda.

3. Izwi lakhw’ elisho njalo 284.

limnand’ impela /: Linjengoju 1. Jesu oa ka kea tsieloa
olimini uma selingena:/ Ke tla u leboha joang na;
Ka baka la neho e kholo
4. Yithabathe Jesu wami, Ib’ eyakhw’ Eo u e entseng ho batho!
impela, /: Ngingefike laph’
ukhona, uma ngala nayo:/ /: E! Sakramentee monate,
Mosa oa hao ke osele!:/
5. Yicwebise, Jesu wami, iyifuz’
eyakho, /: Ib’ ecwebileyo njalo 2. Botho le bona bomolimo
ekunfanelayo:/ Ba Jesu bo nehoa batho;
Ho e mong le mong oa rona
inehela kaofela.
1. Jesu nkosi ukulinga 3. Me joale sefuba sa motho
Kukasathani’kuyashisa Se fetoha ntlo ea Jesu:
Sesiyafa sesidinga ‘Me mobopuoa o eteloa
Nguwe oyakusisiza Ke ‘Mopi oa hae! Ho joang na!

2. Jesu Nkosi, sidangele 4. Jesu o s’a lula ho motho

Aphelil’amandla ethu; Le eena motho ho Jesu.
Akuqinise jesu, E mong a re: ha ke sa phela.
Wena oyisinkwa sethu. Ke Jesu ea phelang ho ‘na.

3. Kwasho wen’uqobo 5. Hojane pelo e hloekileng

Wathi; ungukudla okuyikho Ea Maria ho ‘na e teng!
Okuvela ezlwini, Oho Morena, nka nyakalla

Ha nka u rata ka eona
2. Neni tula milao ya Mulimu
6. Jesu, ke uena ea tlisitseng, Cwale Jesu ni swabile,
Mollo ho rona lefatseng, Unituse utakule lifoso
Ak’u re hotetse ka oona Ni tweke mwa mali ahao.
Re tla u rata ka mehla.
3. Mwa hostia utile mo kuluna
Luce sico sa butweki,
285. Mupulusi anina litukelo
1. Jesu omnene, Nkosi’enmusa, Swalela milatu yaka.
Ngikenxanela yonke I
Mihla angithokozi 4. Mupulusi wa kalelwa mwasimu
La wena’ungekho, ongukwenama Wa nyandela luna bato,
Komphefumulo. Noshapilwe wa tabakwa miutwa
Wa nyandela luna batu.
2. Bhek’inhliziyo yam’ebuthaka,
Njal’ihlaselwa impi kasathan’
E Jesu woza, wen’onamandla, 287.
Ungicashise kuwe msindisi 1. Jesu wen’ ongithandayo, wazidel’
inhloko ngami; weza lapha
3. Emthokozisi wabalusizi, kulomhlaba /: Waf’ onqamlezweni
Uyangimema uthi ngami:/
Kimina wozamntanami,
Uzophumula enhliziyweni 2. E! ngiyakuthand’ impela, wena
Yami emnene. Jesu, Mhlengi wami; Njengalokhu
wangithanda /: Waze wafa ngenxa
4. Sengisondela ngaseLathini, yami :/
Ngizomukela wena Msindisi;
Woza-ke Jesu, Woz’uze kimi, 3. Ngikuthanda ngeqiniso,
Wena oyisinkwa sasezulwini ngenhliziyo yami yonke;
ngikuthanda nangamandla /:
Nangengqondo yonke yami:/
1. Jesu waka ubuse moya wa ka 4. Ngikuthanda ngilusizi,
Jesu utonipotela, ngikuthanda ngenamile;
Nakulata Mulena wa lilato ngikuthanda ngibuhlungu /:
Ubuse mwa pilu yaka. Ngikuthanda ngiphilile :/

Kena kena kena X2 5. Ngikuthanda ngisaphila,

Jesu waka, kena mwa pilu yaka. ngokuthanda ngoze ngife;

ngokuthanda naphakade /: Wena
oligugu lami:/ 2. Joy to the earth, the Saviour
reigns! Your sweetest songs
employ, while field and streams
and hills and plains; repeat the
sounding joy; repeat the sounding
288. joy, repeat, repeat the sounding
1. Jesu wena kuthokoza, okuyikho joy.
kwenhliziyo, nokukukhumbula
njena kunjengoju olumnandi, 3. He rules the world with truth and
okudlula konk’okunyengukuhlala grace; and make the nations prove
nawe Jesu. the glories of his righteousness, the
wonders of his love, the wonders
2. Mangitus’ igama lakho elimnandi of his love, the wonders, wonders
emlonyeni of his love.
Lenamis’ indlebe zami, lesasisa
inhliziyo, nguwe Jesu, wena
wedwa, okholis’ umoya wami. 290.
Jubilate Deo, omnis terra.
3. Jesu themba labonile, unomusa Servite Domino in laetitia
kubo bonke abaphendukela kuwe Alleluia alleluia alleluia in laetitia
beshiyil’ izono zabo. Uligugu Alleluia alleluia in laetitia
elimnandi kwabazinikela kuwe.

4. Singetshenwe muntu neze, 291.

nangencwadi singefunde 1. Juig, al wat leef, juig voor die
ubumnandi bokumthanda Heer – Dien God met blyskap
uMsindisi weth’ uJesu; ukuphela gee Hom eer – Kom nader voor sy
omthandayo uzwa bona aangesig - En pys Hom met ‘n
bunjengoju. lofgedig.

2. Die Heer is God, erken dat Hy – ‘n

289. Eie volk vir Hom berei; - ‘n Volk
1. Joy to the world, the Lord has om Hom te dien en vrees- En
come, let earth receive her King skape van sy wei te wees.
Let every heart prepare him room
and heaven and nature sing, and 3. Gaan deur sy poorte in met lof,-
heaven and nature sing, and Met lofsang in sy tempelhof.- Kom
heaven, and heaven and nature in sy huis, o bondsvolk, saam. –
sing! Verhef sy lof en prys sy Naam.

6. Just as I am, of that free love
4. Want goedentiere is die Heer.- the breadth, length, depth, and
Sy goedheid eindig height to prove; here for a season,
Nimmermeer. – Sy trou en then above, O Lamb of God, I
Waarheid hou hul krag – Tot in come!
die laaste nageslag.

5. Loof God, die bron van alle 293.

seën – Loof Hom, o eng’le om 1. Kabelo ea ka e ntle
Hom heen – Loof Hom op aarde, Ka letsatsi lena
alle vlees. – Loof Hom die Vader, Ke ikhethetse hantle
Seun en Gees. Ke nkile morena.

Oho Morena ea mosa

292. Ke u neha pelo
1. Just as I am, without one plea, [: Lentsoe la ka ke lena:]
But that thy blood was shed for Jesu! Jesu! Jesu!
me, and that thou bidd’st me come
to thee, O Lamb of God, I come! 2. E, ke lehlohonolo,
Jesu o ka ho ’na
2. Just as I am, though tossed about, Me a se le ka thabo
With many a conflict, many a A se li ka mosa.
doubt, fighting within, and fears
without, O Lamb of God, I come! 3. Na ke tla leboha joang!
Ke tla re’ng kajeno!
3. Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind; Ke taba e makatsang
sight, riches, healing of the mind, E entsoeng ke Jesu.
Yea, all I need, in thee to find, O
Lamb of God, I come! 4. Morena oa ka a re:
Tlo, u lule ho ’na.
4. Just as I am, thou wilt receive, Ka arabela, ka, re
wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, Jesu, ke ’na enoa.
relieve: because thy promise I
believe, O Lamb of God, I come! 5. E, ke taba ea ’nete,
Hase ’na ea phelang,
5. Just as I am, (thy love unknown Che, ke eena ’Moloki
Hath broken every barrier down), Ke een’a mphelisang.
Now, to be thine, yea, thine alone,
O Lamb of God, I come! 6. Lula hle! Moren’a ka,
U lule ka ho ’na.

Ho phele uena feela hlonepha; Hape ke tla u rata, Joale
Ka sefubeng sa ka. le ka mehla; |: Ke tla shoela
moreneng …:|

294. 1. Ke utloa mane lithoteng
Kankhosa Kankhosa ka Mulungu Mangeloi a theohileng
Aee aee, amene muchotsa A tlang a bina hamonate
Machimo, machimo a anthu, aee aee A bina sefela a re:
Mutichitire chisoni
|: Gloria in excelsis Deo!:|
Mutichiti… mutichitire,
mutichitire, aee aee 2. Helang! Lona, balisana,
mutichitire chisoni (Repeat first verse) Le re joetseng taba ena;
Mokete ona ke oa’ng na?
Kankhosa Kankhosa ka Mulungu Na ke sa’ng sefela sena?
Aee aee, amene muchotsa
Machimo, machimo a anthu, aee aee 3. Makhotla a leholimo
Mutipatse mtendere. A beela batho tsoalo
Ea Morena oa marena;
Mutipatse, mutipatse, mutipatse, A re leboheng le rona.
Aee aee mutipatse mtendere.
4. E, Monghali oa lefatse,
295. U tla ka bofumanehi,
U tla le ka bonyeyane
1. Ke tsepile ho uena, Oho Movirigo, Hoba u re ratile hle!
U ntlhahlobe ka mehla sekhutlong
sa lillo. Le mohla ke khathalang u 5. Batho ba se ba utloile
ntlatse ka matla, |: Ke tla shoela Ka bona bo-Kerubime
moreneng, ke be ke ee botleng:| Sefela sa leholimo,
E leng sefela sa khotso.
2. Maria ea monate, ea sa kheseng
motho, Ke uena ’M’a ’Moloki, ke
uena ’M’a Jesu; Oho, u 297.
nkamohele, tebelong ea hao hle, |: Keep in mind that Jesus Christ, Has died
Ke tla shoela moreneng …:| for us and is risen from the dead. He is
our saving Lord; He is joy for all eges.
3. Oho, Mofumahali, ea mosa le
matla, Ke etsa pallo ke re, ke tla u

1. If we die with the Lord, we shall nye Chukwu.
live with the Lord.
1. Chetanụ Chineke Nna,
2. If we endure with the Lord, we Onyenweanyị, sọ Ya bụ Nna nke
shall reign with the Lord. anyị Onye obiọma.
Ref: Gaa n’ iru Ya, gaa n’ iru
3. In him all our sorrow, in him all Ya, ma inweghi ihe ọbụla
our joy. nye Ya onwe gị.
4. In him hope of glory, in him all our
2. Gaa nye Chineke Nna ihe I nwere,
gaa nye Chineke Nna onyinye
obiọma. Ref
5. In him our redemption, in him all
our grace. 3. Gaa nye Chineke Nna ahụhụ gị,
gaa nye Chineke Nna uru gị kwa.
6. In him our salvation, in him all our Ref.
4. Gaa nye Oseburuwa ihe ubi gị, Ọ
298. ga-enyekwa gị nke ubi Ya. Ref.

1. Keep we the fast our ancestors 5. Gaa nye Chineke Nna ego I nwere,
Learned from on high in mystic gaa nye Onye nwe ụwa akụ ndụ
ways till yonder sun hath duly told; ọma. Ref.
His hallowed tale of forty days
6. Ọ bụ sọ Chineke nwe ihe nile, Ọ
2. This covenant, long since revealed bụ sọ nanị Ya nwe onyinye
to petriachs and ardent seers, obiọma. Ref.
Christ by his own example sealed
Author of time and Lord of years 300.
Kgotso ya Morena, 2x
3. More wisely therefore let us walk Ya morena e be teng hara rona. X2
Sparing of food and wine and sleep E e e e e e e, x2
Over our triffles and our talk More E be teng hara rona x2
jealous be the watch we keep Kgotso ya Morena, x2
Ya Moerena e be teng hara rona x2
Kelenụ, kelenụ Chukwu 301.
Nyenu Ya onyinye ọma Konyana Konyana
Werenụ ihe ụnụ nwere ga Konyana modimo

O re hauhele konyana--------------2x 2. Ọbụ nri ọma, nri si n’igwe
O re nehe khotso konyana-------2x nri n’enye ndụ biko bịa
naranụ rie.
302. 3. Ọbụ ihe ọňụňụ, ọbara
Kristi Dinwenu, Ụkọchukwu ebebe n’enye ndụ n’ezie
na erunye achịcha na mmanya Ọbara Nwatụrụ Chukwu.
dịka Melkisedek..
4. Jesu kwuru sị, onye ọbụla
1. Dinwenu gwara nna m ukwu riri ahụ mụ ňụọ ọbara mụ
nọdụ ala n’aka nri m g’ebiri n’ime mụ, mụ ebiri n’ime
Aga m edobe ndị iro gị ya.
n’kpuru ụkwuụ Gị.
5. Ọbụ ihe oriri n’enye ndụ
2. Onyenwe anyị g’esi na Zion zite ihe ọňụňụ n’enye ndụ ebebe
Mkpọ Eze nke gị, chịba ọchịchị n’ebe ndị ji eziobi nata oriri dị asọ.
N’etiti ndị iro gị.

3. Eze site n’ụbọchị amụrụ Gị

Cantor/sop: Kulienụ ụmụnne m, k’
N’elu, tupu chi efo esiri m anyị nyenụ Chineke ezi
n’afọ m mụta gị. onyinye, were onyinye dị mma kele Ya.
4. Onyenweanyị ňụrụ iyi Ọma Ref 1: Were onyinye dị mma kele
echagharị, Ịbụ ụkọchukwu Ya, kele Chukwu. X2
ebebe dịka Melkizedelk nke ochie.
Verses: Cantor/soprano only
Ref II: Ezi Chukwu
303. Were onyinye dị mma kele Ya, kele
1. Kulitenu k’anyị jeenụ nara
Ahụ n’ọbara Kristi 1. Ya Ya kere gị Ya n’eche gị
Kulitenụ k’anyị jeenụ nara
Ahụ n’ọbara onye nweanyị. 2. n’edu gị n’ ụzọ nile. Ref II
3. Ya n’enye di, Ya n’ enye nwunye.
Chorus: Ụmụ Chineke Ref II
Kanyị jeenụ k’anyị jeenụ rie ya
4. Ya n’enye nwa , Ya n’ enye ego.
Ahụ onye nzọpụta e-rie ya
Ref II
Ụmụ Chineke k’anyị jeenụ k’anyị
jeenụ ňụọ ya ọbara Onye 5. Ya n’ enye anwụ, Ya n’ enye
Nzụputa e— ňụọ ya. mmiri. Ref II

6. Ya n’enye ọlụ, Ya n’ enye ike. Ref
7. Ya n’enye ụbụrụ na ịma akwụkwọ.
1. Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba
Ref II
yah, X3
8. Ya na-azọ gị n’ ọnya ndị iro. Ref II O Lord, kum ba yah.
9. Ya kere gị, Ya n’ eche gị. Ref II
2. Someone’s crying, Lord, kum ba
10.Ya n’edu gị n’ ụzọ nile. Ref. yah,…

305. 3. Someone’s singing, Lord, kum ba

Ku twala
Akuve ka nkulukumba
4. Someone’s praying, Lord, kum ba
Ku twala
Akuve henhla, henhla

1. A kurula kuve kone kutwala a

kuve ka nkulukumba; A misaveni-
Kwebenụ ukwe , n’etinụ mkpu ọňụ
ku twala akuve henhla henhla; Ka n’ihi na onye nọ n’etiti ụnụ bụ
lava randziweke- ku twala a kuve nnukwu Onye dị nsọ nke Israel.
ka nkulukumba; Hi xikwembu- ku
twala akuve khenhla henhla 1. N’ezie Chineke bụ onye Nzọpụta
m,enwere m nchekwube egwu
2. Nkulukumba; Bava wa ntamu agaghị atụ m, n’ihi na Dinwenu bụ
hinkwavo- Ha dzunisa- Ha Ike m, Ukwe m, Ọ bụ Onye
kutlangela- Ha ku gandzela- Ha ku Nzọpụtam, ụnụ ga-eji ọňụ kuru
twalisa- Hosi ya matilu. mmiri n’ụmị nke nzoputa.
3. Hosi yesu kriste- Mwana wa 2. Na-enyenụ Dinwenu ekele,
munwe; Wa xikwembu- Hosi n’etonu aha ya.
nkulukumba- Meenu ka ọrụ aka rute mmadụ nile
nti, na-akọwapụtanụ ka aha ya si
4. Wene u susaka; Swidjohoswa dịkwa mkpa.
misava; Hi twele wusiwana- Wene
u susaka swidjohoswa misava; 3. Bụọronụ Dinwenu abụọma, n’ihi
Yingisa a khongela ku khongela; na Ọ rụrụ ọrụ ọma, mee nu ka anụ
Ka hina Ya na uwa nile, ndị nke zion
Wene unga vokweni – La xinene la kwebenu ukwe, n’etinu mkpu ọňụ,
bava – Hi twele wusiwana.

n’ihi na onye nọ n’etiti ụnụ bụ
onye dị nsọ nke Israel.
4. Alaeze nke Israel kwebenu ukwe 1. !Khutse (x2) Khomxa da, Khomxa
otito nye Dinwenu, gosinu na ike sidare. X2
na-ebube nke Chukwu dị n’ala Khomxa da, Khomxa da, Khomxa
Israel nile, sidare.
n’ihi nkea werenu opi ike na ụbọ
akwara bụọrọ Dinwenu abụ. 2. !Xrestu (X2) Khomxa da, Khomxa
sidare. X2
5. Otito dịrị Nna na Nwa na Mụọ Khomxa da, Khomxa da, Khomxa
Nsọ, etu ọdị na mbido n’ugbua, ga- sidare.
adịgịdekwa otu a rue mgbe
ebighebi.Amen 3. !Khutse (X2) Khomxa da, Khomxa
sidare. X2
Khomxa da, Khomxa da, Khomxa
308. A sidare.
Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison
Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison
Christe eleison... 1. Kumbaya my Lord kumbaya
Kumbaya my Lord kumbaya
Kyrie eleison.... Kumbaya my Lord kumbaya
O Lord kumbaya

B Kumbaya – ya – ya
Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison Kumbaya O kumbaya
Prends pitie de nous, Kumbaya – ya – ya kumbaya O
Seigneur ecoute- nous kumbaya Kumbaya – ya – ya
kumbaya o kumbaya
Chirste eleison... O Lord kumbaya.

Kyrie eleison... 2. Someone crying Lord kumbya-

[3x] O Lord Kumbaya.
309. 3. Someone praying Lord kumbaya
Hii li ni fumbo la Imami: [3x] O Lord Kumbaya.
Kristu alikufa,
Kristu alifufuka, 4. Someone singing Lord kumbaya
Kristu atarudi tena. [3x] O Lord Kumbaya.

5. Let your love O Lord drive us
on [3x] O Lord kumbaya. 314.
Lamb of God You take away
6. Fill our hearts oh Lord with you The sins of the world (X2)
peace [3x] O Lord kumbaya Have mercy on us,
Merciful Lord (X2)
7. In your kingdom Lord, let us Lord, have mercy on us.
reign [3x] O Lord kumbaya.
…grant us Your peace,
8. Let the Spirit say kumbaya [3x] Peaceful Lord (X2)
O Lord kumbaya. Lord, grant us Your peace.

1. Kwake kwathi uMarai esabonga 315.
iNkosi Ingelosi uGabriel yeza kuye Lamb of God, X2 Who Takes Away, X2
yathi the sins of the World (X2) Have mercy,
[Yethi Marai] X2 Oh Lamb of God, X2 Have mer-cy on
us (X2)
2. Yabisith e marai unenhlanhla wena
Ngoba nakhu uzozala umsindisi Lamb of God, X2 Who Takes Away X2
uJesu the sins of the World (X2) [R]
Lamb of God, X2 Who Takes Away X2
3. Wabesethi umarai ngilalele nkosi the sins of the World (X2) Grant us
Akwenzeke kimi lokho Peace, X2 Oh Lamb Of God, X2 Grant
njengokusho kwakho Us Peace O O O Lord (X2)

4. Indodana yophezulu yehla yab

umuntu; Yab umntwana wevirigo Laudato sii, O mi Signore (X4)
[Yethi] 1. Yes be praised in all your
creatures, Brother sun and sister
moon; in the stars and in the wind,
313. air and fire and flowing water. For
Kyrie eee Eleison (x2) our sister, mother earth, She who
Kriste eee Eleison (x2) feeds us and sustains us; for her
Kyrie eee Eleison (x2)

fruits, her grass, her flowers, for alleluia! Il m’a revêtue de saintete,
the mountains and the oceans. alleluia!

2. Praise for those who spread 1. Mon esprit glorifie le tout puissant.
forgiveness those who share your Et mon ame tressaille d’allegresse.
peace with others, bearing trials Plein d’amour pour les pauvres en
and sickness bravely! Even sister Esprit. Le Seigneur s’est penché
death won’t harm them. sur sa servante.

3. For our life is but a song, 2. Desormais tous les peuples me

And the reason for our singing Loueront. J’ai donne le Sauveur a
Is to praise You for the music; notre monde. Le Seigneur m’a
Join the dance of Your creation. choisie depuis toujours. Que son
nom soit beni dans tous les siecles.
4. Praise to you, Father most Holy,
praise and thanks to You, Lord 3. Son amour va de meme chaque
Jesus, praise to You, most Holy jour. A tous ceux qui ecoutent sa
Spirit, parole. Deployant la puissance de
life and Joy of all creation! son bras Il rejette tout homme au
coeur superbe.
317. 4. Il renverse le fort et l’orgueilleux
1. Let there be love shared among us Mais il aide le faible qui l’implore.
let there be love in our eyes, Plus de soif plus de faim pour ses
May now your love sweep this amis Il les comble toujours avec
nation cause us o Lord to arise largesse.
Give us a fresh understanding
Filled with your love that is real 5. Il protege son peuple bien aimé
Let there be love shared among us D’âge en âge il lui montre sa
let there be love. tendresse. Gloire au Père a son Fils
au Saint Esprit en tout lieu en tout
2. Let there be peace shared among temps et pour les siecles.

3. Let there be joy shared among 319.

us.... 1. Lead, kindly light amid th’
encircling gloom, lead thou me on;
The night is dark, and I am far
318. from home, lead thou me on. Keep
Le seigneur m’a comblée de joie thou my feet; I do not ask to see

the distant scene; one step enough Ha ke atamela ho uena,
for me. Ke ntse ke re: Motho feela
O amohela joang Morena!
2. I was not ever thus, nor prayed that
thou, shouldst lead me on; I loved 5. Ke na le libe tse ngata
to choose and see my path; but Moea oa ka o tletse tsona;
now lead thou me on. I loved the U nthuse ho li soabela
garish day, and, spite of fears,pride Ke kopa tsoarelo ho uena.
ruled my will; remember not past
3. So long thy power hath blest me, 1. Lee m anya lee m anya na
sure it still; will lead me on, o’er mkpụrụobi.
moor and fen, o’er crag and
torrent, till, the night is gone, and Chorus: Atụkwasara m Gị obi
with the morn those angels faces Chineke, atỤkwasara m Gị
smile which I have loved long obi oge nile.
since, and lost awhile.
2. Oge nile m nọ n’ ụwa O Chineke.

320. 3. N’ oge aňụrị na afụfụ O Chineke.

1. A se le thabo kajeno 4. N’ oge m nọ na gratịa Gị O
Leha ke le moetsalibe! Chineke.
Ke tla amohela Jesu 5. N’ oge m nọ na njọ nke m O
O s’a e-tla ho ‘n ka ‘nete Chineke.
6. N’ oge arụ ike na ọya O Chineke.
/: U phakise, Oho Morena,
Ke eona takatso ea ka:/ 7. Mere m ebere n’ ihi Gị O Chineke.
8. Atụkwasara m Gị obi O Chineke.
2. Tumelo e s’e ntlisitse
Pel’a hao, oho Molopolli’ 9. A bụm nwa odibo Gị Nna O
Kahobane ke lumetse Chineke.
Pelaelo ha e eo ruri. 10.Mere m ebere n’ ihi Gị O Chineke.
11.Obi m na- aňụrị na Gị O Chineke.
3. Ka moea kea u bona,
Ke se ke u neha hlonepho; 12.Atụkwasara m Gị obi O Chineke.
Ruri kea u adora, 13.Site tata n’ oge nile O Chineke.
Ke ntse ke re: E, U Molimo.
14.Itọ n’ime ofu dị ngọzi O Chineke.
4. Joale kea thothomela

15.Ekwena k’ ihere mee m O Iwu Gị n a-atọ m ụtọ n’ ime ime
Chineke. obi mo.
16.Nye m nzọpụta Onyenwe m O
Chineke. 323.
17.Mee ka m nweta ndụ ebebe O 1. Let us break bread together at the
Chineke. altar, Break bread together we are
18.Site n’ aha Nwa Gị Jesu O one for when we are together
Chineke. Christ is with us,
break bread together for we are
19.Zọpụta m na ajọ ihe nke ụwa O one.
20.Nụrụ arịrịọ nke nwa Gị O Chineke. 2. Let us drink wine together at the
21.Mere m ebere n’ ihi Gị O Chineke. altar, drink wine together we are
one for when we are together
Christ is with us
322. Drink wine together for we are
Lee m, lee m Dinwenu
Abịara m ime uche Gị. 3. Let us offer together gifts at the
altar, offer together we are one for
1. Echere m, echere m Dinwenu when we are together
O were hulata ala n’ ebe m nọ Christ is with us offer together for
nụ mkpu akwa m, O tinyere ukwe we are one.
ọhụrụ n’ ọnụ m, otito nke Chukwu
anyị. 4. Let us join hands together at the
altar join hands together we are
2. Ekwupụtago m ikpe nkwụmọtọ Gị, one for when we are together
n’ ihu nnukwu ọgbakọba, onweghị Christ is with us
mgbe m mechiri ọnụ m, Ị ma nkea, Join hands together for we are one
O Dinwenu.
5. Let us love one another at the altar,
3. Ị naghị ayọ aja ma ọbụ ihe nhunye, love one another we are one for
kama ntị gho oghe, Ị naghị ayọ aja when we are together
nsuruọkụ na ihe nchụ aja, kama lee Christ is with us, love one another
m. for we are one.
4. N’ ime akwụkwọ e dere na m tosiri
ima ihu Gị, Chineke mo 324.
1. Let us break bread together on our All we seek is love and grace
knees let us break bread together These we know you have prepared.
on our knees They are enough for us.
When I fall on my knees with my
face to the rising sun
Oh Lord have mercy on me. 326.
1. Let us with a gladsome mind
2. Let us drink wine together… Praise the Lord for he is kind
For his mercies shall endure
3. Let us praise God together… Ever faithful, ever sure

2. Let blaze his praise abroad

325. For of gods He is God.
1. Let us bring our gifts to God, For his mercies shall endure
Let us offer bread and wine
They are symbols of ourselves
Our work, our life 327.
In a moment’s mystery 1. Let your living waters flow over
Christ’s Body and Blood they’ll be my soul, let your Holy Spirit come
So will we share His love. and take control, of every situation
that has troubled my mind, all my
7. Christ the Lord our offering cares and burdens unto you I roll.
Christ the Lord our sacrifice.
Christ the Lord our common meal, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Present here today. Father, Father, Father
Christ the Lord our mighty friend, Spirit, Spirit, Spirit.
When will we ever learn?
2. Come down Holy Spirit and take
8. Take O! Lord, our offering control, hold me in your loving
Take all our freedom. arms and make me whole; wipe
Take our understanding too away my doubts and fear and take
And all our will. my pride, draw me to your love
Everything we have and hold and keep me by your side.
Comes from your blessed hands.
Accept them back from us. 3. Give your life to Jesus let Him
save your soul, let Him take you in
2. Now that they are yours, O! Lord his arms and make you whole; as
Each and every single one. Use you give your life to Him, he’ll set
them as You please, O! Lord And you free, you will live and reign
when you want. with Him eternally.

Ea tafole ea ea morena
3. Let your living water flow over my
soul, let your Holy Spirit come and 2. Ke ne kere ke saikela
take control, ofevery situation that Ka tse jeoang ke lefatse
Has troubled my mind, all my Me ntate ke ne ke tlohela
cares and burden unto you I roll. Uena sejo ssa baeti

3. Pelo ea ka ene e hlora

328. E sa kholoe ka matsatsi
1. Lift up your heart to the Lord Jonna ke sa tsabe morena
In praise of his mercy Lijo tsa hao tsa mokete
Sing out your joy to the Lord
His love is enduring 4. Hangata mefokoloeaka
E na e nkimela ke ile
2. Shout with joy to the Lord all the Atghe e ne e ka tla fela
earth praise the glory of his name Maotong a motselisi
say to God how wondrous your
works 5. Ke ne ke le nku e balehang
How glorious your name Pel’a molisa e motle
Kajeno ke nku e mamelang
3. Let the earth worship singing your Lentsoe la hae le monate
praise praise the glory of your
name come and see the deed of the 6. U nkalose ke shoele botleng
Lord come worship his name Ke bolokile bohloeki
Me ke tle ke phomole khanyeng
4. At his touch the dry land did Ka lapeng la paradise
appear paths were opened in the
sea let the earth rejoice in the sea
let the earth rejoice in his might the 330.
might of his love Light of Christ light our way ,
light our ways as we go.
5. Listen now all you servants of God
as I tell of his great works 1. The Lord is my light and my
Blessed be the Lord of my life salvation, whom shall I fear?
His love shall endure
2. The Lord is the stronghold of my
329. life of whom shall I be afraid?
1. Lillo tsa ka lise li thotse
Khotso e boetse honna 3. He will hide me under
E saleke utloa menate the cover of his wings,

He will set me high on a rock.
6. May he Lord who dwells on high
4. And I shall dwell in the house of give joy to you, and may he protect
the Lord, all the days of my life. you all your life.

5. The Lord is a lamp unto my feet 7. May the sight of many sons delight
He is a light to my path. your heart; may God grant his
peace to Israel.
6. His light shall break forth like the
dawn, arise for his light has come.

331. 332.
Like olive branches around the 1. Like the stars in the sky,
table of the Lord; So God’s like the waves in the sea,
children in the Church You are timeless
and ageless and free.
Ant. 2: May the God of Israel join
you in one; in joy and in sorrow the Take me now Lord my God;
Lord is your way. take my heart, take my mind,
Take my body and soul;
1. Blessed those who fear the Lord Make me free.
who seek his path, for they shall
find favour in his sight. 2. You are good, You are truth,
You are Lord for all times,
2. Blessed be the toil of hands, they You are Lord for all men,You are
shall bear fruits, in joy and in mine.
gladness shall you work.
3. Send your Spirit of love,
3. With good fortune in your home like a wind blowing free,
shall you be blessed, your wife let Him fill every corner of me.
shall be like a fruitful vine.
4. Lord I come now with praise,
4. Blessed shall your children be Lord I come to you free,
around your board Like strong for You’ve given your Spirit to me.
olive branches shall they stand.

5. Blest indeed, shall be the man,

who serves the Lord for he shall 1. Long time ago in Bethlehem
prevail throughout his life. So the Holy Bible says,

Mary’s boy child Jesus Christ, 3. Forgive us Father; hear our prayer,
Was born on Christmas day. we would walk with you anywhere.
Through the suff’ring, with
Hark now hear the angels sing, A forgiveness; take your life into the
new King was born today, world.
And man will live for evermore,
Because of Christmas Day.
2. While shepherds watched their Lord by your Cross and Resurrection you
flocks by night They heard a choir have set us free.
sing, the music seemed to come You are the Saviour of the world.
from afar.
3. Now Joseph and his wife Mary, 1. Lord, dismiss us with your
came to Bethlehem that night, she blessing; fill our hearts with joy
found no place to bear her child. and peace; let us each, your love
Not a single room was in sight. possessing,
Triumph in redeeming grace:
4. By and by they found a little nook, O refresh us, O refresh us;
In a stable all forlorn, as we work to keep a peace.
And in a manger cold and dark,
Mary’s little boy was born. 2. Thanks we give and adoration
for your Gospel's joyful sound;
may the fruits of this communion
334. in our hearts and lives abound;
1. Look around you, can you see? ever faithful, ever faithful to the
Times are troubled, people grieve. truth may we be found.
See the violence, feel the hardness;
all my people, weep with me. 3. So that when your love shall call
us ,Saviour from the world away,
Kyrie eleison, let no fear of death upset us, glad
Christe eleison, summons to obey;
Kyrie eleison. may we ever, may we ever,
in your loving presence stay.
2. Walk among them, I’ll go with you, Amen.
reach out to them with my hands.
Suffer with me, and together we will
serve them, help them stand.

1. Lord for tomorrow and its needs I Lord I’ve come to know the
do not pray; keep me, my God, weakness I see in me will be
from stain of sin, stripped away by the power of
Just for today your love.

2. Let me both diligently work Hold me close let your love

and duly pray, let me be kind in surrounds me, bring me near,
word and deed draw
Just for today. me to your side and as I wait I’ll
rise up like an eagle and I will
3. Let me be slow to do my will soar
prompt to obey, help me to mortify with you your spirit leads me on
my flesh by the power of your love.
Just for today.
2. Lord unveil my eyes let me see
4. Let me no wrong or idle word your face the knowledge of your
unthinking say; set thou a seal love as you live in me. Lord
upon my lips renew my mind as your will
Just for today unfolds in my life in living
everyday by the power of your
5. Let me in season, Lord, be grave, love.
in season gay; let me be faithful to
thy grace
Just for today. 339.
1. Lord I lift Your name on high.
6. And if today my tide of life Lord I long to sing Your praises. I
should ebb away, give me thy am so glad You’re in my life. I am
sacraments divine so glad You came to save us.
Sweet Lord, today.
You came from heaven to earth
7. So, for tomorrow and its needs to show us the way.
I do not pray but keep me, guide From the earth to the cross,
me love me Lord, my debts to pay.
Just for today. From the cross to the grave,
from the grave to the sky;
Lord I lift your name on high.
1. Lord I come to you let my heart be
changed renewed, flowing from 340.
the grace, that I found in you. 1. Lord Jesus, think on me,

and purge away my sins; 2. May our souls be pure and spotless
from earthborn passions set me as the host of wheat so fine may all
free, and make me pure within. stain of sin be crushed out like the
grape that forms the wine as we
2. Lord Jesus, think on me, too become partakers In this
with care and woe oppressed sacrifice divine
let me thy loving servant be,
and test thy promised rest. 3. Take our gift Almight Father
Living God eternal true
3. Lord Jesus, think on me Which we give through Christ our
amid the battle’s strife; Savior pleading here for us anew
in all my pain and misery grant salvation to all present and
be thou my health and life. our faith and love renew

4. Lord Jesus, think on me,

nor let me go astray; 342.
through darkness and perplexity 1. Lord my Saviour and my Shepherd
point thou the heavenly way. what You give, life’s way for me
I to Thee my heart surrender,
5. Lord Jesus, think on me, I will follow only Thee.
when flows the tempest high: Follow Thee (X4)
when on doth rush the enemy I to Thee my heart surrender,
Saviour, be thou nigh. I will follow only Thee.

6. Lord Jesus, think on me, 2. Thou alone my sun in gladness, I

that, when the flood is past, despair my comfort be when I see
I may the eternal brightness see, Thy sacred footprints, O, then I
and share thy joy at last. would follow Thee.
3. Consecrate me, to Thy service,
341. Do as Thou did promise me
1. Lord accept the gift we offer Walk before me, greatest Master,
At this Eucharistic feast Gladly I will follow Thee.
Bread and wine to be transformed
4. Guide me through the vale of
now; Through the action of thy
sorrow, true and watchful let me be
to the marriage feast in heaven, let
Take us too Lord and transform us
me gladly follow Thee.
Be thy grace in us increase

And I love you, yes I love you
343. because you first loved me.
1. Lord the light of your love is
shining, in the midst of the
darkness shining; Jesus, light of
the world shine upon us, set us free 345.
by the truth you now bring us, 1. Lord you have come to the lake
shine on me, shine on me. side seeking neither wealthy nor
wise folk
Shine, Jesus shine, fill this land You only ask, Lord, that I should
with the Father’s glory; blaze, love you
Spirit blaze, set our hearts on fire.
Flow, river flow, flood the nations With love you ave look in my eyes,
with grace and mercy; send forth Lord, smiling gently you called me
your word, Lord and let there be by name; and I left my boat by the
light. lakeside, now with you I will seek
other shores.
2. Lord, I come to your awesome
presence, from the shadows into 2. Lord you well know that I carry in
your radiance; by the blood I may my boat no treasure nor weapon I
enter your brightness, search me, bring you only my willing labour
try me, consume all my darkness,
shine on me, shine on me. 3. Lord, you have need of my hands;
I shall labour that others may rest;
3. As we gaze on your Kingly and from my love, Lord, may
brightness, so our faces display others love you.
your likeness; ever changing from
glory to glory, mirrowed here may 4. Lord, other seas call me onward;
our lives tell your story, shine on hope eternal for hearts that are
me, shine on me. searching; and love will bind us as
friends for ever.

1. Lord, you are so precious to me. 346.
Lord, you are so precious to me. Lord have mercy
And I love you, yes I love you Lord have mercy, on your servants
because you first loved me. Lord have mercy
God Almighty, just and faithful
2. Lord, you are so gracious to me. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy
Lord, you are so gracious to me.

Christ have mercy Daily lift life heaven-ward. Asking
Christ have mercy that the world around us Share
Gift from heaven Christ have mercy Your children’s liberty;
Light of truth, and light of justice, With the Spirit’s gifts empow’r us
Christ have mercy for the work of ministry.
Christ have mercy
4. Lord, You show us love’s true
Lord have mercy measure: “Father, what they do,
Lord have mercy on your servants, forgive”. Yet we hoard as private
Lord have mercy treasure all that You so freely give.
God almighty just and faithful May Your care and mercy lead us
Lord have mercy, lord have mercy to a just society;
With the Spirit’s gifts empow’r us
for the work of ministry.

347. 5. Lord, You bless with words

assuring: “I am with you to the
1. Lord, You give the great end.” Faith and hope and love
commission heal the sick and restoring may we serve as You
preach the word. Lest the Church intend. And, amid the cares that
neglect its mission claim us, hold in mind eternity;
And the Gospel go unheard. with the Spirit’s gifts empow’r us
Help us witness to Your purpose. for the work of ministry.
With renewed intergrity; with the
Spirit’s gifts empow’r us
For the work of ministry. 348.
Louez Dieu tous les peuples (X2)
2. Lord, You call us to Your service: Chantez sa grande gloire (X2)
“In my name baptise and teach.” Oui, notre Dieu nous aime,
That the world may trust Your Son amour est fidèle.
promise Life abundant meant for
each, Chantez le seigneur par les hymnes,
Give us all new fervour, draw us Car il a fait des merveilles,
Closer now in unity; Chantez le seigneur, terre entière.
With the Spirit’s gifts empow’r us
for the work of ministry. Il a rèvélé sa justice
Il a montré sa puissanse,
3. Lord, You make the common holy: Aux peuples de toute la terre.
“This my Body, this my Blood.”
Let us all, for earth’s true glory,

bise a wa yean yem mod aken ya
349. mo moe
1. Lumela me ea hlokileng -mimkoe bidi mindzuk miamoo
Re amohela ka mosa Mazu wav e nnon o a Tara o madin
Re dile ka aletareng wa
Ho inhela ho uena
3. Onga kome ndon etam
Laudate laudate laudate mariam etam ehah, wayean
Laudate laudate laudate mariam ke ai esie Te osu

2. Ka nqa tsothle se teng sera 4. Edzom mene bo egnin dzam o

Se ratang ho re bolea Ehah ma bo dzo amu madding wa
Maotong ho re bolea eh a
Maotong a ha o a matla
Sebatana see sea sho

3. Flaking ea hao rona bohle

Re loanela ka matsatsi 351.
Re tloheste tsa lefatse Majesty, worship His majesty;
Ke eona he, ntoa ea nete Unto Jesus be glory, honour and
praise. Majesty, kingdom, authority,
4. Tlong bana ba tsepehileng Flows from His throne unto His own,
Le tle ho na me se tsabeng His anthem raise. So exalt, lift upon high,
Hoba ke m’a lona bohle the name of Jesus,
Me ke se ke le ratile Magnify, come glorify,
Christ Jesus the King.
5. A re eeng hlopha se setle Majesty, worship His majesty,
Relateleng flaking ena Jesus who died, now glorified,
Mofumahali e motle King of all kings.
re isa ho morena
350. Mama Maria mama ee mama [2x]
1. Ma din wa a tar anti madin Mama utuombee [2x]
wa abui ndo mazu wa fa oo
Minkoe bidi mindzuk miam o 1. Mama Maria mulinzi wa wana:
mazu wa ve nnon o a tara o madin Mama utuombee [2x]
wa [Eee mama]

2. W’onga kom ma a nti

2. Mama Maria mchungaji wa wana: 1. O mae por nos rogai. E a todos
Mama utuombee [2x] abencoai.
[eee mama]
2. Ave cheia de fe. E bendita entre as
3. Mama maria muombezi wa wana mulheres.
Mama utuombee [2x] [eee mama]
3. Santa e mae de Deus. Olhai os
filhos seus.
Mambo tiitirenyi unyaxa (2x)
Mambo tiitirenyi unyaxa. 357.
Tiitirenyi unyaxa (2x) . 1. Maria mandla ami
Ake ungiqinise
Cristo tiitirenyi unyaxa (2x) Ngibambelele kuyo
Cristi tiitirenyi unyaxa Indlela yokulunga
Tiitirenyi unyaxa (2x).
Umphefumulo wami
Mambo….. Wubheke uwulonde
Ungaze ungcoliswa
Isono esinzima.
Mambo, mambo itisu vana venyu 2. Maria mandla ami
takaphosa komuri mutisunyungurevo x2 Ake ungivekele
La ngivelelw’ingozi
Kristo, kristo …..x2 Yomphefumulo wami

Manbo, manbo….. x2 3. Maria themba lami

Ake ungicelele
355. Endodaneni yakho
Inhlanhla yaphakade
Maria, Maria,
Thatha naz’ izipho zethu (X2)
Thath’ inhliziyo nothando lwethu 358.
Sizinikela kuKristo ngawe. 1. Maria ya bokgabane,
Maria, Maria thatha naz’ izipho zethu. Re ya o dumedisa,
O tletse lineho tsohle, tsa
356. Morena modimo
Maria e Jesus, Jesus e Maria. x2 2. A re bineneng hammoho hle
Dithoko tsa Maria

Re hlonepheng, re rapele
Mofomahadi wa rona 360.
Mary we greet thee,
3. Morena o na le wena Mother and queen all merciful,
Ka mehla le kahohle. Our life our sweetness
Ruri o lehlohonolo, And our hope we hail thee.
Hara basadi bohle. To thee, we exiles,
Children of Eve,
4. Ya tswetsweng popelong ya hao, Lift our crying,
Jesu Mora Modimo To thee we send our sighs
Le Yena ke ngwana wa hao As mourning and weeping
Ya leng lehlohonolo. We pass through this valley of sorrow.
Hasten then we pray,
5. Maria ya halalelang, O our intercessor,
Mma modimo wa rona. Look with pity
U rapelle ba fokolang, With eyes of love compassionate,
Jwale le ha re falla. Upon us sinners.
And after when this earthly exile
Shall be ended
359. Show us thy womb’s most
Ma……ry, Ma……ry, dearest sweet, blessed fruit, thy Jesus,
Mary X2 O Clement! O Loving!
Queen of all Saints, Queen of my heart, O most sweet Virgin Mary.
Immaculate Mary X2
Mother so gentle, mother so loving
Mother of God Mary X2 361.
O! Mary conceived without sin, pray for 1. Masibulele kuYesu, ngokuba
us who have recourse to Thee X3 wasifela. Wasenzela izibele,
Queen of all Saints, Queen of my heart, ngokusifela kwakhe. Tarhu, Bawo!
Immaculate Mary X2 Tawu, Bawo! Yiba nofefe kuthi.
Ma……ry, Ma……ry, dearest sweet,
Mary X2 2. Thina bantwana beemfana, oweza
Queen of all Saints, Queen of my heart, kuthi apha. Akwakhetha bala
Immaculate Mary X2 lamntu, wafela zonk’ iimfama.
Mother so gentle, mother so loving Tarhu, Bawo! Tawu, Bawo! Yiba
Mother of God Mary X2 nofefe kuthi.
Queen of all Saints, Queen of my heart,
Immaculate Mary X2 Virgin, Mary 3. AbaNtsundu nabamhlophe,
mababulele kunye. Mabavakalise
bonke, baculele iNkosi. Tarhu,

Bawo! Tawu, Bawo! Yiba nofefe Mazu a tara nnon ibim mazu wav
kuthi. e bi engongo

2. Eyon magnii a nda dzoe tara me so

362. ma zu wa yen a nti ne mezu wav e
1. Masihambe nabelusi, siyombonga bifao engongo [a tara e]
uMsindisi. Ozalelw’
eBethlehema, 3. Mindzuk ya si mu mialot me nkon
oyiNkosi yethu. veda mazu wa yean a nti ne mezu
wav e bifao engongo
2. Masicule nengelosi, simdumis’
osemkhobheni. Siyibonge
leyongane, ezalelwe thina. 365.
Masihambe namakhosi, sinikele 1. Mbuye Yesu ndi zingwe zija ii
kanye nawo. Konk’ okuhle pepanitu, Ndani nanga namanga
esinakho, kuyo leyongane. Inu ii pepanitu.

3. Masibonge njengoNina, noJosefa Ine, ine ndemwe pakuchimwa (x2)

uMondli wayo. Siyithande Mbuye Yesu ii pepanitu.
engumthandi wethu. 2. Mbuye Yesu pankhope yanu...
Ndani nanga nalavula...
4. Inhliziyo zethu zonke, sizinika
wena Jesu. Zamukele zib’ ezakho, 3. Mbuye Yesu ndi misomali...
zikuthande njalo. Ndani manja naboola...

5. Sibusise ngane enhle, usihlab’ 4. Mbuye Yesu thupi loyera...

inhlanhla sonke. Usilonde Jesu Ndani nanga nakwapula...
wethu, ngobubele bakho. 5. Mbuye Yesu paphewa panu...
Ndani mtanda nasenzetsa...
Masithi Amen, siyakudumisa! (X2)
Masithi Amen Baba, Amen Baba,
1. Me chamaste para caminhar na
Amen siyakudumisa. vida contigo. Decide para sempre
seguir-te e não voltar atrás. Me
364. puseste uma brasa no peito uma
flecha na alma. E dificil agora
1. Mazu a tara mazu wo ve bifao
viver sem lembrar-me de ti.

enyo azu adzo nti o,
Te amarei, senhor. Te amarei, olugu abo ai nya o
senhor. Eu so encontro a paz e a nti zamba ya minkud.
alegria bem perto de ti.
Hozana x2
2. Eu pensei muitas vezes calar e não mfumfub one he wa o
dar nem resposta. Eu pensei na Hozana x2
fuga esconder-me, ir longe de ti. a nti zamba ya minkud.
Mas tua forca venceu-me e ao final
eu fiquei seduzido. E dificil agora
viver sem saudades de ti. 370.
1. Mfumo hipwele wusiwana
3. O Jesus nao me deixeies jamais Mfumo(2x) Mfumo hipwele
caminhar solitario; Pois conheces a wusiwana
minha fraqueza e o meu
coracao…..; Vem, ensinar-me a Higohile Mfumo Mfumo Mfumo
viver a vida na tua presenca; No Higohile Mfumo Hipuele Wusiwana(3x)
amor aos irmaos,na alegria, na paz
e na uniao. 2. Cristo hipwele wusiwana
Cristo (2x), hipwele wusiwana

3. Higohile,Cristo,CristoCristo
367. Higohile cristo hipwele
Messiah is the King of King wusiwana(3x)
Messiah is the Lord of Lord (x2)
Alleluia Alleluia (x2)
Mfumu Yezu ngeye luzingu
368. Na mbundana beto tambula a a.
Mfumfub etam one he wa
dzom nen ene afe he wa 1. Mfumu Yezu nge madia (nge
he dzom efe ene Fulan ai wa madia) madia ya luzingu ya
a nti zamba ya minkud. (bakristu) Beto tambula a a.

1. A nti zamba ya minkud 2. Mfumu Yesu nge masa (nge masa)

yob ai si bia lugu wao, Masa ya luzingu ya (bakristu) Beto
bitaman ntomba wo e tambula a a.
ai nti zamba ya minkud.

2. Olugu abo ai nya o

3. Mfumu Yesu nge nzila (nge nzila) 15.In the Spirit I believe….. Ref
nzila ya luzingu ya (bakristu) Beto 16.Lord verifier of all…. Ref
tambula a a.
17.With the Father and the Son
4. Mfumu Yesu nge kielo (nge kielo) 18.He is adored and glorified
kielo ya lupangu ya (mameme)
19.I believe in Holy Church
Beto tambula a a.
20.And one baptism p0rofessed
5. Mfumu Yesu ngungudi (ngungudi) 21.I shall see him there in Heaven
Ngungudi mamene ya (lupangu)
Beto tambula a a. 22.Living in the world to come
23.Amen Amen A—men Amen.
6. Mfumu Yesu masonga (masonga)
Songa nzila na beto (bakristu) Beto
landana a a. 373.
Mimo mimo mimo O- lu-wa
372. O-lu-run ala-gbara-nla mimo mimo
Mi-mo o-lu-wa
1. Mighty Father I believe…. O-lo-run alagbara ndi---
Ref. Oh! Yes Lord I believe Sop: Aye a-ti o-run kun fun I yinre
2. You created Heaven and Earth Ho—ssa-na lo-ke o-run
All: ayea-ti o-run kun fun iyinre- Ho-ssa-
3. I believe in Jesus Christ… Ref na, Ho-ssa-na lo-ke o-run
4. Everlasting Son of God
Sop: Ala-bukunnifun e-nitowa ni o-ru ko
5. Equal in the Father’s power
O-lu-wa Ho-ssa-na loke o-run
6. And through him all things were All: a-la-bu-kunni fun enito-wa ni o-ru-
made… Ref ko o-lu-wa ho-ssa-na ho-ssa-na lo-ke o-
7. It was He who save us all run
Ola mmiri. Obi mgbalielu
8. And from Heaven came to earth
9. Of the Virgin Mary born… Ref
10.By the Spirit world made flesh
1. Minha alma da glorias ao senhor;
11.Suffer death was crucified Meu coracao bate alegre e feliz
12.And He rose up from the dead Olhou para mim com tanto amor
Quem escolheu, me elegeu e me
13.He ascended into Heaven quis
14.And His kingdom has no end

E de hoje em diante ja posso
prever Todos os povos vao me 376.
bendizer O poderoso lembro-se de [Intro:]Mma mma e.. mma mma e
mim Santo e o seu nome sem fim Mma mma e.. mma mma mma
mma e..X2
2. E quando os povos aceitam a lei
passam de pai para filho seu dom Sop/alt: Kelee Chineke jaa Ya mma
das geracoes ele e mais do que rei All: Ekele Ị di mma e, Onyekerụwa
minha alma da glorias.... Onyeọma Onyeọma Onyeọma . X2
Aos nosso pais Ele um dia jurou
ele e fiel e jamais se enganou 1. Soro m tobe Ya tobenu Chineke
estamos perto de era do AMOR kekele dịrị Gị Nna, I meela.
bendito seja o senhor.
2. K’anyị jaa Ya mma bunye Ya
onyinye anyị ekele Gi Nna, I
375. meela.
1. Minha vida tem sentido cada vez
que eu venho aqui ; 3. Anyị g’eji gịnị kele Gị Ezebube k’
E te faco meu pedido, de nao me Ị bụ otito na nsọpụrụ dịrị Gị Eze
esquecer de ti. daalụ.
Meu amor e como este pao, que
era trigo, que alguem plantou ; 4. Naara onyinye ụmụ Gị n’enye Gị
Depois colheu, e depois tornou-se naara aja anyị n’achunyere Gị.
salvacao, e deu mais vida, e
alimentou o povomeu. 5. Onyinye nwaanyị ajadu k’anyị
n’bunye gị, nara Ya ma gọzikwaa
Eu te ofereco este pao, anyị.
Eu te ofereco meu amor

2. Minha vida tem sentido, cada vez 377.

que eu venho aqui ; 1. Mimi nina sikia
E te faco meu pedido, de nao me Ee, sauti ya Bwana,
esquecer de ti. Ee, e Mungu wangu X2
Meu amor e como este vinho, que Alleluia! X3
era fruto, que alguem plantou,
depois colheu 2. Sauti ya Bwana
E depois encheu-se de carinho e Inaleta Uzima
deu mais vida, e saciou o povo Ee, e Mungu wangu X2
meu. Alleluia! X3

3. Mafundito ya bwana... But thou art simply God.

4. How wonderful creation is,

378. The work that thou didst bless
Morena re hauhele and oh, what then must thou be
Khriste re hauhele like, eternal loveliness!
Morena re hauhele
5. Most Ancient of all mysteries
379 Still at thy throne we lie
Have mercy now most merciful
Morena morena Most Holy Trinity.
U re hauheoe Ure hauhele 3x
Kriste Kriste Ure hauhele 2x
Morena morena u re hauhele U re 382.
hauhele 4x Munzo Allah ubanmu, Munzo Yesu
mai ceto, Munzo ruhu mai tsarki, mu
380. yima ka sujada, $(karbe mu) karbe
mu Allah mu, (cece mu) cece mu
Morena O tseba mathata a rona x2 Yesu mu; (tsarkake mu) tsarkake mu
Morena O tseba le tseo re dihlokang Ruhu mai tsarki; mu zama tsarka ku X2

381. 1. Munzo cikin haikahin Allah,

bariyazu muyi waka, mu yabi
1. Most ancient of all mysteries, Ubangiji mu kuma bautama sa
Before thy throne we lie sasai.
Have mercy now, most merciful
Most Holy Trinity 2. Allah mu mai tausayine
munzo, mu yi aduar mu roki
Most holy, Most holy, holy,holy, albarkunsa mara iyaka.
holy, Most Holy Trinity
3. Ya Allah ka albarkace mu yiyanko
2. When heaven and earth were yet sa'an da mu bautama ka, acikin
unmade; When time was yet haikalinka ka kuma cece mu daga
unknown. Thou in thy bliss and ko wane mugu.
majesty, didst live and love alone.

3. Thou wert not born, there was no 383.

fount; From which thy being Mvana ka thixo
flowed, there is no end which thou Esusizonino zelizwe
can’st reach Yiba nenceba x3

Mvana ka thixo 387.
Esusizizono zelizwe Mwana ngodo wamungu baba uturumiye
Yiba nenceba x3 2x
Mwana ngodo wa mungu baba a a
Mvana ka thixo Wamungu baba uturumiye [2x]
Esusizozono zelizwe
Siphe uxolo x3 Mwana ngondo waMungu baba tupe
amani 2x
Mwana ngondo Wamungu baba a a
384. WaMungu baba tupe amani.
Mvana ka thixo!!
Mvana ka thixo ee sus’izono ze-lizwe x2
Yiba nenceba!! Yiba nenceba x3. (X2) 388.
B: Mwa Mpata ya Nzambe Tata x2
Siphe uXolo!! Siphe uXolo x3
C: Mwana Mpata y’okolongola masumu
ma nse x2
Yoka biso mawa a a a a a a
Yoka biso mwa e e e e e e
385. Yoka biso mwa
Mvana kaNkulunkulu
wen’ osus’ izono zomhlaba. B: y’okolongola masumu ma nse x2
Sihawukele (2) Mwa mpata Nzambe yoka Mawa

Mvana kaNkulunkulu C: Yoka biso

wen’ osus’ izono zomhlaba.
Siphe uxolo. 3 Pesa bo boto o o o o o o
Pesa bo boto e e e e e e e
386. Pesa bo boto
Mvana kaNkulunkulu 2x wena osusa
izono So mhlaba 2x sihaukele 2x 389.
1. My gees, my siel , my liggam – wy
Mvana kaNkulunkulu 2x wena osusa ek aan U, o Heer. Ek lê myself vir
izono, Zo mhlaba 2x sihakele2x ewig voor U as offer neer.

Mvana kaNkulunkulu 2x wena osusa

izono; Zo mhlaba 2x siphe uxolo ‘k lê alles op die altaar, stil wagtend
op die vuur. Wagtend, wagtend,

wagtend. Ja, wagtend op die vuur.
2. Wil in U groot erbarming, my 1. My Lord, he died for a kingdom,
liefd’ ryk gadeslaan! To redeem the hearts of men, now
Al is ‘k voor U verwerplik – Heer , my people don’t you weep He has
neem my offer aan. risen from his sleep, He lives
again, Alleluia.
3. U het ons onder smarte – eens met
U bloed gekoop. Sing alleluia, the Lord
U wil van vanuit die hemel – Has risen, he is risen indeed
heilig vuur ons doop. Alleluia.

2. My Lord came forth like the

390. morning, with the splendour of the
1. My God loves me, sun; came triumphant from the
His love will never end. womb, from the darkness of the
He rests within my heart, tomb the victory won, Alleluia.
For my God loves me.
3. My Lord united our mountains
2. His gentle hand, With the everlasting hills
He stretches over me. Now the seasons and the sea
Though storm clouds threatens the sing his song of victory
day, He will set me free. rocks and hills, alleluia.

3. He comes to me, 4. My Lord renewed all creation,

In sharing bread and wine. that had waited late and long.
He brings me life that will reach, Now we all with one accord live
Past the end of time. and love the Risen Lord.
This is our song alleluia.
4. My God loves me,
His faithful love endures.
And I will live like a child, 392.
Held in love secure. 1. My loving Jesus
Welcome in my heart
5. The joys of love, Thank you for coming
As offerings now we bring. Be my light
The pains of love will be lost,
In the praise we sing. 2. My loving Saviour
I’m glad to know that
You’re much present

In my life 5. Israel, put all your hope in God,
place your trust in Him, now and
3. Oh my gentle friend evermore.
You are dear to me
Unite my heart with thine
Let us be one 394.
1. My soul, my soul glorifies the
4. Oh the Lamb of God Lord
You laid down your life My spirit rejoices in God
Just because of me He looks on me, servant of the
I worship you Lord and promises the Son of
5. To You all glory
Honour and power The Son of God, Jesus His name
Adoration He promises the Son of God
And thanksgiving As king He will reign to the end of
time as the Son of the Most High
God (DC)
My soul is longing for your peace 2. In time to come, blessed I ‘ll
near to you my God. become a miracle happens to me
and all mankind, each and
1. Lord you know that my heart is not ev’ryone will know about my Son
proud. And my eyes are not lifted to be…
from the earth.
3. From age to age mercy he will
2. Lofty thoughts have never filled show on those who are ready to
my mind. Far beyond the sight all give no place for pride, but we’ll
ambitious deeds. always know He’ll be the first one
to forgive…
3. In your peace I have maintained
my soul; I have kept my soul in 4. The Father, Son, Holy Spirit too
your quiet peace. we praise you as never before, we
praise you now with a love that’s
4. As a child, rests on his mother’s true and promise to for evermore…
knee, so I place my soul in your
loving care.
1. Mulemekezedwe Hostia wa moyo
Momwe Yesu Khristu abisalamo.

Moni Yesu mu Ukaristia Mwana
wa Mulungu ndi wa Maria. 397.
1. Mulungu wathu wopatsa chifukwa
2. Mulemekezedwe mtengo wa moyo amatikonda tiyenera
woyeretsa mzimu ndi thupi lomwe. kumthokoza.

3. Mulemekezedwe momboli wathu Tiyenera kumthokoza (X2)

kankhosa ka nsembe kotiombola. Chorus B:
Amen amen amen amen
4. Mulemekezedwe Mtengo wa moyo
Nsembe yotipatsa moyo wosatha. 2. Ndi mwa thupi ndi mwa mzimu,
sitingankhale ndi chinthu
5. Mulemekezedwe Mlungu ndi chosadzera kwa Mulungu.
Munthu wansembe wamkulu ndi
nkhoswe yathu. 3. Mudalenga tonse ndithu, lero
otisunga ndinu simudzatimana
396. kanthu.
1. Mulungu anati kwa ife 4. Yesu adatiombola, adatifera
musavutikedi pamtanda. Tiyenera
Kuti tidzadya chiyani? kumthokoza.
Ndipo tivalenji?

Tiyeni tinene za iye ngakhale ena 398.

sanena tinene za iye x2 1. Musandipitilire, Mulungu
Ndine kapolo wanu M’mene
2. Koma moyo ndi chakudya muyitana ena Muyitanenso ine.
upambana ndi moyo.
Ndipo thupi ndi zovala Mbuye Tate oh ndine kapolo wanu
lipambana ndi thupi. m’mene muyitana ena
muyitanenso ine.
3. Tisavutike ndi zina za m’dziko la
pansi, Atate athu adziwa zomwe 2. Ine ndiri ndi njala yotumikira
tizisowa. Mulungu kuti ndikalalike uthenga
wanu Ambuye.
4. Mbalame za mlengalenga
Zinena za iye
Ngakhale izo sizinena 399.
Zinena za iye Mwari Musande

All: M’sande M’sande M’sande Mwari
Samatenga x2 6. My sins were deeper that the
Ocean,O! When the Lord
All: Denga napasi zvizere nembiri sanctified me. (X2)
Denga napasi zvizere nembiri yenyu
Zvizere nembiri.
Ngaarumbidzwe ari kumusoro-soro 1. My souls now glorifies
Ngaarumbidzwe Samutumwa The Lord who is my Saviour,
waMamboNgaarumbidzwe Rejoice for who am I
That God has shown me favour.
Ngaarumbidzwe Samutumwa waMwari,
Ngaarumbidzwe Mwari Mambo 2. The world shall call me blessed
Ngaarumbidzwe Samutumwa waMambo. And ponder on my story,
In me is manifest
God’s greatness and His glory.
Mwene, mwene 3. For those who are His friends
Mwene tu sil’ Oshenda (X2) And keep His laws as holy,
His mercy never ends
Kristus, Kristus And He exalts the lowly.
Khrisus tu sil’Oshenda (X2)
4. But by His power the great
Mwene, mwene The proud, the self-conceited,
Khristus tu sil’ Oshenda (X2) The king who sits in state
Are humbled and defeated.
401. 5. He feeds the starving poor
1. My sins were higher than the He guards His holy nation,
Mountains, O! When the Lord Fulfilling what he swore
sanctified me. (X2) Long since in revelation.

Singing Glory, alleluia. (When the 6. Then glorify with me

fire came down x3). Singing Glory, The Lord who is my Saviour,
alleluia. When the fire came down. One Holy Trinity
When the Lord sanctified me. Forever and forever.

2. My sins were flowing like a

River, O! When the Lord 403.
sanctified me. (X2)

1. My soul proclaims the Lord my Ndize ndiphile mphefumlweni,
God, my spirit sings His praises! Ndizinikela kanye.
He looks on me, He lifts me up and
gladness fills my days.
2. All nations now will share my joy; Nazi Nkosi izipho zethu,
His gifts He has outpoured, His Esikuphathele zona ngovuyo (X2)
little ones He has made great I
magnify the Lord. zona ngovuyo (X2)
esikuphathele zona ngovuy
3. His mercy is for evermore!
His name I praise again.
His strong right arm puts down the
proud, and raises lowly men! Nazi Nkosi izipho zethu [2]
Zithathe Baba, zibe zakho [2]
4. He fills the hungry with good
things; the rich He sends away.
The promise made to Abraham
Is filled by Him each day. Nal’ ilizwi (x3) ....x2
5. Magnificat, magnificat Shumayela (x3) x2
Magnificat, magnificat Ivangeli
Magnificat, magnificat Nank U Yesu (x3) x2
Magnificat, magnificat. Zithathele

404. 408.
1. Nangu umphako wendlela yam, Nao podemos caminhar com fome e
Yiyo imvana kathixo, sem amor Dai-nos sempre deste pao
Nal’ uthuthuzelo Iwentliziyo, teu corpo e sangue de senhor
Nguwo umthombo woxolo,
Kuwe o yesu; Thixo wam, 1. Comamos todos deste pao que o
Ndifun’ ukutya, ndize ndiphile, pai do seu nos da’
Ndizaiwe kutsha nguwe. Pao que todos nos traz forca e luz
no longo caminhar.
2. Andifanele kwamkela ngoku,
Phofu ndiyanqwena kanye. 2. Nos somos peregrinos teus
Ke ndiyaqubuda, Thixo kuwe, Senhor nos vamos a ti na alegria de
Ndizisondeza kuwe. encontrar a paz que nao ha de ter
Thetha ngelizwe lodwa kum, fim.

4. Ọnwa na anyanwụ
409. Mmiri na anwụ
Nar’onyinye Nna anyị na-arịọ Gị Okike nile
Chukwu e onye nyere anyị n’obi
ọma. Ezi Chineke, Ezi Chineke, biko 5. Ndị ọma nile
nara Ndị Nsọ nile
Okike nile
onyinye anyị ji ekele Gị, Chukwu e
onye nyere anyị n’obi ọma. 6. Ndị nwoke nile
Ndị nwanyị nile
1. Onyinye anyị na-enye Gị bụ Okike nile
onyinye si n’obi pụta. Chineke
Nna nara ya o. 7. Ụmụaka nile
Ndị okenye nile
2. Ọbụ onyinye Ị nyere anyị k’anyị ji Okike nile
ekele Gị, biko naara biko naara ma
gozie anyị o. 8. Ndị eze nile
Ndị ọchịchị nile
3. Chineke Nna, elela anya na njç Okike nile
anyị, cheta ebere ị, gbaghara ma
nara ya. 9. Ọgaranya nile
Ogbenye nile
410. Okike nile
1. Ndị Mụọzi nile…(zukọbanụ) 10.NdỤ nze na ọzọ
Ndị Mụọ Ọma nile….,, Ụkoọhukwu nile
Okike nile… ,, Okike nile
Ka anyị kele Chukwu
Onye kere ụwa nile 411.
ụu eze anyị. Ngcwele Ngcwele Ngcwele
Ungcwele Nkosi
2. Kpakpando nile … Ungcwele Ngcwele Ngcwele
Urukpu nile Ngcwele wena wedwa
Okike nile Wen’ongahlwanga owawukho njalo
Uheli ulawula ngonaphakade.
3. Ụmụ nnụnụ nile...
Anụmanụ nile
Okike nile 412.
1. Ndife tiana tanu, Ndipereka ine
Virgo Maria, Mama. Ndipereka moyo wanga
Tiabale ta Yesu,
Virgo Maria, Mama. 2. Ndilibe siliva ine lopereka
Kwa Mulungu wanga
(Ife pano tabwera) Ndipereka ine…
Ife pano tabwera Mama
Tipemphereni nzeru Mama 3. Ndilibe golide ine wopereka
Tidziwe za Mulungu Mama, Kwa Mulungu wanga
Maria. Ndipereka ine…

2. Tipemphereni Nzeru, 4. Ndilibe mwana ine wopereka

Virgo Maria, Mama. Kwa Mulungu wanga
Tidziwe za Mulungu, Ndipereka ine
Virgo Maria, Mama.
5. Ndilibe mphatso ine yopereka
3. Simunachimwe konse, Kwa Mulungu wanga
Virgo Maria, Mama. Ndipereka ine…
Nanu tifanefane,
Virgo Maria, Mama.
4. Akulu tisanyoze, A. Ndine MKhristu dzina langali
Virgo Maria, Mama. Nlaulemu ndi lamphamvu
Koma tiwathandize, nlachimwemwe ndi la chikondi
Virgo Maria, Mama. ndine MKhristu, ndine MKhristu.
B.Ambuye ndipulumutseni (X4)
5. Konzani mtima wathu, Sangalala moyo wanga (X4)
Virgo Maria, Mama.
Akondweremo Yesu, 1. Ndine Mkhristu, ndikukondwera
Virgo Maria, Mama. ndili nawo moyo wina. Mlungu
yemwe wanditulutsa mukapolo wa
1. Ndilibe chuma ine chopereka 2. Ndine Mkhristu, Atate anga ndiye
Kwa Mulungu wanga Mulungu wolenga.
Ndipereka ine Nchito zake ndidzazigwira ndi
Ndipereka moyo wanga kukonda mpaka kufa.

Ndipereka 3. Ndine Mkhristu, Yesu Ambuye

Ndipereka moyo wanga Ndiye yemwe mbale wanga.

Pamtanda anafera ine nthawi zonse nearer my God to Thee,
ndidzamtsata. nearer to Thee.

4. Ndine Mkhristu, Mzimu woyera 2. Friends may depart from me,

udalowa m’mtima mwanga. night may come down;
Sindifuna kuutulutsa pakuchita clouds of adversity
zakwaipa. darken and frown;
Still through my tears I’ll see,
hope gently leading me,
415. nearer my God to Thee,
Ndikhokhele Bawo nearer to Thee.
3. Deep is Thy Sacred Heart
Ndikhokhele mfeli wami let me abide,
Ezinsizini Thou that has bled for me,
sorrowed and died.
Zalomhlaba bawo Bawo bawo Sweet shall my weeping be,
Zundikhokhele grief surely leading me
nearer my God to Thee,
Bawo ndiyabonga ngoba usandigcinile nearer to Thee.

Mfeli wami Bawo Uhlal’ uhlel’ eduze

Bawo bawo bawo 417.
Never grow old; never grow old in
Bawo ndiyabonga ngoba usandigcinile a land where we never grow old.
Never grow old; never grow, in a
Hlalel’ eduze nami bawo bawo land where we never grow old.
Bawo bawo bawo
1. I have heard of a land, on a far
Bawo ngiyabonga ngoba usandigcinile. away stand. Tis a beautiful home
for the soul, built by Jesus on high,
there are never shall die. It’s a land
416. where we never grow old.
1. Nearer my God to Thee,
Nearer to thee, 2. In a beautiful home where we’ll
E’en though it be a cross never more roam, we shall be in
that raises me the sweet by and by, happy praise
Still all my song shall be to the song, through eternity sing,
nearer my God to Thee

Tis a land where we never shall newly crowned, who back to
die. his heaven a new way hath
found; God's blessedness
3. When our work here is done, and sharing before us He goes; what
the life crown is won, and our mansions preparing, what
troubles and trials are over, all our endless repose.
sorrows will end, and our voices
will blend, like the love ones 2. His glory still praising on thrice
who’ve gone before. holy ground, the apostles stood
grazing his Mother around; with
hearts that beat faster; with eyes
418. full of love, they watched while
New life, new life! their Master ascended above.
You came to bring us new life
New life, new life 3. “No star can disclose Him” the
We find such joy in your abundant life bright angels said; eternity
knows Him, your conquering
1. You are our source of our great head; these high habitation he
joy, the fountain of all life leaves not again, till, judging all
You gave us living water, nations,on earth he shall reign.
You bid us come and drink.
We come to you, we bless you, 4. Thus spoke they, and straightway,
We glorify your name! Where legions defend
We praise you, Lord we worship heaven's glittering gateway, their
you, We thank you for your gifts Lord they attend, and cry, looking
of new life thither, ‘Your portals let down
for him who rides hither in
2. You are the source of our new life peace and renown”.
in your light we see light
You show us your goodness 5. They asked, who keep entry in
You bid us come and see that blessed town, “who thus
We welcome, we bless you, claimeth entry, a king of
Lord we glorify your name renown?” “ the Lord of all
We praise you Lord we worship valiance, “that herald replied,
you. We thank you for your gift of Who Satan's battalions laid low
new life. in their pride.”

419. 6. Grant, Lord, that our longing

may follow Thee there, on earth
1. New praise be given to Christ who are thronging Thy temples

with prayer, and unto Thee gather, Ukuvuka kwemizimba
Redeemer, Thine own, where Thou
with Thy Father dost sit on the
throne. 422.
1. Ngiyamthanda osemthini,
Ngiyamthand’ uJesu wami.
420. Obethelwe ngenxa yami,
1. Ngingowakho Jesu wami, Ngiyamthanda yena yedwa.
ngingowakho njalo. Angithandi okomhlaba,
Ngingehlukaniswe nawe, /: noma Nentokozo zawo zeze,
ngisahamba, noma ngifa qhabo:/ Osemthini ngiyamthanda,
Ngiyamthand’ uJesu wami.
2. Anginakumnik’ omunye, inhliziyo
yami. NgekaJesu yena yedwa, 2. Ngiyamthanda osemthini,
/: kuze kube nini:/ Ngiyamthanda ngisekhona.
Ngiyomthanda naphambili,
3. Jesu Nkulunkulu wami, hlala Ngazo zonke izikhathi.
nami njalo. Ngibe isithandwa Angesabi lutho mina,
sakho, /: Manje naphakade:/ La ngilondolozwe nguye.
Osemthini ngiyamthanda,
Ngiyamthand’ uJesu wami.
1. Ngiyakholwa kuyu Mdali 3. Ngiyamthanda osemthini,
Onamandla onke onke Ngiyambonga ngiyamtusa.
Othandayo bonk’abantu Ngisizond’ impel’ isono,
Bajabule naphakade Esangenz’ oyimpi kuye.
Sangahlukanisa naye,
Baba wethu wophezulu Oyimpilo yami yena.
Usilondoloze kahle Osemthini ngiyamthanda,
Singabongeniswa thina Ngiyamthand’ uJesu wami.
Ekulingweni kwesono

2. Ngiyakholwa naku jesu 423.

Indodana yakh’eyodwa 1. Ngokubhabhadiswa kwami,
Owazalwa nguMaria ngaphenduka ngab’ ikholwa,
Wasifela thina sonke ngaphunyiswa emnyameni
embusweni kasathane.
3. Ngiyakholwa nakumoya *Sengikholwa eBandleni LikaJes’
Ebandlen’labayingcwele iNkosi yethu, yebo ukukholwa
Ukuxolelwa kwesono kwami yikho ukwenama kwami.

mkapige makofi…
2. Ngilikholwa nginoBaba; oyiNkos’
enkul’ impela; wangithola, ngab’ 3. Watu wote nesanesa,
owakhe, wongihlab’ inhlanhla chezeni kwa furaha...
yonke. *Sengikholwa eBandleni… inua mikono juu,
shangilieni Bwana…
3. Ngilikholwa, sengayeka izindlela
zobumnyama; intokozo yami 4. Watawa washangilie,
manje ngukucweba kwenhliziyo. makasisi waimbe…
*Sengikholwa eBandleni… walei Warukeruke,
waseme alleluia…
4. Ngilikholwa ngiyathemba,
kuSomandla onguBaba, 5. Nitakushukuru mimi,
wongilanda ekufeni, angiyise na nyumba yangu yote…
ezulwini. *Sengikholwa Nitayatangaza haya,
eBandleni… maisha yangu yote

424. 425.
1. Nimeonja pendo lako, 1. Nkembo na tata alleluya
nimejua umwema. Nkembo na mwana a nkembo
Nitakushuru,nitawainua wote N’elimo o alleluya [nkembo!]
Wakusifu wewe.
Nitawaongoza vyema 2. Nkembo na tata a
waimbe kwa furaha. Tata wa ngolu azalisi biso o
Nitakushukuru,nitawainua wote Alleluya [2x]
wakusifu wewe.
3. Nkembo na yezu u,
Ukarimu wako Bwana, Alongi liwa e, abikisi biso o,
na huruma yako wewe. Alleluya [2x]
Msamaha wako Bwana,
na upole wako wewe. 4. Nekmbo n’elimo o
Umenitendea wema Mobondi wa biso o, asantisi
usiopimika.Nitakushukuru, Biso o alleluya [2x]
nitawainua wote
wakusifu wewe. 5. Tokopesa lokumu u
Na tata na mwana a mpe
2. Kina mama simameni, N’elimoo alleluya [2x]
piga vigelegele…
na kina baba nyanyuka,

Alleluya, Alleluya! *Nkosikazi
426. yaphezulu…
Nkosi sihawukele [Sop]
All: Nkosi sihawukele X2
Sop: Sihawukele........ 430.
Nkulunkulu wokulunga nothando.
Christo sihawukele........ Nkulunkulu Nkulunkulu wokulunga
Nkulunkulu wokulunga nothando.
TRIO: Soprano, Alto 1&2
Nkose yibanceha 3x Nenceba kuthi Nkosi Nkulunkulu yenzukuba ngingafuni
Christu yibanceha 3x Nenceha kuthi kakhulu ukuqondwa. Keph’ ukuqonda.
Nkosi yibanenceba 3x Nenceha kuthi Yenz’ukuba ngingafuni
kakhul’ukuthandwa keph’ ukuthanda.
428. Nkulunkulu wokulunga Nkulunkulu
wokulunga nothando sibusise thina
Nkosi 2x nkose sihaukele sibusise thin’ abantu bomzansi weAfrika.
Kristu Kristy, Kristu Kristu sihaudele TRIO: Soprano, Alto 1&2
Ktisto sihaukeke Kristu Kristu sihaukele
Kristo sihaukele Kristi sihaukele Ngingafun’ ukuzwelwa keph’ ukuzwela.
Kristo sihaukele Kristi sihaukele Ngoba uma sipha siyakuphiwa uma
Nkose--- sithethelela siyakuthethelelwa
ekuzikhohlweni kwethu siyokuthol’
429. uxolo olungenamkhawulo.
Nkulunkulu wokulunga Nkulunkulu
1. Nkosikazi yaphezulu, Alleluya, wokulunga nothando sibusise thina
Alleluya! Sal’ usujabula belu, sibusise thin’ abantu bomzansi weAfrika.
Alleluya, Alleluya! *Nkosikazi
yaphezulu, Alleluya, Alleluya, Sal’ Nkosi ngenze ngibe isandla sakho soxolo
usujabula belu, sal’ usujabula belu, lapho kukhona inzondo ngenze ngitshale
Alleluya, Alleluya, Alleluya. uthando.
Lapho kukhon’ ingxabano ngenze
2. Ngoba lowo owamzala, Alleluaya, ngitshal’intethelelo Lapho kukhon’
Alleluya! Uvukile ekufeni, ukungezwani ngenze ngitshale uzwano
Alleluya, Alleluya! uzwano.
*Nkosikazi yaphezulu… Amen…
3. Wena onomus’ omkhulu, Alleluya,
Alleluya! Ake usikhulekele, 431.
1. Nna anyị nọ n’ eligwe – ka

aha Gị di nsị X3
2. K’ otito dịrị aha Gị – ka Onye nweanyi mee ebere
aha Gị di nsị X3 Onye new anyi mee ebere
Nna biko
3. K’ ọchịchị Gị bịa – ka
aha Gị di nsị X3 Bass: Christi mee ebere
4. K’eme uche Gị n’ ụwa – ka All: Christi mee ebere Christi mee ebere
aha Gị di nsị X3
5. Dịka esi eme ya n’ igwe – ka
aha Gi di nso X3
1. Nnon metunga mamee nnon
metunga mamee ne mebo wa esia
6. Nye anyị nri tata – ka
aha Gị di nsị X3 2. Mave wa akiba o a nti mave wa
7. Nri nk’ ụbosị anyi – ka akibao Esye dzame a nti mave wad
aha Gị di nsị X3 zoo -nnon metunga mamee ne
8. Gbaghara anyị mmehie anyị – mebo wa esyaeee
ka aha Gị di nsị X3
3. Mave wa akiba o a nti mave wa
9. Dịka anyị si gbaghara – ka akibao Mindzuk miam o a nti ma
aha Gị di nsị X3 ve wa mio o
10.Ndị mehiere anyị – ka
aha Gị di nsị X3 4. Mave wa akiba o a nti mave wa
akiba o aken dam o a nti mave wa
11.Ekwela k’ anyị kwe – ka
do o\
aha Gị di nsị X3
Befara bam o a nti mave o bo o
12.Kwenye na nranye – ka
Bebonde bam o a nti mave o bo o\
aha Gị di nsị X3
13.Ma zọpụta anyi – ka
aha Gị di nsị X3 434.
14.N’ ajọ ihe nile – ka Ntate!! Aletareng ya hao
aha Gị di nsị X3 Retlisa dinehelo
Dinehelo 2x ke teseha diamonhele
15.Amen Amen Amen – ka Diamonhele dihlohoholofatse
aha Gi di nso X3 Mesebetsi ya matsoho arona diamohele

432. 435.
Bass: Nna biko

1. Nthungulu ndi m’manja kuyamika Timuyimbire
kwa chifundo kwa inu akulu oyera. Nyimbo zomtamandira

A: Oditu Chauta ife pano tasonkhana 2. Akulu ndi ana omwe…

(X2)Kuimbira dzina lanu loyera. Aluluta ndi mavume…
B: Refrain:Munyumba ya Mulungu Chifukwa ndi woyera…
Tilowe: Munyumba ya Mulungu 3. Aimba ndi azeze…
tisangalale, munyumba ya Aimbidwa moyamika…
Mulungu Alleluya. Kwa Utatu wanu woyera…

C: Refrain:Talowa munyumba yanu

Mbuye 437.
Bass: Talowa talowa talowa Nsọ Nsọ Nsọ Nsọ, Nsọ Nsọ, Nsọ
talowa Nsọ Nsọ (x2)
Talowa munyumba yanu talowa,
talowa munyumba yanu Mbuye Osebrụwa Chukwu( Osebrụwa Chukwu)
nk’igwe ndị agha(nk’igwe ndị agha)
2. Akulu ndi ana omwe aluluta ndi ebube Gị jupụtara (ebube Gị), jupụtara
mavume chifukwa ndi woyera. eligwe n’ala (x2).

3. Aimba ndi azeze aimbidwa Hosanna Hosanna, Hosanna Hosanna,

moyamika kwa Utatu wanu Hosanna n’elu kasi elu (x2)
Ọ dị ngọzi (Ọ dị ngọzi) bụ Onye bịara
436. (bụ Onye bịara) n’aha Onyenweanyị,
n’aha Onyenweanyị (x2).
1. Nthungulu ndi m’manja Hosanna...
Kuyamika kwachifundo
Kwa inu, akulu oyera 438.
Timuyimbire nyimbo All:Nsọ! Nsọ!!
Zontamandira Bass: Nsọọ! {x2}
Nsọ! Nsọ! Nsọ! {x2}
Timuyimbre Yahweh; Sop: Nsọ!!! {x2)
Timuyimbire All: Nsọ nsọ nsọ nsọ nsọ {x2}
Timuyimbire Yahweh;
Timuyimbire Sop: Osebụrụwa Chineke nk’igwe ndị
Timuyimbire Yahweh; agha aa.

All: Nsọ nsọ nsọ nsọ nsọ Nwatụrụ Chineke, Nwatụrụ Chukwu
Sop: Ebubue Gị jupụtatra n’elu igwe Onye n’ekpochapụ njọ nke ụwa
n’ala aaa Bass: Biko Chukwu
All: Nsọ nsọ nsọ nsọ nsọ All: mere anyị ebere x2
Sop/Alt/Ten: Hosanna hosanna (Bass:O
hosanna) hosanna hosanna, Nwatụrụ Chineke, Nwatụrụ Chukwu
n’elu kasi elu {x2} Onye n’ekpochapụ njọ nke ụwa
[Nye anyị]
Sop: Nsọ! Bass: Onyenweanyị
All: Nso nso nso nso nso {x2} Nye anyị
Bass: Chukwu ebube
Sop: Ọ dị ngọzi ii, bụ onye bịara aa Nye anyị nye anyị udo
All: Nsọ nsọ nsọ nsọ nsọ
Sop: N’aha onye nwe anyịị onye nwe
anyị Nsọ nsọ nsọ nsọ nsọ 441.
All: Nso nso nso nso nso. 1. Nyin ime nyene akwa abasi
Nte obong y’ete nnyin [y’ete
Sop/Alt/Ten: Hosanna hosanna (Bass:O nnyin] Kiso esie imedi ye ikwo
hosanna) hosanna hosanna, O bong nnyin idi okuo
n’elu kasi elu {x2}
Nnyin ime –di
Sop: Nsọ!
All: Nsọ nsọ nsọ nsọ nsọ {x3 fade}
Ye akwa ikwo inem esit [2x]

439. 2. Nnyin idi kpukpru m’anam

idioknkpo Edi afo obong nnyin
Nwatụrụ Chukwu, Nwatụrụ Chukwu
Onye na-ekpochapụ njọ nke ụwa [obong nnyin] Usehe nte nnyin
Meere anyi ebere iduede fi ete iyekwo ino fi

Nwatụrụ Chukwu, Nwatụrụ Chukwu 3. Se nnyin mi k’iso fo o abasi

Onye na-ekpochapụ njọ nke ụwa Ime fe h’itiene fi [tiene fi]
Meere anyi ebere Nyin iyom ndi du yafo ke nsi nsi
Maninem esit nyin oyoho
Nwatụrụ Chukwu, Nwatụrụ Chukwu
Onye na-ekpochapụ njọ nke ụwa 4. Ererimbot ebure y’ibokmmo
Nye anyị udo Edi nnyin I nyene fi [nyene fi]
Oro anannyim idi k’iso fo
ete doing nyung duru nyin mfim
Nye onyinye Chineke, 2. Sins of the world, had made us fall,
nye onyinye dị mma the wicked ones, are against us,
O Father, take us from their hands.
1. Chineke kechara anyị si anyị yie And make us strong, to o’ercome
ya... them.
2. Ya kere igwe na ala n’ejighi ihe
kee ya... 3. O Holy Spirit, make our hearts
pure, to be good followers of
3. Ihe ọma nile dị n’ụwa si n’aka Christ, Kindle in us, thy blessed
Chukwu bịa... light, Spirit of God remains with
4. Nye ihe dị mma Ọ g’enyekwa gị us.
5. Ọrụ nile nwere ụgwoọ ka n’ụwa ka 4. Praises to God, in heaven above,
n’igwe... Praises to Christ, His only son, We
pray for everlasting life. All these
6. Anyị ebunye Gị Onyenweanyị iko we ask, from thee O God.
nke nzọpụta...
7. Na arịọ Gị k’ikwe ka ọbata n’ala
eze Gị...
8. Site n’ekpere anyị na aha ndị dị 444.
nsị... 1. O come and mourn with me
9. Otito dịrị Nna na Nwa na Mụọ awhile; see, Mary calls us to her
Nsọ... side; O come and let us mourn
with her Jesus our love, is
10.Etu ọ dị n’izizi kita n’ekpo nile...
11.N’ụwa ebighebi n’ụwatụwa nile...
2. Have we no tears to shed for him,
While soldiers scoff and Jews
443. deride? Ah look how patiently He
1. O brothers of Christ Jesus, hangs; Jesus our love is crucified.
to offer your presents to God,
Give us this day our daily bread, 3. How fast his feet and hands are
we ask from Thee through Jesus nailed; His blessed tongue with
Christ. thirst is tied, His failing eyes are
blind with blood; Jesus our love is
God Almighty (2), take our crucified.
offering; we give to Thee today on

4. Seven times he spoke, seven words 3. Sing, Choirs of Angels,
of love, and all three hours his Sing in exultation.
silence cried, Sing, all ye citizens of heaven
For mercy on on the souls of men; above, Glory to God,
Jesus our love is crucified In the highest glory.

5. O break, O break hard heart of 4. Yea Lord, we greet thee,

mine; Thy weak self-love and born this happy morning,
guilty pride, His Pilate and His Jesu, to thee be glory given;
Judas were, Jesus our love is Word of the Father,
crucified. now in flesh appearing.

6. A broken heart, a fount of tears,

ask and they will not be denied; 446.
a broken heart love’s cradle is; 1. O come, o come, Emmanuel,
Jesus our love is crucified. And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here.
7. O love of God! O human sin! Until, the son of God appears.
In this dread act your strength is
tried; And victory remains with Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
love; Jesus our love is crucified. shall come to thee, O Israel.

445. 2. come, thou Rod of Jesse, free thy

1. O come all ye faithful own from Satan’s tyranny; from
Joyful and triumphant. depths of hell thy people save, And
O come ye O come ye to give them victory o’er the grace.
Bethlehem, come and behold Him
born the King of angels. 3. come, thou Day spring, come and
cheer, O spirits by thine advent
O come let us adore Him here; Disperse the gloomy clouds
O come let us adore Him of night
O come let us adore Him And death’s dark shadows put to
Christ the Lord. flight
2. God of God,
Light of light, 4. come, thou key of David, come,
Lo! He abhors not the virgin’s And open wide our heavenly
womb; home; Make date the way that
Very God, leads on high, And close the path
begotten not created: to misery.

Eyedian kpukpru eke e-no mbufo.
447. (All) ke mfom
1. O come to the throne of Grace Tenor: (obon e-no so yomde)
O come to the heart most pure,
To Mary our hope of life,
In whom salvation is sure 449.
1. O die hand van God rus so
O Lady of Fatima Hail Immaculate minsaam. Op alles wat ons het,
Mother of Grace; O pray for us, hier op aarde. Al die skoonheid
help us to-day Thou hope of the wat blom is ‘n gawe van Hom. En
human race. sy gawe is lieflik, soos stilte.

2. Immaculate heart we kneel, 2. Elke dag, elke uur, elke oomblik.

to consecrate all to thee. Word geseën deur die krag van sy
The present, its pain and joy, hand. Met die draai van die tyd, is
the future, all it may be. Hy daar aan ons sy. En sy hand is
so lieflik, soos stilte.
448. 3. Dit gebeur dat ons afdwaal in
O Obong Abasi edi Abasi mfon (X3) sonde. En ons kyk ander kant,
M modo ekutimere esit (DC) ander pad. Maar dan roep ons sy
(Eb-up) Ebup e-te (nso) nso k’ididia Naam in die uur van ons skaam.
(nso)nso k’idi nwon nso ke nnyin idisi ne En sy g ‘nade is lieflik soos stilte.
Bass: Ebemiso eyomi nyene Obio
Abasi eye diansi suhode e-no 450.
mbufo (then they continue with the same) 1. O God our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come
Sop. & Alto: Bemiso yomi nyene Obio Our shelter from the stormy blast,
ubo esie and our eternal home.
Tenor: (Kuke re se didia de,)
Nyun yomedi nena kw’abasi 2. Beneath the shadow of thy throne,
Tenor: (Kuke re edidi nwonde) Thy saints have dwelt secure;
Koro ete mbufo ke enyon Ofiok sufficient is thine arm alone
Tenor: (kuke re se ditade) and our defence is sure.
Kpukpru nkpo emi ena na de
Tenor: (kuke me se di sa need) 3. Before the hills in order stood,
Ekam enyene edi neni-do Or earth received her frame,
Tenor: (eka ti-me re-sit) From everlasting thou art God
to endless years the same.

and our due offering give,
4. A thousand ages in thy sight, and may the prayers and voices
are like an evening gone, of thy glad people rise,
short as the watch that ends the as thy whole church rejoices
night, in this great sacrifice
before the rising sun.

5. Time, like an ever-rolling stream, 452.

bears all its sons away 1. O Heer my God, as ek in eerbied
They fly forgotten, as a dream wonder, en al u werke elke dag
dies at the opening day. aanskou: die son en maan, die
aarde, sterre, wolke,
6. O God our help in ages past, hoe U dit elke dag so onderhou.
Our hope for years to come,
Be thou our guard while troubles Dan moet ek juig, my Redder en
last, And our eternal home. my God! Hoe groot is U, hoe
groot is U! Want deur die hele
skepping klink dit saam.
451. Hoe heerlik Heer, U grote Naam!
1. O God, thy people gather
obedient to thy word, 2. Ek sien die veld, die bosse,
around thy holy altar, berge, vlaktes. Ek hoor hoe fluister
to praise thy name O Lord; grasse, stroom en wind. Heer, U
for all thy living kindness sorg vir klein, vir groot, vir alles.
our grateful hearts we raise; En U sorg dag na dag vir my, u
but pardon first the blindness kind.
of all our sinful ways.
3. U Seun word mens, in ons
2. Thou art loving Father gebroke wêreld. En daar kom
thou art our holiest Lord, vestig Hy sy koningskap.
but we have sinned against thee, by Hy maak weer heel. gee hoop
thought and deed and word. Before en gee weer redding aan almal
the court of heaven we stand and hier op ‘aard.
humbly pray, our sins may be
forgiven, 4. U maak ons deel van al u grootste
our faults be washed away. werke. U laat ons bid, Heer, dat U
ryk mag kom. En kom U weer, in
3. Though sinful, we implore thee heerlikheid op wolke, maak U
to turn and make us live, volkome nuut U eiendom.
that so we may adore thee,

O Be thou my consolation
453. when death is drawing nigh;
1. O Jehova nza ku vitana O be my only treasure
nzi lava ku yamukela ti pswalo ta through all eternity.
wena (2x).

2. Nzirivalele, Hosi yanga anzi zikoti 455.

mina kukulanzela (2x). 1. O Jesus, I have promised
To serve their to the end
3. A va lala vanga, Hosi hi va nyingi Be thou for ever near me,
loku va nzi vona vanzi lotela My Master and my Friend;
menyu (2x). I shall not fear the battle
If thou art by my side
4. Nzi helile ntamu hi kurila nanzi Nor wander from the pathway
langutela wena Jehova wanga (2x). If thou wilt be my guide

2. let me feel thee near me:

454. The world is ever near;
1. O Jesus Christ, remember, when I see the sights that dazzle,
thou shalt come again, The tempting sounds I hear
upon the clouds of heaven, My foes are ever near me,
with all thy shining train; Around me and within;
when every eye shall see Thee But Jesus draw thou nearer
in deity revealed, And shield my soul from sin
Who now upon this altar
in silence art concealed. 3. let me hear thee speaking
In accents clear and still
2. Remember, then O Saviour, Above the storms of passion
I supplicate of thee The murmurs of self-will
that here I bowed before Thee speak to reassure me
Upon my bended knee; To hasten or control
That here I owned Thy presence, speak and make me listen
and did not Thee deny, Thou guardian of my soul
and glorified Thy greatness
though hid from human eye. 4. Jesus thou hast promised
To all who follow thee
3. Accept, Divine Redeemer, That where thou art in glory
the homage of my praise; There shall thy servant be
O be the light and honour And, Jesus I have promised
and glory of my days. To serve thee to the end

give me grace to follow
My Master and my Friend
5. let me see thy foot-marks 1. O Magnify the Lord,
And in them plant mine own Break forth in songs my voice,
My hope to follow duly In God my Saviour adored,
is in thy strength alone: My spirit does rejoice,
guide me, call me, draw me While time its course will run,
uphold me to the end; All ages will proclaim
and then in heaven receive me, What God in me has done,
my Saviour and my Friend. And blessed call my name.

2. My lowliness He sought,
456. On me His eyes He cast,
1. O! Lord my God, when I in And in me He has wrought
awesome wonder, consider all the A wonder unsurpassed
worlds Thy Hand has made, I see His mercies to the just
the stars, I hear the From age to age He shows
rolling thunder, Thy power But humbles in the dust
throughout the universe displayed. His proud and haughty foes

Then sings my soul, 3. The mighty ones He spurns

My Saviour God to Thee, The humble He receives
How great Thou art, He fills the soul that yearns
How great Thou art. (X2) The rich in want He leaves
To us for Israel’s sake
2. And when I think that God His His mercies still extend
Son not sparing sent him to die, I For Abraham as He spoke
scarce can take it in, His love shall never end
that on the cross my burden gladly
bearing, He bled and died to take
away my sin. 458.
1. O Mwami, kotwengelela
3. When Christ shall come with O Mwami, kotwengelela. (X2)
shout of acclamation,
and take me home, what joy shall Twasika tobana bako.
fill my heart. Kotwengelela, O Mwami,
Then I shall bow in humble kotwengelela.
adoration, and there proclaim, my Yavula milandu Yesu, Kotwengelela,
God, How great Thou art. O Mwami, kotwengelela.

Chukwu, onye Chineke nyere
2. O Kristo… Onyinye bịa kele ya.

3. Mwami… 1. Chineke gọziri gi were akọ

n’uche kpa gị n’aka.
459. Ezi Nwanne logharikene gaa kelee
Chorus: O my God, You are my all
Everything I have is all yours.
2. Ebe Ị mara mma Ị makwara onye
Ref: $ O God take me as I am, O
Kere gị.Ọ gini ka Ị ji akpa nganga?
God use me as You will. D$
3. Ego Ị nwere Ị makwa onye nyere
1. All my joys and sorrows: all is
gị. Ọ gini ka I ji akpa nganga?
yours. All my passions O God: all
is yours. Ref
4. Akụ na ụba bụ ọbịa n’ebe mmadụ,
ejina ha wee nya isi.
2. All my talents O God: all is yours.
All my knowledge O God all is
5. Chukwu n’ahụ n’ihe ahụ na nzuzo
yours. Ref. & Chorus
ka iche na Ị ga-aghọgbu Chineke.
3. All my wisdom O God: all is
6. Amamihe gị bụ oninye Chukwu
yours. All my beauty O God: all is
E jina ya wee lụso Chukwu ọgụ.
yours. Ref.
7. Onye gị obere, echezọkwana I
4. All my wealth O God: all is yours.
kene ya Chukwu mara ka mkpa gị
All my pleasures O God: all is
yours. Ref. & Chorus
8. Onye gị echezọkwana I kene ya
5. When I’m healthy O God, I am
Chukwu mara ka mkpa gị ha.
yours. In my sickness O God, I am
yours. Ref.

6. All my lifetime O God: I am yours,

1. O paradise o paradise
even when I die O God: I am who doth not crave for rest,
yours. Ref. & Chorus who would not seek the happy land
where they that loved are blest.
460. When loyal hearts and true,
Onyinye Chineke onyinye ọma
stand ever in the light
Onyinye ọma ka m ga enye

All rapture through and through Who is the holy one.
in God’s most holy sight.
4. His mercy He reveals
2. O paradise o paradise! To those who fear His name
Wherefore doth death delay? From age to age His steadfast love
Bright death that is the welcome Shall endlessly endure.
of our eternal day. 5. His arm is strong to save
He scatters all the proud
3. O paradise o paradise! He casts the mighty from their
‘Tis weary waiting here; thrones He raises up the meek
I long to be where Jesus is,
to feel to see him near. 6. He fills the hungry poor
With blessings from above
4. O paradise o paradise! The rich He strips of wealth and
I want to sin no more; power and empty sends away.
I want to be as pure on earth,
as on thy spotless shore. 7. His mighty hand has grasped
The hand of Israel
5. O paradise o paradise! His servant Son beloved by Him
I feel’t will not be long; with never failing love.
Patience: I almost think I hear
Faint fragments of thy song. 8. Now is His power kept
Once made to Abraham
That in His name should all be
462. blest, for all eternity.
1. O praise my soul the Lord
O glorify His name 9. Father fount of joy
In Him my spirit thrills with joy Your glory I adore
My Saviour and my God. loving Spirit praise is yours
who gave me God Thy Son.
2. From Heaven He gazed on me
His lowly servant-maid
Behold, all ages yet to come 463.
Shall call me blest in God. 1. O Sacrament Most Holy,
O Sacrament divine
3. The Lord of wondrous power All praise and all thanksgiving
Has done great things for me Be every moment thine.
Forever blessed be His steadfast
love 2. Now come, all you who labour

In sorrow, and in pain Ora ora pro nobis
Come, eat this bread from heaven
thy peace and strength regain. 4. Virgo, respice, mater, adspice
Audi nos, O Maria
3. Lord Jesus, we adore thee, Tu medicinam portas divinam
Our Victim and our Priest, Ora, ora pro nobis.
Whose precious blood and body
become our sacred feast. 5. Tua guadia et spiria
Iuvent nos, O Maria
4. Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament In te speramus, ad te clamamus
divine! All praise and all Ora, ora pro nobis.
thanksgiving be every moment
464. O senhor ensinou a rezar
1. O! Salutaris Hostia Pai nosso, pai nosso
quae caeli pandis ostium Pai nosso que estas no ceu.
bella premun hostilia
da robur fer auxilium. 1. Santificado, seja o vosso nome,
Santificado Senhor
2. Uni trinoque Domino
sit sempiterna Gloria 2. Venha a nos o vosso reino,
qui vitam sine termino Venha o vosso reino Senhor
nobis donet in patria.Amen.
3. Seja feita a vossa vontade,
Assim na terra como no ceu
1. O sanctissima, o pussima 3. O pao nosso de cada dia,
Dulcis virgo Maria Nos dai hoje Senhor
Mater amata, intermerata
Ora, ora pro nobis. 4. Perdoai-nos as nossas ofensas,
Assim como nos perdoamos a
2. Tu solacium et refugium quem nos Ofende.
Virgo mater Maria
Quidquid optamus, per te speramus 5. Nao nos deixei cair em tentacao,
Ora, ora pro nobis. Mas livrai-nos do mal.

3. Ecce debiles, perquam flebiles

Salva nos, O Maria 467.
Tolle languores, sana Dolores

1. O sing unto the Lord/ a new song/ 11.As it was in the beginning is now/
Let the congrega/tion of saints And ever shall be/ world without
Praise Him. end/
2. Let Israel rejoice in/ Him that (To be used as an alternative to 3rd
made him/ Psalm, Week 1)
And let the children of Zion
be/joyful in their King.
3. Let them praise His name/ in the Obi dị asọ Dinwenu anyị Nara
dance/ Let them sing praises unto ntasị obi (x2)
with Labnet and harp 1. Obi bụ sọ ịhụnanya maka ndị nke
ya; were obi ebere ezi Nna nara
4. For the Lord hath pleasure/ in ntasị obi.
his people/and/ helpeth the
meek hearted. 2. Obi nọ na nnukwu uru, n’ihi
ịhụnanya ya, were otu ịhụnanya
5. Let the saints be joy/ful with glory/ ahụ nara ntasị obi.
Let them / rejoice in their beds.
3. Ị dili nnukwu ahụhụ n’ime
6. Let the praises of God be/ Gethsemane, ọsịsọ mmee suru Gị,
In their mouth/ and a two-edge/ maka ndị nke Gị.
sword in their hands.
4. Nara otito na ekele, Obi Dinwenu
7. To be avenged/ of the anyị, k’ihe nile ekere eke sekpuoro
heathen/and / Gị Nna.
to rebuke the people. (For adoration or communion)

8. To bind their/ kings in chains/ and

Their no/bles with links of iron.
Ọchịagha nke eligwe, Chineke dị
9. That they may be avenged of them/ ndụ mere anyị ebere, /mere anyị
as it is written/ such ho/nour have ebere Chineke kere ụwa na igwe
all His saints. doo/ 2x,

10.Glory be to the Father and/ to the 1. Nwa nke mmadụ, lee ako na uche
Son/ gị hụ ihe Chukwu na-mere gị.
And/ to the Holy Ghost. /Kelee Ya, bulie aha Ya elu mgbe
ebighebi/ 2x.

3. But perhaps my work for Jesus,
2. Chineke nna, anyị na-ekele Gị Soon in future may be done.
maka ọgọ Ị na-emere anyị. /Ezinna All my earthly trials ended
onye obi ọma nara ekele anyị/ 2x. And my crown in Heaven won,
Then forever with the ransom’d
3. Ekele dị mma kwesiri inye Thro’ eternity I’d be Chanting
Chineke, Onye dị mma, Chineke hymns to Him who bought me,
Nna, Onyenweanyị Onye kere ụwa With His Blood shed on the tree.
chọọ ya mma.

4. Otito dịrị Nna, na Nwa na Mụọ 471.

Nsọ. Etu ọdị na mbu, k’ọdị ugbua, 1. Oh the love of my Lord is the
k’ọga adịgịde etua, we ruo mgbe essence. Of all that I love here on
ebighebi. Amen earth. All the beauty I see he has
given to me and his giving is
gentle as silence.
1. Oh! I often sit and ponder, 2. Every day every hour every
When the sun is sinking low moment, have been blessed by the
Where shall yonder future find me strength of his love,
Does but God in Heaven know at the turn of each tide, he is there
Shall I be among the living at my side, and his touch is as
Shall I mingle with the free gentle as silence.
Where so e’er my path be leading
Saviour, keep my heart with Thee. 3. There‘ve been times when I’ve
turned from his presence
Oh, the future lies before me and I’ve walked other paths other
and I know not where I’ll be ways. But I’ve called on his name
but where e’er my path be leading in the dark of my shame, and his
Saviour, keep my heart with Thee. mercy was gentle as silence.

2. Shall I be at work with Jesus,

whilst He leads me by the hand. 472.
And to those around be saying Oh! The word of my Lord, deep
Come and join this happy band. within my being. Oh! The word of
Come for all things now are ready, my Lord, you have filled my mind.
Come His faithful followers be
Oh where e’er my path be leading, 1. Before I formed in the womb,
Saviour, keep my heart with. I knew you through and through,
I chose you to be mine.

Before you left your mother’s side My heart’s desire, my body’s
I called to you, my child, to be my strength, my soul’s eternal health.
sign. Burn, burn, O love: within my
heart, burn fiercely night and day.
2. I know that you are very young, Till all the dross of earthly love
but I will make you strong, I’ll fill is burned and burned away.
you with my word. And you will
travel through the land, fulfilling 4. O Light in darkness, joy in grief
my command, which you have O heaven begun on earth!
heard. Jesus! My Love! My treasure!
Who can tell what Thou are worth?
3. And everywhere you are to go, my O Jesus! Jesus, sweetest Lord,
hand will follow you, you will not What art Thou not to me? Each
be alone. In all the danger that you hour brings joys before unknown,
fear you’ll find me very near, you Each day new liberty.
words my own.
5. What limit is there to Thee Love?
Thy flight where wilt Thou stay?
473. On, on! Our Lord is sweeter far
1. Oh Jesus, Jesus dearest Lord Today than yesterday.
Forgive me if I say, for every love O love of Jesus! Blessed Love!
Thy Sacred Name, So will it ever be
A thousand times a day, Time cannot hold thy wondrous
I love Thee so I know not how, growth, no nor eternity.
my transport to control,
Thy love is like a burning fire,
Within my very soul. 474.
1. Oh Lord all the world belongs to
2. O wonderful that thou shouldest, you and you are always making all
let so vile a heart as mine things new,
love Thee with such a love as this, What is wrong you forgive
and make so free with thine. and the new life you give
The craft of this wise world of Is what’s turning the world upside
ours, poor wisdom seems to me; down
Ah! Dearest Jesus, I have grown
childish with love of Thee. 2. The world’s only loving to its
friends but you have brought us
3. For Thou to me art all in all, love that never ends loving
my honour and my wealth, enemies too, and this loving with

you is what’s turning the world 3. Though sown in tears through
upside down weary years The seed will surely
live Though great the cast it is not
3. This world lives divided and apart lost for
you draw all men together and we God will fruitful give
In your body to see 4. The harvest hour of God will come
That in fellowship we And after toil and care
Can be turning the world upside With joy untold your sheaves of
down gold will all be grained there.

4. The world wants the wealth to live

in state 476.
But you show us a new way to be 1. Oh spread the tiding round
great Like a servant you came And Wherever man is found
if we do the same Wherever human hearts and
We’ll be turning the world upside human woes abound; Let every
down Christian tongue
Proclaim the joyfull sound
5. Oh Lord all the world belongs to the comforter has come
you and you are always making all
things new The comforter has come! The
Send your spirit on all comforter has come! The holy
In your Church whom you call Ghost from heaven the Father’s
To be turning the world upside promise given. Oh spread the
down tidings round, wherever man is
found, the comforter has come.

475. 2. The long long night is past, the

1. Oh scattered seeds of loving deeds; morning breaks at last, and hushed
along the fertile field the dreadful wail
For grain will grow from what you And furry of the blast, As o’er the
sow and fruitful harvest yield golden hills the day Advances fast,
the comforter has come
2. Then day by day a long way
The seed of promise cast 3. Lo, the Great King of kings, with
That ripened grain from hill and healing in his wings to every
plain captive soul a full deliverance
Be gathered home at last brings; And through the vacant

cells the song of triumph rings, the 6. Oh when the fire begins to blaze I
comforter has come. want to be in that number Whe the
fire begins to blaze
4. O boundless love divine! How
shall this tongue of mine, to wound 7. Oh when the Lord call out to the
ring mortals tell the matchless names I want to be in that number
grace divine – that I, a child of When the Lord call out to the
hell, should in his image shine! names.
The comforter has come!

5. Sing till the echoes fly above the 478.

vaulted sky, and all the saints Tune: O! Worship the King.
above to all below reply, In strains
of endless love, the song that ne’er 1. O! Bless’d is the Lord of Israel’s
will die, the comforter has come. fold, He comes to redeem as He
promised of old.
He sends us a Saviour of David’s
477. own line, as his prophets foretold
1. Oh when the saints go marching in both in words and in sign.
I want to be in that number
When the saints go marching in. 2. He saves us from foes, from hatred
and fear,
2. Oh when the drums begin to bang His mercy he shows to his children
I want to be in that number When so dear.
the drums begin to bang. His oath he remembers from
Abraham’s days,
3. Oh when the stars fall from the sky To make us a people who live for
I want to be in that number his praise.
When the stars fall from the sky.
3. And you, little child, are chosen
4. Oh when the moon turns into this day,
blood I want to be in that number His prophet and voice, to prepare
When the moon turns into blood. him a way.
With news of salvation,
5. Oh when the sun turns into fire forgiveness and love,
I want to be in that number You herald the dawning of light
When the sun turns into fire. from above.

4. O! people who walk in darkness


Who wander alone in death’s And round it has cast like a mantle
gloomy shade? the sea.
O! lift up your heads, now behold
your release, 4. Thy bountiful care what tongue
Your Saviour is coming and his can recite
kingdom is peace. It breaths in the aair it shines in the
5. All praise be to God the Father and It streams from the hils, it descends
Son, to the plain
To the Spirit of love in whom all And sweetly distills in the dew and
are one. rain.
Who lives in the glory of life
without end? 5. Frail children of dust and feeble as
From before time’s beginning and fail
forever. Amen! In thee do we trust nor find thee to
Thy mercies how tender how firm
479. to the end our maker, defender
1. O worship the king all glorious redeemer and friend.
above o gratefully sing his power
and his love our shield and 6. O measureless might, ineffable
defender the ancient of days love, while angels delight to hymn
pavilioned in splendor and girded thee above
with praise. Thy humbler creation though
feeble their lays, with true
2. O tell of his might o sing of his adoration shall sing to thy praise.
grace whose robe is the light
whose canopy space
His chariots of wrath the deep 480.
thunder clouds form Bass: Obot obong, obot emem [x2]
And dark is his path on the wings Sop, alt ten, anie edidem ke obot obong,
of the storm. owo eke
Ana ndidem, yak ikeke obot obong, yak
3. This earth with its store of woders ikeke obot emem
Almighty thy power hath founded Bass: Yak itoro obong uwem, eno enyem
off olg obong [2x]
Hath established it fast by a All: koro enye ofonde, koro ima esie
changeless decree odude ke nsinsi [2x]

Mai albarka ne-Mai tsarki O
481. Wanda yak e zuwa x2
Oh yes, in the presence of the Lord Acikin sama Ubangiji.
I will bring my gifts
In thanksgiving and love. Hosanna O cikin samaniya
There is joy in my heart
It is flowing like a river
I will praise the Lord 483.
In thanksgiving and love. 1. Ọna anọdebe ndị nọ n’ụjụ
Ntasiobi ntasiobi ka oji abịa mgbe
1. God our father, everlasting king nile Nkolopụ obi nkolopụ obi gị Ọ
please accept this gift we offer mazulu
in thanksgiving and love. Setịa aka setịa aka Ọ ga-adọni gị.
Take our bread upon your Altar
And our wine in the chalice Chorus:
in thanksgiving and love Ọ na-hụ ndị nọ na mkpa n’anya
Nsogbu gị nsogbu gị bụkwa nsobgu ya
2. With thankful hearts and joyful Atụna egwu atụna egwu nekewasi ya
songs, we approach your Holy anya
altar, in thanksgiving and love. Nchekwube na aňụlị ka O ji abịa
Bearing gifts of your creation
We return what you have given N’ikpe azụ anyị ga-aza aha nne anyị
in thanksgiving and love. Ọga-edu anyị oge anyi gekwulu nna
Anyi ga nọ na anyị ga nọna aňụrị nke
3. To You Father now we offer Chukwu
with the Host and with the Chalice Mbge ebighebi rue mgbe ebighebi.
in thanksgiving and love. Amen
All we have and all our being
In this sacrifice most Holy,
in thanksgiving and love
Ondu ch’ ejumomi wa X3
Kristi ch’ ejumomi wa X3
482. Ondu ch’ ejumomi wa X3
Omai tsarkix2
Sama da kasa- A cike su ked a
Ondu menyi alo (x 2)
Hosanna O cikin samaniya (O) menyi alo menyi alo, Ondu menyi alo
menyi alo. (x2)
Omai tsarki x2

Christi menyi alo (x2) the Saviour through thy word,
Christi menyi alo, menyi alo O menyi Is offered full and free
alo. And now O Lord, I must, Imust
decide Shall I accept of Thee.
Repeat Ondu menyi alo
I will, I will,
I will God helping me I will
486. O Lord be thine.
1. Once in royal David’s city Thy Precious Blood
Stood a lowly cattle shed Was shed to purchase me,
Where a mother laid her baby I will be wholly Thine.
in a manger for his bed
Mary was that mother mild 2. By grace I will
Jesus Christ her little child. thy mercy now receive,
thy love my heart hath won;
2. He came down to earth from in Thee O Christ, I will, I will,
heaven, Who is God and Lord of believe.
all, and his shelter was a stable And trust in Thee alone.
and his cradle was a stall
With the poor and mean and lowly 3. Thou knowest Lord how very
lived on earth our saviour holy. weak I am,
and now I fear to stray
3. And our eyes at last shall see, for strength to serve, I look to Thee
through his own redeeming love alone, Thy strength you most
for that child so dear and gentle, supply,
is our Lord in heaven above;
and he leads his children on,
to the place where he is gone. 488.
1. On the hill far away
4. Not in that poor lowly stable stood an old rugged cross,
With the oxen standing by, The emblem of suff’ring and
We shall see him –but in heaven; shame, and I loved that old Cross
Set at God’s right hand on high Where the dearest and best
When like stars his children For a world of lost sinners was
crowned, slain.
all in white shall wait around.
So I’ll cherish the old rugged
487. cross, Till my trophies as last I lay
down, I will cling to the old rugged
1. Once more my soul, cross, And exchange it someday for

a crown. Christi mee ebere,
Mee ebere
2. Oh that old rugged cross, Christi mee ebere, X2
So despised by the world,
has a wondrous attraction for me, Onyenwe anyi mee ebere,
For the dear Lamb of God Mee ebere
Left his glory above Onyenwe anyi mee ebere, X2
to bear it to dark Calvary.

3. In the old rugged cross, 491.

sained with blood so divine, Bass: Onyenweanyi mee ebere
a wondrous beauty I see. All: Onyenweanyi mee ebere
For ‘twas on that old cross, Sop/alt: Onyenweanyi mee ebere
Jesus suffered and died All: Onyenweanyi mee ebere,
to pardon and sanctify me. mee ebere, Onyenweanyi,
mee ebere mee ebere
Kristi, Kristi
489. Sop/alt: Mee ebere doo.
One bread one body one Lord of all All: Kristi biko, mee ebere
One cup of blessing which we bless mee ebere
And we though many throughout the Bass: Onyenweanyi mee ebere
earth; We are one body in this one All: Onyenweanyi mee ebere
Lord Sop/alt: Onyenweanyi mee ebere
All: Onyenweanyi mee ebere,
1. Gentile or Jew servant or free mee ebere, Onyenweanyi,
Woman or man no more mee ebere mee ebere

2. Many the gifts many the works

One in the lord of all 492.
Onyenweanyi biko mee ebere doo,
3. Grain for the fields Onyenweanyi mee ebere X2
scattered and grown Mee ebere O mee ebere,
Gathered to one for all. Onyenweanyi mee ebere X2
Kristi, Kristi, Kristi, mee ebere X2
Onyenweanyi biko mee ebere doo…
Onyenwe anyi mee ebere,
Mee ebere 493.
Onyenwe anyi mee ebere, X 2 Onyenweanyi mee!!! [Bass]
Onyenweanyi mee ebere 2x

Me--- ebere – ee mmm
2. O nyere anyị ụbochị taa, k’ anyị
Christi mee !!! [Bass] ňụrịba, otito dịrị Ya, Eze ụwa nile.
Oh Christi mee ebere 2x
Mee---- ebere—mmm 2x 3. Nna juru n’ afọma, afọma Ya
enweghị ube, otito dịrị Ya, Eze
ụwa nile.
1. Our Father, who art in heaven 4. O nyere anyị ihe nile n’ ịhụnanya
Hallowed be Thy name Ya n’ enweghị njedebe, otito dịrị
Thy kingdom come thy will be Ya, Eze uwa nile.
done, Hallowed be Thy
2. On earth as it is in heaven… 1. Our Lord, You died for a kingdom,
Give us this day our daily bread… To redeem the hearts of all, Now
Gods people don’t you weep Christ
3. Forgive us our trespasses… has risen from the dead he lives
As we forgive those again,
Who trespass against us… Alleluia.

4. And lead us not into temptation… Sing alleluia, the Lord is risen
But deliver us from all that is He’s risen indeed alleluia. (2x)
2. Our Lord came forth like the
5. For thine is the Kingdom morning, With the splendour of the
The power and the glory… sun, Came triumphant from the
Forever, and for ever and ever… tomb From the darkness of the
tomb The victory won, alleluia.
6. Amen amen, it shall be so…
Amen, amen it shall be so… 3. Our Lord united our mountains
With the everlasting hills,
Now the seasons and the sea
495. Sing his song of victory
Otito dịrị Nna dịrị The rocks and hills, alleluia
Otito dịrị Onyenweanyị Chukwu,
otito dịrị Nna dịrị Ya, eze ụwa nile. 4. Our Lord renewed all creation
That waited late and long.
1. Nna bụ Onye ukwu, Onye ji ike Now we all with one accord live
nile, otito dịrị Ya, Eze ụwa nile. and love the risen Lord,

This is our song; alleluia. Onye n’ekpochapụ njọ nke ụwa
mere anyị ebere...
497. 4. Onye na epkochapụ njọ nke ụwa
1. O saving Victim, opening wide nara arịrịọ anyị...
The gate of heaven to man below! Onye nọ n’aka nri Nna mere anyị
Our foes press on from every side: ebere…
Thine aid supply, thy strength N’ihi na sọ Gị dị asọ sọ Gị bụ
bestow, Dinwenu...

2. To Thy great name be endless 5. Sọ Gị O Jesu Christi...

praise, Immortal God-head, One in Kacha dị elu nyere Mụọ Nsọ...
Three O grant us endless length of N’ebube Chineke Nna...
days In our true native land with
Thee. Amen. Amen, Amen…

498. 499.
Otito dịrị Chineke Oyera, oyera, oyera Ambuye
N’elu kasị elu Mulungu mwini zonse zamphamvu.
N’ụwa udo dịrị mmadụ Ali oyera aa.
Ndị ihe ha na-asọ Chukwu.
Oyera, ali oyera Ambuye
1. Anyị eto Gị, anyị ekwuputa ọrụ Oyera, ali oyera Ambuye Mulungu.
ọma Gị... Ref: Oyera, ali oyera Ambuye
Anyị esepkoro Gị, anyị edo Gị Ali oyera aa…
ebube... Ref:
Anyị ekele Gị n’ihe nnukwu ebube Kumwamba ndi pansi pano
Gị... Ref: Padzaza ndi ulemu wanu.
Ulemu kumwambako,
2. Osebụrụwa Chineke Eze nke Ali oyera aa…
Chukwu Nna onye ji ike nile… Ngwodala amene ali kudza
Onye nweanyị Jesu kristi sọ otu m’dzina la Ambuye,
Nwa Chineke mụrụ... Ulemu kumwambako,
Ali oyera aa…
3. Dinwenu anyị bụ Chukwu...
Nwatụrụ nke Chineke Nwa nke
Nna... 500.
Oyera: oyera oyera Ambuye Mulungu

Mwini zonse zamphamvu
Kumwamba ndipansi pano padzadza Ku mwamba ndi pansi!
Ndi ulemu wanu All: Kumwamba ndi pansi pano padzaza,
ndi ulemu wanu, ulemu kumwambako
Ulemu kumwambako (X2).
Ulemu kumwambako
Kumwamba ndi Ulemu ku mwambako!
Pansi pano padzadza All: Ulemu ku mwambako, ulemu
Ndi ulemu wanu kumwambako! Ulemu kumwambako,
ulemu kumwambako!
Ngodala amene
Alikudza mdzina la Ambuye Ngwodala amene!
Kumwamba ndipansi pano padzadza All: Ngwodala amene ali kudza m’dzina
Ndi ulemu wanu la Ambuye ulemu kumwambako!

501. 503.
1. Oyera, oyera Ambuye Oyera, Oyera, Mwamba, mwamba hm
Mwini zonse zamphamvu. Oyera, Mwamba, mwamba hm
Kumwamba ndi pansi, Oyera, Mwamba, mwamba sindifuna
Ali oyera Ambuye. ndidzatsale

Oyera, ali oyera Ambuye (X3) Ambuye Mulungu (Mwamba mwamba

ali oyera Ambuye. hhm)
Mwini zonse....
2. Kumwamba ndi pansi Zamphamvu (Mwamba mwamba
Padzaza ndi ulemu wanu. sindifuna ndidzatsale)
Ulemu kumwambako, Kumwamba ndi pansi
Ali oyera Ambuye. Padzaza…
Ndi ulemu wanu…
3. Ngwodala amene Ulemu kumwambako (Mwamba
Ali n’kudza m’dzina la Ambuye, mwamba hhm)x3 Mwamba mwamba
Ulemu kumwambako, sindifuna ndidzatsale
Ali oyera Ambuye.
Ngwodala amene (Mwamba mwamba
502. Ali kudza…
Oyera, oyera! M’dzina lanu (Mwamba mwamba
All: Oyera, oyera Ambuye Mulungu sindifuna ndidzatsale)
Mwini zonse zamphamvu (X2).

Ulemu kumwambako (Mwamba Amene ali kudza…
mwamba hhm)x3 (Mwamba mwamba M’dzina la Ambuye…
sindifuna ndidzatsale) Ulemu kumwambako…

504. 506.
Oyera oyera tikuyimba, Hosanna Bass: Oyera Oyera!
Ambuye Mulungu… All: Oyera Oyera Ambuye
Mwini zonse zamphamvu… Mulungu, Ambuye Mulungu,
Kumwamba ndi pansi pano... Mwini zonse zamphamvu.
Padzaza ndi ulemu…
Ulemu kumwambako… Kumwamba ndi pansi pano
Padzaza ndi ulemu wanu
Oyera,oyera Ulemu kumwambako
Tikuyimba,Hosanna…..X2 Ulemu kumwambako

Ngwodala amene… Ngwodala amene alikudza m’dzina

Amene ali kudza… L’Ambuye ulemu kumwambako
M’dzina la Ambuye… Ulemu ku mwambako
Ulemu kumwambako…
1. Pange lingua gloriosi,
Corporis Mysterium,
505. sanguinisque pretiosi
Oyera oyera tamva Quem in mundi pretium,
chimwemwe taamva Fructus ventris generosi,
Oyera: tamva Rex effudit gentium.
Chimwemwe tamva
Ambuye Mulungu… 2. Nobis datus nobis natus,
Mwini zonse zamphamvu… ex intacta Virgine,
Kumwamba ndi pansi pano et in mundo conversatus,
Padzaza... Sparso verbi semine,
Ndi ulemu wanu… sui moras Incolatus,
Ulemu kumwambako… miro clausit ordine.

Tamva chimwemwe x2 3. In supremae nocte coenae,

Oyera tamva chimwemwe recumbens cum fratribus,
observata lege plene
Ngwodala amene… cibis in legalibus;

cibum turbae duodenae, 1. Pass me not, O gentle Saviour
se dat suis minibus. Hear my humble cry
While on others Thou art calling
4. Verbum caro panem verum do not pass me by.
verbo Carnem efficit;
fitque sanguis Christi Merum; Saviour, Saviour hear my humble
et si sensus deficit, cry While on others Thou art
ad Firmandum cor sincerum, calling, do not pass me by.
sola fides sufficit.
2. Let me at thy throne of mercy
5. Tantum ergo Sacramentum, find a sweet relief;
Veneremur cernui: kneeling there in deep contrition,
Et antiquum documentum help my unbelief.
Novo cedat ritui:
Praestet fides supplementum 3. Trusting only in thy merit
Sensuum defectui. would I seek thy face
heal my wounded, broken spirit
6. Genitori, Genitoque save me by thy grace.
Laus et jubilation.
Salus, honour, virtus quoque 4. Thou the spring of all my comfort
Sit et benedictio: More than life for me
Procedenti ab utroque whom have I on earth beside
Compar sit laudatio. Amen. Thee? Whom in heaven but thee?
508. 510.
Pater Noster, qui es in caelis, Perekani Ulemu indedi
Santificetuur nomen tuum, Perekani Ulemu Kumwamba
Adveniat regnum tuum, Dzetsani mtendere padziko
Fiat voluntas tua, Inde, perekani Ulemu
Sicut in cealo te in terra. Kumwamba
Panem nostrum quotidinum
Da nonis hodie, 1. Ndipo pansi pano mtendere kwa
Et demitte nobis debita nostra anthu Chifukwa iye akuwakonda
sicut et nos dimittimus debotoribus Inde, perekani Ulemu kumwamba
et ne nos inducas in tentationem Tikuyamikani tikutamandani
sed libera nos a malo. Tikupembedzani tikulemekezani
Inde, perekani Ulemu kumwamba
2. Tikuthokozani chifukwa cha 2. Peace! Perfect peace!
Ulemu, chiulemu wanu By thronging duties press.
waukulukulu… To do the will of Jesus this is rest.
Ambuye Mulungu Mfumu
yakumwamba Mulungu Atate 3. Peace! Perfect peace!
wamphamvu zonse... With sorrows surging around, on Jesus
bosom naught, but calm is found.
3. Poti inu nokha Yesu Khristu
Ndinu woyera ndinu woyera… 4. Peace! Perfect peace!
Inunso Ambuye Yesu Khristu With love ones far away?
mverani pemphero mapemphero In Jesus keeping we are safe and they.
5. Peace! Perfect peace!
4. Inu nokha ndinu Ambuye Our future all unknown?
Inu nokha ndinu Jesus we know, and he is on the throne.
Opambana ndithu…
Limodzi ndi Mzimu Woyera 6. Peace! Perfect peace!
Mu Ulemu wanu wa Mulungu Death shadowing us,
Atate… and Jesus hath vanquished death and all
its power.
1. Peace is flowing like a river
Flowing out through you and me,
Spreading out into the desert. 513.
Setting all the captives free 1. Pelas estradas da vida nunca
sozinho estas; Contigo pelo
2. Love is flowing like a river…. caminho santa Maria vem

3. Joy is flowing like a river…. O vem connosco vem caminhar,

Santa maria vem
4. Hope is flowing like a river….
2. Mesmo que digam os Homens tu
nadas pode mudar....Luta por um
512. Mundo novo de unidade e paz.
1. Peace! Perfect peace!
In this dark world of sin? 3. Se pelo mundo os homens sem
The blood of Jesus whispers peace Conhecer-se vao, nao negues
within. nunca, A tua mao a quem tew

Tiyende mwansangala
4. Se parecer tua vida inutil caminha, Osayenda mokhumata.
Pensa que abres caminho,outros te 1. Aisraele adavutika
seguirao. Paulendo wa ku Kanaani
Adamva ludzu, adamva njala
514. Ndipo Mulungu adawasunga.
Pie pelicane Jesu Domine. Me 2. Powagawira mwachifundo
immundum, munda tuo, munda tuo Manna aja a kumwamba
sanguine. / cujus una stila/ 2x salvum Njala idaatha, ludzu lidatha
facere totum mundum Quid ab omni Koma iwo adafa.
scelere 3. Yesu adati: Thupi langa
Nlopambana manna aja
Jesu quem velantum, nunc aspicio. Oro Yemwe adzadya thupi langa
fiat illud, quod tam sitio. / ut te Sadzasauka, sadzafa.
carmens facere, visu sim beatus tuae
gloriae 517.
1. Praise, my soul, the King of
Heaven. To His feet thy tribute
515. bring . Ransomed, healed, restored
1. Pokeleleni umutulo Yesu forgiven. Who like me his praise
Uyo twamitula lelo. should sing?
Praise Him! Praise Him (x2)
Iye, pokeleleni Tata, Praise the Everlasting King.
Iye, pokeleleni lelo.
2. Praise Him for His grace and
2. Pokeleleni umukate Yesu favour, to our Fathers in distress;
Uyo twamitula lelo. Praise Him still the same forever,
slow to chide, and swift to bless.
3. Pokeleleni indifayi Yesu Praise Him! Praise Him! (x2)
Uyo twamitula lelo. Glorious in his faithfulness!

4. Pokeleleni amasali Yesu 3. Father-like, the tends and spares

Uyo twamitula lelo. us; Well our feeble frame He
knows. In His hands He gently
bears us. Rescues us from our foes.
516. Praise Him! Praise Him! (x2)
Pokalandira Yesu Widely as his mercy flows!
Tiyende mwansangala

4. Angels, help us to adore Him; Ye Shines on us from on high,
behold Him face to face; Sun and On those who dwell in dark and
Moon bow down before Him; death,
Dwellers all in time and space. To guide our feet in peace
Praise Him! Praise Him! (x2)
Praise with us the God of grace! 8. All glory to the Father be,
All glory to the Son,
All glory to the Spirit be,
518. While endless ages run.
1. Praise to the God of Israel
Whose coming sets us free
God raised for us a Saviour 519.
From David’s royal house 1. Praise to the holiest in the height,
And in the depths be praise, In all
2. Through holy prophets from of his words most wonderfull,
old, God promised us to send Most sure in all his ways
Salvation from our enemies,
Safe from their hateful hand 2. O loving wisdom of our God!
When all was sin and shame,
3. God’s mercy to our Ancestors a second Adam to the fight
And covenant secure, and to the rescue came.
The oath God swore to Abraham
We call to mind again. 3. O wisest love! That flesh and
blood, which did in Adam fail,
4. We will be rescued from the hands, should strive afresh against the foe
Of all our enemies should strive and should prevail.
To serve our God in Holiness
Be righteous all our days 4. And that a higher gift than grace
should flesh and blood refine,
5. And you, my child, you shall be God’s presence and his very self
called, A prophet of the Lord, To and Essence all divine.
go before the One who comes,
Prepare for him the way. 5. O generous love! That he who
smote,in man for man the foe,
6. The knowledge of salvation the double agony in man
God’s people ever seek, for man should undergo.
And their sinfulness they want,
To guide our feet in peace 6. And in the garden secretly
and on the cross on high,
7. The tender mercy of our God

should teach his brethren, and 2. Praise Him all ye people…
inspire 3. Praise Him for his kindness…
to suffer and to die.
4. Praise Him for his justice…
7. Praise to the holiest in the height, 5. Praise Him with singing…
and in the depth be praise,
6. Praise Him with dancing…
in all his words most wonderful,
most sure in all his ways. 7. Praise Him with clapping…
8. Praise Him with music…
520. 9. Praise Him with trumpet…
1. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 10.Praise Him all ye nations…
the King of creation. O my soul,
praise Him for He is our health and
salvation. All you who hear now to 522.
His presence draw near. Join in Priestly people, kingly people holy
profound adoration. people God chosen people sing
praise to the Lord.
2. Praise to the Lord, let us offer our
gift at the altar. Let not our sins 1. We sing to You O Christ
and offences now cause us to beloved Son of the Father, we give
falter. Christ, the High Priest, bids You praise O Wisdom everlasting
us all join in His feast. Victims and Word of God.
with Him on the altar.
2. We sing to You O Son
3. Praise to the Lord, O let all that is born of Mary the Virgin,
in us adore Him. All that has life we give You praise
and breath comes now rejoicing our brother born to heal us
before Him. Let the Amen sound our saving Lord.
from His people again, as we here
worship before Him. 3. We sing to You O brightness
of splendour and glory
we give You praise,
521. O morning star announcing
Praise the Lord the coming day.
All ye sons of men
Praise the Lord.(DC) 4. We sing to You O light
brighten men out of darkness
1. Praise Him for His kingdom… we give You praise,
O guiding light who shows

us the way to heaven.
3. Prends ma vie seigneur, prends ma
5. We sing to You Messiah vie, Que ma vie soit priere
foretold by the prophets, Prends ma vie seigneur, prends ma
we give You praise, vie, Que ma vie ressembleata vie
O son of David and son Que ma vie ressembleata vie
of Abraham.
4. Prends mon Coeur seigneur,
6. We sing to You Messiah prends mon Coeur
the hope of the people, Que mon Coeur soit priere,
we give You praise Prends mon Coeur seigneur,
O Christ Our Lord and humble prends mon Coeur
Meek of heart. Que mon Coeur ressemble a ton
7. We sing to You the way of the Que mon Coeur ressemble a ton
father in heaven Coeur
We give You praise
The way of truth and way of all
grace and light. 524.
Quero te dar a paz do meu senhor
8. We sing to You O priest of the com muito amor!
new dispensation
We give You praise 1. Na flor vejo o manifestar o poder
O peace sealed by the blood of the da creacão, nos teus olhos eu vejo
sacrifice. estar o sorriso de um irmão. Toda
vez que te abraco e aperto a tua
mão, sinto forte o poder do amor
523. dentro do meu coracão.
1. Prends ce pain Seigneur, prends ce
pain Que ce pain soit priere 2. Dues é Pai e nos protege. Cristo é
[prends ce pain Seigneur, prends filho e salvacão. Santo espirito
ce pain Que ce pain devienne ton consolador, na trindade somos
corps irmãos. Toda vez que te abraco e
Que ce pain devienne ton corps aperto a tua mão, sinto forte o
poder do amor dentro do meu
2. Prends ce vin seigneur, prends ce coracão.
vin Que ce pain soit priere
Prends ce vin seigneur, prends ce
vin Que ce vin devienne ton sang 525.
Que ce vin devienne ton sang Reach out and touch the Lord

As He goes by. as it is in heaven / Give us this
You will find He’s not too busy day / our daily bread.
To hear your heart’s cry.
He is passing by this moment 3. And forgive us / our trespasses /
Your needs to supply. As we forgive those /
Reach out and touch the Lord who sin against us.
As He goes by.
4. And lead us not / into temptation /
But deliver us / from all evil.
Regina coeli, laetare, alleluia 5. For the kingdom /
Quia quem meruisti portare, alleluia. the power and the glory /
Resurrexit, sicut dixit, alleluia Are yours now / and forever.
Ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia.

Gaude et laetare, virgo maria, alleluia 528.

Quia surrexit dominus vere, alleluia Rendez grace au seigneur car il est
bon [3x] Eternal est son amour
Dues, qui per resurrectionem filii tui 1. Dans l’agoisse o seigneur je
domini t’appelle
Nostril Jesu Christi, mundum laetificare Tu m’entends et ta main me
dignatus protégé
Es: praesta quesumus, ut per ejus Avec toi je ne crains plus personne
genitricem Rendez grace au seigneur car il est
Virginem Mariam perpetuae capiamus bon
gaudia vitae
Per eundem Christum Dominus nostrum 2. Ta puissance o seigneur me releve,
Amen. Ton amour me redon-ne courage,
Pres de toi je retrouve la forse,
Rendez grace au seigneur car il est
527. bon
Rejoice in the Lord (X8)
Rejoice in the Lord alleluia (X4) 3. Quant je vois la mise-re des
homes, La souffrance et la guer-re
1. Our Father / who art in heaven / sur terre Je me leve et je crie que
Hallowed be thy name / j’espere
Thy kingdom come. Rendez grace au seigneur car il est
2. Thy will be done on earth /

1. Salve decus humani generis,
529. Salve virgo dignior caeteris,
1. Rock of ages, cleft for me, Quae virgins omnes transgederis,
let me hide myself in thee; Et altius sedes in superis,
let the water and the blood, O Maria.
from thy riven side which flowed,
be of sin the double cure: 2. Salve felix virgo puerpera,
cleanse me from its guilt and Nam qui sedet in patris dextera,
power. Caelum regens, terram et aethera,
Intra tua se clausit viscera,
2. Not the labours of my hands, O Maria.
can fulfill thy laws demands
could my zeal no respite know, 3. Te creavit pater inenitus,
could my tears for ever flow, Obumbravit te unigenitus,
all for sin could not atone; Foecundavit te sanctus spiritus,
thou must save and thou alone. Tu es facta tota divinitus, O
3. Nothing in my hand I bring,
simply to thy cross I cling; 4. Te creavit Deus mirabilem,
naked, come to thee for dress; Te respexit ancillem humilem
hopeless, looked to thee for grace; Te quaesivit, sponsam amabilem,
foul, I to the fountain fly; Tibi nunquam fecit consimilem,
wash me savoir or I die. O Maria.

4. While I draw this fleeting breath, 5. Te beatam laudate cupiunt,

when my eyelids close in death, Omnes justi sed non sufficient,
when I soar through tracts Multas ludes de Te concipiunt,
unknown, Sed in illis prosus deficient,
see thee on thy judgment thrown; O Maria.
rock of ages, cleft for me,
let me hide myself in thee. 6. Esto mater nostrum solatium,
Nostrum esto tu virgo Gaudium,
530. Et nos tandem post hoc exsilium,
Laetos junge choris caelestium,
Salve mater misericordiae, O Maria .
Mater Dei et Mater veniae,
Mater Spei et Mater Gratiae,
Mater Plena sanctae laetitiae 531.
O Maria! Salvator mundi salva nos. x2
salva nos. Salva nos,

Salvator mundi salva nos. O vierge du silence,
Donne nous ta grande pais [bis]
Saint, Saint, Saint, Saint est le Seigneur, 535.
Saint, Saint, Saint, Alleluia (X2) Salve regina. Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo et spes nostra, salve.
Le ciel et la terre sont remplis de ta Ad te clamamus, exsulses fili hevae
gloire, Hosanna au plus haut des Cieux. Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes,
In hac lacrymarum valle
Béni soit vient au nom du Seigneur, Eia ergo, advocate nostra,
Hosanna au plus haut des Cieux. Illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos
Nobis post hoc exsilium ostende,
533. O Clemens
Saint, saint, saint, saint le Seigneur. O pia,
Saint, saint, saint alleluia. O dulcis Virgo Maria!

Beni soit celui qui vient au nom du

Seigneur. 536.
Hosanna au plus haut des cieux Samkele, Nkosi nezipho zethu.
Samkele, Samkele.
Le ciel et la terre sont remplis de ta
Hosanna, au plus haut des cieux
534. Sanctu! e e e, sanctu,
yo nde Nzambe mosantu. (X2)
1. Sainte vierge, ma mere,
Laisse-moi te contempler,
Dans la douce lumiere, 1. O likolo Nzambe se yo,
De ton Coeur immacule. [bis] awa o nse Nzambe se yo,
bato banso bako misa se yo.
2. Viens eclairer ma route,
Toi, l’etole du matin, 2. Nkembo na yo Yesu Kristu,
Et si jamais je doute, okoya o nkembo ya Nzambe,
Montre-moi le vrai chemin [bis] o koya kori kisa bato banso.

3. Que ta douce presence,

Nous protégé a tout jamais
Santo, Santo, Santo, Senhor, Bass: senhor Deus de universo
Deus do Universo; o ceu e All: senhor Deus de universo
O ceu e a terra proclamam a vossa
Gloria! Bass: o céu e a terra proclama
All: o céu e a terra proclama
Hosana,hosana, hosana, All: a tua glo-ria (2x)
Hosana,hosana nas alturas.
All: O céu e a terra proclama a tua gloria
Bendito o que vem nome do hosana nas alturas.
senhor./Hosana.... Bendito o que vem em nome do senhor
hosana nas alturas
539. Bass: santos santos é o senhor.
Santu, Santu, All: santos santos é o senhor.
Santu nge mfumu ya makesa
Santu nge Nzambi ya kwa ngolo. Bass: senhor Deus de universo
All: senhor Deus de universo
Zulu nti ntolo, Imene fuluka
Na nkembo na ngeye, Bass: o céu e a terra proclama
Ntangu yonso (X2) All: o ceus e a terra proclama
All: a tua glo-ria (2x).
Hozana Hozana, na kati ya zulu
Hozana Hozana, ntangu yonso (X2) 542.
Santo santo e tu Senhor (repeat)
Dues excelso em poder (repeat)
540. Tens por mim tao grande amor (repeat)
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Que eu nao posso compreender (repeat)
Dominus, Deus Sabaoth Quero a ti render louvor
Pleni sunt caeli et terra, Meu amado e Salvador
Gloria tua Tens a paz que vem do ceu
Hosanna in excelsis Que transforma o negro veu
Benedictus qui venit E me enche amor (2)
In nomine Domini
Hosanna in excelsis.
Santos, santos, santos senhor Deus de
541. universo, hosana
Bass: Santos, santos é o senhor. Hosana nas alturas.
All: santos santos é o senhor. O céu e a terra proclama a vossa gloria,

Hosana nas alturas. In the heart of Christ thy Son

Bendito o que vem em nome do senhor, 2. Hear our prayers, O loving Father,
hosana Hear in them thy Son, our Lord
Hosana nas alturas. Hear him speak our love and
Hosana, hosana, hosana, hosana As we sing with one accord
Hosana, nas alturas.
3. Once were seen the blood and
water, Now he seems but bread
544. and wine, Then in human form he
1. See the Church assembled here. suffered
See the Church in common prayer. Now his form is but a sign
See the Church with love and care
celebrates today. 4. Wheat and grape contain the
See the Church a sacrament. meaning, Food and drink he is to
See the Church a mystery. all, One in him, we kneel adoring,
When will we ever learn. (X2) Gathered by his loving call

2. Christ is here in happiness. 5. Hear us yet; so much is needful

Christ is here in jubilee. In our frail, disordered life
Christ is here to bring us joy. Stay with us and tend our
In our hearts to stay. weakness
Christ the same in suffering. Till that day of no more strife.
Christ the same in victory.
When will we ever learn. (X2) 6. Members of his mystic body
Now we know our prayer is heard
3. Christ the Lord our offering. Heard by thee, because thy
Christ the Lord our sacrifice. children
Christ the Lord our common meal. Have received th’eternal word.
Present here today.
Christ the Lord our celebrant.
Christ the Lord our might friend. 546.
When will we ever learn. (X2) 1. Seek ye first the kingdom of God,
And his righteousness,
And all these things shall be added
545. unto you
1. See us Lord about thine altar Allulu, alleluia.
Though so many, we are one Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, allelu,
Many souls by love united alleluia.

Senhor tende piedade porque pecamos
2. Ask and it shall be given unto you; (2x)
Seek and ye shall find
Knock and it shall be opened unto
Allelu, alleluia. 1. Senhor meu Deus quando eu
maravilhado, fico a pensar nas
obras de tuas maos, no ceu azul, de
547. estrelas pontilhado. O teu poder
Semente a crescer em planta verde mostrando a criacao.
Foi nos dada a vida para dar
Ganha a vida aquele que a perde, Entao minha alma canta a ti,Senhor
Perde a vida aquele que a guardar Quao grande es tu,
Quao grande es tu
1. Tu es a razao da minha vida
O senhor do sol e das estrelas 2. Quando a vagar nas matas e
florestas, O passaredo ouco a
2. Es a minha heranca apetecida cantar. Olhando os montes, vales e
Es a paz em todas as parcelas. campinas,
em tudo vejo o teu poder sem par.
3. A tua palavra me liberta
Da sombra do erro e do pecado. 3. Quando eu medito em teu amor tao
grande, Teu filho dando ao mundo
pra salvar.
548. Na cruz vertendo o seu precioso
Senhor tende piedade porque pecamos sangue,
(2x) Minha alma pode assim purificar.
Senhor tende piedade porque pecamos
(2x) 4. Quando em fim Jesus vier em
Gloria,e ao lar celeste entao me
Piedade, piedade, porque pecamos (2x) transporter.Te adorarei, prostrado e
Piedade, piedade, porque pecamos (2x) para sempre,
Quao grande es tu meu Deus hei-
Cristo tende piedade porque pecamos de cantar.
Cristo tende piedade porque pecamos
(2x) 550.
1. Senhor toma esta vida nova, antes
Senhor tende piedade porque pecamos que a espera me faca desgastar.
(2x) Estou disposto ao que quiseres,

nao importa o que seja tu chamas- Sop: Kwa mwili na damuye, nwanao
me a servir. yesu kristu asante
All: Shukrani zetu Baba pokea
Leva-me a onde os homens Sop: Uzima tumepata, roho zaburidika
necessitam tuas palavras, necessitam asante
a forca de viver. Onde falta a esperanca All: Shukrani zetu Baba pokea
Sop: Mwenye kulika, wote shambani
onde tudo seja triste, simplesmente nwake asante
por não saber de ti. All: Shukrani zetu Baba pokea
Sop: Mazao ndiyo mengi, wavunaji
2. Ti dou meu coracão sincero para wachache pokea
gritar sem medo que belo é o teu All: Shukrani zetu Baba pokea
amor. Senhor tenho alma Sop: Nduye mchungaji mwema,
missionária conduz-me á terra que achungaye kondoo asante
anseia só por ti All: Shukrani zetu Baba pokea
3. Assim em marcha irei cantando
aos povos teus pregando as obras
do amor. Terei as mãos já sem 553.
cansaco tua història em meus 1. Siel van my heiland, skenk my
labios e a forca de oracão. heiligheid.
Liggaam van Christus wees my
551. Bloed van my Here, lawe
Seigneur prends pitie [2x] my gemoed, stroom uit Sy sywond
O Christ prends pitie [2x] was my in U vloed.
Seigneurs prends pitie [2x]
2. Lyding van Christus, gee my
moed en krag.
552. Dierbare Jesus neem my smeek in
Sop: Shukrani zethu Baba, mumba ag. Laat my ʼn skuiling in U
mbingu na chi pokea wonde vind. Nooit van U skei nie,
All: Shukrani zetu Baba pokea as verlore kind.
Sop: Twazitoa kwa moyo, tena kwa penzi
kuu pokea 3. Hoed vir my Satan en die helse
All: Shukrazetu Baba... vuur, Laat my U stem hoor in my
Chorus: aee pokea, shukrani zetu Baba Roep my dan Jesus, na U paradys,
poea x2 om U daarbowe ewiglik te prys.

2. Rise, O children, from your sleep;
554. your Saviour now has come.
1. Silent night, holy night, He has turned your sorrow to joy,
All is calm all is bright and filled your soul with song.
Round yon virgin mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild 3. Glad my soul for I have seen
Sleep in heavenly peace [2] the glory of the Lord,
the trumpet sounds;
2. Silent night, holy night the dead shall be raised
Shepherds quake at the sight I know my Saviour lives.
Glories steam from heaven afar,
Heavenly host sing alleluia Christ,
the Saviour is born [2] 556.
1. Sing all creation, sing to God in
3. Silent night, holy night gladness!
Son of God, love’s pure light Joyously serve him, singing hymns
Radiant beams from thy holy face of homage
With the dawn of redeeming grace Chanting his praises, come before
Jesus, Lord, at thy birth, [2] his presence!
Praise the Almighty!
4. Silent night! Holy night !
Wondrous star, lend thy light! 2. Know that our God is Lord of all
With the angels let us sing the ages!
Alleluia to our King! He is our maker, we are all his
Christ the Saviour is born creatures, People he fashioned,
Jesus the Sviour is born! sheep he leads to pasture
Praise the Almighty
555. 3. Enter his temple, ringing out his
Sing a new song unto the Lord
Let your song be sung from
Sing in thanksgiving as you come
mountains high sing a new song
before him
unto the Lord singing alleluia.
Blessing his bounty, glorify his
1. Yahweh’s people dance for joy
Praise the Almighty
O come before the Lord
And play for him on glad
4. Great in his goodness is the Lord
we worship; steadfast his kindness,
and let your trumpet sound.
love that knows no ending,

faithfull his word is, changeless, elaseRoma eliKhatholika,
everlasting! [ elakhiweyo edwaleni lelo
Praise the Almighty. elingu Petrus.2x]

2. Nguye uqobo uMsindisi wethu

557. Owalimisa lab’ elabo bonke,
1. Singkubingelela Maria ocwebile; [Libafundise egameni lakhe
Wena onhliziyo yakho, Imhlophe Lonk’ iqiniso. 2x]
njengeliqhwa. [Virigo mbali enhle,
emhlophe ecwebile 3. Nkosi busisa uMalusi wethu
Yenz’inhliziyo yami icwebe Uzumvikele ezitheni zakhe,
njenge yakho] [Ulondoloze lonk’ iBandla lakho
Libe noxolo. 2x]
2. Izinkanyezi Lezo zicwazimula
kambe; Ubuhle bakho kodwa 4. Sinomalusi onguPhapha wethu
Bufiphaza zonke Ongumlandeli kaSimoni Petrus,
[Nkanyezi yasolwandle ekhanya le [Owamiselwa ukwalusizimvu
phezulu Zonk’ ezeNkosi 2x]
Akungikhanyisele min
3. Maria ocwebile virigo elimhlophe, Sisondela kuwe soMandla siyeza
Udlul’izingelosi izipho zethu.
Ngobuhle nobungcwele Masigiyeeee
[Enkosikazi enhle yezingelosi Masigiye sibonge sikudumisa
zonke Ngisize ukuba nami ngifane
nengelosi Ayeza, Ayeza, Ayeza makholw’ amahle.
Amhlope, Amhlope, Amhlope makholw’
4. Emame waphezulu
Ungikhethile kambe, 560.
Ngib’umntwanakho mame. Sithi sithobil’ impela, sidumis’
[Engivunyelwukusho ukuthi iSakramente. Elidlula ngobukhulu yonk’
Ungumame ngithol’inhlanhl’ inkozo yasendulo. Alusibonis’ ukholo
E! Nkulu yokuba umntanakho] esingelubone ngeso. (x2)

558. Akatusisisw’ uYise, abatshazwe

adunyiswe, neNdodana mayibingwe
1. Singabebandla likaJesu Kristo

idunyiswe yibo bonke. NakuMoya happiness a hundredfold, and we’ll
Ocwebileyo kub’ udumo ngokunjalo. (x2) live forever.
3. Jesus gave a new command
that we love our fellowmen
561. till we reach the Promised Land,
Sixolele Baba where we’ll live forever.
Sonile, Nkosi
Sixolele mdali woxolo 4. If we want to live with him
Lalela Jehova Lalela ukukhala kwethu We must also die with him
Die to selfishness and sin
Sonile kuwe Baba, sixolele Mdali wethu and we’ll rise forever

Nkosi sihawukele 5. Make a world a unity

Make all men one family
Siphe amandla, siphe icebo lokusophula Till we meet the Trinity
ebubini (x2) and live with them forever.

Quartet: Konakele emhlabeni, silungise 563.

Nkosi yethu 1. Soul of my Saviour, sanctify my
breast; Body of Christ, be thou my
Nkosi sihawukele. saving guest; Blood of my Saviour,
Nkosi sixolele Baba sonile bathe me in thy tide, Wash me
Sixolele, sonile sixolele. with water flowing from thy side

2. Strength and protection may thy

562. passion be; O Blessed Jesus hear
Sons of God, hear the holy word and answer me. Deep in thy
Gather the table of the Lord wounds, Lord, hide and shelter me;
Eat his body, drink his blood; so shall I never, never part from
And we’ll sing a song of love; thee.
Allelu, allelu, alleluia.
3. Guard and defend me from the foe
Brothers, sisters, we are one, malign; in death’s dread moments
and our life has just begun, in the make me only thine;
spirit we are young, we can live Call me and bid me come to thee
together. on high, when I may praise thee
with thy saints for aye.
2. Shout together to the Lord,
who has promised our rewards,

earth, bring it to birth and blow
564. where you will.
1. Sowing in the morning,
Sowing seeds of kindness Blow, blow, blow till I be
Sowing in the noontide But breathe of the Spirit,
And the dewy eves Blow in me.
Waiting for the harvest
And the time of reaping 2. Down in the meadow the willows
We shall come rejoicing are morning sheep in the pasture-
Bringing in the sheaves land cannot lie still. Spirit of God,
creation is groaning, Fill the earth,
Bringing in the sheaves; bring it to birth and blow where
Bringing in the sheaves you will.
We shall come rejoicing
Bringing in the sheaves x2 3. I saw the scar of a year that lay
dying, heard the lament of a lone
2. Sowing in the sunshine, whippoorwill, Spirit of God, see
Sowing in the shadows that cloud crying, fill the earth
Fearing neither clouds bring it to birth and blow where
Nor winter’s chilling breeze you will.
By and by the harvest
And the labour ended 4. Spirit of God, every man’s heart is
We shall come rejoicing lonely, watching and waiting and
Bringing in the sheaves hungry until, Spirit of God, man
longs that you only, fulfill the
565. earth,bring it to birth and blow
where you will.
Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on
Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on 567.
me. Stand together for what you believe,
Break me, melt me, mould me, fill me. Work for what must be done.
Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on Love each other in all that you do,
me. till all my people are one.

566. 1. Spread the peace my brothers,

1. Spirit of God in the clear running spread it ev’rywhere. Make the
water, blowing to greatness the world know right from wrong,
trees on the hill. Spirit of God in help the world to care.
the finger of morning, fill the

2. Cry out the sound of freedom, Standing in the liberty
make ev’ry sound be heard; where Christ makes free.
people crying painfully, hear their Standing on the promises of God.
ev’ry word.

3. Open your hearts my brothers, 569.

lend a willing hand; show the 1. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!
lonely and the poor, that God is in Ye soldiers of the cross;
our land. Lift high His royal banner,
it must not suffer loss
568. From victory unto victory
His army shall He lead,
1. Standing on the promises till every foe is vanquished,
of Christ my King, and Christ is Lord indeed.
through eternal ages
let his praises ring. 2. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!
Glory in the highest The trumpet call obey;
I will shout and sing, Forth to the mighty conflict
I’m standing on in this His glorious day!
The promises of God. Ye that are men, now serve Him;
against unnumbered foes; let
Standing; standing courage rise with danger, and
Standing on the promises strength to strength oppose.
of God my Saviour
standing; standing 3. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!
I’m standing on Stand in His strength alone;
The promises of God. The arm of flesh will fail you
Ye dare not trust your own;
2. Standing on the promises Put on the gospel armour,
that cannot fail. And watching unto prayer,
When the howling storm Where duty calls or danger,
of doubts and fear assail. Be never wanting there.
By the living word
of God I shall prevail, 4. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!
standing on the promises of God. The strife will not be long;
This day the noise of battle,
3. Standing on the promises The next the victor’s song;
I now can see. To Him that overcometh
Perfect, present cleansing A crown of life shall be;
in the blood for me. He with the King of glory

Shall reign eternally. 1. Sweet sacrament Divine
Hid in thy earthly home,
Lo! Round thy lowly shrine,
570. With suppliant hearts we come;
1. Sweet heart of Jesus, fount of love Jesus, to thee our voice we raise, In
and mercy. songs of Love and heartfelt praise,
Today we come, thy blessing to Sweet sacrament divine.
implore, O touch our hearts, so
cold and so ungrateful 2. Sweet sacrament of peace
and make them Lord, thine own for Dear home of every heart,
evermore. Where restless yearning cease,
And sorrows all depart,
Sweet heart of Jesus, we implore, There in thine ear all trustfully
O make us love thee more and We tell our tale of misery,
more. Sweet sacrament of peace
2. Sweet heart of Jesus, 3. Sweet sacrament of rest
make us know and love thee, Ark from the ocean’s roar,
unfold to us the treasures of thy Within thy shelter blest
grace; that so our hearts, from Soon may we reach the shore,
things of earth uplifted; may long Save us for still the tempest raves;
alone to gaze upon thy face. Save lest we sink beneath the
3. Sweet heart of Jesus, make us pure Sweet sacrament of rest.
and gentle, and teach us how to do
thy blessed will, to follow close the 4. Sweet sacrament divine
prints of thy dear footsteps, and Earth’s light and jubilee,
when we fall sweet heart, oh, love In thy far depths doth shine
us still. Thy Godhead’s majesty;
Sweet light, so shine on us, we
4. Sweet heart of Jesus, bless all pray, That earthly joys may fade
hearts that love thee, and may thine away, Sweet sacrament divine.
own heart ever blessed be, bless us
dear Lord and bless the friends we
cherish, 572.
and keep us true to Mary and to 1. Sweet Saviour bless us ere we go,
thee. Thy word into our minds instil;
and make our lukewarm hearts to
571. glow, with lowly love and fervent

perces toutes mes pensees; Et tu as
Through life’s long day mis sur moi ta main.
and death dark night,
O gentle Jesus, be our light 2. C’est toi qui as forme mon Coeur;
Tu m’as brode m’as faconne, Je te
2. The day is done, its hours have benis Dieu de ma vie; Pour la
run; and thou hast taken count of merveilles que je suis.
all,the scanty triumph grace has
won; the broken vow, the frequent 3. Tu vis au creux de mon mystere;
fall. Mes jours pour toi son definis,
Point de tenebres devant toi; Tu es
3. Grant us, dear Lord, from evil la lumiere de ma nuit.
ways, true absolution and release;
and bless us more than in past 4. Sonde-moi connais mon Coeur
days; with purity and inward Scrute-moi, connnais mon souci,
peace. Beni sois-tu de me guider; Sur ton
chemin d’eternite.
4. Do more than pardon, give us joy,
sweet fear and sober liberty, and
loving hearts without alloy, that 574.
only long to be like thee. Take and sanctify for your honour
Lord, and sanctify these gifts, take
5. Labour is sweet, for thou hast and sanctify these gifts for your
toiled, and care is light, for thou honour Lord.X2
hast cared; let not our works with
self be soiled, nor in unsimple 1. All that I am, all that I do,
ways ensnared. Everything I will ever make,
Take my life and take my all,
6. For all we love-the poor, the sad, Everything I will ever make.
the sinful-unto thee we call; Oh let
thy mercy make us glad, thou art 2. All that I dream, all that I crave,
our Jesus and our all. Everything I will ever have,
Take my life and take my all,
Everything I will ever have.
Ta main me conduit ta droite me 3. All that I need, all that I pray,
Saisit, Tu as pose sur moi ta main. Everything I will ever be
Take my life and take my all,
1. Toi qui me sonde et me connais; Everything I will ever be.
Tous mes peche sont devant toi, Tu

every power as thou shalt choose.
1. Take my hands and make them as 4. Take my will and make it thine
your own, and use them for your it shall be no longer mine
Kingdom here on earth. Take my heart, it is thine own
Consecrate them to your care, it shall be thy royal throne.
annoint them for your service
where you may need your Gospel 5. Take my love; my Lord I pour
to be sown. at thy feet its treasure –store
take myself and I will be
2. Take my hands, they speak now ever, only all for thee.
for my heart, and by their actions
they will show their love.
Guard them on their daily course, 577.
be their strength and guiding force Take our bread, we ask you,
to ever serve the Trinity above. take our hearts, we love you,
take our lives, oh Father,
3. Take my hands, I give them to we are yours, we are yours.
you, Lord; prepare them for the
service of your name. 1. Yours as we stand at the table you
Open them to human need and by set, Yours as we eat the bread
their love they’ll sow your seed so our hearts can’t forget.
all may know the love and hope we are the signs
you give. of your life with us yet;
we are yours, we are yours.
576. 2. Your holy people
1. Take my life and let it be stand washed in your blood,
consecrated, Lord to thee spirit filled, yet hungry, we await
take my moments and my days your food. Poor though we are,
tet them flow in ceaseless praise. we have brought ourselves to you:
Ww are yours, we are yours.
2. Take my hands and let them move
at the impulse of thy love
take my feet and let them be 578.
swift and purposeful for thee. 1. Tambula Omwene tambula (X2)
Tanbula omagano yetu,
3. Take my voice and let me sing [Tambula Omwene, tambula
always, only, for my King Omagano yetu] (X2)
take my intellect and use

2. Tambula Omwene tambula (X2) same, His Holy name – the Lord,
Tambula omboloto yetu, the Mighty One.
[Tambula Omwene, tambula
Omboloto yetu] (X2) 3. Tell out my soul the greatness of
His might, Powers and Dominions
3. Tambula Omwene tambula (X2) lay their glory by.
Tambula omaviinyu yetu Proud hearts and stubborn wills are
[Tambula Omwene, tambula put to flight,
Omaviinyu yetu] (X2) The hungry fed, the humble lifted

4. Tell out my soul the glories of His

579. Word, Firm is his promise and His
Tantum ergo Sacramentum mercy sure.
veneremur cernui Tell out my soul the greatness of
et antiquum documentum the Lord, To children’s children
Novo cedat ritui. and forever more.
Praestet fides supplementum
sensuum defectui.
Genitori genitoque Tewo gbebowa, Babawa tewo
laus et jubilatio gbebowa Baba Olodumare Iwola
salus honor virtus quoque warubosio Tewo gbebowa, Laye
Sit et benedicto (Babawa) tewo gbebowa Laye Laye
Procedenti ab utroque Babawa tewo gbebowa, Baba
compare sit laudatio. Amen. Olodumare I wola warubosio Tewo
580. 1. Baba Egbewa pap Iwola
1. Tell out my soul the greatness of warubofuno Tewo gbebowa. Awon
the Lord, Unnumbered blessing aropo papa Iwwola warubofuno
gives my spirit voice. Tender to me Tewo gbebowa, Gbogbo Krist ani
the promise of His word, in God awonla warubofuno Tewo
my Saviour shall my heart rejoices. gbebowa.

2. Tell out my soul the greatness of 2. Awapelu mat’a Iwola warubosio

His name, Make known His might, Tewo gbebowa. Awapelu Josefu
the deeds His arm has done. His Iwola warubosio Tewo gbebowa,
mercy sure from age to age the Awaapelu petern Iwola warubosio
Tewo gbebowa.

Baba Olodumare Iwola warubosio 1. Thank you for giving me this
Tewo gbebowa. morning, thank you for ev’ry day
that’s new.
Thank you that I can know my
582. worries can be cast on you.
Bass: Thank You, X3 Oh Lord Thank
You, Thank You My Lord X2 2. Thank you for all my brothers and
Alto: Thank You X3 Oh Lord Thank sisters, thank you for all our
You, Thank You My Lord. friends that live
Tenor: Thank You X3 Oh Lord Thank Thank you for even greatest enemy
You, Thank You My Lord I can forgive
Sop: Thank You
All: Thank You Oh Lord 3. Thank you I have my occupation
Sop: Oh Lord Thank You, Thank you for ev’ry pleasure
All: Thank You Oh Lord small. Thank you for music, light
and gladness, thank you for them
1. For Your Guidance Lord... all
Ref: All: Thank You Oh Lord
2. For Your Blessings... 4. Thank you for many little sorrows,
All: Thank You Oh Lord Thank you for ev’ry kindly word
Thank you for everywhere your
3. For Your Healings Lord Ref guidance reaches ev’ry land
4. For Your Talents
5. For Your Nourishments Lord 5. Thank you. I see your word has
6. For Your Goodness meaning, Thank you I know your
7. For Your Graces Lord Spirit here
8. For Your Mercy Thank you because you love all
9. In all situations Lord... people Those both far and near
10.For our Studies...
11.For our achievements Lord... 6. Thank you O Lord you spoke unto
12.For our success... us, Thank you that for our words
13.In our place of sports... you care
14.In our work places Thank you O Lord you came
15.In times of trial Lord among us Bread and wine to share
16.In Times of distress
7. Thank you O Lord your love is
583. boundless, Thank you that I am
full of you, Thank you, you made
me feel so glad
And thankful as I do.

584. 1. The Spirit lives to set us free,
1. The Church is one foundation Walk, walk in the light.
is Jesus Christ her Lord He binds us all in unity,
she is His new creation Walk, walk in the light.
by water and the word
From heav’n he came and sought Walk in the light, (X3)
her To be his holy bride, With his Walk in the light of God.
own blood he bought her And for
her life he died 2. Jesus promised life to all,
Walk, walk in the light.
2. Elect from every nation, The dead were wakened by his
yet one o’er all the earth. call, walk, walk in the light.
Her charter of salvation
one Lord, one faith, one birth 3. He died in pain on Calvary,
one holy name she blesses, walk, walk in the light.
partakes one holy food, To save the lost like you and me,
and to one hope she presses walk, walk in the light.
with every grace endued
4. We know his death was not
3. ‘Mid toil, and tribulation the end, walk, walk in the light.
and tumult of her war. He gave his Spirit to be our friend,
She waits the consummation Walk, walk in the light.
of peace for evermore;
till with the vision glorious 5. By Jesus’ love our wounds are
her longing eyes are blest healed,Walk, walk in the light.
and the great church victorious The Father’s kindness is revealed
shall be the Church at rest. Walk, walk in the light.

4. Yet she on earth hath union 6. The Spirit lives in you and me,
with God the three in one Walk, walk in the light.
and mystic sweet communion His light will shine for all to see,
with those whose rest is won Walk, walk in the light.
O happy ones and holy
Lord, give us grace that we,
like them, the meek and lowly, 586.
on high may dwell with thee. The Lord hears the cry of the poor
Blessed be the Lord

1. I will bless the Lord at all times my head thou dost with oil anoint
His praise ever in my mouth and my cup overflows.
Let my soul glory in the Lord,
For he hears the cry of the poor 5. Goodness and mercy all my life
shall surely follow me.
2. Let the lowly hear and be glad And in God’s House for evermore
The Lord listens to their pleas my dwelling-place shall be.
And to hearts broken he is near
For he hears the cry of the poor
3. Every spirit crushed he will save 1. The love I have for you, my Lord
Will be ransomed for their lives; is only a shadow of your love for
Will be safe shelter for their fears, me only a shadow of your love for
For he hears the cry of the poor. me; Your deep abiding love

4. We proclaim the greatness of God My life is in your hands

His praise ever in our mouth My life is in your hands
Every face brightened in his light My love for you will grow, my God
For he hears the cry of the poor. Your light in me will shine.

2. My own belief in you, my Lord is

587. only a shadow of your faith in me
1. The Lord’s my Shephered, only a shadow of your faith in me;
I’l not want, He makes me down to Your deep and lasting faith
lie, in pastures green.
He leadeth me 3. The dream I have today, my Lord
The quiet water by. is only a shadow of your dreams
for me is only a shadow of all that
2. My soul he doth restore again will be; If I but follow you
and me to walk doth make
within the paths of righteousness 4. The joy I feel today my Lord
e’en for his own name’s sake. Is only a shadow of your joys for
me only a shadow of your joys for
3. Yea though I walk in death’s dark me; When we meet face to face
vale, yet will I fear none ill.
For thou art with me, and thy rod
and staff me comfort still. 589.
[The wedding Banquet ]
4. My table thou hast furnished
in presence of my foes I cannot come

I cannot come to the banquet, 1. There’s a quiet native homeland and
Don’t trouble me now her children would return there;
I have married a wife There’s the face of a dear Mother
I have fields and commitments With two marks the sword has left
That cost a pretty sum, there; with her look, so deep and
Pray, hold me excused, I cannot watchful, she asks each one her
come. children; to entrust his life, his world
into her hands.
1. A certain man held a feast
On his fine estate in town Madonna gentle Madonna
He laid a festive table and wore, A It’s so sweet to be your children
wedding gown Protect us, O dear Madonna
He sent in invitations Within your mothering hands.
To his neighbours far and wide
But when the meal was ready 2. She will calm you in your troubles;
Each of them replied She will free you from all evils For
I cannot come her heart is always open to each one
her dear children She will light the
2. The master rose up in anger, way before you if with love you call
Called his servants by name, said; upon her
go into the town, fetch the blind
and the lame 3. This whole world so full of tumoil
Fetch the peasant and the pauper, what real good has it to offer? But the
For this i have willed face of a fond mother gives a peace
My banquet must be crowded the world can’t shatter, when you
And my table must be filled smile, O dear Madonna we will see
I cannot come the smile of Jesus Bringing back, into
our hearts, the joys gone by.
3. When all the poor had assembled;
There was still room to spare, So
the master demanded, Go search 591.
every where to the high-ways and 1. There’s call comes ringing over the
by ways, And force them to come restless wave send the light----sens
in, My table must be filled before the light
the banquet can begin I cannot There are souls to rescue there are
come. souls to save
Send the light----send the light.

590. Send the light, the Blessed Gospel

light; Let it shine, from shore to

shore 2. No friend like him is so holy and
Send the light, the Blessed lowly, no not one, no not one. And
Gospel light, Let it shine, yet no friend is so meek and lowly.
forevermore 2x No not one, no not one.

2. We have heard the Macedonian 3. There’s not an hour that he is not

call today near us. No not one, no not one.
Send the light----send the light No night go dark that his love can’t
And our grateful offering at the dear us. No not one, no not one.
cross we lay
Send the light----send the light 4. Did ever saints find this friend
forsake them? No not one no not
3. May the grace of Jesus unto all one. Or sinners find that he would
abound; Send the light----send the not take them? No not one, no not
light Send a Christ like spirit every one.
where be found
Send the light----send the light.
1. There’s a land that is fairer than
day, and by faith we can see it afar,
for the Father waits over the way
592. to prepare us a dwelling place
There is joy, peace and there
happiness in my heart…(X2)
There is joy peace and In the sweet by and by
happiness in my soul…(X3) We shall meet on that beautiful
Shore X2
593. 2. We shall meet on that beautiful
1. There is not a friend like the lowly shore, the melodious songs of the
Jesus. bless, and our spirit shall sorrow
No not one, no not one. None else no more, not a sign for the blessing
could heal all our soul diseases. No of rest.
not one, no not one.
3. To our bountiful Father above
Jesus knows all about our struggles We offer a tribute of praise
He will guide till the day is done For the glorious gift of his love
There is not a friend like the lowly and the blessing that hallow our
Jesus, No not one, no not one days.

Sense sonke sibemhlophe
595. izinhliziyo zethu.
1. Therefore we, before Him bending,
This great Sacrament revere;
Types and shadows have their 597.
ending. This is my body given for your
For the newer rite is here freedom. This is my blood which
Faith, our outward sense was shed for all of mankind. Take
befriending all and eat till the day of my return.
Makes the inward vision clear
1. Peace to Zion Yahweh’s people.
2. Glory let us give, and blessing Put your sorrows in your hands as I
To the Father and the Son; once led you to freedom, come
Honour might, and praise now to my Father’s house.
addressing, While eternal ages run;
Ever too His love confessing, Who 2. On your journey to the kingdom,
from both, with both is one, Amen. You will find the strength you
need, As this table of
remembrance, of my rising from
V. Panem de caelo praestitisti eis the dead.
R. Omne delectamentum in se habentem 3. Hear, my flock, now hear me
(Alleluia) calling, for I know you all by
name, Come with me the Blessed
shepherd, To the New Jerusalem.
1. Thina sonk’ abantu bakho 4. When the whole world shakes with
sikutusa Nkosi, terror, when the sky bursts into
Sidumusa sithi sonke kanye flames, On the clouds shall I
nengelosi. appear, And you shall know my
hour has come.
Gloria, Gloria in excelsis Deo.

2. Siyabong’ umusa wakho 598.

ngesipho sempilo, 1. This is my will, my one command;
Esivela kuMsindisi That love should dwell among you
weth’ uJesu Kristo. all
This is my will that you should
3. Nkosi hlis’ uMoya wakho love; as I have shown that I love
uzohlala nathi, you.

4. Filled with my Spirit how you
2. No greater love a man can have will grow! You are my branches I
than that he die to save his friends; am the tree. If you are faithful
You are my friends if you obey, all others will know, you are alive in
I command that you should do. me.

3. I call you now no longer slaves 5. Love one another I have loved
no slave knows all his master does; you; and I have shown you how to
I call you friends, for all I hear be free ; serve one another, and
my Father say, you hear from me. when you do, do it in love for me.

4. You chose not me, but I chose you;

that you should go and bear much 600.
fruit, I called you out that you in 1. This is the day [2]
me, should bear much fruit that That the Lord has made [2]
will abide. We will rejoice [2]
And be glad in it[2]
5. All that you ask my Father dear This is the day
from my name’s sake you shall That the Lord has made
receive; this is my will, my one We will rejoice
command, that love should dwell And be glad in it.
in each, in all. This is the day [2]
That the Lord has made

599. 2. This is the day

1. This is my body, broken for you; When he rose again
bringing you wholeness, making
you free. tTke it and drink it and 3. This is the day
when you do; do it in love for me. When the Spirit came….

2. This is my blood poured out for

you; bringing forgiveness making 601.
you free. Take it and drink and Though the mountains may fall an the
when you do, do it in love for me hills turn to dust, yet the love of the
Lord will stand, as a shelter for all;
3. Back to my father soon I shall go.
Do not forget me; then you will see Who will call on his name
I am still with you, and you will Sing the praise of the glory of God
know,you’re very close to me.
1. Could the Lord ever leave you?

Could the lord forget his love? Imfa yanu…
Though a mother forsake her child, Ndikuuka…
he will not abandon you. Kwanu kwa akufa…
Mpaka mudza…
2. Should you turn and forsake him, Bwerenso…
He will gently call your name,
Should you wander away from him
He will not abandon you 604.
1. Timakutamandani Yahweh!,
3. Go to him when you are weary timakuthokozani Yahweh!
He will give you eagle’s wings Pazabwino zonse mumatichitira
You will run never tire, Yahweh!2x
For your God will be your
strength . Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh e-e-e
4. As he swore to your fathers when inu
the flood destroyed the land Pazabwino zonse mumatichitira
He will never forsake you Yahweh! 2x
He will swear to you again.
2. Ndinu Mpulumutsi Yahweh!
Timakulemekezani Yahweh!2x
602. Pazabwino zonse mumatichitira
Tikuthokozani Mulungu wathu 2x Yahweh!
Ambuye, Ndinu Akulu opambana zonse
dzina lanu 3. Ndinu Muwomboli Yahweh!
Litamandikeeee. 2x Ndinu Mtetezi Yahweh!2x
Pazabwino zonse mumatichitira
M’mamawa masana madzulo Mulungu Yahweh! 2x
Dzina lanu litamandikeee 2x
Ambuye ndinu akulu
Opambana zonse dzina lanu 605.
litamandikeee 1. Tipereka kwa inu Mulungu
Wachifundo Alleluia-a
Podzuka poyenda pogona Mulungu dzina Ambuye Yesu Khristu ali
lanu litamandikeee 3x Ambuye ndinu Paguwa pano Alleluia-a.
akulu opambana
Zonse dzina lanu litamandikeee. Alleluya tipereke:
Tipereke mphatso zathu kwa
Mulungu Alleluia-a (x2)
Tilalika, zoona Ambuye zoona 2. Sitiyenera konse kudza

Tokha kwa inu, Alleluia-a Bass: Amai!
Koma Yesu Ambuye ali All: Amai Maria.
Wansembe wathu, Alleuia-a
Chifarai, Serafimu, Chiimbai
3 Timakupembedzani ndi Yesu Kerubhimu…, kwazai Maria.
Mwana wanu timakuthokozani Bass: Ave!
Mulungu waufulu All: Ave Maria.

4 Iye yemwe alipa 2. Munongara munengoni.

Zoipa zathu zonse Munyaradze Moyo Yose.
Amati Bambo wanga
Muwakhulukire 3. Murevere vana venyu.
Vagoona Kristo Yesu.
Ref: Tipereka nsembe kwa 608.
Mulunguyo Tiulandire tiulandire uthenga wabwino
Chorus: Tipereka nsembe
Tipereka nsembeyi Eya Eya a chakudya chauzimu X2
Tipereka nsembe kwa Lankhulani nafe
Tonse ndife banja
1. Chuma chathuchi timapereka, Banja banja X2
Kuti mpingowo uyende bwino.
Banja, banja, banja, limodzi
2. Apostoli analibe chuma, Banja, banja, banja laMulungu
Choyendetsera nacho mpingo. Lankhulani nafe!

3. Adagulitsa zinthu zao,

Kuti apeze chuma chao. 609.
Tiyamika imfa yanu — zoona
4. Ndipo Anania ndi Safira, Imfa yanu ya pamtanda—zoona
Adagulitsa munda wao. Ndikuuka kwa akufa—zoona
Mpaka mudzabwerenso—zoona
Zoona Ambuye zoona [2x]
1. Tiri venyu hosi Mai.
Bass: Amai! 610.
All: Amai Maria. Tipereke nsembeyi kwa inu Ambuye
Makanaka munopfava. Mwa njira zathu zinai

Tipereka nsembeyi kwa inu Mbuye Gloria! Gloria!
Zolinga zathu zinai. In excelsis Deo!

Kupembedza, kuyamika 3. Jesu, Mora oa Molimo,

Kuthokoza ndi kupempha: U Konyana e tlosang
Kwa inu akulu amuyaya Mbuye Libe tsa lefatse lohle
Mverani zolinga zathu Re batla ho u rata,
U re hauhele bohle
Nazi mphatso zathu kwa inu Mbuye Ba llang mona lefatseng.
Ndi mitima yathu yomwe. Gloria! Gloria!
Nazi ntchito zathu kwa inu Mbuye In excelsis Deo!
Ndi mafuno athu omwe

Mverani kupempha kwathu kuno Mbuye 612.

Mwachifundo chanu chozama Tsohle 2x tsohle di etsoa ke uena
Mverani kulira kwathu kuno Mbuye Modimo mo—di—mo re boka uena
Mwa chisoni chanu chozama (several times)
Ditletse tlotlo la hao hosa—nna wahala le
Sitidzaleka kufuula Mbuye la modem
Kwa inu akulu oyera Kalebitso lamorena hosa—nna wahala le
Sitidzaleka kulabada Mbuye la modimo.
Ndi inu mwini zinthu zonse.
611. 1. To the banquet throne of the Holy
1. Tlotlo le be ho Molimo, Lamb, the Lord Jesus is calling
Ea busang maholimong. me, but I’m not worthy to receive
Khotso e be teng lefatseng Him, but if He says the word I
Ho batho ba lokileng. shall be healed.
Re u boka ka thabo
Re phehella thorisong. Ref. Say your word Lord I shall be
Gloria! Gloria! healed, say it, say it O Lord, I shall
In excelsis Deo! be healed, I’m not worthy to have
you in my soul, only say your word
2. Re ntse re u khumamela I shall be healed
Ka tumelo e phelang.
A re roriseng Molimo 2. I need you Lord within me, to give
Tebohong e sa feleng. me grace and eternal life, but I’m
U mohloli e moholo not worthy to receive Him, but if
Ea busang maholimong. He says the word I shall be healed.

Toi qui portes la joie
3. You give me Lord eternal life, by Toi que touché l’espirit
the mystery of this holy meal, but Toi que touché la croix
I’m not worthy to receive Him, but
if He says the word I shall be 2. Toi qui donness l’espoir,
healed. Toi qui gardes la foi
Toi qui passé la mort
4. I thank you Lord for choosing me Toi debout dans la jole
to partake freely of the Holy meal,
but I’m not worthy to receive Him, 3. Toi le Coeur sur la main
but if He says the word I shall be Toi la joie pour les yeux
healed. Toi le miel et le vin
O sourire de Dieu
5. Jesus Christ Oh Holy one, Receive
glory and eternal praise, but I’m
not worthy to receive Him, but if 616.
He says the word I shall be healed. Toi qui sais pardonner

614. 1. O Seigneur, toi qui sais pardoner,

To you O Lord, I give my soul and Seigneur, prends pitie [ter]
my life; O Lord, My whole being,
to you O Lord, I give my life and 2. De tes enfants ici rassembles
my O Christ, prends pitie [ter]
belonging, receive and bless them.
3. O Seigneur, toi le juste des justes,
4. For give all my sins… Seigneur prends pitie [ter]
Ref: Receive, receive my gifts,
and bless them. 617.
Tobenụ Chineke, otito dịrị Ya, sọYa
5. Bless me O Lord….
bụ Eze, Ọ na- achị n’ ụwa nile,
6. Take me nearer to thee… ňụrịanụ ọnụ, otito dịrị Chukwu, too
4. And bless my relatives…. Ya, too Ya-a, ụnụ nile.

1. O Chukwu anyị ekele Gị, sọ Gị

615. Onye nwe ụwa nile.
Toi notre dame, nous te chantons
toi notre mere, nous te prions! 2. Ka mmiri nke dị n’ igwe
Kele Chukwu bụ Eze nk’ igwe.
1. Toi qui portes la vie

3. Hosanna dịrị Onyenwe m! believes; that moments from Jesus
Dịrị Chukwu juru mba nile! a pardon receives.

4. Lota ihe Dinwenu meere gị; 3. Great things he has taught us great
kele Chukwu gị mba nile. things he has done
and great our rejoicing through
5. Ọchịchị dị n’ aka Chukwu; Jesus the Son.
amamihe nile si na Chukwu. But purer and higher and greater
will be, our wonder, our rapture,
6. Debe okwu nile nke Chukwu; when Jesus we see.
were mkpụrụobi gị nye Chukwu.

7. Tobe Chukwu Nna na Nwa Ya; 619.

Ka Chukwu Mụọ Nsọ were bịa. Tomai Senhor os dons do nosso
amor; Tomai Senhor os dons do
nosso amor

1. Tomai Senhor o pão de cada dia;

618. Tomai também a nossa alegria (2x)
1. To God be the glory, great things
he has done, so loved he the world 2. Tomai Senhor o fruto da videira;
that he gave us his Son; Who Tomai também a nossa vida inteira
yielded his life in atonement for (2x)
And opened the life- gate that all 3. Tomai Senhor velhinhos e
may go in doencas; Tomai também os nossos
sofrimentos (2x)
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord
Let the earth hear his voice
Praise the Lord praise the Lord let 620.
the people rejoice o come to the Tua palavra e luz do meu
Father through Jesus his Son Caminho meu, Deus.
And give him the glory, great things
he has done! 1. Tua palavra esta nas ondas do mar;
Tua palavra esta no sol abrilhar;
2. O perfect redemption, the purchase Tua palavra esta no pensamento e
of blood, to every believer the No sentimento tua palavra esta…
promise of God (2X)
And every believer the promise of
God; and every offender who truly

2. Tua palavra esta no son do trovao; Kuli fye ukusansamuka.
Tua palavra esta no ton da tensao,
Tua palavra esta na conciencia e 3. Mumulu tukalamumona
Na ciencia tua palavra esta…(2X) Mulungu no busuma bwakwe,
Emo tukalamutamba pe
3. Tua palavra esta na beleza da flor; Emo tukalamuchindika.
Tua palavra esta na grandeza do
Tua palavra esta na liberdade e 623.
Na amizade tua palavra esta…(2x) 1. Turn your eyes upon Jesus.
Look full in His wonderful face.
And the things of the earth, will
621. grow strangely dim.
Tu es Seigneur notre résurrection, In the light of His glory and grace.
2. Fix your eyes upon Jesus…
L: Gloria à toi qui fus cloué en croix
All: Amen 3. Keep your eyes upon Jesus…
L: Gloria à toi qui fus réssuscité
All: Amen!
L: Gloria a toi qui reigne dans les cieux 624.
All: Amen! 1. Ubasile, ubasile;
Tu es Seigneur notre résurrection, Ubasile, ubasile ubasile
alléluia. Nkoma (2x)

2. Nzumani ni mafuni ku
622. Taku dumisa
1. Tukaya muchalo ichisuma
Kumulu na Yesu kwa Tata, 3. Hosana hosana
Lelo tumone kufikako Hosana nzumani
Tuli no kuwamya pe nape.
4. Ubasile(2x)
Tukaya monana Ubasile nkoma
lintu muchalo tukafuma,
tukaya ikala 5. A katekile a yu a taku ngu di tina
kumulu na Yesu kwa Tata. dako
2. Buchushi bonse tukabusha
Muno chalo mwaka tukafwa,
Kumulu takwaba kuchula 625.
Ucwebile Ucwebile, Ucwebile Uyabongeka ozayo ngegama leNkosi
Nkosi Nkulunkulu X2 (X2)
Hosanna kweziphezulu. (X2)
Hosanna Hosanna
Hosanna kweziphezulu
Bayethe Bayethe 628.
Bayethe kweziphezulu. Udum’ alube kuNkulunkulu
Udum’ alube kweziphezulu
Izulu nomhlaba
Kugcwele ubukhosi bakho… Kube nokuthula
Emhlabeni Kubantu
Uyabongeka ozayo Ebantwini bonke
Ngegama leNkosi… Abathandeka kuye
Siyakubabaza siyakutusa
Siyakhuleka kuwe
626. Siyakudumisa siyakubonga
Ucwebile, ucwebile, ucwebile Ngenxa yobukhosi
ucwebile x2
Bakho obukhulu, Nkosi
Izulu nomhlaba kugcwele ubukhosi Nkulunkulu
bakho x2 Ngqongqosh’ wa ezulwini
[Nkulunkul’ uyise
Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna Ndodan’ ezelwe nguye] X2
kwezipezulu Bayethe, Bayethe, Bayethe, Wena’ osus’ izono
Bayethe Kwezipezulu Izono zomhlaba
Zwana ukucela
Uyabongeka ozayo ngegama le nkosi x2
Ukucela kwethu
Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna Wen’ ohlezi kwesokunene
kwezipezulu. Bayethe, Bayethe, Bayethe, sikaNkulunkul’ uyihlo
Bayethe Kwezipezulu [sihawukele, sihawukele] X2
Ngoba nguwe wedwa
Wedwa ocwebile
627. Ngoba nguwe
Ucwebile, ucwebile, Wedwa oyiNkosi
Ucwebile, ucwebile (X2)
Nkosi Nkulunkulu wamaviyo (X2) Ngoba nguwe wedwa
Izulu nomhlaba kugcwele Ongu phezukonke
ubukhosi bakho (X2) Wen’ Jesu Kristo, ebukhosini
Hosanna kweziphezulu (X2) bukaNkulunkul’ uyise

[Amen. Amen] X2 Taha Jesu
Jesu, Jesu nakubiza,
629. Taha, taha Mulenaka unikenise.
UKristo siqalo, uKristo siphetho,
uKristo yiNkosi yamakhosi. 2. Usike wa hana Ndate
ni mwana hao,
630. Nibe wa hao ka mita
kiyona kupo yaka.
Ukristo wasifela
Ukristo uvukile 3. Ha bukafela bupilo bo
Ukristo uyobuya uniamuhele,
Nibone pata yahao Mulena
631. kamita nimita.
Ukwetsimile hosi xikwembu 4. Mubili wa hao ki sico
Tilo nemsava sikwetsimile sa moya waka,
Yakuamuhela hande
Hosanna, hosanna X2 ukaina niyena.
Hosanna aetla aetla.

Kuuyisiwe vito la hosi X2 634.

Hosanna………. 1. Ukenile ukenile Mwamahalimu
ukenile Mwamahalimu
632. Ukenile ukenile Mwamahalimu
anilati kuyosiyala.
Umasisamukela (X3)
umzimba legazi lakho. 2. Mulena Mulimu Mwamahalimu
Nkosi sibabaza (X3) yanani Mwamahalimu
ukufa kwakho. Yanani nimata Mwamahalimu
Ukufa kwakho (X3) anilati kuyosiyala.
uze ubuye.
3. Lihalimu ni lifasi Mwamahalimu
633. litezi Mwamahalimu
Litezi kanya yahao Mwamahalimu
1. Ukene mwa pilu ya ka
unife kozo, anilati kuyosiyala.
Moya waka usilafezi
unikenise. 4. Kulumbwe ya taha Mwamahalimu
kalibizo Mwamahalimu
Kalibizo la Mulena Mwamahalimu

anilati kuyosiyala. Hosanna...

5. Hosanna Hosanna Mwamahalimu

Hosanna Mwamahalimu 637.
Hosanna Hosanna Mwamahalimu Ukwetsimile, ukwetsimile
anilati kuyosiyala. Hosi, hosi Xikwembu,
Tilo ni msava, tilo ni msava sikwetsimile.

635. Hosanna (X3)

Ukwetsimile Henhla, henhla
Ukwetsimire Hosi Hosi Xikwembu Hosanna henhla, henhla.
Tilo nemsava sikwetsimile
Kudunisiwe vito ra hosi.
Hosanna, hosanna
Hosanna, hosanna 638.
Hosanna aetla aetla Ulemu
Hosanna aetla aetla All: ulemu kwa Mulungu kwa Mulungu
Hosanna aetla aetla kumwamba (eyaeh) ulemu
Ndipo pansi pano
Kuduyisiwe All: ndipo pansi pano
Kuduyisiwe vito vito la Hosi mtendere kwa anthuu
(Eyaeh) akuwakondaa
636. (Eyaeh) ulemu

Ukwetsimile hosi Tikuyamikani—eyaa ulemu

Hosanna ..hosana..hosana Tikutamandani—eyaa ulemu
Nkulukumba Tikupembedzani—eyaa ulemu
Bava hosanna Tikulemekezani—eyaa ulemu
A tilu ni misava..hosana Tikuthokozani—eyaa ulemu
Swi tali hi mfumo wako..hosana Chifukwa chaulemu—eyaa ulemu
Hosanna..hosana..hosana Chaulemu wanu—eyaa ulemu
Hosanna..hosana..hosana Waukulukulu—eyaa ulemu

Hosanna hosanna(2x) Inunso Ambuye—eyaa ulemu

Yesu Khristu---eyaa ulemu
Akatekile lweyi a taka ...hosana Mwana wa Atate—eyaa ulemu
Hi ritu la wena, hosanna... Mutichitire chisoni—eyaa ulemu
Nkulukumba Mverani mapemphero—eyaa ulemu
Bava, hosanna... Mapemphero athu—eyaa ulemu
Hosanna matilweni

Inu amene mukhala...eyaa ulemu 6 Ndi Mzimu Woyera mu ulemu wanu
Pa dzanja lamanja..... wa Mulungu Atate –eya –eh ulemu
Lamanja la Atate......
Mutichitire chisoni...
Poti inu nokha...eyaa ulemu 1. UMariya ethandaza
Yesu Khristu..... Wabuliswa yiNkosi
Ndinu woyera..... Ingelos’ uGabriele
Limodzi ndi Mzimu.... Yeza kuye yathi
Mzimu Woyera.....
Mu ulemu wanu..... Ave, Ave, Ave, Mariya!
Wa Mulungu Atate..... Ave, Ave, Ave, Mariya

2. Yayisithi: Ah Mariya,
639. Unentsikelelo
1. Ulemu kwa Mulungu, ndipo pansi Wozala uMsindisi
Pano mtendere kwa anthu Welizwe lonke
Eya – eh ulemu. Ave

Aye, ulemu. 3. Ungoyiki, ntombazana,

Ulemu kumwamba eh! Ngumsebenzi weNkosi
Mtendere pansi pano Kuza kuhla phezu kwakho
Ulemu kumwamba eh! Ophezulu kanye
Eya – eh ulemu. Ave

2. Tikuyamikani, tikutamandani. 4. Waphendula uMariya:

Tikulemekezani, Nditobela iNkosi
Eya – eh ulemu. Makwenziwe oko kum ke
Njengokutsho kwakho
3. Tikupembedzani, tikuthokozani. Ave
Chifukwa cha ulemu,
Eya – eh ulemu. 5. Ke uNyana wophezulu
Wehla waba ngumntu
4. Inunso Ambuye, Yesu Kristu. Engumntwana woVirigo
Mutichitire chisoni, Wosikelelweyo
Eya – eh ulemu. Ave

5 Poti Inu nokha, Yesu Khristu 6. Thin’abakho, Ma Mariya,

ndinu woyera eya –eh ulemu Siyakubulisa
Lintliziyo zethu namhla

Zikuncoma zithi ngow’ okukhanya
Ave okungapheliyo.

641. 644.
Uma sidla lesisinkwa siphuza Umphefumulo Wami, Uyayidumisa inkosi
lesisitsha,Simemezel’ X2
ukufa kwakho,
Nkosi, uJesu, uz’ ubuye 1. Nomoya wami uyathokoza,
ngoNkulunkulu uMsindisi wami
U morara oa sebele 2. Ngoba Yena uhawukele, ubuphansi
O fepang makala bencekukazi yakhe. X2
Aku re phelise bohle
Ba lutseng ho uena 3. Ngob’ uSomandla ungenzele, izith’
ezinkulu ngiyadumisa, igama lakhe
643. liyingcwele
Umkhaluli: Lifanele,
4. Is’hawu sakhe ezizukulwaneni,
lifanele iwundlu
zalabo abamesabayo. X2
elahlatshwayo ukudunyiswa.

1. Ngoba lahlatshwa ngenxa 5. Wenzile amandla ngengalo yakhe,

yezono zethu, uhlakazile abazithweleyo, ekuzindleni
lawunqoba umhlaba kwezinhliziyo zabo.
ngamandla agazi lalo.
6. Wehlis’ amakhosi ezihlalweni,
2. Ngoba lamukel’ amandla, uphakamisile abathobileyo. X2
ukuhlakanipha lodumo 7. Abalambileyo basuthisiwe,
kanye lobukhosi. abanothileyo baxoshwa beze. X2

3. Izidalwa zonke 8. Uyisizile inceku yakhe, ekhumbula

zidumis’ iwundlu, isihawu sakhe. X2
ngoba yilo iNkosi
yamakhosi. 9. Njengakushoyo kokhokho bethu,
ukuthi uzoba nesihawu Ku-Abraham
4. Lihlizi isihlalweni lobukhosi, nenzalo yakhe.
umbuso walo

Oge nna nna anyị ha nọ n’ọzara;
645. Chukwu nyere ha achịcha si
1. Ụmụ Chineke naranụ m rienu, n’igwe n’ụdị mana
naranụ m ňụọnụ naranụ m ňụọ mana ugbua n’oge nke anyị
ọbara Dinwenu Chukwu nyere anyị
Nri n’enye ndụ, ndụ ebighebi Nwa ya Jesu Kristi achịcha dị ndụ
Nri ndị Mụozi, nri si n’igwe [Jesu achịcha dị nsọ ọ]
gbadata a, Ọ bụ Kristi na-akpọ gị Jesu O Onye Nzọpụta
bịa [naranu m nuo obara muo] Jesu O Nwatụrụ ejiri chụ aja
Nwanne m bịa Kristi na-akpọ gị; Jesu O Onye kpochapụrụ njọ
Nwanne m bịa onyenwe m na-akpọ mụ na gị [Jesu na-akpọ anyị.]
gị, naranụ m rie nkea bụ Ahụ mo
Naranụ m ňụọ nkea bụ Ọbara moo
nwanne m bịa rie nri si n’igwe 646.
gbadata iko ngozi Ọbara Dinwenu. UNkulunkulu unathi uyasithanda.
uNkulunkulu uhlala esikhumbula.
2. Chukwu nwa si n’eluigwe bịa iNkosi yazidala izinto zonke.
n’ụwa [O Jesu Kristi] Usipha izimbali nokudla kwethu.
Ọ tara ahụhụ Ọ nwụrụ ọnwụ Usipha ukuphila nokuthokoza.
N’ihi mụ na gị [Ọ lara n’igwe] Wozani simhubele simbonge njalo.
Tupu Ọ lakwuru nna ya [Dinwenu uKristo uvukile siyajabula.
m] Jesu mere onwe ya Achịcha uMoy’ ocwebileyo wehlele kithi.
nke ndu [Achịcha ndụ- ụ] Acịcha Inkonz’ isiphelile, sesiyahamba.
si n’igwe-e nri n’enye aňụrị na ndụ Sesiya emakhaya, siyajabula.
ebighebi Isonto liyaphela, siyajabula.
[Alto/Tenor: Jesu na akpọ anyị] Siyakubonga,siyakubonga, siyakubonga,
3. Ahụ m bụ ihe oriri, Ọbara m bụ
he ọňụnụ
Nkea bụ okwu nke Dinwenu
[Kristi ekwugo] Utukufu kwa Mungu mbinguni
Onye ọbụla [Chukwu Nwa Na amani pote duniani
kwuru] onye ọbụla [Jesu kwuru] Kwa watu wenye papenzi mema.
Onye ọbụla [Dinwenu kwuru] nke
riri ahụ m [g’enwe ndụ] Onye ahụ
g’enwe ndụ n’ezie ebighebi [Jesu
1. Uvukile uJesu, Alleluya Alleluya!
na akpọ anyị]
Usevukile washiya ithuna,
usenqobil’ usathane nokufa,
4. [Jesu achịcha dị nsọ]

Alleluya Alleluya. Mana 1. Uzukko kuwe – kuwe Thixo
mkhululi, Alleluya. wethu; Uzuko kuwe – kuwe
phezulu. Kubekhu xolo – kubekhu
2. Uvukile uJesu, Alleluya Alleluya! xolo, Kubekhu xolo- ebantwini
Selidlulile usizi nokufa; bonke.
usetholil’ubukhosi nenhlanhla,
Alleluya Alleluya! Mana 2. Siyakubonga- siyakubonga
mkhululi, Alleluya. Siyakuncoma – siyakuncama
Siyakunqula- siyakunqula
3. Uvukile uJesu, Alleluya Alleluya! Sikuzukisa – sikuzukisa
Ake sihambe ngendlela kaJesu,
khona sosinda sibuse phezulu, 3. Siyabulela –siyabulela
Alleluya Alleluya! Mana Ngozuko lwakho – olukhulu
mkhululi, Alleluya. ,Nkosi; Thixo, kumkani- kumkani
wezulu, Bawo namanndla –
onamabla onke.

649. 4. Nyan’ozelweyo –Yesu Krestu,

Nkosi, Thixo- Mvana kaThixo.
1. Uyingcwele uyingcwele Nyana kaYise- osus’izono,
Uyingcwele Nkosi Zono zelizwe- senzel’inceba.
Uyingcwele uyingcwele
Uyingcwele Nkosi 5. Yamkela-izikhungo zethu ,
Wen’uhleli – gasekuneni kukayise;
Hosanna, hosanna Yiba nenceba- yiba neceba kuthi,
Hosanna enyangweni Yiba neceba – yibaneceba kuthi .
Hosanna, hosanna
Hosanna enyangweni 6. Wena wedwa- uyincwele
Wena wedwa- uyinKosi
2. Izulu Nguwe wedwa – ophakamileyo
Izulu nomhlaba Yesu Krestu –
Zize luzukho lwakho… noMoy’o Ngcwele.
Eluzukweni – eluzukweni,
3. Makadunyiswe LukaThixo – lukathix’uYise
Makadunyiswe ozayo
Egameni le Nkosi… Amen ,Amen,-Amen, Amen,Amen
Amen, Amen,- Amen,Amen,Amen(2x)
Vem espirito santo, vem ,vem 6. Per te sciamus da patrem
iluminar Noscamus atque filium
Teque utriusque spiritum
1. Nossos caminhos vem-iluminar; Credamus omni tempore
Nosssas ideias vem-iluminar; Amen
Nossas angustias vem –iluminar;
As incertezas vem-iluminar
2. Toda igreja vem- iluminar Vulan’ amasango langen’iThemba X2
A nossa vida vem – iluminar Vulan’ amasango langena....
Nossas familias vem – iluminar
Toda terra vem- iluminar.
Walk with me Oh my Lord
652. Through the darkest night and
1. Veni santé spiritus brightest day be at my side Oh
Mentes tuorum visita Lord Hold my hand and guide me
Imple superna gratia on my way
Quae tu create, pectora
1. Sometimes the road seems long;
2. Qui diceris paraclitus My energy is spent
Donum Dei altissimi Then Lord I think of you
Fons vivus, ignis, caritas And I am given strength
Et spiritalis Unction
2. Stones often bar my path
3. Tu septiformis munere And there are times I fall
Dextrae Dei tu digitus but you are always there
Tu rite promissum patris to help me when I call
Sermon ditans guttura
3. Just as you calmed the wind
4. Accende lumen sensibus and walked upon the sea
Infunde amorem cordibus conquer, my living Lord,
Infirma nostril corporis the storms that threaten me.
Vcirtute Firmans perpeti
4. Help me to pierce the mists
5. Hostem repellas longius That cloud my heart and mind
Pacemque dones protinus So that I shall not fear
Ductore sic te praevio The steepest mountain-side
Vitemus omne noxium.
5. As once you helped the lame

And gave sight to the blind Remember, Lord, we are dust and
Help me when I’m downcast ashes;
To hold my head up high. Have mercy, Lord and be
655. 4. The whole creation asks your
Wa halalela, Wa halalela, Wa mercy; What can we say, Lord, but
halalela, Wa halalela. (x2) this? Spare your people, spare your
1. Morena Modimo, wa tsohle wa Have pity, Lord, and be consoled.
tsohle. Mahodimo le lefatshe di
tletse letlotlo la hao. 5. Whom shall we turn to, Lord, but
Thee? Hearken to your people’s
2. Ho bokwe ya tlang ka lebitso la plea; Will your anger last forever?
Morena. Hosanna mahodimong a Have pity, Lord, and be consoled.
hodimo-dimo. (Tune of “Bread of Heaven”)

656. 657.
We adore Thee, O Sacred Heart We are marching in the light of God
That has loved us very much We are marching in the light of God
We console Thee, O loving We are marching, oh
Heart That receives little love in We are marching in the light of God

1. Beneath your cross your people 658.

gather; Waiting for redemption and 1. We are gathering together unto
grace; May your Wounds Lord be Him; we are gathering together
our shelter; And your Precious unto Him; unto him shall the
Blood be our shield. gathering of the people be; we are
gathering together unto Him.
2. We are the cause of your grief and
anguish; Now and then we resolve 2. We are offering together unto
and we fail; For the times we have him....
sinned and faltered; Have mercy
Lord and be consoled. 3. We are singing together unto
3. We have no goodness of our own;
Every goodness comes from you. 4. We are praying together unto

2. We greet our Lord present,
659. within our assembly,
1. We bring our gifts Lord, bread and we hear his good news,
wine. We bring our gifts Lord announced clearly to all
bread and wine. We bring our priest is presiding
ourselves Lord, Heart and mind in Christ we are abiding
O Lord Kumbaya. as we invoke God’s blessing
And answer his call.
2. Make us one Lord as you prayed,
Make us one Lord as you prayed, 3. Since Christ is the vine
grant us peace Lord hear our and his people the branches,
prayer. in him we give praise
O Lord Kumbaya. to the Father above
He brings every nation
3. Let us love Lord, as you loved; let to learn of his salvation
us love Lord as you loved; in this that all may grow in knowledge
banquet Lord, we find strength, in faith hope and love.
O Lord Kumbaya.

660. We hail pallotti our Father
We fly to your patronage Priest of Rome, lover of Mary the
Oh Holy Mother of God Virgin. For his contributions to the
Despise us not in our prayer Church, and this great UAC, SAC.
In our necessity
But deliver us from all danger 2x 1. Inspired by love, compelled by
Oh Holy Mother and blessed Virgin faith he went on to rekindle faith
Mary Amen 2x. and love in all that lives
His motto was caritas Christi
661. urgent nos, Love of Christ urges us
all on.
1. We gather together
to sing the Lord’s praises 2. All are called to be apostles of
to worship the Father Christ, Rich or poor, strong and
through Jesus his Son weak, all are called
in this celebration No one can be rejected by God
all sing with jubilation Pray if you can, spread the faith
We are his holy people who have the power.
whose freedom he won.

3. With the Queen of the Apostles we and magnify His name and
are sure of protection and the Worship Christ the Lord. [why
guidance of the Lord don’t you] Worship Him Christ the
And we await for that great time to Lord.
come, when there will be but one
flock and one Shephered.
1. We Lesa pokelela
663. umutulo twakutula,
1. We have come into this house Alleluia. (X2)
and gathered in His name to
Worship Him .(X2) Alleluia Pokelela, Pokelela
We have come into this house and Umutulo Twakutula Alleluia.
gathered in His name to
Worship Christ the Lord. [why 2. Umukate…
don’t you]
Worship Him Christ the Lord. 3. Indifayi…

2. So forget about yourself 4. Amasali…

and concentrate on Him and
Worship Him (X2)
So forget about yourself 665.
and concentrate on Him We mfumu, utwelele x4
and worship Christ the Lord. [why
don’t you] Kristu, utwelele x4
Worship Him Christ the Lord.
We Mfumu, utwelele x4
3. He is all my righteousness,
I stand complete in Him and
Worship Him. (X2) 666.
He is all my righteousness, 1. We offer thee the holy mass
I stand complete in Him and Thee our Creator to adore
Worship Christ the Lord. [why to thank thee for thy gracious gifts
don’t you] Worship Him Christ and praise thy name for evermore.
the Lord.
2. Now Jesus Christ thy flesh and
4. So let’s lift up holy hands blood, will be our sacrifice divine,
and magnify His name and The same in Mass as on the cross;
Worship Him. (X2)
So let’s lift up holy hands

though under forms of bread and These earthly gifts of bread and
wine. wine, We give ourselves within
this sign, O Lord, O Lord accept
3. We pray for pardon and for grace; our gifts.
to change the lives that we have
led, and beg thee for thy son’s dear 2. The Lamb of God was offered for
sake, us, for men he gave his body and
to bless the living and the dead. blood, we offer now this gift of
love, O Lord O Lord accept our
1. We offer you gifts from our hearts 3. We know that we are not worthy
accept Lord our gifts and bless us. alone, to worship at such a Holy a
Accept our gifts of bread and wine throne, and as with Jesus Christ we
accept Lord our gift and bless us. pray, O Lord O Lord accept our
Accept them oh Lord
Accept them and bless us 669.
We shall go up into God’s house
2. Make our gift your body and with shouts of joy we shall go into
blood; accept Lord our gift and the house of the Lord. (D/C)
bless us Make our gifts means of
salvation accept Lord our gifts and 1. I rejoice when I heard them say
bless us let us go to house.
And now our feet are standing
3. Accept Lord the gift of your within your gate O Jerusalem.
Church; Accept Lord our gifts and
bless us; Accept Lord gifts of your 2. Jerusalem is build as a city
children; Accept Lord our gifts and strongly compact.
bless us It is there that the tribes go up the
tribes of the Lord.
4. May we be generous like you
Accept Lord our gifts and bless us; 3. For Israel laws it is,
We are sinners Lord forgive us; there to praise the Lord’s name.
Accept Lord our gifts and bless us There were set the throne of
Judgment, of the house of David.
668. 4. For the peace of Jerusalem pray,
1. We offer you O Father above peace be to your homes!
May peace reign in your wall

in your palaces peace! 6. Thanking Him with vibrant adore,
of Saint John the Baptist, When he
5. For love of my Brethren and felt the closeness, Of his Divine
Friends, I say “peace upon you.” Master.
For love of the house of the Lord
I will ask for your good.
We, thy children pray,
670. Agonizing Lord,
1. We thank God the Father, to bear it, Lord,
For giving us His Son, and be more consoled.
Not only as our brother,
But as our Eucharist. 1. We plead with you, Lord,
Oh heart of love
We thank you, we thank you, To be merciful,
We thank You for your Son, And be more consoled.
For giving us Jesus,
as our Eucharistic Lord. 2. We shall console thee,
In all our life
2. Jesus, teacher of truth, Teach us O Lord,
Our Saviour on the Cross, How to show you love.
Our Eucharistic Lord,
Heaven already begun. 3. You suffered Lord,
In Gethsemane
3. We thank the Holy Spirit, You sweated your blood
For continuing through the priest, To redeem mankind.
Producing Him daily on the Altar,
as in the Mary’s womb. 4. You bore much pain
And the crown of thorns
4. Let our thanksgiving ascend, To For the love of us,
the throne of the Lamb, To the Be consoled O Lord.
hidden God,
As a sweet smelling incense 5. You shed your blood,
And bore the wounds
5. Thanking Him in all humility, They can never be
Like Saint Elizabeth, In vain O Lord.
In the Presence of Mary,
And the Word Incarnate. 6. You hung three hours
Bleeding for my love
Be pitiful

And be more consoled.
(For adoration or communion) Wena hosi…

672. 674.
1. We walk by faith and not by sight; Wena ngunyana ya mulimu
no gracious words we hear Ya takula
Of him who spoke as none e’er libi za lifasi
spoke, but we believe him near. [Mulena] uluhauhele mulena [2x]

2. We may not touch his hands and [Wena ngunyana] uluhauhale

side, not follow where he trod yet [wena ngunyana]
in his promise we rejoice and cry Uluhauhele mulena [2x]
my Lord and God.
Wena ngunyana ya mulimu
3. Help then, o Lord, our unbelief, Ya takula libi za lifasi
And may our faith abound; To call [Mulena] ulufe kozo mulena [2x]
on you when you are near And [Wena Ngunyana] ulufe kozo
seek where you are found. [Wena Ngunyana]
Ulufe kozo mulena
4. That when our life and faith is
done In realms of clearer light
We may behold you as you are
1. What a friend we have in Jesus
In full and endless sight.
All our sins and griefs to bear.
What a privilege to carry
5. We walk by faith and not by sight,
everything to God in prayer.
no gracious words we hear of him
O what peace we often forfeit
who spoke as none e’er spoke; but
O what needless pain we bear
we believe him near.
all because we do not carry
everything to God in prayer.
673. 2. Have we trials and temptations?
Wena hosi wamunene izwele Izwele
usiwana Is there trouble anywhere?
O hosi izwele,izweleusiwana(2x) We should never be discouraged.
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Wena cristo wamunene izwele usiwana Can we find a friend so faithful,
Izwele usiwana who will all our sorrows share?
O Cristo izwele, izwele usiwana(2x) Jesus knows our every weakness.
Take it to the Lord in prayer.

1. What can we offer you, Lord our;
3. Are you weak and heavy laden? God? How can we worship you as
Cumbered with a load of care? you deserve? We can only offer
Jesus only is our refuge. what our lips do proclaim. We
Take it to the Lord in prayer. can only
Do thy friends despise forsake offer you humble acts of praise.
thee? Take it to the Lord in But we offer this with Jesus our
prayer. In His arms he’ll take and brother, Jesus your Son. We join
shield thee. with him, glory to you, O! God!
Thou will find a solace there.
2. What can we offer you, Lord our
God? How can we thank you for
676. all that you’ve done? We can only
Refrain: What a joyful day, the day say it, Lord God, we thank you
of the Lord, what a joyful day, we so.We can only try to live grateful
are happy and glad. lives, O! Lord. But we offer this
with Jesus, our brother, Jesus your
1. Rejoice in the Lord, the children of Son. We join with him, our thanks
the Lord, a joyful day we are to you O! God.
happy and glad. Ref
3. What can we offer you, Lord our;
2. Arise and praise Him, who made God? How do we prove we are
earth and heaven, a joyful day we truly sorry, Lord? We can say it
are happy and glad. Ref often, God, sorry that we are. We
can try to prove it, Lord, by the
3. Enter His temple and sing him way we live. And we offer this
your praises, a joyful day we are with Jesus, our brother, Jesus your
happy and glad. Ref Son. We join with him, forgive our
sins, O! God.
4. The Lord is so good, He’s good to
His people, a joyful day we are
happy and glad. Ref 678.
1. What shall I offer to the Lord to
5. A thousands of praises we give to make Him Happy? (Oh! Tell me)
the Father, a joyful day we are What shall I offer to the Lord to
happy and glad. Ref please Him?
I may give Him the best of my
clothes; He may not take it,
677. I may give Him the best of my
shoes; He may not take it

now enter into the home of my
Refrain: A loving heart (He will Father.
love). A patient heart (He will
love). A humble heart (He will 3. When I was weary you helped me
love). A caring heart (He will find rest; when I was anxious You
love). calmed all my fear, now enter into
the home of my Father.
2. What shall I offer to the Lord to
make Him Happy? (Oh! Tell me) 4. When I was hopeless you taught
What shall I offer to the Lord to me to read; when I was lonely you
please Him? gave me your love,
I may give Him the gift of a ram; Now enter into the home of my
He may not take it. Father.
I may give Him the gift of a cow
He may not take it. Ref 5. When in a prison you came to my
3. What shall I offer to the Lord to when on a sick bed you cared for
make Him Happy? (Oh! Tell me) my needs,
What shall I offer to the Lord to now enter into the home of my
please Him? Father.
I may give Him the gift of a car
He may not take it. 6. In a strange country you made me
I may give Him the gift of a house at home,
He may not take it. Ref seeking employment you found me
a job,
now enter into the home of my
679. Father.
Whatsoever you do to the least of
my brothers, that you do unto me. 7. When I was aged you bothered to
Whatsoever you do to the least of smile; when I was restless you
my sisters, that you do unto me. listened and cared
now enter into the home of my
1. When I was hungry you gave me Father.
to eat; when I was thirsty you gave
me to drink; now enter into the 8. When I was laughed at you stood
home of my Father. by my side,
when I was happy you shared in
2. When I was homeless you opened my joy,
you door, when I was naked you now enter into the home of my
gave me your coat Father.

I sacrifice them to his blood
9. When I was black-skinned or
coloured or white 3. See from his head, his hand his
mocked or insulted, you carried feet, sorrow and love flow mingled
my cross, down; did e’ver such love
now enter into the home of my and sorrow meet, or thorns
Father. compose so rich a crown?

680. 4. Were the whole realm,

of nature mine; that were an
1. What the Lord has done for me
I can not tell it all (X3) offering far too small;
He saved me and washed me love so amazing, so divine,
in His Blood. Demands my soul, my life, my all.

So I will sing Alleluia

1. When peace like a river
I will shout Alleluia.
attendenth my way,
I will sing, and Praise the Lord.
When sorrows like sea billows roll,
What ever my lot
2. What the Lord has done for
thou hast taught me to say,
“It is well, it is well with my soul!”
3. What the Lord has done for
It is well it is well
us… we
With my soul.(DC).
4. In the name of Jesus Christ we
2. The Satan should buffet,
Have the victory…
Tho’trials should come
let this blest assurance control,
681. that Christ hath regarded
1. When I survey the wondrous cross; my helpless estate
on which the Prince of glory died; and hath shed His own
my richest gain, I count but loss; Blood for my soul.
and pour contempt, on all my
pride. 3. My sin, Oh, the bliss
of this glorious thought;
2. Forbid it Lord, that I should boast; my sin, not in part, but the whole,
save in the death of Christ my in nailed to His cross
God; all the vain things, and I bear it no more;
that Charm me most Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,

O my soul. Think that Christ has promised his
wealth untold;
4. And, Lord, has the day Count your many blessing money
when my faith shall be sight; cannot buy;
the cloud be rolled back as a scroll; Your reward in heaven nor your
The trump shall resound home on high
and the Lord shall descend;
Even so, it is well
with my soul. 684.
1. When we walk with the Lord
In the light of his word
683. What a glory he sheds on our way;
1. When upon life’s, billows you are While we do his good will,
tempest tossed; He abides with us still
When you are discouraged and with all who will trust and
thinking all is lost; obey.
count your many blessings name
them one by one Trust and obey,
and it will surprise you what the For there is no other way
Lord had done. To be happy in Jesus
But to trust and obey
Count your blessing name them one 2. Not a shadow can rise,
by one; Count your blessing see not a cloud in the skies
what God has done; Count your but his smile quickly drives it
blessing name them one by one away; not a doubt or a fear,
And it will surprise you what the not a sigh nor a tear
Lord has done Can abide while we trust and obey.

2. Are you over burdened with a load 3. Not a burden we bear,

of care; does the cross seem heavy not a sorrow we share
you are called to bear; but our toil he doth richly repay;
Count your many blessings every not a grief nor a loss,
doubt will fly; not a crown or a cross
And you will keep singing as the but is blest if we trust and obey.
days go by
4. But we never can prove
3. When you look at others with heir the delight of his love
load and God; until all on the altar we lay
for the favour he shows,

and the joy he bestows We are trav’llers on the road;
are for them who will trust and We are here to help each other
obey. Walk the mile and bear the load

3. I will hold the Christ-light for you;

685. In the night-time for your fear; I
Where he leads I follow; where he will hold my hand out to you,
leads I follow, where he leads I Speak the peace you long to hear.
follow, llow every day; where he
leads I follow follow Jesus every 4. I will weep when you are weeping;
day. When you laugh I’ll laugh with
you. I will share your joy and
1. Sweet are the promises kind is the sorrow; Till we’ve seen this
word, dearer far than any message journey through.
man ever heard. Pure was the mind
of Christ sinless I see he the great 5. When we sing to God in heaven;
example is a pattern for me. We shall find such harmony, born
of all we’ve know together; of
2. Sweet is the tender love Jesus hath Christ’s love and agony.
shown; Sweeter far than any love
that mortals have known; Kind to 6. Will you let me be your servant?
the erring one, faithful is he. He Let me be as Christ to you? Pray
the great example is a pattern for that I may have the grace to let you
me. be my servant too.

3. Listen to his loving word come

unto me; Weary heavy laden there 687.
is sweet rest for thee; Trust in his 1. Wo-za Je-su, Mhle-ngiwa- miwa-
promises, faithfull and sure, Warm kh’e; Nhli- zi ywe- ni ya-m- mi. A-
upon thy Saviour and thy soul is ngi- na- ku- Phi- lami- nala u- nge-
secure. kho Je-su wa-mi.

2. Woza, Jesu, Nkosi yami, uzobusa

686. kimi njalo, Kuze ngale konk’
1. Will you let me be your servant? okubi, ngenze konk’ okhle kuwe.
Let me be as Christ to you? Pray
that I may have the grace to; Let 3. E siphethu sobungcwele,
you be my servant too. ngigcwebise mina soni.
Wena sinkwa sokuphila ngiph’
2. We are pilgrims on a journey, amandla akulunga.

3. Wozani simtuse kanye nengelosi,
688. Esezimhubela eBethlehema.
1. Woza Moya onguMdali, uhambel’ Wo! Nank’ umkhombe alaliswe
izinhliziyo, ezadalwa nguw’ uqobo kuwo. *Wozani sikhuleke…
zigcwalise ngegrasiya.
4. E! Nangu uNina, nang’ umondli
2. Wena onguMthokozisi, sipho wakhe, beguqe ngakuye
sikaNkulunkulu, uluthand’ eBethlehema. Namp’ abelusi
oluvuthayo, isiphethu sokuphila. bekhuleka kuye.
*Wozani sikhuleke…
3. Ziyinkoth’ izipho zakho,
uyisandla; sikaYise, wen’
siphe ukuhlakanipha. 690.
Wozanini nonke,
4. Khanyisel’ ingqondo zethu, nant’iSakramente
luvuthis’ uthando kithi; siqinise, Alimis’ujesu Kristo ukuze
uselaphe thin’ esibuthakathaka. Simkhumbule.
1. Nans’inyama yakhe nant’igazi
5. Xosh’ isitha seth’ esibi usinik’ lakhe
uxolo; lwakho, khona sizoxway’ Oyidlayo aliphuze uzophila njalo
okubi, silandele wena Mholi.
2. Nguy’osimemayo, uthi wozanini;
Nonke enihluphekile nginilulamise
1. Wozani Makholwa thokozani 3. Thethelel’izono, esikona ngazo
namhla, Wozani masiye Siqinise siph’amandla singakhoni
eBethlehema. Siyekumbona futhi
oyiNkosi yethu.
4. Sibusise jesu uslonde njalo
*Wozani sikhuleke, wozani Khona sothi mhlasifayo
sikhuleke, Wozani sikhuleke samukelwe nguwe
kuKristo iNkosi.

2. INkos’ uSomandla yehle 691.

ngaphezulu, ilel’ emkhombeni Xivunta xa nkulukumba ngawe kuwulako
eBethlehema. Nguye lomntwana si wodhno sa ditiko
onguMhlengi wethu.
*Wozani sikhuleke… Hipule wusiwana.....

4. Sie kweni sie yoh kolae kolae
Xivunta xa nkulukumba ngawe kuwulako yahwe kolae 2x
si wodhno sa ditiko hi ninge kurula
5. Pah la a sie yoh kolae kola yahwe
Hininge kurula..... kolae 2x

692. 695.
Xivuntana xa Nkulukumba Yebo yebo yebo2x ngiyakholwa
Ngawe ukuvulako sihono sa Dhitiko
Hipwele wusiuana (2x) 1. Ngiyakholwa kuyumdali
onamandla onke
Xivuntana xa Nkulukumba Othandayo bonk’abantu,
Ngawe ukuvulako sihono sa Dhitiko Bajabule naphakade.
Hininge kurula Baba wethu ophezulu,
Usilondoloze kahle,
Singabongeniswa thina
693. Ekulingweni kwesono.
1. Ya ubangiji
Ka ayi jinkai [4x] 2. Ngiyakholwa nakujesu
Indondana yakh’eyodwa
2. Ya kristo Owazalwa ngumaria
Ka ayi jinkai [4x] Wasifela thina sonke
Baba wethu ophezulu,
3. Ya ubangiji Usilondoloze kahle
Ka ayi jinkai [4x] Singabongeniswa thina
Ekulingweni kwesono.
694. 3. Ngiyakholwa nakumoya
Yahwe, yahwe mboo yoh sie yoh Ebandlen’’labayingcwele
kolae; Kola yahwe kolae Ukuxolelwa kwezono
Ukuvuka kwemizimba
1. Thendoo yoh sie yoh kolae... Ref. Baba wethu ophezulu
2 Usilondoloze kahle
Singabongeniswa thina
2. Sie kweni sie yoh kolae kola Ekulingweni kwesono.
yahwe kolaex2

3. Zupo yoh sie yoh kolae … Ref. 2 696.

1. |: Yehla Moya oyiNgcwele, uhlale 6. Izulu lelabo balifunayo
nathi njalo.:| ‘Sihogo sesabo bangalunkiyo
Uhlale nathi njalo, uhlale nathi [: Lumkani, lumkani, lumkani
njalo. Yehla Moya oyiNgcwelwe, nonke:]
uhlale nathi njalo.
7. Uyolo lweNkosi lukhulu kanye
2. Yehla Moya oyiNgcwele, siph’ Lintsizi zomhlaba zoyiswa ngalo
ukuhlakanipha. [: Zoyiswa, zoyiswa, zoyiswa
3. Yehla Moya oyiNgcwele,
usindis’i- Afrika.
Yes, I shall a-rise, and return to
697. my
Yiva imithandazo yethu. Father.
Nkosi sikilele, thina lusapo iwayo.
1. To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul.
In You O My God, I placed all my
698. trust.
1. Yizani Zintlanga, Nibizwa Nonke
Nguyesu uThix’owanifelayo [: 2. Look down on me, have mercy, O
Yizani, yizani, yizani nonke:] Lord. Forgive me my sins, behold
all my grief.
2. Musan’ukudela ilizwi eli
Lively nikholwe, nilunge ngalo 3. My heart and soul shall yearn for
[: Nikholwe, nikholwe, nikholwe your face. Be gracious to me and
nonke:] answer my plea.

3. Yizani zintlanga nikhaliliphile 4. Do not withhold your goodness

Zenizinikele kuYesunjalo from me. O Lord, may Your love
[: KuYesu, kuYesu, kuYesu njalo:] be deep in my soul.

4. Zaman’ukulunga, zenilindele 5. To You I pray have pity on me;

Uyesu inkosi umncedi wenu My God, I have sinned against
[: YiNkosi, yiNkosi yiNkosi yenu:] Your great love.

5. Emveni kokuva ilizwi lakhe 6. Mercy I cry, O Lord, wash me

Novuya kakhulu ngamandla alo [: clean; and whiter than snow
Novuya, novuya, novuya nonke:] my spirit shall be.

7. Give me again the joy of your Yen’ofihlekile lapha.
help. Now open my lips, Your [Akatusw’ uJesu…]
praise I will sing.

8. Happy is he, forgiven by God; his 701.

sins blotted out; His guilt is no 1. Yimba lirani langa
more. Dzundza eukaristia
Dumisa muhanyisi
9. You are my joy, my refuge and Lomu ka sakramento.
strength; set all upright hearts give
praise to the Lord. Yamukela Jesus Kristo…
Hoyo hoyo miriwakwe
10.My will soul sing, my heart will
rejoice; the blessings of God will 2. A xikari ka missa
fill all my days. Murangeli paderi wa
hunzulusa pawa hi
Magesu ya ntamu
1. Yehlanini zingelosi 3. Lowu i miri wanga
Nizosifundisa sonke. Ganani mutaxura
Izihlabelelo zenu A mimoya ya
Zokutusa uJesu Kristo nwina ya xanisiwa hi ndlala
Khona kuzohlabela,
Izilimizonke zithi 4. Wahunzulusa vinya
View kunwe Kunene
[Akatusw’uJesu Kristo Loku ku hanyisaku a mimoya ya
Okuleli Sakramente.] hina

2. Butho lamaSerafime, 5. Maholo ma wona pawa

Butho lamakherubhime, Yi filhako a miri
Nina enivuth’uthando Kambe ma wona vinya
Lokuthand’ uNkulunkulu,
Vuthelani lolothando 6. Hosi Jesu Ikona
Nasenhliziyweni zethu Ka sakramento leyi
[Akatusw’ uJesu…] Xipanze ni xipanze xa
Pawa ni vinyahosi jesu ikona.
3. E! Maviyo engelosi enibona
Ezulwini umsindisi wethu uJesu,
Nikhuleka kuye njalo 702.
Mutuseni kanye nathi

You are Holy my Lord; You are Holy. Ecweblile njalo…
U is Heilig my Heer; U is Heilig. (X4) 4. Ngilunikela
Uyi Ngcwele Baba; Uyi Ngcwele. (X4) Kuw’uqobo lwami
Ngiphilela wena
Manje naphakade…
You are worthy to be praised(x2)
My redeemer you are worthy to be 706.
praised. Zoonadi Ambuye
Munatifera pamtanda.
Munauka kwa akufa
704. Ife tikuyembekeza,
Your holy death oh Lord we remember Kuti mudzabwerenso.
Your blessed ressurectiion we proclaim
Your coming in glory we await
Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! SUPPLEMENTS
705. 707. (COMMUNION)
1. Zithathele Nkosi Abinci Alheri (shine) zamuci
Inhliziyo yami Abinci Alheri Eh Abincirai
Ibuswe nguwena imihla Shiryeye dagawurin (dagawurin) Allah
Ngemihla… Oh Abinci, Alheri zamuci X2

Zithathele Nkosi Yesu ya dauki Gurasa ya bamu ya ce

Inhliziyo yami “Wanan Shine jikin nadaza ba
Ibuswe nguwena aduka mutane”
Imihla yonke Kristi ya dauki koko, ya bamu ya
2. Nguwe othi letha
“Wanan Shine jikin nadaza ba
Kade ngayifisa
Ibe yami njalo aduka mutane”
Nakweliphambili… Gura sada koko da mukerbi
Shine jikin, Shine jinni Yesu
3. Yicwebise Jesu Duk wandaya karbi Shi acikin
Inhliziyo yami Tsarke kiya,
Iyifuze yakho

Zuciya zai samurai harabada (Inku 3. Yamba yamba yamba kiesa na beto
nakau na Shi) Yahweh e, Yamba yamba Yahweh
zai samurai harabada e
4. Yamba yamba yamba makabu na
S: kuzo kukarbishi
beto Yahweh e, Yamba yamba
All: kuzo kukarbishi Ref Yahweh e.
S: Masu bauta...
Ya na da dadi...
Zai bakurai... 710. (COMMUNION)
T & B: Mai Tsarki... You are my hiding place O Lord
Mai kauna... You surround me with cries of
Mai jinkai... deliverance 2x
B: Mai salama... 1. Happy the one whose offences is
forgiven whose sin is remitted, O
708. happy, happy, happy the one too
whom the Lord imputes no guilt;
Ave Maria Ave, Regina Ave, O
In whose spirit is no guile
Mater Dei Ave, ora pro nobis (DC)
2. But now I have acknowledged my
1. Mater amata intermerata, Maria sins my guilt I did not hide, I said
Ave ora pro nobis ‘I will confess my offence to the
2. Quidquid optamus per te speramus Lord’ and You Lord have forgiven
Maria Ave ora pro nobis the guilt of my sin
3. Tolle languores sanadolores, Maria 3. Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice in the
Ave ora pro nobis Lord. Exult, exult, exult you just O
4. Tu medicinam portas divinam come, ring out your joy all you
Maria Ave ora pro nobis upright of heart ring out your joy,
5. In te speramus ad te clamamus, O come ring out your joy all you
Maria Ave ora pro nobis upright of heart.


Yamba yamba yamba Yahweh Sing out your joy to the Lord
Yahweh yamba yamba Yahwe for all His blessings on us His people
Sing out your joy to the Lord
1. Yamba yamba yamba mapa na and bless His holy name
beto Yahweh
T: sing out your joy...
2. Yamba yamba yamba vinu na beto
Sing out your joy to the Lord X3
Yahweh e, Yamba yamba Yahweh
Sing praise to His name.

1a. Let everything that breathes... Ref Choyendetsera nacho mpingo...
1b. Let everything that lives.... Ref
Refrain: Praise the name of the Lord. 3. Adagulitsa zithu zawo...
Kuti apeze chuma chao...
2a. With the sound of trumpet... Ref
2b. With lute, harp, strings and pipes... 4. Ndipo Anania ndi Safira...
Ref Adagulitsa munda wao...

3a. In His holy temple... Ref 5. Koma chumacho adapereka...

3b. For His wonderful deeds... Ref Ndipo china adabisa...
4a. Let the saints in heaven... Ref
4b. Let the angels on high... Ref 714. (2)
Ihe m nwere ka m ga-enye Dinwenu
712. (DISMISSAL) sọ onyinye nke dị mma na-asọ Chukwu,
were ihe ọma kele Chukwu, Chineke nwe
Ite missa est Deo gratias X2 ihe ọma dum x2
1. Deo gratias (Deo gratias), in
aeternum (in aeternum) 1. Nyenụ Chukwu onyinye
Alleluia (alle) alleluia. ụnụ ihe ọma.
2. Celebrabo (celebrabo) te Domine 2. Ọ bụ Chukwu kere ụnụ Ezi
(te Domine) Chukwu.
Deus toto (toto) corde meo. 3. Nye onyinye n’ụlọ nsọ ihe
3. Conserva me (conserva me) O ọma.
Domine (O Domine) quoniam 4. Nye onyinye Chineke ihe
confugio ad te. ọma.
5. Nynu Chukwu obi ụnụ ihe
6. Chukwu nara onyinye ụnụ
713. (OFFERTORY 1) Ezi Chukwu.
1. Chuma chathuchi timapereka 7. Chukwu gọzie obodo anyị
All: Zomwe tatula lero Ezi Chukwu.
Kuti mpingowu uyende bwino 8. Udo ga-adịrị ụnụ nile.
All: Zomwe tatula lero Amen. Amen.

Oh Zilandireni (zilandireni) Tate
715. (HOLY HOLY)
Oyera Oyera Oyera Ambuye Mulungu
zomwe tatula (zomwe tatula) Lero.
Mwini zonse zamphamvu
Ali Oyera aaa
2. Apostoli analibe chuma...

Chorus Miserere nobis; Bass : Gloria... (Chorus
Ali Oyera Ambuye x3 Qui tollis peccata mundi
Ali Oyera aa suscipe
depricationem nostram, nostram.
Kumwamba ndi pansi Bass : Gloria... (Chorus
Padzaza ndi ulemu wanu
Ulemu kumwambako Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris,
Ali Oyera aa miserere nobis Quoniam tu solus sanctus
Tu solus Dominus
Ngwodala amene Bass : Gloria... (Chorus)
Ali kudza m’dzina la Ambuye
Ulemu ku mwambako Tu solus Altissimus,
Ali Oyera aa. Iesu Christe, cum Sancto Spiritu:
in Gloria Dei Patris Amen
Bass: Gloria... (Chorus)
716. (GLORIA 1)
Sop:Gloria in excelsis Deo 717. (2)
All: Gloria in excelsis Deo Ha ha ha…Atwalisiwe Nkulukumba
Bava alleluia(2x)
Et in terra pax hominibus
bonae voluntatis 1. Atwalisiwe …alleluia ha ha
laudamus Te, benedicimus Te, alleluia
adoramus Te, glorificamus Te,
Bass : Gloria... (Chorus
hehla matilweni...
gratias agimus tibi Ni la misaveni……
propter magnam gloriam tuam, a kuve ni kurula..
Domine Deus X2 Ka vanu vo randzeka...
Bass: Gloria... (Chorus)
2. Atwalisiwe…
Rex caelestis
Deus Pater omnipotens Nkulukumba Bava…
Domine Fili unigenite, Hosi ya matilo…..
Iesu Christe, wa ntamu hikwawo...
Bass: Gloria... (Chorus)
3. Atwalisiwe …..
Domine Deus Agnus Dei, Filius Patris nkulukumba Bava…
Qui tollis peccata mundi,
Hina ha ku dzunisa…..

hina ha tlangela… 6. Uwe liphuvo nyago age,
Hina ha ku ganzela… pfhumu…..
hina ha ku twalisa… Ugisago mihefumulo yathu,
4. Atwalisuwe….
Nkulukumba Bava…
Hina ha ku khensa….
hina ha ku kwitsima…
Ka wena lo kukulo… A na dhumisiwe Mkoma
Kukulo zwinene… Txitimwi nzumani ni hawa ha
mafuni ka vathu vo randeka

718. (3) 1. Athu ha ku dhumisa, alleluia,

Rungudzani nungungulu Babe alleluia
wathu Gurula mafuni ga si godwa Txizimu txa nzumani, alleluia,
sahe. alleluia...
Ni hawa ha mafuni...
1. Ethu hi ngu gu rungudza, ethu hi
Ka vathu vo randzeka...
ngu khozela pfhumu
Pfhumu Nungngulu wathu.
2. Athu ha ku pfalisa, alleluia…
Athu ha khosela, alleluia…
2. Khuwe basi pfhumu ya dzadzini
Ni hawa …
U sayisago vathu va tigoni,
Ka vathu…
pfhumu nungungulu wathu.

3. Ngu wothse wudhumu wako,

3. Jesu mwanana wa moyo wwa Babe
Uwe u dusago sigoho sathu,
Wa ku mba na magwito,
pfhumu nungungulu …………….
4. Uwe ukadhego nyamudye ga babe
Ni ha wa...
Tsetselela ethu vathu vago ,
Ka vathu…

4. Mkoma Jesu Cristo, alleluia,

5. Jesu khuwe muvbanysi wathu
Kuwe basi u agidego, pfhumu……
Mwanana wa txizimu, alleluia,

Ni ha wa... God almighty, just and faithful,
Ka vathu vo randeka... Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.

Christ, have mercy, Christ have mercy

5. Awe u thavisako, alleluia,…
Gift from heaven, Christ have mercy
Siwono sa ditiko , alleluia,… Light of truth, and light of justice,
Ni ha wa… Christ, have mercy. Christ have mercy
Lord, have mercy, Lord have mercy
6. U ku txinene ka tate, On your servant, Lord have mercy
alleluia… God Almighty, just and faithful,
Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.
Hi pfele wusiwana,
Ni hawa …
Ka vathu…
Holy, holy, holy, holy,
7. Mkoma Jesu Cristo,
Lord of host you fill with glory
alleluia… All the earth and all the heavens
Ngawe Msawuleki, Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
Ni ha wa … Blest and holy, blest and holy
Ka vathu… He who comes now in the lord’s name
In the highest, sing hosanna
In the highest, sing hosanna
8. Ngawe Msawuleki
alleluia, …
Kumweko ni moya, C
alleluia,… Jesus Lamb of God have mercy,
Ni ha wa ha mafuni Bearer of our sins, have mercy
Jesus Lamb of God have mercy
Ka vathu vo randeka.
Bearer of our sins, have mercy

720. Saviour of the world, Lord Jesus

AMERICAN EUCHARIST May your peace be with us always
Saviour of the world, Lord Jesus
A May your peace be with us always
Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy
On your servants, Lord have mercy

Uone mwanga, Bwana....
721. Upate njia, Bwana....
Twende sote nyumbani nwake bwana Kwenye uzima, Bwana....
mungu mungu a ee Kwenye furaha, Bwana....
Twende sote nyumbani mwake
Aliyetuumba [2x] Ukae naye, Bwana....
Ushinde naye, Bwana....
Yeye ndiye kinga yetu Uishi naye, Bwana....
Bwana mungu a ee, Milele yote, Bwana....
Twende sote nyumbani mwake
Yeye ndiye nguvu yetu 723.
Nimeingia hapa mahali
Yeye mungu wa majeshi... patakatifu,Unipokee,
Ndiye mungu wa yakobo... unitakase nipate neema.

Ni mfalme wa dunia... Nimeingia kwako, nimeingia

Ni mfalme wa mbinguni... Hapa mahali patakatifu.

Ndiye mungu wa wokovu... Ea bwana mungu wewe

Ni hakimu wa dunia... Mfariji mwema,
Nakuja kwako kukuabudu.
Jina lake litukuzwe...
Ndiye mungu mtakatifu
Mfumu wetu u u, utufwile luse
722. Mfumu wetu u u, utufwile luse [x2] 1 &3
Bwana anakuita, bwana anakuita
Bwana anakuita milele Utufwile luse, yo yo yo
Utufwile luse, yo yo yo
Atakulisha, bwana anakuita Utufwile luse, yo yo yo
Atakunywesha, Bwana anakuita
Sogea kwate, Bwana anakuita Khristu, Kristu wetu u u
Akupe neema, Bwana anakuita Utufwile luse [x2]

Kwenye Karamu, Bwana....

Kwa meza yake, Bwana.... 725.
Kula mwiliwe, Bwana.... Bwana uturumie
Kunywa damuye, Bwana.... Bwana uturumie
Bwana aa uturumie 2x

Aaa! Aaa! Aaa! Aaa! 2x 1&3 Nge Yesu, Nge Yesu. [X2]

Kristu uturumie Ye mono me bika

Kristu uturumie 2x Kimvwana ya ntoto
Aaa! Aaa! Aaa! Aaa! Sambu na ngeye, [alleluia 3x]

Ye mono, me ndima kuvanda, nsukami.

726. Sambu na ngeye, [alleluya 3x]
Alleluia alleluia
Alleluia alleluia Ye mono, me ndima kuvanda mpi sadi.
Alleluia alleluia Sansi na ngeye, [alleluya 3x]

Ce Jesus, qui etait mort, Dieu l’a

ressuscite, 729.
Nous en sommes tous temoins. Seigneur mon dieu,
D’un coeur simple et joyeux, jai tout
Ce Jesus, qui a souffert, donne.
Dieu l’a exalte,
Nous en sommes tous temoins. Voici, Seigneur, le pain
Que nous portons a ton autel:
Qu’il soit ton corps!
Cherchez le Royaume Voice, Seigneur, le vin
Qui a mari pour notre joie:
Alleluia, allelu, alleluia, Qu’il soit ton sang!
Alleluia, alleluia.
Tout vient de toi, Seigneur,
Cherchez d’abord le royaume de Dieu et Et nous t’offrons ce que ta
sa justice Main nous a donne!
Et toute chose vous sera donnee ensuite
alleluia, alleluia.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God Tout vient de toi o pere tres bon. Nous
And his righteousness t’offrons les merveilles de ton amour.
And all these things shall be added unto
you, allelu, alleluia. Voice seigneur, ton people assemble,
joyeux de te celebrer.
728. Voice le fruit de tous nos travaux,
Kimvwana, na mono, l’offrande d’un Coeur nouveau.

Milima yote na mabonde
Voice la joie de nnotre amitie, Itayeyuka,
L’amour nous a rassembles. Neno lake Bwana imara,
Voici la peine du monde
Entier qui rachete notre unite. Mapendo ya mungu tumejaa
Roho wa kweli
Voici seigneur le pain de nos vies, Imara yetu ndani yake, awemuhuri
Changees en la vie du Christ.
Siku za huduma ni chache
Voici Seigneur le pain partage, le signe Tuwe mashujaa
de l’unite. Roho wa yesu akaa nasi
Mpaka hatima.

Katika yote tutashinda

731. Kwa nguvu yake,
Nani aweza kututenga
Malaika wkuu waserafi wazunguka Na pendo lake?
Kiti chake; wakisema wote mtakatifu 2x
Heri ashikaye maneno
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna, Ya mungu Mwana,
Hosanna, kwa wana wa mungu 2x Naam naja uppesi, Amina
Njoo, Yesu Bwana!
Mtakatifu, mtakatifu bwana mungu wa
majeshi; Afikapo Bwana harusi!
Mbingu na nchi zajaa sifa yako [x2] Tayarisha taa,
Nenda kumlaki kwa furaha,
Mbarikiwa Naye ingia
Yeye yule ajae kwa jina la
Yeye yule abarikiwe [x2] 733.
Nous chanterons pour toi, Seigneur
732. Tu nous a fait revivre
Que ta parole dans nos coeurs
Simama A jamais nous delivre.
Simama imara, jilinde,
Neon lake Bwana imara, Nous contemplons dans l’univers
Kesha siku, uombe Les traces da ta gloire
Uombe utasimama Et nous avons vu tes hauts faits
Eclairant notre histoire

Que par nous tu prepares
La terre tremble devant toi
Les grandes eaux fremissentle monde Tu prends la tete du troupeau
est l’oeuvre de tes doigts Comme un pasteur fidele
Ciels et vents t’obeissent. Et tu le guides vers les eaux
De la vie eternelle
La terre tremble devantt toi
Les grandes eaux fremissent Ton bras, Eigneur, vient relever
Le monde est l’oeuvre de tes doigts Les pauvres sans defense
Ciels et vents t’obeissent. Et pres de toi les affames
Trouveront l’abandance.
Nos peres nous ont raconte
Ton oeuvre au long des ages Ton Coeur nous ouvre le festin
Tu viens encore nous visiter Des noces eternelles
Et sauver ton ouvrage Et nous allons par les chemins
Announcer la nouvelle.
Car la merveille est sous nos yeux
Ta sainte vigne, o Jesus Christ
Aux chemins de la terre Sur les coteaux du monde
Nous avons vu les pas d’un dieu Tu la feras porter du fruit
Partageant nos miseres En recolte feconde

Les mots de Dieu ont retenti Le monde attend de nous,

En nos languages d’hommes Seigneur
Et nos voix chantent Jesus-Christ Un signe de ta gloire
Par L’Espirit qu’il nous donne. Que l’Espirit vienne dans nos coeurs
Achever ta victoire.
Tes bras, seigneur sont grands ouverts
Pour accueillir les pauvres Tu mets au coeur des baptises
Car ton amour nous est offert Ta jeunesse immortelle
Par ton fils qui nous sauve. Ils porteront au monde
Entier; ta vivante etincelle
Tu viens, Seigneur, pour rassembler
Les hommes que tu aimes Gloire eternelle au dieu vainqueur
Sur les chemins de l’unte Au maitre de l’histoire
Ton amour les ramene Que l’Espirit chante dans nos coeurs
Sa louange de gloire!
Des quatre points de l’horizon
Les peuples sont en marche
Pour prende place en la maison 734.
Les mains ouvertes devant toi, seigneur, Et je l’ai gardee en silence
pour t’offir le monde
Les mains ouvertes deant toi, Seigneur Je la tiens sur moi comme
Notre joie est profonde. Un enfant
Qui repose contre sa mere
Garde-nous tout petits
Devant ta face Israel, que Dieu soit ton espoir
Simples et purs comme un ruisseau A present, toujours dans les siecles.
Garde-nous tout petits devant nos frères
Et disponibles comme une eau
Garde-nous tout petits devant ta face Le seigneur m’a comblee de joie, alleluia
Brulants d’amour et plein de joie Il m’a revetue de saintete
Garde-nous tout petits parmi nos frères Alleluia.
Simples chemins devant leurs pas Mon espirit glorifie le tout-puissant
Et mo name tressaille diallegreese
Garde-nous tout petits Devant ta face Plein d’amour pour les pauvres ensprit le
Comme la vierge immaculee! seigneur s’est penche sur sa servant.
Garde-nous transparent a tous nos frères
De l’amour qui l’aconsumee Desormais tous les peoples me loueront
J’ai donne le sauveur a notre monde.
Apprend-nous a chnter ton evangile Le seigneur m’a choisie depuis toujours
Comme Marie aupres de toi Que son nom soit beni dans tous les
Comble de ton amour le Coeur des siecles
Le coeur des riches change-le Son amour va de meme chaque jour
A tous ceux qui ecutent sa parole
Deployant la puissance de son bras il
735. rejette tout home au Coeur superbe
Garde mon ane dans la paix
Pres de toi, seigneur Il renverse le fort et l’orguilleux
Mais il aide le faible qui ilimplore.
O yahve, mon Coeur n’est Plus de soif plus de faim pour ses amis
Pas hautain et jamia mes yeux ne se Il les comble toujours avec largesse.
Il protégé son people bien aime’ d’age en
Mon chemin n’est pas dans les grandeurs, ag, il lui montre sa tendresse.
je ne cherche pas de prodigies. Gloire au pere, a son fils au saint Espirit;
en tout lieu, en tout temps et
J’ai tenu mo name dans la paix Pour les siecles

Bienheureux es-tu,
Car le royaume est a toi
Peuple de bieneureux Bienheureux es-tu
People de Dieu en marche, Toi qui es persecute
Au royaume de Dieu Bienheureux es-tu
Marche joyeux Car la joie te vient de Dieu

Bienheureux es-tu,
Toi qui as un coeur de pauvre 738.
Bienheureux es-tu, Avec toi Seigneur tous ensemble,
Car le Royaume est a toi. Nous voici joyeux et surs de ton amour.
Tu nous a rassembles dan la joie de ta
Bienheureux es-tu presence et c’est toi nous unis.
Toi au coeur plain de douceur
Bienheureux es-tu C’est toi qui nous unis
Car cette terre est a toi Ton amour a fait de nous des freres
Tu es vivant au milieu de nous
Bienheureux es tu
Toi qui pleures maintenant Les mains tendues vers toi
Bienheureux es-tu Nous venons t’offir le chant du monde
Sar tu seras console Tu es vivant au milieu de nous

Bienheureux es-tu, Venus a ton appel

Toi qui aimes pardonner Nous voulons entrendre ta parole tu es
Bienheureux es-tu vivant au milieu de nous
Car tu seras pardonne.
Signeur nous avons faim
Bienheureureux es tu Que ton corps soit notre nourriture
Toi qui rayonnes un coeur pur Tu es vivant au milieu de nous
Nienheureux es-tu
Car tu conetempleras Dieu O Christ ressuscite
Nous chantons la vie que tu nous donnes
Bien heaureux es-tu, Tu es vivant au milieu de nous
Toi qui ceuvres pour la paix
Bienheureux es-tu, car tu es vrai fils de Tu donnes ton amour
Dieu. Ton esprit fait vivre ton eglise
Tu es vivant au milieu de nous
Bienheureux es-tu,
Toi qui souffres l’injustice

739. Le long des heures et des jours
Seigneur nous arrivons Nous vivons bien loin de toi
Des quatre coins de l’horizon Donne nous,Seigneur la’amour
Nous venons chez toi (chez toi) Donne nous la joie
Seigneur, nous arrivons
Des quartre coins de l’horizon Donne nous de partager
Dan ta maison La foi qui est dans nos coeurs
Et fais nous dans ta bonte
Nous avons marche sur les Devenir meilleurs.
Routes humaines
Nous avons porte le fardeau des jours
Nous avons souffert la fatigue la peine 741.
Nous avons offert simplement notre Seigneur rassemble-nous
amour Dans la paix de ton amour.

Nous avons marche au mileu de nos Nos fautes nous separent

frères Ta grace nous unit;
Nous avons porte le poids de nos jours La joie de ta victoire
Nous avons souffert en voyant leur colere Eclaire notre nuit.
Nous avons offert simplement ton amour
Tu es notre esperance parmi les divisions;
Nous voice enfin tous autour de la table Plus haut que nos offenses
Rassembles ici pour parler de toi S’eleve ton pardon.
Tu nous as nourris d’un amour
formidable Seigneur vois la misere
Et nous te chantons simplement notre Des hommes affames
joie. Partage a tous nos freres
Le pain de l’unite.
740. Heureux le coeur des pauvres
Seigneur tous nous apelles Qui cherchent l’unite
Et nous allons vers toi Heureux dans ton royaume
Ta bonne nouvelle Les freres retrouves.
Nous met le Coeur en joie (bis)
Fais croitre en notre attente
Nous marchons vers ton autel L’amour de ta maison
Ou nous attend ton pardon L’espirit dans le silence
Repopndant a ton appel Fait note communion.
Nous chantons ton nom

Ta croix est la lumiere Qui ecoute ta parole Seigneur
Qui nous a rassembles Ne verra jamais la mort
Joie de notre terre Il possede en lui la vie eternelle
Tu nous as rachetes.
R2 A qui irions-nous Seigneur,
Dans la veritte vivra
742. Et ta verite, o Christ le rend libre. +R2
Dieu nous accueille en sa maison,
Dieu nous invite a son festin; Par la foi Siegneur, habite en nos coeurs;
Jour d’allegresse et jour de joie Garde-nous dans ton amour
Alleluia Donne nous la force dans l’esperance.
O quelle joie quand on m’a dit
Approchons-nous de sa maison J’ai done ma foi au Christ crucifie
Dans la cite du Dieu vivant Non, ce n’est plus moi qui vis
C’est le Christ qui vit en moi: il me
Jerusalem, rejouis-toi sauve. R2 +R1
Car le seiogneur est avec toi
Pour ton Bonheur il t’a choisi
Criez de joie pour notre Dieu Je mets mon espoir dans le Seigneur;
Chantez pour lui, car il est bon Je suis sur de sa parole
Car eternal est son amour
Des profondeurs, je crie vers toi
Appronchons nous de ce repas seigneur
Ou Dieu convie tous ses enfants Seigneur, sceoute mon appel
Mangeons le pain qui donne vie Que ton oreille se fasse attentive
Au cris de ma priere
Soyons temoins de son Esprit
Que disparaisse toute peur montons au Si tu retiens tous mes peches
monde notre foi. Seigneur qui subsisteera
Mais pres de toi se trouve le pardon je
sais que tu nous aimes
R1/ Sans te voir, nous t’aimons Comme un veilleur
Sans te voir, nous croyons J’attendraile Seigneur je sais qui’l
Et nous exultons de joie Seigneur viendra comme un veilleur qui
Surs que tu nous sauves attendrait l’autore
Nous croyons en toi J’attend ma deliverance

C’est le seigneur qui nous donne Uwa anyi di n’aka gi 4x [Bass]
l’espoir il vient pour nous sauver de All: uwa anyi di n’aka gi oh Chineke
nos peches 2x
Il nous delivrera
Il veille sur son peuple Inkusasa lami,4x [Bass]
All: Inkusasa lami lise zandleni zatho
Cherchez d’abord le royaume de Dieu Ufulu wanga wonse 4x [Bass]
et sa justice; et toute chose vous sera All: Ufulu wanga wonse uli m’manja
donne ensuite alleluia mwako Ambuye 2x

Alleluia, Allelu, Alleluia

Alleluia, Alleluia.
Seek ye first the kingdom of the God
and his righteousness,
And all these things shall be added 748.
unto you, Allelu alleluia.w Chorus: Ọbụ Ya kere ihe nile
bịanụ k’anyị tụọrọ Yam ma
746. mma (x2).
We come to adore you oh Christ, we 1. Ọlụ aka Chukwu,
come to adore you. 2x bịanụ k’anyị tụọrọ mma
1, We come to praise you oh my Mụọ ozi nke Chukwu…
Lord, we come to worship you oh bịanụ k’anyị tụọrọ mma
my Lord. mma.
Eligwe nile…
2. We come to thank you oh my Lord,
Urukpuru nke igwe…
we come to revere you oh my
2. Igwe agha nk’igwe…
747. Ọnwa na anyanwụ…
My future is in you hands 4x [Bass] Kpakpando nk’igwe…
All: My future is in your hands oh Mmiri dị n’igwe…
Lord 2x Chorus

3. Oke ifufe nile…
Ọkụ na ekpomọkụ… 749.
Oyi na ekpomọkụ… Cantor: Blessed be the Lord, the God
Igirigi si n’igwe… of Isreal*
Chorus He has visited his people and
redeemed them.
4. Akụ mmiri nk’igwe…
Ụtụtụ na anyasị… A: He has raised up for us a mighty
Ọchịchịrị na ihe… saviour*
Egbe na ada n’igwe... in the house of David his servant.
C: As he promised by the lips of holy
5. Ụmụ ụwa nile... men*
Ugwu na ndịda… who were the prophets from of old.
Osisi dị n’ọhịa…
Osimiri nile…. A: A saviour who would free us
chorus from our foes*
6. Ụmụ nnụnụ n’igwe... And from the hands of all who hate
Azụ dị na mmiri... us.
Anụ bi n’ọhia... C: So his love for our fathers is
Ụmụ mmadụ nile ngwanụ fulfilled*
k’anyị tụọrọ y mma mma and his holy covenant remembered.
A: He swore to Abraham our father
7. Ndị ụkọchukwu... our father to grant us*
Odibọ nke Chukwu… that freed from fear and saved from
Ndị obi ha dị ọcha… the hands of our foes.
Ndị umeala nile…
C: We might serve him in holiness
8. Ananias, Azarias, Mizeal and justice*
tụọrọ Yam ma mma. all the days of our life in his presence
A: And you child, called prophet of
9. Otito dịrị Nna na nwa ya the Most High*
na Mụọ Nsọ, mma mma; will go ahead of the Lord to prepare
Etu ọdị n’izizi kitaa n’ekpo his ways before him.
nile mma mma.
chorus C: To make known to his people their
through forgiveness of all their sins.
A: For the loving kindness of the His seat a mighty race should be,
heart of our God* And bless forever more.
who visits us like the dawn from on He swore to set his people free,
high. From fear of every foe
That we might serve him all our days,
C: He will give light to those in In goodness, love and peace.
darkness those who dwell in the shade
of death* O little child your name shall be
and guide us into the way of peace. The Prophet of the Lord
The way of God you shall prepare,
A: Glory be to the father and to the
To make his coming known
You shall proclaim to Israel
and to the holy Spirit.
Salvation dawning day.
C: As it was in the beginning is noe When God shall wipe away men’s
and ever shall be* sins,
Amen. In His redeeming love.

The rising sun shall shine on us,

750. To bring the light of day,
s,/d d/r r/m.r m.f/s m/f m.d/r r/d –// To all who sit in darkness, night
Blessed be the Lord of Israel, And shadow of the grave
The everlasting God Our footsteps God shall safely guide,
Who comes in power to save, To walk the ways of peace.
His people Israel. His name forever more be blessed.
For Israel he raises up, Who lives and loves and saves.
Salvation tower on high.
In David’s house who reigned as king,
And servant of the Lord. 751.
Blessed be the Lord our God
Through Holy prophets did he speak, Unto us Israel he came
His word to men of old Brought redemption to his sons
That he would save us from our foes, saved us in his holy name.
And all who bear us ill Blessed be the Lord our God
So to our fathers did he give, House of David chosen one,
His covenant of love sees the prophecy fulfilled
So with their son he keeps his truth, Enemies shall not prevail,
In love that knows no end. We are rescued as he willed
Mighty is his saving arm.
Of old he swore his solemn oath,
To father Abraham. Mercy to our Father come,

Holy covenant was made His covenant of love
Oath to Abraham he kept, So with His Son He keeps His truth
sons of God be not afraid. In love that knows no end.
Blessed be the Lord our God
Now from evil we are saved, Of old He swore His solemn oath
We may serve him without fear To Father Abraham
All our days in holiness, His seed a mighty race should be
in his love till he appear. And blessed forevermore
Mighty is his saving arm. [TUNE: PRAISE TO THE HOLIEST]

You my child shall lead the way,

Prophet of our God most high 753.
Bring us word the Lord will come, [TUNE: WORSHIP THE KING]
Now is your salvation nigh. O Bless’d is the Lord of Israel’s fold
Blessed be the Lord our God He comes to redeem as He promised
God in love will visit us of old
in the shades of death and night He sends us a Savior of David’s own
from our sins he sets us free line
Lead our steps to peace and light
Mighty is his saving arm. As His prophets foretold both in
words and sign.
He saves us from foes, from hatred
752. and fear
Blest be the God of Israel His mercy He shows to His children
The everlasting God so dear. His oath He remembers from
Who comes in power to save His own Abraham’s days,
His people, Israel to make us a people who live for His
For Israel He raises up
Salvation’s tower on high And you little child, are chosen this
In David’s house He reigned as a day His prophet and voice to prepare
King Him a way with news of salvation,
And servant of the Lord forgiveness and love
You herald the dawning of light from
Through holy prophets He did speak above
His word to men of old
That He would save us from our foes O people who walk in darkness afraid
And all who bear us ill. Who wander alone in death’s gloomy
So to our fathers He did give

O lift up your heads now behold your
release, your Saviour is coming and He has filled the hungry with good
His kingdom is peace things
and rich he sent away empty
All praise be to God the Father and he cherishes Israel his servant
Son keeping his merciful design in
To the Spirit of love in whom all are remembrance.
Who lives in the glory of life without Praise the Father the Son and Holy
end. Spirit
From before time’s beginning and both noe and forever more
forevermore. Amen the God who is, who was and who
will be, for ages unending. Amen.
754. Cantor: My soul proclaims the
I will rejoice in the Lord and my soul greatness of the Lord*
will triumph in God my spirit finds joy in God my Sa-
For he has clothed me with holiness viour
and robed me with dress like a bride
A: For he has looked upon his servant
adorned in her bridal dress.
in her lowliness*
all ages to come shall call me blessed.
My soul glorifies the Lord C: God who is mighty has done great
and my spirit find joy in God my things for me*
Saviour, holy is his name.
he has looked upon his holy handmaid
and people now will call me blessed. A: His mercy is from age to age*
on those who fear him.
The Almighty has wrought for me his
C: He has shown might with his arm*
wonder, the name of our God is holy.
he confused the proud in their inmost
He has mercy on those who fear him
From one generation to the next.
A: He has deposed the mighty from
He has shown the strength of his arm their thrones*
and scattered the wicked in their pride and raised the lowly to high places.
he has pulled down the mighty from
their thrones C: The hungry he has given every
and exulted the gentle and lowly. good thing*

while the rich he has sent away He sent his servant Israel help
empty-handed. And called his love to mind.

A: He has upheld his servant* Which to our father ancient race

ever mindful of his mercy. His promise did ensure
To Abraham and to his sons
C: Even as he promised to our
Forever to endure.
to Abraham and to his descendants for
All glory to the father be
With his co-equal Son
A: Glory be to the Father and to the
The same to thee, great Paraclete.
While endless ages run.
and to the holy Spirit.

C: As it was in the beginning is now

and ever shall be*
world without end. Amen. My soul now glorify
The Lord who is my Saviour
Rejoice for who am I
756. That God has shown me favour
(Amazing Grace Tune) The world shall call me blest
My soul and spirit filled with joy, And ponder on my story
My God and Saviour praise. In me is manifest
Whose goodness did from poor estate God’s greatness and His glory
His lowly servant raise.
For those who are His friends
God’s power has blessed me with His And keep His laws as holy
Grace. His mercy never ends
All ages shall proclaim And He exalts the lowly
From age to age his mercy lasts
And holy is his name. But by His power the great
The proud the self conceited
Strength with his arm the Almighty The kings who sit in state
showed, Are humbled and defeated
The proud his looks abased
He sat the mighty to the ground He feeds the starving poor
The meek to honour raised. He guards His holy nation
Fulfilling what He swore
The hungry with good things are filled Long since in revelation
The rich with hunger pine

Then glorify with me Now is His power kept
The Lord who is my Saviour Once made to Abraham
One Holy Trinity That in His name should all be blest,
Forever and foreve for all eternity.

O Father fount of joy

758. Your glory I adore
Oh praise my soul the Lord Oh loving Spirit praise is yours
Oh glorify His name Who gave me God thy Son.
In Him my spirit thrills with joy
My Saviour and my God 759.
Tell out my soul the greatness of the
From heaven He gazed on me Lord
His lowly servant-maid Unnumbered blessing gives my Spirit
Behold, all ages yet to come voice
Shall call me blest in God Tender to me the promise of His word
In God my Saviour shall my heart
The Lord of wondrous power rejoice.
Has done great things for me
Forever blessed be His steadfast Tell out my soul the greatness of His
love name
Shall endlessly endure Make known His might the deeds His
arm has done
His arm is strong to save His mercy sure from age to age the
He scatters all the proud same
He cast the mighty from their t His holy name the Lord the Mighty
hrones one
He raises the meek
Tell out my soul the greatness of His
He fills the hungry poor might
With blessings from above Powers and dominion lay their glory
The rich He strips of wealth and by
power Proud hearts and stubborn wills are
And empty sends away put to flight
The hungry fed the humble lifted
His mighty hand has grasped high
The hand of Israel
His servant Son beloved by Him Tell out my soul the glories of His
With never failing love word

Firm is His promise and His mercy He has visited His people
sure And holy is His name
Tell out my soul the greatness of the
Lord Through all generation!
To children’s children and forever Everlasting is His mercy
more To the people He has chosen
And holy is His name
My soul proclaims the Lord my God I am lowly as a child
My spirit sings His praise But I know from this day forward
He looks on me, He lifts me up That my name will be remembered
And gladness fills my days For all men will call me blessed
And holy is His name
All nations now will share my joy
His gifts He has outpoured; I proclaim the pow’r of God!
His little one He has made great; He does marvels for His servants;
I magnify the Lord Though He scatters the proud-hearted
And destroys the might of princess
For those who love His holy name And holy is His name
His mercy will not die
His strong right arm puts down the To the hungry He gives food
proud Sends the rich away empty.
And lifts the lowly high. In His mercy He is mindful
Of the people He has chosen
He fills the hungry with good things And holy is His name
The rich He sends away
The promise made to Abraham In His love He now fulfils
Is filled to endless day. What He promised to our fathers.
I will praise the Lord, my Saviour.
Magnificat, magnificat, Everlasting is His mercy
Magnificat, praise God! And holy is His name
Praise God, praise God!
Praise God, praise God! Glory be to the Father
Magnificat, praise God! To the Son and Holy Spirit
Both now and forever more
761. A-men, Amen, Amen.
And holy is His name
My soul is filled with joy
As I sing to God my Saviour
He has looked upon His servant 762.
O magnify the Lord The hungry, not the rich receive
Break forth in song my voice And Israel knows His fond embrace
In God my Saviour adored The word that Abr’am dares believe
My spirit doth rejoice Now find fulfilment in His grace
While time its course will run
All ages will proclaim
What God has done
And blessed call my name I sing the Lord’s praises,
I answer to His call
My lowliness He sought His servant girl He raises,
On me His eyes has cast He will be blessed by all.
And in me He has wrought, The Lord gives His power to her,
A wonder unsurpassed Who loves His name,
His mercies to the just O’er her His strength will tower,
From age to age He shows His mercies will remain
But humbles to the dust
His proud and haughty foes Proud hearted men He scatters,
The strong will pass away;
And for the kind and gentle
The mighty ones He spurns
There dawns the Lord’s own day.
The humble He receives
Woe to the rich and mighty,
He fills the soul that yearns
He frees and satisfies.
The rich in want He leaves.
Those who for justice hunger
To us for Israel’s sake
And to Him turn their eyes.
His mercies still extend
For Abraham as He spoke
A Saviour He has promised
His love will never end
To Abraham long ago.
And now to His own people
763. His mercy He will show.
Come let us praise the Father,
My spirit magnifies the Lord
And in my Saviour I rejoice For He fulfils His word
My lowliness has been assured And sends the Holy Spirit
Of blessing all the world shall voice Through Jesus Christ our Lord
His mighty works His holy name FOUNDATION]
His mercy follows all who fear
The proud have been reduced to
Blessed are you who bore our God
The humble in their place appear
and Saviour, Holy Mary.

My soul sings songs of praise unto the To Father, Son and the Holy Spirit
Lord blest
My spirit leaps for joy in God my Now always and forevermore Amen
Saviour Blessed are you who bore our God
and Saviour, Holy Mary.
Because He smiled upon His lowly
All generations hence, shall call me
O magnify the Lord,
For He has worked in me full Break forth in songs my voice,
wondrous things In God my Saviour adored
The mighty one and holy is His name My spirit does rejoice
While time its course will run
His mercy streams from every age to All ages will proclaim
age What God in me has done
On those who hold His name in And blessed call my name
My lowliness He sought
He stretches forth His arm to work On me His eyes He cast
His will And in me He has wrought
And scatters far in flight the proud of A wonder unsurpassed
heart His mercies to the just
From age to age He shows
He drives the men of power from their But humbles in the dust
thrones His proud and haughty foes
And raises up the poor and lowly ones
The mighty ones He spurns
He fills with gifts all those who lack The humble He receives
for good He fills the soul that yearns
Sends the rich with nothing in their The rich in want He leaves
hands To us for Israel’s sakes
His mercies still extend
He has accepted Israel His slave For Abraham as He spoke
With mercy kept His promise of old His love shall never end
[ Laudis corona 1885]
As He pledged our Fathers He would
To Abraham and to His sons forever

Umphefumulo wami [uwami]
uyayidumisa inkosi x2 Makana O nego anya---- n’umeala
nke odibọ ya
Nomoya wami uyathokoza Site tata, ndụdụgandụ nile ga akpọ mụ
Ngo Nkulunkulu umsimdisi wami x2 onye dị ngọzi.
Ngoba yena uhawukele,
Ubuphansi bencekukazi yakhe x2 Onye ji ike nile, rụrụ nnukwu ọrụ
Umphefumulo wami..................... N’ebe m nọ--- aha ya dị asọ
Ọ na-egosi ndị na-atụ ya egwu
Ngob’usomandla ungenzele, ebere ya—na ndụdụgandụ nile.
Izint’ezinkulu ngiyadumisa,
Igama lakhe liyingcwele O gosigo ikeaka ya----
Is’hawu sakhe ezizukulwaneni, chụsasịa ndị ngara juru obi
Zalabo abamesabayo x2 O budara ndị nnukwu mmadụ,
Umphefumulo wami.................. Site n’oche-eze ha—ma bulie ndị
umeala elu.
Wenzile amandla ngengalo yakhe,
Uhlakazile abazithweleyo, Onyere ndị agụụ na-agụ ezi ihe---
Ukuzindleni kwenhliziyo zabo Hapụ ndị ọgaranya, ha agbara aka laa.
Wehlis’amakhosi ezihlalweni
Uphakamisile abathobileyo x2 Ọ gbatara odibọ ya Israel
Umphefumulo wami............... osoenyemaka---
O chetera nkwa O kwere n’ebere ya.
Abalambileyo basuthisiwe, Nye ndị nna nna anyị, na Abraham na
Abanothileyo baxoshwa beze x2 ụmụ ya.......ebebe.
Uyisizile inceku yakhe
ekhumbula isihawu sakhe x2 Otito dịrị Nna na Nwa na Mmụọ Nsọ
Njengakushoyo kokhokho bethu, Etu ọdị n’izizi, kita na ekpo nile
ukuthi uzoba nesihawu n’ụwa ebebe.
kuAbraham nenzalo yakhe.
768. 1. Tobe Dinwenu , mkpụrụobi nke m
Mmụọ m na-ego-li;
Mmụọ m na-ego-li O meere m ihe, O meere m ihe, O
Na Dinwenum---- onye nzọpụta mo meere nnukwu ihe ebe m nọ.

Tobe Dinwenu m mkpurụobi mo 2. Mụọ m aňụrịgo na Chineke

Mmụọ m golibe na Chukwu onye Onye Nzọpụta m.
nzọpụta mo. 3. Makana O lego anya n’ ume –

ala nke m Bread and forgive us our trespasses
4. Ndụdụgandụ nile, site tata. As we forgive those who trespass
5. Ga n’ akpọ m onye dị ngọzi. again us
6. Makana Onye ji ike nile meere And lead us not into temptation
m nnukwu ihe. But deliver us from evil
7. Maka n’ihi nke a, Aha Ya dị asọ. For thine is the kingdom
8. Obi ebere Ya si na ************************
ndụdụgandụ nile. The power and the glory
9. O mere ebere maka ndị n’ atụrụ For ever and ever. A – men
Ya egwu.
10. O gosigo ike aka Ya.
11. Ọ chụsasịgo ndị ngala dị n’ 771.
obi. 1. Our Father who art in
12. O sigo n’ ukpo buda ndụ buru Heaven
13. O buligo ndị dị umeala. Hallowed be thine Name, Thy
14 Ndị agụụ n’ agụ, O nye ha ezi kingdom come.
ihe. 2. Thy will be done on
15. O meela ndị buru ebu ha ghọrọ earth, as it is in Heaven.
aka. 3. Give us this day our daily
16. O hotala Israel, odibọ nke Ya bread.
17. Dịka otu O si wee gwa nna 4. And forgive us our
anyị ha. trespasses.
18. Abraham na mkpụrụ ya ebebe. 5. As we forgive those who
19. Otito dịrị Nna na Nwa na Mụọ trespass against us.
Nsọ. 6. And lead us not, into
20. Otu o si dị na izizi, temptation.
21. Kitaa, na ekpo nile, n’ ụwa 7. But deliver us from all
ebebe. evil.
8. For the kingdom, the pow’r, and
OUR FATHER the glory.
9. Are Yours now and for ever.

Our father who art in heaven 772.
Hallowed be thy name 1. Father God in Heaven
Thy kingdom come Lord most high.
Thy will be done on earth as it is Hear your children’s prayer,
In heaven, give us this day our daily

Lord most high. Rejoice in the Lord alleluia (X4)
Hallowed be thy name,
Lord most high. Our Father / who art in heaven /
O! Lord, hear our prayer. X2 Hallowed be thy name /
2. May Your kingdom come,
here on earth, Thy kingdom come.
may Your will be done, Thy will be done on earth /
here on earth, as it is in heaven /
as it is in heaven
so on earth Give us this day / our daily bread.
O! Lord hear our prayer. (X2) And forgive us / our trespasses /
As we forgive those /
3. Give us daily bread who sin against us.
day by day,
and forgive us our sins And lead us not / into temptation /
day by day, But deliver us / from all evil.
as we too forgive
day by day. For the kingdom / the power
O! Lord, hear our prayer. (X2) and the glory / Are yours now /
and forever.
4. Lead us in your way,
make us strong,
when temptations come, 774.
make us strong. OurFfather, our Father who art in
Save us from all sin, heaven
keep us strong. Amen, hallowed be thy name
O! Lord, hear our prayer. (X2)
Thy kingdom come thy will be done
********************* on earth as it’s in heaven
5. All things come from You,
all are Yours, Give us this day our daily bread
kingdom, glory, power, And forgive us our trespasses
all are Yours,
take our lives, our gifts, As we forgive the failing of those
all are Yours Who hurt us.
O! Lord, hear our prayer. (X2)
And lead us not into the tempt
But deliver us from evil
Rejoice in the Lord (X8)

Ma yem na ose kig do yebe, na biku a
775. mebobela me satan o
Notre Pere qui es aux cieux, notre Okodege bia ansem, nsem ose wake ai
Pere bia a ndzan kom (s) A Tara e e e

Que ton nom soit sanctifie Coda: a esya ya yobo o o, a tara e e e,

Que ton regne vienne, [notre Pere] wo obele edzue ese, ngul ese, ai duma
ase, esya ya yob o, a tara e (X2) (s)
Que ta volonte soit faite
Sur la terre comme au ciel, [notre
Pere] 777.
Atate athu – Atate
Donne nous aujourd’hui Muli m’mwamba – Atate, Atate
Notre pain de ce jour, [notre Pere]
Dzina lanu
Pardonne nous nos peche Liyeretsedwe
Comme nous pardonnons aussi, [notre
Pere] Ufumu wanu
Wanu Udze
Ne nous laisses pas tentes
Mais delivre nous du mal [notre Pere] Kufuna kwanu
776. Monga kumwamba
A a Tara e e one ayob e e A Tara e e Choncho pansi pano

Eyole dzoe ene ngie o, eluguban o Mutipatse

Ayon doe aza asi, asi ndon mu o o. Ife chakudya
Minkomban mie mibo asi avala ya
yob o o Chakudya chathu
A Tara e e e (s) Chathu cha lero

Va bia bidi, na biza wu zai o o Mutikhululukire

Abim da yian ai bia, amos ose o (s) Ife zochimwa zathu
A Tara e e e
Monga ifenso
Djam bia minsem, minsem bia sem o Tikhululukira
o; Ane bia djam fo, eba bese ba wulu
fufulu ai bia (s) A Tara e e e Adani athu

Adani athu
Musatisiye Pater Noster, qui es in caelis,
Ife muchinyengo Santificetuur nomen tuum,
Adveniat regnum tuum,
Koma mutipulu Fiat voluntas tua,
mutse ku zoipa Sicut in cealo te in terra.
Panem nostrum quotidinum
* Popeza kuti Da nonis hodie,
Ufumu mphamvu Et demitte nobis debita nostra
sicut et nos dimittimus debotoribus
Ndi ulemelero nostris,
Ndi wanu nthawi zonse et ne nos inducas in tentationem
sed libera nos a malo.

778. 780.
All: Bawo wethu – osezulwini –
sidumisa – igama lakho. Baba wethu osezulwini
Malingcweliswe igama lakho
1. Bawo wethu – osezulwini – Umbuso wakho mawufike X2
malingcwaliswe – igama lakho.
2. Mabufike – ubukumkani – Intando yakho mayenziwe
ubukamkani _‘kumkani bakho. Emhlabeni njengasezulwini
3. Mayenziwe – intanto yakho – Awusiphe namhla isinkwa sethuX2
emhlaben’njenga – sezulwini.
4. Siphe namhlanje – isonka sethu – Semihlangemihla
isonk’semihla – ngemihla. Usithethelele izono zethu
5. Usixolele – izono zethu – Njengoba nathi
usixolele – izono zethu, Sibathethela abasonayoX2
6. Njengokuba – nathi, nathi –
sibaxolela – abasonayo. Ungasingenisi ekulingweni
7. Ungasiyekel’ – ekulingweni – kod’usisindise kokubiX3
koko sisindise – kongendawo. *****************************
8. Ngoba bobakho – ubukumkani – ngob’owakh’umbuso namandla
ubukumkani – ubukumkani. nobukhosi kuze kube kubephakadeX3
9. Namandla – namandla, ‘mandla –
nozuko, ‘zuko – ngonaphakade.
10. Bawo wethu – osezulwini – 781.
malingcwaliswe – igama lakho Nna anyị nọ n’igwe
Ka otito dịrị aha Gị [R]

4. K’eme uche Gị n’ uwa – ka
Ka ọchịchị gị bịa aha Gị dị nsọ X3
Ka eme uche gị n’ụwa 5. Dịka esi eme ya n’ igwe – ka
dịka esi eme ya n’igwe aha Gị dị nsọ X3
Nye anyị nri tata [R] 6. Nye anyị nri tata – ka
aha Gị dị nsọ X3
Nri nke ụbọsị anyị 7. Nri nk’ ụbọsị anyị – ka
Gbaghara anyị mmehie anyị aha Gị dị nsọ X3
Dịka anyị si gbaghara 8. Gbaghara anyị mmehie anyị
ndị mehiere anyị [R] – ka aha Gị dị nsọ X3
9. Dịka anyị si gbaghara – ka
Ekwena ka anyị kwe aha Gị dị nsọ X3
kwenye na nranye 10. Ndị mehiere anyị – ka
Ma zọpụta anyị aha Gị dị nsọ X3
N’ajọ ihe nile [R] 11. Ekwela k’ anyị kwe – ka
aha Gị dị nsọ X3
782. 12. Kwenye na nranye – ka
aha Gị dị nsọ X3
Nna anyị nọ n’ eligwe 13. Ma zọpụta anyị – ka
K’ otito dịrị aha Gị. aha Gị dị nsọ X3
14. N’ ajọ ihe nile – ka
1. K’ ọchịchị Gị bịa, ka- eme uche Gị aha Gị dị nsọ X3
n’ ụwa, ka- esi eme ya n’ eligwe. 15. Amen Amen Amen – ka
2. Nye anyị nri tata, nri k’ ụbọsị anyị. aha Gị dị nsọ X3
3. Gbaghara anyị mmehie anyị ga,
etu anyị si gbaghara ndị mehiere
4. Ekwela Nna ekwela, ekwela k’ ANTHEMS
anyị kwenye na nranye.
5. Ma zọpụta anyị n’ ajọ ihe X2. 784.
Salve Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve.
783. Ad te clamamus, exules fili hevae
1. Nna anyị nọ n’ eligwe – ka Ad te suspiramus, gememtes et
aha Gị dị nsọ X3 flentes, In hac lacrimarum vale.
2. K’ otito dịrị aha Gị – ka Eja ergo, advocata nostra,
aha Gị dị nsọ X3 Illos tuos misericordes oculos
3. K’ ọchịchị Gi bịa – ka Ad nos converte. Et Jesum
aha Gị dị nsọ X3 benedictum fructum ventris tui,

Nobis post hoc exsilium ostende. Esto mater nostrum solatium,
O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Nostrum esto tu virgo Gaudium,
Virgo Maria. Et nos tandem post hoc exsilium,
Laetos junge choris caelestium, O Maria .
Salve mater misericordiae,
Mater Dei et Mater veniae, BENEDICTION
Mater Spei et Mater Gratiae,
Mater Plena sanctae laetitiae
O Maria ! 786.
O salutaris hostia,
Salve decus humani generis, Quae caeli pandis ostium
Salve virgo dignior caeteris, Bella premunt hostilia
Quae virgins omnes transgederis, Da robur, fer auxilium
Et altius sedes in superis, O Maria.
Uni trinoque Domino
Salve felix virgo puerpera, Sit sempiterna Gloria;
Nam qui sedet in patris dextera, Qui vitam sine termino
Caelum regens, terram et aethera, Nobis donet in Patria.
Intra tua se clausit viscera, Amen.
O Maria.

Te creavit pater inenitus,

Obumbravit te unigenitus, Tantum ergo Sacramentum,
Foecundavit te sanctus spiritus, Veneremur cernui:
Tu es facta tota divinitus, O Maria. Et antiquum documentum
Novo cedat ritui:
Te creavit Deus mirabilem, Praestet fides supplementum
Te respexit ancillem humilem Sensuum defectui.
Te quaesivit, sponsam amabilem,
Tibi nunquam fecit consimilem, Genitori, Genitoque
O Maria. Laus et jubilatio.
Salus, honour, virtus
Te beatam laudate cupiunt, quoque
Omnes justi sed non sufficient, Sit et benediction:
Multas ludes de Te concipiunt, Procedenti ab utroque
Sed in illis prosus deficient, Compar sit laudation. Amen.
O Maria.

Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and
ENGLISH true Man
Blessed be the Name of Jesus
788. Blessed be His most Sacred Heart,
Blessed be His most Precious Blood,
O saving Victim, opening wide Blessed be Jesus in the most Holy
The gate of heaven to man below Sacrament of the Altar,
Our foes press on from every side Blessed be the Holy Spirit the
Thine aid supply, thy strength bestow. paraclete
Blessed be the great Mother of God,
To thy great name be endless praise, Mary most holy.
Immortal Godhead, one in three: Blessed be her holy and Immaculate
O grant us endless length of days, Conception.
In our true native land with thee. Blessed be her glorious Assumption
Amen Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin
and Mother.
789. Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste
Therefore we, before him bending,
This great Sacrament revere: Blessed be God in His angels and in
Types and shadows have their ending. His Saints.
For the newer rite is here
Faith, our outward sense befriending
Makes the inward vision clear.
Glory let us give, and blessing
To the father and the Son: Ant: Adoremus in aeternum
Honour, might and praise addressing sanctissimum Sacramentum.
While eternal ages run: Ps:LaudateDominum omnes gente:
Ever too his love confessing. laudate eum omnes populi.
Who from both, with both is one. Quoniam confirmata est super nos
Amen. misericordia ejus, et veritas Domini
manet in aeternum.
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui
790. Sancto.
Sicut erat in principio et nunc, et
THE DIVINE PRAISES simper, et in saecula saeculorum,
Blessed be God Amen.
Blessed be His Holy Name Ant: Adoremus in aeternum
sanctissimum Sacramentum.

Ant: Let us adore forever the most
PS: O praise the Lord, all ye nations, ASCENSION
praise Him, all ye people. Our lady, Queen of Apostles
For His mercy is confirmed upon us;
and the truth of the Lord remaineth Entrance Antiphon
forever. The disciples were constantly at prayer
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, together, with Mary, the Mother of
and to the Holy Spirit. Jesus. Alleluia. (Acts 1:14)
As it was in the beginning, is now and
ever shall be Opening prayer
World without end. Amen. God our Father, you gave the holy
Ant: Let us adore forever the most spirit to your apostles as they joined in
Holy Sacrament. prayer with Mary, the mother of Jesus.
By the help of her prayers keep us
faithful in your service and let our
words and actions be so inspired as to
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& bring glory to your name.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Grant this through our lord Jesus
&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Christ, your son, who lives and reigns
& with you and the holy spirit, one God,
forever and ever.
Reading 1 Jdt 13:22-26
CATHOLIC A reading from the book of Judith
APOSTOLATE May you be blessed, my daughter, by
God Most High beyond all women on
Blessings on you, our God, for
OF OUR LADY, confounding your people’s enemies
QUEEN OF THE today! Uzziah then said to Judith:
May you be blessed, my daughter, by
APOSTOLES. God Most High, beyond all women on
earth and blessed be the Lord God,

Creator of heaven and earth, who Give the lord the glory of his name. R
guided you to cut off the head of the
leader of our enemies! The trust which Worship the lord in his temple.
you have shown will not pass from O earth, tremble before him.
human hearts as they commemorate Proclaim to the nations: “God is king.”
the power of God for evermore. R
God grant you may be always held in Reading II acts
honor and rewarded with blessings, 1:12-14; 2:1-4
since you did not consider your own
life when the nation was brought to its A reading from the Acts of the
knees, but warded off our ruin, Apostles
walking in the right path before our
God. And the people all said, Amen! With one heart all these joined constantly
Amen! in prayer, together with some women,
including Mary the Mother of Jesus.
The word of the Lord.
So from the mount of Olives, as it was
called, they went back to Jerusalem, a
Responsorial psalm Ps. 96:1- short distance away, no more than a
2a;2b-3;7-8a;9-10a. Sabbath walk; and when they reached
R. the city they went to the upper room
Cf. Ps. 24:5 where they were staying; there were
peter and john, James sad Andrew,
R. Mary received a blessing from the Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and
Lord, a reward from God her Saviour. Matthew, James son of Alphaeus and
Simon the zealot, and Jude son of
Or: Alleluia James. With one heart all these joined
constantly in prayer, together with
O sing a new song to the lord, some women, including Mary the
Sing to the lord all the earth. Mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.
O sing to the lord, bless his holy name. When Pentecost day came around,
R they had all met together, when
suddenly there came from heaven a
Proclaim his help day by day, sound as of a violent wind which filled
Tell among the nations his glory the entire house in which they were
And his wonders among all the sitting; and there appeared to them
peoples. R tongues as of fire; the4se separated and
came to rest on the head of each one of
Give the lord, you families of peoples, them. They were filled with the Holy
Give the lord glory and power; Spirit and began to speak different

languages as th4e spirit have them Lord,
power to express themselves. In your goodness and in answer to the
prayers of Blessed Mary, ever virgin,
The word of the Lord. grant that our offering may enable
your church to spread through out the
Verse before the gospel world and reflect your glory in a rich
harvest of holiness. We ask this
R. Alleluia through Christ our Lord.

Mary, the Queen of heaven and PREFACE

e4arth, stood sorrowful under the cross
of the The Lord be with you.
Lord Jesus Christ. And with your spirit

R. Alleluia Lift up your hearts.

We lift them up to the Lord.
GOSPEL Jn 19:25-27
Let us give thanks to the Lord our
+ A reading from the Holy Gospel God,
according to John. It is right and just.

Then to the disciple he said, “This is Father, all-powerful and ever-lasting

your mother” God,
We do well always and everywhere to
Near the cross of Jesus stood his give you thanks
mother and his mother’s sister, Mary Through Jesus Christ our Lord,
the wife of Clopas, and Mary of As we recall the memory of the Blessed
Magdala. Seeing his mother and the Virgin Mary,
disciple whom he loved standing near The foirst to proclaim Christ,
her, Jesus said to his mother, ‘Woman, Even before the apostles.
this is your son’. Then to the disciple
he said, ‘This is your mother’. And Guided by the Holy Spirit,
from that hour the disciple took her She hastened to bring her son to john
into his home. That he might be sanctified and filled
with joy.
The Gospel of the Lord. It was the same Spirit,
Who made peter and the other apostles
Fearless in preaching the Gospel to all
Prayer over the gifts. nations.

With its saving message of life in And spending itself in the service of all
Christ. peoples.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
In our own day the Blessed Virgin
Inspires new preachers of the Gospel, 793. THE FEAST
Cherishes them with a mother’s love,
And sustains them by her unceasing
As they bring the good news of Christ
the Savior
To all the world. JANUARY 22
With all the saints and angels PRIEST
We praise you for ever: (Solemnity)
Holy, Holy, Holy……….. FOUNDER OF THE SOCIETY
Communion Antiphon
The Almighty has done great things to
me. Holy is His name. (Lk. 1:49) Entrance Antiphon

Or Go up on High Mountain, joyful

messenger to Zion. Shout with a loud
Blessed the womb that bore you and voice, joyful messenger to Jerusalem.
the breasts that fed you! (Lk. 11:27) (Is. 40:9)

Prayer after Communion OPENING PRAYER

Lord, Lord God,

Your gifts of grace have renewed our In your Church
strength you chose blessed Vincent, your priest,
as we honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, to defend the faith and re-enkindle
Queen of apostles. charity. Grant that, by following his
example, we may show forth in our
May your Church be always intent lives
On its mission of salvation, the light of truth
By remaining faithful to your and love for our brothers abs sisters.
commands We ask this through our Lord Jesus
Christ, your son,

who lives and reigns with you and the R. I will tell of your name to my
Holy Spirit, brethren
one God, for ever and ever.
I will tell of your name to my brethren
Reading I Is. 58:6-8; 10-11 And praise you where they are
A reading from the Book of the You who fear the Lord give him
Prophet Isaiah praise;
All sons of Jacob, give him glory.
Then your light will blaze out like the R.
You are my praise in the great
Is not this the sort of fast that pleases assembly.
me: to break unjust fetters, to undo the My vows I will pay before those who
thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed fear him.
go free, and to break all yokes? Is it All the earth shall remember and
not sharing your food with the hungry, return to the Lord,
and sheltering the homeless poor; if All families of the nations worship
you see someone lacking clothes, to before him. R.
clothe him, and not to turn away from
your own kin? Then your wound be For the ki9ngdom is the Lord’s;
quickly healed over. Saving justice for He is ruler of the nations.
you will go ahead and satisfy the needs They shall worship, all the mighty of
of the afflicted, your light will rise in the earth;
the darkness, and your darkest hour Before him shall bow all who go down
will be like noon. to the dust. R.
Yahweh will always guide you, will
satisfy your needs in the scorched land; READING II I Cor 13:1-
he will give strength to your bones and 8;13.
you will be like a watered garden, like
a flowing spring whose waters never A reading from the first letter of St
run dry. Paul to the Corinthians

The word of the Lord Love is always ready to make

allowances, to trust, to hope, and to
endure whatever comes.
Responsorial Psalm Ps.
22:22-23;25;27-28 Though I command languages both
human and angel – if I speak without
love, I am no more than a gong

booming or a symbal clashing. And
though I have the power if prophecy to + A reading from the holy Gospel
penetrate all mysteries and knowledge, according to Luke
and though I have all the faith
necessary to move a mountain – if I am Your peace will go and rest on him.
without love, I am nothing. Though I
should give away to the poor all that I After this the Lord appointed seventy-
possess, and even give up my body to two others and sent them out ahead of
be burned – if I am without love, it will him in pairs, to all the towns and
do me no good whatever. places he himself would be visiting.
Love is always patient and kind; love is And he said to them, ‘The harvest is
never jealous; love is not boastful or rich but laborers are few, so ask the
conceited, it is never rude and never Lord of the harvest to send laborers to
seeks its own advantage, it does not do his harvesting. Start off now, but
take offence or store up grievances. look, I am sending you out like lambs
Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing, among wolves. Take no purse with you,
but finds its joy in truth. It is always no haversack, no sandals. Salute no
ready to make allowances, to trust, to one on the road. Whatever house you
hope and to endure whatever comes enter, let your first words be, “Peace to
Love never comes to an end. But if this house!” And if a man of peace lives
there are prophecies, they will be done there, your peace will go and rest on
away with; if tongues, they will fall him, if not, it will come back to you.
silent; and if knowledge, it will be done Stay in the same house, taking what
away with. food and drink they have to offer, for
As it is, these remain: faith, hope and the laborer deserves his wages; do not
love, the three of them; and the move from house to house. Whenever
greatest of them is love. you go into a town where they make
you welcome, eat what is put before
The word of the Lord you. Cure those in it who are sick, and
say, “The kingdom of God is very
R. Alleluia near”.

How beautiful are the footprints of The word of the Lord.

those who preach peace and reveal the

R. Alleluia Lord,
look with love upon the gifts we offer.
by these mysteries you made blessed
GOSPEL Lk 10:1-9 Vincent

an outstanding minister of your mercy.
Let us too
be consumed with love for our
brothers and sisters.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Phil 1:20-21

With complete fearlessness I shall go

on, so that now, as always, Christ will
be glorified in my body, whether by my
life or my death. Life to me, of course,
is Christ, but then death would be a
positive gain.


You have renewed our strength be
these sacred mysteries. Help us to
follow the example of blessed Vincent
Pallotti, your priest, who honored you
with untiring devotion and served your
people with immense love.
We as this through Christ our Lord.

1. A new commandment, I give unto you, 41.Ambuye mumatikonda, E e
2. A nna Maria e 42.Ambuye mumatikonda
3. A a Semilamitu 43.Ambuye mumatikonda
4. A a Tara e 44.Amohela hle Morena
5. A sign is seen in heaven. 45.Amohele hle morena
6. A man ntomba Zamba o o 46.Angel we have heard in heaven
7. A minha vida é p’ra ti senhor 47.Anima Christi sanctifaca me
8. Abba, Abba, Father, you are the porter 48.Anuri bu nke ha
9. Abba, Father, send your Spirit. 49.Anyi g’eje n’iru chineke
10.Abale ndifunsa? Funsa! 50.Anyi abiawo Chineke, anyi abiawo
11.Abide with me 51.Anyi esekpuoro gi
12.Accept, oh father in thy love 52.Aan God al die eer
13.Accept Almighty Father 53. Are you washed in the blood
14.Aceitai senhor os nossos dons 54.Arise come to your God
15.Ada nke Nna ji ike nile, 55.As I kneel before you
16.Adorote te devote lateens Deitas, 56.As ons sê: Amen!
17.Adoremus in aetemum, 57.As the deer pants for the water
18.Agnus Dei 58.As we come before you now
19.Agneau de Dieu 59.Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep
20.Ah NKosi, khawamkele isonka 60.Asituse umsindisi
21.Aletareng Ho tla phetoa 61.At the cross her station keeping
22.All Glory belongs to you 62.Atate athu
23.All I Have is Yours 63.Atate athu muli kumwamba,
24.All men big and small 64.Ave, Ave, Ave Maria
25.All of my life 65.Ave Maria, O Maiden, O Mother
26.All over the World, the Spirit is moving 66.Ave sanctum Viaticum, Agnus
27.All people that on earth do dwell 67.Ave Maris Stella
28.All the earth proclaim the Lord 68.Baba wethu osezulwini
29.All to Jesus I surrender. 69.Bandla mtuse uMsindisi
30.All you who seek a comfort sure 70.Banehlanhla labo bantu
31.Alleluia [French tune] 71.Batawanu n’oge ahu erugo
32.Alleluia Babela 72.Bawo wethu
33.Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. 73.Be still and know
34.Alleluia o biliwo, O biliwo 74.Behold among men
35.Alleluia, sing to Jesus 75.Because He loves me so
36.Amazing grace! 76.Be soka be mlandela.
37.Ambuye mumatikonda 77.Beto tunga
38.Ambuye mutichitire chisoni 78.Bianu bianu umu Chineke
39.Ambuye mutichitire chisoni 79.Bianu bianu umu Chineke
40.A---ambuye mutichitire 80.Bia nye Ya ekele, bia

81.Biko nara Nna nara 121. Die Gees van die Here
82.Bilienu kwebenu ukwe anuri 122. Die liefde van Jesus is wondebaar,
83.Bind us together, Lord, 123. Dieu nous accueille en sa maison
84.Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine 124. Dimpho tsa rona
85.Blessed be the Lord our God 125. Ding dong merrily on high
86.Blessed be God 126. Dying you destroyed our death
87.Blest are you Lord 127. Do you believe?
88.Bolingo bwa zambe 128. Each little flower that opens,
89.Bomonate jwa godimo 129. Earth’s creator, everyday God
90.Bongan’ iNkosi! Sibonga iNkos’ 130. Easter glory fill the sky! Alleluya!
91.Bread of heaven 131. Ecce panis Angelorum
92.Bring to the Lord your offerings 132. Eis me aqui Senhor ;;
93.Brilhou no ceu da igreja 133. E’Jesu nkos’sizinikela kuwe,
94.Busuku obuhle 134. E ee Mfumu ee yamba makabu
95.Butenu ihe onyinye di mma 135. Enyi wa baba wote
96.Bwana nakushukuru asantu 136. Enkosi angifanele, eNkosi
97.Bwana uturumie oruma 137. Engongol o o o
98.Bwana utuhurumie 138. Enter rejoice and come in
99.Bwana Yesu anakuita wewe anataka 139. Ek, die Heer van see en lug
100. Cheta m onyenwe m 140. Ek weet verseker dat Jesus leef
101. Chineke Nna, anyi abia tata 141. Ekwerem na [otu] Chineke
102. Christ est Venu, Christ est ne 142. E! Jesu Mhlengi wethu
103. Christ of our King, 143. E mame nina womsindisi sibheke
104. Christ has died, Alleluia. 144. E Nkukunkulu Nkosi
105. Christ the Lord is risen again! 145. E! Ngelosi engilonda
106. Christ is the Son of the living God 146. E! Sidlo esimnandi
107. Christus is die ware wynstok 147. E! Woza Moya Ocwebile
108. Chukwu nwe uwa 148. Ee Nkumu wabileko Oyamba
109. Come and go with me 149. Ejina Onyinye Chineke Eme Ngala
110. Come Christians join to sing 150. Ele é exaltado
111. Come Holy Ghost Creator come 151. Enyen edong abasi afo emiemende,
112. Come let us all unite to sing, 152. Eternal, eternal life
113. Come, my brothers 153. Eyen edong abasi afo
114. Come praise the Lord, you children 154. Eu tea mo o senhr
115. Come, praise the Lord, the almighty, 155. Eyaa Eyaa Mkpa jide gi kwa Maria.
116. Come thou Almighty King 156. Father God in Heaven
117. Come sound His praise abroad. 157. Father I adore you
118. Cyepo si nyapgwon ye boloee 158. Father, I place into your hands
119. Daily, daily sing to Mary 159. Father, hear the prayer we offer
120. Day is done, but love unfailing 160. Father, in my life I see

161. Father, Lord of all creation, 201. Heilig, heilig, heilig
162. Father we adore you, 202. Here, ontferm U oor ons
163. Father we praise you now the night 203. Here we are altogether as we sing
164. Feed me O Lord 204. Ho! My comrades see the signal
165. Fill my house unto your fullest 205. Hold my hand O! Lord
166. Firmly I believe and truly 206. Holy God we praise thy name
167. For Christ the King 207. Holy, the angels are singing
168. For the beauty of the earth 208. Holy, Lord of power, Lord of might
169. For St. Vincent Pallotti 209. Holy, as we lift our hearts before yu
170. Give me joy in my heart 210. Holy, Lord God of power and might
171. Glory be to God the Father 211. Holy, holy, Lord God
172. Glory to God in the highest 212. Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almight
173. Glory be to God in the highest. 213. Holy Virgin, by God’s decree
174. Glory be to Jesus who in bitter 214. Holy queen we bend before thee,
175. Gloria a Deus na imensidao, 215. Hongoleni nethu hiya hakha pfhumo
176. Gloria in excelsis Deo 216. How can I repay the Lord
177. Glo-ri-a in excelsis De-o. 217. How excellent, how excellent
178. Glory! Glory! 218. How good it is to know your name,
179. Glory to God on high 219. How lovely on the mountains
180. Glory to God, glory to God, 220. Hubelani umsindisi
181. Glory to God 221. I am so glad that our father
182. Gloria, gloria, gloria a Deus 222. I am the bread of life
183. Gloire a Dieu paix aux hommes 223. I am the light, bringing you...
184. Gloire a Dieu et paix sur la terre 224. I am the way
185. Glory, honour, power and majesty 225. I am thine O Lord,
186. Go, the Mass is ended 226. I am weak but thou art strong
187. God forgave my sin in Jesus’ name 227. I believe in one God oh in one God
188. God of mercy and compassion 228. I believe in God Almighty,
189. Great things happen 229. I believe in one God the Almighty
190. Guide me oh thou great redeemer 230. I have decided to follow Jesus
191. Ha – kena kgauta 231. I’ll sing a hymn to Mary,
192. Hail Holy Joseph hail! 232. I danced in the morning
193. Hail Holy Queen enthroned above 233. I need Thee every hour
194. Ha re re Amen, reaororisa 234. I thank my God each time
195. Hail Mary full of grace 235. Idzani kwa Maria
196. Hail Queen of heavens 236. Idzani kwa Maria
197. Hail queen of heaven, the ocean star, 237. Igama lenkosi malibongwe
198. Hark the herald angels sing 238. Immaculate Mary
199. He is Lord; He is Lord 239. Imvana kaNkulunkulu
200. Hearken to the news, 240. Inde Mbuye tifuna kulapa

241. Into your sanctuary 281. Jesu nampa thin’abakho
242. Inu Mulungu titama 282. Jesu ngiyinika wena
243. Inu Mulungu titama Inu ndinudi 283. Jesu nkosi ukulinga
244. Inu Kankhosa ka Mulungu 284. Jesu oa ka kea tsieloa
245. Inu Kankhosa 285. Jesu omnene, Nkosi’enmusa,
246. Inuka, inu Kankhosa 286. Jesu waka ubuse moya wa ka
247. I sing the Lord God’s praises 287. Jesu wen’ ongithandayo
248. I, the Lord of sea and sky 288. Jesu wena kuthokoza
249. I want Jesus in my life 289. Joy to the world
250. I watch the sunrise lighting the sky 290. Jubilate Deo, omnis terra
251. I will sing of the Blessings 291. Juig, al wat leef, juig voor die
252. Imba lilime langa 292. Just as I am, without one plea
253. Imba lilime langa tama 293. Kabelo ea ka e ntle
254. I medi ndi komfi abasi 294. Kankhosa Kankhosa ka Mulungu
255. Immortal, invisible, 295. Ke tsepile ho uena, Oho Movirigo
256. Inwi mambo, imwi mambo 296. Ke utloa mane lithoteng
257. In bread we bring you, Lord 297. Keep in mind
258. In the Bible I read and I pray 298. Keep we the fast our ancestors
259. In your body Lord we are one 299. Kelenu, kelenu Chukwu
260. Inkele Morena 300. Kgotso ya Morena
261. Isibingelelo seNkosi 301. Konyana Konyana
262. Isinkwa siyanikelwa 302. Kristi Dinwenu Ukochukwu ebebe
263. It's not an easy road 303. Kulitenu k’anyi jeenu nara
264. It is wonderful to be a Christian 304. Kulienu umunne m
265. It is time, to offer gifts to the Lord 305. Ku twala
266. Iziphozethu siziletha kuwe 306. Kumba yah, my Lord
267. Izwi le Nkosi limnadi 307. Kwebenu ukwe , n’etinu mkpu onu
268. Izwi lakho nkosi 308. Kyrie eleison
269. Izipho siyaz’inikela 309. Hii li ni fumbo la Imami:
270. J’ai recu le Dieu Vivant 310. Khutse Khomxa da
271. J’a, as die Heer vir ewig kom 311. Kumbaya my Lord kumbaya
272. Jabulani, Jabulani Makholwa 312. Kwake kwathi uMarai esabonga
273. Jerusalem, my happy home 313. Kyrie eee Eleison
274. Jeso Kristi isi di aso 314. Lamb of God You take away
275. Jesu Agneau de Dieu prends pitie 315. Lamb of God Who Takes
276. Jesus aha n’atom’uto 316. Laudato sii, O mi Signore
277. Jesus Berger 317. Let there be love shared among us
278. Jesu aku re re 318. Le seigneur m’a comblée de joie
279. Jesu, Jesu ea monate 319. Lead, kindly light
280. Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All 320. A se le thabo kajeno

321. Lee m anya lee m anya na 361. Masibulele kuYesu
322. Lee m lee m Dinwenu 362. Masihambe nabelusi
323. Let us break bread together 363. Masithi Amen, siyakudumisa
324. Let us break bread on our knees 364. Mazu a tara mazu wo ve bifao
325. Let us bring our gifts to God 365. Mbuye Yesu ndi zingwe zija
326. Let us with a gladsome mind 366. Me chamaste para caminhar na
327. Let your living waters flow 367. Messiah is the king of king
328. Lift up your heart to the lord 368. Mfumfub etam one he wa
329. Lillo tsa ka lise li thotse 369. Mfumo, hipuele wusiuana
330. Light of Christ light our way , 370. Mfumo, hipuele wusiuana
331. Like olive branches 371. Mfumu Yezu ngeye luzingu
332. Like the stars in the sky 372. Mighty Father I believe
333. Long time ago in Bethlehem 373. Mimo mimo mimo O- lu-wa
334. Look around you, can you see? 374. Minha alma da glorias ao senhor;
335. Lord by your Cross & Resurrection 375. Minha vida tem sentido
336. Lord, dismiss us 376. Mma mma e.. mma mma e
337. Lord for tomorrow and its needs 377. Mimi nina sikia
338. Lord I come to you 378. Morena re hauhele
339. Lord I lift Your name on high 379. Morena morena
340. Lord Jesus, think on me, 380. Morena O tseba
341. Lord accept the gift we offer 381. Most ancient of all mysteries,
342. Lord my Saviour and my Shepherd 382. Munzo Allah ubanmu
343. Lord the light of your love 383. Mvana ka thixo
344. Lord, you are so precious to me 384. Mvana ka thixo
345. Lord you have come to the lake side 385. Mvana kaNkulunkulu
346. Lord have mercy 386. Mvana kaNkulunkulu wena osusa
347. Lord, You give the great 387. Mwana ngodo wamungu baba
348. Louez Dieu tous les peuples 388. Mwa Mpata ya Nzambe Tata
349. Lumela me ea hlokileng 389. My gees, my siel, my liggam
350. Ma din wa a tar anti madin 390. My God loves me
351. Majesty, worship His majesty 391. My Lord, he died for a kingdom
352. Mama Maria mama ee mama 392. My loving Jesus
353. Mambo tiitirenyi unyaxa 393. My soul is longing for your peace
354. Manbo, manbo itisu mvana mvenyu 394. My soul, my soul glorifies the Lord
355. Maria, Thatha naz’ izipho zethu 395. Mulemekezedwe Hostia
356. Maria e Jesus, Jesus e Maria 396. Mulungu anati kwa ife
357. Maria mandla ami 397. Mulungu wathu wapatsa
358. Maria ya bokgabane 398. Musandipitilire, Mulungu
359. Ma……ry, Ma……ry, dearest 399. Mwari Musande
360. Mary we greet thee 400. Mwene, mwene

401. My sins were higher 441. Nyin ime nyene akwa abasi
402. My souls now glorifies 442. Nye onyinye Chineke
403. My soul proclaims the Lord 443. O! brothers of Christ Jesus,
404. Nangu umphako 444. O! come and mourn with me awhile
405. Nazi Nkosi izipho zethu, 445. O! comes all ye faithful
406. Nazi Nkosi zithate 446. O! come, o come, Emmanuel
407. Nal’ ilizwi (x3) ....x2 447. O come to the throne of Grace
408. Nao podemos caminhar 448. O! Obong Abasi edi
409. Nar’onyinye Nna anyi na-ario Gi 449. O! die hand van God
410. Ndi muozi nile 450. O! God our help in ages past
411. Ngcwele Ngcwele Ngcwele 451. O! God, thy people gather
412. Ndife tiana tanu 452. O! Heer my God
413. Ndilibe chuma ine chopereka 453. O! Jehova nza ku vitana
414. Ndine Mkhristu dzina langali 454. O! Jesus Christ, remember
415. Ndikhokhele Bawo 455. O! Jesus, I have promised
416. Nearer my God to Thee 456. O! Lord my God
417. Never grow old 457. O! Magnify the Lord,
418. New life, new life 458. O! Mwami, kotwengelela
419. New praise be given to Christ 459. O! my God, You are my all
420. Ngingowakho Jesu wami 460. Onyinye Chineke onyinye oma
421. Ngiyakholwa kuyu Mdali 461. O! Paradise! O paradise
422. Ngiyamthanda osemthini 462. O! praise my soul the Lord
423. Ngokubhabhadiswa kwami 463. O! Sacrament most holy
424. Nimeonja pendo lako, 464. O! Salutaris Hostia
425. Nkembo na tata alleluya 465. O! sanctissima, o pussima
426. Nkosi sihawukele 466. O! Senhor ensinou a rezar
427. Nkose yibanceha 3x Nenceba kuthi 467. O! sing unto the Lord/ a new song
428. Nkosi 2x nkose sihaukele 468. Obi di aso Dinwenu anyi
429. Nkosikazi yaphezulu, Alleluya 469. Ochiagha nke eligwe
430. Nkulunkulu wokulunga nothando. 470. Oh the future lies before me
431. Nna anyi no n’ eligwe – ka 471. Oh the love of my Lord
432. Nna Biko 472. Oh! The word of my Lord
433. Nnon metunga mamee nnon 473. Oh Jesus, Jesus dearest Lord
434. Ntate!! Aletareng ya hao 474. Oh Lord all the world belongs to
435. Nthungulu ndi m’manja kuimbila 475. Oh scattered seeds of loving deeds
436. Nthungulu ndi m’manja 476. Oh spread the tiding round
437. Nso Nso Nso Nso 477. Oh when the saints go marching in
438. Nso! Nso!! 478. O! Bless’d is the Lord
439. Nwaturu Chukwu, 479. Oh Worship the king
440. Nwaturu Chineke 480. Obot obong, obot emem [x2]

481. Oh yes, in the presence of the Lord 521. Praise the Lord
482. Omai tsarki 522. Priestly people
483. Ona nodebe ndi no n’uju 523. Prends ce pain Seigneur,
484. Ondu ch’ ejumomi wa 524. Quero te dar a paz do meu
485. Ondu menyi alo 525. Reach out and touch the Lord
486. Once in royal David’s city 526. Regina caeli, laetare, alleluia
487. Once more my soul, 527. Rejoice in the Lord
488. On the hill far away 528. Rendez grace au seigneur
489. One bread one body one Lord of all 529. Rock of ages, cleft for me
490. Onyenwe anyi mee, 530. Salve mater misericordiae
491. Onyenwe anyi mee ebere, 531. Salvator mundi salva nos.
492. Onyenweanyi biko mee ebere doo 532. Saint est le seigneur
493. Onyenweanyi mee!!! 533. Saint, saint, saint,
494. Our Father, who art in heaven 534. Sainte vierge, ma mere,
495. Otito diri Nna diri 535. Salve Regina
496. Our Lord, You died for a kingdom 536. Samkele
497. O saving Victim 537. Sanctu! e e e, sanctu
498. Otito diri chineke 538. Santo, Santo, Santo, Senhor,
499. Oyera, ali oyera Ambuye 539. Santu nge Nzambi ya makesa
500. Oyera, oyera 540. Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus,
501. Oyera, oyera Ambuye 541. Santos, santos é o senhor
502. Oyera, oyera ambuye Mulungu 542. Santo, santo e tu senhor
503. Oyera, Oyera, Mwamba 543. Santos, senhor Deus de universo
504. Oyera oyera tikuyimba, Hosanna 544. See the Church assembled here
505. Oyera oyera mdamva chinwenwe 545. See us Lord about thine altar
506. Oyera oyera zonse! 546. Seek ye first the kingdom
507. Pange lingua gloriosi, corporis 547. Semente a crescer em planta verde
508. Pater Noster, qui es in caelis 548. Senhor tende piedade
509. Pass me not, O gentle Savoir 549. Senhor meu Deus quando eu
510. Perekani Ulemu indedi 550. Senhor toma esta vida nova
511. Peace is flowing like a river 551. Seigneur prends pitie
512. Peace perfect peace 552. Shukrani zethu Baba
513. Pelas estradas da vida nunca 553. Siel van my heiland
514. Pie pelicane Jesu Domine 554. Silent night
515. Pokeleleni umutulo Yesu 555. Sing a new song unto the Lord
516. Pokalandira Yesu 556. Sing all creation, sing to God
517. Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven. 557. Singkubingelela Maria ocwebile
518. Praise to the God of Israel 558. Singabebandla likaJesu Kristo
519. Praise to the holiest in the height 559. Sisondela kuwe soMandla
520. Praise to the Lord, the almighty the 560. Sithi sithobil’ impela

561. Sixolele Baba 601. Though the mountains may fall
562. Sons of God, hear the holy 602. Tikuthokozani mulungu wathu
563. Soul of my Saviour, 603. Tilalika, zoona Ambuye zoona
564. Sowing in the morning, 604. Timakutamandani Yahweh!,
565. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh 605. Tipereka kwa inu
566. Spirit of God in the clear running 606. Tipereka nsembe kwa
567. Stand together for what you believe 607. Tiri venyu hosi Mai
568. Standing on the promises 608. Tiulandire tiulandire uthenga
569. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus! 609. Tiyamika imfa yanu
570. Sweet heart of Jesus fount of love 610. Tipereka nsembeyi kwa inu
571. Sweet sacrament Divine 611. Tlotlo le be ho Molimo
572. Sweet Saviour bless us ere we go, 612. Tsohle 2x tsohle di etsoa ke uena
573. Ta main me conduit ta droite me 613. To the banquet throne of the Holy
574. Take and sanctify 614. To you O Lord, I give my soul
575. Take my hands and make them 615. Toi notre dame, nous te chantons
576. Take my life and let it be 616. Toi, qui sais pardonner
577. Take our bread, we ask you 617. Tobenu Chineke otito diri ya
578. Tambula Omwene tambula 618. To God be the glory
579. Tantum ergo 619. Tomai senhor os dons do nosso
580. Tell out my soul the greatness 620. Tua palavra e luz do meu
581. Tewo gbebowa 621. Tu es Seigneur notre résurrection
582. Thank You 622. Tukaya muchalo ichisuma
583. Thank you for giving me the 623. Turn your eyes upon Jesus
584. The Church is one foundation 624. Ubasile, ubasile;
585. The Spirit lives to set us free 625. Ucwebile,
586. The Lord hears the cry 626. Ucwebile, ucwebile, ucwebile
587. The Lord’s my shepherd, 627. Ucwebile, ucwebile
588. The love I have for you 628. Udum’ alube kuNkulunkulu
589. The wedding Banquet 629. UKristo siqalo, uKristo siphetho
590. There’s a quiet native homeland 630. Ukristo wasifela
591. There’s call comes ringing 631. Ukwetsimile hosi xikwembu
592. There is joy, peace and happiness 632. Umasisamukela
593. There is not a friend like lowly 633. Ukene mwa pilu ya ka
594. There’s a land that is fairer than day 634. Ukenile ukenile Mwamahalimu
595. Therefore we, before Him bending 635. Ukwetsimile
596. Thina sonk’ abantu bakho 636. Ukwetsimile hosi
597. This is my body given for your … 637. Ukwetsimile hosi Xikwembu
598. This is my will, my one command 638. Ulemu
599. This is my body, broken for you 639. Ulemu kwa Mulungu
600. This is the day 640. UMariya ethandaza

641. Uma sidla lesisinkwa siphuza 681. When I survey the wondrous cross
642. U morara oa sebele 682. When peace like a river
643. Umkhaluli: Lifanele, 683. When upon live blows
644. Umphefumulo wami 684. When we walk with the Lord
645. Umu Chineke naranu m rienu, 685. Where he leads I follow
646. UNkulunkulu unathi uyasithanda 686. Will you let me be your servant?
647. Utukufu Kwa Mungu 687. Wo-za Je-su, Mhle-ngiwa
648. Uvukile uJesu, Alleluya Alleluya! 688. Woza Moya onguMdali
649. Uyingcwele uyingcwele 689. Wozani Makholwa
650. Uzukko kuwe 690. Wozanini nonke, nant’iSakramente
651. Vem espirito santo, vem ,vem 691. Xivunta xa nkulukumba ngawe
652. Veni santé spiritus 692. Xivuntana xa Nkulukumba
653. Vulan’ amasango 693. Ya ubangiji
654. Walk with me oh my Lord 694. Yahwe, mboo yoh sie yoh kolae
655. Wa halalela 695. Yebo yebo yebo2x ngiyakholwa
656. We adore Thee, O Sacred Heart 696. Yehla Moya oyiNgcwele
657. We are marching in the light of God 697. Yiva imithandazo
658. We are gathering together unto him 698. Yizani Zintlanga, Nibizwa Nonke
659. We bring our gifts Lord 699. Yes, I shall a-rise, and return
660. We fly to your patronage 700. Yehlanini zingelosi
661. We gather together 701. Yimba lirani langa
662. We hail Pallotti our Father 702. You are Holy my Lord
663. We have come into this house 703. You are worthy to be praised
664. We Lesa pokelela 704. Your holy death oh Lord
665. We mfumu, utwelele 705. Zithathele Nkosi
666. We offer thee the holy mass 706. Zoonadi Ambuye
667. We offer you gifts from our hearts
668. We offer you O Father above
669. We shall go up into God’s house SUPPLEMENTS
670. We thank God the Father,
671. We thy children pray 707. Abinci Alheri
672. We walk by faith and not by sight 708. Ave Maria
673. Wena hosi wamunene izwele iwana 709. Yamba Yamba
674. Wena ngunyana ya mulimu 710. You are my hiding place
675. What a friend we have in Jesus 711. Sing out your joy to the Lord
676. What a joyful day, 712. Ite missa est
677. What can we offer you, Lord 713. Chuma chathuchi timpereka
678. What shall I offer to the Lord 714. Ihe m nwere ka m ga-enye
679. Whatsoever you do to the least Dinwenu
680. What the Lord has done for me 715. Oyer Oyera Oyera ambuye

Mulungu, Marian Anthens 784 – 785
716. Gloria in excelsis Deo, Benediction 786 – 791
717. Ha ha ha Atwalisiwe The feast of Our Lady Queen of Apostles
718. Rungudzani nungungulu Babe 792
719. A na dhumisiwe mkoma The feast of St Vincent Pallotti 793
720. American Eucharist
721. Twende sote nyumbani
722. Bwana anakuita
723. Nimeingia hapa mahali
724. Mfumu wetu
725. Bwana uturumie
726. Alleluia alleluia
727. Cherchez le royaume
728. Kimvwana na mono
729. Seigneur mon Dieu
730. Tout vient de toi
731. Malaika wkuu waserafi
732. Simama
733. Nous chanterons pour toi
734. Les mains ouvertes devant toi
735. Garde mon ane dans la paix
736. Le Seigneur m’ a comblee de joie
737. Peuple de bieneureux
738. Avec toi Seigneur
739. Seigneur nous arrivons
740. Seigneur tous nous apelles
741. Seigneur rassemble-nous
742. Dieu nous accueille en sa maison
743. Sans te voir
744. Je mets mon espoir dans le
745. Cherchez d’abord le royaume de
746. We come to adore You Oh Christ
747. My future is in your hands
748. Igbo canticle
Benedictus 749 – 753
Magnificat 754 – 783
Our Father 770 – 783

ARRANGED ACCORDING TO My soul is longing for your peace [393]
EVENTS Nearer my God to Thee [416]
New life, new life [418]
New praise be given to Christ [419]
ENTRANCE, O! come and mourn with me awhile [444]
O! comes all ye faithful [445]
[ENGLISH] O! come, o come, Emmanuel [446]
All of my life [25] O come to the throne of Grace [447]
All people that on earth do dwell [27] O! God, thy people gather [451]
All the earth proclaim the Lord [28] Oh Jesus, Jesus dearest Lord [473]
Alleluia, sing to Jesus [35] Oh the love of my Lord [471]
Arise come to your God [54] Oh Worship the King [479]
Behold among men [74] Peace perfect peace [512]
Come Christians join to sing [110] Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven.[517]
Come Holy Ghost Creator come [111] Praise to the God of Israel [518]
Come praise the Lord, you children [114] Praise to the holiest in the height [519]
Come, praise the Lord, the Almighty 115 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty the [520]
Come thou Almighty King [116] Priestly people [522]
Come sound His praise abroad.[117] Rejoice in the Lord [527]
Enter rejoice and come in [138] See the Church assembled here [544]
Firmly I believe and truly [166] Sing a new song unto the Lord [555]
For the beauty of the earth [168] Sing all creation, sing to God [556]
Here we are altogether as we sing [208] Sowing in the morning, [564]
Holy God we praise thy Name [206] Spirit of God in the clear running [565]
Holy, as we lift our heads before you[209] Stand up! Stand up for Jesus! [569]
Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty [212] Stand together for what you believe [567]
I am the light, bringing you. [223] Sweet sacrament Divine [571]
I danced in the morning [232] The Church is one foundation [584]
Into your sanctuary [241] There’s a land that is fairer than day [594]
I, the Lord of sea and sky [248] This is the day [600]
Immortal, invisible, [255] To God be the glory [618]
Joy to the world [289] Turn your eyes upon Jesus [623]
Light of Christ light our way, [330] Yes, I shall a-rise, and return [699]
Like olive branches [331] When we walk with the Lord [684]
Lord I come to you [338] When I survey the wondrous cross [681]
Lord I lift Your name on high [339] What a joyful day, [676]
Lord Jesus, think on me,[340] We shall go up into God’s house [669]
Most ancient of all mysteries, [381] We have come into this house [663]
My Lord, he died for a kingdom [391] We gather together [661]
My sins were higher [401] We are marching in the light of God [657]

We are gathering together unto him [658] CHICHEWA
We walk by faith and not by sight [672] Nthungulu ndi m’manja [435]
[IGBO] Nthungulu ndi m’manja [436]
Anyi g’eje n’iru Chineke [49]
Anyi abiawo Chineke, anyi abiawo [50]
Batawanu n’oge ahu erugo [71]
Bianu bianu umu Chineke [78] KYRIE,
Bianu bianu umu Chineke [79]
Bilienu kwebenu ukwe anuri [82]
Look around you, can you see? [334]
Chineke Nna, anyi abia tata [101]
Lord have mercy [346]
Jeso Kristi isi di aso [274]
Lee m lee m Dinwenu [322] [LATIN]
Obi di aso Dinwenu anyi [468] Kyrie eleison [308]
Oh scattered seeds of loving deeds [475] Kyrie eee Eleison [313]
Oh when the saints go marching [477]
Nna Biko [432]
Banehlanhla labo bantu [70] Onyenwe anyi mee, [490]
E! Jesu Mhlengi wethu [142] Onyenwe anyi mee ebere, [491]
Jesu nampa thin’abakho [281] Onyenweanyi biko mee ebere doo [492]
Ngiyamthanda osemthini [422] Onyenweanyi mee!!! [493]
Singabebandla likaJesu Kristo [558]
Woza Moya onguMdali [688] [ZULU]
Yehla Moya oyiNgcwele [696] Nkose yibanceha 3x Nenceba kuthi [427]
Nkosi 2x nkose sihaukele [428]
Nkosi sihawukele [426]
Be soka be mlandela. [76]
Isibingelelo seNkosi [201] [CHICHEWA]
Ambuye mutichitire chisoni [38]
Ambuye mutichitire chisoni [39]
Munzo Allah ubanmu [382] Ambuye []
PORTUGUESE A---ambuye mutichitire [40]
Brilhou no ceu da igreja [93] [PORTUGUESE]
Eis me aqui Senhor [32]
Senhor tende piedade [548]
Me chamaste para caminhar na [366]
Pelas estradas da vida nunca [513] CHOPI
Senhor toma esta vida nova [550] Mfumo, hipuele wusiuana [370]
Vem espirito santo, vem ,vem [651]

Glory to God in the highest [172]
[NDAU] Glory! Glory![178]
Inwi mambo, Imwi mambo [254] Glory to God on high [179]
Manbo, manbo itisu mvana mvenyu [354] Glory to God, glory to God, [180]
Mambo tiitirenyi unyaxa [353] Glory to God [181]
O! Jehova nza ku vitana [453]
[SWAHILI] Gloria in excelsis Deo [176]
Bwana utuhurumie [98] Glo-ri-a in excelsis De-o. [177]
Bwana uturumie oruma [97]
O! Mwami, kotwengelela [458] [IGBO]
We mfumu, utwelele [665] Otito diri Chineke [498]
Ya ubangiji [693] Thina sonk’ abantu bakho [596]
Tlotlo le be ho Molimo [611]
[SOTHO] Udum’ alube kuNkulunkulu [628]
Morena, Morena [379]
Morena re hauhele [378] [CHICHEWA]
Perekani Ulemu indedi [510]
[FRENCH] Ulemu [638]
Jesus Berger [277] Ulemu kwa Mulungu [639]
Seigneur prends pitie [551]
[EWOONDU] Ku twala [305]
Engongol o o o [137]
[AFRICAANS] Gloria, gloria, gloria a Deus [182]
Here, ontferm U oor ons [202] Gloire a Dieu paix aux hommes [183]
Gloire a Dieu et paix sur la terre [184]
Mfumo, hipuele wusiuana [370]
Ondu ch’ ejumomi wa [484]
Ondu menyi alo [485]


Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. [33]
Glory, honour, power and majesty [185] ZULU
In the Bible I read and I pray [258] Ngiyakholwa kuyu Mdali [421]
Oh! The word of my Lord [472] Yebo yebo yebo2x ngiyakholwa [695]
Seek ye first the Kingdom [546]
Izwi le Nkosi limnadi [267] [ENGLISH]
Izwi lakho Nkosi [268] Hear our humble prayer mercy [-----]
Alleluia [French tune [31] Yiva imithandazo [697]
Louez Dieu tous les peoples [348]
Alleluia Babela [32] [ENGLISH]
Mimi nina sikia [377] Accept Almighty Father [13]
Accept, oh Father in thy love [12]
All I Have is Yours [23]
Uzukko kuwe [650] All to Jesus I surrender. [29]
PORTUGUESE Blest are you Lord [87]
Ele é exaltado [150] Bring to the Lord your offerings [92]
Tua palavra e luz do meu [620] Father, hear the prayer we offer [159]
Father, I place into your hands [158]
CHICHEWA How can I repay the Lord [216]
Tiulandire tiulandire uthenga[Procesion In bread we bring you, Lord [257]
608] It is time, to offer gifts to the Lord [265]
Kumbayah, my Lord [306]
Kumbaya my Lord kumbaya [311]
CREED Let us break bread together [323]
[ENGLISH] Let us break bread on our knees [324]
Do you believe? [127] Let us bring our gifts to God [325]
I believe in one God oh in one God [227] Lord accept the gift we offer [341]
I believe in God Almighty, [228] O! brothers of Christ Jesus, [443]
I believe in one God the Almighty [229] O! My God, You are my all [459]
Mighty Father I believe [372] Oh yes, in the presence of the Lord [481]
See us Lord about thine altar [545]
IGBO Take and sanctify [574]
Ekwerem na [otu] Chineke [141] Take my hands and make them [575]
Take my life and let it be [576]

Take our bread, we ask you [577] Ndiribe chuma ine chopereka [413]
To you O Lord, I give my soul [614] Tipereka kwa inu [605]
We bring our gifts Lord [659] Tipereka nsembe kwa [606]
We offer thee the holy mass [666] Tipereka nsembeyi kwa inu [610]
We offer you gifts from our hearts [667]
We offer you O Father above [668] [PORTUGUESE]
What can we offer you, Lord [677] A minha vida é p’ra ti senhor [7]
What shall I offer to the Lord [678] Aceitai Senhor os nossos dons [14]
Minha vida tem sentido [375]
IGBO Semente a crescer em planta verde[547]
Bia nye Ya ekele, bia [80] Tomai Senhor os dons do nosso [619]
Biko nara Nna nara [81]
Butenu ihe onyinye di mma [95] YORUBA
Ejina Onyinye Chineke Eme Ngala [149] Tewo gbebowa [581]
Kelenu, kelenu Chukwu [299] SOTHO
Kristi Dinwenu Ukochukwu ebebe [302]
Dimpho tsa rona [124]
Kulienu umunne m [304]
Mma mma e.. mma mma e [376] SWAHILI
Nar’onyinye Nna anyi na-ario Gi [409] Bwana Yesu anakuita wewe anataka [99]
Nye onyinye Chineke [442] E ee Mfumu ee yamba makabu [134]
Onyinye Chineke onyinye oma [460] Enyi wa baba wote [135]
Ochiagha nke eligwe [469] Ee Nkumu wabileko Oyamba [148]
Yahwe, mboo yoh sie yoh kolae [694]
E’Jesu Nkos’sizinikela kuwe, [133] FRENCH
E Nkukunkulu Nkosi [144] Prends ce pain Seigneur,[523]
Isinkwa siyanikelwa [262]
Iziphozethu siziletha kuwe [266] XHOSA
Izipho siyaz’inikela [269] Ah NKosi, khawamkele isonka [20]
Jesu ngiyinika wena [282] Nangu umphako [404]
Maria, Maria Thatha naz’izipho zethu355 Nazi Nkosi zithate [406]
Nazi Nkosi izipho zethu, [405]
Samkele [536]
Sisondela kuwe soMandla [559] Beto tunga [77]
Zithathele Nkosi [705] Bolingo bwa zambe [88]


Mazu a tara mazu wo ve bifao [364] Oyera, ali oyera Ambuye [499]
Nnon metunga mamee nnon [433] Oyera, oyera [500]
Oyera, oyera Ambuye [501]
Oyera, oyera ambuye Mulungu [502]
SANCTUS Oyera, Oyera, Mwamba [503]
ENGLISH Oyera oyera tikuyimba, Hosanna [504]
Holy, holy, holy, [210] Oyera oyera mdamva chinwenwe [505]
Holy, the angels are singing[207] Oyera oyera zonse! [506]
Holy, Lord of power, Lord of might[208]
Holy, Lord God of power and might[211] PORTUGUESE
Santo, Santo, Santo, Senhor, [538]
LATIN Santos, santos é o Senhor [541]
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, [540] Santo, santo e tu Senhor [542]
Santos, Senhor Deus de universo [543]
Nso Nso Nso Nso [437] SOTHO
Nso! Nso!! [438] Wa halalela [655]
Omai tsarki [482] Saint, saint, saint, [533]

Ngcwele Ngcwele Ngcwele [411] Mfumfub etam one he wa [368]
Ubasile, ubasile; [624] Sanctu! e e e, sanctu [537]
Ucwebile, [625] Santu nge Nzambi ya makesa [539]
Ucwebile, ucwebile, ucwebile [626]
Ucwebile, ucwebile [627]
Ukwetsimile [635] AFRICAANS
Ukwetsimile hosi [636] Heilig, heilig, heilig [201]
Ukwetsimile hosi Xikwembu [631]
HLUBI Uyingcwele uyingcwele [649]
Abale ndifunsa? Funsa! [10]
Khutse Khomxa da [310]
Ukenile ukenile Mwamahalimu [634] Cyepo si nyapgwon ye boloee [118]

Ukwetsimile hosi xikwembu [637] Mimo mimo mimo O- lu-wa [373]


FAITH Pater Noster, qui es in caelis [508]
Because He loves me so [75]
Nna anyi no n’ eligwe – ka [431]
Dying you destroyed our death [126]
He is Lord; He is Lord [199] ZULU
Keep in mind [297] Baba wethu osezulwini [68]
Your holy death oh Lord [704]
ZULU Atate athu [62]
Ha re re Amen, reaororisa [194] Atate athu muli kumwamba
Masithi Amen, siyakudumisa [363]
UKristo siqalo, uKristo siphetho [629] XHOSA
Ukristo wasifela [630] Bawo wethu [72]
Umasisamukela [632]
Uma sidla lesisinkwa siphuza [641]
A a Tara e [4]
Hii li ni fumbo la Imami: [309]
Tilalika, zoona Ambuye zoona [603] Lamb of God You take away [314]
Tiyamika imfa yanu [609] Lamb of God Who Takes [315]
Zoonadi Ambuye [706]
GREAT AMEN! Agnus Dei [18]
As ons sê: Amen! [56] Nwaturu Chukwu, [439]
Nwaturu Chineke [440]
Ha re re Amen, reaororisa [194] ZULU
Imvana kaNkulunkulu [239]
OUR FATHER Mvana kaNkulunkulu [385]
Mvana kaNkulunkulu wena osusa [386]
Father God in Heaven [156] CHICHEWA
Our Father, who art in heaven [494]

Inu kankhosa amene [245] All over the World,the Spirit is moving
Inu kankhosa ka Mulungu [244] [26]
Inuka, inu kankhosa [246] Amazing grace! [36]
Kankhosa Kankhosa ka Mulungu [294] Are you washed in the blood [53]
As the deer pants for the water [57]
EFIK Be still and know [73]
Enyen edong abasi afo emiemende, [151] Bind us together, Lord,[83]
Eyen edong abasi afo [153] Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine [84]
Bread of heaven [91]
XHOSA Come let us all unite to sing, [112]
Mvana ka thixo [383] Father I adore you [157]
Mvana ka thixo [384] Father we adore you, [162]
SOTHO Feed me O Lord [164]
Fill my house unto your fullest [165]
Konyana Konyana [301]
God of mercy and compassion [188]
Wena ngunyana ya mulimu [674]
How excellent, how excellent [217]
Wena hosi wamunene izwele iwana [673]
I am so glad that our Father [221]
FRENCH I am the bread of life [222]
Agneau de Dieu [19] I am the way [224]
Jesu Agneau de Dieu prends pitie [275] I am thine O Lord, [225]
I need Thee every hour [233]
EWOONDU I watch the sunrise lighting the sky [250]
A man ntomba Zamba o o [6] In your body Lord we are one [259]
Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All [280]
SWAHILI Just as I am, without one plea [292]
Mwa Mpata ya Nzambe Tata [388] Let there be love shared among us [317]
Mwana ngodo wamungu baba [387] Lord, you are so precious to me [344]
Lord you have come to the lake side 345
Majesty, worship His majesty [351]
Xivunta xa nkulukumba ngawe [691] My God loves me [390]
Xivuntana xa Nkulukumba [692] Oh! The word of my Lord [472]
Once more my soul, [487]
One bread one body one Lord of all 489
COMMUNION Pass me not, O gentle Saviour [509]
Reach out and touch the Lord [525]
ENGLISH Rock of ages, cleft for me [529]
A new commandment,I give unto you, 1 Soul of my Saviour, [563]
Abba, Abba, Father,you are the porter [8] Spirit of the living God, fall afresh 565
Abba, Father, send your Spirit. [9] The Lord’s my shepherd, [587]
The wedding Banquet [589]

There is not a friend like lowly [593] Ambuye mumatikonda, E e [PC 41]
This is my body given for your [597] Imba lilime langa [252]
This is my will, my one command 598 Imba lilime langa tama [253]
This is my body, broken for you [599] Inu Mulungu titama inu ndinudi[PC 243]
To the banquet throne of the Holy 613 Mulemekezedwe Hostia [395]
Walk with me oh my Lord [654] Mulungu wathu wopatsa [397]
Whatsoever you do to the least [679] Tikuthokozani Mulungu wathu[PC 602]
Where he leads I follow [685] Timakutamandani Yahweh! [Post C 604]
Will you let me be your servant? [686]
LATIN Inkele Morena [260]
Anima Christi sanctifaca me [47] Kabelo ea ka e ntle [293]
Ecce panis Angelorum [131]
Pie pelicane Jesu Domine [514] PORTUGUESE
Eu tea mo o Senhor [154]
IGBO Nao podemos caminhar [408]
Alleluia O biliwo, O biliwo [34]
Jesus aha n’atom’ uto [276] SWAHILI
Kulitenu k’anyi jeenu nara [303] Mfumu Yezu ngeye luzingu [371]
Obi di aso Dinwenu anyi [468] Nimeonja pendo lako, [424]
Umu Chineke naranu m rienu, [645] Shukrani zethu Baba [552]

Asituse umsindisi [60] J’ai recu le Dieu Vivant [270]
Bandla mtuse uMsindisi [69] EWOONDU
E! Ngelosi engilonda [145]
A a Semilamitu [3]
E! Sidlo esimnandi [146]
Enkosi angifanele, eNkosi [136] AFRICAANS
Hubelani umsindisi [220] Christus is die ware wynstok [107]
Jesu Nkosi ukulinga [283]
Jesu omnene, Nkosi’enmusa [285] EFIK
Jesu wen’ ongithandayo [287] O! Obong Abasi edi [448]
Jesu wena kuthokoza [288] CHOPI
Ngingowakho Jesu wami [420] Yimba lirani langa [701]
Yehlanini zingelosi [700]
Ambuye mumatikonda [PC 37]
Ambuye mumatikonda [PC 42]
Ambuye mumatikonda [PC 43]
Abide with me [11]

Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep [59] Standing on the promises [568]
Christ the Lord is risen again! [105] Sweet Saviour bless us ere we go, [572]
Day is done, but love unfailing [120] Thank You [582]
Each little flower that opens,[128] Thank you for giving me the [583]
Easter glory fill the sky! Alleluya![130] The Spirit lives to set us free [585]
Eternal, eternal life [152] There’s a quiet native homeland [590]
For St. Vincent Pallotti [169] There’s call comes ringing [591]
Give me joy in my heart [170] To God be the glory [618]
Glory be to Jesus who in bitter [174] We hail Pallotti our Father [662]
Go, the Mass is ended [186] What a friend we have in Jesus [675]
God forgave my sin in Jesus’ name [187] What the Lord has done for me [680]
Great things happen [189] When peace like a river [682]
Guide me oh thou Great Redeemer [190] When upon live blows [683]
Hold my hand O! Lord [205]
How lovely on the mountains [219] LATIN
I am weak but thou art strong [226] Jubilate Deo, omnis terra [290]
I thank my God each time [234] O! sanctissima, o pussima [465]
I want Jesus in my life [249] Salve mater misericordiae [530]
I will sing of the Blessings [251] Salve Regina [535]
It's not an easy road [263] IGBO
Light of Christ light our way, [330]
Ada nke Nna ji ike nile, [15]
Lead, kindly light [319]
Cheta m Onyenwe m [100]
Lord, dismiss us [336]
Chukwu nwe uwa [108]
Lord the light of your love [343]
Lee m anya lee m anya na [321]
Lord for tomorrow and its needs [337]
Otito diri Nna diri [495]
My Lord, he died for a kingdom[391]
Tobenu Chineke otito diri ya [617]
Never grow old [417]
O! God our help in ages past [450] ZULU
O! Jesus Christ, remember [454] Banehlanhla labo bantu [70]
O! Jesus, I have promised [455] Bongan’ iNkosi! Sibonga iNkos’ [90]
O! Lord my God [456] E! Jesu Mhlengi wethu [142]
Oh the future lies before me [470] Igama lenkosi malibongwe [237]
Oh Jesus, Jesus dearest Lord [473] Jabulani, Jabulani Makholwa [272]
Oh spread the tiding round [476] Maria mandla ami [357]
Oh when the saints go marching in [477] Masihambe nabelusi [362]
On the hill far away [488] Ngingowakho Jesu wami [420]
Our Lord, You died for a kingdom [496] Nkosikazi yaphezulu, Alleluya [429]
Peace is flowing like a river [511] Sixolele Baba [561]
Peace perfect peace [512] Umphefumulo wami [644]

Kwake kwathi uMarai esabonga [312]
Wozani Makholwa [689] ADORATION
Yethi, Yethi, Yethi Maria. 312 ENGLISH
Abba, Abba, Father, you are the porter 8
SOTHO Abba, Father, send your Spirit.[9]
Tsohle 2x tsohle di etsoa ke uena [612] Adorote te devote lateens Deitas,[16]
All over the World, the Spirit is moving
SWAHILI Are you washed in the blood [53]
Tiri venyu hosi Mai [607] As the deer pants for the water [57]
Be still and know [73]
FRENCH Because He loves me so [75]
Rendez grace au Seigneur [528] Bind us together, Lord, [83]
EWOONDU Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine [84]
Eternal, eternal life [152]
A nna Maria e [2]
Father I adore you [157]
Mama Maria mama ee mama [352]
Father, I place into your hands [158]
PORTUGUESE Father we adore you, [162]
O! Senhor ensinou a rezar [466] Fill my house unto your fullest[165]
Pelas estradas da vida nunca [513] Glory, honour, power and majesty[185]
Quero te dar a paz do meu[524] Guide me oh thou Great Redeemer [190]
Senhor meu Deus quando eu [549] He is Lord; He is Lord [199]
Senhor toma esta vida nova [550] Hold my hand O! Lord [205]
Vem espirito santo, vem ,vem [651] I am the bread of life [222]
I am the light, bringing you.[223]
AFRICAANS I have decided to follow Jesus [230]
Die liefde van Jesus is wondebaar[122] I need Thee every hour [233]
I thank my God each time [234]
[EFIK] I, the Lord of sea and sky [248]
Obot obong, obot emem [x2] [480] I watch the sunrise lighting the sky [250]
Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All [280]
Just as I am, without one plea [292]
NIGHT PRAYERS Messiah is the King of king [367]
Most ancient of all mysteries, [381]
Day is done, but love unfailing [120] My God loves me [390]
Father we praise you now the night [163] My loving Jesus [392]
Lead, kindly light [319] O saving Victim [497]
Sweet Saviour bless us ere we go, [572] O! Sacrament most holy [463]
Oh the love of my Lord [471]

Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven.
Praise to the God of Israel [518] BENEDICTION
Praise to the holiest in the height [519] ENGLISH
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty [520] Blessed be God [86]
Reach out and touch the Lord [525] Blessed be the Lord our God [85]
Soul of my Saviour, [563] O saving Victim [497]
Spirit of God in the clear running[566] O! Sacrament most holy [463]
Spirit of the living God, fall afresh[565] Therefore we, before Him bending [595]
Sweet heart of Jesus fount of love [570]
Sweet sacrament Divine [571] LATIN
Thank you for giving me the [583]
Adoremus in aetemum, [17]
There is not a friend like lowly [593]
O! Salutaris Hostia [464]
This is my body given for your [597]
Tantum ergo [579]
This is my will, my one command [598]
This is my body, broken for you [599] ZULU
You are worthy to be praised [703] Sithi sithobil’ impela [560]
What a friend we have in Jesus [675]
Walk with me oh my Lord [654]
Whatsoever you do to the least [679] MARIAN HYMNS
Will you let me be your servant? [686] ENGLISH
LATIN All men big and small [24]
Adoremus in aetemum, [17] As I kneel before you [55]
Adorote te devote lateens Deitas, [16] As we come before you now [58]
Anima Christi sanctifaca me [47] Ave, Ave, Ave Maria [64]
Ecce panis Angelorum [131] Ave Maria, O Maiden, O Mother [65]
O! Salutaris Hostia [464] Daily, daily sing to Mary [119]
Pange lingua gloriosi, corporis [507] Hail Holy Queen enthroned above [193]
Salvator mundi salva nos. [531] Hail Mary full of grace [195]
Hail Queen of heavens [196]
ZULU Hail Queen of heaven, the ocean star, 197
Bandla mtuse uMsindisi [69] Holy Virgin, by God’s decree [213]
Wozanini nonke, nant’iSakramente [690] Holy queen we bend before thee, [214]
I’ll sing a hymn to Mary, [231]
AFRICAANS Immaculate Mary [235]
Die liefde van Jesus is wondebaar, [122] Ma……ry, Ma……ry, dearest [339]
My souls now glorifies [402]
O come to the throne of Grace [447]
Mulemekezedwe Hostia [395] Tell out my soul the greatness [580]

We fly to your patronage [660] I thank my God each time [234]
Joy to the world [289]
LATIN O! Come all ye faithful [445]
Ave sanctum Viaticum, Agnus [66] O! come, o come, Emmanuel [446]
Ave Maris Stella [67]
O! sanctissima, o pussima [465] ZULU
Regina caeli, laetare, alleluia [526] Wake kwathi uMarai esabonga [312]
Salve mater misericordiae [530]
Salve Regina [535] XHOSA
UMariya ethandaza [640]
Ada nke Nna ji ike nile, [15]
E mame nina womsindisi sibheke [143]
Angel we have heard in heaven [46]
Maria mandla ami [357]
Ding dong merrily on high [125]
Nkosikazi yaphezulu, Alleluya [429]
Hark the herald angels sing [198]
Umphefumulo wami [644]
How lovely on the mountains [219]
Kwake kwathi uMarai esabonga [312]
Long time ago in Bethlehem [333]
CHICHEWA O! comes all ye faithful [445]
Ndife tiana tanu [412] Once in royal David’s city [486]
Idzani kwa Maria [235] Silent night [554]
Idzani kwa Maria amai [236] What a joyful day, [676]

Tiri venyu hosi Mai [607] Busuku obuhle zulu xmas [94]
Masihambe nabelusi [362]
EWOONDU Wozani Makholwa [689]
A nna Maria e [2]
Mama Maria mama ee mama [352]
Minha alma da glorias ao Senhor [347] Abide with me [11]
All of my life [25]
ADVENT All to Jesus I surrender. [29]
Amazing grace! [36]
ENGLISH Are you washed in the blood [53]
A sign is seen in heaven. [5] Arise come to your God [54]
Hearken to the news, [200] As the deer pants for the water [57]
How lovely on the mountains [219] Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep [59]

At the cross her station keeping [61] Walk with me oh my Lord [654]
All you who seek a comfort sure [30] What a friend we have in Jesus [675]
Be still and know [73] Whatsoever you do to the least [679]
Firmly I believe and truly [166] When I survey the wondrous cross [681]
Glory be to Jesus who in bitter [171] When peace like a river [682]
God forgave my sin in Jesus’ name [187]
God of mercy and compassion [188] IGBO
I am so glad that our Father [221] Cheta m Onyenwe m [100]
I am the bread of life [222] Chukwu nwe uwa [108]
I am thine O Lord, [225] Lee m anya lee m anya na [321]
I have decided to follow Jesus [230] ZULU
I need Thee every hour [233]
Ngiyamthanda osemthini [422]
I thank my God each time [234]
Masibulele kuYesu [361]
I, the Lord of sea and sky [248]
I watch the sunrise lighting the sky [250] CHICHEWA
Jerusalem, my happy home [273] Mbuye Yesu ndi zingwe zija [365]
Keep in mind [297] Inde Mbuye tifuna kulapa [penitential 240]
Like olive branches [331]
Lord for tomorrow and its needs [337]
Lord, You give the great [347] EASTER
Lord you have come to the lake side 345 ENGLISH
Lord Jesus, think on me, [346] Alleluia, sing to Jesus [35]
My God loves me [390] Christ has died, Alleluia. [104]
My soul is longing for your peace [393] Christ the Lord is risen again! [105]
Nearer my God to Thee [416] Come praise the Lord, you children [115]
Never grow old [417] Easter glory fill the sky! Alleluya! [130]
O! come and mourn with me awhile 444 How lovely on the mountains [219]
Oh Jesus, Jesus dearest Lord [473] Light of Christ light our way, [330]
O! Paradise! O paradise [461] My sins were higher [401]
Once more my soul, [487] New praise be given to Christ [419]
On the hill far away [488] Our Lord, You died for a kingdom [496]
Peace is flowing like a river [511] Priestly people [522]
Peace perfect peace [512] Rejoice in the Lord [527]
Soul of my Saviour, [563] Seek ye first the kingdom [546]
Turn your eyes upon Jesus [623] This is the day [600]
There is not a friend like lowly [593] What a joyful day, [676]
This is my body given for your [597] What the Lord has done for me [680]
This is my will, my one command[598]
This is my body, broken for you [599] LATIN
Yes, I shall a-rise, and return [699]

Jubilate Deo, omnis terra [290] O! Paradise! O paradise [461]
Regina caeli, laetare, alleluia [ 326] Peace perfect peace [512]
There is not a friend like lowly [593]
IGBO This is my body given for your [597]
Alleluia O biliwo, O biliwo [34] This is my will, my one command[598]
ZULU This is my body, broken for you [599]
Whatsoever you do to the least [679]
Jabulani, Jabulani Makholwa [272]
Walk with me oh my Lord [654]
Nkosikazi yaphezulu, Alleluya [429]
Uvukile uJesu, Alleluya Alleluya! [648]

PENTECOST Cheta m Onyenwe m [100]
ENGLISH Chukwu nwe uwa [108]
Abba, Father, send your Spirit. [ 9]
Come Holy Ghost Creator come [111]
Let your living waters flow [327] E! Ngelosi engilonda [145]
My sins were higher [401]
Oh spread the tiding round [476]
Priestly people [522]
Spirit of God in the clear running [566] For St. Vincent Pallotti [169]
Hail Holy Joseph hail! [192]
ZULU We hail Pallotti our Father [662]
E! Woza Moya Ocwebile [147] Yosefe Bambo wathu[192 B]
Ngokubhabhadiswa kwami [423]
Wozanini nonke, nant’iSakramente [690]
Veni santé Spiritus [652] [SOTHO]
A se le thabo kajeno [320]
BURIAL Aletareng Ho tla phetoa [21]
Amohela hle Morena [44]
ENGLISH Amohele hle morena [45]
Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep [59] Ha – kena kgauta [191]
God forgave my sin in Jesus’ name [188] Jesu aku re re [278]
I watch the sunrise lighting the sky [250] Jesu oa ka kea tsieloa [284]
Light of Christ light our way, [330] Jesu, Jesu ea monate [279]
Lord Jesus, think on me, [340] Ke tsepile ho uena, Oho Movirigo [295]
Lord you have come to the lake side 345 Ke utloa mane lithoteng [296]
When I survey the wondrous cross [681] Kgotso ya Morena [300]

Lillo tsa ka lise li thotse [329] It is wonderful to be a Christian [264]
Lumela me ea hlokileng [349] Keep we the fast our ancestors [298]
Morena O tseba [380] Let us with a gladsome mind [326]
Ntate!! Aletareng ya hao [434] Like the stars in the sky [332]
U morara oa sebele [642] Lord by your Cross [335]
Ukene mwa pilu ya ka [633] Lord my Saviour and my Shepherd [342]
Mary we greet thee [360]
[AFRICAANS] My soul proclaims the Lord [403]
Aan God al die eer [52] My soul, my soul glorifies the Lord [394]
Die Gees van die Here [121] O! Bless’d is the Lord [478]
Ek weet verseker dat Jesus leef [140] O! Magnify the Lord, [457]
Ek, die Heer van see en lug [139] O! Praise my soul the Lord [462]
J’a, as die Heer vir ewig kom [271] O! Sing unto the Lord/ a new song [467]
Juig, al wat leef, juig voor die [291] Oh Lord all the world belongs to [474]
My gees, my siel, my liggam [389] Pass me not, O gentle Saviour [509]
O! die hand van God [449] Praise the Lord [521]
O! Heer my God [452] Sons of God, hear the holy [562]
Siel van my heiland [553] The Lord hears the cry of the poor [586]
The love I have for you, my Lord [588]
[LATIN ] There is joy, peace and happiness [592]
Ave sanctum Viaticum, [66] Though the mountains may fall [601]
Ave Maris Stella [67] We adore Thee, O Sacred Heart [656]
Christ est Venu, Christ est ne [102] We thank God the Father,[670]
Laudato sii, O mi Signore [316] We thy children pray [671]
Regina caeli, laetare, alleluia [526] Where he leads I follow [685]
You are Holy my Lord [702]
Bwana nakushukuru asantu [96] [FRENCH]
Avec toi, Seigneur [725]
[ENGLISH] Cherchez d’abord le royaume [732]
Christ is the Son of the living God [106] Dieu nous accueille en sa [729]
Christ of our King, [103] Dieu nous accueille en sa maison [729]
Earth’s Creator, everyday God [129] Garde mon ane dans la paix [722]
Father, in my life I see [160] Je mets mon espoir dans le [731]
Father, Lord of all creation, [161] Le seigneur m’a comblee [723]
For Christ the King [167] Le seigneur m’a comblée de joie [723]
Glory be to God in the highest. [173] Les mains ouvertes [721]
Glory be to God the Father [171] Nous chanterons pour toi, [720]
How good it is to know your name, [218] Peuple de bienheureux, [724]
I sing the Lord God’s praises [247] Saint est le Seigneur [532]

Sans te voir, nous t’aimons [730] Mwari Musande [399]
Seigneur nous arrivons [726] Mwene, mwene [400]
Seigneur rassemble-nous [728] Nkembo na tata alleluya [425]
Seigneur tous nous Apelles [727] Nthungulu ndi manja [436]
Toi notre dame, nous te chantons [615] Nthungulu ndim manja kuimbila [435]
Toi, qui sais pardonner [616] Nyin ime nyene akwa abasi [441]
Tu es Seigneur notre résurrection [621] Pokeleleni umutulo Yesu [515]
Sainte vierge, ma mere, [534]
[IGBO] Ta main me conduit ta droite me [573]
Eyaa Eyaa Mkpa jide gi kwa Maria. 155 Tambula Omwene tambula [578]
Ndi muozi nile [410] Tukaya muchalo ichisuma [622]
Obi di aso Dinwenu anyi [468] Umkhaluli: Lifanele, [643]
Ona nodebe ndi no n’uju [483] Utukufu Kwa Mungu [647]
[PORTUGUESE] We Lesa pokelela [664]
Gloria a Deus na imensidao, [175]
Mulungu anati kwa ife [396]
Musandipitilire, Mulungu [398]
Ndine Mkhristu dzina langali [414]
Ndikhokhele Bawo [415]
Yizani Zintlanga, Nibizwa Nonke [698]
Nkulunkulu wokulunga nothando. [430]
Singkubingelela Maria ocwebile [557]
UNkulunkulu unathi uyasithanda [646]
Vulan’ amasango [653]
Wo-za Je-su, Mhle-ngiwa [687]
Bomonate jwa godimo [89]
Hongoleni nethu hiya hakha pfhumo 215
Jesu waka ubuse moya wa ka [286]
Ma din wa a tar anti madin [350]
Maria e Jesus, Jesus e Maria [356]
Maria ya bokgabane [358]
Mfumo, hipuele wusiuana [369]


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