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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education (DepEd)

Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Division of Leyte


School Year 2019 – 2020

Name: Grade & Sec.:

Direction: Read the questions comprehensively and write the letter of the correct answer on your paper.
1. It is an entrepreneur’s business idea that can potentially become a commercial product or service in the future.
a. knowledge b. opportunity c. industry d. new discovery
2. This represents the general environment where the entrepreneur can identify business opportunities from and
where the future business is about to operate.
a. STEEPLED b. futuristic opportunities c. industry d. new discovery
3. This is the source of current trend on what is happening in the industry where the future business will belong to.
a. STEEPLED b. futuristic opportunities c. industry d. new discovery
4. These are new trends that can be the core business model of a new venture.
a. STEEPLED b. futuristic opportunities c. industry d. new discovery
5. These are projected new opportunities that can possibly affect the new business while it is running.
a. STEEPLED b. futuristic opportunities c. industry d. new discovery
6. A kind of opportunity where entrepreneurs have an endless curiosity to discover new or different ideas and see
whether these ideas will work in the marketplace.
a. screening b. seeking c. seizing d. saying
7. It is recognized when a customer believes that there is a difference between his or her current situation versus his
or her desired condition.
a. want b. need c. goal d. desire
8. It is recognized when a customer believes that there is a specific product or service that can perfectly suit the
a. want b. need c. goal d. desire
9. It refers to the big or macro forces, thy influence how business should be conducted, how consumers will behave.
a. Macro environmental c. Micro environmental
b. high growth entrepreneurs d. lifestyle entrepreneurs
10. Which of the following does not belong to the categories of macro environment?
a. political b. economic c. ecological d. environmental
11. A method of generating ideas that allows the participants to share creative ideas.
a. Brainstorming c. Brainwriting
b. Focused group discussion d. Internet brainstorming
12. Economic factors play a vital role in the scanning of marketing environment. Entrepreneurs should take note of
the following EXCEPT.
a. Inflation rates b. Fiscal policies c. Labor costs d. Buying habits
13. Ecological factors served as a guide for the entrepreneurs if the business they are entering will comply with the
environmental standards. Which of the following is an example of the things to be considered with these factors?
a. Recycling b. Business cycle c. Emphasis on safety d. Trade flows
14. Demographic factors are the characteristics of people in the target market. Entrepreneur should take note of the
following factors EXCEPT.
a. Social classes b. Family size c. Minorities d. Bureaucracy
15. Socio-cultural factors affect how a person of the locality behaves and reacts to marketing and selling activities.
Entrepreneur should take note of the following factors EXCEPT.
a. Education level b. Emphasis on safety c. Buying habits d. Fiscal policies
16. Technological factors composed of innovations of an existing technology or an invention of a new one mostly on
applied science and engineering research areas. Entrepreneur should take note of the following factors EXCEPT.
a. technology incentives c. communication infrastructure
b. religion and beliefs d. spending on research and development
17. Political factors are mostly induced by government policies and administrations, which can have a strong effect in
the entrepreneur’s business. The entrepreneur should take note of the following factors EXCEPT.
a. discrimination law b. bureaucracy c. corruption level d. freedom of press
18. Legal factors are government laws and regulations that can restrict or allow business activities. The entrepreneur
should take note of the following factors EXCEPT.
a. anti-trust law b. health consciousness c. consumer protection d. employment law

For Numbers 19 – 30. Determine the 12Rs OF OPPORTUNITY SCREENING that is being described on each item.
Choose from the following choices and write the LETTER of your choice on your paper.
a. Relevance to vision, mission, and objectives of the entrepreneur
b.Resonance to Values
c. Reinforcement of Entrepreneurial Interests
e. Responsiveness to customer need and wants
f. Reach
h.Revolutionary Impact
i. Returns
j. Relative Ease of Implementation
k.Resources required
l. Risks
19. The opportunity must be aligned with what you have as your personal vision, mission, and objectives for the
enterprise you want to set up.
20. The opportunity must match the values and desired virtues that you have or wish to impart.
21. How does the opportunity resonate with the entrepreneur’s personal interests, talents, and skills?
22. It is important to determine the sales potential of the products or services you want to offer.
23. Opportunity that you want to pursue, addresses the unfulfilled or undeserved needs and wants of customers.
24. Opportunities that have good chances of expanding through branches, distributorships, dealerships, or franchise
25. The opportunity can potentially lead to a wide range of possible product or service offerings, thus, tapping many
market segments of the industry.
26. That products with low costs of production and operations but are sold at higher prices will yield the highest
returns on investments.
27. The opportunity will most likely be the “next big thing” or even a game-changer.
28. The opportunity be relatively easy to implement for the entrepreneur or there will be a lot of obstacles and
competency gaps to overcome.
29. Opportunities requiring fewer resources from the entrepreneur may be favored than those requiring more
30. In entrepreneurial endeavor, there will always be risks.
31. It is an opportunity where entrepreneur first consider his or her preferences and capabilities.
a. screening b. seeking c. seizing d. saying
32. It aims to assist entrepreneur concretize the evidence that the chosen opportunity (or opportunities) is well worth
a. OMS b. OSM c. MSE d. ESM
33. It refers to the amount of risk or uncertainty one is willing to take in order to attain an objective.
a. risks b. appetite c. risk appetite d. cash cow
34. It is a metaphor used for a business or a product, which exhibits a strong potential in terms of returns in a low-
growth market.
a. risks b. appetite c. risk appetite d. cash cow
35. A study that focuses on a few key items that could make or break the business concept or the possible thing to do.
a. feasibility b. technology c. entity d. research
36. It is based on the estimated number of possible customers who might avail the product or service.
a. market potential c. assessing competition
b. delivery expectations d. quantities demanded
37. It is a financial statement that measures an enterprise’s performance in terms of revenues and expenses over a
certain of time.
a. balance sheet b. financial statement c. income statement d. changes of equity
38. It represents the enterprise debts, to suppliers, to banks, to government, to employees and other financiers.
a. liabilities b. equity c. financial d. assets
39. It determines the needed the capacity of operations.
a. market potential c. assessing competition
b. delivery expectations d. quantities demanded
40. Which of the following is an example of a liability?
a. accounts receivable c. cash
b. accounts payable d. owner’s capital
41. The owner increases the capital of the business by depositing personal cash. Which of the following is part of the
a. assets c. equity
b. liabilities d. all the above
42. The process of positively improving an existing product or service and a key driver of economic growth.
a. Innovation b. Marketing c. New trends d. Entrepreneurship
43. After a thorough study, Ms Elleanna discovered that her business idea is feasible enough. Which of the following
entrepreneurial process refers to the “pushing through” of chosen business?
a. Business implementation c. Running the business
b. Opportunity attractiveness test d. Opportunity seizing
44. In this stage, the entrepreneur determines what are the feasible products and/or services that will perfectly suit the
a. Concept stage c. Test marketing stage
b. Idea stage d. Product development stage
45. In this stage, the entrepreneur leverages on the information generated from the prospective customers via concept
a. Concept stage c. Test marketing stage
b. Idea stage d. Product development stage
46. This stage validates the work done to measure the success in the commercialization of the product or service.
a. Concept stage c. Test marketing stage
b. Idea stage d. Product development stage
47. In this stage, the developed idea undergoes a customer acceptance test. This test includes getting the initial
reactions of the primary target market and the distribution channel.
a. Concept stage c. Test marketing stage
b. Idea stage d. Product development stage
48. A balance sheet shows Php198, 780 in total assets and Php295, 800 in total plant and equipment. What are the
total assets?
a. Php92, 020 c. Php672, 008
b. Php494, 580 d. Php198, 780
49. A balance sheet shows total assets of Php198, 809 and total liabilities of Php152, 806. How much capital or
owner’s equity is invested in the company?
a. Php46, 003 c. Php152, 806
b. Php351, 615 d. Php198, 809
50. On a balance sheet, if the total assets are Php15, 000 and total liabilities are Php10, 000. How much is the total
equity of the owner?
a. Php25, 000 c. Php2, 500
b. Php7, 500 d. Php5, 000

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Checked by:

Master Teacher I

Secondary School Principal I

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