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Mindway Solution Suite

Creating safe customer journeys


Problem gambling behavior - challenges 3

GameScanner 4
Gamalyze 5
GameChanger 6
Care calls 7
Benefits for operators and customers 8

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Problem gambling behavior – challenges
Increasing availability of online games carries the risk that more individuals develop
problem gambling behavior, either as a primary disorder or simultaneously with
mental or social problems. To prevent the development of gambling disorders and
gambling related harm, much attention has been given to general information and
prevention programs as well as facilities for voluntary self-exclusion from online
However, at-risk individuals may be unsusceptible to general prevention, neglect
developing problems or lack the resources to actively impose self-limitations. These
concerns are supported by studies suggesting that most gambling disorder sufferers
never receive treatment for their gambling problems. Furthermore, monetary limits
set by gambling providers as a measure of preventing at-risk behavior may overlook
other aspects of problem gambling, may raise an alert too late and are likely too
simplistic to permit an individualized approach to intervention.

Mindway AI focuses on the early detection of at-risk and problem

gambling behavior and intervention in more than one way.

Governments are increasingly recognizing the risk that the rise in online gambling poses
to gamblers, demanding that more steps are taken by operators to protect gamblers. An
example is the Responsible Gambling Strategy Board’s recommendation for the
Gambling Commission Board in Great Britain that:
‘Operators should dedicate as much energy and creativity to player protection as they do
to their commercial activities, and should commit resources to it in sufficient quantity to
reflect its importance.’
Other examples are the advertising ban in Italy and the Spanish ombudsman urging the
Spanish government to follow suit. The general tendency is for regulators to demand
increasingly more of operators in terms of keeping gambling safe and preventing harm.

Current actions taken The current generalized

typically include approach does not
• Loss-limit restrictions which
are an unnecessary constraint • Early detection of PGB or
for the operator and an addiction as gambling patterns
unspecific risk marker as the have to become highly abnormal
amount spent not necessarily before being caught.
correlates with the risk of PGB. • The complexity of the
• Self-test risk assessment interaction between risk markers
which is prone to bias by the crucial to the development of
individual taking the test and PGB at the individual level.
thus does not provide an • An individualized approach to
accurate assessment. customers at risk due to lack of
• Pop-up messages which do insight into the personal case.
not have an evidence based

Early and fast detection

The Mindway GameScanner allows for the early
detection of problem gambling, reducing the risk of
gambling induced harm as well as making early
intervention possible. The risk profile of every customer
can be assessed within 15 minutes at expert level. • 88% chance of detection
of possible problem
gambling behavior (PGB)
Complexity encaptured
The technology behind the Mindway GameScanner is an • 99% chance of detection
artificial intelligence solution, applying neuroscience to of harmless behavior
identify problem gambling behavior at expert
psychologist level. Developed by researchers, • 93% likelihood that PGB
pathological gambling specialists and psychologists, the detected by the
GameScanner is based on the meticulous analysis and GameScanner is matched
assessment of several thousand gambling patterns. The by expert opinion
self-learning algorithm improves continuously by being
exposed to further gambling patterns. • 98% of customers
The individual customer’s gambling behavior is manually identified as
used as a baseline in order to assess deviations in his or possible PGB also
her gambling behavior. A wide range of risk markers, detected by Mindway AI
such as changes in frequency and intensity, amount
spent, loss chasing etc. and the interaction between
them are integrated in the algorithm, providing an
accurate and differentiated assessment of any gambling
pattern. In that way, the GameScanner generates the
most comprehensive risk assessment of every single
customer in the entire database.


The unbiased self-test – no questions asked

Gamalyze is a self-test that has been designed to gain true insight into player
decision making. The self-test is a behavioral test using validated neuroscientific
principles. It is presented to the customer as a short game, thus being highly
engaging while recording actual decision making in a controlled environment.
This contrasts todays self-tests in which customers are merely asked to report on
their behavior. In that way, the game leverages unbiased insight into the player’s
decision processes. Research shows that problem gamblers differ from regular
gamblers in their decision making processes.

How is it different from other self-tests?

Gamalyze completely bypasses the self-evaluation limitation in today’s typical
self-test and can thus spot problem gambling as it is purely based on actions
taken instead of reflections made.


Taking back control

GameChanger is a training tool in which a sequence of gambling and non-
gambling pictures is shown. When using the solution, the individual has to react
to non-gambling pictures as fast as possible by touching the screen and avoiding
to touch the screen when gambling pictures appear. The solution trains inhibition
control which is a cognitive process, stimulating a controlled response to
gambling pictures and environments. GameChanger can be adjusted to different
levels of difficulty, keeping the training tool interesting. It provides feedback on
and insight into performance and development compared to earlier training

Impulsivity – the main problem

Impulsivity is one of the main problems in problem gambling as problem
gamblers are too impulsive to suppress the urge to gamble. Controlling
impulsivity can be relearned by training the underlying cognitive processes,
facilitating safe and healthy gambling.

Care calls

Individualized interview guides

The Mindway Care Call module generates
individualized interview guides for speaking
with problem gamblers. The interview guides
are tailored to the individual gambling
behavior of a gambler. In that way, customers
are met on their terms, facilitating
constructive dialogue.

Know your customer

The full evaluation of the entire gambling
behavior enables a more accurate detection of
problem gambling. In order to encapture the
complexity of problem gambling, 88
parameters are applied in the evaluation of a
customer’s gambling behavior. The Care Call
module translates gambling behavior into
insight into your customer and creates a care
call script that allows you to meet your
customer with understanding.

Individualized interview guides

Benefits for operators and customers

The early and accurate detection of at-risk and problem gambling is

mutually beneficial for operators and customers.

Benefits for operators Benefits for customers

• Strong CSR profile • Early awareness of

• Customer churn avoided, longer developing problem gambling
engagement at low-risk level • At-risk gamblers prevented
• Compliance with government from becoming problem
guidelines gamblers
• Easier, faster and more accurate • Personal and financial harm
detection of PGB limited
• Automated guiding of helpline • Help offered
staff in care calls with at-risk • Safe haven for gambling even
customers for susceptible individuals
• Blind spots in customer
database avoided

International recognition
Mindway AI has won several awards for its software

Danish CSR Award 2016 Industry Innovation of the Year 2018

Innovation in Compliance and

Responsible Gambling 2018
For more information please visit our website
or contact CEO Rasmus Kjaergaard at [email protected]

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