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Jurisdictional Requirement Petition

I. Who may adopt:

o Filipino citizen of legal age

o In possession of full civil capacity and legal
o of good moral character
o has not been convicted of any crime involving
moral turpitude
o who is emotionally and psychologically
capable of caring for children
o at least sixteen (16) years older than the
o who is in a position to support and care for his
children in keeping with the means of the

II. Husband and wife shall jointly adopt

III. Adoptee must be below eighteen (18) years of age

and voluntarily committed to the Department
under Article 154, 155 and 156 of P.D. No. 603 or
judicially declared available for adoption

Petition shall allege:

o First name, surname or names, age and
residence of the adoptee as shown by
his record of birth, baptismal or
foundling certificate and school
o adoptee is not disqualified by law to be
o probable value and character of the
estate of the adoptee
o first name, surname or names by
which the adoptee is to be known and
registered in the Civil Registry

IV. Venue – FC where the prospective adoptive

parents reside

V. Specifically state in the heading whether Petition


i. application for change of name –

1. must state the cause and reason
for change of name
2. registered name of the child
3. aliases or other names by which
the child has been known
4. full name by which the child is to
be known

ii. rectification of simulated birth

iii. voluntary or involuntary commitment
of children or
iv. declaration of child as abandoned,
dependent or neglected

VI. Parties undergone Pre-Adoption Services as

required by Sec. 4 of RA No. 8552

i. Counseling Services
1. Biological Parents
2. Prospective Adoptive Parents
3. Prospective Adoptee

VII. Affidavit of Consent

o Adoptee if ten (10) years of age or over
o Biological Parents, if known, or Legal
Guardian, or Proper Government
Instrumentality which has legal custody of the
o Legitimate and adopted sons/daughters, ten
(10) years of age or over, of the adopter(s) and
adoptee, if any
o illegitimate sons/daughters, ten (10) years of
age or over, of the adopter if living with said
adopter and the latter's spouse, if any; and
o Spouse, if any, of the person adopting or to be

VIII. Annexes

o Birth, baptismal or foundling certificate, as the

case may be, and school records showing the
name, age and residence of the adoptee
o Affidavit of consent
o Child Study report on the adoptee and his
biological parents
o Home study report on the adopters
IX. Must be Verified and shall include Certification
on non-forum shopping

X. Notice to:
o OSG through Provincial or City Prosecutor
o Biological Parents of Adoptee, if known

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