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In previous chapters, the dynamic behavior of several basic systems was examined. With this background, we can extend the
discussion to a complete control system and introduce the fundamental concept of feedback. To work with a familiar system, the
treatment will be based on a stirred-tank heater.

Figure 8–1 is a sketch of the apparatus. To orient the

reader, the physical description of the process will be
reviewed. A liquid stream at a temperature Ti enters an
insulated, well-stirred tank at a constant flow rate w
(mass/time). It is desired to maintain (or control) the
temperature in the tank at TR by means of the controller. If
the measured tank temperature Tm differs from the desired
temperature TR, the controller senses the difference or
error ε=TR -Tm and changes the heat input in such a way as
to reduce the magnitude of ε. If the controller changes the
heat input to the tank by an amount that is proportional to
ε , we have proportional control.

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In Fig. 8–1 , it is indicated that the source of heat input q may be electricity or steam. If an electrical source were
used, the final control element might be a variable transformer that is used to adjust current to a resistance heating
element; if steam were used, the final control element would be a control valve that adjusts the flow of steam. In
either case, the output signal from the controller should adjust q in such a way as to maintain control of the
temperature in the tank.


The system shown in Fig. 8–1 may be divided into the following components:

1. Process (stirred-tank heater).

2. Measuring element (thermometer).
3. Controller.
4. Final control element (variable transformer or control valve).

Each of these components can be readily identified as a separate physical item in the process. In general,
these four components will constitute most of the control systems that we consider in this text; however, the
reader should realize that more complex control systems exist in which more components are used. For
example, some processes require a cascade control system in which two controllers and two measuring
elements are used. A cascade system is discussed in Chap. 17.

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For computational purposes, it is convenient to represent the control system of Fig. 8–1 by means of the block diagram shown in
Fig. 8–2 . Such a diagram makes it much easier to visualize the relationships among the various signals. New terms, which appear
in Fig. 8–2 , are set point and load. The set point is a synonym for the desired value of the controlled variable. The load refers to
a change in any variable that may cause the controlled variable of the process to change. In this example, the inlet temperature Ti
is a load variable. Other possible loads for this system are changes in flow rate and heat loss from the tank. (These loads are not
shown on the diagram.)

The control system shown in Fig. 8–2 is called a closed-

loop system or a feedback system because the measured
value of the controlled variable is returned or “fed back” to
a device called the comparator. In the comparator, the
controlled variable is compared with the desired value or
set point. If there is any difference between the measured
variable and the set point, an error is generated. This error
enters a controller, which in turn adjusts the final control
element to return the controlled variable to the set point.

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Negative Feedback Versus Positive Feedback
The feedback principle, which is illustrated by Fig. 8–2 , involves the use of the controlled variable T to maintain itself at a
desired value TR. The arrangement of the apparatus of Fig. 8–2 is often described as negative feedback to contrast with
another arrangement called positive feedback. Negative feedback ensures that the difference between TR and Tm is used to
adjust the control element so that the tendency is to reduce the error. For example, assume that the system is at steady state
and that T =Tm=TR. If the load Ti should increase, T and Tm would start to increase, which would cause the error ε to
become negative. With proportional control, the decrease in error would cause the controller and final control element to
decrease the flow of heat to the system, with the result that the flow of heat would eventually be reduced to a value such that
T approaches TR .

If the signal to the comparator were obtained by adding TR and Tm, we would have a positive feedback system, which is
inherently unstable. To see that this is true, again assume that the system is at steady state and that T= Tm = TR . If Ti were to
increase, T and Tm would increase, which would cause the signal from the comparator ( e in Fig. 8–2 ) to increase, with the
result that the heat to the system would increase. However, this action, which is just the opposite of that needed, would cause T
to increase further. It should be clear that this situation would cause T to “run away” and control would not be achieved. For this
reason, positive feedback would never be used intentionally in the system of Fig. 8–2 .

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Each block in Fig. 8–2 represents the functional relationship existing between the input and output of a particular component. In
previous chapters, such input-output relations were developed in the form of transfer functions. In block diagram representations
of control systems, the variables selected are deviation variables, and inside each block is placed the transfer function relating
the input-output pair of variables. Finally, the blocks are combined to give the overall block diagram. This is the procedure to be
followed in developing Fig. 8–2 .
Consider first the block for the process. This block will be seen to differ somewhat from those presented in previous chapters in
that two input variables are present; however, the procedure for developing the transfer function remains the same.
An unsteady-state energy balance around the tank gives

where To is the reference temperature.

Note: In this analysis, it is assumed that the flow rate of heat q is instantaneously available and independent of the temperature in the tank. In some
stirred-tank heaters, such as a jacketed kettle, q depends on both the temperature of the fluid in the jacket and the temperature of the fluid in the
kettle. In this introductory chapter, systems (electrically heated tank or direct steam-heated tank) are selected for which this complication can be

At steady state, dT/dt is zero, and Eq. (8.1) can be written

where the subscript s has been
used to indicate steady state.
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Subtracting Eq. (8.2) from Eq. (8.1) gives

Notice that the reference temperature To cancels in the subtraction. If we introduce the deviation variables

Eq. (8.3) becomes

Taking the Laplace transform of Eq. (8.7) gives


This last expression can be written


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Note that if we multiply this gain by a heat input with units of kilojoules per minute, we obtain a quantity with units of degrees
Celsius, as we would expect. From Eq. (8.10) we can see that two independent quantities, the heater input and the inlet
temperature, can cause changes in the outlet temperature. The effects of these two quantities are additive (a consequence of linear
equations and superposition).

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Equation (8.10) is represented by the block diagram shown in Fig. 8–3 a. This diagram is simply an alternate way to express Eq.
(8.10) in terms of the transfer functions of Eqs. (8.11) and (8.12). Superposition makes this representation possible. Notice that in
Fig. 8–3 we have indicated summation of signals by the symbol shown in Fig. 8–4 ,which is called a summing junction.
Subtraction can also be indicated with this symbol by placing a minus sign at the appropriate input. The summing junction was
used previously as the symbol for the comparator of the controller (see Fig. 8–2 ). This symbol, which is standard in the control
literature, may have several inputs but only one output.

A block diagram that is equivalent to Fig. 8–3 a is

shown in Fig. 8–3 b. That this diagram is correct
can be seen by rearranging Eq. (8.10); thus

In Fig. 8–3 b, the input variables (1/ wC) Q (s) and 𝑇𝑖′ (𝑠)are
summed before being operated on by the transfer
function 1 (𝜏𝑠 + 1). Note that in all cases the units in the block
diagram must be consistent. The quantities being combined at a
summing junction must have the same units. The readers should
convince themselves that this is indeed the case
Note that the rearrangement in Eq. (8.13) is merely for mathematical
convenience, and not what actually happens. Physically the two inputs (heat
and inlet temperature) have independent effects on the outlet temperature.

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The physical situation that exists for the control system ( Fig. 8–1 ) if steam heating is used requires more careful
analysis to show that Fig. 8–3 is an equivalent block diagram. Assume that a supply of steam at constant conditions is
available for heating the tank. One method for introducing heat to the system is to let the steam flow through a control
valve and discharge directly into the water in the tank, where it will condense completely and become part of the
stream leaving the tank (see Fig. 8–5 ).

If the flow of steam, f (lb/time) is small compared with

the inlet flow w, the total outlet flow is approximately
equal to w. When the system is at steady state, the heat
balance may be written

To = reference temperature used to evaluate enthalpy of all streams entering and leaving tank
Hg =specific enthalpy of steam supplied, a constant
Hls = specific enthalpy of condensed steam flowing out at Ts, as part of total stream

The term Hls may be expressed in terms of heat capacity and temperature (assuming no phase change occurs between Ts and To).

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From this, we see that if the steady-state temperature changes, Hls changes. In Eq. (8.14), fs (Hg-Hls) is equivalent to the steady-
state input qs used previously, as can be seen by comparing Eq. (8.2) with Eq. (8.14).
Now consider an unsteady-state operation in which f is much less than w and the temperature T of the bath does not deviate
significantly from the steady-state temperature Ts. For these conditions, we may write the unsteady-state balance approximately;

In a practical situation for steam, Hg will be about 1000 Btu/lbm. If the temperature of the bath T never deviates from Ts by more
than 10o the error in using the term f (Hg-Hls) instead of f ( Hg-Hl) will be no more than 1 percent. Under these conditions, Eq.
(8.16) represents the system closely, and by comparing Eq. (8.16) with Eq. (8.1), it is clear that

Therefore, q is proportional to the flow of steam f, which may be varied by means of a control valve. It should be emphasized
that the analysis presented here is only approximate. Both f and the deviation in T must be small. The smaller they become, the
more closely Eq. (8.16) represents the actual physical system.

An exact analysis of the problem leads to a differential equation with time-varying coefficients, and the transfer
function approach does not apply. The problem becomes considerably more difficult. A better approximation will
be discussed in Chap. 20, where linearization techniques are used.

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Example 8.1. Stirred-tank heater model. Let’s revisit the stirred-tank heater introduced in Example 5.2 ( Fig. 8–6 ).
a) Determine the response of the outlet temperature of the tank to a step change in the
inlet temperature from 60o to 70o C .
b) Determine the response of the outlet temperature of the tank to a step increase in the
heat input of 42 kW.
c) Determine the response of the outlet temperature of the tank to a simultaneous step
change in the inlet temperature from 60o to 70o C and a step increase in the heat input
of 42 kW.
The energy balance for the stirred-tank heater is Eq. (8.10):

Substituting in numerical values for the variables, we obtain the actual transfer function for this stirred-tank heater.

1𝑘𝑔 1000𝑘𝑔
= 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 =
𝐿 𝑚3

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The block diagram for the tank is shown in Fig. 8–7

The steady-state heat input qs may be found from the steady-state energy balance, Eq. (8.2).

𝒗𝒐 𝑳 𝟏𝒌𝒈
𝒘= = 𝟐𝟎𝟎 ∗ = 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝒌𝒈/𝒎𝒊𝒏
𝝆 𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝑳


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and finally, we obtain the expression for
T ( t ), the actual tank outlet temperature.

A plot of the outlet temperature (in deviation variables) is shown in Fig. 8–8 a. The actual outlet temperature is shown in Fig.
8–8 b. Note that for the uncontrolled mixing tank, a step change of 10o C in the inlet temperature ultimately produces a 10o C
change in the outlet temperature. This result is just what we would expect after considering the physics of the situation.

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and finally, we obtain the expression for T ( t ), the actual tank outlet temperature.

Qualitatively, this response is the same as for part ( a); however, the ultimate temperature change due to the
increased heat input is 3oC.

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