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QUẢNG TRỊ Khoá ngày: 10/06/2015


ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

Mã phách
Họ, tên chữ ký
(Do Chủ tịch HĐCT ghi)
Giám thị 1:

Giám thị 2:







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Giám khảo 2:

Paper 1: Listening (1/EA)

Section 1. You will hear a telephone conversation between a customer and a
representative of an insurance company.
You will listen to the recording twice.

Example Answer
Name: Patrick Jones
Addess: (1) …………………. Greendale
Contact number: 730453
Occupation: (2)………………….
Size of car engine: 1200cc Type of car:
Manufacturer: Hewton
Model: (3)……………………….
Year: 1997
Previous insurance company: any insurance claims in the last five years?
(4) ………………………. Yes 
No 
If yes, give brief details:
Car was (5) ……………………….in 1990
Name(s) of other drive(s): Uses of car: - social
Simon (6) ………………………. - (8) ……………………….
Relationship to main driver:
(7) ……………………….
Start date: 31 January
Recommended Insurance arrangement
Name of company: (9) ……………………….
Annual cost: (10) $ ……………………….

Section 2. Listen to the recordings and fill in each gap with NO MORE THAN THREE

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You will listen to the recording twice.
Deep inside the ship named Golden Bear, it is hot - and the (11)………….are noisy. But Vasile
Tudoran loves (12)………. he is doing here.
VASILE TUDORAN: "I knew I wanted to fix stuff since I was a little kid." Vasile Tudoran is a
(13)…………..…….student at the California Maritime Academy. Most of the Academy's students
are required to (14) … ………. on this ship. Teacher Robert Jackson says this gives them the (15)
….. …….that businesses want.
ROBERT: "I would say the majority of our students have (16)………. one to two job offers
before they graduate. Most of those job offers are between $60 and $120,000. Our students have
such a (17) ………… …..they can go anywhere." He says students get jobs working on ships, with
(18)…..or satellite companies. The academy has only about 900 students. About 94 percent of
them get a job after their studies are (19) ………. Andrew Di Tucci says he and other students
know they must follow the (20)……...

Write your answers here: (1/ea)

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20

Paper 2. Use of Language

Part 1: Circle the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest.
1 A. property      B. nitrogen      C. surgery      D. furthermore
2 A. solidify      B. miraculous     C. intimacy     D. appropriate
3 A. effect B. beauty C. listen D. brother
4. A. umbrella B. Vietnamese C. capacity D. continue

Write your answers here: (1/ea)

1 2 3 4
Part 2. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a
word that fits in the space in the same line.
Example: (0) responsibility
Throughout history, women have had (0)…………..for healing the sick. RESPONSIBLE
However it is only in (1)………….. recent times that they have been COMPARE
allowed to train as doctors at (2)………….. schools in Britain. Yet in MEDICINE
that short time, they have made an enormous (3)………….. to modern CONTRIBUTE
The first female doctors were priestesses who gave (4)………….. ADVISE
about diseases and (5)…………..and prepared medicines. In ancient INJURE
Rome, women healers were considered (6)………….. and respected. SKILL
In Britain, for centuries male doctors were (7)………….. of women who SUSPECT
practised medicine (8)………….. and in 1952 a law was passed PROFESSION
making it (9)………….. for them to do so. Women couldn’t study LEGAL
medicine at universities until the 19th century and they only began to

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gain (10)………….. with male doctors in the 20th century.

Write your answers here: (1/ea)

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

Part 3. Grammar and Vocabulary

1. “Cigarette?” - “_________”
A. I smoke five cigarettes a day. B. It’s very expensive.
C. Not really. D. No, thanks.
2. “Is it far to the international airport from here?” - “_________”
A. Yeah, it’s pretty far. B. By taxi.
C. None at all. D. Sure, no problem.
3. Your train ticket will become_______without a date stamped on it.
A. invaluable B. priceless C. invalid D. unused
4. “Would you mind turning down the volume?” - “_________”
A. Of course. B. Not at all. C. I’d be glad to. D. Yes, sure.
5. “Why don’t you take a break?” - “_________”
A. Because I’m tired. B. I don’t agree.
C. Sure, go ahead. D. I guess I should.
6. 'These tablets really are ______. My headache’s much better now.'
A. affective B. effective C. efficient D. affected
7. There has been a recommendation that Peter _______ the president of the country.
A. will be B. be C. was elected D. is elected
8. There is ___________ in my bed room
A. an old square wooden table B. a square wooden old table
C. an old wooden square table D. a wooden old square table
9. Having been selected to represent the class at the school meeting, …………..
A. the members applauded him. B. a speech had to be given by him.
C. he gave a short acceptance speech. D. the members congratulated him.
10. Many people_______to have seen UFO, but there is no evidence.
A. tell B. predict C. lie D. claim
11. Parents often _______their children.
A. undergo B. underestimate C. overdo D. overweigh
12. The cost of living has_______over 10% the past years.
A. raised B. inflated C. risen D. produced
13. Drive faster! They are_______us.
A. catching up with B. getting on with C. keeping with D. going along with
14. I am not very_______with the subject you are mentioning.
A. keen B. aware C. acquainted D. interested
15. The accident made me much more_______ to the needs of the disabled.
A. sensible B. sensibly C. sensitively D. sensitive
16. Everyone in the building woke up when the alarm_______
A. went out B. went off C. got off D. got up
17. I can’t imagine _______in such poor working conditions.
A. working B. to work C. to have worked D. worked
18. If I had had my credit card with me, I _______ the coat.
A. would buy B. will buy C. buy D. would have bought

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19. Wait for me here_______ I get back.
A. when B. until C. for D. after
20. Never before _______ so happy.
A. has he been B. he has been C. was he D. he was

Write your answers here: (0.5/ea)

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
Paper 3. Reading Comprehension
Part 1: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one
word in each space.
Who are the best drivers? Which drivers are the safest on the (1)..........................................?
According to a recent survey, young and inexperienced drivers are the most likely to have an
(2)............................................. Older drivers are more careful. Gender makes a difference, too.
Young men have (3).............................................. worst accidents records of all. They are
(4)............................................aggressive than older (5)............................................. They also
choose faster (6).............................................. with bigger engines. One of the most interesting
facts in the survey (7).....................................................the passengers have an effect on the
(8) ................................................... When young male drivers have their friends in their car, their
driving becomes worse. When their wife or their girlfriend is in the car, however, their driving is
(9)............................................... But the opposite is true for women. Their driving is more
(10)..................................................when their husband or boyfriend is in the car.

Write your answers here: (1/ea)

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

Part 2. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Lead poisoning in children is a major health concern. Both low and high doses of lead can have
serious effects. Children exposed to high doses of lead often suffer permanent nerve damage,
mental retardation, blindness and even death. Low doses of lead can lead to mental retardation,
short attention spans, distractibility, poor academic performance and behavioral problems.
This is not a new concern. As early as 1904, lead poisoning in children was linked to lead-based
paint. Microscopic lead particles from paint are absorbed into the bloodstream when the children
ingest flakes of chipped paint, plaster or paint dust from sanding. Lead can also enter the body
through household dust, nail biting, thumb sucking, or chewing on toys and other objects painted
with lead-based paint. Although American paint companies today must comply with strict
regulations regarding the amount of lead used in their paint, this source of lead poisoning is still the
most common and most dangerous. Children living in older, dilapidated houses are particularly at
1. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. problems with household paint
B. major health concern for children
C. lead poisoning in children
D. lead paint in older homes
2. Which of the following does the passage infer?
A. Paint companies can no longer use lead in their paint.
B. Paint companies aren’t required to limit the amount of lead used in their paint.
C. paint companies must limit the amount of lead used in their paint.

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D. paint companies have always followed regulations regarding the amount of lead used in their
3. According to the passage, what is the most common source of lead poisoning in children?
A. household dust B. lead-based paint C. painted toys D. dilapidated houses
4. What does the author imply in the final sentence of the passage?
A. Lead-based paint chips off more easily than newer paint.
B. Poor people did not comply with the regulations.
C. Old homes were painted with lead-based paint.
D. Old homes need to be rebuilt in order to be safe for children.

5. Which of the following is not true?

A. Only high dose of lead can have serious effects.
B. American paint companies today comply with strict regulations regarding the amount of paint
used in their paint.
C. Lead poisoning can lead to mental retardation.
D. Lead poisoning in children was linked to lead-based paint in the 1900s.

Write your answers here: (1/ea)

1 2 3 4 5

Part 3. Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct answer for each of the questions.
Statistics regarding cigarette smoking are anything but encouraging. The Federal Trade
Commission recently announced that in 1980 Americans purchased 628.2 billion cigarettes, an
appallingly greater number than ever before. The average smoker consumed 11,633 cigarettes, of
which 44.8 percent were low-tar cigarettes containing less than 15 milligrams of tar. In 1968 the
average tar content was 22 milligrams.
Despite the fact that every cigarette pack has a printed warning from the Surgeon General, those
who still smoke are smoking more heavily. Many people have forsworn smoking in fear of lung
cancer. The American Cancer Society reports that death rates from lung cancer have escalated,
whereas those for other major cancers have leveled off or declined. Last year 111,000 Americans
died of lung cancer, while it is estimated that 117,000 will succumb this year. Lung cancer heads
the list in killing 35 percent of males who die from cancer. Lung cancer accounts for 17 percent of
women’s cancer deaths. An estimated 440,000 deaths from cancer will occur this year, 9,000 more
than the previous year. Lung cancer accounts for two thirds of the increase. Although many cancer
patients have survived the disease, the prognosis for lung cancer patients is most disheartening.
Ninety one percent of all diagnosed cases of lung cancer do not survive.
1.You may infer that low-tar cigarettes
A. reduce the dangers of smoking B. appeal to a majority of smokers
C. cause lung cancer D. have the Surgeon General’s approval
2.Statistics show average smokers smoke
A. less than they did in the past B. more than they did in the past
C. the same as they did in the past D. none of the above
3.It is predicted that the number of deaths from lung cancer this year will be
A. reduced from the number last year B. the same as the number last year
C. 6,000 more than last year D. 111,000
4.The percentage of the women’s lung cancer deaths is
A. equal to that of men’s lung cancer deaths
B. rising annually
C. about half the percentage of men’s cancer deaths
D. an indication that women are not susceptible to lung cancer.
5.You may infer from the passage that lung cancer
A. can be treated effectively B. is always related to smoking
C. will cause cigarettes to be taken off the market D. currently has no infallible cure
Write your answers here: (1/ea)
1 2 3 4 5

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Part 4. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to fill in each gap.
Example: (0) A. who B. where C. when D. what
Answer: (0) A
How to become more intelligent
Many scientists believe that people (0)…………. do a variety of activities can improve their
intelligence. It doesn’t (1)………….how old you are, the more you learn, the stronger your brain
can become. (2)…………., scientists also think the opposite is true. (3)………….a person stops
learning new things, their brain stops growing.
You can improve your brain in different (4)………….. For example, you can read a book (5)
………….a writer you haven’t read before. You can (6)………….up a new hobby such as painting,
cooking, writing stories or photography. Visiting new places is (7)………….an excellent thing to do.
Read a (8)………….books on the subject before you go or look up information on the Internet. If
you start doing new things now, you’ll soon (9)………….a difference. You’ll have more to talk about
and (10)………….will think you’re an interesting person.
1 A. mind B. worry C. matter D. care
2 A. So B. Because C. While D. However
3 A. If B. Unless C. since D. Until
4 A. kinds B. habits C. methods D. ways
5 A. with B. by C. for D. to
6 A. bring B. get C. take D. make
7 A. also B. too C. well D. else
8 A. some B. few C. little D. several
9 A. notice B. watch C. look D. appear
10 A. all B. everyone C. anyone D. none

Write your answers here: (1/ea)

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
Paper 4. Writing
Part 1. Each sentence has an error that needs correcting, underline and correct it.
1. The surface of the tongue covered with tiny taste buds.
2. A large percent of Canadian export business is with the United States.
3. Young babies prefer the smell of milk to those of other liquids.
4. Getting to work on time mean I have to get up at 6.00.
5. Such devastating were the floods that some areas may never recover.
6. Having had a good rest, the cowboy set out to cover other 20 miles.
7. Our chemistry professor is believed to meet Einstein when he was a student.
8. There is still more pollution in the air. Its level is increasing all the time.

Write your answers here: (1/ea)

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8

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Part 2. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it.
1. It was his incompetence which led to their capture.
2. Our hotel booking hasn’t been confirmed.
3. Everyone started complaining the moment the announcement made.
 No ………………………………………………………………….…………………………………..
4. We won the game because of the team spirit.
 It was …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. Success in the academic field depends on your number of qualifications.
 The more ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. People believed that his carelessness caused the accident.
 The accident ……………………………………………..…………………………………………..
7. I’m quite sure that she didn’t steal the necklace.
 She can’t ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. “I must see the manager!” he cried.
 He insisted………………………………………………………………..…………………………..
9. The last time it snowed here was six years ago.
 It………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
10. The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect.
 But for………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Part 3. Complete the dialogue
Catherine is ringing up a hotel to book a room.
Receptionist: Grand Hotel. Good morning (1)………………………………
Catherine: Yes, I would like to book a room.
Receptionist: Certainly. And how long do (2)………………………………?
Catherine: Three days.
Receptionist: Would you (3)………………………………?
Catherine: A single room, please.
Receptionist: Very well. Could (4)………………………………?
Catherine: Yes, It’s Catherine Smith, 30 Old Road, York.
By the way, what do you (5)………………………………?
Receptionist: For bed and breakfast? That’s £25 a night.
Catherine: Does that (6)………………………………?
Receptionist: Yes, that’s everything. There are no extra charges.
Catherine: Right. Ok, I’d like to book the room then.
By the way, is it way (7)………………………………?
Receptionist: Oh yes, the hotel’s almost next door to the station. I’ll send you a map if you like.
Catherine: (8)………………………………

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Receptionist: You’re welcome.

Write your answers here: (1/ea)


………………The end………………

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