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Bill would extend eviction moratorium for one year after emergency lifts

 By: State House News Service  July 2, 2020

A group of lawmakers, including one of the leaders of the Housing Committee, will push for lasting housing relief in
the coming weeks that would keep a mandatory pause on evictions and foreclosures in place for more than a year.

The bill filed on June 30 (HD. 5166) by Reps. Mike Connolly and Kevin G. Honan aims to prevent what the
lawmakers say could be tens of thousands of housing removals if an existing moratorium expires on Aug. 18 and to
make more support available for tenants and homeowners most impacted by the economic downturn precipitated
by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The legislation would impose a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures for failure to pay until one year after Gov.
Charlie Baker lifts the public health emergency he declared amid the pandemic and would freeze rents for the same
duration at their pre-outbreak levels.

To help property owners and landlords with 15 or fewer units, the bill would also create a state fund that would
offer aid to those who were unable to pay housing costs due to the pandemic. The proposal does not define the size
of the fund, and it allows it to be funded from multiple sources.

In a blog post explaining the bill, Connolly said the Housing Court estimates 20,000 eviction cases will be filed as
soon as the existing moratorium ends, which could prompt new infections and higher rates of homelessness.

“While we don’t yet know the full scale of the economic devastation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we know
it will be immense,” Connolly wrote. “This crisis has already taken a disproportionate toll on the most vulnerable
among us including low-income tenants, elders, immigrants, front line workers, and Black and Latinx renters and

Issue: JULY 13 2020 ISSUE


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