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Peter Pan Audition Monologues

Please prepare one of the following monologues for your audition.

Peter (male/female):
Yes, Wendy, I know fairies! But, they’re nearly all dead now. You see,
when the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into
thousand of pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the
beginning of fairies. So, there ought to be a fairy for every boy and girl.
There isn’t of course. You see children know such a lot now that soon they
don’t believe in fairies. Every time a child says “I don’t believe in fairies,”
somewhere a fairy falls down dead. I can’t think she is gone. Tinkerbell, Tink,
where are you?

Peter (male/female):
Who’s there? Is anyone there? What! (To Tink) The Indians were defeated and
Wendy and the Boys have been captured by the Pirates? I’ll rescue her! I’ll rescue
her! What? Oh, that’s just my medicine. Poisoned? Nonsense! Who could have
poisoned it? I promised Wendy to take it and I’m going to, as soon as I’ve
sharpened my dagger. Why, Tink, you’ve drunk my medicine! What’s the matter
with you? It was poisoned! You drank it to save my life. Tink. Dear… Tink… your’re
dying? Your light is growing faint, and if it goes out that means you’re dead. Your
voice is so low I can scarcely hear what you’re saying. You say you think.. you think
you could get well again if… if… if what Tink? If children believed in fairies. (To
audience) Do you believe? Say quick that you believe. If you believe, clap your

Wendy (female): Boy, why are you crying? You say that you are not crying? Oh,
yes you are. What is my name? Wendy, Moira, Angela, Darling. What’s yours?
Peter Pan, is that all? Oh, it is. In that case, I’m so sorry. Where do you
live? The second star to the right and straight ‘till what? What a funny
address. I ah mean, is that what they put on your letters? Well if you
don’t get letters, you mother must get… You don’t have a mother? Oh,

Hook (male):
How still the night is. Nothing sounds alive. Now is the hour when the children in
their homes are a-bed. Their lips bright- browned with the goodnight chocolate, and
their tongues drowsily searching for belated crumbs housed insecurely on their
shining cheeks. Compare with them the captive children on this boat. Split me
infinitives, but ‘tis me hour of Triumph! Peter killed at last and all the boys are
about to walk the plank. At last, I’ve reached me peak! All mortals envy me- no
little children love me. I’m, told they play at Peter Pan, and that the strongest
always chooses to be Peter. They force the baby to be Hook. THE BABY!

Michael (male):
I won’t go to bed, I won’t, I won’t! Nana, it isn’t six o’clock yet. Two
minutes more, please, one minute more? Nana, I won’t be bathed, I tell
you I will not be bathed! I want to play house with Wendy and John. See,
they’re pretending to be like mother and father. They need someone to
play the child. Now John, have me. If you are not going to have me, then
am I not to born at all? Please John, nobody wants me!

John (male):
Peter, you can really fly? Could you teach us to fly? Could you teach us
to jump on the wind's back and away we’ll go!?! Instead of sleeping in
our silly beds we might be flying about saying funny things to the stars!
How do we do it? Think lovely thoughts? Think lovely thoughts!
Fishing… picnics… sailing… PRESENTS!!! And away we

Lost Boy (male/female):

I saw Pirates! I saw Indians! Not only did I see Pirates, and Indians, but I
saw a wonderfuller thing. High over the lagoon I saw the loveliest, great,
white bird. It is flying this way. It looks weary and as it flies it moans,
“Poor Wendy”. I think there are birds called Wendies. See, here it
comes! Look how white it is. Hey, there’s Tinkerbell. Tink is trying to
hurt the Wendy. She says Peter wants us to shoot the Wendy. Let us do
what Peter wishes. Out of my way, Tink. I’ll shoot it. I’ve shot the
Wendy! Peter will be so pleased!

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