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SAMR Announcement on

Administrative Licensing of Special Equipment

(No.3, 2019)
In order to thoroughly implement the "Proposals of the Central
Committee of the CPC and the State Council on Promoting the Reform

and Development of Safety Production" and the requirements of the State

Council to implement the " Certificates and Licenses Separation Reform"
throughout the country, and to promote the implementation of the

"Top-level Design Scheme for Safety Supervision Reform of Special

Equipment", effectively reduce the institutional transaction costs of
enterprises, and strengthen the supervision of special equipment, after

extensive consultation, the State Administration of Market Supervision

has streamlined and integrated special equipment manufacture licensing
items, special equipment operators and inspection and testing personnel
qualification items, and formulated the "Licensing Catalog for Special
Equipment Manufacturers" (Annex 1), the "Special Equipment Operating
Personnel Qualifications and Items" (Annex 2), and the "Special

Equipment Inspection and Testing Personnel Qualification Items" (Annex

3) .
It is hereby announced that the above three documents will be
implemented as of June 1, 2019.
Jan.16, 2019
1. Design licensing of pressure
vessel manufacturers is incorporated
into manufacture licensing(pressure
vessel design by analysis is
excluded), and shall be indicated
on the license.
1. Pressure vessel design by 2. The manufacturer does not need
analysis (SAD) to obtain design license if it
Pressure vessel design 2. Stationary Pressure manufacture pressure vessel
vessel design by rules designed by itself. Where the
3. Transportable pressure manufacturer has no design
vessel design by rules capability, the design shall be
Designer licensing subcontracted to an entity holding the
corresponding design license.
2. Companies that have obtained the
license of design by analysis must
also hold the license of design by
rules at the same time.

Pressure pipeline design Long-distance pipeline (GA1, 1.Public use pipelines (GB1, GB2)
2.Industrial pipelines (GC1, GC2,
Refer to Note 1 for licensing
classification parameters and
GA2) GCD) coverage

Boilers Refer to Note 2 for licensing
manufacture including Boiler(A) Boilers (B) classification parameters and
installation (excluding bulk coverage
boilers), repair and alteration
1.The pressure grading for stationary
pressure vessels is implemented in
accordance with the Supervision
Regulation on Safety Technology for
Stationary Pressure Vessels (the
1. Stationary Pressure same below)
vessel 2. Large-scale high pressure vessel
(1) Large-scale high pressure refers to high pressure vessels
vessel(A1) whose inner diameter is greater than
(2) Spherical tank(A3) or equal to 2 meters (the same
(3) Non-metallic pressure below)
vessel (A4) 3. Super large pressure vessel refers
(4) Ultra-high pressure Stationary Pressure to pressure vessels which cannot be
Manufacturer vessel transported by road or railway
licensing Pressure vessel vessel(A6) (1) Other high pressure vessel (A2) because of its large diameter.
manufacture including 2. Transportable pressure (2) Medium and low pressure vessel Manufacturers specializing in the
installation, repair and vessel (D) on-site manufacturing of
alteration (1) Railway tank car (C1) super-large aspheric pressure
(2) Tank car, tank vessels with medium and low
container(C2) pressure shall obtain the
(3) Tube trailer, tubular corresponding level of pressure
container (C3) vessel manufacturing license (the
3. Oxygen cabin(A5) license specifies the on-site
4. Gas cylinder manufacturing of super-large
(1) Seamless cylinder (B1) aspheric pressure vessels with
(2) Welded cylinder(B2) medium and low pressure).
(3) Special purpose cylinder Manufacturers with A3 level pressure
vessel manufacture license may
engage in on-site manufacturing of
super-large medium and low
pressure aspheric pressure vessels.
4. Special cylinders include filament

wound cylinders (B3), cryogenic
insulated cylinders (B4), and built
in packing cylinder (B5).
5. Coverage relations: A1 level
covers A2 and D level; A2, C1, and
C2 level covers D level.
6. Holders of level A5 manufacture
license is allowed to manufacture
medium and low pressure vessel as
ancillary to its product.
1. Refer to Note 3 for safety valve
and emergency shut-off valve
licensing classification parameters
1. Safety valve(A) 2. Gas cylinder licensing scope does
Safety appurtenance 2. Rupture disc device 1. Safety valve(B) not include gas cylinder valves for
manufacture 3. Emergency shut-off 2. Emergency shut-off valve(B) non-toxic, non-flammable, and
valve(A) non-strong oxidizing mediums, or
4. Gas cylinder valve valves has no national standards.
Gas cylinders not listed in the
licensing scope only need to pass
Manufacturer type approval.
licensing 1. Pressure pipeline pipe(B)
2. Pressure pipeline valve (B)
3. Pressure pipeline fitting (seamless 1. in the same kind product, level
1. Pressure pipeline pipe(A) pipe fitting(B1, B2), welded pipe A cover level B
Pressure pipeline parts 2. Pressure pipeline valve (A1, polyethyleneB2),
forged pipe fitting),
fittings 2. Refer to Note 3 for main pressure
manufacture A2) 4. Pressure pipeline flange(steel forged pipeline parts classification
flange) parameters
5. Expansion joint(metal bellows
expansion joints(B1, B2))
6. Component combination device

Overseas pressure-bearing 1. Classification parameters for
special equipment that are manufacture licensing of special
subject to licensing: pressure equipment abroad is the
1. Boiler same as that inside China
2. Pressure vessel 2. Type tests shall be carried out
Overseas special equipment 3. Gas cylinder before putting the imported
manufacture 4. Safety accessory(safety None mechanical and electrical special
valve, rupture disc device, gas equipment (elevators, lifting
cylinder valve, emergency machinery, passenger ropeways,
shut-off valve) large recreational facilities, non-road
5. Pressure pipeline parts motor vehicles in factories) and
(pipe, valve) components into service
1. Traction drive passenger lift
(including fireman elevator)(B)
2. Traction drive goods lift (including
fireman elevator) and positive drive
Lift manufacture including Traction type passenger lift goods lift including explosion protection Refer to Note 4 for lift manufacture
installation, repair and (including fireman lift)(A1, goods lift licensing classification parameters
alteration A2) 3. Escalators and moving sidewalks
4. Hydraulic elevator
5. Dumb waiter(including
explosion protection dumb
1. Bridge crane, frame 1. Bridge crane, frame crane(B)
crane(A) 2. Mobile crane(B)
Lifting equipment manufacture 2. Mobile crane(A) 3. Portal crane(B) Refer to Note 4 for lifting equipment
including installation, repair 3. Portal crane(A) 4. Mechanical parking equipment manufacture licensing classification
and alteration 5. Tower crane, tower hoist parameters
6. Cable crane
7. Mast crane
Passenger ropeway 1. Passenger aerial
Manufacturer manufacture(including ropeway(detachable ropeway,
licensing installation, repair and double-track reciprocating None
alteration) ropeway, single-wire fixed

2. Passenger cable car
3. Passenger towing cableway

Tourist car: the rated number of

passengers (including drivers) is
6-23, and the maximum operating
Non-road motor vehicle speed is no more than 30Km/h.
manufacture(including repair Powered
industrial Non-road sightseeing vehicle(tourist
car, tourist train) Tourist train: The rated number of
and alteration) passengers (including drivers and
safety personnel) is no more than
72, and the maximum operating
speed is no more than 20Km/h.
1. Sliding and rotating
type(including amusement
vehicle and unpowered) (A,
2. Unpowered and amusement
Large-scale amusement device vehicle
manufacture(including 3. Water amusement facilities Refer to Note 6 for large-scale
installation, repair and None amusement device manufacture
alteration) licensing classification parameters

1. Boiler installation(including repair and 1. Refer to Note 2 for boiler

Installation, repair alteration)(A, B) installation licensing classification
and alteration Pressure-bearing special Long-distance pipe 2. Public use pipeline installation(GB1, parameters
company licensing equipment installation, repair installation(GA1, GA2) GB2) 2. Refer to Note 1 for pressure
and alteration 3. Industrial pipeline installation(GC1, pipeline installation licensing
GC2, GCD) classification parameters
3. Stationary pressure vessel

installation is not licensed separately;
no license is required for the
installation of all types of cylinders
4. Pressure vessel manufacturer can
install pressure vessel of
corresponding level and pressure
pipeline connected with pressure
vessel of this level (except
inflammable, explosive and toxic
medium, and not limited by length
and diameter); Pressure vessel
installation can be carried out by
qualified boiler installation company
or pressure pipeline installation
company of any licensed level.
5. The alteration and major repairs
of pressure vessels shall be carried
out by entities that have obtained
manufacture license of the
corresponding level and shall not be
licensed separately
1. Traction drive passenger lift Refer to Note 4 for licensing
(including fireman elevator (A1, A2, classification parameters
2. Traction drive goods lift (including
Lift installation fireman elevator) and positive drive
(including repair) None goods lift(including explosion protection
goods lift)
3. Escalators and moving sidewalks
4. Hydraulic elevator
5. Dumb waiter(including explosion
protection dumb waiter)
1. Bridge crane, frame crane(A, B Refer to Note 5 for licensing
Lifting equipment None 2. Mobile crane(A, B) classification parameters
installation(including repair) 3. Portal crane(A, B)
4. Mechanical parking equipment

5. Tower crane, tower hoist
6. Cable crane
7. Mast crane
1. Passenger aerial ropeway(detachable
Passenger ropeway ropeway, double-track reciprocating
installation(including repair) None ropeway, single-wire fixed ropeway)
2. Passenger cable car
3. Passenger towing cableway
1. Sliding and rotating type(including
amusement vehicle and unpowered)
Large-scale amusement device None (A, B) Refer to Note 6 for licensing
installation(including) 2. Unpowered and amusement classification parameters
3. Water amusement facilities
Tourist car: the rated number of
passengers (including drivers) is
1. Powered industrial trucks(trucks) 6-23,
and the maximum operating
is no more than 30Km/h.
Non-road motor vehicle repair None 2. Non-road sightseeing vehicle(tourist Tourist train: The rated number of
car, tourist train) passengers (including drivers and
safety personnel) is no more than
72, and the maximum operating
speed is no more than 20Km/h.
Filling company Transportable pressure vessel None All

Note 1: Licensing levels for design and installation of pressure pipelines

1. Long-distance gas pipeline with design pressure greater than or equal to 4.0 MPa (gage pressure,
GA1 same below) Level GA1 covers level GA2
2. Long-distance oil pipeline with design pressure greater than or equal to 6.3 MPa

GA2 Long-distance pipeline other than GA1 level

GB1 Gas pipeline

GB2 Heat distribution pipeline
1. The process pipeline for transporting the medium of acute toxicity category 1, the gas medium of
acute toxicity category 2 and the liquid medium of acute toxicity category 2 with working temperature
higher than its standard boiling point as specified in the Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals.
2. The process pipeline for transporting fire hazard Class A, B combustible gases or Class A combustible
liquids (including liquefied hydrocarbons) as specified in GB50160 “Code for Design and Fire Protection Level GC1 and GC2 covers level
of Petrochemical Enterprises” and GB50016 “Code for Design and Fire Protection of Architectural GCD
Buildings”, and the design pressure is greater than or equal to 4.0 MPa;
3. The process pipeline for transporting fluid medium, whose design pressure is greater than or equal
to 10.0MPa, or whose design pressure is greater than or equal to 4.0MPa and design temperature
is higher or equal to 400 .
1. The process pipeline other than GC1level
2. Refrigeration pipeline
GCD Power conduit

Note2: Licensing levels for boiler manufacture and installation

A Steam and hot water boilers with rated outlet pressure greater than 2.5 MPa Level A covers level B. Level A boiler
installation covers level GC2 and level GCD
pressure pipeline installation
B Steam and hot water boilers with rated outlet pressure less than or equal to 2.5 MPa; organic Level B boiler installation covers level GC2
fluid boilers pressure pipeline installation

1. The licensing scope of pressure-bearing parts of Class A boiler includes drum, header, coiled pipe, membrane wall, and fin economizer. The manufacture
of other pressure-bearing parts is covered by the license of the above parts, and is not licensed separately. Boiler pressure-bearing components within
the licensing scope of Class B shall be manufactured by entities with a boiler manufacture license, and shall not be licensed separately.
2 Boiler manufacturers may install boilers manufactured by themselves (except bulk boilers). Boiler installers may install pressure vessels and pressure
pipes connected with boilers (except flammable, explosive and toxic media, which are not limited by length or diameter).
3. Boiler alteration and major repairs shall be carried out by entities that have acquired the license for boiler installation or manufacture at the corresponding
level, and shall not be licensed separately.

Note 3: Licensing levels for pressure pipeline pipes, valves and safety valves

1. Safety valves with nominal pressure greater than or equal to 10 MPa

and nominal diameter greater than or equal to 100 mm;
Safety valve Other safety valves
2. Safety valve with nominal pressure greater than or equal to 4.0
MPa and design temperature lower than or equal to -101
Emergency shut-off valve Emergency shut-off valve for transportable pressure vessel Other emergency shut-off valve
1. Seamless steel pipe for pressure pipeline with nominal diameter greater
Pressure pipeline pipe than or equal to 150 mm and nominal pressure greater than or
(seamless steel pipe, equal to 10 MPa Seamless steel pipes, welded steel pipes, polyethylene
welded steel pipe, and 2. Welded steel pipe with nominal diameter greater than or equal to pipes other than level A; other non-metallic pipes
non-metallic material 800mm for oil and gas transportation material pipes.
pipe) 3. Polyethylene pipes with nominal diameter greater than or equal to
450mm for gas transportation
A1: Metal valves with nominal pressure greater than or equal to 10
Other metal valves with nominal pressure greater than
Pressure pipeline valve MPa and nominal diameter greater than or equal to 300 mm
4.0 MPa and nominal diameter greater than or equal
(metallic valve) A2: Metal valves with nominal pressure greater than 4.0 MPa and design
to 50 mm.
temperature lower than or equal to -101
Forged pipe fitting polyethylene pipe fitting
Pressure pipeline
B1: Seamless pipe fittings with nominal diameter greater
fitting(seamless steel pipe
than or equal to 300 mm and lower limit of standard
fitting, seamed pipe fitting,
tensile strength greater than 540 MPa; seamed pipe
welded forged pipe fitting,
fittings with lower limit value of standard tensile strength
and polyethylene pipe
greater than 540 MPa;
B2: Other seamless fittings and seamed fittings

B1: Metal bellows expansion joint with nominal pressure
Expansion joint(Metal
greater than or equal to 4.0 MPa, and the nominal
corrugated expansion
diameter greater than or equal to 500 mm;
B2: Other metal bellows expansion joints

Flange(steel forged
- Metal corrugated expansion joint

Component combination
The scope of licensed products shall be governed by the relevant safety technical codes

Note 4: Licensing levels for Licensing levels for lifts

2.5m/s Rated
Traction drive passenger lift (including fireman elevator Rated speed Level A1 covers level A2 and level B;
rated speed speed
6.0m/s level A2 covers level B
6.0m/s 2.5m/s
Traction drive goods lift and positive drive goods lift including
explosion protection goods lift No licensing level

Escalators and moving sidewalks

No licensing level

Hydraulic elevator
No licensing level

Dumb waiter and explosion protection dumb waiter No licensing level

Note 5: Licensing levels for Lifting Equipment

Equal to or below Level A covers Level B, uayside container cranes and loading
Bridge crane and frame crane Above 200t
200t Note* and unloading bridges shall be included in level A license.

Equal to or below
Mobile crane Above 100t Level A covers Level B
100t Note*
Equal to or below
Portal crane Above 40t Level A covers Level B
40t Note*

Mechanical parking equipment

Tower crane and tower hoist

No licensing level
Cable crane

Mast crane
Note* “t” refers to rated lifting weight( ton)

Note 6: Licensing levels for Large Amusement Device

1. Sliding vehicles with running speed no less than

50km/h and rail height no less than 10m
2. Overhead tourist cars with rail height no less
Than 10m and single car load no less than 40 persons
Sliding and 3. Slideways with length no less than 800m
rotating type 4. Ferris wheels with height no less than 50m and
Level A covers level B, manufacturers who
(including single cabin load no less than 38 persons
Slidng and rotating amusement obtain sliding and rotating type license can
amusement 5. Gyroscopes with inclination angle no less than 70
facilities other than level A. manufacture unpowered and amusement
vehicle and degrees and rotary diameter no less than 12m.
unpowered) 6. Flight towers with running height no less than 30m
and load no less than 40 persons
7. Carousels with swing diameter no less than 14m
and load no less than 90 persons
8. Self-control aircrafts with swing diameter no less
than 14m and load no less than 40 persons

vehicle and No licensing level for racing cars, mini trains, bumper cars and unpowered recreational facilities
amusement No licensing level

Annex 2

1 Special equipment safety management Special equipment safety management A

Industrial boiler operation G1
2 Boiler operation Power station boiler operation (Note 1) G2
Boiler water treatment G3
Quick open pressure vessel operation R1
3 Pressure vessel operation Transportable pressure vessel filling R2
Oxygen chamber maintenance R3
4 Gas cylinder operation Gas cylinder filling P
5 Lift operation Lift repair (Note 2) T
Crane rigger Q1
6 Crane operation
Crane driver (Note 3) Q2
Passenger ropeway repair S1
7 Passenger ropeway operation
Passenger ropeway driver S2
Large amusement device repair Y1
8 Large amusement device operation
Large amusement device operation Y2
Truck driver N1
9 Non-road motor vehicle operation
Tourist car and tourist train driver N2
10 Safety accessory repair Safety valve check F
Metal welding (Note 4)
11 Special equipment welding
Non-metallic welding
Note1: Qualification assessment scope is less than 300 MW (excluding 300 MW) of the power plant boiler operator; 300 MW power plant boiler operator
shall be trained by the boiler user in accordance with the specifications of the power industry.
Note2: Elevator repair operations include repair and maintenance.
Note3: According to the application requirements of applicants, the scope can be limited, specifically for bridge crane drivers, frame crane drivers, tower
crane drivers, portal crane drivers, cable crane drivers, mobile crane drivers, elevator drivers. For example, "Crane Driver (Bridge Portal Crane Only)"
and so on.
Note4: The code number of welding operators for special equipment shall be implemented in accordance with the Rules for Welding Operators of Special

Annex 3

Special equipment inspector Inspector None

qualification Senior inspector

Special equipment Special equipment NDT Level III Level II RT, UT, MT, PT
inspection and testing personnel qualification Level II except RT, UT, MT, PT Level I
personnel qualification

Boiler water(medium) quality Inspector

treatment inspector Senior inspector None


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