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The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) was first created as a national

government agency by Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 223 dated June 22, 1973, signed by
then President Ferdinand E. Marcos, mandated to enforce the laws regulating the various
professions. It was previously called the Office of the Board of Examiners, which was created
by Republic Act No. 546 on June 17, 1950, under the aegis of the Civil Service Commission.

The PRC became operational on January 4, 1974. The office was attached to the
Office of the President for general direction and coordination. On December 9, 1974, the
Implementing Rules and Regulations of P.D. No. 223 were promulgated, paving the way for
standardization of rules and procedures for the thirty-three (33) professions then under the

Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Baguio has four (4) divisions which
consist of Legal Division, Finance and Administrative Division (FAD), Regulation Division,
and Licensure Division. Each division has different transactions to do. I was assigned in
Licensure Division and this is where I rendered my 186 hours as their On-the-Job (OJT)

Being OJT trainee of PRC was a great opportunity for us. All the struggles we faced
were worth it. The whole OJT training was great experience for us because that will serve as
our training grounds as we will face the so-called “real world” after we graduate.


Participation and Interactions

I started our on-the-job training on February 7, 2020 at Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC) Regional Office, Baguio City. I was assigned in Registration Division,
where registration of new board passers and renewal of license take place. I’m nervous at
first, getting to know process and the new faces in that office. The stare that they make when
you pass by, and instant assessment of what kind of person am I.
As the day goes by, I become comfortable with what I do. Write the day of
registration plus three (3) years validity at the back of PERRC (Permanent Examination and
Registration Record Card).Doing that for two days. And the on the 3 rd day sorting of
registration sheet and PERRC, the instruction was to arrange it alphabetically. It was quite a
lot and will definite teach you about patient and hard work. There are student who are ahead
of us at PRC, they remind us about the other Do’s and Don’ts that we still don’t know. We
get along pretty well but sometimes we do the horse play on boring days. We know that horse
play was not allowed, but I always look for the fun side of everything.
Here are some of the thoughts that I still remember: Your dealing with professionals,
if they ask you something don’t ever answer “you don’t know” ask someone who can answer
or call other employee for inquiries’. Don’t argue in front of client, they might get confuse or
worst take it as negative when It comes on handling client. Morning greeting and
communicate in a formal way.
In our department we offer different services including, registration of new board
passer, renewal of license, certification and authentication, we also have ID release section. I
tried almost all of it, except for registration and renewal because I think it’s complicated and
tricky. It comes with tons of questions, exception and rules that I might encounter along the
way, let them handle it professionally. No room for mistake and you are still dealing with
Even if we are just one month trainee, were thankful for the life lesson and new
friendship build in that establishment. I will surely miss the “pa-meryenda” and the laughter
that’s come from my superior and co-OJT.

Challenges and Solutions

Challenges # 1
During my internship at Baguio I struggle first on the weather, the cold
sensations that make me shiver plus we don’t have heater that time.
Solution: Wearing jacket/ sweater, socks and comforter at night.
-water heater provided by Joana problem sold.

Challenges # 2
Only one double deck was provided, I don’t expect it to happen but it does, the land
lady was not kind enough to lend me extra foam.
Solution: I have to provide and improvise for my own seek.

Challenges # 3
Being late
Solution: prepare the things you need ahead of time and wake up early, make schedule/ time
scale if necessary.
Challenges # 4
Having trouble with some co-OJT, I think she’s up for competition or just wanted to be the
always RIGHT kind of person.
Solution: we all have differences like traditions, belief and traits. Respect them as who they
are, and what they believe is much better.

Challenges # 5
Using some machine like photocopier and scanner I don’t know how to use it at first.
Solution: I ask my co-OJT for some help, she taught me well.

Accomplishment and Solution

My 186 hours as one of OJT students in Professional Regulation Commission was
a great experience. It helps me with my personal growth and taught me some life lesson.
I’m also thankful to those employees who help us build the basic knowledge and
skills needed by society. This practicum prepared us for the next chapter of our lives. I know
that life from school was way different from the real world, but at least we observe and
experience on how to be employed in a short period of time.

Impact to Field Specialization

The on-the-job training served as the stepping stone of the student in real life being an
employee. The trainees have realized that learning is a lifetime commitment that is continues
even you already have a job. The training gave the students more initiative to their chosen

The training I had in Professional Regulation Commission enhances my skills and

knowledge in the field. Now I know how it felt to be a government employee.

The training enriched my individuality as a beginner and created the foundation of

being a good worker. The best thing that I have gained inside the company was the good
orientation of the person having the higher positions.

As a BSBA student, the OJT made me realize the importance of the course that I am
taking. It made me realize the essential role. To be a competent one, understand the process
and the underlying principles but also be knowledgeable of the operation of some computer
devices that carry out the process. As BSBA student you must also possess good
communication and leadership skill.
Summary of the Task
Day 1 – February 07, 2020
 Writing Professional Registration Forms
Day 2 – February 10, 2020
 Classification of secondary education (sorting).
Day 3 – February 11, 2020
 Filled out forms for professional registration.
Day 4 – February 12, 2020
 Filling up forms as usual with a little encoding for verification purposes.
Day 5 – February 13, 2020
 Detaching registration sheet and PERCC.
Day 6 – February 14, 2020
 Sorting and segregation of PERRC and registration form by profession.
Day 7 – February 17, 2020
 Releasing of different professional ID and certificate of oath taking.
Day 8 – February 18, 2020
 Sorting of registration sheet and arrange alphabetically.
Day 9 – February 19, 2020
 Sorting of registration sheet and arrange alphabetically.
Day 10 – February 20, 2020
 Continuation of alphabetically arrange of registration sheet 2018 Education
Day 11 – February 21, 2020
 Scanning of PERRC for the sake of virtual records
 Releasing of Id for different profession.
Day 12 – February 26, 2020
 Continuation of alphabetical arrangement of registration sheet for teacher 2018
 Releasing of ( Lupon ) Certificate of Registration.
Day 13 – February 27, 2020
 Continuation of alphabetical arrangement of registration sheet for teacher 2018
 Releasing of ( Lupon ) Certificate of Registration.
 Printing picture at lupon.
Day 14 – February 28, 2020
 Encode the name of criminology passer using Microsoft Excel.
 Frontline ID release section.
Day 15 – March 02, 2020
 Sorting of PERCC by profession
Day 16 – March 03, 2020
 Scanning of PERCC for virtual copy.
 Renaming of PERCC in computer.
Day 17 – March 04, 2020
 Alpha of registration form
 Authentication of documents
 ID release. ( multi task for this day )
Day 18 – March 05, 2020
 Alphabetically arrange of registration form.
 ID and board certificate release
Day 19 – March 06, 2020
 Processing for registration of exam for board of criminology, midwife, registered
master electrician and register electric engineer.
Day 20 – March 09, 2020
 Sorting of registration form by letter for alphabetically arrange.
Day 21 – March 10, 2020
 Sorting of registration form of teacher by letter.
Day 22 – March 11, 2020
 Temporary transfer to Examination and Registration office.
 Processing of examinee registration
Day 23 – March 12, 2020
 Alpha of registration form
 Authentication of documents
 ID release and Board Certificate
 Day 24 – March 13, 2020
 Alphabetically arrange of registration form, needed for audit.

Discussion of
basic company
policy, Do’s and
designate to
and briefing.
Check / Monitoring of
OJT instructor check the
OJT’s on their respected
agency, asking question
on our condition and
collecting feedback from
our supervisors.

Lunch break with

Ma’am Rhiza and
other co-OJt’s.
Conclusion and Recommendation
Our OJT was cancel due to the Covid19 pandemic, at first we thought that it will not
take that long and return immediate to our respected agency to finish the remaining hour
required. But expect the unexpected, till now we are still struggling on this pandemic. It’s
been three months since we left our things at the boarding house. We can’t go back because
of strict transportation policy. But look on the brighter side were on vacation.
The practicum at Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Baguio for me was fun.
I thought that it will be long and boring but it’s not; not because of the things I learned but
because of the relationship I built with the employees and co- OJT’s. I will surely miss the
free “meryenda” with coffee by Ma’am Rhiza Mae De Castro. She always had those
“chichiria” at noon. And I will like never forget Ma’am Charito (Chat) Marquez our
supervisor who calls me “Claudia” instead of Claudine. She never remembers my name so
she created my nickname.
What I observe and learned from all of them is they respect each other. The work
environment was light, I mean there is no competition, and they help and work in harmony. I
also admire the teamwork at PRC.
Working with them made me realize that you can still be happy at work, if you’re
lucky enough to find the right job that you truly like.

Closing Procedure
She’s doing the
tally of released
professional I.D
and other

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