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1. Alimon, Cindy Mae

2. Bedayo, Ryan Paul
3. Mahilum, Aionah
4. Mande, Mary Releen
5. Natiag, Erica Bliss

1. Read through the annotations that Rizal made on Morga’s Chapter 8 from the start of the chapter
until page 295 in the English version.
A Successos de la Islas Filipinas (Historical Events of the Philippine Islands) was written by Dr.
Antonio de Morga, annotated by Jose Rizal with a prologue by Dr. Ferdinand Blumentritt, was
published by Rizal himself in Paris in January 1890 (Historical Events of the Philippine Islands,
preface, pg. V). It actually contains 8 chapters, where in the first seven entails rich accounts of
expeditions and policies of the various Spanish administrators. However, the 8th chapter
focused on pre-Hispanic Filipinos’ way of life, customs, and values. The last chapter also would
be material to Rizal’s effort to reconnect the 19th century Filipinos to their past. Successos as
an account will serve to be proof that before the Philippines was conquered, the country’s
culture was more refined in many ways. One of the few signs of Rizal’s annotation of Morga is
that it meant to raise people’s consciousness of the past that they buried from memory. It
enables us to see the sublimeness and glory of their race that is being snatched away by
colonial contact. As Rizal’s message to Filipino written on the Successos, “The necessity of first
making known to you the past, in order that you may be able to judge better the present and
measure the road traverse during three centuries.”

2. Classify Rizal’s annotations and cite some examples, remember to cite the page number
where the annotation appears.

3. Explain the rationale for your classification scheme.


4.Based on his annotations, explain Rizal’s views of the preconquest past. Discuss the overall
image of the past that Rizal wanted to convey in his notes.
Rizal’s annotation views explain the preconquest past about the discovery of difficulties
and sufferings of the people in the past history. Rizal works wanted to awaken the
consciousness of the people by depicting the actual situation of the Philippines for he believes
that it was necessary to know the past fully in order to understand the present. The image that
Rizal wanted to convey in his notes was about the principles of life in preconquest past. For
instance, giving of dowry by the groom while the bride does not contribute any to their
marriage up until she acquired her rights inherited by her parents. Under Rizal’s annotation it
was said that this custom continued the union between parents and children, a wiser practice
which is followed in many parts of Europe where cases that children neglect their parents once
they have taken possession of their patrimony. In addition, Rizal was also defending the natives’
cultural practices wherein it was more developed and urbanized towards European. Thus, Rizal
annotation on the preconquest past regress the intellectual level of the Filipinos whereas it will
always be remembered in every generation and in every aspect of all. ____________________

5. Assess Rizal’s views of the preconquest past in the light of the current state of historical
studies. Explain whether or not his views were valid. You may consult the works of Wolter
(1999), Scott (1994), and Junker (2000).

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