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FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Ken Detzner Secretary of State DIVISION OF ELECTIONS June 13, 2018 Naney L. Brown, Treasurer for Proven Leadership for Miami-Dade County PC 7700 North Kendall Drive #407 Miami, FL 33156 Re: PAC 71195 Dear Ms. Brown: The Division of Elections has determined that one or more campaign reports are incomplete for the reasons noted in the attached error report. Pursuant to Section 106.07(2), Florida Statutes, you have 7 days from receipt of this notice to file an amended report to correct errors or provide missing information. If the information has been reported accurately, provide a written explanation to the Division addressing the issue noted in the error report. Please be advised that failure to supply this information within the time allowed may constitute a violation of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes. If you need assistance in filing an amendment, please contact the Division’s help line at (850) 245-6280, Sincerely, : aX Rn US. les cis asa wis, Chie Bureau of Election Records Attachment ce: Yesenia Collazo, Chairperson Room 316 R.A. Gray Building # 500 South Bronough Street «Tallahassee, Florida FAX: (850) 245-6260 © WWW Address: http:www.dos.state.flus E-Mail: ElecRe: sess eanaanasom NOM eraco ny sane avian mor ween wo PERO LL poled abesen0n vodey sul yy J0 10}9g JeNNE S| req LORDESUEHL OY. 06 iss sanaanoone. nso) als an : vrs SRO 9 Bean09 podoy ou J9yy 10 H0}AG JOU S] 2120 WoNFIESUEL] OUL. cosis sume NOW reuey 24 Sto mon HOMO waar ne oe ro me % poliag eBason0g vodey eu sayy 10 s0}9G J2WIH2 S} eg OHDeSUEL, ou. vosis monwa NOW weet wes semaine 2) ” 199 vonsesues, out. eran ee BG BS seumpueg poyag ebereK09 Noday au J8yy 10 sio}og LOK S| steG HoRDeSUENL euL, 0000's —-aKO reteownsso. av THO sme wnro v9 see or suas eve suse ze eee oe pou eBeion09 ody 241 J6YY 10 s0}99 19419 51 010g UONESLEN, OU. 0100's 3H. mo ewe Ne stusemnoines — orssh vos FoR aKAG —_BL/OEIRO EE a i is oiled @Be10n00 ody ays s8uy 10 s1Hee J0q)'3 8] eG UORDRSUENL OU oooos vor wwrrewoa | sree va wom ssiter assist vawvmnsoanaaza OHO sae = poved eBesone0 vodou ou. J8uy 40 ev0}eR 48qya 51 512g UonDESLEA] ous. 0000's SHO aanouy 6 exer 34 vem WaLMLAW a mY AMOLYINAS BHORKO 82, oved oBrseno9 Hodoy eu seyy 40 e10}8q Jouna S| ste uoNesuedL ous, 0000's BHO woitea sce te amen ny uot 56 vaousoominery 890 62 Pouag abeieno9 Vodoy aus J3iy 10 siojeg sms Si ate. 0000's 3HO ou rventeo wwaxee nner yea au6H~ OF i 28ei0n09 pode ous sayy 49 910/88 J0KRIa 5] 818q LOH 0000s _3HO ouomausnoo nan 238W0! aura 38 aT woRETTISG Say eG bes ce WOLPNQLAJWOD nner eeneen ee pen eee eee tens eee ee soingiyuoa pee 1 9Beg ‘S611. qunosoy Toe Ove SaT BI/IES-@vl/ POued BuyenoD 1) GW @b0z wodeu Da HUROD SEC WLC 10] TNISTAPEDT USAGI “SaHNUBIOD ‘suo 10 bore} - BIE Jo youn Jedd EAN stozeH9 oliad abesenog vodey ei, uy 40 610}0g Jaa 81 eq VORDESUEAL UL, osese'es osinanaran — 903 eoce wate to vane ‘Sanyo pu 100% ooze1'es ONISILNTACW AL 903, oe saw mize co08 Avo poag atesenog uodey ou oo08'ts ano nos aa oa ucts we eo potted o8es0n09 ode oul seu 30 eo} J0Ua 8 e1eq UORDESUEDL OL. i i oe '000'sS ANVLSNOD WOUNDS 903 ee 1s win wnonay vutivouvn SHOE/O OF fa shevea vonsesuess eu, hadiadaaa “ONISILMAROW AL, ‘08 va eat anv HL208 MN 00S srisCMIaN Aa yowar — SWEZIO GL owed eBe1one9 vodey 041 Jouy 10 oo}08 Joqy 8 180 uoRZeSuUEHL OU. srsuk ‘sanneuns 40349 NOW OC FN SEAT NINN mr. momo ane PHSUVO BL potiag aBesonog wodew 04s sayy 10 o1o}og 443 8] a1eq UORDESUEAL OU. pisuy junOuy Broa aTApUGS = SONT aizaTASTTS weeDey wun EOS BLILEIS- BLL :Poued BuyeAcg SW gL0z ‘Hodey Toa" ova PAT De MUROD SPOOR 15] GUSIAPEST VAROI| BRANUWED easceee desea eee eee robes sun 20e J0 UNBAN - OUTS yo uRM Hog BLO aiozeu

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