CH3 Factorisation

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Erpansion and Factorisation ol'
Quadratic Erpressions
A teacher asks his students, 'lf the area of a rectangle is (.r: + 8x + 12) cmr and its ler-..
("r + 6) cm, what is the breadth of the rectangle?'
A student replies, 'The breadth of the rectangle is 1.r + 2) crn.'
After you have learnt how to factorise quadratic expressions, you will be able to dete"
how the student arrives at his answer.

At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
. recognise quadratic expressions,
. expand and simplify quadratic expressions,
. use a multiplication frame to factorise quadratic expressions.

l:'i Recap (Algebraic Expressions)

ln Book 1, we have learnt that an algebraic expression is an expression that
consists of algebraic terms, operation symbols (*,
-, x, +) or brackets. An algebraic
expression has no equal sign.

We have also learntthat in the algebraic expression 3x-5, there are:

. 2 terms: 3x, -5
. I variable: x
o I constant term: -5
The coefficient of x is 3.

The algebraic expression 3x - 5 is an example of a linear expression of the form

ax + b, where x is the only variable, and a and b are constants.

Now, we shall learn how to manipulate quadratic expressions in one variable.

The general form of a quadratic expression in one variable is a.rr + bx + c, where
r is the variable, a, b and c are constants and a * 0.

l:'i Representation of Quadratic Expressions

ln Book 1, we have learnt that an algebra disc has two sides:
e -l
front back
x o
front back

Similarly, for an algebra disc where one side shows the variable x2, the other
side will show -x2.
q2 -f
front back

To obtain the negative of x2, we flip the disc with x2 as shown:

fl io
@,;-d*i -' -(xr) = -x:

To obtain the negative of -x2, we flip the disc with -x2 as shown:
. flip
-.t' -(-xr)
lf we put two discs x2 and -x2 together, we will get a zero pair:

xr+ (-f; =

, ): ,,.,,,..,-
We use three @ discs to represent 3x2.

@@@ 3x2=x2+x2+f

We use three -f discs to represent -3x2.

, -f -f -f -3* = (-ll) + (-f) + (-xz)

To obtain the negative of 3f , i.e. -(3x2), we flip the three @ discs as shown:
' -t -r
v v (changesign)
-r -(3x')=-3f
To obtain the negative of -3f , i.e. -(-3-r2), we flip the three -rf discs as shown:

-r -r -,i (change
@@ @ -e3r,)=3r,

What happens if we put three @ discs and three -t' discs together?

:Q? -r 3f + (-3f) =0

We will get zero pairs.

We can also use algebra discs to represent quadratic expressions.


@ @'{l O O O 2l +x-3=x2 +x2 +x+(-l)+(-l)+(-l)

Example: -2x2-x+l
-t -f O O -2i - x + I =(--r') + (--rr)+ (-r)+ I
What is the quadratic expression represented by @ @ @ @ O Oa

l:.! Addition and Subtraction of Quadratic Expressions

We wil I show how to carry out addition and subtraction of quadratic expressions
using algebra discs.

Example: 4f +2i
q, @
a, @
/'\ /'\
@ \U
/'\ ^._------> w
a, (4 et
Therefore, 4x2 + 2x2 = 6x2.
Example: 4f + (-2f)
\9 @
@ @ @
. ----------r'-^-----l -----,
ID -x' ilD -*'i zero
@ -x' i@---ll1n"i"
Therefore, 4x2 + (-2x2) = )y2.

Example: 4x2 -2x2 = 4xz + (-2x2)

-t -f
-t -f
-f -t' -t'
-t *f -f
-> -t
Therefore, 4x2 -2x2 = -6f .

Example: 4x2 - (-2x2)

As -(-2x2) = 2x2, 4x2 - (-2x') can be represented by:
-f -t' -f
-f -t -t
-"t' @
----) i; @l ,",o-
-r @ ,--{ @i'ou'"
Therefore, 4x2 - (-2x2) = 4x2 + 2x2

Example: 4xz - 2x - (-3f) + x + 2

As-(-3x2) =3f ,4f -2x-(-3x2)+ x+2can be represented by:
-i group -t' e
-r@ like terms
,.-r @:
. -r@c
-t'@@ e -----------> i-t'@io
c ----------------

-t'@@ oe zero pairs

4x2 -2x +3x2 + x +2 --------------> -4x2 +3x2 -2x + x + 2 ------------) -x2 - x + 2

Therefore, 4x2 -zrFeS*\l+ x +2 = f lr + 3.rr + : +2

= -4-rr + 3-rr j i , i2 (group like terrns) Like terms are terms that have
the same variable, e.g.2x and 5x.
= --{r .'. 12. When two terms are not like terms,
they are known as unlike terms,
e.g. 2x and 2y; x and .

Simplify each of the following expressions by using algebra discs. Alternatively,

you may visit to access the
Al geToolsrM software (Co to a ged sclQuadratic Expressions/Activity 1 ).
I i

(a) 4f +2x2 (b) 4x2 + (-2f)

(c) 4f -2f (d) 4f - (-2x')
@\ 2f -3-x2+l (f) 5f + (-x) + 2 - (-2f) - 3x - 4

@ Chapter 3 SxFansi*n **d Fa*t*ri**tt** *f #uadt;lti* ilr$ms$ir"1*$

l:.! Negative of a Quadratic Expression
ln Book 1, we have learnt how to find the negative of a linear expression,
e.g. -(x + 2) - -x -2, using algebra discs:

<l@ccl flio
(change sign)
{". a
of a quadratic expression, we flip all the discs.
Similarly, to find the negative

Example: -(2x2+x-l)
DO ---l----+i-t;@
(changesign) ' -_2r:_r*
-(2f+x-l) t

Therefore, -(2f +x-1)=-2f -x+1.

We can also simplify quadratic expressions involving the negative of a quadratic

expression using algebra discs.

Example: 2f - 3x + I- (f - 2x - 3)

c o
e _______> o
c e
zero parrs @oc
(2x2 -3x + 1) - (x2 -2x -3)---+2x'-3x + | - x2 + 2x + 3i2x2 - x2 -3x +2x + | + 3 -* x2 - x+4

Therefore, 2f - 3x + t7<* -U4= 2.r: - 3.r + I -.rr + 2x + 3 (simplify to get negative of expre;ssion)
= 2.rr -.rr - 3-t + 2r + I + 3 (grr-tup like tetrrns)

Simplify each of the following expressions by using algebra discs. Alternatively,

iou may visit to access the
\lgeTool srM software (Co to al ged sc/Quadratic Expressions/Activity 1 ).

tal 42x' +x+ 1) (b) -(-2x'-.x+ l)

(c) -r' + 2x + I - (3f + 5x - 2) (d) -(-x'?-4\+N-7x+3
l:.! Expansion and Simplification of Simple
Quadratic Expressions
ln Book 1, we have learnt how to expand the linear expression 2(x + 3) by
representing il as'2 groups of (x + 3)' using algebra discs:

Therefore, 2(x + 3) = 2x + 6.

We can expand quadratic expressions of similar forms using algebra discs.

Example: 2(2x2- x + 1) can be represented by '2 groups of (2x2 -x + 1)':

2(2x2-x+ 1)

We can also simplify quadratic expressions involving the expansion of a quadratic

expression using algebra discs.

Example: -x2 - x + 2 + 3(f + x - 1), where 3(f +x - 1) can be represented by

'3 groups of (f + x - I)':

@.')o like terms.
O, @.r O ------------) @6)O
<@'t)ei expand
, #@C @.;)€)
- x+2+3(x2 +x- l) ---i -x2 - x+2+3f +3x-3---J.. -f +3f -x+3x+2-3 -----------+ 2x2 +2x-l

Therefore, -x2-x+2+3(* +,r- 1) -.r +2+3r2 + 3.t-3 (expancl)

=--rr + 3-rr --r + 3r + 2 - 3 (group like terms)
=2,f +2x - l.
Expand and/or simplify each of the following expressions by using algebra discs.
\lternatively, you may visit to access
*re AlgeToolsrM software (Co to algedisc/Quadratic Expressions/Activity 1).
6) 2(-2f +x - 1) (b) 3(f -2x +3)
tc\ 4x'+(-3x)+(-1) +3(f -4) (d) 2(x'z+4x-5)-(6+x'?)

f.,lt,tiiliiirii.tttii:tr,,;,l,r,. ii',,'rriirlrlt't]ri,ttii,illr i'r,rr'-rrr"'

H:ffifl1 Expand and/or simplify each of the following expressions'

6\ 3*+4x-f -x
(b) 2f -5x+7 +(4f)-(-2x)-3
(c) 5.r2 + 6x + 1 - (4x2- 5x + 1)
(d) -(1 - f) +2(4f -3)

(a) 3f +4x-*-x=3f -x2+4x-x(group liketerms)
=2f +3x
(b) 2f -5x+ 7F gfT@-3 =2x2 - 5x + 7 -4f +2x-3
-3 (grouP like terms)
{c) 5f +6x+ 1F(41-5r+l)l=5f +6x+l-4x2+5x-l (simplifytogetnegativeof expression)
= 5* - 4f + 6x+ 5x + 1 - I (gror-rp like ternrs)
(d)Fl-A +2(4f-3) = -l +x2 + 8l-6 (simplify to get negative of expression; '2 groups of (4"r::- 3)')
=x2 +8x2 - 1-6 (group like terms)
=9* -7

Expand and/or simplify each of the following expressions. Exercise 3A Questions 1(a)-(f)

(a) 7*-4x+6x2-x (b) -(-Sx'z) +3x+(-6)+2(3f -8x+4)

(c) 4f -I-(7f +13x-2) (d) -(3x'? + 5x- 8) +x2 + 6x + 5
ln Book 1, we have learnt that 2(3x) can be represented by '2 groups of 3x':

X X X X. X X
2(3x) 6x

Therefore, 2(3x) = $v.

Notice that the '6' in'6x' is obtained by multiplying3 by 2.

When we multiply an algebraic term by another algebraic term containing the
same variable, the coefficients and the variable are multiplied separately,
2x x 3x = (2 x 3) x (x x x) = 6x2.

What do we get when we multiply 4xby -5x?.

Exercise 3A Questions 2(a)-(d)

l:.! Expansion and Simplification of Quadratic

We shall now learn how to expand quadratic expressions of the form a(b + c)
using algebra discs and a multiplication frame. The following examples illustrate
the multiplication process.

Example: 2(3x)
We multiply each disc in 3x by 2.

Therefore, 2(3x) = $1.

We multiply each disc in 3x - 2by 2.

x x x,-l'r-1
(-i) x x -1'r-1.
(1) x x:-I'-L; 1x(-l)=-l

Therefore, 2(3x - 2) = 2Qx) + 2(-2)
Example: -2(3x-2)
We multiply each disc in 3.x - 2by 2 before changing its sign.

@@@oo -lx(-1)=1

rherefore, -2(3x - r, (-2)(-2)

Example: ?-x(3x-2)
We multiply each disc in 3x -2by 2x.

@@@@@ ,rx(-1)=-1

Th erefo re, ?-r(3x - r, ==#t:r;.b(-2)

Example: -2x(3x-2)
We multiply each disc in 3r - 2by ?:c before changing its sign.

@ ea@@@
@ @€@@@ -,rx(-l)=y

Therefore, -2-x(3x - 2) = (-Zx)(3x) + (-2:c)(-2)

=4i +4x.

Expand each of the following expressions by using algebra discs. Alternatively,

you may visit to access the
Al geTool srM software (Go to a I ged i sc/Quadratic Express ions/Activ ity 2 ).
(a) 3(2x+ 1) (b) -3(2r- 1)
(cl x(-7:c+3) (d) -2*r(x-3)
ln general, we have:


Recall from Book 1 that this is known as the Distributive Law, where 'a groups of b and
c'is the same as 'a groups of b' and 'a groups of c, , i.e.,a times of b, and,atimes of c, .

Worked /'l
Exampb Z ; l, :

Expand each of the following expressions.

(a) 2(x -2) (b) -2(3 + 4x)
(c) 2x(x + 5) (d) -3x(3-4x)
(a) 2(x 2) 2x 4 (Distributive Larv; '2 groups of (x - 2),)
- = -

(b) -2(3 + 4x) = -6 8x (Distributive Law; 'the negative of 2 groups of (3 + 4x),)

(c) 2x(x + 5) =2x2 + lQx (Distri[utive Larv) Forx*0 and2, xxx*2x

(d) -3x(3 - 4x) = -9r-+ l2x2 (Distributive Law)

Expand each of the following expressions. Exercise 3A Questions 3(a)-(h)

(a) 3(4x + 1) (b) 1(sx-2)

(c) 5x(2x - 3) (d) -2x(8x-3)

Worked O r l .l),rr ri lrn,,.', .rlt l ril rrPiiir ilri I ill l.,ti ri i { 11;,11ii.111,

Exampl" J , . ,,. .,',\ ,'r ,i', I,,1 r',,/1 ,.r

Expand and simplify each of the following expressions. The rules by which operations
are performed when an algebraic
(a) 2(2x + 3) -2(x
- 5) (b) x(2x + 1) + 2x(x + 4)
expression involves brackets are
as follows:
. Simplify the expression within
the brackets first.
Solution: . Use the Distributive Law when

.F--} n-\ an expression within a pair

of brackets is multiplied by an
(a) 2(2x + 3) - 2(x-5 ) = 4x + 6 -2x + 10 (Distributive Law; '2 groups of (2x +3)' , algebraic term.
'the negative of 2 groups of (.r
- 5)') . When an expression contains
more than one pair of brackets,
- 4x -2x + 6 + 10 (group like terms)
simplify the expression within
=2x + 16 the rnnermost pair of brackets

+ l)
rT-} first.

x(2x + 2x(x + 4) =2f + x +2x2 + 8-r (Distributive Law)

=2r"2 + + x + 8-r (group like ternrs)
irpand and simplify each of the following expressions. Exercise 3A Questions 4(a)-(dt,
,a) 5(x-0-3(2x+D (b) 2x(2x+3)-x(2-5x) 6(a)-(fl

l:.! Further Expansion and Simplification of

Quadratic Expressions
Now, let us learn how to expand quadratic expressions of the form
(a + b)(c + d; using algebra discs and a multiplication frame. The following
examples illustrate the multiplication process.

Example: (x + 2)(x + 3)
First, we multiply each disc in x + 3 by x.
Next, we multiply each disc in x + 3 by 2.

X x3
x x2 3x
x+2 ----* 2 2x 6

Therefore, (x + 2)(x i :) = x(x + 3) + 2(x + 3)

\-/ =f+3x+2x+6

Example: (x + 2)(x - 3)
First, we multiply each disc in x - 3 by x.
Next, we multiply each disc in x -3 by 2.

X x-3
x i -3x
2 2x 4

Therefore, (x + 2)(xi 3) = r(r - 3) + 2(x

- 3)
\-/ =x2-3x+zx-6
I Example: (x -2)(x + 3)
First, we multiply each disc in .r + 3 by -r.
Next, we multiply each disc in.r + 3 by 2 before changing its sign.


Therefore, (tr - z)<rl l; = 11" + 3) Sffi#ryI
\-/ =f+3ri*h*s
'l (x-2)(x-3)
i First, we multiply each disc in .r 3 by x.
Nex! we multiply each disc in.r- 3 by 2 before changing its sign.



Therefore, ttr - Z><*I 3) = r(t -

Example: (2x - 3)(3x + 2)

2by 2x.
First, we multiply each disc in 3x +
Next, we multiply each disc in 3x + 2by 3 before changing its sign.


bc -3

Therefore, Qtr-rGxI Z1= 2x(3x+2)ffiry
\_/ =6f ++rffi

t-\ Factorisation of 0uadratic Expressions
:umple: (2x -3)(3x -2)
--' ,\e multiply each disc in 3x- 2by2x.
_-,i ne multiply each disc in 3x- 2by 3 before changing its sign.

X 3x -2
(i) @@@ree 2x 6f 4x
G) @@@ioo
2x -3 r- t,
o@oioo ---_-__>
-1 oooieo --) -9x 6
-1 @OO:eC
-'=fore, (2x - 3)(3x t2) = 2x(3x -
- 3(3x - 2) 2)
\_-./ = - -9x + 6
6x2 4x
-:- /
\\ e expand quadratic expressions of the form (a + b)(c + using algebra discs, we
-., ^ a rectangular array. Notice that there are four distinct regions in the rectangular
".. The top-left region contains the x2-discs, the bottom-right region contains the
: ics and the other two regions contain the x-discs.

:,rpansion of Qradratic Expressions of the Form (a + b)(c + d)
, 'r in pairs.
lrpand each of the following expressions by using algebra discs. Alternatively,
.ou may visit to access the
\ geTool srM software (Co to a
I I ged i sc/Quad rati c Expressi ons/Activity 2 ).

ta) ("r + 3Xx + 6) (b) (x + 3)(x

- 6)
tc) (.r - 3Xx + 6) (d) (x - 3X;
- 6)
te) (3r + 1)(2x + 3) (f) (3x + t)(2x - 3)
{g) (3r - t)(2x + 3) (h) (3x - r)(2x - 3)

l. Erpand (a + b)G + A.

'' r the class discussion, we have:

f'-i-v ,tI- i ''l-l

(a + b)(c + A = a@ + d) + b(c + $
K:ffi.4 Expand each of the following expressions.
(a) (x + 4Xx + 5) (b) (2x + 3X-r + 2)
(c) (3x + 8X5x - 9) (d) (4 - 3x)(5 - 2x)

a-7-I fT-l ,tll
(a) (x + 4Xx + 5) - x(.r + 5) + 4(x + 5) (multiply the expression in the second bracket
by each term in the f irst bracket)
= f + 5x + 4x + 20 (Distributive Law)
.-7-]r rn rl--}
(b\ (2x+3)(x+2)=2x(x+2)+3(x+2)(multiplytheexpressioninthesecondbracket
by each term in the first bracket)
= 2f + 4x + 3x+ 6 (Distributive Law)
=21 +7x + 6

a--r-) ,T-l ar} 9) = 3x(5x - 9) + 8(5.r 9) (multiply the expression in the second
(3x + 8)(5x - -
bracket by each term in the first bracket)
= l5.l - 27x + 40x - 72 (Distributive Law)
- l5f + l3x -72
(d) (4 - 3xX5 -2x) = 4(5 -2x)
rl } rl }
- 3x(5 - 2.r) (multiplythe expression in the second
bracket by each term in the first bracket)
=20 - 8,r - l5"r + 6x2 (Distributive Law)
-.20 -23x + 6f

Expand each of the following expressions. Exercise 3A Questions 5(a)-(b),

(a) (x + 2)(x + 4) (b) (3r-a)(5x-6)
(c) (5 + x)(2-3x) (d) (1 - 7x)(trx - 4)
rl:ri;*5 .i

Expand and simplify the expression

(-r + 5X-r - 4) - (x + 2)(x -7).

t + 5)(,r 4) -
.-T-t .f-\
(x + 2)(x
- -
- -
7) = x(x
4) + 5(x 4) lx(x 7) + 2(x 7)l
(mirltiply the expression in the second brackert
bv each term in tlrer first bracket; clo not forget to
include the square brackets for the expatrsion
of (.r + 2X.r: - 7))
= x2 - 4x + 5;r - 20 - (f -7x +2x - 14)
(Distributive Law)
= x2 + x -20 - x2+ 5.r + 14 tsinrpliiy to get negative of
= x2 - x2 + r + 5x - 2O + 14 tgroup like te-'rms )


Exercise 3A Questions 8(a)-(d),

:rpand and simplify the expression (2x - 1)(x + 5) - 5x(x - 4). e(a)-(d)

Expand and/or simplify each of the following 4. Expand and simplify each of the following
expressions. expressions.
(a) 6f+19+9x2-B (a) 4(2a + 3) + 5(a + 3)
(b) x2 + 2x-7 - (-11x2) -5x-1 (b) e(s - 2b) + 3(6 - sb)
(c) y+(-3y')+20'-6y) (c) c(3c + 1) + 2c(c + 3)
(d) 5x'z-x-(x2 - lOx) (d) 6d(sd - 4) + 2d(3d - 2)
(e) -(4x2 + 9x + 2) + 3x2 -7x + 2
(0 -(1 - 7y - 8y2) + 2$f - 3y - 1) 5. Expand each of the following expressions.
(a) (x+ 3)(x+7) (b) (4x + 1X3x + 5)
2. Find each of the following products.
(a) 12 x 5x (b) "r x 6-r
(c) (-2x) x 8x (d) (-3x) x (-lOx)
6. Expand and simplify each of the following
Expand each of the following expressions. (a\ 7(2a + l) - 4(84 + 3)
(a) 4(3x + 4) (b) -6(-7x - 3) (b) 3(2b - r) -2(sb - 3)
(c) 8(-x-3) (d) -2(sx- 1) (c) 3c(5 + c) - 2c(3c - 7)
(e) 5x(3x-4) (0 -8x(3x+5) (d) 2d(3d - s) - dQ - a
(g) -5x(2-3x) (h) -x(-x- 1) (e) -fie -2fl + 4flf -8)
(l) -2h(3 + 4h) - sh(h - t)
7. Expand each of the following expressions.
.','(a) (a + t)(a - 9) (b) (b - 2)(b + 7)
(c) (c - 5Xc - 6) (d) (3d + t)(s - 24 9. Expand and simplify each of the following
/ (e) (l -fl(1f +6) (0 @-3h)(to-eh) expressions.
(a) 4x2 - (3x - 4)(2x + 1)
B. Expand and simplify each of the following (b) 2x(x - 6) - (2x + 5X7 - x)
expressions. (c) (4x - 3)("r + 2) - (3x - s)(-r - 9)
(a) 5+(x+l)(x+3) t @) Qx + 3)(5x -2) -2(5x - 3)(-r + 1)
(b) 3"r + (x + 7)(2x - t)
(c) (3x + 2)(x -9) + 2x(4x + l)
(d) (x - 3)(x - 8) + (x - 4)(2x + 9)

Factorisation of

ln Book '1, we have learnt that factorisation is the process of expressing an algebraic
expression as a product of two or more algebraic expressions. Factorisation is the
reverse of expansion.

ln Section 3.2, we have learnt how to expand the product of two linear factors to
obtain a quadratic expression of the form ax2 + bx + c, where a, b and c are constants
and a * 0. ln this section, we shall learn how to carry out the reverse process, i.e.

l:.! Factorisation of Quadratic Expressions Using

Algebra Discs
Recall that in Section 3.2, when we expand the product of the two linear factors,
x + 2 and x + 3, we obtain the quadratic expression, x2 + 5x + 6. Recall also
that there are four distinct regions in the rectangular array. The top-left region
contains the x2-discs, the bottom-right region contains the 1-discs and the other
two regions contain the x-discs.

Therefore, (x + 2)(x + 3) - x(x + 3) + 2(x + 3)
Since factorisation is the reverse of expansion, when we factorise a quadratic
expression, we will obtain two linear factors. Hence,

= (x + 2)(x + 3).

Algebra discs can also be used to factorise quadratic expressions. To factorise

.t' + 5x+ 6, we first form a iectangula, with the @ disc at the top-left
region and the six @ discs at the bottom-right region.

Next, we put in the five @) discs to form the rectangle.

Thus we have:

-x="Ix I

Hence, the two linear factors are -r + 2 and x + 3.

Notice that in this case, the constant term 6 is factorised into 2 x 3 and
the five @) discs (5.r) are divided into two groups (2x and 3x) to complete
the rectangle.

Erampfe: x2 +7x + 12
,\e have to form a rectangle with the disc at the top-left region and the twelve
! discs at the bottom-right region. The possible factorisations of 12 are I x t2,
-onsider I x l2.We are not able to divide '7x' intotwo groups to complete the rectangle.

lonsider 2 x 6. We are also not able to divide '7x' into two groups to complete the
I iceccco
Consider 3 x 4. We are able to divide '7x' inlo'3x' and'4x' Io complete the rectangle.

x oooc ___-> c 'icoco
x ocoo o 'ioooo
o ; ioooo
The factorisation can be simply illustrated using a multiplication frame:
. xxx=f
. 3x + 4x=7x
Therefore, f + 7x + 12 =(x + 3X; + 4).

Example: x2 - 7x + 12
We have to form a rectangle with the @ disc at the top-left region and the twelve
J' discs at the boftom-right region. Then we divide '1x' into'-3x' and'4x' to
complete the rectangle.

,ul )
The factorisation can be simply illustrated using a multiplication frame:
X x -4 (-3)x(-4)=12
x * -4x (-3) x x=-3x
(4) x x=4x
-3 -3x t2
(-jx) + (4x)=-126
Therefore, f _ 7 x + 12 = (x _ 3)(x _ 4).

Factorise each of the following expressions by using algebra discs. Alternatively,

you may visit to access the
AlgeToolsrM software (Co to algedisc/Quadratic Expressions/Activity 4).
(a\ +6x+5
x2 (b) xt-6x+5
(cl x2+8x+12 (d) .r'?- 8x + 12
ii Factorisation- of Quadratic Expressions Using
a Multiplication Frame
Without using algebra discs, we can use a multiplication frame to help us factorise
quadratic expressions.

Consider the expression x2 + $x + 12.

X h X \ {l

.f x' x- 6x
t2 2x t2
2x + 6x =8x
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Step 1: Write -r2 in the top-left corner and 12 in the bottom-right corner
of the multiplication frame.
Step 2: Consider the frr tors of x2 and 12. Write them in the first The possible factorisations of 12

column and the first row arelx12,2x6and3x4.

. Considerlx12.
Step 3: Multiply them to complete the multiplication frame and check
whether the result matches the given expression.
Therefore, f + 8x + 12 = (x + 2)(x + 6).
Let us apply the above method to factorise another expression f . Consider3x4.
- 5x + 4.

Consider the factorisation of f and 4, i.e. x2 = x x xand 4 = (-1) x (-a). x x 4

x * 4x
3x t2
X X x 4 X x 4
f ---> x x2 --) x f 4x The above cases are rejected as
4 -l 4 -1 -x 4 the term in -r does not match that
in the given expression.
Therefore, f -5x+4 = (x - l)(x - 4).

Example O
Factorise each of the following expressions completely.
6\ f +7x+ l0 (b) f-9x+14
(c) f +x-20 (d, f-x-t2 For al + Dr + c where a, b and
c > 0, both of the factors of c
must be positive, e.g. in (a), we
only have to consider l0 = I x 10
Solution: and2x5.
(a) x2=xxx
X x 5 It is a good practice to check
x f 5x 2 and 5 are selected your answer by expanding the
product of the two linear factors
2 2x l0 as 2x + 5x =7x. to see if it gives the original
2x + 5x =7x quadratic expression, e.g. in (a),
:. f+7x+t0=(x+2)(x+5) (x + 2)(x + 5) = jr(r + 5) + 2(x + 5)
= x2 + 5x + 2x + l0 =l+ 7x + lO.
(b) f=xxx
=2x7 or (-2) x (-7)
X x J For ax2 + Dx + c where a and
f _:7x -2 ancl -7 are selected c > 0 but D < 0, both of the factors
of c must be negative, e.g. in
-2x t4 as (-2"t) + (-7-r) = -9,t. (b), we only have to consider
(-2x)+(-7x)=-9* la = (-1) x (-14) and (a) x (7).

;. f -9x+ 14=(x-2)(x-7)

(c) x2=xxx
= 2 x (-10) or (-2) x 10

x x 5
x f 5x -*t and 5 are selected
4 4x -20 as (-4"r) + 5.t =.t.
... f +x-20 =(r-4)(-r+5)

(d) f=xxx
-72=lx(-12) or(-1)x 12
=2x(-6) or (-2) x6
x x 4
x x2 4x 3 and -4 are selectecl
J -t2
3x as 3,r + (-4.t) = --r.
.'. x2 - x - 12 = (x + 3)(x - 4)

Factorise each of the following expressions completely. Exercise 3B Questions 1(a)-(h), a

(a) f +8x+7 (b) l- lIx+28

(c\ f +x-2 (d) x2 -7x - 8
Factorise each of the fol lowi ng expressions completely.
(a)2x2+7x+3 (b) 3-r']+lx-6
(c) -rt - 4x + 32 (d) 4.rr - 6x - 4

_ 1-.
_ =_.1 XX
:=lX 3 or (-1) x (-3)
x -r3
2x 2.f 6x I antl "j;tr{:r scl(:l(,litrl Not all quadratic expressions can ltc
I ,r3 .ts .r + 0.r = 7.r" ra( lorised using the mulliplic,rtion
frame, e.g. .r: + 2.r L
-r + 6.r =7r
.. l.r.r+7x+3= (2.r+ l)(r+ 3.r

6= lx(-6)or(-l)x6
X .t3
3.r 3-rr 9r ..l ;rnti I .itt- sliet ietl
-2r -6 Js(-1.\)+(].t=7.t.

.., -l.rr + Jr - 6 = (3.r - 2)(-r + 3)

.rl= lx32or1-l)x(-32)
=2 x 16 or (-2) x (-16)

-.r -.rr -8x i;rrrrl 8,rrt- sclrt lt'il

4 4,r 32 as Ji + i-'E.ri= -1.i,
.'. -,rr - 4r + 32 - (-,r + 4)(.r + 8)

jr J.r-r-6r -4=2(2-11 -3x* 2) {t:xtratt ilt(: (olrtttttitt 1'.tt'1tlr rl

Lrr =2rx-r
2.r 2-.; -4.r I .riitl I ,11'1' 5f ii r. it'rl
1 .t -2 ,15 .r + {,--}.r i = ---1.r.


.'. 4.rr - 6x - 4 = 2(2x + l)(r - 2)

Factorise each of the following expressions completely.
Exercise 3B Questions 2(a)-(h),
(a) 2f + 1,lx + 12 (b) 5"f - 1.3x + 6 3(a){h), s(a)-(b)

(c) -Zf +9x-9 6) 9f -33x+24

1. Factorise each of the following expressions 3. Factorise each of the following expressions
completely. completely.
-.(a\ a2+9a+8 (b) b2+8b+15 (a) -a? + 2a + 35 (b) -3F + 76b - 25
(c) c'-9c +20 (d) & - l6d+28 k) aC + 10c+ 4 (d) 5&-145d+60O
(e) f+6f-16 (0 h2 +2h-120 (e) 8l+4f-ffi (f) 24h2-Ish-9
@) P -4k-12 (h) m2 -20m-2I (9 30 + l4k - 4l* (h\ 35m2n + Smn - 30n

2. Factorise each of the following expressions 4. The area of a rectangle is (l + 8.r + 12) cm2. lf the
completely. length of the rectangle is (.r + 6) cm, show that its
(a) 3n2+IOn+7 (b) 4p2 +8p+3 breadth is (.r + 2) cm.
(cl 6q" - 17q + 12 (d) 4f-7r+3
(e) 8s2 + 2s - 15 (D 6P + l9t -20
(9 4u2 -8u-21 (h) 18# -w -39
5. Factorise each of the following expressions

6y lnn2+p-r (b) 0.6r - 0.8qr - l2.8q2r


1. The general form of a quadratic expression in one variable is af + bx + c,

where -r is the variable, a, b and c are constants and a * 0.

2. Expansion of euadratic Expression ,r 1ffi a = ff]a. fl}1


Fha*lar O Evan*nirn arrt fanlnri*ariar nJ lttrdra{ia tvrnraiana

3. We can use a multiplication frame to factorise quadratic expressions.
For example, consider the expression f -2x-8.

x X

r- -r- 4x
2x -8
' 2x + (4x)= -)15
Step 1 SteP 2 SteP 3

Step 1: Write,rr in the top-left corner and -8 in the bottom-right corner of

the multipl ication frame.

Step 2: Consider the of .rt and -8. Write them in the first column and the
first row.

Step 3: Multiply them to complete the multiplication frame and check whether
the result matches the given expression.

Therefore, * - 2x- 8 = (x + 2)(x - 4).

rcrse Exe

1 . Expand each of the fol lowing expressions.
(a) l0a(2a-1) (b) -3b(7 - 4b)
(c) (c - 4Xc - 11) (d) (3d-s)@-a
2. Expand and simplify each of the following expressions.
(a\ 7fl3f-$+afi3-zfl (b) 6h'z + (2h + 3)(h - t)
(c) (2k- lxft- 4)-3k(k-7) (d) (m + 2)(m + t) - (3m + 5)(9 - 5m)

3. Factorise each of the following expressions completely.

(al a2 + l3a+36 (b) b'- l5b + 56
(c\ c2 + l4c -51 @\ e-nd-4s
rt. Factorise each of the following expressions completely.
(al 9f2+t&f-16 (b) 3h'- t9h - 14
(c\ l4l( + 49k + 2l (d) l8m2 -39m+ 18
5. Factorise the expressi on 3x2 - + r- 5 completely.

Determine the integer values of n for which n2 - l8n + 45 is a prime number.

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