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SyStemS tradinG For Spread BettinG

"Creating and following a strategy can give a trader the
edge they need to be successful in the markets."

This is the first book on developing and back-testing systems trading

strategies to be used whilst spread betting. The book details the cycle of
choosing instruments, designing strategies, back-testing and the real-time
trading of those systems and includes many real-life examples.

This book details an end-to-end approach covering all of the aspects required
to implement and maintain a trading system. The focus of the text is the
independent trader, providing them with the information they need to use
readily available tools to develop and trade a professional system. For
The book starts by arguing the case for the use of trading systems and spread
betting and moves on to look at the details of selecting instruments,
choosing the most appropriate spread betting firm and the right trading
software and platform.
Ford looks at money & account management and black box systems then
describes in in detail the processes involved in the development of a strategy,
including back-testing and optimisation.

This book is a must-read for anyone looking to develop a systematic

approach to their trading and take their spread betting to another level. An end-to-end guide for developing
Gary Ford
spread betting systems
Gary Ford is a successful investor who tired of spending each day following
market moves and searched for a way to remove the constant monitoring
and emotion from his trading. Over the years Gary has developed several
discretionary trading techniques but prefers the simplicity and effectiveness
of systems trading.
Gary Ford
Before becoming immersed in the world of trading, Gary obtained an
honours degree in Computer Systems Engineering, the achievement of IET
Chartered Engineer and spent over a decade designing, deploying and
testing mission-critical IT platforms.
Gary Ford
ISBN 978-1905641734

Hh Harriman House Hh Hh
£39.00 9 781905 641734
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Systems Trading for

Spread Betting

An end-to-end guide for developing

spread betting systems

Gary Ford
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3A Penns Road
GU32 2EW

Tel: +44 (0)1730 233870

Fax: +44 (0)1730 233880
Email: [email protected]

First published in Great Britain in 2008 by Harriman House.

Copyright © Harriman House Ltd

The right of Gary Ford to be identified as the author has been asserted
in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988.

ISBN 978-1-905641-73-4

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A CIP catalogue record for this book can be obtained from the British Library.

All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publisher. This book may not be lent, resold,
hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover other than that in
which it is published without the prior written consent of the Publisher.

Printed and bound by Biddles Ltd, Kings Lynn, Norfolk

No responsibility for loss occasioned to any person or corporate body acting or refraining to
act as a result of reading material in this book can be accepted by the Publisher, by the
Author, or by the employer of the Author.
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Acknowledgments v
Preface vii

1.Trading Systems 1
2.Why Choose Spread Betting 9
3.Trading Resources 17
4.How To Select Trading Instruments 31
5.Money And Account Management 47
6.Black Box Systems 59
7.Strategy Development – Introduction 65
8.Strategy Development – Trade Entry 69
9.Strategy Development – Trade Exits 75
10.Strategy Development – Adding Filters 93
11.Strategy Development – Moving Average Example 97
12.Strategy Backtesting 121
13.Strategy Optimisation 139
14.Strategy Development – Putting It All Together 149
15.Detailed Results Analysis 191
16.Real-time Strategy Testing 197
17.Real-time Strategy Execution 211
18.Full Automation 213
Appendix A – Further Strategy Examples 221
Glossary 257
Index 261

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I’d like to thank my family, friends and pets for being patient with me during the
time I spent writing this book. I would also like to thank Tom Hougaard
(, Ian Bowman, Huw Griffiths and Paul Elson for their ever
positive feedback, Dave “Casper” Gale for keeping me interested in computing,
NinjaTrader for developing great software, and the team at Harriman House for
giving me this opportunity.

Gary Ford
May 2008

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What the book covers

My aim for this book is to provide a practical guide that will detail all of the steps I
use when developing, testing and executing a trading system specifically for spread
betting. The steps are based around a series of hands-on examples of turning a
strategy into a trading system. The book contains the steps I have used and the
avenues, benefits, pitfalls, tips and tricks that I have discovered during my
development of systems trading strategies. The book is not a guide on how to trade,
and does not dwell on styles of trading. It is purely a description of what I did, what
I found to be successful and what I found did not work well. I appreciate that
everyone has different trading styles, and hence I will try and approach the book
with an unbiased view.

This book is also not about market behaviour, trader psychology, and details on how
to spread bet, or a book of off-the-shelf strategies that you could use for spread
betting. Throughout this book I have used a free strategy development system called
NinjaTrader. Whilst many of the examples given show detailed steps on how to create
them with NinjaTrader, this book should not be considered a user manual for
NinjaTrader. To learn how to use NinjaTrader the reader should take a look at the website and take part in many of the fantastic free seminars
that the NinjaTrader team organise each week.

Some of the strategies developed in this book have been successful and some have not
been profitable. My intention behind this book is not to give you a strategy to go and
trade, but to give you the knowledge and methodology to use the tools to develop
many successful strategies of your own.

Malcolm Pryor’s book, The Financial Spread Betting Handbook, covers the end-to-
end process of spread betting in detail, and should be considered a great reference for
those wishing to understand more about spread betting.

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Who this is for

This book will be suited to the intermediate level spread bettor who currently has at
least one trading strategy, and is looking to develop that strategy into a system
strategy to reduce the amount of manual intervention needed. In addition, this book
will help the intermediate spread bettor to enhance/prove the performance of their
strategy by developing it into a trading system and backtesting it against historical

How the book is structured

The book is structured to follow the steps needed for the trader to progress from
being an intermediate-level spread bettor through to having a developed, tested and
working system trading strategy for spread betting.

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‘The stock market is a dangerous place to be, be sure to stay away’ was the advice
given by my peers. And after years of investing in instruments such as government
bonds, high interest savings accounts and cash ISAs I had turned a moderate pile of
cash into a slightly larger pile of cash. No emotion. No research. Just straightforward,
and rather dull, investing. Or to be more accurate, someone else investing my money
for me. Whilst the returns were fairly moderate, they were acceptable to me.

I then progressed onto the next rung of the investing ladder by subscribing to a
weekly finance magazine. Each week, several highly qualified investment gurus would
list all of their top stock-picks for the weeks, months and years ahead. Obviously
these gurus knew their stuff, so I blindly purchased their recommendations.
Fortunately for me a steadily growing bull market carried my purchases along nicely
– and still today, even with a few of the recent wobbles, my investment portfolio is
happily earning dividends, but it is never going to earn me a living or allow me to
achieve financial freedom.

After a few more years, and more hot-tip subscriptions, my buy and hold strategy
became as boring as my initial reaction to government bonds. With broadband at
home and a constant connection to all of the information on the Internet, I finally did
some research into the black art of trading. Spread betting to be more accurate. After
the initial excitement of trading a “player account” for a few months, I naturally
progressed into opening a full account and funding it with real money! After
attending several free seminars – surrounded by other gamblers and reading many
books on trading, I had a good understanding about technical analysis, and why I
needed to use it. As they say, a little knowledge is dangerous. After several months
of good fun on the highly emotional trading rollercoaster my account was back to
just above its initial starting point. Whilst I wanted to continue with my discretionary
trading, both my day job and my lack of trading experience were getting in my way.
Sensibly, I chose not to give up the day job, but to spend my spare time researching

Many more years, books and courses followed. Many trades on both the player
account and live account were logged and analysed, with simple trading strategies
providing small but consistent returns. The emotional roller coaster still existed, but
felt like it was under control. I still had the urge to give up the day job, until I

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

discovered system trading. As I had spent the best part of 11 years in the IT industry,
I was very familiar with the use of automation. System trading appeared to offer the
holy grail of trading. I could code up my trading strategies and get them to notify me
of buy and sell signals. All of the automation would run in the background without
much, if any, input from me. The trades would be clear cut, based on tested strategies,
with no emotion involved. I could do this and still keep the day job!

This book details my journey in the world of system trading for spread betting. It is
important to understand that every trader has his or her own approach, and that it
is very easy to trade someone else’s profitable strategy and still make a loss because
the strategy cannot be moulded to the trader. I believe that it is very important to
develop and refine a strategy to match your lifestyle. Doing so will ensure that you
do not deviate from the strategy. I have made many mistakes during this journey,
and learnt a lot about myself in the process. I have also learnt many tricks and
shortcuts which have made my trading easier to manage and more profitable. I hope
to share them with you throughout the course of this book.

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Trading Systems

Discretionary Traders
A discretionary trader uses a combination of intuition, advice and technical or
fundamental data to determine when to enter and exit a trade. Because this trading
methodology employs no quantifiable game plan, the discretionary trader tries to
predict the market, but no one knows for certain where the market is going, when it
will move, or which market will be the next big mover. The discretionary trader does
not always make the same interpretation of a market indicator, or use it in the same
fashion every time. The trader uses his or her own judgement to predict the market
move. I am not suggesting that the discretionary trader does not have a strategy, as
all successful traders require a strategy to enable them to have an edge over the
market. The use of personal judgement gives the discretionary trader the advantage
of flexibility of whether to take the trade or not, but of course this judgement can fall
foul of human emotion. Also, because of the manual effort involved in performing
the analysis, much more time and effort must be exerted during trading. An
advantage of discretionary trading is that the trader develops their intuition about the
market or instruments they are trading.

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Trading Strategies
Strategies are all about probability. When creating a strategy we aim to create one
that has a higher probability of profit than loss. Trading success comes from high
probabilities and not certainty. It is impossible to eliminate losses, so we aim to
minimise them.

Put simply, a trading strategy is a predefined set of rules to be met before opening,
managing and closing a trade. Strategies range from the straightforward crossing
over of moving averages through to multiple indicator, multiple time frame analysis
with pattern recognition and artificial intelligence.

The purpose of the strategy is to give the trader – or their computer – the pre-defined
set of rules to follow each and every time a trade is to be placed or exited. Creating
and following a strategy can give a trader the edge they need to be successful in the

Trading Systems
A popular belief is that human emotion, specifically greed and fear, are some of the
greatest barriers to becoming a successful trader. Most readers will be familiar with
the phrase “cut your losses, and let your profits run”. Just as many readers will have
encountered a series of sequential losing trades and have stalled instead of placing the
next trade, or held on to a losing trade instead of closing out the losing position, and
instead end up watching the position go further and further away.

A trading system wraps trading formulas into an order and execution system.
Advanced computer modeling techniques, combined with electronic access to world
market data and information, enable traders using a trading system to have a unique
market vantage point. Traders, investment firms and fund managers use a trading
system to help make wiser investment decisions and help eliminate the emotional
aspect of trading. A trading system can automate all or part of your investment
portfolio. Computer trading models can be adjusted for either conservative or
aggressive trading styles.

A trading system is governed by a set of rules that do not deviate based on anything
other than market action. Emotional bias is eliminated because the systems operate
within the parameters known by the trader. The parameters can be trusted based on

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Trading Systems

historical analysis and real world market studies, so that the trader who is familiar
with the trading system and its operating characteristics can have confidence in a
pre-determined trading strategy.

The three elements that make up a trading system are:

1. The strategy formula itself. Benefiting from a successful testing phase, and
expected to provide profitable returns.

2. A money management strategy. Often this is closely interwoven with the strategy
formula, as poor money management of a winning formula can still empty an

3. Trader discipline. The systems trader needs to have the discipline to trade the
signals generated by the strategy, unless the strategy is fully automated and the
positions are controlled automatically.

Misconceptions Of Trading Systems

I recently attended a seminar in London about mechanical trading systems. Whilst
talking about system performance analysis, the seminar presenter discussed that he
would not trade a system that had less than an 80% success rate. This is a figure
that I think would be hard to find in the majority of mechanical strategies.

Trading systems are not the holy grail of trading. A trading system is likely to have
just as many losing trades as discretionary trading strategies.

My personal views on mechanical systems are as follows:

• They have been developed in such a way so as to be generalised enough to be

profitable for a range of instruments.

• They are robust enough to withstand a variety of market conditions, or have rules
in place to know when to stop trading if unfavourable conditions appear.

• They will compute in the background, taking trades that meet a certain criteria
without the need for constant human analysis.

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

High Level System Descriptions


An aggressive system would be one that typically exhibits some or all of the following

• Larger drawdowns. Perhaps through not having stop-loss levels set, or through
having very wide stops.
• Holds open positions longer. Holding onto a losing position usually results in a
larger drawdown. The system is hoping for a change in market direction to take
the trade back into profit. Conversely, the system is also prepared to hold onto a
winning position longer in the hope that further gains can be achieved.
• Higher number of open trades. These can be open positions of the same
instrument at different prices and stakes, or multiple positions in different
• Sporadic equity curve. Likely due to taking on large position sizes.
• Curve fitted. The system has been over optimised and only appears to generate
gains for a specific instrument and a particular market condition. These systems
typically have a very short lifetime or fail from the outset.
• More frequent trades.
• Less restrictive entry criteria/filters.
• Higher percentage of capital risked per trade.


A cautious trading system would typically exhibit some of the following


• Low frequency of trades due to more restrictive trade entry criteria.

• Large emphasis on capital preservation, so a smaller amount of capital risked per
• Wider range of instruments traded to provide an average return over multiple

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Trading Systems


A moderate trading system exhibits traits of both the aggressive and cautious trading
systems, with perhaps an in-depth focus on market conditions to decide when to take
on more risk.

Other Definitions Used Throughout This Book

Spread Betting Company is the commonly used term to identify the majority of
companies that offer financial spread betting. In financial commerce the term broker
is used to identify an intermediary who acts between a buyer and seller. Technically
a pure spread betting company is more of a bookmaker than a broker as they take
the other side of your trades. However, in order to make this book more readable, I
shall use the terms broker and spread betting companies interchangeably throughout.

I have also used the term instrument to cover the whole range of equities, futures,
currencies, indices, etc. that can be traded through spread betting. Throughout this
book the trading focus is on currencies/foreign exchange, yet the term instrument
rather than currency pair is still used because much of the content of this book is
applicable to all things tradable. The term instrument also matches the term used in
the strategy development software used throughout this book.

Other terms and definitions can be found in the glossary at the back of this book.

Reasons To Trade
Psychology is an important aspect of trading. Even with system trading, psychology
still plays an active role. There exist many great books on trading psychology, and
hence I will not be covering this topic in any depth. However I do feel that it is
important to address why we are trading.

Why are we trading?

Everyone has a different reason to trade, some of the common reasons include:

• Income. Trading to live.

• Career change.

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

• Excitement. Living to trade.

• Boasting rights, or trying to impress.

• Boredom and looking for a challenge.

• Additional funds each month to supplement the day job.

• Creation of a portfolio of trading strategies to replicate a mini hedge fund.

Realistic goals

As with discretionary trading, system trading also relies on the trader having realistic
expectations. Whilst I have regularly used strategies that have increased my account
capital by 20% in a day, I have also seen those profits disappear on other days. If you
aim to double your capital every few months, and you have a strategy to do this that
you are happy with, then this is a realistic goal. However, personally my realistic
goals involve having a series of low to medium risk strategies that generate a return
that outperforms general investments such as cash, bonds or index trackers, coupled
with the tax-free status of spread betting.

Different ways to use a trading system

There exist many ways to trade a trading system, but the three most popular ways

• Follow all of the buy and sell signals religiously. This involves great discipline and
faith that the trading system is profitable. Following this method should ensure
that the performance results resemble the results seen during testing.

• Use the systems signals as guidance. In Jack Schwager’s book, New Market
Wizards, many of the successful traders mention that they use trading systems to
generate buy and sell signals, and then apply their own market knowledge to the
signal to decide whether to proceed with the trade.

• Use the system to open the trade, but use discretionary principles to manage and
exit the trade.

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Trading Systems

We can conclude from this introductory chapter that by using trading systems for
spread betting we can achieve many things, including:

• Allowing a computer application to generate trading signals based on our current

strategies, thus removing some of the repetitive effort from our trading and leaving
the trader with more time to spend on further analysis, system development, or
just time to relax.

• By developing our strategies into trading systems we can backtest them against a
range of time frames, instruments and historic data to see how our strategies
would have performed under various market conditions.

Throughout the remainder of this book we will analyse, develop, backtest and
optimise several example trading systems.

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Why Choose Spread

Brief Overview Of Financial Spread Betting

In the UK, financial spread betting is a form of derivative gambling that allows a
trader to take a position based on the expected price of an instrument or index
without actually owning the underlying asset. Whilst technically classed as gambling,
it differs from conventional fixed odds betting – such as sports betting – as the profits
or losses sustained fluctuate continually until the position is closed. For example,
with a fixed odds bet, the maximum losses are the entire value of the stake, but with
spread betting the theoretical maximum losses are unlimited.

Benefits Of Spread Betting


At the time of writing spread betting in the UK is classed as gambling, and the
proceeds of gambling are classed as tax-free unless Her Majesty’s Revenue and
Customs (HMRC) determine that you are a professional gambler, which is a

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

remarkably grey area. Simply studying many of the contradicting examples on the
HMRC website does not make this any clearer, but I believe we can say that currently
spread betting is tax-free as the act of placing a spread bet is not normally associated
with carrying on a profession. It is generally believed that gambling is tax-free so
that the gambling public do not receive tax relief on their losses. This also shows
that even the government believe that more people make losses from spread betting
than make profits! The generally quoted figure is that 85% of spread bettors are

As the profits of a spread bet are tax-free, also the placing of a spread bet is tax-free.
Typically if you were to purchase UK listed shares you would pay stamp duty,
currently at 0.5%.

Zero commission

With traditional purchasing of shares, a fee or commission is paid to the broker every
time a position is opened or closed. The fee varies depending on the broker used, but
at the time of writing a typical fee for a broker dealing with retail clients is in the order
of £20-30 per round turn, ie, the total cost to the trader to open and close a trade.

No commission is charged when opening or closing a position using spread betting,

but the spreads are sufficiently wide enough for the spread betting company to make
a profit, which could potentially be classed as a commission.

Large choice of instruments

Financial spread bettors can place trades on a large number of instruments, including,
but not limited to:

• Equities
• Stock indices
• Currencies
• Commodities
• Interest rates
• Futures
• Options

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Why Choose Spread Betting?

Large choice of spread betting companies

There exists a large number of spread betting companies trading in the UK. Many
companies offer incentives for you to open an account with them, and choosing which
companies to trade with is a matter of personal preference. Some are better than others,
but it is fair to say that they are in constant competition with each other, so the trading
interface features, customer service and incentives are getting better all of the time.


Financial gearing, leverage, or margin trading is the use of capital in such a way that
the potential positive or negative outcome is magnified. Leverage is the proverbial
double edged sword. It can lead to large profits from a small stake, and also
(theoretically) unlimited losses that far exceed your initial deposit. If the latter
happens, expect to receive a margin call from the spread betting company. A margin
call happens when the account capital remaining in the traders account is insufficient
to cover existing positions as the trades move against the trader.

Small account size

With the help of gearing, small position sizes and generous incentives from the spread
betting companies, it is very easy to start trading with a small account in the order of only
a few hundred pounds. However, the restrictions of a small account become apparent as
soon as you start to trade. Your position size will be restricted, and you may find that
you have to place your stops very tight, constantly running the risk of being stopped out
with even the slightest market volatility. We cover account sizing in a later chapter.

Player accounts

Nearly every spread betting company offers a “player account” to allow customers
to get used to using their trading platform or interface. Whilst the types of orders and
trading mechanics are almost identical between companies, the interfaces to place
those trades can vary greatly. Player accounts are great for getting up to speed with
an interface without risking any capital. They are also very useful for risk-free real-
time testing of a trading strategy.

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Disadvantages Of Spread Betting

Large spreads

The spread in the term spread betting refers to the price difference between the bid
and offer price quoted by the spread betting company. The bid and offer prices
displayed by the company are different to the market prices for the same instrument
because additional points are added around the live price. For example, if the FTSE
100 Cash price is currently 6540, then a spread betting company may quote a price
of 6539 – 6541. Therefore the spread for this instrument would be two points.

The size of the spreads vary greatly depending on which spread betting company is
used. Many companies offer tight spreads for the popular instruments. Some of the
instruments on offer have such large spreads that, depending on your strategy, it is
difficult to profit unless a large move occurs.

For example, if you are looking to day trade an instrument that has an average daily
movement of only sixteen points, yet it has a spread of eight points, you could lose
50% of your potential profit to the spread. The trader should consider whether it is
worth actually trading this instrument.

Prices are indicative only

The price quoted by the spread betting company is indicative of the actual price of
the underlying instrument. Spread betting is not traded through an exchange. The
price quoted is not the exact price because of the spread, and sometimes the price
appears to be totally out of step with what the instrument is doing. The trader also
has no way of investigating why their orders were filled or not filled, or how the
underlying prices are actually created. For much of the time when I actually sit and
watch my trades in progress, I regularly notice that the price and price movements I
see in my charting package do not match the price and price movements quoted to
me by the spread betting company. I believe that this may be because:

• It would be costly in terms of computing power for the spread betting company
to quote prices on a tick-by-tick basis, so the price may only be updated once per
second or less.

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Why Choose Spread Betting?

• The prices in my charting package, whilst being subscribed to a real-time data feed,
must suffer with some latency from the actual exchange prices because of the latency
factor, and the processing that is performed on them before they arrive at my PC.
For example, if a UK based trader is using a US based data provider whilst trading
the FTSE 100 Cash, the data provider must receive their data from the London
Stock Exchange, which has been transferred across the Atlantic, processed and
formatted by the data providers servers, and then returned back to the UK over the
internet to my PC. I would expect this latency to be at least two seconds or more.
(See side note below.)

• Over the counter products such as forex do not have a single exchange to provide
data. The prices are usually quoted from multiple sources, so it is highly likely
that the multiple sources have slightly different prices – possibly good for arbitrage
– and also highly likely that your spread betting company and your charting
software each get their data from different sources.

When discussing computer networks and data transmission, the time taken or
delay before data arrives – in this case price data for real-time charts – is called
latency. Latency is measured in milliseconds. An additional factor that delays the
real-time data arriving in the traders charting package is processing delay.
Processing delay occurs when the computers performing calculations on the real-
time data need to output the data into a specific format. Latency from a UK based
exchange to a US data provider, and then back to the UK could be summarised as:
• London to UK coast, delay 30ms

• 1st journey over the Atlantic Ocean to the US, delay 95ms

• US data provider processing, delay 1000ms

• 2nd journey over the Atlantic Ocean back to the UK, delay 95ms

• UK coast back to London, delay 30ms

• Trader charting package processing, delay 500ms

The total round trip latency for the real-time data is the summation of all of
these delays. In this example the real-time data is actually 1.75 seconds old.
Whilst this is a negligible value for most traders, it may have an affect if your
trading strategy works on ultra-short timescales.

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Being re-quoted and execution delays

Many spread bettors believe that the price seems to change more when they are near
to closing a position. The same is true when opening a position. There appears to be
an inherent delay from the time clicked on the buy button (for opening a trade) or
the close button. This delay almost always results in the trade being opened or closed
at a different price. Obviously the higher the volatility of the instrument, the higher
the possible difference in price. Sometimes this does work in your favour and you get
a few extra points, however – taking into account human psychology – the price
often seems to take a few points away from you.

Limitations on order placement

Many professional trading applications allow all types of orders to be placed including;
limit order, buy stop, sell stop, open if touched, the ability to reverse orders, and the
automatic placement of stops and profit targets at the same time the order is filled.

Useful order types and position management tools are on offer with some spread
betting companies, but they are not the norm. Although I have a cynical view with
spread betting that, since you are betting against the company and not the market,
giving them this information could allow them to manipulate your position. For
example, by introducing a delay in the time it takes them to close your order when
the profit target is reached.

The majority of spread betting companies also put a limit on where you can place an
order. Many “ladder” order entry tools allow the placement of a limit order within
the spread, but many spread betting companies only allow you to place an order
several points outside of the spread.

The same is true for stop-loss placement. Many of the companies place a restriction
on the minimum distance away from the price that you can place your stop.

These limitations often prevent the trader placing the order that meets their strategy.

Exits not being honoured

Once an order has been filled it is common practice to manage that order through
the placement of a stop-loss and sometimes a profit target. These two exits are

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Why Choose Spread Betting?

entered into the spread betting company’s database so that should the instrument
price meet or exceed either of these, the open position will be closed. You will often
see the phrase that stop-losses are not guaranteed, and this is to be expected when
markets gap on opening. Guaranteed stops can sometimes be set depending on the
company, but doing so widens the spread. During an intra-day period when no gaps
can occur, you will often find that your stop-loss or profit target is met, and yet your
position is not closed until sometime later, or sometimes not at all. As before,
sometimes this works in your favour, but often it seems that it does not. As we will
see later during the strategy creation we will try to factor in this slippage when
performing detailed analysis of our strategies.

Position size restrictions

Whilst spread betting offers great flexibility in position sizing, many spread betting
companies have minimum and maximum position sizes. Fortunately, several
companies provide an introductory period whereby the novice trader can place trades
with very small position sizes. However, it is also worth remembering that once you
have established your strategy it is only worth playing for meaningful stakes.
Conversely, many of the companies also have a maximum position size. For position
sizes based on a percentage of your capital, if you find your strategy is hugely
successful, or you have amassed a large pot of trading capital in your account, you
may find these restrictions come into play.

Overnight interest and dividend adjustments

The majority of spread betting companies charge a fee for rolling daily bets that are
held overnight. These charges are also levied for non-working days such as weekends
or bank holidays. If you have a short position, an interest return may be paid to you.
The interest rates are typically based on the country that the share or index is based
in, plus or minus a percentage figure specified by the company. For currencies, the
interest rate of one of the currencies from the currency pair is chosen. The specific
details vary between companies, so if your strategy typically holds positions for a
long period of time you are advised to understand the financing implications of this.

The same is true for dividend adjustments. The morning after a share goes ex-
dividend the price of the share will drop by the amount of the dividend. The majority

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of spread betting companies perform dividend adjustments, and credit long positions,
but debit short positions, at the close of business on the day before the ex-dividend

Trading ceases under market turmoil

During the high market volatility at the start of 2008 a very large number of traders
went short on UK banks. As bank’s share prices tumbled the spread bet companies
prevented new short trades being entered for these shares.

Why Use A Trading System For Spread Betting?

Trading systems can be used for many types of trading, including spread betting.
Many of the aspects of system development and testing used for spread betting
systems are identical to the methods used for other types of trading. The main
differences between institutional trading systems and spread betting trading systems

• The spread bettor is almost always an individual trading his or her own account.
The account size tends to be limited in size and the trades use leverage. The
preservation of this account capital is high on the trader’s priority list.

• The use of position automation in spread betting is relatively new. At the time of
writing, only a single spread betting company allowed integration of third party
applications to perform position management. All other spread betting companies
either provide a web browser interface or a custom application for the
management of trades.

• When performing analysis of the system commissions should be disregarded and

the spread should be taken into account. The same is true for lots/contract sizes.

• The prices quoted are indicative and frequently differ to the price of the underlying
asset. No market depth is available.

• The mechanisms and procedures for managing trades should be geared towards
the individual that does not have trading as their primary career. For example,
spread betting could be a sideline that supplements a day job.

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Trading Resources

Whilst the minimum requirements to take part in spread betting are an account with
a spread betting company and a phone line to call them, the practical requirements to
perform any form of systems trading are outlined below. I have called these items
overheads because they are an additional cost to the trader. Some items are a one off
purchase, but others require a monthly subscription fee and need to be factored into
any overall profit or loss.

• Computer workstation. Whilst it is possible to trade on the move with a laptop,

the benefits of having a dedicated trading workstation with several large screens
soon become apparent when you require several charts open simultaneously.

• Internet connection.. Required to access the spread betting website and the latest
technical and fundamental data. Broadband is becoming more of a commodity
item and hence the monthly subscription costs of this service have decreased

• Data costs.. Typically an up-front purchase of historical data is required for long
duration backtesting, and a monthly subscription for real-time data. Many data
providers charge by the type of instrument, or the exchange or index required.

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• Trading software. Usually the trading software comes included with the data feed
but other analysis software may be required, such as Microsoft Excel or Math
Works MatLab.
• Education.. Training courses, books, seminars and newspaper/magazine
• Office space. Many independent traders will probably trade from a home office,
but some may require or prefer the use of an office away from home.
• Time.. Whilst not necessarily a financial overhead, the amount of time required to
develop, test and maintain a trading system may have an impact on other
• The spread. Not often perceived as an overhead, but it certainly has financial impact
with every trade placed, and is certainly something that should be minimised. For
example, if you placed two hundred trades per month at £10 per point with a five
point spread, you would have donated £10,000 (200 Trades * £10 per point * 5
point spread = £10,000) by way of the spread to the spread betting company.

Computer Workstation And Internet Connection

To perform the task of systems development a high-end specification computer
workstation will be required. I will refrain from detailing an example specification
because it would probably be out of date before this book goes to print since the
performance of PCs is constantly improving. I would advise the reader to buy a
workstation that exceeds the minimum specification required by their chosen trading
software, and ensure that the machine is capable of expansion in the future.

Fast and reliable Internet connections are available from a variety of providers to
suit the trader’s budget. It may also be worth considering some kind of backup
connection as home broadband connections rarely come with service level agreements
by the provider. In the likely event that you lose your Internet connection whilst you
have open trades, you will need a way to manage or close your positions until your
broadband connection is restored. Some popular backup connections include:

• Modem dial-up. Whilst painfully slow compared to broadband it is cheap to


• Mobile 3G or GPRS connection. All mobile operators provide a data connection.

3G allow a connection at almost broadband speed over the mobile phone

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Trading Resources

network. Whilst data costs are typically more expensive than home broadband
they do vary depending on your phone tariff. A further benefit of 3G is that you
could trade from your laptop whilst on the move.

• Internet café or wifi hotspot. A local access point can provide a useful backup.
Also nice to get out of the house once in a while.

• Use a spread betting company that allows you to manage your positions over the

One of the ways to minimise risk in case you lose your Internet connection is to place
a stop-loss and profit target when you open the position. Whilst many of the spread
betting companies will automatically place a stop-loss for you, the default values
used may not fit in with your risk profile.

The minimum recommended specification to run many system development

applications is:

• Windows XP or Windows Vista Operating System

• Minimum screen resolution of 1,024 x 768

• Minimum P4 Processor or higher

• 1GB RAM or higher on XP, and 2GB or higher on Vista

Charting Software And Development Languages

Looking through the pages of the latest trader magazines gives a good indication of
the more popular charting and data feed packages. Certainly the two that feature
most prominently (or have the higher marketing budgets) are eSignal and
TradeStation. Both companies offer high quality applications and regularly provide
free seminars and training on getting the most out of the application. Both
applications are targeted at the independent trader.


eSignal ( is a leading provider of affordable, reliable, real-time

financial market information and professional level tools. eSignal provides a full
solution of data feeds, charting applications and strategy development tools. eSignal

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

is a subscription based service and offers a wide range of supplemental services to suit
the individual traders requirements. eSignal’s system development language is called
EFS and is based on the JavaScript language.


TradeStation ( is also a leading provider of reliable, real-time

financial market information. TradeStation provide a suite of subscription based
tools, services, news and fundamental data. TradeStation also has a variety of pricing
models to suit the individual’s budget, including a forex data feed that becomes free
after a certain number of (non-spread bet) trades are placed. TradeStations’ strategy
development platform is based on an in-house scripting interpreter called

At times during my trading career I have had subscriptions to both of these

commercial packages and have been very satisfied by the services offered. However,
in an effort to minimise overheads, and for the remainder of this book, I will be using
a system development application called NinjaTrader.


NinjaTrader ( is a complete end-to-end trading platform

serving discretionary and automated traders of futures, equities and forex markets.
The NinjaTrader platform is free to use for advanced charting, analytics, system
development and trade simulation. Custom charting indicators and trading strategies
can be easily created through the use of a strategy creation wizard allowing a simple
click and edit process for developing complex strategies. Further development can
also be performed using a scripting tool called NinjaScript which is based on the C#
programming language. NinjaTrader has a large community and active support
forum, and provides the ability to connect to many free data sources, and
subscription based data including eSignal and TradeStation. The application is free
to use unless a live trading connection to a broker is required. At this point the trader
can purchase a subscription service or a lifetime license.

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Trading Resources

Additional software

During the creation of the strategies in this book further third party applications
were used including:

• Microsoft Excel 2007. For performing detailed analysis of my strategy backtesting

results, and the production of ad-hoc graphs, some of the data was exported from
NinjaTrader into Microsoft Excel.

• Math Works MatLab. MatLab is a high-level technical language and development

environment for analysing data and developing algorithms. I occasionally use
MatLab when applying a more quantitative approach to system development,
and for the production of multi-dimensional graphs.

• DataBull. DataBull is a comprehensive downloader for historical and end of day

data for equities, futures and commodities.

• UltraEdit. UltraEdit is a powerful text editor capable of performing text

manipulation on very large files. Typically used for formatting the historic data
before importing into NinjaTrader.

• Microsoft SQL Server. Also used for the storage and manipulation of historic data.

Real-Time Data Feeds

Much of the charting data available over the Internet can be classified into three
different categories:

• Real-time. This real-time data is the actual price of the instrument at that point
in time. Technically speaking the price will be lagging slightly due to the delay in
getting the price update from the exchange, through the processing at the data
provider, and then back to your desktop PC over the Internet.

• Real-time delayed. Real-time delayed data is typically the data that can be viewed
on most finance oriented websites. The data tends to be the price of the instrument
at about fifteen minutes prior to the current time.

• End of Day. End of day data receives no update during the day, just the Open,
High, Low and Close (OHLC) prices after the exchange has closed for the day.

Trading systems can be developed and operated using each of these data feed types.

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

However, if the trader is developing a system that will perform intra-day trading,
then a pure real-time data feed is required.

The majority of spread betting companies offer the facility within their software to
view real-time and historic price data. Unfortunately this data cannot be used by the
trading system unless it is possible to connect the data feed into the trading application.

In a later section we will learn how to connect our trading application to multiple
data providers.

Historical Data

Historical data overview

Many data sources provide data that spans back over a large period, typically in the
order of 10,000 bars worth. If you were only trading on end of day data then it
would be easy to use data direct from the data source, as 10,000 bars of data spans
several decades. However, if your strategy requires a one minute time period then
10,000 bars of data is just over 2.5 years, which may be too short a period for your
desired backtesting.

In order to expand this time period it will be necessary to import historic data into
your strategy development application.

Historic data sources for import

A search on the Internet will reveal many sources for historical financial data. Be
aware that the quality and price varies greatly. Data can be purchased in many ways,
with some sites offering a one-off purchase of a certain range of data, and others
offering a subscription service whereby you can return to the site at regular intervals
to download the latest data.

One feature of NinjaTrader is that the application stores the real-time data it receives
as historic data on your workstation. So, if you leave a real-time chart open for a
certain instrument, as time progresses the real-time data collected will be stored as
historic data. Obviously this will only work for the periods when you have the real-
time feed connected.

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Trading Resources

If you purchase a one-off block of data you will need a mechanism in place to
periodically update the data. This could involve returning to the original vendor and
purchasing the latest data, or using one of the many free data sources to download
only the latest data required. Many of the free data sources have a large time range
for end of day data, but a very short time range for intra-day data.

Reliability of the data is also important. By comparing data from two different
sources it is quite often possible to find slight differences in the prices quoted. Bad
ticks can also have a noticeable effect during backtesting and can often trigger buy/sell
signals where there should be none.

Figure 3.1 Effects of bad data during backtesting

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Figure 3.1 shows a long trade being stopped out due to a bad tick before a second
long trade is entered. This trade would have suffered a 62-point loss purely because
of bad data.

Databull (

DataBull is a comprehensive downloader for historical and end of day data for
equities, futures, forex and commodities. The data downloaded can be output in
various formats to suit the majority of charting packages, but not NinjaTrader as
standard. An amount of re-formatting is required for use with NinjaTrader. DataBull
is an easy to use application and offers a free trial allowing the user to download the
most recent six month’s worth of historic data.

One problem I found with DataBull is that the forex data does not quote the “Open,
High, Low and Close” (OHLC) prices. The OHLC prices are identical for the end
of day data. This causes a problem when the data is imported into NinjaTrader as
the details for the forex pair are not displayed as a normal candlestick, but instead
just a horizontal line is displayed for the day. I did query DataBull about this and they
replied to say that as forex is a 24 hour market they do not quote the OHLC prices.

Disk Trading (

Disk Trading offer historical data for forex, indices and futures contracts, available
on CD or for download. The data is available in a wide range of formats, and the
Disk Trading team will also format the data to a custom specification if required.
Whilst their website is not great to look at, I found their data to be reasonably priced
and customer service to be exceptional.

Olsen Financial Technologies (

Olsen offers absolutely everything for the forex trader. They have a wide range of
exotic currencies down to tick level over a large time frame. Unfortunately, their
prices match the amount of data they provide, and hence are quite expensive!

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Trading Resources

Data Formatting
Many of the data providers offer data formatted for the major packages such as
TradeStation and MetaStock. In addition to the pre-formatted files, ASCII text and
ASCII.CSV (comma separated variable) are also supported. These file types can be
loaded into any text editor or Microsoft Excel for further formatting or manipulation.

Whilst it is fairly simple for a novice user of Excel to manipulate the formatting of
ten year’s worth of end of day data, problems arise when trying to use ten year’s
worth of one minute data. The approximate number of data records for ten year’s
worth of one minute data is over 3.3 million, but unfortunately Excel can only
support a maximum of 65,000 rows.

It is possible to split the data file up into several smaller files of 65,000 rows but this
is a tedious approach, especially if you have to repeat the process for many

If you only have a few data files to manipulate then a shareware text editor called
UltraEdit will do the job. However, if you have a lot of data files, the following is an
example of how to use Microsoft SQL Server to do all of the hard work for you.

We would like to import ten year’s worth of one minute data for GBPUSD into

The NinjaTrader import format for one minute (and daily) data is:

yyyyMMdd HHmmss;open price;high price;low price;close price;volume

and an example data record is:

20071204 151000;2.0602;2.0604;2.0602;2.0603;4

The nearest pre-formatted data record that matches the NinjaTrader format is



The differences being:

• MetaStock has additional columns for the Ticker and Period.

• MetaStock does not have a column for Volume.

• NinjaTrader has the data and time in a single column.

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

• The data separator is a comma for MetaStock, whereas NinjaTrader expects a

We will use SQL server to do the following:

• Create a database and table for our data.

• Import the data from the MetaStock files.
• Run a SQL query to output the data in the correct format.
• Save the data output to be imported into NinjaTrader.

First we need to create a database and a table. Use SQL Enterprise Manager to create
a database, and then use SQL Query Analyser to execute the following SQL query:


Ticker VARCHAR(10),
Per VARCHAR(10),
Secondly we need to import the MetaStock.CSV file containing our data:
FROM c:\gbpusd.csv

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Trading Resources

Note: only use the FIRSTROW = 2 command if the .CSV contains a header, ie, the
first row is not price data.

Once the data is imported, the third step is to run an SQL query to retrieve the data
from the database in the format we require:

SELECT Dt & ‘ ‘ & Tm & ‘;’ & Op & ‘;’ & Hi & ‘;’ & Lo & ‘;’ & Cl & ‘;1’’

FROM gbpusd

Note, we have no volume data, but NinjaTrader requires a volume column, hence we
append the value 1 onto the end of our data set.

The output from the SQL query can then be saved as a .CSV file. Be sure to name
the file with the name of the instrument. In this example, we name the file
$GBPUSD.txt (the $ is important!!)

This file can then be imported into NinjaTrader, as shown in figure 3.2. Should any
errors occur during import, the Log tab in NinjaTrader displays the error description.

Figure 3.2 Locating the Historical Data Import tool

Independent trader setup

Trading setups are as individual as the trader themselves. Below I have identified
three of the most common setups for independent traders.

1. End of day trader. Does analysis at home in the evening and places trades the
following morning. Does not require a real-time data feed.

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2. Intra-day trader.. Trades at home or work with access to a charting package and
can keep an eye on the screen. Trading a market that is open during working

3. Trading on the move.. Trades 24 hour market, requires fast notification of trades.
Has a trading server setup at home that feeds trade notifications via email or text
messaging. Has access to a laptop whilst on the move, but just uses it for trade
entry and exit, no strategy is run on it. Trading on the move is a little more difficult
as it is often hard to stay in touch with what the market is doing. It is important
to be able to manage any open position, perhaps by telephone to the spread betting
company, 3G data connection, or one of the many mobile phone based trading
applications. The trader on the move should also pay close attention to placing
stops and perhaps profit targets for the times when it will be impossible to close
a trade if the market moves drastically against them.

Trader platform setup

Before diving into trading systems development we should document the hardware and
software setup that will form our trading workstation. The configuration detailed below
is a common choice to meet systems development requirements and trading style.

IT Hardware
CPU: Intel Xeon 2.33Ghz processor
Hard Drive: 500 GB SATA
Display: Dual Head 256MB DVI NVIDIA
Sound Card: 16bit or better
Sound Output Device: Speakers or Headphones
Internet Connection: 2MB ADSL
Operating System: Microsoft windows XP
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
Monitor: Dual DVI 24 inch Widescreen LCD

Table 3.1 Trader workstation hardware specification

For backup use, the common hardware to use is a regular business laptop with 3G
data card. For automated trading a server of similar specification to the workstation,
but without the monitors, is required.

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Trading Resources


I will be using the free version of NinjaTrader 6.5 for strategy development, but for
the auto trading chapter a licensed version of NinjaTrader is required.

Data Feed

Within NinjaTrader I will use the free Gain Capital forex real-time feed, and the
Yahoo end of day feed. My historic forex data for backtesting was purchased from
Disk Trading.

The Gain Capital historical data provided in NinjaTrader is minute data only,
not daily data. In order to get short-term daily data, try using a minute chart
of 1,440 minute bars for analysis. However it is not advisable to try and
execute or backtest daily strategies against this chart. It is possible to configure
NinjaTrader to have a second simultaneous data feed, in theory you could have
the first connection to Gain for minute bars, and the second to Yahoo for daily
bars. Unfortunately this combination does not appear to work when trying to
produce daily charts, and you must disconnect Gain first.

The historic forex data actually comes from the NinjaTrader servers, not direct from
Gain. This causes a problem with historical daily data, as it is possible to have a gap
forming from the end of your historic data import to the current date. The only way
to fill this gap is to download and import more historic data.

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Spread betting company selection

I am not going to recommend any spread betting companies as the reader probably
already uses at least one or more for their trading. I will however recommend that
you shop around. When choosing a company to deal with I look for the following:

• Tight spreads on the instruments that I trade.

• How user friendly their website/trading interface is.

• How easy is it to deposit and withdraw funds from your account?

• How accurate the price data is in relation to the underlying instrument.

• Are they regulated by a financial authority?

• How good is their support both over the telephone and by email?

• What additional tools or information, such as news feeds, or extras such as air
miles, do they provide?

Check the popular trader forums for opinions from the trading community.

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How To Select Trading

What Is Available?
The following table lists a very small sample of instruments available from different

Indices Commodities Currencies Options Shares

CAC 40 Brent Crude AUD/USD FTSE Feb PUT Anglo American

FTSE 100 Corn EUR/USD S&P Feb PUT Cable & Wireless
IBEX 35 Gold GBP/EUR DOW Jan CALL easyJet
NASDAQ 100 Platinum GBP/CHF DOW Feb PUT GlaxoSmithKline
S&P 500 Silver GBP/JPY DAX Apr CALL Kazakhmys
Wall Street Soybean Oil USD/JPY DAX Mar PUT Royal Dutch Shell

Table 4.1 A tiny snapshot of the available instruments

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Features To Look For

When choosing the instruments to use in my personal trading I look for the following:

• Do I already have experience in trading this instrument?

• Must have a small spread.

• Must be available with the broker I use.

• Must be available in the real-time data feed I have without incurring too much
additional cost.

• Must be highly liquid.

• Must have a degree of volatility.

Minimise The Overheads


Spread size varies between every broker so it is always worth doing some research
to find the broker with the most favourable spreads for the instruments you trade.
Normally the spread is proportional to the underlying price of the instrument and its
volatility. I personally only look for instruments with a spread of less than five points.

Figure 4.1 shows a daily chart of Vodafone.

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How To Select Trading Instruments

Figure 4.1 A daily Vodafone chart between 4 September 2007 and 3 January 2008

Whilst some brokers list Vodafone with a tick size of 0.1, the broker I use lists
Vodafone with a tick size of one, and a spread of one point. We can see from the chart
that the approximate range of Vodafone’s share price for a two month period is about
four points (36 to 40) based on a tick size of one. Personally I would not be prepared
to hold a trade for this length of time to gain such a small profit. Therefore, even
though the spread is less than my five point requirement the low volatility and high
tick size makes Vodafone very difficult to trade with using my personal strategies
and the broker I use. However, looking through other brokers that list Vodafone
with a tick size of 0.1, I can see that the spread has increased to four points, but
using the same chart above shows that we now have a range of 40 points over a two
month period. Whilst this is still not a highly volatile instrument, the expanded range
does make Vodafone more tradable.

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Data feeds

In order to do any type of system trading you will almost certainly need a data feed
into your trading software. The required data feed and its associated cost will be
determined by the time frame that your trading strategy operates on; a tick-by-tick
data feed for a wide range of instruments will cost a lot more in monthly subscription
charges than end-of-day data for a popular instrument.

As with all overheads, our goal is to minimise them so that they do not eat into our
trading profit, but without the data it would be impossible to run the trading system.
It is a Catch-22 situation, so the best you can do is look for free and reliable data,
or perhaps adjust the instruments you trade to match the data feeds you can receive
for a reasonable price.

When I first started to trade, I would focus on a handful of popular European indices and
several UK listed mining stocks. In order to trade them on an intraday basis I took out
a monthly subscription to a popular charting package. When I started using NinjaTrader
for system development I was quite surprised to find that I could receive real-time forex
data and several end of day data sources for free. After testing the usability of the data,
and researching the broker with low forex spreads, I cancelled my paid-for data
subscription and started to use a free data feed, thus minimising another overhead.

I am not suggesting that this approach will suit everyone, but for traders with a small
account size, or non-professional traders, this approach is certainly worth investigating.

Single Instrument Or A Basket?

Diversification in finance involves the distribution of your trading capital into
different types of investments, such as currencies, bonds, stocks and cash. Two
distinctive camps exist. The first says that you should diversify your portfolio in
order to reduce risk and exposure to a single trade going against you. The second
camp firmly believes that you should have a tight focus by perhaps trading only one
or two instruments.

Nobel prizes have been won by individuals documenting complex approaches on

portfolio diversification, and whilst I agree that it is harder to get rich by having a
diversified portfolio because sometimes the losers cancel out the winners, I do believe
that system trading a basket of instruments is the correct approach.

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How To Select Trading Instruments

There is a difference between a diversified portfolio and a basket of instruments. As

mentioned, a diversified portfolio would contain instruments of different types,
bonds, stocks, etc. Whereas a basket of instruments can contain several stocks all
from the same sector, eg, five UK listed mining stocks.

In practice I would recommend selecting multiple instruments over different sectors

but, keeping in mind the reduction of overheads, I would choose instruments
available in the data feeds I subscribe too. For example, if you were to trade the
FTSE 100 and DAX indices, several UK listed stocks and some listed on the
NASDAQ, you would typically pay for four different subscriptions from your data
provider. You could minimise that overhead by switching your portfolio to be only
UK listed stocks from different sectors. My personal preference is to trade a basket
of non-correlated currencies. Below demonstrates two scenarios using the same
trading strategy. Figure 4.2 shows only a single instrument being traded and the
overall result is a loss.

Figure 4.2 Backtesting for a single instrument shows an overall loss

But when this instrument is part of a basket of instruments, and the whole basket is
traded over the same time period, the result is an overall profit as shown in figure 4.3.

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Figure 4.3 Backtesting with a basket instrument shows an overall gain

It is true that the profitable trades have been averaged down by the losing trades, but
overall the result is a profit, and it allows us to continue to trade in the future!

Instrument Selection
Based on the information detailed in the previous sections, the process I followed in
order to select my system trading instruments is as follows:

1. List all of the instruments for which I could receive free or low-cost real-time data

2. List all of the instruments for which I could easily purchase historic data for

3. List all of the instruments supported by my choice of brokers with a spread of five
or less, or instruments with a spread only slightly higher than five, but with great

Doing these steps creates a large Venn diagram, with the resultant instruments in the
middle of the diagram being my final choice for my basket of instruments. For the
remainder of this book I will trade the currency pairs detailed in table 4.2.

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How To Select Trading Instruments

Currency Pairs

Table 4.2 Showing the 11 currency pairs traded in this book

In mathematics, a correlation is a single number that describes the relationship
between two variables. For example, if we were interested in discovering if a
relationship exists between a person’s height and their UK shoe size, we would begin
by surveying a number of people and collating the required data. To make the
example fair, the data in table 4.3 is based on fifteen adult males.

Adult Height (cm) UK Shoe Size

1 180 11
2 166 8
3 175 8
4 173 10
5 183 12
6 166 9
7 176 9
8 177 11
9 180 10
10 175 10
11 182 12
12 170 9
13 175 10
14 169 7
15 177 10

Table 4.3 Fictional data based on adults surveyed

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We can quickly summarise the data in table 4.3 by plotting two histograms.

Height Histogram

Figure 4.4 A histogram of frequency against height

Shoe Size Histogram

Figure 4.5 A histogram of frequency against shoe size

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We can now look at a simple two variable plot, shown in figure 4.6, of our collated
data, and it is quite plain to see that the relationship between shoe size and height is
a positive one. However, we now need to calculate the correlation value.

Bivariate plot of Height against Shoe Size

Figure 4.6 A shoe size bivariate plot

A standard formula exists for calculating the correlation value but, as this is not a
book on advanced mathematics, we shall use a function in Microsoft Excel to
calculate our correlation value. In our data spreadsheet column A contains the 15
values for height, and column B contains the 15 values for shoe size. In an empty cell
use the following formula:

=CORREL(A1:A15, B1:B15)

The correlation for our fifteen test cases is 0.798, which is a fairly strong positive

A value of 1.0 shows a high positive correlation. A value of -1.0 shows a high
negative correlation, ie, if instrument A’s value is increasing, then we would expect
instrument B’s value to be decreasing by the same percentage.

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At the time of writing an example of two indices that appear to be fairly highly
correlated are the DAX and the FTSE 100, perhaps with the FTSE showing slightly
greater volatility. The weekly charts in figures 4.7 and 4.8 show their values plotted
through 2007 and the first quarter of 2008:

Figure 4.7 FTSE 100 weekly data

Figure 4.8 DAX weekly data

So how can correlation help us when we are selecting our basket of trading
Let us assume that we have a basket of ten randomly chosen equities from the FTSE
100. If all ten were not correlated or only loosely correlated, and we traded in the
same direction for each one, then some of the trades would be winners and some
losers. Hopefully with our trading system’s edge and the averaging of our profits and
losses, our overall P&L would be in profit. However, if all of our instruments were

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How To Select Trading Instruments

highly correlated, we could be in the position whereby all of our trades could go
against us, and we could suffer great losses. Or conversely, all of our trades could go
in our favour, and be hugely successful. Knowing the correlation between instruments
can be very useful for the trader who wishes to diversify their portfolio, or double up
on positions by using multiple instruments.

Your attitude to risk will determine how diverse a portfolio you will create.

The correlation between two or more instruments changes over time.

Just because certain instruments become highly correlated, it does not mean that we
cannot have both in our basket of instruments. It does mean however that we should
be aware of the correlation when placing trades. For example, if your trading system
generated two buy signals for highly correlated instruments you may be wise to only
place half of the normal position size on each trade, or even use the opportunity to
use one of the instruments as a hedge and trade it in the opposite direction.

A Forex Correlation Example

The following example demonstrates how to calculate a correlation matrix for five
currency pairs.

As previously discussed, the correlation between two instruments will change over
time, and it is therefore advisable to frequently check the correlation of the
instruments in your portfolio. I personally only check the correlation of my portfolio
at the start of each month using this process:

Step 1:

Download the most recent two month’s worth of price data for each instrument.

Table 4.4 shows the currency pairs used in this example.

Currency Pair


Table 4.4 Currency pair correlation example

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And I will use the DataBull tool to provide the daily currency pair data, as the trial
software currently allows you to download the most recent six month’s worth of
historic data for free. One thing to be aware of with DataBull is that, for the forex
data, the open, high, low and close values are all identical. We are only interested in
the close values though, rather than using this data to create price charts.

Step 2:

Once the data has been downloaded and imported into Microsoft Excel highlight
the Close price column and copy this into a new worksheet. Repeat this step for each
instrument, until you have a worksheet that resembles the one shown in figure 4.9.

Figure 4.9 Creating a correlation matrix

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How To Select Trading Instruments

Step 3:

We now need to create a correlation matrix by calculating the correlation of each

instrument against every other instrument. Figure 4.10 shows the comparison of
every currency pair against each other.

Figure 4.10 The right hand side of the spreadsheet shows the correlation matrix

Our price data for each instrument spans from row 2 to row 58 for columns A to E,
therefore to calculate the correlation of GBPUSD against EURGBP, Cell I2 contains
the following formula:

=CORREL(A2:A58, B2:B58)

The general formula is used for the remaining cells in our matrix, but the column
references are varied depending on the instruments being compared. From the matrix
we can summarise these highly correlated instruments:

• GBPUSD/EURGBP has a high negative correlation.

• GBPUSD/AUDUSD has a high positive correlation.

• AUDUSD/EURGBP has a high negative correlation.

Knowing this information will allow us to further evaluate the signals generated by
our trading system.

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Instrument List
Once you have chosen which instruments you wish to trade, the easiest way to manage
these instruments in NinjaTrader is to create an instrument list. An instrument list is a
logical collection of instruments. Any instrument can be added to an instrument list, and
multiple lists can exist, however I tend to create the list based on the type of strategies I
wish to run against the list. For example, all of the currency pairs I trade are grouped
together in a single list. Doing this also makes it easier to backtest a group of instruments
at the same time. As well as creating instruments with custom names, I also make use of
the default instrument list to hold my most popular traded instruments. The default list
is quick to access when using NinjaTrader to generate charts or if using the SuperDOM
tool for discretionary trading.

In order to create an instrument list, use the following steps:

Step 1:

In NinjaTrader select Tools -> Instrument Manager

Figure 4.11 The default instruments configured in NinjaTrader of all types

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How To Select Trading Instruments

NinjaTrader already has many of the popular stocks, futures and currencies

Step 2:

If the instruments you wish to trade already exist in NinjaTrader, highlight the
instrument and select the left arrow to add the instrument to an instrument list. Figure
4.12 shows the first instrument being selected and added to the Default instrument list.

Figure 4.12 The AUDUSD instrument being assigned to the default instrument list

Step 3:

If the instruments do not already exist, you will need to create them in the Instrument
Manager. Detailed instructions can be found in the NinjaTrader manual. When
creating a new instrument be sure to set the tick size correctly (based on the tick size
used by your broker) as the tick size can vary between different brokers.

For example, some brokers list the UK price of Vodafone in pence, ie, 160p. But
because the Vodafone share price moves quite slowly some brokers allow the tick

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size to be 0.1p, ie, 160.3p, and hence the tick size in the Instrument List would need
to be set to 0.1. The reason we do this is to ensure that during our backtest the
number of points won or lost can be accurately measured. The above example is also
true of the currency pairs. GBPUSD has a tick size of 0.0001 whereas CADJPY has
a tick size of 0.01. Figure 4.13 shows my complete currencies list allocated against
the default Instrument List.

Figure 4.13 A complete instrument list has been created

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Money And Account
This chapter will focus on some of the popular methods for determining the position
size for each trade, and approaches for sizing your trading capital.

Progressive Betting
Before we delve into position sizing, I would like to touch on a money management
strategy often used by amateur blackjack players called progressive betting. With
progressive betting you size your next trade according to the outcome of the previous
trade. Different styles of progressing systems exist which can be classified as either
positive or negative progressions. For example, in a positive progressive system you
increase your position size after a winning trade, and reduce your position size after
a losing trade. Much analysis has been performed with progressive betting using fixed
odds betting and card games such as blackjack, but to my knowledge little – if any has
been published about using this system for spread betting. The general consensus is
that you are more likely to break-even or lose a little using progressive betting.

One of the best-known progressive systems is the Martingale system which involves
doubling your bet after each loss until you finally win, and then dropping your
position size back down to the original size. For example, your first trade would be
£10 per point. If this trade loses, your next trade will be at £20 per point, and so on.
In theory, assuming you have a fixed stop-loss and a pre-defined profit target, then

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the first winning trade will cover all of the losses. You may even consider this strategy
to be foolproof and logical as you believe that you will have to win sooner or later.

Unfortunately this strategy does not take the following into account:

1. You may quickly reach your maximum position size allowed by the broker

2. You may quickly run out of capital to meet the margin requirement for the next

3. There are no guarantees that you will have a winning trade

4. Even if you have a winning trade, it may not reach your profit target, and not
payback the amount needed to cover all losses

However, if you do have a winning trade, at a high position size, and you let it run
beyond your profit target, it is entirely possible that you could vastly increase your
capital. But this approach is very high risk.

I was hoping to show a graph of how bad the idea of the Martingale system is for spread
betting, however, even if the trader starts at £2 per point, and doubles every time a
losing trade happens, it is very quick to require a stake of £1,000 per point. This happens
in ten successive losing trades. Having ten successive losing trades in a trading system
can be fairly common especially if the strategy has a tight stop and keeps its trades low
risk. In addition to this, trading at £1,000 per point requires large account capital.

Progressive betting, like adding to a losing position, is something that we will not
cover in this book.

Position Sizing
With spread betting, the whole notion of placing a trade revolves around which
direction you believe the traded instrument will head off in, and how much money
per point you wish to speculate. The majority of traders, books and seminar speakers
that I have researched, state that a trading strategy is only successful when coupled
with a robust money management strategy. I agree totally. By backtesting any trading
strategy, it is clear to see that any strategy will go through losing periods. Whilst we
hope that these losing streaks will be short lived, it should be expected that a run of
consecutive losing trades will occur. Without an effective money management
strategy, it is possible to reduce your trading capital down to zero very quickly.
Having a poor trading strategy will only make this happen quicker.

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Whilst commission is not charged for spread betting, we could equate £10 per
point for an instrument with a 3 point spread, to be equal to an average £30
round turn commission cost for a broker, eg, TD Waterhouse.

Fixed position sizing

The simplest way to spread bet, and possibly the most popular position sizing strategy
I have seen people use, is to always use the same trade size. For example, every trade
would always be placed at a price of £10 per point. I initially started trading using
this money management strategy, I know many traders who still do, and used in
conjunction with a fixed point stop-loss, it is a simple method of limiting the losing
side of your trade to the same value each and every trade.

For example, if you have a starting capital of £5,000, and every trade was opened
with a position size of £10 per point, and a stop-loss at 20 points. Ignoring the spread,
and assuming that every trade was a loser, then in theory we could be in the game
for a maximum of 25 trades (£5000 / (£10 x 20)) before reducing our capital to zero.

The obvious points to note about this strategy are:

1. We should really include the spread in our calculations, an average 5 point spread
increases each losing trade by 25%.

2. When your account size gets too low to meet the margin requirements, you will
not be able to place a trade.

3. We have assumed that all of our trades are losers. Whilst this is unlikely, it is
strongly recommended to look carefully at the results analysis produced during
backtesting to see an expected value for sequential losing trades. It is common
for trend following strategies to have long streaks of losing trades punctuated
with a single winning trade that covers all previous losses.

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Sizing per point as a percentage of trading capital

Another popular position sizing strategy is to only risk a certain percentage of your
trading capital per trade. Popular percentage values to use per trade are 1%, 2% and
sometimes 5%.

For example, if you have an account size of £10,000, and you wish to risk no more
than 1% per trade, and you used a fixed stop strategy of 20 points:

(10,000 * 0.01) / 20 = £5 per point

An advantage of this strategy is that as your account size changes, your position size
changes too.

If, due to a series of losing trades, your account size had reduced to £8000, your
position size per trade would reduce down to £4 per point, assuming that you kept
your fixed stop-loss at 20 points. Conversely, when your account size increases, your
position size increases, and you always maintain the same percentage of risk per trade.

The downsides of this strategy include:

You will need to either round up or round down the actual per point value, ie, if your
account size is £9,000 then the position size calculates to be £4.50. The majority of brokers
only allow position sizes rounded to the nearest pound. Therefore at times you may have
to place trades that have slightly more or slightly less than your percentage risk value.

If you suffer a series of losses, and experience a period of drawdown, then the smaller
position size hampers the process of getting back to the break-even point. This is
because you will need to have more winning trades with the smaller position size.

However, the use of a variable position size allows you to stay in the game much
longer. In our first example with the fixed position size we had a theoretical
maximum of 25 losing trades before we had to quit. With the variable position size,
in theory we have an unlimited number of losing trades, as we keep reducing our
position size to meet the same percentage risk per trade. In practice, a maximum
does exist because we hit the limit of the smallest position size that the broker will
allow us to trade. If we are lucky enough to grow our trading account it is also
possible to hit the maximum position size offered by the broker.

In the examples above we used a fixed stop-loss at 20 points. Depending on the

trading strategy developed, it is unlikely that you will always use a fixed stop value.
Later in this book we will discuss different stop strategies and stop-loss sizing. One

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Money And Account Management

of the main disadvantages to having a fixed percentage risk occurs when you have a
small account size. If the instruments you regularly trade require your stop to be
placed a large distance away from initial entry, for example 60 points away, then
using the 1% risk your position size would be:

£5,000 * 0.01 / 60 = 83p which is quite a small size!

If this applies to you, then you can either:

1. Accept that trading with a small position size is not going to generate fast and
generous profits, but at least your account will not get burnt so quickly, or;

2. Accept a higher level of risk, say 5%, until your account size grows, but be aware
that accepting this may actually prevent your account size growing!!

Figure 5.1 shows the slippage and spread adjusted equity graph of a system traded at
an initial stake of £10 per point. The stake, or position size, is calculated to be 0.1%
of account capital per point with a maximum average excursion of approximately 14
points. Hence, the approximate risk per trade is 1.4% of account capital.
The X-Axis displays the number of trades, the Y-Axis shows the account equity.

Figure 5.1 An equity curve from a strategy traded at £10 per point

Figure 5.2 shows the slippage and spread adjusted equity graph of a system detailed
in this book traded at an initial stake of £20 per point. The stake is calculated to be

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0.2% of account capital per point with a maximum average excursion of

approximately 14 points. Hence, the approximate risk per trade is 2.8%.

Figure 5.2 An equity curve from a strategy traded at £20 per point

Figure 5.3 shows the slippage and spread adjusted equity graph of a system detailed
in this book traded at an initial stake of £100 per point. The stake is calculated to
be 1% of account capital per point with a maximum average excursion of
approximately 14 points. Hence, the approximate risk per trade is 14%.

Figure 5.3 An equity curve from a strategy traded at £100 per point

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It is clear to see that this graph shows that the trader took on far too much risk, and
whilst the first winning trade almost quadrupled the account size, a series of only a
few losing trades reduced the account practically to zero after only 60 trades.

Many more position sizing techniques exist. Position sizing is as individual as

a trading strategy itself. Building on from the previous example of only risking
a fixed percentage of account capital per trade we can also use the volatility of
the instrument to calculate a position size. For example the Average True Range
(ATR) indicator can be used over a recent time period to calculate the
instrument’s current volatility. The ATR value can then be multiplied by a
constant to widen the range – preventing a quick stop if the instrument moves
to the edge of its range – and calculate a potential stop value:

• Stop-loss value (points) = ATR(time period) * Constant

It is then possible to calculate how much you are prepared to risk per trade,
assuming in our example that this is 1% of account capital:

• Trade risk (£) = Account Capital (£) * 0.01

Dividing the Trade risk by the stop-loss value gives a position size. It is likely
that this position size will be in pounds and pence, ie, £14.52, so it will be
necessary to round it up or down to the nearest denominator that the spread
betting company accepts.

Obviously these calculations take time to perform. It is possible to automate

them within the strategy, but unfortunately not using the basic strategy wizard
we will use later. Alternatively a static table could be used that gives a position
size value for each instrument based on volatility and account size of the
previous trading period (days or weeks). The trader can then update this table
on a frequent basis to reflect changes in the instrument and account size. Doing
this prevents mistakes being made in the heat of the moment when the trader
is opening a position.

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Simultaneous open positions

We have discussed potential maximum risks per position, but as we will be system
trading multiple instruments with several simultaneous open positions we need to
be aware of our total maximum account risk. No matter what system you develop
it is highly likely that there will be periods where you do not have an open position
for a specific instrument. Therefore, if we have a basket of ten instruments we are
system trading with it is likely that, on average, positions will only be open for five
of those instruments. To calculate accurate figures for this you will need to examine
the “average time in market” statistics found during backtesting. If our maximum
risk per position is 1% and our average number of simultaneous open positions is
five, then our average maximum account risk is 5%. When assessing this risk it is also
worth considering the correlation of the instruments, as highly correlated instruments
are likely to generate signals during similar time frames.

Account Sizing
At the start of this book we looked briefly at the reasons why we are trading. Many
of us trade to provide a secondary income to supplement life’s little expenses, perhaps
to cover the mortgage or other monthly bills. Whilst it would be difficult to expect
to generate a specific return per annum from trading, it is certainly a good practice
to have an idea of potential returns. For example, if you are hoping to cover a
£24,000 per annum mortgage from your trading, and during backtesting your
strategy returns an average of 20% per annum, it is highly unlikely you will achieve
your goal with an account size of less than £120,000. Therefore, calculate the
profitability of the system and the hard value in pounds you would like to achieve
each year, and then work back to find out the minimum size required.

Fixed size lump sum

The most common approach when opening a spread betting account is to open the
account with a cash lump sum and just trade that account from that starting point,
adding to the account or drawing from it when needed.

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Sizing based on strategy drawdown

Another approach, of much higher risk, is to trade from an account which is sized
against your maximum expected drawdown. This involves performing a backtest on
your strategy and deriving the drawdown figure from the performance statistics.

Figure 5.4 shows the drawdown for a one year backtest period.

Figure 5.4 Account drawdown for a yearly period

But be careful, the drawdown chart only shows what the drawdown would have
been based on the historic data backtested, and your actual drawdown may be much
higher, or much lower. It is probably worth multiplying the drawdown figure by a
constant to create an estimated maximum drawdown.

For this example we will create our estimated maximum drawdown by multiplying
our drawdown by two. This gives us our actual account size required, so in our chart
above the drawdown is 3% of our initial capital. Say we were confident that the
strategy would not exceed double the backtested drawdown, this value gives us an
estimated maximum drawdown of 6%. Assuming our theoretical initial account size
is £10,000, then we would only need a physical amount of £600 plus a little extra
to cover margin.

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Therefore, should we open a position based on our 1% risk per trade, we would use
1% of the theoretical account size. The advantage of this method is that we can trade
with a much higher position size. However the serious risk with this strategy is that
the drawdown exceeds our calculated theoretical maximum drawdown. Should this
happen, then we will have emptied our account! In practical terms, managing your
account this way is the equivalent to being almost 100% invested the majority of
the time.

I personally would not recommend this account management strategy, however I

have documented it here as an option for the trader who is less adverse to risk.

Dynamic account swapping

One of the disadvantages of having a large trading account with a broker is that you
are not paid interest on the un-invested capital. One approach to this is to move
capital between an instant access savings account and your brokerage account. For
example, if you have a trading capital of £10,000, start by having only £3000 in
your trading account and £7000 in your savings account. Still place your trades based
on 1% of the total value £10,000 (£3000 + £7000), but move your money in and out
of the trading account as required. The disadvantage to this method is that it is a bit
of a pain shuffling the capital around to meet margin requirements, but the distinct
advantage is that at least you will get paid some interest on a portion of your capital.

A further advantage of this method, as many of the traders with Global Trader
accounts found out in early 2008, is that sometimes trading companies go into
administration, and having some of your funds elsewhere can minimise the financial

Disadvantages of a small starting account size

Starting from a small account size combined with the discipline of money
management and a profitable strategy, it is unlikely the quick money returns that
many novice traders look for will be produced. For example, if you open your
account with £2000, and are fortunate to make a 20% return in the first year, the
resulting capital at the end of the year will be £2400. A £400 profit for one year’s
worth of system trading is unlikely to appeal to many. However, a £400 loss would
appeal even less, and becomes a significant figure when taken from a small account.

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Overall I prefer to size my account based on an expected return of the strategies, and
tend to perform all of my analysis in terms of percentage of capital and the number
of spread bet points won or lost.

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Black Box Systems

What Is A Black Box System?

The non-avionic definition of a black box system is any device whose internal workings
are not understood or accessible by its user. In the financial world, a black box trading
system is a process that generates trading signals without the trader having access, or
a knowledge of, the underlying formulas that create the signals. This typically means
that the black box system has been developed and tested by a third party.

Black Box Benefits

One of the major hurdles any trader faces is that of human emotions. Psychology can
turn winning trades into losing trades, and can cause a trader to see chart patterns
that do not exist. As with any algorithmic trading system, black box or not, trading
signals are generated by mathematical formulas, not by human interpretation of price
action or indicators.

A benefit of using a black box system is that all of the hard development and
backtesting work has already been performed by someone else. Therefore you do
not need to have a deep understanding of the formulas or quantative analysis that
drives the strategy. All you need to do is trust the trading signals and the system
developer, and manage your trades accordingly.

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Disadvantages Of Black Box

Several disadvantages to trading a black box system exist, including:

• You typically have to either purchase the system outright, or pay for a subscription
to the system. Some of the systems can be subscribed to for free, but you must
place the trades through a specific broker. The broker then passes a percentage of
the commission back to the system developer as a royalty. Various other pricing
models also exist, including only paying for winning trades.

• Many successful trading systems are designed to target specific types of instruments,
market sectors or market conditions. When subscribing to, or purchasing a black box
system you must ensure that you trade the market that it has been developed against.

• Often the backtest results published are limited to certain instruments or time
frames, and may not be truly representative of the systems performance.

• Many systems traders would find discomfort in not knowing what underlying
indicators and price movement generate a trading signal.

• If the system is subscription based, and the trader only receives trade notification
via email, text message or instant message, then the trader can be unaware if the
formula behind the strategy has changed.

• Some black box systems also allow the system developer/administrator to perform
a discretionary selection of which trades are to be actioned on. This may be of
benefit at times if the system administrator can see an erroneous signal about to
be generated, but it does add a human element back into the system. This leaves
the trader with doubts about the system when the administrator is not present.

How To Trade A Black Box

Two popular types of black box systems can be described as either server side or
client side.

Server side

A server side black box system is typically subscription based and offered as a hosted
service over the Internet. Many, many websites exist that offer a whole range of different
black box systems. The majority of the strategies offered are specific to the company

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Black Box Systems

offering the service, ie, the website only contains the strategies that they have developed.
However some websites exist that offer a wider range of systems from different sources.
One of the most popular of these types of websites is Collective2
( Collective2 monitors several thousand trading systems covering
a whole range of instruments. The service is branded as an independent trading system
auditor as they maintain a performance database of all of the systems available on their
website so it is very easy to analyse and compare the systems. The systems available
have been developed and tested by third parties and then submitted to Collective2’s
website. Traders then subscribe to their chosen trading systems and the Collective2
website generates trading notifications to the subscriber through email, text message or
Collective2’s own instant messenger application. Automated trading is also possible as
Collective2 is compatible with a large number of brokers.

Some of the strategies have no subscription fees, but are tied to specific brokers. The
system developer receives a fee when trades are placed using his system with that

Client side

A client side trading system would run on your own PC. These strategies usually
come in a compiled or encrypted format so that they remain “black box” and you
cannot see their internals. A client side system would usually be purchased for a one-
time fee from the vendor, and you would be free to use the system as you wish,
perhaps paying a nominal fee for future updates. An example of a client side system
would be an encrypted EFS file that runs in the eSignal charting package.

Are Black Boxes Curve Fit?

It is possible to be very sceptical of black box systems and assume that the developer
has created a highly curve fit strategy purely to display highly favourable performance
statistics, and hence generate a lot of interest and subscriptions to their strategy.
Without knowledge of the strategy details, a set of backtested results over different
time frames and a report of current real-time testing, it would be very hard to
formulate an opinion on whether the system has been fitted to the data.

In this example I have taken a short period of data for a single instrument. Using a
very simple moving average crossover with profit target and stop-loss I have used the

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NinjaTrader Strategy Analyser to optimise, based on profits for a very wide range of
parameter values.

Figure 6.1: Backtest results of one year of GBPUSD with optimised parameters (3,34,170,50)

Total Net Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average

Profit Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE
GBPUSD 42280 2.79 (2.08%) 1.15 59.84% 0.23%

Table 6.1 Results of backtest with optimised parameters (1/1/2007-1/1/2008)

Total Net Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average

Profit Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE
GBPUSD 15,000 1.37 (3.67%) 0.31 46.10% 0.28%

Table 6.2 Results of backtest with optimised parameters (1/1/2006-1/1/2007)

Table 6.2 shows the results of the backtest using the same parameters but for a
different yearly period (1/1/2006-1/1/2007). We can instantly see that whilst the
parameters have appeared profitable, the performance results are very different.

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Black Box Systems

Performing the same yearly period backtest, but using a full portfolio of forex pairs,
shows a massive difference in metrics between our profitable, and optimised,
GBPUSD backtest, and the remaining currency pairs.

Total Net Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average

Profit Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE

AUDUSD 13,690 1.58 (3.53%) 0.72 45.83% 0.42%

CHFJPY (760) 0.98 (11.36%) (0.04) 47.77% 0.41%
EURCHF (7,460) 0.73 (6.12%) (0.69) 42.64% 0.24%
EURGBP 9,660 2.11 (2.13%) 0.8 60.45% 0.24%
EURJPY (6,090) 0.88 (12.74%) (0.14) 50.76% 0.46%
EURUSD (5,520) 0.84 (8.49%) (0.28) 43.71% 0.30%
GBPUSD 42,280 2.79 (2.08%) 1.15 59.84% 0.23%
NZDUSD 420 1.01 (10.80%) (0.02) 43.70% 0.91%
USDCAD (17,320) 0.59 (15.93%) (0.81) 35.17% 0.47%
USDCHF 6,300 1.24 (4.37%) 0.23 50.68% 0.34%
USDJPY 5,760 1.2 (5.03%) 0.28 48.89% 0.41%

Table 6.3 Results of backtest with optimised parameters

The results show us that the curve fit parameters for GBPUSD performed very poorly
for nearly every other currency pair.

The above example illustrates that it is very easy to curve fit a strategy to historic data
to give the impression that the system is more profitable than it actually is. Adding
more parameters or filters to the strategy would enable the system developer to only
select successful trades for the entire backtest period. This would give the system
purchaser a totally unrealistic representation of the strategy’s performance.

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Strategy Development –

Technical Or Fundamental
In the trading arena there exist two distinct camps of trading approach. Technical
analysis, based on using indicators to analyse previous and expected price movement
and fundamental analysis, the process of researching a company’s suitability for
investment through the analysis of company reports and news.

The majority of system development platforms rely solely on technical analysis to

generate and backtest strategies. TradeStation have recently released an enhanced
feature allowing fundamental data, such as EBIT, dividends/share, P/E ratio etc, to
be used.

Well Known Indicators

There exists a very wide range of indicators from the simple through to the exotic.
Many of these are generally available in all system development packages. This book
is neither an introduction to technical analysis, nor is it aimed at the novice trader,
so we will not be discussing all of the available indicators available.

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Listed below are some of the more popular indicators that are used regularly, and
these feature in the strategies presented in this book.

• ADX. Generally used for checking whether the instrument is currently trending
or not. Used in conjunction with Directional Movement, it is possible to determine
if the price is trending up or down.

• Moving Averages. Various moving average calculations exist. Simple MA’s and
Exponential MA’s are the most popular.

• Stochastic. Often used to determine if the instrument is overbought or oversold.

Stochastic does not work well if the price is trending, and also regularly suffers
from being unable to predict the point at which the instrument is at the end of its
overbought or oversold range.

• MACD. A popular indicator that can also be used as an independent trading

strategy. Also useful for analysing divergence and convergence with price action.

• ATR. Used to measure the volatility of the price action.

• Pivot Points. A very popular leading indicator used for highly liquid instruments
such as forex or indices.

• Price Movement. Whilst not strictly indicators, price movement and the OHLC
values, are used extensively in many strategies.

Understand What You Want From A Strategy

Before you can develop a trading system it is important to understand what you
require the system to do. It is very easy to say that all you want is for the system to
generate profit, but you also need to include many other important factors, including:

• How often you would like the strategy to offer up trading signals?

• Levels of acceptable risk, and the money management rules you wish to adhere to.

In order to create a successful strategy you need to include all of the lifestyle factors
that are important to you.

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Strategy Development – Introduction

Choosing The Correct Time Frame

Choose the time frame to suit the style of trading you wish to perform. If you are
looking for constant action, then a day trading strategy with short time frames may
be best. But if you have a day job then you may be best suited to work with an end
of day strategy.

I personally have found that developing strategies that give trading signals once per
hour fits my style well. I do this by using hourly charts within NinjaTrader, and
having the Calculate on Bar Close flag set to True when I schedule the strategy.
Assuming that the strategy I am using is not fully automated, having the signals
generated only on the hour allows me time away from my desk during the hourly

Obviously, if your strategy executes fully automatically, then it probably does not
require constant supervision. We will investigate this area in more depth in a later

Phases Of Strategy Development

The flowchart in figure 7.1 details a high-level process flow for developing and
executing a trading system with NinjaTrader. Each step will be analysed in detail in
later chapters.

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Idea to include timeframes,
market conditions, indicators to
Think of a strategy idea be used, what instruments are

Apply idea to charting
data for quick overview

For example if the strategy is a
simple MA crossover, apply the
indicators to a chart and check a
few example trades

the strategy

Do an initial backtest with

standard parameters

Evaluate/optimise No

Is the
Evaluate/optimise performing as
parameters expected?


Backtest against a basket Real-time execution &

of instruments monitoring

Strategy/code walk-
through to ensure that
Real-time testing
your logic is correct and
trades are being triggered

Figure 7.1 Strategy development and testing flowchart

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Strategy Development –
Trade Entry

Establishing A Starting Point

So how do you develop a trading strategy? Perhaps based on previous observation
of price movement, or indicators and strategies that you are familiar using in your
discretionary trading. One of the hardest things is trying to take your existing
discretionary trading logic and turn it into a system strategy. This is especially the case
if your current strategies rely on various time frames and drawing tools that are based
on human interpretation (such as trend lines or Fibonacci series).
The wrong approach is to randomly take a few indicators and put them together,
and then backtest them to see if the results are any good.

The correct approach would be to understand why certain price movements occur,
such as trends or breakouts, or to build on some of the popular indicators such as

If you have a strategy that can be written down as a formula, for example:

• Check that the previous bar close price is greater than the 14 period simple moving

• Check that the instrument is trending with ADX > 25.

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Then it should be relatively straightforward to take the discretionary strategy and

develop it into a trading system. You can do this for your existing strategies and then
test them to see how they would have performed over historical data, and perhaps
prove their long-term success.

What regularly happens though is that whilst the strategy may have several defined
elements that are clear-cut and formula based, there is often some element of human
interpretation involved before the trade is placed. I personally have changed many of
my discretionary strategies into system strategies and performed extensive
backtesting. During analysis I can see that whilst many of the trades backtested by
the system are ones that I would have entered on a discretionary basis, there are
always a few trades (both winning and losing) that I probably would not have entered
had I been trading the system on a discretionary basis.

We will go into detail on trading system analysis later in the book, but I think it is
important to detail here the requirements I look for in a good trading system:

• A strategy that has few parameters. By that I mean one that does not require too
many input variables.
• A strategy that works well for a wide range of instruments over a long duration,
not one that performs amazingly for only a single index or forex pair and only for
a short period of time.
• A strategy, including a money management process, that provides a smooth equity
curve with small, acceptable drawdowns.
• A strategy that is tradable. The strategy must fit in with the trader’s lifestyle. It is
pointless having a very successful strategy that provides trading signals on a five
minute basis if the trader can only place the trades once per day.

The following sections detail three basic trade entry strategies. Hundreds, perhaps
thousands, of different trade entry and exits exist. We will look at only a handful in
order to demonstrate how the techniques can be combined to create a full trading system.

Entry Example Using Moving Averages

In the trading packages you are likely to use you will always find a tutorial on
creating a simple trading system using two or more moving averages. The basic
principle behind the system is to have two moving averages over different time
periods. The shorter time period is the fast moving average, and the longer time

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Strategy Development – Trade Entry

period represents the slow moving average. The average calculation can be a simple
average or a weighted average, such as the exponential average that applies more
significance to the most recent chart data, in theory allowing a quicker reaction to
price movement.

In figure 8.1 we have two exponential moving averages on a daily chart. When the
fast moving average (black line) crosses up through the slow moving average (green
line) a buy signal is generated. Conversely, when the fast moving average crosses
below the slow moving average a sell signal is generated. Using faster moving
averages will produce a quicker, more responsive indicator, while using slower
moving averages will produce a slower indicator, less prone to whipsaws.

Figure 8.1 A single trade from open to close

This moving average system is an example of a symmetrical system where only a single
position is open at any one time, and the position is reversed when the signals are
generated. For example, when the buy signal occurs we open a long position on our
instrument. We then hold that position until we receive a sell signal, at which point
we reverse the trade so that we now have a short position open for that instrument.

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Entry Example Using MACD

Another example of a well-known indicator being used as part of a trading system
is the Moving Average Convergence/Divergence or MACD. As per the previous
example, MACD is another simple, lagging indicator that uses moving averages to
follow trending instruments. The lagging indicators are turned into a momentum
oscillator by subtracting the slower moving average from the faster moving average.
The resulting value forms a histogram that oscillates above and below a zero line.

Figure 8.2 One example of a trade using MACD

Using the default MACD values of 12, 26 and 9, of the two moving averages that
make up MACD, the 12 day exponential moving average (EMA) is the faster and the
26 day EMA is the slower. Closing prices are used to form the moving averages.
Usually, a 9 day EMA (purple line) of MACD is plotted alongside to act as a trigger

A bullish signal occurs when MACD (green line) moves above its 9 day EMA or the
centreline, and a bearish crossover occurs when MACD moves below its 9 day EMA
or the centreline.

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Strategy Development – Trade Entry

The histogram represents the difference between MACD and its 9 day EMA. The
histogram is positive when MACD is above its 9 day EMA and negative when
MACD is below its 9 day EMA.

Whilst MACD is technically a lagging indicator, the signals it generates are slightly
ahead when compared to 12 and 26 period exponential moving averages.

Entry Example Using Inside Days

An inside day can be defined as a day where the trading range (OHLC) of the
instrument is confined within the trading range of the previous day’s price action. For
example, today’s high price is lower than yesterday’s high price, and likewise, today’s
low price is higher than yesterday’s low price.

Figure 8.3 An example of an inside day

One possible way to enter a trade using an inside day bar is to enter a long order just
above the close price of the inside day, with a stop-loss just below the open price of the
inside day.

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Strategy Development –
Trade Exits
Once a trade has been entered, the wish of every trader is to be able to exit the
position with the maximum profit. A good exit strategy is more important than a
good entry strategy. Entries get you into a trade with a probability of success a little
higher than random, but a good exit is where you make your money. Several different
exit strategies exist ranging from exits based on time or profit targets through to
exits based on the results of technical indicators.

End Of Day
A simple trade exit strategy is to close out all trades at the end of the trading day. The
times to do this are determined by the closing time of the exchange that you are
trading on. For example if you were trading instruments listed on the London Stock
Exchange, you would exit your positions just before 4.30pm each day. This strategy
is also very easy to test in NinjaTrader as the strategy analyser has a configurable
parameter to close out the positions a number of seconds before the exchange closes.
An important point to be aware of when trading forex is that as it is a 24 hour market,
the closing time of your charting package may be different to someone else’s in a different
time zone. The European and US trading sessions are the busiest for currency trading,
and the overnight periods, whilst most of Asia is trading, are fairly quiet in comparison.
If using an end of day strategy, ensure that you are aware what time your broker ceases
trading. With Over-The-Counter instruments, different brokers close at different times.

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One advantage of closing your trades at the end of the day is that you can get a good
night’s sleep without worrying about any open positions. It also prevents you being
hit if the instrument gaps against you on opening the following day.

Time Of Day
It is also possible to schedule the strategies to only run during certain times of the day,
and exit all open trades just before the strategy stops. So, for example, if you only
want the strategy to run between 8am and 8pm, you could schedule the strategy as
per figure 9.1. The results are shown in figure 9.2, which confirms that all trades are
closed out at 8pm each day.

Figure 9.1 A strategy schedule between 8am and 8pm daily

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Strategy Development – Trade Exits

Figure 9.2 Four trades closing at 8pm each day

Of course, having rigid time frames for trading may cause you to miss out of some
of the market’s bigger moves as you have entered a trade based on a technical
indicator, but then closed it because the market closed for the day or your personal
close time was reached. During the next trading day, the previously day’s trading
signals may still be valid – for example the instrument could still be in the same trend
– but your strategy may not generate another trading signal so you could miss the
remaining trend.

Time of day exits may also be useful if you wish to exit all of your short-term
positions on a Friday afternoon before the weekend, or just before major economic

Before deciding to use such rigid time exits, be sure to have performed thorough
backtesting, comparing this type of exit with the other exists detailed here for your

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

A stop-loss is an order placed to close (buy or sell) once the instrument reaches a
certain price. The stop-loss limits the trader’s loss on the position. An advantage of
a stop-loss is that you do not have to monitor your trades constantly.

Configuring a static stop value that you use for all trades placed against a particular
instrument is the easiest stop-loss strategy. All instruments have different levels of
volatility which change over time. If you were to use static stop values you would find
it useful to have a reference table of stop values that you could update on a weekly
basis. The disadvantage is that short-term volatility can cause you to be stopped out.

Figure 9.3 shows the first trade being stopped out because the price action reversed.
The second trade shows a trade being stopped out due to short-term volatility before
the prior trend resumes and the instrument reaches greater highs.

Figure 9.3 Trade exits through stop-loss

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Strategy Development – Trade Exits

Before opening a position it is always good practice to have determined the level at
which your stop will be placed, and to ensure that you actually place the stop. Many
spread betting companies will force a stop to be created when the position is opened.
It is unlikely, though, that their stop value will match your strategy or money
management rules.

It is very important that when you backtest your strategy you ensure that your stop
sizes are compatible with the minimum stop values allowed by the spread betting
company. It may be possible that during your backtesting the results show a
promising strategy using a static stop-loss value of ten ticks, but the spread betting
company may require you to have your stop-loss a minimum of 25 points away from
entry price. As a result of this you may find that you have been forced to place your
stops much further away from the entry price, and this may mean that the strategy
is no longer as profitable.

Variable sized stop-loss

When discretionary trading, it is usually quite easy to determine where to set stop
values. Typically they would be set around areas of strong support or resistance, but
these areas are often subjective to the trader. With system trading, an algorithm is
required to calculate these stop values.

Low or High of the last X periods

Within our strategy we can calculate the lowest low or the highest high of the last X
time periods. We can then set our stop-loss just behind this level.

Figure 9.4 shows the high and lows for the last 14 bar period. These values are
calculated using the MIN and MAX.

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Figure 9.4 A price channel created on MIN and MAX price values

Average True Range

We can use the Average True Range indicator to calculate the range that the
instrument has been trading in over the last X periods. We then set our stop just
outside of this range, or to allow movement, we set it at ATR * constant.

Figure 9.5 shows the Average True Range being calculated for the previous 14 bar
period. ATR gives an idea of average volatility over the defined period.

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Strategy Development – Trade Exits

Figure 9.5 The Average True Range of GPBUSD being calculated

I often use the formula Integer(1/TickSize * ATR * 2) to calculate my stops.

Figure 9.6 shows my custom indicator for calculating the stop-loss value in some of
my strategies.

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Figure 9.6 Using ATR to calculate stop-loss sizing

The stop-loss calculator shows exactly the same plot as the ATR indicator, but the
scale on the right hand side has been changed. Rather than display the number of
ticks in the range, it displays a figure that can be used when selecting a stop-loss

Moving Average

We can use the X period moving average of the high and low to display a channel.
The stop-loss value would be placed either side of the channel depending on the
direction of the trade.

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Strategy Development – Trade Exits

Figure 9.7 Using the high and low moving average to create a price channel

Donchian Band or Envelope

We can use Donchian Bands or Envelopes. The orange plot is the arithmetic mean.
The Donchian Band is another type of price channel, with the stop-loss value being
placed outside of the channel.

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Figure 9.8 Another price channel, but created using Donchian Bands

Pivot Point

For highly liquid instruments pivot points are often used as a leading indicator for
price movement. Many strategies look at the pivot points as areas of price reversal.
A trader trading the price action shown in figure 9.9 may look for a price reversal at
the pivot point, and therefore place their stop-loss just below the pivot point value
in case the price reversal does not occur.

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Strategy Development – Trade Exits

Figure 9.9 Using pivot points to predict reversals


Often when trading with the trend, and looking for a pullback before entering the
trade, the trader will look for pullback at the 38-50% level. A possible logical place
for a stop-loss is the 78% fib level.

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Figure 9.10 Using Fibonacci to predict retracements and calculate stop levels

Trailing stop

A trailing stop is similar in practice to a standard stop-loss with the exception that
the trailing stop will follow the instrument’s price as the trade progresses. Figure 9.11
shows the position was opened with a trailing stop set to 50 pips. As the value of
Sterling increased against the dollar, the stop trailed the price by 50 pips. The price
reached 1.9826 before retracing. As the price fell, the stop remained in the same
position, ie, it does not trail the falling price, and the trade was closed when the stop
value was reached at 1.9776 (1.9826 minus 0.0050).

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Strategy Development – Trade Exits

Figure 9.11 Using a trailing stop to exit a position

Trailing a stop is easy to do in theory or if auto-trading a system, but many spread

betting companies do not offer the facility to have trailing stops in place. Therefore,
it is actually hard to trail a stop in practice because it requires a manual movement
of the stop.
A manual approach to trail a stop could involve the following:

• Set the initial stop, for example let us use a stop that is 30 points below the current
price on a long trade.

• Wait until the price action reaches Entry Price + Stop Size, in our case if the entry
price was 100p, so wait until the price hits 130p.

• Change the current stop value to be the original entry price.

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• As the price increases every five points, trail the stop another five points. Doing
this will still maintain a 30 point stop, until the price action goes against our trade.

• Should the price action go against the trade, do not move the stop.

This approach will enable the stop to trail the price, but it does require a substantial
amount of manual intervention.

Profit Target
A profit target is a price that the trader feels the open position may reach, and if it
does the trader will be happy to close all or some of the trade at this value, thus
taking a profit.

Setting a profit target goes against one of the golden rules of trading – cut your losses,
and let your profits run – however setting a profit target can be useful for certain
types of strategies.

When scalping on a very short time frame, setting tight profit targets and even tighter
stops can be profitable as you have clearly defined your risk: reward ratio when
entering the trade.

Another trading misconception is that you will never be poor if you bank your
profits. Unfortunately it is very easy for the human mind to lose discipline and let
emotions take over when a trade goes in your favour. If, for example, you have a tight
scalping strategy and your average win is five points, and average loss is three points,
and your trend following system is 40% accurate, then how many trades before your
trading capital dwindles to zero?
It is also important to point out that if your risk-to-reward ratio is only 1-to-1, and
your strategy is less than 50% successful, then over time you will slowly decrease
your account size! However it is very possible to have a trading strategy that is only
40% successful but can still be profitable if the system allows the winning trades to
run, and cuts the losers at a defined stop level.

Some of the benefits of a profit target include:

• Easy to set, the value can be determined by your risk to reward ratio, or by a
technical level on trade entry.

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Strategy Development – Trade Exits

• Allows a clear expectation of trade direction.

The disadvantages include:

• Sometimes a trade will reverse before the target is met, and the position is not
closed out.

• The trade could meet the profit target, and the position be closed, only for the
price to keep rising. You will miss out on a bumper trade.

Figure 9.12 shows a long trade entry being closed when the price movement hits a
100-point profit target.

Figure 9.12 The exit of a position when a profit target is reached

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Often in highly liquid markets or indices, pivot points (often combined with
Fibonacci ratios) prove to be very effective as a forward-looking indicator and are
great places for enter and exit positions. At the time of writing the majority of world
markets are experiencing increased volatility. Volatile markets widen the pivot point
levels, so you should be aware that if you use the pivot point levels for your stop-loss
you will be taking on higher levels of risk.

Direction Reversal

Exit example using moving average

Figure 9.13 shows an example of reversing the trade using a moving average
crossover. At point 1) a previous short entry is closed and a long position opened.
Point 2) shows the long position closing, and the immediate opening of a short
position. Using this type of strategy, the system always has a market position.

Figure 9.13 A moving average strategy that reverses the position on crossover

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Strategy Development – Trade Exits

Exit using a technical indicator

As well as using stops and profit targets to exit a trade, it is also possible to use a
technical indicator to exit a position.

Exit example using MACD

Figure 9.14 shows a trade entry using the MACD line crossing over the zero, or
centreline. The position is exited based on a technical indicator, when the MACD line
crosses below the ninth period signal line.

Figure 9.14 Position exit based on MACD indicator

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Strategy Development –
Adding Filters

What Is A Filter?
A filter is a secondary indicator used in conjunction with a trade entry signal to
minimise the impact of bad entry signals.

Figure 10.1 shows an extract from a basic moving average crossover strategy. We
can see seven consecutive losing trades where an entry signal is given, but the
instrument’s price eventually goes in the opposite direction.

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Figure 10.1 A strategy falling foul of whipsaws

These whipsaws can be minimised by using a filter on the entry condition. A technical
filter can be created from any indicator or formula based on price action.

As the system in this example is a trend following system we could use a trend
detecting indicator (such as ADX) to check that the price action is trending, and thus
confirm our primary entry signal.

Figure 10.2 shows the same section of data and trades but with an ADX filter at the
bottom of the chart. Often an ADX value greater than 20 is used to confirm whether
an instrument is trending. It is possible to see from our chart that during this sideways
trending, or ranging period, the value of ADX remains below 20. If we were to
change our strategy to combine the two moving averages with the ADX>20 filter,
none of the losing trades in figure 10.2 would have been entered into.

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Strategy Development – Adding Filters

Figure 10.2 The same moving average with an ADX indicator plotted on the chart

It is important to note that the inclusion of an ADX to this strategy may not make
the strategy more profitable. Certainly the use of ADX would filter out the seven
bad trades given in this example, but it may also filter out some of the good trades.

The benefits of a filter include:

• It provides a screening facility for the primary signals by using additional entry
criteria to reduce the number of bad trades, and hence improve the probability
that the entry signal will be good.

The disadvantages of a filter can be:

• The filter does not always screen out bad trades. Losing trades will still exist in
the system.

• The filter can also prevent profitable trades from being entered.

• Typically using a filter drastically reduces the amount of trade entry signals
produced by the trading system

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Strategy Development –
Moving Average Example
This chapter gives a detailed step-by-step guide on creating and backtesting a simple
strategy using NinjaTrader.

The strategy is a basic moving average crossover. The theory behind the strategy is
to use two moving average indicators of different bar periods. The average value is
calculated based on the closing price of the bar.

When the fast period moving average crosses the slow moving average from below,
we can expect the instrument’s price to be increasing. We take advantage of this price
movement or trend by opening a long position.

Conversely, when the fast moving average crosses the slow moving average from
above we expect the instrument’s price to be decreasing and we open a short position.

Even though we will use exponential moving averages for this strategy, these
indicators are lagging indicators, so we should expect to see some movement in the
price before we open the trade. Likewise we will also see some price movement
against us before the position is closed.

We will not use a stop or profit target, and hence the strategy is symmetrical and
always has an open position.

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Strategy Formula

Long Entry

Long entry occurs if the EMA(Close[0], Fast Bar Period) crosses above the
EMA(Close[0], Slow Bar Period).

Basically we are calculating the exponential moving average of the instrument’s

closing price for the number of bars defined by the value “fast bar period”. If we were
to assume that our fast bar period is nine bars worth of price data, then this creates
a plot on our price graph based on the closing values of the previous nine bars.

The second half of the formula determines the exponential moving average of the
instruments closing price for the number of bars defined by the “slow bar period”.
For example, let us assume that this value is 45 bars worth of closing prices.

The middle part of the formula, “crosses above”, is the comparison argument. The
formula determines when the two plots of price action cross.

Short Entry

Short entry occurs if the EMA(Close[0], Fast Bar Period) crosses below the
EMA(Close[0], Slow Bar Period).

This second condition is the opposite of the first condition. We are now looking for
a cross below the slower moving average.

When we backtest and schedule the strategy, we will use trading conditions to only
allow a single order to be open in the market at any one time. Therefore, should we
have an open long position, and the strategy triggers a short trade, the long position
will be closed and the short position opened. Due to this fact we will not explicitly
define any conditions to close any previous trades when a new signal is generated.
Should you wish to use multiple open positions in the future it would be good
practice to edit the strategy and define explicit close conditions.

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Strategy Development – Moving Average Example

Strategy creation steps

Select Tools -> New NinjaScript -> Strategy

Figure 11.1 Selecting the strategy wizard in NinjaTrader

Figure 11.2 The initial screen of the strategy creation wizard. Select Next to continue.

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Figure 11.3 The assignment of a strategy name and description

Change the default name and descriptions to those shown in figure 11.3.

Figure 11.4 The parameter specification page

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Strategy Development – Moving Average Example

We define two variables or parameters for our strategy. Each parameter has a default
value set. We can change these values during backtesting and strategy scheduling, if
we desire, without having to edit the strategy. Select Next when the parameters have
been entered.

Parameter Description

A very short duration moving average value to be used in conjunction

with the SlowEMA to exit the position

Another short duration – although longer than the FastEMA – mov-

ing average

Table 11.1 The parameters to be used for the moving average strategy

Once parameters have been entered, the Conditions and Actions window is displayed
which allows the entry of up to ten different sets of entry/exit criteria.

Figure 11.5 A blank Conditions and Actions screen

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Each set – accessed by selecting the specific Set tab – has two panes. The upper pane
defines the conditions that are required to have happened before the Action – the
lower pane – is executed.

For example we will configure the upper pane on Set 1 to be our Long Entry criteria.
The resulting action of our long entry criteria is to open a long position.

Multiple conditions can be entered into the Conditions pane. For example a strategy
may wish to check that:

• A moving average crossover has occurred.

• The price action has an Average True Range less than a set value.

• The closing price of the previous bar is greater than the current bar’s closing price.

Each of these conditions would be entered as individual conditions in the Conditions

pane. A logical AND operation is performed on the conditions to ensure that the
action is performed only when all conditions are true.

Multiple Actions can also be created. For example, when all of the conditions are
true, you may wish to enter a long position, and perform a drawing function on the

For our example strategy we are only concerned with checking our long entry criteria
and entering a long position. To do this, first select the Add button next to the
Conditions pane (the higher of the two Add buttons).

The Condition Builder window appears as shown in figure 11.6.

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Strategy Development – Moving Average Example

Figure 11.6 The Condition Builder window

The condition builder window is split into two halves, and allows the comparison of
indicators, price data, time series, other strategies, parameters, variables and a
selection of miscellaneous features.

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We are interested in comparing two exponential moving averages. In the left hand
window, scroll down under the Indicators heading and select EMA (exponential
moving average).

Figure 11.7 The Condition Builder window with an EMA Indicator selected

The strategy wizard displays the default settings for the EMA indicator. We are
required to change:

• The Input Series to be the closing price of the current bar.

• The period to be our fast bar period represented by our FastEMA parameter.

• We will also change the Plot on Chart value to be True so that we have an easy
view of when the moving average crossovers occur in our strategy.

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Strategy Development – Moving Average Example

First, click on the words DefaultInput under the parameters section. A small box
with three dots in should appear to the right hand side. Then click on the small box.
The Value window will appear.

Figure 11.8 The Value window

The Value window displays the different input series that we can use in our strategy.
We could even use a different indicator as input, but in our example we only require
the current close price, so select Close from under the Price data heading, and then
select OK.

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Back in the Condition Builder window, click on the number 14, which represents the
default Period parameter. Click on the small box with three dots next to the value,
and the Value window appears again. Scroll down to the User Defined Inputs
heading, and select our FastEMA parameter, and then select OK.

Figure 11.9 The Value window with our FastEMA parameter selected

Finally change the Plot on Chart value to be True.

In the middle of the Condition Builder window is our comparison operator. Change
this to be CrossAbove.

In the right hand condition, repeat the above steps, but selecting SlowEMA instead
of FastEMA. The final Condition Builder window should look like this:

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Strategy Development – Moving Average Example

Figure 11.10 A Condition Builder window comparing two EMAs

Once complete, select OK and you are returned to the Conditions and Actions
window for the Set 1 tab. The condition that we just created appears in the conditions

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Figure 11.11 A finished condition

The next step is to create an action that occurs when the condition is met. Select the
Add button (the lower one of the two) next to the Actions pane.

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Strategy Development – Moving Average Example

Figure 11.12 A Strategy Action window for entry of a long position

The Strategy action window appears. Scroll down to Order Management and select
Enter long position. A parameters section appears in the bottom pane of the window.
We are required to enter a signal name for the entry action. I have chosen the name
“EnterLong”. When selecting Signal names be sure to choose something that defines
the action clearly, as the signal names appear in our backtest results. Selecting OK
returns us back to the Conditions and Actions window, and we can see our long
entry condition, and the resulting long entry action.

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Figure 11.13 A completed condition and resulting action

The next step is to create the short entry conditions and actions. NinjaTrader provides
us with a short cut to do this. Right click on the long condition and select Copy.

Figure 11.14 Selecting Copy as a Condition Builder short cut

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Strategy Development – Moving Average Example

Now select the Set 2 tab, and right click in the condition pane, and select Paste. The
condition from the Set 1 tab has now been copied into the Set 2 tab. Edit this
condition by selecting the box with three dots next to the condition.

Figure 11.15 Editing an existing condition

The condition builder window appears. For this condition we need to:

• Change the CrossOver operator to be CrossBelow.

• Set the Plot on Chart values to be false, as we are already plotting these values
from the condition in Set 1.

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Figure 11.16 Highlighting the items to change for our short entry condition

Once complete, select OK, and we are returned to the Conditions and Actions
window. We now need to add an action for our short entry condition. Select the Add
button next to the Actions pane.

The Strategy Action window appears. Select Enter short position under the Order
management heading, and enter a Signal name. I have chosen “EnterShort”.

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Strategy Development – Moving Average Example

Figure 11.17 The resulting action for our short entry

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The completed conditions and action for Set 2 should look like:

Figure 11.18 The completed Condition and Action for short entry

Selecting Next prompts us with the stops and targets window. Leave these blank and
select Next.

The final screen is displayed, and selecting Finish generates the strategy.

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Strategy Development – Moving Average Example

Figure 11.19 The finishing screen shown on strategy completion

Running the strategy

Now that the strategy has been created, we can use the Strategy Analyzer tool to
backtest our strategy against the historic data we have available.

In this example we will backtest against the EURJPY currency pair. This section is
only a high level view at backtesting the strategy, the next chapter goes into much
greater detail about the backtesting process.

I have previously installed eight year’s worth of one minute historic data for this
instrument, and I have also connected Ninja to the real-time forex data feed provided
by Gain. Please refer to the NinjaTrader manual for details on how to complete these

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First begin by opening a new Strategy Analyzer window.

Figure 11.20 Locating the Strategy Analyzer in NinjaTrader

Once opened, the Strategy Analyzer window displays the instrument lists you have
configured on the left hand side. In the screenshot my default list consists of the 11
major currency pairs I trade. The majority of the window displays the performance
metrics calculated during the backtest.

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Strategy Development – Moving Average Example

Figure 11.21 Selecting the backtest button within the Strategy Analyzer

First highlight the EURJPY currency pair – or any other instrument that you have
configured and that has a range of historic data available – and then select the
backtest button, highlighted in the screenshot. The Backtest window appears.

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Figure 11.22 Selecting a strategy and parameters before backtesting begins

Before exercising the backtest, I have changed several of the parameters in the
backtest window.

Strategy. The Strategy drop down box lists all of the strategies configured in the
application. Here we have selected the strategy we just created, MovingAverage.

Parameters. The Parameters section allows us to change the parameters we created.

In this example I have left the values set to the default values we used when the
strategy was created.

Data series. The Data series allows us to change the bar period on which the strategy
is executed. I have configured the strategy to run on a 60 minute bar.

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Strategy Development – Moving Average Example

Time frame. The time frame determines what time period we wish to backtest the
strategy for. The choice of time frame depends on:

• How much historic data you have installed (or available from your data feed).

• What market conditions you wish to expose your strategy to. In this example we
are backtesting against a period of just over 8 years that contains a variety of
market conditions.

Order Handling. In this section we determine how many trades per direction, the
entry handling and whether the trade should close on exit. I only wish for my trades
to exit based on when the moving average crossover occurs, and not the close of the
session, so Exit on close has been changed to False.

Order Properties. The Order Properties section enables us to set a position size for
the trade. For basic spread betting where we only have a single position open per
direction, these values should not be of concern as we will be analysing the results
by way of how many points were realised during each trade, and not any overall
profit values. However to make the results more meaningful in this example I have
set the strategy to choose the order quantity by default quantity, and chosen a value
of 1,000 for the default quantity. This is roughly the forex trading equivalent of
spread betting at $1 per point for this instrument.

The resulting summary shows a profitable strategy over the time period backtested
against. But beware, this backtest did not include any slippage or commission – by
way of the spread – or any money management rules. We will cover all of these, and
an understanding of the performance metrics, in a later chapter.

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Figure 11.23 Backtested strategy results

In this chapter we have used NinjaTrader to develop a simple strategy based on two
moving averages to create a trend following system.

We then backtested the strategy, for a single currency pair, against our historic data.

Whilst this shows that the strategy generates a profit over the period we have
backtested, it does not really show that it is a profitable or tradable strategy.

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Strategy Backtesting

What Is Backtesting?
Backtesting is the process of checking a trading strategy on previous time periods
rather than applying the strategy for the current time period forward. Doing the
latter could take many years to perform in order to expose the strategy to various
market conditions. Through backtesting, a systems developer can gauge performance
of the strategy based on previous market data. This may give an indication of how
the strategy will perform when exposed to future market data.

When financial products are advertised in the media you will always be made aware
that the growth or performance figures refer to the past and that the past performance
is not a reliable indicator of future results. The same is true for backtesting a strategy.

All of the performance data obtained during a backtest is highly dependent on the
price movement of the instruments for the specific time period of the backtest.
Potential financial risks are raised for the trader who assumes that previous
performance results are always achievable in future trading.

For example, a long only strategy backtested over a bull market will probably
produce favourable results. Real-time execution of the same strategy in a bear market
is likely to produce disappointment, or financial pain.

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It is therefore important to have tested a strategy for various time periods in varying
degrees of market stability and turmoil. When developing a strategy, it is very
important to understand how the strategy is expected to work. Performing backtests
will give the system developer a greater understanding of why the strategy did work,
or why it did not work, as the case may be.
Having multiple strategies, and understanding how each strategy performs during
various market conditions, allows the systems trader to pick and choose which
strategies to have deployed at any one time. The trader has an awareness of the
current market conditions through analysis of fundamental data such as economic
announcements or political events. Based on the fundamental data, the trader can
then select a series of strategies to trade on a technical analysis basis. The end result
being that the trader has a portfolio of strategies to select from.
It is relatively easy to create a trading strategy that returns a net profit for the time
period in which it is backtested. During backtesting it is important to replicate – as
closely as possible – all of the parameters or options that will be used during real-time
strategy trading. Some of the items that influence the backtested results include:
• The time period chosen for backtesting.
• The instrument or portfolio of instruments selected.
• The price slippage that takes place on trade entry and exit.
• Commissions or spreads.
• Using a realistic initial account size at the start of the backtest.
• Executing the system with the proposed money management strategy in place.

Types Of Backtesting
I regularly employ three styles of backtesting during the strategy development
• Static historic data backtest.
• Dynamic data backtest.
• Real-time strategy application and testing.

I work through each of the three processes in order and regularly find parts of the
strategy that require modification. At that point I will return to the development
phase and make changes to the strategy where necessary, before re-applying the three
backtesting phases.

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Strategy Backtesting

Static historic data

In an earlier chapter we discussed the purchase and installation of static historic data.
This approach to backtesting is by far the easiest. Once you have created your
strategy, simply use the NinjaTrader Strategy Analyzer tool to run the strategy for a
given time frame and instrument. In the previous chapter we performed this style of
backtest using the MovingAverage strategy and the EURJPY currency pair.

When backtesting using this method it is important to be aware of the parameter

CalculateOnBarClose. I will explain this further with an example.

Let us assume that we have a very basic strategy that opens a long position if the
current instrument price is greater than a 14 period moving average. The same
strategy closes the position if the price falls below the 14 period moving average.

For any instrument with even moderate volatility it would be easy to see that if we
were trading this strategy on a bar period of significant size, for example hourly bars,
then it is very likely that many positions could be opened and closed on the same bar
as the price fluctuates above and below the 14 period moving average.

This approach may be fine if that is how the system developer intends the strategy
to work, however it is likely that opening and closing of multiple positions would just
cost the trader a large amount in commission.

Should the trader set CalculateOnBarClose = True in the Strategy Analyzer window,
or when creating the strategy, then the strategy conditions will only be evaluated
once (when the bar closes and the next bar begins to be formed). Therefore, if the bar
period is hourly, then on the hour the condition will be evaluated. If determined to
be true (the close price is greater than 14 period moving average in our example), then
a position will be opened at the open price of the next bar.

This is a great approach to minimise whipsaws during real-time execution, however

it does have a drawback. Positions are also closed on bar close. For example, if you
are trading on a 30 minute bar, and 15 minutes into the bar your position is in profit,
your strategy will need to wait another 15 minutes before it evaluates whether to
close the position for a profit. Obviously, during this time it could be possible for the
trade to go against you.

When backtesting against historic data, all of the backtests are executed with
CalculateOnBarClose set to True. This is because the Strategy Analyzer cannot “see

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

inside” the bar to find out how the bar was created. For example, if we have a 60
minute bar, the price action during those sixty minutes could be fairly volatile with
a large bar being formed, and then close back somewhere near the open price for
the bar, creating a candlestick with a small body and large shadows (as shown in
figure 12.1).

Figure 12.1 Showing a single candle with high volatility

Strategy Analyzer has no visibility of this price action within the 60 minute period.
If you create and backtest a strategy with CalculateOnBarClose set to true, but then
execute your strategy in real-time with it set to False you will probably see a
noticeable difference in performance – sometimes good, sometimes bad. When the
strategy is executing real-time, it has the ability to execute instantly rather than
waiting for the sixty minute bar to finalise.

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Strategy Backtesting

Dynamic data and simulation

One of the problems we encounter with static historic data is the fact that we cannot
see inside the data bars. For example if our historic data is one minute bars, when
we perform a backtest, our strategy can only perform calculations based on the
OHLC of each individual 1 min bar, therefore every trading decision has at least a
theoretical one minute delay. This is one of the major reasons why the results of a
backtest are different to the results of a real-time test for exactly the same time period.

One way of overcoming this limitation during testing is to use the Market Replay
feature of NinjaTrader. Market Replay allows the trader to record in real-time the
price changes of an instrument and then replay the data again using different
strategies. NinjaTrader provides a synchronous replay of any and all recorded
markets and delivers the market data to all NinjaTrader windows as if the data was
happening in real-time. It is therefore possible to have multiple charts, strategies and
instruments replaying all at the same time. It is possible to trade in simulation mode
against this data. It is also possible to vary the speed of replay, so you can simulate
several month’s worth of replay data in a much shorter time period.

NinjaTrader also offers a Simulated Data Feed which can be connected to in the same
manner as a standard data feed. The simulated data feed takes its starting price data
from configurable options in the instrument list. The simulated price can then be
modified using a trend sliding gauge.

Figure 12.2 The trend gauge

With the trend gauge set to its middle setting the price fluctuates slightly around the
starting price. Moving the gauge higher or lower initiates a controllable uptrend or

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Real-time testing

Real-time testing is the final stage of the testing process before the results analysis is
performed. It is important to see the strategy reacting to different market conditions,
but because this stage of testing is performed real-time it is unlikely that the strategy
will experience many market conditions, unless the real-time testing is performed
over a long time period.

I prefer to use the real-time testing phase to understand whether the strategy is
actually tradable. The things I look for during this phase are:

• Are the trade signals generated at a time when I am available to place and manage
the trades?

• Are the levels of commission and slippage during this phase representative of the
ones used during the historic backtest?

During this phase I tend to use one of the dummy or demo accounts available for
placing the trades. Not only does this totally eliminate any financial risk, but by using
a demo account provided by the same spread betting company I have my real account
with I get the extra experience of using their trading interface.

One thing to be aware of when using a demo account is that the prices, price update
frequency and the number of available instruments is likely to be a subset of those
offered by a full account.

Out Of Sample Data

When backtesting a strategy during the static historic data phase, I tend to split the
backtesting into three focus areas:

• Long duration time span.

• Out of sample period.

• Specific market condition time frame.

The typical long duration time span approach is to simply backtest the strategy
against a large portion of historic data. For example, since the euro was introduced
in 1999 I have approximately eight year’s worth of historic data for currency pairs
including the euro. My long duration backtest would be performed over seven year’s
worth of this data, leaving the most current year for out of sample testing.

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Strategy Backtesting

The long duration data is used extensively during the research and optimisation
phases of strategy development. Once I am happy that the strategy is performing as
desired, I will perform a further backtest using out of sample data.

Out of sample data is typically a set of historic data not used during any of the
development and optimisation phases. Hence the data has not played any part during
the strategies development, and can be considered to be clean or new data.

I will backtest the strategy against this out of sample data and compare the results
against the long duration time span. A successful strategy will be one that performs
consistently over both backtests.

My usual choice for out of sample data is the year prior to the current date, as I feel
that the most recent year will be more representative of the year to come. However
this is not always the case, even if you have a bear or bull run for a period of years,
there will always be a turning point where the long-term trend changes.

In addition to the long duration and out of sample data, it is also worth exposing the
strategy to certain time periods that cover specific market conditions.

Figure 12.3 Choosing time periods for backtesting: this time period is a strong uptrend

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

The chart in figure 12.3 shows a six month period for GBPUSD that experiences a
strong uptrend. Therefore should you wish to backtest your strategy to see how it
performs during a strong uptrend, you could use these date ranges in the Strategy
Analyzer tool.

Figure 12.4 A long period of historic data where the most recent year is our out of sample

The chart in figure 12.4 shows almost 13 year’s worth of historic price data for
GBPUSD, covering all of the market conditions during the ten year backtest period.
Data from the most recent year is used for out of sample testing.

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Strategy Backtesting

Performance Metrics Available In NinjaTrader

The screenshot shows the results from our previous backtest of the moving average

Figure 12.5 Some of the performance metrics available in NinjaTrader

The Strategy Analyzer provides us with important data about our strategy. The
different sets of results can be accessed from the tabs within the window.

Strategy Analyzer - summary tab

The summary tab is split into four columns. The 1st column lists the metrics, the
2nd column lists the results for all trades, the 3rd and 4th columns break the trades
down into long and short trades respectively.

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Metric Description
Total Net Profit Gross profit – gross loss
Gross Profit Total winning trades including commission
Gross Loss Total losing trades including commission
Commission Total commission
Profit Factor Net profit / net losses
Cumulated Profit Compounded profit over performance reporting period
Maximum Drawdown The maximum amount of drawdown
Profit per months – risk free return / standard deviation of monthly
Sharpe Ratio
Date/Time Range Start and end times and dates of the performance reporting period
Total number of trades Total number of trades taken
Percent Profitable Percentage of total trades that are profitable
Number of winning trades Total number of winning trades
Number of losing trades Total number of losing trades
Average trade Average profit for all trades
Average winning trade Average profit for all winning trades
Average losing trade The average loss for all losing trades
Ratio of Avg. Win/Avg. Loss Win/loss ratio
Max consecutive winners The maximum number of consecutive winning trades
Max consecutive losers The maximum number of consecutive losing trades
Largest winning trade The largest winning trade
Largest losing trade The largest losing trade
Total number of trades divided by total number of days in the
Number of trades per day
performance reporting period
Avg. time in market The average time in days that each trade is in the market
Avg. bars in trade Avg. bars in trade
Profit per month Profit per month
The maximum time in days that it takes to recover from a
Max. time to recover
drawdown, ie, to get back to break-even
Average maximum adverse excursion which represents the worst
Average MAE
loss level a trade reached
Average maximum favourable excursion which represents the best
Average MFE
profit level a trade reached
Average ETD The average End Trade Drawdown

Table 12.1 Performance Metrics available in NinjaTrader and their respective descriptions

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Strategy Backtesting

Possible metrics to observe

When creating a trading system for the first time it is easy to focus on the total net
profit and the percentage profitable figures.

Total net profit

Total net profit is the sum of all of the losing trades (gross losses) subtracted from the
sum of all of the winning trades (gross profits). Sometimes this can be an ego-boosting
figure, although I would recommend that it is only used as a guide because the actual
figures obtained, when the strategy is run real-time, can be very different. It should
also be noted that strategies created using the wizard do not have access to any money
management facilities, so you will be unable to position size your trades correctly
based on available account capital.

Percentage profitable

Percentage profitable can also be a misleading figure. Whilst it is highly desirable to

have a strategy with a high probability of success, using a proper money management
approach can allow the trader to have a low percentage of profitable trades and yet
still return an overall profit. Typically a trend following strategy will have a high
percentage of losing trades which are stopped out or closed for a small loss, and a
small percentage of large successful trades.

Better metrics to observe

This section details the performance metrics that I focus on during the results analysis
phase of backtesting. A key point to make is that not one single metric should be
looked at in isolation as each one has their benefits and drawbacks. It is also rare to
find a system that exhibits healthy values for each of the performance metrics. Many
systems will have positive results in certain areas, but then experience poor statistics
for another metric. Compromise and discretion play a large part in choosing the final
strategy to trade with.

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Profit factor

The profit factor can be calculated by dividing the gross profits value by the gross
losses. For example the total dollars gained on all of the winning trades divided by
the total dollars lost on all of the losing trades. For spread betting we can substitute
dollars for points, thus removing any discrepancy that may occur in the backtest
results due to different position sizes.

A profit factor greater than one indicates that the system returned a profit during the
backtest period. A value less than one shows that the system made a loss.

One of the problems with using profit factor is that it does not give an indication of
the tradability of the system. For example, you may have a trend following strategy
that has an average successful trade of 1 in 5.

Trade Profit/Loss (points)

Trade 1 -10
Trade 2 -10
Trade 3 60
Trade 4 -10
Trade 5 -10

Table 12.2 Sample trade results

The table shows that we had four losing trades, each losing 10 points. The single
winning trade returned a profit of 60 points.

60 (gross profit) / 40 (gross loss) = 1.5 (Profit Factor)

The strategy returns a positive profit factor value, and is reasonably stable by way
of it receiving several small value losing trades. Thus cutting our losses and letting
our profits run.

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Strategy Backtesting

In comparison, we could take a second strategy.

Trade Profit/Loss (points)

Trade 1 100
Trade 2 -100
Trade 3 100
Trade 4 -100
Trade 5 100
Trade 6 -100
Trade 7 100
Trade 8 65

Table 12.3 Sample trade results

The table shows that we had three losing trades, each losing 100 points each. The
winning trades returned a profit of 465 points.

465 (gross profit) / 300 (gross loss) = 1.5 (Profit Factor)

The strategy returns a positive profit factor value, but has a massive swing between
winning and losing trades. This high volatility may lead to a system being deemed to
be “untradeable”, yet it has the same profit factor as our first strategy.

Sharpe Ratio

The Sharpe Ratio is a measure of the excess return per unit of risk in a trading system.
Developed by William Sharpe, the Sharpe Ratio tells us whether the returns from a
portfolio are due to intelligent investment decisions (sensible strategy partnered with
good money management), or the result of excess risk (large position sizing out of
proportion with available capital). The Sharpe Ratio is a useful metric when
comparing the performance of two strategies, especially if one appears to have a
much higher return, as the ratio enables us to see if that higher return is because of
a higher risk. The higher the Sharpe Ratio metric, the better the risk-adjusted
performance of the strategy.

Average maximum adverse excursion

The maximum adverse excursion represents the largest loss (realised or unrealised)
suffered by a single trade during the backtest period. For example if an open trade goes

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against the trader, falls to a 50 point loss, and then recovers for a smaller loss or even a
profit, then the MAE for that trade will be 50 points. It is worth noting that NinjaTrader
does not display the figure as a negative value. It is assumed that because the figure is
the Adverse Excursion, rather than Favourable Excursion, the figure is negative.

The average MAE is the mean value of all of the MAEs, and therefore gives a single
averaged figure for the backtest period. As the figure is an average, the system trader
must be aware that larger and smaller losses will occur than the average MAE value.

Typically a strategy that has a tight stop-loss will see the average MAE metric to be
close to the stop-loss value, as the stop is likely to be hit before a technical indicator
closes a losing trade.

A small average MAE is desirable in a strategy.

Strategy Analyzer – chart tab

The Chart tab displays the instruments price data for the backtested period. All
positions are detailed on the chart, including any plots from the strategy. Additional
indicators and drawing tools can be used on the chart for further analysis.

Figure 12.6 The chart, indicators and trades for a backtested instrument

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Strategy Backtesting

Strategy Analyzer – graphs tab

The graphs tab details several useful graphs of the trades during the backtest period.
The two graphs that I find most useful are the Cumulated Profit and the Drawdown
graphs. The Cumulated Profit graph provides details of the equity curve.

Figure 12.7 A large profit from an early trade, and then a steady – but not smooth – equity

Equity curves tend to smooth out when a higher number of trades, or a longer time
period is used.

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The drawdown plots the drawdown for the backtest period.

Figure 12.8 A large drawdown early into the backtest

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Strategy Backtesting

Strategy Analyzer – trades tab

The Trades tab details all of the trades during the backtest period. The data from this
tab will be exported into Excel during our detailed backtesting analysis.

Figure 12.9 An example trades tab displaying all of the trade details for that instrument dur-
ing the backtest

Slippage can be defined as the change in price that occurs between the time when the
trading system notifies the trader of a trade, and the time when the position is actually
filled. Slippage occurs on both the opening and closing of positions. When systems
trading for spread betting, slippage can be further broken down into three areas:

1. The time between the trading system generating a signal, and the trader receiving
the signal.

2. The time between the trader receiving the signal and the order being placed with
the spread betting company.

3. The time between the trader placing the order, and the order being filled.

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The time taken for a trader to receive a trading signal from the system and the placing
of the trade depends on the system setup and its tradability. If the trader, trading
system and order entry tool are all accessible from the trading workstation, and the
trader is watching the markets, then this slippage can be minimal in all but the fastest
moving markets.

Should the trader be reliant on an email generated by the trading system, a high
degree of latency can be expected, and the position may be entered a matter of
minutes or more after the signal was generated. Tradability issues due to trade
notification will be uncovered during real-time testing of the strategy.

The final area of slippage, the slippage generated while the order is being filled by the
spread betting company, is out of the hands of the trader. Only experience will
determine how the trader perceives the speed at which his orders are filled.

With automated trading slippage still exists, but to a lesser extent.

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Strategy Optimisation

Optimisation Overview
Strategy optimisation is the process of taking a successful strategy and performing
further backtests (but each additional backtest varies the input parameters and/or
the bar period ie, an hourly bar chart), to understand the optimum parameters for
the trading system.

Taking our example Moving Average strategy from a previous chapter, we have the
following parameters that we can change:

Parameter Description
A very short duration moving average value to be used in conjunction
with the SlowEMA to exit the position

Another short duration (although longer than the FastEMA) moving


Table 13.1 Moving average parameters used in an earlier strategy example

Our previous backtest also used only a 60 minute bar period. During the optimisation
of this strategy we should also consider different bar periods.

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During our optimisation of the Moving Average strategy, we will vary both of the
input parameters using the Optimise feature of the NinjaTrader Strategy Analyzer. We
will also backtest several different bar periods. At the time of writing, the current
version of NinjaTrader does not support optimisation based on time, hence this step
will be a manual process.

Backtesting a strategy is a long process, optimising a strategy takes even longer!

Before starting the optimisation process, it is worth a quick reminder that it is possible
to over-optimise a strategy and effectively curve fit the strategy to the data. Remember
that we are looking to produce a finalised strategy that uses the same parameters
and time period, yet works for a range of instruments.

When optimising a strategy I usually employ two techniques. The first is to use the
optimisation feature of NinjaTrader to perform a backtest on every single input
parameter I set for the strategy. The second technique is to be more selective on input
parameters and bar periods, exercise each backtest based on those parameters, and
plot the results as a graph in MS Excel or MatLab.

Whilst I believe that the second approach does produce a slightly better result, it
does take an extremely large amount of effort, and would possibly go into a depth
of complexity outside the scope of this book. A further benefit of this approach is that
having to manually choose the parameters does give the system developer a greater
insight into the inner workings of their strategy.

Backtesting And Optimising Example Using Moving


Automated optimisation with NinjaTrader

Taking our two exponential moving average parameters as a starting point we should
decide which input ranges to choose. The moving average strategy uses the crossover
of two different period moving averages to spot the trends and hence trigger the

The fast moving average is likely to be a short duration, perhaps with a bar period
of less than 10. The slow moving average will be a longer duration of a higher range

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Strategy Optimisation

of values. The step value determines how the parameter value will be incremented for
each optimised backtest.

For example, if we were to use the input parameter 3;10;1 for FastEMA we are telling
the optimiser to use a starting value of 3, an end value of 10, and an increment of 1.
Therefore the optimiser would use values 3 through to 10 (ie, all of the values
3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10) one at a time.

For our second input parameter, SlowEMA, if we were to use 20;60;5 we are telling
the optimiser to start at the value 20 and finish at the value 60, incrementing the
parameter by five for each backtest. The optimiser would then use values
20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 and 60.

Parameter Range Step

FastEMA 3 – 10 1

SlowEMA 20 – 60 5

Table 13.2 Strategy parameters, optimisation ranges and step increments

Once the parameter ranges are chosen, a data series (or bar period) and time frame
can be selected. These are entered into the optimiser in the way they are selected in
the backtest.

The optimiser has an additional section to enable the developer to select how many
of the best optimised results to keep (ten by default) and what metric to optimise the
strategy against.

The choices for the optimisation metric include:

• Maximum percent profitable (overall, long trades only, short trades only).

• Maximum average profit (overall, long trades only, short trades only).

• Maximum net profit (overall, long trades only, short trades only).

• Maximum profit factor (overall, long trades only, short trades only).

• Maximum win/loss ratio (overall, long trades only, short trades only).

• Minimum drawdown (overall, long trades only, short trades only).

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Figure 13.1 Optimised input values for EURJPY

Once OK is selected, the optimiser will perform a backtest against EURJPY for the
chosen bar period and time frame for every single combination of parameters. For
example, table 13.3 displays the first 15 backtest input parameters.

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Strategy Optimisation

(FastEMA, SlowEMA)

1 3, 20
2 4, 20
3 5, 20
4 6, 20
5 7, 20
6 8, 20
7 9, 20
8 10, 10
9 3, 25
10 4, 25
11 5, 25
12 6, 25
13 7, 25
14 8, 25
15 9, 25

Table 13.3 The first 15 iterations of an optimisation process

The process continues until every combination of both FastEMA and SlowEMA has
been exhausted. It is therefore possible to understand that for a strategy that has
many parameters, performing a full optimisation for multiple instruments and
multiple time frames can take a considerably long time! Fortunately we are relying
on computing power to perform this process. The manual equivalent would take
weeks or months.
Figure 13.2 shows the top ten results of the optimisation process. The top result has
the highest profit factor – which was our chosen performance metric. It is possible
to observe that with our optimum parameters, the strategy did not return the highest
net profit, the lowest drawdown, or lowest average MAE. It did, however, have the
highest Sharpe ratio and highest percent profitable trades.

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Figure 13.2 Moving average optimised results for EURJPY

The optimiser has chosen the optimum parameters for FastEMA and SlowEMA for
this instrument, bar period (hourly charts) and time frame (between 1 April 2000 and
1 January 2007) to be 9 and 20 respectively. We can see this because these parameters
are at the top of the list. From experience, I would suggest a re-run of the optimisation
process using a slightly different parameter range because I would like to see the final
parameters in the middle of my chosen range.

We can see that a FastEMA value of 9 is close to the highest value specified for that
range of 3 to 10. We also observe that the SlowEMA value of 20 is right at the bottom
of the SlowEMA range of 20 to 60. The second round of optimisation could possible
use the ranges; SlowEMA (3;15;1) and FastEMA (16;24;1). Notice that the range
for SlowEMA has been shortened and the increment reduced to 1.

Executing the optimisation process for the second time with the new parameter range
provides a new set of performance metrics, and the final optimised parameters of 9
and 22 for FastEMA and SlowEMA respectively.

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Strategy Optimisation

Total Net Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average

Instrument FastMA SlowMA
Profit Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE

EURJPY 9 22 1,149.70 1.24 (20.27%) 0.29 32.65% 0.33%

Table 13.4 Final optimised metrics from EURJPY optimisation

Choosing a single set of optimised parameters for a whole basket of instruments is

somewhat of a compromise as the final parameters chosen will not be ideal for all of
the instruments based on our historic data. It should be remembered that we are not
trying to perform our future long term trading based on previous curve fit
parameters. We are actually trying to create a generalised strategy and parameter set
that performs well for a range of instruments.

Many different processes exist for selecting the optimised parameters. Here are the
two I use most regularly, in reverse order.

Option 1

If I only intend the system to run very short-term, perhaps less than three months, or
I feel that the system is incomplete and I know that I have several changes and plenty
of test cycles ahead, I will often optimise the strategy on the previous 12 month’s
worth of historic data only.

Certainly in the forex markets I have noticed that many short-term patterns tend to
repeat frequently, but then fade out over time. By performing a short-term
optimisation, and running the optimised parameters specific to each instrument,
rather than a generalised set for the whole basket, I hope to achieve short-term gains.
Whilst this strategy is not recommended for long term success it can be profitable in
the very short-term.

Choosing this optimisation option requires frequent system changes to be made

which goes against one of the major principles of creating a robust, long-term

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When developing and optimising any strategy, the system developer will go
through many cycles of strategy changes and testing. It is very important to
document each cycle and keep a record of what was changed and how the
change influenced the performance metrics observed. Regular reviews of these
changes/metrics will clearly show the direction your strategy is heading in.

Instrument FastEMA SlowMA

EURCHF 12 26
NZDUSD 12 26
USDCAD 12 26
USDJPY 12 22

Table 13.5 A set of optimisation results for a basket of instruments

From an optimisation we obtained the example optimum parameters in table 13.5.

Notice how the optimiser produces different parameters for each instrument, and not
a single set of parameters that work well for every instrument. Our challenge here is
to do just that. My first step would be to re-run the optimisation process for the
previous 6 or 12 months. Doing so would produce a new set of curve fit parameters
individual to each instrument. Should any metrics obtained be unfavourable, ie, where
no parameters were able to produce a profitable result, or if the optimum parameters
were at the boundary edge, then I would widen the ranges to allow the optimiser more
parameters to choose from.

After a final set of parameters is chosen for each instrument, I would trade the
strategy with those specific parameters for a period of no longer than three months.

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Strategy Optimisation

Option 2

Use an arithmetic function to select the parameters based on mean, median or mode.

• The mean, or average, is found by adding all of the results together and dividing
the total by the number of results.

• The median is the middle value in the list after sorting the list into increasing

• The mode in a list of numbers refers to the numbers that occur most frequently.

Based on our previous optimised results:

Instrument FastEMA SlowEMA



EURCHF 12 26





NZDUSD 12 26

USDCAD 12 26


USDJPY 12 22

Mean 9 23

Median 8 24

Mode 12 20

Table 13.6 The arithmetic mean, median and mode of the optimised parameters

After calculating the mean, median and mode, we now have reduced the different
combinations of parameters down to only three. Further backtesting can now be
performed on all three to find the single combination that produces the best
performance metrics.

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Strategy Development –
Putting It All Together

Strategy Introduction
The aim of this chapter is to take all of the different components of a strategy
discussed so far and combine them to create an idea for a strategy, develop the idea
using the NinjaTrader strategy wizard, and then backtest and optimise the strategy
to end up with a trading system ready for further testing and detailed analysis.

We will create a strategy that captures the swing movement of an instrument that
oscillates above and below a long term moving average. When the price action moves
above the long-term average we will enter a long position. A short entry will occur
when the price action moves below the long-term average.

Two short duration exponential moving averages will be used to exit the trade when
these moving averages crossover.

The long term moving average will actually be two moving averages, one based on the
high price, one based on the low, this forms a high/low price channel. These moving
averages will also act as the stops. For example, when the price action moves through
the MA of the high, a long position will be opened. Should the price move down
below the MA of the high and back into the channel we consider the trade to have

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gone against us and an exit is triggered. Basing the stops on a moving average allows
more flexibility in the trade, but means that the stop size can vary for each trade.

Figure 14.1 Demonstrates a trade either side of our price channel

Figure 14.1 shows two complete trades using the strategy. The first trade is a short
trade entered as the price action broke below the low of the channel. The trade exited
when the short period EMAs crossed. The second trade is a long position entered
when the price action crossed above the high of the channel. The position was closed
when the EMAs crossed.

Strategy High Level Definition

The following steps are a high-level description of how the strategy will function.

1. Create a channel based on a long duration moving average of the high and low

2. Go long if the close price breaks out above the channel.

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Strategy Development – Putting It All Together

3. Go short if the close price breaks below the channel.

4. Have two shorter duration moving averages to close the positions as the price
reverses back towards the channel.

5. Have an additional technical close for a situation where the price action closes
back inside the channel before the shorter duration MAs trigger.

Strategy Formula Definition

Our open and close criteria can be defined as:

Position Trigger Formula Description

If the close value of the current bar

If Close[0] crosses above SMA(High, crosses above the long period simple
Open Long
ChannelPeriod) moving average of the highs, then
open a long position

If the FastEMA of the current bar

If EMA(FastEMA[0]) crosses below crosses below the SlowEMA of the
Close Long
EMA(SlowEMA[0]) current bar, then close the long

If the close value of the current bar

If Close[0] crosses below SMA(Low, crosses below the long period simple
Open Short
ChannelPeriod) moving average of the lows, then
open a short position

If the FastEMA of the current bar

If EMA(FastEMA[0]) crosses above crosses above the SlowEMA of the
Close Short
EMA(SlowEMA[0]) current bar, then close the short

Table 14.1 Trade entry criteria for the channel crossover strategy

In addition to the above criteria, we will also try to minimise the damage caused by
whipsaws. This can be done by closing open positions if the price action goes against
us before the EMA crossover has occurred.

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Position Trigger Formula Description

If the close value of the current bar is less than the

If Close[0] < SMA(High, long period simple moving average (ie, the price has
Close Long
ChannelPeriod) moved back inside the channel), then close the long

If the close value of the current bar is greater than

If Close[0] > SMA(Low, the long period simple moving average (ie, the price
Close Short
ChannelPeriod) has moved back inside the channel), then close the
short position

Table 14.2 Exit criteria for the channel crossover strategy

When creating a strategy be sure to understand the difference between crosses

above and greater than. The crosses above operator should be used when you
wish the condition to be true when the indicator or price action (expressed on
the left hand side of the formula) actually crosses above a second price or
indicator (expressed on the left hand side of the formula). The strategy wizard
allows you to define in what bar period the condition occurred, so for example
you could specify that the price action has crossed an indicator within the last
five bars. The greater than operator is purely for when the value of one
expression is larger than the value of the second expression. It has no concept
of whether the value was previously less than or equal to.

Strategy Creation
Now that we have defined our strategy in mathematical terms, it is possible to use
the strategy wizard to create the strategy. This section presents a step-by-step guide
to creating our strategy using NinjaTrader.

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Strategy Development – Putting It All Together

Figure 14.2 Locating the Strategy Wizard within NinjaTrader

From within NinjaTrader, select Tools -> New NinjaScript -> Strategy

Figure 14.3 The strategy wizard initial splash screen

On the initial strategy creation screen, select Next to continue.

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Figure 14.4 Entering a name and description for the channel crossover strategy

Enter a unique name for the strategy and a description, and select Next.

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Figure 14.5 Specifying the parameters to use for the channel crossover strategy

At this stage we define our three input parameters and assign them with default
values, and select Next.

Parameter Description

This is the long duration moving average value that will be used to define the
ChannelPeriod channel for the price action to move out of. Use a default value of 200 during
strategy creation. This can be changed later if required.

A very short duration moving average value to be used in conjunction with the
FastEMA SlowEMA to exit the position. Use a default value of 5 during strategy creation.
This can be changed later if required.

Another short duration (although slightly longer than the FastEMA) moving aver-
SlowEMA age. Use a default value of 10 during strategy creation This can be changed later if

Table 14.3 A description of the parameters used in the channel crossover strategy

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Figure 14.6 An empty Conditions and Actions window

The conditions and actions window has a series of ten tabs. Each tab represents a
conditional formula for our strategy. The conditions are displayed in the upper pane,
and their corresponding actions are displayed in the lower pane. Conditions are
added and deleted using the Add and Del buttons, respectively, at the right hand side
of the window.

All of the conditions within a single conditions pane are combined using a logical
AND function, ie, if all of the conditions are true the action in the Action pane is

All of the sets are combined using a logical OR function, ie, any one of the sets can
function independently.

To create our first condition, select the upper Add button, and the condition builder
window appears.

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Figure 14.7 Comparing the bar close price against a simple moving average indicator

Figure 14.7 is created by scrolling down in the left hand pane until the Price data
section is reached. Expand the section and select Close. The parameter values then
appear in the bottom left pane. Leave these as the default values.

Change the drop down list in the centre of the condition builder window to be

In the right hand pane, in the Indicators section, scroll down and select EMA. In the
Parameters section, change the Period value to be our ChannelPeriod parameter by
selecting the Period box where the value 14 is displayed. A Value box appears and
the ChannelPeriod parameter can be selected.

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Figure 14.8 Selecting the ChannelPeriod parameter

Change the Plot on chart value to True, as we wish to be able to see the channel
plotted on our charts during backtesting and real-time execution.

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Strategy Development – Putting It All Together

We also need to change the Input Series value to represent the High values. In the
right hand parameters section, click on DefaultInput, and select High from the Price
data section.

Figure 14.9 Selecting the high value of the price data

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Figure 14.10 The completed first condition for the channel crossover strategy

In order to create our order entry we need to add an action for the condition. Select
the Add button for the bottom pane.

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Figure 14.11 Defining a long entry action

This action enters a long market order, with a signal name of EnterLong.

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The resultant condition and action for the first tab in the condition builder is shown
in figure 14.12.

Figure 14.12 The complete Condition and Action for a long position

The following screenshots show the completed conditions and actions for the
remaining tabs.

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Set 2 Tab

Figure 14.13 The complete Condition and Action for a short position

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Set 3 Tab

Figure 14.14 The complete Condition and Action to exit a long position

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Set 4 Tab

Figure 14.15 The complete Condition and Action to exit a short position

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Set 5 Tab

Figure 14.16 The complete Condition and Action to exit a long position

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Set 6 Tab

Figure 14.17 The complete Condition and Action to exit a short position

When all of the conditions and actions for the six tabs have been entered, select Next.

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Figure 14.18 No stops or profit targets are to be defined

Leave the stops and targets section blank, and select Next.

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Figure 14.19 The strategy wizard is complete

A final click on Finish and the strategy should be created successfully.

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Figure 14.20 The strategy has now been compiled and is available in NinjaTrader

Strategy Testing
Now that the strategy has been created, we need to run a quick test to make sure that
our entry and exit conditions are being filled correctly.

Before performing the backtest, ensure that you are connected to your historic data
feed. If you have previously installed a series of historic data no connection is

Open a Strategy Analyzer window.

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Strategy Development – Putting It All Together

Figure 14.21 Locating the Strategy Analyzer in NinjaTrader

Figure 14.22 shows the default Strategy Analyser window before any backtesting
has been performed. During system development, the performance outputs displayed
in this window are very important to ensure that the system you are developing is not
only profitable but also tradable.

At the top of the Strategy Analyzer window, in the middle, there exists a drop down
list that allows you to select from three options: Currency, Percent and Points. When
performing backtesting I personally prefer to have Percent or Points selected, as the
Currency values are highly dependent on the position size and the initial account
size, which, at this stage of backtesting, I am not really interested in.

In later chapters we will export the Points data created during a backtest and perform
detailed analysis on the results using a position sizing technique.

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Figure 14.22 The Strategy Analyzer window before a backtest has been performed

Select an instrument from the left hand pane. In this example I will use $GBPUSD and
select the backtest button.

When the backtest window appears, select the Channel Crossing strategy, and modify
all of the input values to match the historic data installed on your system.

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Figure 14.23 The backtesting window allows the configuration of backtest parameters

Selecting OK will execute the backtest. Ignore all of the data on the Summary tab,
and select the Chart tab. We need to check that each of six conditions is being met

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Condition Position Trigger Formula

1 Open Long If Close[0] crosses above SMA(High, 200)

2 Close Long If EMA(FastEMA[0]) crosses below EMA(SlowEMA[0])

3 Open Short If Close[0] crosses below SMA(Low, 200)

4 Close Short If EMA(FastEMA[0]) crosses above EMA(SlowEMA[0])

5 Close Long If Close[0] < SMA(High, 200)

6 Close Short If Close[0] > SMA(Low, 200)

Table 14.4 The six formulas used in the Channel Crossing strategy

Figure 14.24 Long position entry and exit

Figure 14.24 shows the entry and exit criteria for a long trade. The entry occurs
when the closing price of the bar has crossed above the high of the long period
moving average. The backtest has been performed with the CalculateOnBar Close

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setting as True, hence the position is opened on the bar after our trigger bar. The
Strategy Analyzer has labelled the entry condition as EnterLong, which is the label
chosen when we created the strategy. The quantity and price are also displayed next
to the entry label.

The position exit occurred when the two moving averages crossed over. As before,
with CalculateOnBar Close set to true, the actual closing price is the open price of
the following bar. The trade exit has been labelled as ExitLongEMAX, which is our
description for a long exit based on EMA crossover.

Figure 14.25 Short position entry and exit

Figure 14.25 shows the entry and exit criteria for a short trade. The entry occurs
when the closing price of the bar crosses below the low of the long period moving
average. The backtest has been performed with the CalculateOnBar Close setting as
True, hence the position is opened on the bar after our trigger bar. The Strategy
Analyzer has labelled the entry condition as EnterShort.

The exit occurred when the two moving averages crossed over. As before, with
CalculateOnBar Close set to true, the actual closing price is the open price of the
following bar. The trade exit has been labelled as ExitShortEMAX.

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Figure 14.26 Long position exit

Figure 14.26 shows the exit of a Long position where the trade has gone against us.
We can see that on the entry bar the price went against us and three bars later the
price had closed within our channel, triggering one of our exit criteria. The position
was then closed at the open of the following bar.

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Figure 14.27 Short position exit

Figure 14.27 shows the exit of a Short position where the trade has gone against us.
We can see immediately that the bar we opened the trade on closed within the channel
triggering a close on the following bar.

The screenshots confirm that all of our 6 conditions are being filled correctly.

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Simple backtest and analysis

Switching back to the Summary tab shows that whilst the performance statistics are
quite poor, the strategy has been profitable based on the default parameters and the
time period and instrument chosen.

Figure 14.28 The summary tab gives an overall view of the metrics for the entire backtest

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Strategy Development – Putting It All Together

Total Net Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average

Profit Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE

GBPUSD 18,320 1.09 -10.06% 0.09 30.43% 0.14%

Table 14.5 The results for our primary focus performance metrics

Simple optimisation and analysis

We will now use the optimisation feature of NinjaTrader to curve fit a series of
successful parameters for our strategy to the $GBPUSD instrument.

In the Strategy Analyzer window, select the optimise button.

Change the parameters and time frame as shown in table 14.6.

Parameter Range Step

ChannelPeriod 150-250 10

FastEMA 4 – 10 1

SlowEMA 8 – 20 2

Time Frame 1/1/2005 to 1/1/2007 n/a

Table 14.6 Detailing the parameter ranges and incremental step for each parameter

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Figure 14.29 Showing the parameters entered into the optimisation backtest tool

Select OK to run the optimisation. The process will take sometime to complete
depending on the speed of your PC.

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Figure 14.30 Showing the optimised parameter backtest results

What we have achieved here is the curve fitting of our strategy to our historic data
for the time frame specified in the backtest and for the bar period of 60 minutes.
The parameters produced by the strategy analyser are the optimum values to obtain
the maximum profit factor.

Parameter Value

ChannelPeriod 190

FastEMA 7

SlowEMA 10

Table 14.7 Details the optimum parameters for our instrument for the time period backtested

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It is unlikely that these will be the final parameters used when we execute the system
in real-time trading. If we were to re-run the backtest using a different time frame but
keeping the instrument and bar period identical, it is highly likely that the optimiser
will return slightly different values.

When I develop a trading system I aim to create a single strategy that works for a
range of instruments using the same parameters. By doing this I hope to avoid curve
fitting my strategy to my data, with the result that the more generalised strategy and
parameters work well over various market conditions.

Full Basket Optimisation

We will now execute the same optimisation for a larger time frame and for all of our
instruments. To do this select the high level folder that is your basket of instruments,
and then select the Optimise button.

Figure 14.31 Selecting the entire backtest for optimisation

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The optimiser window will appear containing the same range of parameters used for
the last optimiser session. Leave these values, but just extend the time frame based
on the historic data you have available. I will test the period 1 April 2000 to 1
January 2007 as I have data in this time period for all of the instruments in my basket.
In addition, the parameter range for the EMAs has been widened.

Parameter Range Step

ChannelPeriod 150-250 10

FastEMA 2 – 10 1

SlowEMA 12 – 30 2

Time Frame 1/4/2000 to 1/1/2007 n/a

Table 14.8 Detailing the parameter ranges and incremental step for each parameter

Select OK. This time, the optimiser will take significantly longer to run.

It is often useful to save the performance results after a large optimisation run.
The results can be saved by right clicking on the performance summary screen
and selecting Save As or Export to Excel.

Once the optimisation session has completed, the Instruments tab displays the
optimum parameters for each instrument. Note that it is unlikely that each instrument
shares the same optimum parameters.

The Optimizer tab shows, in descending order, the top ten parameters used for each
instrument ordered by success. The first set of parameters is the same as those given
on the Instrument tab. The number of best results can be set before the optimisation
process is executed. Ten is the default value.
Our task is to document the parameters and then, through process of deduction,
choose a series of parameters to use for the entire basket of instruments.

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Total Net Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average

Instrument Channel FastMA SlowMA
Profit Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE

AUDUSD 180 2 12 21,790 1.21 -8.07% 0.2 31.48% 0.20%

CHFJPY 190 4 14 18,850 1.15 -12.61% 0.14 30.45% 0.19%

EURCHF 200 5 28 -26,790 0.79 -19.88% -0.29 29.20% 0.11%

EURGBP 250 6 28 15,530 1.21 -7.16% 0.23 27.33% 0.17%

EURJPY 210 2 20 48,790 1.29 -16.77% 0.24 28.26% 0.20%

EURUSD 170 3 18 50,030 1.32 -8.52% 0.37 28.04% 0.18%

GBPUSD 250 2 18 34,940 1.2 -8.19% 0.17 27.87% 0.15%

NZDUSD 150 9 14 -3820 0.97 -34.49% -0.11 26.86% 0.26%

USDCAD 190 2 20 20,240 1.13 -8.70% 0.13 28.26% 0.14%

USDCHF 190 2 20 62,850 1.3 -4.88% 0.43 27.68% 0.19%

USDJPY 250 10 26 27,430 1.17 -14.61% 0.16 22.89% 0.19%

Table 14.9 Results of optimisation

Table 14.9 shows the optimised parameters and results. There are some interesting
observations from the above optimisation:

• EURGBP has chosen the parameters at the maximum edge of the range
(ChannelPeriod is 250) which suggests that further backtesting with a different
range, perhaps 200-300, is needed to find the optimum parameters for this

• The optimiser was unable to find any parameters in our range that resulted in a
profitable outcome for EURCHF or NZDUSD. This does not mean that the
strategy will not work for those instruments, it just means that no optimum
parameters exist for the entire time frame tested. If the optimisation process was
repeated using a shorter time frame, then successful parameters would be found.

Statistic Channel FastMA SlowMA

Mean 185 3 13

Median 190 3 20

Mode 190 2 20

Table 14.10 Details the optimum parameters for our instrument for the time period backtested

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Once the parameters in table 14.10 have been obtained it is necessary to perform
the backtest again using these three sets of parameters.

Total Net Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average

Profit Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE

AUDUSD 12,610 1.11 -11.53% 0.09 28.43% 0.21%

CHFJPY 14,990 1.13 -12.11% 0.11 30.38% 0.19%

EURCHF -45,150 0.65 -26.72% -0.61 31.38% 0.11%

EURGBP -7790 0.91 -23.75% -0.13 30.27% 0.16%

EURJPY 40,860 1.24 -15.15% 0.21 28.90% 0.19%

EURUSD 37,490 1.25 -7.35% 0.24 28.51% 0.17%

GBPUSD 20,480 1.1 -8.05% 0.1 27.21% 0.15%

NZDUSD -20,900 0.84 -35.52% -0.25 27.93% 0.25%

USDCAD 620 1 -11.61% -0.02 29.62% 0.14%

USDCHF 40,830 1.19 -4.52% 0.28 27.70% 0.18%

USDJPY 350 1 -15.15% -0.01 27.05% 0.17%

Totals 94,390 1.04 -35.52% 0.00 28.85% 0.17%

Table 14.11 Results of backtest with mean parameters (185, 3, 13)

Explanation of the totals row:

Total Net Profit: This is the gross value of all of the instruments summed together to
provide an overall profit figure for the backtest.

Profit Factor: This is the average profit factor metric for all of the instruments.
Maximum Drawdown: This is the highest individual drawdown figure for all of the

Sharpe Ratio: This is the average Sharpe ratio for all of the instruments.
Percentage Profitable: This is the average percentage profitable figure.

Average MAE: This is the average of all of the average MAEs for the backtest.

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Total Net Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average

Profit Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE

AUDUSD 7,560 1.06 -13.29% 0.06 25.24% 0.22%

CHFJPY 11,070 1.09 -13.63% 0.08 29.07% 0.19%

EURCHF -39,870 0.7 -24.58% -0.45 29.93% 0.11%

EURGBP -3,570 0.96 -18.53% -0.06 28.10% 0.16%

EURJPY 39,140 1.22 -15.46% 0.2 27.74% 0.20%

EURUSD 35,810 1.23 -8.61% 0.24 26.77% 0.18%

GBPUSD 16,130 1.07 -12.60% 0.06 25.30% 0.15%

NZDUSD -18,110 0.86 -33.83% -0.22 26.34% 0.25%

USDCAD 14,980 1.1 -11.51% 0.08 27.68% 0.15%

USDCHF 60,060 1.28 -3.70% 0.4 26.37% 0.19%

USDJPY -5,170 0.97 -17.46% -0.05 24.70% 0.18%

Total/Average 118,030 1.05 -33.83% 0.03 27.02% 0.18%

Table 14.12 Results of backtest with median parameters (190, 3, 20)

Total Net Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average

Profit Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE

AUDUSD 8690 1.08 -11.23% 0.06 26.53% 0.21%

CHFJPY 15,200 1.13 -11.24% 0.11 30.45% 0.19%
EURCHF -42,050 0.67 -24.87% -0.52 30.34% 0.11%
EURGBP -3,240 0.96 -18.34% -0.06 28.87% 0.16%
EURJPY 45,380 1.26 -14.58% 0.24 29.37% 0.19%
EURUSD 37,360 1.25 -6.87% 0.25 27.68% 0.18%
GBPUSD 23,980 1.11 -12.31% 0.1 26.58% 0.15%
NZDUSD -19,710 0.85 -33.92% -0.25 26.81% 0.25%
USDCAD 20,240 1.13 -8.70% 0.13 28.26% 0.14%
USDCHF 62,850 1.3 -4.88% 0.43 27.68% 0.19%
USDJPY -7940 0.95 -18.04% -0.06 25.50% 0.17%
Total/Average 140,760 1.06 -33.92% 0.04 28.00% 0.17%

Table 14.13 Results of backtest with mode parameters (190,2,20)

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Strategy Development – Putting It All Together

Avg. Highest Avg. Avg. Avg.

Total Net
Statistic Parameters Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average
Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE

Mean 185,3,13 94,390 1.04 -35.52% 0.00 28.85% 0.17%

Median 190,3,20 118,030 1.05 -33.83% 0.03 27.02% 0.18%
Mode 190,2,20 140,760 1.06 -33.92% 0.04 28.00% 0.17%

Table 14.14 Overall results for the three different backtests of mean, median and mode

We can see from table 14.14 that the parameters chosen by taking the statistical
mode of the optimised parameters produces the best result.

It is important to remember that all of the metrics generated in these backtests

have been for a single time frame. It is also necessary to perform backtesting
for multiple time frames.

These backtests have also been performed without factoring in commission or

slippage and no money management rules have been applied. These can be
applied during the detailed results analysis on the out of sample backtest.

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Full Basket out of sample backtest

An out of sample backtest for the period 1 January 2007 to 1 January 2008 using our
parameters (190,2,20) produces the results in table 14.15.

Total Net Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average

Profit Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE
AUDUSD 14,980 2.36 -2.58% 0.84 36.51% 0.19%

CHFJPY -8,420 0.68 -10.55% -0.52 22.78% 0.16%

EURCHF 6,550 1.6 -0.83% 0.78 38.73% 0.07%

EURGBP 3,440 1.51 -1.45% 0.74 30.85% 0.09%

EURJPY 7,320 1.26 -3.53% 0.38 26.63% 0.16%

EURUSD 3,700 1.24 -2.21% 0.24 26.85% 0.12%

GBPUSD 8,830 1.39 -1.88% 0.5 29.14% 0.13%

NZDUSD 14,430 1.7 -4.27% 0.72 22.94% 0.45%

USDCAD -2,850 0.87 -4.86% -0.17 26.32% 0.18%

USDCHF 7,220 1.57 -2.14% 0.48 28.38% 0.11%

USDJPY 7,770 1.42 -4.86% 0.43 27.93% 0.15%

Table 14.15 Results of out of sample backtest using optimised parameters

Summary And Future Enhancement

The out of sample backtest has displayed a profitable system for the previous year,
but the values do not take into account any commission, slippage or money
management techniques.

Looking at the charts of the trades, an example of which is shown in figure 14.32,
it is possible to see that the system is affected by whipsaws. It is also possible to tell
this by the Percentage Profitable metric, which has a similar hit rate to a typical trend
following system.

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Figure 14.32 Several whipsaw trades

It is possible to reduce the number of whipsaws by adding a filter to the entry criteria.
Possible filters include:

• Have a filter based on Average True Range to reduce the trade entry on high
volatility bars. An example could be to check if ATR(1) [0] < 1.5 * ATR(10) [0].
This formula checks to see if the volatility of the current bar is less than 1.5 times
the average volatility of the ten previous bars.
• Use ADX and DMI to see if the instrument is trending with a bullish trend. For
example, before opening a long position, check that ADX > 20 and that DMI+ is
greater than DMI-.

Other changes to the general strategy may include:

• Change the EMAs to close a position to be FastEMA(high), SlowEMA(high) for

long closes, and FastEMA(low), SlowEMA(low) for short closes.

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• Check the correlation between instruments frequently, and only trade the non-
correlated, or positively correlated ones. Ignore the instruments that are negatively
correlated as the profits and losses may be cancelled out.

• Develop and backtest different exit strategies. This strategy only uses a simple
exit. Multiple exit strategies based on the volatility of the instrument, how the
trade is progressing and probability of trade success should also be examined.

• The strategy does not have any fixed stop values, but you can still place stops
when you open a trade. Just calculate the distance between the trade opening price
and the closest edge of the channel. This is your stop size because if the price went
beyond this point the strategy would exit on bar close. Ideally this would be coded
into the strategy, but it is not possible to do this calculation using the NinjaTrader
strategy wizard. It is possible with NinjaScript though.

• Adjust the strategy in NinjaScript so that the stop is the distance between current
price and the other side of the channel, ie, if short then stop size = current price –
(SMA(190),High), hence position size = INT(Account Capital * 0.01)/stop size.

• Have a channel multiplication factor (x * high, x * low) so that the width of the
channel can vary as a parameter.

• Check that the previous X bars opened and closed within the channel.

• You could modify the channel so that it is based on Donchian bands, or Bollinger

• Change the exits so that it is the channel edge on the opposite side to close the
trade. This creates a wider stop, but allows the position freedom to move.

• Maybe have several entries per direction.

• Prevent a trade reversal, thus stopping a position immediately going from one
direction to the opposite direction on the same bar.

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Detailed Results Analysis
To perform further analysis on the results of our out-of-sample backtest in the
previous chapter, we must export details of each trade into Microsoft Excel. From the
Strategy Analyzer window, select one of the instrument rows from the previous
backtest (in this example we will use $AUDUSD) that shows the backtest summary,
and then select the Trades tab. For spread betting, we are directly interested in the
number of points gained or lost on each trade, so make sure the drop down list at
the top of the window is set to Points.

Right click on the part of the window displaying all of the trades and a short menu
will appear. Select Export to Excel. Assuming that Microsoft Excel is installed,
NinjaTrader opens Excel with the trade data. At this point it is usually a good idea
to save the data. My personal preference is to save it as an .xls file rather than .csv
as all of the formatting is retained.

Locate the Profit column in the Excel spreadsheet. It is important that this column
represents the number of points won or lost for the trade. Depending on the position
size used in the Default Quantity box when running the strategy, the value in this
Excel column may be a multiple of the number of points. For example, taking the first
line in my Excel spreadsheet shown in table 15.1.

Entry Price Exit Price Profit

0.7938 0.7945 -70.0000

Table 15.1 Extracting points data from the trade results

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I can see that the difference between the Entry and Exit price is seven tics, and the
profit is -70. So the profit value is ten times higher than the number of tics lost in this
trade. This means that all of the values in my profit column are a factor of ten out.
At this point you could re-run the backtest using a smaller position size, perhaps
using a default quantity of 1,000 rather than 10,000. But the easiest thing to do is
create an additional column (called Points) to the right of the Profit column in the
spreadsheet. Then create a formula to divide all of the values in the Profit column by
ten and put them in the Points column.

Ie, if Column M is the Profit column, then in cell N1 would be the label Points, and
cell N2 would be the formula “=M2/10”. This formula would then need to be copied
down the rest of the Points column. A quick way of doing this is to select the N2 cell,
hold down shift, and then double click on the bottom right corner of the N2 cell.

Typically for most currency pairs with a tick size of 0.0001 (ie, GBPUSB,
EURUSD etc) you will divide the profit column by ten assuming that you used
a default position size of 100,000. For currency pairs with a tick size of 0.01
(ie, EURJPY, CHFJPY) you will need to divide the profit column by 1,000.

Now add another column to the right hand side of Points, and call this column Actual
Profit. Fill this column with the formula of “=N2-6”, ie, Points column minus a static
slippage value of six. In this example I will calculate my slippage as being six points,
this includes the three points spread set by the spread betting company for this
instrument, and a further three points lost whilst I placed the trade. You may decide
not to include the latter, as sometime this slippage works in your favour, so it is
possible that over time it will balance out to zero.

From analysis of the metrics produced in the out of sample backtest for the Channel
Crossover strategy it is possible to determine that the Average Maximum Adverse
Excursion for all of the instruments is 183 points. This value will be used in
conjunction with our risk size to create a position size per point.

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Detailed Results Analysis

Add a further column to the right hand side of Actual Profit, but rather than entering
a title for the column enter the value 100,000. Then in the cell below, P2, enter the


(Where Cell O2 is the first numeric value in the Actual Profit column).

Copy the formula in P2 down the entire column to the last trade.

We have used a value of 100,000 to represent an initial account value of £100K.

We also place each trade at 1% of account size, with the initial trade being
approximately £5 per point. The strategy we are backtesting does not have a fixed
stop-loss value, so using our previous money management technique we calculate a
position size to limit a losing trade to be no more than 1% of account capital based
on an Average MAE of 183 points.

Figure 15.1 The top 13 rows of trades for the AUDUSD backtest

Figure 15.1 shows the top few rows of our spreadsheet with the columns we have
been working on highlighted. The account size column can also been formatted as
currency if required.

It is now possible to highlight the Account Size column and create a graph with the
Excel Chart Wizard. This chart provides a realistic equity curve for the strategy as it
includes slippage and money management rules.

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Figure 15.2 Equity curve for AUDUSD using the Channel Crossover strategy

The equity curve in figure 15.2 for our one year, out of sample backtest shows a
relatively jagged equity curve with only a modest 4% tax-free return. Performing the
same analysis over a larger time period or with a greater number of trades would
result in a smoother equity curve.

Further Steps
Further detailed analysis can be performed by collating all of the trade results for
each of the instruments in the basket into a single spreadsheet. To do this you need
to export the trade results of each instrument into Excel. On export, NinjaTrader
opens a new Excel worksheet for each instrument. The trader is then required to
manually collate each of the worksheets into a single worksheet. For worksheets with
a fairly small number of trades it is fairly easy to manually cut and paste the
worksheets together. Once collated into a single worksheet it is necessary to perform
the steps detailed in the previous chapter to setup columns for the correct number of
points per trade, spread/slippage deduction and position size/account capital. Once
all of the formulas and calculations are in place you should select the entire contents
of the worksheet and sort the data based on the Entry Time column.

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Detailed Results Analysis

Once the data formatting is complete it is now possible to create an equity curve for
the whole basket of instruments for the backtest period by using the graph plotting
technique presented in the previous section.

Having plotted the graph further detailed analysis can be performed by:

• Varying the initial capital account size by changing the value in Cell P1.

• Varying the spread/slippage per trade by changing the value in Cell O2.

• Varying the percentage risk per trade by modifying the formula in Cell P2.

If you modify the latter two remember to copy the formula down for all the
remaining cells in the respective column.

It is also possible to modify the position size by changing the value used for the MAE
in Cell P2, but this may invalidate your test results as the original trades were based
on the original value and not the modified MAE.

Figure 15.3 shows a smooth equity curve trading from an initial account size of
£20,000 with a 1% risk per trade and a MAE of 183 points. The net result is a profit
greater than 25%.

Figure 15.3 All instruments equity curve for out of sample backtest

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Additional performance analysis and comparisons against other investments such as

bonds, cash savings accounts, ISAs (FTSE 100 index tracker) etc, should be
performed, remembering that you get taxed on some investments. Also, the interest
rates can vary over the year period so adjust your calculations for this (or take the
average value and use that).

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Real-Time Strategy Testing

Real-time testing gives the trader the chance to evaluate their trading system under
live conditions but without putting any capital at risk. The real-time testing
environment should mirror the live trading environment as closely as possible.

We will cover detail on performing full automation in a later chapter. Without full
automation we will have to assume that the trades will be entered manually.
Therefore, some notification mechanism from the trading system and the ability to
enter, monitor and close positions will be required.

In an earlier chapter we covered different example scenarios for an independent

trader setup. In practice the scenarios will vary greatly depending on the traders
lifestyle and the markets they trade. In this chapter we will assume that:

• The trader is home based with easy system access both to the trading system, and
web access to the spread betting application.

• The trader is trading forex with the Channel Crossover strategy developed in a
previous chapter.

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• All trades will be placed with a demo spread bet account opened with the spread
betting company that the trader’s real account is with.

The demo accounts are usually limited on the real-time prices and the
instruments that can be traded.

Real time testing of a strategy has two main functions:

1. To perform further checking that the strategy can be profitable during real-time

2. To ensure that the strategy is actually tradable. For example, if the system
generates several trading signals every few minutes or hours, and you cannot keep
up with manually managing these positions, then the strategy may well be
profitable but it is likely to be “untradeable” by you.

Figure 16.1 shows a high-level flowchart of the cyclic process followed when system
trading a strategy for spread betting.

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Real-Time Strategy Testing


Apply NinjaTrader
settings & data feed

Schedule & start


Monitor strategies
waiting for trading


Signal generated
or market about
to close


Check that the

signal is valid

Manage position
in account

Analysis of open

Figure 16.1 System Trading high level process

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Step 1. Apply NinjaTrader settings & data feed. This task requires that any pre-
trading settings are set before starting the strategy. This includes:

• Waiting until flat before the strategy opens a position.

• Enabling or disabling forex sub-pip.

• Ensuring that the correct data feed or feeds are established.

Step 2. Schedule & start strategies. Start the strategies against the correct instruments
and time period with the correct parameters.

Step 3. Monitor strategies waiting for a trading signal. The trading signals will be
generated by the strategy automatically and will be documented in the Log tab of
Control Centre. At the same time an audible message will be heard. The positions tab
shows the open positions.

Step 4. Signal generated or market about to close. If a trading signal has been
generated, ie, the opening or closing of a position, then proceed onto the next step.
If the market is about to close, and your strategy dictates that you close all of your
positions before market close, NinjaTrader will also generate close signals for any
open positions. When auto trading NinjaTrader will close positions out
approximately 30 seconds before close, however, as you are managing the trades
manually for spread betting it may be necessary to close the positions earlier (perhaps
five minutes before market close) to give you enough time.

Step 5. Check that the signal is valid. As we are still in the strategy testing phase now
is a good time to perform the final check before opening or closing a position to
ensure that the trading signal is valid. By valid I mean that the strategy has generated
a correct signal based on your trading formula.

If the signal is valid, then proceed on to the next step. If the signal is invalid you
should make a note of why you believe the signal to be incorrect. A good practice is
also to take a screenshot of the chart at this point so that you can refer back to it
during the further analysis phase.

Step 6. Manage position in account. If the signal is valid you are now required to
mirror the signal in your spread betting account. For example, if your strategy
generated a signal to go long on GBPUSD with a 50-point stop-loss, you should
create the same position. When opening the trade you will notice that the prices
quoted by the spread betting company are different to your data feed. As discussed

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Real-Time Strategy Testing

in earlier chapters this is a likely situation. Just place the trade anyway! Many spread
betting accounts also create an automatic log of positions opened and closed. If yours
does not, now is a good time to create a manual record of your trade so that you can
compare the NinjaTrading performance results with your actual results at a later
time. Also, if you have any problems managing the position, for example the spread
betting application is running slowly, or you get requoted, you should make a note
of these for future reference.

Step 7. Analysis of open positions. Both open and closed positions should be analysed
on a regular basis to ensure that the positions open in NinjaTrader correspond to the
positions you have open in your spread betting account. In between actively
managing your positions you should also analyse:

• Where have any problems occurred?

• Were any trades not filled by NinjaTrader or the spread betting application?

• Were you unable to take a trade for some reason?

• What is a realistic figure for slippage?

Knowledge of these areas will be essential when you perform detailed analysis of
your strategy to ensure that it is profitable and tradable.

Strategy Modification
When real-time testing and sitting at the trading workstation, NinjaTrader provides
audible alerts that an order has been filled during strategy execution. If the trader is
out on the move, or away from the trading workstation then it is possible to configure
the strategy to send an email. The NinjaTrader help guide details how to configure
the email system. The steps below detail how to modify our Channel Crossover
strategy to send an email when entry and exit criteria are met.

Tools -> Edit NinjaScript -> Strategy and select the Channel Crossover strategy

Select Next several times until the Conditions and Actions screen appears. For each
of the six actions we previously defined we need to add an action that sends an email.

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Figure 16.2 Sending an email as an Action

Figure 16.2 shows the Send mail parameters being entered for the resulting email
action. The From and To parameters are the Sent From and Send To email addresses
respectively and should be set to be email addresses that you have access to.

Unfortunately, in the strategy wizard Send mail option it is not possible to define any
text to identify which instrument or strategy has triggered the email. So, if you are
currently running multiple strategies and multiple instruments it is impossible to tell
which strategy generated the signal.

However, it is possible to do this with the SendMail() function within NinjaScript.

Creating NinjaScript applications in C# is outside of the scope of this book, but the
NinjaTrader help guide and support forum give excellent guidance on how to achieve

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Real-Time Strategy Testing

Scheduling A Strategy
When scheduling a strategy against an instrument I prefer to use a live chart so that
I can see likely trades just before they happen.

Before applying a strategy to run in real-time, I prefer to set the configuration option
“wait until flat before executing live”. Doing this ensures that a new position is only
opened the next time the conditions are met, and prevents a position being opened
immediately when the strategy is started.

Figure 16.3 Setting wait until flat

Figure 16.3 shows the radio button for Wait Until Flat being selected. The default is
to immediately submit live orders. Doing this prevents any historical data causing a
new trade to trigger when transitioning from backtesting to live running.

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Scheduling a strategy on a chart

The following steps detail how to schedule a strategy using a chart.

Step 1. From NinjaTrader Control Centre select File -> New -> Chart

Figure 16.4 Selecting a new chart in NinjaTrader

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Real-Time Strategy Testing

Step 2. In the Format Data Series window select the chart that you wish to execute
a strategy against.

Figure 16.5 Formatting the data series for the chart

For the data series shown in figure 16.5 we have chosen to use AUDUSD on a 60
minute chart because AUDUSD for an hourly time period is one of the instruments
we have backtested against.

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Step 3. Once the chart is open with the correct instrument and bar period it should
be possible to select the strategies button at the top of the chart window as
highlighted in figure 16.6.

Figure 16.6 AUDUSD Chart ready to have a strategy applied

Figure 16.7 shows the input parameters, account, exit type and default quantity being
selected in the Strategies window. Notice that we will use the default, internal,
Sim101 account for testing. If you have any live accounts configured in NinjaTrader
be sure not to select them here, otherwise the strategy could trigger real orders.

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Figure 16.7 The input parameters for the chosen strategy

Once the input strategy parameters have been applied the chart displays the strategy
and any plot lines that were set to true during strategy creation. In figure 16.8 we can
see that the applied strategy displays our channel and the two moving averages used
to close trades.

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Figure 16.8 A strategy running against a one hour AUDUSD chart

Position Management
The Channel Crossover strategy that we have scheduled is running on an hourly
chart with CalculateOnBarClose set to True. Doing this means that we will only
receive trading signals on the hour, and hence only need to check the strategy on the
hour. This is great if you are trading a market that is only open during normal
daytime hours, but can cause problems if you are trading a 24 hour market such as
forex. In this case you will need to work out what you would like to happen should
a trade signal be generated during the middle of the night. Some options include:

• Ignore the signal, and hope that the trade was not going to be a big winner! Doing
this may have serious consequences for your strategy, and will probably make
your backtest results invalid.

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Real-Time Strategy Testing

• For open positions, it would be possible to tighten up the stop or add a temporary
profit target for the overnight period, and perhaps remove them in the morning
if the trade is still open.

• Only schedule your strategy to run during daytime hours, and close out any open
positions before stopping the strategy at the end of the day.

Opening a position

NinjaTrader will notify the trader when a position is opened. As the strategy is
running against the simulated (sim101) account, the position is automatically opened
in NinjaTrader, an audible alert occurs, and the trade details can be seen in the
Positions and Log tabs.

When this notification occurs it is necessary to manually open the same position with
your chosen spread betting company through their trading interface.

Inevitably, some slippage will occur – some favourable, some not – and the prices of
NinjaTrader and the spread betting company will not be exactly the same. This
difference is also due to the prices quoted by the spread betting company including
the spread, and as such the prices are only indicative of the underlying instrument.

If you have a strategy that runs on daily bars then your trade notifications will
occur on bar close, which is just as the market closes for the day. You could set
the exit time of the strategy to be 15 minutes before the exchange closes, and
hence receive any trade notifications on this new bar close. The extra 15
minutes will give you time to place your trades just before the markets close
rather than after they open the following day.

Closing a position

NinjaTrader also notifies the trader to close a position with an audible alert and
details in the log. The simulated trade is automatically closed and removed from the
Positions tab.

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The position with the spread betting company should now be closed manually. As
before, expect some slippage to occur depending on the volatility of the instrument,
and the time taken to actually close the position.

Managing stops and targets

If your system has a clear stop and target strategy, ie, the stop or target is fixed at X
points from entry, it is easy to set these values when entering the trade with the spread
betting company.

Trailing a stop is more difficult to do. Certainly, trailing a stop point-by-point (unless
this feature is supported automatically by the spread betting company) is impractical,
or almost impossible to do unless the trader is prepared to manually do this position
management. Simplifying a trailing stop strategy, perhaps trailing every five points,
or moving to break-even after being X points in profit, is a much more manageable

It is important that you match the stop and target strategy used with the spread
betting company to be the same strategy that was used for backtesting. The
NinjaTrader wizard only supports a simple stop or trailing stop. However, complex
stop strategies can be created in NinjaScript.

Real-time Testing Alternative

Performing at least one month of real-time testing is invaluable for checking the
tradability of your strategy. But what happens if your strategy only generates
infrequent trades, perhaps only once per month, or once every few months?

NinjaTrader offers an alternative to real-time testing called Market Replay. Market

Replay allows the trader to record real-time data, and then replay the data against a
strategy at different speeds. For example, several months of data could be replayed
in an hour, thus checking a strategy tick for tick, but without the lag of real-time.

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Real-Time Strategy

System Setup
Having followed the previous testing phases you should now have confidence in your
trading system, and be happy to apply its trading signals. The outcome of the real-
time testing phase should be that you have created a tradable system that fits in with
your lifestyle, and allows you to easily manage the positions when required.

If at this stage you do not have confidence that your strategy is profitable, or you are
uncomfortable with the time/effort commitment to manage the positions, then you
need to re-address your strategy before proceeding. This is likely to involve re-work
on the strategy, perhaps using a different time frame, such as daily charts rather than
hourly. This allows you to manage each of your positions just once per day. The
obvious side effect of this is that you will get fewer signals, and will possibly have to
greatly increase any stop sizes to take into account the daily price swings.

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Trading The Signals

A trading system is supposed to remove some of the psychology behind trading, but
without the luxury of full automation you are still required to place the trades
manually. It would be very easy to slip into the practice of missing a few signals that
you think are not profitable and just picking and choosing the ones you think you
want to trade. Unfortunately this is not the way to trade a mechanical trading
strategy, unless you are totally confident in your ability and have justifiably good
reasons not to take the trade. If you deviate from the strategy you run the risk of
missing the one big winning trade that boosts your profits or keeps your account

My personal opinion is that if you put in the hard work to develop and test a
profitable trading system you should have confidence in the system’s ability, and can
take the trades it provides with confidence.

The process for trading the system real-time, rather than real-time testing, are
identical. The only additional steps that I frequently perform are:

1. A fortnightly calculation of the correlations, and then choose which instruments

to trade depending on the correlation metrics.

2. A daily calculation of position size for each trade based on my money management
rules and account size. When I trade a large number of strategies that generate
frequent trading signals simultaneously, rather than calculate the position size for
every trade based on account size, I just calculate the position size once at the
start of the trading day and use that position size for all of the day’s trades.

3. At the end of each trading day I run a report in NinjaTrader to obtain the current
performance metrics of the strategies and account. These metrics will not be
exactly the same as the actual metrics in the spread betting account, but they will
be similar. I compare this report with the actual figures in my spread betting

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Full Automation

Switch It On And Walk Away…

Up until this point we have discussed trading systems that require the opening, closing
and management of positions to be performed manually. Depending on your strategy
time frame, this might not pose a problem as you may only be trading on end of day
data. However if your strategy runs on a 15 minute time frame, and uses forex, the
requirement to open and close positions on a regular basis or in the middle of the
night exists.

Full automation is the opening and closing of positions by the strategy itself, requiring
no manual intervention. The reason why we have not discussed full automation until
this chapter is because at the time I started writing this book only a single spread bet
company offers full automated trading. This company is called

Preparation For Auto Trading

Before setting up a full automated trading system, these high level items are required:

• A trading system, including money management strategy that you have thoroughly
tested and are confident to trade.

• A software license for NinjaTrader.

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• A funded account with a broker that allows automated trading and that the
NinjaTrader software can connect to.

• A computer connected to the Internet that you can leave switched on for the entire
duration that the strategy is running.

NinjaTrader is free for system development, testing and running against the simulated
account. To enable a live connection to a broker, a license is required. NinjaTrader
offer a range of license options to suit trading styles and budget.

Once a license has been purchased, a brokerage account is required. The account
details are configured as an account connection within NinjaTrader. The NinjaTrader
help manual has detailed instructions for creating an account connection to most
brokers once the username and password have been obtained.

For details of NinjaTrader supported brokers, other than please

refer to the NinjaTrader website. The real account will also need to be funded. Some
of the non-spread-betting companies such as MBTrading offer demo accounts. The
demo accounts come with a nominal amount of simulated funds. If using a demo
account initially try to set the capital size to be roughly what you will actually trade
with when funding a real account.

I personally do not run my live strategies from the same workstation that I develop
and test systems on. I have a separate server that I leave running. From experience I
have also found it beneficial to have multiple instances on NinjaTrader running, one
for each broker connection. I do this by using VMWare Workstation to have several
virtual workstations running on the same PC hardware. I do this so that if I encounter
any software problems, or have to modify a strategy, or if I experience any
connectivity issues with an individual broker, then these issues are generally isolated
to a single trading workstation and do not affect the others.

Running A Strategy
Running a trading strategy for automated trading follows the same process used to
run a strategy covered in previous chapters. With NinjaTrader two approaches exist:

• Run the strategy from a chart.

• Run the strategy from the Strategies tab in Control Centre.

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Full Automation

Running the strategy from an open chart has the benefit that it is possible to see the
instrument’s price action, and by also knowing the underlying formula for the
strategy you are able to determine if a position is near to being opened/closed.

The disadvantage of running the strategy from a chart is that you need to open a
chart with the correct time period for each instrument, and then select the strategy,
and then enter all of the strategies parameters. This can become tedious if you have
a strategy running for multiple instruments at the same time and regularly wish to
stop and restart the strategy.

Before attempting to schedule a strategy ensure that you have a live connection to the
required broker. In figure 18.1, the bottom left hand corner of the NinjaTrader
Control Centre shows active connections.

Figure 18.1 A current connection to

The Log tab within control centre also has further details of the connection.

Scheduling a strategy from the Strategies tab

Scheduling a strategy from the strategies tab only requires the trader to right click on
the main window of the strategies tab within Control Centre and select New Strategy.
A New Strategy window appears using the same input format used when backtesting.
In addition to the parameters selected previously, the trader is required to select a time
series. Selecting OK when complete displays the strategy and its parameters. At this
point the strategy is not running. The trader must select the Start button on the right
hand side.

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Figure 18.2 A strategy running in the strategies tab for a single instrument

The strategies tab also details any open positions running against the strategy. In
figure 18.2 we can see the following:

• The Moving Average Crossover (MAXOver) strategy is being used.

• The strategy has been applied to the FTSE 100 09-08 Futures contract on a five
minute chart with the parameters 14 (EMA1) and 45 (EMA2).

• A single short position is open, currently in profit by £450.

• A previous trade has taken place, with a loss of £10.

• The strategy name is highlighted in green which indicates that the strategy is

What Does Go Wrong

My personal view of using full automation with a system trading strategy is that to
some extent you can walk away from the system and allow it to run in the
background untouched. I believe that the trader should feel liberated from their
trading workstation (and should not feel that they need to watch the strategy on a
continuous basis) on condition that the system developer:

• Has spent enough time developing and testing the strategy.

• Is comfortable with how the strategy performs in various markets.

• Has adequate system stops or system safety features built in.

But (and there is always a but) things can go wrong, and occasionally they do. In this
section I have documented all of the things that have gone wrong whilst I have been
auto-trading an account.

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Full Automation

Microsoft Windows update

As discussed in the platform setup section, my trading platform is running on

Microsoft Windows. As the server has a permanent connection to the Internet, it is
obviously a good idea to ensure that the system is regularly updated with Microsoft
security and firewall software patches. Unfortunately I had not realised that some of
the Windows updates require the server to be rebooted. If you have not scheduled the
automatic updates correctly, Windows tends to perform this reboot whenever it feels
like it. This causes a problem during the middle of a trading session. I have since
modified the Windows update process to download the updates when they become
available, but not to apply the patches during trading hours.

Broker’s server down for maintenance

All of the brokers I have used for auto trading perform regular maintenance on their
servers. Should the server require a long period of downtime, the broker nearly
always notifies any account holders with an advance warning. Shorter periods of
downtime, usually around five minutes, tend to happen on a daily basis. When this
downtime occurs, NinjaTrader reports that it has lost connection to the broker and
trading is ceased. The downtime is usually scheduled for the middle of the night or
very early in the morning when either the markets are closed, or in the case of forex
trading, little market activity occurs. The problem I have found is that sometimes
after the broker has finished maintenance the connection between the auto-trading
application and the brokers server is not automatically restored, and some manual
human intervention is required to re-establish the link.

Loss of Internet connection or power cut

With a residential broadband connection and power supply in use by the independent
trader, losing either of these utilities always causes concern. Where I currently live
both of these tend to occur on a regular basis. In order to minimise the risk from both
of these I always place a stop when entering a position with the broker. In addition,
I also have a laptop with a 3G data card and my trading software installed to allow
access to the broker’s system to manually manage the open positions until my
residential broadband and/or power is restored.

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Trading software and trading account out of sync

Many of the brokers providing real-time API connections to NinjaTrader have two-
way communication in place allowing NinjaTrader and the broker instant updates
of positions and prices. Some connections, such as the connection to Collective2,
only occur in a single direction. For example, when NinjaTrader is running against
a Collective2 account and sends a trade signal the communication is unidirectional,
and NinjaTrader is unaware of whether the information was received by the
Collective2 servers. Occasionally this allows NinjaTrader and the Collective2 account
to get out of synchronisation. NinjaTrader shows an open position, yet the
corresponding open position does not show on Collective2.

The first time this happened to me I made the mistake of trying to close the open
position in NinjaTrader. For example, in order to close an open long position for ten
contracts, NinjaTrader would create a sell order for ten contracts. Unfortunately, as
Collective2 did not have an open long order for ten contracts, when it received the
sell order, it actually opened a short position for ten contracts, but closed the position
in NinjaTrader. I was able to flatten (and sync) the account by entering a manual
trade on the Collective2 website, but not before the sell order had gone well out of
the money, and my Collective2 account had taken a loss of almost 10%.

Market goes crazy

Occasionally the market does go crazy. When this happens open trades tend to go to
extremes, either hitting the stops or running up a massive profit. This tends to cause
problems with strategies based on higher time frames with no stops in place. For
example, if your strategy is set to perform calculations on bar close on an hourly chart
and the market goes crazy within an hour period, with no stop in place you could
suffer large losses before the hour period is up and your strategy closes the trade.

Also, if the market is rapidly changing between extreme high and low prices the
strategy may suffer greatly from whipsaws during this period.

Strategy goes wrong or stops running

I cannot emphasise enough how important strategy testing really is. This does not just
mean ensuring that your strategy is profitable and the performance metrics are

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Full Automation

healthy, but also confirming that all of the trade signals are generated correctly. On
several occasions I have created a strategy that performs well and the metrics look
good. I have then set the strategy running against an account and noticed something
small that I could tweak, made the small change, but accidentally affected something
else. I have learnt to minimise these mistakes, but make sure that you document any
changes you make, and ensure that you backtest the strategy again, no matter how
small you perceive the change to be.

Other problems include scheduling a strategy against the wrong instrument by

accident, and entering too many zeros when setting the position size. The current
version of NinjaTrader does not have the ability to bulk schedule a single strategy
against multiple instruments, so each strategy has to be manually scheduled. During
this repetitive process I have found it very easy (to my financial cost) to rush and
end up with a few typographical errors with the parameters and position sizes.

Occasionally due to a programmatic error in the strategy, or a software bug, the

strategy or trading application will terminate. Sometimes your open positions will be
closed at this point, and sometimes they stay open when the strategy stops running.

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Appendix – Further
Strategy Examples

Example Strategy – Inside Bar Breakout

An inside bar is defined as a bar where the range has been contained within the prior
bar’s trading range. In this example the current bar’s high and low do not exceed the
previous bar’s high and low.

When two or more sequential inside bars occur, a volatility play can be implemented.
The more inside bars that occur, the greater the chance a surge of volatility, or
breakout, could occur. Usually, an inside bar breakout is actually developed as an
inside day breakout, and daily bar data is used. For this example strategy, the time
periods used are six hour bars, giving us four defined time periods per day, roughly
corresponding to the different global market opening times.

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Strategy formula

Long Entry

Identify a currency pair where the two previous six hour bars have been contained
within the prior bar’s range.

Buy when the current bar close is higher than the previous three bars.

Short Entry
Identify a currency pair where the two previous six hour bars have been contained
within the prior bar’s range.

Sell when the current bar close is lower than the previous three bars.

Position Exit
Exit the position on a trailing stop.

Condition Position Trigger Formula

If High[2] < High[3] and

If Low[2] > Low[3] and

1 Open Long If High[1] < High[2] and

If Low[1] > Low[2] and

Close[0] > High[3]

If High[2] < High[3] and

If Low[2] > Low[3] and

2 Open Short If High[1] < High[2] and

If Low[1] > Low[2] and

Close[0] < Low[3]

3 Close Position Trailing Stop

Table 19.1 Formula used for inside bar strategy

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Appendix – Further Strategy Examples

Strategy creation

Figure 19.1 Inside bar name and description

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Figure 19.2 Inside bar parameters

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Appendix – Further Strategy Examples

Figure 19.3 Conditions and Actions tab 1

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Figure 19.4 Conditions and Actions tab 2

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Appendix – Further Strategy Examples

Figure 19.5 Setting a trailing stop for both long and short positions

Inside bar, initial backtest

Results for 6 hour chart for GBPUSD 1/1/2004 to 1/1/2007:

Trailing Total Net Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average

Stop Profit Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE

GBPUSD 100 -3,560 0.76 -3.56% -0.11 25.71% 0.30%

Table 19.2 Inside bar, initial backtest results

The initial backtest results shown in table 19.2 are not profitable. On closer
examination of the trades, it is possible to see that:

• Only using a trailing stop to close the position is preventing some of our winning
trades maximising their profit.

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

• We also seem to miss a large part of the breakout waiting for confirmation (ie,
close[0] > high[1]). In real-time trading we could obviously open the position as
soon as the breakout occurs and not wait for the current bar to close, however we
cannot backtest this using the static data. In addition, if we were trading real time,
we could also set the stop to be just below the low price for the previous bar (bar[1]).

Inside bar strategy modifications: part 1

Rather than waiting for confirmation of the breakout, and potentially missing much
of the breakout gains, the strategy has been modified to check for the inside bar
conditions, but then open a position based on the current price in relation to a
medium period simple moving average. This is because we could expect the price
action to break out and return back to the moving average.

• Open a long position if price action below the SMA

• Open a short position if price action above the SMA.

• Exit the position when the price reaches the SMA.

Condition Position Trigger Formula

If High[2] < High[3] and

If Low[2] > Low[3] and
1 Open Long If High[1] < High[2] and
If Low[1] > Low[2] and
Close[1] < SMA[0]
If High[2] < High[3] and
If Low[2] > Low[3] and
2 Open Short If High[1] < High[2] and
If Low[1] > Low[2] and
Close[1] > SMA[0]
3 Close Long High[0] >= SMA[0]
4 Close Short Low[0] <= SMA[0]
5 Close Position Trailing Stop

Table 19.3 Modified formula for the inside bar strategy

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Appendix – Further Strategy Examples

Figure 19.6 Changing the parameters to include a simple moving average

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Figure 19.7 Modification of Set 1 to test for the close being below the SMA

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Appendix – Further Strategy Examples

Figure 19.8 Modification of Set 2 to test for the close being above the SMA

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Figure 19.9 Exit the long position when the price reaches the SMA

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Appendix – Further Strategy Examples

Figure 19.10 Exit the short position when the price reaches the SMA

Inside bar, second backtest

Results for the six hour chart for GBPUSD between 1 January 2004 and 1 January

When performing the earlier backtest it was apparent that the trailing stop was
having too much impact on the trades, so the stop value was placed much further out.

Total Net Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average

Instrument SMA TrailingStop
Profit Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE

GBPUSD 30 200 4,520 1.11 -3.50% 0.07 63.16% 0.42%

Table 19.4 Backtest results for modified inside bar strategy

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Strategy modifications: part 2

For this round of strategy modifications we have re-introduced the directional

breakout bar back into the formula. Ie, perform a confirmation check on the
breakout bar before opening a position, but rather than looking for a breakout higher
than all three of the previous bars, we are only concerned with the price breaking
above the most recent bar. As previously discussed, waiting for this confirmation will
reduce our profit when backtested against static data. In real-time testing/trading we
could change the strategy so that as soon as the price breaks out the position could
be opened. Also, we have removed the trailing stop in favour of a static stop-loss.

Condition Position Trigger Formula

If High[2] < High[3] and

If Low[2] > Low[3] and

If High[1] < High[2] and

1 Open Long
If Low[1] > Low[2] and

Close[1] < SMA[0]

Close[0] > Close[1]

If High[2] < High[3] and

If Low[2] > Low[3] and

If High[1] < High[2] and

2 Open Short
If Low[1] > Low[2] and

Close[1] > SMA[0]

Close[0] < Close[1]

3 Close Long High[0] >= SMA[0]

4 Close Short Low[0] <= SMA[0]

Table 19.5 Modifications to inside bar formula

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Appendix – Further Strategy Examples

Figure 19.11 Modification of Set 1 to wait for breakout confirmation

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Figure 19.12 Modification of Set 2 to wait for breakout confirmation

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Appendix – Further Strategy Examples

Figure 19.13 Changed to use static stop value rather than trailing stop

Inside bar, third backtest

Results for the six hour chart for GBPUSD between 1 January 2004 and 1 January

Stop- Total Net Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average

Instrument SMA
loss Profit Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE

GBPUSD 30 100 3,540 1.16 -2.02% 0.08 60.32% 0.30%

Table 19.6 Backtest results for modified inside bar strategy

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Inside bar optimisation

We will now use the optimisation feature of NinjaTrader to curve fit a series of
successful parameters for our strategy to our basket of instruments.

In the Strategy Analyzer window, select the Optimise button.

Change the parameters and time frame as per table 19.7.

Parameter Range Step

Stop-loss 100 – 200 50

SMA1 30-50 5

Time Frame 1/1/2004 to 1/1/2007 n/a

Table 19.7 Optimisation parameter ranges and step

Stop- Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average
Instrument SMA1 Net
loss Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE
AUDUSD 50 150 -3,230 0.86 -12.44% -0.03 66.67% 0.92%

CHFJPY 50 200 3,340 1.25 -3.99% 0.04 62.50% 0.80%

EURCHF 50 200 6,990 1.63 -1.56% 0.19 62.77% 0.29%

EURGBP 30 150 950 1.09 -4.01% 0.04 57.89% 0.53%

EURJPY 35 100 5,510 1.2 -4.26% 0.08 59.52% 0.44%

EURUSD 35 100 -8,810 0.78 -12.26% -0.11 53.66% 0.49%

GBPUSD 30 200 18,360 1.46 -4.32% 0.16 69.50% 0.42%

NZDUSD 30 100 -2,310 0.82 -9.60% -0.04 64.47% 0.67%

USDCAD 35 200 5,870 1.17 -4.42% 0.06 62.04% 0.52%

USDCHF 35 150 -3,490 0.95 -10.44% -0.03 57.96% 0.53%

USDJPY 40 100 6,340 1.24 -2.62% 0.09 62.63% 0.42%

Table 19.8 Optimised parameters

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Appendix – Further Strategy Examples

Inside bar, out of sample backtest

Using the parameters at either end of our ranges (30 and 200 for SMA and Stop-loss
respectively) on an out of sample date range provides the results shown in table 19.9.

Parameter Range

Stop-loss 200

SMA1 30

Time Frame 1/1/2007 to 1/1/2008

Table 19.9 Out of sample parameters

Total Net Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average

Profit Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE
AUDUSD 1,270 3.08 -0.48% 0.25 62.50% 0.49%
CHFJPY 2,440 2.64 -1.52% 0.18 70.00% 0.50%
EURCHF -3,690 0.3 -2.53% -0.29 50.00% 0.44%
EURGBP 1,100 2.2 -0.71% 0.32 45.45% 0.55%
EURJPY 2,560 1.51 -1.45% 0.13 66.67% 0.44%
EURUSD -260 0.96 -3.05% -0.03 52.63% 0.45%
GBPUSD 6,580 5.39 -0.40% 0.77 75.00% 0.28%
NZDUSD 900 1.6 -1.21% 0.13 60.00% 0.84%
USDCAD 4,770 2.48 -1.99% 0.41 68.42% 0.56%
USDCHF 370 1.08 -1.58% 0.02 54.17% 0.48%
USDJPY 5,500 6.61 -0.64% 0.36 77.78% 0.40%

Table 19.10 Out of sample results for basket of instruments

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Inside bar, detailed results analysis

Exporting all of the trades into a single file for detailed analysis, and sort them by
EntryTime gives the equity curve displayed in figure 19.14.

Due to the strategy using a large stop-loss of 200 points, and only risking 1% of
account capital per trade, this strategy needs to be traded from a large starting capital
to allow a sufficient position size unless the trader wishes to allow a higher degree
of risk per trade, in which case a smaller account capital can be used.

Figure 19.14 Equity curve obtained by exporting all of the trades into a single file and then
sorting by EntryTime

Using a smaller starting capital of £10,000, but taking on a larger percentage of risk
of 5% of account capital per trade, provides the equity curve shown in figure 19.15.

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Appendix – Further Strategy Examples

Figure 19.15 Equity curve obtained by taking a smaller starting capital of £10,000, and taking on a
larger risk at 5% of account capital

Example strategy – perfect order

A moving average perfect order strategy is a trend following strategy that requires several
moving averages of different bar periods to be in sequential order. Figure 19.16 shows an
example short trade in a downtrend. It is possible to see that:

• SMA(10 Period) is less than SMA(20 Period)

• SMA(20 Period) is less than SMA(50 Period)

• SMA(50 Period) is less than SMA(100 Period)

• SMA(100 Period) is less than SMA(200 Period)

In an uptrend, for a long trade, the order would be reversed.

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Figure 19.16 A perfect order short trade

The perfect order is a strong indicator of momentum on the side of the trend.

Strategy formula

Long entry

Enter a long position when the perfect order occurs for all five moving averages in a
bull trend.

Short entry

Enter a short position when the perfect order occurs for all five moving averages in
a bear trend.

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Appendix – Further Strategy Examples

Position exit

Close the position as soon as the perfect order no longer exists. In practice this will
be when the two fastest moving averages – SMA(10) and SMA(20) – cross.

Condition Position Trigger Formula

SMA1 > SMA2 and

SMA2 > SMA3 and

1 Open Long
SMA3 > SMA4 and


SMA1 < SMA2 and

SMA2 < SMA3 and

2 Open Short
SMA3 < SMA4 and


3 Close Long SMA1 crosses below SMA2

4 Close Short SMA1 crosses above SMA2

Table 19.11 Perfect order formula

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Strategy creation

Figure 19.17 Perfect order name and description

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Appendix – Further Strategy Examples

Figure 19.18 Perfect order parameters

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Figure 19.19 Perfect order Set 1: Conditions and Actions

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Appendix – Further Strategy Examples

Figure 19.20 Perfect order Set 2: Conditions and Actions

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Figure 19.21 Perfect order Set 3: Conditions and Actions

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Appendix – Further Strategy Examples

Figure 19.22 Perfect order Set 4: Conditions and Actions

Perfect order initial backtest

Initial backtest to prove correct functioning of strategy using GBPUSD between 1

January 2006 and 1 January 2007.

Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average
Instrument Parameters Net
Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE

GBPUSD 10,20,50,100,200 3,020 1.11 -4.22% 0.1 35.64% 0.26%

Table 19.12 Perfect order initial backtest

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Figure 19.23 shows the strategy triggering two short trades when the moving
averages form sequentially. It is possible to see that the two shortest period moving
averages briefly touch/cross which triggers the first trade to close, but then as the
price action moves lower the perfect order is formed once again and a second short
trade is opened.

Figure 19.23 Two short trades when the perfect order forms

Figure 19.24 shows a long perfect order trade.

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Appendix – Further Strategy Examples

Figure 19.24 Showing a perfect order long trade

Perfect order optimisation

We will now use the optimisation feature of NinjaTrader to essential curve fit a series
of successful parameters for our strategy just against GBPUSD.

In the Strategy Analyzer window, select the Optimise button.

Change the parameters and time frame as shown in table 19.13 and optimise based
on profit factor. Be aware that with this many parameters, if you decided to optimise
against the entire basket of instruments, the optimisation process will take several

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Parameter Range Step

SMA1 5 – 15 1

SMA2 16 – 32 2

SMA3 35 – 65 5

SMA4 70 – 130 10

SMA5 140 – 260 20

Time Frame 1/1/2004 to 1/1/2007 n/a

Bar Period 60 minute bars n/a

Table 19.13 Optimisation parameters for the perfect order strategy

Optimised Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average
Instrument Net
Parameters Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE

GBPUSD 15,26,35,120,240 26,250 1.37 -2.73% 0.41 38.62% 0.30%

Table 19.14 Results of optimisation

Optimised Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average
Instrument Net
Parameters Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE

GBPUSD 15,26,35,120,240 -1,570 0.95 1.57% -0.10 35.16% 0.28%

Table 19.15 Out of sample backtest for data between 1 January 2007 and 1 January 2008

The out of sample results listed in table 19.15 show that our previously optimised
parameters have failed to produce a profitable return for the out of sample period.
The reason for this could be that the perfect order strategy just did not work well
during 2007. Maybe the GBPUSD instrument did not experience many long running
trends. Another, more probable reason is that we have over-optimised the parameters,
and essentially curve fitted the strategy to the price data. This is a common problem
when having a relatively large number of parameters for a strategy and trying to
perform an extensive optimisation.

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Appendix – Further Strategy Examples

One option to overcome this problem is to limit the number of parameter variations.
This can be achieved by increasing the step values during the optimisation process
and repeating the optimisation using the whole basket of instruments.

Parameter Range Step

SMA1 6 – 14 2

SMA2 16 – 32 4

SMA3 35 – 65 10

SMA4 70 – 130 20

SMA5 140 – 260 40

Time Frame 1/1/2004 to 1/1/2007 n/a

Bar Period 60 minute bars n/a

Table 19.16 Optimisation parameters with an increased step size

Optimised Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average
Instrument Net
Parameters Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE

AUDUSD 6/32/35/70/260 10,360 1.45 -5.18% 0.3 44.13% 0.34%

CHFJPY 14/28/45/70/180 -3,080 0.9 -8.18% -0.08 43.20% 0.39%

EURCHF 12/32/35/130/180 1,910 1.14 -1.18% 0.09 38.85% 0.16%

EURGBP 8/28/35/70/140 2,540 1.2 -4.44% 0.13 42.62% 0.23%

EURJPY 10/20/35/130/260 2,850 1.08 -6.42% 0.06 46.89% 0.30%

EURUSD 6/28/65/110/140 13,000 1.33 -3.80% 0.26 36.76% 0.31%

GBPUSD 14/28/45/130/260 22,540 1.46 -3.07% 0.36 41.22% 0.33%

NZDUSD 14/32/65/70/260 6,900 1.26 -7.15% 0.18 43.75% 0.48%

USDCAD 10/32/35/70/220 -8,430 0.8 -7.15% -0.21 40.46% 0.36%

USDCHF 10/28/55/130/140 9,180 1.22 -3.42% 0.17 37.99% 0.36%

USDJPY 6/16/55/110/220 12,230 1.45 -4.59% 0.31 38.83% 0.25%

Table 19.17 Results of optimisation with increased step size

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

Calculating the mean, median and mode of the optimised parameters produces the
results in table 19.18.

Statistic SMA1 SMA2 SMA3 SMA4 SMA5

Mean 10 28 45 99 205

Median 10 28 45 110 220

Mode 6 28 35 70 260

Table 19.18 Three sets of optimised parameters

Without going into detailed analysis for each of the three sets of optimised
parameters, just using the mode values and performing an out of sample backtest
for the entire basket of instruments produces the results in table 19.19. It is clear to
see that these results are more favourable than the results produced by our overly
optimised, or curve fitted, parameters from the previous example.

Total Net Profit Max. Sharpe Percent Average

Profit Factor Drawdown Ratio Profitable MAE

AUDUSD -3,110 0.86 -8.49% -0.13 33.33% 0.39%

CHFJPY 450 1.04 -4.12% 0.02 39.29% 0.27%
EURCHF 1,980 1.18 -2.67% 0.15 35.00% 0.14%
EURGBP 110 1.02 -3.01% 0.01 41.98% 0.17%
EURJPY 8,480 1.36 -3.56% 0.27 40.00% 0.88%
EURUSD 2,830 1.18 -2.55% 0.2 37.50% 0.20%
GBPUSD 4,800 1.23 -2.16% 0.25 36.05% 0.22%
NZDUSD 6,750 1.4 -6.35% 0.39 39.56% 0.85%
USDCAD 3,190 1.2 -3.67% 0.18 32.32% 0.28%
USDCHF -4,050 0.79 -7.89% -0.22 28.72% 0.27%
USDJPY 3,640 1.21 -4.35% 0.26 32.14% 0.31%

Table 19.19 Out of sample backtest results using parameters (6,28,35,70,260)

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Appendix – Further Strategy Examples

This strategy example has demonstrated that it is possible to over optimise a set of
input parameters to curve fit the strategy against the available data. Once this has
been performed, the strategy is unlikely to produce such favourable results on out of
sample data and during real-time execution.

Future enhancements for this strategy could include the use of ADX to provide
confirmation that the instrument is trending before a position is opened.

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Third Generation of mobile phone technology. 3G usually refers to a data connection

provided by a network operator.

Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. A data communications technology that enables

fast data transmission over copper telephone lines.

A standard of character encoding based on the English alphabet.


A party that mediates between a buyer and a seller.

Curve fitting

The process of strategy over-optimisation to produce the best returns from a financial
instrument for a given time period.

Deutscher Aktien Index. A stock market index consisting of the 30 major German

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting


Unrealised or realised losses from a trading account.


Earnings Before Interest and Taxes


eSignal Formula Script. A programming language used by the eSignal charting


Foreign Exchange market exists wherever one currency is traded for another.

FTSE Group is a UK provider of stock market indices. The letters FTSE are no longer
an abbreviation.

General Packet Radio Service. Sometimes called 2.5G. A low rate mobile data
transfer service.

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. UK tax regulator.


Various types of financial transactions.


A time delay between something being initiated and the moment the first effect

One of the American stock exchanges.


Open, High, Low, Close. The four prices available from a candlestick or bar chart.

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Over The Counter. Trading by broker-dealers in instruments not listed or traded on

any exchange.
P/E ratio

Price/Earnings ratio. A measure of earnings multiple.


Profit and Loss. An income statement.


A collection of investments held by an institution or a private individual.


An open financial trade, either long or short.


Serial Advanced Technology Attachment. A computer bus designed for data transfer
between a computer and a storage device.

A tool to enable the simplification of a process.

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ATR 66
Index automation 213-219
2.5G 258 preparing for 213-214
3G 18-19, 28, 212, 257 problems with 216-219
average time in market 54

A Average True Range (ATR) 53, 189

risk 54 B
small, disadvantages of 56 backtesting 7, 22-23, 35-36
size 11, 54-56 definition 121-122
swapping 56 dynamic data 125
ADX 66, 94-95, 189, 255 influences on 122
ADSL 257 real-time testing 126
adverse excursions 133-134 static historic data 123-124
aggressive systems 4 types of 122
APIs 218 using moving averages 140-146
ASCII data 25, 257

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

bar issues 217

average in trade 130 modeling 2
data quantity 22, 29 workstation 17-18, 28
fast 98 contract sizes 16
slow 98 correlation 37-43, 212
periods 79, 98, 123, 139, 152 account risk 54
bid price 12 forex example 41-43
black box systems 59-63 crossovers 61, 68, 72, 90, 93-94, 97,
102, 105, 119, 140, 149, 151-152
benefits 59
currency pairs 5, 36-37
client side 61
example 41-43
curve fit 61-63
formula 222
definition 59
interest rates of 15
disadvantages 60
curve fitting 257
server side 60-61
Bollinger bands 190
breakouts 69 D
broadband 17-18, 217 DataBull 21, 24, 42
broker 5, 32, 257 data
server down 217 commodities 21, 24
buy stops 14 cost of 17, 34
end of day, see ‘end of day data’
C equities 21, 24
feeds 29, 34
CalculateOnBar (parameter) 123-124,
174-175, 208 simulated 125
cautious systems 4 forex 13, 20, 24, 29
Channel Crossing 172, 174, 192, 194, formatting 25-27
futures 21, 24
Collective2 61, 218
historic, see ‘historical data’
commission 10, 16
indices 24
long duration 126-127

System_Trading_271008:Layout 1 28/10/08 10:55 Page 263


out of sample 126-128 exit strategy 75-76

real-time, see ‘real-time’ trader 27
DAX 257 entering a trade 1, 70-73, 93-95
development language 20 eSignal 19-20, 61
directional ex-dividends 15-16
movement 66 examples
reversal 90-91 forex correlation 41-43
discipline 3 Vodafone 33
discretionary Excel 21, 25, 191-193
traders 1 execution delays 14
strategies 3, 69-70 exiting a trade 1, 6, 14-15, 75-91
Disk Trading 24 exponential moving average, see
diversification 34
dividend adjustments 15-16
Donchian bands 190 F
drawdowns 4, 258 favourable excursions 134
and account size 55-56 fear 2
maximum 185 filters 93-95
dynamic data 125 benefits 95
disadvantages 95
E fixed odds betting 9
fixed position sizing 49
EasyLanguage 20
forex 258
EBIT 65, 258
FTSE 258
education 18
EFS 20, 61, 258
analysis 65
EMA 72-73, 98, 101, 104, 139-141, 151
data 1, 17, 65, 122
emotions 2, 59 213
end of day
data 21-23, 29

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

G days 73
entry example 73
Gain Capital 29
gaps 15
café 19
gearing 11
connection 17-19, 217
goals 6
GPRS 18, 258
data 23
greed 2
trader 28
guaranteed stop-losses, see ‘stops’
trading 15, 22
instruments 5, 31-46
H basket of 34-36
hardware 28 and correlation 40-41
historical data 17 optimisation 182-183
effect of bad data 23-24 choice of 10, 31
overview of 22 definition of 258
reliability of 23 lists 44-46
sources for import 22-24 features to look for 32
HMRC 9-10, 258 selecting 36
interest rates 196

indicators 66
exit example 91 latency 13, 258
inside leverage 11
bars 221-222 limit orders 14
detailed results analysis 240 liquidity 32
initial backtest 227-241 long
optimisation 238 duration data 126-127
out of sample backtest 239 entry 98, 222, 242
strategy modifications 228-234 lots 16

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M exit example 90
perfect order strategy 241-242
formula 243
entry example 72-73
initial backtest 249-250
exit example 91
optimisation 251-254
MAEs 130, 134, 185, 192
strategy creation 244-249
strategy example 97-120
call 11
trading 11
market depth 16 N
Market Replay 125, 210 NASDAQ 258
Martingale systems 47-48 negative progressive systems 47
MathWorks 21 NinjaScript 20, 99, 153, 190, 202, 210
MatLab 21 NinjaTrader vii, 20, 22, 24-27, 29, 44-
MAXOver, see ‘moving average
crossover’ automated trading 213-214
Maximum Adverse Excursion, see broker connections 217-218
closing a position 209-210
MBTrading 214
license 214
mechanical strategies 3
moving average example 99-115
MetaStock 25-26
opening a position 209
Microsoft Excel, see ‘Excel’
optimisation 140-145
modem dial-up 18
performance metrics 129-137, 187
moderate systems 5
money management 3, 47-57, 66, 213
backtesting 115-120
moving average convergence/divergence,
creation 152-170
see ‘MACD’
modification 201
moving average crossover (MAXOver)
216 scheduling 203, 215-216
moving averages 66, 149 a chart 204-208
backtesting and optimising 140-146 testing 200-202
entry example 70-71 optimisation 170-188

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

O exit 222, 243

management 208-210
offer price 12
tools 14, 16
office space 18
open 4, 10, 14-15, 209
OHLC prices 21, 24, 66, 73, 258
simultaneous 54
Olsen Financial Technologies 24
size 4, 11, 15, 212
open, high, low and close prices, see
‘OHLC’ sizing 48-54

open if touched 14 fixed 49

optimisation, see ‘strategy’ per point 50-53

order types 14 triggers 222, 228, 234, 243

OTC, see ‘over the counter’ positive progressive systems 47

out of sample power cuts 217

backtest 188 price movement 66

data 126-128 prices 12-13

over the counter (OTC) products 13, probability 2

75, 258 processing delay 13
overnight interest 15 profit & loss accounts 40, 259
profit factor 132, 185

P profit targets 14, 19

exits 88-90
P/E ratio 65, 259
progressive betting 47-48
percentage profitable 131, 185, 188
Pryor, Malcolm vii
performance metrics 129-137, 187, 212
psychology 5-6, 59
pivot points 66
player accounts 11
portfolio 259 R
diversification 34-35 ranging period 94
position real-time
close 9, 10, 14 data 13, 17, 21-22, 29, 32
definition 259 delayed 21

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strategy spreads 10, 16

execution 211-212 large 12
testing 197-210 tight 12, 32
testing 11, 126 SQL Server (Microsoft) 21, 25
alternative 210 stamp duty 10
results analysis 191-196 static historic data 123-124
reverse orders 14 stochastic 66
risk 5-6, 11, 19, 34, 41, 48, 50-56, 66 stops
rolling daily bets 15 automatic placing 14
exits 78-88

S guaranteed 15
losses 4, 11, 14, 19
SATA 28, 259
managing 210
sell stops 14
market turbulence 218
Sharpe Ratio 133, 185
trailing 210
short entry 98, 222, 242
signals 6, 59, 66
creation 152-170, 223-227
trading 212
simultaneous open positions 54
backtesting 115, 121-138
simulated data feeds 125
example 97-120
sizing per point 50-53
filters 93-95
slippage 137-138, 209-210
intro 65-68
spread betting
phases of 67-68
benefits of 9-11
putting it all together 149-190
companies 11
trade entry 69-73
disadvantages 12-16
trade exits 75-91
progressive betting 47-48
execution, in real-time 211-212
why do it? 9-16
formula 3, 222, 242-243
spread betting company 5
definition 151
choosing one 30
high level definition 150-151

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Systems Trading for Spread Betting

optimisation 139-147, 170-188 technical

curve fitting 140 analysis ix, 6
using moving averages 140-146 indicator, see ‘indicator’
perfect order 241-242 telephone trading 19
formula 242-243 tick-by-tick prices 12
initial backtest 249-250 time 18
optimisation 251-254 frames 67
strategy creation 244-249 of day exits 76-77
requirements of 66, 70 total net profit 131, 185
running 214-216 TradeStation 20, 25, 65
scheduling 203-208, 215-216 trader
testing 170-190 types of 27-28
alternative to real-time 210 trading
correct instruments 219 on the move 28
in real-time 197-210 prohibited 16
modification 201 resources 17-30
signals 218-219 signals 212
Strategy Analyzer 115-116, 123-124, software 18, 29
charting 19-20
charts 134
requirements for 19
graphs 135-136
strategies 2
metrics 130
systems 2-7
optimise 140
using 6, 16
summary 129
trending 95
trades 137
trends 69
systems, see ‘trading systems’

UltraEdit 21, 25
targets, managing 210
tax 6, 9-10

System_Trading_271008:Layout 1 28/10/08 10:55 Page 269


Venn diagrams 36
VMWare Workstation 214
Vodafone 33
volatility 14, 32

Wait until flat 203
whipsaws 94, 123, 151, 188-189, 218
why trade? 5-6
wifi 19
Wizard 259

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SyStemS tradinG For Spread BettinG

"Creating and following a strategy can give a trader the
edge they need to be successful in the markets."

This is the first book on developing and back-testing systems trading

strategies to be used whilst spread betting. The book details the cycle of
choosing instruments, designing strategies, back-testing and the real-time
trading of those systems and includes many real-life examples.

This book details an end-to-end approach covering all of the aspects required
to implement and maintain a trading system. The focus of the text is the
independent trader, providing them with the information they need to use
readily available tools to develop and trade a professional system. For
The book starts by arguing the case for the use of trading systems and spread
betting and moves on to look at the details of selecting instruments,
choosing the most appropriate spread betting firm and the right trading
software and platform.
Ford looks at money & account management and black box systems then
describes in in detail the processes involved in the development of a strategy,
including back-testing and optimisation.

This book is a must-read for anyone looking to develop a systematic

approach to their trading and take their spread betting to another level. An end-to-end guide for developing
Gary Ford
spread betting systems
Gary Ford is a successful investor who tired of spending each day following
market moves and searched for a way to remove the constant monitoring
and emotion from his trading. Over the years Gary has developed several
discretionary trading techniques but prefers the simplicity and effectiveness
of systems trading.
Gary Ford
Before becoming immersed in the world of trading, Gary obtained an
honours degree in Computer Systems Engineering, the achievement of IET
Chartered Engineer and spent over a decade designing, deploying and
testing mission-critical IT platforms.
Gary Ford
ISBN 978-1905641734

Hh Harriman House Hh Hh
£39.00 9 781905 641734

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