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1.1 Overview Of The Machining Process

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution metal cutting manufacturing
processes have involved the removal of unwanted material. Metal removal continues
to be the principal method of manufacturing. The advent of rapid prototyping
machines capable of producing the most complicated of shapes still does not reduce
the volume of machining necessary today. Interestingly, in 1971, the Delphi Type
Forecast [1] for the International Institution for Production Engineering predicted
that machining would remain the principal method of metal product manufacturing.
The popularity of machining throughout the world however ignores one major
problem: the enormous amounts of liquid cutting fluid needed to prolong tool life
gives rise to serious environmental issues as well as health concerns for the machine
operators. Being aware of this, manufacturers worldwide have been trying to
minimise or eliminate the use of liquid coolant during metal cutting. This has given
rise to manufacturers incorporating a limited amount of dry machining into the
manufacturing processes. The aeronautical industry relies on dry machining for most
of its metal cutting processes due to the machinability of lighter and softer materials.
On the other hand the automotive industry is desperate to achieve dry machining for
economic and environmental (green manufacturing) reasons. Unfortunately, the
materials used in this particular industry are harder and tougher, and are not as easy
to machine as aluminium alloys used in the aerospace industry. A brief history of the
metal cutting process and its investigation can be found in ‘The Mechanics of
Machining” by Armarego and Brown [2], and a more detailed review in an article by
Finnie [3].

1.2 Machining Process

1.2.1 Metal cutting chip formation
Fundamentally, machining is a material removal process where a layer of material is
removed in the form of chips from the workpiece by the action of a wedged shaped


cutting tool. The first studies of chip formation were qualitative in nature and
investigated the material flow (deformation) in the chip formation. Rosehain and
Sturney [4] attempted to classify the process according to the type of chip produced.
These authors classified the chip as “shear”, “tear”, and “flow chips”. This
classification was used until 1938 when Ernes [5] presented his classical observation
of chip formation. They were:

(a) Discontinuous Chip

Figure 1.1 shows a segmented discontinuous chip, which exhibits some
deformation even though it is broken at fairly regular intervals by fracture
across the width and thickness of the chip. The associated machine surface is
rough and irregular.

Figure 1.1: Discontinuous chip

Shown in Figure 1.2 is a continuous chip. As the name suggests, the chip is
formed as a continuous ribbon when machining ductile materials under ideal
cutting conditions. This chip is the result of continuous plastic deformation
leading to steady cutting forces and a smooth machined surface.

Figure 1.2: Continuous chip


(b) Continuous Chip with Built-up Edge

This type of chip is formed when machining ductile materials under certain
cutting conditions, and is shown in Figure 1.3. The chip is continuous, but at
the cutting edge on the tool face there is a build up of deformed material.
Ernest [5] was also able to show that the build up and breakdown of this
deformed material was cyclic in nature. The breakdown was such that part of
the build-up material attached itself to the machined surface, while the other
part attached itself to the back of the chip. Due to the short cycle time the
associated machined surface is rough and irregular.

Figure 1.3: Continuous chip with built up edge.

1.2.2 Metal cutting

The normal and most common metal cutting condition is known as oblique
machining, which is the cutting process when turning, milling and drilling. Figure
1.4 shows metal being removed by a typical oblique turning process.

V = cutting speed, d = depth of cut, w = chip width, t2 = chip thickness, t1 = feed/rev, N = spindle
speed, σ = side cutting edge, D1 = bar dia, D2 = machined dia.

Figure 1.4: Metal removal by oblique turning process.


Oblique machining is a complex machining process due to the shape of the cutting
edge. Attempts have been made to analyse the process Lin and Oxley [6], although
this results in a complex solution to analyse. Figure 1.5 shows a simplified metal
cutting process known as orthogonal machining. The orthogonal cutting process is
normally the analysis used by researchers as it eliminates a number of variables that
can affect the cutting theory. For this reason the orthogonal model is used for the
analysis of the machining process in this research.

Figure 1.5: Metal cutting configuration needed for orthogonal machining.

In orthogonal machining the cutting edge of the tool is set perpendicular to the
direction of the cutting, and parallel to the surface being machined, as shown in
Figure 1.5 and 1.6. Also, the tool must overlap the cutting surface such that the metal
removal is only done on the primary surface. If the width of cut is very much larger
than the depth of cut shown in Figure 1.5 t1 < w, then the flow of the material
approximates to that of plane strain: that is the flow is in two directions only.


Figure 1.6: Special cutting conditions needed on a lathe to obtain orthogonal


Under certain conditions on the lathe the machining processes can be considered as
approximately orthogonal. These conditions are that the feed must be small relative
to the depth of cut - making most of the cutting taking place in the direction of the
feed, and the cutting on the nose of the tool will be negligible (Mikell P. Groover
[7]). The special machining conditions that allow orthogonal analysis to be used were
employed in determining the set feed rate and depth of cut on the engine lathe.

1.3 Generalisation Of Tool Life

Information available for establishing tool life is largely generalised and empirical in
nature. This is fundamentally due to the cutting process, as the changing of one
parameter will result in a new set of data. For example, the classification of material
and processes in the Machining Data Handbook [8] is wide and varied. When
considering low carbon steels, it is noted that as many as twenty different steels are
found in that group, and suggests cutting conditions for different operations are only
in the form of “first try” conditions. Such data can in fact have a variability of as
much as 50 percent to 100 percent. Also, the tool life expected is stated at 30 to 60
minutes for a throw-away carbide tool tip for continuous cutting. This is in fact
another generalisation because there is also great variability in the shape/type of tips
and grades of tips. Just how large is the variability cannot be estimated; that in turn
reduces the reliability of the available data.


In order to overcome these difficulties and provide more reliable data, many
countries have set up Machining Data Banks [9] based on information on the
machining process collected from various sources. In conjunction with this available
machining data, it is apparent that appropriate tool life tests need to be carried out for
the material and tool tips used in this research. This will allow this research to
determine the effectiveness of air-cooling of the tool tip, by comparing air-cooling
test data against reliable tool life data.

1.4 Tool Tip Heat Generation

Manufacturers know that the hotter the tool becomes the quicker the tool tip will
break down and need to be replaced. Clearly it is essential for modern manufacturing
to prolong tool life to maximise production. The main parameters that are known to
have influence on the tool tip temperature are the tool tip material, the material being
cut, and the cutting velocity. Figure 1.7 shows typical temperatures that can be
generated in the cutting zone. As the yield strength of the material is approached, the
heat helps the separation of the chip from the work piece.

(obtained from G. Bothroyd) [10]

Figure 1.7: Temperatures at shear plane AB.


The more heat in the primary cutting zone the easier the chip will separate. However,
with too much heat the tool tip material will also want to separate from the tool tip,
vastly reducing its tool life. Traditionally, the approach to prolong tool life is to
supply large amounts of liquid cutting fluid to the cutting zone to cool the tool tip.
The consequence of this is to add additional cost to the product, and appropriate
costly disposal preparations must be in place for the contaminated cutting fluid.
Therefore, exploiting the potential of dry machining is economical and
environmentally necessary for modern manufacturing.

1.5 Environmental Cost Of Liquid Coolant

Manufacturing industries in industrial nations throughout the world are now both
coerced by government legislation and the growing awareness of society to ensure
that their manufacturing processes do not harm the environment. For this reason
increased attention is now paid to the environment and health impact of industry
activities. In the case of the metal cutting process, manufacturers are encouraged to
find ways to reduce the use of liquid coolant during machining. Over the years other
methods of cooling the tool tip have been tried with some degree of success. CO2 was
used in the mid-nineteen fifties and hailed as the greatest solution to the cooling of
tool tips. However, it was soon discovered by those companies who adopted this
method of cooling to be expensive and relied on a large amount of auxiliary
equipment. Today this method of cooling would not be considered on environmental
grounds, as CO2 is a “greenhouse gas”, and would promote this phenomenon. In
more recent times, the use of cryogenic cooling has been used with some success, but
this method also depends on large amounts of auxiliary equipment available to
supply the liquid nitrogen, and this is expensive to use. In addition the machine tool
operators safety is of concern, as care must be taken in using this very cold fluid.

As more attention is being focused on the role of cutting fluids in machining, there is
a new ISO 14000 international environmental management system standard to guide
manufacturers. The aim here is to help manufacturers reduce the environmental
burden produced by manufacturing. An environmental burden analysed by H. Narita
et al. [11] that considers all aspects of the machining process shows that liquid
coolant alone contributes to 0.98 kg-CO2/L equivalent CO2 emission intensities. This
is the amount of greenhouse gas that has been produced during the making of the


liquid coolant and from using it. So the machine tool energy efficiency and the
impact of the process waste have a negative effect on the environment D. Dudzinski
[12]. These CO2 emission values clearly show why dry machining is being
considered more and more for applicable machining processes.

1.6 Coated Tungsten Tool Tips

Recent advances in tool tip coatings have proven to be most effective in improving
the performance of dry cutting by reducing the ability of the cut material to stick to
the tool tip. Figure 1.8 shows a tungsten coated tool tip with three layers. This tool
tip has outstanding wear resistance and toughness and is:

• suitable for fast and dry machining;

• suitable for mass and large batch production;
• suitable for unmanned machining.

(Picture from Seco web site on the 6th Dec. 2005)

Figure 1.8: Typical materials used to produce tip insert.

However, even with the improvements to tool tip materials, tool life will always be
reduced due to the higher working temperatures of dry machining K. Causton [13].
As previously outlined, the use of dry machining can be considered as a “green”
manufacturing process as there is no pollution generated waste with the cutting of the
material. The significance of using dry machining can be highlighted when we note
that, in Australia alone, millions of litres of liquid coolant are consumed each year.
This has been estimated to constitute about 7 to 17 percent of the total machining


costs. The equivalent CO2 emissions contributed by the disposal of the liquid coolant
can be evaluated as 0.192 kg-CO2/L. Research has shown that dry machining is
preferably carried out at high speed N.A. Abukhshim et al. [14]. Although cutting
metal at high speeds is associated with high temperatures, most of the additional heat
generated is removed by the chips.

1.7 Objective of Research

The object of this research is to show that dry machining with air-cooling can be
shown to be as effective as - if not better than - traditional wet machining of metals.
Dry machining alone eliminates the use of coolant and the waste burden on the
environment, therefore reducing machining costs. Unfortunately, dry machining by
itself reduces the life expectancy of the cutting tool due to the high temperatures
involved in machining. Dry machining with the addition of air-cooling extends tool
life during machining. Air-cooling reduces the temperature at the tool interface, it is
readily available and environmentally friendly, it is easy to work with, and it is also
cost effective. However, just applying a jet of air does not simply provide the
solution. The challenge is to ensure that air-cooling can be made to be as effective as
traditional wet machining methods of cooling the tool tip during machining. Also,
the performance of the air-cutting process should not produce an inferior surface
finish in comparison to one produced by traditional coolant.

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