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Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Gazi University, ANKARA/TURKEY
[email protected] [email protected]

Keywords; Power factor correction, single phase hybrid rectifier.

Abstract: This paper presents a single-phase bidirectional hybrid rectifier topology for power
factor correction (PFC) suitable for medium and high power applications. The topology is
composed of a diode bridge rectifier and a boost type PWM rectifier. Using appropriate control
technique the total power can be shared between two rectifiers. The proposed rectifier is capable
of providing sinusoidal input current with low harmonic distortion compared to the conventional
boost type PFC converter and dc output voltage regulation. The rectifier topology, principle of
operation, control method and simulation results are described in the paper.

1. INTRODUCTION values components as inductors, capacitors, and

switch of the converter. For this reason, in this
Since a low power factor operation reduces the study, the conventional boost type topology and
power available from the utility grid and a high PWM rectifier are used together to share the
harmonic distortion of the line current causes EMI power and to meet the standard conditions. Fig. 1
problems, governments and international shows the proposed hybrid rectifier.
organizations have introduced the IEEE 519 and IEC Lb1 Db1

61000-3-2-/-3-4 standards. For this reason, the
D1 D3
attention devoted to the Power Factor Correction is Q1

(PFC) has been increased. An ideal PFC should ia


emulate a resistor on the supply side while Vs ib Qb Co Ro

maintaining a fairly regulated output voltage [1].

Boost converters have been usually used for power Q4

factor correction. Although the conventional boost D4 D2

Lb2 Db2
type topology has some drawbacks, they are suitable
for low power applications. Interleaved techniques or Figure 1. The proposed single phase hybrid rectifier.
bidirectional boost rectifiers are widely used in high
power applications for power factor correction and The basic idea of the hybrid rectifiers is
their advantages over the conventional boost type is that they are generated by the connection of an
low number switches conducting at any time [2]. uncontrolled rectifier with a controlled
Using interleaved technique in high power rectifier[3,4]. While the uncontrolled rectifier
applications can reduces the power rating of the operates with low frequency and it handles the
switches but the current sharing between inductors in higher output rating, the controlled rectifier
transient time needs an advanced control technique. operates with high switching frequency and
In high power applications using single- small power rating. Therefore, the efficiency of
phase systems the conventional type boost the system will increase. In addition, the power
converter may provide the requirements. For rating can be shared by controlling the duty ratio
these types of applications we need high rating of the boost side. If the output power is shared
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Naci GENÇ, İres İSKENDER – Power Factor Correction Using Single Phase Bidirectional-Hybrid Rectifier 39

between two rectifiers, the rating of switches

used in the rectifiers can be decreased. For this
reason, this topology is suitable for high power
applications where single phase system is
Section II of this paper presents the
principle of operation and the analysis of the
topology. Section III includes the control
strategy of the topology. Finally, the simulation
results are presented in Section IV. Ip/2


The line current (is) of the single phase t

bidirectional hybrid rectifier (Fig. 1) is the sum 1

of currents ia and ib. ia is the current drawn from

the diode bridge rectifier and ib is the current
drawn from the PWM rectifier. Similarly, at the 0

output, the load current, Io is the sum of Ioa and

Iob. The line current shape is controlled by
adjusting ia and ib to obtain high power factor -1

Figure 2. The converter current waveforms for two
In addition, by controlling the duty cycle
different cases.
of the Qb, the output power can be shared
between the two converters. This is another
It is assumed that the supply current is
advantage of this topology. The power level
sinusoidal without distortion and the current
processed by each rectifier is related with the
drawn by the diode bridge rectifier is same as the
currents peak values. Therefore, power can be
shape shown in Fig. 2. Therefore, the input
shared between the converters by controlling the
voltage and current are given by (1) and (2)
peak values of the currents.
The shape of current ia is affected by the
inductor and controlled by the boost switch. For v s (t ) = Vm sin ωt (1)
the case when the boost converter operates at i s (t ) = I m sin ωt (2)
CCM and the inductor current follows a constant where,
reference the ia can be controlled. The input line Vm is the peak value of the supply voltage
current which is composed of ia and ib can be Im is the peak value of the supply current
shaped as a sinusoidal wave by adjusting these Using these equations, the instantaneous input
two currents. power can be defined as,
Fig. 2 shows two different cases related to
current shapes drawn by each converter. As it is pi (t ) = v s (t ) ⋅ i s (t ) (3)
shown, when the inductor current is nearly equal
to the peak value of the desired supply current Since the supply current is is the sum of
the power transferred from the PWM rectifier currents ia and ib , it is defined as,
will be very low with respect to the that of diode is (t ) = ia (t ) + ib (t ) (4)
bridge. In this case, the PWM rectifier operates
only for power factor correction and its power From equations (3) and (4), the input
rating will be very low. When the inductor power and converter’s power can be defined as,
current is halved, the PWM rectifier both pi (t ) = v s (t ) ⋅ [ia (t ) + ib (t )] (5)
corrects power factor and shares the load power.
Therefore, this topology can be used for two p a (t ) = v s (t ) ⋅ ia (t ) (6)
different goals. pb (t ) = v s (t ) ⋅ ib (t ) (7)
ISSN – 1453 – 1119

Where, pa is the instantaneous power This expression is very important to define

processed by the diode bridge rectifier and pb is the active power sharing between the converters.
the instantaneous power processed by the PWM In this limit the PWM rectifier makes the input
rectifier. current shape as a sinusoidal and provides the
The input active power Pin, and converters PFC. When the output power is drawn on the
active powers are defined as follows PWM rectifier over this limit the input current
respectively, will be distorted. Using appropriate control
method, this topology can be used for two
Vm ⋅ I m different aims.
Pin =
T ∫ p (t ) =

Pa = ∫
T 0
p a (t ) =
The control strategy is based on obtaining
Pb = Pin − Pa (10) the sinusoidal input current and regulated output
voltage. To regulate the output voltage, a single
Where, Ima is the peak value of the voltage control loop is used. As it is shown in
fundamental current drawn by the diode bridge Fig. 3, the output voltage is compared with a
rectifier and it is assumed in phase with supply constant reference and the error signal is applied
voltage. The relationship between the active to the voltage compensator.
power processed by each rectifier and input To obtain the supply current with a
active power are obtained from equations (8), sinusoidal shape without distortion, the supply
(9), (10) and presented in (11) and (12). current must be sensed. The sampled supply
current is compared with its respective sinusoidal
reference and this reference signal should be
Pa 2 3 ⋅ I ma synchronized with the supply voltage to obtain
= (11)
Pin π ⋅ Im unity power factor.
The boost inductor current is also sampled
and compared with a constant reference to
Pb 2 3 ⋅ I ma generate the gate signal of the boost switch.
= 1− (12)
Pin π ⋅ Im The errors produced by the comparisons
between the sampled signal and reference signal
As seen from the equations, the power are compared with a 10 kHz triangular wave to
processed by each rectifier is dependent of the obtain the PWM signals for switches. Therefore,
peak current value of the diode bridge rectifier. both the boost switch and the PWM rectifier
Therefore, controlling this current also controls switches are operated with a 10 kHz switching
the shared power between the converters. frequency.
Since this is a ac/dc converter, the output As seen from Fig. 3, the PWM rectifier
power can be defined with equation (13). current (ib) is controlled indirectly by sensing
and controlling the input current.
Po = Vo ⋅ I o (13) The power sharing between the converters
depends on the controlling of boost inductor
The operation principle of the converter
current. This is guaranteed by the gains k1 and k2
can be thought in two modes. In the first mode
that must be settled to satisfy the expression (14)
the output power is drawn by the diode bridge
and the boost cell. In the second mode, the PWM
rectifier and diode bridge rectifier supply the
output power. Therefore, operation of the boost k2
0≤ ≤ 0 .5 (15)
cell limits the power supplied by the PWM k1
rectifier [3, 5]. This limit is given in equation
Pb ≤ 0.448 Po (14)
ISSN – 1453 – 1119
Naci GENÇ, İres İSKENDER – Power Factor Correction Using Single Phase Bidirectional-Hybrid Rectifier 41

Lb1 Db1
The output voltage is presented in Fig. 4.
Ioa It is seen that the output voltage regulation is
D1 D3
obtained with a low ripple.
is Q1 Q3 In Fig. 5, the line voltage and line current
D5 D7
Lf1 are presented. It is shown that the line current is
Vs ib Qb
sinusoidal and is in phase with the input voltage.
Co Ro
The power factor value obtained from simulation
is about 0.998. The input current THD is 8.5%.
Q4 Q2
The diode bridge rectifier current and the
D8 D6
PWM rectifier current are presented in Fig. 6 and
D4 D2
7, respectively.


SUM3 SUM2 MUL1 I_ref


COMP1 H(s)

G (s)

TRIANG1_10kHz k2
H(s) Q1,Q2 I_Lb1
H(s) G(s)



MUL2 k1 Vo_ref


Figure 3. The control scheme.

The control can be implemented with Figure 4. The output voltage (405V)
analog multiplier approaches or by a digital
signal processing. In the study the H(s) block
represents the PI control block.


The SIMPLORER 6.0 program was used

for simulation. The specifications used in the
simulation are given in Table 1.

TABLE 1. Specifications used in the simulation

Vs Input voltage (50Hz) 220V_rms

Vo Output voltage 400V Figure 5. The line voltage and current (70A_max).
PWM rectifier input
Lf1 1mH
inductor The spikes on the current waveform are
Lb1, Lb2 Boost cell inductors 2 mH because of the inductors and transitions in the
input current. These spikes can be minimized by
Co Output capacitors 4700 μF using lower value of inductors. For this topology,
the boost cell must be operated in CCM.
Po Output power 10 kW Therefore, the value of inductors is related to the
output power, switching frequency and boost
fs Switching frequency 10 kHz

ISSN – 1453 – 1119


According to simulation results when the

PWM rectifier is used for power sharing, the line
current THD increases. In this study, the PWM
rectifier shares about 40% of the output power.
For this reason the THD of the line current is
about 8.5%. If we use the PWM rectifier for only
power factor correction we can obtain the THD
below 5%. Therefore, if the PWM rectifier is
used to share the output power below %40 ratio
the topology can meet the IEEE 519 and IEC
61000-3-2-/-3-4 standards.
The number of components used in this
Figure 6. The current supplied by the diode bridge. topology is more than the components used in
the conventional PFC circuit. But, this does not
significantly affect the volume of the topology,
because the components are chosen to transfer
the half of the load power.
The disadvantage of the system is using an
extra current sensor and a multiplier compared to
the other PFC topologies.
As a next step, the study will be simulated
for different conditions and the experimental
works are carried on in the laboratory.

Figure 7. The current supplied by the PWM rectifier.
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The applied control scheme regulates the
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achieve unity power factor.
The PWM rectifier shares the load power
related to k2/k1 ratio used in the control strategy.
ISSN – 1453 – 1119

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