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In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful.

Subject; Drama 1

Assignment: Project (Article)

Submitted To- Mam Iqra Khadim

Submitted by- Waseem Arshad

Roll No: 5005

Section: Morning

MA English (General) 2nd Semester

Department: English

1; „‟Qualities of Hamlet” who is the hero of

Shakespearean play “The Hamlet”
2; Introduction

William Shakespeare was one of the vigilant

playwright from 1564-1615 and also beyond that. The Hamlet is one the
masterpiece of Shakespeare’s writing. According to one survey The Hamlet is
considered a part of world’s top 100 books. Shakespeare’s Hamlet enriched the
domain of revenge play during the Elizabethan era, and was published in 1603.
Hamlet the hero of this is a tragic hero who moves from prosperity to adversity.
He belonged to an Eliot class. He belonged to a royal family and he is a king by
birth. Hamlet the hero of the play is a very interesting and tragic character as
well. He has some good and bad qualities. As a tragic hero he moves from
prosperity to downfall. There are number of reasons of his downfall. Like,
indecisive, he thinks a lot and reacts very slowly. He has very negative opinion
about women’s. It’s a human Psyche when we think a lot and did not act
anything so in resulting there is no significant result of our over thinking. Hamlet
has negative traits such as indecisiveness, hastiness, hate and brutality, yet he
has a lot of virtues. An analysis of the person or the inner self of Hamlet, an
analysis of his relations with different characters in the play, namely, Gertrude,
his mother, Claudius, his new stepfather, Ophelia, his love and his school
friends, would help give an insight to the contradictions in the character
‘Hamlet’ that Shakespeare has attempted to portray. ‘Hamlet’ represents the
humanity in general who are forever plagued with contradictions in life. He is
reckless yet cautious, courteous yet uncivil, tender yet ferocious, heartless and
sensitive. Hamlet spent most of his psychoanalysis and did not take any he
always remains in confusing state of mind. But there several circumstances
which led him in that state of mind.

3; Key Words

To be or not be; Prosperity to adversity, tragic hero …

4; Analysis of Hamlet Character

 Royal family

Hamlet born in a royal family of Denmark in the house of

late Hamlet. He was a king by birth and after the death of his father late
Hamlet he disturbed so much. He came back from London and always
remained in a state of mourning because of his father’s murder. He always
thought whom killed his father and he take revenge of his father’s death.

 Prosperity to Adversity

According to Shakespearean tragedy the tragic hero should

moves from prosperity to adversity Hamlet also followed that pattern. He
moves from prosperous life to miserable life. He was a prince by birth but
in his young age he tried take revenge of his father’s death that’s why he
ruined his prosperous life and get to him in a adverse life.

Reasons of Hamlet‟s Downfall …

 Over thinking/ Psycho analysis

Hamlet thought a lot but did very little action. As we know by the
reading of the play he was in state of mourning after the death of his father. He
tried to take revenge of his father’s death as soon as he gets the right
opportunity to do that. When the ghost appears and informs him that his uncle
is the murderer of his father late Hamlet. He did not believe on ghost’s claim he
thinks that’s not the conclusive evidence that my uncle Claudius killed my
father. He always remains in state of indecisiveness what to do next and
hesitate to take any practical action. Even when he recognizes that his uncle
Claudius is actually the murderer who killed my father. He gets right opportunity
to take his revenge when he finds alone his uncle who was busy in worship but
he did not kill him. He thought that if i kill him in worship he will go in heaven
and this not the justice with that kind of person he should go to hell instead of
heaven. So, he waste most of his time in psycho analysis and did very little

The following words express his indecisiveness;

“To be or not be that‟s the question, if to be

then how to be

And when to be”.

 Disloyalty of Female;

Hamlet was very negative about females. There are number

of reason of that negativity. He was horrified at his mother having
incestuous relation with his uncle and ultimately marriage to his uncle
Claudius very soon after his father, king Hamlet was murdered. The very act
and another one his beloved Ophelia when rejected his love on the
instructions of his father Polonius and returned the letters and gift on the
order of King Claudius these acts made him disloyal towards female. Based
on the letters and the gifts that Hamlet gave to Ophelia it is obvious that he
did love her and had tender affection towards her.

These very lines express Hamlet’s love for Ophelia:

Hamlet: Lady, Shall I Lie in your lap?

Lying down at Ophelia’s feet.

Ophelia: No, My lord.

Hamlet: I mean, my head upon your lap?

Shakespeare most proverbial lines;

‘’Frailty thy name is Women’’...

 Sensitive person
The fact that Hamlet was an extremely sensitive person is
clear from his reactions to the murder of his father. His mind was troubled and
he was determined to take revenge especially when he was convinced of the
identity of the murderer. He was horrified to see his mother having incestuous
relationships and finally marrying his uncle Claudius very soon after his father,
King Hamlet was assassinated. The very act that outraged him gave him no
remorse or regret when he murdered Polonius, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
He was heartless but sensitive. Attachments, emotions and sensitivity can drive
any human being mad, as was the case with Hamlet.

 Madness
The inner turmoil led Prince Hamlet to the point of madness, which was
perhaps the cause of Ophelia's suicide. The turmoil brings out the mental level
at which Hamlet was even during adolescence. This madness forced him to stab
Polonius through the curtain while believing that it was Claudius that he was
stabbing. This brings out the careless trait in him, but he was overtly careful
when it took a long time to kill Claudius. He is extremely philosophical and
contemplative. He is overwhelmed by questions about the afterlife, the wisdom
of suicide, what happens to bodies after they die. This is yet another
contradiction, which leaves human beings in a state of dilemma.

Hamlet was a virtuous and humble person, and cared little for the fact that
Ophelia came from a very simple background. Its virtuous and princely
qualities leave a lasting impression on the mind.
Hamlet remains:

The courtier's, soldier's, scholar's, eye, tongue, sword,

The expectancy and rose of the fair state,

The glass of fashion, and the mould of form

The observ'd of all observers (III.i.153-56)

5; Conclusion:

According to my view point Hamlet was a weak character, which

made him procrastinate. The dilemma within him led to the postponement
of the murder of his father's murderer. He felt inadequate and unable to
make quick decisions even when the situation required it. He criticized
himself for this weakness although he felt he was forced to make a decision
against his conscious. Human beings understand and accept their
weaknesses, but it is not always easy to overcome them.

Although Hamlet gives the impression of a thoughtful and

introspective person, there have been times when he acts recklessly, when
he quickly stabs Polonius through the curtain without checking who was
standing there. It also highlights the brutality it was.
Situations like Ophelia's suicide left him alone in the soul. His loneliness
deepens because he is unable to make a decision. Loneliness is also known
to drive a person crazy.

Hamlet was disgusted, disappointed, disenchanted and disillusioned

with life when he said that the world is "tired, stale, flat and unprofitable ...
a garden without weeds". He constantly wonders about;
"To be or not to be, that is the question".
6; References, …

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