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Part 1

Internal Resistance Applied

Stress refers to the       of a body to     forces or loads. As such,

it quantifies the materials ability to   external forces. For this reason, it is taken
Strength Resultant
to be synonymous to the   of a material. When the   of the applied
forces passes through the centroid of the resisting area, stress distribution over the
Uniform Simple

cross-section is   . Some authors call this as   stress. It is computed


using the formula σ = P/A which, technically refers to the   stress. This can be

roughly categorized into 2 types by virtue of the   of the resisting force to the
resisting area as the normal and the   stresses. Normal stresses can either
Tensile Elongate Compressiv

be   - which   a body - or   stress, which shortens a body. The

working/allowable stress is the maximum   stress a material may carry.

     The yield point is the point at which there is an appreciable   of the material
Load Deformatio

without any corresponding increase of   . A material that undergoes   

due to an applied load is under stress. The ratio of the stress to strain is known as
Modulus Slope

the   of elasticity and is graphically shown by the   of the stress-strain
curve. Hooke’s Law on deformation is valid for every point below the   limit and

its formula can be used only for   loads.  

to expand May not

     Temperature rise causes material   . Thermal deformation may or   


result to thermal stress. Thermal stress occurs only when a structural member   
does not
the thermal deformation. The cross-sectional area of a material   affect its
deformation during temperature changes. A gap intentionally left between adjacent

metals/materials to avoid thermal stress is known as an   joint. Nevertheless,


thermal stress can still occur when thermal expansion   this gap.
     Statically Indeterminate members require the use of additional relations (hence,

equations) that depend on elastic   in the members.

The formula for thin-walled vessels indicates that the magnitude of the hoop stress
tw ice

is   as much as that of the longitudinal stress. These formulas can be used if the
wall thickness is sufficiently small compared to the radius of the vessel, making the wall

stress almost   throughout the wall thickness. The circumferential/tangential


stress is also called as the   stress in such vessels.


     The distribution of the   stress along any radius on a circular shaft varies
linearly with the radial distance from the axis of the shaft wherein torsion has been
Polar Moment

applied. In the formula: θ =TL/JG, “J” refers to   of inertia, while G refers to the

modulus of   aka shear modulus.

Question 2

 A beam is structural member used to support   loads. A concentrated load is


one that acts over so small a distance that it can be assumed to act at a   .
Distributed varying
A   load acts over a considerable length of the beam. In a uniformly   or

triangular load, the intensity of loading increases or decreases at a   rate.


     A   beam is supported by a hinged reaction at one end and a roller support at
not restrained

the other, but is otherwise   . A cantilever beam is supported at one end only,
rotation Overhangin

with a suitable restraint to prevent   of that end. An   beam is


supported by a hinge and a roller reaction, with either or both ends   beyond the
supports. These beams are statically   .

        moment is defined as the summation of moments about the centroidal axis

of any selected section of all the loads acting either to the left or to the right side of the
section. A point where the beam changes its shape from concave up to concave down is
inflection ordinate

called a point of   . When diagramming, the change in the   of the

moment diagram b/w any two points is equal to the   of the shear diagram b/w
0 shear

these 2 points. Maximum moment usually occurs at the point of   .

     For moving loads, the bending moment under a particular load is a maximum when
In resultant

the center of the beam is   between that load and the   of all loads then
on the span. The maximum reaction is the reaction to which the resultant load
nearest equal to

is   . The max. shear occurs at the, and is   this, reaction.
free end

      The moment is always zero at the   of cantilever or overhanging beams and

at the   of simple beams. With gravity loads, a reaction at the support can be
negative (downward) for   beams. Likewise, the moment of a cantilever beam

will be   .

      The stresses caused by the bending   are known as bending or flexural

stresses, and the relation between these stresses and the bending moment is called the

flexure   expressed as: My/I from which the formula for max.fb = Mc/I is
Section mo
derived. In this, I/c is called the   denoted by S, hence the formula for max. fb

can be written as M/S. A beam section relies largely on sufficient   to resist
flexural stresses, because it is the primary factor that determines the magnitude of
moment of inertia

the   of the section. The stronger axis of a section refers to the axis about which
greater elastic curve
the section has   moment of inertia. The product EI is called flexural   .
     The representation of the deflected shape of a loaded beam is known as
Moment diagram Double inte

the   .  Among the methods for determining beam deflections, the   
method is the most versatile because it can be used to calculate both the slope and

deflection at any point along the beam. The graphical   method can also be used
for the above's purpose but the process can be tedious due to the difficulty of
determining the area of some shapes of the moment diagram as well as determining the

location of their   . 

Part 2
  Given the 5-m high guy pole AB being pulled by a cable with T = 16kN, supported by a
guy wire AC as follows: u = 35o, v = 20o, diameter of AC = 12mm, outside diameter of AB
= 150mm, thickness of AB = 10mm, {express your answer to the nearest tenths of the
units indicated}
    the stresses in the materials are:

tensile stress in the cable =   MPa;

Tensile 338.8
 stress in AC =   MPa; 
Compressiv 6.1

 stress in the pole AB =   MPa.

    If AC is anchored to the ground using a 16-mm diameter rod {in-line with AC} with a
maximum of 750 kPa available stress between the rod and the soil, the minimum safe

length of burial for the anchor rod will be   mm.

    If the guy pole will be self-standing (no guy wire), stress in the pole AB will
Tensile 2.0 flexural

be   and equal to   MPa. Furthermore, there will also be   
820.0 shear
stress varying from zero at "A" to   MPa at "B" as well as   stress

amounting to   MPa throughout AB.

The lower end of a pole is a 3-m long steel tube. It is joined to a 2.5-m long bronze tube.
The pole’s steel part is 50mm in outside diameter & 2.5mm thick while the bronze part is
2.75mm thick with 45mm outside diameter.
Es = 210 GPa, EB = 83 GPa, thermal coefficient for steel = 0.0000117 /C, thermal
coefficient for bronze = 0.0000189 /C
The total elongation of the composite pole {rounded off to the nearest hundredths} after

a 15.25 C temperature rise will be   mm.

The axial force {rounded off to the nearest N} needed to return the pole to its original
length will be   N. This will result to a stress {rounded off to 3 decimal places}
27.863 28.478

of   MPa in the steel &   MPa in the bronze tubes.

3. The three steel eye-bars {E = 200 GPa}, each 100mm by 25mm in cross section are assembled
by driving 22mm-diameter drift pins through holes drilled at the end of the bars. The distance
between the holes is 9m in the two outer bars but 1.1 mm less in the middle bar. The
deformation {rounded to 3 decimal places} in the middle bar is __ mm

4. The three steel eye-bars {E = 200 GPa}, each 100mm by 25mm in cross section are assembled
by driving 22mm-diameter drift pins through holes drilled at the end of the bars. The distance
between the holes is 9m in the two outer bars but 1.1 mm less in the middle bar. The shear
stress {rounded to the nearest tenth} in the drift pins (neglect local deformation at the holes) is
___ MPa. 

5. The three steel eye-bars {E = 200 GPa}, each 100mm by 25mm in cross section are assembled
by driving 22mm-diameter drift pins through holes drilled at the end of the bars. The distance
between the holes is 9m in the two outer bars but 1.1 mm less in the middle bar. The magnitude
{rounded to the nearest tenth} of the axial force in each outer bar is ___ N. 

6. The three steel eye-bars {E = 200 GPa}, each 100mm by 25mm in cross section are assembled
by driving 22mm-diameter drift pins through holes drilled at the end of the bars. The distance
between the holes is 9m in the two outer bars but 1.1 mm less in the middle bar. The
deformation {rounded to 3 decimal places} in each outer bar is __ mm.

Part 3

1. Two solid shafts of different materials are rigidly fastened together and attached to rigid
supports. The aluminum segment is 75mm in diameter, 2.75m long with G = 28GPa. The steel
segment has a diameter of 50mm, length of 1.5m and G = 83GPa. A torque, T = 1000N-m is
applied at the junction of the two segments. The maximum shearing stress {expres in 3 decimal
places} developed in the steel is ____ MPa. 21.09

2. Two solid shafts of different materials are rigidly fastened together and attached to rigid
supports. The aluminum segment is 75mm in diameter, 2.75m long with G = 28GPa. The steel
segment has a diameter of 50mm, length of 1.5m and G = 83GPa. A torque, T = 1000N-m is
applied at the junction of the two segments. The maximum shearing stress {expres in 3 decimal
places} developed in the aluminum is ____ MPa. 5.822

3. A pipe with fluid pressure of 3.5MPa has an outside diameter of 485mm and a wall thickness
of 12mm. A flat plate is used to cap its flanged end, pressure-tight with a gasket. The
circumferential stress {answer in 3 decimal places} is developed in the pipe is ___ MPa .67.229

4. A pipe with fluid pressure of 3.5MPa has an outside diameter of 485mm and a wall thickness
of 12mm. A flat plate is used to cap its flanged end, pressure-tight with a gasket. How many 40-
mm diameter bolts must be used to hold the cap on if the allowable stress in the bolts is 83MPa,
of which 52MPa is the initial stress?  15.0

Part 4
A 6-m overhanging beam ABCDEFG has a 4-m main span AE and a 2-m overhanging
part EG. It carries a uniformly distributed {rectangular} load of 3.2 kN/m along the main
span and 2.4 kN/m along the overhanging part. Two concentrated loads of 10kN each
are also carried by the beam at x = 1m {point B} and at x = 3m {point D}.
     write all your non-zero answers in one decimal place 

     Tracing its shear diagram from A to G, the ordinates {in kN} are:   at the left
15.2 12 2

support, then up to   above point A, then   and   at point B {x =

-1.2 -4.4 -14.4
1}, then   at point C {x = 2}, then   and   at point D {x = 3},
-17.6 4.8 2.4

then   and   at point E {x = 4}, then   at point F {x = 5},


then   at point G {x = 6}.


     Tracing its moment diagram from A to G, the ordinates {in kN-m} are   at the
13.6 14

left support, then   at point B {x = 1}, then   at point C {x = 2},
11.2 -4.8 -1.2

then   at point D {x = 3}, then   at point E {x = 4}, then   at

point F {x = 5}, then   at point G {x = 6}.

14.225 1.625

    The maximum moment {in 3 decimal places} is   kN-m at x =   m {in 3

decimal places}.
2. If a 300mm deep by 175mm wide section will be used for a 4-m simple beam with uniformly
distributed {rectangular} load, if fb must not exceed 275 MPa, and the unit weight of the material
used is 75,510 N/m, this difference in load-carrying capacity between the 175x300 solid section
and the 12mm-thick hollow 175x300mm section will be __ N/m {answer in 3 decimal places}
239,365.189, (239,366.189)

3. If a 300mm deep by 175mm wide section will be used for a 4-m simple beam with uniformly
distributed {rectangular} load, if fb must not exceed 275 MPa, which can carry a greater load, the
175x300 solid section or a 12mm-thick hollow 175x300mm section?  (solid)

4. If a 300mm deep by 175mm wide section will be used for a 4-m simple beam with uniformly
distributed {rectangular} load, if fb must not exceed 275 MPa, and the unit weight of the material
used is 75,510 N/m, the deflection of the solid section beam will be ___ that of the hollow
section beam? equal to

5. A 3-m simple beam ADCEB carries a 9 kN-m couple at its midspan {point C, x = 1.5}.

for this problem, express all your non-zero answers in one decimal place of the unit
-3.0 3.0

     The reaction at point A is   kN, while the reaction at B is   kN.
     The ordinates {in kN} of its shear diagram are   at point D {x = 1},
-3.0 -3.0
 at point E {x = 2}, and   at midspan {point C; x = 1.5}.

     Tracing its moment diagram from A to B, the ordinates {in kN-m} are   at the
-3.0 -4.5 4.5

left support, then   at point B {x = 1}, then   and   at point C {x

= 1.5}, then   at point D {x = 2}.

6. Compute the maximum deflection in a 3-m cantilever beam with a triangular load
varying from zero at the free end to 9kN/m at the fixed support.
Use E = 200 GPa, I = 129,190,752 mm4 [express your answer in hundredths of a mm]
Part 5
  Following the sign convention we have been using, a positive moment corresponds to

a   shape of the deflected beam. This means that the fibers (parts) of the
beam's section below the neutral axis are in   . Thus, the elastic curve of a

cantilever beam with gravity loads will have a   shape, resulting in the fibers of

the beam below the neutral axis to be in   . Likewise, in a point of positive
Dow nw ard

shear {force} the area to the right of the beam's section tends to slide   
relative to the area left of that point. Furthermore, a positive area of shear will mean that
upw ard

the moment diagram is   , conversely, a negative shear area means

dow nw ard
a   moment diagram. Thus, a negative shear area does not necessarily

correspond to a   moment {ordinate}.


The maximum deflection of a beam is located at a point where the   of the
low est
elastic curve is zero because deflection is greatest at the   point in the curve
2. hen hot tea is poured in a cup, its inner side will inadvertently be heated   

than its outer side, thus it may crack due to   heating. To prevent this, it is
thinner thicker

better to use a   instead of a   cup because this will

reduce eliminate difference

greatly   - if not   - the   in temperature between the

inner and outer sides of the cup.
3. When slicing a carrot, the knife slides through the carrot. This happens because the

carrot failed in   stress

4. Discuss why the feet of a farmer sinks in the mud whereas a tractor – which is much
heavier – can operate in the same field without sinking. Explain in less than 50 words
(show applicable formula when appropriate).
5.   What is (are) the most difficult aspect of studying your lessons during this ecq
     What did you do about it (them)? How did you remedy it (them)? Discuss in less than
100 words
6.   What important activity {or activities} have you been doing this past ecq period that
has become part of your daily routine?
Why do you consider it(them) as important?.Explain in less than 100 words

1. In a 4-m simple beam with 10 kN/m rectangular load acting from one support up
to the midspan
the maximum deflection will be at  x = __ (in 4 decimal places)
Between 2.1608 and 2.161
2. n a 4-m simple beam with 10 kN/m rectangular load acting from one support up
to the midspan the maximum deflection (EID) will be  __ (in 4 decimal places)
Between 16.8017 and 16.8027
3. In a 6-m overhanging beam (ACBD) with a 2kN/m rectangular load acting on the
entire length ('A to D) of the beam.(main span = 4m from A to 'B', overhanging
section = 2m, from 'B' to 'D')the maximum deflection will be at x = ___ (in 4
decimal places) Between 1.6861 and 1.6862
4. In a 6-m overhanging beam (ACBD) with a 2kN/m rectangular load acting on the
entire length ('A to D) of the beam.(main span = 4m from A to 'B', overhanging
section = 2m, from 'B' to 'D')the maximum deflection (EID, in 4 decimal places) will
be ___ Between 2.773 and 2.774
5. In a 3-m simple beam (AB) with a triangular load varying from zero at ''A' to
6kN/m  at 'B'the maximum deflection (EID) will be  __ (in 4 decimal places)
6. In a 3-m simple beam (AB) with a triangular load varying from zero at ''A' to
6kN/m  at 'B' the maximum deflection will be at x = __ (in 4 decimal places)
Between 1.442 and 1.4423

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