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Tachyon 2010 Course Notes

(Last updated 19. October 2009)

A Tachyon antenna is an item that has been permanently altered on a sub-molecular level,
so that it acts as a receiver and transmitter of Tachyon, which then will convert itself into
life force (also called prana, love of God, Tachyon, chi etc.). Life force is the foundation for
everything. It's highly intelligent and will automatically convert to the specific energy
needed in the body.

You can create different types Tachyon antennas.

All-round Tachyon antennas are suitable for water, oil and everything to wear, like
wristbands, headbands, wraps etc. (The LifeNugget is an All-round Tachyon antenna!). Also
suitable for sheets, sleep pads and cell phone filters.
One-Side Tachyon antennas are suitable for making a "Tachyon disc" (see below).
One-Side Laser Tachyon antennas are suitable for making chakra stones. This is the most
concentrated antenna.
You can view the different antennas here, on an enlargement of a glass stone; one site is flat,
and the other oval:

All-round Tachyon antenna

(The energy is coming out of all sides)

One-side Tachyon antenna

(The energy is coming out of one side like a flashlight)

One-side Laser Tachyon antenna

(The energy is concentrated like a laser out of the bottom of the stone)

Creating Tachyon antennas

Let's say that you would like to create an all round Tachyon antenna out of a glass pebble.

Before we continue with the pebble, let's make a definition once and for all. This is an
example statement and you can alter it as you like. You only need to read this out (loud or
mentally) once and not every time you create antennas.

”From now on whenever I would like to have an item converted into a Tachyon antenna, I
just have to define what kind of antenna I want and then gently place it on the table.”

1. Take the glass pebble in your hand and mentally define ”All round antenna”.

2. Place the pebble on a table and leave for a few seconds.

3. The pebble is ready for use! (Maximum strenght of the antenna is reached after 15

Notice that step 1 does not start the creation process. You do not do any energy work in this only define. The creation process begins as soon as you place the pebble on the

Let's take another example. This time we will make a Tachyon disc out of cardboard or

1. First mark the side where the Tachyon will go out. Take the disc in your hand and
mentally define ”One side antenna”.

2. Place the disc on a table and leave for a few seconds.

3. The disc is ready for use.

Example use for all-round Tachyon antennas:

Water can either be charged by Tachyon or created as a Tachyon antenna. These are 2
different things.
Water as Tachyon antenna: Find a little bottle (ex. 50-200 millilitres) and fill it with water
(if you are going to keep the water for longer periods use distilled water. This will not go
stale). Make a Tachyon antenna out of the water. Use: 1-5 drops under tongue, 3 times a
day. Later you can increase the dose. Taking Tachyon water will slowly transform your
body into a Tachyon antenna.
Charging water: Create a Tachyon antenna out of a piece of cardboard or wood. Place a
water bottle/jar on it, for approx 2-15 minutes . Tachyon will charge the water with
Cell phone filter: Buy some small white sticker dots from a bookshop. Take one dot and
make it into a Tachyon antenna. Stick one on the cell phone battery. This will neutralize the
negative effects from EMF. (Only make one dot at a time).

Oil: For massage and as an ”attunement oil”.

Tachyon Vortex Grid: Make 4 glass pebbles/stones into Tachyon antennas. When placed in
a square/rectangle (at least 1 meter apart) it will create a ”vortex” in the middle that has a
cleansing effect. This can be used example at the cornors of a message table or on the floor.
You can also place one at each corner of a bed and leave overnight. It's recommended that
the grid is removed when not in use.

Example use for one-side Tachyon antennas:

Tachyon Disc: 1 round cardboard/wood disc (4 inches or 10 centimetres in diameter). You

can also use an empty CD-R.
Mark one side, to show where the energy will come out. Make it a one-side Tachyon
antenna. Water and other items can placed on the disc for 2-15 minutes or more. For a
positive energized environment, make 2 discs and place them on opposite walls directly
facing each other. The energy will then bounce of the disks and fill the whole room.

Example use for one-side laser Tachyon antennas:

Tachyon Chakra Glass stone: 7 stones/glass pebbles with at least one flat side. Make 6 one-
side laser antennas and 1 one-side antenna. Glue the one-side antenna on a piece of
cardboard, like this:

Lie down on the floor/bed and place the 6 stones on the following chakras: Root, Hara,
Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat and third eye. Place the seventh near the crown chakra (about 1-
2 inches from the crown). Do this for approx. 20 minutes for meditation/relaxation.
Singularly they can be placed/taped on blocks or place of concern.

You can also choose to create all the stones as One-side antennas. This way the energy will
cover more of the chakra area.

Tachyon Rod: 1 wooden dowel (ex. 5 inch high and 1 inch thick). Make it a laser antenna so
that the Tachyon will go out of one end (remember to mark this end first). Use as a powerful
healing tool.

Other items that you can use as Tachyon antennas: Jewels, massage oil, vitamins, lotions,
sheets, cloth, animal products, paint, candles etc.

Tip: You can make a plaster into a laser antenna.

Create 1 item at a time.

Distribution of Tachyon

If you, as an example, are going to create 2 Tachyon antennas, you have to create them one
at a time. If you create 2 at the same time, both have to share the supplied energy. In this
case it would mean that they would only become half as strong as if they were created one
at a time. You should also know, that the smaller the material is, the more concentrated the
energy will become. Example a sheet will distribute Tachyon out on a large area, whereas a
little stone is very concentrated on a small area. The overall energy will be the same though.


Here's an example on how to perform a healing session:

Wear an all round Tachyon antenna. Also place 2 Tachyon discs on opposite walls directly
facing each other. The energy will then bounce of the disks and fill the whole session room.
Do this 10-30 minutes before the actual session.

The person could sit on a chair or preferable laying down on a massage table. Consider a
blanket if the person is laying down.

Start the healing session by saying a prayer like this:

I call in my Angelic guardians and the appropriate Archangels. I ask that we will be
protected during this session and that we will receive the guidance we need.

I ask that that or those Ascended Masters, Angels and Archangels that is needed in this
session will come now and give (name) the healing he/she needs. Thank you!

The healing will start and if you are sensitive to energy you will most likely feel, that there
will be a huge energy lift.

Let the energy run. Relax and observe. Usually you do not need to place your hands on the
receiver, but if you feel prompted to do so, then follow that guidance.

Ask your Angelic guardians to tell you when the session is finished. It could be 5, 10, 15
minutes or something else. The way you might feel that the session has ended could be like
a sigh and then the feeling of completeness.

Gently tell the receiver that the session is over. It's ok for the receiver to just lay there and
absorb the energy. Some will get up fast and others need to “awake” slowly.

Ask what they experienced and also tell them if you noticed anything during the session.

The above example can also be used as a self healing. Follow the same steps. Then sit or lay
down and say the prayer.

How to pass on Tachyon 2010

There are many ways to pass on attunements. I have found that the less complicated you do
it, the better the result will become. The most important step when performing an
attunement is the preparation process. Do not pass on attunements if you feel exhausted or
tired. It's better to wait a day than to perform an only “average” attunement.

I recommend using 3 tools for the attunement preparation process. The first is an all round
Tachyon antenna (could be a little stone or glass nugget). Wear this. The second is the
Tachyon disc. Create 2 discs and place them on opposite walls directly facing each other.
The energy will then bounce of the disks and fill the whole room (you can take them down
again when you have performed the attunement). The third is Tachyon Oil. You can use any
oil, like olive, almond etc. Rub a couple of drops into your hands before you “Relax and

I usually rest 5-10 minutes on my couch to recharge. I close my eyes and completely relax.

Here are some examples on passing on attunements:

“Real life” Attunements

This method could be used for a live class.

1. Relax and recharge. (I recommend rubbing a couple of drops of Tachyon oil into your
hands). When you have rested for probably 5-10 minutes, rise and be fully awake.

2. State mentally or loud once: “Tachyon 2010 attunement for (name)”. If more than one
person, continue with each name in the group. The attunement will then start and after
around 12-15 minutes, it will stop.

Via distance/email

This method could be used for a distance attunement, example via email.

I recommend that you do this one-time statement: “Every time I perform an attunement via
email, it is “queued” so that the receiver can take it down any time he/she likes.”

1. Relax and recharge. (I recommend rubbing 1-2 drops of Tachyon oil into your hands.)
When you have rested for probably 5-10 minutes, rise and be fully awake.

2. State mentally or loud once: “Tachyon attunement queued for (name)”. If more than one
email, continue with each.

You should provide the receiver a method to receive the attunement. You could use
something like this in your email:

Receiving the attunement:

1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Mentally say once: "I

will now receive the Tachyon attunement from (insert your name here)." This
will start the attunement and it will last for 12-15 minutes.

2. The attunement procedure is done, but I highly recommend that you

keep your position for another 10-25 minutes (or more if you like).
This will give the increased flow of the energy a chance to more
rapidly become distributed and absorbed into your energy system.

Notice that I recommend that the receiver keep the position for another 10-25 minutes. This
is also recommended in live classes, but though never required to have a successful

The above attunement examples can also be used for other attunement systems.

I hope that this course has inspired you to create Tachyon tools for yourself and loved ones.

Remember that all the above are only examples! Feel free to experiment and have fun
creating these wonderful energy tools!




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