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Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Role of Technology in Management Functions

Satish V. Bidgar Prof. P. D. Varpe
Research Scholar Assistant Professor
Ahmednagar Loni Bk, Ahmednagar

Abstract:- This research paper attempts to review the leaders in retail sector. Can we question here that ‘Was
incorporation of technology in the process of there lack of Management at Wal-Mart?’. Obviously, the
management and its impact on different functions of answer will be ‘No’ .But one can suspect the lack of
management. The success of business is directly related technology to achieve the positive impact of the
not only to the management but the management management process used by Wal-Mart. This clarifies the
integrated with technology. Although for the perfect importance of integrating Technology into Managerial
technological advancement, its management is utmost functions and procedures.
necessary, other way round as per the title is required
.In other words although Management in Technology II. FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT
plays a vital role, Technology in Management is not
something to be overlooked. The latter is going to create A. Marketing Management
a strong positive impact on the result of management Everything you would like to understand about
procedures. marketing management. Marketing Management performs
all managerial functions within the field of selling
Keywords:- Management; Technology; Impact; .Marketing Management identifies market opportunities and
Advancement. comes out with appropriate strategies for exploring those
opportunities profitably.It has to implement marketing
I. INTRODUCTION programme and evaluate continuously the effectiveness of
marketing-mix. it's to get rid of the deficiencies observed
In today’s dynamically changing era and as such the within the actual execution of selling plans, policies, and
rapidly going industrial or corporate sector, some positive procedures. it's after the marketing system of the enterprise.
change is the continuous need of the hour. And of course,
this change relies on the hiring of better management B. Financial Management
practices. Traditional management practices includes Financial management refers to planning, organizing,
Marketing, Human Resource, Financial Management, directing and controlling financial activities, such as the
Operations Management in a more traditional way. The purchase and use of corporate funds. This means applying
emerging trends in management are coming up with the general management principles to corporate financial
newly known Technology Management. Obviously, there is resources. Financial management usually involves the
a great need of technology, however for proper utility and procurement, allocation and control of related financial
applicability there should be management acting as a resources.
precursor before the technological advancement.
Functions of Financial Management:
On the other hand there lies a scope for carrying out
the management procedure with the help of technological  Proposed Capital Requirements:
integration. The resulting changes thereby will show the The finance manager must estimate the company’s
effectiveness of the management procedure or in other capital requirements. This will depend on the expected
words there will be improved management results. Of costs and profits as well as the future plans and policies
course, there has been a history when the technology was concerned. It must be estimated in an appropriate manner to
used for proper managerial functions. However, there has to increase the profitability of the enterprise.
be plans, systems , procedures for continuous
implementation of technological based management  Capital Mix Calculation:
decisions. Once an estimate is made, the capital structure must
be determined. This involves short-term and long-term debt
One reason for the failure of most of the corporate equity analysis. This will depend on the proportion of the
giants could be the failure to touch the other side of the company's share capital and the additional funds that must
management functions. The other side necessarily means be raised from outside parties
shortfall of technology into the decision making process.
The traditional ways of carrying out the functions could  Funds allocation:
assist in sustaining the organization. However, today’s era The finance manager must decide to allocate the funds
requires competiveness for the sustainability. By the way of to profitable companies to ensure the safety of the
such kind of integration, there can be one way to be investment and the possibility of regular returns.
competitive advantageous. Wall Mart was one of the

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Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Cash Management: distribution and transportation of products and services.
Finance managers must make decisions about cash This can be done by companies that maintain good and
management. Cash is used for many purposes, such as tight control over internal inventory, production,
paying wages and salaries, paying electricity and water distribution, internal production and sales.
bills, paying creditors, meeting current liabilities,
maintaining sufficient inventory, purchasing raw materials, III. TECHNOLOGICAL INTEGRATION INTO
etc., so cash is required. MANGEMENT

 Financial Management: Integrations of Technology into management process

The finance manager must not only plan, purchase and will mean ‘How to solve problems and critical situations in
use funds, but also must exercise control over the finance. difficult time. With the use of its integration will reduce,
This can be done through many techniques, such as ratio time, cost and risk of failure after implementation. It will
analysis, financial forecasting, cost and profit control, etc. create a positive impact on the company, society, nation
and at last world This type of integration will increase the
C. Human Resourcce Management chances of sustainability. Economic, Environmental and
Human resource management (HRM) is a business in Societal benefit balance could be achieved with the use of
the company that aims to maximize employee performance technology into management process.
to meet the employer’s strategic goals. To be more precise,
HRM focuses on the management of people within the The management functions have a long history in
company, emphasizing strategies and systems. In short, terms of technological advances. Over the last few years,
HRM is the process of recruiting, selecting employees, major technological bases has led to the development of the
providing appropriate guidance and induction, and corporate sector. This necessarily clarifies the positive
imparting appropriate training and developing skills. Human impact created by technological advancement in
resource management also includes employee evaluation, management.
such as performance appraisal, promotion of appropriate
remuneration and benefits, encouragement, appropriate Marketing Management function of the organization
relations with labor-management relations and unions, and will be benefited in terms of greater output with the
compliance with relevant state or national labor laws, taking minimum input. Also, the recourses deployed for the
care of employee safety, welfare and health. marketing and sales will be in control.

D. Operations Management Financial function will achieve the high accuracy

Operations management is a business area related to levels and also enable the business to easily diversify by
the production of goods and services. It involves ensuring providing the feasible avenues.
that business operations are effective when using fewer
resources and are effective in meeting customer needs. It Human Resource Management will benefit in terms of
focuses on managing the process of converting input (in the making talent pool available as and when required. It will
form of materials, labor, and energy) into output (in the in turn allow placing the right candidates with the right
form of products and services).Operations managers are qualification at the right jobs or positions.
responsible for managing activities as part of the
production of goods and services. Their direct Operations and Supply Chain Management will
responsibilities include management of operational achieve the virtual space and movement of the inventory in
processes, design, planning, control, performance fraction of seconds.
improvement, and operational strategy. Their indirect
responsibilities include interacting with managers of other IV. CONCLUSIONS
functional departments in the organization whose roles
have an impact on operations. These areas include The study of different management functions and the
marketing, finance, accounting, personnel and importance of technological advancement says that
engineering although management plays a great role, if integrated with
technology will lead to tremendous growth of an enterprise.
E. Supply Chain Management It will enable the organization to grow speedily in
Supply chain management can be defined as the minimum possible time. Also, the level of accuracy,
management of product and service flows, which starts effectiveness of decision making, full utilization of the
from the source of the product and ends at the consumption resources will gain thrust at the cost of technological
of the product. It also includes ongoing work, the integration. In conclusion, there is utmost need of the title
movement and storage of raw materials with complete at all stages and phases of management functions and
inventory and furniture. The main goal of supply chain procedures.
management is to monitor and correlate the production,

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Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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