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Direction: Please check the column that describes the level of your need for every item of skills listed.
The result of this survey will be used for the Faculty Training Program.

Legend: (5 – Very much needed; 4 –much needed; 3 – moderately needed; 2 – slightly needed, 1 – not

A. Preparation of Syllabus 5 4 3 2 1
1. Writing the learning outcomes
2. Writing the concepts in behavioral terms
3. Formulating generalization
4. Selecting/designing teaching methods/strategies
5. Designing evaluation strategies/tools strategies
6. Writing bibliography

B. Teaching Strategies 5 4 3 2 1
1. How to operationalize inductive method
2. How to manage deductive method
3. Selection of teaching techniques for specific strategies
4. How to organize group dynamics
5. Strategies for formulating generalization
6. Techniques in stimulating learning process

C. Evaluation of Teaching/Learning Process 5 4 3 2 1

1. Preparation of Table of Specification
2. Writing/Developing of test questions based on the objectives
3. Interpretation of test results
4. Computation of scores/grades

D. Conducting Research 5 4 3 2 1
1. Developing of research title
2. Writing rationale of research
3. Writing problems of research
4. Writing hypothesis/assumptions
5. Organization of methodology for research
6. Writing the questionnaire
7. Statistical treatment of data research
8. Analysis and interpretation of research findings
9. Organization of theoretical framework of research
10. Presentation of paradigm of research
E. Evaluation of Laboratory Work of Students 5 4 3 2 1
1. Development of rubrics
2. Performance Test

F. Other Area of Concern 5 4 3 2 1

1. Conducting Consultation Dialogue with students
2. Writing communication letters for the administration
3. Development of Project Proposal

G. Others, please specify


Accomplished by:

Signature over printed name

College: ________________________________

Date: __________________________________

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