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29 Zabal vs.


G.R. No. 238467, February 12, 2019


- Petitioners Zabal and Jacosalem are both residents of Boracay who were earning a living from the tourist
activities therein.
- Respondents PDU30, Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea and DILG Secretary Eduardo Ano were being
sued in their capacity as officials of the government.
- President Duterte through Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque announced the total closure of Boracay
for a maximum period of 6 months starting April 26, 2018.
- Petitioners filed a petition praying that:
o Upon filing of the petition a TRO and/or a Writ of Preliminary Prohibition Injunction be
immediately issued restraining and/or Enjoining the respondents, and all persons acting under
their command, order, and responsibility from enforcing the closure of Boracay Island. + Writ of
Preliminary Mandatory Injunction directing respondents to allow petitioners, tourist and non-
residents to enter and leave Boracay Island.
o And in the alternative, that a Status Que Ante Order be issued restoring and maintaining the
condition prior to closure.
o And a judgment be rendered Permanently Restraining Respondents from enforcing a closure of
Boracay Island and declaring the ban/closure to be unconstitutional
- Petitioner’s Arguments
o Proclamation No. 475 is an invalid exercise of legislative powers.
 Petitioners argued that its issuance is in truth a law-making exercise since the
proclamation imposed a restriction on the constitutional right to travel and due process
(right to work and earn a living) which is not vested in the President.
o Petitioner likewise argue that the closure of Boracay could not be anchored on police power
because it is not exercised by the executive but by the legislative bodies through creation of
statutes and ordinances.
o Petitioner also stated that the Proclamation impinges upon the local autonomy of the affected
- Respondent’s Arguments
o Respondents assert that PDU30 must be dropped as party-respondent in the case because he is
immune from suit.
o Prohibition is not the proper remedy because the proclamation has already been implemented
fait accompli.
o Mandamus is not the proper remedy because they were not neglectful of their duty to protect
the environment.
o That the petition is in the nature of a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP) under
Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases which is a legal action filed to simply harass, vex,
exert undue pressure or stifle enforcement of environmental laws.
o Respondents contend that the issuance of the Proclamation is a valid exercise of delegated
legislative power, it being anchored on Section 16 of the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Act or the authority of the president to declare a state of calamity.
o They also contend that the Proclamation was issued pursuant to the President’s executive power
to enforce and administer laws which include the power to control bureaus and offices.
o In sum, respondents emphasize that the issuance of the Proclamation is within the ambit of the
powers of the President and not contrary to the doctrine of separation of powers.
o On the right to travel and due process, respondents emphasize that the right to travel is not an
absolute right, it may be impaired or restricted in the interest of national security, public safety
o On the right to due process, respondent claimed that petitioners were merely freelances and
their private interests should yield to the reasonable prerogatives of the States for the public
good and welfare.
o Lastly, respondents argued that the Proclamation does not unduly transgress upon the local
autonomy of the LGU concerned, national government can interfere with LGU’s affairs especially
when the localized problem cannot be resolved by the LGU concerned.


- Whether or not PDU30 acted within the scope of the powers granted him by the Constitution in ordering
the closure of Boracay


According to the Supreme Court:

- President Duterte is dropped as respondent in this case.

o According to the case of Professor David v. President Arroyo on the non-suability of an incumbent
 “Settled is the doctrine that the President, during his tenure of office or actual
incumbency, may not be sued in any civil or criminal case.”
- Prohibition is not the proper remedy – it is not intended to provide a remedy for acts already
- Mandamus is not the proper remedy – no neglect of duty on the part of respondents as they were
precisely performing their duty to protect the environment.
- SC held that the petitioners do not have locus standi because the closure of Boracay would not directly
affect their livelihood due to the fact that the employment of petitioners were not certain as SC quoted
that there are some days/seasons that they do not earn anything.
o However, notwithstanding petitioner’s lack of locus standi, SC allowed this petition to proceed to
its ultimate conclusion due to its transcendental importance.
- Defense of SLAPP is not applicable because the ultimate issue for resolution is the constitutionality of the
- Proclamation No. 475 does not pose an actual impairment on the right to travel.
o The questioned proclamation is clearly focused on its purpose of rehabilitating Boracay and any
intention to directly restrict the right cannot be deduced from its import – as opposed to several
laws which directly impose restriction on the right to travel.
- Proclamation No. 475 must be upheld for being in the nature of a valid police power measure.
o Police power has been defined as the state authority to enact legislation that may interfere with
personal liberty or property in order to promote general welfare.
 It consists of (1) imposition or restraint upon liberty or property, (2) in order to foster
common good.
o The assailed governmental measure draws authority and the constitutional provisions Article II,
Sections 15 and 16 and Article XII, Section 2 which serve as its framework, are primarily
concerned with the environment and health, safety, and well-being of the people, the promotion
and securing of which are clearly legitimate objectives of governmental efforts and regulations.
- Petitioners have no vested rights on their sources of income as to be entitled to due process
o Property rights must bow to the primacy of police power because property rights, though
sheltered by due process, must yield to general welfare.
o Petitioners cannot be said to have already acquired vested rights to their sources of income in
Boracay as they are part of the informal sector of the economy where earnings are not
- No intrusion into the autonomy of the concerned LGUs
o RA 10121 recognizes and even puts a premium on the role of the LG Us in disaster risk reduction
and management as shown by the fact that a number of the legislative policies set out in the
subject statute recognize and aim to strengthen the powers decentralized to LGUs.

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