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' r\ , ''i,
Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return 0MB
- - ..., J
No 1545,(lq87I
F;;rm.,990-T (and proxy tax under section 6033(e)) ..
' ~
1' . For calendar year 2018 or other tax year beginning , 2018, and ending , 20
-- ~@18 I

Department ~f the Treasury ► Go to instructions and the latest mformat1on.
Internal Revenue Sel"Vlce ► Do not enter SSN numbers on this form as it may be made public 1fyour organization 1sa 501/c\(31 ~8f1~l~~to~~~~l~l~~~08~?i I
A lJ Check box 1f Name of organization( LJ
Check box 1fname changedand see instruchons) D Employer 1dent1ficat1onnumber
• (Employees' trust, see 1nstruct1ons)

B Exempt un~\°:)ect1on OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE
X501(C\;3 l Print Number, street, and room or suite no If a P O box, see instructions 13-7029285

,--- 408A
tj 530(a)
220(e) Type
E Unrelated business act1v1tycode
(See instructions )

529(a) City or town, state or province, country,and ZIP or foreignpostalcode

C Book value of all assets NEW YORK, NY 10019
at end of year
F Group exemption number (See instructions) ►

► I I 501 (c) corporation I X I 501 (c) trust I I 401 (a) trust I I Other
G Check organ1zat1on type
H Enter the number of the organ1zat1on's unrelated trades or businesses ► ____________Describe the only (or first) unrelated
trade or business here ► NONE If only one, complete Parts 1-V If more than one, describe the
first m the blank space at the end of the previous sentence, complete Parts I and II, complete a Schedule M for each add1t1onal
trade or business, then complete Parts 111-V
During the tax year, was the corporation a subs1d1ary m an afflhated group or a parent-subs1d1arycontrolled group? ••••••• ► LJ Yes Li] No
If "Yes," enter the name and 1denllfy1ng number of the parent corporation ►
J The books are 1ncare of ►MAIJA ARBOLINO Telephone number ► 212-548- 06 00
Unrelated Trade or Business Income (A) Income (8) Expenses (C) Net


Gross receipts or sales
b Lessreturnsandallowances
Cost of goods sold (Schedule A, line 7) .
Ic Balance► t----+-----------+-----------+------------'
. "'{·1\11·

Gross profit Subtract line 2 from lme 1c
Capital gam net income (attach Schedule D)
-v-n-:-v. 3
:z: b Net gam (loss) (Form 4797, Part II, hne 17) (attach Form 4797). 4b
-, c Capital loss deduction for trusts 4c
5 Income (loss) from a partnership or an S corporation (attach statement). 1-.:..5-t----------t----------t----------
6 Rent income (Schedule C) • f-6"--+-----------+---------+----------
7 Unrelated debt-financed income (Schedule E) l-7.:...._+----------+----------+-----------
8 Interest, annu1t1es, royalties, and rents from a controlled organization (Schedule F)l-=-8-t----------t------------1----------
9 Investment
incomeof a section501(c)(7),
(9), or (17)organ,zalton
G) l-9=--+----------+----------+-----------
10 Exploited exempt act1v1ty income (Schedule I) 1-1-=0---1------------l------------l----------
11 Advert1s1ng income (Schedule J). t--1_1--+-----------+-----------+----------
12 Other income (See instructions, attach schedule) • t--1_2--+-----------+-----------1----------
13 Total. Combine Imes 3 throuqh 12. 13 0 · 0
■ ::..J:Tiiil ■ Deductions Not Taken Elsewhere (See instructions for llm1tat1onson deductions) (Except for contributions,
deductions must be directly connected with the unrelated business income)
14 Compensation of officers, directors, and trustees (Schedule K). 14
15 Salaries and wages 15
16 Repairs and maintenance 16
17 Bad debts. 17
18 Interest (attach schedule) (see instructions). 18
19 Taxes and licenses ............ 19
Charitable contributions
Deprec1at1on (attach Form 4562).
(See instructions for hm1tat1onrules)
.. : f ~1- f ..... 20

22 Less depreciation claimed on Schedule A and elsewhere on return . I 22a I 22b

23 Depletion • 23
24 24
Contributions to deferred compensation plans .:~··r::.:.:F:::·•~:..E:;:,..I_V_E_D_..,,,_,
25 Employee benefit programs r.. '-" 25
26 Excess exempt expenses (Schedule I). co .... · · ·zo,g ~ 26
27 Excess readership costs (Schedule J). ~ • NQ'y. 2 1. . . . ch 27
28 Other deductions (attach schedule) <.) 0:: 28
29 Total ded~ct1ons. Add Imes 14 through 28. d.f""'\r-.l""IC·M,;
\).T 29 422 143
30 Unrelated business taxable income before net operating to:s::s~~~~~b,f~1~~illf
from hne 13 30 -422,143
31 Deduction for net operating loss arising 1n tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2018 (see instructions) 31
32 Unrelated business taxable income Subtract lme 31 from hne 30 32 -422,143
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. Form 990-T (2018)
2740 1
ax 1ilJM02TJ&f2 OF V 18-7.5F PAGE 266


Form 990-T (2()18) Page 2
•:.rr.•111 Total Unrelated Business Taxable Income
33 <rotal of unrelated business taxable income computed from all unrelated trades or businesses (see
instructions). S,er;s/a!e(!lfn.t ! .. 33 -422,143.
34 Amounts paid for disallowed fringes • . 34 844,286.
35 Deduction for net operating loss arisrng in tax years beg1nn1ng before January 1. 2018 (see
1nstruct1ons) . . . . . .. .... .. .. .. ... . . .. .. . .. .. 35
36 Total of unrelated business taxable income before spec1f1c deduction Subtract line 35 from the sum
of lines 33 and 34. . • . . • . . • . . • . • • . . . • . . . . . • . . . 36 4 2 2, 14 3.
37 Spec1f1c deduction (Generally $1,000, but see hne 37 1nstrucuons for exceptions) . • 1-3_7-,--_____ 1_,_0_0_0_.
38 Unrelated business taxable income Subtract hne 37 from line 36 If hne 37 1s greater than line 36,
enter the smaller of zero or line 36 . • . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 38 421,143.
■ :r.•••l·• Tax Computation
39 Organ1zat1ons Taxable as Corporations Multiply line 38 by 21% (0 21). . • . . . . . .. . . ·► 39
40 Trusts Taxable at Trust Rates See 1nstruct1ons for tax computatron Income tax on
the amount on line 38 from 0 Tax rate schedule or D Schedule O (Form 1041). .► 40 154,209

41 Proxy tax See instructions . . . .••... -► 41

42 Alternative m1nrmum tax (trusts only). . . . . • . 42
43 Tar. on Noncom pliant Facility Income See instructions 43
44 Total Add Imes 41, 42, and 43 to !me 39 or 40, wh1cheverapphes 44 154,209.
■ :r.••••• Tax and Pavments
45 a Foreign tax credit (corporations attach Form 1118, trusts attach Form 1116). 45a
b Other credits (see instructions). . . . . . . . . . . 45b
c General business credit Attach Form 3800 (see 1nstruct1ons) . 45c
d Credit for prror year m1nrmum tax (attach Form 8801 or 8827). ._4_5_d_._
________ -l

e Total credits Add lines 45a through 45d . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,_4_5_e

________ _
46 Subtract hne 45e from hne 44. . • . . . • • . . . • . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . • . . . . . . ,--4_6-+____ 1_5_4_,
47 Qlher taxes Cherk 1ffrom D Form 4255 D Form 8611 D Form 8697 D Form 8866 D Other (attachschedule). l--4-'7-+---------
48 Total tax Add Imes 46 and 4 7 (see instructions) . . . . . . . . . . t--4_8-+_____ 1_5_4_,
49 2018 net 965 tax hab1htv paid from Form 965-A or Form 965-B, Pan II, column (k). lrne 2. ,__4_9-+--------
50 a Payments A 2017 overpayment credited to 2018 50a
b 2018 estimated tax payments . . . . . • . . . .... 50b 157,000.
c Tax deposited with Form 8868, . • . . . . • - . . • . . . 50c 1,000.
d Foreign organizations Tax paid or withheld at source (see 1nstruct1ons) 50d
e Backup w1thhold1ng ( see 1nstruct1ons) . . . . - . . . . . . . 50e
f Credit for small employer health 1nsuranc rem1ums (attach Form 8941) sot

g Other credits adJustments, and payments
□ Form 4136 ________
T otal payments Add lines 50a through 50g .
8 Form 2439 ________
. . . . . . . . .
. .
► ...
. .

. . . . . t--5_1-+____ 1_5_8_,
52 Estimated tax penalty (see instructions) Check 1f Form 2220 1sattached. . . • • • . . . ► 0 ,__5_2__,
________ _
53 Tax due If line 51 1s less than the to•al of lines 48, 49, and 52, enter amount owed ATCH.1 .. - ► ~5_3______ _
54 Overpayment If line 51 1s larger than the total of lines 48, 49, and 52. enter amount overpaid . ► ,__5_4
______ 1_,_7_9_1_.
55 Enler the amount of hne54 vou want Credited to 2019 estimated tax ► Refunded ► 55 3, 791.
•=••J ■ Statements ReQardinCICertain Activities and Other Information (see instructions)
56 At any time during the 2018 calendar year, did the organization have an interest 1n or a signature or other authority Yes No
over a financial account (bank securities, or other) 1n a foreign country? If "Yes," the organ1zat1on may have to file
F1nCEN Form 114, Repon of Foreign Bank and F1nanc1al Accounts If "Yes" enter the name of the foreign country
57 During the tax year, did the organization receive a d1stribut1on from, or was 1t the granter of, or transferor to, a foreign trust? X
.. 1---+---
If "'Yes." see instructions for other forms the organization may have to file.
58 Enter the amount of lax-exempt interest received or accrued during the tax year ► $
Under periallles of per~ury, I decla e 1.nat I have examined ltl1s return, 1nc.lud1ng accompanying schedules and stmements and 10 lhe bC!sl of my lf.nawledge and behef, ti 1s
!rue co,~cl and comple!e Oeclar ion r preparer (other lhan taxpayer) 1sbasecJon all mformalfOl1 of .,,htch preparer has any knowledge
► ~
l"'l I ,,_...,_,o► era
, -,
May the IRS discuss this return
w11h 1he preparer shown below
Signature of officer I\ - Dale Title (see 1nslruc11on.s}?fx7 Yes n No
Prrnt/Typeprepare(s'lfame IDate Check LJ
Paid MARGARET A BRADSHAW CPA Ff 11/15/19 self-€mp\oyed PO O 5012 2 2
Firm's name ► KPMG LLP u Firm's EIN ► 13-5565207
Use Only
Frrm'saddress ► 8350 BROAD S'I'., MCLEAN, VA 22102 Phoneno 7 0 3- 2 8 6- 8 0 0 0

Form 990-T (2018)

8X2741 1 000
7YM02T 720F V 18-7.SF PAGE 2 67
Form 990'-T (2018) Page 3
I A - C OS t 0 fG
5 C hedue 00 ds S0 Id Enter met hod o inventory va uatIon

1 Inventory 'at beginning of year • 1 6 Inventory at end of year . . .... 6
2 Purchases . - -. . -. 2 7 Cost of goods sold Subtract line
3 Cost of labor .. . . . . . 3 6 from line 5 Enter here and in
4a Add1t1onal section 263A costs Part I, line 2. _ .- ... 7
(attach schedule) •• ... 4a 8 Do the rules of section 263A (with respect to Yes No
b Other costs (attach schedule) 4b property produced or acquired for resale) apply
5 Total. Add Imes 1 through 4b 5 to the organization? • .. . . . X
Schedule C - Rent Income (From Real Property and Personal Property Leased With Real Property)
(see instructions)
1. Description of property
2. Rent received or accrued
(a) From personal property (11the percentage of rent (b) From real and personal property (If the 3(a) Deductions directly connected with the income
for personal property Is more than 10% but not percentage of rent for personal property exceeds oncolumns 2(a) and 2(b) (attach schedule)
more than 50%) 50% or 11the rent Is based on profit or income)


Total Total
(b) Total deductions.
(c) Total income. Add totals of columns 2(a) and 2(b) Enter Enter here and on page 1,

here and on page 1, Part I, line 6, column (A) __ Part I, lme 6, column (B) ►
Schedule E - Unrelated Debt-Financed Income (see 1nstruct1ons)
3. Deductions directly connected with or allocable to
2 Gross income from or debt-financed property
1 Description of debt-financed property allocable to debt-financed
(a) Straight line depreciation (b) Other deductions
(attach schedule) (attach schedule)
4 Amount of average 5 Average ad1ustedbasis
acquIsItoon debt on or of or allocable to 6. Column 8 Allocable deductions
7. Gross income reportable
allocable to debt-financed debt-financed property 4 d1v1ded (column 6 x total of columns
(column 2 x column 6)
property (attach schedule) (attach schedule) by column 5 3(a) and 3(b))

(1) %
(2) %
(3) %
(4) %
Enter here and on page 1, Enter here and on page 1,
Part I, line 7, column (A) Part I, lme 7, column (B)

Totals .. . . - .. . . . ... .. .►
Total d1vidends-rece1ved deductions included In column 8 • .. .. -- .►
Form 990-T (2018)


8X2742 1 000
7YM02T 720F V 18-7.SF PAGE 268
Form990-T(2018) OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE 13-7029285 1 ,
Schedtile F- Interest, Annuities, Royalties, and Rents From Controlled Organizations (see instructions)
. 1 Name of controlled 2. Employer
Exempt Controlled Organizations
5 Part of column 4 that Is 6 Deduchons directly
organization 1denhficat1on number 3. Net unrelated income 4 Total of specified included in the controlling connected with income
(loss) (see instructions) payments made organizahon's gross income in column 5

Nonexempt Controlled Organizations
8 Net unrelated income 9 Total of specified 10 Part of column 9 that Is 11. Deductions directly
7 Taxable Income included in the controlling connected with income in
(loss) (see mstruchons) payments made organ1zat1on's gross income column 10
Add columns 5 and 10 Add columns 6 and 11
Enter here and on page 1, Enter here and on page 1,
Part I, line 8, column (A) Part I, hne 8, column (B)

Totals ' .. .. .. . ..... . . . . . . . ►

Schedule G-lnvestment Income of a Section 501(c (7), 9), or (17) Organization (see 1nstruct1ons)
3 Deductions 5 Total deductions
4 Set-asides
1 Description of income 2 Amount of income directly connected and set-asides (col 3
(attach schedule)
(attach schedule) plus col 4)
Enter here and on page 1, Enter here and on page 1,
Part I, hne 9, column (A) Part I, hne 9, column (B)

Totals . .. .►
Schedule I- Exploited Exempt Activity Income, Other Than Advertising Income (see 1nstruct1ons)
4 Net income (loss)
3 Expenses 7. Excess exempt
2. Gross from unrelated trade
directly 5 Gross income 6. Expenses expenses
unrelated or business (column
connected with from actIvIty that attributable to (column 6 minus
1 Description of exploited actIvIty business income production of 2 minus column 3)
Is not unrelated column 5 column 5, but not
from trade or unrelated
If a gain, compute business income more than
business cols 5 through 7
business income column 4)

Enter here and on Enter here and on Enter here and
page 1, Part I, page 1, Part I, on page 1,
line 10, col (A) line 10, col (B) Part II, line 26
Totals ...... ... .►
Schedule J-Advertising Income (see 1nstruclions)
. Income From Periodicals Reported on a Consolidated Basis
4 Adverhsing 7 Excess readership
2 Gross gain or (loss) (col costs (column 6
3 Direct 5. C1rculahon 6 Readership
1. Name of periodical advertising 2 minus col 3) If minus column 5, but
advertising costs income costs
income a gain, compute not more than
cols 5 through 7 column 4)

(3) I
(4) I

Totals (carry to Part II, line (5)) .. ►

Form 990-T (2018)


8X2743 1 000
7YM02T 720F V 18-7.SF PAGE 269
Form990-T{2018) OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE 13-7029285,, Pag'l:5

Income From Periodicals Reported on a Separate Basis (For each periodical listed in Part II, fill 1n columns
2 through 7 on a line-by-line basis)
4 Advertising 7 Excess readership
2 Gross gain or {loss) {col costs {column 6
3. Direct 5. Circulation 6. Readership minus column 5, but
1.Name of periodical advertising 2 minus col 3) If
advertising costs income costs not more than
income a gain, compute
cols 5 through 7 column 4)

(3) -
Totals from Part L ... ►
Enter here and on Enter here and on Enter here and
page 1, Part I, page 1, Part I, on page 1,
line 11, col {A) line 11, col (8) Part II, line 27

Totals, Part II (Imes 1-5) • .. .►

Schedule K - Compensation of Officers, Directors, and Trustees (see instructions)
3. Percent of
1 Name 2 Title time devoted to 4. Compensation attributable to
business unrelated business

(1) %
(2) %
(3) %
(4) %
Total. Enter here and on page 1, Part II, line 14. .. .. .. .. . .. .►
Form 990-T (2018)


8X2744 1 000
7YM02T 720F V 18-7.SF PAGE 270
Open Sc;,c1etyInstitute
EIN 13-7029285

Form 990-T, Line 20 - Contribution Deduction

1 Taxable Income (Excluding Contributions) 844,286
2 Less NOL Carryover
3 Plus Capital loss Carryback
4 Taxable Income Without Regard to Contributions 844,286
Special Deductions, Dmest1c Production Act1v1t1es
Deduction, NOL Carrybacks, and Capital loss Carrybacks
5 Contributions Deduction l1m1tat1on (Taxable Income • 50%) 422,143
6 Amount of Deductible Contributions 6,250,000
7 Contribution Deduction (Lesser of Line 5 or Line 6) 422,143

Lme 20 - 5 Vear Contribution Carryover

Converted to NOL Carryover to
Year Ending Amount Available Amount Utll,zed Carryover Next Year
12/31/2018 5,827,857 5,827,857

OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE 13 - 7 0 2 9,28 5 ,


END OF FISCAL/CALENDAR YEAR .................................... '

DATE RETURN IS DUE IF ON EXTENSION ............................. 11/15/2019
DATE RETURN WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE IRS ........................ 11/15/2019
NUMBER OF DAYS RETURN IS LATE ................................. .
NUMBER OF MONTHS RETURN IS LATE ............................... .
LATE FILING PENALTY ........................................... .
LATE PAYMENT PENALTY .......................................... .
INTEREST ...................................................... .

TOTAL PENALTIES AND INTEREST ................................... NONE

7YM02T 720F V 18-7.5F PAGE 271

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