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Name: __________ Date: ___/____/____


WANTED! Waiter to join new team.
Must be available at weekends. Call in to Coffee Company if interested.
A. You can apply online for this job.
B. Only experienced people can do this job.
C. You must be free on Saturdays and Sundays.
Cristina! Help! Do we have to learn about rivers or lakes for tomorrow’s
geography test? I can’t find my notes!
A. Jamie wants to know what to study for the geography exam.
B. Jamie has forgotten when the geography exam is.
C. Jamie wants Cristina to help him find his geography notes.
Hi David, Your sister has got a temperature. Can you keep the nose down
because she’s asleep?
A. David should be quiet and go to sleep.
B. David should be quiet because his sister is ill.
C. David isn’t feeling well and wants to go to sleep.
Forest campsite: Now open from March till October.
Dogs welcome. Farm shop in the next village.
A. This is a new campsite on a farm
B. You can stay in this campsite all year round
C. You can take your pet to this campsite
Hi Connect World! I bought a silver mobile phone from your shop, but I couldn’t
upload my music to it. I can’t download anything either. I would like my money
Belinda Short
What is the problem with the mobile phone that Belinda bought?

A. It’s the wrong colour
B. It’s broken
C. The memory is too small
Free family ticket for funfair. Includes all rides.
Children must be at least 1.5 metres tall to go on Rainbow Ride.
A. Smaller children can not go on the Rainbow Ride.
B. Children can only go on the Rainbow Ride with adults.
C. It costs extra for families to go on the Rainbow Ride.

Our free-time activities
Liu Wei
I’ve been a member of the school cooking club since I was ten. I’m best known as a
brilliant cake maker. Last year, I made 100 cupcakes for my cousin’s 18 Th birthday
party and everyone said they were delicious. Cooking is only expensive if you buy
unusual food, like Chinese vegetables that you can’t find in a supermarket. I did this
and made a special dinner for my Dad when he was 50.
When I was younger, I became interested in photography when my uncle let me
take photos on his big digital camera. I’ve got my own camera now – I saved my
pocket money for a year to buy it and it’s fantastic. I love taking photos of people
playing sport – it’s really difficult to catch them at the right moment so I take
several photos. The headteacher has asked me to take the photos at the school
fashion show, which will be fun.
My aunt works for a fashion magazine and wears really cool clothes. I’m different to
most boys because I love making clothes for me and my sister, so I want to study
fashion at college. I’ve already got some experience of the fashion world. With my
aunt’s help, I won a competition to help get the clothes ready when a famous
American photographer came to take photos of models wearing winter clothes. It
was a really interesting day and I could earn some money
7. Who got some help with their hobby from a family member?
8. Who had success with something they did for their family?
9. Who used their own money to get something they needed to do their hobby?
10. Whose hobby could be what they choose to learn about in the future?
11. Whose hobby has allowed them to do some paid work?
12. Whose hobby sometimes costs them a lot of money?
13. Whose hobby is sometimes hard to do well?

We want to be stars!
By Georgia Broom
I’m in a rock band called The Pink Stars with two other girls from school. We didn’t
really know each other before we started playing four months ago, but now we’re
great friends. We’ve all been in other bands before and love rock music. Finding a
place to practise is a problem, but we’re lucky because my parents don’t mind if we
use a room in our house two or three times a week.
On Saturday afternoons, we usually do different things than our friends from
school. Instead of going to the cinema of a café, we give a concert in a large music
shop in town. It’s great fun! We really enjoy choosing what we’ll wear. Sometimes
we go shopping for something special a day or two before we play.
When we started giving concerts, only our families came to see us. But soon, our
brothers and sisters started inviting their friends. We felt a bit shy when some
classmates came to see us, but we were pleased when they loved our music. Now
other people are beginning to come to the shop just to listen to us! We’re
becoming famous.
This summer we’re going to play at our first open air rock concert. It’ll be wonderful
to be on a stage in front of all those people. I can’t wait.
I sing and play the guitar. I can also play the keyboard, but I don’t like it very much.
Rachel plays the drums and Annie plays the guitar and keyboard. We’ve written
seven of our own songs to upload to our channel. We’ve also got our own website,
so to learn more about the Pink Stars, visit It has all the
information about our concerts.
14. How long have the girls been friends?
A. Since they met at school
B. Since they joined the band
C. Since they started playing music
15. What do they do after lunch on Saturdays?
A. They sing in a big shop in town.
B. They go shopping for clothes to wear when they play.
C. They go out with their friends from school.
16. Who comes to listen to the band when they play?
A. Only family and friends
B. Family, friends and some people they don’t know
C. Customers in the music shop
17. Why is Georgia excited about the summer?
A. She is going to have a long holiday from school
B. She is going to play in a concert
C. She is going to go to her first rock concert
18. Who can play two instruments?
A. Only Annie
B. Rachel and Annie
C. Georgia and Annie

Ice cream
Fifty years ago, people only ate ice cream in the hot summer months – but now (19)
(they / it / she) is eaten at any time of the year. Who made the first ice cream is a
question (20) (that / who / when) we can’t answer, but we think an Italian
adventurer called Marco Polo saw people (21) (doing / making / liking) ice cream in
China 700 years ago. He brought the idea back to Italy. It soon became very
popular. Ice cream then became very popular in France, (22) (but / so / or) only very
rich people had enough money to buy it. Before we had fridges, people used large
pieces of ice from lakes to (23) (keep / kept / keeping) ice cream cold. The first ice
cream factory opened in America in 1851. Americans eat more ice cream than (24)
(all / any / each) other nationality – 23 litres per person per year!

My name is Charles and I have a great story to tell you. Last year, I won first prize in
a competition! It was a holiday in Kenya. It was (25) _______ really long plane
journey. I stayed there for more (26) _______ a month, so I was away from home
for a long time, but it was great. I ate delicious food and saw a lot of wild animals.
One week, I visited a Masai village. The Masai people (27) _______ very friendly to
me. They showed me their village (28) _______ inside their homes, too. They even
taught me to dance! I know I (29) _______ never forget this wonderful time in
Africa or all the new friends that (30) _______ made there. I’d like to go back again

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