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TEST 4 Present Tenses

1. I’m taking my sister out as she ___ any sun for a long time. 18. “Little boy”, said a man, “why do you carry that umbrella over your
A) hasn’t had B) haven’t had C) hadn’t been head? It ___ and the sun ___”
D) will have E) shall have A) rains/isn’t shining B) doesn’t rain/shines
C) isn’t raining/isn’t shining D) is raining/is shining
2. He ___ ill for three months already. E) isn’t raining/don’t shine
A) was B) has been C) is
D) have been E) were 19. Who often has dinner at the canteen?
A) I did B) we do C) he had
3. Who goes sightseeing? D) they have E) she will
A) Nina does. B) We shall. C) We did.
D) I did. E) She has. 20. I ___ never ___ him before.
A) - /met B) - /meet C) have/met
4. I usually ___ a blouse and jeans at home, but today I ___ on a new D) has/met E) -/meets
A) wear/have put B) have worn/have put 21. The weather is awful, it ___ all day.
C) wore/has put D) wears/has put A) rains B) is raining C) rained
E) will wear/put D) has rained E) has been raining

5. What ___ the president ___? 22. It is 2 o’clock. I ___ afraid I ___ late.
-He ___ a contract. A) was/am B) shall be/am C) am/am
A) does/do/has signed B) is/doing/is signing D) was/was E) am/wasn’t
C) will/do/was signing D) is/ going to do/would sign
E) shall/do/has been signing 23. Who usually answers these letters in your office?
A) My friend can. B) That man will. C) I do, of course.
6. Look! The cat ___ your cutlet. D) Mary is. E) Those engineers did.
A) is eating B) was eating C) eats
D) has been eating E) had eaten 24. The milk is hot I ___ on it to make it cold.
A) am blowing B) blow C) is blowing
7. You look pale. You ___ too hard these days. D) blew E) had blown
A) have been working B) worked C) are working
D) work E) were working 25. - You don’t like horror films, do you?
- ___ . They are so terrifying.
8. What ___ you ___ since I saw you last? A) Yes, I can. B) No, I can’t. C) No, I don’t.
A) do/do B) are/doing D) Yes, I do. E) No, we didn’t.
C) have/been doing D) did/do
E) will/do 26. ___ this engineer work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
A) do B) does C) has
9. It is 8.30. Ben and Ann ___ breakfast. D) had E) shall
A) have B) are having C) is having
D) was having E) were having 27. He ___ never ___ him sing.
A) had___ heard B) has___heard C) have___ heard
10. She ___ a journalist nowadays. D) was___ hearing E) is___ hearing
A) are B) was C) is
D) were E) am 28. I think ___ .
A) if he is about fifty B) he is about fifty C) her about fifty
11. You ___ always ___ your things. Put them into their bag. D) him about fifty E) be about fifty
A) are/losing B) -/lost
C) have/lost D) shall/have been losing 29. I miss her very much, almost every minute of the day I think of
E) had/lust her, or I think I ___ her.
A) am hearing B) hear C) heard
12. What place ___ the youth of our country occupy in all branches D) have heard E) will hear
A) did B) shall C) is 30. Look! There ___ a man sitting at the first table near the door. He
D) does E) will ___ at us.
A) was/looks B) had been/looked
13. I ___ home for lunch on Mondays. I have lunch in the canteen. C) were/had looked D) is/is looking
A) didn’t go B) was going C) don’t go E) is/was looking
D) doesn’t go E) will not go
31. These engineers always ___ in the office and ___
14. Westminster Abbey is the ancient old church in which the
A) stayed/learn B) stay/learn C) stays/learns
coronation ceremonies of almost all English kings and queens
D) have stayed/learned E) stay/learned
___ place.
A) will take B) was taken C) was taking
32. It’s the happiest evening I ever ___ .
D) is taking E) have taken
A) had B) have had C) has
15. This is the most interesting film I ___ ever ___. D) has had E) had had
A) didn’t/see B) was/seen C) have /saw
D) have/seen E) had/seen 33. Let me show the picture that I ___ this week.
A) am drawing B) shall be drawing C) have drawn
16. “Nobody ___ in that country,” said Pinocchio to his friend. D) drew E) will be drawing
A) don’t learn B) are learning C) learns
D) doesn’t learn E) learn 34. This is the 7th year Ann and Mary ___ this school.
A) has attended B) have been attending
17. Paul ___ a student of Cambridge University. C) had been attending D) are attending
A) were B) are C) am E) were attending
D) be E) is

Book 1 Part C 114 Present Tenses

35. He ___ his English in the morning, he ___ it in the evening. 52. Nothing will make him ___ back to her.
A) doesn’t have/is having B) don’t have/had A) to come B) come C) came
C) doesn’t have/has D) didn’t have/have D) coming E) would come
E) hadn’t/will have
53. Listen! Someone ___ at the door.
36. The sun ___ in the East and ___ in the West. A) knocks B) to knock C) has knocked
A) sets/rises B) sets/goes C) rises/sets D) is knocking E) has been knocking
D) goes/rises E) set/rise
54. “This thief ___ usually promise to steal again,” said Sherlock
37. While ___ to school we always ___ a bus. Holmes.
A) going/take B) went/take A) won’t B) didn’t C) isn’t
C) shall go/will take D) had gone/took D) doesn’t E) don’t
E) goes/takes
55. Samuel says he’s 25 years old, but nobody ___ him.
38. We don’t like him because he always ___ lies. A) is believing B) believes C) had believed
A) tell B) was telling C) tells D) don’t believe E) doesn’t believe
D) are telling E) has told
56. The sea ___ to those who ___ to listen to it.
39. I ___ all my work. I am free now. A) speaks/likes B) speak/like C) speaks/like
A) do B) am doing C) shall do D) speak/likes E) speak/will like
D) have done E) had done
57. Take your umbrella. It ___ .
40. She ___ at school since 1984. A) was raining B) rained C) rains
A) teach B) has been teaching C) taught D) is raining E) would be raining
D) was teaching E) have taught
58. We can’t disturb him now. He ___ .
41. - ___ your father ___ at the Medical College? A) operate B) will operate C) has operated
- Yes, he does. D) is operating E) operates
A) do/work B) did/work C) has/worked
D) does/work E) shall/work 59. The children of the man who works with me ___ the window this
42. He ___ to school at 7:30 and ___ at 2 o’clock. A) were broken B) break C) broke
A) goes/comes back B) went/is coming back D) have broken E) had broken
C) go/come back D) was going/has come back
E) is going/came back 60. “Who ___ this picture?” the teacher asks.
A) is drawn B) drawn C) have drawn
43. -You ___ not ___ your soup. D) draws E) has drawn
-I’m sorry. I’m not hungry.
A) are/eat B) has/eaten C) are/eating 61. -Where is Comrade A?
D) did/ate E) will/eat -He ___ tennis.
A) plays B) is playing C) played
44. -Who ___ French in your family? D) has been playing E) will play
-I ___ .
A) speaks/do B) speak/does C) spoke/do 62. I ___ never ___ such beautiful flowers before.
D) speaking/did E) are speaking/did A) shall / see B) had / seen C) have / seen
D) has / seen E) will / see
45. Although Mary has been cooking for many years, she still ___
how to prepare Chinese food. 63. I’ve got to get him to the station. His train ___ at the moment.
A) did not know B) know C) don’t know A) leave B) has left C) had left
D) doesn’t know E) hadn’t known D) is leaving E) are leaving

46. The aims of the course ___ me willing to begin. 64. -What ___ you ___?
A) makes B) is making C) were made -I ___ now.
D) make E) making A) are/doing/am washing up
B) have/done/am washing up
47. Listen! Somebody ___ in the next room. C) have/been done/am washed up
A) sing B) sings C) are singing D) were/done/have washed up
D) is singing E) is sung E) is/doing/did not wash up

48. -___ life ___ on Mars? 65. We can go out now. It ___ .
-No, it ___ . A) don’t rain B) rains C) didn’t rain
A) Does/exist/doesn’t B) Did/existed/didn’t D) has rained E) isn’t raining
C) Has/existed/had D) Had/existed/had
E) Will/exist/will 66. You’ll see what I ___ about you recently.
A) shall write B) have written C) had written
49. I ___ this man at all. D) is written E) was written
A) don’t know B) know C) knew
D) have known E) doesn’t know 67. She ___ since last week.
A) is ill B) was ill C) had been ill
50. The boys ___ four English books this year. D) has been ill E) will be ill
A) read B) had read C) reads
D) have read E) read 68. Listen! Somebody ___ at the door.
A) knocked B) has knocked C) is knocking
51. I know he reads every book I ___ ever ___ of. D) was knocking E) knocks
A) -/hear B) -/heard C) have/heard
D) has/heard E) had/heard 69. This year we ___ a good harvest of cotton.
A) has grown B) have grown C) grown
D) were growing E) are grown

Book 1 Part C 115 Present Tenses

70. Look at the little boys! They ___ with stones. 89. Who ___ writing the text yet?
A) play B) will play C) are playing A) haven’t finished B) didn’t finish C) doesn’t finish
D) is playing E) played D) won’t finish E) hasn’t finished

71. It ___ him 20 minutes to get to the work usually. 90. - What ___ you ___?
A) take B) is taking C) have taken - I ___ a letter.
D) is not taking E) takes A) are doing/am writing B) have done/am writing
C) did/write D) have done/am writing
72. Usually my working day ___ at 8.30 sharp. E) has done/wrote
A) start B) starts C) would be
D) won’t start E) has started 91. We ___ already twenty words.
A) learned B) have learned C) learn
73. Stop a minute, think what you ___ . D) will learn E) are learning
A) are saying B) say C) says
D) is saying E) has said 92. “I can’t marry Mr. Fire. I ___ already ___ my word to another
man”, said the chief’s daughter.
74. The population of the world ___ very fast. A) don’t/give B) had/given C) shall/give
A) rise B) rises C) is rising D) didn’t/give E) have/given
D) rose E) is risen
93. Be quick! A dog ___ after your child.
75. Tourists ___ a lot of different information when they travel. A) runs B) ran C) was running
A) get B) gets C) has got D) will run E) is running
D) would get E) were getting
94. I ___ never ___ to the USA.
76. The English seaside ___ very popular lately. A) is/ been B) has/been C) have/been
A) becomes B) has become C) became D) having/been E) was/being
D) will become E) is becoming
95. Oh, not really, I ___ a minute since I came in.
77. ___ he already___ the rules in the race ? A) haven’t had B) haven’t C) were not
A) did/break B) does/break C) is/breaking D) will have E) hadn’t
D) has/broken E) had/broken
96. Take away the crib; the teacher ___ at you.
78. Peter ___ his lessons. When he finishes them he’ll watch TV. A) look B) is looking C) looks
A) does B) do C) did D) looked E) had looked
D) is doing E) has done
97. I ___ them for 10 months.
79. I ___ never ___ the book. A) know B) knows C) have known
A) didn’t/read B) haven’t/read C) have/read D) will know E) shall know
D) don’t/read E) was/reading
98. Why ___ you ___ the coat? It’s not cold.
80. Look! The girls ___ in the park. A) do/put on B) has/put on C) have/put on
A) skate B) skated C) are skating D) would/put on E) had/put on
D) will skate E) has skated
99. Don’t enter the classroom. The students ___ an exam.
81. She is sorry, she ___ so rude. A) write B) were writing C) have written
A) were B) will be C) are D) are writing E) had been written
D) has been E) had been
100. Look! They ___ in our direction.
82. Why ___ nothing ___? A) come B) came C) will come
A) has / been done still B) hasn’t / been done yet D) was coming E) are coming
C) has / been done yet D) was / done yet
E) have / been done yet 101. I ___ Paul since Christmas.
A) don’t see B) haven’t seen C) hadn’t seen
83. Shh! The teacher ___ on the blackboard. D) wasn’t seen E) won’t see
A) wrote B) was writing C) writes
D) will write E) is writing 102. “Fortune” ___ the magazine of business success for over 50 years.
A) is B) was C) will be
84. I ___ here since 1972. D) has been E) were
A) was living B) had lived C) lives
D) am living E) have lived 103. She ___ false impressions on those who ___ you.
A) will produce / hadn’t known
85. ___ you ___ to England?
B) produces / don’t know
A) were/being B) are/being C) have/been
C) produces / doesn’t know
D) were/being E) had/been
D) has produced / will not know
86. Hello! Who ___? E) would produce / have not known
A) spoke B) speaks
C) has been speaking D) is speaking 104. Food prices ___ rapidly in the past few months.
E) was spoken A) had risen B) has risen C) have risen
D) was rising E) rises
87. Max ___ to be good at interpreting, ___ he?
A) doesn’t seem/does B) seems/does
C)seemed/did D) seems/does
E) didn’t seem/doesn’t

88. ___ you ever ___ Herr Boschen sing his great German comic
A) had/heard B) did/hear C) do/hear
D) are/hearing E) have/heard

Book 1 Part C 116 Present Tenses

TEST 5 Future Tenses
1. I ___ to start a new life tomorrow. 19. This time tomorrow we ___ probably ___ fishing.
A) to be going B) am going C) shall go A) are/will B) -/shall C) shall/be
D) is going E) were going D) shall/- E) do/are

2. Mark ___ into the army next year. 20. What ___ you ___ at 6 tomorrow?
A) was going B) goes C) will go A) will/do B) was/doing C) will/be doing
D) would go E) will be go D) is/doing E) will/have done

3. They ___ dinner at this time tomorrow. 21. By the end of the first term we ___ many English books.
A) have B) are having C) will have A) shall be read B) read C) shall have read
D) having had E) will be having D) have read E) shall read

4. -What’s happened to your hair? Your mother ___ 22. What ___ you ___ at 6 tomorrow?
A) didn’t like B) liked C) likes A) did/do B) will/be doing C) do/do
D) would like E) won’t like D) do/did E) have/done

5. I ___ if you come too late tomorrow. 23. He ___ for you at 7 in the evening next Sunday.
A) shall be sleeping B) will sleep C) sleep A) was waiting B) were waiting C) will be waiting
D) am sleeping E) was sleeping D) have waited E) had been waited

6. Be quick or we ___ for school.

A) are late B) is late C) have been late
D) shall be late E) will not be late

7. What ___ you ___ next Sunday?

A) were doing B) have done C) are doing
D) are done E) were done

8. I think I ___ a cassette recorder and use it in class.

A) buy B) am buying C) shall buy
D) would buy E) bought

9. We ___ for Niagara tomorrow.

A) are leaving B) have left C) left
D) had to leave E) shall be left

10. I’ll ask him what he ___ for lunch.

A) was having B) are having C) would have
D) should have E) will have

11. Who ___ for a walk tomorrow?

A) go B) will go C) didn’t go
D) doesn’t go E) went

12. They ___ their English exam at this time tomorrow.

A) will take B) will be taking C) would take
D) is taking E) take

13. My boss ___ some V.I.P’s tomorrow.

A) will be received B) is receiving
C) will have received D) receive
E) has received

14. Ask him when the engineers ___ finish the talks.
A) will B) would C) had
D) have E) do

15. He ___ to learn French next year.

A) was going B) is going C) are going
D) will be going E) shall be going

16. All the children ___ on an excursion next week.

A) go B) went C) have gone
D) will go E) has gone

17. ___ you ___ at 6 tomorrow?

A) will/sleep B) were/sleeping
C) will/be sleeping D) do/sleep
E) are/sleeping

18. I shall be back by 6 and I hope you ___ a good sleep by that time.
A) will have had B) will have C) would have
D) have had E) had had

Book 1 Part C 117 Future Tenses

TEST 6 Past Tenses
1. She never ___ to eat soup. 16. She ___ you a letter three weeks ago.
A) didn’t like B) like C) had liked A) had sent B) has sent C) sent
D) would not like E) liked D) send E) was sending

2. “I’ll drink tea from this tin mug.” 17. When he ___ home I ___ him the book.
“Where ___ you ___ it?” A) came /shall show B) comes/showed
A) did/find B) do/find C) did/found C) has come/has shown D) came/showed
D) were/found E) are/found E) was coming/shall show

3. It was dark and cold. At one moment he thought that he ___ his 18. They ___ breakfast at 7 and ___ home at eight.
way. A) have/left B) had/left C) had/leave
A) lost B) will lose C) had lost D) have/leaves E) had/had left
D) was lost E) loses
19. Long ago people ___ little about those minerals.
4. I didn’t know anyone in the city where I ___ to get. A) had known B) knowed C) will know
A) did try B) was trying C) would try D) knew E) have known
D) have tried E) shall try
20. The dentist ___ two of his teeth. One of them ___ quite good.
5. -Why ___ you go to the plant? A) pulls out/are B) pull out/was
-I ___ no time. C) pulled out/was D) pull out/was
A) do/had B) will/have C) did/hadn’t E) pulled out/were
D) didn’t/hadn’t E) didn’t/had
21. I couldn’t imagine what ___ to her.
6. A policeman ___ me crossing the street yesterday. A) had happened B) has been happened
A) seen B) saw C) has seen C) will happen D) has been happening
D) will see E) had seen E) happens

7. Arthur ___ all his exams by 5 o’clock yesterday. 22. He felt that he ___ it wrong.
A) passed B) passes C) has passed A) has made B) made C) will make
D) has been passed E) had passed D) was made E) had made

8. He evidently ___ his shoes for a very long time. They were 23. I ___ my homework when my mother came.
worn-out. A) already did B) have already done
A) were wearing B) are wearing C) had already done D) has already done
C) had been wearing D) was wearing E) already do
E) had been worn
24. Turning I found my father sitting beside me on the sofa. I said
9. So, the invisible man ___ into the shop and ___ down. “How ___ you ___ here?”
A) comes/walked B) didn’t come/walk C) came/walked A) do/get B) did/get C) does/get
D) will come/walked E) comes/would walk D) was/getting E) has/been getting

10. -We were at the theatre 2 days ago. The performance was 25. Last summer we ___ a trip to Houston.
excellent. A) made B) has made C) are making
-Who ___ the leading part? D) shall make E) will be making
A) did play B) play C) played
D) would play E) has played 26. He ___ barely ___ of him until that evening.
A) had/heard B) has/heard C) was/heard
11. One day the boys found a man in the forest. He ___ D) did/hear E) didn’t/hear
A) will die B) had been dying C) had died
D) was dying E) die 27. She ___ in Tashkent five years ago.
A) had lived B) lived C) has lived
12. His father ___ a doctor and he ___ to make his son a doctor, too. D) live E) have lived
A) was/wants B) were/wanted
C) will be/would want D) was/wanted 28. We ___ English, so I know it a little.
E) were/wanted A) were learning B) learned C) learns
D) should learn E) were learning
13. During his school years Cronin ___ great interest in literature.
A) take B) took C) has taken 29. Yesterday at this time it ___ .
D) had taken E) would take A) had snowed B) snows C) snowed
D) was snowing E) had been snowing
14. He ___ the box yesterday, because he had to do it.
A) would open B) had opening C) have opened 30. We ___ he ___ ill.
D) opens E) opened A) did not know/was B) knew/am ill C) knew/will be
D) had known/is E) were known/be
15. While the gentlemen ___ the recent events, the ladies ___ about
the weather. 31. The plane ___ at 4 and it ___ us 20 minutes to get there.
A) discuss/talk A) was landing/was taking B) was landing/took
B) are discussing/was talking C) landed/took D) lands/was taken
C) being discussed/being talked E) has landed/is taking
D) were discussing/were talking
E) have discussed/have talked 32. We ___ the station by 5 o’clock yesterday.
A) shall reach B) were reaching C) had reached
D) reached E) would reach

Book 1 Part C 118 Past Tenses

33. The Browns ___ out of town last Sunday and ___ a good time there. 50. What ___ you ___ at 5 p.m. yesterday?
A) were going/had B) went/are having A) did/do B) have/been doing C) would/do
C) went/had D) are going/were having D) were/doing E) will/do
E) goes/has
51. Who ___ to see me last week?
34. Before answering the telephone he ___ down the table. A) comes B) will come C) came
A) laid B) was lying C) had laid D) has come E) have come
D) lay E) has laid
52. They didn’t believe him and ___ to laugh.
35. Who ___ at the meeting yesterday? A) begin B) begins C) began
A) speak B) speaks C) spoke D) had begun E) have begun
D) had spoken E) will speak
53. Children didn’t ___ to school because it ___ Sunday.
36. He met me with the bird in his hand. It ___ curiously at me. A) went/was B) go/were
A) looks B) was looking C) have gone/was D) gone/was
C) has been looking D) would look E) go/was
E) should look
54. The train ___ at 8.30 p.m. today, but as a rule it ___ at 8.00 p.m.
37. Nick ___ yesterday. sharp.
A) will not come B) hadn’t come C) didn’t come A) has left / starts B) left / started
D) hasn’t come E) came not C) left / has started D) has left / has started
E) have left / starts
38. I knew that he ___ the same paper each morning.
A) was bought B) buys C) is buying 55. The moon ___ and it ___ surprisingly light at night yesterday.
D) bought E) had bought A) is rising / is B) rose / was C) had risen / was
D) was rising / were E) rose / had been
39. He asked the children who ___ the book.
A) tore B) tear C) tears 56. Who ___ him yesterday?
D) had torn E) will tear A) has seen B) did see C) saw
D) have seen E) sees
40. Who ___ on a hike yesterday?
A) did go B) will go C) has gone 57. He ___ nobody about his secret that day.
D) went E) had went A) don’t tell B) tell C) didn’t tell
D) told E) doesn’t tell
41. I ___ to do it but I ___ no time. I was very busy.
A) wanted/has B) want/had have
C) wanted/had D) would want/have
E) have wanted/shall have

42. - What a luck. I haven’t seen you for ages.

- When ___ we ___ last time?
A) did / meet B) have / met C) had / met
D) did / met E) will / meet

43. In the summer of 1868, Melville Bell ___ on a lecture tour in the
USA and Canada.
A) goes B) had gone C) went
D) have gone E) has gone

44. He ___ his work before you came.

A) finished B) finishes C) has finished
D) had finished E) finish

45. Why ___ he go to Great Britain last month?

A) did B) was C) will
D) had E) has

46. Did you ___ or ___ the potatoes?

A) mince/peeled B) minced/peeled
C) minced/peeling D) peels/minced
E) mince/peel

47. When she ___ they ___ and he left the house.
A) had come/quarreled B) came/quarreled
C) has come/quarreled D) comes/would quarrel
E) came/had quarreled

48. - Who had left the room by the time I came yesterday?
A) Tom did B) Tom does C) Tom had
D) Tom has E) Tom was

49. Neither your parents nor I ___ very glad of the fact that you failed
your Math exam.
A) has been B) have been C) were
D) was E) are

Book 1 Part C 119 Past Tenses

TEST 7 Mixed Tenses
1. Ann ___ that she ___ the visitor before. 17. Mr. Brown ___ to me 2 hours ago to return the book which he
A) thought / saw B) thinks / sees ___ .
C) is thinking / sees D) thought / had seen A) comes / borrows B) came / had borrowed
E) have thought / had seen C) will come / borrowed D) came / borrowed
E) was coming / borrowed
2. As it ___ dark we ___ to go home.
A) gets / decided B) would get / shall decide 18. No sooner he ___ than he ___ ill.
C) had got / have decided D) was getting / decided A) had arrived / falls B) had arrived / fell
E) will be getting / had decided C) arrives / has fallen D) arrived / will fall
E) is arriving / is falling
3. He ___ looking at her, wondering where he ___ her
A) keep / see B) kept / had seen 19. I ___ my homework by 6 o’clock yesterday and when my mother
C) keeps / saw D) had kept / had seen came home I ___ supper.
E) being kept / would see A) did / have B) have done / had
C) had done / was having D) was doing / had
4. They ___ to get married last month although they ___ each other
E) do / have
for only six weeks.
A) decide / know B) decided / know 20. He said that he ___ school and he ___ to enter the academy.
C) decided / had known D) decided / knew A) finished / was going B) has finished / is going
E) decided / has known C) had finished / was going D) finishes / are going
E) finish / was going
5. ___ the weather good when you ___ tennis?
A) is / played B) was / were playing 21. It ___ dark and it ___ .
C) will be / played D) is / will be playing A) is / are raining B) was / was raining
E) has been / will play C) are / was D) were / were
E) were / was
6. When he ___ to the station the train already ___ .
A) comes / left B) came / leaves 22. The pupils ___ the sentences yet, the teacher ___ the blackboard.
C) came / had left D) had come / left A) has not written / will clean
E) has come / leaves B) had not written / cleaned
C) did not write / cleans
7. Last Monday when I ___ the house it ___ heavily.
D) are not writing / clean
A) leave / rain B) left / was raining
E) had not written / had cleaned
C) left / had rained D) was leaving / rained
E) leave / rains 23. Henry ___ Puerto Rico before he ___ to St. Thomas.
A) visited / had gone B) had visited / went
8. Yesterday when Tom ___ the lesson___ .
C) was visiting / went D) would visit / goes
A) comes / already begins B) came / had already begun
E) visited / went
C) came / already began D) will come / already begins
E) came / already begins 24. The company ___ some new equipments before the strike ___ .
A) have ordered / begin B) had ordered / began
9. I ___ the call because I ___ a shower.
C) ordered / begins D) is ordering / began
A) didn’t answer / was taking B) don’t answer / take
E) will order / had begun
C) doesn’t answer / am taking D) will not answer / take
E) am answering / am taking 25. I ___ he ___ it interesting.
A) hoped / find B) hoped / finds
10. After Mary ___ the room, she ___ the floor.
C) hopes / would find D) hoped / would find
A) tidied up / washes B) tidies up / has washed
E) will find / find
C) has tidied up / washed D) had tidied up / washed
E) is tidying up / washes 26. Mark Twain ___ that they ___ about him.
A) understand / speaks B) understands / speaks
11. Yesterday at this time when his hat ___ he ___ across the bridge.
C) will understand / spoke D) understood / are speaking
A) blows off / is walking B) blew off / had walked
E) understood / were speaking
C) has blown off / is walking D) blew off / was walking
E) had blown off / walks 27. On our way home we ___ the problem if we could ___ the fine
celebration of our mother’s birthday.
12. He wanted me to go to the skating-rink together.
A) discussed / organized
As he ___ I ___ my skates he ___ me his brother’s.
B) were discussing / organize
A) knows / broke / offer B) knew / broke / offers
C) had discussed / organize
C) knew / had broken / offered D) know / had broken / will offer
D) have discussed / were organizing
E) knew / has broken / offered
E) discuss / organizes
13. Tom looked at his hands. He ___ that those hands ___ young and
28. The greater part of London ___ of wood, but after the great fire
strong before.
wider streets and brick houses ___ .
A) knew / was B) know / are
A) had been / were built B) was / were built
C) had known / were D) knew / be
C) is / have been built D) are / are built
E) knew / had been
E) has been / is built
14. He ___ us the firm ___ wool since 1935.
29. After my parents ___ home my life ___ better.
A) told / had been exporting B) tells / would export
A) had returned / became B) will return / become
C) said / is exporting D) will be told / exports
C) return / have become D) return / have become
E) told / has been exporting
E) return / would become
15. He didn’t ___ well though he ___ a hard day before.
30. Why ___ you come yesterday? We ___ a good time.
A) slept / spent B) sleep / spend
A) don’t / can have B) didn’t / could have had
C) sleeping / had spent D) sleep / had spent
C) will / might have D) doesn’t / will have
E) slept / had spent
E) did not / shall have
16. He ___ at the blackboard and ___ that the English teacher ___
31. He___ even before I ___ a finger on him.
the word “apple” there.
A) screams / was laid B) screamed / had laid
A) was looking / sees/wrote B) looks / sees / had written
C) would scream / am laying D) screams / laid
C) looked / saw / was writing D) is looking / saw / writes
E) screamed / would lay
E) has looked / has seen / is writing

Book 1 Part C 120 Mixed Tenses

32. I___ never___ to Cambridge, but I once ___ Oxford. 45. When Mr. Brown ___ to the party all the guests ___ at the table.
A) did / go / visit A) come / sat B) came / are sitting
B) have / been / visited C) came / were sitting D) comes / sit
C) have / been / had visited E) came / had sat
D) was / visiting / had been visiting
46. Nick ___ he ___ his homework by 4 o’clock.
E) will / have gone / don’t visit
A) say / has done B) said / had done
33. We ___ to wait because the man ___ . C) says / do D) said / does
A) told / was questioned E) said / has done
B) were told / questioned
47. The American ___ the question slowly so that we ___
C) were told / is questioned
A) repeated / should understand
D) told / was being questioned
B) repeat / understood
E) were told / was being questioned
C) repeats / would understand
34. They didn’t know that he ___ from the University in 1990 and D) repeated / understand
then ___ abroad. E) repeats / understands
A) had graduated / is working B) graduated / works
48. My sister ___ in Florida for one year when we ___ to New York.
C) graduated / was working D) was graduating / worked
A) has lived / came B) have lived / come
E) had graduated / worked
C) lived / come D) had lived / came
35. We learned that he ___ the office 5 minutes before he ___ . E) live / came
A) left / returned B) had left / returned
49. He came to the writing table and ___ through the letters which
C) would leave / returned D) would have left / came
___ for him.
E) had left / had returned
A) look / was waiting B) looked / were waiting
36. - ___ you ___ him this week? C) looks / has been waiting D) looked / waiting
- Yes, I ___ him on Sunday. E) looks / are waiting
A) did / see / saw B) did / see / have seen
50. Ann ___ her work by 4 o’clock and ___ shopping.
C) have / seen / see D) do / see / saw
A) finished / went B) finishes / will go
E) have / seen / saw
C) had finished / went D) has finished / go
37. I ___ my interview with the vice-president when my daughter E) will finish / went
___ me.
51. He ___ he ___ lunch an hour before.
A) had / were calling B) was having / had called
A) say / had B) said / would have
C) have had / called D) had / called
C) says / shall have D) said / had
E) was having / called
E) said / had had
38. Ronald Reagan ___ president for 8 years before he ___ .
52. When we ___ the station the train ___ already ___ .
A) had been / has retired B) had been / had retired
A) reach / has / left B) reached / had / left
C) was / had retired D) had been / retired
C) reach / was / leaving D) shall reach / - / left
E) was / retired
E) were reaching / were / leaving
39. I went out of the house. It ___ . It ___ for two weeks.
53. I knew that she ___ Miss Betsy, because I remembered how my
A) rained / was raining
mother ___ her.
B) had rained / was raining
A) was / had described B) is / described
C) was raining / had been raining
C) would be / had described D) had been / described
D) had been raining / was raining
E) has been / describes
E) was raining / rained
54. She said that Bob ___ as he ___ research work.
40. After long consideration we ___ to the conclusion our behavior
A) was busy / was doing B) was busy / had done
___ .
C) was busy / have done D) was busy / would be doing
A) came / had been justified
E) is busy / will be doing
B) came / will be justified
C) will come / would be justified 55. He says he ___ his friend whom he ___ for many years.
D) are coming / will justify A) meets / didn’t see B) met / hadn’t seen
E) has come / are being justified C) met / haven’t seen D) will meet / sees
E) meet / doesn’t see
41. The plan ___ for two hours when he ___ .
A) had been discussed / came 56. That day when we were in the restaurant each one ___ what he
B) is discussed / comes ___ .
C) will be discussed / come A) receive / orders B) received / had ordered
D) has been discussed / comes C) is receiving / is ordering D) will receive / would order
E) was discussed / would come E) is received / is ordered
42. Christopher Columbus didn’t know where he ___. When he landed 57. - What ___ you ___ here?
he didn’t know where he ___ when he got back to Spain he didn’t - I ___ for my friend.
know where he ___. - How long ___ you ___ for him?
A) was sailing / was / had been - For twenty minutes.
B) had sailed / was / was A) are / doing / am waiting / have / been waiting
C) is sailing / had been / has been B) do / do / am waiting / do / wait
D) will be sailing / will be / will have been C) are / doing / wait / have / been waiting
E) would sail / hadn’t been / haven’t been D) have / done / am waiting / are / waiting
E) are / doing / am waiting / are / waiting
43. That day after Mr. Brown ___ the letter he ___ me to clarify some
details. 58. Julia has overslept again. She is going ___ late to her work. “I had
A) has studied / phoned B) studied / phoned better ___ a taxi” she thinks.
C) had studied / phoned D) had studied / had phoned A) being / take B) to be / take
E) studied / is phoning C) be / to take D) to be / to take
E) to be / taking
44. When Christopher Columbus ___ 14 he ___ a sailor.
A) is / became B) was / became 59. They ___ just ___ and ___ supper now.
C) was / becomes D) are / become A) have / come / are having B) had / come / are having
E) were / became C) have / come / is having D) had / come / had
E) have / come / have

Book 1 Part C 121 Mixed Tenses

60. I usually ___ there by train but this week-end I ___ by bus. 76. He ___ me his name but I ___ it.
A) go / am going B) went / go A) tell / am forgetting B) will tell / forgot
C) go / go D) go / are going C) told / have forgotten D) has told / shall forget
E) go / was going E) was told / forgot
61. You ___ very thoughtful. What ___ you ___ about? 77. They ___ you the money before they ___ .
A) looked / was / thinking A) send / leave B) sent / left
B) look / are / thinking C) will send / leave D) sent / had left
C) look / are / think E) should sent / had left
D) looking / are / thinking
E) have looked / had / thought 78. I ___ already ___ the doctor about it, but she couldn’t ___ me.
A) has / seen / helped B) have / seen / help
62. His situation ___ since spring. Now he ___ much better.
C) had / seen / had helped D) will / have seen / help
A) has improved / feel B) improves / felt
E) is/having seen / is helping
C) improve / is feeling D) has improved / feels
E) improved / has felt 79. The weather ___ as nice today as it ___ yesterday.
63. It’s evening. People ___ to their house and ___ TV A) is / was B) are / were
A) come / are watching B) have come / are watching C) is / will be D) was / were
C) come / watch D) has come / are watching E) were / shall be
E) are coming / have watched
80. You ___ six cakes since we ___ .
64. Please, ___ me the newspaper a postman ___ today. A) had / had come B) had had / came
A) show / bring B) shows / brings C) have / come D) have had / came
C) showed / brought D) show / brought E) have had / have come
E) show / has brought
81. The English ___ of sports and ___ themselves as good sportsmen.
65. Do you ___ that woman in the corner? She ___ her dog walk. A) are fond / regard B) is fond / regards
A) see / is having B) saw / was having C) were fond / regards D) was fond / regards
C) to see / is having D) see / has E) am fond / are regarding
E) seen / have
82. The children ___ their hands and they ___ lunch now.
66. My dog ___ a lot but it ___ at the moment.
A) are washing / are having B) have washed / are having
A) is barking / doesn’t bark B) barked / didn’t bark
C) wash / have D) washed / are having
C) barks / isn’t barking D) was barking / won’t bark
E) wash / have had
E) will bark / doesn’t bark
67. I ___ about it at the moment and I think that I ___ how to use it 83. Don’t go out. It ___ . It ___ since morning.
now. A) rains / rains B) has rained / rains
A) read / knew B) was reading / knew C) was raining / was raining D) is raining / has been raining
C) am reading / know D) read / know E) is raining / had rained
E) shall read / have known
84. I ___ you the book after I ___ it.
68. Tom ___ the book since yesterday morning and he ___ it. A) give / read B) shall give / had read
A) has read / just finished C) shall give / have read D) have given / shall read
B) has been reading / has just finished E) am giving / read
C) had been reading / has just finished
D) will read / just finishes 85. She ___ all the work and now she ___ in the next room.
E) read / is just finishing A) did / rest B) have done / rests
C) does / rests D) has done / is resting
69. I ___ I ___ you there. E) had done / is resting
A) thought / meet B) thinks / meet
C) think / have met D) thinks / met 86. She ___ this book this week and she ___ discuss it.
E) think / has met A) read / can B) has read / could
C) had read / can D) have read / can
70. He ___ a very experienced teacher. He ___ French for 15 years.
E) has read / can
A) to be / taught B) am / is teaching
C) is / has been teaching D) will be / was teaching 87. “I hope you ___ well?” “Yes, I ___ ill for two weeks. Now I ___
E) was / are teaching well.”
71. I’m ___ to tell you the story I ___ at school today. A) felt / was / is B) feel / is / am
A) go / hear B) going / heard C) is feeling / are / is D) are feeling / have been / am
C) to go / hear D) going / have heard E) was feeling / was / am
E) going / had heard
88. -___ you ___ the man for many years?
72. Jimmy, Jane and Billy wanted ___ their grandfather who ___ to -Yes, we ___ at Cambridge together.
visit them. A) have / known / were B) do / know / is
A) to impress / had come B) impressed / came C) were / known / were D) have / known / was
C) will impress / comes D) had impressed / has come E) did / know / was
E) to impress / to come
89. I ___ an exercise now but I ___ it in some minutes.
73. On ___ the room he ___ left and ___ his way.
A) write / finished B) writes / will finish
A) entering / turned / went on
C) wrote / is finishing D) am writing / shall finish
B) having entered / has turned / goes on
E) have written / had finished
C) entered / turns / went on
D) enter / turn / goes on
90. Last year he ___ better than he ___ now.
E) entering / turns / went on
A) sings / did B) sang / is doing
74. ___ you read the book “The Godfather”? If yes, when ___ you read? C) had sung / does D) would sing / did
A) did / have B) will / do C) have / did E) had been singing / is doing
D) were / done E) has / does
91. Students ___ already their tests and now they ___
75. I ___ Tom since he ___ school.
A) had written / hand B) are writing / handed
A) have seen / leave B) saw / has left
C) have written / are handing D) wrote / will hand
C) hadn’t seen / left D) haven’t seen / left
E) write / hands
E) see / leave

Book 1 Part C 122 Mixed Tenses

92. It is going to rain. I ___ glad I ___ my umbrella with me today. 105. Look! There ___ nothing here. Everything ___ away.
A) am/takes B) am/have taken A) are / have been taken B) is / has been taken
C) is/taken D) are/took C) is / is taken D) is / is being taken
E) is/takes E) is / will be taken
93. Bill ___ his girl-friend now. That’s the third time he ___ her this 106. Everybody ___ at what ___ .
evening. A) was surprised/has happened
A) phones / phones B) has phoned / phones B) was surprised/had happened
C) is phoning / has phoned D) will phone / has phoned C) is surprised/happen
E) is phoning / had phoned D) surprise/happen
E) will be surprised/ happened
94. Here ___ your keys. The boy ___ you up to your rooms and your
luggage ___ up straight away. 107. The famous writer Tolstoy ___ forever in our memories, in the
A) is/show/will bring books he ___ to us.
B) are/show/will be brought A) will live / has left B) is living / will be leaving
C) are/will show/will be brought C) lived / leaves D) would be living / had left
D) were/will show/brings E) have been living / left
E) are/has shown/will bring
108. Ernest Hemingway ___ one of those people who ___ in their
95. -How long ___ you ___ to stay? beds.
-I ___ we ___ here for a week at least. A) had not been / died B) are / died
A) are/going/expect/shall be B) were/going/expected/shall be C) was not / die D) was not / dies
C) is/going/expect/are D) do/go/expected/are E) is being / have not died
E) does/go/expect/will be
109. If you ___ so rude to her she ___ to us earlier.
96. -Is this your first visit to London? A) were not / had come
-No, I ___ here several times before and I ___ quite at home in B) hadn’t been / would have come
London. C) are / would have come
A) was/have felt B) have been/feel D) are / will come
C) had been/felt D) has been/felt E) are not being / would come
E) were/have felt
110. “Hello, Mr. Roberts” ___ the clerk. “What ___ you ___
97. I don’t know when she ___ but when she ___ I’ll give her your home your the wife today?”
book. A) greet / do / take B) greeting / were / taking
A) will come/will come B) will come/come C) greeted / are / taking D) will greet / did / taken
C) come/will come D) will come/comes E) will greet / did / take
E) comes/will come
111. Two years ago she ___ and now she ___ her time visiting friends.
98. You ___ here until your mother ___ ready to leave. A) retires / spends B) retired / spends
A) will stay/is B) would stay/is C) had retired / spends D) would retire / is spending
C) stayed/will be D) are staying/had been E) will retire / spent
E) have stayed/would be
112. He might ___ the accident if he ___ more careful.
99. Many changes ___ place since I ___ in my native town 10 years A) avoid / was B) have avoided / had been
ago. C) avoid / had been D) had avoided / were
A) has taken/was B) are taking/had been E) avoids / is
C) took/was D) has taken/am
113. -Hello, Ann! I ___ you for ages. Where have you been all this
E) have taken/was
100. I ___ to America five years ago. Since then, I ___ American, and -I ___ to Italy. I ___ back yesterday.
___ nearly all I ___ there. A) didn’t see/was/came
A) had gone/haven’t spoken/have B) haven’t seen/have been/came
B) had gone/don’t speak/forget/learned C) don’t see/have been/have come
C) was going/haven’t spoken/forgot/had learned D) saw/was/came back
D) went/haven’t spoken/ have forgotten/learned E) haven’t seen/had been/had come
E) went/hasn’t spoken/forgot/had learned
114. -What ___ you ___ at 6 p.m. yesterday?
101. It has been long since I ___ him last. I ___ from him all these -I ___ my homework. After I ___ it I played chess with my friend.
years. A) did/do/did/have done
A) saw/haven’t heard B) had seen/haven’t heard B) was/doing/was doing/had done
C) see/don’t hear D) saw/don’t hear C) were/doing/was doing/had done
E) have seen/haven’t heard D) were/doing/did/have done
E) had/done/had done/did
102. He was sure they ___ the station before night ___ .
A) will reach / came B) would reach / came 115. This book ___ quite different from the one I ___
C) would have reached / came D) would reach / would come A) is/have read B) was/am reading
E) reached / came C) has been/read D) have been/reads
E) is/read
103. - “___ you ___ this film yet?”
- “Yes.” 116. -___ I ___ after the luggage or ___ you?
- “When ___ you ___ it?” -If you ___ to the luggage and pay the driver I’ll go in and see
A) have / seen / have / seen about rooms.
B) have / seen / did / see A) shall/look/will/see
C) are / going to see / did / see B) shall/look/will/will see
D) did / see / have / seen C) will/look/shall/saw
E) have / seen / are / going to see D) should/look/would/would see
E) would/looked/will/saw
104. -When ___ you ___ here?
-I ___ just ___ . 117. Nobody knows what ___ at this meeting but she ___ to him
A) did/come back/have/come back since.
B) have/come back/have/come back A) was said / hasn’t spoken B) is said / hasn’t spoken
C) will/come back/have/come C) has said / hasn’t spoken D) was said / didn’t speak
D) do/come back/have/has come E) is being said / doesn’t speak
E) are/coming back/was/coming back

Book 1 Part C 123 Mixed Tenses

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