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Summer 2010 Issue 14

Mithral and Gold

The Switzerland of the Edition Wars

Dragon Hoard Magic

Prince of Wolves
Ecology of the

Alternate Paladins &

Mercy Feats
Interview with
Rob Heinsoo
Gen Con Issue
100% Official Content
US $7.99 CAN $10.99 EURO

Aasimar PC Race for 4E / Figurines of Wondrous Power /

Secret Languages / Ed Greenwood on Character Design /
The Smell of Magic / Skill Battles / Monte Cook’s Game Theories /
Dilemmas / Paper Treasures / John Wick’s The Reign of Men
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Ring-Givers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
From the Mines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Aasimar 8
by Kolja Raven Liquette
The blood of heaven runs in these veins.

Prince of Wolves 12
by James L. Sutter
The Pathfinder novels begin with a big, big smile.

The Ecology of the Tengu 18

by R. William Thompson with James Jacobs
Mimics, guardians, blademasters; tengu are complex creatures.

Healing Hands 26
by James Graham
New paladin powers to answer the prayers of the purest knights On the Cover
Nicole Cardiff painted "The
Perfumes of Bourgund 32 Paladin's Treasure" for the
by Stefen Styrsky Summer issue, combining gold
The smell of magic is surprisingly strong. and glory in a picture that tells
a fine story. Paladins don't really
Skill Battles 35 do it for the loot.
by Matthew J. Hanson
Taking 4th Edition skill challenges into combat!

Characters Columns
Men of Honor: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Interview with Rob Heinsoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Alternate Paladin Codes by Jeremy L.C. Jones
by Dan Voyce
Book Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
How to Create Memorable Characters . . . . . . . 60
by Ed Greenwood Ask the Kobold: Bleeding, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Invisibility, Suggestion
Ancient Tongues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 by Skip Williams
by Michael Kortes
Mini-Adventure: Amber Heart . . . . . . . . . . . 90
The Reign of Men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 by Tim & Eileen Connors
by John Wick and Jesse Heinig
Coming Next Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Art & Expertise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
by Scott A. Murray Free City of Zobeck: Birdfolk of Zobeck . . . . . . 96
Design and DMing by Wolfgang Baur
Game Theories: Dice Versus Story . . . . . . . . 46 Treasure Trove
by Monte Cook Hoard Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
by Michael Furlanetto
How to Create Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
by Sigfried Trent Paper Treasures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
by John Baichtal
Moral Choices That Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Middle Class Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
by Jeff Tidball by Adam Daigle
Courtly Games of the Wizard Prince . . . . . . . . 72 Figurines of Wondrous Power . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
by Mario Podeschi by Phillip Larwood
he leaders of men among the Vikings had a code This is a roundabout way of getting to our theme this
to live up to. You can read some of the details issue, which is treasure. As a game designer and a GM, I
in this issue’s “Alternate Paladins” article (and I have a huge blind spot: I always forget to put the treasure
recommend that you do!), but for my purposes, it’s enough in until right near the end of the design process, and—for
to point out that generosity was not really optional for some strange reason—the treasure side of things always
Viking jarls, chiefs, and leaders. If you wanted to lead a strikes me as less compelling than it is on the player side of
crew of bloodthirsty berserkers, you had better be what they the screen. This issue, we’re hoping to make amends for my
called a ring-giver in those times: an open hand, generous decades of insufficient loot with a sampling of many fine
to a fault, always finding a way to reward followers. Only a and unusual treasures including paper treasures, magical
fool fails to reward a gang of berserks openly and often. perfumes, new figurines of wondrous power, dragon
treasure hoards, and more.
This description of generosity as a crucial element of
leadership has stuck with me since high school, when my If you have a tale of treasure, loot, and rewards (or lack of
English teacher explained kennings, such as “the whale- same), please send it to [email protected]. I’d love
road”(the ocean) and “ring-giver” (a lord, a leader). The to hear from you!
contrast with our modern age is somewhat disappointing:
say what you like about our political classes, the patronage And remember, give out that treasure with an open hand,
system of rewarding your inner circle of followers is no O Ring-Giver, lest you be torn apart by your berserk crew
longer regarded as honorable or noble. In fact, it’s more of gaming Vikings!
likely to bring you a federal indictment than it is to bring
you the treasure of the Nibelungen.

Kobold in Chief
From the Mines
Now at Back List Books
Since our Friendly Local Gaming
Store closed its doors, I’ve been pretty
bummed. But today I walked into
the book store and saw Kobold
Quarterly on the shelf.
True, I’ve been bugging him for a
month. He’s even opening up to the I especially appreciate the
idea of letting me run a game there on ecologies and guest writers.
Wednesday nights. It also helps when the I will visit your web page
magazine looks so good on the shelf. I’ve soon and sign up for a year
had access to PDF review copies, but I or two subscription of the
still like having something to hold onto. print copy!
Keep up the good work industrious Thanks for the sample,
Kobolds, and many thanks to Fred at and I will definitely
Back List Books. recommend this to my
—Tom Allman fellow gamers.
—Randy Williams,
Tom, thanks you so much for talking to MSgt, USAF articles based on games other than the
the local bookstore about KQ. Getting USAF Academy, CO core game demographic would be a
the magazine into local shops makes a recurring trend.
huge difference for us, and every store that Thank you for the kind words, and we are Anyway, I understand the need to focus
decides to give us a chance means another very happy to have another subscriber. Every on the core games, but please note that
step closer to moving KQ to more frequent subscription is, as we may have mentioned the expanded coverage was appreciated.
publication. I hope your Wednesday night previously, one step closer to a bigger, more Keep up the great work.
game there goes well! colorful, and more frequent KQ. Kobold —Ron Vargas
world domination needs your help!
Into the Air, Around Ron, we are in fact covering Dragon
the World Wondrous Non-Core Age again this issue (by the DA line
I recently found an issue of your Imaginings developer and RPG legend Jeff Tidball,
magazine while stationed at Blad AB in On the Wondrous Imaginings blog, no less!), and we may have one or two
Iraq, and I LOVED it. It gave me the they quoted from your email where non-core articles in the Fall issue as well.
gaming fix I really needed out here. you had mentioned that you had only I’m sure we’ll get some complaints and
—Senior Airman Daniel Burns- one request for OSR related articles. some compliments.
McKernan I’d like to make request number two;
Shaw AFB however, I would also expand that No No, Thank YOU
request to other RPGs as well. Wolfgang! You continue to rock! I don’t
We’ve printed letters from folks in the service I was on the fence on whether or not play Pathfinder, and I don’t play 4th
before, but I gotta say, it’s a huge kick to I would renew my KQ subscription Edition, but there’s always something
know that kobolds are so widely travelled. as I don’t play 3/3.5/4 or Pathfinder. for me in Kobold Quarterly.
However, the inclusion of the Dragon —Brett Andersen
A New Golden Age Age article persuaded me to renew
I have had a chance to review the because, even though I don’t play Thanks! Our writers do a great job
download issue, and I have to say, Dragon Age currently, it was refreshing providing advice, hints, and materials.
it’s as good or better than the old to have another game represented. I We’re always happy to see the inventive
Dragon and Dungeon magazine days. also renewed on the hopes that having queries and polished articles. Ω
Summer 2010 Volume 4, Issue 2

Kobold Quarterly™ Magazine is published four times a year by Open Design

LLC. No part of this magazine may be reproduced (except for review purposes)
without the prior written consent of the publisher. Material published herein
may not necessarily reflect the opinions of Open Design, its owner and
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Most product names are trademarks owned by the companies that publish
those products. Use of the name of any product without mention of trademark
status should not be construed as a challenge to such status. Pathfinder, the
Pathfinder Chronicles, and Pathfinder Tales are trademarks of Paizo LLC and
are used by permission. Ulstalav, Prince of Wolves, Varian Jeggare, Radovan,
Kobold-in-Chief: Wolfgang Baur and Golarion are copyright Paizo Publishing and used by permission. Open
Design, Free City of Zobeck, Kobold Quarterly, KQ, Kobold Magazine, the
Circulation Director: Pierce Watters Advanced Feats logo, and the Kobold logo are trademarks of Open Design LLC.
Cover Design: Richard Clark
Subscriptions: Please subscribe at, or send a check or
Assistant Editor: Scott Gable money order to PO Box 2811, Kirkland WA, 98083, USA. PDF subscriptions
Consulting Editor: Jeff Grubb are US$16 per year, €11 in Europe. Paper and PDF combined subscriptions
Graphic Designer: Crystal Frasier are US$36 per year in the United States, US$45 in Canada and Mexico, and
Ad Manager: Shelly Baur US$60 elsewhere.
Gearforged Copywriter/Marketer: Wade Rockett Back Issues: Visit to pick up back issues of Kobold
Contributing Authors: John Baichtal, William Banks, Wolfgang Baur, Quarterly. Single paper issues of Kobold Quarterly are $7.99 plus shipping.
Matthew Cicci, Eileen Connors, Tim Connors, Monte Cook, Ryan Costello Single PDF issues are $5.99 and are available at
Jr., Adam Daigle, Christopher L. Dinkins, Michael Furlanetto, James Graham, Advertising: Contact the staff at [email protected] for current
Ed Greenwood, Matthew Hanson, Jesse Heinig, James Jacobs, Jeremy L.C. rates. All ads are subject to approval, and KQ reserves the right to reject any
ad for any reason.
Jones, James Keegan, Michael Kortes, Phillip Larwood, Kolja Raven Liquette,
Open Game Content: The Open content in this issue includes the monster
Scott A. Murray, Mario Podeschi, Stefen Styrsky, James L. Sutter, Sigfried statistic block in "Ecology of the Tengu", the character class statistics for
Trent, Jeff Tidball, R. William Thompson, Pierce Watters, Dan Voyce, John Radovan and Steal Book and Chastisement spells in "Prince of Wolves"
Wick, Skip Williams and the magic item statistics in "Middle Class Magic". All other material is
Cover Artist: Nicole Cardiff Product Identity. No other portion of this work may be reproduced in any
Contributing Artists: Eric Belisle, Michael Bielaczyc, Giulio Bonasone, form without permission.
Andrew Bosley, A. Brun, Darren Calvert, Albrecht Duerer, Danilo Guida, Ben Submissions and Design: Each issue of Kobold Quarterly Magazine supports
Hodson, Katsushika Hokusai, Michael Jaecks, Maurice Leloil, Pat Loboyko, Open Design, an RPG design community. Article queries are accepted from
freelancers, from KQ subscribers, and from Open Design members. To
Hubert Ludwig, Olaus Magnus, McKenna, Russ Nicholson, Andreas Praefcke, become a member, visit and sign up as a patron of the
Howard Pyle, Rhiannon Rasmussen-Silverstein, Joe Slucher, Allison Theus, Open Design community.
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Cartographer: Corey Macourek
Court Calligrapher: Shelly Baur ©2010 Open Design LLC

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6 Kobold Quarterly 14
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other countries. Green Ronin, Adventure Game Engine, and their associated logos are trademarks of
Green Ronin Publishing. Kobold Quarterly 14 7

You Can’t Keep a Good Aasimar Down
By Kolja Raven Liquette
Art by Russ Nicholson

Once agents of celestial intrigue, aasi- defiance as an encounter power. become emaciated or obese; their bodies
mars are now left to their own devices. Immortal Boon You do not need to maintain perfect equilibrium.

eat, drink, breathe, or sleep, and you
or ages, angels created avatars never make Endurance checks to To better integrate themselves among
in their own likeness to resist the effect of starvation, thirst, other humanoids, aasimars dress as
stymie the dark powers intent or suffocation. humans, embracing decorative finery
on subjugating the mortal world. Radiant Resistance You have as appropriate to their station and
resistance to radiant damage equal
Aasimars are the result: the product to 5 + 1/2 your level.
purpose. However, unless actively
of rogue angels who strayed from the Rapture You never fall asleep but must seeking to pass themselves off as
celestial realms into the mortal world. rest your body and mind (you enter a human, they are easy to identify by
Aasimars played a peripheral role 4-hour state of rapture in which you their habit of not breathing. Aasimars
in manipulating the dragonborn and gain the benefits of an extended rest, can choose to breathe naturally,
are fully aware of your surroundings,
tieflings against one another, eventually and notice approaching enemies and whether to put people at ease or
resulting in the downfall of both—an other events as normal). disguise their identity. They merely
acceptable outcome in the eyes of Tenacious Focus You do not take the decide whether their bodies need to
aasimars. They feel no sacrifice is too -2 attack penalty for targeting bloodied breathe from one moment to the next.
foes with cover or concealment.
great to achieve their goals. You still take the normal penalty for
Play an aasimar if you want... targeting bloodied foes with superior Playing an Aasimar
• To serve the virtues of your god cover or total concealment. For as long as humans have walked the
with heroism and a pragmatic will mortal world, aasimars have stood among
• To act with unshakable Exalted Defiance (Aasimar Racial Power) them. The first aasimars were pious
conviction, knowing that the You are wreathed in a divine shield that humans, transformed by angels into
ends always justify the means blocks attacks and dispels fear. divine avatars. In exchange for this gift,
• To be a member of a race that Encounter the sired aasimar served the angel for a
favors all of the divine classes Immediate ♦ Interrupt century, a decade, a year, and a day, after
Personal which time their immortal fate became
Racial Traits Trigger You are hit by an attack their own. Not all of these angels truly
Average Height 5 ft. 6 in. – 6 ft. 2 in. Effect You either gain a racial bonus to represented the gods they claimed, nor did
Average Weight 135 – 220 lb. AC and Reflex defense equal to your
Wisdom modifier until the end of your
every aasimar loyally serve their patron.
Ability scores +2 Wisdom (if you
choose a class with the Divine power next turn, or you negate the non- The tasks assigned to aasimars were
source, then you also gain +2 to one damaging effects of a power with the varied and unfathomable. Angels mostly
other ability score of your choice) fear keyword kept the grand design of their plans hidden
Size Medium from those who executed them. Some
Speed 6 squares Typical Characteristics aasimar were urged to incite discontent
Vision Normal
Aasimars are virtually indistinguishable and revolt among the humanoid races
Languages Common, Supernal
Skill Bonuses +2 Insight, +2 from humans, albeit completely devoid while others were told to insinuate
Streetwise of physical flaws, no matter how trivial. themselves into powerful advisory roles. In
Astral Origin Your ancestors were As with humans, there is a wide variety this way, a handful of aasimars, working
angels native to the Supernal of appearance among aasimars, but independently and without knowledge
Realms, so you are considered an they are always in excellent shape, of each other, undermined both the
immortal angel for the purpose of
effects that relate to creature origin. regardless of how they treat their bodies. dragonborn and tiefling empires.
Exalted Defiance You can use exalted Without the need to eat, aasimar never As aasimars grew more numerous

8 Kobold Quarterly 14
and aware of each other, the angels to undermine the effort. In doing so, Aasimar Adventurers
ceded their control, having lost the you have attracted the ire of angels and Three sample aasimar adventurers are
clandestine element of their mortal made several enemies. Were you directly described below.
presence. In doing so, however, the sired by an angel or the descendant of 1) An angel appeared to Oath when he
lessons they taught were not forgotten. an aasimar? How did the relationship reached the age of maturity, informing
Aasimars continued to impose turn sour? Was a course of action him that his erstwhile father died before
balance on the world and undermine suggested that endangered your way completing his mandatory servitude.
tyrannical regimes but on their own of life or the lives of people you care Worse, the unpaid debt has fallen to
terms. It comes as no surprise that about? Did the angel who sired you his child. Rather than foisting the
most aasimar share an inflexible or your family lie about the god they responsibility onto his own potential
perception of their actions whereby represent? Did you outright refuse to do children, Oath agreed to finish off the
the ends always justify the means, no their bidding, or do you maintain the divine service. Rather than follow in his
matter how great the sacrifice. angelic relationship ingenuously? father’s footsteps as an invoker, however,
As immortal creatures, aasimars take Associated Skills—Bluff, Stealth he became a paladin—and especially
the long view, seeing worth in taking keen on keeping his word.
actions with benefits that might not Original Convert 2) Peril took her duties as a cleric of
manifest for decades. As creatures of You were one of the first humans Erathis very seriously, but she could not
perpetual health, they take care to brought into the ranks of the aasimar shake the suspicion that her archbishop
blend in rather than outshine humans, and have seen much of history during secretly worshipped Zehir. When her
all the while remaining watchful of your long life. Until now, you have misgivings were confirmed, she took up
change and upheaval in the world. been content to observe the world and the mace and defeated the bishop and
This approach has served the aasimar blend in among humanity. Recent
well, both in their role as divine agents events, however, have caused you to
and as freebooting adventurers. reassess your passive role and take a
When aasimars reproduce with more active hand in mortal affairs.
humans, the offspring is always an What changed your mind? Did an
aasimar. While some of these children event threaten you or your family on
welcome the opportunity to serve a a personal level? Has a kingdom
divine emissary, more independent- risen to power with a destructive
minded aasimars eschew the directives agenda that cannot be ignored?
of angels. That does not, however, stop Have you become aware of
some angels from trying to collect a nefarious presence that
servitude from the descendants of an only somebody of your
aasimar they sired. How an aasimar objectivity can see?
reacts to their inherited responsibility Associated Skills—
is up to the individual. History, Perception
Aasimar Characteristics Decisive,
enduring, loyal, manipulative, observant, Steadfast Proxy
pragmatic, ruthless, stoic, trustworthy You willingly serve
Male Names Arioch, Brave, Cyril, a emissary of your
Edwyn, Forge, Gavin, Ion, Justice, god and follow its divine
Lore, Mavros, Noble, Oath, Piran, commands without question.
Riley, Skuld, Thorn, Venture, Weylin This creature only appears on
Female Names Aeryn, Chance, its own terms and never offers to
Devon, Elayn, Fate, Gael, Haven, help in your assigned tasks, forbidden
Intent, Jorun, Keyra, Meta, Onyx, Peril, by divine rules from interfering
Quince, Rune, Skarn, Thistle, Vlayn directly. Why are you so committed to
the cause of angels? Are you one of the
Backgrounds original aasimar who continue to serve
An aasimar character has access to even after your mandated servitude?
these background elements. Were you approached by an angel who
sired your distant descendant? Do you
Divine Malcontent follow the will of angels blindly or did
You have grown weary of divine they earn your trust at some point?
meddling in mortal affairs and work Associated Skills—Diplomacy, Religion

Kobold Quarterly 14 9

his followers, burning down the entire Benefit You can speak Supernal so that Prescient Reserve (11th level)
church to accomplish this goal. Rather listeners understand your words as if When you spend an action point to
than return to her cloistered life, Peril spoken in their native language. You use an encounter power and miss all
decided to stay with the adventurers she can use Make Whole without a ritual targets, your power is not expended.
hired and help others. book and can master rituals from the Anticipated Counter (16th level)
3) Riley watched silently as his mother creation category without ever needing You can make two immediate actions
confronted an angel and accused the a ritual book to perform them. per round instead of one.
creature of not representing the god it
claimed. The angel smote her in response Prophetic Intuition [Aasimar] Penetrating Stare (Vigilant Savant Attack 11)
and departed on wing, unaware of the Prerequisite 11th level, aasimar You single out an opponent with an un-
hidden child. Still holding her dying Benefit You gain a +2 feat bonus to
nerving look that makes it feel utterly
body, Riley swore that he would avenge passive Insight checks. When you
her death by destroying this angel. As make an Insight check, roll twice and Encounter ♦ Divine
this promise was made, his mother’s last use the higher result. Minor Action
words revealed that the angel he seeks is Close burst 10
actually his father. Epic Tier Feats Target One creature in burst
Attack Intelligence +4 vs. Will, Wisdom
Heroic Tier Feats Angelic Bearing [Aasimar] +4 vs. Will, or Charisma +4 vs. Will
(Increase to +6 bonus at 21st level)
Prerequisite 21st level, aasimar Hit The target grants combat advantage
Almighty Resilience [Aasimar] Benefit While you are not bloodied, against your attacks and gains
Prerequisite Aasimar attackers take a -2 penalty to attack vulnerability to all damage you deal
Benefit You gain lightning resistance rolls against you. equal to your Intelligence, Wisdom, or
Charisma modifier (save ends both)
equal to your radiant resistance of 5 +
1/2 your level. Vigilant Savant Foreseen Assault (Vigilant Savant Utility 12)
From your stance alone, I can tell that You wait for your opponent to begin at-
Insightful Rapture [Aasimar] you habitually leave yourself open to
tacking before unleashing a devastating
Prerequisite Aasimar highhanded feints. To be fair, you had best
Benefit You can use Streetwise gird yourself against such attacks before Encounter
passively whenever you enter a we begin fighting. Immediate Interrupt
settlement to immediately learn about Prerequisite Aasimar Personal
the community. You can also make one Where most people react only Trigger You are attacked by a creature
Streetwise check during each extended to what they see, you perceive the with a lower initiative than you
rest within a settlement. unseen. As a vigilant savant, you sense Target The attacking creature
Effect You can attack the creature
the weaknesses that people conceal. with an at-will attack power or an
Prescient Focus [Aasimar] You read the unguarded intentions encounter attack power or perform a
Prerequisite Aasimar of your enemies during combat, move action
Benefit You only take a -2 attack betrayed by body language, and use
penalty for targeting a bloodied that knowledge to strike at their most Observant Strike (Vigilant Savant Attack 20)
foe with superior cover or total vulnerable moments. Armed with
You pay close attention to the combat
concealment instead of the normal -5 these insights, you draw your foes into
stance of your opponent in search of a
attack penalty. battle, countering their counterattacks
with a dizzying speed, knowing what Daily ♦ Divine, Martial or Psychic
Sublime Denial [Aasimar] they are thinking before they realize Standard Action
Prerequisite Aasimar it themselves. Those few who survive Implement or Weapon
Benefit You can use your angelic your wrath swear that you can predict Target One creature
defiance ability against attacks that the future. Truth be told, they are not Attack Strength vs. AC (melee) or
target your Fortitude or Will defense, entirely wrong. Dexterity vs. AC (ranged) or Wisdom
+2 vs. Reflex
but the bonus that lasts until the end Hit 2[W] + Strength modifier damage
of your next turn only applies against Path Features (melee) or 2[W] + Dexterity modifier
the triggered defense score. Incisive Attack (11th level) When damage (ranged) or 2d10 + Wisdom
you hit a target with an attack, you modifier psychic damage
Miss Half damage
Paragon Tier Feats learn the keyword of one vulnerability
Effect You make an Insight check to
it possesses. You learn one additional sense the motives of your target; if
Creation Tongue [Aasimar] vulnerability of the creature for each you succeed, repeat the attack Ω
Prerequisite 11th level, aasimar additional attack that hits.

10 Kobold Quarterly 14
Prince of Wolves 

Prince of Wolves
By James L. Sutter
Art by Eric Belisle
to fling concealed throwing knives at

or half-elf Pathfinder Varian Radovan, Hellspawn Bodyguard ranged enemies with deadly accuracy.
Jeggare and his devil-blooded This rakishly handsome man is built like When all else fails, he strikes out with
the bony spurs on his knees and elbows
assistant Radovan, things are a wrestler and wears a fancy leather jacket in debilitating unarmed strikes.
rarely as they seem. Yet not even and expensive boots. Beneath blond hair, Morale Radovan is a bodyguard by
the notorious crime-solving duo is his features are fiendishly angular, and his both profession and inclination and
prepared for what they find when mouth opens wider than it should to display only flees if everyone in his party can
a search for a missing Pathfinder rows of jagged fangs. do so. While any of his friends remain
behind, Radovan fights to the death.
takes them into the mist-shrouded Statistics
mountains of gothic Ustalav. Radovan CR 6 Str 13, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 12,
Beset on all sides by noble intrigue, XP 2,400 Cha 6
mysterious locals, and the deadly Male tiefling rogue 5/monk 2 Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 18
creatures of the night, Varian and CG Medium outsider (native) Feats Combat Reflexes, Dazzling
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Display, Deflect Arrows, Improved
Radovan must use both sword and Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike,
Perception +11
spell to track the strange rumors to Quick Draw, Stunning Fist, Weapon
their source and uncover a secret of AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2
unimaginable proportions. It’ll take armor, +3 Dex)
more than merely solving a mystery to hp 45 (7 HD; 2d8+5d8+14)
finish this job, for shadowy forces have Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +5
taken note of the pair’s investigations Defensive Abilities evasion, trap
sense +1, uncanny dodge; Resist
and are set on making sure neither cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
man gets out of Ustalav alive... Offense
Prince of Wolves by Dave Gross is Speed 30 ft.
the debut novel in the new Pathfinder Melee Big Knife +9 (1d6/19–20),
Tales line from Paizo Publishing, bite +2 (1d6+1) or
launching at Gen Con Indy 2010. Set unarmed strike +7 (1d6+1), bite
+2 (1d6+1)
in the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign Ranged masterwork heavy
setting, each book in the line endeavors crossbow +8 (1d10–1/19–20 for
to take readers deep into the world of silver bolts) or
Golarion, offering both entertaining masterwork silver dagger +8 (1d4/19–20)
adventures for casual readers and Special Attacks devil bite, flurry of
blows, sneak attack +3d6, stunning
gaming-table inspiration for GMs. In fist (2/day, DC 14)
Prince of Wolves, Dave Gross brings Tactics
readers a classic fantasy-horror romp Before Combat Though he prefers
complete with werewolves, vampires, to avoid conflict through the use of
and dangerous cultists, all through the Intimidate skill, Radovan is a
canny fighter. He does his best to
the eyes of a foppish half-elf lord and get the drop on opponents,
his cynically good-humored tiefling using Stealth to set up a
bodyguard (see KQ’s review of the book sneak attack or striking first
on page 54). while the enemy is off-guard.
During Combat Radovan
Numerous new characters, magic constantly places himself between
items, spells, and other ideas ripe danger and his friends or any innocents
for a GM’s harvest are introduced who may be present, even if it’s
in this tale. A few of these elements disadvantageous for him personally
to do so. He prefers to fight with
are presented here together with new his beloved Big Knife, adding
rules and statistics for the Pathfinder bite attacks as necessary to help
Roleplaying Game. demoralize foes, and uses Quick Draw

12 Kobold Quarterly 14
Finesse, Weapon Focus (short sword) This spell cannot transfer magical
Skills Acrobatics +13, Bluff +0,
Fun-loving, sarcastic, and unafraid to get writing (such as a wizard’s spellbook
Diplomacy +5, Disable Device +13, his hands dirty when the situation calls or a magical scroll). At GM’s discretion,
Escape Artist +11, Intimidate +12, for a fight, Radovan is deeply loyal to his the spell can restore lost information,
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, friends, and happy to fight and die in such as a page obscured by spill wine,
Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge text erased by magic or mundane
(nobility) +2, Linguistics +5,
their service—after all, it’s his job. means, or even pages lost to fire or
Perception +11, Sense Motive +7, Radovan makes a perfect NPC for other damage.
Sleight of Hand +13, Stealth +15, parties who need a little more muscle When cast from a scroll, the
Survival +2; Racial Modifiers +2 or for GMs looking for a contact with beginning of the stolen text appears
Bluff, +4 Intimidate, +2 Stealth on the steal book scroll until you select a
either the Pathfinder Society or the target book for the text to appear. The
Languages Common, Infernal,
Pathfinder Sign Language underworld in places like Cheliax or stolen text glitters and sparkles while it
SQ devil bite, fiendish sorcery, rogue Ustalav. Though his tiefling blood remains on the scroll.
talents (finesse rogue, resiliency), makes it harder for him to run in
trapfinding +2 higher social circles, few can match Riffle Scrolls
Gear Big Knife (masterwork alchemical Radovan’s street smarts. He might Possibly invented or rediscovered by
silver short sword), expensive boots,
masterwork heavy crossbow (20 recruit a party to help him solve a the Chelish Pathfinder Varian Jeggare
alchemical silver bolts), masterwork murder, bust up a gang’s protection in his search to find magic that fits his
leather armor, 5 masterwork silver racket, explore an ancient tomb for the particular arcane disability—a tendency
daggers, masterwork thieves’ tools; Pathfinder Society, or rescue Jeggare to get violently nauseated when casting
200 gp
Special Abilities
from a trap laid by the duo’s rivals. a spell—riffle scrolls are a new type of
Devil Bite (Ex) Radovan has an magic item that operate on a physical
oversized mouth full of fangs as Steal Book configuration of standard scrolls. They
a mark of his infernal heritage, The steal book spell has long been popular are not a single scroll on which a spell
giving him a natural bite attack as a
secondary attack and a +4 bonus on
among espionage agents and ruthless is written out and then read; instead,
Intimidate checks. This replaces the scholars of all sorts— including the less- riffle scrolls are small flipbook-style
normal tiefling ability to cast darkness scrupulous members of the Pathfinder chapbooks, and each page contains
as a spell-like ability. Society. Though occasionally used to one or more arcane characters. These
Fiendish Sorcery (Ex) Tiefling repair defaced or incomplete texts, the booklets are activated by holding
sorcerers with the Abyssal or Infernal
bloodline treat their Charisma score spell is more often used by thieves seeking them between thumb and forefinger
as 2 points higher for all sorcerer to swipe valuable information, heedless of riffling the pages as a standard action,
class abilities. the often ancient and priceless texts they causing the runes and characters to flow
Always ready with a quip or a knife, destroy in the process. together and trigger the spell.
the tiefling Radovan has long played Riffle scrolls are not scrolls in the
bodyguard to Chelish count and Steal Book sense of the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Pathfinder Varian Jeggare (whom School divination; Level bard 3, Game definition of “scrolls”; they are
he calls “the boss”), protecting the inquisitor 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3 single-use, use-activated items, and you
half-elf from a host of horrors— Casting Time 1 standard action must have any material components
occasionally including his own self- Components V, S or foci necessary for the spell on
Range touch
destructive tendencies. Fiendishly hand. Creating a riffle scroll requires
Target one book touched
handsome in the most literal sense Duration permanent
knowledge of the desired spell and the
of the word, Radovan lacks the usual Saving Throw Fortitude negates Craft Wondrous Item and Silent Spell
horns, hooves, or tail of a tiefling and, (object); Spell Resistance yes feats; the cost of a riffle scroll is the
instead, bears fearsome fangs and jaws (object) same as a potion of the desired spell.
that open far wider than they should. Often used by bards, spies, and
arcane scholars to steal important
(While his “little smile” often makes texts without alerting their owners, steal Corpselight Rapier
him a hit with the ladies, his true grin book allows you to copy the contents When the dread lich known as Tar-
has been described as “a drawer full of of one book, folio, scroll, or other text Baphon, the Whispering Tyrant,
good silverware.”) to a blank one of sufficient size. In originally began his campaign to
doing so, the original pages are wiped
Sold into slavery at an early age, blank, though any covers or binding conquer all of Golarion, the first nation
Radovan made his way into the remain unchanged. Differences in size to fall was the land of Ustalav. Though
Goatherds street gang in the streets of between the original and the blank folio many brave Ustalavs fought back, their
Egorian, capital of devil-worshiping don’t matter, though the blank folio that armies were slaughtered, and the Tyrant
the information is being transferred to
Cheliax, before being taken in by his must have an equal or greater amount called up their shattered corpses as the
current employer and showed how to of space (in number of pages or inches first of his undead minions.
turn his formidable talents for combat of scroll) or else any text that overflows Today, centuries after the Shining
and theft toward more noble purposes. the document is lost forever. Crusade defeated and imprisoned the

Kobold Quarterly 14 13
hunting and dispatching the undead, Construction
Whispering Tyrant in Gallowspire, the unsheathed blade glows when Requirements Forge Ring, chastisement;
Ustalav remains a haunted land, beset by any undead are within a 60-ft. radius. Cost 450 gp
the ghosts of the past and the degeneracy Unfortunately, its antipathy with undead
of its own nobles. Yet a few remember also acts as a beacon, and undead Arms of Faith
within 1 mile of the blade can sense its
that their ancestors fought against the presence and direction, even when the Arms of faith are magical tattoos
tyrant’s crushing hand, and they bear the sword is sheathed. originally popularized by wandering
legacy of their ancient resistance. Construction clerics of Desna, who sometimes use
The corpselight rapier is one such Requirements Craft Magic Arms and matched pairs of them to produce their
hallmark of the past, its blade forged Armor, detect undead, summon monster I; famous starknives at a moment’s notice.
Cost 10,820 gp
specifically to battle the Whispering They are more widely known now, and
Tyrant’s undead and blasphemous legions. used by divine warriors to ensure that
Only Count Galdana of Amaans is Chastisement they are never without a weapon to help
known to carrya corpselight rapier—an Sometimes, more than stern words are them battle their enemies.
heirloom of his long and distinguished needed to keep parishioners in line,
family line—but it’s certainly possible that and so many clerics have learned a Arm of Faith
his is just one of several blades created useful orison called chastisement. While Aura faint conjuration; CL 3rd
in the dark days of Ustalav’s fall. It only the spell does little damage, it does Slot none; Price 6,000 gp; Weight —
remains for heroes to locate others. effortlessly and painfully sting even the Description
most formidable opponent –a useful An arm of faith is a magical tattoo in
the shape of a deity’s favored weapon
Corpselight Rapier reminder to arrogant warriors and or holy symbol, usually inscribed on
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 8th wizards that the gods maintain power the inside of a wrist. By snapping the
Slot none; Price 21,320 gp; Weight 2 lb. over everyone, great and small. wrist (as a free action), the tattoo’s
Description Temple elders also consider this owner can conjure a physical replica
This +2 undead-bane rapier is ornate of his deity’s favored weapon, such
simple spell a valuable teaching tool as a longsword, hammer, or starknife.
and covered with thousands of tiny
spirals of Pharasma, with the tail of
when dealing with obstinate acolytes, The weapon produced is aligned to
a single large spiral stretching half useful in combat against well-protected one aspect of the deity’s alignment
the length of the blade. Designed for but physically weak opponents, and— (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful): this
alignment is specified at the time of
in the case of Prince of Wolves—handy tattooing and can never be changed.
for priestesses of Desna looking to Each tattoo can produce only
reprimand overly salacious tieflings. one weapon at a time. If you give
the weapon to someone, it retains
Chastisement its properties. The tattoo’s power
is an instantaneous conjuration
School evocation (force); Level cleric (summoning) effect; the weapon does
0, oracle 0 not vanish in an antimagic field and is
Casting Time 1 standard action not subject to effects that ward against
coming soon
coming soon

Components S summoned monsters.

Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) As a standard action, you can
Target one creature activate the tattoo again to end the
Duration instantaneous conjuring, even if the weapon is in
Saving Throw none; Spell another creature’s possession at the
Resistance no time, but a weapon dismissed this
World of Trexlin You send a single spark of brilliant
force flying at your target, dealing 1 hp
way cannot be conjured again for 1
minute. A weapon conjured by the
tattoo can be enhanced by magic weapon
damage. It is blocked by force effects
and similar spells, though the weapon
and any effect that blocks magic missile.
loses these benefits as soon as it is
This spark strikes unerringly, even if the
dismissed. The weapon can be crafted
target is in melee combat; if the target
with permanent magic enhancements
has total cover or total concealment,
(such as the flaming weapon property),
the spell is blocked. Specific parts of a
retaining the enhancements each
creature can’t be singled out. Objects
summoning, but the weapon must
are not damaged by the spell.
remain in physical form for the duration
of the crafting.
Ring of Chastisement Bearers of an arm of faith tattoo must
Aura faint evocation; CL 1st remain in good standing with their god,
Slot ring; Price 900 gp; Weight — or the item loses all its abilities.
platinum lion group, llc Description
On command, you may use the spell
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item,
WWW.PLATINUMLION.COM chastisement as a swift action. align weapon; Cost 3,000 gp Ω

14 Kobold Quarterly 14
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Ecology of the Tengu 

Ecology of the Tengu

By R. William Thompson
Art by Pat Loboyko and Rhiannon Rasmussen-Silverstein

ooking into a tengu’s eyes, you visions of spellcasters and oracles. The result, the pair usually separates.
see great responsibility and the legends of rare albinos, so far, appear to After conceiving, the female tengu
timeless urge to survive, glinting be just that—legends. immediately knows of her pregnancy
deep within. A tengu is as lethal and Tengu stand roughly 5 ft. tall and, and informs her mate. The male then
dangerous as any other humanoid, but because of their hollow bones, weigh builds her a new nest in a location of
these ebony creatures carry both a great just 95 – 105 lb. Though they have no her choosing within the 7 – 9 weeks
spiritual weight and a mysterious past. wings and cannot fly, their physiology is between conception and egg laying.
Tengu and their kin are generally strikingly similar to that of true avians. During this time, the female rarely
misunderstood and overlooked; others They are omnivorous, eating almost lets the male tengu rest until the
often consider them either quirky anything, but they prefer raw meat and nest is to her liking. This can take
or unnecessary to most of society. field grains, such as corn, soy, and alfalfa. three or four attempts if the male is
With personalities as varied as any Tengu even scavenge days-old carrion, inexperienced in nest-building, but
human’s and a culture many times repulsing most humanoids, who consider male tengu are persistent when it
older, the eccentric tengu are often them savage. However, this could not be comes to pleasing their mate.
underestimated and misrepresented. further from the truth. Once the nest is made and the
female has laid her 1 – 5 eggs, they
Physiology Hatching, Mating, and Nesting hatch 3 – 4 weeks later. Immediately
The common tengu (or lesser karasu Tengu hatch from eggs; their after hatching, the infant tengu can
tengu) is a bipedal humanoid with avian inaccessible nests are built by speak simple words, move clumsily,
features, including a large beak, taloned the father, preferably atop a high and climb somewhat less clumsily due
hands and feet, and a thick covering of building, abandoned structure, or tall to their well-developed talons.
feathers. A tengu’s face resembles that of tree. Though they receive no racial
a great raven or crow, but it lacks wings climbing bonus, most tengu are good Leaving the Nest
and has a much more solid frame. Most climbers by the time they are old Before a juvenile tengu can climb away
are pitch-black although a smattering enough to mate. from its nest, it is given a shard of glass
have been seen with white and red Mating happens in the spring and or metal or a piece of mirror, and its
flecks either firsthand or in the spiritual lasts for a season; if no offspring parent provokes it into a rage, inciting

18 Kobold Quarterly 14
the youth into attacking. When a cut has code and hierarchy of their spiritual development of the physical body and
been made—the “first cut”—the juvenile origin. This code, known as hanedo higher self that respects divinity of all
tengu may leave the roost and other adult (hah-nay-do) or the way of the feather, is forms. They frequently take on local
tengu teach it the skills of blade-fighting. upheld by greater tengu—greater karasu customs, traditions, and beliefs to fit in
Tengu mature to adulthood within 10 and yamabushi tengu—who share the with their surrounding community.
years and can live to be up to 110 years lesser karasu’s ancestry. Observers consider tengu vain and
old. Many tales say that death need not The best-known roosts are those ruled prideful. If you shower compliments on
be the end of a tengu’s life, and that by exiled or rogue tengu with previous a tengu, it will invariably respond in one
many well-known tengu ascend directly offenses in tengu culture. Tengu which of three ways: those who follow tengu
into a higher state of existence. Some have murdered another tengu, those beliefs and customs shrug them off and
may even share the planar existence of who hold animosity toward their spirit appear humble or modest, those vain
their relatives, the greater karasu tengu world brethren, those who abandon tengu accept and enjoy the compliments
and greater yamabushi tengu. their roosting mates, those who have with guilty pleasure, and those curious
slain with their first cut, or never made or paranoid tengu will regard you with
Sociology and Culture a cut or had a first fall could all find suspicion, possibly expecting a personal
A tengu’s life revolves around several themselves exiled or stuck on the very test or challenge. Not all compliments
milestones: its birth, first cut, first outskirts of tengu society. Exile from ruffle a tengu’s feathers in all the right
fall, and the annual celebration of its a tengu flock is shameful , and these ways. Ancestral tengu culture holds
“rebirth” from its first fall. The first fall outcasts often become vengeful bandits that vanity and pride should be treated
is a fall that breaks a limb; somewhat among their own kind. severely, typically through shame and
similar to one’s birth, it is a celebration Because lesser karasu tengu acts of humility.
of death and rebirth. Annual rebirth personalities vary as much as any other
ceremonies of important tengu or a race, they can have any alignment. They Insults and Linguistics
flock elder can mean great jubilation, adapt to any local urban or natural Karasu tengu elders and greater tengu
festivities, amazing contests of skill and region they occupy although their call maverick or bad-natured tengu
combat, martial arts, and performances. presence in cities is not always welcome. “kenku” and tell them that they are
First cut is the first time a tengu Those who obey the code of hanedo part of an “ill murder” or “bad flock.”
manages a cut against their parent or often seek work among the local clergy, This insult leads some to believe that
mentor—often a father—once given protecting holy sites and temples. the tengu are also called kenku, but it
their first blade. They often keep this Tengu encountered in combat or is in fact a derogatory term. It could
small edged item throughout their lives in passing are always defined by their even be the last word you ever speak if
as a memento of the day the tengu character class levels and have no racial in the wrong company.
earned its freedom from the roost. Some HD. Good or neutral-aligned tengu tend
tengu discard their first blade out of to choose defensive combat feats focused
either spite or apathy, but all tengu keep on their blades while evil-aligned
a blade of some form on their person. tengu choose those
In the best cases, this is a very fine set of feats and abilities
masterwork katana and wakizashi. that best serve
In some cities, tengu roosts are rogues and
considered nothing more than feathery assassins or
thieves’ guilds (or “murders”). This those which deal
is only partially true—many tengu more damage.
communal roosts are simple family
dens for those who obey the law of Tengu Philosophy
the lands they occupy. However, and Character
tengu’s understanding of the laws Tengu spellcasters are
of ownership is somewhat skewed: rare although the tengu
“innocent” kleptomania of shiny, fondness for temples
colorful objects is commonplace even and places of worship is
for law-abiding tengu citizens. often reason enough for
a tengu to become a cleric
Rogue Tengu or paladin of any given local
Lawful tengu societies—whether of their deity or religion. Their own
own sovereign state or in the regions of beliefs enshrine a philosophy
other races—operate under the spiritual of pagan spiritualism and

Kobold Quarterly 14 19
Ecology of the Tengu 

high price wherever the bird-people

Tengu in Golarion might be thought exotic, useful, or
By James Jacobs entertaining. At one time, common
In the world of Golarion, tengu hail from the continent of Tian-Xia tengu eggs fetched up to 75 gp, but
although they can be encountered throughout the world. In the Inner Sea since tengu hatchlings grow up fiercely
region, tengu tend to be displaced creatures who have been forced to rely on independent and strong willed, they
themselves to eke out livings as best they can—they tend to live in lower-
do not make good slave laborers,
class parts of human cities and work as freelance thieves and mercenaries.
Secret tengu criminal and mercenary guilds are rumored to exist in several cities and many escaped. Most young and
throughout the region, including places as varied as Magnimar in Varisia, Hajoth rebellious tengu ran away at the
Hakados in Numeria, Quantium in Nex, Azir in Rahadoum, and even Absalom. first realization of their indentured
Their presence is particularly well established in the Shackles, where they often servitude. They have remained close,
serve on ships or run rookeries and guilds in the various lawless cities found there.  however, and blend into society as well
A few pirates see the keeping of a tengu “mascot” as a way to keep good as natives in cities that once sold their
luck, for the superstition is that tengu “absorb” the bad luck that would ancestors on the market. Greater tengu
otherwise affect the ship and her crew. Tengu are aware of this belief and are still watch over their relatives out of
usually amused by what they feel is yet another silly humanoid superstition— an ancient loyalty to their common
most are simply too happy to have a place aboard a ship. Certainly, their heritage and customs.
skill at swordplay and language make them a natural fit for a ship that sails Powerful tengu often perform
through dangerous waters and visits numerous ports of call, and most tengu
missions in the name of great
find themselves quickly achieving important roles in a ship as a translator or
bodyguard. Tengu generally worship Calistria, Cayden Cailean, Norgorber, divine powers or their emissaries.
or Nethys—all faiths that generally welcome excess or criminal behavior. They act as messengers, diplomats,
Tengu are approximately as powerful as other core races like humans, and mercenaries in addition to
elves, and halflings—with GM permission, a player can select  tengu  as a being spiritual guardians to certain
player race. Of course, in most societies, a tengu will be regarded as a strange beings all over the cosmos. Greater
curiosity at best or a suspected thief or monster at worst—tengu adventurers tengu are native to other planes,
often form strong bonds of friendship with their boon companions, if and treated as outsiders with the
only because of the numerous times their companions need to vouch for extraplanar subtype.
the tengu›s behavior in cities.  If your campaign does not allow for
a Spirit World that coexists over the
Tengu are as proficient with words Tengu Origins material plane, they could instead be
and language as with any blade, and Though lesser karasu tengu are native native to any good, lawful, or neutral
tend to be chatty. They can easily to the material plane and treated as plane. In campaigns that allow for a
decipher strange texts and translate humanoids, their ancestors and relatives Spirit World, tengu make their homes
foreign languages. Their ability to are native to the Spirit World. The in as the plane of Tengudo.
quickly pick up new languages is greater karasu tengu are very similar to
unrivalled among the humanoid races, their cousins except with large flight- Tengu Feats
and they often serve as translators. capable wings, various special abilities, Tengu enjoy a number of racial feats
Tengu seem to especially thrill at and an almost insatiable thirst for and powers.
learning those strange and archaic honorable bladed combat.
languages not in common use (such The strange yet still related goblinoid Tengu Mimicry [General]
as those described in the “Ancient variety of the karasu tengu is the greater Prerequisites Tengu, Linguistics 6 rank
Tongues” article in this issue). It is yamabushi tengu. This slightly smaller, Benefit You can recreate any sounds of
said that the greater tengu are masters long-nosed being is known primarily the surrounding environment with perfect
of words and have access to ancient as being the tengu slayer of vanity clarity and detail, as well as street noises,
and supernatural languages unknown and narcissism along with its peer, the animal calls, natural sounds (such as wind
to most. winged karasu. Coming from their or leaves), and voices with accents in any
Tengu hanedo tradition states that spiritual realm, the greater tengu are language that you can speak.
tengu must protect local temples often encountered in mountainous, When duplicating a specific person’s
and keep places of worship and forested, and rural locations near lesser voice, you must make a Bluff check;
reverent holy sites peaceful, regardless tengu settlements or roosts. They uphold creatures familiar with the voice being
of their creed or motivations. the code of hanedo in tengu society and imitated make opposed Sense Motive
Protection of these sites—whatever watch over their lesser brethren—in checks against your Bluff. You receive
their nature—is highly honorable. many ways like older siblings. a +2 competence bonus if you have
Both good and rogue tengu fervently Tengu were brought to the material spoken with the imitated person for
protect sacred sites. plane long ago; their eggs fetched a at least 30 minutes.

20 Kobold Quarterly 14
Tengu Temple Watcher [General, Combat] Alignment
Prerequisites Tengu, BAB +4, Streetsingers can be of any alignment
Perception 6 ranks although those found in urban locales
Special You must have been hired are most often chaotic and neutral
and charged by an elder to protect a in alignment .Those exiled due to
specific sacred site, temple, shrine, or tengu murders occasionally become
religious group. streetsingers. These maverick tengu attack
Benefit As a temple watcher, you gain the senses swiftly, disorienting foes, while
a +1 bonus to all attacks, a +2 bonus on their good counterparts can be found
saves against enchantments, and a +4 nearly anywhere, blending in—naturally.
bonus to Perception checks when made HD d8
within 300 ft. of the temple, religious
event, or holy site you have been Requirements
charged with protecting. A tengu fighter Race Tengu
may take this as a class bonus feat. BAB +3
Abilities Wis 12
Prestige Class: Feats Tengu Mimicry
Tengu Streetsinger Skills Bluff 8 ranks, Knowledge
Tengu streetsingers blend the sounds (local or nature) 3 ranks, Perform
of urban and rural landscapes with (act, comedy, oratory, or sing) 3 ranks
their own take on how things should—
and do—sound. They are masters of Class Skills
ventriloquism, and the paragons of their The tengu streetsinger’s class skills (and the
ranks are raucous vocal illusionists in the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics
cities and wilderness. They can arise from (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb
the select of the tengu inner circle and (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha),
rogue leaders within murders and local Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex),
underground rings or from the simple Fly (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal
shepherds and wanderers mimicking (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge
the sounds of the wilderness or of [Any] (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception
neighborhood streets. (Wis), Perform [Oratory/Vocalist/Singer/
Imitator] (Cha), Profession (Wis),
Role Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex),
Observers of life’s many sounds, tengu Survival (Wis)
streetsingers use this to their advantage Skill Ranks/Level 4 + Int modifier
in all aspects of life. In combat, they can
disorient their opponents and create Class Features
major illusions with their vocal abilities. All of the following are class traits of
They can keep themselves safe and the tengu streetsinger prestige class.
blend into rural, urban, or wilderness Weapon and Armor Proficiency
areas, or they can subtly influence the You are proficient with all simple
perceptions of others. weapons; additionally, as a tengu,

Table 1: Tengu Streetsinger

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special AC Bonus
1st +0 +0 +0 +1 Tengu ventriloquism +0
2nd +1 +0 +0 +2 Confusing sounds +1
3rd +2 +1 +1 +2 Enthralling sounds, ghost sound +2
4th +3 +1 +1 +3 Ill shriek +3
Class Skills Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha),
Escape Artist (Dex), Fly (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge [Any] (Int),
Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform [Oratory/Vocalist/Singer/Imitator] (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense
Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis)
Kobold Quarterly 14 21
Ecology of the Tengu 

you are proficient with any sword- sonic effect. You can enthrall your political or military leaders.
like weapon. You are proficient with opponents, affecting all designated Samurai Set Katana Created as a
light and medium armor and shields opponents within 60 ft. as a full-round matched set with an accompanying blade,
excluding tower shields. action (Perform DC 14). Creatures the wakizashi, this exotic weapon can be
AC Bonus (Ex) You add your are fascinated for 1d4 rounds (Will handled with one or two hands and is
Wisdom modifier to your AC. DC 10 +1/2 HD + Cha modifier weighted to be steady in both techniques.
Additionally, you gain a +1 dodge negates). If you take any other action Crafted with immense skill by a studied
bonus to AC of 1 less than your tengu requiring your voice, the effect ends artisan, this masterwork longsword
streetsinger level. immediately. This is a sonic effect. equivalent grants an attack bonus and
Tengu Ventriloquism (Ex) At 1st Ghost Sound (Sp) At 3rd level, bonus to damage rolls when used in
level, you can throw your voice up to you may use ghost sound at will, as the tandem with its partner blade in the
100 ft. away 2/day without moving spell (CL equals your level; save DC is hands of a skilled combatant.
your beak. Any creature listening may charisma-based). If you use a samurai set katana to
make an opposed Perception check at a Ill Shriek (Ex) At 4th level, you sunder another weapon, you receive
-8 penalty against your Bluff check. If may emit a loud, piercing shriek a +1 bonus to your CMB and an
the check fails, the creature believes the every 1d4+2 rounds. Creatures additional +1 damage to the other
sounds came from the false location. If within 50 ft. are deafened for 1d4+1 weapon on a successful attack (that is,
you lose this check, the listening creature rounds and take 2d6 nonlethal 1d8+2 damage for a medium sword
may make a second Perception check at damage (Fortitude DC 10 +1/2 your and wielder). You may use the Weapon
a -4 penalty to notice the sound’s true HD + your Cha modifier negates Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity
origin. If they succeed on both checks, deafness and halves damage). modifier instead of your Strength
they realize the sounds were fabricated Other tengu streetsingers are modifier to attack rolls with a katana
and came from another location. immune to this effect. of appropriate size, even though it isn’t
If this ability is combined with any a light weapon.
other ability or action requiring your New Equipment Samurai Set Wakizashi Created
voice, your Bluff checks take a -4 penalty. Whether or not the tengu had as a matched set with a katana (see
This is a sonic effect. At 2nd level, you anything to do with the first above), this light martial weapon
can perform this ability 3/day, and at 4th construction of the katana and is a masterwork shortsword with a
level, you can perform this ability at will. wakizashi, these weapons have become slightly broader blade than its katana
Confusing Sounds (Ex) At 2nd a signature of theirs. counterpart. It grants a double-
level, your mimicry can baffle and masterwork attack bonus and bonus
confuse opponents with strange and Samurai Blade Set, Katana and Wakizashi to damage rolls when used in tandem
disorienting sounds. You make a These samurai blade sets are crafted with its partner blade.
Perform check, and any opponent by master smith monks of at least If you use a samurai set wakizashi to
within 30 ft./2 HD (maximum 120 15th level who study the philosophy sunder another weapon, you receive
ft.) is confused for 1d4 rounds (Will of the samurai and know the ancient a +1 bonus to your CMB and an
DC 10 +1/2 your HD + your Cha code of hanedo. Any plagiarized additional +1 bonus to damage dealt to
modifier negates). If you use your voice items or replicas are treated as a the other weapon on a successful attack
for any other reason while using this longsword (katana) and short sword (that is, 1d6+3 damage for a medium
ability, you take a -2 penalty to your (wakizashi) and do not receive the sword and wielder). It is an honorable
Perform checks. This is a sonic effect. bonuses or statistics presented here. A blade, always paired with a katana, and
Enthralling Sounds (Su) At set is sometimes given as noble gifts the two are a symbol of honor for any
3rd level, your raucous noise can to prominent, heroic, or otherwise samurai or lawful nobleperson who
fascinate a creature as a supernatural notable aristocrats, as well as renowned wields or owns them.

2: Samurai Blade Set, Katana and Wakizashi

Attack Damage3
Cost 1
Bonus 2
Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Dmg (L) Critical Weight Type
Exotic Light Melee Weapon
Wakizashi 710 gp +2 1d4+2 1d6+2 1d8+2 18-20/x2 4 lb. P or S
Exotic One or Two Handed Melee Weapon
Katana 515 gp +1 1d6+1 1d8+1 2d6+1 19-20/x3 7 lb. P or S
(1) These weapons are never sold separately except on the black market and are always created together by a master artisan at a total cost of at least 1,225 gp.
(2) The bonus to attacks is applied only when you have both weapons on your person and are proficient with both of them. This does not stack with magical enhancement bonus.
(3) The bonus to damage rolls is only applied when you have both weapons on your person and are proficient with both of them. This additional damage is not multiplied in a critical hit. This bonus goes
up when used to sunder another weapon (see description text).

22 Kobold Quarterly 14
image, mirror image samurai blade set, 25 masterwork
Greater Tengu, Yamabushi 3/day—bless weapon, blur, greater invisibility shurikens, other treasure)
This strangely shaped, stout, and winged (self only), plane shift SPECIAL ABILITIES
humanoid has somewhat goblinoid fea- 1/day—consecrate, gaseous form, mass hold Cleric Spells (Sp) Yamabushi tengu
tures and an incredibly long phallic nose. person cast divine spells as 5th-level clerics.
Spells Prepared (CL 5th) They do not gain access to domains
It wields the dual blades of the samurai 3rd—create food and water or other cleric abilities.
with ease. 2nd—delay poison, zone of truth Gifted Linguist (Ex) As the tengu
1st—detect undead, obscuring mist, remove racial trait (see Pathfinder Roleplaying
“King Sojobo expects all tengu to fear Game Bestiary).
obey the laws of our tradition and to STATISTICS Mirror Taboo (Su) Yamabushi tengu
uphold the protection of the faiths. Str 13, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 17, may not look at themselves in any
Cha 16 man-made mirror (Reflex DC 20
Neither you nor I is exempt from such Base Atk +7; CMB +8; CMD 22 avoids), or they take 4 Charisma
responsibility. Now get back to your Feats Dodge, Improved Two-Weapon damage. An atonement spell restores
roost before I cut you your last cut.” FightingB, MobilityB, Two-Weapon the ability damage.
The strangely shaped yamabushi FightingB, Vital Strike, Weapon Wing Baffle (Ex) A yamabushi tengu
Finesse, Weapon Focus (katana) uses its wings even in combat
tengu shares many of the traits of its although not to make slam attacks;
Skills Acrobatics +14, Diplomacy +11,
tengu brethren excluding their avian Escape Artist +12, Fly +16, Intimidate it supplements its melee combat
features. Their long limbs and eccentric +11, Knowledge (planes) +12, with the slaps and whips of its
form grants them an extended reach Knowledge (religion) +13, Linguistics wings to buffet and disorient its
+15, Perception +13, Sense Motive opponents. Each round, in
beyond that of other humanoid sized addition to its normal attacks, a
+13, Spellcraft +11, Stealth +12;
beings. Excelling in bladed combat Racial Modifiers tengu may make a Bluff check
and known for their strict adherence +2 Acrobatics, +4 against an opponent’s Sense
to customs, traditions, and tengu Fly, +4 Linguistics, Motive while in combat. If
+2 Perception, +2 the check is successful, the
bushido, the yamabushi are mostly tengu’s attacks that round
Sense Motive
seen as the leaders of the tengu races. gain a +2 circumstance bonus
Their King Sojobo is a yamabushi of to attack rolls. Ω
immense power whose domain in the
Spirit World sanctuary of Tengudo
gives him access to the oversight and
protection of all tengukind.

Greater Yamabushi Tengu (CR 7)

XP 3,200
LN Medium outsider (air, earth,
extraplanar, lawful, tengu)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.,
Perception +13
Aura calm (as calm emotions, DC 15, 40-
ft. range)
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+2 Languages Auran,
armor, +4 Dex, +1 Dodge, +3 natural) Celestial, Common,
hp 59 (7d10+21) Draconic, Elven, Giant, Gnome,
Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +8 Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, Orc,
DR 10/silver and chaotic; Immune Sylvan, Tengu, Terran,
petrification, polymorph; Resist acid Undercommon
5, cold 10, electricity 5; SR 18 SQ skilled linguist
Weaknesses mirror taboo ECOLOGY
OFFENSE Environment any;
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect) forests, mountains, and
Melee katana +11/+6 (1d8+2/19-20/x3; sky
+1 attack and damage to sunder), Organization solitary,
wakizashi +11/+6 (1d6+2/18-20; +1 pair, clan (3-5), or troop
attack and damage to sunder) (one greater yamabushi
Ranged mwk shuriken +12 (1d2+1/x2; tengu, and 2-5 winged
10-ft. range increment) greater karasu tengu)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Treasure NPC gear
Special Attacks wing baffle (leather armor,
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th) masterwork katana
At will—alter self, ghost sound, major and wakizashi

Kobold Quarterly 14 23
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Healing Hands
Variant Rules for Laying On Hands
By James Graham
Art by Giulio Bonasone

or many, paladins are slayers of your party may desperately need. By taking Benefit Add the following to your list of
evil—righteous crusaders who more, your paladin becomes a powerful mercies that take effect when you use your
put villains to the sword to keep healer—able to cure almost anything. lay on hands to heal damage to one target:
the innocent safe. Special mounts, holy Confused—The target is no longer
swords, and the signature power of New Feats confused.
smite evil are the important elements Any class or prestige class levels
for these warriors. that stack with paladin levels with New Mercy: Dazzled
But these are not the paladin’s only regard to the mercy class feature also Your touch can heal the target’s over-
gifts. Channeling divine energy to cure stack for the purpose of meeting level stimulated eyes.
the sick or injured is another crucial requirements for these feats. Prerequisites Mercy class feature
element that separates holy champions Benefit Add the following to your list
from other armored knights. New Mercy: Charmed of mercies that take effect when you
Lay on hands is an important ability Your lay on hands ability can clear the use your lay on hands to heal damage
of the paladin class. Combined with a target’s clouded judgment. to one target:
dedicated cleric, the paladin can share Prerequisites Mercy class feature, Dazzled—The target is no longer
in the responsibility of healing so that paladin level 6th dazzled.
parties can adventure longer before Benefit Add the following to your list
needing to recuperate. Without a of mercies that take effect when you New Mercy: Dead
primary healer, the lay on hands ability use your lay on hands to heal damage Your healing touch is so powerful it can
allows the paladin to step in during to one target: overcome death itself.
emergencies and keep everyone alive. Charmed—The target is no longer under Prerequisites Mercy class feature,
With the introduction of mercies in the effects of any charm spell or effect, Extra Mercy, paladin level 18th
the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, the such as charm person. You must succeed Benefit You may use your lay on
role of the paladin as a healer has been on a dispel check (1d20 + your paladin hands ability on a creature that has
expanded. Perhaps your paladin is a level) against the spell or effect (DC = 11 died within 1 round. If the amount
warrior of peace, defending the weak, and + the spell or effect’s CL) to remove it. of damage healed brings the target’s
protecting them from harm. Or maybe hp total to at least an amount greater
your paladin saw too much bloodshed in New Mercy: Confused than its negative Constitution score, it
the last battle against evil and is moving Your touch can restore a target’s returns to life. If the target’s hp total is
down a more spiritual path. befuddled mind. still negative, it is stable. The target’s
With one or two of these feats, your Prerequisites Mercy class feature, body must be relatively whole, as per
paladin can provide versatile healing that paladin level 9th raise dead, for this ability to function.
The ability does not work on those Benefit Add the following to your list Benefit After rolling the damage to be
slain by death effects. Creatures raised of mercies that take effect when you healed by your lay on hands ability,
in this manner gain 1 temporary use your lay on hands to heal damage you may opt to reduce this amount
negative level that lasts for 1 day. to one target: in order to heal the target of ability
Panicked—The target is no longer damage or drain. For every 2 points
New Mercy: Dominated panicked. you spend in this manner, you may
Your lay on hands ability can now free heal the target of 1 ability damage. For
your target from direct mental control. New Mercy: Petrified every 4 points, you may heal 1 ability
Prerequisites Mercy class feature, must With your lay on hands ability, you can drain. Any remainder of the damage is
have the charmed mercy, paladin level 15th soften the stone flesh of your target. applied normally.
Benefit Add the following to your list of Prerequisites Mercy class feature,
mercies that take effect when you use your paladin level 15th Revitalizing Hands
lay on hands to heal damage to one target: Benefit Add the following to your list Your lay on hands ability is so potent that
Dominate—The target is no longer under of mercies that take effect when you you can even return lost life force.
the effects of any dominate spell or effect, use your lay on hands to heal damage Prerequisites lay on hands 6d6, Extra
such as dominate person. You must succeed to one target: Lay on Hands, Restorative Hands
on a dispel check (1d20 + your paladin Petrified—Your lay on hands ability Benefit In addition to the benefit of
level) against the spell or effect (DC = 11 also acts as stone to flesh. This ability your Restorative Hands feat, you may
+ the spell or effect’s CL) to remove it. only functions on petrified creatures. It also reduce the amount to be healed
does not work against regular stone. by your lay on hands ability in order
New Mercy: Panicked to remove temporary or permanent
Your touch can now soothe the most Restorative Hands negative levels from the target. For
fearful souls. Your lay on hands ability can heal more every 5 points, you may remove 1
Prerequisites Mercy class feature, must than just injuries. temporary negative level the target
have the frightened mercy, paladin Prerequisites Lay on hands 2d6, Extra possesses and for 10 points you may
level 15th Lay on Hands remove 1 permanent negative level. Ω

Kobold Quarterly 14 27
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30 Kobold Quarterly 14
Treasure Trove 

Perfumes of Bourgund
By Stefen Styrsky
Art by Joe Slucher

For the first step, take the belly-blood of enjoy spectacle more than most. People in Bourgund, however, and
one stirge and distill it with essence of Just as remarkable are the curious other places such as Siwal, Harkesh,
juniper and walnut oil… smells. The rich scents of rose, hyssop, Sephaya, and Zobeck, cover the floors
—personal recipe book of Etienne and lemon thyme follow in the of their homes with sprays of rose,
Tournesol wake of Bourgund’s aristocrats. New hyssop, and other fragrant plants. The
visitors assume the scents are a strange strewn material releases pleasant smells

isitors to the city often remark national trait until they learn of the when trod upon and masks the general
how the pennants crowning invention called perfume – and learn stink of life. Artisans, merchants, and
Bourgund’s towers resemble that some of it carries a special form of peasants adorn themselves in dried
her inhabitants—colorful, intricately Bourgundian magic. rosebuds, lemon balm, and sachets
delicate, and proud. Bourgundian men filled with herbs and flower petals.
and women value their appearance The Stench! However, a clever Bourgundian
and often wear garments that would Even among the most advanced cities, alchemist discovered how to combine
be considered courtly finery elsewhere: the stink and stench of life pervades. alcohol with essences of thyme,
doublets worked with silver thread, Chamber pots need emptying, verbena, and other herbs. Thus was
or skirts adorned with red and green slaughterhouses discharge effluent, born perfume. The aristocrats of
stones. Even Bourgund’s armies are a and stables require mucking. Only Bourgund flocked to the new item.
sight, their golden banners snapping the wealthy can afford an apprentice- They covered themselves in scents
in the wind and knights a gleaming wizard to scour their bodies and homes alluring and exotic and blanketed their
line of steel atop horses dark as night clean, and magic-users often resent homes to keep at bay the fumes of the
and white as snow. Bourgund’s people such employment. outside world.

32 Kobold Quarterly 14
Perfumes and Special Items The Rise of Perfume
Item Price Weight Perfumery would have remained a
Noisome Defeat 85 gp — minor facet of Bourgund’s society
Perfume 10 gp — if not for the wars of Duke Karlott
Perfume Ring 20 gp — Martenne L’solei (the Sun). Karlott
Pomander 5 gp 1/8 lb.
turned the city of Bourgund into
Spirit Gum 3 gp —
a powerful duchy by carving out a
Youth’s Allure 50 gp —
territory from the Goblin Wastes.
Water of Love 35 gp —
In the climactic battle against the
goblin king, Dizzerax, Duke Karlott’s
knights held the line against superior
Perfume has almost no scent. The wearer gains numbers because the feculent stench-
To manufacture perfume, distilled a +2 circumstance bonus to Disguise bombs the goblins employed to
essential oils are combined with an skill checks. sicken foes were rendered useless.
alcohol carrier. A successful DC 20 Craft Water of Love: This is the most Each knight held to his face a
(alchemy) check is required to make a common type of specialty perfume pomander filled with scented gum
perfume of common herbs, the kind sold in Bourgund. It enhances the created by Bourgund’s perfumers for
found in shops throughout Bourgund. wearer’s physical attractiveness, just such a purpose. Their tactical
A set of alchemist’s tools adds a +2 granting a +2 circumstance bonus to advantage neutralized, the goblin
Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks. army was routed and Dizzerax slain.
bonus to this check. A successful check
In honor of the duchy’s
produces 5 applications. perfumers, Karlott commissioned
Specialty perfumes confer a tangible Exotic Perfumes the Rose Knights, an elite guard
benefit when worn. The manufacture Another type of perfume confers no who bear the flower-shaped
of these perfumes is usually a secret, special bonuses but is made from pomander emblazoned on their
known only to the most skilled extremely rare ingredients such as shields. Wealthy citizens sponsored
perfumers. Each requires a DC 25 nixie blood, dragon breath, and roc perfume makers as never before,
Craft (alchemy) check to make using musk. The knowledge and ability to and wearing scents became a way
common ingredients. A creature can distill aromatic essences from unusual to demonstrate one’s patriotism.
wear only one perfume at a time to substances requires a Craft (alchemy)
gain its benefits. check. The price of such perfume is the Wondrous Items and
Whether magical or mundane, cost of procuring the ingredients (usually Magical Perfumes
perfume grants the wearer a 10-ft. a substantial reward paid to adventurers) Magic perfumes act as other perfumes.
aura, outside of which the perfume plus 10% paid to the crafter. They last for 4 hours and make it easier
has no effect. This is reduced to 5 ft. for creatures with scent to notice or track
when outside. A strong wind disperses Items you. Their effects operate in an aura of
a perfume, rendering it inactive. All Perfume Ring: This large ring holds 10 ft. (or 5 ft. outdoors) centered on
perfumes have durations of 4 hours. a small compartment disguised as you. Detect magic reveals the aura.
Wearing any kind of perfume grants a faceted jewel. The chamber holds
creatures with the scent ability gain a +4 one dose of any perfume, enough to Air of Gisele
circumstance bonus to notice or track you. freshen a waning application. Aura faint enchantment; CL 3rd
Larger cities outside Bourgund have Pomander: A pomander is a perfume Slot —; Price 3,000 gp; Weight —
perfume shops, but they cater almost container, usually designed as a hollow Description

entirely to wealthy princes and nobles; star or flower that holds perfume- This perfume’s scent changes the
attitude of creatures. You make a
only in Bourgund can commoners scented gums or other aromatics. Diplomacy check as a free action
afford such luxury. Elsewhere, prices Holes in the pomander allow the to alter a creature’s attitude when
can be double or triple that listed here. contents to air out over an extended it enters the aura. You gain a +4
period. Citizens of Bourgund believe bonus on the check but cannot affect
hostile creatures or creatures with an
Specialty Perfumes scents from a pomander wards off Intelligence of less than 3. Success
Noisome Defeat: This perfume is disease because foul vapors are the indicates the target’s attitude becomes
used when a person must travel through means of transmission. one step more favorable toward you.
fouled areas or places with open sewers Spirit Gum: Hardened tree sap You can make Diplomacy checks as
normal to further influence the target.
and the like. It grants a +2 circumstance combined with various aromatics and Construction
bonus to saves against nauseating odors usually stored in a pomander. Any Requirements Craft (alchemy), Craft
and the distraction ability of swarms. perfume can be added to spirit gum, Wondrous Item, calm emotions; Cost
Youth’s Allure: This subtle perfume doubling its duration. 1,500 gp

Kobold Quarterly 14 33
Perfumes of Bourgund 

perfume into a powerful intoxicant.

A perfume sprayed from this device The Nose Knows
Perfumes in Other Cities allows you to use hypnotism as a spell- You know a perfume by its scent.
like ability one time within the next hour Prerequisite: Craft (perfume) 7 ranks
Given Bourgund’s position west of against creatures within a perfume’s
the Iron Crags beyond the Goblin Benefit: You can determine the type
aura, no matter the perfume. The
Wastes, the art and craft of perfume atomizer holds up to four doses. and ingredients of any perfume that
making is almost unknown outside Construction you can smell (Craft (alchemy) DC 20).
the duchy. However, wherever Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, You can also use this check result to
introduced, it is often eagerly hypnotism; Cost 900 gp determine the perfume’s maker as if you
taken up. Merchants from Triolo had made a Diplomacy skill check to
and Sikkim routinely brave the Pomme d’ambre (Apple of Amber) gather information about an individual.
White Sea crossing and the Goblin Aura faint abjuration; CL 4th
Wastes to carry perfumes back Slot —; Price 1,500 gp; Weight 1/8 lb. Perfume as Treasure
to eager customers. In Zobeck, Description Perfumes are often confused with
wearing and making perfume This pomander resembles a silver potions, at least until someone tries
has yet to catch on. The practice apple. When worn on a chain around
strikes the city’s inhabitants as your neck and loaded with perfume, a taste test. Perfumes show up in
aristocratic, reminding them too it grants a +2 resistance bonus to bandit treasure hoards, especially
much of the dreaded Stross family, Fortitude saves against disease. around Bourgund, where even
though they are happy to transport Construction uncouth peasants know the value
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, of a good perfume. The hill giants
and sell the stuff to others.
resistance; Cost 750 gp
north of Bourgund have developed
Scented Lure an appreciation of the substances, as
Chest of Cedar Aura faint enchantment; CL 6th it seems to be particularly effective on
Aura faint abjuration; CL 6th Slot —; Price 4,000 gp; Weight — their women (see “Ecology of the Hill
Slot —; Price 4,000 gp; Weight 10 lb. Description Giant” in Kobold Quarterly #10 for
Description This perfume exudes a very strong odor more details on giant courtship).
This large box of naturally fragrant that attracts other creatures. When
applied to a person or object the With their keen sense of smell,
wood is further imbued with scented
oils. All clothing kept within it for at perfume’s scent expands in a radius dragons relish various Bourgundian
least 24 hours magically takes on the of 10 ft./round to a maximum of 100 perfumes, delighting in the
chest’s aromas. Most cedar chests ft. The scent cannot move through combination of ingredients, which
can hold four shirts at one time. walls or impermeable objects. All
creatures (except the wearer) within they can detect individually.
Wearing the clothes grants you a +4
resistance bonus to saves against this area move toward the source of Dragon hoards often contain exotic
nausea-inducing odors for 8 hours. the odor using the most direct means perfumes worth considerable sums
Any clothing so affected also radiates available (Will DC 15 negates). to connoisseurs – and dragons are a
faint abjuration magic. Creatures with the Scent ability
receive a -2 penalty on this save. constant threat to perfumers seeking
Affected creatures can take no actions to carry their wares across the Goblin
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item,
resistance; Cost 2,000 gp except to defend themselves. If the Wastes to the Seven Cities.
path leads them into a dangerous area
or the creature is attacked, it receives
Courtesan’s Allure another saving throw to end the effect
Adventure Hooks
Aura faint enchantment; CL 3rd with a +4 bonus. A victim within 5 In their ever-growing need for new and
Slot —; Price 2,000 gp; Weight — ft. of the odor’s source stands there exotic perfumes, Bourgund’s perfumers
Description and inhales deeply. A creature that are incorporating rarer ingredients.
This perfume benefits bards and other successfully saves is immune to the
same perfume’s effect for its duration.
Adventurers can make a pretty penny
individuals who rely on the attention
of other creatures. Courtesan’s allure Construction
gathering items found only in the
adds a +2 bonus to the DC of any Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Goblin Wastes: griffon eggs, worg’s
mind-affecting compulsion effect or enthrall; Cost 2,000 gp blood, and giant centipede chitin.
spell originating from you, such as a A rival has stolen the recipe book
bard’s fascinate ability.
Perfumer’s Feats of the duke’s perfumer, Etienne
Requirements Craft (alchemy), Craft Tournesol. The man offers a
Wondrous Item, eagle’s splendor; Cost 1,000 gp Covering Scent considerable reward for its return.
The perfumes you create cover other Sir Darien Roncifer was recently
Delilah’s Atomizer more suspicious odors. murdered with a contact poison
Aura faint enchantment; CL 4th Prerequisite: Craft (alchemy) 7 ranks scented to seem like perfume and
Slot —; Price 1,800 gp; Weight 1/8 lb. Benefit: You can create contact poisons applied to his riding gloves. This leaves
Description with a pleasant odor. The DC to detect two questions: Who did it? And who
This small crystal spray bottle turns any the poison as a trap increases by +2. distilled the poison? Ω

34 Kobold Quarterly 14
Skill Battles

Skill Battles
by Matthew J. Hanson
Art By Michael Jaecks

eroes cannot solve every 3) and may have other effects as might also function as primary skills,
conflict with swords and indicated in the skill battle description. and players should decide how to use
spells. Sometimes, they need Characters also receive XP for the skill them before they roll.
to rely on their wits, training, and battle based on the level. There is no PC/Opponent Primary Success A
natural talents. strict formula to determine how many primary success is what happens when
Typically, skill challenges are the creatures the encounter is worth, but it PCs or their opponents succeed at a
heart of encounters where skills play a should be worth between one and five primary skill check. There may be a
vital role, but these sometimes fall flat creatures equal to its level, depending limit to how many primary successes a
because they lack opposition. Consider on how vital it is to the encounter. character or party can have per turn.
instead the possibility of pitting your Like any encounter, always remain PC/Opponent Secondary Success
player characters (PCs) against a group flexible. Your players are likely to come A secondary success is what happens
of NPCs in direct opposition. This is up with new ways to use their skills that when characters succeed at secondary
where skill battles shine. neither you nor a game designer could skill checks. Secondary skills frequently
predict. As long as their suggestions have several options.
Running a Skill Battle seem reasonable, let them try their skill, Victory/Defeat If the PCs are the
You can run a skill battle as part of a and if they succeed, grant them benefits first to complete the requisite number
combat encounter or as an encounter similar to another skill success. of skill successes, they achieve a victory,
all its own. The defining feature of a but if their opponents are first, the PCs
skill battle is that both the PCs and Reading a Skill Battle are defeated. Race skill battles always
their opponents make skill checks Setup The setup describes have victory and defeat conditions, but
throughout the encounter. Unless elements of the encounter, such as balance skill battles usually do not.
otherwise stated, all skill checks in terrain and monsters.
a skill battle require a minor action. Category Skill battles come in Building a Skill Battle
Failing a skill check in a skill battle two categories: balance and race. In To build your own skill battle, first
creates no penalty, but the longer the a balance skill battle, successes from decide whether the battle should be
PCs go without success, the more one side effectively undo the other. a balance or a race. Ask yourself how
likely it is that their foe will prevail. In a race, you should track successes much middle ground there is between
The first time you run a skill battle, for each side independently, and the extremes and how interesting that
you might let your players know the whichever side achieves the target middle ground is.
general rules, especially if they have a number (listed in the entry) prevails in For instance, the open dimensional
lot of experience running traditional the challenge. rift skill battle (see the sample) has
skill challenges. The slightly different Skill Area Describes where characters increasing and decreasing levels of
mechanics of skill battles might affect may make a skill check as part of the danger that makes balance a good
their choices. skill battle. choice. And at first glance, the redeem
When planning a skill battle, you PC/Opponent Primary Skills Skills the fallen hero skill battle seems like
need to determine its level : it should that PCs and their opponents can use a good choice for a balance challenge
be within 4 levels of the PCs. The skill to achieve successes in the skill battle. since each argument from the villain
battle level determines the difficulty PC/Opponent Secondary Skills is countered by the PCs. However, the
of the various skill checks the PCs Secondary skills can affect the skill intermediate state is that the fallen hero
and their opponents must make (see battle, but they do not count toward stands there doing nothing. In the race
Dungeon Master’s Guide, Chapter victory or defeat. Some secondary skills model, the fallen hero chooses a side as
Skill Battles

soon as he can be convinced, a far more The dimensional rift begins to open in DC; Religion, moderate DC You use
dramatic approach than dithering in the the center of these altars. Depending your knowledge of arcane and divine
middle for the entire encounter. on how large of an area you want powers to help seal the dimensional
Consider is whether the skill battle for your battle, the altars could be rift.
is part of a combat or is its own spaced 3 – 9 squares away from the Opponent Primary Skills Arcana,
encounter. If the skill battle stands center of the rift. As the battle starts, moderate DC; Religion, moderate DC
alone, you need to include a wide range at least some of the opponents should PC Success You turn a completely
of skills, to involve all your players. be adjacent to altars. If you want to active altar into a partially active
You may also give the PCs a range of challenge the PCs, you may have some altar or a partially active altar into an
options regarding what the skills can of the altars already activated. inactive altar. You may only achieve 1
accomplish; this ensures that so even if The skill battle assumes that several primary success/turn.
they only have one skill available, they opponents are trained in either Arcana Opponent Success If your opponent
can make meaningful choices. or Religion. If only one “boss” monster succeeds at a skill check, the altars
You do not need to provide as many is trained in these skills, you could become partially active. If your
options for the opponents; indeed, make the altars activate after only 1 opponent succeeds at another skill
limiting NPC choices tends to keep opponent success. check on a partially active altar, the
the game moving faster. A level 13 open dimensional rift skill altar becomes completely active, and
battle might feature the following: the dimensional rift expands. Each
Sample Skill Battles 1 Drider Fanglord (Monster Manual) opponent may only achieve 1 primary
The following are examples of skill 2 Drow Arachnomancers (Monster success/turn.
battles you could use in your game: Manual) The Dimensional Rift The strength
1 Drow Priest (Monster Manual) of the dimensional rift depends on
Open Dimensional Rift 2 Drow Warriors (Monster Manual) how many altars have been completely
(Skill Battle) Category Balance; XP as two activated. Partially activated altars do
This skill battle is the classic struggle of monsters not affect the size of the rift.
evil cultists to open a dimensional rift Skill Area You must be adjacent One Altar—The rift fills a burst 0.
and unleash hell on earth. to one of the altars to attempt a skill Any creature that enters or begins its
Setup The terrain in this encounter check for that altar. turn in the rift takes 5 hp acid, cold, fire,
requires five altars arranged in a circle. PC Primary Skills Arcana, moderate lightning, and thunder damage per tier.

36 Kobold Quarterly 14
Two Altars—The rift fills a burst 1. Until one side achieves victory in the The Golden Hunt
Any creature that enters or begins its skill battle, the fallen hero takes a total (Skill Battle)
turn in the rift takes 5 hp acid, cold, fire, defense action each turn. In this skill battle, a potential patron
lightning, and thunder damage per tier. A 7th-level redeem the fallen hero sets up a test between the PCs and a
Three Altars—The rift fills a burst 1. skill battle might be as follows: rival group. The patron has bred nine
Any creature that enters or begins its 3 Dragonborn Soldiers (Monster Manual) golden hares and released them in a
turn in the rift takes 5 hp acid, cold, fire, 1 Eladrin Fey Knight (the fallen private grove. Whichever group can
lightning, and thunder damage per tier. hero) (Monster Manual) catch—without harming—the most
Any creature within 10 squares of the 1 Succubus (Monster Manual) gold hares wins the patron’s favor,
rift is attacked on the start of its turn: 2 Tiefling Heretics (Monster Manual) ensuring a series of lucrative quests.
level +1 vs. Fortitude, target is pulled 1 Category Race 3 (the first team Setup The action takes place on a
square toward the center of the rift. to achieve 3 successes wins); XP as forest battle mat, but the standard 5-ft.
Four Altars—The rift fills a burst 2. two monsters scale no longer applies. Instead, the
Any creature that enters or begins its Skill Area As long as the fallen hero characters can all move 1 square as a
turn in the rift takes 10 acid, cold, fire, can hear you, you may attempt a skill move action. Because of dense trees,
lightning, and thunder damage per tier. check. characters see a maximum of 4 squares
Any creature within 10 squares of the PC Primary Skills Bluff, difficult away. Characters can use utility powers
rift is attacked on the start of its turn: DC; Diplomacy, difficult DC You in this encounter, but any attacks
level +3 vs. Fortitude, target is pulled 1 must convince the fallen hero to rejoin made against rivals or hares means
square towards the center of the rift. the light. automatic failure of the encounter. The
Five Altars—The rift fills a burst 3. Any PC Secondary Skills Bluff, moderate PCs and their rivals all begin near each
creature that enters or begins its turn DC; Diplomacy, moderate DC; other while the hares are dispersed
in the rift takes 10 hp acid, cold, fire, Insight, moderate DC; Intimidate, throughout the forest.
lightning, and thunder damage per tier. moderate DC. You aid your allies, The hares automatically go first
Any creature within 10 squares determine the fallen hero’s attitude, each round. On the hare’s turn, they
of the rift is attacked on the start and interfere with the tempter. either hide (if nobody is nearby) or
of its turn: level + 5 vs. Fortitude, Opponent Primary Skills Bluff, move away from the closest creature.
target is pulled 2 square towards the difficult DC; Diplomacy, difficult DC A hare does not need to roll to hide
center of the rift. Any creature that PC Primary Success You achieve and can move up 2 squares as a move
is pulled into the center of the rift is 1 success toward completing the skill action (4 squares/turn).
transported into the abyss. battle. Your party may only achieve 1 A 2nd-level golden hunt skill battle
Every turn, a demon whose level is primary success/round. might include the following opponents:
equal to or less than the level of the PC Secondary Success You may 5 Elf Scouts (Monster Manual)
skill battle emerges from the center choose one of the following options: Category Race 5; XP as five monsters
of the rift. Roll 1d6 (1 – 5, the Bluff, Diplomacy, Insight—You grant Skill Area You must be adjacent
demon is a minion; 6, the demon is a a +2 bonus to all PC primary skill to or in the same square as a hare to
standard monster). checks until the end of your next turn. attempt a primary skill or provide a
Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate—You bonus to a primary skill. You must be
Redeem the Fallen Hero may impose a -2 penalty to all your adjacent to an opponent to impose a
(Skill Battle) enemy’s primary skill checks until the penalty. You may use other skills from
In this skill battle, PCs encounter end of your next turn. anywhere in the forest.
a former hero who has fallen to the Insight—You can tell how many successes PC Primary Skills Acrobatics,
path of evil. Ideally, PCs have already the opponent has achieved so far. difficult DC; Athletics, difficult DC;
formed a relationship with fallen hero. Opponent Primary Success Your Nature, difficult DC
To complicate matters, a servant of opponent achieves 1 success toward You can catch the golden hare using
darkness strives to complete the fallen completing the skill battle. The strength, speed, or knowledge of your quarry.
hero’s journey to the dark side by opposing side may achieve only 1 PC Secondary Skills Athletics,
convincing him to attack the PCs. primary success/round. moderate DC; Bluff, moderate DC;
Set Up A redeem the fallen hero Victory You convince the fallen hero to Intimidate, moderate DC; Nature,
skill battle may occur in nearly any again take up the cause of righteousness moderate DC; Perception, moderate
location. The skill battle assumes a and join the battle on your side. DC; Thievery, moderate DC
single powerful speaker is tempting the Defeat Your enemy convinces the You have many options for in this
fallen hero. To present several tempters, fallen hero to continue down the path skill battle, from aiding friends to
increase the number of successes needed of darkness. The fallen hero joins the distracting opponents, finding trails,
and lift the cap on primary successes. battle and fights against you. and sneaking up on the targets.

Kobold Quarterly 14 37
Opponent Primary Skills Opponent Primary Success Your A 4th-level awaken the ancient machine
Acrobatics, difficult DC; Athletics, opponent catches a hare safely. skill battle might include the following:
difficult DC; Nature, difficult DC Opponent Secondary Skills Your 2 Dwarf Bolters (Monster Manual)
Opponent Secondary Skills Stealth, opponents have the following option: 1 Halfling Prowler (Monster Manual)
moderate DC Stealth—Your opponent is hidden 3 Human Bandits (Monster Manual)
PC Primary Success You capture a from your party and the hares until the Category Balance; XP as one monster
hare safely. end of his next turn. While hiding, your Skill Area You must be adjacent to
PC Secondary Success You may opponent must use both their move the controls to attempt a skill check.
choose one of the following options: and standard actions to move 1 square. PC Primary Skills History,
Acrobatics, Athletics, Nature, Victory If you catch five hares (over moderate DC; Thievery, moderate DC
Perception—You grant a +2 bonus to half ), you gain the favor of the patron. You use your knowledge of ages past
all PC primary skill checks until the If you wish, you may try to catch more to recall such a machine and use your
end of your next turn. for bragging rights. knack with traps to divine its purpose.
Bluff, Intimidate, Nature—You Defeat Your opponents catch five hares, PC Secondary Skills Athletics,
impose a -2 penalty to all adjacent and you do not gain the patron’s favor. moderate DC; Endurance, moderate DC
enemies’ primary skill checks until the Many of the controls are difficult to
end of your next turn. Awaken the Ancient Machine manipulate, and a friend with nimble
Perception, Nature—You pick up tracks (Skill Battle) fingers or a strong arm can come in handy.
and know the direction to the closest hare. In ages past, ancient civilizations Opponent Primary Skills History,
Perception—You find a hiding hare produced marvels of technology. moderate DC; Thievery, moderate DC
or hiding opponent within your range One such machine has recently been PC Primary Success You start to gain
of vision. uncovered, and unless the PCs intervene, control of the machine and move its
Bluff, Nature, Thievery—All of the it will be used for evil purposes. status 1 step in the positive direction.
opponents you can see believe that a Setup The machine has two main PC Secondary Success You grant
hare is in your square. features: a raised platform and several a +2 bonus to all PC primary skill
Stealth—You are hidden from control areas on the platform. The checks until the end of your next turn.
opponents and hares until the end platform should be 4 – 6 squares in each Opponent Primary Success Your
of your next turn. While hiding, you direction, and it should be 10 ft. tall/ opponent starts to gain control of the
must use both your move and standard tier. Each platform holds three or four machine and moves the machine’s status
actions to move 1 square. control areas, which are 1 square in size. 1 step in the negative direction. Ω

Ancient Machine
You can deploy several of the ancient machine’s defenses – if you control it. Your options depend on the machine’s
status, which starts at 0.
-4 Your opponent gains complete control. As a standard action, any opponent who has made at least 1 successful Thievery
or History check can make a shudder attack, crossbow attack, spike attack, or lightning burst attack.
-3 Your opponent gains more control. As a standard action, any opponent who has made at least 1 successful Thievery or
History check can make a shudder attack, crossbow attack, or spike attack.
-2 Your opponent begins to take control. As a standard action, any opponent who has made at least 1 successful
Thievery or History check can make a shudder attack or crossbow attack.
-1 The machine shudders. It makes a shudder attack against all creatures on the platform.
0 The machine is inert.
1 The machine shudders. It makes a shudder attack against all creatures on the platform.
2 You begin to take control. As a standard action, PCs who have made at least 1 successful Thievery or History check
can make a shudder attack or crossbow attack.
3 You gain more control. As a standard action, PCs who have made at least 1 successful Thievery or History check
can make a shudder attack, crossbow attack, or spike attack.
4 You gain total control. As a standard action, PCs who have made at least 1 successful Thievery or History check
can make a shudder attack, crossbow attack, spike attack, or lightning burst attack.
[m] Spike (standard; at-will)
Level +5 vs. AC; 2d12 + 1/2 level damage
[r] Crossbow (standard; at-will)
Targets creature not on platform; level +5 vs. AC; 2d8 + 1/2 level damage
[c] Lightning Burst (standard; recharge on 5, 6) [star] Lightning
Close burst platform +10; targets all enemies; level +3 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 1/2 level lightning damage
Miss—Half damage
[c] Shudder (standard; at-will)
Targets each creature on platform; level +3 vs. Reflex; target is pushed 1 square away from the center of the platform and knocked prone

38 Kobold Quarterly 14
Treasure Trove 

Hoard Magic
Tapping the Power of Treasure
magic. Precious metals embody the the greediest of dragons and the most
distilled perfection of the natural selfless of kings.
By Michael Furlanetto elements. Each shining nugget focuses
Art by Ben Hodson the essence of its surroundings and Hoard Magic in Play
provides a keyhole, a way to shape those Mechanically, hoard magic generates

agacious dragons lounge on beds surroundings. Hoard magic practitioners two kinds of effects. On a large scale,
of coin. Goodly dwarven kings exploit this resonance, extending their will the environment surrounding a hoard
risk their subjects’ lives and limbs through large quantities of precious metals gradually warps to suit the nature of
to wrest silver and platinum from the to mold nearby reality. the hoard’s owner. This alteration of
bowels of the world. Even saintly rulers Hoard magic provides a new way reality also creates new combat powers,
proudly wear the golden emblems of to make lairs more memorable and which the hoard’s owner can use.
their rule. encounters more dynamic. It also Both effects occur only gradually. For
Wittingly or not, all tap into a little- explains the strange allure of piles of monsters, this should not matter—
known arcane force known as hoard coins and expensive regalia to both assume that the creature has had
enough time to establish the effects it
desires, but do not allow it to change
Table 1: Hoard Creation those effects unless weeks or months
Effective Powers pass. For PCs, this creates some
Level Hoard Wealth Available complexity, discussed below.
Middle heroic 2,000 gp 1 Hoard magic is obscure and rare. For
High heroic 10,000 gp 2 PCs to learn about it or to recognize that
Middle paragon 50,000 gp 3
it lies behind effects they observe, they
High paragon 250,000 gp 4
Middle epic 1,250,000 gp 5
must succeed at DC 24 Arcana check.
High epic 6,250,000 gp 6 To use hoard magic in your game,
follow these three steps:

Kobold Quarterly 14 39
Treasure Trove

Table 2: Environmental Effects

Tier Sample Appropriate Powers
Heroic +1 to attacks with a given keyword;
+1 to damage of a given type;
or bestowing “easy” conditions (like slowed or weakened) on successful attacks
Paragon +2 to attacks with a given keyword;
+2 to damage of a given type;
+1 to attacks and +1 to damage with a given keyword;
or bestowing “moderate” conditions (like blinded or dazed) on successful attacks
Epic +3 to attacks with a given keyword;
+3 to damage of a given type;
+2 to attacks and +1 to damage with a given keyword (or the reverse);
or bestowing “hard” conditions (like dominated or stunned) on successful attacks

1. Establish the value of the hoard. 2. Determine environmental effects. instance, and necrotic powers for jewel-
Use either the level of the foe or the The environmental effects created by bedecked liches. Create them just as you
amount of precious metal in its hoard hoard magic resemble planar traits would for a new or modified monster. To
to determine the number of hoard possessed by various locations around achieve the proper power level, use at-will
magic powers available. Alternately, the multiverse. Because they reflect or easily recharged powers appropriate for
choose hoard magic powers you want personality, choose these effects to reflect a creature 1 level lower than the hoard’s
and assign treasure to match. See the owner of the hoard’s predilections, owner or encounter powers of the same
Table 1: Hoard Creation for guidance. attacks, and the like. Keywords provide a level as the hoard’s owner.
Several options exist for calculating quick way to capture this feel. Alternately, you can increase the power
effective hoard wealth. The simplest For instance, the area around a red of an existing at-will power or allow an
involves summing the value of dragon’s lair should be fiery while the encounter power to recharge once (when
all treasure in the form of coins countryside surrounding a rich temple bloodied, for instance). This method is
(including astral diamonds for to Khors the Sun God might empower easier to apply on the fly, but it doesn’t
simplicity). Art objects made of radiant damage, weaken necrotic make hoard magic feel as unique and
precious metals, gemstones, or both damage, and prevent true darkness flavorful. Try to avoid it during the
can be included in the sum for from falling. Use the following table as players’ first encounter with hoard magic.
greater variety. a guide to the appropriate power level. Do not forget that large piles of coins
Somewhat more complicated, for The range of these environmental may have mundane terrain effects as
purposes of calculating effective effects depends on their tier. Heroic foes well – see the Draconomicon: Chromatic
wealth, is calculating the size of a can alter only their lair itself, paragon Dragons for some suggestions.
hoard more by number of coins than creatures can change an area of 1 mile
by their worth; that is, weighting or so around their hoards, and epic Example: Iotreshimal the Greedy
it to reward sheet volume. In this monsters can dominate an entire region. To illustrate hoard magic, consider
case, treat a copper piece as if it were If you expand or contract these regions Iotreshimal the Greedy, an elder blue
worth 1/10 of a gold piece and a for story reasons—perhaps an epic dragon who fully appreciates the power of
silver piece as if it were worth half a creature lives on a very small demiplane, hoard magic. Half of Iotreshimal’s wealth
gold piece. This option emphasizes so its powers would only affect a lair- lies beneath him in the form of coins. He
the importance of precious metals sized area—strengthen or weaken the has an effective hoard wealth of 250,000
and explains why dragons sit on vast powers appropriately to compensate for gp, which is appropriate for a foe at the
piles of copper and silver pieces. It their altered areas. top of the paragon tier. In terms of treasure
also allows you to assign more hoard Allow PCs to notice the environmental parcels, this means that Iotreshimal has
magic powers to a monster without effect before combat with a Perception parcels 5 – 10 of the standard level 20 list,
giving it an unbalanced amount of check (hard DC). These effects may all in the form of coins.
wealth. However, if your players will be dispelled like other magical zones, For a dragon, this is not unreasonable,
balk at the complexities of recovering although they return after 1 turn while although such a concentration of the
tons of copper pieces from a distant the hoard remains intact. players’ rewards will require some care
dragon’s lair, this variant may not on the part of the GM when he places
suit your group. 3. Create combat powers. other treasure parcels. Alternately, if
Split the available powers evenly Combat powers should emphasize the you choose to use the most complicated
between environmental effects and creature’s theme and work well with its option for calculating effective hoard
combat powers, assigning odd powers pre-existing powers—use cold-based wealth given above, Iotreshimal could
wherever you wish. powers for silver-loving white dragons, for have fewer parcels but with the gold

40 Kobold Quarterly 14
Hit 2d8 + 9 thunder damage, and target
converted to silver or copper pieces. takes ongoing 10 thunder damage The Magic of Hoards
This hoard wealth gives Iotreshimal (save ends) Use hoard magic sparingly in your
access to four hoard magic powers. We’ll Miss—The target takes ongoing 10 campaign—only some foes should have
put two of those into environmental thunder damage (save ends) both the precious metals necessary for
effects and two into combat powers. Note—Within Iotreshimal’s lair, Heart its use and the force of personality to
of the Storm strengthens this power
Because blue dragons emphasize (increasing it to +26 vs. Fortitude impose their will on reality. Moreover,
lightning, thunder, and fear, the powers and 2d8 + 10 thunder damage with using hoard magic for every orc and
we choose will reflect those keywords. ongoing 11 thunder damage) kobold will rob it of some of its mystery
and thus lessen its impact.
Environmental Effects Player Hoards Hoard magic works best for capstone
The constant storms surrounding Most treasure ends up in the hands encounters in powerful creatures’ lairs,
Iotreshimal’s coin-filled lair have of the players. Canny PCs may wish where the environmental effects will
changed the structure of the air itself: to use the magic contained in hoards make the finales more flavorful and
Heart of the Storm—Attacks with the they have looted for their own benefit. dynamic and the combat powers will
lightning or thunder keywords within Let them! By choosing to forgo magic make the foes more unique. Dragons,
1 mile of Iotreshimal’s hoard gain a +1 items or equipment for the magical liches, giant jarls, and powerful rulers
bonus to hit and damage. These bonuses benefits of a pile of coins, players all make good candidates for its use,
stack for attacks with both keywords. are trading one boon for another, as each could be expected to have vast
This counts as two hoard magic slightly more limited one. Hoard wealth and the force of will to use
powers because it involves powers with magic powers will typically only apply it. Finally, once your players become
two different keywords—thunder and to the PCs when they are in their aware of hoard magic, let them use
lightning— giving bonuses to each for strongholds, so by using this form of it to reconnoiter their environments.
both attacks and damage. magic, the PCs are putting themselves If their acid-based attacks become
at a slight disadvantage. A slight boost stronger in the middle of the swamp, a
Combat Powers to the amount of treasure assigned black dragon may be near…
With two powers remaining to be will keep the PCs at the appropriate Add hoard magic to your game, and
assigned, let’s give Iotreshimal one power level. no longer will the dragon’s coins be
20th-level encounter power and one When choosing hoard magic benefits just another parcel of treasure! Ω
19th-level at-will power. for your PCs, use either the rules given
above or existing wondrous lair items
Sparks from the Rocks (see Adventurer’s Vault 2) as inspiration.
A week of concentration allows PCs to
Over time, hoard magic has laced the
unlock a 1/3 of the hoard magic powers
dragon’s lair with conductive ore, allow-
available to them; a month must pass to
ing him to attack foes at a distance with
unlock the next 1/3 powers, and a year
his innate electrical power. before the final powers are available.
At-Will ♦ Lightning
Standard (Round the numbers of powers in
Ranged 20 the players’ favor so that mid-heroic
Attack +22 vs. Reflex characters do not have to spend a year
Hit 2d12 + 4 lightning damage, and establishing a single power!)
target is dazed (save ends) Alternately, you might allow PCs
Note—Within Iotreshimal’s lair, Heart
of the Storm strengthens this power
to learn a ritual to shape the magic
(increasing it to +23 vs. Reflex and of the hoard more quickly. Resist the
2d12 + 5 lightning damage) urge to have this ritual require a large
component cost, as that defeats the
Thundering Rebuke purpose of hoard magic.
If the PCs do set up defenses for
The rocks of his lair magnify acoustic
their stronghold using hoard magic,
energy. Iotreshimal’s screams and taunts
take that as a sign that they want to
focus on his foes, injuring them with raw
bring their base of operations into
reverberating power. play. Occasionally, threaten that base
Encounter ♦ Thunder
Standard with assaults or thieves, although
Area burst 2 too frequent challenges will tend to
Close burst 20 discourage their use of hoard magic.
Attack +25 vs. Fortitude

Kobold Quarterly 14 41
Men of Honor 

Men of Honor
Alternate Paladin Codes
By Dan Voyce
Art by Maurice Leloir, Howard Pyle, Leipzig Illustrierte Zeitung

Mine honor is my life, both grow in one. detail. The standard interpretation is the kings of its nations, the heroes of its
Take honor from me, and my life is done. also just one potential code. There’s sagas. Their code of conduct is simple:
—William Shakespeare ample room for players and GMs to honor the gods, be wise in counsel,
develop different beliefs and strictures generous to your followers, and bow

ll the core classes are bound to for these most virtuous of heroes. to no man who cannot make you.
archetypes from history and These four alternate codes of honor Aetheling honor is called drengskapr, and
myth, and perhaps, none more for the paladin class, each drawn those who hold to it are known as drengr.
so than the paladin. The image of a from a different culture, are not just Those who do not are níðingr, shameful
shining knight upon a loyal steed with philosophies held in the heart. They outlaws who will be condemned to Hel’s
lance couched permeates the class and are vows to everyone that enters the ignoble hall in death.
its abilities. The class’s code of conduct paladin’s life—no matter how briefly or A drengr’s first duty is to uphold the
is perfect for creating virtuous knights in what capacity—that the paladin will security, prosperity, and honor of their
who would be at home around King behave in a certain way. It is the soul of followers. They are expected to be
Arthur’s round table, but goodness the order to which the paladin belongs, generous gift-givers, providing friends
doesn’t stem from just one culture or be that a religion, a secular organization, and retainers with food and drink,
social class. Many heroes never wore a or a social class. Each provides tenets to arms and armor, treasure, and a place
suit of plate mail or knightly spurs but adhere to and follows the same general to call home. They must maintain their
could be classed as paladins: Hector and mechanics as the standard code. own and their followers’ good name
Cincinnatus; Wong Fei-hung and Lin Each code has plenty of adherents and never let an insult go unanswered.
Chung; Saladin, Samson, and Judah who are not of the paladin class, so True aethelings are expected to know
Maccabee can all stand proudly beside fighter aethelings, roguish pirates, the law, be good public speakers,
Galahad and Joan of Arc as paragons of and xiá monks can all find use for and remain cheerful in the worst
warrior virtue. the information below. If your game of circumstances. This last trait is
Paladins are defined as much by their allows variant paladins with different especially prized; physical bravery is
code of conduct as by their powers. alignments, they too can find a code to taken for granted, but stoicism in the
Their code is not just another part of follow here. Each has aspects open to face of death and adversity is even
their alignment, it’s a lens that focuses different interpretations and traditional more important. No one escapes fate,
their beliefs toward a particular aim and paladins might find themselves and to complain or run from it is
a public statement that says what they uneasily sharing a code with everyone deeply shameful.
will and will not do. Goodness may from freedom-loving rebels to When not warring upon each other,
dwell unseen within a paladin’s heart, villainous blackguards. slaying trolls, or raiding foreign
but the code is there for all to see. coasts, an aetheling is expected to
But what exactly is this code? What The Code of the Aetheling keep the peace and enforce law
rules do paladins follow, and how They said that of all the kings upon the locally. At regional assemblies called
should they comport themselves? earth, he was the man most gracious and Tings, they help to negotiate alliances,
Surely, this matter has consumed more fair-minded, kindest to his people and arrange marriages, witness contracts,
game time and been the source of more keenest to win fame. arbitrate disputes, and see that
arguments than any other class feature —The Geats, paying tribute to Beowulf everyone gets to have their fair say.
in the game. Every edition has given us As arbiters of the law, aethelings are
a tantalizing glimpse into the standard Aethelings are the lords of Norse often asked to perform these duties
rules of paladinhood but rarely much society—the captains of its longships, outside the Ting as well.

42 Kobold Quarterly 14
Precepts but a physical contract drawn up before • Disputes between crewmates may
• Your name is all that remains after the voyage, so every crewmember knows only be resolved by violence with
your death. Always be mindful its aims and their own place within the agreement of all involved.
of your reputation. Protect it those aims. Commonly known as the Duels are to be conducted at an
and that of your relatives and Articles of Agreement, all must make their appointed time and place ashore,
followers. Let no injury or insult mark and swear an oath of allegiance never aboard ship.
to them go unanswered. on the articles before joining the crew. • Never desert your ship
• Break no oath. Sometimes this oath is sworn on a holy or crewmates in battle.
• Do not associate with outlaws. relic, at other times over a pair of crossed Crewmembers are your brothers
• Honor the gods with sacrifice after pistols or a national flag. Most crews and sisters until their names are
both success and failure. regard their articles with great pride. struck from the articles. Treat
• Uphold the laws of the Ting. Let With its emphasis on democracy, them accordingly.
each say his piece, and arbitrate cooperation, and fair division of booty, • Wounded companions are to be
quarrels with fairness. Articles of Agreement are also popular given appropriate compensation
• Do not pursue a feud or duel among land-bound adventurers, who for any permanent injuries.
until a just offer of wergild (blood draw them up as a joint contract of • Accept surrender when it is
money) has been made and employment and sign of respectability. It offered. Captives must be treated
refused. has become almost a general adventurer’s well and freed when ransomed.
• Do not deny an honorable enemy code in certain places with potential
an honorable end. patrons often drawing up sets of articles
• Show hospitality to any man who when they set out to make new hires.
is not an outlaw. Do not allow
your guests to be mistreated or Precepts
abused. • Operate only with a signed
• Be cheerful in the face of adversity. contract detailing the venture’s aims
Do not complain about hardships, and division of the spoils. All
and welcome danger as a chance crewmembers must sign this
to prove your worth. agreement of their own free
• A drengr’s wealth is measured will without threat or force.
by gifts, not horde. Do not keep • Attack only the
more gold than you need. acknowledged enemies of
your nation or race, or
The Code of the Brethren those you are authorized
Even pirates, before they attack another to attack under a letter of
ship, hoist a black flag. marque.
—Béela Kiráaly • Every member has a vote
in the affairs of the
How can a paladin be a pirate? The crew and an equal
answer is that avarice is only one entitlement to
motivation for such naval adventures, equipment and provisions.
and there is often a fine line between • Obey the captain and officers if
piracy, privateering, and outright war. they are acting within the rules
Some captains do their duty out of set down.
patriotism or strong convictions rather
than greed, and many who considered
themselves honest have been named
“pirate” by their enemies.
There are many types of pirate and
many different codes with each code
setting things out roughly the same:
they specify who is eligible for attack
and include provisions for discipline,
specifications of each crewmate’s share
of treasure, and compensation for the
injured. It is not merely an ideal

Kobold Quarterly 14 43
Men of Honor 

The Code of Xiá the open road is the only place they ensure proper conduct in duels and to
A superior man is modest in his speech, can find freedom and true justice. prevent matters of honor from becoming
but exceeds in his actions. Whatever their origin, in many ways damaging vendettas. It ensures that non-
—Confucius a xiá are quintessential adventurers— violent alternatives have been exhausted
heroes wandering the world without and that injuries are limited by strict
Xiá is an ancient Chinese word with ties to any earthly authority, fighting rules and prompt medical care. The code
many meanings, but all of them evil, and helping those in need. has existed in one form or another since
describe a righteous person who uses Xiá has no specific religious principles, ancient times, but the first formalized
martial expertise to fight injustice and but many of its adherents also seek national code was set down in France in
protect the innocent. spiritual enlightenment and are later the 18th century.
Experts in both armed and unarmed renowned as wise philosophers. They The Code Duello is typically
combat, xiá are typically men and often found rebel groups, martial schools, embraced by nobility and the armed
women of great natural talent but or doctrines that later generations hold up forces. Soldiers are expected to be
low social class. There is also a long as the epitome of virtue. proud and hot-blooded with duels
tradition of formerly influential common between different branches of
judges, generals, and politicians Precepts the military, competing regiments, and
being forced to leave their Unlike most paladin codes, the code individual rivals.
wealth and status behind when of xiá is a personal thing and each Those who follow the code ensure that
their good hearts bring them practitioner is beholden only their own the proceedings of all duels are fair and
into conflict with a powerful sense of right and wrong—but they hold witnessed and always give their opponent
but wicked lord. For them, themselves to it as stringently as any an opportunity to apologize for whatever
written code. They may well break the offense has been caused. If acting as
law to help those in need but never their seconds, they must be alert for cheating
own beliefs. Common xiá beliefs include: by either side—honorable seconds have
• Material possessions are a burden. sometimes been known to shoot their
Do not keep more than you need. own friend if they found him cheating,
• Help the needy. Spiritual or to preserve the honor of his name or
moral assistance is as important as regiment. Duels are typically fought with
physical aid. sword or pistol, although some countries
• Uphold the truth. Defeat lies. have specific traditions regarding what
Always keep your word and see weapons and armor are allowed.
that promises are fulfilled. Dueling is legal in some places, but
• Seek perfection in your martial more often, it’s against the law but
art, but do not boast about your tacitly accepted. In this case, a duelist’s
abilities and virtues. Do not use honor is paramount, and the law must
dishonorable tactics such as poison be elegantly circumvented or avoided.
or firearms. Sometimes, however, dueling is expressly
• Show respect to all you meet— forbidden by the code itself, such as
especially those unworthy of it. between soldiers of the same side during
• Comrades should be treated as wartime. In both cases, duelists can
brothers and sisters. Their family sometimes find ways to engage in battle,
is your family. often engaging in elaborate “dares” in
• You own the consequences of place of a straight fight: they might ride
your actions. A deed is not toward an opposing army to see who
“done” until its consequences are can go closest or stand brazenly on a
fully played out. city’s walls while it’s under heavy cannon
• Do not kill unless absolutely fire. In such cases, the first to retreat is
necessary. considered the loser.
Duels are not typically fought to “first
The Code Duello blood” because true duelists consider
One for all, all for one! this cowardly. To prove his or her worth
—Alexandre Dumas, The in a fight, an honorable combatant
Three Musketeers should fight until they are no longer
able to continue or until an attending
The Code Duello is designed to physician or second calls a halt.

44 Kobold Quarterly 14
Precepts great roleplaying opportunities. your lover’s brother challenges you
• Duel only to defend the honor History has plenty to inspire you. to a duel, but how can you face your
of your nation, your monarch, Will your code be based on the love again after wounding her closest
your family, your comrades, your Knights Templar, the Twelve Peers kin? Such clashes are great moments of
good name, and those who cannot of Charlemagne, or the code of roleplaying and a chance for your hero
defend themselves. bushido? Does it focus on loyalty to grow. There are no right or wrong
• One may not duel an individual to an individual or to an abstract answers here—ultimately it is up to the
greatly above or below one’s social concept? Is it based around a GM and player to decide the outcome.
station (gentlemen may not fight particular religion or philosophy, Let’s hope your character’s faith
servants, for example). or was it set down by a hero long is sufficient to the task. The choice
• Duels between allied soldiers are ago? Why was the code created? might not be easy, but what paladin
forbidden during time of war. What’s the purpose of the group it ever took the easy path? Ω
• Allow no insult to pass binds together and who are their
unchallenged. Challenges must natural allies and enemies?
be issued in public, directly A good code should provide both the
to the person who caused the player and the GM with plenty of ideas
offence. Those who refuse for supporting characters, adventures,
both apology and duel must and other sources of drama. Conflicts
be scorned as cowards and not between the code and the alignment
associated with. of a PC or two characters at odds can
• A duel is not honorable unless and should occur when they confront
it is agreed to by all parties. An moral quandaries, tough decisions, and
honorable offer of restitution must the needs of a dramatic story. How
be accepted. should an aetheling treat
• The challenged party may a dear friend whose been
chose the weapons used. The made outlaw? What’s
challenger has first choice to be done when your
of location. Both shall deadly enemy isn’t covered
provide between one and by your letter of marque?
three trusted representatives How can you refuse If
(or seconds) to act as go-
betweens and ensure the duel
is fair.
• If acting as a second, it is
your duty to behave with
fairness and to prevent
cheating by either
• The manner in which
a duel is conducted
is as important as
its outcome. Do not
engage in cheating or use
dishonorable tactics.
• When the duel is done, the
matter is settled and both winner
and loser should be respected for
their courage.

In Your Game
Whatever your character’s class,
detailing a code of honor is a
great way to delve into their
personality and aims, define their
place in the world, and create

Kobold Quarterly 14 45
Game Theories

Dice versus Story

By Monte Cook
Art by McKenna

’m going to tell you something might want to consider injecting at
that you already know but may least a taste of real game elements into
have forgotten: roleplaying games your role playing game.
are weird. First off, let’s clarify terms. By
The way RPGs work becomes “game” elements, I mainly mean
second nature to those who play randomization. This means allowing the you weren’t aware
them. We immerse ourselves in dice to truly determine the outcome of of. You might run into
rulebooks, adventures, characters, a conflict: sometimes allowing the game an unexpected acquaintance in the
stories, and dice. But when we step to determine what an NPC does or restaurant. And so on.
back and look at them from the what challenges PCs face. If the PCs are traveling overland to
outside, RPGs are weird. When the PCs enter into a combat defeat the troll warlord and a die roll on
One of the strangest things about or other challenge and the GM lets a random encounter chart says a blue
them is that they are both games the dice fall where they may, there’s dragon appears, that doesn’t necessarily
and stories. “Of course,” you might likely a real chance for failure or derail the entire story. It does, however,
say. “That’s the point.” Holding the defeat. Failure might not mean death. change the way the things in that
game at arm’s length, however, we It might mean retreat, capture, or particular session might go. Random
should remain aware of what a strange simply that they will have to try some encounters or events in the game mean
synthesis this is. No one talks about the other plan. Characters fail in stories that things can happen that even the
“story” of Monopoly or chess, although all the time. It makes the final victory GM wasn’t expecting (although, to be
each does have a basic kind of story. all the more meaningful. sure, since he wrote or at least decided to
These are games, pure and simple. It also means that sometimes things reference the chart, he’s still the guiding
If I said to you while we engaged will happen that surprise the GM. But hand behind everything).
in a game of chess, “your knight that shouldn’t ever happen, right? The This has led to some fantastic game
really shouldn’t take my queen, it GM is the storyteller, the one with experiences for me, personally, as
would be a better story if the two the vision of the overall flow of the both a GM and a player. The sudden,
queens battled it out in the end,” campaign. True, but consider that, in a surprising presence of a powerful,
you’d think me daft. Because what board game, you know how it’s going dangerous encounter or event when
I did was suddenly ask you to stop to end because the rules tell you what neither the players nor the GM
playing a game and to help me tell a the victory conditions are. In chess, at expected it generates a suddenly
story. Similarly, you’ll likely not find some point down the road, a player surge of excitement. Occasionally,
a well-respected novelist who rolls will be in checkmate, but you don’t when the players believe that even
dice to determine what happens next know how things are going to progress the GM didn’t know something was
in a book. RPGs ask us to combine to that point until you start playing. going to happen, there’s a heightened
two things that aren’t normally If we adapt that kind of mindset to sense of real danger that can be both
combined—which is their beauty. RPGs, the GM can have the general thrilling and rewarding. The PCs’
But if we forget this, we can fall story idea planned, right up to the epic success no longer feels like a fait
into the trap of losing this important conclusion, but the specific path the accompli, which can shake even a
synthesis. Specifically, I think many story takes is an open issue. jaded player into exhilaration.
GMs fall victim to losing the game In a way, it’s like taking your friends It becomes the GM’s duty, then,
in roleplaying game. They reject the out to a restaurant. You as the GM to incorporate the encounter (and
idea that the dice should determine might decide what restaurant and its ramifications) into the ongoing
anything—deciding, instead, that the when everyone will arrive, but the campaign. And that’s also a fun aspect
story’s the thing, period. other diners (the “players”) order what to the game that people sometimes
Now, I’m not going to tell you that they want and eat what they want. The forget. While the essence of an RPG
approach is wrong. However, if you’ll restaurant might be out of some items might be for the players to be given
indulge me, I will describe why you and might have some new specials surprising situations to which they

46 Kobold Quarterly 14
must react, sometimes the GM must I know full well that I’m getting accidentally unleash the grand lich
be given the opportunity to react into “hot button topic territory” dwelling inside. Feeling responsible,
to the unknown as well. While this here. For some, the story that the the PCs then devote themselves to
x-factor for him usually comes from GM wants to tell trumps any die tracking down and destroying the evil
the surprising choices the players roll. The GM can fashion a great undead creature. The GM created the
make, sometimes it comes from story but can’t know everything tomb and the lich but never knew that
the game itself—surprising die roll ahead of time. Most prominently, the PCs would even go there, let alone
outcomes or random encounters. In he can’t know what choices the PCs unleash the lich and then hunt him
this way, the GM’s also playing the make until they make them. If he down. In other words, the story arises
game and not just telling a story. can, he’s not a GM, he’s a novelist. from the play of the game.
It’s worth noting, too, that random So why not occasionally go the next This approach isn’t for everyone, of
elements can bring a certain kind step and let the dice lead rather than course, and that’s fine. It’s intrinsically
of freshness to a campaign. GMs the script? Even if for just a single no better or worse than any other
who have been running games for side encounter now and again? style of game. Sometimes players need
the same group for many years can Some people, though, push this more of a plotline to follow. Some
get into ruts without even realizing concept much further and eschew the players and some GMs want more of
it. Sometimes a GM uses the same GM-as-storyteller idea completely. In a straightforward, pre-ordained story,
old story ideas. I tend to overuse such a campaign, the GM provides a which is also fine. Perhaps the thing
temples and religious plot-hooks, for setting populated with challenges and to take away from this is that in the
example. A random element won’t adventures, and the players explore synthesis of storytelling and game play
rewrite the entire story, but it might it as they want. This kind of game that an RPG represents, it’s worth
interject something I wouldn’t have isn’t story-less. On the contrary, great the time to explore every facet of that
added on my own. tales can be told about the exploits of synthesis from time to time to interject
Of course, it’s not just random the PCs as they search for treasure in freshness and newness to this activity
encounters. As previously stated, the Tomb of the Forgotten King and that we all know so well. Ω
unless the GM’s fudging a lot of
rolls or the stats involved, there’s no
knowing ahead of time if the PCs
will be victorious against a foe until
the actual rolls are made—or even if
an important NPC likes or dislikes
the PCs until they make Diplomacy
checks. Some GMs might object to
this uncertainty, but I really can’t stress
enough how the unpredictable turns
that a game can take can be really
fun. When the PCs are defeated by an
encounter the GM thought they could
handle, this is an opportunity.
As I mentioned before, perhaps the
PCs are captured and imprisoned,
providing a completely new adventure.
Perhaps the opponent that bested them
went on to commit some heinous act,
and now, the PCs are blamed. Or they
somehow have to undo what he did
somehow. These wholly new scenarios
not only wouldn’t have happened if
the dice didn’t roll as they did, they
couldn’t happen without that impetus.
These are scenarios that couldn’t be
simply scripted (without some serious,
ham-fisted railroading). They arise out
of everyone—GM included—playing
the game.

Kobold Quarterly 14 47
Kobold Diplomacy 

Chumming the Dungeon

Dealing with Rob Heinsoo
By Jeremy L. C. Jones

ob Heinsoo was a junior Gambit. In our interview, Heinsoo against better alternatives proposed by
member on the design team and I talk about his days perpetrating other designers, everyone suffers. I’m
for the 3E Forgotten Realms hoaxes in Alarums & Excursions self-critical without being pessimistic,
before moving to help design projects (A&E), work at Wizards of the Coast, so when other people had ideas that
such as Chainmail, D&D Miniatures, and current and forthcoming projects. greatly improved the current design,
and Dreamblade while at Wizards I was usually quick to recognize and
of the Coast. He returned to D&D Jones: As lead designer, what were champion their contributions. The
as the lead designer for 4th Edition your primary contributions to 4E? biggest example was when Mike
and has contributed heavily to the Heinsoo: 4E had several different Mearls and Rich Baker came up with
development of the Forgotten Realms teams in its design and development the plan to phrase power usage as a
(FR) through both recent editions. process, including a core design mix of at-will, encounter, and daily
While he points to Bruce Cordell, team, three separate design teams powers. My earlier plans had been too
Richard Baker, Ed Greenwood, and for subsequent finicky, focusing on
others as having greater influence drafts, and a recharge mechanisms
on the Forgotten Realms, folks
familiar with Heinsoo’s work see his
couple of different
development teams.
"I take a lot varying for the different
classes and power
delightfully devious influence on I was the person of pleasure in sources. When Mike
elements such as the ever-shifting who was present and Rich proposed
genasi and the dark pacts favored by during every phase, setting up hugely this alternative, its
the drow. familiar with simplicity and utility
Whether designing or playing, everything that had dramatic settings turned it into the
Heinsoo is quick of wit, quick on
his feet, and quick to recognize
been discussed,
avoided, or decided
and wild magical foundation of the
other people’s good ideas. He is even on during earlier environments On the other side of
quicker to strike a dangerous deal stages. I started the coin, there were
with his players. by leading design for the PCs to cases in which my role
As a game master, Heinsoo is known discussions with was to fix gameplay
for chumming the dungeon, a term James Wyatt and explore." issues with approaches
coined recently by Mike Fehlauer. Andy Collins, using to the design that no
“Chumming the dungeon,” Heinsoo a workshop-style approach that I one else had foreseen. Two examples of
explains, “is when the players make believe we spoke about in some detail such moments came when we wanted
worried or excited guesses about in an interview in an earlier issue of to fix saving throws and death. Both
what’s going on, allowing the Kobold Quarterly (Editor – yes indeed, of these mechanical elements pivot
dreadsharks of the GM’s mind to see “They Wrote the Book” in issue #5). on threats to the PCs: the moments
churn the blood auguries and home But there were a couple wrinkles to that the game risks not being fun as
in on fresh meat for the plotline with my role as lead designer that probably a character or an entire party fails or
a smile of secret gratitude.” weren’t covered in the earlier interview. dies. But without the threat of failure,
His love for cutting deals and for One of my strengths was to be quick victory rings hollow.
“turning nothing into something” to recognize other people’s good ideas. So for both saving throws and
led Heinsoo to design the card games If a lead designer digs in his heels death, I had to think carefully about
Three-Dragon Ante and Emperor’s to defend ill-conceived mechanics maintaining tension and uncertainty

48 Kobold Quarterly 14
while giving PCs good chances
of recovering from debilitating things I would have wanted to touches throughout the world and
conditions and even having a change about 4E mostly center on the possibly even more so in Monstrous
chance of leaping up dramatically knowledge that the class design project Compendium: Creatures of Faerun.
from what had appeared to be their wasn’t entirely finished upon release. When we tackled the Forgotten
death scene. The mechanics had to I’d never wanted to use the exact same Realms for 4E, our design teams
strike a balance between threat, heroic power structure for the wizard as every were organized in a slightly peculiar
recovery, and simplicity. other class, for example, but we ran fashion; it ended up not working for
out of time, and had to use smaller long, but that’s another story. I was
And how do you feel about the final variations to express class differences leading the mechanical design team.
results? Have any holes surfaced? than I had originally expected. When We were responsible mainly for game
Changes you wish you’d made? you see new classes like the monk and mechanics, less so for the world story
I love the game that resulted. My the psion and the runepriest, classes and for writing the prose that filled
current 4E campaign is the most fun that are markedly different than earlier most of our books. So when Bruce
I’ve had running a game, ever, and classes in the game, you’re seeing a Cordell and Ed Greenwood and Chris
I can focus my design time creating natural expression of the freedom Sims and others were putting together
the story background and figuring allowed within 4E design. I’m looking the pieces of the new campaign setting,
out new hooks the PCs may be forward to seeing how that design I was mostly designing or overseeing
interested in instead of spending a continues; I think that both 4E the game mechanics appearing in the
lot of time wrestling with adventure players and a few people who haven’t Forgotten Realms Players Guide.
and monster design. Running the yet been playing 4E are going to like As the work turned out, I personally
game is easy. And I love the work we the new stuff that will be published ended up creating the new mechanics
did on the cosmology: the points of later this year. for the drow; handling all the art,
light background and the cosmos’ concepting, story, and mechanics for
deep history. And where are your footprints the the genasi; designing a whole mess
Knowing what I know now, I might most noticeable in the 4E Forgotten of paragon paths; the Chosen epic
have worked for smaller changes in the Realms? Least noticeable, but destiny; the channel divinity feats for
world, since shifting both the world nonetheless important? the FR gods; and the new dark pact
and the mechanics at the same time When we did the 3E Forgotten class for the warlock. The dark pact
proved difficult for some of the D&D Realms Campaign Setting, I was was the contribution I was happiest
faithful to swallow. But that difficulty a junior member of the D&D with. Some WotC co-workers
in swallowing is all mixed up with Worlds team, but somehow, I ended disagreed with me, but I felt that in
missteps involving the OGL/GSL and up getting to write big swathes a book that was re-introducing the
electronic publishing plans. of the world material for that drow, we needed to provide a drow-
From a design perspective, the campaign setting, scattering personal flavored character class option. The

Kobold Quarterly 14 49
Kobold Diplomacy

about the game before a session; What’s the basic idea of Emperor’s
Alarums & Excursions improvisation without conscious Gambit and how have you improved
understanding of what might be most on the earlier deck?
If you’re interested in Lee Gold’s wonderful and interesting to the PCs I knew there was room for another
roleplaying fanzine, you’ll find
can come off flat. Three-Dragon Ante design back
the current Alarums & Excursions
purchasing and contribution On the surface, I don’t appear to when I designed the first set. When
information at remain joyous. I tend to get very I heard about an opening in WotC’s caught up in publishing schedule,
Kobold approved! the fortunes of I proposed a new set,
my NPCs and
monsters. Of
"I wrote about started designing it
a couple days later.
warlock’s blend of arcane magic and course, I actually everything from All along, my plan
forbidden power seemed perfect for want the PCs was to provide 70
the drow, but the existing star and to struggle to the Mexican new cards that could
fey pacts didn’t feel right for them. glorious victory. be mixed together
So I had a blast writing the dark pact But as GM, I M a s k e d with cards from the
powers and flavor to take advantage
of all the deceased drow gods that
roleplay as if I want
the PCs to fail,
Wrestlers Save original set, using
the same rules but
had been slain by Lolth in recently
published FR novels/history.
exulting over my
monster’s critical
Santa Claus providing a different
play experience.
Meanwhile Rich Baker, Bob hits and cunning game ... to stories Three-Dragon Ante
Schwalb, and Logan Bonner handled maneuvers. My is about choosing
the swordmage class and Bruce Cordell current group about riding to goals, maximizing
put everything together as well as
designing the spellscars.
enjoys the sense
that they are
GenCon on a bus your chance to win
or score a special
In the terms you’re using, footprints
across the 4E Forgotten Realms, I think
beating me down
by pushing ahead
with a crazy flight, and squeezing
the most out of
that Bruce’s footprints are clearest, to victory. With a man." every card. Given
particularly since he was—and is— less extroverted and that it has been
busy writing cool Realms novels that bombastic group, taken into the world
gave him a strong and wide perspective I’d alter my GMing style. of D&D as a gambling game played
on the Realms. The part of my style that doesn’t in taverns, barracks, and palaces, I
alter is that I love cutting deals. I’m wanted the new set to have a few
What kind of GM are you? willing to let players attempt nearly more ways for players to increase the
I start every session as a joyous GM. anything they can think of or receive stakes and try to run other players out
I take a lot of pleasure in setting up rewards that might seem far greater of gold. The first Three-Dragon Ante
hugely dramatic settings and wild than expected. But every such reward had many ways for players to steal
magical environments for the PCs or exceedingly unlikely magical stunt gold from the stakes. In comparison,
to explore. I don’t over-prepare. I has a price, one that I try to phrase this version has more ways for players
prepare a few encounters for each so that there is a non-zero chance who are gambling that they can
session and focus on the things that that the player/PC will accept it. win to make everyone add gold to
will make each distinct and exciting Thus, I complicate the PCs’ lives the stakes. A few of the new colors
and memorable compared to all with problems that are partially of dragon, notably the earthquake
others. I keep track of what’s going on of their own construction. At a dragon, share this intent to increase
behind the scenes and sprinkle story convention game, I heard one player the amount of gold flowing between
elements into every combat scene snarl to another, “Do not listen to players during the game.
as well as ladling them thick when any more of his deals!” and had to Several of the new cards in Emperor’s
the PCs are out of combat choosing burst out laughing. Gambit have ante effects, abilities that
their paths through the world or their Aside from D&D, the game I’ve loved function when the card goes into the
social networks. running most in the past is Feng Shui. ante or while it remains in the ante.
Improvisation is a strength, The new RPG I’m most likely to run Ante effects change the way everyone
including improv based on ideas the this year is Heroquest, set in a variant plays, but since they can be removed
players bring up or mutter about heretical Glorantha of my creation by cards like the Spy (or a Bronze
worriedly. My weaknesses surface instead of the canonical version of that Dragon from the original set) or a
when I’m too busy to think enough wonderful fantasy world. number flight, players have to balance

50 Kobold Quarterly 14
their play against the chance that an A&E is still a freeform discussion The last contribution, the Amber hoax,
ante effect is about to disappear. zone for roleplaying theorists and a carries something of the flavor of the
At the moment, I enjoy games with good spot for extensive roleplaying work I’m doing on the new books I’m
Emperor’s Gambit more than games write-ups for roleplaying pragmatists. writing, so as usual, early work in A&E
with the first set. There are more Before the internet surfaced, A&E’s was setting me up for this future self’s
opportunities to turn nothing-into- contributors included dozens of writing career.
something, fewer moments when game designers, game writers,
you’re just screwed. But I suspect the and publishers. In my generation, What project(s) have you been
absolute best way to play may be to contributors included people like working on these days?
mix a few of the cards from each set Robin Laws, Jonathan Tweet, Chris In the last month, I’ve been working
together. I’ve thought about these Pramas, John Nephew, Scott Bennie, mostly on two new board games.
possibilities but I haven’t played many Nicole Lindroos, James Wallis, Recently, I’ve also worked on a book
games mixing the cards from the Spike Jones, Eric Goldberg, Mark formatted something like a game that
two sets together yet, something I’m Rein•Hagen, the list goes on. is mostly non-fiction; another book
looking forward to. Despite its 20th century tech as a that is sort of about gaming that is
printed fanzine, A&E’s RPG interests largely fiction with a bit of non-fiction;
You’ve contributed to Alarums & aren’t entirely old school. It’d be more basic design of an iPhone game; and
Excursions (A&E). Something about accurate to say that you can find a few smaller projects I’ll eventually
the spirit of A&E seems to fit with voices from every one of the many old discuss on my blog at robheinsoo.
your approach to design and play. schools of roleplaying gaming, along In the next couple of
I still get A&E, but I haven’t been with people who try most every new weeks, I’m likely to sign some contracts
reading it closely in recent years. It’s the indie RPG. for writing D&D-related material
nature of A&E to be a conversation, Back in the day when I was a sporadic via the OGL, but like the things I
with contributors commenting on each contributor to A&E, I wrote about mentioned above, I’m not going to be
other’s words despite the minimum everything from the Mexican Masked specific because this work is a long way
1-month time lag. At this stage, A&E Wrestlers Save Santa Claus game I’d from being published.
is a community of gamers who are played in Toronto while visiting Robin I was originally going to say that my
fond of each other by virtue of long Laws to stories about riding to GenCon future RPG work was likely to remain
association and mutual investments of on a bus with a crazy man who had a D&D centered or be aimed at existing
time. The community is certainly open sawed-off shotgun to the secret origins systems. But when phrasing that
to newcomers, though newcomers are of Zelazny’s Nine Princes in Amber series response I started thinking about the
a self-selected bunch given the instant- as a set of folktales about a primal RPG I’d like to design, something no
communication protocols available on family that could be traced from China one else has come close to doing. Maybe
the internet. back to Egypt and thence to Africa. I’ll tap into it in the next year or two. Ω

Kobold Quarterly 14 51
Treasure Trove

Paper Treasures
By John Baichtal

littering gold, magical lore, remains of a holy book, torn and
a queen’s lost jewels: these burned. Remarkably, the first ten pages
feature prominently in the are untouched and contain the records
imaginations of adventurers as they of a family’s births and deaths going
set off looking for treasure. But other back a dozen or more generations.
valuables, neither glittery nor glowing, It so happens that the family, Clan
can be found as well. These paper Gremule, has expanded greatly
treasures await discovery, but because since the book was last updated
they aren’t intrinsically valuable— over a century before, with multiple
vellum and ink fetching a lower price offshoots and clans of distant cousins.
even than silver—each must come with If the PCs investigate the family, they
an adventure seed, a trail to investigate, may realize that all records of the older
promising PCs wealth and peril. generations have been lost—this family
tree is the last remaining record of those
Artificers’ Guildbook early days.
The PCs find a beautiful golden book, If the PCs return the fragment to the
large and massively heavy, secured family, they discover that the Gremules name, her flair for describing the
with a cunning mechanical lock. are a fractious and power hungry members of the court maked it easy
Even if they break the book open, bunch, and the family tree unleashes a to locate her. She is Uvaana, a young
the PCs find the contents written in grell’s nest of arguments as some lines baroness with a love for courtly
an unfamiliar language that defies all of inheritance are revealed to be false intrigue. Less well known is her
magical translation. while others are proven authentic. career as a high-level wizard, and if
This is the official guildbook of How does this affect the PCs? Those it comes to blackmail, she certainly
the Artificer’s Guild, who build Gremules who stand to benefit from uses all of her powers to protect her
mechanical devices ranging from the document’s revelations look reputation. Even if the PCs return
crude siege engines to clockwork favorably on the party while those the diary to her in a forthright
automata. Joining their guild requires disenfranchised will hate them. manner, seeking no reward, Uvaana
sponsorship, patience, and a great deal Perhaps the PCs will get sucked into may decide to eliminate them simply
of gold. Upon entry, an apprentice this intra-family feud! for knowing all her indiscretions.
must slave for years as the guild’s Other members of the court may
secrets are doled out in ones and twos. Lady Zolana’s Diary be just as interested in the diary as
One of the secrets these neophytes This smallish diary is packed with tiny Uvaana or more, the better to destroy
eventually learn is how to read and but readable letters: the daily musings her reputation, and they might pay an
write the guild’s secret language. of a woman calling herself Lady Zolana. enormous sum for it—or simply kill
Needless to say, the guild isn’t The journal reads like a cheap novel the finders and keep the book.
interested in paying to get their describing the petty machinations of
property back. Conversely, certain a bored noblewoman: tawdry affairs Reskkab-Yamur Treaty
wizards, sages, and non-guild tinkerers described in pornographic detail, The party finishes the latest
would love to acquire the book. Or overblown political scandals, the adventure, all in a day’s work. But
perhaps, a PC might undertake to squabbling of cliques, and the betrayal part of the monster’s treasure is a
somehow learn the guild language, of misplaced trust. When reading the courier’s scroll tube, missing the
thereby learning the book’s secrets. diary, an adventurer might be tempted official seal. Inside are an authentic-
to try to track down Zolana and return seeming series of documents dated
Gremule Family Tree the diary for a reward—or perhaps to 20 years ago, a treaty resolving the
Digging through a pile of charred blackmail her. territorial dispute between two small
documents, the PCs discover the While Zolana isn’t the lady’s real kingdoms, Reskkab and Yamur.

52 Kobold Quarterly 14
Historians might remember that
nobles from Yamur were attacked Black
& Read
and slain by hill giants on their way
back from negotiations, and the
dispute lingered on. The discovery
of a signed treaty would do wonders
to resolving the lingering disputes
between the two nations.
Your Friendly Local
Only problem is, the treaty is a Game Store
forgery. Agents from Reskkab have

* Buy
planted the faked documents that detail
the resolution of the dispute in their
kingdom’s favor—analyzing the treaty
reveals the Yamur side “agreed” to some
fairly major territorial concessions.
* Sell
Then they arranged for some gullible
do-gooders to find the documents. * Trade
What happens next? That depends
on how much value the PCs place Arvada,
on the treaty. If they’re angling for
a reward for “finding” the treaty, Colorado
the Reskkab side will lobby them to
support the treaty and vouch for its (800) 467-3236
authenticity, paying them well for
their time. The Yamurites will be less
enthusiastic, but peace-loving cliques
and Reskkab agents will pressure their
king to ratify the treaty. Guess who
will be blamed when the treaty is
revealed as a forgery?

Tormay’s Letter
The PCs find a stained and
tattered letter in the possession
of some bandits. Dated a couple
of months prior, the letter seems
innocuous at first: a young lord’s idle
correspondence, describing a stay in
a distant kingdom. Depending on
the reader’s Intelligence and skill with
the language, he or she may realize
the cadences of the letter are odd…
the language alternates between floral
and stilted with sentences sometimes
making little sense or else are written
with the flair of a poet.
The truth is that Tormay is a
prisoner and his letter contains coded
instructions on how to rescue him.
Once the party realizes this, they’ll
have to decipher the instructions,
which lead them through a dark forest
and a maze of tunnels.
Of course, Tormay offers a vast
fortune to whoever rescues him. Ω

Kobold Quarterly 14 53
Treasure Trove

Middle Class Magic

By Adam Daigle

occasional patch of ice or gravel, they

urios, bric-a-brac, knick- Pentrick’s Mundane Magic Items allow you to travel normally and without
knacks—the jumble spills from Item Market hindrance over difficult terrain for up to
Price 15 ft. in a 24-hour period.
the canvas-covered stall on the Blinding lantern 900 gp Construction
edge of the Kobold Ghetto. Pentrick Boots of solid footing 1,100 gp Requirements Craft Wondrous
plies his wares here among the street Brawler’s leather 250 gp Item, creator must have 5 ranks in
markets of Zobeck, always looking for Burglar’s key and lock 1,000 gp Acrobatics; Cost 550 gp
a big score. While this shifty kobold Hardening polish 400 gp
already lives extravagantly in the Free Jungle mess kit 500 gp Brawler’s Leather
City, the cunning creature always looks Scoundrel’s gambit 50 gp
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Shifting shirt 850 gp
for more. Spicebox spoon 700 gp
Slot hands; Price 250 gp; Weight —
A devious and wicked entrepreneur, Spider grenade 300 gp

Pentrick owns a workhouse below the These rawhide straps carry lines of
Tactile gel 250 gp crimson runes running along their
city in cramped warrens and filled Tailor’s clasp 1,100 gp length. They require 10 minutes of
with indentured servants—cranks Whispering powder 250 gp preparation: bathing them in salt water
out simple arcane trinkets. His own before carefully wrapping them around
clockwork beetle lies always within your forearms.
Once fitted, they provide you with a
arm’s reach, and he offers similar magic Description
+1 enhancement bonus to unarmed
to fit any size purse. This ornate brass lantern comes fitted attacks and damage. The straps
In case of bothersome visitors to with heavily inscribed plates shielding become brittle once they set and only
the cut crystal lens. With a flick of a last for your next 10 attacks before
his stall, Pentrick has rigged it with lever as a standard action, the plate crumbling away.
a handful of street traps (see Zobeck rises, unleashing a dazzling array of Construction
Gazetteer), and uncovering the low, lights at a single target within 30 ft.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item,
drapery-covered table reveals a The wielder must use two hands to
magic fang; Cost 125 gp
direct the lights precisely into the eyes
trapdoor leading directly into the of a foe.
nearby warrens, also laced with a series The targeted creature becomes Burglar’s Lock and Key
of menacing traps, of course. Visitors dazed for 1 round (Will DC 11). A Aura faint transmutation; CL 1st
whispering the secret phrase—“Little is creature dazed by the lantern is Slot —; Price 1,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
bigger where the river winds,” an obvious immune to its effects for 1 minute Description
afterward. Creatures with 5 or more HD This heavy iron lock bears a stout,
bait for forced appreciation of Pentrick are immune to the effects of the lantern. pitted key permanently fixed in the
and his kin—gain access to his more By opening the shutter on the opposite keyhole. Using a standard action
interesting wares. side, the device functions as a normal to twist the key counterclockwise,
His magic items, popular with the bull’s-eye lantern, yet illuminates you instantly open one door, chest,
magically, requiring no fuel and giving bag, bottle, or container within 30 ft.
well-to-do merchants cramming the off no heat. (Note, this does not unlock them.)
Free City, provide easy solutions The power can be used at will in Cautious rogues and lazy nobles
to mundane worries. Both visiting dark conditions; it has no effect in full frequently make use of this device.
adventurers and those who call Zobeck daylight. Any container or portal weighing more
home find Pentrick’s utilitarian items Construction than 30 lb. or restrained in any way
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, (latched, bolted, tied) automatically
essential. These simple magic items daze; Cost 450 gp resists this effect.
bring fledgling adventurers and Construction
wealthy citizens to the cramped kobold Boots of Solid Footing Requirements Craft Wondrous Item,
warrens in droves. Aura faint transmutation; CL 2nd open/close; Cost 500 gp
Slot feet; Price 1,100 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Description Hardening Polish
Blinding Lantern A thick, rubbery sole covers the bottom
and sides of these stout leather boots. Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Aura faint enchantment; CL 1st Useful for maneuvering cluttered Slot —; Price 1,000 gp; Weight —
Slot —; Price 900 gp; Weight 3 lb. alleyways, slick sewers, and the Description

54 Kobold Quarterly 14
Useful to those encountering heavily the next, glistening court attire. Your
armored clockwork guardians and appearance cannot be changed, only
formidable golems, this unguent, when your mode of dress. Anyone physically Costing Arcane Powers for
applied to a melee weapon, hardens interacting with you might see through
its edge and strengthens the material the illusion (Will DC 12). the Non-Arcanist
for a brief period. Once applied, it gives Construction The scoundrel’s gambit was
the weapon or material the properties Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, originally priced at 50 gp, and
of adamantine for 10 rounds before silent image; Cost 425 gp it still seemed too cheap. While
wearing off. A vial of hardening polish
coats a single melee weapon or 20 a one-shot scroll prices out at
Spicebox Spoon 25 gp, this is an item useable by
units of ammunition.
Construction Aura faint universal; CL 1st any class and not requiring any
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item; Slot —; Price 700 gp; Weight — Use Magic Device skill check—
Cost 500 gp Description features which make the scoundrel’s
This lacquered wooden spoon carries gambit eminently abusable by any
with it an entire cupboard within its
Jungle Mess Kit smooth contours. When you swirl this
orc, minion, henchman, or other
Aura faint transmutation; CL 1st spoon in any mixture, whether drink cannon fodder in the game. The
Slot —; Price 500 gp; Weight 1 lb. or stew, it exudes a flavorful aroma, cost has been doubled to 100 gp,
Description infusing with the edibles. This culinary but it’s still quite inexpensive for
This crucial piece of survival gear wonder mimics any imagined variation what it does. Introduce to your
guarantees safe use of the most of simple seasonings, from simple campaign with caution.
basic of consumables. The hinged salt and pepper to aromatic herbs and
metal container acts as a cook pot complex spice blends. These flavors
and opens to reveal a cup, plate, only persist for 1 hour, so it is best to
and eating utensils. Whether facing eat quickly.
Tailor’s Clasp
stagnant pond water or worm-infested Construction
small game, this kit renders any Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Aura faint transmutation; CL 2nd
spoiled, rotten, or even poisonous prestidigitation; Cost 350 gp Slot —; Price 1,100 gp; Weight —
food safe to consume. It can purify Description
only mundane, natural ill effects and Spider Grenade This ornate brooch often appears in
functions on up to 1 cu. ft. of food and the form of a jeweled weaving spider or
drink, 3/day. Aura faint conjuration; CL 3rd scarab beetle. When activated, it skitters
Construction Slot —; Price 300 gp; Weight — across the attached fabric, mending
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Description any tears, adjusting frayed hems and
purify food and drink; Cost 250 gp This preserved spider, silver runes reinforcing seams. This item only works
burned into its hairy legs and plump on objects made out of fibrous material
abdomen, barely fits in an adult such as clothing, rope, and rugs. When
Scoundrel’s Gambit human’s hand. It can be thrown up to used on any of these items, the clasp
Aura faint evocation; CL 1st 30 ft. as a grenade-like weapon. When removes the broken condition.
Slot —; Price 100 gp; Weight — the spider grenade hits a solid surface, Construction
it explodes into a sticky burst of fibrous Requirements Craft Wondrous Item,
webs, as the spell web, ensnaring mending; Cost 550 gp
This fluted silver tube bears tiny runes
everyone within a 20-ft. radius. These
etched between the grooves. Barely
2 inches long, this device easily hides
webs persist for 30 minutes before Whispering Powder
crumbling to dust.
within a sleeve, ready for when you Aura faint illusion; CL 1st
need it most. Card sharps working Slot —; Price 250 gp; Weight —
dangerous gambling halls as well as Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Description
dancing girls and prostitutes in grim web; Cost 150 gp
When sprinkled from its paper
bordellos frequently keep one of these envelope, this fine dust covers a
nearby. Held in hand and using the Tactile Unguent 10 by 10 ft. area which then reacts
command word and a standard action, Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th audibly to friction. Any creature
you fire off a single magic missile at a Slot —; Price 250 gp; Weight — stepping on an area dusted with
chosen target within 100 ft. Description whispering powder causes loud
Cat burglars, gear workers, locksmiths, squeals and pops to erupt with each
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, and even street performers often use footfall, alerting all within earshot.
magic missile; Cost 50 gp this gooey substance, for it increases As the creator dictates the manner
the sensitivity of your hands. Any of sounds created by whispering powder,
Shifting Shirt tactile Perception checks, Sleight custom variations are available at a
of Hand checks, or Disable Device 20% markup. Whispering powder acts
Aura faint illusion; CL 1st checks receive a +10 competence like an alarm when placed at tunnel
Slot body; Price 850 gp; Weight 1 lb. bonus for 1 hour. entrances and near doorways. Once
Description set off, the powder becomes inert, but
Used by vain, lower-tier merchants, otherwise, it lasts indefinitely.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item,
courtiers, and rascals alike, this Construction
the creator must possess 5 ranks in
non-descript article of clothing Requirements Craft Wondrous Item;
the following skills: Disable Device,
shifts at your whim. One moment, it Perception, Sleight of Hand; Cost Cost 125 gp Ω
resembles filthy beggar’s robes and, 125 gp

Kobold Quarterly 14 55
Book Reviews

Book Reviews
By William Banks & Pierce Watters

The Best of
Joe R. Lansdale Joe Lansdale writes:
Joe R. Lansdale There’s nothing I like better than a good story. Like the one that was told to
Tachyon Publications, February 2010 me by an old man who had a stool on a street corner in Gladewater, Texas,
384 pages, US $15.95
near my father’s garage. He sat there during the day and drank beer that he
Review by Pierce
never took out of the paper sack. He just wrapped the paper
around the top so that the lip of the bottle was visible. He
Joe R. Lansdale has sat there and drank in a way that everyone knew he liked
won the British drinking. He wore a coat, winter or summer. He wore work
Fantasy Award, the boots without laces and no socks. He had a hat that looked
as if a family of rats had once lived in it.
American Horror
When he saw me walk by he always told me something.
Award, an Edgar, and Once, he told me a story. It wasn’t much of a story, but I
seven Bram Stoker do remember the punch line.
Awards, and in 2007, And then the thing ate them all.
he was named Grand Actually, that’s quite an image and hard to beat and is more
Master at the World memorable than most stories at greater length. There’s a lesson
Horror Convention. in that.
The New York Times And Then The Thing Ate Them All.
singled out Joe’s Cool.
novel, The Bottoms Oh, now that I think about it. That really isn’t the end of the
and compared story. There was a sight gag to go with it, and one more line.
it to To Kill A After the old man said, And Then The Thing Ate Them All, he
pulled his hand out of his pocket and held up his arm. His hand
Mockingbird. Not
was gone and it looked as if it had been chewed off. When I
bad for an old country boy gasped, he said, “All but me, that is.”
from East Texas.
Joe is probably best known for writing
the story that became a cult-classic original. “Mad Dog Summer” became
film, Bubba Ho-Tep. You know, the film part of The Bottoms. The River King’s Road:
wherein Elvis and JFK are sequestered in Farther along comes “On the Far A Novel of Ithelas
an East Texas nursing home that is being Side of the Cadillac Desert with Dead Liane Merciel
haunted and preyed upon by an ancient Folks,” “Hell Through a Windshield,” Gallery, March 2010
Egyptian mummy? Yeah, THAT film, and it finishes with “Night They 385 pages, $26.00
Reviewed by Pierce Watters
with Bruce Campbell as Elvis and Ossie Missed the Horror Show.” This is
Davis as JFK. country fiction, poor folk’s fiction, Roleplaying gamer Liane Merciel
Now, Tachyon has released a new and southern fiction. Horror, humor, starts off her novel-writing career
collection of Lansdale short stories, mystery, and fantasy. And one of with a bang. The River King’s Road: A
The Best of Joe R. Lansdale. You get 16 the best stories Lansdale ever wrote, Novel of Ithelas is the first in a series.
very fine, well-crafted stories from a “White Mule, Spotted Pig,” is neither The characters are many, varied, and
unique writer. No one else writes like horror nor fantasy, well maybe a little infinitely fascinating. Brys Tarnell is a
Lansdale. Really, no one. And each of of the latter. It’s about a mule race and mercenary. His instincts and skills help
his stories is different with mysteries, is one of the finest short stories anyone him survive the massacre of the village
murders, horror, and even a mule race. ever wrote. of Willowfield: a massacre whose
There is not space here to take you If you are familiar with Joe R. purpose is to assassinate the heir to the
through each story, but it starts off Lansdale, this book will make you kingdom of Oakharne and his family.
with “Godzilla’s Twelve-Step Program” happy. If you have never read him, Brys escapes along with the dead lord’s
and then “Bubba Ho-Tep,” the start here. infant son. He soon encounters the

56 Kobold Quarterly 14
peasant Odosse and her baby son,
both of whom,
by dint of good Merciel writes:
luck, were not in
Willowfield when I was a gamer long before I tried my hand at fiction writing,
all the people and although the two have always been intertwined. (My first-
ever fiction submission, at age 13, was to Dragon magazine,
animals died.
which had just published its 200th issue featuring a Margaret
Involved in the Weis story that completely blew my mind because [spoiler!]
killings is Severine, the bad guy won. Because he was smart! This idea proved
a maimed-witch, influential in later life). Being a GM is one of the best ways
one of the Thorn, to learn worldbuilding, plot development, and how to write
who kills with NPCs—uh, I mean, “characters”—with distinct personalities.
blood magic and And if you’re blessed (or cursed) with critically minded PCs,
is accompanied you quickly learn the importance of doing your research and
by her undead avoiding plot holes.
minions, the  Very, very quickly.
Lord Leferic is
the new heir to
Oakharne. He is
ruthless in his desire for ultimate Stalking the Dragon:
power. Or is he? Can a brother- A Fable of Tonight
murderer fret over his acts? Is murder Mike Resnick Of course, Felina is a human-sized
made in the name of peace really Pyr, August 2009 talking cat with an insatiable appetite
murder? 296 pages, $15.98 for anything edible and the need to
Review by Pierce Watters
Then there is Sir Kelland the have her back skritched. And there is
“Burnt Knight”: a blessed knight of The horned, almost 7-ft.-tall Buffalo a difference between skritching and
the Sun and pledged to the goddess Bill Brody arrives just as detective John scratching. Just ask Felina.
Celestia. Kelland has the might and Justin Mallory is leaving his office So Mallory and a band of ragtag
magic to stand against Severine, to take his partner, Col. Winnifred erstwhile assistants scour Manhattan
perhaps. But will he risk his beautiful Carruthers, to dinner. It is Valentine’s from the Frump Tower to Grazi
companion Bitharn, a warrior in her Day and Brody is in a panic. His show Mansion with side trips to Fire Island
own right? dragon, the toy-class and Greenwitch
The River King’s Road is an Fluffy who is the Village, in search
incredible first novel, rich and filled favorite to win the of Fluffy with the
with meaningful characters. These Eastminster pet show, Eastminster show
characters are real people who hurt has been, well… set to begin.
and laugh, and they sweep the reader dragon-napped. Brody is not
along with them in a complex and Stalking the Dragon Mallory’s only
exciting adventure. And one of the best is the third book in client. The Grundy,
things… there is more to come. The a series by often- the most feared
hard part is waiting to see what next award-winning Mike being in this
befalls our heroes and villains, and who Resnick. It follows Manhattan, has
is which? Stalking the Unicorn also hired Mallory.
This is not A Song of Ice and Fire— and Stalking the The Grundy has the
it’s all its own—but if you love the Vampire. Mallory, reigning champion,
fantasy of George R.R. Martin, you down on his luck, Carmelita the
will love The River King’s Road. If you has stumbled chimera, and The
love heroic fantasy, you will love The into an alternate Grundy wants to beat
River King’s Road, and if you love Manhattan peopled the best, Fluffy.
fantasy roleplaying, you will love The with zombies Stalking the Dragon
River King’s Road. Buy it now in hard and goblins and elves and all sorts of is a noir mélange
cover, do not wait. Read it. Then wait fantastic creatures, and he fits right in. with a strong dose of humor. Some of
on tenterhooks until the next book He solves crimes with his partner Col. the humor is sly, some is not. A lot is
arrives. Highly recommended. Carruthers, and his office cat, Felina. tongue in cheek, and it is all a delight,

Kobold Quarterly 14 57
Book Reviews

with an extra bit of pleasure from the

touch of Damon Runyon including From Prince of Wolves:
Nicely Nicely Dawson, Dead End “Listen.” I poked him in the chest, not too hard since I didn’t want to give
Dugan the zombie, and Harry the him a bruise he could show the boss. “You wouldn’t even have that purse
Book. Oh, and there’s a samurai goblin. if not for me.” The young pickpocket we’d encountered earlier had been no
Stalking the Dragon is fun from amateur, but I’d been doing it a lot longer than his ten or twelve years.
beginning to end. Pick up the other “And for that service I will gladly commend you to His Excellency,” said
two books while you’re at it. Nicola. “And in personal gratitude I will overlook the matter of your
Highly recommended. attracting the constabulary.”
He had me on that point. The gutter rat tried to bite me
Prince of when I pinched him for the purse, and we were so close to
the water that I couldn’t resist tossing him in. I should have
Wolves realized he’d start crying “murder” as soon as he came up for
By Dave Gross
Paizo Publishing, air. Despite Nicola’s impeccable Jeggare livery, the guard who
August 2010 stopped us saw not a couple of innocent visitors to his fair
$9.99, 368 pages land but a pair of foreigners with a fat purse. My devilish good
looks didn’t help. Chelaxians are unwelcome enough in most
If you enjoy the places, but hellspawn are enough to start a riot.
dashing swordplay of I took a breath and gave Nicola the little smile, because
the Musketteers and threatening him wouldn’t do any good. “Listen, the guard
the deadly assassin’s just wanted a little taste. That’s what I was trying to tell you.”
wit of Steven Brust’s “You mean something like a bribe?” Nicola’s cheeks
Vlad Taltos and the colored.
Jhereg series, then Desna weeps. “I mean exactly like a bribe.”
“Don’t be absurd. He repeatedly stated that his only
Prince of Wolves is a
concern was the welfare of that street urchin—”
glorious surprise that “Who scarpered off because he was a pickpocket.”
reinvents the heroic “—and the maintenance of peaceful conduct on the
odd couple in fantasy. waterfront—”
“Which was disturbed by the urchin who lifted your purse.”
“If your Varisian amounted to more than a few phrases
for ordering beer and engaging the services of prostitutes, you would have
understood that the man was only doing his duty.”
“Then why was he holding his hand out like this?” I showed him.

Dave Gross may be more familiar whirlwind of a plot involving Urgathoa

to gamers as an editor of Dragon cultists as well as an old enemy of the
Magazine, Amazing Stories, and others, Whispering Tyrant, a lich-villain who
but he is also an accomplished novelist deserves his iconic status in Golarion.
of the Forgotten Realms, and with Gross does justice to the dark, Gothic
this book, reaches a breakthrough in tone of the setting.
his career. Gross’s wit is keener than I won’t spoil the fun of the slow
most, and his ability to turn a courtly uncovering of disaster upon dismay that
phrase and drench a werewolf brawl is Gross spins out with such perfect timing.
gore are both, frankly, delightful. This The book’s genius lies in the pairing of
novel bodes extremely well for the new Radovan and Varian, the brute tiefling
Pathfinder Tales line. bodyguard of devil-dominated Cheliax
The story begins with a bit of a with the silky-smooth-but-delicate half-
thud, as you may have seen a “trapped elven spellcaster. It’s a classic pairing with
in a coffin” prologue element in any heroic chemistry as good as any in fantasy,
number of Hollywood flicks – but and I look forward to reading many more
the story picks up unstoppable of their adventures in future installments.
momentum with the return of Count Highly recommended for all fans
Varian Jeggare to Ustalav. Jeggare is of fantasy adventure yarns, whether
the half-elven fox among many human you play in the Pathfinder setting or
hens, and soon we’re caught up in the any other. Ω

58 Kobold Quarterly 14
How to Create Memorable Characters 

How to Create Memorable Characters

By Ed Greenwood
Art by Russ Nicholson

Dark and damp fog shroud the dirty city

night, and all-too-few lamps utterly fail those portrayed by the players and image is either quickly forgotten as the
to pierce the gloom. The cobbles are slick those run by the GM, are what give character is eliminated, does nothing
the campaign whatever life it has— memorable, or is never seen again, or
and the more alive it seems, the more that image grows deeper and richer

n unpleasant and vaguely gripping and worthwhile it will be. as the character acquires a “history”
menacing locale, but until The more memorable. through unfolding play.
screams or howls break the
silence or a severed head rolls out of Making the Memorable First Impressions
the gloom to fetch up against your So just how does one make a character That initial image of a character tends
boots, it’s not necessarily memorable. memorable? to be both auditory, the “funny voice”
However, even if no such horrors or Well, what do you first think of adopted by the player or GM when
warnings erupt, the moment you know when someone mentions, say, Long speaking as that character, and visual.
Sherlock Holmes or Jack the Ripper John Silver to you? The peg leg, the Though no one has ever seen a real
is out there in the night—and lurking lurching stride, the swirling greatcoat Cthulhu or Sherlock Holmes, hundreds
somewhere near—things head toward and tricorn hat, the baleful growl of gamers can picture those imaginary
memorable fast. of menace, and the parrot shrieking beings from images, sculptures, and
“Pieces of eight!” movies they’ve seen or descriptions
The Rich Heart of Interest That little list of elements can be they’ve read. These mental pictures
First-rate roleplaying campaigns, like divided up into the visual and the may vary from gamer to gamer: some
the best television or film or novel potential, or what drives the character see Sherlock Holmes in a deerstalker
series, are populated by characters that and, therefore, makes him useful in the and tweeds with a meerschaum pipe
interest the players. We all like to spend plots of unfolding play. We know he’s and a magnifying glass; others may
time with memorable characters, in real menacing, we know he has secrets, and see him as a tall, lean, agile hunter in
life and in our playtime diversions. we know he’s come onto the scene to a swirling Inverness, striding forward
Many of the most beloved fictional further his own dark aims; all of which with a walking-stick clutched in his
sagas feature characters that fascinate make him vastly more interesting than gloved hands, burning eyes and beaky
us and leave us wanting more—the just a sea cook. If your kindly aunt who nose to the fore; and still others see
crew of the starship U.S.S. Enterprise, was a great cook had come along on him as various combinations of these
the Fellowship of the Ring, the long that voyage instead, everyone might elements. All of the images, however,
succession of Doctor Whos. One can have eaten better, but exploring Treasure are rooted in visual “tags” or clues
argue that all successful television Island would probably have been a lot provided from somewhere—from the
dramas have centered around safer, turned up far fewer doubloons, GM’s descriptions, pictures or sketches,
characters that audiences want to see and been a lot more boring. miniatures, or artifacts, such as a real
more of, and such shows are often In fantasy RPGs, characters become deerstalker hat or meerschaum pipe.
cancelled when a character gets “used memorable in two ways: 1) how the Characters can be memorable for a
up” by having all their secrets revealed GM or player initially presents them variety of reasons:
or their aims fulfilled (more about that and 2) how they interact with other • Physical characteristics, such
later), fades in popularity, or vanishes characters in play (feuding, flirting, as glowing silver eyes, a missing
due to the death or absence of an actor. taunting, delivering spookily insane eye covered by an ever-changing
In real life, too, we want to spend “I’ll conquer the world!” monologues collection of strange eye patches,
time with people who fascinate us—or, or “There’s blood on the potatoes!” a peg leg, a disfiguring scar, or an
if we fear them enough, people who we catch-phrases, and so on). arm that’s been transformed into
want to run and hide from, but we still Or to put it another way, every a tentacle
somehow always know exactly where player crafts a mental image of each • Catch-phrases, such as “All the
they are and what they’re up to. character in the world from the seas full of gold, and all of it
The characters in an RPG, both moment they are first described. That mine,” “He’s so rich, the gods

60 Kobold Quarterly 14
owe him money,” or “Oh, ye Coyness in motivation makes less of an and return again and again to certain
doesn’t have to do that—I merely impression. Strong, obvious deeds make favorite phrases of speech can readily
recommend it, if ye’d prefer to go an impression as well, such as rescuing anchor characters as “real” in the
on living!” or accusing PCs. So will exhibiting minds of others around the gaming
• Mode of speaking, such as all unusual abilities, such as wrenching table. Prepare a signature line for
in menacing, hissing whispers; bent and impossibly thick iron bars major characters, and note it with
a detached, calm, “Douglas straight again to demonstrate awesome their game stats as a reminder.
Rain-as-HAL” declarative strength, yawningly withstanding being And it’s not just the DM’s job to build
voice; a recurring dirty chuckle; impaled by swords or spears, or sensing character, of course. The adventuring
or sudden and insane rises in hidden or disguised creatures without band who can banter or hold a “The
tone that peaks like a small apparent use of magic. Skull Baron knows who we are—now
child’s voice before returning We can all think of characters from what do we do?” councils-of-war while
to a lower “normal” voice, television or film that seem to keep up speaking in character are building
only to soar again; and there’s a steady stream of one-liners and pithy memorable moments effortlessly as they
always the inevitable various observations. That’s a lot harder to do play. These are moments that players
real-world accents mimicked in real life, without a stable of writers who seldom act out the roles of their
to try to convey social class or leaping into your brain to provide characters, who seldom mentally move
sophistication or lack of same, witty wisecracks the moment anyone from the real world of eating chips,
such as the effete Olde English gives you a cue. checking the rulebooks, and keeping an
aristocrat versus the truculent However, we don’t have to all be eye on the clock to “step into the game,”
or darkly humorous Cockney the “life of the party” every moment find far rarer and harder to achieve.
dockworker. of every play session—and players
Although it’s easy to go over the top who try to be often manage only to Secrets and Strivings
into ridiculousness with funny voices, be very irritating. One school of acting is entirely built
wild phrases, and overblown behavior, As one of my long-ago school around a character’s motivations.
just where that line is depends on football coaches once said, “My Knowing what a character wants,
the group of players or, rather, the heroes aren’t the loud guys with the needs (whether they know it or not),
experience each of them brings to the big smiles and the poses. They’re the and is striving for allows whoever is
gaming table—and it might be further ordinary guys who just remember portraying that character to improvise
along than you think. Many a gamer to show up for every game.” The while always staying true to the
has sat at a table suffering through the player or GM who can maintain a character, no matter what strange or
bad Monty Python impersonations of recognizable voice for every character unforeseen situation occurs.
fellow players, but if everyone is having
a hoot, then that tone may be perfect
for that group of players, at that time.

Being a Superior Thespian

After the initial presentation of
the character—body shape, and—
clothing, physical looks, speech,
and mannerisms—a character gains
depth and color by their words and
deeds. These words and deeds might
start with the character’s manner of
movement—from dangerously agile
and energetic to limping or reeling-
wounded, but really they are more
often shown by dialogue and action.
Strong, immediately apparent
motivations or obsessions, such as “I
search the world over for the Black Jaw,
m’lad—and when I find him, then the
blood will run, and it’ll be his head
hacked from its shoulders… or mine!”
will make a character memorable.

Kobold Quarterly 14 61
How to Create Memorable Characters 

Knowing the backstory of a character discovering the massively scarred, slow- when acquaintances are seen repeatedly
is the simplest way of anchoring and witted mountain of a castle guard, in the right situations. For example,
identifying motivations, but it can be a thanks to being reared by his aunt, is imagine the player’s reaction when
trap. Too many writers and roleplayers an expert at repairing torn elven cloaks they meet the quarreling rival caravan
get bogged down in crafting an and delicate jewelry, fencing goods to merchants who show up every time the
incredibly detailed back story that risks pay for that aunt’s care in her dotage. PCs reach a new port or market.
“finishing” a character by painting in Or the revelation that your smiling, Establishing “big name” competing
every last detail of what the character long-serving, trusted hireling has been adventurers whose fame, power, and
was, is, and will be until their waiting betraying you all along to the Dark influence the PCs can only hope to
grave swallows them. King’s spies, and the cruelly-smiling achieve after years of adventuring
Certainly, a character driven to king knows down to the last ruby what can provide PC motivation. Perhaps
avenge something or someone needs treasure you’ve looted from the old these great adventurers can become
some “this happened to make me royal tombs, and every thief you’ve rivals or corrupt sell-outs that the PCs
this way” specifics, and it helps to bargained with down by the docks. must tackle and try to take down. Or
know what drove a character mad if The longest-lasting characters— perhaps the day will come when a foe
you’re trying to roleplay their current especially if they are villains or at destroys the big-name adventurers,
insanity convincingly and consistently, least opponents of the PCs—have frightening the players and leaving
but most backstories need not do secrets upon secrets. The king’s always- them as the only adventurers left who
more than justify skills mastered, smirking, evil vizier, for example, or the must try to fight this awesome foe.
languages and locales known, and drawling, monocle-sporting duke who
the motivations that will drive the might be a traitor, who spins plot after The Naming of Names
character as play unfolds in the future. plot that the party must wade through The finishing touch in making a
It should not, however, drive that to have any hope of discovering what character memorable is the naming of
character absolutely and predictably. the character is really up to. Is that vizier that character.
Leave room for exceptions: situations or duke really the king’s loyal brother, We can’t all be good at making up
when a character acts differently than sister, or lover, playing a role just to names, but we can all take a little extra
their usual motivations would suggest. attract the traitors in the kingdom so time and avoid some of the worst mistakes.
This is the unpredictable human they can all be identified, watched, and Not all characters will be dastardly
factor that sparks interest, and it is foiled? Or are they the shapechanged, villains who fit such infamous monikers
usually rooted in a character’s deeper not-dead-after-all former king or queen, as “Thulsa Doom,” but you should
secrets. Those secrets could be buried returned from apparent death to keep apply the same thought to names
well enough that even the character is an eye on their feckless successor, or that real-world parents do (or all too
unaware of them until the exceptions the usurper who seized the throne after often, it seems, forget to). Avoid silly,
occur. These moments make a character apparently killing them? unintentionally comical, or just plain
more memorable because they reveal If the PCs guess wrong, and just lash wrong names (such as calling a male
greater depth than the other players out, the consequences will be disastrous— “Delilah” or “Bertha”). Players will do
thought. Characters with secrets and and in a good roleplaying campaign, what young kids do in schoolyards:
hidden depths are less easily defeated, the GM has already taught the players make up nicknames for the character.
trapped, outwitted, or evaded. the folly of jumping to conclusions and However, a few moments of saying a
So it follows that a memorable rushing in before learning what’s really proposed name aloud or writing it out
character almost always has a secret or afoot, in situations when the stakes and checking what the initials spell or
three, both big and little. were smaller and disasters more easily suggest will avoid grief later.
It’s been said that “everyone loves contained, mended, or survived. It’s hard to make players cower when
a mystery.” That may be a bit of an the prophesied Dark Lord of Doom,
exaggeration, given the unfolding body Reflected Glory the world-shaking, sinister wizard,
count in many mystery tales, but the In real life, we like to see old friends shows up to blast them and thunders
truth at the heart of the statement is that and are excited to meet our heroes. that as they die they should know
humans love secrets—having or sharing Some people have charisma, become they’ve been slain by him, he who is
them and finding them out, that is, not celebrities, and create excitement by feared from one end of the Bloodshard
being kept from sharing in them. their very presence, even among those Domains to the other, as the evil and
Because we love secrets, characters who profess to scorn them or feign mighty “Piccadilly.”
become more memorable when we indifference in their achievements. So, wanna be somebody? It’s work,
know they have secrets and even Excitement rises in RPGs when but it’s not rocket science. You’ll need a
more so when we begin to learn their characters regarded as friends reappear, cape and a sword—and you’ll need to
secrets. Imagine the astonishment of too—and the feeling of realism deepens show up. Ω

62 Kobold Quarterly 14
Ask the Kobold 

Ask the Kobold

Bleeding, Invisibility, Suggestion, and Lines of Effect
by Skip Williams

Not Bloody Likely… delivers the touch and takes damage recommending it), I have this advice:
Q: The Pathfinder Roleplaying again during that same point each making the check as an immediate
Game includes a bleeding condition. round until the effect ends. This action is problematical. Exactly when
Clerics with the Death domain can could prove deadly in very short does the bleeding touch subject make
impose this condition with a melee order for creatures with just a few the check? To keep bleeding touch
touch attack—the bleeding touch HD but not terribly dangerous to from losing all effectiveness in your
ability. This seems like a powerful more powerful creatures, especially if campaign, I recommend that you
ability because it requires a Heal they have healing available. It’s really make it a swift action. That way, the
check or magical healing to stop. I’m not much of a threat to PCs because subject takes at least 1d6 bleeding
thinking of allowing a Constitution they usually have plenty of healing damage. I also recommend that you do
check with a DC of 10 + spell at hand. It can kill or help defeat not allow retries.
level + attackers ability modifier as unintelligent monsters, though, who
an immediate action check as an generally have neither healing magic Now You See Me…
alternative way of healing. What do nor any Heal skill. Q: Can you clear up a few issues
you think? It’s also not clear just what you’re with the spiritual weapon spell
Assessing your proposal is a fairly doing when making that Heal check to that the rules don’t seem to cover?
complex task. Let’s start by taking a stop the bleeding; the DC is the same How does the spell interact with
look at bleeding touch. as the DC for a first aid check, so I an invisible target? Let’s say you
Bleeding touch is a spell-like ability suggest you require a standard action send the weapon after a foe who
that a Death cleric can use several that provokes an attack of opportunity. subsequently becomes invisible.
times a day (3 + Wisdom modifier). (You’re pretty much slapping on How does the weapon react? What
The ability doesn’t exactly impose a bandage—probably a makeshift if you try to use the spell against a
the bleeding condition because the bandage—and binding up the target that’s invisible already? What
bleeding will stop on its own: duration bleeding wound.) I don’t think there’s happens when the target (visible or
equals half the user’s cleric level, any reason you could not perform not) moves? Is the spiritual weapon
rounded down, minimum 1 round, this action on yourself, and I suggest affected by concealment effects? How
but applying the other rules for the that you allow a retry 1/round if the would the spiritual weapon interact
bleeding condition is a good idea. A attempt fails. with a mirror image spell?
DC 15 Heal check or the application As bleeding touch is written, a high- When you cast a spiritual weapon
of any spell or effect that heals damage level Death Cleric can make several spell, you designate a foe to attack.
stops the bleeding. (This should include weaker creatures bleed to death each The newly created force weapon
any ability or effect that restores hit day, although it can take a while for attacks that foe and continues
points, including fast healing and most creatures to bleed out. It doesn’t attacking that foe, no matter where
regeneration.) The effect does not stack seem like a campaign buster. An ability the foe goes until the spell ends, until
with other sources of bleeding. check to end the effect seems a bit easy you designate a new foe to attack
The subject bleeds for 1d6 hp when compared to the skill check the (a move action for you), until the
damage/round. The rules aren’t rules specify, but it has the virtue of weapon goes out of your sight, or
completely clear about when the being available to everyone. until the foe goes out of range. In the
damage occurs, but I suggest the If you’re determined to implement latter two cases, the weapon moves to
subject take damage when the user a change here (and I’m not your space and hovers there.
The spell description doesn’t
You can write to us at [email protected] or send paper mail to say what happens if you send
Kobold Quarterly, PO Box 2811, Kirkland, WA 98083 the weapon at a foe and that foe

Kobold Quarterly 14 63
Ask the Kobold

case, you can use a move action each

Those Pesky Invisible Things round to have the weapon attack a
different space; you must be able to
It’s important to remember that invisible things can’t be seen, but they can
be heard and sometimes they leave visible traces, such as footprints in snow see the weapon at the space where it
or dirt. attacks, and the space must be within
As a general rule, if an invisible creature is active and within 30 ft., you can the spell’s range.
make a DC 20 Perception check—a reactive one, which is not an action—to As you might deduce from the
notice that there’s something lurking somewhere within that radius. The rules foregoing, a spiritual weapon is subject
don’t define “active,” but I think it’s safe to assume a creature is active when to concealment. Use your position
it’s doing something that can affect the game world in some way: moving, on the battlefield to determine if a
fighting, speaking, using a skill, picking up something, or undertaking some spiritual weapon is subject to a miss
other significant activity. The type of activity the creature is undertaking can chance from concealment and to
affect the Perception DC, as shown in the Special Abilities section of the determine how big the miss chance is.
appendices in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
Against a foe protected by mirror
If your Perception check succeeds, all you have is a hunch that there’s
something unseen lurking nearby. To actually locate the unseen creature, you image, a spiritual weapon strikes at the
must make an active Perception check (move action) with a DC of about 40 foe, and you roll to see if it attacks an
(base DC of 20 + 20 for trying to pinpoint + the modifier for the creature’s image or the real target, as noted in the
activity). If you succeed, you know the space where the unseen creature is. If mirror image spell description.
you attack that space before the creature moves away, you might hit it; your
attack has a 50% miss chance for the target’s total concealment. Tell Me What You Want…
Q: Does a suggestion spell leave
any way to evade the effect? Once
becomes invisible; I recommend is there, the weapon attacks with the subject fails the save, the spell
that the weapon attacks the space the standard 50% miss chance for works continuously and the subject
where you last saw the foe (unless attacking an unseen foe. You can seems to have little recourse. In
you use a move action to make send the weapon after a foe you a recent session, a PC gave an
the weapon attack somewhere cannot see at the time you cast the opponent (an active combatant
else). If the foe is no longer in that spell. If so, you must designate a in an encounter) a suggestion to
space, the attack misses. If the foe space for the weapon to attack. “stand still and don’t move!” I gave
If there’s the enemy a new save whenever the
nobody in party attacked or tried to attack,
that space, the and the opponent finally made the
attack misses. save. This seems overpowered for a
If something fairly low-level spell.
occupies the Once it affects a subject, a
space, the suggestion spell does not allow the
weapon attacks subject a save to throw off the effects
with a miss as some other enchantment spells do
chance. (such as dominate person). As with
A spiritual any lower-level enchantment spell,
weapon won’t however, the suggestion spell places
give you any some pretty strict limits on what you
feedback on can do with it.
whether you’ve A suggestion allows you to
hit a foe you prompt the subject to follow some
cannot see or simple course of action that seems
not although, reasonable to the subject at the
in some cases, time you cast the spell. Standing
you might be still in the middle of the battle is a
able to notice or tad beyond reasonable. I suppose a
deduce that there suggestion to “hold your ground”
has been a hit might work in a battle, but the
(hearing a groan subject can do that just by staying in
from the foe, for an area; the subject could otherwise
example). In any fight on unhindered.

64 Kobold Quarterly 14
What’s Line of Effect?
Nearly all spells require a clear line between the spell’s caster and the spell’s
point of origin, and between the point of origin and any place where the
spell’s effects extend. Often, the caster and the point of origin are the same.
Line of effect and line of sight are very similar; both are straight lines, traced
from one grid intersection to another. It takes a solid barrier to block line of
effect, whereas anything that obscures vision blocks line of sight. It’s possible
for a barrier to block one and not the other. For example, a pane of clear glass
won’t block line of sight (because you can see through it) but it will block line
of effect (because it’s solid).
A solid barrier with a hole of at least 1 sq. ft. through it does not block
line of effect. In general, a barrier must be an object that fills a square on the
battlefield or runs along the edge of a square. A creature generally does not
block line of effect (because it will not completely fill a space).
To determine if line of effect is blocked, locate the point where the spell
is cast, which must be an intersection on the grid; the point can be a grid
intersection of any square the caster occupies. Most GMs that I know require
you to pick a grid intersection along the outer edge of the space the caster
occupies and trace a straight line to the place where the spell is aimed. This can
be another grid intersection (in the case of an area spell) or a creature or object
(in the case of a spell with a target). If the caster aims the spell at a target, trace
a line of effect to any grid intersection in the space the target occupies.
If you cannot trace any line from the caster to the target or aiming point
without passing through a solid barrier, line of effect is blocked. The spellcaster
may try different combinations of casting points and aiming points to find an
unbroken line of effect.
When tracing line of effect from a spell’s point of origin to any place inside
the spell’s potential area, use the same process, but the spell’s point of origin
cannot change once chosen.

A suggestion spell also has a by a sheet of glass? Does it require

variable duration: 1 hour/level or line of sight? If it does, can a
until completed. Once the subject rogue hiding in the shadows stay
completes the action you’ve prompted, undetected? This could be an
the spell ends. In the case of “hold extremely powerful spell depending
your ground,” that’s probably 1 round on the interpretation.
of combat. Of course, you could set A deathwatch spell creates a
some end condition, such as “hold 30-ft.-cone emanation. As with any
your ground until all the enemy emanation spell, the effect continually
is defeated.” On the other hand, a radiates from the spell’s point of origin
subject following such a suggestion (in this case, the spellcaster). The spell
probably won’t be too restricted when must have of line of effect (not line of
it comes to actions. The subject likely sight) to any creature whose status it
would remain in the general location reveals; the emanation does not extend
where the spell was cast, neither anywhere line of effect is blocked.
retreating from it nor advancing out If you can see or touch a creature
of it (but free to move around in it) within the emanation, you know
until all the subject’s foes fall in battle its status. If you cannot see or
or retreat. touch a creature, all you know is
that creature’s status. You don’t
I Can See Dying People… know where it is. If several unseen,
Q: The deathwatch spell allows you untouched creatures are within the
to sense the status of all nearby emanation cone, you know each
creatures. The spell description creature’s status but not which status
says emanation, so is it blocked goes with which creature. Ω

Kobold Quarterly 14 65
Advanced Feats 

How to Create Feats

Getting off on the Right Foot
By Sigfried Trent

eats are best described by what
they are not: they are not spells,
they are not class abilities, they
are not skills, and they are not races.
Good feats do one of three things: 1) ™
they alter or build on a core feature When starting bogging down game
of a class or race (such as casting a with simulation-based play, and it helps you to
spell or attacking in melee), 2) they feats, try to be flexible in find balance issues. The rule
simulate some general action or talent how you represent it. A simple that a feat should do only one thing
(climbing ropes, sleeping lightly), or mechanic that approximates what is essential. If a feat grants multiple
3) they offer a bonus most characters you have in mind is usually better bonuses in multiple situations, you
can benefit from. than a complicated but more realistic might confuse cost issues. Separate
A well-defined feat has the following simulation—feats should be short the effects into multiple feats, or
five traits: write-ups, not entire game models. In consider using it as the foundation for
• Grants a single benefit to the other words, focus on the outcome a new class.
character that does not change rather than all the steps of an action. To simulate a fancy combat
based on level Feat writing is 90% mechanics and maneuver, focus on the result rather
• Does not duplicate any other 10% flavor, and the product must than all the steps needed to get there.
game mechanic contain a golden nugget of fun. The If you are giving multiple benefits
• Does not invent a new game best feats inspire great roleplaying because each is too weak on its own,
mechanic when players and GMs describe its use. consider making them stronger and
• Does not grant a supernatural or combining them into a multiple feat
spell-like ability What Should My Feat Do? family or feat chain.
• Can only be taken once or The benefit section of a feat describes Avoid any mechanic that adds
grants a different benefit each what a feat does and how it does it. derived benefits. For example, a feat
time it is taken Follow three guiding principles as you that raises a PC ability score requires
Not every feat matches all these work it up: many adjustments to skills, combat
traits, but feats that violate these • Keep the mechanics as simple as bonuses, and so forth; these bog
general rules are better modeled as possible down play and could have unforeseen
spells, racial abilities, or class abilities. • Balance the benefit with the cost impacts. Instead, apply a direct
• Make it available to the widest bonus to a given die roll or game
Finding Inspiration range of characters possible action whenever possible. Also, avoid
Most feats are inspired by a game This section should not be a flavor mechanics that add additional rolls in
mechanic or by trying to simulate section; save that for the opening combat—each such feat slows down
some real or imagined trait, action, or line or an italic nugget describing the whole game just a little.
gimmick. Both are a good place to start the effect. Feats used during character creation
and each requires you do a little work or down time—such as item creation
to flesh out the other side. Mechanics- Keeping Things Simple feats or Leadership—can be more
based feats need some roleplaying Keeping your feat’s mechanics simple complicated. After all, no one has to
justification and simulation-based feats has many benefits: it makes the wait for you to work out the details
need a mechanical representation. feat easy to understand, it can avoid during combat.

66 Kobold Quarterly 14
Using precise game terms and of character. This isn’t exactly a cost, Why Is Open Design
language is important for simplicity. but some powers that are balanced at
Use only the number of words needed higher levels are effectively unbalanced
Launching Advanced Feats?
and no more. When you use an at lower levels. These elements keep Feats remain one of the most
existing game term, it has a specific strong combat bonuses away from dynamic ways of customizing a
meaning, and phrases like “grant a non-combat characters or strong character, and I’ve been a huge fan
since they were first introduced.
bonus to” or “increase your bonus to” casting feats away from splash casters.
Along with the OGL, feats
drastically change how the feat bonus prompted me to seek out and join
stacks. Use existing core game feats Feat Elements to Consider the Netbook of Feats (NBOF),
as templates to keep your language with Suspicion and I quickly become its editor.
precise and consistent. Be wary of bonus stacking issues at The NBOF had a mission to
all times. Keep in mind what bonus create the largest and highest
The Balancing Act types stack and what types don’t, and quality collection of feats anywhere.
Balancing feats is something of an art. think twice before offering stacking Authors sent us submissions, and
The best way to judge balance is to or un-typed bonuses. Read up on volunteers meticulously reviewed
compare your feat to the game’s core the standard bonus types and avoid each one. No feat was published
feats. If your feat is clearly superior to creating new ones. unless both reviewers and authors
were satisfied. The staff and I
a similar feat, it is likely too strong and Avoid multiplicative bonuses, such
learned a great deal about the art of
will shift game balance. If it is clearly as those that double or triple damage, writing and editing feats over the
inferior, the feat will serve no purpose duration, or other effects. While the years. When Open Design asked
since few players choose weak feats. stacking rules help mitigate these, me to create some new feats and
Another key consideration is the these elements are ripe for exploitation update the best of our collection
strength of a benefit vs. the frequency by clever players. for the Pathfinder Roleplaying
you can use it. A +4 to hit on all Avoid rewarding low ability scores or Game, I jumped at the chance.
attacks would be badly overpowered, the lack of some character trait. This Our primary mission at NBOF
but a +4 to attacks you receive rarely can create some very unbalancing min- was to help fans of the game create
is fine. Remember that good players maxing situations. and publish professional quality game
will seek to create opportunities to use Hitting a Wide Target Audience content. In that spirit, I bring you the
strong benefits and create combos. A feat is no good if no one sum of our wisdom and experience
over 5 years of doing nothing but
uses it. To maximize the game
feats. I’m certainly looking forward
Prerequisites value of a feat, you want to to sharing my work and that of other
The benefit of a feat and its cost must make it available to a wide NBOF authors in the Advanced Feats
be roughly equal. Every feat has an audience. All too often, series featuring feats for use with the
opportunity cost of not selecting some new classes in the Pathfinder
other feat. But for an especially strong Advanced Players Guide.
feat, you must include greater costs -Sig Trent
using the prerequisites section.
One of the most common costs
is to require prerequisite feats. The
most common mistake to avoid is
selecting prerequisite feats with obvious
beneficial combos—this negates their
value as a cost. The most common costs
require ability scores or skill ranks. Both
can work well unless they are highly
synergistic with the feat mechanic—in
those cases, the character would be
taking them anyway. As a matter of
custom, ability score prerequisites are
always odd values greater than 11, to
give odd numbered ability scores some
game value.
Base attack bonus, spellcasting level,
and to a lesser degree, skill ranks are
all used to limit feats to a given level

Kobold Quarterly 14 67
Advanced Feats 

make use of it. The best feat names

Example: Creating a Feat include a mechanics key word to let
Elven Bow attack characters, so let’s go readers identify the feat’s purpose.
Prerequisite: Elf or half-elf, Dex 16, with that. Subtle Sneak Attack tells readers this
base attack bonus +4 • Next, we open this feat up feat is good for a rogue or assassin;
Benefit: Due to your training as to more than just elves and the same feat named Pie in the Sky
an elf child, when using a bow, include crossbows: this feat
you add your Dexterity bonus to tells you nothing about what it
inflicts its extra damage
your damage rolls. You can also might do.
from accuracy, so let’s call it
string your bow as a free action Provide a one-sentence
or use your bow as if it were a Pinpoint Shot.
• We make this a combat feat, so description of what it does to
quarter staff.
it is available as a bonus feat provide context. Writing this
So, what’s wrong with this feat? pick for martial classes. summation can help you narrow
• The name refers to an object • The feat is overpowered (every down your feat’s focus if it is a bit
rather than a talent. archer would always take it), too complicated. Some feats also
• It is needlessly limited to elves so we need to cut down on include a line of descriptive or
when many races use bows well. the power level significantly. flavor text to help you understand
• The Dexterity requirement is To start, let’s limit it to ranged the intent. They aren’t required, but
not serving as a cost since attacks within 30 ft. of the when done well, these elements can
the feat takes advantage of target, which matches our help spark a player’s imagination.
high Dex. accuracy theme. This is a
• The Dexterity requirement is an Sometimes you need to assign
common mechanic to limit
even number when it should ranged combat bonuses, and a feat type. The default type is
be odd. it suggests Point Blank Shot general; no special rules apply
• It mentions childhood training as a prerequisite to help cost beyond what is listed in its benefit
but requires an advanced base the feat. section. The Combat feat type
attack bonus. • To help limit stacking, we indicates it is appropriate as a
• There is flavor text in the specify this damage bonus fighter bonus feat. All other feat
benefits section. does not stack with similar types include special rules that
• It has three separate benefits ability-based damage bonuses. govern how the feat is taken and
when it should only have one. • We drop the Dexterity how it operates. Avoid making new
• One of the benefits refers requirement since it serves feat types unless you are creating
to an action which has no no purpose.
game mechanic governing it: at least a dozen of them along with
• Finally, we clean up and standardize
stringing a bow. the game rules language. their related mechanics.
• The wording is not precise The example and normal sections are
and does not use proper Pinpoint Shot optional for any feat and help clarify
Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot,
game terms. base attack bonus +4
how it works. Normal highlights the
• The damage bonus is potentially Benefit: You gain a damage underlying rules the feat is based on,
large and has no limitations, bonus equal to your Dexterity while an example helps illustrate the
making it over-powered. modifier when attacking with mechanics of a potentially ambiguous
Six Ways to Fix It. a bow or crossbow at ranges or complicated feat.
up to 30 ft. This bonus does
• For starters, we pick one benefit not stack with any other ability Reviewing and Testing Your Feat
to focus on: the Dexterity modifier to damage such as Like any game design, your first
bonus to damage is exciting the Strength bonus granted draft can probably be improved. Ask
and desirable for ranged- when using a composite bow. others for their opinions or—better
yet—playtest the feat to improve the
quality of your work.
authors create a feat themed on a given ability, they may benefit from the
race or class but with a very generic related feat as well. The Next Step Forward
bonus. From a design perspective, it The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
is far better to make the feat available Finishing Touches has a long and bright future, and
to any character and let the player Every feat needs a name. Yours now is a great time to jump in and
rationalize why their character has it. should be short, descriptive, and start creating feats. Following a few
Even a feat based on a class ability self-explanatory. It can be tempting simple principles, you can help make
should be tied to the ability and to make a play on words or add the game more enjoyable for others
not the class itself. This increases setting flavor to the feat name, but and create clean and balanced feats
flexibility; if another class has that this won’t help players find and for all. Ω

68 Kobold Quarterly 14


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Kobold Quarterly 14 69
Ancient Tongues 

Ancient Tongues
Fantasy Languages for a Fantasy World
By Michael Kortes

ost languages in fantasy truespeech ability. As such, the written form in the treasured texts

this is a lost language font but i cant recall where it coes from so dont jud

roleplaying games simply reassuring sounds of those with and scrolls of forgotten monasteries,
increase the number the truespeech ability ring with scripted in its perfectly distilled and
82615` 23 65 487 1

of cultures or monsters that you even greater clarity in the ears innately beautiful characters.
can communicate with, which is of those who can comprehend The act of reading Jie characters and
certainly fine as far as it goes. But it Enochian. reflecting upon them has a purifying
doesn’t have to end there; language Few texts still contain effect on the mind. Those who have
has much more potential to improve Enochian, the Liber Loagaeth mastered Jie carry themselves with
your game. being one of the most notable. a natural sense of calm, typically
While language is a mode of Scholars have never been able to perceptible only to others who have
communication, it also helps truly translate the entire language, studied the language.
establish the mental framework so the study of Enochian is a Benefit: If you are fluent in Jie and
we use to perceive and analyze the process of continual discovery. spend a 1/2 hour or more reading
world. In a fantasy world, a truly Benefit: Normally, creatures from a page with Jie characters, you
exotic language should provide with the angel subtype can extend recover a single point of expended
a truly fantastical framework—a their protective aura up to 20 ft. ki, 1/day.
framework that opens the door for to aid mortals. However, if you
1ytar26akjgf326ewkaj 71 5gh 1 74 3yg `72g 68`4 g 5yw

PCs to relate and respond to the speak Enochian, you can gain the
world in fresh new ways. benefit from an angel’s aura even Rue-Thothka is a bestial root language
These eight languages are up to 40 ft. away. In addition, that gave rise to several of the more
sufficiently exotic or magical in you gain a deeper insight into the brutish tongues of the known world,
their origins that, just by learning transient nature of your mortality including Orcish and Minotaur. Even
them, you receive associated in- and the primacy of the soul. today, many of Rue-Thothka’s words
game benefits. This reinforces that You may choose to substitute still find use in popular curses, though
you have mastered something truly Charisma or Wisdom for few who hear them understand
ancient and special. Each language Constitution when determining their true meaning. Instead, most
costs double, or the equivalent of your maximum negative hp total know only that they find the words
two standard languages. Within the before dying. intrinsically disquieting.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules, Buried deep within many
each of these languages requires you Jie humanoid creatures is a racial
to either devote two of your starting Jie is a language of contemplation memory taught to their ancestors;
bonus languages to them or invest formed from an ancient bred in the bone, this memory
two ranks into the Linguistics skill. dialogue between mankind’s first makes listeners fear those who
philosophers and the wingless speak the words of Rue-Thothka. A
Enochian dragons of the east. It speaks of linguist who can properly enunciate
The first of the first human tongues, abstract concepts and deeds that authentic Rue-Thothka knows
Enochian is the language that are, to the uninitiated, incoherent how to tap the raw brutality of this
celestial angels gave to humans. Now or at least unattainable in the menacing tongue.
lost to humankind, it contains many mortal world. Although not Benefit: If you study Rue-Thothka,
words that replicate the linguistic spoken aloud for thousands of you may choose to sprinkle in these
building blocks of an angel’s years, one can still find Jie in malignant phrases any time you

70 Kobold Quarterly 14
this language is titled lovecrafts diary and is found at love them no
attempt to demoralize dwarves, elves, vocabularies. The second one, magical glyphs and understand the

lost languages rule and should be loved or all die the in a gopher rage
gnomes, half-elves, halflings, or Siv’sy’siv, is used when the speaker symbols’ true meaning in context
humans using the Intimidate skill. If is at a lower elevation than its achieve a proficiency with magic
your opponent is shaken, he suffers audience. wards that eludes other spellcasters.
a -3 penalty instead of the usual -2 Sy’siv’sy is no longer a written The written structure of Vos’ghaen is
penalty. This increased penalty lasts language. Scholars believe there truly remarkable. All communication
for a single round, regardless of how was once a means to inscribe is a single character in length. Rather
long the target is demoralized by the Sy’siv’sy characters upon air than a series of symbols following
skill check. currents and send them as a one another, the drafter grafts each
message, but if so, this ability has new word or idea onto the first word,
Sword-Tongue been lost to time. creating an increasingly complex
The language of strikes and parries, Benefit: If you study Sy’siv’sy, character. An elaborate and complex
sword-tongue is the secret speech of you may re-roll a single Fly check Vos’ghaen glyph can convey an entire
intelligent magical blades. Rather 1/day, taking the preferred result. lesson or historic tale in a single sigil
than using the sounds of words, the – and can require an entire page to
phonetics of sword-tongue derives Tovran display in its sinuous, overlapping
from the physical movements of Tovran is the language in which curves.
a weapon. Much of the language’s humankind shared its first Benefit: If you are fluent in
vocabulary is devoted to the art epic poems. Its intonation and Vos’ghaen and cast a glyph of
of fencing and the anatomical phrasing uplifts and inspires warding, greater glyph of warding, or
vulnerabilities of living creatures. in ways now lost to modern fire trap, you may re-roll all 1’s on
Mastery of sword-tongue provides language. Once the exclusive the damage dice once the spell is
significant insight into the secret domain of Viking heroes, Tovran triggered. In addition, you receive a
world of intelligent magic weapons. is now a cherished secret of elite +1 language bonus to all Perception
Benefit: If you speak Sword- bards and battlefield commanders. checks to spot traps left by others
Tongue, you gain +1 on Will saves Those who hear Tovran echoing in involving those same spells.
to resist a magic item’s domination its proper phraseology often find
attempt during a personality conflict. themselves sensing the watchful Whisperium
In addition, you learn to decrypt gaze of a favored ancestor or Whisperium is a mysterious sub-vocal
many subtle secrets of swordplay over otherwise sensing that a significant language that relies on tongue and
time: you can grant a single slashing moment in their lives is suddenly facial movement instead of phonetic
or piercing weapon that you wield upon them. sound. Although rare, it is still used
the keen weapon property for a single A purely oral tradition, Tovran by those who trade in stealth, such
attack, 1/day, as long as you act on does not exist in written form. as elite military units and assassin
a higher initiative count than your Benefit: If you speak Tovran, you cults. Anyone capable of interpreting
opponent. may extend the effects of either Whisperium can automatically
your inspire courage or inspire understand someone speaking
Sy’siv’sy (and Siv’sy’siv) competence bardic performances 1/ Whisperium without having to resort
Sy’siv’sy is a near-forgotten language day. The effects of your abilities also to the Linguistics check normally
of the first creatures of the sky. A linger, lasting an additional round required for lip reading. Unknown
linguist who masters the complex after your bardic performance to many arcanists, most spells which
whispered staccato of Sy’siv’sy learns ends to maintain it. For allies who lack verbal components actually
to appreciate just how primitive the can also speak and, understand contain Whisperium syntax.
common tongue is when it comes to the inspiring words of Tovran, the Though very rare, Whisperium
expressing words that communicate lingering lasts 2 extra rounds. texts consist entirely of pictures of
movement and relative position. For Speaking Tovran does not enable faces. More commonly, Whisperium
example, Sy’siv’sy has a single word you to have more than one bardic messages are subtly sculpted on the
which means “behind you at 5:00 performance in effect at one time. faces of ancient busts and statues or
o’clock and 45 degrees up.” As a even golems.
result, one who is fluent in Sy’siv’sy Vos’ghaen Benefit: If you know Whisperium
learns to react faster and more fluidly True students of glyphs and wards and possess the Silent Spell
when thinking about movement in a know that most of the ancient metamagic feat, you may prepare or
three-dimensional world. arcane symbols in use today were spontaneously cast a silenced spell
The language actually has two once words from the dead language without the normal corresponding
names since it contains two separate of Vos’ghaen. Those who cast level adjustment, 1/day. Ω

Kobold Quarterly 14 71
Courtly Games of the Wizard Prince 

Courtly Games
of the Wizard Prince
By Mario Podeschi
Art by Hubert Ludwig and Andreas Praefcke

Let the games begin!

The gladiator then
—Prince Victor, Archmage (invoking
engages in a simple skill
the 233rd annual Wizard Games)
challenge—4 successes before

here is no shortage of 3 failures—to trick the basilisk
kingdoms where wizards into staring at its reflection long
reign supreme, casting enough to petrify itself. The skill
wizards in a different light than the checks represent various techniques
archetypical tower-dwelling recluse. used to twist the basilisk’s gaze. While
These blue-blooded spellcasters lead a rogue might use Stealth to catch the
powerful dynasties or noble houses and creature off-guard, a cleric might use
engage in the same power struggles as Insight to predict its movements. At
traditional aristocrats. 4 successes, the creature falls victim The rewards for these
And along with that comes intrigue. to its reflected power. At 3 failures, contests are typically
What better way to trade in secrets and the mirror has been broken and the powerful magic items since
hone one’s talents than at an annual game is lost. DCs vary according to participants must be skilled
festival of wizardly games? On their the personality of the beast—slower warriors to withstand such creatures.
own, these games provide a fantastic basilisks might be vulnerable to
and innocent diversion for interested Acrobatics while clever ones might be Glamers
characters to participate in. Alternately, less vulnerable to Stealth. Competing spellcasters take turns
they can be combined with other The basilisk is an aggressive weaving a story of illusions in this
plotlines: perhaps the PCs need to stop monster. While the gladiator game of subtle one-upmanship.
an assassination attempt or win an uses her standard actions for the
essential magic item. various skill checks, the basilisk Rules
Whether as a stand-alone adventure fights normally, trying to petrify A coin toss determines the first
or a backdrop to something more, the or otherwise disable its opponent. contestant. On each turn, he or
prince’s Wizard Games promises to Simply gutting or blasting the she can either create a new illusion
add an engaging flourish to any high- animal is considered or alter an illusion already in play,
magic setting. poor form. making skill checks to determine
each illusion’s strength. These rolls are
Basilisk Baiting Conventions chosen by the contestant: Arcana to
Gladiators armed with mirrored shields Few gladiators die in basilisk baiting measure technical skill, Streetwise to
must lure basilisks into self-petrification but they often become petrified. Judges give the audience what they want, and
before falling victim themselves. keep sleep spells at the ready to stop the so on.
monster if a life is at risk. A panel of three judges
Rules Basilisk baiting is often played determines victory. Any of the
A single gladiator begins in the center as a tournament with successively judges can lift a ceremonial orb
of an arena with any equipment more difficult arenas and to signal the end of a contest, at
desired, though but she must carry basilisks for each tier. Late in the which point the judges confer to
a mirrored shield. A basilisk is then tournament, a gladiator might even decide the winner. A combination
released into the arena, and initiative is have to bait multiple creatures at of arcane skill, depth of detail, and
rolled as normal. the same time. wit determines victory.

72 Kobold Quarterly 14
initiative normally. The opposing Though the ball is highly resistant
A Game of Glamers teams then use their various powers to damage, it still suffers some wear
to shove an adamantine ball into the and tear. The most legendary of
Spyratyra: There is a forest.
Victor: A starving woman walks other team’s goal. The field is 150 ft. shovers have even been known to
into the forest. long and divided into three columns, strategically shovel a ball, dropping
Spyratyra: A flock of crows each 15 ft. wide. Players must remain a highly damaging spell just before a
watches hungrily. within a single column although, point is scored.
Victor: So does a wolf. after each point, they may move to a
Spyratyra: The woman falls down. new column. Adamantine Ball (Level 6 Elite Warder)
Victor: The woman dies. If players leave their designated The adamantine ball is a non-
Spyratyra: The crows feast. columns illegally, the lethal trap that does not
Victor: The wolf barks at them. other team is entitled take actions. In a game
Spyratyra: (realizing she has to a penalty shot. of shoves, it is
erred) The crows fly away.
In this case, the battered around
Victor: The wolf drags away the
dead woman. ball is placed by players’
Spyratyra: Another wolf appears. 10 ft. from attacks, bowling
Victor: They are mates. (wins) the opposing over rival
goal, and the competitors.
fouled team Trigger
When the
Conventions chooses one of adamantine ball
Subtlety is key in a game of glamers. their side guards is slid, pushed,
If one player has created a tree, it is to face off against or pulled into a
a better move to create a caterpillar the opposing side. creature’s square,
the adamantine ball
to chew on its leaves than to create a Initiative is rolled, and attacks
dragon to burn it to the ground. the two players each get Attack
It is bad form to ignore an a single shot on the ball. If no No action
opponent’s plays. If one player has point is scored, play restarts as it would Melee 0
created a forest, it is a superior move at the start of a round. Target Creature occupying square
to craft forest animals than cactuses. Shoves is a rough game. Players Attack As the attack roll of the creature
sliding, pushing, or pulling the
Conversely, twisting an opponent’s are always caught in a variety of adamantine ball
illusion to work against them is a sign magical spells, and few finish a game Hit Target is pushed 1 square and
of great skill. without a few bruises. However, knocked prone. The adamantine
Most games settle on a theme—such rules against unnecessary roughness ball continues as directed by the
as life versus death or good versus evil. mean that bloodying a member of controller, possibly hitting the same
or other creatures.
Particularly effective themes are often the other team gives them a penalty Miss The adamantine ball stops moving
cited in philosophical discussion and shot as described above. Dropping
can even convince wizard rulers to an opponent to 0 hp results in Combat Statistics
change their minds about key issues immediate disqualification. The adamantine ball is a Small
of state. If the ball is destroyed, play restarts. inanimate construct: AC 20, Fort 18,
There is no shame in losing a game The ball must be intact to score a point. Ref 18; hp 50; resist 10 all. It can be
of glamers. Indeed, the best games subjected to status effects like any
are a testament to the skill of both Conventions other creature, but a few conditions
illusionists since the illusory battles Few games are as popular as shoves. create unique results:
combine the work of two agile minds. Fast-paced, brutal, yet ultimately Grabbed, restrained, or immobilized—
tactical, it attracts peasant and The adamantine ball cannot be
Shoves scholar alike. pushed, pulled, or slid
Teams of three use control magic to Every fan enjoys the game differently. Slow—The adamantine ball reduces all
push, pull, and slide an adamantine Some flock to the violence, using push, pull, and slide effects by 2
ball into the opposing goal. their cheers to goad competitors into Prone—The adamantine ball cannot be
bloodying one another. Others obsess knocked prone
Rules over the nuances of individual teams,
Shoves is played to 3 points with often gambling large sums of money Mad Duke’s Bluff
5-minute rests between each. A on their favorites. This daylong mystery tests the
referee begins each round with a A universal crowd pleaser is when perceptiveness and critical thinking of
magical explosion, determining the ball gets shoveled (or destroyed). the wizard court.

Kobold Quarterly 14 73
Courtly Games of the Wizard Prince 

At the beginning of the games,

Mad Duke’s Bluff a special ritual selects one random
wizard to receive a special
This year’s game of mad duke’s
bluff has all the wizards stumped, enchantment that marks him or her as
but the PCs can use their skills to the “traitor.” The traitor immediately
assemble enough clues to figure knows what is happening since a
out who the traitor is. Doing so swirling blackness appears in his or her
may not win them any prizes, but orb—unseen to everyone else. When
it will certainly win the respect of greeting another wizard, the traitor
the court. This particular game has can choose to “infect” that wizard (as a
three male suspects—Argentum, free action). Those infected receive the
Gnisis, and Percival—and three same swirling blackness that only the
female suspects—Coral, Spyratyra, traitor can see. The traitor must infect
and Sonia. (These names are just five people by the end of the day or
placeholders and can easily be
forfeit the game.
replaced with NPCs significant to
the campaign.) An hour before midnight, the wizards
(Easy Streetwise) Earlier that all lift their orbs, at which point the
day, there was a dance where all blackness becomes visible to all. This
the men lift their orbs to all the blackness marks the traitor and the five
women. Percival and Spyratyra infected wizards as suspects, only one
were conspicuously absent from of whom can be accused. The rest of
this event. When asked, they lifted the court has 1 hour to deduce who
their orbs to one another while among the six suspects is the traitor. At
blushing. midnight, the wizards cast their votes,
(Easy Insight) Percival tells you and the traitor is revealed.
that his sister Sonia did not greet
him, but he was lying. Was this to
protect himself, or to protect her? Conventions
(Easy Diplomacy) Gnisis The day after mad duke’s bluff, the
demonstrates how he cannot accused wizard becomes the subject
possibly be it, and how Percival of a public illusory satire. It is not
never greeted him. uncommon for a vengeful wizard
(Moderate Perception) Both to manipulate the investigation to
Argentum and Gnisis greeted humiliate a rival.
Sonia, who is by far the most The winner of the previous year’s game
attractive wizard at the games. of glamers usually performs the satire.
(Moderate Streetwise) Avoiding capture, the traitor receives
Argentum and Coral did not speak a special prize for cunning.
once during the entire festival.
This game references an ancient tale,
(Easy Perception) Spyratyra,
who is a hopeless flirt, greeted when a royal heir was poisoned and six
both Argentum and Gnisis. wizards were under investigation for the
(Hard Insight) Coral despises crime. It took only 1 hour for one of
Spyratyra, and lies to everyone by the infected, the mad Duke Martan, to
saying that Spyratyra greeted her. identify the subject, and he did so using
a dazzling display of logic and critical
For the answer to the Mad thinking. In tribute to the duke’s success
Duke’s Bluff, see page XX. and as an exercise in keeping their
minds sharp, the royal court recreates
the mystery every year at the Wizard
Rules Games. It is considered a sign of mental
During the games, wizards greet each strength when the court consistently
other by lifting an orb with their right identifies the traitor year after year.
hands. Not only does this tradition Even wizards who ordinarily prefer
encourage respect among rivals, it also staves and wands will purchase a
fuels a peculiar mystery game called decorative “festival orb” so that they
mad duke’s bluff. can participate. Ω

74 Kobold Quarterly 14


To Learn The SecreTS of The norTh,

WoUld YoU...

Give up your Give up your Share your

Patrons of the Frozen Empires: Glories of the North sourcebook will propose,
design, critique, and test new feats, spells, magic, and character options for players
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Moral Choices That Matter

Moral Choices That Matter

Crafting Serious Dilemmas for Your Campaign
By Jeff Tidball
Art by Andrew Bosley

It’s chaos. Slavering raiders have at- the wagon, manages to get a firm hold on the
tacked a village festival at the height of boy’s tunic, and begins to yank him out.
the revelry, and it’s a bloodbath. Dis- You can save the boy, or you can save
patching the enemy before you, you turn the girl. Dragon Age’s moral choices. This article
to take in the rest of the battle and see What will you do? is about how to pose the same kinds

where your help is most needed. came on board with Green Ronin of tough moral choices for the players
A dozen yards away, two children to help develop the Dragon Age in your own Dragon Age campaign,
huddle underneath a wagon, scream- RPG just as Chris Pramas and the to make your adventures positively
ing in terror. Two raiders crouch down, rest of the crew were putting Set 1 to gripping. While it’s drawn from my
grasping after the pair of them, unable bed. My first project was to develop experience developing for Dragon
to squeeze under the wagon themselves. the adventure anthology Blood in Age and uses a few specific examples
You take a running step toward Ferelden. When I started working on from its world of Thedas, the ideas are
the wagon, but you see one of the chil- that project, Chris impressed on me equally useful in any RPG.
dren—the boy—bravely push his sis- one of the central tenets of Dragon
ter out from underneath it on the side Age. Dragon Age, Chris said, was about Let’s unpack the idea of
away from the raiders, shouting for her
moral choices that matter. “moral choices that matter.”
In the months of my involvement To talk about moral choices that
to run. Seeing what’s happened, one of
with Blood in Ferelden, I had a lot matter, it must first and foremost be
the two raiders stands and rounds the of fun working with its authors, clear that real choices present honest
vehicle to chase her down. It’s clear that developing their adventures and testing options. As the GM, you must be
he’ll easily do it. those scenarios with my own playtest willing to roll with whatever the
The other raider snakes a fist underneath group. We all got a lot of exposure to players choose, taking the story in

76 Kobold Quarterly 14
whatever directions their decisions of darkness on the other begins the real world of the heroes are thus
dictate. Without that, the moral to become interesting, because it highly desirable. Decisions about
“choices” you place before them and starts to be a moral choice. Now life and death are the most obvious.
their heroes will ring false, and their the hero must choose between If important NPCs—or even player
impact will be negligible. competing moral impulses. Is it more characters!—live or die because of
Additionally, all options must be important to preserve and protect, the heroes’ moral choices, then it’s
either tempting or repugnant. A or is it more important to police easy to see how the players gain or
choice between one great option and and punish? And, even if the best lose the tangible gameplay benefits
one terrible option—or even between abstract decision between protection of the characters they either saved
one neutral and one somewhat and punishment is clear, is one of or chose not to save. Sacrificing
unpleasant option—is no choice these specific choices a more effective the caravan guards to preserve the
at all. When making the attractive expression of its underlying motive princess may well have been the
moral choice has no downside, free than the other? And if so, does that better decision, but now the PCs
will may have technically existed, but tip the decision? are stuck in enemy territory with a
for dramatic purposes, it might as If the concept of defining moral dearth of sword-arms.
well not have. choices based on competing core Of course, emotional repercussions
Comic book writer and editor Mark beliefs seems too abstract, this and concrete repercussions aren’t
Waid wrote insightfully about false definition works, too: an effective exclusive. If the PCs are stuck
choices at the Kung Fu Monkey blog moral choice is one that doesn’t without the caravan guards’ aid
last year. He artfully reduced the idea have a “right” answer. They’re the in combat and if they also feel
of a choice that’s really no choice at timeliness questions that will never conflicted about the choice that led
all to the pleasantly absurd scenario, be solved by any individual or society. them there, you’re performing near
“Will he choose the sandwich—or his Love versus loyalty. Ambition versus 100% efficiency.
mother’s life?” compassion. Personal expression versus On the subject of concrete
A choice without an ethical the expectations of society. Stock your repercussions, the ones that have an
dimension is less interesting than campaign with these issues and you impact “on-stage”—that is, where
a choice that requires taking into can’t go wrong. the players have to cope with them
account the core beliefs of the one Posing moral choices is only the directly—are preferable to those
who must choose. Ideally, the dilemma first half of the challenge. The moral whose aftershocks play out “off-stage,”
requires taking into account more than choices must also matter. Moral where the heroes also avoid their
one of those core beliefs and pits them choices without real repercussions direct effects. When the village is on
against each other. are mental masturbation. In your fire, choosing whether to put out the
Asking a hero to choose between game, whatever the heroes choose mayor’s house or the blacksmith’s shop
a magic sword and a magic axe in response to some moral dilemma, is less interesting if the heroes will be
isn’t remotely interesting because make sure there are consequences for riding out of town in the morning.
it has no moral dimension. At the them, or for the world, or—ideally— Off-stage aftermath isn’t without
very best, you might manage to for both. merit, but it’s best as part of a tapestry
wring a half-moment of aesthetic of consequences.
interest from a “dilemma” like Repercussions and consequences It’s Roleplaying 101 to appreciate the
that. By the same token, asking have many dimensions. distinction between the ethos of the
a hero to choose between slaying The most difficult repercussions PCs and the ethos of the players. An
this hurlock or that one is a to quantify and understand are the interesting feature of that dichotomy
tactical choice, not a moral emotional effects on PC heroes. is that it’s possible for the angst of
choice. The hero’s competing Because tabletop RPGs lack the making a moral decision to arise both
moral impulses aren’t being pitted direct window to their characters’ from the players’ moral grounding as
against each other. Even assuming internal monologues of other well as the PCs’ moral grounding:
a hero morally opposed to lethal mediums, such as novels, it’s hard to • Moral choices are most likely to
force (and what’s that guy doing show in an RPG how even a lifetime affect a character in a tangible
in your Dragon Age campaign?), of moral choices change a PC. It’s way. The repercussions of a
the options under consideration not impossible to express, but it’s decision might bring danger to the
are equivalent. difficult. And expression is only hero, or restrict his liberty, or have
Asking a hero to choose between half the battle—it’s also difficult a mechanical game effect.
saving the life of a blameless non- to observe a PC’s emotional growth • On the other hand, moral
player character (NPC) on one hand over time. choices are most likely to
versus slaying a marauding creature Concrete, external repercussions in affect a player in an emotional

Kobold Quarterly 14 77
Moral Choices That Matter

way. The repercussions of a Those different types of players can also in individual encounters and
decision might make a player obviously wind up at odds. individual interactions.
feel uncomfortable, or icky, or Don’t overlook interesting moral The moral quandary posed in
powerful. They might lead a player choices grounded in the physical the vignette at the beginning of
to interesting thoughts on the way (as opposed to social) differences this article is a great example. The
home from the game session, or between the real world and the question of whether to save the
interesting discussions with other fantasy world, like those related brother or sister—and in so doing,
players. They might also lead to to the existence or use of magic or doom the other—wasn’t the central
undesirable social interactions, the relationships between different question of an entire adventure.
like quitting the gaming group or fantasy races. But keep in mind Rather, it was a small moment
hurting friendships. that these fantastic moral choices in a larger battle that one of the
• When moral choices affect a usually have obvious analogs in the players in my Dragon Age playtest
character in an emotional way, real world. group faced in playtesting Walt
it’s almost always because the For instance, magic is a lot like Ciechanowski’s adventure “Amber
player is roleplaying effectively. technology, so if you suggest that Rage,” one of the three adventures in
This is desirable, of course, wizards are a privileged class and Blood in Ferelden. Just one moment,
but as discussed above, it’s rightly so, be prepared for others to with an interesting moral choice,
difficult in the roleplaying form, interpret that as the equivalent of among many others.
both to elicit and to express. a contemporary argument for the Hopefully, I’ve made the case for
Sometimes when a player feels superiority of computer programmers, the moral choice that matters as
an emotional reaction to a moral electrical engineers, or Silicon Valley a superior tool in your toolbox. If
choice, the other players can venture capitalists. Similarly, some nothing else, I urge you to take small
see his reaction bleed over and players may interpret your moral steps to introduce these dilemmas—at
become the character’s emotional dilemma about the relative worth of any scale—into your own adventures.
reaction. The bleed-over may the various types of darkspawn as a --
not be appropriate, depending commentary on how some real world Jeff Tidball is a writer and game design-
on the extent to which the racial or ethnic group is, was, or er whose credits run the gamut from ro-
created character has the same ought to be treated. Some players can leplaying to board gaming, Ars Magica
moral beliefs as the player. This be counted on to do so whether it’s to Horus Heresy. You can follow him on
is advanced stuff, the Senior warranted or not and whether it’s fun Twitter (@jefftidball) or visit his web-
Seminar of the roleplaying degree or not. Be warned. site at Ω
program. Tread with caution. Of course, Dragon Age wades
(Of course, the fourth quadrant of fearlessly into these realms of
this table of possibilities is a non- comparative morality. In Thedas, for
starter. If a moral choice in a game example, elves are an oppressed social
affects a player in a tangible way, class, forced to live in disease-ridden
something has gone horribly wrong.) ghettoes. Magic-users who aren’t part
It’s often interesting to present of the designated political order are
moral choices in the Dragon Age hunted down and killed for their
RPG that are compelling because capabilities. If such comparisons
of the differences between the between real-world morality and
contemporary mindset and the fantasy-world morality make you
fantasy/medieval mindset. Modern uneasy, you might be better served
ideas about social, economic, and by a less serious backdrop.
gender equality are vastly different As a final point, keep in mind
than they are in the Thedas. that moral choices don’t have
But even though this juxtaposition to be grandiose to be effective.
can be interesting, these moral choices Each one needn’t serve as the
are the most likely to backfire and centerpiece of a whole scenario
create real emotional dissonance or spell the difference between
among players. Some players like to life and death. Present your
imagine their characters doing things players with meaningful ethical
that are reasonable in the setting dilemmas at all levels of play, as
but repugnant in the modern day important components of your
while others prefer to avoid this. campaign and adventures, yes, but

78 Kobold Quarterly 14

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Wicked Fantasy: Humans

The Reign of Men

Wicked Fantasy: Humans
By John Wick and Jesse Heinig
Art by Joe Slucher

And this is the Reign of Men. When umans have always been liberty and responsibility. Each has
all are king. Not subject to any gods here. They are the Old Race. what the philosophers called courage:
or tyrants, humans choose their own Newcomers—such as the the ability to recognize you are not the
destinies. Free to wreck or ruin our own elves, haffuns, and uvandir—bring most important thing in the world. As
lives or to lift ourselves up from the muck with them their strange ways and such, humans do not serve themselves:
and sing songs that no voice has ever sung. gods, but humans and their Kingdom they serve the Reign. While human
And this is the Reign of Men. We are have always been here. From the first achievement is always self-satisfying,
free. And so shall we always be. fires of creation to the moment when satisfaction is not the end goal. “What
the heat of those flames die, humans betters the Reign?” is the prime
will be here. First to step from the question. The king serves the Reign.
fire, last to walk into the darkness. The king’s magistrates serve the Reign.
The word “kingdom” is accurate, The citizens serve the Reign. And
and yet, misleading: a term the New the Reign provides them freedom to
Races use when speaking of humanity. pursue happiness.
While humans do have a king, their At least, that is what was true.
own word best translates as “reign” These days, the bones of the
or “rule.” Not the Kingdom, but the Kingdom are old and beginning to
Reign of Men. brittle. The blood is thin. And where
Established by a line of warlords in the word courage was once shouted
the earliest days, the Reign of Men from the rooftops, it is now a chorus
has transformed itself many times— in a song: repeated over and over
once a tyranny, now something again from habit.
very different. Centuries ago, the True, there are those who still
Kingdom of Men suffered a remember the passion of the
plague of philosophers, all philosophers and their transformative
asking questions of liberty and magic, but those days are long gone.
social duty. The movement The selfish reward themselves while the
transformed the Kingdom needy suffer with naught. Temples of
and inspired a young and foreign gods are on every street corner,
newly crowned king—Mantias their luring voices calling to the weak.
Colevale—to change the way And the king sits the throne a bitter and
humans were ruled. Some called broken man. Where is the courage of
him “the Philosopher-King,” and men? Where is the glory of the Reign?
others ridiculed him as “the King of Not all is lost. The courage of men
Mans.” But the laws Colevale passed remains, although it may be asleep
forever changed the direction of the in their hearts. There are those who
Kingdom, creating something the carry it still. Those who inspire others
world had never seen before. through their deeds. Stories spread of
Now, to be human is to be part young men and women whose actions
of something larger. A citizen of a may yet ignite the quiescent fire. Even
self-deciding government, each has now, word of their deeds spreads

80 Kobold Quarterly 14
throughout the Kingdom by voice and While other races seek insight
printer’s ink. Some even speak of a and power from external entities,
second Reign, when humans will rise humanity looks for power from
up as they did before. within. Will, self-determination,
Rise up and take hold of their and dignity are the virtues of
destiny. Rise up and claim what is humans and these virtues provide
Wicked fantasy is a re-invention of
theirs. Rise up and Reign. power the other races can only core fantasy races by unorthodox
describe as “magical.” But men designer John Wick. Put some
The Elevation of Men would claim these abilities are the wicked spin on your next character
If we only contemplate what we are, we exact opposite of magic; instead, or campaign.
will never see what we may become. the abilities taught to children in
— Valir Severin, The Philosophies human schools and universities
are only tapping into latent power philosophers (sometimes called
Humans are bound not by a common within the human spirit. “travelers” or “seekers”). These
faith but by a common philosophy: that Instead of temples, humans have scholars bring books with them
all men may become more than they are universities. Each town and village wherever they go, teaching and
through rigorous training, insight, and has at least one building dedicated learning both, bravely baring the
learning. The Kingdom of Men builds to knowledge and learning; a place fragile light of knowledge to a
schools and universities to bring this where men go to cure their curiosity. dark and haunted world. These
insight to all men and women. Instead of priests, humans have philosophers are not simply book-

Human Racial Traits

• +2 to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma: You have an ancient lineage and a proud heritage
that stresses standing on your own. You excel at teamwork, innovation, and inspiration. As a
result, you have great wellsprings of inner strength.
• Medium: As a Medium-size creature, you have no special bonuses or penalties due to your
• 30-ft. base land speed
• Divine Power: Because your people developed as a culture without the influence of
gods, you are fiercely resistant to the divine magic that other races take for granted.
If you choose to adopt a divine patron, though, you bring that same conviction to your
divine studies. As a result, you gain one of two bonuses.
1. If you are not a divine spellcaster (that is, you do not have any divine caster level,
divine spells, or access to domains), you gain a +2 racial bonus to all saving
throws against divine spells and effects (including effects from divine scrolls).
This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 character levels.
2. If you have any divine spellcasting ability, you instead gain a +1 CL bonus to
all divine spells. If you start with no divine casting ability and, later, gain it or if
you have divine casting ability and lose it, change the bonuses from this ability
• Improved Teamwork: When you take the aid another action, the recipient receives
a +4 bonus to the corresponding check, instead of +2.
• Martial Weapon Proficiency: Even humans who live in relatively secure
areas must occasionally defend themselves, and many human cultures have a
particular weapon associated with their nation. You gain Martial Weapon Proficiency in one
weapon of your choice at 1st level.
• Rally: You can drive others to new heights of determination through shouts of inspiration
and encouragement—or through threats. As a move action 1/day, you can bolster the will
of an ally by haranguing, shouting, yelling a battle cry, or otherwise inspiring new resolve.
The ally must be within 30 ft. and must be able to hear you. Rally affects an ally who
has failed a Will save since your last turn. Make a skill check using either Diplomacy or
Intimidate: the result counts as a new save for the ally against one effect (your choice).
You cannot use this ability on yourself. Additional daily uses of this power are gained every
3 levels, so it can be used 2/day at 3rd level, 3/day at 6th level, and so on. Rally is a sonic,
mind-affecting, language-dependent ability.
• Skillful: Humans pursue a wide range of careers and live in a multitude of conditions, and as
a result learn to excel in many different skills. Choose one skill. That skill is now a class skill
for you. Additionally, you gain a +2 racial bonus in that skill. This bonus increases by +1 for
every 4 character levels.
• Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as
Druidic). Humans have had to learn to deal with other cultures and races, so they tend to pick
up languages from a wide range of sources, as well as having their own regional dialects.

Kobold Quarterly 14 81
Wicked Fantasy: Humans

Apostasy Human Feats

Wicked Fantasy: In these dark days, many men fall These new feats are designed for
Haffuns and Uvandir away from the path of philosophy and human characters.
take up the faiths of enemy gods. As it
The Wick take on halflings is the
haffun (see KQ magazine #10), turns out, some of the most fanatical God Killer
and the dwarves are reinvented and devoted of any god’s followers turn Fighting against the followers of cults
as the uvandir (see KQ magazine out to be human. and religions has made you savvy to
#11). Elves were presented in KQ Look in the temples of the elven or the ways of divine spellcasters and
magazine #13. That leaves just the dwarven gods. You will find humans unholy monstrosities.
gnomes, which will appear in the there, chanting prayers. Most of their Prerequisites: Human, Knowledge
compiled PDF edition of Wicked human cousins look on these apostates (religion) 4 ranks, no divine
Fantasy available from Kobold sadly, seeing them as misguided fools, spellcasting ability
Store in August. but more than a few even look upon Benefit: Your racial bonus to saving
This article completes the print them with a deep hatred, seeing them throws against divine spells and effects
series from Mr. Wick and Mr. Heinig, as traitors to their own race. increases by +1, and you gain a +1
but they have a new Open Design
bonus to melee attack and damage
project underway soon as well; see for details. Human Pride rolls against anyone with divine
When the other races speak of humans, spellcasting ability. As a full-round
instead of “human will,” they often action, you may make a single melee
invoke “human ego.” Instead of attack against a divine spellcaster and
bound clerics, but men and women “human pride,” they talk about “human gain an attack and damage bonus
trained to find and fight wickedness overconfidence.” It is no secret humans equal to the highest-level spell that
and evil, to protect those who cannot are a proud race, but that pride can get the caster currently has prepared.
protect themselves. They can be found the best of them from time to time. Tales This bonus supersedes—and does not
everywhere in the Reign of Men, of humans rushing into danger with no stack with—the normal +1 bonus granted
armed not only with knowledge but thought to their own safety or well-being. by this feat. If the target currently has no
also with armor, shield, and sword. Courage or hubris? It is hard to decide. divine spells (or no spells above level 0)

82 Kobold Quarterly 14
prepared, you gain no bonus from this improvement, community, reason,
special attack, but you can still gain the and tolerance. Some clerics advocate
normal +1 attack and damage bonus on orderly societies with strong rules to
regular melee attacks. help protect the weak and advance
Special: If you ever gain divine the goals of nations while others
spellcasting ability, you lose the promote self-determination and
benefits of this feat. individual freedom to pursue one’s
personal destiny, but all adherents
Improved Rally of this philosophy promote the
Your ability to rally others makes you a common good and welfare of all
natural leader of men. humanity.
Prerequisites: Human, Diplomacy 4 Portfolio: Humans, Philosophy,
ranks or Intimidate 4 ranks Self-Improvement
Benefit: When you use your rally racial Domains: Good, Humanity,
ability, your skill check counts as a new Philosophy, Protection
Will saving throw for every ally—except Weapon: Long Sword
yourself—within 30 ft. Allies must still
be able to hear you, as normal. This Humanity Domain (Domain)
effect functions only on allies who failed Deity/Ideal: Elevation of Man
a Will save since your last turn. Granted Powers: You gain a +2
Normal: Your rally racial ability sacred bonus to all Charisma checks
affects one ally. and Charisma-based skill checks
when interacting with humans. All
Love of Knowledge humans encountered who would
You pursue philosophia, the love of normally be Indifferent start as
knowledge. Friendly instead.
Prerequisites: Human, any Domain Spells: 1st—bless, 2nd—
Knowledge skills 4 ranks total eagle’s splendor, 3rd—heroism,
Benefit: You may make untrained 4th—tongues, 5th—telepathic bond,
Knowledge skill checks, even if you do 6th—greater heroism, 7th—holy word,
not have any ranks in the Knowledge 8th—holy aura, 9th—mass heal
skill, regardless of the DC of the skill
check. Once per day per four character Philosophy Domain (Domain)
levels (minimum of once per day), Deity/Ideal: Elevation of Man
you may ruminate on a subject for Granted Powers: For a total time
2 minutes in order to take 20 on a per day of 1 round/cleric level
Knowledge skill check. As usual, you you possess, you can act normally
may only take 20 if you are not under regardless of magical effects that
stress or threat and have uninterrupted control your actions or influence your
time to consider the question. mind as if you were affected by the
Normal: You may only make spell mind blank. This effect occurs
untrained Knowledge skill checks if automatically as soon as it applies,
the DC is 10 or less. You may not lasts until it runs out or is no longer
take 20 on Knowledge skill checks. needed, and can operate multiple
times per day (up to the total daily
Human Religion limit of rounds).
Humans have a view on religion all This granted power is a supernatural
their own. ability.
Domain Spells: 1st—comprehend
Elevation of Man (Deity/Ideal) languages, 2nd—calm emotions, 3rd—
Neutral Good suggestion, 4th—imbue with special
ability, 5th—atonement, 6th—mass
Human clerics often pursue the owl’s wisdom, 7th—greater scrying,
Elevation of Man, a loose code 8th—moment of prescience, 9th—
of ethics that advocates self- astral projection Ω

Kobold Quarterly 14 83
Art & Expertise 

Art & Expertise

50 New Ways to Use Your Skills
By Scott A. Murray
Art by Albrecht Dürer

hen run well, skill • Identify and complete an • Detect common tricks, ploys,
challenges are among unfinished magic ritual: This and decoys: This idol is a fake.
the most entertaining looks like a summoning circle—but Look, the braziers aren’t bolted
and engaging elements of 4th Edition. it’s missing the ruby focus. Riardon, down and the dais isn’t even made
By providing GMs and players with a take my ritual pouch and stand at of silver—its painted stone. Oldest
clear yet flexible framework for ruling the third point of the star. trick in the book.
complex tasks, skill challenges open up • Navigate a library, or discern
countless possibilities for both combat irregularities: The tomes on alchemy Diplomacy
and noncombat encounters. are usually never mixed with those on • Identify formal silverware: I
Unfortunately, however, skill literature. Let’s investigate the stacks remember this from my training as
challenges sometimes fall flat as players on the second tier. a servant—the third fork from the
struggle to come up with interesting, left is used for chicken.
creative ways to apply their skills. Athletics • Recall knowledge of another
Perhaps they’re struggling to think • Impress an NPC with feats of culture’s etiquette: Don’t extend
of their skills beyond the immediate strength: I am indeed worthy your hand when you greet the High
“as written” applications. These 50 of the crown! Watch, as I lift the Exarch, Titus. It’s a challenge to a
new ways to use skills should provide Fated Brazier over my head with duel in this kingdom.
inspiration for player and GM alike. ease! • Aid an ally in creating a disguise
• Recall knowledge of athletic appropriate for a formal
Acrobatics competitions or contests: This gathering: If you’re going to blend in
• Detect subtle slopes by ring is where the Stonehammer at the masque, Nadya, you’re going
balancing on one foot and clan held their legendary wrestling to have to wear a feathered scarf and
concentrating: I can tell the tournaments. They say it was the discard the piercings.
floor of this chamber angles slightly only place ale wasn’t permitted in
towards the far door. Ekko, keep an the entire undermountain. Dungeoneering
eye out for a rolling boulder trap. • Aid a climbing or jumping ally • Identify and exploit structural
• Squeeze or wriggle through tight by offering tips on technique: weaknesses: The Achilles heel of
or awkward spaces: I might be Leap from the toes, Montiy! Push the drow design is the fragility of
limber enough to twist through the off the corner of the ledge! the pillars near the base. Strike
fissure and snatch the dragon key. there!
• Dance, or identify a dance: The Bluff • Extrapolate the possible size
Westland waltz is one of my favorites • Forge a convincing document: and shape of chambers beyond
too, Queen Isabella. Shall we? The seal of the empire is always doors or between corridors:
done in blue ink, Titus. Plus, nobles Judging by the proximity of this
Arcana never use the phrase “damned lot.” stairwell to the ravine, the next
• Perform minor magical effects, Here, let me do it. chamber must be a lookout point
such as heating a mug of ale • Feign knowledge on any of some sort. Keep an eye out for
or freezing a construct’s gears: subject: Ah yes, that was the same guards further up the cliff.
Kalliskaria was two ales ahead, season that… Bourne the Mighty • Assist an ally in searching for
four if you counted the ones she held the goblins off at… Troubled secret doors or passageways: The
evaporated with her fiery cantrips. Crossing, if I’m not mistaken. stone here is noticeably newer and of

84 Kobold Quarterly 14
finer quality than the rest. This must Insight effectively: The bandit king’s
conceal a corridor to the temple. • Discern natural from artificial basilisk mounts are easily misled by
patterns: The symmetrical the odor of fish. Follow me to the
Endurance arrangement of the trees in this grove stream—I think I know how we
• Fake enjoyment of a disgusting suggests an elven village nearby. can cover our path.
food or drink: The drow wine • Anticipate the next move of • Determine the cause of
burned in his throat and made his a pursuing enemy: The guards weathering and decay on a
stomach turn, but Titus endured have taken the high streets so far. surface: The carvings in this
the discomfort and feigned a They’ll likely head to the bridge chamber look beaten by decades
satisfied smile. next, so let’s double-back through of wind and rain. The ceiling here
• Lead others in exercises to the alleys instead. must recede into the walls somehow.
build energy and resistance: • Deduce the relationship of
We have a long hike ahead of us a device component to the Perception
up Daggerspine Mountain, but whole: Don’t unwind the large • Guide an ally’s climb from
the grandmaster showed me a few gear, Pockets—that holds the a distance: Watch out above,
techniques that will help our bodies entire pulley system in place! Montiy. The ledges up there look
endure the journey ahead. rather slippery.
Intimidate • Identify ideal spots for
Heal • Recall the unique phobias of a observation: We won’t see much
• Determine a corpse or race: The orcs of Bel’Hannor have from here. Let’s head to the roof of
skeleton’s cause and time of an unusual fear of blue flame. Can the inn—we can get a view of the
death: Judging by the splintered you do anything with this torch, entire bazaar up from up there.
ribs and shattered forearms, I Kalliskaria?
suspect this goblin was bashed to • Contribute to the fashioning Religion
death by a tower shield. of a frightening disguise: The • Identify and complete an
• Identify plants or substances horns need to be longer, Eighteen. unfinished procession: I count
with medicinal qualities: The Add some of that kobold’s blood to 24 candles on this altar, and I
leaves of the iron blossom will ease the cape, while you’re at it—the detect a hint of cherry incense on
the pain in your fingers, Riardon. tribe can’t stand the sight of its the air. The cultists must have
• Aid another in faking an own blood. attempted to call forth the
illness: People suffering from the • Inspire an ally by making the Vestige of the Unbroken
screaming plague have yellowed stakes painfully clear: Move Oak.
ears. Hand me the dyes in my it, Riardon! If you don’t get to • Determine the
pouch, Ekko. the relic, every last man, woman, geographic location
and child in Celeboth will have of a temple: The
History their souls scoured from within its worshippers of
• Understand or decipher an weathered halls! Yarila and
ancient dialect: The engraving is Porevit are
written in Eldercommon, but many Nature said to
of the phrases are familiar to me. • Discern north: This way, friends. upkeep
• Recall a previously successful • Cover the party’s tracks more verdant
military tactic: The Knights
of Valenar surged through the
gap between the hills when they
stormed the Black Fortress two
centuries ago. It must still be the
lich’s blind spot.
• Identify the age of an art
object by associating it with
a historical period: The use of
watercolors places this artifact
square in the Revival period 9
centuries past. This keep must be at
least that ancient, if not older.

Kobold Quarterly 14 85
Treasure Trove

Figurines of Wondrous Power

By Phillip Larwood
Art by Michael Bielaczyc

igurines of wondrous
power have a long and
illustrious history. Ages
ago, primordial elves used powerful
druidic magic to bind animal spirits
within stony shells that could be
broken open to summon the spirit.
Ancient dwarven clerics refined the
practice, employing divine magic used Basalt Cockatrice
in the construction of golems and This lump of roughly carved The toad can be commanded
other constructs to create quasi-real basalt transforms into a to store any non-living object it
animals and monsters that could be cockatrice and faithfully serves you has swallowed as if it were a bag
in battle. While carrying the figurine, of holding: the object disappears
easily carried around in statuette form. you gain a +4 bonus to saving throws from the creature’s gullet to be
The creation of these figurines against petrification spells and stored in an extradimensional
reached their zenith during the time effects. Any time the cockatrice is space. While storing an item in
of humanity’s greatest empires, and summoned, you lose this benefit for this way, the object does not take
24 hours, though you and your allies any bludgeoning damage from
entire temples were devoted to the become immune to the cockatrice’s being swallowed, and the toad can
production of magical figurines for petrifying touch. The cockatrice can swallow other objects or creatures
the privileged and wealthy members be summoned 2/week for up to 6 without a problem.
of society. hours total. The toad can store up to 100 lb. or 10
Nowadays, the variety of figurines Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft cu. ft. of material in this fashion and can
Wondrous Item, animate objects. regurgitate an item as a move action.
has fallen dramatically. Certainly
If the toad reverts to figurine form with
a few have survived and remain in Bloodstone Boar any swallowed objects still inside it,
common use, yet this small handful Tiny bloodlike splotches adorn this these objects remain inaccessible until
is far from conclusive. Dozens dark green spherical stone. When the figurine is transformed back into
more figurines can be found in the commanded, the figurine transforms toad form. Any creatures swallowed by
into a large, reddish boar with the the toad instantly return to an adjacent
possession of monsters or stashed advanced creature template and square when the toad reverts to figurine
away in ruined crypts and shrines faithfully serves you in battle. While form. The toad can be used 1/day for
just waiting to fall into the hands of carrying the figurine, you are treated up to 1 hour.
eager adventurers. as if having the benefits of the Diehard Moderate conjuration and transmutation;
feat. Any time the boar is summoned, CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate
you lose this benefit for 24 hours. The objects, secret chest.
Figurine Gallery boar can be summoned 1/day for up to
Aura varies; CL varies 2 hours. Darkwood Auroch
Slot —; Price 10,000 gp (basalt Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft
cockatrice), 12,500 gp (bloodstone This crudely carved darkwood
Wondrous Item, animate objects. statuette transforms into an auroch.
boar), 15,000 gp (citrine toad),
16,500 gp (darkwood auroch), 18,000 The auroch has no attacks, but when
gp (electrum eel), 24,000 gp (feldspar tethered to a cart or wagon, it can
Citrine Toad magically pull up to 10 tons and
roc), 20,000 gp (obsidian scorpion),
17,000 gp (pearl dolphin), 30,000 This figurine appears as a small lump of completely ignores difficult terrain—but
gp (peridot peacock), 12,500 gp pale green stone and transforms into a not natural obstacles like chasms or
(tourmaline crab) monstrous bright green toad. The toad deadfalls. If ordered to pull more than
has the same statistics as a giant frog its maximum load, the auroch instantly
and faithfully serves you in battle. reverts to figurine form and cannot

86 Kobold Quarterly 14
spell-like abilities can be used 1/day.
be summoned again for 1 day. The The peacock can be used 1/week for a
auroch can be summoned 2/month for the spear vanishes. The scorpion can maximum duration of 12 hours total.
up to 72 hours total. be summoned 1/day for up to 1 hour. Strong enchantment and transmutation;
Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item,
Wondrous Item, animate objects. Wondrous Item, animate objects. animate objects, symbol of persuasion, symbol
of stunning.
Electrum Eel Pearl Dolphin
This tiny ring-shaped figurine of highly This large streamlined figurine is a Tourmaline Crab
polished electrum functions as a minor single flawless white pearl. When placed This clear reddish gem has the
ring of electricity resistance. When the in a body of water at least 50 ft. deep, shape of a crab. When activated,
figurine is placed in a body of water the figurine instantly transforms into a the figurine transforms into a giant
at least 10 ft. deep, it transforms into glistening white dolphin. The dolphin red crab with a hardness of 8. Both
a giant silver electric eel with the has the same statistics as an ordinary mount and combatant, it grants you
tensile strength of steel (hardness dolphin with the following exceptions: it the benefit of the water breathing spell
10). The electrum eel faithfully serves has an Intelligence of 10, the celestial while riding on top of it. The giant
you in battle but does not protect you template, and a +2 morale bonus to crab can be summoned 1/day for up
against electrical attacks. The eel attack and damage rolls against sharks to 2 hours.
can be summoned 1/week for up to 6 and sahuagin. Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft
hours. The pearl dolphin speaks Aquan, Wondrous Item, animate objects, water
Moderate abjuration and transmutation; Celestial, and Common. The dolphin breathing.
CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, acts as guardian and mount, and it Construction
animate objects, resist energy. can be summoned 2/week for up to 12
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item,
hours total.
animate objects, additional spells,
Feldspar Roc Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft see text; Cost 5,000 gp (basalt
This large yellowish gem is carved into Wondrous Item, animate cockatrice), 6,250 gp (bloodstone
the shape of an eagle taking flight. objects. boar), 7,500 gp (citrine toad), 8,250
The figurine transforms into a golden gp (darkwood auroch), 9,000 gp
roc complete with a military saddle (electrum eel), 12,000 gp (feldspar
and saddlebags, and it faithfully Peridot Peacock roc), 10,000 gp (obsidian scorpion),
serves you as mount or combatant. This brilliant bluish 8,500 gp (pearl dolphin), 15,000
The roc can be summoned 1/month stone gleams with accents gp (peridot peacock), 6,250 gp
for up to 24 hours. of other colors and (tourmaline crab)
Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft resembles a roughly carved
Wondrous Item, animate objects. peacock. The figurine
transforms into a giant
Obsidian Scorpion peacock with the same
statistics as an advanced
This glittering dark green carving
giant eagle that can be used
transforms into a giant scorpion and
as a mount
faithfully serves in battle. While in
or combatant.
scorpion form, you can detach the
creature’s stinger and use it as a +3 In addition, the peacock can
shortspear. The giant scorpion loses its replicate the effects of a symbol
sting attack while you use its stinger in of persuasion (DC 19) or symbol of
this fashion, and if the scorpion is slain, stunning (DC 20) simply by spreading
out its fan-shaped tail. Each of these

Kobold Quarterly 14 87
Treasure Trove

Maker’s Mark Figurine Curses

Maker’s Mark Powers Some figurines of wondrous power carry
1d10 Power a special magical glyph known as a 1d8 Curse
1 While in statuette form, the
1 The creature gains maker’s mark, linking the figurine to figurine functions as a stone
darkvision 60 ft. and a particular organization, guild, or of weight (see Pathfinder
the scent ability. If temple. Figurines that carry a maker’s Roleplaying Game for
the creature already details). It otherwise
possesses darkvision, mark (usually stamped somewhere on
functions normally.
the range doubles. the bottom of the figurine) possess
2 If the figurine is slain in
2 The creature can see additional powers above those of creature form, the figurine
invisibility at will (as the standard figurines. A maker’s mark loses all power until you
spell). If the creature can slay a creature of the same
already see invisibility, it
increases the cost of a figurine by
50%. Some of the variant powers type as the figurine and
gains true seeing (as the sprinkles the creature’s
spell, CL 11th) 1/day. possessed by these figurines are blood over it. It otherwise
3 The creature gains the provided below (see the Pathfinder functions normally.
celestial creature template. Roleplaying Game Bestiary for details 3 When the creature is
If it is already celestial, it summoned, it attacks you
gains the Foo Creature or on templates).
to the exclusion of all other
Giant creature template. Famous houses and guilds known opponents. The creature
4 The creature gains the for producing figurines with maker’s returns to figurine form only
fiendish creature marks include House Veladraune (elf when you or it has been
template. If it is already killed. It functions normally
fiendish, it gains the enchanters whose mark is an eagle
after that, until it gains a
Abomination creature perched on a wand), Throgdrin and new owner.
or Advanced creature Sons (a family of skilled dwarves 4 The figurine animates when
template. whose mark is the dwarven rune you are unconscious or
5 The creature gains the otherwise helpless and
for life), and the Forgetower Guild
advanced creature proceeds to devour you
template. If it is already (human wizards and magewrights
(treat as a coup de grace
advanced, it gains the whose mark is a pair of hands attempt). Once finished,
legendary creature cupping a statuette). the creature returns to
template. figurine form. It otherwise
6 The creature gains the serves you faithfully.
giant creature template. Figurines of Fell Power 5 The first time the creature is
If it is already giant, A small number of figurines of summoned, it serves for
it gains the advanced wondrous power carry curses placed its normal duration, but
creature template. on them, either by accident or by then becomes a natural
7 The creature becomes creature of the same type,
immune to mind-affecting
design. Just as with other cursed
and it is no longer under
spells and effects. magic items, figurines of fell power, as your control. The creature
8 All of the creature’s they are sometimes known, resemble also loses any spell-like
movement rates double, normal figurines until their curse or supernatural abilities
and it gains the benefits manifests. These are some of the it would not normally
of a haste spell 1/day (CL have. Thus, an onyx dog
11th). more common curses possessed by would become a normal
9 The creature can be figurines of fell power. Ω riding dog and lose its
summoned an additional increased Intelligence and
1/week or month. If supernatural abilities.
the creature can be 6 When the creature reverts
summoned 1/day, to figurine form, it
the duration of teleports 1d100 ft.
the summoning from you in a random
doubles direction. It otherwise
instead. functions normally.
10 When in figurine 7 The figurine only functions
form, the at night or underground
creature and instantly reverts to
gains double statuette form if exposed
the normal to daylight. It otherwise
hardness and functions normally.
hp of a similar 8 The figurine only functions
figurine. While animated, for creatures of a particular
the creature gains fast alignment, class, race,
healing equal to 1/4 of its or religion. It otherwise
HD (minimum 1). functions normally.

88 Kobold Quarterly 14
Coming Next Issue
Man, it's tough to come up with the goods after the big GenCon issue, seeing
everyone at the show, overfeeding the dire weasels before their winter sleep. Still,
as kobolds it is our goal, our desire, our groveling need to entertain. Here's what
we're thinking, O Esteemed Reader. If you hate these, we can make them go
away. The weasels are still hungry.

Midgard: The Shared World of Zobeck

The shared world of Zobeck has a name and a logo. What's next for this
exercise in patron-based worldbuilding? More details on the open approach
to setting design.

Druids Go Deep
Not one but two articles for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game druids to go
into the heart of the wild.

Trap City, Baby

The Kobold Trap Emporium will finally open wide its doors! Traps
and traps! We are most excited to share our engines of destruction with those who
might be its next victims!

Plus, we may have a non-D&D game article of some kind, for flavor, and likely also some undead, and maybe
also an ecology of the tasty, tasty DonkeyHorse. If we don't eat it first. See you next time, dear readers!

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Kobold Quarterly 14 89

to the inn before a blizzard overtakes

Amber Heart
them. A dozen gypsies walk in the
wake of their four wagons and a lone
rider brings up the rear.
A sudden eerie howl echoes over the
An Adventure for Tales of the Old Margreve snow, and the Kariv freeze. A snaking
flash of blue rips the lone rider from
his saddle, diving and disappearing
with him into a snow bank. Screams
By Tim & Eileen Connors cut through the forest silence as
Art by Allison Theus gypsy children pour from the wagons,
Map by Corey Macourek adults start running, and an old
With special thanks to playtesters Clare Jones and Pete Pollard Kariv man orders “Everyone to the
inn, NOW!”
“Amber Heart” is a wilderness fantasy adventure suitable for four PCs of 3rd
The PCs stand at the inn’s entrance,
level. It takes place in winter at a coaching inn in the heart of a vast forest.
The map may be found on the inside back cover of this issue. 50 ft. down the road from the Kariv
wagons and 100 ft. from where the
Adventure Background rescue mission for the crippled lone rider’s horse bucks alone.

blizzard has blanketed the gypsies inside. Those the PCs rescue Terrain. The 3-ft.-deep snow
Margreve Forest in snow slowly warm, allowing the murderous on the 10-ft.-wide road reduces
and silence. After trudging sap demons inside them to take movement to 1/4 normal and makes
through the drifts, the PCs arrive at control. Those the PCs do not rescue running and charging impossible.
the Griffon’s Nest Coaching Inn. A die outside, releasing sap demons Windblown snow drifts 5 – 8 ft.-
group of Kariv gypsies arrive from the that ooze into the stable and down high flank the road.
opposite direction. the chimneys. Creatures. Snow serpents have
The Kariv wagons bear three gypsies While the snow serpents circle snarling winter wolf heads and
with an illness that defies cure. outside, the possessed gypsies stalk serpentine bodies tinged with blue
Unbeknownst to anyone, the three the inn for victims. The PCs must fur. The lead serpent spends the next
are possessed by sap demons, forest rescue children hiding in the squat 10 minutes devouring the unhorsed
oozes that dripped from a sacred darkness of the root cellar, exorcise Kariv rider. Another serpent howls in
grove of winterwood trees that the their murderous parents, and prevent the distance, tunneling under the snow
gypsies cut for firewood. The freezing sap demons from slipping down their and arriving at the Kariv wagons in 4
temperatures suppress the sap demons’ own throats. rounds. The snow serpents’ 16-ft.-long
domination of their hosts, but the bodies leave twisting trails of upturned
afflicted bleed from their ears and Adventure Hooks snow as they race just under the crust.
cannot walk. The PCs may be delivering critical Because they often tunnel deeper,
Other winterwood avengers pursue supplies, escorting ambitious the PCs cannot determine how many
the Kariv as well. Snow serpents that merchants through the winter snows, creatures there are.
hunt like wolves a nd swim through or traveling to another adventure.
the snow hail a blizzard that snaps at Snow Serpent (2) CR 5
the Kariv’s heels. Introduction hp 57; Treat a snow serpent as a
(CR 7; XP 3,200) winter wolf (see Pathfinder RPG Bestiary
Adventure Summary Read the following to start the dice 280) with the following exceptions:
blindsense 60 ft., Spring Attack
The adventure begins with the stunted rolling! instead of Run, no breath weapon, no
scream of the last gypsy rider as a snow A blizzard has blanketed the forest in language, and speed 50 ft. in snow
serpent rips him from his saddle and 3 ft. of snow. You have trudged along a and 10 ft. elsewhere.
dives into a snow bank. The gypsies During Combat. Snow serpents play
wagon-wide path and now stand at the with their food. They detest horseflesh,
panic. With no time to spare, their entrance of the Griffon’s Nest Coaching but enjoy humanoid flesh, preferring
leader locks the sick in the wagons and Inn. Drifts of snow ramp up its sides, feeble or wounded targets. They use
orders everyone else inside the inn. and the smell of burning wood rises Spring Attack to emerge, attack, and
Snow serpents circle the building, disappear again (total concealment).
from its chimneys. They drag dying creatures into
howling and appearing at windows
A company of Kariv gypsies arrives snowdrifts and devour each one over
buried under drifts. The creatures 10 minutes. Snow serpents do not
topple the Kariv wagons, prompting from the other direction. Their horses enter the inn but besiege it until the
the PCs to undertake a dangerous froth and struggle to haul their wagons snow melts in 1 month.

90 Kobold Quarterly 14
Knowledge (nature) +5, Ride +7,
The Kariv Cestmir stand in the entry, waving Survival +6
The group consists of 20 gypsies—12 everyone inside. Lew wears boots of the Languages Common
men (1 dead, 3 sick/possessed), winterlands. Marya holds a crossbow.
5 women, and 3 children. Their Their sons, Milos and Pavel, scramble Possessed Adult
patriarch, Ladislas, is an old man with to close the stable doors. While indoors. Gain +4 Str, +4 Con
exotic features and thick cataracts. One (+6 hp), +2 Will, -2 AC, blindsight 60
wagon bears the three sick brothers: NPC Adult CR 1 ft., Diehard, and Vital Strike.
Boleslaus, Karel, and Lazlo. Heroes When burned. Affected as if by haste
Assume all adult NPCs share the following for 1 minute: +1 attack, +1 AC, +1
who rush to the Kariv’s aid overhear statistics: Reflex, +30 ft., and an extra attack.
panicked gypsy women arguing about XP 400 While outdoors. Affected as if by
carrying the sick men into the inn and Human expert 3 slow—staggered, move or standard
CN Medium humanoid (human) action only, -1 attack, -1 AC, -1
Ladislas overruling them, declaring
Init +5; Senses Perception +0 Reflex; also prone and speed 5 ft.
that there isn’t time. DEFENSE
Ladislas is the last Kariv to flee. A
snow serpent attacks him, and he AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+2 The Griffon’s Nest Inn
defends himself with his necklace of armor, +1 Dex) Unless otherwise noted, all rooms are
fireballs (type I). If he dies, the Kariv hp 22 (3d8+9) lit and all doors are strong, wooden,
take direction from the PCs. Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3 and unlocked (hardness 5; hp 20; break
Each Kariv wears leather armor and DC 25 when locked). The innkeeper
Speed 30 ft.
possesses a light mace, a light crossbow, and Melee handaxe +3 (1d6/x3) or light scolds his teenage son for failing to fetch
5 bolts. The remainder of their ammunition mace +3 (1d6/x2) firewood. Unless the PCs fetch more, the
and supplies are in the wagons. Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8/19-20) inn’s temperature plummets to 0˚ F on
STATISTICS day 2 and the occupants risk freezing to
The Inn Str 11, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 10, death (see Cold Dangers, Pathfinder RPG
Cha 9
The Griffon’s Nest Coaching Inn, once Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 13
Core Rulebook). The snow-covered wood
a fortified griffon tower, features 2-ft.- Feats Improved Initiative, Toughness, pile sits 50 ft. from the stable.
thick stone walls and a ruined second Weapon Finesse A) Work Shed. This area contains
story. Innkeepers Lew and Marya Skills Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, horseshoes, hammers, nails, a crowbar, a

The Legend Continues

- August 2010 -
Enter a domain of eternal darkness, where the restless
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Kobold Quarterly 14 91

worktable, a handaxe, a shovel, a water induced bleeding. The two snow sap. Sadira lies dead, and the sap
barrel, a lantern, and 8 pints of oil. serpents presently tear Lazlo apart demons take new bodies, if possible.
B) Stablehand’s Quarters. Milos somewhere under the snow. One of the After Event 2, the PCs confront
and Pavel share a bed, a lantern, and a serpents breaks off in 6 rounds to find simultaneous problems.
fear of were-creatures. Snowshoes and its own meal. Possessed innkeeper Lew knifes his
shortbows hang beside quivers of 24 A sap demon oozes out of each dead screaming wife Marya in their locked
regular and 6 silvered arrows. gypsy. It inches under the snow, up the bedroom. If confronted, Lew attempts
C) Stable. Horses buck, goats bleat, inn’s face, down a chimney, and into to exit through a window and re-enter
and chickens peck. Wagons and sleds the warm body of someone inside— elsewhere. His magic boots keep the
for hauling wood sit in a corner. A secretly. Lazlo’s sap demon infects a sap demon active, even outside. Lew’s
carving knife and handaxe stick in a Kariv man in the stable (see Event 2). sap demon may switch hosts, hide in a
butcher-block table. A pitchfork leans Sadira takes rescued brothers horse, or attack during the night.
against a ladder that climbs to a hayloft. into the women’s quarters, where Meanwhile, a possessed Kariv
D) Hay Loft. A ladder leads to the she extinguishes the hearth fire to woman draws a cleaver from kitchen
ruined second story, dominated by minimize their bleeding. The possessed storage, sears her hand on the cook
rubble and snow. men lie on bedrolls, ears bleeding and pot, opens the root cellar trapdoor, and
E) Entry. legs useless. Their sap demons take smiles at the two children hiding there.
F) Main Hall. Double hearths blaze. control when they warm (see Event 3). The childrens’ screams alert the PCs,
A small stack of wood remains. who see the woman descend. As the
G) Kitchen. A fire licks a hanging Event 2: children whimper in a distant corner
pot of stew. The outside door is locked. Slaughter in the Stable of the dark root cellar, the possessed
A trapdoor leads to a 3-ft.-tall, pitch- (CR 5; XP 1,600) woman drinks a reserved potion of
dark root cellar that stretches under the After Event 1, at a moment of the invisibility and lies in wait for any hero
entire building. Assume the same walls GM’s choosing, a possessed Kariv who crawls in after her. The sap demon
as the ground floor, but replace doors named Andrej hacks Milos (the prefers the strong body of a hero and
with openings. Medium creatures must innkeepers’ son) with a handaxe attempts possession.
crawl (prone, 5 ft. move). in the stable. The PCs hear Milos Meanwhile, everyone begs the heroes
H) Storage. A smoked deer carcass howl in pain (2 damage). Andrej has to subdue and spare their possessed
hangs on a hook above flour sacks and barricaded the door to the Main Hall. family members.
ale kegs. It must be chopped down. Lone PC Option. A fourth
I) Innkeeper’s Quarters. A sliding The PCs enter as Andrej spots unhosted sap demon drops behind any
iron bar can lock the door from the Milos’ brother Pavel behind a horse. lone PC and attempts possession.
inside. An iron grate behind the Main Andrej’s ears bleed; he has already
Hall hearth (Area E) warms the room taken 2 hp bleeding damage. He Conclusion
and offers an unhosted sap demon hefts an axe doused with flaming If the PCs die, everyone dies. The
entrance. lamp oil (1d3 fire damage to himself creatures disperse, and the Griffon’s
J & K) Men’s Quarters and for 2 rounds). Nest sits empty in the snow.
Women’s Quarters. Bedrolls lie atop If the PCs kill or render Andrej If the PCs destroy the creatures, the
flattened mounds of hay. The room unconscious, the sap demon exits survivors give thanks. For saving Lew
smells of chamber pots and bed and attacks. The PCs may know the and his family, Lew gives the PCs his
warmer coals. following about this strange ooze: boots of the winterlands. For rescuing
Knowledge (Arcana/Nature) the Kariv children, a child gives a
Event 1: DC 13 Sap demons possess startling and accurate tarot reading
The Sap Demons Get Inside DC 18 Heat speeds them, cold slows
regarding the PCs’ next adventure.
After everyone is inside, the blizzard them.
strikes (5 ft. vision, 1/8 normal DC 23 They exit unconscious hosts. Tales of the Old Margreve
movement). A Kariv woman named If you enjoyed this short adventure,
Sadira worries aloud about any of Event 3: you may also enjoy the latest Open
her sick brothers still in the wagon: The Sap Demons Rage Design project Tales of the Old
“They’ll never survive out there. We’ve (2 x CR 5; XP 3,800) Margreve, a gazetteer and eight-
got to save them!” Sadira begs the PCs During Event 2, the sap demons inside adventure anthology where PCs
to rescue them. It will be dark soon. the gypsies rescued in Event 1 warm confront Old World creatures, ply the
The PCs discover the wagons enough to take control of their hosts power of folk magic, and earn a place
toppled. Each of the sick men inside in the women’s quarters. The walls drip in fireside tales. Check it out when it
has taken 4 damage from sap demon with blood and beaded lines of amber ships this Fall!

92 Kobold Quarterly 14
Focus (slam)
New Creature: Sap Demon Skills Climb +15, Escape Artist +10,
Amber sap oozes from an axe cut to a Stealth +11, Survival +9; Racial
stout maple’s trunk. It forms a small figure Modifiers +8 Climb, +12 Escape Artist,
Designer’s Note on Grapple
on the forest floor. Vaguely humanoid in +4 Stealth, +2 Survival This creature has exactly the right
appearance, this languid ooze half walks Language none (but see soul sap) CMB/CMD to pin the avg 3rd
and half flows, endlessly following the axe SQ amorphous, summer’s step level PC with its soul sap ability
wielder’s path to certain revenge.
SPECIAL ABILITIES about 50% of the time. I like the
Amorphous (Ex) A sap demon pin mechanic because it is flavorful
squeezes as though 2 size and takes more than one round
Sap demons are intelligent oozes that categories smaller.
to accomplish. The demon has a
track down those that inflicted the Grab (Ex) The sap demon’s grab is
effective against opponents up to 1
high chance to grapple the PC, a
tree wounds from which they bled. reasonable chance to avoid being
size larger than itself.
A few hours after an axe cut, these Soul Sap (Su) A sap demon may ungrappled, and a fair chance to
amber creatures pool into a shape that slide down the throat of a sleeping, establish a pin. GMs who find
vaguely resembles their tree’s attacker; helpless, or pinned living creature that even the streamlined grapple rules
for instance, a hat may be incorporated is within 1 size category of itself. Once cumbersome may want to forget
inside, the sap demon takes control about pin and make soul sap a
into the overall shape. of its host. Treat the effect as dominate
Sap demons pummel their prey with monster, and as if the sap demon
special touch attack with about
pseudopod fists. They enjoy claiming speaks the creature’s language. While the same chance of success. That
the weapon that wounded their tree dominated, the host gains blindsight makes it roughly a +9 touch attack.
60 ft., Diehard, Vital Strike, and
and wielding it to deliver a final blow. barbarian’s rage. The host’s ears drip
For speed, maneuverability, and blood (1 damage/hour). No damage
protection, a sap demon may ooze inflicted upon its host harms the sap
down a creature’s throat and dominate demon. If the host dies or remains
unconscious for 1 minute as the
it. Once inside, its host bleeds as the result of nonlethal damage, the sap
sap demon’s tree bled. demon exits.
Since the sap demon takes no Summer’s Step (Ex) Fire damage
damage when its host is wounded, it affects a sap demon (or host) as a
performs reckless acts. It often burns haste spell for 1 minute.
Winter’s Kiss (Ex) Freezing
its host to gain access to its summer’s temperatures affect a sap
step ability. It may wander into town demon (or host) as a slow spell.
for fisticuffs and mayhem, or it may In addition, the host loses
bed a local woman who later gives the use of its legs, gains the
prone condition, and must
birth to a forest changeling. drag itself with his hands
(speed 5 ft.). The host’s
Sap Demon CR 3 bleeding slows to 1
damage/3 hours (Fort
XP 800
DC 15 negates).
CE Small ooze The host retains
Init -2; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; control, losing
Perception +2 blindsight,
DEFENSE Diehard, Vital
AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9 (-2 Dex, +1 Strike, and
size) rage. Ω
hp 27 (5d8+5); fast healing 5
Fort +2, Ref -1, Will +3
Defensive Abilities ooze traits; DR 5/
Weaknesses winter’s kiss
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee 2 slams +7 (1d4+2 plus grab)
Special Attacks soul sap
Str 14, Dex 6, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14,
Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +4 (+10 grapple);
CMD 14 (18 grapple)
Feats Defensive Combat Training,
Improved Grapple, Weapon

Kobold Quarterly 14 93


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Free City of Zobeck

The Birdfolk of Zobeck

By Wolfgang Baur
Art by Katsushika Hokusai

n the world of Midgard, the tengu Kingdom of
hail from the lands beyond the Nuria-Natal,
Mharoti Empire. Their flocks and guarding cargoes from pirates
rookeries and treetop towns are strung and the sultan’s raiders.
all along the great eastern mountains These tengu are feathered
and in the peaks of distant Sikkim, grey, and many seem to
Khandiria, and Cathay. Many of these have some aptitude for
tengu are winged, though not all, and weather magic.
many can fly for brief periods. They all In a similar vein, tengu serve as
harbor a love of flight and high places. guardians of the Flying Cities of
In that vein, the tengu are mountain Sikkim. These visits by the Flying driven out of the
folk, and they are widely believed to have Cities (see Kobold Quarterly northern peaks as soon
a kingdom of their own near Sikkim magazine #3) are special events, as they are discovered. Only the
although only a few adventurers have and the tengu are extremely vigilant shield-maidens and aasimar are welcome
travelled far enough to see it. This realm in protecting the trade folk of Sikkim. to dwell on the Trollheim peaks.
is Beldestan and is rumored to be a land Some Zobeck merchants believe this Tengu attempting to establish
of such great forests and mountains that is because the tengu have partial shares themselves as shrine guardians of the
few humans can traverse it without flying in the goods traded and shipped by the hammering gods have themselves been
magic—so sharp its peaks and so deep its Flying Cities. slaughtered by dwarf axe and crossbow.
valleys. Atop those mountains are many Tengu worship Anu-Akma, the God of And yet the tengu seem fascinated by
cliffs riddled with tengu “perches”—each Death from the south, as well as Azuran, the northern gods and have repeatedly
such perch is home to a nesting pair, and Lord of the Four Winds and Victory, launched pilgrimages from the south to
many are two- or even three-roomed the Eastern Lord of the Air. Others reach the temples of Stannasgard. The
areas snug against the mountain cold. follow other sky-god cults or their own complete failure of these pilgrimages to
practices. Their worship seems to involve reach the holy dwarf temple-city seems
Guardians and Rookeries frequent chanting and repetitive song; not to discourage them.
To the west, the tengu are rarities many of these vocalizations are quite And so it goes. The tengu are visitors
although hardly unknown. The beautiful. Dawn is the traditional hour to Midgard’s southern and eastern
only Midgardian cities with large of worship for the Midgardian tengu. regions, gradually earning some level
populations of tengu are the eldest of of trust among the merchants of
the Seven Cities, Remulus and Triolo. Northern Wings Dornig, Zobeck, and the Seven Cities
Both treat tengu as full citizens and The northernmost of the tengu roost as guardians of wares and watchers
allow somewhat seedy rookeries within in the gnomish realms of Niemheim, over mule trains and caravans. Yet for
the city walls. The tengu live in peace and the northern kingdom of Vidim every caravan that comes from Illyria
as merchants, scouts, bodyguards, and are on friendly terms with the priests to Zobeck without incident, another
temple wardens in both cities, and on of Loki. Partly due to this gnomish tengu plays the rogue and scampers off
those rare occasions when things grow connection and partly due to the tengu with a merchant’s fat purse.
too hot for them in the Seven Cities, love of mischief, both the Northern The tengu remain a people best
they often take passage as sharp-eyed and Ironcrag dwarves generally distrust watched carefully and treated as
sailors on caravels or serve in the navies all tengu as creatures of ill luck. suspicious; their love of blades and
of Illyria and Marea. A few dwarves maintain that the tengu their strange code of honor make them
Tengu serve most often as sailors on are messengers of Wotan the Skyfather, intriguing but not trustworthy in the
the White Sea to Selket and the River but this is rare, and most tengu are eyes of the other races of Zobeck. Ω

96 Kobold Quarterly 14
Courts 4 Edition


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