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[G.R. No. 240749. December 11, 2019.]



GIOVANNI DE LUMEN y LADLAGARAN , accused-appellant.


INTING , J : p

This appeal seeks to set aside the Decision 1 dated September 29, 2017 of the
Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CR-HC No. 08754 which a rmed the Decision 2 dated
March 23, 2015 of Branch 23, Regional Trial Court (RTC), Trece Martires City, Cavite
nding Giovanni de Lumen (appellant) guilty of violating Section 12, Article II of
Republic Act No. (RA) 9165.
The Antecedents
In Criminal Case No. TMCR-350-09, appellant and co-accused Arcangel Lapiz
(Arcangel) were charged with violation of Section 12, Article II of RA 9165 or Illegal
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia in an Information 3 that reads:
That on or about the 11th day of September 2009 in the Municipality of
Gen. Trias, Province of Cavite, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this
Honorable Court, the above-named accused, not being authorized by law,
conspiring, confederating and mutually aiding each other did then and there,
willfully, unlawfully and feloniously have in their possession, control and
custody one (1) strip of aluminum foil, two (2) pcs. disposable lighter, four (4)
pcs. Aluminum tooter, and three (3) transparent plastic sachets consider under
Section 12, R.A. 9165 as an equipment, instrument, apparatus or paraphernalia
t or intended for smoking, consuming or introducing dangerous drugs into the
body, in violation of the said provisions of Republic Act No. 9165 otherwise
known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.
Meanwhile, co-accused Maura Aranzaso (Maura) was charged with violation of
Section 5, Article II of RA 9165 or Illegal Sale of Dangerous Drugs in Criminal Case No.
TMCR-352-09. The accusatory portion of the Information 5 reads:
That on or about the 11th day of September 2009 in the Municipality of
Gen. Trias, Province of Cavite, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this
Honorable Court, the above-named accused, not being authorized by law, did
then and there, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously sell, deliver and distribute to
a poseur-buyer one (1) sealed transparent plastic sachet containing zero point
zero three (0.03) grams of Methamphetamine Hydrochloride, commonly known
as "shabu," a dangerous drug, in violation of the provisions of Republic Act No.
9165, otherwise known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.
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Version of the Prosecution
On September 11, 2009, Police O cer II Victor O. Tampis (PO2 Tampis)
conducted a buy-bust operation in the house of Maura in Marycris Complex Brgy.
Pasong Camachile 2, General Trias, Cavite following the numerous complaints they
received about the illegal activities of Maura. According to PO2 Tampis, a text message
from a concerned citizen was reported to the Mayor's o ce about the illegal trade of
Maura. Thereafter, the Municipal Police station of General Trias, Cavite received a
document from the Mayor's o ce indicating therein the persons selling shabu, and
Maura was listed on top of the watch list. 7
In preparation, PO2 Tampis, the designated poseur-buyer, placed his initials
"VOT" on the three pieces of P100-bill as buy-bust money. PO2 Lord Allan Poniente
(PO2 Poniente), PO1 Amor Estrada (PO1 Estrada), and Senior Police O cer III Jose
Mendoza Eusebio (SPO3 Eusebio), among others, served as the back-up officers.
At the entrance of Maura's house, the con dential informant introduced PO2
Tampis to Maura as a "scorer" of shabu. PO2 Tampis bought one plastic sachet of
suspected shabu from Maura and handed the marked money to her. The sale having
been consummated, PO2 Tampis introduced himself as a police o cer, arrested
Maura, and retrieved the marked money from the latter. When a commotion ensued,
PO2 Poniente and PO1 Estrada immediately rushed to the scene where they saw the
appellant and Arcangel sni ng shabu inside Maura's residence. They arrested them
and recovered the following drug paraphernalia: one strip of aluminum foil with traces
of white crystalline substance; two disposable lighters; four pieces aluminum tooter
(rolled aluminum foil) with traces of white crystalline substance; and three transparent
plastic sachets with traces of white crystalline substance. 8
After the conduct of the inventory, the seized items were submitted to the crime
laboratory for examination. The buy-bust item con scated from Maura, as well as the
drug paraphernalia recovered in the possession of the appellant and Arcangel, tested
positive for methamphetamine hydrochloride. 9
Version of the Defense
In defense, appellant denied the charge. He claimed that on the date and time in
question, he was at the house of Maura to get a water container. He was about to leave
when several persons entered the house and arrested him along with Arcangel and a
certain Elaine. Thereafter, he was brought to the police station of General Trias in Cavite
where he was charged with possession of illegal drugs and illegal drug paraphernalia.

Co-accused Maura corroborated the appellant's testimony. She alleged that

between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m., she was in her residence when five persons arrived.
Three of them entered her house and made a search. After which, they tied their hands
with wire and forced them to board a vehicle. Later, they were brought to Imus and
were subjected to a drug test before going to the Bacao police station. She also denied
the charges against her. 1 1
In its Decision 1 2 dated March 23, 2015, the RTC found Maura and appellant
guilty as charged. Thus:
WHEREFORE, nding the guilt of the accused Giovanni de Lumen and
Maura Aranzaso beyond reasonable doubt, Giovanni de Lumen is hereby meted
the penalty of imprisonment from six (6) months and one (1) day to four (4)
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years and a ne of ten thousand (P10,000.00) Pesos for Violation of Sec. 12,
Art. II, R.A. 9165. While Maura Aranzaso is meted the penalty of Reclusion
perpetua from twenty (20) years and one (1) day to forty (40) years of
imprisonment and to pay a ne of seven hundred thousand pesos
(P700,000.00) only.
The other accused Arcangel Lapiz died during the trial of this case.
The RTC found that all the elements of illegal sale of drugs has been established
in this case, to wit: (1) Maura sold drugs to PO2 Tampis, the poseur-buyer; (2) the
sachet of drug and the marked money have been positively identi ed by PO2 Tampis;
(3) prior to the buy-bust operation, there was a coordination made by the police with
the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency; and (4) after the arrest of all the accused, an
inventory of the seized items was conducted. With respect to appellant, it noted that he
was caught red-handed possessing and using illegal drug and paraphernalia. The RTC
refused to give credence to his alibi and instead took into consideration of the fact that
the appellant was using drugs at the time of his arrest and tested positive for drug use.

Both Maura and appellant led a notice of appeal 1 5 from the trial court's
In a Decision 1 6 dated September 29, 2017, the CA upheld the conviction of the
appellant, but acquitted his co-accused Maura on the ground of reasonable doubt. The
dispositive portion of the CA's decision reads:
WHEREFORE, the foregoing considered, the appeal is PARTLY GRANTED.
The consolidated Decision dated 23 March 2015 of the Regional Trial Court
(Branch 23, Trece Martires City, Cavite) in Criminal Case Nos. TMCR-350-09 and
TMCR-352-09 is: (1) AFFIRMED with respect to accused-appellant Giovanni de
Lumen; and, (2) REVERSED and SET ASIDE insofar as accused-appellant Maura
Aranzaso y Mendoza is concerned and, who, by virtue of this verdict, is
ACQUITTED on reasonable doubt. Accordingly, the Director of the Correctional
Institution for Women in Mandaluyong City is directed to cause the immediate
release of accused-appellant Aranzaso, unless the latter is being lawfully held
for another cause, and to inform this Court of the date of her release or reason
for her continued con nement, as the case may be, within ve (5) days from
notice. The seized drug paraphernalia are con scated and ordered destroyed in
accordance with law.
Appellant moved for a partial reconsideration 1 8 of the Decision, but the CA
denied it in a Resolution 1 9 dated February 14, 2018. The CA declared:
Accused-appellant De Lumen, thus, led the instant Motion for Partial
Reconsideration wherein he reiterated his arguments that there exists a serious
doubt as to the identity of the corpus delicti as the chain of custody was not
properly followed and that his arrest was illegal as he was not the subject of the
buy-bust operation.
Notably, these matters have already been adequately considered and
discussed in Our [D]ecision. The pieces of evidence consistently show that
accused-appellant De Lumen was caught in agrante delicto using prohibited
drugs and was in possession of illegal drug paraphernalia. It was also
established that PO1 Estrada con scated the said paraphernalia, placed
markings thereon, and made an inventory of the seized items. Thereafter, the
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paraphernalia were sent to the PNP Crime Laboratory for forensic examination.
With these proven facts, accused-appellant De Lumen's guilt has been
established beyond reasonable doubt.
WHEREFORE, the foregoing considered, the Motion for Partial
Reconsideration is DENIED.
Hence, this appeal. 2 1
In a Resolution 2 2 dated September 17, 2018, this Court required the parties to
submit their respective supplemental briefs, if they so desire. The O ce of the Solicitor
General, in its Manifestation in Lieu of Supplemental Brief 2 3 dated January 10, 2019,
informed the Court that it elects to dispense with the ling of a supplemental brief
considering that all relevant issues/arguments in the case have been adequately
adduced in its Brief for the Appellee dated July 3, 2017. Similarly, in his Manifestation in
Lieu of Supplemental Brief 2 4 dated January 18, 2019, appellant opted not to le a
supplemental brief since he had exhaustively discussed the assigned errors in the Brief
for the Accused-Appellant's 2 5 dated March 3, 2017.
The Court now resolves whether the guilt of appellant was proven beyond
reasonable doubt. Central to this issue is the determination of whether the integrity and
evidentiary value of the evidence were duly preserved.
Principally, the chain of custody rule is but a variation of the principle that real
evidence must be authenticated prior to its admission into evidence. To establish a
chain of custody su cient to make evidence admissible, the proponent needs only to
prove a rational basis from which to conclude that the evidence is what it claims it to
be. Simply put, the prosecution must offer su cient evidence from which the trier of
fact could reasonably believe that an item still is what the government claims it to be. In
the prosecution of illegal drugs, in particular, the well-established federal evidentiary
rule in the United States is that when the evidence is not readily identi able and is
susceptible to alteration by tampering or contamination, courts require a more
stringent foundation entailing a chain of custody of the item with su cient
completeness to render it improbable that the original item has either been exchanged
with another or been contaminated or tampered with. 2 6
Here, what is involved are disposable and fungible objects such as aluminum foil,
lighters, and aluminum tooters which are highly susceptible to substitution and
alteration. Given the nature of these items, stricter compliance with the rule on the chain
of custody is expected. Unfortunately, the present case failed to pass this scrutiny.
The elements that must be established to sustain convictions for illegal
possession of equipment, instrument, apparatus and other paraphernalia for dangerous
drugs under Section 12 are: (1) possession or control by the accused of any equipment,
apparatus or other paraphernalia t or intended for smoking, consuming, administering,
injecting, ingesting or introducing any dangerous drug into the body; and (2) such
possession is not authorized by law. 2 7
Section 21, Article II of RA 9165, as amended by RA 10640, provides for the
custody and disposition of con scated, seized, and/or surrendered drugs and/or drug
Sec. 21. Custody and Disposition of Con scated, Seized, and/or
Surrendered Dangerous Drugs, Plant Sources of Dangerous Drugs, Controlled
Precursors and Essential Chemicals, Instruments/Paraphernalia and/or
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Laboratory Equipment. — The PDEA shall take charge and have custody of all
dangerous drugs, plant sources of dangerous drugs, controlled precursors and
essential chemicals, as well as instruments/paraphernalia and/or laboratory
equipment so con scated, seized and/or surrendered, for proper disposition in
the following manner:
(1) The apprehending team having initial custody and control of the
dangerous drugs, controlled precursors and essential chemicals,
instruments/paraphernalia and/or laboratory equipment shall, immediately
after seizure and con scation , conduct a physical inventory of the seized
items and photograph the same in the presence of the accused or the person/s
from whom such items were con scated and/or seized, or his/her
representative or counsel, with an elected public o cial and a representative of
the National Prosecution Service or the media who shall be required to sign the
copies of the inventory and be given a copy thereof: Provided, That the physical
inventory and photograph shall be conducted at the place where the search
warrant is served; or at the nearest police station or at the nearest o ce of the
apprehending o cer/team, whichever is practicable, in case of warrantless
seizures: Provided, nally , That noncompliance of these requirements under
justi able grounds, as long as the integrity and the evidentiary value of the
seized items are properly preserved by the apprehending o cer/team, shall not
render void and invalid such seizures and custody over said items.
(2) Within twenty-four (24) hours upon con scation/seizure of
dangerous drugs, plant sources of dangerous drugs, controlled precursors and
essential chemicals, as well as instruments/paraphernalia and/or laboratory
equipment, the same shall be submitted to the PDEA Forensic Laboratory for a
qualitative and quantitative examination;
(3) A certi cation of the forensic laboratory examination results,
which shall be done by the forensic laboratory examiner, shall be issued
immediately upon the receipt of the subject item/s: Provided, That when the
volume of dangerous drugs, plant sources of dangerous drugs, and controlled
precursors and essential chemicals does not allow the completion of testing
within the time frame, a partial laboratory examination report shall be
provisionally issued stating therein the quantities of dangerous drugs still to be
examined by the forensic laboratory: Provided, however, That a nal
certi cation shall be issued immediately upon completion of the said
examination and certification; x x x (Emphasis and italics supplied.)
While RA 9165 has been amended by RA 10640 which modi ed Section 21 (1),
among others, to require the presence of an elected public o cial and representative
of the Department of Justice (DOJ) or the media during the physical inventory and
photographing of the seized drugs, the original text of the law applies in this case since
the incident occurred prior to the date of effectivity 2 8 of RA 10640. Under the original
provision of Section 21, the apprehending team shall, after seizure and con scation,
immediately conduct a physical inventory and photograph the seized items in the
presence of the accused or the person from whom the items were seized, or his
representative or counsel, (a) a representative from the media and (b) the DOJ, and (c)
any elected public o cial who shall be required to sign the copies of the same, and the
seized items must be turned over to the PNP Crime Laboratory within 24 hours from
confiscation for examination. 2 9
To further ensure the integrity of the seized items, the prosecution must account
for the following links: first, the seizure and marking, if practicable, of the illegal drug
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recovered from the accused by the apprehending o cer; second, the turnover of the
illegal drug seized by the apprehending o cer to the investigating o cer; third, the
turnover by the investigating o cer of the illegal drug to the forensic chemist for
laboratory examination; and fourth, the turnover and submission of the marked illegal
drug seized from the forensic chemist to the court. 3 0
Strict compliance with the requirements set forth under Section 21, Article II of
RA 9165 may not always be possible. In fact, the Implementing Rules and Regulations
of the law provides that noncompliance with the requirements of Section 12, under
justi able grounds, will not render void and invalid the seizure and custody over the
seized items so long as the integrity and evidentiary value of the seized items are
properly preserved by the apprehending team. Accordingly, the prosecution must
satisfactorily prove that: (a) there is justi able ground for noncompliance; and (b) the
integrity and evidentiary value of the seized items are properly preserved. In one case,
the Court emphasized that for the saving clause to apply, the prosecution must explain
the reasons behind the procedural lapses, and that the integrity and value of the seized
evidence had nonetheless been preserved. Furthermore, the justi able ground for
noncompliance must be proven as a fact, because the Court cannot presume what
these grounds are or that they even exist. 3 1
The extant case is tainted with grave violations of Section 21.
One. The records show that not all of the witnesses required under Section 21 (1)
were present during the physical inventory and photographing of the seized drug and
drug paraphernalia. Noticeably, the only person who arrived and witnessed the
"preparation of the inventory" and signed the Receipt of the Property Seized 3 2 was
Barangay Captain Lamberto Carampot. Evidently, the DOJ representative and the media
representative were not around.
While the absence of the required witnesses does not per se render the
con scated items inadmissible, their presence and the immediate marking and
conduct of the physical inventory after seizure and con scation in full view of the
accused and the required witnesses cannot be brushed aside as a simple procedural
technicality. The prosecution must adduce a justi able reason for the omission or a
showing of any genuine and su cient effort to secure the required witness. It could
have alleged and proved any of the following justi able reasons: "(1) their attendance
was impossible because the place of arrest was a remote area; (2) their safety during
the inventory and photographing of the seized drugs was threatened by an immediate
retaliatory action of the accused or any person/s acting for and in his/her behalf; (3) the
elected o cial[s] themselves were involved in the punishable acts sought to be
apprehended; (4) earnest efforts to secure the presence of [the required witnesses
under Section 21 (1) of RA 9165] within the period required under Article 125 of the
Revised Penal Code prove futile through no fault of the arresting o cers, who face the
threat of being charged with arbitrary detention; or (5) time constraints and urgency of
the anti-drug operations, which often rely on tips of con dential assets, prevented the
law enforcers from obtaining the presence of the required witnesses even before the
offenders could escape.'' 3 3
Unfortunately, the prosecution did not bother to explain, much less allege, the
absence of representatives from the DOJ and the media during the physical inventory
and the taking of photographs of the seized items. For failure of the prosecution to
provide justi able grounds or to show that it exerted genuine efforts in securing the
witnesses required under the law, the Court is constrained to rule that the integrity and
evidentiary value of the seized items have been compromised. 3 4
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Two. None of the witnesses testi ed to whom the seized items were turned over
at the police station. The prosecution only averred that the police operatives brought all
the accused and the con scated items to the police station in General Trias for inquest
and preparation of the necessary documents. It was not clear, however, whether the
illicit drugs and paraphernalia were turned over to the investigating o cer at all, if there
were any.
Three. The prosecution likewise failed to present PO2 Poniente, the police o cer
who supposedly delivered the Request for Laboratory Examination 3 5 and the items to
the laboratory. He could have narrated how he handled the items in his custody prior to
turning them over to the crime laboratory at around 1:10 p.m. of September 11, 2009.
The absence of testimony or stipulation as to how PO2 Poniente handled the illegal
drugs and paraphernalia obviously resulted in a gap in the chain of custody.
Four. No testimonial or documentary evidence was given whatsoever as to how
the items were kept while in the custody of the forensic chemist until it was transferred
to the court. As in the other links, it was not shown how the forensic chemist, Oliver B.
Dechitan, handled and stored the seized items before the same were retrieved for
presentation in court. Neither was there any stipulation that the evidence custodian
preserved the integrity and evidentiary value of such items.
In sum, the events of September 11, 2009 should be taken and appreciated as a
whole even as they gave rise to two criminal cases against appellant and his co-
accused Maura. The reasons for acquitting Maura for selling drugs like the
prosecution's complete failure to introduce the drugs she allegedly sold to PO2 Tampis
and the police operative's own admission that he failed to ask Maura to sign the
inventory, seriously cast doubt, not only to her own guilt, but more so on the soundness
and reliability of the measures taken or the procedures followed by the buy-bust team.
These circumstances cast a heavy shadow on the integrity of the operation and the
police operatives themselves. In the appellant's case, there was no showing that a
proper inventory and taking of pictures of the drug paraphernalia were undertaken by
the police operatives. PO1 Estrada simply testi ed that they con scated the drug
paraphernalia from him and Arcangel and then brought them to the Scene of the Crime
Operatives for laboratory test. Yet, there is no evidence as to how the illegal articles
were stored or preserved, how they were delivered to the laboratory, and who actually
received them. Worse, the prosecution failed to prove how such items reached the
court. The Court is thus left with absolutely no guarantee of the integrity of the sachets
containing illegal drugs other than the self-serving assurances of the police operatives.
This is precisely the situation that the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act seeks to
prevent. The very process that Section 21 requires is plain, standardized, and even run-
of-the-mill, guarantee that the integrity of the seized drugs and/or drug paraphernalia is
preserved. All that law enforcers have to do is follow the law. 3 6
WHEREFORE , the appeal is GRANTED . The Decision dated September 29, 2017
of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR-HC No. 08754 with respect to accused-appellant
Giovanni de Lumen y Ladlagaran is REVERSED and SET ASIDE . Accused-appellant
Giovanni de Lumen y Ladlagaran is ACQUITTED of violation of Section 12, Article II of
Republic Act No. 9165, and the bail bond posted for his provisional liberty is ordered
Let entry of judgment immediately issue.
Perlas-Bernabe, A.B. Reyes, Jr., Hernando and Delos Santos, JJ., concur.
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1. Rollo, pp. 3-13; penned by Associate Justice Manuel M. Barrios with Associate Justices
Sesinando E. Villon and Renato C. Francisco, concurring.

2. CA rollo, pp. 58-64; penned by Executive Judge Aurelio G. Icasiano, Jr.

3. Records, p. 1.
4. Id.
5. Id. at 16.
6. Id.

7. CA rollo, p. 105.
8. Id. at 106-107.
9. Records, pp. 13 and 14.
10. CA rollo, pp. 36-37.
11. Id. at 62.

12. Id. at 58-64.

13. Id. at 63-64.
14. Id. at 63.
15. Records, pp. 174 and 175.

16. Rollo, pp. 3-13.

17. Id. at 12-13.
18. CA rollo, pp. 175-189.
19. Id. at 209-210.
20. Id.

21. Id. at 211-213.

22. Rollo, pp. 20-21.
23. Id. at 22-24.
24. Id. at 26-28.
25. CA rollo, pp. 29-56.

26. People v. Lim, G.R. No. 231989, September 4, 2018.

27. People v. Obias, Jr., G.R. No. 222187, March 25, 2019 citing Zalameda v. People, 614 Phil.
710, 727 (2009).
28. Republic Act No. 10640 took effect on August 7, 2014.
29. People v. Wisco, G.R. No. 237977, August 19, 2019.
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30. People v. Lacdan, G.R. No. 232161, August 14, 2019, citing People v. Gayoso, 808 Phil. 19,
31 (2017).
31. People v. Gabunada, G.R. No. 242827, September 9, 2019 citing People v. De Guzman, 630
Phil. 637, 649 (2010).
32. Records, p. 8.
33. People v. Wisco, supra note 29 citing People v. Sipin, G.R. No. 224290, June 11, 2018.
34. Id.
35. Records, p. 9.

36. People v. Que, G.R. No. 212994, January 31, 2018.

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