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BLOUSE third corporation, who will manage such

properties, is tantamount to consolidation
Doctrine: “A merger implies necessarily the or merger
termination or cessation of the merged corporations 2. Assuming arguendo that it was tantamount
and not merely a merger of their properties and to a consolidation or merger, whether the
assets.” same is prejudicial to the corporation
Facts: 3. Whether minority stockholders who
dissented to a resolution allegedly
Laguna Tayabas Bus Co. (LTB) and the Batangas consolidating the properties of two
Transportation (BT). are prewar corporations corporations is entitled to judicial relief via
organized in 1928 and 1918, respectively. injunction
They ceased operating during World War II. Held:
1945 - they resumed operations, and pursuant to the 1. We are of the opinion that the transaction
authority granted by the respective Board of called for therein cannot be considered, strictly
Directors, the two companies were jointly operated speaking, as a merger or consolidation of the
under a single management. two corporations because, a merger implies
necessarily the termination or cessation of the
In view of the success of this joint operation, it was merged corporations and not merely a merger
strongly recommended that it be continued and of their properties and assets.
made permanent.
This situation does not here obtain.
1947 - For this purpose a meeting of the
stockholders was called, and a resolution was The two corporations will not lose their corporate
passed, to whereby: existence or personality, or at least the Laguna
Tayabas Bus Co., but will continue to exist even after
the Board of Directors is charged with the the consolidation.
authority to take the necessary steps to
consolidate the properties and franchises of the In other words, what is intended by the resolution is
Laguna Tayabas Bus Co. with those of the merely a consolidation of properties and assets, to
Batangas Transportation Co. under a new be managed and operated by a new corporation,
corporation in return for stock of the new and not a merger of the corporations themselves.
corporation, or by exchange of stock, and/or
through such other means as may be deemed 2. No. After weighing the evidence, the lower court
most advisable by the Board of Directors reached the conclusion that the merger would
not be prejudicial or disadvantageous to the
92.5% of the stockholders of LTB present approved appellants or to the stockholders of the Laguna
the resolution Tayabas Bus Co.
Petitioners, the minority stockholders of LTB who On this point the court said: "The testimony of Max
dissented the resolution, filed this injunction case to Blouse, who had founded both the Laguna Tayabas
restrain its Board of Directors composed of the Bus Co. and the Batangas Transportation Co., should
defendants from carrying out the resolution, be given considerable weight and credence not only
contending that the alleged merger is prejudicial to because of the position which he enjoys in both
the interests of LTB. companies, but also because of his long experience
in the transportation business in this country.
Applicable law:
His .opinion, therefore, insofar as he states that the
Section 28 Corporation law: a corporation may sell, earnings of both companies should be about equal,
exchange, lease or otherwise dispose of all its in normal circumstances, is entitled to more weight
property and assets, including its good will, upon and credit than that of the plaintiffs.
such terms and conditions as Its Board of Directors
may deem expedient when authorized by the 3. No. It is not fair to allow a small minority to
affirmative vote of the shareholders holding at least undo or set at naught what they have done.
2/3 of the voting power
The remedy of the appellants is to register their
Issues: objection in writing and demand payment of their
shares from the corporation as provided for in
1. Whether or not a resolution approved by section 281/2 of the corporation law
92.5% of stockholders, consolidating the
properties of two corporations by creating a

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