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Q.1 A metal disc of radius R can rotate about the vertical axis passing through its centre.
The top surface of the disc is uniformly coered with dust particles. The disc is rotated with
gradually increasing speed. At what value of the angular speed () of the disc the 75% of the
top surface will become dust free. Assume that the coefficient of friction between the dust
particles and the metal disc is  = 0.5. Assume no interaction amongst the dust particles.

Q.2 A metallic hemisphere is having dust on its surface. The sphere is rotated about a
vertical axis passing through its centre at angular speed  = 10 rad s–1. Now the dust is
visible only on top 20% area of the curved hemispherical surface. Radius of the
hemisphere is R = 0.1 m. Find the coefficient of friction between the dust particle and the
hemisphere (g = 10 ms–2).

Q.3 A smooth cylinder is fixed with its axis horizontal. Radius of the cylinder is R. A uniform
rope (ACB) of linear mass density  (kg/m) is exactly of length R and is held in semicircular
shape in vertical plane around the cylinder as shown in fig. Two massless strings are connected
at the two ends of the rope and are the pulled up vertical with force T 0 to keep the rope in
contact with the cylinder.
a) Find minimum value of T0 so that the rope does not lose contact with the cylinder
at any point.
b) If T0 is decreased slightly below the minimum value calculated in (a), where will
the rope lose contact with the cylinder.

Q.4 A block of mass M is placed on a horizontal smooth table. It is attached to an

ideal spring of force constant k as shown. The free end of the spring is pulled at a
constant speed u. Find the maximum extension (x0) in the spring during the subsequent

Q.5 In the arrangement shown in the fig. string, springs and the pulley are mass less. Both the springs
have a force constant of k and the mass of block B resting on the table is M. Ball A is released from rest when
both the springs are in natural length and just taut. Find the minimum value of mass of A so that block B
leaves contact with the table at some stage.

Q.6 A plank is moving along a smooth surface with a constant speed V.

A block of mass M is gently placed on it. Initially the block slips and then
acquires the constant speed (V) same as the plank. Throughout the period,
a horizontal force is applied on the plank to keep its speed constant.
a) Find the work performed by the external force.
b) Find the heat developed due to friction between the block and the plank.

Career Crave Education Centre, 117/N/112, Kakadeo (Opp. deoki cinema Hanuman mandir Gali), Kanpur
Q.7 A weightless rod of length l with a small load of mass m at one of its end is held
vertical with its lower end hinged on a horizontal surface. The load touches a wedge of
mass M in this position. A slight jerk towards right sets the system in motion (see fig.),
with rod rotating freely in vertical plane about its lower end. There is no friction.
a) For what mass ratio will the rod form an angle  = /3 with the vertical at
the moment the load separates from the wedge?
b) What is speed of the wedge at that moment? Neglect friction

Q.8 Water flows through a tube assembly as shown in the fig. Speed of flow
(marked as V and 2V), cross sectional area (A, A/2 and A/4) and the angles
between segments has been shown in fig. Calculate the force applied by the water
flow on the tube. Take density of water to be .

Q.9 A car of mass M is free to move on a frictionless horizontal surface. A gun fires
bullets on the car. The bullets leave the stationary gun with speed u and mass rate b kg
s–1. The bullets hit the vertical rear surface of the car while travelling horizontally and
collisions are elastic. If the car starts at rest find its speed and position as a function of
time. Mass of the car M >> mass of each bullet.

Q.10 Two blocks of masses m = 2 kg and m = 8 kg are connected to a spring of force constant K = 1 kN/
m. The spring is compressed by 20 cm and the two blocks are held in this position by a string. The
system is placed on a horizontal smooth surface and given a velocity u = 3 m/s perpendicular to
the spring. The string snaps while moving. Find the speed of the block of mass m when the spring
regains its natural length.

Q.11 Disc A of radius R is lying flat on a horizontal surface. Disc B is

also at rest. Disc C, which is identical to B is travelling along the surface
with its velocity parallel to the line joining the centre C1 and C2 of the
discs A and B. The distance between C1 and C2 of the discs A and B. The
distance between the line C1C2 and the line of motion of centre of disc C
is 3.r, where r is radius of both B and C. Impact of C with B is completely
elastic. Subsequently it is observed that both B and C just miss hitting
the disc A. Find the radius (R) of A in terms of r.
Q.12 A disc is free to rotate about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular
to its plane. The moment of inertia of the disc about its rotation axis is I. A light
ribbon is tightly wrapped over it in multiple layers. The end of the ribbon is
pulled out at a constant speed of u. Let the radius of the ribboned disc be R at
any time and thickness of the ribbon be d(< < R). Find the force (F) required to
pull the ribbon as a function of radius R.

Q.13 A hollow cylindrical pipe A has mass M and radius R. With the help of two identical
springs (each of force constant k) it is connected to solid cylinder B having mass M
and radius R. The springs are connected symmetrically to the axle of the cylinders.
Moment of inertia of the two bodies A and B about their axles are IA = MR2 and
I B  MR 2 respectively. Cylinders are pulled apart so as to stretch the springs by
x0 and released. During subsequent motion the cylinders do not slip.
a) Find acceleration of the centre of mass of the system immediately after it is released.
b) Find the distance travelled by cylinder A by the time it comes to rest for the first time after being released.

Career Crave Education Centre, 117/N/112, Kakadeo (Opp. deoki cinema Hanuman mandir Gali), Kanpur
Q.14 A uniform cube of mass M and side length a is placed at rest at
the edge of a table. With half of the cube overhanging from the
table, the cube begins to roll off the edge. There is sufficient
friction at the edge so that the cube does not slip at the edge of
the table. Find :

a) The angle 0 through which the cube rotates before it leaves contact with the table.
b) The speed of the centre of the cube at the instant it breaks off the table.
c) The rotational kinetic energy of the cube at the instant its face AB becomes horizontal.

Q.15 Two discs A and B are moving with their flat circular surface on a
smooth horizontal surface. Mass, radius and velocity of the two
discs are – mA = 2M, mB = M, rA = R, rB = 2R, vA = v and vB = 2v. The
velocities of the two discs are oppositely directed so that they
just cannot avoid collision and stick to each other (see fig.).
a) Find the angular speed of the composite system after collision.
b) Find loss in kinetic energy due to collision.
Q.16 Two identical thin rods are moving on a smooth table, as shown. Both of them are rotating with angular speed , in clockwise
sense about their centres. Their centres have velocity V in opposite directions. The rods collide at their edge and stick
together. Length of each rod is L.
a) For what value of there will be no motion after collision?
b) If the ratio is half the value found in (a) above, what fraction of kinetic energy is lost in the collision?

Q.17 A uniform rod of mass m and length 2L on a smooth horizontal surface.

A particle of mass m is connected to a string of length L whose other end is
connected to the end ‘A’ of the rod. Initially the string is held taut perpendicular
to the rod and the particle is given a velocity v0 parallel to the initial position of
the rod.
a) Calculate the acceleration of the centre of the rod immediately
after the rod immediately after the particle is projected.
b) The particle strikes the centreof the rod and sticks to it. Calculate
the angular speed of the rod after this.

Questions 17 to 19 are based on the following physical situation :

A horizontal conveyor belt is running at a constant speed ub = 3.0 m/s. A small disc enters the belt moving horizontally with a
velocity u0 = 4.0 m/s that is perpendicular to the velocity of the belt. Coefficient of friction between the disc and the belt is 0.50.

Q.18 What can you predict regarding the path of the disc?
(a) It is a parabola relative the belt (b) It is a straight line relative to the belt
(c) It is a parabola relative to the ground (d) It is a straight line relative to the ground.
Q.19 What should the minimum width of the belt be so that the disc always remains on the belt?
(a) 0.9 m (b) 1.6 m (c) 2.0 m (d) 2.5 m.
Q.20 What is the minimum speed of the disc relative to the ground?
(a) 0 m/s (b) 1.8 m/s (c) 2.4 m/s (d) 3.0 m/s.

Career Crave Education Centre, 117/N/112, Kakadeo (Opp. deoki cinema Hanuman mandir Gali), Kanpur
Comprehension Type :
A conveyor belt collects sand and transport it to a height h as shown in the fig. The sand falls on the belt with negligible
speed at constant rate  (mass per unit time). Friction between the belt and the sand particle is so high that the sand particles
stop sliding almost instantaneously after they hit the belt. Acceleration due to gravity is g.

Q.21 What should speed of the belt be for the least possible driving force on the belt applied by the motor?

(a) 0.5gh (b) gh

(c) 2gh (d) A speed however small is possible.

Q.22 What is the power delivered by the motor to the belt, when the motor is applying least possible driving force?
(a) 0.5 gh (b) gh (c) 1.5 gh (d) 2.0 gh
Q.23 What is the power dissipated by the sand–belt system, when the motor is applying least possible driving force?
(a) zero (b) 0.25 gh (c) 0.5 gh (d) gh.

Career Crave Education Centre, 117/N/112, Kakadeo (Opp. deoki cinema Hanuman mandir Gali), Kanpur

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