Stratigraphy and Palaeoceanography of The Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Event in Oued Mellegue, North-Western Tunisia

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Cretaceous Research (1999) 20, 47–62

Article No. cres.1998.0136, available online at on

Stratigraphy and palaeoceanography of the

Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Event in Oued
Mellegue, north-western Tunisia
*Alexandra J. Nederbragt and †Andrea Fiorentino
Instituut voor Aardwetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit, de Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, the Netherlands;
*current address: Department of Geological Sciences, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT,
UK; †current address: Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università ‘‘La Sapienza’’, P. le A. Moro 5,
00185 Roma, Italy

Revised manuscript accepted 12 August 1998

An expanded Cenomanian-Turonian section along Oued Mellegue in north-western Tunisia provides a high-resolution
record of the latest Cenomanian Oceanic Anoxic Event in an upper bathyal, pelagic to hemipelagic environment. A rapid
>2‰ positive excursion in )13C starts at the base of the organic-rich Bahloul Formation, which represents the Cenomanian-
Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) in Tunisia. The transition to a dysaerobic environment at the sea floor, as well as hostile
conditions in the subsurface waters, was abrupt. Evolutionary turnover in planktonic foraminiferal faunas in the lowermost
part of the CTBE, including the extinction of Rotalipora, is estimated to have lasted little more than 50 ka. Maximum anoxic
conditions are expressed higher in the section, representing surface-water conditions in which only small globular planktonic
foraminifera were thriving. Nannofossils do not show as major an evolutionary change as planktonic foraminifera, but
assemblage diversity is very low within the CTBE sediments, which is attributed to a combination of hostile conditions and
dissolution during deposition. A decrease in abundance of high productivity indicators among the nannofossils could be real,
or the result of dissolution. Overall, calcareous microfossils do not show evidence for a major increase in primary productivity
during the CTBE. Sediment accumulation rates immediately after the CTBE in the Oued Mellegue area were much lower
than further to the south on the palaeoshelf. This is consistent with a major sea-level highstand during which clastic sediments
were trapped on the shelf. The sequence above the Bahloul Formation shows a gradual relaxation of hostile oceanic
conditions, with diversification of planktonic foraminiferal and nannofossil populations.  1999 Academic Press

K W: Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Event; organic carbon; planktonic foraminifera; nannofossils;
biostratigraphy; palaeoceanography; Oued Mellegue; Tunisia.

1. Introduction The event is well documented in the North Atlantic

and Mediterranean and surrounding margins. The
The mid-Cretaceous was a no-analogue period, with
high sea floor spreading rates, high sea levels, and record for other ocean basins is more scattered
atmospheric CO2 concentrations that may have been (Schlanger et al., 1987; Kuhnt et al., 1990). The base
up to 10 times higher than modern values (Berner, of the deposits is sharp in most sections, and corre-
1983; Caldeira & Rampino, 1991). Several Oceanic sponds to the start of a rapid 2‰ positive excursion in
Anoxic Events (OAEs) have been recognised, which )13C of bulk carbonate, or an up to 4‰ excursion in
are characterised by positive excursions in the organic carbon ‰13C (Arthur et al., 1988; Jenkyns
)13C record (Schlanger & Jenkyns, 1976; Arthur et al., 1994). Maximum burial rates of organic carbon
& Sageman, 1994; Jenkyns et al., 1994). Such are found along the West African continental margin
excursions are attributed to enrichment of 13C in the (Kuhnt et al., 1990). Extreme oceanic conditions
global carbon reservoir through enhanced burial of caused a major turnover in many groups of organisms;
isotopically light organic carbon. One of the most the extinction event is one of the more severe in the
pronounced and best studied OAEs is the Phanerozoic record (Raup & Sepkoski, 1984).
Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE). In Tunisia, the CTBE is expressed as the
Carbonaceous sediments were deposited world-wide Bahloul Formation, which consists of 20 to 40 m of
at water depths ranging from deep ocean to shelf seas. carbonaceous limestones and marls (Burollet, 1956).

0195–6671/99/010047+16 $30.00/0  1999 Academic Press

48 A. J. Nederbragt and A. Fiorentino

part of the organic-rich Bahloul Formation was

sampled in detail. Sample spacing was wider in the
rest of the section. For stratigraphic purposes,
carbonate content was measured on all samples using
a modified carbonate bomb method. Carbon and
oxygen isotopes were measured on powdered bulk
sediments. Isotope measurements were conducted on
a Finnigan MAT 251 mass spectrometer with an
automated sample preparation line. Samples were
dissolved in 100% phosphoric acid at 70 C. Measure-
ments are reported in the standard ) notation relative
to the VPDB standard. Average values are presented
for duplicate measurements. Analytical precision of an
internal carbonate standard, as well as of duplicated
samples, is better than 0.10‰ for oxygen and 0.05‰
for carbon. Total organic carbon (TOC) content was
measured in duplicate on selected samples with a
Carlo Erba CNS analyser. Analytical precision of
duplicates is 0.08%.
Planktonic foraminifera were studied in a combi-
nation of washed residues and thin-sections. Marl
Figure 1. Map of region around El Kef, north-eastern samples were washed over a 63 ìm sieve. Residues
Tunisia, showing location of sampled section, with were split with a modified Ottosplitter until a quantity
main geologic structure around the reservoir (lake) in remained that could be evenly distributed on a tray,
Oued Mellegue. Note that the El Kef-Touiret road is from which 300 biogenic grains or more were counted
drawn schematically; it is new and not shown on
to estimate relative frequencies of the main microfossil
existing road maps.
groups in the >63 ìm fraction. Relative frequencies of
planktonic foraminiferal species were estimated from
The formation, and its lateral equivalents, can be counts of approximately 200 specimens in the
traced from the palaeoshelf in central Tunisia to upper >125 ìm sieve fraction. Limestones were studied in
bathyal environments in the north-west. As such, it is thin-section. Numbers of microfossil groups per unit
one of few regions where the CTBE can be studied in surface area were estimated by counting all biogenic
a depth transect. Shelf sequences of the Bahloul grains in a number of fields of view. To estimate
Formation and lateral equivalents have been docu- percentages of biserial, planispiral and keeled trocho-
mented in detail by Robaszynski et al. (1993) and spiral planktonic foraminifera, the thin-section was
Abdallah & Meister (1997). Here, we present data further scanned to count specimens that could be
from an expanded section along Oued Mellegue in the positively identified as belonging to one of these
Kef region (Figure 1). This area formed a depocentre groups. Washed residues as well as thin-sections were
during the Cretaceous, and sediments were deposited also scanned qualitatively for the presence of biostrati-
in an upper bathyal setting (Burollet, 1956; Wonders, graphic markers. Keeled planktonic foraminifera were
1980). Cenomanian-Turonian sediments are exposed grouped at the generic level for quantitative faunal
in various tributaries around the artificial lake in Oued analysis. The species concept follows Caron (1985)
Mellegue, which forms the centre of a faulted anti- and Leckie (1984) for spiral forms and Nederbragt
cline. The 500-m-thick composite section sampled for (1991) for heterohelicids.
this study is located on the south-west edge of the lake Coccolith floras were analysed semi-quantitatively
(Figure 1). Here, we describe the stratigraphy of in smear-slides under a light microscope. An estimate
the section, concentrating on calcareous microfossil of the abundance of nannofossils is expressed as
assemblages, to reconstruct the regional palaeoceano- number of specimens per field of view at 1375
graphic change that took place during the CTBE. magnification: Rare (R)=up to 1 specimen per field of
view; Few (F)=2–5; Common (C)=6–15; Abundant
(A)=16–30; Very abundant (V)= >30. Intermediate
2. Material and methods
degrees were also used to underline relative vari-
Cenomanian to middle Turonian hemipelagic marls ations. Preservation was estimated from the ease of
and limestones were logged bed by bed. The lower identification of nannofossils at the species level:
Stratigraphy and palaeoceanography of the Cenomanian-Turonian 49

Figure 2. Composite lithologic log showing ranges of biostratigraphic marker species and geochemical data. Ba=Bahloul,
An=Annaba, PF=planktonic foraminifera, and Go=Gartnerago obliquum.

Good (G)=identification of all species easy; Nannoconus and Zygodiscus. Various Eiffellithus species
Moderate (M)=identification of most species easy; were grouped as Eiffellithus turriseiffelii, whereas
Poor (P)=identification of most species difficult. Rhagodiscus asper also includes R. splendens and R.
Watznaueria barnesae and Biscutum constans together reniformis.
can account for up to 90% of the whole assemblage,
hiding signals from other components. Therefore, 100
3. Stratigraphy
specimens including these two species were counted
first, after which another 100 specimens of all other The studied interval starts at the edge of the lake in
forms were counted, to reveal changes among less the middle to upper Cenomanian Rotalipora cushmani
abundant species. All slides were further scanned for Zone and the Cenomanian Lithraphidites acutus Zone
the presence of biostratigraphic markers and other, (Figure 2). Some 15 m of upper Albian sediments are
rare species, to estimate simple diversity. Abundances exposed lower in the section, below a 2.5-m-thick
of W. barnesae and B. constans are calculated as limestone bed. A similar lithologic succession is found
percentages of the whole assemblage. Because throughout the Kef region (Chikhaoui et al., 1991).
preservation is generally moderate to poor, other However, it is not clear from the limited exposure in
forms cannot always be identified reliably at species the field if the discontinuity is sedimentary (a hiatus)
level. Therefore, counts for such taxa were converted or tectonic (a fault).
to semi-quantitative estimates of their abundance All Cenomanian-Turonian lithologic units
in the non-Watznaueria barnesae/Biscutum constans described by Burollet (1956) can be recognised in the
assemblage: Rare (R)=1–2%; Few (F)=3–5%; Com- measured sequence (Figures 2, 3). In stratigraphic
mon (C)=6–15%; Abundant (A)=16–25% and Very order, the section covers the upper part of the
Abundant (V)= >25%. For the same reason, several Cenomanian Fahdene Formation (marls with thin
forms were grouped at the generic level, or were limestone beds), Bahloul Formation (carbonaceous
grouped for environmental affinity. This is the case for marly limestones and limestones representing the
Braarudosphaera, Broinsonia, Discorhabdus, Gartnerago, CTBE interval), Annaba Formation (marls and
50 A. J. Nederbragt and A. Fiorentino

Figure 3. Composite photograph of Bahloul, Annaba and Bireno Formations.

limestones), Bireno Formation (thin to thick bedded last occurrence of R. cushmani (Figures 4, 5). The
limestones alternating with thin marls) and the basal middle part of the Bahloul Formation consists of a
part of the Aleg s.s. Formation (marls). The Annaba regular alternation of laminated black limestone with
Formation is thin compared to other regions nodular to laminated black marly limestone (Figure
(35 m) and the base and top are gradational with 5). This part of the section contains around 2.5%
the Bahloul and Bireno Formations respectively TOC on average, with some richer samples, but
(Figures 2, 3). Other than that, thicknesses of units variation in the content of organic matter does not
and large scale variation in carbonate content are follow the observed lithologic pattern (Figure 4).
very similar to equivalent bioclastic and hemipelagic Although variable, TOC values generally are not
deposits on the palaeoshelf further to the south higher in laminated beds than in surrounding
(Robaszynski et al., 1990, 1993). However, sedi- nodular, bioturbated levels. TOC values decrease
ments in the Mellegue section are pelagic to hemi-
gradually higher in the section, but relatively
pelagic throughout, with an, at most, very minor
organic-rich levels are also present in the Annaba
clastic component. Only one thin calciclastic tur-
bidite was recognised in the field, in the upper part
Stable carbon isotope values show the expected
of the Fahdene Formation.
Stratigraphic intervals containing organic matter excursion at the CTBE, but correlation of trends
are present throughout the Fahdene Formation, but above and below the Bahloul Formation with
they form a relatively minor part of the lithology. published records is less obvious (Figures 2, 4). Most
The transition to the Bahloul Formation is sharp of the Fahdene Formation shows scattered values that
(Figure 4), indicated by an abrupt change from do not allow for recognition of trends that were
predominantly buff coloured sediments in the documented within the Cenomanian in other
Fahdene Formation to dark grey to black, organic- regions (Jenkyns et al., 1994). Depending on the
rich sediments. The lithologic change is mostly one interpretation of background values in the Fahdene
of an increase in total organic carbon (TOC) con- Formation, the )13C values show an enrichment of at
tent; carbonate content does not change noticeably least 2‰. Covariation of carbon and oxygen isotopes
across the transition. The positive ‰13C excursion in the upper 200 m of the sampled section (Figure 2)
begins immediately at the base of the Bahloul suggests that some of the variation in )13C values in
Formation, and maximum values are reached 3.9 m. that part of the section could be the result of dia-
higher (Figure 4). TOC content is relatively low genetic alteration. However, the record still shows the
throughout the formation (1–2.5%), with only a few, overall gradual decrease in )13C towards pre-CTBE
scattered samples having higher values of 6%. values that is found in other regions (Arthur et al.,
Lowest values are found in an interval spanning the 1988; Jenkyns et al., 1994).
Stratigraphy and palaeoceanography of the Cenomanian-Turonian 51

Figure 4. Enlargement of interval around Bahloul Formation showing stratigraphic data as in Figure 2. Horizontal shaded
bars trace laminated black limestone levels. For explanation of lithologic symbols, see Figure 2.

Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy truncana helvetica is found close to the top of this
Planktonic foraminiferal zonal boundaries correlate
well with standard zonal schemes (Caron, 1985) and
published CTBE records (Eicher & Worstell, 1970;
Nannofossil biostratigraphy
Jarvis et al., 1988; Kuhnt et al., 1990). Rotalipora
montsalvensis and R. appenninica were not found in any There is no standard zonal scheme for Cretaceous
of the samples from the R. cushmani Zone. The last nannofossils, as correlation on a global scale is
occurrence (LO) of R. cushmani is found 5.2 m above hindered by the restricted geographical distribution of
the base of the Bahloul Formation, within the interval several zonal markers. Two main reference schemes
with maximum )13C values (Figure 4). The have been established for the Cretaceous as a whole
Whiteinella archaeocretacea Zone is thick (130 m). (Sissingh, 1977; modified by Perch-Nielsen, 1985,
A gradual transition from W. archaeocretacea to and Roth, 1978). More detailed zonations have been
Helvetoglobotruncana spp. could be recognised within described for specific time intervals. Here, the
the Bireno Formation. As in the Kalaat Senan region zonation of Manivit et al. (1977) is followed, with
further south (Robaszynski et al., 1990), the first reference to the mid-latitude zonation of Sissingh
occurrence (FO) of well-developed Helvetoglobo- (1977). Observed ranges of species in our section
52 A. J. Nederbragt and A. Fiorentino

than that of the marker for the following M. furcatus

zone (CC13 of Sissingh, 1977).
Other species used in literature for zonation (Roth,
1978; Bralower et al., 1994) have not been found or
were not used as biostratigraphic markers. The FO of
Lucianorhabdus maleformis (Figure 2) was used by
Sissingh (1977) as a zonal marker for the base of
CC12, but its biostratigraphic reliability was later
questioned (Burnett, 1996) because it seems to
be diachronous. Kamptnerius magnificus was not
observed. Its absence may be owing to environmental
exclusion, as Kamptnerius magnificus is a high latitude,
shallow water form and its FO has been described
as diachronous (Verbeek, 1977). Only a single speci-
men of Eiffellithus eximius was found at 410.75 m,
whereas the entry of Ahmuellerella octoradiata occurs at
a level that is younger than its documented First
Appearance Datum. The FO of Gartnerago obliquum
as well as the LO of Rhagodiscus asper were not
recorded as a result of wider species concepts used in
this study.

4. Palaeoecology
Planktonic foraminifera
Quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminifera at the
species level is possible for washed residues, but the
stratigraphic distribution of marls allows only for
recognition of the main trends across the CTBE.
Figure 5. Details of Bahloul Formation. A, nodular lime- Within the Bahloul Formation, only a thin interval
stone level preceding Last Occurrence of R. cushmani immediately above the last appearance of R. cushmani
(arrow); and B, transition to laminated limestone beds provided washed residues. Cenomanian planktonic
in the middle of the formation.
foraminiferal assemblages below the Bahloul For-
mation suggest some systematic faunal variation, but
the range of variation is very small compared to the
are in good agreement with the distribution found faunal change across the CTBE (Figure 6). The bulk
by Verbeek (1977) in a nearby section, and by of Cenomanian assemblages in the >125 ìm sieve
Robaszynski et al. (1990) further south in the Kalaat fraction consists of Hedbergella spp. and Globigerinel-
Senan area. loides spp., but keeled Praeglobotruncana spp. and
Two nannofossil zones, the Lithraphidites acutus Rotalipora spp. are also common (Figure 6). Biserial
Zone and the Quadrum gartneri Zone, could be distin- Heterohelix moremani is abundant in the <125 ìm
guished (Figure 2). The LO of Microstaurus chiastius sieve fraction as well as in thin-sections (Figure 7).
allows for subdivision of the L. acutus Zone into a Two washed residues from immediately above the LO
lower Microstaurus chiastius Subzone and an upper of R. cushmani (recognised in thin-section) show that
Gartnerago obliquum Subzone. The FO of Quadrum a large part of the faunal change across the CTBE
gartneri is used to indicate the approximate level of the occurred within the lowermost interval. Abundant
Cenomanian-Turonian boundary (Robaszynski et al., fragments of planktonic foraminifera and moderately
1990; 1993). An additional event within the Q. abundant benthic foraminifera indicate that assem-
gartneri Zone is given by the FO of the genus blage composition may have been modified by selec-
Marthasterites at nearly the same stratigraphic level as tive dissolution. On a presence - absence basis,
the planktonic foraminifer H. helvetica. The lineage however, not only Rotalipora spp. but also Globigeri-
starts with Marthasterites inconspicuus, a very small, nelloides spp. and Hedbergella planispira disappeared
indistinct form, with a morphology that is simpler (Figure 6). The exit of Globigerinelloides ultramicrus is
Stratigraphy and palaeoceanography of the Cenomanian-Turonian 53

Figure 6. Percentages of planktonic foraminiferal species in the >125 ìm sieve fraction of marl samples. Horizontal dashed
lines delineate interval from which no washed residues could be obtained.

ecological rather than evolutionary. This species re- Formation, seen in washed residues, is also apparent
appears after the CTBE in other sections (Eicher & in thin-sections (Figure 8). The extent of frag-
Worstell, 1970), but in the Mellegue section speci- mentation is high in the basal 3 m., indicating that
mens occur only sporadically higher in the section. dissolution occurred in a dysaerobic environment.
First occurrences of well developed Whiteinella spp. Rotalipora spp. and Praeglobotruncana spp. show a
and of Dicarinella spp. in the lower part of the Bahloul decrease in abundance in these samples. Their scar-
Formation are the result of immigration. Evolutionary city cannot be attributed to the effects of selective
first appearances of both genera were within the R. dissolution, because representatives of this genus are
cushmani Zone below the CTBE (Caron, 1985). dissolution resistant, but it should be indicative of
Samples above the Bahloul Formation yield typical changes in (sub)surface water conditions starting at
‘Zone a Grandes Globigerines’ assemblages with the same time as the dysaerobic conditions in the
abundant Heterohelix globulosa and Whiteinella spp. sediment. Other large planktonic foraminifera
The development of Turonian species towards the top (Whiteinella spp.) are also scarce in this interval.
of the measured section is gradual at the sample- Between 3 and 5 m above the base of the Bahloul
interval employed, and is accompanied by a decrease Formation, preceding the LO of R. cushmani, con-
in abundance of Whiteinella species. ditions temporarily ameliorated again, as shown by a
Thin-sections provide a high-resolution record of decrease in fragmentation, lower TOC values, and a
the main faunal trends within the Bahloul Formation. temporary increase in the abundance of keeled plank-
Comparison of thin-section and washed residue tonic foraminifera (Figure 8). The final disappearance
results for the section as a whole show that both of Rotalipora coincides with a temporary disappear-
methods give different values but similar trends ance of Globigerinelloides, Praeglobotruncana and
(Figure 7). Faunal change in the basal Bahloul Whiteinella.
54 A. J. Nederbragt and A. Fiorentino

Figure 7. Distribution of main microfossil groups recognised in thin-section (open dots), with estimates from washed
residues in the >63 ìm sieve fraction (black dots) shown for comparison. Percentage of calcispheres is calculated relative
to all other microfossils. Abundance of filaments is shown as semi-quantitative estimates (thin bars, present; wide bars,

A further change in planktonic foraminiferal composition in the CTBE interval. Variation in

assemblage composition occurs higher in the abundance of species is present, which may give
Bahloul Formation with the transition to laminated palaeoenvironmental information. However, effects of
black limestones representing maximum anoxia. diagenetic processes and poor preservation should be
Assemblages in this part of the CTBE are dominated taken into account, as they can strongly affect the
by small heterohelicids, accompanied by, as far as can original assemblage. Considering the overall poor
be seen in thin-section, Hedbergella delrioensis as the preservation of nannofossils in the section, diagenetic
only other species. Large planktonic foraminifera are modification could certainly be an important factor.
absent from the middle part of the Bahloul Formation High abundance values of W. barnesae, one of the
(Figure 8). Similar dominance of heterohelicids and most solution resistant forms, are interpreted as dia-
hedbergellids within the CTBE interval was recog- genesis having acted too strongly on the original
nised in many regions (Beckmann, 1972; Kuhnt et al., composition of the assemblages to warrant palaeo-
1990; Lipson-Benitah et al., 1990). Thin-sections environmental interpretation. Roth & Krumbach
show a gradual reappearance towards the top of the (1986) used 40% relative abundance of W. barnesae as
Bahloul Formation of large globular forms (H. globu- an upper limit. Watznaueria barnesae is indeed one of
losa and Whiteinella spp.) as well as occasional speci- the most abundant species in the Mellegue section,
mens of Praeglobotruncana/Dicarinella, a trend leading but it forms less than 40% of the assemblage, except
to the lower Turonian ‘grandes globigerines’ assem- in a few samples in the CTBE interval (Figures 9, 10).
blages that could be described from washed residues Biscutum constans, Zygodiscus erectus and Rhagodiscus
(Figure 6). asper/splendens have been interpreted as indicators of
high productivity conditions (Roth, 1981; Roth &
Krumbach, 1986; Erba, 1987; Erba et al., 1992;
Mutterlose et al., 1994). Their abundance varies
In contrast to planktonic foraminifera, nannofossil usually in opposition to that of Watznaueria bar-
species do not show a major change in assemblage nesae, and increases when diversity decreases. Here,
Stratigraphy and palaeoceanography of the Cenomanian-Turonian 55

Figure 8. Enlargement of interval through Bahloul Formation showing distribution of microfossil groups recognised in
thin-section as in Figure 5. ‘‘Max PF size’’ gives a semi-quantitative estimate of the size of the largest planktonic
foraminifera in each sample. Horizontal shaded bars trace laminated black limestone levels.

Zygodiscus spp. are used instead of Z. erectus (Roth, decrease in species number is seen in the lower part of
1981), as this species is too difficult to recognise the Bahloul Formation, followed by minimum values
consistently in poorly preserved material. Rhagodiscus in the interval of maximum TOC content. Diversity
asper is relatively rare, but the other two productivity and abundance increase again gradually towards the
indicators are generally abundant in the sediments top of the Annaba Formation (Figure 10). The
below and above the carbonaceous interval (Figures decrease in diversity within the CTBE interval is
11, 12). This indicates that the section as a whole accompanied by a relatively weak increase in the
represents an area of moderately high productivity. relative abundance pattern of Watznaueria barnesae.
The main feature observed within the section is a Even though W. barnesae remains below the 40%
drop in abundance and diversity within the carbo- limit in most samples, it seems likely that part of the
naceous sediments of the Bahloul Formation. A simi- variation in assemblage composition is owing to
lar change has been reported for the CTBE in other secondary processes. However, the change across
regions (Jarvis et al., 1988; Lamolda et al., 1994). A the Bahloul interval may be the result primarily of
56 A. J. Nederbragt and A. Fiorentino

These taxa are present in very low numbers in the

Fahdene Formation. They decrease in abundance in
the carbonaceous interval, and increase again in the
Turonian to become, on average, more common than

5. Discussion and conclusions

Similarity of large-scale trends in clay and carbonate
content in the Cenomanian and Turonian suggests
that sedimentary sequences recognised in the Kalaat
Senan area (Robaszynski et al., 1990, 1993) extended
into the Kef region with approximately similar thick-
nesses and overall clay content. However, the interval
across the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary is ex-
pressed differently in the Mellegue region. The CTBE
has been recognised as a transgressive or highstand
sequence (Erbacher et al., 1996; Mitchell et al., 1996;
Figure 9. Estimates of nannofossil assemblage character- Kuhnt et al., 1997). Regional modification appears to
istics. be present in Tunisia, to the extent that transgressive
sedimentation is interpreted to begin after the last
appearance of R. cushmani in the Kalaat Senan region
(Robaszynski et al., 1993). In the Mellegue section,
dissolution during sedimentation rather than later this transition corresponds to the onset of maximum
diagenetic alteration. Short-term variation in diversity anoxia near the middle of the Bahloul Formation.
and abundance of species correlates with carbonate This part of the section shows a regular lithologic
content in the sediments below and above the CTBE alternation suggestive of Milankovitch cycles, which
(Figure 9), but nannofossil preservation as well as are not obviously present in the rest of the section.
carbonate content in the Bahloul Formation as a Average accumulation rates of 10 cm/ka for the
whole are in the same range as in the rest of the 40-m-thick Bahloul interval as a whole (Vonhof
section (Figure 2). Yet almost all species show a et al., 1998) suggest that the 2-m-thick couplets of
change in overall abundance within this interval laminated limestone and bioturbated marly lime-
compared to values in the rest of the section. stones (Figure 3) represent precession cycles as the
Within the Bahloul Formation, there is an increase dominant astronomical cycles (20 ka) rather than the
in abundance of Zygodiscus spp., Prediscosphaera obliquity cycles (40 ka) that were recognised in other
cretacea, Eiffellithus turriseiffelii and Cretarhabdus spp., areas (Arthur et al., 1987; Kuhnt et al., 1997;
which are solution resistant forms. Eprolithus floralis Sageman et al., 1997). The Annaba marls fit well with
also shows an increase in abundance. An abundance- the early Turonian maximum sea-level highstand
peak of this species in the CTBE interval was found by recognised by Haq et al. (1987). The Annaba For-
Bralower (1988), although more marked than that mation is around 150 m thick on the shelf (Robaszynski
recorded here. Of the productivity indicators, only et al., 1990). This unit corresponds to a maximum
Zygodiscus spp., which are solution-resistant, become highstand, which explains why relatively little sediment
more abundant in the Bahloul Formation. Biscutum reached the deeper parts of the basin in the area around
constans and Rhagodiscus asper, which are both the Mellegue section, where the Annaba Formation
solution-susceptible, are very rare in this interval is much thinner (Figure 2). The Bireno and Aleg
compared to the rest of the section (Figures 9, 11). Formations are similar again in thickness to the shelf
Most other environmentally important species also deposits further south.
have minimum abundance in the carbonaceous inter- For microfossils, the Bahloul Formation certainly
val. The BAG group of Hattner et al. (1980), which represents a major transgressive phase, during which
comprises Broinsonia spp. and Gartnerago spp. (the pelagic organisms were able to extend their geographic
third member of the group, Arkhangelskiella, is range further onto the shelf. Shallow-water sections
absent), holococcoliths, Nannoconus spp. and in central Tunisia show the entry of planktonic
Braarudosphaera spp., are interpreted as shallow-water foraminifera and calcispheres in sediments that are the
indicators (Hattner et al., 1980; Thierstein, 1976). lateral equivalent of the Bahloul Formation (Abdallah
Stratigraphy and palaeoceanography of the Cenomanian-Turonian 57

Figure 10. Enlargement of interval through Bahloul Formation showing nannofossil assemblage characteristics as in Figure
9. Horizontal shaded bars trace laminated black limestone levels.

& Meister, 1997). Samples from the type locality in part of the microfossil assemblage in sediments above
Oued Bahloul (Burollet, 1956; Schlanger et al., 1987), and below the CTBE, but not within it (Figure 5).
which we collected for comparison with our deeper Although calcispheres form a moderately high per-
section, contain abundant calcispheres and/or pelagic centage in some thin-sections from the Bahloul
bivalves (filaments) below and above the CTBE, but Formation, this is mostly an effect of relative enrich-
the Bahloul Formation itself contains planktonic ment because of dissolution of the bulk of the
foraminifera almost exclusively. In the Mellegue sec- planktonic foraminifera; numbers per unit surface
tion, calcispheres and filaments are a relatively minor area are low (Figure 7). The absence of shallow
58 A. J. Nederbragt and A. Fiorentino

Figure 11. Distribution of selected nannofossil species and genera expressed as their abundance within the non-
Watznaueria/Biscutum fraction. The BAG group (Hattner et al., 1980) comprises Broinsonia spp. and Gartnerago spp. (the
third form, Arkhangelskiella, is absent).

water indicators among the coccoliths also points to a (compare Gale, 1989, and Jenkyns et al., 1994).
decrease in neritic elements, even though poor pres- Noteworthy is the fact that the main anoxic phase
ervation may have played a role. Holococcoliths, began only after )13C reached its peak and several
Nannoconus spp., Braarudosphaera spp., Broinsonia planktonic foraminiferal taxa became extinct. TOC
spp. and Gartnerago spp. are almost completely absent values show considerable scatter (Figure 4). While
in the carbonaceous levels. All of these taxa have been background values are fairly low throughout the
interpreted as indicators of shallow water (Hattner Bahloul Formation compared to those for other
et al., 1980; Thierstein, 1976). An increase in abun- published sections, TOC values are on average slightly
dance of these forms higher in the section above the higher in the interval with laminated limestone beds
Bahloul Formation may indicate that the area was and high concentrations of foraminifera (Figures 4,
situated in a more proximal position than before the 8). A similar pattern, in which maximum burial of
CTBE. organic matter occurs after the OAE was established,
The expanded nature of the Bahloul Formation is apparent in published records showing strati-
allows for recognition of a sequence of biotic events graphic distribution of TOC content and )13C values
within the interval. The transition from mainly oxic (Schlanger et al., 1987; compare Accarie et al., 1996,
sediments to organic-rich but mostly bioturbated and Robaszynski et al., 1993). Dominance of Hetero-
sediments is abrupt, as is the onset of the positive )13C helix moremani and Hedbergella species is consistent
excursion (Figure 4). The interval between the base of with an inferred shallow surface-water habitat for
the excursion and the LO of R. cushmani, in which the these forms (Leckie, 1987). Planktonic foraminiferal
main faunal turnover occurred, lasted around 50 ka extinctions are attributed to a shallowing of the
Stratigraphy and palaeoceanography of the Cenomanian-Turonian 59

Figure 12. Enlargement of interval around Bahloul Formation showing distribution of nannofossils as in Figure 8.
Horizontal shaded bars trace laminated black limestone levels.

Oxygen Minimum Zone to a depth where it affected Planktonic foraminiferal trends in the Mellegue
deep-dwelling planktonic foraminiferal species sections are essentially the same as in other regions,
(Wonders, 1980; Jarvis et al., 1988). Wave and wind showing a world-wide major change in assemblage
action in an open marine setting would have mixed composition with species becoming extinct, or
in oxygen to a depth of some 50–70 m in the changing abundance patterns (Eicher & Worstell,
water column, that is, the depth of the mixed layer in 1970; Jarvis et al., 1988; Kuhnt et al., 1990; Lipson-
the modern oceans. Presumably H. moremani and Benitah et al., 1990). In contrast, nannofossils do
Hedbergella species could complete their life cycle not show a major turnover across the CTBE. Ap-
within this depth limit. Hostile conditions deeper in parent clustering of marker events used for bio-
the water column would have affected other, presum- stratigraphic zonation (Figure 2) actually accounts for
ably deeper-living, planktonic foraminifera. only a minor component of the total assemblage.
60 A. J. Nederbragt and A. Fiorentino

Species distribution patterns, which will be presented productivity in the vicinity of the Mellegue section
in a biostratigraphic paper in due course, show that may have increased during the CTBE, but not
first and last occurrences occur throughout the sec- dramatically so. The concentration of planktonic
tion, but the main pattern is one of distinct variation foraminifera increases in the laminated beds, which
in relative abundance of species within the Bahloul corresponds to an increase in planktonic foraminiferal
Formation. Dominance of Watznaueria barnesae is productivity. However, planktonic foraminifera in
common in most low to mid latitude Cretaceous modern oceans thrive at intermediate levels of primary
assemblages. The relative abundance of this species, productivity (Bé, 1977). By contrast, nannofossil
which rarely exceeds 40%, points to a moderate action assemblages in the Bahloul Formation indicate a
of diagenetic processes. As such, the Mellegue abun- decrease in abundance of productivity indicators. The
dances are intermediate between the high values de- effects of primary changes in assemblage composition,
tected in England (Lamolda et al., 1994) and the low dissolution and diagenetic alteration cannot be un-
values recovered in the US Western Interior (Watkins, ravelled completely, but overall, nannofossils give no
1986). Fluctuations in abundance and diversity could indication of a large increase in primary productivity.
not be consistently linked to alternating lithologies, Siliceous organisms, which are indicators of high
as was the case for the Italian Scaglia Variegata and productivity in the modern ocean, are very rare at best
Scisti a Fucoidi and the US Greenhorn Limestone in the Mellegue section. Fragments of radiolaria were
(Watkins, 1986; Erba, 1994; Bellanca et al., 1996). In found only occasionally in the thin-sections. Overall,
addition, the Bahloul Formation is distinct from the microfossils do not provide evidence for a major
rest of the section in having higher TOC values, but increase in productivity in the Mellegue region during
otherwise lithologies and carbonate content are not the CTBE.
much different. Yet the main change in nannofossil
abundances takes place within it. This suggests that
diagenetic alteration alone cannot explain the drop in Acknowledgements
abundance in the carbonaceous interval.
The reduction in nannofossil diversity within the We are grateful to J.A. Burnett, J.E. van Hinte, M.
Bahloul Formation could be secondary, owing to Leckie, J. Smit, H. Vonhof and P. Ziveri for reviewing
dissolution during sedimentation, as well as primary, earlier versions of the manuscript. The help of J. Smit
because of hostile conditions in the water column. and H. Vonhof in the field was invaluable, while G.
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foraminifera in the formation indicates the occurrence analyses.
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Marthasterites Deflandre, 1959
Marthasterites furcatus (Deflandre, 1954) Deflandre, 1959
Appendix Marthasterites inconspicuus Deflandre, 1959
Microstaurus chiastius (Worsley, 1971) Grun, 1975
List of species and genera mentioned in text with author attribu- Nannoconus Kamptner, 1931
tions and dates. Lithraphidites acutus Verbeek & Manivit, 1977
Quadrum gartneri Prins & Perch-Nielsen, 1977
Planktonic foraminifera Prediscosphaera cretacea (Arkhangelsky, 1912) Gartner, 1968
Dicarinella Porthault, 1970 Rhagodiscus asper (Stradner, 1963) Reinhardt, 1967
Globigerinelloides Cushman & Ten Dam, 1948 Rhagodiscus reniformis Perch-Nielsen, 1973
Globigerinelloides bentonensis (Morrow, 1934) Rhagodiscus splendens (Deflandre, 1953) Verbeek, 1977
Globigerinelloides ultramicrus (Subbotina, 1949) Watznaueria barnesae (Black, 1959) Perch-Nielsen, 1968
Hedbergella Brönnimann & Brown, 1958 Zygodiscus Bramlette & Sullivan, 1961
Hedbergella delrioensis (Carsey, 1926) Zygodiscus erectus (Deflandre, 1954) Reinhardt, 1965

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