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Profiting From

Real Estate
Market Cycles
Buying & Selling Real Estate
in the Right Place, at the Right Time
…Every Time!

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All rights Reserved.

This is part #1 of a multi-part educational video series. You may watch

the entire series (free of charge) at

You may share this transcript/ebook with others provided that you do
not edit, change or modify the content in any way.

DISCLAIMER: This presentation is intended for

educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as
legal, accounting or investment advice.
Here’s another big guru lie:

“Real Estate has created more

millionaires than any other
investment type.”

That used to be correct, but not now.

Real Estate has recently caused more

(former) millionaires to go Bankrupt than
any other investment type.

Here’s the whole truth:

“Real Estate A-PPRECIATION creates

more millionaires than any other investment

Real Estate DE-PRECIATION – like what

many markets saw after 2006 –Bankrupted
the most millionaires.

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See it’s not ‘real estate’ that creates wealth,
it’s real estate appreciation – along
with leverage.

Real Estate without appreciation - isn’t

investing at all… it’s a JOB… chasing
transactional income, with lots of work
and risk.

Hi, I’m Ken Wade, owner of

Investors and homeowners of all stripes

and colors; smart ones, stupid ones, highly
leveraged and all cash - have been
clobbered over the head.

For one simple reason…

They were ‘ambushed’ by the market


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The sad part is:

it doesn’t have to be this way.

…and the pain isn’t over yet!
Let’s take a closer look at that USA chart you saw earlier, in
the intro video.

Do you see the cyclical pattern of


This recent down-cycle isn’t much different than the other ones
I’ve been through: in the early 1980’s and again in the early 90’s
At the time, both were thought to be the granddaddy of all real
estate crashes.

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The common wisdom at the time was:

“We’ll never see anything like this again.”

Then, after years of ‘blood in the streets’ they did what all cycles do:
Reverse course and shoot back up.

Look, real estate is very cyclical.

Because it’s so cyclical, it’s like a slow moving train: you can spot it from
miles away if you know where to look.

I can show you why that’s the case in another video… but what you
really want to know is the when.

There’s a way to predict these patterns…

It was first invented 500 years ago by

ancient Japanese rice merchants.

That same centuries-old invention is used

today by every sophisticated investor, Wall
Street Investment Bank and Global Trading
firm on the planet to make obscene profits.

Here’s that same USA chart.

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Look at the green, red and gray time
bars added at the bottom of the chart.

Important Phases of Real Estate Cycles

Transactional Wealth  Avoid

The Wealth Building phase is where millionaires are made. (that’s the
GREEN boxes and bars)

This is important:

Contrary to popular advice, you do not automatically enter the wealth-

building cycle just because a market has bottomed!

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Many markets bottom, then languish or flat-line for YEARS… sometimes
decades. Those markets suck almost as bad as falling markets because
they lack the prime wealth building ingredient: APPRECIATION.

Some local markets shoot back up like a rocket.

Without appreciation, all you’ve got is a job - chasing transactional

opportunities… you’re not creating massive wealth through leverage
and appreciation.

...and life – just passes you by.

It’s called opportunity cost.

Your time is your only truly limited resource.

And every day you spend in the wrong market, or using the wrong
strategies for that market – is your lost opportunity cost.

You need positive market momentum to create real wealth in

real estate.

I’ll show you an easy way to spot momentum in a minute.

Throughout this ongoing training, you’ll hear me speak of becoming a

Total Market Master. In a nutshell, T-M-Mers are momentum hunters
because that’s where the money is!

Usually, there are local markets all across the USA in the wealth-
building phase of the cycle… while at the same time, other markets are
in the transactional or declining phase.

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It’s an ongoing process, some local markets are entering a momentum
phase while others are entering a transactional, or declining phase…
and vice versa.

In any type of market, (stocks, bonds, commodities and real estate)

there are certain times where all the easy wealth is created, times
when it’s all lost, and times when it’s like treading water and all you
can generate is transactional income.

ALL the wealth is created during the green times… so pay attention to
the green bars at bottom.

Most of that wealth is LOST during these times in red.

In between, you’ve only got a chance at transactional income – flipping,

wholesaling, that kind of thing.

Money is money – but transactional income is not the millionaire-

maker many guru’s portray it to be -- it’s a JOB. If you stop doing it,
your income stops.

Even so, even in these gray transactional phases, you can make
more money, do more deals, and take less risk if you’re in synch with
your local cycles.

You’ve heard the saying that most of the money made in the stock
market comes during just 17 or 29 days of the year?

That all the other days are back and forth, up and down?

The key is knowing which day is which.

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As you can plainly see, real estate is a lot like that, two steps forward, 2
steps back -- only much easier because it has very long, stable cycles.

The chart you just saw is an average of all

US local markets. It won’t help much in your
investing because you can’t invest in an
‘average’ market.

You can only invest locally.

Local markets also move in cycles, (we

track about 400 of them) and the moves
can be much more intense; the wealth
creation much faster.

Each local market has its own unique

signature or fingerprint – no two are alike.
That will become very obvious as we get
into the upcoming videos.

The same predictive tools invented 500

years ago, and perfected by Wall Street
work equally well at the local level too!
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… and it works for both Residential and
Commercial Properties.

Whether your local market is emerging,

accelerating, flat-lining, crashing or
somewhere in between, that knowledge
is the foundation underlying ALL
successful real estate investing.

That’s so important let’s look at it.

Real Estate Wealth Pyramid

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Your local market cycle is the foundation - the juice - for when and
what strategies you use. Tactics and execution only come in to play
once your strategy has been set. Your strategy is a function of the
market cycle, not the other way around.

Most gurus teach it ass-backwards because they want to sell you

their program… it’s the tail waging the dog and you pay the price.

Employing any strategy or technique randomly – as a one-strategy-fits-

all plan – without first spending five minutes matching the right
strategy to your market and your objectives - is moronic, and it’ll get
you on the road to hell in no time.

It’s like building a house on a frozen lake – it doesn’t matter if you have
the best blueprints, the best materials and the best construction crew –
it’s inevitable… you’re going down.

Almost everything you ever read or heard - about real estate investing
relates to strategy, tactics or execution.

For example, Rehabs and Subject-to’s were all the rage a few years
ago… and in the right market, were real wealth builders.

Using those tactics in a red or gray market today will get you pummeled
in no time.

Short Sales were dead in the water until recently, you got laughed out
of the bank.

The cycle has changed, short sales are in vogue now, and they’ll
become irrelevant again as the cycle progresses.

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The key here is using the right strategy in the right market, at the
right time.

Done properly, it’s easy and can help generate TRANSACTIONAL

income… or a big added bonus to your wealth building program…

But Success is NOT about your Strategies and Tactics – it’s about
the market.

Listen, a monkey with a deed in the right market at the right time will
make far more money, with far less risk and effort – than a brilliant
investor in the wrong market.

Now I know there’s a thriving and sometimes even ‘compelling’ real

estate guru industry out there trying to brainwash you to buy the latest,
greatest expensive program or boot camp covering some ‘must have’
investing technique … They push their products regardless of whether
they’re right for you and your market.

We’ll talk about that – and the whole real estate guru ‘thing’ in
another video.

Just Remember:

It’s the MARKET that is your success driver – Strategies and Tactics
are just tools - not drivers. Using them in the wrong market is worse
than investing blindfolded because they can get you into big trouble
very quickly.

I’ll PROVE that to you in this (FREE) training series.

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Let’s look at Las Vegas.

Las Vegas Long Term T.A. Chart

Vegas is actually a poor first example to show you the power of market
cycles because none of the other hundreds of other markets I cover
look much at all like this one.

… but I’ve been getting way more subscriber emails asking about the
Vegas market than any other… so we’ll start with Vegas and show you
the better markets in upcoming training.

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For over a year now, Realtors, investors and at times, the media have
been saying the Vegas residential market had bottomed.

Some are even emailing me that the Commercial market has now
bottomed as well.

To-date, they’ve all been dead wrong!

Sooner or later someone will guess it correctly, in the same way that a
broken clock is right twice a day, but it’s a stupid gamble because for
every winner, there’ll be hundreds of losers… you’d be better off just
plopping your money down on a roulette wheel.

Don’t put your financial wellbeing at risk listening to that noise… it

could be the difference between generational wealth or bankruptcy.

It’s pretty easy to get it right the first time if you know how, and that’s
what I’m going to show you!

In 2009 the Vegas market dropped by more than another 20% - wiping
out the entire investment many of these bottom-guessers paid out of
pocket a mere 12 months earlier; add to that their transaction costs,
time, effort and most important, their LOST opportunity cost… it’s
been a real disaster for them.

In addition to losing their cash, they’re now upside down and out of
options. They’ll miss great opportunities because of one stupid decision
to go ‘all in’ at the wrong place and time.

We’re not talking about those that bought back in 04, 05 or 06 and held
on – (there’s not much hope for them).

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We’re also not talking about those that tried to catch a falling knife by
buying in 2007 or 2008. They’re hurting too!

No, we’re talking about those ‘patient’ investors who bought in early
’09… two years AFTER the big Vegas crash.

Those late-comers are already underwater too, even though they

THOUGHT they were buying at the bottom – after several years of
massive declines.

They didn’t have a system, they were just going on a hope and a prayer
– a gut feeling that they’ve waited long enough.

…and remember, there’s no universal rule that says any market

MUST rebound.

Houston, TX is a great example I’ll be showing in another video… ‘real’

home prices in Houston STILL haven’t gotten back to where they were
30 years ago.

In fact, Houston home prices would have to increase another 29%

above the inflation rate just to get back to their 1977 price levels.

A couple other important things you should know.

First – some of you may suffer from “graph-anxiety” and start sweating
whenever you see charts like these!

Don’t get bogged-down with these charts if that doesn’t come naturally
for you because I’ll show you a simple visual method that a
kindergartner can get… and it doesn’t require any graph reading.

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If you can follow a traffic signal, you can do this like an expert!

The red, green and yellow lights tell you exactly when to stop, when to
go or when to proceed with caution.

Now, see the two black horizontal-ish lines I added to this chart and
highlighted in between them?

They’re called long term trendlines.

The top one is called the ‘resistance’ line and the bottom one is

The yellow area in between is the ‘range’ that Las Vegas home price
appreciation was stuck in for 20 years.

When either of these trendlines lines are broken by the blue line, it’s
not unusual to see a major thrust (up or down) – as you can see
happened in 2004 and again in 2007.

That’s an advanced topic, so what I want you to focus on right now is

how darn flat Vegas had been for all of the 1980’s, 1990’s and into
the early 2000’s.

Compared to the other hundreds of markets I monitor - Vegas was a D-

E-A-D dead market. Supply and demand where in equilibrium.

No great wealth building opportunities during that time, only

transactional income (which I’ll cover later).

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Then, near the end of 2003, builders, wide-eyed real estate investors
and speculators all rushed in. It’s called ‘Market Psychology’ and it’s
the dominant force behind ALL market cycles.

Market Psychology drives market cycles.

By 2005, Market Psychology had already reversed in the Vegas market.

People went running for the exit door, and with an asset as illiquid as
real estate, they couldn’t get out fast enough… housing inventory ‘for
sale’ started piling up.

Price declines followed.


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Did the employment rate suddenly change?
Did population or other demographics suddenly change?
Did mortgage rates shoot up?

Did ANY of the Fundamentals change right at the end of 2004 in Las
Vegas? …where you see that dramatic reversal in the blue line?

No. No. No. & No.

In fact, some other local markets were just starting to soar, like mine
here in Ocala, Florida at the exact same time Las Vegas was starting to
roll-over and crash.

Each market is different.

It’s all about local Market Psychology!

Technical Analysis – that’s the name given to that 500 year old
Japanese invention - or ‘T-A’ for short - is the only way to track
market psychology.

That’s what you’re looking at right now – a TA chart of Las Vegas.

There are some TA-related items we don’t have time to cover in this
intro video, but the bottom line is that Vegas home prices have not
demonstrated any long term strength at all, excluding the 2004 to
2005 blip.

But if you got in – and got out – at the right time, - during the ‘wealth
building’ phase in green -- you made a killing of historic proportion... as
you’ll see in a second.

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If you missed the cycle, or stayed in too long, you’re pretty much S.O.L.

It’ll likely gonna be a long, hard, slow crawl back for Vegas home
prices… not a time to be jumping in with both feet or making any long-
term bets on the upside.

I don’t know much about the underlying “Fundamentals” of the Las

Vegas housing market – and don’t care one iota about them.

That’s why the big dogs all use Technical Analysis – it’s simple and
accurate… far more accurate than anything else, as you’ll see.

I mean, I study everything about markets, and been doing it at an

advanced level for over 30 years.

KNOW THIS – Fundamentals will never ever give you accurate,

actionable investment decision triggers, such as:

when to get in,

when to get aggressive, or conservative
when to change strategies or
when to run away as fast as you can.

Only TA can do that – we’ll do an entire video on Fundys vs. Technicals.

Here’s the real beauty:

If and when the Las Vegas market ever changes from a ‘transactional
income’ market to a ‘wealth creation’ market - I’ll be the first to know.

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It’ll take less than five minutes to know when – or IF – that ever
happens in Vegas… and I’ll be ahead of virtually everyone in that
market without ever setting foot in it, or pouring over useless and
countless data tables.

In the meantime, you should either pursue other hot markets or limit
yourself to the appropriate Transactional income strategies… it’s not in
a wealth-building phase right now.

I know that’s not what many of you want to hear – and it certainly
doesn’t help sell investing ‘products’ – which is why you never hear the
gurus talking like this, but it’s the truth.

I’ve seen it time after time from Realtors, investors and homeowners
who are so buried in the trees they can’t see the forest.

I spent way too many years myself – back in the 1980’s and early
90’s making the same stupid mistakes, chasing deals instead of
chasing markets.

There’s an awful lot of ‘noise’ and bad advice out there; you’ve got
to tune it out.

Likewise for knowing when to use certain strategies – let the market
work FOR you, because it’ll crush you if you try to fight against it.

You can’t stop the flow of a river, or an ocean tide. Either go with the
market or get out of the way.

Here’s a simple example of the wrong strategy

at the wrong time:
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Wrong Strategy

You may be surprised to know that if you bought a house in 1980 (or at
any time since then) in Las Vegas – and still have it, you lost money!

For simplicity, we’ll assume rents = your carry cost like interest, taxes,
insurance, maintenance, etc.

These are in ‘real’ or what’s called ‘constant dollars’ – which just means
they’re inflation adjusted.

If you invested $20,000 in 1980 – got an $80,000 mortgage on a

$100,000 house – then sold it at the start of 2010 – your house was
only worth $77,200 dollars.

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Your original $20,000 investment is gone, you’d have to come out
of pocket another $2,800 at closing plus transaction costs, Realtor
fees, etc.

It gets much uglier if you bought it during the last seven years, but
regardless of when you bought it, it’s a hell of a thought to have dealt
with tenants and toilets for that many years, and losing money in the
process… just because you didn’t pay attention to the main driver of
success: The Market.

Here’s an example of maximizing the cycle for Wealth Building:

S.T.A.R. (Six Trigger Alert Report) System

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This is the same deal as before, $20,000 down, $100,000 house… with
one small change:

You bought only when the Market Indicators said it was time, and you
sold when it told you to. (I’ll show you those indicators in a second.)

The difference is astounding because you got in and got out at the right
times. Your $20,000 investment became $98,900.

You were only ‘in’ the market while it was in the Wealth Building phase
– less than six years.

You made a 395% cash-on-cash return, or $78,900 profit, on a single

$20,000 investment.

And remember, in this example, you paid full price for the property and
just held it.

Imagine if you used any of the good no-money-down or other ‘forced

appreciation’ tactics like short sales that help you buy at a discount…
your cash on cash return would be through the roof.

…or, if you bought more than one property.

Compared to the first example, even if you sat on the couch eating
potato chips for all of the 80’s and 90’s – you still did much, much
better and with less risk and effort.

Timing is everything.

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Las Vegas Buy Indicator

These are the ‘buy’ indicator lights I mentioned.

You bought only when five of the six indicators turned GREEN… which
first occurred in the 2nd Quarter of 2001.

The ‘rules’ you set to trigger an action are all up to you. I’ve got some
standard ones I use and recommend. They depend on what your
investment objectives are, your risk profile and desired holding period.

We’ll talk more about this tool in upcoming videos, but in general, the
longer your time horizon and the more volatile the markets, the more
‘green’ lights you want to see before taking action.

The same is true for Sell signals.

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Las Vegas Sell Indicator

This is what the sell signal looked like, using the same “5 of 6” rule we
used to get in back in 2001.

Obviously, in real time, you don’t see what’s happening in the future –
I just included it now you can see them all turning red shortly after
you got out.

That was quick primer – there’s lots more I’ll be sharing with you.

Let me spend a minute now on HousingAlerts itself... and why I’m

doing this.

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I invented and used this system out of necessity for my own businesses
back in the 1990’s. It wasn’t an automated process back then, and took
me days to do the calculations and the charting for just a few local

For many years, I kept it top secret as I perfected and tested it in real
time, with real money.

Then, back in 2006, after years of programming and back-testing, I

released a high-end version of HousingAlerts to Institutional and well-
heeled, sophisticated investors.

It sold out in a few days and I closed the doors.

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Although it was largely just a bunch of charts and graphs back then,
they’ve been paying a steep price – in the thousands - to get my
service for years.

Over the last couple years – I’ve taken it a big step further and
developed some outrageously powerful algorithms that effectively
automate my analysis process. I recently added a complex market
scoring system and the ‘traffic light’ signals so anybody can use it.

Now, I don’t mean to brag, but just like Tiger Woods was ‘meant’ to be
a golfer from an early age, I was meant to invent something like this.

In the 1960’s, as the third grader, I scored off the charts on the ‘graph
reading’ section of a national standardized test. It was a big deal for the
elementary school.

In undergrad, it was the same thing for accounting… with National


At Harvard Business School, it was the same thing for Technical Analysis
and market trends.

Yep, I’m a left-brained analytical Geek of the highest order!

Thanks to that, and my passion for real estate – HousingAlerts was

born. Sophisticated investors and big financial institutions, for the first
time in history, had clear answers and direction for their real estate
activities at the local market level.

In fact, it’s already changing the real estate investing paradigm.

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Strategies and tactics are almost irrelevant if you can get the
timing right.

Here’s the great news:

It’ll soon be available for the everyday
investor, homeowner and Realtor who
couldn’t afford what well-heeled investors
have been paying, or who didn’t want the
National version.

In fact, the “Local Market Master” system

itself is already built and tested… the
charter members have been using it for
over a month now.

All that remains is creating the training

and quick start videos…

This first video you’re watching, and

many more to follow, are actually part
of the training module I’m creating for
new members.
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Depending on when you see this, the public
training series may even be complete, and
you’ll be getting an email for the next one
as soon as you finish watching this.

So here’s my dilemma…
and your opportunity:

Because these videos take a lot of time

to create, you may not want to wait on
me, especially if you’ve seen enough
and just want in!

(remember as a member, you’ll get every ‘public’ video plus all the
member’s only training inside your membership area immediately once
you’re enrolled)

It’ll be a couple months before it’s

perfect and ready to launch at full price…

So we’re going to open the Single-City

version for beta-testers only. It’ll be
priced ridiculously low, in return for

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your patience in getting all the videos.
Look for a NEW button or link, appearing
directly below or next to this video right

If you see it, and want to enroll as a beta

tester, go ahead and click it.

(If you’re viewing this through a mobile device, like cell phone or Ipad –
you won’t see the button and will need to watch this on a laptop or PC.

If there is no NEW button or link appearing

– then we’ve suspended the beta testing
program, and will be offering it again soon,
as part of our formal roll-out and launch.

We’ll also be adding State and Regional

level memberships soon, under similar
beta-test deals.

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This beta-test is a short-term offer. We’ll get
valuable member feedback as we put the
finishing touches on, and you’ll get the deal
of a lifetime!

For those not interested in the beta test, or

who missed the special offer, don’t despair!

There is a stream of world class training

coming your way for FREE.

Check your inbox for the next installment!

Remember, if you’re not already subscribed…

Enter your email in the box next to

this video right now
– click the submit button –

You’ll immediately get the

link to each new video.

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