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AT.2819—Performing Review and
Other Assurance Services Engagements MAY 2020

Suggested Readings:
1. PSRE 2400, Engagements to Review Historical Financial Statements
2. PSRE 2410, Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity
3. PSAE 3000, Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information
4. PSAE 3400, The Examination of Prospective Financial Information
5. PSAE 3402, Assurance Reports on Controls at a Service Organization
6. PSAE 3410, Assurance Engagements on Greenhouse Gas Statements
7. PSAE 3420, Assurance Engagements to Report on the Compilation of Pro Forma Financial Information Included in a
8. Chapters 19 and 20, Auditing: A Risk-Based Approach, Part 1-Theory 2019 Issue—1st Edition by

Review of Historical Financial Statements been performed by the
1. The objective of a review engagement auditor No Yes Yes Yes
a. Is to enable the auditor to express an opinion A statement that an audit
whether the financial statements are prepared in has not been performed Yes Yes Yes Yes
all material respects, in accordance with an
identified financial reporting framework 5. In a review engagement, if there has been a material
b. Is to enable the practitioner to state whether, on scope limitation, the auditor should describe the
the basis of procedures which do not provide all limitation in the review report and either
the evidence that would be required in an audit, a. Express a qualification of the negative assurance
anything has come to the practitioner’s attention or not provide any assurance.
that causes the practitioner to believe that the b. Express a qualification of the negative assurance
financial statements are not prepared in all provided or issue an adverse statement that the
material respects, in accordance with an identified financial statement are not presented fairly.
financial reporting framework. c. Express an adverse statement that the financial
c. Is to carry out those procedures of an audit nature statements are not presented fairly or the auditor
to which the auditor and the entity and any not issue any assurance.
appropriate third parties have agreed and to report d. Not modify the negative assurance or not issue an
on factual findings. assurance.
d. Is to use accounting expertise as opposed to
auditing expertise to collect, classify and 6. A modification of the CPA’s report on a review of the
summarize financial information. interim financial statements of a publicly held company
would be necessitated by which of the following?
2. A review engagement differs in scope as compared to a. An uncertainty.
an audit due to: b. Lack of consistency.
a. the subject matter of the service c. Reference to another accountant.
b. the quantity and type of evidence obtained d. Inadequate disclosure.
c. ethical requirements with respect to independence
d. the users of the financial statements Examination of Prospective Financial Information
7. Financial information based on assumptions about
3. Which of the following is least likely to be a procedure events that may occur in the future and possible
included in an accountant’s review of interim financial actions by an entity.
information of a public entity? a. Historical financial information
a. Compare disaggregated revenue data by month to b. Prospective financial information
that of the previous interim period. c. Pro forma financial information
b. Read available minutes of meetings of d. Budgeted financial information
c. Observe counting of physical inventory. 8. What is meant by a financial forecast?
d. Inquire of management concerning significant a. A prospective financial statement that predicts an
journal entries and other adjustments. entity’s expected financial position, results of
4. The Review Report include the following: operations, and cash flows
a. b. c. d. b. A prospective financial statement that presents an
Reference to PSRE Yes No Yes No entity’s expected financial position, results of
A statement that a review operations, and cash flows
is limited to inquiries and c. A prospective financial statement that predicts an
analytical procedures Yes Yes Yes No entity’s expected financial position, results of
Specific description of operations, and cash flows based on one or more
procedures that have hypothetical assumptions

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d. A prospective financial statement that presents an payroll. Price, CPA, is expressing an opinion on a
entity’s expected financial position, results of description of the controls implemented at QSC
operations, and cash flows based on one or more regarding the processing of its customers' payroll
hypothetical assumptions transactions. Dunn expects to consider the effects of
Price's report on the Taft engagement. Price's report
9. Given one or more hypothetical assumptions, a should contain a(n)
responsible party may prepare, to the best of its a. Description of the scope and nature of Price's
knowledge and belief, an entity’s expected financial procedures.
position, results of operations, and cash flows. Such b. Statement that Dunn may assess control risk
prospective financial statements are known as based on Price's report.
a. Pro forma financial statements c. Assertion that Price assumes no responsibility to
b. Financial projections determine whether QSC's controls are suitably
c. Partial presentations designed.
d. Financial forecasts d. Opinion on the operating effectiveness of QSC's
internal controls.
10. A financial forecast consists of prospective financial
statements that present an entity’s expected financial 16. The auditor who audits the processing of transactions
position, results of operations, and cash flows. A by a service organization may issue a report on
forecast controls
a. Is based on the most conservative estimates. Implemented Operating effectiveness
b. Presents estimates given one or more hypothetical a. Yes Yes
assumptions. b. Yes No
c. Unlike a projection, may contain a range. c. No Yes
d. Is based on assumptions reflecting conditions d. No No
expected to exist and courses of action expected to
be taken. 17. In accordance with PSAE 3402, Assurance Reports on
Controls at a Service Organization, an auditor’s
11. Which of the following statements concerning modified opinion may be
prospective financial statements is correct? a. Qualified.
a. Only a financial forecast would normally be b. Adverse.
appropriate for limited use. c. Disclaimer.
b. Only a financial projection would normally be d. Any of the above.
appropriate for general use.
c. Any type of prospective financial statements would Engagements on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Statements
normally be appropriate for limited use. 18. GHG statement is statement setting out constituent
d. Any type of prospective financial statements would elements and quantifying an entity’s GHG emissions
normally be appropriate for general use. for a period and, where applicable, comparative
information and explanatory notes including a
12. The party responsible for assumptions identified in the summary of significant quantification and reporting
preparation of prospective financial statements is policies. A GHG statement is sometimes known as?
usually a. Emissions inventory.
a. A third-party lending institution. b. Greenhouse gases.
b. The client’s management. c. Purchased offset.
c. The reporting accountant. d. Emissions factor.
d. The client’s independent auditor.
19. Given the link between greenhouse gas (GHG)
13. An examination of a financial forecast is a professional emissions and climate change, many entities are
service that involves quantifying their GHG emissions for internal
a. Compiling or assembling a financial forecast that is management purposes. Which of the following may
based on management's assumptions. also be a reason for preparing a GHG statement?
b. Limiting the distribution of the accountant's report a. A regulatory disclosure regime.
to management and the board of directors. b. An emissions trading scheme.
c. Assuming responsibility to update management on c. To inform investors and others on a voluntary
key events for one year after the report's date. basis that may be part of a sustainability report or
d. Evaluating the preparation of a financial forecast in an entity’s annual report.
and the support underlying management's d. All of the above.
20. The Philippine Framework for Assurance Engagements
14. When an accountant examines a financial forecast that (the Assurance Framework) notes that an assurance
fails to disclose several significant assumptions used to engagement may be either an attestation engagement
prepare the forecast, the accountant should describe or a direct engagement. PSAE 3410 deals only with
the assumptions in the accountant's report and issue which assurance engagement?
a(n) a. Attestation
a. "Except for" qualified opinion. b. Direct
b. "Subject to" qualified opinion. c. Both a and b
c. Unqualified opinion with a separate explanatory d. None of the above
d. Adverse opinion. 21. According to PSAE 3410 which of the following
assurance levels may be provided on GHG statement?
Assurance Reports on Controls at a Service a. Reasonable
Organization b. Limited
15. Dunn, CPA, is auditing the financial statements of Taft c. Both a and b
Co. Taft uses Quick Service Center (QSC) to process its d. None of the above

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Report on the Compilation of Pro Forma Financial 2019 statements are not properly presented. Under
Information Included in a Prospectus these circumstances, the CPA’s response to the
22. Pro forma financial information is underwriter’s request should be to:
a. Financial information shown together with a. furnish to the underwriters an opinion that the
adjustments to illustrate the impact of an event or March 31, 2019 statements are fairly presented
transaction on unadjusted financial information as subject to year-end audit adjustments.
if the event had occurred or the transaction had b. give negative assurance as to the March 31, 2019
been undertaken at an earlier date selected for financial statements but disclaim an opinion on
purposes of the illustration. these statements.
b. Adjustments to unadjusted financial information c. inform the underwriters that no comfort letter is
that illustrate the impact of a significant event or possible without an audit of the financial
transaction (“event” or “transaction”) as if the statements for the three months ended March 31,
event had occurred or the transaction had been 2019.
undertaken at an earlier date selected for purposes d. Furnish to the underwriters an adverse opinion
of the illustration. [Pro forma adjustments] covering financial statements for the three months
c. A document issued pursuant to legal or regulatory ended March 31, 2019.
requirements relating to the entity’s securities on
which it is intended that a third party should make 28. Which of the following statements is correct concerning
an investment decision. [Prospectus] letters for underwriters, commonly referred to as
d. Financial information of the entity to which pro comfort letters?
forma adjustments are applied by the responsible a. Letters for underwriters are required by the SEC
party. [Unadjusted financial information] the initial public sale of registered securities.
b. Letters for underwriters typically give negative
23. In accordance with PSAE 3420, it is presumed that pro assurance on unaudited interim financial
forma financial information is presented in columnar information.
format consisting of the following except c. Letters for underwriters usually are included in the
a. Unadjusted financial information. registration statement accompanying a prospectus.
b. Pro forma adjustments. d. Letters for underwriters ordinarily update auditors'
c. Resulting pro forma column. opinions on the prior year's financial statements.
d. Prospective financial information.
29. Comfort letters ordinarily are addressed to
24. In accordance with PSAE 3420, which of the following a. Creditor financial institutions.
performs compilation of pro forma financial b. The client's audit committee.
information? c. The Securities and Exchange Commission.
a. The practitioner. d. Underwriters of securities.
b. The responsible party.
c. The intended users. 30. Comfort letters ordinarily are signed by the client's
d. All of the above. a. Independent auditor.
b. Underwriter of securities.
25. In an engagement to report on the compilation of pro c. Audit committee.
forma financial information included in a prospectus d. Senior management.
performed in accordance with PSAE 3420, the level of
assurance conveyed is Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A)
a. Absolute c. Limited 31. Which of the following is not an objective of a CPA's
b. Reasonable d. None examination of a client's management discussion and
analysis (MD&A) prepared pursuant to Securities and
26. An accountant's report on an examination of pro forma Exchange Commission rules and regulations?
financial information should include a a. The historical amounts have been accurately
a. Statement that the entity's internal control was not derived, in all material respects, from the entity's
relied on in the review. financial statements.
b. Disclaimer of opinion on the financial statements b. The underlying information, determinations,
from which the pro forma financial information is estimates and assumptions of the entity provide a
derived. reasonable basis for the disclosures contained
c. Caveat that it is uncertain whether the transaction herein.
or event reflected in the pro forma financial c. The presentation includes the required elements of
information will ever occur. MD&A.
d. Reference to the financial statements from which d. The presentation is in conformity with rules and
the historical financial information is derived. regulations adopted by the Securities and
Exchange Commission.
Letters for Underwriters
27. In connection with a public offering of first mortgage 32. Which of the following is an assertion embodied in
bonds by Henson Corp., the bond underwriter has management's discussion and analysis (MD&A)?
asked Henson’s CPA to furnish him with a comfort a. Valuation.
letter giving as much assurance as possible relative to b. Reliability.
Henson’s unaudited financial statements for the three c. Consistency with the financial statements.
months ended March 31, 2019. d. Rights and obligations.

The CPA had expressed an unqualified opinion on Trust Services

Henson’s financial statements for the year ended 33. The WebTrust seal of assurance relates most directly
December 31, 2018 and he has performed a limited to
review of Henson’s financial statements for the three a. Financial statements maintained on the Internet.
months ended March 31, 2019. Nothing has come to b. Health care facilities.
his attention that would indicate that the March 31, c. Risk assurance procedures.

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d. Web sites. a. Internal control over financial reporting.

b. SysTrust.
34. A CPA's examination report relating to a WebTrust c. Web siteAssociate.
engagement is most likely to include d. Web Trust.
a. An opinion on whether the site is "hackproof."
b. An opinion on whether the site meets the 36. A client's refusal to provide a written assertion in a
WebTrust criteria. Trust Services engagement is most likely to result in
c. Negative assurance on whether the site is which of the following types of opinions?
electronically secure. a. Adverse.
d. No opinion or other assurance, but a summary of b. Disclaimer.
findings relating to the Web site. c. Qualified.
d. Unqualified with explanatory language.
35. An engagement in which a CPA considers security,
availability, processing integrity, online privacy, and/or
confidentiality over any type of defined electronic - now do the DIY drill -
system is most likely to considered which of the
following types of engagements?


1. Review engagements are often used by: b. Read the minutes of the board of directors’
a. Small, owner-managed companies meetings.
b. mid-market public companies c. Inspect the open purchase order file.
c. large public companies d. Perform cut-off tests for cash receipts and
d. government agencies disbursements.

2. Which of the following procedures would most likely be 7. A forecast is a form of future-oriented financial
included in a review engagement of a nonpublic entity? information. Which of the following best describes the
a. Preparing a bank transfer schedule. nature of a forecast?
b. Inquiring about related-party transactions. a. A forecast is based on the auditor’s judgment
c. Assessing internal control. concerning hypothetical future economic
d. Performing cutoff tests on sales and purchases conditions.
transactions. b. A forecast presents a broad range of possible
future economic conditions.
3. Which of the following services performed by a CPA is c. A forecast presents possible future scenarios
an example of an assurance engagement that requires consistent with the purpose of the information.
the CPA to be independent in fact and appearance? d. A forecast is based on management’s judgment of
a. Compilation of financial statements the most likely future economic conditions.
b. Review of financial statements
c. Management consulting services 8. Accepting an engagement to examine an entity's
d. Giving tax advice financial projection most likely would be appropriate if
the projection were to be distributed to
4. Because the same CPA firm does both the annual audit a. All employees who work for the entity.
and the public company interim financial statement b. Potential stockholders who request a prospectus or
review, they are referred to as _______. a registration statement.
a. bookkeepers c. A bank with which the entity is negotiating for a
b. accountants loan.
c. auditors d. All stockholders of record as of the report date.
d. CPAs
9. Which of the following statements is correct relating to
5. An accountant’s review report on interim financial an auditor's review engagements on an entity's
information of a public entity is most likely to include a management discussion and analysis (MD&A)?
a. Statement that the interim financial information a. A review consists principally of applying analytical
was examined in accordance with standards of the procedures and search and verification procedures.
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. b. The review report of a public entity should be
b. Statement that the interim financial information is restricted to the use of specified parties.
the responsibility of the entity’s shareholders. c. No consideration of internal control is necessary.
c. Description of the procedures for a review. d. The report issued will ordinarily include a summary
d. Statement that a review of interim financial of findings, but no negative assurance.
information is less in scope than a compilation
conducted in accordance with standards. 10. An auditor should not issue a report on
a. The achievability of forecasts.
6. Which of the following procedures ordinarily should be b. Internal control.
applied when an independent accountant conducts a c. Management performance.
review of interim financial information of a publicly d. Quarterly financial information.
held entity?
a. Verify changes in key account balances. J - end of AT.2819 - J

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