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Fasting is a religious obligation which stops Muslims from indulging in physical

pleasures. It prohibits from eating, drinking and sexual intercourse. Fasting has been
practiced since the time of Prophet Adam till the last Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H).

As iterated in the Holy Quran:

O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before

you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint.

(2:183; Holy Quran)

For Muslims it was made obligatory in 2 A.H in Ramadan;ninth month of the lunar
Islamic calendar. Fasting not only aims at instilling self-control and excellent moral
character but is also a source of receiving numerous blessings from Allah Almighty.
Andrew Egan in his book Islam, explains:

The purpose of fasting is to make a Muslim able to control passions and desires, so
that they become a person of good deeds and intentions.

Fasting is a purely spiritual worship but it has a strong social impact on the Muslim
community. Following are the ways in which fasting influences the Islamic social

1. Fasting is Observed Collectively:

Fasting is an obligation which is observed collectively in a Muslim community.

Everyone celebrates the sighting of the moon by congregating in the mosque for
“Taraweeh”. A person is appointed to wake up the whole neighborhood at Sehri
(morning meal). It also infuses a sense of unity and love among the Muslims.

2. An Act of Worship Practiced in All religions:

Fasting is practiced in almost all religions including Judaism, Hiduism, Buddhism,

and Christianity. The reason behind it’s sustenance is the fact that it has been
preached by all prophets and all religions. Fasting is also lauded as an excellent
method of attaining self-control and resilience.

Oh you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those

before you, that you many learn piety and righteousness
(2:183; Holy Quran)

3. Attaining Self-Control Leading To a Tranquil Society:

The main aim of fasting is to control human passions and desires through self-control.
When such a height of abstinence has been achieved in a society people tend to
evolve into tolerant and patient individuals. They treat each other with kindness and
forgive each other thus contributing to tranquility in society.

4. Fasting Teaches the Real Meaning of Famine(Hunger):

During fasting an individual suffers the throes of hunger. It makes him realize the
calamity of those who suffer due to famine. The fast ends by sunset but the long
periods of hunger leave the poor malnourished and their children dead. Thus a
Muslim becomes more caring to the needs of the poor through fasting.

5. Realization of Plight of the Poor:

The physical anguish experienced through fasting throws light on the plight of the
poor. The pain, disease, hunger and depravity they suffer becomes real to the one
observing a fast. It urges him to alleviate the dilapidated condition of the destitute
leading him to do acts of charity and philanthropy.

The fast is best for you, If only you knew

(2:184; Holy Quran)

6. Tolerance; a synonym for Fasting:

It is obligatory to observe tolerance and to curb anger while fasting. Allah does not
accept the fast of a person who indulges in lying, backbiting and fighting. As a result
it creates the virtue of tolerance and acceptance of difference in opinion. It helps
create peace and serenity among the people.

7. Narrowing the Gap between The Rich and Poor:

The practice of fasting narrows down the gap between the rich and the poor. The
feeling of hunger, weakness and nausea felt through fasting urges the rich to
empathize with the poor. Thus the walls of enmity and prejudice for the poor collapse
of their own accord leading to a society cognizant of equality and brotherhood.

8. Social Interaction and Cohesion:

The sense of mutual care and empathy due to fasting leads to social interaction and
cohesion. Allah instructs Muslims to increase themselves in acts of charity to their
neighbors, relatives and friends. As the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said:

He who sleeps while his neighbor sleeps on an empty-stomach is not one of us.

Thus the rich visit the poor in their humble settings and learn the lessons of
endurance, simplicity and responsibility towards other human beings.

9. Amelioration of the Evils in Society:

Fasting ameliorates the society of its evils since it strictly prohibits the evils of lying,
cheating, robbery, corruption, extortion and injustice. Allah does not accept the fast of
a person who indulges in social evils. The continuation of good deeds after Ramadan
and living a life free of evil doing cleanses the society of various social and moral ills.

Verily, the good deeds remove the evil deeds (i.e. small sins). That is a reminder for
the mindful.

(Surah Hud:114; Holy Quran)

10. Communal Purification:

The self-restraint inculcated through fasting purifies society of prejudice and hatred
among the masses. During fasting all are on an equal plane and are better able to
understand each others’ shortcomings. The tolerance practiced during Ramadan
permeates in the everyday lives of the people purifying society of its putrefaction.

11. Building a Healthy Society:

With the eradication of extremism and discordant elements better moral virtues are
introduced due to fasting. The feelings of love, cooperation and goodwill abound in a
community where people control their greed, envy and lust for power. Moreover
honesty, brotherhood, respect and honor are some of the fruits of fasting.

12. Social Harmony:

Fasting teaches a Muslim to be tolerant of others. The vices of racism, extremism and
terrorism are a result of increasing discontent among the masses. The conflicts in
Syria, Yemen, Myanmar and Palestine have resulted in bloodshed and chaos. If the
virtues practiced during fasting are employed as a rule than social harmony will not
remain a dream unfulfilled.

13. Strengthens Muslim Brotherhood:

Fasting strengthens the bond of brotherhood of the Muslim Ummah. The congregation
of Muslims to offer “Taraweeh” each night provides a chance to communicate and
understand each others problems. The practice of inviting each other over for at
“iftar” promotes mutual love and sincerity.According to Hadith:

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: He who gives food for a fasting person to break
his fast, he will receive the same reward as him, except that nothing will be reduced
from the fasting persons reward."

[Ahmad, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah, Ibn Hibbaan, Saheeh].

Health Benefits Of Fasting

Fasting has various health benefits in addition to the blessings bestowed by Allah.

1. Improves Hunger:

The fixed time of eating meals of “sehr”(before sunset) and ‘iftar”(after sunset)
improves hunger. It activates the metabolic functions due to which the stomach
digests the food efficiently. Fasting can help treat patients with anorexic disorders and
in general helps to attain a balanced diet.

2. Regulates Eating Pattern:

It is scientifically proven that fasting regulates the eating pattern. The bodily functions
adjust to a proper time of intake of food enhancing the function of the digestive
system. It detoxifies the body and increases energy levels and the body is able to
function at its maximum capacity.

3. Helps in Weight Loss:

The practice of fasting helps in losing weight. People go to great lengths such as
doing intense exercises, going on crazy diets and sometimes even starving themselves
for days to lose weight. All their efforts prove futile whereas the simple worship of
fasting helps lose weight without loss in health or energy levels.

4. Enhancing Brain Function:

Fasting cleanses the body of toxins and heals the brain as well. Eating large amounts
of food throughout the year tends to slow down brain function. Also the excess food
makes one lethargic and sleepy. Fasting solves all these problems and improves
memory and brain function by repairing the damaged neurons.

5. Fasting Promotes Longevity:

The regular practice of fasting whether in the month of Ramadan or in random days
throughout the year promotes longevity. The body embarks on a healing process in
the month of Ramadan. The colon, liver, kidney, lungs and skin are detoxified
improving memory and concentration contributing to a healthy and long life.

1. Generosity:

The spirit of sacrifice instilled through fasting inculcates generosity. The hunger and
physical fatigue experienced while fasting urges an observer of a fast to lend a hand to
the needy and be benevolent towards them.

2. Decreasing the Lust for Lewd Passions:

The self-restraint practiced while fasting binds a believer to forever shun the lust for
lewd passions. It stops him from indulging in harlotry, adultery, fornication or rape.
The fear of Allah penetrates the fiber of his being and directs him to live a pious life.
3. Purification of the Soul:

Fasting purifies the soul of all impurities whether spiritual or moral. To eschew all
acts leading towards moral depravity strengthens and cleanses the soul. Allah then
directs the believer on the path of righteousness leading to Jannah in the hereafter.

4. Humility:

The worship of fasting inculcates humility. A believer is cognizant of the fact that the
iota of wealth or the piety he possesses has been bestowed by Allah Almighty. He
realizes that all human beings are created equal and must be treated as such.

5. Mutual Well Being and Welfare:

The obligation of a month of fasting promotes mutual well being and welfare in a
society. The Muslims observing fast care for their less privileged brethren in securing
good health and material prosperity.

6. Tolerance:

Tolerance is the final aim of fasting. A person who fasts is prohibited from harming
his brother through verbal or physical attack. It creates the spirit of tolerance and
acceptance of the difference of opinion culminating into a peaceful environment.

7. Moral Uplift:

The habit of fasting evolves a frivolous person into a pious and morally competent
individual. Fasting flares up the flame of piety and moral compactness and turns it nto
a fiery blaze of fortitude and moral excellence.

Fasting has various spiritual benefits which are more profitable than the benefits of
health. Following are the ways in which a person becomes spiritually exalted:

1. Sympathy for the Poor:

The experience of hunger pangs during fasting makes one feel the plight of the poor.
The realization that the underprivileged suffer from hunger all their lives instigates
feelings of sympathy and leads to acts of charity and philanthropy.
2. Cleansing the Self:
The practice of self-restraint during fasting cleanses the self of the evils of lying,
cheating, backbiting, envy, prejudice, hatred and racism. Moreover Allah washes
away the previous sins of the one who fasts for the sake of Allah.
3. Abstaining from Evil Deeds:
The main objective of fasting is to abstain from indulging in evil deeds alongwith
food, drink and sexual intercourse. The habit of keeping away from evil permeates
into the normal lives of the believers increasing their piety.
4. Continuity of Good Deeds:
The reward for good deeds is increased manifold in the month of Ramadan however it
urges the believers to continue good deeds in their daily lives. Fasting therefore
inculcates a strong inclination to piety throughout the life of a believer.
5. Curbing Passions and Desires:
The definition of fasting instructs man to curb his most potent desires i.e. eating,
drinking and sexual intercourse. By successfully overcoming these basic desires one
is able to curb menial desires of wealth, fame and an Epicurean lifestyle.
6. Mental Satisfaction:
The worship of fasting satisfies by the mind due to the acknowledgment of obeying
Allah’s commandments and receiving His blessings. The calm which befalls a
believer by pleasing Allah is unmatched with any other worldly pleasure.
7. Achieving Taqwa:
Fasting is a reminder of the greatness of Allah Almighty. A person strives to achieve
Taqwa (consciousness and fear of Allah) especially in the Ramadan by submitting to
his will and asking for repentance.
8. Closeness to Allah:
Fasting brings one closer to Allah through abstaining from food and drink in the day
and praying for forgiveness at night. The act of quelling the basic desires endears a
believer to Allah Almighty and makes him worthy of his attention.

Fasting is a worship which encompasses almost all the virtues of Islam. It is only
second to Hajj in promoting the excellent virtues of tolerance, courage, fortitude,
kindness, humility and cleansing the self (nafs) of its imperfections. The reward of
fasting has been promised by Allah as the highest and most precious of all gifts.
According to Hadith Allah emphasizes the importance of fasting in the following

“…Except for fasting which is only for My sake, and I will reward him for it”.

(Al-Bukhaari, al-Fath, no. 1904; Saheeh al-Targheeb, 1/407)

Fasting is also beneficial for health as it improves the functioning of mind and body.
It is therefore a compete Ibadat (worship) which places a believer in the highest
regard in before Allah in this world and the hereafter.

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