True Story - Eng Version

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Stefanos Noutsis - Economist - Writer – Poet

a) "CHAPTER A 1910 - 1950"

b) "CHAPTER II 1950 – 1974”
c) "CHAPTER III 1974-2010”

- "Dying for your country" said our ancestors

- "Of history overturned the truth, the leaves of this, is bootlessness "
- Interpretation: If the story appeals to the truth, what remains becomes futile
and pointless story. Polybius.

CHAPTER Α 1910 - 1950

To Newspaper's Director "Early News Ioannina"

Sir Director

The current mess of our country and the tragic position of the Greek people
are more open and clear. This does not come only by the Greek people, but
very orderly and architectural design to the people arrived and others and
sweet homeland Greece. I have a Greek-known to many Ideology and Sir
Directors, which of course is completely contrary to appropriate ideologies
which claim all PM Information (and misleading, I myself and many others)
and they issue a brainwashing of the Greek people, but they issue the same
and other humanity, but not as strongly as in Greece. I and many other
writers, historians and researchers from Greece and abroad illustrate the
original Greek ideology that is unique and only she can now save the Greeks,
the Greeks, the Greek state, but despite all of humanity. For the integral
annihilation of the Greeks active for 100 years and now think that in 20 to 25
years will we will be done, us Greeks, and to a lesser extent the white race, as
this will reveal and would substantiate more fully below with solid evidence.
I like Greek-Patriot and many others of similar ideology and foreign writing
and daily lies and expose the crimes of Jew-Christian-Zionism.
Today there is Jew-Zionism dictatorship that prevails in Greece and around
the world and the priests (priests, etc.) any doctrine Jew-Christian singing in
churches, in temples, but the mysteries of marriage, baptism, death, namely
singing hail and statues Zion who say that the chosen people of humanity are
the Jews and Greeks that each and every Greek say that not everyone of them
descendants of Plato and Aristotle, but the Jews Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and
Onan Sarah of Jewish and other girl. In what the priests say that anyone can
Jew-Christian Greek in the churches say the slightest reason? That is to show
the counter-argument and say that I am Greek and I am not a descendant of
Jews. What it is, not a monologue, and thus dictatorship worst kind as is
dictatorship in politics and the economy, they will analyze below.
According to the writings of the great author and prophet of the true facts of
humanity and Hellenism that have occurred in recent years, John Fourakis are
two categories of people on earth: a) The Greeks and Pelasgian root who are
47% Of the inhabitants of the earth, people who are divine, spirited and
emotional, of which the soul lives after death and b) are the tips and lifeless
people are 53% of Earth's population and as such are monkey-like (correctly
named by Jew Darwin), the Dragon-Turk-Mongols The English-Lynx, but the
Welsh, Scots and Irish, which is Pelasgian root race and other peoples West-
Lynx Christians of the West and many negrito. All of these second-class people
are not lifeless are emotional people and just be humanised animals, beasts.

first nested, warm-hearted, sentimental and sincere, and the second class
people - animals, according to those who wrote Fourakis are robbers, thieves,
criminals, cunning, cheats, evil, liars, hypocrites, etc. (I. Fourakis Hellenism
Jewish Zionism - MIXING RECALL OF MYTHOLOGY + STORIES - On page 324).
Unfortunately, humanity and Greece to dominate the people of the second
category ie animal-like people not have feelings and criminals then falsely ever
to mankind and of course the Greek people and made war ever, the one to
satisfy their bestial instincts, with the blood of people, but above all to enrich
themselves to the fullest extent of the arms industry and supplies involved and
by chance all these industries belong to these people (the same people - and
animals that created A and B World War). Themselves have created
institutions, organizations, banks and giant financial units and collect all the
wealth of Nations and of course Greece and accumulate in the Swiss banks and
elsewhere, leaving the people fasted and thus met the bestial instincts. On the
other hand, created the three (3) Jew-rooted major religions (Judaism,
Christianity, Islam) which life-giving people and tell them and tend to feel
enslaved and not raise any objections to what they do, and so on unhappy
people who give up their one hope in life after death. So the religions keep
them far from the knowledge and downstream and sheep herds and are

All that is dear admission lead its pecial importance and the issues that touch
against the current establishment of the Greek and the world but also the
specific issue to mention against the Greek people who want to destroy. You
like a newspaper does not have any responsibility in that I mentioned in the
article and my responsibility lies with me the whole course and will be
published in your newspaper dear
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. with profit in mind. Certainly no
one can blame on me for the newspaper that because these issues today

in addition to numerous books and magazines published in Greece and
internationally and recording these matters with their name in the Attica region
and perhaps in the area of Thessaloniki are a small local TV stations, not
nation-wide such as the Blue Sky channel every day at 11 to 12 speak the
journalist Spyros Xatzaras says that all by name. This show is broadcast from
the same Blue Sky channel daily at 8 to 9 am. Another channel is the High
Channel every Friday at 9 to 10 night speech, archaeologist, historian and
editor of the magazine "Ihor" Evangelos Bexis and tell the whole truth and
reveal all the conspiracies and crimes that make both religion and criminal
policy, international institutions of Jew-Christian-Zionism against the nation of
Greece. Bexis himself organized an event for 10 years of the magazine "Ihor"
on 16/1/2010 at the 1,000 seat hall of the Hotel PREZENTAN »(Prezenten)
Street Avenue in Ambelokipi height and had amazing success because in this
event went over 1,300 people and checked all the truths and everyone was
thrilled. Some such truths I will mention below. The Bexis the emission of
22/1/2010 said that the channel High Channel has granted the other two (2)
hours and the next Friday will announce the exact day and time that will emit
the same great company that will allow and believe in the establishment to
make any kind of questions. The river brought and no turning back, because
the lie and the persecution of Greeks took too long and the day of freedom will
not be long. Other emissions that Greek-sounding content in Attica and
perhaps around this and perhaps further afield is broadcast in High Channel
Kyriakopoulos that sounds every Friday 11 to 12 midnight and emissions MP
Kyriakos Velopoulos with Professor and a great writer Anthony Antonakos
ancient themes of daily broadcast on the channel "Tilefos" 3 to 4 after midday.
All these tell the truth and tell things by their name. So the newspaper, since I
last ten years none newspaper of Jew-Christian-Zionism site could not be read
other than "EARLY NEWS" of Ioannina, so it should be published this always
with my fully and own responsibility, emphasizing the phrase.
I have written a book called "the evils of Zionism FROM ABROAD AND
POLITICAL WHO WERE BODIES FROM THE 1910 - today." The book has 250
pages and writes everything in detail. Obviously it is extremely inconsistent
with what we foisted so many years and recorded a false story, which taught
all the Greeks, that they made a brainwashed with both Greeks and other
peoples of mankind. I tried for three (3) years to publish it, but in three (3)
publishers who went, always paying my own, nobody wanted to adopt me.
Now the publishing house "Evander" of Evangelos Bexi agreed to issue and will
soon be issued and undo all the data of the current incumbent of Greece.
I can not mention everything contained in this book, but that quote is quite
I begin with a very revealing video that showed the E. High Channel Bexis in
a few days ago, that seemed to Patriarch Bartholomew in two recent speeches.
One speech was on 28/10/2009, the day of the National Feast of the Greeks,
the Great Synagogue in Manhattan, New York and was broadcast stating
brothers the Jews and the Turks and the Greeks did not mention anything. Also
on the day he went to 29/10/2009 Atlanta USA and the offices of Coca - cola
gave a friendly word to the couple - owners of Coca - cola Jew-turk Domnen
,the 20 years-old friend, as Bartholomew said, Muhtar Kent and his wife
The day after the national holiday of the Greeks, says in his speech on
National Day of the Turks, ie persecution and exterminated the Greeks of Asia
Minor, what is the meaning of the feast that Turkey, which we saw and heard
live Bartholomew To say that "Today is National Day of our beloved motherland
Turkey" and the owner of Coca - cola Domna Jew-turk is from Istanbul, in
which Bartholomew granted him a "holy Quran" he said. These two speeches
were recorded in the INTERNET ( and Short speeches are
you sending to the far post in the near future that will change everything to
enlighten the Greek people to know more about Bartholomew snake hiding in
bosom, as all the bishops of Greece, except for some snakes are priests who
are uneducated and naive. After a week of all PM Information of Greece, said a
statement supposedly made by Patriarch Bartholomew crucified by the Turks,
as is the stated and "EARLY NEWS", without even a television station called the
great and not a newspaper silent Greece did not notify the Greek People said
Bartholomew in the Jewish synagogue in New York and the offices of Coca -
cola in Atlanta, America. Just to laugh and every bitter mention what
Bartholomew said that Coca - cola drink is the noblest of mankind, and that
Coca - cola Muhtar Kent to one million employees in the whole of humanity is
doing similar work as the project orthodoxy (ie Jew-slavery).
The paradox is that the same broadcast showed Bexi E. Bartholomew, the
one who took the fiery reason for Turkey and said that it is crystal clear warm
Turkish patriot, to welcome the people of Patras in Greece, flowers, and to
guard the hand, and the provost marshal general of Patras, taking off his hat
to bow to Bartholomew and to kiss his hand. Oh, the hypocrisy and Greek-
Treason to your limits! As we realize that readers of this article and of course
all the Epirus and the Greek and not only that these emissions are very real
broadcast in recent years and constantly increasing amount and they are all
against the existing brutal dictatorship that exists in Greece and outstanding,
falsely called, free world, ie against Jew-Christian-Zionism dictatorship.
And of course the newspaper with you to inform the same tactic, but he
writes regularly, and many truths. The right, if you are
honest, you would write the relevant advertisement "punch in information,
but will punch you write the true and honest information, because what you
require the incumbent to be misrepresentation of the Greek people. As an
example, you get the following who write often. While all elements of the
policy of Evangelos Averoff suggests that he was a traitor with the 'large'
Karamanlis on Cyprus, you write and call him "nobleman." But it was fair -
home, that great Greek patriot Evangelos Averoff or was Greek-hater and great
betrayer of Hellenism? The following official figures showing that it was great
greek-hater and traitor of Greece and Hellenism. As such it is most politicians,
and the chief executives and 'first class' comprising all the parties in Greece is
certainly such.
The relevant news is written in the voluminous book "Chronicle of 20th
Century" states that the Turks are like a punch, no thought or made reference
to Cyprus, but the Greek Foreign Minister Evangelos Averoff, which replaced
the truly wonderful Greek Foreign Minister Sp Theotokin in October 1955, at a
meeting of Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers of England, Greece and
Turkey took place in Geneva on December 13, 1956 proposed the partition of
Cyprus (20th Century Chronicle, page 901).He along with then traitors
Karamanlis was the theme of the Cyprus problem because as foreign minister
signed with Karamanlis conditions of Zurich and London which did the
groundwork for future partition of Cyprus.
Another compelling documentary on the huge betrayal of the "Greeks" all
political "institutions of Zionism" in the Cyprus problem is the book by Stavros
Georgiadis on "CYPRUS IS NOT DESTRUCTED refers to Demirel, the Turkish
General on Cyprus reveals that the surrendered by "Greeks" Politicians to
Turkey. Here is the great betrayal of primary Averof - Karamanlis. There is no
doubt that Averof and other fully-betrayed Cyprus and this is confirmed by a
confirmatory behavior Averoff. This is that one day between 20 - 25 July 1974
was as Minister of National Defense in
a warship to Scaramanga, when he was on the rise and unfolded Attila 2 and
journalists made him the question, what thinking like a Government of National
Unity to do in Cyprus, said ironically that colluded with Prime Minister
Karamanlis has expressed: "Let Cyprus is far away from Greece "and said that
tomorrow we will board a warship, and will go to Cyprus. He knew of course,
journalists no longer minions and I spoke on that ironic phrase, but did not
know that the great secret Greeks watched everything and took all this in
public, and the sign that says the oath of the ancient Greeks and the
Athenians' defense is not and for the sacred and holy and only after several
home and deliver essential minor, several do not and well if admit ", etc. If
Karamanlis and Evangelos Averoff were Greeks did not have to go drown in the
sea with responsibility missed half Greek Cyprus?

All this and a brief true story of Greece from 1900 to 2002, I recorded in a
250-page book entitled "the evils of Zionism FROM ABROAD AND POLITICAL
INSTITUTIONS OF that existed from 1910 - so far." For three years I tried to
publish this book, but three (3) publishers of Athens sent to publish it, refused,
after reading the book. Fortunately now I found the publishing house
"Evander" Evangelos Bexi, who will publish this book, which are known
everything and the true history of Greece from 1910 until today, so we all
politicians and their Greek-hater-like actions disclosed fully and in detail with
compelling evidence and documents so the people would learn the real story
and will learn their real enemies.
Now this book as a main idea and conclusion is, how the domestic and
international Zionism from 1910 until today had been targeting him outright
destruction of Hellenism and the Greeks, with all organs of Greek politicians
and the international Zionist agent. Of course all the details listed in the book
can not write it because it is 250 pages. An extremely comprehensive, brief
and concise report will pretend to understand the reader what happened to this
troubled country. Compelling documentary that Zionism seeks the destruction
of the Greeks is that I have a personal opinion and experience of the following
as indisputable fact. When serving in the Inland Revenue SA in Athens was a
great controller Inland Revenue Service officer, having controlled companies,
even giants and banks, insurance, etc., National Bank of Greece, the insurance
company "PALM", etc. As you know I was a highly intelligent and very
educated man and Zionism attending the course remarkable men and me after
finishing my career in public servants room with me he intended to use some
more post in the government of Greece. Above all there to do this should they
issue to be embraced by Judaism and become anti-Greek as such were all
active politicians from 1910 until today. So in a descent on my street,
University of Athens and just across the street from the movie theater REX, in
one corner stood upright Charalambos Protopappas other 4 to 5 men spoke,
the hour of which I was passing by near them they raised their voice to listen
to me and said 'them Greeks ate the corn, let us stand still just 20 to 25 years,
then dismantle them. " When I heard the words they paused and turned to
hear and see this along with Charalambos Protopappa to speak in the same
issue. Charalambos Protopappas, as you know was the lieutenant of his party's
KODISO of Yiangou Pesmatzoglou. As I later read in the book of John Fourakis
titled "Hatred of the Jews against the Greeks and people" (because the Jews
are not humans but apemen, thus characterizes the Fourakis) Yiangos
Pesmatzoglou was with the Yale Dayan's daughter Israeli Defence Minister
Moshe Dayan, the heads and directors of the company "UNIVERSITY" in
November 1973. The headquarters were in the opposite Athens hotel is on
Patission Acropolis. Partners and these minions were Jewish Damanaki,
Stephen Tzoumaka, etc. Later that his minions Yiangou Pesmatzoglou will
become a true leader Damanaki T. Party, and S. Tzioumakas minister. They all
information captured the great GREEK police officer Evangelos MALIOS, 20
cartridges which, because he knew that he would destroy, sent them into 20
major Greek and thus preserved throughout the process of enforcement in
Greece in April 'dictatorship in 1967. Certainly Evangelos Malia would later kill
the 17 November or Jewish "Mossad," he writes that the Fourakis 17 November
is purely Jewish institution of the "Mossad", the same as 'Mossad'.
Now Yiangos Pesmatzoglou (by identifying the Jewish race and Jewish roots
of important persons, use a diminutive name, they say out on the short name,
such as Yiangos Pesmatzoglou, Yiannos Papantoniou, Kostis Stephanopoulos,
etc.), then Yiangos Pesmatzoglou was a great body of international and
domestic evraiochristianosionismou apiece and therefore will know who was in
the Harry Protopappas Pesmatzoglou made him deputy leader in the party so
"KODISO". Today is the offspring of PASOK MP Christos Protopappas, and the
Jewish Damanaki Papandreou proposed it and they did Commissioner for
shipping to the European Union to affect global and powerful Greek Seas.
Among the detailed information written in the great tapes Evangelos Mali, says
Nicholas Makarezos before the imposition of dictatorship on 21 April 1967N.
Makarezos So, for 20 days in Israel and was consulting with the Defense
Minister Moshe Dayan of Israel and the Jewish "Mossad." Of course here I am
writing a summary and some striking facts. There is no doubt that Jew George
(George gar) Smith was a body of Zionism, but many officers had to use them,
this agent of the Jews (Greece Greek Christians, Jew-Slaves Greeks) in
government, ministerial and senior positions, as spirited Greeks did its full duty
and provided excellent work in the Greek people. Of course not everyone, but
some officers honest-enough like Balopoulos who hate the crass nickname
stuck to the "Mister 10%" that was getting ministerial commission from the
transactions made while he was honest. As I often said my cousin Spiros
Giannoulis retired brigadier, when discharged in 1969, appointed him President
of the Hippodrome and offered with great honesty excellent job. But I said that
Greece could become a paradise where the government honest and unbound
Greeks, but you see, I said, do not let it be the Zionist Jews and the true
organs, the Masons. The dictatorship brought it to destroy a part of the
Hellenes, namely half of Cyprus. The nation's exterminate the Greeks began in
1910, so I'll mention summary below, the whole telegram, because I can not
say everything you say in my book, 250 pages, which is very revealing. But of
course I will give a picture the reader through the newspaper, you learn that
from Epirus, and all the Greeks came the terrible how long decline of Hellenism
in these 100 years so far and say that we have reached the point of final
extinction of Greek instrument politically in recent years the Jewish Prime
Ministers Costas Simitis and Aaron Avouris, with Costas Karamanlis, the
newest and end with George Papandreou Minaiiko more openly organized the
extermination of the Greeks. Certainly the upcoming bad senses the Greek
people, but the brainwashing to make him daily PM Media (stupefaction) can
not understand the real enemies and that is why last voted for PASOK and
Jew-American George Papandreou. Already the anti-Greek and awkward
Greek-hate-like effects of the many people of the Greeks understood so
Papandreou and the entire Zionist political clan of all parties do not think it will
escape the wrath of the now furious Greek people. The nemesis, says the
ancient maxim be slow but never false.

The second way in which they used the Jew-Christian-Zionist to me they

issue to convert the Jews, ie to become Jew-Slave like everyone to believe
Jew-root three religions, namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam, as far as the
Quran contains a 90 % in the Old Testament is foul of Jewish mythology, but
however used for governance of the world and of course the Greeks, after the
death aside and unique genius and beneficial by the government of peoples,
ancient wisdom, is following very precise incident. The board late sister, my
brother-priest Timothy Chris brought me to my house a massive 1300-page
book covers of jet-black and had the title: "The Bible, the holy scriptures say
the Old and New Testament, the Divine have been translated by the ancient
holy documents" and he said that now that you're retired and you're in the
process of intellectual composition, it is necessary to complete spiritual, read
this book. So it seems that he has been taught by the Jew-Christian brothers.
His answer will read it and I tell you my conclusions. So in early 1990 I began
to read carefully this book is the ancient Alexandrian text. I read one, two,
three or four times and several parts several times. I could not believe my
eyes. Especially from reading the Old Testament, whether criminal,
pornographic and repulsive is the content of this book. Unfortunately this book
is sacred and Greek Orthodox Christian. SHAME! Beyond the horrific content of
the Old Testament and part of the New Testament and, unfortunately, these
texts are coded secret recipes applied in policy, governance and the economy;
in all states of the world and of course Greece. And if this text is basically a
criminal, crimes were horrific in the whole of humanity and of course Greece.
And I ask the naive Christians and Greek Christians of all humanity, may these
books to say that the "Bible". Even those who write the gospels "peace unto
you" refuted by other sayings to write the gospels who supposedly said "one
user" as is (not come to send peace on earth but a sword). Parallel to the
study of Hebrew books that obscene studied all the ancient Greek Literature
(Orpheus, Hesiod, pre-Socratic philosophers philosophers, Plato, Aristotle,
Plutarch, etc.). Also studied all the Greek and world history, for the knowledge
of history and the 20th century, I read a massive 2,500 people book pages
titled "THE TIME OF THE 20TH CENTURY. So after 7 to 8 years of intensive
study reached conclusions and my 1 st April of 1998 I started writing my book
revealing and it is decoded as the Old Testament and New Testament, because
I studied very well throughout the world history as well as Greek history from
ancient times until today, he performed all the passages of two individual wills
and historical events, particularly criminal, I found that Zionism, which runs
things here and 1.700 years implemented policies pursuant to the
requirements including the passages of two wills. This book after great
suffering has been published in 2000 and sent to scientists around the world,
of course, impartial by Jew-christian-zionism. Book is 500 pages and scientists
were amazed to read the complete book, especially in explaining the horrific
crimes committed on humanity Ms. Hellenism under the requirements of those
two books, which together are called "Old Testament". The scientists sent to
the "NASA" scientists in Russia, England, France, etc.

Many wrote to me and congratulated me,telling me that this book should

have been written for over 1.700 years so will prevent all the crimes
perpetrated on humanity and foremost to Hellenism in the burning of the
Alexandria Library, but with the massive destruction ordered by who did wear a
black costume (Christian monks, etc.) in technical and spiritual civilization of
the Greeks.
Of course I can not say what I write more in detail in my book, for the
terrible crimes committed on humanity and foremost in the Greek world, based
on checks against the above book called "Bible." The current crimes of
Islamists, the Taliban, etc., pale before the crimes were, are and will continue
to be made by those under Jew-Christian-zionists conspiratorial write the Old
and New Testament. So I am content to mention only two cases of enormous
crimes that are natural to humanity, and above all the Greeks, just decode the
texts of the Old Testament with my poetry and satire of the record on pages
164 to 163 u that my book of 500 pages.
"Interest has to take the Jew and never pay interest to foreigners."
Below write down the text is written in the book with a poetic and satirical
expression to distinguish the text is written in the Old Testament against my
own text put the text of the Old Testament in quotes:

And others to eternal force "divine mosaic" provisions and to the glory of
Jesus who wants the same.
"CHAP. W. ed.19. "I do not want to lend your brother (Jew)" is an explicit
"Money with interest ,food with interest never...borrowed with interest" this
must never be done.
"You can borrow to a stranger, to your brother never" to do so properly.
"That alone will bless the Lord in all his undertakings you on earth" that will
get through fire and iron because you signed a certificate saying Yahweh. A
dead animal do not eat it Brother Jew but to give it away to guests and sell it.
The failure and animal-family occurring (bitch unable to eat poisoned rotten
meat or anything else similar will not give the puppies to eat it) which is
required under the provisions of the Holy "Bible" to keep the Jew, since it is
regulated by law (divine, or Mosaic as you named him) and Jesus Christ should
not be changed either by an Iota, never! SHAME.
Unfortunately, due to date of occupation of the land of gold, as wolves apply
that Mosaic Law (Old Testament!) across the earth in numerous food products
and beverages, medicine and elsewhere, etc. There will be a day wicked
misanthropes "Deuteronomy, Chapter XIV ed.21. "None carrion (dead) you
eat." San people you 'to him the stranger within thy gates, will you give them
to eat by "fiber strongly encourage him.
'Or want to sell this allogeneic, because people is in the Lord thy God, to see
him to eat like a dog to meet Brother Jew and all those provisions "in Jesus
Christ, to unchanged, at any time, society for all "(Deuteronomy, Chapter XIV
Vision read and admired the faith of the holy Jesus.

Well above and throughout this script decoded in the above my book entitled
"THE GREAT CONSPIRACY AGAINST HUMANITY", a crime is a script to serve as
our "Bible". Of course they put the priests to chant and read aloud in churches
various moralistic sayings and misled the people, but these Tash ethical
sayings not expressed by Jews and Judaeo-Christian New Testament, but stole
from the Greek wisdom expressed by 7 Greek sages. These ethical sayings of
the gospels recorded at all No 17 January 2002 issue of the magazine "Ihor"
and accordingly recorded a similar ancient saying delivered 400 to 600 years
earlier than 7 Greek sages. All these quotations made by the Greeks 7 sages
and were engraved in the anterior wall of the vestibule, etc. Delphi. This pre-
Christian Greek morality was recorded in the New Testament. To understand
the reader what shoplifting was awesome to read the New Testament mention
only two cases, it is impossible to capture them all.

1) The wise Chilon:

"The high be humble, and the humble rise '(Diogenes, Laertius A, c, 69)
" Pride comes before a fall and humble himself were raised" (Luke, N., 7 -
2) His wise Solon:

"Judge not sit, if it were not the received middle enemy. "Do not judge to not
be judged" (New Testament), etc.
Now based on the disguised or obvious checks, basically criminal, for all
humanity, contained this criminal Jew-Christian script called "Bible" were, Ms.
would be made, so many crimes that the human mind does not fit.
Always however in the crimes described above in my book circulation. This is
not to say it is impossible, but as far as the above mentioned two passages of
the Old Testament, the interest and distort and poison food and drink will make
a brief description to the end, it is absolutely necessary to know the Greek
people, but the rest of humanity Ms what is happening now so quickly awaken
people and to help them make the right decisions for their lives.
Especially for the Greeks, whose destruction and downsizing began in 1910
and is currently in the final phase of extinction, with officers working so evil
that the Greek people, although suspicious can not understand the plot of the
extinction brainwashing that they issue to all PM Media (deception), institutions
and those of Jew-christian-zionism. In this final stage of total annihilation of
the Greeks and the Greeks their minions, accurate instruments and fanatical
Zionist bodies evraiochristianosionismou is Kostas Karamanlis, Papandreou, A.
Samaras Avramopoulos, Dora Mitsotakis - Kouvela (Bakoyannis ), the
Diamantopoulou, S. Manos, P. Panagiotopoulos, K. Karatzaferis, A. Papariga,
from which most of the club attended the Bilntempergk Rekfeler, Rotsild,
Kissinger, etc.
Now how to explain that all the above and many others that they can not
mention constantly lying before the Greek people and then steal against
Greece and the Greeks on the other hand so deftly that mislead the Greek
people can not them understood. So then break the law and criminals without
any trace of remorse. If a male inserts, animate and conscious, and at least if
you commit a crime in the moral Law has no qualms about and catches him
sleeping, as the popular saying says. These politicians, today religious leaders
and other organs of Zionism who constantly break the law and committing
crimes against an entire people they care not because crime is in their blood
and so happy and satisfied, because these people belong to the second
category of people as above record two categories of people and so have all
the properties of landfills and inanimate that people are robbers, thieves,
criminals, cunning, cheats, evil, liars, hypocrites, etc. Such is precisely in
Greece and almost all nations of the earth, Certain exceptions all the leaders of
all political, religious, governmental, etc. power.
All present are enormous crimes around the world and particularly in the
Greek nation based on the above two biblical exhortations of interest and the
poisoning of food - beverages will record at the end, although briefly, but then
with all necessary details to the reader understand fully what is happening
today in the world and above all in Greece estimated that the time has come to
conclusively annihilation of the Greek nation, but without the hotel count,
because the Greeks will live and glory to the ends of the earth. Just so I'll
describe it and simple way out of the dire current economic and political crisis
not only of Greece but of all mankind. Merely pointing out that the crisis that
instigated and organized by the Jewish Zionists themselves to lift mankind
hands and invite them to spontaneously fulfill the eternal dream, that all
humanity to become a congregation who write and "holy scriptures" for bear a
king on David Root. But their dream of flying, because the ancient immortal
spirit awakened all the spiritual leaders of mankind and of course a myriad of
Greek and instead give them a pat on the finalized Greeks going to end and
time is too short for people to breathe and to save the nation of the Greeks,
protector guardian of humanity. Just so it is so often the American channel -
has concentrated its slogan (GREECE,LIVING AND TRUE EXPERIENCE (Greece:
The true experience) and “GREECE: 5,000 YEARS OF HISTORY” (Greece 5.000
years history).
Now telegraphic and very briefly to mention all the historical documents and
facts relating to little by little extermination of the Greeks (as he writes the
"Holy Old Testament) by evil design and programming of Jewish Zionism. This
plan was before 1910 and applied to the letter from 1910 until today, and
narrowed the Greeks to the extent that today, if not reverse the situation have
planned the total annihilation of the Greeks. This is because they know that in
Judaism that have spread to all mankind with Judaism, the Jew-Christianity,
Islamism, communism, socialism, liberalism, etc., the only one who can resist
and subvert the Jewish Zionism is only immortal ancient Greek culture and
spread the spirit of this can be done if educated Greeks exist, the demise of
the Hellenes did not say and the Zionist Protopappas Harry, just as I write
above else the great Jewish Zionists and great supporter of international
Zionism Churchill has said: "Woe if we get the Greek unity and education "(H.
Gerakas, book us for Greece and the Greeks", page 319). So through the
Jewish religion and Orthodox Christian doctrine imposed on us telling us all
God's servants and sheep have a shepherd to dominate. So far kept the vast
majority of Greeks far knowledge and because it could not be forever, they
planned the destruction, the integral of the Greek nation which largely
succeeded in the last century. All of these describe in detail in my forthcoming
book entitled "the evils of Zionism FROM ABROAD AND POLITICAL
INSTITUTIONS OF which were from 1910 to today," but here below will give a
brief picture of the grim, dark above historical period of Hellenism to crack
bones. And I want everyone to know that the Greeks always supported by
historical sources which can not be disputed. Those that as instruments of
Jewish Zionism wanted once again to deceive the Greeks and to create a
forward split will mercilessly criticized. One such institution is Costas Mparmpis
that through the pages of his books, particularly as argued in the pages of the
newspaper "BREAKFAST NEWS" that is the only newspaper I read, he wanted
to confuse the unfortunate, so far, the Greek people end to the divide. Below
him would say the dark role and will amply justify the description of this man.
First, starting from the year 1910, which dominated the greatest nightmare of
the Diaspora, Jewish Beni Zelon he gave the Eleftherios Venizelos Greek-like
name and until today Archbishop call him and have filled Greece with the
unfortunate name, roads , stations, and the largest airport in Greece. Ben
Zelon (Eleftherios Venizelos) was a senior body of international and domestic
Jewish Zionism and the manipulations with another nightmare of Hellenism in
Jewish brother, King Constantine of Greece with the support of international
Zionism staged the greatest extinction of Greek (millions were killed in Asia
Minor and the Greek Sea) and then felled great number of Greeks from a
maximum part of the Greek area since ancient times these places were Greek.
Then the small Greek state, according to its statistics, 1898 and 1899 was only
2,354,000 inhabitants and the great Greeks who counted the time from 6 to
8,000,000 Greeks in ancient Greek was at home in Asia Minor, Pontus, Eastern
Thrace (including Istanbul, the Greeks lived 1,000,000), Eastern Rumelia, was
Anchialos Greek city of Northern Macedonia, the monastery was 150,000, of
whom 130,000 were Greeks of Northern Epirus and Cyprus. We need only
mention that the Smyrna at that time was considered the most beautiful city in
Europe, because the living basically Greek word and they have beautiful
Smyrna. Well this great Hellenes put the thug in the eye of Zionism and evil
plan prepared in literally broke. The top tool for achieving this felony plan to
ruin millions of Greeks and the loss of so many Jewish homeland was the Beni
Zelon (Eleftherios Venizelos). The he did everything with such cunning and
today the Greek people do not believe. Because all the arrangements and
compelling evidence - documents of this satanic project was implemented with
precision, to say that my book will be released shortly. Here I do a telegraphic
summary of events, each reader will see absolutely everything, ie.
By 1910 all the Prime Ministers and all government officials were Greeks,
despite the controversies and differences that have all worked and ruled for the
good of Greece and the Greek people. It is manifestly that the Greece of today
are largely based on those major projects that have harmed these rulers
(Charilaos Trikoupis Deligiannis, etc.) such as the Corinth Canal, the railways,
the Panathenaic Stadium, University, Hall of State etc. Certainly helped
national benefactors who gave money to the then Governor of Greece, because
they knew that they were Greeks.
But then in 1910 applied the evil Zionist project, the main organizers and
leaders of the Jewish Zionists Eleftherios Venizelos and King Constantine, the
Turk-Albanian-Jew Theodoros Pangalos who was an officer of the Greek army
and the Zionist project in the Privy Council Zionist Zorba colonel. Thus the
organs of Zionism N. Zorba and T. Pangalos in 1909 created the Military
League, who raised Ben Zelon - Eleftherios Venizelos future Prime Minister of
Greece. This created the Liberal Party and the giant did the view that Zionism
to Eleftherios Venizelos and his party in elections held on March 12, 1912,
throughout the country Zelon Ben and his party swept the Liberals won all the
parliamentary seats in the country, except only 19 who got all parties. In
Crete, however, that the Cretans knew him then, for 69 elected Members,
Venizelos was elected only 23 members.

Cretans Venizelos Members do not have done the Greek parliament, because
the Zionist project was Crete can not be incorporated into the Greece, but
eventually fall within the Greater Israel, which since 1989 had been planned by
the Zionists in Switzerland with the great Zionist Theodor Herzl. And now the
last 30 years, then undermine Crete and Jewish journalists like Nick
Kakaounakis, seeking the autonomy of Crete. Then after Venizelos not have
done the Cretan deputies to the Greek parliament, the 69 brave Cretan
deputies aside the garrison there and entered the chamber, the House met
with violent manner. Venizelos then took the microphone and objected to being
included in the National Assembly 69 Cretan deputies. Immediately, however,
opposed by the Greek ministers N. Dimitrakopoulos and Emmanuel Repoulis
who Repoulis also submitted his resignation and was immediately accepted by
Venizelos. But after the turmoil that occurred in the House, Venizelos was
unable to drive the Patriots and Cretan deputies responded with derogatory
words and said: "The objective pursued by those least purpose may be served
by internal disorder and to cause abnormalities. That admission of legally
elected parliamentarians Cretans was the Eleftherios Venizelos disorder and

So began the realization of the evil plan destruction of Greeks fiber filled the
letter and spirit of the Old Testament for the orthodoxy is our "Bible." Shame!
"And you destroy the other races are little by little, lest many and kill the sons
of Israel. Deuteronomy, Chapter VII, verses 22 u 23. Hail orthodoxy of the
Greek letters in such sanctuaries you have!
Now to heroes out of various institutions that were leading to making the big
blow to the nation of the Greeks, had these institutions to be treated like
heroes Ben Zelon and King Constantine. In good King George were killed to
come to the kingdom fully versed in Jewish Zionism son Constantine. In
training in Germany, which was and is greatest man of Jewish Zionism.
So on the long Jewish Zionists plan destruction Nation Greeks decided to
incorporate the tiny Greek state a tiny fraction of the vast space in time
majority of Greeks lived, as this space is been described above. This
integration served three purposes. First the future giant extermination of the
Greeks from the Greek homelands over the slaughter of millions of Greeks and
as many of the root and move as refugees in Greece. This is because the docile
instrument of his brother dragon-mongols Turkish people, the apemen could
not compel the Turks slaughtered 5 to 7 million Greeks, it would revolt public
opinion in Europe and America, where there were thousands of intellectuals
philhellenists. So they decided to establish in Greece a vital area in order to
capture the millions of uprooted Greeks and this small space would be created
in Greece would be the southern Epirus, southern Macedonia, and a small part
of Thrace, that Western Thrace. So they created the agreed Balkan wars, these
fiber segments from ancient Greek site and actually these areas received little
time in the Greek state.

The second evil is reached that their organs Beni Zelon (Eleftherios
Venizelos) and King Constantine will deify in the eyes of the Greek people that
the Greek people to trust honestly and undeniably the two Jewish institutions
in any future actions even if it was anti-Greek and Greek-hated. And indeed
these two bodies of Jewish Zionism after the Balkan wars was deified by the
Greek people. Where to unhappy people knew that the necrotic snake put it in
her bosom, he drew such forces will pick deaths eternal homeland, namely the
Greek nation.
The third reached the Zionism of the Balkan wars that are incorporated in
the State of the Greeks in principle three cities with a solid Jewish populations
were the Jews of Thessaloniki with 205,000 inhabitants, while the Greek
population was 188,000. Also incorporated Ioannina with large Jewish
population, which at that time numbered 7,000 people and Jews Veria at that
time had 6,000 Jews. Smaller populations of Jews existed in other parts of
Greece in the incorporated parts of Epirus, Macedonia and Western Thrace.
This integration of Jews in the trunk of the small Greek state on the long evil
Zionist project was extremely important, because later Greek names who took
part with new identities in the decade of forty (1940) from the hands of Jew-
French-Corfiot Greek Prime Minister John Used rags and Chief of Police of
Greece Barbaric-Jew Angelos Evert, will enter as Greeks and will capture
virtually all the powers of the state. It will also capture the whole economy,
they will exterminate greatest Greek businessman (Onassis, Bodossakis,
Stratis Andreadis, hoes, Georgakis, Sofianopoulos - Industry CHROPEI,
Katrantzos, Mishka and others) peak and other smaller companies that planned
carefully after killing them in the upper maximum Greek and small
businessmen, and capture all the great economy of Greece, but many people
do not know them and even believes that all these were random and not
organized. Hundreds of thousands of Jews who changed their names are not
known and has every Greek Jewish neighbors, but we do not know. The load
on the basis of Greek names, Jews, pretending to Greek, so the Greek nation
has a giant poisonous snake that is constantly poisons and eat his guts. The
deception and the destruction of the Greeks are our first, but to a lesser extent
the case in all European states and America, northern and southern
hemisphere, so fiber can make a color breed throughout the land, which is like
a flock would to dominate and run it on their willingness and interest.
Now return jogging on the facts before the maximum destruction of
Hellenism in Asia Minor.
After the Balkan wars to weaken the resistance of the Greek people, in
consultation with the organizers of the first Zionist World War (donors of both
warring rival Jewish banks Rotsild, Rockefeller, Ricardo, etc.) created the
alleged rivalry between Beni Zelon (Venizelos) and his brother King
Constantine Jewish. So we built the great national divide the Greek people for
many years. We created the Venizelists and royalists, that have implemented
well-known to those prescribed in "Divide and Conquer" and so could they
issue they want the Greek people. The same formula will be applied later as we
will analyze below.
Venizelos was, technically, of course, the Entente (England, France, Russia)
and King Constantine with the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary,
Bulgaria, Turkey).So Ben Zelon (Venizelos) leaving Athens, which is in
command of the king and the unfortunate uninitiated Greek politicians who
wanted to
Greece's neutrality in World War 1 and secretly goes to Venizelos drifted
Greek politicians in Crete and from there to Thessaloniki where he forms a
government in 1916.It is understood that in Thessaloniki in numerous brothers
embraced the Jews. Thus, Greece is divided into two states. In the state of
Athens government of King Constantine and the State Government of
Thessaloniki with Venizelos. That complete dissolution and weakening of the
then Greek State.

The Athenian people understand the whole plot and betrayal of Venizelos on
the Greek state and gathered in central Athens and threw all the Athenian
people, the anathema of stone not to appear on the political scene
Venizelos.But it may happen when the prostate was Zionism. So in 1917
removes the alleged enemy of Venizelos and King Constantine to the throne of
the King puts his son Constantine Alexander (The drinks are on John, drinks
them) and back in 1917 Venizelos in Athens and forms a government, without
recourse to elections. Here it appears that Greece wants to make of Jewish
Zionism. On his return to Athens, which formed a government of his choice,
Venizelos draw the big evil plan to destroy the giant Hellenism in Asia Minor
was essential, but also in surrounding countries, then free Little Greece. So
immediately promotes 65 colonels and 500 junior officers to promote his
brother Turk-Jew-Albanian Theodoros Pangalos and ten months of giving two
(2) degrees. Promote it initially and immediately after Lt. Colonel in order to
appoint him to the campaign headquarters in Asia Minor, for the purpose will
immediately record below. Director of the Political Bureau appoints Aaron
George Papandreou, who will marry Sophia Ovrios monthly.
It then appoints Jewish Zionists Papoulias (possible ancestor of the current
President of Greek Republic Karolos Papoulias) commander and chief of staff
appointed by the abnormally promoted to the rank of Colonel Theodore
Pangalos, Tourkoalvanoevraio. Thus armored Venizelos arms supplier to the
brother of Jewish trader Emil Prize. So begins the Asia Minor campaign and
disembark Greek troops in Smyrna.
In Izmir, the oletir this nightmare of Hellenism E. Venizelos frontse say in
Izmir to appoint an administrative commissioner Aristides Stergiadis, friend of
the Cretan revolution, when one realizes what a great body of Jewish Zionism,
brother and friend of Venizelos were. He was so brutal behavior towards the
Greeks of Smyrna and the surrounding Ionia, that cruelty, the inhumanity and
the villain behavior for the Greeks to be phenomenal.
When Greek troops equipped by the wholesale merchant of arms and war
supplies, Ovrios Emil Prize, a large body of Zionism and having the arms
industries Rotsiltn Jews, Rockefeller, Ricardo, etc. Jews, landed in 1919 without
any resistance from the Turks in Smyrna and then proceeded to the center of
Asia Minor, noting ever wins. This was because the bait quickly Zionism, with
the main organs of Venizelos and the royal authority which he held his son,
Constantine, Alexander organized the final stage, which I will describe briefly
below. What we emphasize is that commander in the campaign in Asia Minor
was the Jewish Zionists Papoulias and staff officers Tourkoalvanoevraio Colonel
Theodore Pangalos. Thus the Greek troops advanced into the interior of Asia
Minor, and continuously releasing ancient homelands. This was but the lure of
Jewish Zionism for the destruction of a giant area of the Greek Asia Minor. If
synevaiane what happened and I will describe below, then the Greeks were
well developed, prosperous and organized so little undercutting to grab power
in Asia Minor, Smyrna, Ionia, Pontos, Constantinople, because the Turkish
people as boorish and unpolished could not keep the power in these parts.
The final blow to destroy the great one Hellenism, saw the Jewish Zionism
give the leading agencies, both in politics and military sectors of the Greeks.
So organized elections in Greece were on 1 November 1920 and elections the
Liberal party of Venizelos not elected all over Greece, nor even an MP and
Venizelos was elected.How misled the Greek people, it appears from the fact
that three months earlier than the election of 1/11/1920, ie July 1920, the
airport, along with their Zionist brothers, Prime Minister of England David -
Lund Giorgi, the French Prime Minister , Briand and Zionist Italian Zionist
Organization Congress in the municipality of Paris, Sevres and signed the
fraudulent Treaty of Sevres which all these lands that Greeks lived, fed with
this fake Treaty of Sevres in Greece. This treaty was the motive and reason to
make of Ben Zelon campaign in Asia Minor and in helping to promote himself
and deified in the eyes of the Greek people. Immediately after the signing of
the Treaty of Paris flocked to news broadcast by all media (newspapers, radio)
of Greece praised the great triumph of the Treaty of Venizelos.

Just three months after the signing of the Treaty of Sevres (July 1920) were
the elections of 01/11/1920 and the party of Venizelos sank and took not a
single MP in the whole of Greece, nor Venizelos himself elected MP.
Pre, just three months triumphalism of the Treaty of Sevres, what happened?
The Greek people eat grass or Zionism with rigged polls took off like any effect
on the election of 1/11/1920 to relieve his brother and his wife from the
government of Greece, not to have a huge responsibility for the enormous
disaster in the near time had planned to make in Hellenism. Here goes that in
Greece from 1910 until today make of Zionism that he wants do with political
organs, which to date is docile bodies and the Priesthood (gar orthodoxy
called) constantly worship Jews and hymns and they let us fix Then a knife in
the guts of Hellenism.
This election has deliberately elected rival Venizelos parties, which led by
genuine Greeks. After the elections of 1/11/1920 the Government of Greece
and Asia Minor to the disaster was the Prime Minister Dimitrios Gounaris. It
shall be from Patras and it was quite old and weak. Also, because King
Alexander died on 25/10/1920 from poisoning caused by a bite, in the royal
garden, monkey, the king restored his father from exile. After the failure of
Venizelos in elections, withdrew from the Greek troops fought in Asia Minor the
brother commander Papoulias and his brother Turk-Albanian-Jew Chief of Staff
Theodore Pangalos. In place of those appointed Greeks, the commander and
chief of staff Hatzianestis Greek. (I think Metaxas, who was completely
opposed to the campaign in Asia Minor).
The elder patient and Greek Prime Minister Dimitrios Gounaris, accompanied
by King Constantine went in front in Asia Minor to boost the morale of the
troops, but what to make of the Greek prime minister was unhappy when the
Zionism was rising. The supplier of arms and military supplies Jew Emil Prize
disappeared and stopped the supply of any such material to the army which
fought on the front line. Then Elder Premier Gounaris traveled to London, Paris
and Italy and met David Lloyd George, the French Prime Minister Briand and
the Italian masters and asked for help in fiber down - write down the
application of the years just signed the Treaty of Sevres, but The Greek prime
minister has appealed to Zionist deaf ears. Without provide any assistance to
the Greek Prime Minister. However the French and Italians stopped all
hostilities against Turkey and the weapons and war supplies had delivered
everything to Kemal Ataturk. At the same time the taldoum-marxist Brontsain
or Troksy, leader of the Soviets and President of Russia signed a friendship
pact with Turkey in 1920 and surrendered to the great Kemal Ataturk, and
many weapons of war supplies, the army Kemal become lobster and had the
power to dissolve the expeditionary Greek army and massacred millions of
Greeks and other millions of Greeks in Anatolia sent as hostages where most
died and did two million Greeks expelled as refugees in Greece. This was the
finalized stroke when the Greek army retreated to Smyrna in September 1922
and the Greek city was beautiful, the jewel of Europe, the Turks burn it
completely. The uprooted Greeks, hungry, like beggars and ran barefoot
through the streets of Izmir to go to the waterfront to get in there lying Greek
ships to save them from the slaughter of the Turks. They were crazy those
Greeks, running their lives, numerous Jews of Smyrna, as mobs went on the
sidewalks of Smyrna and quip and mocked the unfortunate Greeks ran
barefoot to save, but also threw bottles on the streets to tread glasses are
barefoot Greeks and injured. This was and is the hatred of the Jews against the
Greeks, because they could not as lifeless as to digest the Greeks are animate
and people and who created the great Greek culture and seduces seduce

Apart from the giant that organized crime Ben Zelon and Zionists against the
Greeks, at the time of the Greek government of Venizelos, ie 1917 until
November 1920, there were two terrible crimes against the Hellenes. These
tragic in the Greek events are: brothers Ben Zelon from Salonica, Abraham
Benarogia the Ventura and Berompi, founded in 1918, SEKE (Socialist Labour
Party of Greece), which would later be called a Communist Party (Communist
Party of Greece). How bad he did the this party in Greece and Hellenism in the
above description in my book, which will be released shortly. Second great
crime committed by the airport, he put his henchmen Gyparaious and
murdered in 1920 the great Greek political and intellectual and mega Ancient-
Greek-lover Ion Dragoumis. Another crime of Venizelos is that while all the
Greeks believed in it, left the prime minister's gown, and while the Greeks
were at a war, he did not know where to lead this state, he left Greece, he
went to London and there in age 57 years married Ovrios rich Elena Stefanovic
- Skylitsi in 1921 and started the wedding trip to Europe and America to thank
the brothers for the perfect Jewish organized crime against the Greeks. One of
his close associates in under this government of Greece, Greek MP said: But Mr
President, Greece was torn apart and is one tough fights and you getting
married and honeymoon planning? But where this Ovrios to hear the advice of
his colleague and pulled his way as above mention.

Following the tragic destruction of Hellenism in Asia Minor, the life and deeds
of Venizelos in 1935 until he died, was extremely treacherous and anti-Greek,
as soon I will describe below, because the telegram very dramatic and
shocking details will be read to be issued shortly above my book and the
compelling evidence confirming the evil act against the Greeks, nightmare of
the Greeks, Eleftherios Venizelos.
After the destruction of Asia Minor was the destructive Jew Venizelos,
situated in Switzerland, to take off the huge responsibility on him for that
organized crime against the Greeks, telegraphs in Athens, especially in
Theodoros Pangalos, fiber-martial set up immediately to condemn the old man
to death Prime Minister Dimitrios Gounaris, the commander and other
Hatzianestis the then Government Protopappadaki, Stratos, Baltatzis The Virgin
and so all the responsibility for damage attributable to them. So the military in
November 1922 condemning them to death and with the encouragement of T.
Pangalos be implemented immediately, on 16 November the above 5 politics
shooted and Hatzianestis commander who was completely innocent of this
crime, organized giant Ben Zelon and Zionists.
King Constantine did not try because they are brother and let him go in
Palermo, Italy, but as he fell ill and died in 1923.
The 1923 elections are Venizelos fall elections and wins (he wants cut
Zionism). Elected by a large majority of the Liberal Party and Venizelos put
candidates in 20 regions and was elected MP in these 20 regions.
Before, however, come to Greece's political leadership of Greece (Venizelist)
after the Asia Minor Catastrophe (Kafantaris, Papanastasiou, etc.) assigned to
him in Switzerland where he was located, talks about the fate of Eastern
Thrace, which was at the Greek army 100,000 men and the fate of
Constantinople. This led to decline all requests of Greece and the Lausanne
Treaty of 1923 signed, the border between Greece and Turkey determined at
the Ebro River, leaving the fate of hundreds of thousands of Greeks and
Armenians who lived in Thrace, and of course Istanbul.
After the elections of December 1923, Venizelos took the premiership, but
the refugee problem was gigantic and could not cope so in 1924, the House
pretends that he suffered two (2) times heart attack and resigned and went
back to familiar haunts Switzerland, where he remained until 1928.
Since 1924 the governments were Venizelist and from within the Liberal
party because of all the strains of anti-Venizelist "first-class" party who by
chance were all genuine Greeks, as we saw, all killed by rifle.
It is important to mention the grotesque incident, when in 1925 he and the
reserved piece of Venizelos Turk-Albanian-Jew Theodoros Pangalos a supporter
and organizer of Zionism took over the premiership coup and became dictator
indeed. In 1926 he joined the then House and was approved
confidence, but it was so ridiculous actions, which itself forced the Zionist
establishment in mid 1926 and deposed him and removed the odious
dictatorship. One of the ridiculous actions was when I decided to count the
police on the streets with a measuring tape to determine if the skirts were
below the knee, otherwise put women fine.
So in 1928, Zionism has decided to bring back to Greece in Beni Zelon
(Venizelos). On rigged ballot in August 1928, the Liberal Party elected
unanimously (175 seats out of 250 seats in parliament) and Venizelos becomes
prime minister again. This was four years (1928 - 1932) was four years of
misery, immorality, suffering because farmers have died of starvation by the
tens of thousands. So here applied literally, the biblical saying: 'and you kill
other races are little by little. " That dear readers is for us Greeks (Orthodox:
Shame) Sacred Scripture or the "Bible" since that is not ashamed to say so, or
rather us be imposed to say so. To die the Greeks, then reaps the malaria and
only drug was quinine, Venizelos put his friend to the Jewish Zionists
Gargaropoulo President EMEA and is brewed with large quantities of quinine
plain flour no therapeutic effect had not died so Greeks from starvation and
from malaria. In Gargaropoulo denounced the Greek journalist who referred to
the Court, but that intervention of Prime Minister Venizelos, was acquitted.

These were the exploits of the four years 1928 - 1932, which was
Government Beni Zelon.
In the four years that he destroys the Greek nation was brought to Athens in
Turk-Jewish Domna brother Kemal Ataturk, along with Turkish Foreign Minister
Inonu and signed agreements of friendship and cooperation between Greece
and Turkey and so ancient countries of the Greek nation to legalize occupation
by Turkey.
In 1927 The KKE published the manifesto, fiber become autonomous
Macedonia. Both openly traitorous party and Ben Zelon caressed because the
leaders of the KKE Jews were brothers I note that the original Greek politician
George Kondylis, who was originally the party of Venizelos, explore all the
historical evidence left by Venizelos and the party in December 1929 released a
book with compelling evidence reject full responsibility for the Asia Minor
disaster to E. Venizelos. This book disappeared. They make of the Judeo-
Currently the venizelism not in detail but broadly outlined the whole, but the
following periods: a) from 1936 to 1955, b) from 1955 to 1967, c) 1967 to
1974 and d) 1974-2009 will give roughly details for governors during these
periods, all organs were loyal Judeo-Christian-zionism will only roughly
describe the great evil they did to the Greeks and the Greek nation. At last i let
the current period under them is the last step annihilation of Hellenism and the
whole sympathetic to Hellenism humanity and will describe in detail the means
used to ruin him and will ultimately describe how it can be salvaged and
Hellenism and Greece and in principle a good end of all mankind and humanity.
All that I will describe below is completely documented, but the events
happening every day and confirm the truth of speech.
A period 1936 - 1955

In December 1935 they issue a referendum with a 97% Bring to Greece King
George. The percentage of 97% Is percentage of the totalitarian regime and
here arises the enormous question that was supposedly Venizelists anti-royalist
strongly, and they voted the king. This shows that the polls are set up by
Zionism and draw any election result they want. Ioannis Metaxas with
recurrent publications in 1935, extolled the dictatorship and paved the way for
the coming dictatorship. In the first half of 1936, King George instructs the
government to Metaxa and that on 4 August 1936 is declared open and
obvious dictatorship, which lasted 4 years.
Ioannis Metaxas, although he was Greek, but it was mason of 33 th grade,
including 33 rd degree mason was George and Jew, so were the two pieces of
Jew-Christian-Zionism and performed in full orders, which essentially sought
the destruction of Hellenism.So in this four-year dictatorship will prevail in
Greece and corruption introduced by the dishonest wealth status of all adjacent
to the regime between that theft of public money to be on the agenda.

Metaxas declared a war of extermination against the original Greek

Communist ideologues but left completely undisturbed leadership of the KKE as
those comprising the administration of the KKE sovereigns were brothers of the
right and silk.So all young Greeks who had indicated sympathy for the ideology
of Communism in status between them arrested and sent to the islets where
the irrigated castor oil so that the vast majority of Greeks to those sick with TB
and die by the tens of thousands. From my village of 300 inhabitants, three
dashing young men and generally agreed the best people of the village have
died from this cause, after being watered castor oil in exile on the islands.
Instead, the leadership of the KKE in 1937 he made two conferences in Athens
and no one mattered. Also in 1938 and 1939 did the KKE Following
conferences in Athens and Thessaloniki, and nobody bothered communists
delegates, here it is perfectly obvious that Jew-Christian-Zionism?

I say Christianity and Zionism, and this is not Confirm when the orthodox
Christian churches chanting "Hail and glory of Zion."
Now we come to the infamous "NO" said Ioannis Metaxas to the Italians. And
this is an identical level Jewish Zionists lie because Metaxas as a loyal
instrument of Zionism acted treacherously against Greece, just as prompted by
his brothers and ordered the Zionist Papagos commander to send a telegraphic
order of the commander of the 8 th Division General Katsimitros Ioannina,
Greek troops to streamline the plains of Assam.There's numerous Italian tanks
to crush the Greek army and thus the three days Italian troops will occupy the
Athens Acropolis and setup where the Italian flag, just as Mussolini had
announced. But you see the Greeks, and is a great betrayal will always raises a
Leonidas. So great yperellinas Katsimitros General wrote that the order of
between - Papagou shoes and organized the defense of the Greeks in the hills
of Kalpaki, where he crushed the Italian troops and to route and retreat to the
depths of Albania and will throw in water if they again are traitors to the Greek
nation Papagos and S k do not stop the Greek army.So who said "NO", Metaxas
or Katsimitros. With each in the most praised, while the Katsimitros, the real
hero of Greece, was buried, literally and no history book does not mention the
crash of Italian achievement and a huge amount of NO, but they praised the
fraudulent and illegitimate NO "Metaxas .

Here I do yet another parenthesis and recorded his first one story, a
compelling world-class event, which was about to read is true and accurate
global and Greek history and will remove the current illegitimate and false
story which required people to learn and of course and the Greeks in this story
will be written properly and global importance following the event. Here this
would be classified as a historical document similar to the exploits of Leonidas,
the war and the victory of the Greeks over the Persians at Marathon and the
Battle of Salamis, then saved Europe and the humanity from barbarism. This
historical document is: "As is now well known, and the Second World War,
donors both warring factions were the same. That Adolf Hitler, Jewish brother,
the Bank financed the great houses of Europe Rotsild Jews and Americans Jews
Rockefeller, Ricardo, and above all the Judeo-American bankers Preskop Bush,
grandfather of former U.S. President George W. Bush, who was also a personal
friend Hitler.
So that Hitler did, he did under orders to take from those brothers Jewish
Zionists bankers and financiers.
And this war that made him Judeo-Christians for the following reasons. First
to reach the decimation of the white Aryan race and that Jews consider it the
biggest enemy and obstacle to the realization of globalization which began
more than Charlemagne (Charles: eg say Karolos Papoulias, the Jewish
Charlemagne and he got his name).
Second, to acquire all the wealth of all nations with war material Ms. war
supplies to be sold because they were the founders of the factory who made
these kinds yperploutisan and actually eating the screes of the people, but
above all the Greeks.
So everything was designed so that in addition to killing millions of white
Europeans in the end there was Hitler to unite all Europe in a state, fiber, and
thus fulfill the dream of eternal Judeo-Christian-zionists than 800.Ch
Charlemagne. Here lies the great miracle of the Greek and Hellene Katsimitros
superheroes. While everything was planned and agreed to make war, to kill
millions of Europeans and Greeks, but ultimately ittonto all states, including
Russia and the socialist brother Joseph Stalin, but you see the Katsimitros
hindered in this sinister plan and defeated the Italians and Greeks fought very
well and the Germans. So the Greeks delayed the shaft of companies and
European and other nations were encouraged and awakened by the heroism of
the Greeks and thus misled the people and the Zionist leaders Stalin, Churchill
and Rousvlet and then bailed out Europe from the homogenization which
subsequently would lead to globalization. Today the Greek spirit once again
called upon to awaken people Europe - America and all humanity to stop these
crass and enemies of humanity and Hellenism in globalization and the
establishment of a Jewish King David Root. Not everything I write and "our
holy script," Black 's so our day!
So when you are about to rewrite the real world and Greek history,
Katsimitros will not get in history this item a Leonidas, a Miltiades and
Themistocles one?
Another reason I even have harmed the Second World War was to make of
the Hitler Ovrios the technical Semitic war, sacrificing thousands of 6,000,000
Jews, not Zionism, which trumpets to all corners of the earth saying a giant lie,
and thus with this anti-Semitic war, caused quite a few million Jews, who were
well established in Europe, Ms. elsewhere to immigrate to Israel and to
establish the state of Israel, long-standing desire of Jews from 1898 - 1989
who had declared first-type-Zionist, the Jew Theodore Cheitzl.
Finishing with Metaxa and the Second World War, in which the biggest victim
in the design of Jewish Zionism was Greece, we note that the massive book
"Chronicle of 20 th Century" in the year 1945 published by massive news
newspapers wrote of the time which says that " Greece is the imposition of the
Metaxas dictatorship in 1936 until the end of World War II in 1945 was
1,000,000 and Hellenes lost that REDUCED population of 7,000,000 was set in
1936 at 6,000,000.
During the five-German-Italian occupation of Greece (1941 - 1945), the Nazi
Germany of Hitler's Jewish Zionists, Greece appointed Prime Minister John
French-Corfiot-Jew Used rags, who stole the surname of an earlier Greek
politician Used rags and head of the Greek Police appointed Jew Barbarian-type
Angelos Evert. This is in agreement with the occupying German authorities,
95% of Jews living in Greece have given new identities, with names and Greek
Orthodox Christians were keen because the doctrine is Jewish and was
subsequently assigned to the entire Greek society with Greek names, and most
look like Greeks. These Greek-speaking and Greek names today to capture
everything in Greece, political and state power, economy, etc. and now the
Greeks living in their country as serfs, as dominate the Jews, but they look like
Greeks (Greek speaking, Greek names, Christians) and many people can not
understand what to do and to comprehend.
Not yet reached the Zionist wolves that within 10 years 1,000,000 Greeks
sent to another world, like wolves in further contraction of the Greek people
and so we organized the five-year civil war that lasted until 1949 (1946 -
1949); but very painful consequences for the Greeks and Greece drew over
In no case was spontaneity of the Greek people to make of this painful and
bloody civil war, this war, knowing full heads of both factions, organized by
both the right and the left, obeying the dictates of Zionism, which was closely
institutions. With the agreement of Varkiza, who was in favor of unilateral right
and signed by the leaders of the Left (Siantos, Solar Tsirimokos, etc.) and with
the agreement he entered the fuse opening of this terrible civil war that was
planned the brutal Zionism. So the right wing began to relentlessly pursue the
so-called Greek leftists and those from the persecution of the gendarmes and
police and they found nothing peace and quiet. The great thing is that they
found pieces Vlachs, gypsies snitch on them and they were like beasts
accusing everyone who does not digest and based on the complaints of those
bastards, the police without suffering the edioke sykofantimenous. In such an
intolerable situation, many Greeks resented and were easy prey to their
muster Planted by the CP and go to the branch. I remember in my village
Asimochori Konitsis who recruited all boys from 16 years old and all girls 18
years old. It is understood that most were killed.

This tactic was applied to orders Zachariadis and Mark Vafiades, who were
bodies and pieces of Jewish Zionism and who openly conferences KKE that was
in the mountains, proclaimed the independence of Macedonian. The leadership
of the KKE there were genuine Greeks, which were not ideologues but supports
the rights of Greece. Those Zachariadis (Jew) and Mark Vafiadis pawns and
other leaders of the KKE and ordered them killed. Such were the genuine
Greek Thanasis Clara (Aris Velouchiotis), Couple, Belogiannis, Lambrakis and
many other officers of the so-called democratic army that sent them in difficult
missions, from which it was not easy to escape. Here mention the typical case
of the scientist and writer Dimitri Batsi, who wrote a famous scientific book in
1947, which said all kinds of rich minerals that Greece has and how could
Greece to develop the industry for Greece to become one the first
industrialized countries of Europe. This Greek scientist said glaring truths,
slandered him and accused him that he was right and sentenced him to death
and tifekisan like Mpelogiannis.
The minions of the Jewish Zionism of the season Plastiras, Papandreou, S.
Venizelos and other political pawns, not like the industrialization of Greece
from one end to another and applied the policy of the devastation across
Greece and the one built major cities ghettos, such as basin Attica,
Thessaloniki, Patras, Heraklion, Crete, Ioannina, etc. and on the other drove
millions of Greeks from the beautiful Greece and sent abroad to foreign
countries ie USA, Germany, Australia, etc. But no bad silver lining, as the
ancient Greeks, so the Greeks as divine and spirited people there and abroad,
the Greeks and the second and third generation have not lost their Greek, but
because there was a more relaxed education studying ancient Greeks and
unequaled wisdom and understood the pitch Jew-Christian crime writing
(especially the Old Testament) and so far awakened all the spiritual people of
the earth and of course Greece and the flimsy edifice Jew-Christian-Zionism
have established the earth and Greece will collapse like a house tower.
Finally the present period of so-called civil war, when in fact it was a war that
imposed by the Jewish Zionists Priesthood, writes to say that the massive book
"Chronicle of 20 th Century, the war that killed 120,000 Soldiers and rebels
(the name Republican Army), many tens of thousands of civilians killed by both
war parties (right and left), many thousands of people, particularly old at the
end of war roused the country and the rebels moved to the then communist
countries and the vast majority of them died in those countries. Also 28,000
children abducted and went to Communist countries. If you calculate all these
losses in the Greek population, they can reach the 200 to 250,000,
And taking into account the 1,000,000 Greeks left the Metaxas dictatorship
and world war 2, that the decade from 1936 to 1945 we arrive at the rate of
losses in the Greek world war 2 to 17% Of the Greek population was
7,000,000 in 1936. The figure of 17% Is the highest percentage shot Greeks
from all countries of the world after Germany, the protagonist in World War 2
the Germans had shot 8-9000000 German, representing 10% of the German
Additional say that the No. 2 leader of KKE Karageorghis, original Greek,
when he saw the plight of refugees the Greeks went to Romania in a
conference session of the KKE held in Bucharest in the presence of N.
Zachariadis spoke and said what we did and we got all the old people from the
villages of northern Greece was a huge mistake. In a few days, by order of
Zachariadis, caught him by the Police of Ceausescu and put him in a big bucket
filled with water and debris and drowned. Of course the lurking knew the plan
of Jewish Zionism was to uproot all the Greeks from northern Greece ca create
the state of Aegean Macedonia with its capital at Thessaloniki, which will later
called the new Israel and Greece "New Zion."
Even the vile waived this sinister plan, although most are moribund by the
Jews of Macedonia (Gkrigkorof great Jew, etc.) attempt to create the Aegean
The Fourakis I wrote that "those who call themselves Macedonians, are all
pithikoevraioi Skopjans. Parenthesis: Macedon called himself a large
Karamanlis and not Greek. "The Archbishop" De.


Second period of 1950 – 1974

As for the four government of Greece by the Jewish Zionists al. Papagos in
this period were the following bad against Greece. First went the divisive
tactics throughout Greece (right - left) and leftists, who were the majority of
Greeks, evicting inexorably by the police and they found difficult to exit the
premises, and the public space was totally banned for them. During that had
flared up the liberation struggle of the youth of Cyprus, which called for the
union of Cyprus with Greece. How opposed was the Papagos and all politicians
in Greece least-fair this request Cypriot brothers illustrated by the following
fact. Angelos Evert, barbaric-Jew-zionist he appointed his brother Jewish
Zionists Hitler leader of the Greek Police in possession. All the Greek
governments after 1945 did not remove him, as you kept the police chief of
Greece, also the Papagos consider him and his friend, and he remained leader.

During the five-year government of Greece by Papagos had flared the

liberation struggle of the Cypriot brothers. Then Angelos Evert, as chief of
police gathered all the international newspapers who wrote against the just
struggle of the Cypriots and constables with copies of these newspapers to
send around the type of Greece and of course primarily in newspapers in
Athens. Then Greek-hearted policemen who came from villages and pure
patriots took the news undermined by the struggle of the Cypriots, the role of
Angelos Evert, and the fact that the prime minister complained Papagos.
Then Angelos Evert could no longer maintain its position as leader of the
Greek Police and indicated he resigned in 1955, despite the great friendship he
had with Papagos so ended his career, which lasted 10 years after the
occupation (1945 to 1955 ).
These ladies minded readers the Jew-Christian-Zionism those they issue in
Greece far miserable.
Other felony Prime Papagou was that it began demolishing beautiful
neoclassical buildings in Athens, Thessaloniki and in all major Greek cities and
locations to be built and the current non-tasted soul-killing high-rise buildings
and urban plans were drawn up by the great Greek Prime Ministers and policies
as the Great Harilaos Trikoupis, Deligiannis, Peter Rallis, Dimitrios Gounaris,
etc. and removed completely and then started to become current sad and
inhumane urban areas of Attica, Thessaloniki and other cities. And instead of
cities are human, operational and started right then to become today's ghettos
of Athens, Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Patras, etc. and thus fully implemented the
plan of Joseph who just had done the same in Egypt, writes the Old Testament,
which is the "our holy script. Shame, Shame, Shame! And as you saw above
and you'll see just below me in its publication, that the writing of the Old
Testament that encourages Jews to kill, and diminish the other races are little
by little, lest many and destroying the sons of Israel, Greece implemented and
applied every day without any inhibition to destroy the nation of Greece. To a
lesser degree is in other nations to destroy and neutralize the white race, after
passing the mixing with black people. The project is big and sinister, but now
that the sparkling spirit of the Greek revealed to all mankind I do not think
that will implement and not only that, and I do not know where to hide when
the Jewish Zionists publicly disclosed the terrible crimes they did in humanity,
and above all the Greeks. It is understood that the clergy, bishops and priests
can not say that every Greek is a descendant of Aristotle, but the Jews are
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob girl, say what they say every day in churches, at
functions and ceremonies. After the disappearance of their Jewish protectors
will disappear and those in Greece and around the world and to verify that
writes the great historian, writer and Fourakis prophet John, who writes that he
will eliminate Judeo-Christian by mankind are the Greeks, that the ancient
divine wisdom.
ANOTHER AWESOME SEASON, nightmare for the Greek 1955 TO 1981 -
(the etymology of the word in the dictionary are: induce havoc, the destroyer,
the killer) and a new nightmare of Hellenism Karamanlis (1955 - 1963), the
Jewish Zionists Aaron George Papandreou and Andrew son of Jewish and
Zionist dissidents (1963 - 1966), the Zionist George Papadopoulos and
dictators. Ioannides (1967 - 1974) and end Zionist brothers George Rallis,
Evangelos Averoff, Constantine Mitsotakis, Miltiades Evert, Stefanos Manos and
others (1974-1981).
Here, everything you write is not arbitrary, but based on convincing evidence
that the texts of the massive book "Chronicle of 20 th Century" in which all the
news as pure depicted in the newspapers every day from 1900 to 2000 and
therefore a simple comparison and parallelism of the news you make such a
firm conclusion about any historical event is recorded.

Besides, I did such a thorough study and historical research when I started
to chronicle the real history of Hellenism and humanity, Zionism through the
verse of the song is heard every day by special TV channels Attica, please stop
to tell the truth, loves it. The verse says: "What I hide in me nobody knows.
That is why you not talk so fast to tell me. What hides inside me like a knife
cut. Another to watch and to listen to another and live. " The Zionism of the
horrific crimes he did to humanity but especially in Hellenism credence to the
relentless criticism of the maximum and remorse that he has.
The terrible crimes against the Greeks and the Greeks all the above Oletiron,
evraiosioniston political nightmares will describe below telegram. The details
are recorded in all these books that I will shortly be issued.
So we start with the eight years of nightmares and destroyer Karamanlis -
Averoff S.
When in October 1955, the Zionist Paul King asked the Prime Minister
Karamanlis, he instructed the Foreign Ministry in the original Greek and Spiros
Theotoki patriot who was an advocate of claim struggling Cy Young demanded
self-determination and unification of Cyprus after the Mother Greece. This
beautiful Greek patriot political allegedly accused him was against the struggle
of the Cypriot people and separated from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
immediately appointed Minister Karamanlis Foreign oletira, Zionist, and
archiprodoti misellina Evangelos Averoff, whose crimes would say more below.
Immediately after taking over the premiership from Karamanlis freezes the
request of the Cypriot self-determination and unification of Cyprus with Greece
and he Averoff on December 13, 1956, at the Geneva conference between
officials of Greece, England and Turkey, was first suggested to be the partition
of Cyprus. So they and the adoption of Makarios, who also was a clergyman as
a pawn and an instrument of Zionism that Karamanlis - Averof signed the
Treaties of Zurich - London in 1959 which defined all the terms of the future
division of Cyprus between Greek and Turkish Cypriots were only 18% of the
population of Cyprus. The subject of Evangelos Averoff proposed partition of
Cyprus, of course, will be held in 1974 with Attila. The Greek-hated traitors and
oletires Karamanlis - Averof accused such as the great Greek patriot and Spiro
Theotokis why Zionism buried him politically.
Another greatest crime of the Karamanlis government against Hellenism was
the following: On September 6, on the occasion of the alleged Cyprus match,
the Turks have a great pogrom against the Greeks of Constantinople and
destroyed, that burned and devastated thousands of Greek houses, thousands
of Greek businesses, hundreds of hotels and hospitals, hundreds of Greek
clinics and other buildings were Greek and forced more than two hundred
thousand Greeks of Istanbul to leave the city by September 1955 and a 20
years and the Greeks came to Greece as refugees. In September the Prime
Minister, Field Marshal Papagos was seriously ill and died, but immediately in
October 1955 he was appointed Prime Minister by King Paul Karamanlis, who in
a matter of persecution and uprooting of the Greek city, he dealt with E.
Averoff, as foreign minister for 8 years. These traitors have taken no measures
to stop the great evil that became the Greeks, nor sweated their ear for the
uprooting of the Greek city. I say, what could they do? Just could announce
that if Turkey says the old shoes to the Treaty of Lausanne and Greece will take
countermeasures, and quite a few uprooted tens of thousands of Muslims and
sent to Turkey. With such a far Turkey will immediately stop the persecution of
the Greeks of Istanbul and eastern Thrace. But who can take such a decision,
the Zionist anti-Greek rulers of Greece Kostas Karamanlis, Averof and S k?The
persecution of the Greek city will continue for 20 years, but no Greek
government has not reacted to a minimum so u applied the Mosaic Law on
inchmeal extermination of the Greek race. That tells them that "our Holy

Another giant outrage Karamanlis - Averoff S k was that while, as the

scientist wrote in his book Dimitrios Cop was released in 1947that Greece is so
rich in mineral exploitation in Greece can become the first industrialized
country in Europe, as I write above, the book This disappeared in another.
Batsi accused him of communist. The judges and killed him in 1951. So under
those contained in the above book, throughout Greece, including all rural
Greece could become a vast construction site where they could all Greeks
found a good job, Karamanlis and S k did nothing and urged all Greeks to be
concentrated in rural abnormally giant building blocks of Attica, Thessaloniki,
Patras, etc. .Only in these centers have created industries and entities at which
the Greek countryside to find work. Result of this policy Karamanlis was half
the population of Greece to concentrate in urban cruel monster of Attica, as
Karamanlis and I each lifted a nice town plan was drawn up by Greek
politicians of the last century, Deligiannis Trikoupis, etc. and built a building
outrage to destroy primarily the historic city of humanity that is Athens, but at
the same planning and tactics implemented in all major cities of Greece, which
was not in any country in Europe.Here Karamanlis applied that sinister plan of
his brother Joseph in Egypt at the old days, when the householders brought to
the Egyptian city ghetto and got all the fields and the estates were in the
countryside and took all their belongings and made them into the ghetto they
put it, to ask Joseph some bread for a living and they offer even their souls for
a kilo of wheat. They just wrote the Old Testament is the "our Holy Bible"!
Besides the concentration of a large section of the people of rural Greece
ghettos in cities without public spaces, green squares, etc. that accrued to
suffocate the Greek high-rise, sunless apartment buildings and live in
apartments - cages, so that the aging of the Greeks in a short time to become
reality, because the disease and suffocation that originated from this very bad
and residence of the Greek , came to the above result and consequently the
depopulation of the Greeks. The Karamanlis government has implemented and
another cruel plan. So he organized the emigration abroad a large part of the
Greek population, hoping that the Greeks living abroad will be digested by the
peoples and cultures of the Member where they lived and worked, so the
Greeks would have great damage and destruction. In this, as I mentioned
above, Zionism, and it fell out or the possible divine and living Greeks to
assimilate from landfills and lifeless people, a perverse strength promoted to
prosper, so the Greeks remained not only Greeks, but progressed so much that
the world today is the first force Hellenism in many areas, particularly in
shipping and sciences.
Another great crime of conspiracy against the government of Karamanlis, the
Greek people is that by an order of Jewish Zionism, the division of the Greek
people into two factions, the rightist, Karamanlis and his followers left wing
was more. So the government introduced certificates social conscience, which
drew up the local police, army and other relevant public services and who drew
up the basis of complaints of people nebulous origin was across the country
(towns and villages) and complaints were accepted by all agencies and
institutions regardless Who was this Government Karamanlis, Papandreou,
Send or dictatorship.
So the social conscience of certificates introduced by all governments after
Karamanlis, the majority of the Greek people had nowhere to lean their head.
This majority of Greeks did not have access to the State, that could not be civil
servants, officers of the Greek army and excluded from many professions and
bring them appearances in professional occupations.
Another crime Greek-killing Karamanlis and his government was that built
the largest highway Athens, Greece - Larissa - Thessaloniki.
That the highway built with too many defects and subtle points that occur
several fatal traffic accidents. The main thing was that they built the middle
tier, which would prevent head-on collisions of cars. The frieze will be charged
to the budget, as I told my friends engineers 10% to 15% of the amount
needed to construct the motorway and yet Karamanlis and his partner not to
have harmed this tier would save tens of thousands of lives Greeks. Result of
criminal negligence and that the planned construction of more highway that
was in 1962 that was the way in service until 1980 (approximately 20 years) to
find the death of automobile accidents on the highway this 60,000-70.000
Greeks, and multiple number of Greeks to be injured. That disappeared a city
of Greece. On this sad news and information I read the book "Chronicle of 20
th AIONOS.And here Karamanlis applied the old's testament order that tells the
Jews to the other races to destroy little by little. Enjoy "our Holy Bible." These
are the major accomplishments of the Jewish Zionists criminal Karamanlis and
his partner, but there are other smaller numerous, which the record in the
above mentioned book.
Pleasant note: In the period 1950 - 1970 we have the following pleasant
note for the Greeks and Greece.Due to a change of freedom and democracy
that prevailed after the Second World War to all mankind, this climate
prevailed in Greece so that the divine and spirited Greeks to seize the
opportunity to create a giant economic entities and industries, and thousands
smaller businesses and gave strong impetus to economic growth in the
country. They were in principle the maximum genuine Greek traders. The great
Aristotle Onassis, the great Bodossakis, the great Skalistiri (Bauxites
Parnassus), the great Katsambas from Karpenissi (Piraeus - Patraiki) Georgakis
(Mini, which the Planted Ollandoevraioi thugs burned twice), the Sofianopoulos
(CHROPEI) that Jews Evert and Manos as economic ministers of the South.
passed the law in 1980 Panotokia, which law applied literally, the PASOK
government of Andreas Papandreou, resulting in CHROPEI to load the heavy
weights and the maximum that industry employed 5000 Labor to close. Sotiris
Sofianopoulos told them the details when he spoke on TV TELE - ASTY. Indeed
stressed particularly the denial of the Jewish Zionists John Varvitsiotis, then
minister of the Ministry of Industry has submitted that although the industry
total production costs of drugs and asked for adjusting the selling price of, to
cover costs and had a reasonable profit, that the minister South. denied any
increase, when the imported drugs like pharmacists Jewish property in
Switzerland, America, etc. they sold in Greece, 4 or 5 times more than the
prices of medicines CHROPEI. Crystal clear tactic to close the property industry
Greeks. Kefalas, who founded the Softex. The Softex took her by the hands of
the great Greek businessman Kefalas and socialized the Jewish Zionists PASOK
Minister of National Economy Gerasimos Arsenis (Czar of the Economy, the
Ovrios who has a Jewish mother). And this is as follows. The head for a few
debts that had gone in Softex Minister Gerasimos Arsenis and together have
agreed the repayment of debt and Gerasimos Arsenis agreed. Kefalas left
happy and when he reached home and opened the hearing that the TV
industry Softex the Minister of National Economy Gerasimos Arsenis socialized.
His head fell grid in the head and suffered a stroke. They were Greek-haters
because Arsene agreed with Kefalas and took another decision, which imposed
upon the Jewish Zionists "green-guards" (Jew-Dutch, etc.). Another great
Greek businessman was Stratis Andreadis of Chios, which was also a professor
of economy at the time the High School of Commerce of Greece, which he
gave an enormous impetus to the development of the Greek economy. He
founded the Commercial Bank of Greece, which grew rapidly in Greece and
helped immensely to the development of industry and commerce in Greece.
Same time that the Great founded a Greek and 20 to 22 subsidiaries, which
contributed vastly to the economic development, including mention of the giant
companies Andreadis Metro (electric railway), the insurance company
"Phoenix", the fertilizer industry Karvali New Kavala, Mr. etc.. In this large
Greek businessman in the oletir Jewish Zionists undermined Karamanlis put
when the Jewish Zionists Minister K. Papaligouras (his ears stated that it was
apeman) to make of that statutory nationalizing only the Commercial Bank
(and not the others who ran the Jews) and the nationalization of the
Commercial Bank were nationalized and 20 subsidiaries of large companies all
belong to Stratis Andreadis. Here ends with some names because many others
are greatest entrepreneurs, such as the Dragon IZOLA and thousands of
smaller operators who ate them the Jewish marmagka but here I can not
mention, but refer to the pages of this book, I that will be issued shortly. I note
only the Commercial Bank,was nationalized by destroyer Karamanlis to get it
from the hands of Stratis Andreadis to bring it to his nephew oletir Karamanlis
to sell it to individuals French-Jew 2005 and not leave anything in Greek
hands. The transaction is this small Greek destroyer named the reform. Large
that entrepreneurs and their gigantic economic units, Karamanlis and all
subsequent governments of Greece were all organeta of Zionism had been
targeting them and others were killed by 17 November is the Jewish Mossad,
writes J. Fourakis, Onassis, Bodossakis Nikos Vardinoyannis, that or the brain
and from Crete Vardinoyannis established businesses, caused the heart attack
and died in 42. Paul Vardinoyannis initiate in the Eleusinian Mysteries and ate
57 years, the head of the Softex that the decision by the Jewish Zionists
Minister Gerasimos Arsenis caused a stroke and many other smaller, and the
economic units and thousands of smaller peak with the Panotokia M. Evert and
S. Manos Act of 1980 and which law applied to basically governments of
PASOK since 1981 and all these undertakings and literally wiped broke the
national economy and currently pay. The grim conclusion that eight years of
governance in Greece by oletirs(destroyers) Karamanlis Averoff mention a bevy
of bestial behavior Karamanlis recorded in the "Chronicle of 20 th AIONOS.In
1962 he married Princess Sofia of Spain King Juan Carlos. Then was raised the
question of endowment of wisdom from the Greek State of 300,000 drachmas,
of course, for that time very important. Then arose a planned opposition press,
which right-wing newspapers arguing to give dowry to the Wisdom of the
amount of 300,000 drachmas, and the center-left newspapers can not be
argued that dowry. There was such turmoil and division of the Greek people in
this area, which it supported the press for many months. Then the great Greek
Aristotle Onassis to calm the passions of the Greek people who created the
controversial issue, he cut a check for 300,000 drachmas and go to
Constantine Karamanlis and wanted to give him the dowry of Wisdom. Then
Karamanlis did not accept the order made it, turned away from the office of
the Onassis and said "here in this country and the Greek people, I am the
Then, of course, the facts are known about wiping out completely the
Onassis family.
We come now to four years from 1963 to 1921 April 1967, in which actors in
the political scene was from the people called Papatzis or accuracy Aaron
George Papandreou, the Jewish son of Andreas Papandreou and called by G.
Papandreou dissidents led by Costas Mitsotakis, nephew of Ben's sister - Zelon
(Eleftherios Venizelos). As you know, George Papandreou, the creation of the
Liberal Party in 1911 by Ben - Zelon was appointed General Manager of this
party and Eleftherios Venizelos (I do not go hand to write it with fake and
stolen Hellenized name Eleftherios Venizelos, but what kind of stuck after that
throughout his political career). Aaron George Papandreou married Sophia
polonoevraia monthly. The polonoevraios father was an engineer and the Turks
brought in Ioannina to design u to build forts in Turkish Bizani. That was the
design he did and he did it with great Greek-Hatred, impregnable so the Greek
army to be unable to capture it in February 1913,with result epic battles which
have killed 20,000 Greeks soldiers. This greek-hater Polish-Jew George
Papandreou made the father in law, taking his daughter to wife Sophia and
they had to Andreas Papandreou. These are writing for the reader's
understandment more point undergoes a chain link of the fraternal relationship
of all Jew-Sionists who ruled our country Greece from 1910 until today in
March 2010. I do a parenthesis and refer to the Jewish fraternal kinship: Beni -
Zelon - Eleftherios Venizelos - King Constantine Venizelos best man. George A.
Papandreou, Secretary of the Politburo and of the Liberal Party of Eleftherios
Venizelos - King George - Ioannis Metaxas, both brothers mason of 33 th
grade, that is by loyal officers of Jewish Zionism.Ioannis Rallis - Angelos Evert
brothers are both Jews. Alexander Papagos Jewish Zionists, Karamanlis,
voulgaroevraios Jewish Zionists, Mr. Mitsotakis, nephew by his sister Eleftherios
Venizelos, Georgios Papadopoulos, dictator of the baptized Papandreou,
Andreas Papandreou, son of Sophia polonoevraias monthly and son of George
Papandreou, General Manager of E . Venizelos, Costas Simitis, whose pure
Jewish name is Aaron Avouris and simernos prime minister who has neither a
drop of Greek blood, I went to Poland and pilgrimage to the tombs of the
ancestors of Jews here daily and permanent mislead the Greek people and
says it's sure as I can for our country like Greece and the monkey Ovrios says
this because he wants to mislead the Greek people on the other side to do the
myriad crimes against Greece, the Greek people and Greek. I wanted to know
the Greek patriots Pasokikoi not understand and misled by it so long and did
not fix any knife in the heart??
After the brackets refers briefly to the facts and the crimes of the rulers of
Greece during the four years 1963 to 1967.
After designing the Zionism of uncompromising struggle Aaron George
Papandreou (1961 - 1963), Karamanlis made the March 1963 resignation and
left for Paris to serve as the backup for the future when it is appropriate hours
and now we know that the time has come in 1974. Exactly what they did with
Ben - Zelon to the difficult and they smuggled him resigning him to Zionist-
dominated, Switzerland, for redundancy. Then the assumption of Prime
minister took the Elder George Papandreou and his party of Union Centre. In
February 1964, co-chief died of George Papandreou, Sophocles Venizelos, son
Ben - Zelon, but on March 6, 1964 died and King Paul and swore the same day
the son of King Constantine, who writes the news that is relevant listed in the
"Chronicle of 20 th Century, King Constantine swore with all the love and good
wishes of Prime Minister George Papandreou and the government.I write this,
because a little love will become directed abysmal hatred between King
Constantine and Prime Minister George Papandreou, to divide the Greek people
very much to reach a point of psychosis. So that they did in 1914 - 1916 with
those unlikely to divide the people who did it, followed shortly afterwards by
the greatest disaster in Asia Minor, and now the same as they did to prepare
and carry out the new terrible national tragedy of Cyprus.
How all the above and beyond the Jewish Zionism was fully designed and
programmed to report an incident I read in the "Chronicle of 20 th Century"
proving the truth of speech.The design of future policies that were in Greece
and the whole conspiracy of Zionism were known to the then King Constantine
and knew that eventually would leave the royal throne of Greece and Confirm
this statement by one of Princess Anne - Marie of Denmark, which the day of
marriage with King Constantine on September 18, 1964, said: "I never
dreamed of marrying a king. I just wanted to be a woman happy with her
husband. Yes, I love long Constantine and I wish the time to allow us to live a
few years as more people ". Here it seems that Constantine strongly love with
the beautiful princess of Denmark, Anna Maria, a well-kept secret in which he
was introduce in front of the love could not keep it and he said to his beloved
princess. This explained everything that had decided to make of Zionism in
Greece, Constantine knew he would quickly cease to hold the royal throne
Greece. The prayer of Anna Maria, as we now know the facts, and lived out
completely and live a family life like everyone else. So what he writes in
"Chronicle of 20 th Century," that journalists with that enigmatic statement of
Anna Maria surprised and not know any more explanation to give, who said he
prefers the simple family life from the throne of the Queen, on the post events
to explain and fully verified.
The facts to establish the dictatorship of 1967, briefly unfolded as follows.
We had to divide the people and create great divisions, similar to the divisions
created in 1914 to 1916. So despite the much friendship and love shown by
Papandreou to the royal couple during their wedding day, we will now create
great hatred and animosity between Papandreou and the young King
Constantine. Papandreou, of course, deliberately sought to get the Ministry of
Defence who had MP Peter Garoufalias Arta. The King refused and then
Papandreou resigned from Prime Minister and it was immediately accepted by
the King. Then contrast that with proclamations of Papandreou and King radio
broadcast (there was no TV then) became known all over the people, leading
people to be dichasthei Papandreikous and royal rightists. In short, the Greek
people brought him a political psychosis. The story says that King Constantine
to be called legal officers Papandreou's party, namely the Centre Union, which
had a majority in parliament and asked the prime minister. First called the
Speaker Athanasiadis Nova (the famous poet's poem: tickle - tickle that 's as if
the white milk, to write a little humor). He formed a government, but was
defeated in the House and fell. Immediately the King instructed the
government formation Tsirimokos Elijah, known member of the Left, who
played a leading role in the agreement Varkiza. And he formed a Government,
which was defeated in parliament. An important and revealing fact is that
Elijah Tsirimokos just last night at a rally in Athens and took shrapnel
unleashed fiery plea against the King and in favor of Papandreou described the
actions of the King, Royal Coup. And yet the very next day the King asked the
mandate to form government and he accepted and became a mere instrument
of the King and betrayed leader George Papandreou, before "cock crow". Here
it is clear that this was imperative and mandate of Zionism and immediately
obey the King and Tsirimokos Papandreou immediately obeyed and complied
fully with the dictates of those who were against Zionism, Greece and the
Greek people. After the rejection by the House and the Government
Tsirimokou, the King ordered a mandate to form government in Stephen
Stephanopoulos, Prime Minister of the claimant with P. Kanellopoulos in 1955
when Alex died. Papagos then Zionism by Paul King asked the premiership in
oletira and second greatest nightmare of Hellenism in the 20 th century,
Constantine Karamanlis.
Stephanos Stephanopoulos, formed a government and passed by the House on
17 September 1965 with a difference of two (2) votes. Throughout this effort
to form a Cabinet by the S. Stephanopoulos, player and supporter was the
Zionist Costas Mitsotakis and his team so Papandreou called them apostates
and their name is attached today. Furthermore, Papandreou vs King and
apostates that the whole project of King characterized the royal coup and
seeds of the political passions of the people, saying that "the King reigns and
the people rule ', which is totally misleading and anti-Greek and the ancient
political thought. The truth is the people had disobeyed comes to politics and
pursued by the Zionist goal has been fully achieved, since the division into two
opposite portions of the people succeeded to a large extent as in cafes,
especially in villages, are epic battles between two factions deliberately had to
divide the polar maturity and sense of the people to completely paralyzed for a
possible collective or total reaction of the people on the national tragedy of
Cyprus, in preparation. The unity of the people felt at first hand, when the
Greek people in a body reacted so strongly to the Italian invasion of 1940, the
design of Jewish Zionism to occupy Greece in three days of the invasion of
Italy, crushing General Ioannina Katsimitros and of course the heroic Greek
people, who were united and unity. Stephanopoulos relied on the votes of the
House of E.R.E. of P. Kanellopoulos and one from Members of the Centre Union
ruled until December 1966, when lifted the confidence of the E.R.E. and so the
government fell. King Constantine immediately commissioned a caretaker
government of government of Greece and Prime Minister John
Paraskevopoulos, Professor of Panteion High School, whom I also had teacher.
The Paraskevopoulos got the vote of confidence in parliament and ruled until
the end of March 1967, so he dropped and immediately the King instructed the
government on April 4, 1967 to Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, and he managed to
govern, because the junta Jewish Zionists G. Papadopoulos threw him and
established the dictatorship of 21 April 1967. Before embarking on a period of
seven-year dictatorship, let us mention the evils committed by the
governments of the Centre of G. Papandreou and what it termed spacers
Stephanopoulos - Mitsotakis. First time in the country's governance by S.
Stephanopoulos, began trials of the first assassination of Grigoris Lambrakis,
but particularly refer to the SHIELD trial before the Permanent Military Court of
Athens. It was a conspiracy in which Democrats accused officers and alleged
leader of the conspiracy of the Shield was Andreas Papandreou. Here then is
known only to mention the unfortunate and genuine Greek Mandilara lawyer,
who unequaled rhetorical skill powdered shield and the accusation of
conspiracy to Privy Andreas Papandreou. The man was pure and gullible and
unequaled lawyer so because they not knew the peculiar conspiracy under
Zionist Shield. This stubbornness in speeches that highlighted the Shield of
conspiracy in the whole area as a formidable lawyer who was claimed the life
of that Zionism saw the dictatorship of the first steps to arrest him and to
drown near Rhodes. Now the ugly and criminal events of the four government
of Greece in the above 1963 - 1967 brief is the following:
During this period in no significant public work done. Continued migration of
Greeks abroad. Continued urbanization and ghettoization of the Greeks in the
major cities of Greece. The relevant news in newspapers, which is listed in the
"Chronicle of 20 th Century," said last month that some 100,000 Greeks
emigrated laying waste the countryside of Greece.By contrast convened erratic
King Constantine and Papandreou, the people reached a political dementia and
did not know what to think about the perverse and crazy things happening in
the political life of Greece. The Cyprus undermined too much, but was also a
good thing. As the Greek army launched necessarily the highest echelons
Rated patriotic democrats officers required by Zionist politicians have
responded to claims and Cyprus sent a sufficient number of officers and
soldiers, who could put forward strong and effective resistance to any invader.
The Zionist traitor dictator Papadopoulos, as we shall see below, withdrew from
the army in Cyprus is easy to make the invasion of Attila in 1974.
For the unregulated and without a plan reconstruction of Athens - Thessaloniki
and other urban centers, continued the same policy without taking the
slightest steps to stop the big outrage is building. Turkey is now in bold
rhythms confiscated properties of Constantinople Greeks and drove to Greece,
as the same have happened and the islands of Imbros and Tenedos, and Greek
(supposedly), these governments have done absolutely nothing to implement
the Treaty of Lausanne, or even take any countermeasures to the Muslim
population in Thrace, to stop the Turks from the terrible persecutions of the
Greeks of Istanbul, Imbros and Tenedos. While these pieces were those
governments and institutions of Domestic and international Zionism could take
some measures to save the Greeks over the above, since Zionism fights and
fights vehemently to destroy Hellenism, as this war against the Greeks and
animate people's land in the record books the great historian and author J.
Fourakis prophet. Finally describe the period 1963 - 1967 record strongly that
the ghettoization of the Greeks who built the notorious urban areas were under
the inducements to make of the Old Testament for such projects, who took
Joseph to Egypt and this book to those who wrote were monsters and items to
Hellenism and crimes and humanity required it to be the "Bible" of Greek
"Orthodox Christians" but u all Christians of humanity. Shame!
Turning now to the period of so-called seven-year dictatorship and I say so
called because all the governments since 1910 and until today was a Zionist
and dictatorships. So what does the seven-year dictatorship of Papadopoulos
and the other dictatorial Zionist governments of Greece and was never Greek
democratic governments.
The known facts of the period 1967 - 1974 I will not mention, but I will
mention all that evidence of the Zionist conspiracy of Zionism that the bodies
of domestic traitors, dictators (not all) have committed crimes so brutally by
the Greeks to reach the greatest national tragedy of the island of Cyprus.
All the hard evidence of this maximum Zionist conspiracy to domestic
agencies for the national tragedy of Cyprus, I got out of the massive book
"Chronicle of 20 th Century" and the books of John Fourakis as "hatred of Jews
against the Greeks and people ", etc. (Against the Greeks and the people
because they are animals, ape-Jews, just writes Fourakis).But all the crimes
against humanity they issue and of course more by the Greeks, and to prepare
and plan in detail early on. So the Jewish Zionists G. Papadopoulos paved the
since 1962 when he was prompted to put in the tank tanks the Ebro sugar
instead of oil to create a great noise in Greece. He did this senior officer of the
Greek army, becoming known his name, George Papadopoulos, then a
lieutenant colonel. After the patrons of the King and G. Papandreou, who
created the great divide in the Greek people, prepared by the dictatorship of
21 April 1967.As the events recorded by the great Greek-hearted officer of the
Greek Police to notes but u to 20 cassettes sent to the 20 other Greek prime
minister and the last of the Dissenters Stephanos Stephanopoulos, the whole
business of imposing dictatorship the organization and the then General
Defense Minister Moshe Dayan of Israel. First out of the famous triumvirate of
the junta Colonel Nicholas Makarezos, before 21 April 1967and for 20 days was
in Israel and worked with Moshe Dayan and all agents of Israel during the
night to impose the dictatorship would have been in Athens and guided the
whole business of dictatorship. Both Moshe Dayan and the numerous agents of
Israel, during the night and the first day of events in Greece enforcement of
the April dictatorship was in Athens and stayed at his villa in Vravrona Moshe
Dayan and other places describing Evangelos Mali and despite all headed the
firm enforcement of the dictatorship. It is now known, the famous Greek officer
Evangelos Malia killed the 17 November, which writes. Fourakis Annex is the
Israeli Mossad.
In the early days of the April, 1967 dictatorship, writes the news is recorded
in No. 1028 page book "Chronicle of 20 th Century."Terror and persecution in
Greece from the fascist coup. According to George Papadopoulos paranoid all
the Greek people were disabled and so I had to put in plaster to heal.
Despite all the dictatorial intentions and the destruction of a vicious regime,
as they claim that not any politicians died and in addition those who were
arrested, detained in jail for only a while for the "eyes of the world", and then
freed. Other hand, had the unhappy fate Nikiforos Mandilaras lawyer, who with
skillful speeches in Athens Military Case "shield" crushing the factors the trial,
witnesses and judges, and laid bare the whole constructed plot and conspiracy.
Furthermore, had the courage to aversion of speech to declare the court that
we know who is manufacturing the governors of all places on earth. Of course
he meant the Jew-christian-sionism. As I told by a big-lawyer friend of mine
after the above remarks that in the late Mandilara life that was outlawed.
So next month by the coup and specifically on May 22, 1967 The body was
found in the sand, a few kilometers from the village of Gennadi Rhodes, full
visible injuries and strokes on the body. No need to name the murderers of
Nick. Mandilara, but note that as seen from the photograph that is listed at No.
1030 page book "Chronicle of 20 th Century" by Mandilaras was a gorgeous
male model of ancient man and so in line with the Old Testament (the " Our
Holy Bible, "de!)beautiful and nice parks, beautiful buildings and beautiful
sculptures of the ancient Greeks and all other people must be demolished and
destroyed because of ape-Jew the eye can not see such beautiful things,
beautiful and famous people have to destroy them from the face of land. This
was the fate of the beautiful actor James Dean, Elvis Presley, the beautiful, the
beautiful actress Marilyn Monroe, Alexander Onassis and thousands of others
throughout the land and of course our own beautiful in form but also in
rhetoric Nikiforos Mandilaras. This unfortunately requires the Mosaic Law
(Deuteronomy, etc.) that is "our Holy Bible"! and they do.

Moving on we see that it managed to consolidate the dictatorship and the

1967 Maion quickly established and all the anti-dictatorial organizations. (MLP:
dictatorship Patriotic Front, the Democratic DEFENSE, THE DEMOCRATIC the
CIP Ms. LINKS: National Liberation Movement of Andreas Papandreou). All
persons indicated that unraveled in the creation and operation of these
organizations and we saw every day we see the protagonists after the
dictatorship of 1974 in the political social and economic life of Greece.
Needless is to say what prompted these people to play rolon their post-
dictatorship period and all such persons are nebulous origin and only Greeks
are not. Andreas Papandreou from Sweden where he has gone and been
present as president of the CIP it safe made the struggle against the
dictatorship, the best Greek people and to make of civil war to get rid of the
Junta of the Colonels. The consequences of a civil war and the suffering that
would result from such a war not only counted but does not deliberately seek
with the patrons of Zionism to cause enormous damage to the Greek people
and Greece.
The insane C. Smith as leader of the junta and Prime Minister gave on March
30, 1968 speech in Thessaloniki and the Greeks called it the slogan "Greece,
Greeks, Christians." What relationship has now dwarf the giant Judeo-
Christianism Hellenism? Certainly no, but this paranoid knew well the confusion
that would bring to the Greeks, who are seeking and plans and design Judeo-
Christian-Zionism. Sure, of course, the vast majority of Greeks are Christians
so that in the media that they have to say it. But one real information, when
authorized to do so and will be on the obscurantist Judeo-Christianism and on
the ancient Greek spirit and culture will see what we believe the Greek people.
The people believe that he serve and enforce to believe.
Override the entire opera-like royal and contrived revolution of 13 December
1967, because the child realizes that all these were designed and were to
mislead the Greek people, but all the details of the record in the above
mentioned book, I will released shortly.

However apart from the triumvirate and Aslanidis, Michael Roufogali,

Ioannidis and some other colonels were privy to the Zionist plans in several
ministerial posts and senior positions in agencies and ministries, used forced
many senior officers were genuine and at least honest Greeks who had as their
aim to provide services to the Greek people and Greece. They could both help
and so to support the Colonels took power in certain mandatory and social
measures. These were: a) the deletion of all farm debt of 5 billion drachmas,
b) improve to satisfactory levels of salaries of civil servants and the military, c)
providing adequate low-interest loans through the construction of hotels and
guesthouses to accommodate the tourist electricity to Greece began to fester.
Here mention the contribution of Balopoulos colonel who as president of the
ESO formed optimum conditions to get the Greeks easily they issue loans to
the above mentioned facilities. The Balopoulos was at least honest man and
worked as much as possible for the sake of the Greeks, but because they were
great Greek, Zionism of resin stuck to "Mr. 10 %...», say that getting 10%
commission from the loans granted, which was firmly wrong, false and the
man died destitute in prison. The second my cousin Spiros Giannoulis retired
with the rank of brigadier and was assigned to the chairman of the Hippodrome
at Faliro. I came into frequent contact with him, especially after his retirement
and always told me, unfortunately mason that they issue orders to the Jewish
Zionism, we are not left or will leave Greece to develop and become a
paradise. It about a man honest and great patriot, who initiated me enough for
the above issues. The whole Zionist conspiracy to little by little extermination
of the Greeks, according to "our holy script!" namely the conflict Papandreou -
King, apostasy, the great divisions of the Greeks and finally attacking the
dictatorship, among other things aimed at two main purposes. On the other
hand to create a civil war that Andreas Papandreou orieto in Sweden and
invited the Greek people to violently overthrow the junta of the Colonels, but
fortunately the people there heard him and avoided the tragic consequences,
and secondly and major goal was to create all conditions to dismember the
large island Cyprus, which succeeded in, as we will briefly mention below. The
patriots and heroes ellinopsychoi Polycarp Georgatzis and Interior Minister
Alekos Panagoulis, perceived intentions of the dictator C. Papadopoulos what
went wrong cameo in Cyprus and Panagoulis put an explosive device on the
road Athens - Sounion to kill him by Jewish Zionists G. Papadopoulos but the
explosive device exploded just seconds after crossing by car of the dictator and
so that Greek patriots failed in their purpose. We all know the pitiful end were
Polykarpos Georgatzis Ms. Alekos Panagoulis. How misellinas Jewish Zionists
were G. Papadopoulos and close friends, it appears from the fact that the first
projects was the installation, the huge plot next to the American Embassy,
oversized statue of a nightmare oletira Hellenism brother Ben Zeon (Eleftherios
Venizelos) which he himself inaugurated the C Papadopoulos 7/ 10/1969.
Before going to describe the signs of the giant national treason female Cyprus
we will briefly mention what smaller, but significant crimes he did consciously
Junta of the Colonels, still under an order of Jewish Zionism. These are
recorded as above in the book "Chronicle of 20th Century”.
Under the NATO plan, "Prometheus" which provided for military intervention if
Communist danger. With lists of the security authorities made arrests of tens of
thousands of democratic citizens throughout the country, who barricaded
themselves in prisons, sports stadiums, police detention centers and other
public buildings. The work safety authorities facilitated and self-styled
"nationalist" citizens collaborators of the secret service informers of security
principles and T.E.A. in the province. The foreigners are Zionist bodies were
scattered in all the villages and towns of Greece, secret funds were paid by
householders and accused Greek citizens on the basis of which the category of
those institutions arrested, jailed and exiling, etc.
In 1063 the top page book records how consciously dictators, continuing the
same work of previous governments Zionist ruined Athens. The information
says: "the mansions of Athens off. Ten Historic buildings demolished in Athens.
Another urban outrage for the city of Pallas Athena was on the junta
government in 1969. Beautiful buildings demolished to construct a Zionist-
inspired towers of Babel. Slowly - slowly the city of light and the world's most
famous city on earth did the city of clouds of darkness, pollution and the
Jewish Erebus.
Another outrage and criminal work of the dictatorial government was that
built the great highway Athens - Patras, whose opening and surrender to the
movement took place in October 1969. On this road were many faults and
without the middle tier, so for sure in a 10 years or 20 years, killing tens of
thousands of Greeks and multiple number of injured from car accidents. So as
the national road Athens - Lamia - Thessaloniki by the same standards to the
other built oletir Karamanlis in a decades wiped out a city, so did the oletir
Papadopoulos on the way to Patras and today we mourn and we mourn today
tens of thousands victims. So here faithfully applied the Mosaic law in the
near-extermination of the Greeks (These gar says that "our holy script” !!).
Other information says that the junta created ghettoization in Athens and the
Attica region and facilitated the construction of apartment blocks with cages for
the slow but sure death of the Greeks who were now forced to live in these
inhumane cages with no green, no gardens, no air and oxygen, and did not
implement any planning project. The same thing they did in all cities of
Other information says that the government introduced a brazen and
unethical transactions between citizens and institutions of the Administration
that this will lead surely the destruction of society. On the other hand, the
dictatorship and facilitated the spread of highly drug to kill the souls of the
Greek youth and the Greek people.
Now we conclude the issue of seven-year dictatorship with a summary of the
organization and the final destruction of the island of Cyprus that national
Greek tragedy which inspired Jew-Christian-Zionism and carried the bodies of
the rulers and officials of Greece and Cyprus starring in the Zionist imposed
dictatorship in Greece.
In principle, the first act of betrayal was when Junta government with Prime
Minister met Mr Kolia rulers of Greece and Turkey in the Evros and among
other decisions got signed and the decision by Greece to withdraw its two
divisions patriotic democratic Greek officers were oblige the Zionist Prime
Minister of Greece George Papandreou to send in Cyprus. This decision of the
junta was greatest treason against Cyprus and Hellenism.
Browsing the book "Chronicle of 20 th Century" seeing the whole intrigue of
Zionism as a instrument of the Greek Cypriots and Jewish Zionists will reach an
impasse in Cyprus to be finished by the end of Zionism desired solution was
another Greek tragedy.
So send in Cyprus illegally George Grivas in September 1971 who founded
the underground organization EOKA B and accused Makarios Makarios and to
succeed against the EOKA B, George Grivas and the junta in Athens. This
created great divisions in the Cypriot people, who fell into political dementia
and weakened. In this way the consistency of the Cypriot people and its
national unity were splinters to be easy prey to what will follow in the Turkish
The same cycles dictate the three Bishops of Cyprus, Paphos Gennadios,
Anthimos Kiti Kyrenia and Kyprianou, who claim by Makarios to abandon the
secular power, and one in the "Sacred Rules" be limited to religious functions.

Of course, according to the Zionist project, Makarios refused and so naturally

occurring break between Makarios and three Metropolitans thereby greatly
harmed the Cyprus issue. All of these bishops and blessed chant Hail and glory
of Zion and it follows that all ograna of Zionism that they can promote the
design of Jewish Zionism to weaken the Cypriot people and crushing its
consistency, so that a future enemy invasion to Megalonisi find Cypriots divided
and helpless to resist. Since the dictatorial government of the junta in Athens
favored solution to the Cyprus problem by accepting the demands of Turkey on
the Cyprus issue and if the bishops were acting under the dictates of the junta
- C. Grivas, and fully demonstrated the behavior that they ca the solution of
the Cyprus problem.
Immediately after the creation of this turmoil and division of the Cypriot
people, Zionism planned the change of November 1973 for change of G.
Papadopoulos and the brutal dictatorship. Ioannidis, after the invisible hyper-
dictator Jacques Alazaraki, sister of the groom. Ioannidis, who is Jewish and a
high level or the body of Israeli and international Mashad evraiosionismou.
Thus began the upheaval in the student youth squats Law School and
University and began as various anti-dictatorship protests with protests and
resistance to the alleged tyranny of the junta in Athens.
Meanwhile, Smith and Co. preached in the mid-1973 deposed King
Constantine and proceeded with the announcement of the referendum on 28
July 1973 and the suppression of Basel voted 78.4% of the Greek people and
so Smith became president of the established Presidential Parliamentary
Interesting information about Greek and Cypriot things is that the Jew
German-American Henry Kisinger August 1973 was appointed foreign minister
in the U.S.. In that case, interesting fact is that in October 1973 resigned as
vice president Spyros The Greek-American U.S. Agni and replaced him Jew-
American Tzeralant R. Ford and this has enormous significance for the dramatic
events will follow in a few months and will happen in Greece and Cyprus.
To illustrate the established presidential parliamentary democracy after Mrs.
G. Smith became president of the republic appointed Prime Minister politician,
great greek-hearted man Spiros Markezinis, but Zionism never let his career in
Greece in active politics.
So Markezinis not manage to govern Greece or one month and Zionism held
in November 1973 Papadopoulos's overthrow, and of course the government
Markezinis and establishment of brutal dictatorship. Ioannidis after the hyper-
dictator invisible Jacques Alazaraki the Jewish Zionists, by the groom's sister.
Ioannidis. The appointment as Prime Minister of Greece reacted strongly (we
all Zionists) P. Kanellopoulos, Kostas Karamanlis, Florakis C. Pesmatzoglou,
Averoff C. Black who in harsh statements condemning the prime minister-
imanization the greatest Greek politician, hyper-Zionist and the pre-
dictatorship, 21 April 196715 days physically present in Israel and take orders,
Nikolaos Papadopoulos, Vice Makarezos resigned. Consider that a full-hearted
hyper-greek that would support the rights of Hellenism from the post of prime
minister, the Zionist policy of Greece will not let him even touch the power. So
while on 3 October 1973 sworn in as Prime Minister Markezinis. The second
half of November 1973 began opera-like supposedly anti-dictatorship struggle
and change Papadopoulos - Markezinis the brutal dictatorship. Ioannides and
the invisible Jewish Jacques Alazaraki. As he writes and the great writer John
Fourakis, the whole organization of the dictatorship of the University made by:
daughter Yael Dayan and Defense Minister General Moshe Dayan of Israel, the
Jewish Zionists Yiangos Pesmatzogou who was a member of the club
Bilntempergk and later became party leader and President of the Academy of
Athens, the American Chargé d'Affaires of the Embassy Ansouts, two students
and one student who junta, both students were members and ministers, and
the student became an MP and leader left the party, and announcer was not
within the Polytechnic established and functioning radio station today and G.
Papandreou promoted and became a Maritime Commission to the European
Union. Their names are Stephen Tzoumaka, Sifis Valyrakis and Damanaki.
Such other persons along with Yael Dayan, who was leading the lead role,
which was neither a student nor a citizen of Greece, came by car to the
military came, the then leader of BPH, Michael Roufougalis and went out and
got in undisturbed Technical University the small door on the side of the road
Stournari. When you came out and especially the Israeli Yael Dayan went
across the University and on the road Patission situated hotel Acropolis and the
headquarters Yiangos Pesmatzogou or go to the office of the Jewish Zionists
Michelle Gkiolman on the road Filellinon 9 or even went to the villa property
Moshe Dayan Vravrona located in Attica. The villa and met dozens of conspiring
Israeli commandos and agents of Israel who led the hyper-guide Yael Dayan.
The villa has fled and those students and student after entering the University
of tanks, apparently to hide to avoid arrest by the junta. These, as I wrote
Fourakis, which draws information from the books of Athanasius Striga,
complained that the Police Evangelos Malios to former Prime Minister
Stephanos Stephanopoulos and others, by this and the 17 November or branch
of Mossad, writes Fourakis, assassinated him. Evangelos Malios but was sure
all this information and events to write analytical notes and recordings are
evidence of the involvement of Israeli assassins in the events of Athens after
the perpendicular Jew-sionists Greek-speaking students and most famous
student of Maria Damanaki the which later in the Greek parliament and MP
Being thunders as he wrote a newspaper A, "I'm Jewish and boast." More
information the reader can draw from the book of John Fourakis titled "Hatred
of the Jews against the Greeks and Humans" and the top of my book will be
released shortly.
The events of the University created the Jewish Zionists, mainly for two
purposes: First, to cause civil war in Greece if it were the consequences would
be tragic for the Greek people and Greece, and secondly, to overthrow G.
Smith duo, who had begun to respond to any requests from Jewish Zionism
and the large and Greek-hearted, greek-like Minister Spyros Markezinis and
replace them with the brutal dictatorship. Ioannides and invisible groom's
Jewish Zionists Alazaraki Jacques, executive intelligence services of Israel and
international Zionism. This change will achieve the plans, with the coup staged
in Cyprus and the subsequent implementation of the invading Turks in the
In the above the NATO - Zionist plans were prescribed anti-Greek consciously
to serve and to serve the right time and the Greeks politicians Andreas
Papandreou of Greece, Constantine Karamanlis, George Black, Evangelos
Averoff Yiangos Pesmatzogou and others. The right time for them came and
served entirely by Jewish Zionism when he became the second after Attila not
budge and did not make the slightest resistance to the government of Athens
with Prime Minister Karamanlis and Foreign Minister G. Black to prevent the
invasion and extension Turks of Attila B, and so was the occupation of most of
northern Cyprus and uprooting the bulk of the Greek Cypriots refugees who
eventually rose to 200,000.
Here I record the disgraceful behavior of all policies consign tribute of honor
to the "heroes" of supposedly University, since many of these politicians more
or less involved in these events. Here I record the disgraceful behavior of all
policies apotyoun tax money to the events of the University which led to the
brutal dictatorship. Ioannides and Jacques Alazaraki. For all those politicians
who apotyoun tribute tribute to "heroes" of the University of falsehood
shamelessly and pretend before the Greek people, then why cheat.
Another purpose for the Greeks sore scheduled the events in Athens was, as
I wrote Fourakis the collapse Greece's anti-Greek European Union and NATO
anti-Hellenic, because both are instruments and directed by Jewish Zionism
person who seeks to complete destruction of Hellenism and Greece, of course
not in itself sufficient to constitute the country, which is the most beautiful and
rich country in the world and wants her estate to Zionism, but seeks the
destruction of the Greek inhabitants of Greece. So far Papandreou Cam, for
that purpose but that it will describe these briefly below. And the purpose of
collapsing Greece's anti-Greek European Union and NATO anti-Hellenic junta
has been fully achieved by politicians, institutions of Zionism Karamanlis, C,
Rallis, Andreas Papandreou, Averoff, Constantine Mitsotakis, Mr. Simitis and
Aaron Avori etc.
Having reached the change of events in Athens 1973, immediately in January
1974 all the international press, driven by Zionism writes and helps to usher
the events that occur in a few months in Cyprus and Greece to prepare public
opinion in Greece, Cyprus, Europe and America about what will happen. From
the book "Chronicle of 20 th Century 'record only certain distinctive titles of the
international press:" Blacks omens for Cyprus "," New political clouds in the
sky of Cyprus "," The Government of Turkey took the Boulen Ecevit, who works
methodically towards the complete isolation of Greek Affairs and the Cypriot
side. ""The Ecevit goes for completion of military preparations, on the southern
coast of Turkey, which betray an unusual kind of preparation, etc. On 27
January 1974 reported the death in Cyprus C. Grivas. Normal Death or
suspect? The facts methodically made in Greece and Cyprus, let each reader
draw his own conclusion about the sudden death of C. Grivas in January 1974.
Meanwhile the gap between Makarios and Ioannides junta – Jacques Alazaraki
and Prime Minister A. Andratsopoulou growing. Here I note that a time like this
and on page 1121 of the book "Chronicle of 20 th Century", which indicate the
page bleak information about Cyprus, is a typical photograph published by the
Minister Moshe Dayan of Israel along with U.S. Secretary of X . Kissinger.In
this color photo shows the one looking at each other smiling and very
conspiratorial. Both were the leading institutions of Zionism, which
spearheaded the imposition of dictatorship in Greece, the creation of the
events of Athens and the great conspiracy for the dismemberment of Cyprus
and the destruction of part of Hellenism.
So with the brutal dictatorship. Ioannidis - Jacques (James) Alazaraki spent
the first half of 1974. The junta is known on July 15 1974 did the coup in
Cyprus and overthrew Makarios and appointed president of Cyprus, the Jew,
writes J. Fourakis, Nicholas Sampson. All subsequent events are known and the
time series record against the upper mentioned my book to be released
shortly. To conclude this period of the junta with all the dramatic and very anti-
Greek events, emphasize only three things. First mention of Makarios's speech
before the Security Council, who begged it to intervene and support those who
are entitled under the circumstances, to intervene to restore the constitutional
order of Cyprus, because as he is hostile invasion (Greek Army was the enemy
of Makarios in Cyprus!) and the invasion would suffer the entire Cypriot people,
Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. This appeal Makarios was clear call for
Turkey to invade Cyprus and let everyone believes in consciousness. Second
anti-Hellenic and I could call and miselliniko fact, the motto of Constantine
Karamanlis, in response to a journalist's question: what to do with Cyprus, said
that Cyprus is far away from Greece. And thirdly miselliniko mega event is
when the second 15 days of July 1974 Defence Minister Evangelos Averoff
Greek naval station in Faliro, when asked what to do with Cyprus, and very
conspiratorial with an ironic smile replied that "colluded phone with Karamanlis
and preparing tomorrow to get the warship to go to Cyprus. With such Zionists
masters of Greece was able to repel "Attila 2" which occupied and destroyed
half of Cyprus!!?


PERIOD 1974-2010

And now I come to the post-junta period, the so-called regime change to
date in which all governments
competed longer to do the greatest evil in Greece, Hellenism, and of course
the Greek people. Now in 2010 these are all obviously having reached Greece
in bankruptcy, destroyed completely the Greek economy and social cohesion,
and death and completely devastated the beautiful and unique in the world in
beautiful Greek countryside. Below briefly but emphatically record some details
of the evidence for yourselves.
First describing the evils of the first post-dictatorship period of Prime Minister
Karamanlis, G. Rallis 1974-1981. The relevant news is recorded in the book
"Chronicle of 20 th Century" and dated July 24 1974, ie after the Turkish Attila
1 says: "He fell the junta" and explained: The Chief of the Armed Forces and
leaders Bonanos A. Galatsanos Army, Navy and Air Force Arapaki smear all
shabby greek-hatred and when they decided and said that we can not
intervene in Cyprus after Attila 1, it will fail, then those above four executives
of the Armed Forces of Greece had a meeting with President of Republic John
Gkiziki on 23 July 1974 expressed the need for the award of government
politicians, which also accepted the invisible dictator. Ioannidis, privy to all and
of course with the consent of the bride and body of Jewish Israel and Zionism
Jacques Alazaraki.

So were the Gkiziki all the old politicians who have a joint meeting decided to
entrust the government to Karamanlis. Everything was designed and
programmed by Zionism is illustrated by two incidents immediately say: a) the
day before at the meeting of more than 23 / 7/ 1974 Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the U.S. Henry Kissinger had announced the alteration with this statement
and stated specifically that the Prime Minister will do Konstantinos Karamanlis
and b) a great agent and a senior body of international Zionism Ziskar de Stain
(Giscard de Sten ) who was president of France, has granted the French
presidential plane to transport the Karamanlis from Paris to Athens. It is well
known that Giscard de Sten before promoted to the supreme position of
president of France was a senior member of the Rothschild Banks of the Jewish
Zionists. Here is the proof of the whole conspiracy of Zionism on the events in
Greece and Cyprus.
In the post-dictatorship period Zionism with bodies all Greek politicians,
government and opposition did terrible crimes against the Greek people and
Greek ca eliminating little by little all the Greeks as puts and "our Holy Bible
(Old Testament) funk us, which is coded guide to lead Jews to subdue the
Greeks, and of course all the peoples of the earth.
I do a referral to mention that Giscard de Sten, organ of the great banks of
the Jewish Rothschilds and international Zionism a few years will lead to the
entry of Greece (the collapse says I. Fourakis) in ECM (Now EU). Giscard
himself de Sten will come from France and will be present to sign the Treaty in
Zappeion along with his brother Zionist Karamanlis.
The most appalling crimes he Zionism against Hellenism and Greece during
the period under review 1974-1981 to the Governments of Greece were the
bodies of Karamanlis, George Rallis, George Black, Miltiades Evert, Stefanos
Manos, K. Tsatsos, John Boutos, K. Stephanopoulos, Univ. Papaligouras,
Averoff, Athanasios Tsaldaris and other policies, listed below briefly that the
reader fully informed about the situation in Greece and Cyprus. Most of these
politicians were of the party's E.R.E. that Karamanlis now mislead the Greek
people renamed it "New Democracy". Will also briefly mention other events
that afflicted the Panhellenic always in chronological order as they relate to the
massive but very valuable book on the true story of the "Chronicle of 20 th

August 2 1974, the Government of National Unity under Karamanlis restore

the 1952 constitution and decide the gradual demobilization. While Turkey is
constantly attacking to Cyprus thus made by Attila 2 started with the
Karamanlis government, the achievement of its objectives was the capture of
38% of Cypriot territory. The Government of Athens Karamanlis and Co. made
a demobilization of the Greek army and weakening. Information is saying that
Nicosia has been evacuated while the villages broadcast gruesome atrocities of
the invaders against the Greek Cypriot civilian population. Residents displaced
by thousand and reported mass executions and hostage taking. Morfou and
Amohostos have been occupied and Attila 2 go despite repeated Security
Council resolutions ordering that stopping hostilities. Ecevit The Security
Council will count, when he had support of the International Zionism, which
nothing count and Jewish Zionists want that they issue? Up to 17 August
reached a truce after Attila took 37% Of Cyprus, despite the opera-like
meetings in Geneva, Switzerland, the three governments, England, Turkey and
Greece, this was represented by Foreign Minister Jewish Zionists C. Black of
course after the government of Karamanlis did not raise the slightest
diplomatic and military resistance, such as Karamanlis said "Cyprus is too far
away from Greece", and the Defence Minister Karamanlis said Averoff ironic
told reporters that "colluded with Karamanlis to get the next one warship to go
to Cyprus, to resist. The greatness of the Zionist conspiracy!
On September 9 1974, the Turks began the uprooting of the Greek element
was left in Istanbul, Karamanlis and Co not shook her finger them.
On October 2 1974 bears the news that at the excavations in Santorini was
killed Greek-hearted great archaeologist Spyros Marinatos. This brought to
light in the excavations of valuable archaeological discoveries and compelling
evidence showing the giant ancient culture and this is not the disadvantage of
the forger of the Greek Jewish history and wrote many books as the most likely
S. Marinatos he was murdered.

On December 8 1974 was the referendum with 69.2% removed the

monarchy Republic.
17 At the 17 of December the greek-hearted, great poet Costas Varnalis at
the age of 90 died. Here it is worth a characteristic quote from an interview in
1964 to show what happens in Greece and how the Greeks are the serfs in
their place. He said: "We are a colony and the Greek people in foreign land.
Therefore, the historical drama of our people are much more difficult than
many other people who typically are masters at home. " Greatest of truth that
Mr Varnalis could not be said. And indeed this is the hometown favorite, our
Sacred Greece from 1910 until today. The above words of Mr. Varnali I did not
leave any doubt that not only identifies Zionism, because at that time (1964)
all shaded by bullying and oppressed by slavery, but certainly understands
Zionism as a settler and master of the Greek people and other peoples.
Another terrible crime began to take place, ie on 31 December 1974
appointed a bipartisan committee will examine the "language question". It is
the principle agreed by all Members for Zionists to come in 1977 The Jew-
zionist G. Rallis as Minister of Education and the decision taken together with
Prime Minister Karamanlis will cripple the Greek divine our language. We
establish that the monotone system, will establish a communal language and
prohibit entirely taught in Greek schools in ancient Greek. So all the children of
Greece since left illiterate and do not know how to write an application and
even those children who ended the university.
On March 15 1975 died in the great Greek Aristotle Onassis at the age of 69
years. Of course, the great Greek that made him fall apart after 1973
murdered son Alexander. Onassis half of the gigantic fortune was left to the
Greek State for benevolent and charitable purposes.
On November 10 the General Assembly of the United Nations passed a
decision he describes Zionism "a form of maximum racism and racial
discrimination. " The representative of the U.S. Jew-american Daniel Patrick
Munychia said the U.S. "I will never approve this heinous act." What would
indicate that agent after America's held by Jew-Zionism?
On 12 May 1976 Joseph (Josef) Tito, came to Athens and worked closely with
Karamanlis, the Balkans and internationally. Of course it secretly discussed the
Macedonia issue, but Karamanlis says nothing about it, since the Jew is Joseph
Tito created Yugoslavia in the state and named "Macedonia".
Same meeting, Karamanlis and Tito were in Athens on June 5 1975, but then
kept silence Karamanlis fish. Here is the whole Jew-sionist conspiracy to
Macedonia that immediately after the death of Tito in 1980 will be screened
globally with provocative and untrue claims in Skopje over Macedonia.

On May 1 1976 news says: Alekos Panagoulis dead. Murderous act or

accident? The details recorded in the relevant publication leave no doubt that
this was a murderous action. This is because as I record above, a conspiratorial
agreement with the Minister of Interior of Cyprus Georgatzis Polycarp went to
kill the dictator Papadopoulos, so maybe they can frustrate the plans for the
proposed division of Cyprus. Unfortunately both of these died a tragic death
All shocking details of the post-dictatorship action A. Panagouli that for these
politicians and the press hounded the record in that my book will be released
The news of August 20 1976 says that the check is deducted three banks
from the group of Andreadis. The group of these banks (commercial, etc.) of
the great Greek Stratis Andreadis, the originating from Chios had subsidiaries
and a few dozen large and small businesses of all kinds. These Banks and their
subsidiaries with virtual increase of the share capital of banks and transfer of a
maximum rate of increase in the government, received the majority share in
the government and so tycoon and banker Stratis Andreadis lost all his
Now sold to French Commercial - Jews, to justify why the uncle of Prime
Minister Costas Karamanlis's newest nationalized Commercial Bank and the
other said in their statements and repeating parrots all journalists of all Pan-
wide channel that then the K . Karamanlis, G. & P. Ralli Papaligouras had
caught sosialomania. Funny excuse for why it will not nationalize banks that
were under the control of Jews, as it was under the control of these and
maximum operations, like giants, multinational and those who belonged to
Jewish Zionists?
On December 6 1976 published the following news: Our lives are in danger
in Athens, the infection was over international boundaries. It is the result of
ghettoization of Athens and other cities of Greece the sole responsibility of
Zionism and its institutions that created this chaotic city of Athens and other
cities under the program and plan of the Government of Greece were all
submissive to Zionism and above all the government of Mr Karamanlis.
On 15 December the 17 November or branch of Mossad, writes great
Fourakis, killing the former prime bishop of the Greek Police Evangelos Mali.
killed this greek-hearted officer, because it was recorded in detail all the facts
to impose dictatorship and the events of the University of the pioneers in the
organization was significantly executives and agents of Israel.
The news of 18 February 1978 says that Marshal Tito met in Chertsegkov the
Adriatic coast by Andreas Papandreou during a "long chat and Friends"
discussed bilateral and international issues. I'm sure the two Ovrios discussed
how to process the projection of future ca Makedonikoy creation of Aegean
Macedonia, which will later called New Israel and Greece New Zion.
In May 1978 was awarded the prize "Charlemagne" Prime Minister Costas
Karamanlis for his activity in favor of Consolidation of European countries. That
is to become "the people of Europe" one flock in line with the evangelical
saying and be a shepherd, Zionism. Karamanlis and the government of
refusing to become a referendum on accession of Greece into the EEC Being
taken decision of Zionism that Greece joined the EEC, the Greek people will be
On January 18 1979 died industrialists Baptist Bodossakis - Athanasiadis 88
years, who contributed greatly to the industrialization of Greece and created a
major economic units. Ole, these companies will revert to the heir of Alexander
Bodossaki - Athanasiadis, which the 17 November Mossad would assassinate
him in order to reach the property giant is in the hands of institutions of Jewish
Now we will record a shocking revelation that shows how greek-hatred the
Jews, Karamanlis and Papandreou were I mention above that the Jewish
Yugoslav President Josef (Joseph) had Tito in 1977 and 1978 two meetings in
Athens with Karamanlis and Yugoslavia in a meeting with Andreas Papandreou
discussed bilateral and international issues. And here is the result of the record
referred to in the "Chronicle of 20 th Century."January 19 1979, ie immediately
after the meetings Tito - Karamanlis and Papandreou in 1977 and 1978 "The
anti-Hellenic movement gets dangerous proportions, supported by Skopje are
talking about integration of Macedonia. Suspicious activities are extended from
Canada and Munich, where he was sent to Greece to commemorate the new
year, a notice with a map of "Aegean Macedonia". The map includes part of
Southslavia (Skopje), Bulgaria and the whole of northern Greece in Kastoria,
the notice addressed to all "men and women of Macedonia" which he calls
"brothers", accuses the Greek imperialists and invite all in rebellion, "snaps to
chains of Greek colonization. At the time of publication of the notice above
lived Tito. Here it is clear that the Macedonia problem Zionism created with
genuine children - Tito bodies, Karamanlis and Papandreou.
On March 19 1979 Tito, the Tsaouseksou agree with Karamanlis on a
common policy line in the Balkans and now the leader Karamanlis issues and
problems of the Balkan peoples, but the above mentioned actions against anti-
Hellenic Greek Macedonia took no silence. What more proof do we need to
prove who was the Jewish Zionists Karamanlis.
And behold, one day landmark for Hellenism, which deliberately and with
deep meaning to chose Zionism wants the complete destruction of the Greeks
and Hellenism. On this day May 29 1979 signed the accession of Greece as a
tenth member of the EEC For signing the membership held in Zappeion
protagonist was Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis in the presence of big
brother and president of the French Republic, a large strain of the international
Jewish Zionism Giscard de Sten and other representatives of other sister
States of the EU 8 OK I say that May 29 is such a fateful day because the
Ottomans conquered the Byzantine Greeks and here writes on this great John
Fourakis "The mantroma of Greece in the European Union will mean the
extinction of Hellenism. The cogent events from then until today, which will
briefly mention below and the unprecedented measures that are currently
depressed and took out by the Jewish Prime Minister of Greece George
Papandreou with his government, all ministers and deputy ministers are Jewish
Zionists, affirm As a proof of John Fourakis.

These measures are harsh and depressing at the Greek people Papandreou
took them and apply them in good faith and full cooperation and agreement
with the blind instruments of Zionism who writes Fourakis is.N.T., NATO, the
European Union member states put Prime Ministers and Presidents of Jewish
Zionists, the European Central Bank, American Federal Bank (Federal Reserve
Bank of America) which belongs to a private Jewish issue and uncontrolled U.S.
dollars without any monetary rule, such as course and adopt the euro, Mr CC
On October 5, reported the news that drug imports doubled in Greece two
years in 1977 to 1978, in which the government of Greece had Karamanlis.
Thus disappears little by little, he writes and wants to Deuteronomy in the Old
Testament, the Greek race. A policeman friend of mine Greek-hearted and
Gree-liker told me that if there was political will on behalf of the Government of
the Greek Police is able to completely eliminate drug trafficking throughout the
country, but how can this happen after the world and in Greece of course, far
the majority of the production and trafficking of drugs are in the hands of
Zionism to fill and the source of gold to bang it.
On May 4, 1980 the Croatian-Jew president of Yugoslavia Giasef (Joseph)
Tito died who so faithfully served the Zionism and established the Macedonia.
May 5, 1980 he was elected President of the Republic and Prime Minister
Karamanlis was G. Rallis.
On August 15, 1980 returned to Greece to NATO open the question of the
Aegean. Another national tragedy in Greece preparing the Zionists.
On 18 October 1980, Willy Brandt, that German-Jew chairman of the
Socialist Party of Germany, came to Athens and had several hours of talks on
international issues with the President of the Republic Konstantinos
Karamanlis, Prime Minister George Rallis, John Pesmatzoglou and President of
PASOK, Papandreou. Of all the considerations set out above it is clear that the
issues discussed in the EEC and Macedonia, according to the commands of
Zionism and of course that matters concerning the destruction of Hellenism.
Rallis, M. Evert, S. Manos in 1980.

For the destruction of Greek businessmen, borrowers Greeks Zionist Jews G.

Rallis Prime Minister and Miltiades Evert Finance Minister and Coordinating
Minister Stephanos Manos legally vote in 1980, which of course confirms the
President Karamanlis and the law that not unprecedented in the annals of
Greece, but in the annals of humankind establish interest rates of the bank. It
is a capitalization of the banking system and interest in entering the super
interest payable of overdue loans so that the initial capital to reproduce
Geometric progress within short periods, thus requiring that created multiple
banks concerned principal from the original borrowing. As explained by
television, a loan amount of 10,000,000 drachmas reach hundreds of millions
or more of the bill within a minimum time limit. Result of this law was to close
dozens of giant industrial and commercial units such as the first industry in
Europe in the textile industry Piraeus - Patraiki the CHROPEI, Aegean Textiles
and other quite big companies hundreds of other smaller urban and
agricultural entities and several thousand Greek citizens have lost all their

Result of this monstrous law, as it is said in the television broadcast, the

economist and former owner of CHROPEI ended by the law that was to Sotiris
Sofianopoulos de-industrializied entirely by Greece and hit the deadly and
devastating Greek businessmen, agricultural industry and all Greeks policies
directed to banks to take loans to service their needs. Now is the crucial
question that matters apparent revealed that just 2 ½ years before the
enactment of this Act ethnocide the Jewish Zionists Karamanlis, G. Rallis, P.
Papaligouras nationalized the three banks of the great Greek Stratis Andreadis.
Stratis Andreadis took pains than anyone else to develop the Greek economy is
always in favor of the Greek people. Although now with the enactment of this
Act held the three banks could this great Greek implement this ethnocide law?
I never would do that and that's why more Jewish Zionists Rulers of Greece
took the banks of the hands. Beyond Karamanlis government on this - Rally
Zionists made and the destruction by fire of large superstores Greek and
acquisition of large industrial units and enterprises to completely isolate the
Greeks from the economic life of Greece to come to Hebrew and Dutch-Jew
hands (like ELAIS k . etc.). The destruction of Greek businesses and de-
industrialization of Greece will continue over the next 20 years of governance
by PASOK in Greece and other South-term Government. After faithfully
implemented the nation-killing statutory of interest rate.

Summary will mention all these disasters summary certainly caused by the
Zionists with their bodies always the governments of Greece.

On December 20, 1980 simultaneous explosion of incendiary bombs were

destroyed in Athens, the stores' mini 'and' Katrantzos. The "mini" belonged to
the great Greek Georgacas from Kalamata, and the department "Katrantzos" in
Greek Katrantzo.

On July 8, again with arson destroyed the Greek supermarkets "Dragonas"

and "Lambropoulos.

On July 11, 1981 again put incendiary bomb in the store "Lambropoulou in
Athens but did not go off. The above disaster shop "Lambropoulos" concerning
this experiment.

If you try, I wrote a great Fourakis, a cursory study of ways and targets
after the regime change in 1974, de-industrialization of Greece and the
destruction of major companies and present-but also the destruction of agro,
even this culture of Greece, will be identified and will be seen that the Zionist
and Jew-Donimated Netherlands is behind all this. Because all these bankers
and all those from political parties and especially the Left parties, particularly
the Communist Party Domestic (Damanaki) as adventurers and trade unionists
and venal cunning-leaders who were trained in the Netherlands for in Greece
and the Greek corrosive decomposing actions such as arson on Greek major-
shops, with disastrous interest rates loans, taxation and taxed as well as
coordinated and disruptive strikes against the Greek-owned industrial and
commercial enterprises and economic units.
Among those companies that destroyed referenced but not limited to the
following: "IZOLA", "CHROPEI", "PEIRAIKI PATRAIKI" the largest textile
industry in Europe by the great Greek Karpenissi Katsambis giant SYSTEMS
Andreadis complex "Skalistiri" Bauxite Parnassus the "Larco", the "FERTILIZER
COMPANY", the "PYRKAL", the "Chemical Industries of Northern Greece", the

Also a series of strategic industries (because of the food) such as "the

ELAIS" and "chocolate PAVLIDOU" by knowingly aid and support of banks,
politicians and cunning-leaders come to Dutch-Jew property, as well as in the
recent property spent nearly all Greek-owned industries and enterprises of
food and beverages. The major point is that according to the Old Testament
(Deuteronomy) that says that the carrion rather not have to eat brother Jew
but give it away other-races people to eat it and the SALE with the largest gain
in other races so the Jewish producers Food and beverages will not we know to
what extent the poison to eat the Greeks and to cause an incurable disease
and Zionism wants the destruction of the Greeks from the land. Of course the
Greeks knowing the intentions and the tricks of the Jews do not eat and drink
their products. But how many such Greeks, but I always wake up a few others.
Some of these products are the Jews that I never ate them is the oil "ALTIS"
"The vitamins, all beverages 3E of Cyprian-Jew George David and especially
the Coca - Cola contains poisonous dioxins. Here I record my personal
experience as an auditor in the Tax Tribunal to reach the maximum production
of Olives in "DUTCH-JEW TODAY ELAIS" destroyed all the olive oil cooperatives
in rural and natural and to ravage the countryside Greece. Next to the shops
burned in incendiary bombs, there were many very large dutch-jew shops, but
never harmed.

Now testament that the Jewish producers poison food and beverages is the
lowest I confided Greek officer. He said after the Jewish 3E David George
overpowered all Greek industrial companies producing soft drinks was in
Greece and a monopoly for the production of oranges (Amita, Fanta), Lemon
(Lemonade) and other fruits, use only juice-including-pack containing little
orange juice and buy lemons from Argentina, Brazil and Israel without buying
either a pound of oranges and lemons from the immense production of oranges
and lemons in Greece. Here you just apply and selling adulterated soft drinks
that uses the Mosaic law and sell poisonous products (dying) unfortunately due
to lack of similar products Greek craftsmen and industries of the Greek people
eat. Luckily lately because of the gigantic literary struggle that we hellenic
people done we began producing soft drinks and Greeks are wonderful in taste
and quality a lot and they produce the company "LUX" in Patras and the
company "Olympus" in Larissa.

News of January 5, 1981, says: The President of PASOK Papandreou, the

leadership of the KKE and KKE Domestic and G. Black did not participate in the
ceremony of the accession of Greece into the EEC (EU today). We write the
story listed above to see the deception and ridicule that they issue to the
Greek people, because after October 1981 and for almost twenty years
governments in Greece will be the party of PASOK with Greek-speaking Jews,
Prime Ministers Andreas Papandreou and Costas Simitis and Aaron Avouris.
They worked with the Prime Ministers fanaticism for the full integration of
Greece into the European Union and NATO. That is to join the single and
unique fold, according to the sayings of the Gospel. The initial refusal of the
above for inclusion (collapse says the great I Fourakis) of Greece in the EU who

Mr. Simitis and Aaron Avouris abolished and the national currency of the
penny and put Greece in the euro area and imported the elusive European
currency the euro which publishes the Jewish bank said European Central

The news of May 21, 1981 says that arsonists struck at 4 points and burned
half Hymettus. Comments do not require the police never once not even got an
arsonist. Here continuous fire to destroy everything Greek always
Governments of New Republic. So on June 3, 1981, fire destroyed 700 acres of
forest in Vari. Again on June 3, 1981 arson at the new Greek supermarkets
"KLAOUDATOS" and "ATENE". On July 28, 1981 hell fire in the industrial area of
Redi, burned 4 factories owned by Greeks. On August 3, 1981 forests ablaze.
In the flames Penteli. The sacred path of Athens a firewall spread over factories
and homes, threatening Botanical, Rendi and Rouf. I still hundreds of very
large fires, destroying beautiful forests, factories, buildings and even a culprit
will be revealed. The conspiracy of the Zionist leaders with the destruction of
Greece in all its splendor.

Summing up the crimes and evils that have harmed in Greece and the
Greek government for eight years of Greece by Konstantinos Karamanlis, and
G. Ralli along with their companions who were all Jewish Zionists, ie the so-
called time-change 1974-1981. In October 1918 he was elected prime minister
and PASOK became A. Papandreou, President of the Republic of the Jewish
Zionists Karamanlis. These crimes were so loud it for eight years to
characterize eight years of hell for Greece and Hellenism (1974-1981). During
this period Zionism by agents of the rulers in Greece and Cyprus have harmed
all about the complete loss of a large part of the Greeks (Istanbul - Cyprus),
the great catastrophe of the Greek countryside (beautiful forest arson - arson
and major department stores and industrial buildings owned by Greek
entrepreneurs) and completely destroyed the economy for a full evacuation of
Greeks from economic life of Greece and put on endless hate the
proletarianization solid foundation for the entire Greek people, fiber reach the
Greek people in complete poverty and poverty and then of course will occur
and the complete annihilation of the Greek race, as apparently told the Jewish
Zionists Harry Protopappas, lieutenant Yiangou Pesmatzoglou KODISO of which
I heard with my own ears to says a panel having 5 to 6 people on the road
against the University of Athens Toth Cinema Rex. The proletarianization of the
white peoples of the world organization and 2010 we see today in America,
Europe, Russia, etc.

In particular the Greek nightmarish period 1974-1981 by nightmares and

Jewish Zionists Greek-hatred Karamanlis, G. Rallis, Averoff, M. Evert, Stefanos
Manos and other politicians and other governing bodies of international and
domestic Jewish Zionism occurred following destruction of the Greek State, the
Greek people and Greek which together form a Greek tragedy and very large.
Major crimes are bad and summary are:

With government in Greece Konstantinos Karamanlis, the Turks in 1974

occupied the major cities of Cyprus as Famagusta, shape, etc. and uprooted
from their ancestral homes and 200,000 Greek Cypriots from the northern part
of Cyprus forced them to go to southern island. Great destruction of Greek and
Greek female space without moving a finger to the Governor! Greece's
Karamanlis and Minister of National Defence Averoff.

At this period continued the uprooting and expulsion of large numbers of

Greeks in Istanbul, but not here there is any reaction of the Zionist rulers of

At this time multiplied by the importation and consumption of drugs thus

poisoned the Greek students and Greek citizens growing at exponential rate.
Another way to extinction Greeks little by little as required by the Mosaic Law
and Therefore let no evil mitigation measure has been taken by the Zionist
government Karamanlis – Rallis.

Also during the same period beautiful and refreshing woodland burned to
the ground specialists trained in the Jew-dominated Netherlands arsonists, but
not arrested even one perpetrator. Great destruction of the Greek nature and
destruction of forests the lungs of urban Athens - Thessaloniki major Greek
cities and regions.

G. Rallis as Education Minister Karamanlis introduced a monotonic system,

introduced the folk language and banned everywhere should be taught in all
schools of ancient Greek and thus laid the foundations for a definitive
annihilation of divine Greek. Since the implementation of these measures in all
schools of Greece, the Greek children were the most ignorant and
grammatically most stupid people in Europe.

With unequaled jew-like treacherous intrigue and the government is seized

in 1976 three Banks of Banker's businessman Stratis Andreadis this great
Greek-hearted Greek from the island of Chios. Along the banks seized and
dozens of other companies in all kinds Andreadis were subsidiaries of banks
that have over the banks are the majority of such shares The big insurance
PHOENIX, plant fertilizer N. Karvali etc.

Grand larceny in the Great Jewish Greek business units.

A law made by the economic ministers and Jewish Zionists M. Evert
Stefanos Manos in 1980 by Prime Minister G. Ralli and President of the
Republic Karamanlis, introduced in Greece, the unprecedented global system of
interest rates regulation, under which the initial capital someone borrowed
from banks in a short time to multiply exponentially and reaches great heights.
So shut peak, large and small industries as Greek in the next two decades to
become the complete de-industrialization of Greece with all this implies for the
economic situation of Greece and the Greek people. Also closed all other kinds
of economic units Greek-owned and many of them fell into the hands of Jews
and Dutch-Jews. With interest rates due to propagation abnormally due
originally a bank loan, hundreds of thousands of Greeks lost all all kinds of
fixed assets etc. were poor and poor. All food and beverage industry of Greece
fell into Jewish hands. Based on the above felonies of Zionist rulers of Greece,
laid the foundation for all proletarianization of the Greek people for the
eventual extinction. At this present time continued the hyper-ghettoization in
Athens, Thessaloniki and other major cities of Greece, that the pollution to
reach very high levels, the mined Health of Greeks thus began to get sick in
groups and go to hospitals. There are other evils that have harmed the
Karamanlis, G. Rallis, Averoff, S. Manos, M. Evert and other politicians on the
basis of what they did can only be described as anti-Greek, and misellines
greatest nightmare of the Greeks and Hellenism. And though the Great
nightmare of the Greeks ,Karamanlis has been promoted it to ethnarch of
Greece by the Zionist. Shame! for genuine Greeks if they accept it.

We come now to the last thirty years October 18, 1981 to date in May 2010.
It's terribly bad period and crimes against Greece, the Greeks and Hellenism.

Cast the nightmare for the Greek period is basically the Jewish PASOK Prime
Minister Andreas Papandreou 1981 - 1989 and 1993 - 1995, Costas Simitis
(out of the Semitic race) or Aaron Avouris like this name wrote many
magazines and newspapers from 1995 to 2004 and second word protagonist is
the New Republic by the Prime Minister 1990 - 1993 nightmare Jewish Zionists
Costas Mitsotakis (he said it was his sister, nephew of Venizelos Zelon or Beni)
and the period of less Karamanlis but big nightmare for Greeks who ruled as
Prime Minister from 6 May 2004 to October 5, 2009. The ashes left by these
three nightmares Prime Ministers of Greece were major instruments of
international Jewish Zionism came the greatest Jewish Zionists Joseph (George
I was wrong I would say) Papandreou and with the Jew-Sionist gang of Nikolai
Sarkozy, the Angela Merkel, Brown, its President.New Fund Jewish Ntomenik
CVD or Cohen and the large Jewish Zionists Jean Trichet President European
Central Bank and pawn of Jewish Rothschild Bankers summary governmental
acts to go and finish-up the embers too, which is the devastation of the Greeks
and Greece. But all these accounts without the hotelier, because today the
Greeks nor the exception and supporters of PASOK is suspicious and will
quickly become a solid force that will sweep and proclaim with all the power of
their soul that they issue and the other peoples of America , Russia, France,
England and throughout Europe and the world to the sweep from side to side
edge of the earth to rid mankind of the terrible crimes of Jewish Zionism and
the first course will be relieved by the Greek people have always pioneered to
offer ideas, always valuable for the sake of humanity.

That Jewish Zionists Karamanlis who ended the Greek people on October 5,
2009, said the selling of Greece "reforms".

And so the Jewish Zionists, a supporter of globalization of the Rockefeller,

Rothschild, Morgan, Kissinger and other Joseph and George Papandreou of
Greece complete destruction and poverty and poverty of the Greeks in which
they found after the disastrous measures taken by the above Prime falsely
misleadingly says that he took these measures for the salvation of Greece and
without embarrassment and shame, because so advised by the richly paid by
the Greek State 4-5 Jew-american mentors who came for this reason that
Greece and the Jewish prime minister which has no drop of blood in the veins
of Greek says that he took steps to salvation. The provocation and
misrepresentation of the Greek people from this Jewish Zionists in great
heights. This is verified exactly our great natural philosopher Democritus, who
said this: "while many do the worsts things but expressed excellent reasons"
and the great Aristotle describes this as "political sexual abuse". These are
then Karamanlis and George Papandreou, both sexually-abusing against
Greece and the Greek people. Today I know of 161 members of PASOK,
probably 158 because three genuine Greeks left PASOK and Papandreou they
understand and repeat the 158 MPs or 10 MEPs are genuine Greeks to send
the Papandreou to go to around the mountains of Jerusalem to find a nest to
hide, as they did once in the past years the Jews of Jerusalem, the ancestors
of this insolent prime minister.

And now I come to mention very briefly summarized and some of the
enormous crimes that they did in Greece and all Greeks who ruled from
October 18, 1981 until now always in chronological order as recorded in the
voluminous book "Chronicle of 20 th Century" and up 2000 and the remaining
10 years will write from the rich experience that I follow all the events with a
very Greek passion.

Pre outset that I write have listed Jew and Andreas Papandreou, as on page
1091 of the book recorded over the news that a true Jew by decision of the
Israeli parliament's 1970 is the one who has a Jewish mother. Polish-jew
Sophia Mineiko is the mother of A. Papandreou those Prime Ministers of
PASOK, Jewish Zionists proclaimed passionately to mislead the Greek people
EEC and NATO in the same union. According to the government of Greece by
those engaged in exactly the opposite and stuck to Greece deeper in muddy
waters of the criminal Zionist NATO and greek-hatred jew-sionistic present.
Europe. I'm talking about the managers in Europe and not the peoples of
Europe, except the British, Dutch and Belgians who are brothers of the Jews,
except for some portion of these peoples as the Welsh, Scots and Irish are
pelasgian race and brothers with their divine Greeks.

These nightmares of the Greek people Prime ministers proclaimed that

Greece belongs to the Greeks, but the policy that applied, that allowed the
uncontrolled entry of millions of illegal immigrants in Greece that they issue a
mix of the Greek people and spread them all over Greece, so in some parts of
Northern Greece foreigners make up the majority of the people and I did and
they issue them to Greece was invaded by foreigners, so instead that Greece
belongs to Greeks to come to strangers. This was the policy of all jew-sionist
Prime Ministers of Greece, now President of the so-called Greek Republic and
other politics.

And these Jewish Zionists Prime Ministers, so far from October 1981 ruled
Greece for more than 20 years, declared that their objective was the economic
and social assistance of the laborer, the farmer, the compact, the retired
general and non-privileged Greek . With a Jewish lie, and with intent to
mislead the above said reason and now let's see what happened in this twenty
years and what condition received, Greece and the Greeks.

Unemployment in this period although it was officially 12%, while the

informal to a much greater rate, and unemployment has reached new great
heights. Only noted that unemployment, the dictatorship, PASOK received it at

Agriculture, fisheries and livestock defaced because the deliberately State

subsidies were removed or minimized in accordance with the orders of Zionist
anti-Hellenic European Union.

With unequaled Jewish deceit and pursuant to the plan of Joseph in Egypt
pursued a policy of austerity in order to enable Greece to join the EMU
(economic and monetary union). Having declared that the entry of Greece in
EMU will have beneficial results, because after toiaftin into the lives of millions
of Greeks was very hard and brought the Greek people in a state of poverty
and many Greeks have only the daily bread, or depriving them even of
epiousiou . It is no compelling evidence clear that they want to collapse the
Greeks in the greek-hatred zionist Europe and really make them proletarians
and worship a piece of bread for the Zionists, just like Joseph did the
Egyptians, they put them centers-ghettos and the unhappy Egyptians had
given to Joseph and the soul still a piece of bread, he writes just "our sacred
book," the Old Testament.

To bring the Greeks in unemployment, poverty and frustration in full this

time applied the law of the Panotokia Ralli, Evert, Manos South. so close to all
major Greek industries (Piraeus Patraiki, CHROPEI, Aegean, SOFTEX and
countless others, and thus lost their jobs and hundreds of thousands of Labor.
After claims that he had PASOK socialist party, it did not repeal the law of
interest-rates of New Republic, but was applied to the last detail. This does not
seem whole Jewish deceit and deception?

These 'prime minister' of Greece declared that it would protect the flora and
fauna of Greece. During the government of Greece by them and the interim
government of Greece under the Mitsotakis (1990 - 1993) there have been
numerous fires, which burnt the beautiful forests of Greece and the
surrounding forests of Attica and the forest of Thessaloniki Sheikh Su so these
large conurbations of Greece to lose their forests were the lungs for the
millions of Greek residents.

If possible, causing 20 to 30 fires a day to put the arsonists, including by

electronic means and the state can not identify and arrest nor an arsonist. This
just shows the hatred of jew-Sionist who want to destroy Greece, and was
completely done with the conscious participation and assistance from the rulers
of Greece who hate it, like Jews who are deadly.

These Jewish Zionists proclaimed rulers of Greece to combat the drug trade
and that will be punished severely drug dealers. Greece, according to official
European statistics at the time, but now is in Europe, Greece's second-place
drug use and also second in deaths from drug use.

Proclaimed these nightmares and destroyers of the Greeks that they issue a
consolidation of the existing government of corruption senior officials and
institutions of the wider public sector. Since that time Inland Revenue Service
officer serving as controller of enterprises, I know from personal experience
what was going on until October 18, 1981 and what is established by PASOK
and in particular by the Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou of Greece from
1981 onwards, the relations between institutions administration and in this
case the Tax Department with the public, that the Greek citizens. Until 1981 all
tax offices was initiated a few large companies or high-ranking financiers and
rentiers who hide some gains and income. In these graduates have control
only its tax and only men who took over from the taxpayers some small or big
cash prizes with profit in mind, of course, because its tax inspectors do not
allocate the sum of profits and income respondents. The gifts were that its tax
auditors, graduates of high schools and only men, handed out in three units,
namely taking share the curator, the monitor and controller. This was
established to allow those three players have some taxing financial standing
and addressing the Giants taxpayers may not be trivial to tie, shirt and suit.
This system does not endorse, but it was a very limited system of bribery and
corruption. Coming Papandreou and PASOK to power introduced by the
widespread corruption that all civil servants are men and women regardless of
their grammatical knowledge to serve the Greek people and in this case and in
my own tax service to taxpayers only after the transaction (corruption). Ie
ushers until the Inspector introduced corruption and so ruin the entire public
administration, and the Greek citizen in all his dealings with the public not to
treat a physiological condition of service, but the public body be brought to the
citizen brutally, just to seconded by the citizen and the taxpayer a gift, so he
takes the prize (monetary or otherwise) then the public body is bland and
serve immediately citizen, taxpayer, etc. Of course the ministers and senior
managers as theft and corruption and bribery are great heights, now in May
2010 revealed whole smell the parties, the Prime Ministers and senior officials.
Who does not remember the word of Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou, who
was discovered when a bribe to a public officer who arrived Mavridis then 500
million drachmas and Papandreou said: Well, not 500 million. That is below the
amount that corruption is legitimate. So PASOK introduced the widespread
corruption that ultimately achieved with this method the destruction of Greek

The Jewish Zionism by the bodies of Governors and exercise power in

Greece, seeking the devastation of the beautiful Greek countryside and the
concentration of Greeks and other peoples in many centers, populous city
equivalent to the spat that had created the great ancestor of the Jews in Egypt
Joseph . So this way it manages to Zionism and to dominate herds uneducated
people on the other hand is the occupying power because all the impersonal
areas and populous cities ghetto, the Jewish Zionists occupy any power easily
with the cunning that distinguishes them and people do not understand the
covert plans and succumb to their fate which is the degradation of life and
poverty, and poverty because the wealth stolen by the rulers themselves
intelligently. Serving in Greece dictates of Zionism to achieve this, the Zionist
PASOK minister Costas Simitis Prime or Aaron Avouris, Alekos Papadopoulos,
suggested bill was voted "Kapodistrias”. So the vast majority of villages and
communities of Greece to remain headless lords of community that served the
needs of permanent residents of these communities. Now no Jew Papandreou
and his government of PASOK, with the minister Saragkousi (Ragousis John)
introduced more exhausting for rural Greece bill named "KALLIKRATIS" to the
one in the large urban municipalities to create mammoth- ghettos, in rural
Greece and creates a decentralized planning with large areas at any such site
provides a small or big city office of the municipality in which all residents have
to run in this municipality, with loss precious years of professional occupations,
but also to spend money to go to the office of the City ca service and the
smallest of the problem and request. Furthermore, the ethnocide to Greece
this bill passed by the party of PASOK, and provides the division of Greece 7
major regions that will be the dismantling and destruction of Greece. All of
these they issue knowingly rulers of Greece's PASOK to tolerance and
acquiescence of all other parties from the left to the far right parties, which all
serve Zionism from treacherous for Greece purpose. The situation that
decapitate all the villages and small towns over the years will be unbearable
for the inhabitants of headless lords of Community villages and towns and this
will oblige them to abandon their homes in the province and rural settlements
and get along in large urban ghettos incentives as described before. In this
way will minimize the population living in rural and island Greece and stop the
tank, that the province has the innocent youth who mans that all areas of
social, economic and public life of the Greek nation. That is evil and horrible for
the Greeks that the Zionist project, which unfortunately was implemented first
in Kapodistrias and now they want greater decline in rural Greece and the
destruction of major urban centers with the thought and the Zionist project
entry of illegal immigrants in these centers with the name "KALLIKRATIS" will
prove immediately following what is said by wise greatest thinkers of humanity
"back" and "Aristotle". I write original ancient text as set out by the more wise
to understand that every reader of this article that everything I write is based
on solid and uncontested evidence of the truth of speech. Aristotle, page 78 -
Politics 3 - CACTUS Publishing, 1993 "and causing a political sponsorship first,
the tech crowd of people, how many tech and some from what is seen
naturally and in country and tech is and whose that. Translation. Rightly puts
it, Aristotle speaks of the problem and what number and what quality should
be the crowd should be composed of a city or clearly specify the scope and
even the population of a city or a country.

Aristotle: "On the rightful improvise over - that the populous is a very
openly. Behold people, good and sound good land and you Greeks how
beautiful and beneficial scientific Aristotle advises people to say how and to
what extent should build cities to be well run and failure due to massive
intruding or large number of foreign people and leave (and in our case the
illegal immigrants) to enter the government and become rulers of cities and
those States and instead to act for the good and the welfare and happiness of
the people look the same interest and have incurable evils are not easily
overcome, and neither is easy healing of most wounds caused.

How timely are these words of Aristotle with what is happening here and
100 years in miserable and tragic country, our holy Greece. All of these they
issue to destroy the Greeks and Hellenism, but ultimately these Zionist
Karamanlis, Papandreou Mitsotakides, Averoff Simitides, Evert, Manos, etc. the
pit was opened to throw Greece, eventually they will fall into the pit and will
parachosoume. I think Greece and the spirit will awaken and other people who
will cram all Jew-Christian-Zionists that today master, and these folks are the
first of all, Americans, who suffered from them, great natural disaster and all
European peoples, Russia, etc.

The "Kapodistrias" and "Kallikrates" made them just to shrink the population
of rural Greece in a small percentage from 4 to 7% And thus devastate and kill
the most beautiful country of land that is Greece, after the province and
especially in agricultural, livestock and mountainous regions of Greece will not
live longer Greeks. This crime Jew George Papandreou as Prime Minister and
Interior Minister Jew Saragkousis going to do. S. The machete every night by
Channel Blue - sky called the Ragousis the Hebrew name Saragkousi in
particular Turk-Jew Domna Chrisochoides Michael called him with the Jewish
name Koimtzoglou and nobody complained so far for any defamation of
Chatziara. Therefore this is all true and now I think that every reader will
understand Greeks in Greece who governs with Greek-hatred.

Another terrible crime PASOK initially and then other governments so far
PASOK and New Democracy was the lending of Greece. O for eight (8) years
finance minister Zionist. Tsobolas, obey blindly the orders of his boss Prime
Minister Andreas Papandreou has gone to lending Greece from international
and domestic hidden Jewish capital to carry out the Mosaic command of the
Old Testament "so the other races to lend the greatest possible rate and to
lend their Jewish brethren as much money or things they want without any
rate. That says unfortunately "our Holy Bible"!

Instead of getting right the public finances to combat tax evasion, which is
basically what major entities, which in overwhelmingly large number belong to
Jewish Zionists as the major Greek economic units destroyed completely in the
taxation of securities, coupon and interest banks to the tax income tax
bracket, this minister and then everyone else PASOK or South. Lending made
public, so that the public debt to reach great heights so far having the greatest
part of budget revenues and huge loans continues to do the government going
to serve all of the payment coupon and repayment of huge loans.

These loans were not covered by public funds of the Jewish world, as have
many since they have the right typoseos dollars from FEDERAL RESERVE BANK
of AMERIKA and other European central banks and currency issue as much as
they want and sell them to countries and individuals at rates 20 to 22% on
time of Tsobola of which gradually decreased. The Jewish Zionists as the
hyenas fell to eating the flesh of the Greeks and other peoples of many
Americans, Europeans, etc., because of the large coupon payment is made by
money of the Greek people and the other people who sweated and shed blood
to gain. Finally comes the question, what made them huge loans made by the
Greek government and of course other countries. For Greece, I can not say
that a great and valuable work of the government was not and the bulk of
these loans went to the follicles of the Zionist funds and the pockets of the
various bodies of all the Government (Prime Ministers, ministers, senior
government institutions, etc.) but the Greek people but loaded with this huge
and unbearable debt.

The Jewish Zionists Greek Prime Minister Costas Simitis and Aaron Avouris,
who rushed to mantrosei Greece in economic and monetary union and
abolished the ancient coin of humanity which is the penny, often densely
reasons in Greece expressed the wish that should quickly establish a pan
Management Center which will take over more powers to all European

That is called the masters and Jewish Bankers Rotsil, Rockefeller and
Morgan and is a satanic Jewish project wants to create a flock with one
shepherd the Jew-Christian-Zionism and Prime Minister of Greece, Zionist,
eager to promote.

Now only roughly in chronological order will mention all the major crimes
they did all that ruled Greece from 1981 until May 2010 today, and as we enter
the important events of interest and the Greek (true patriot reader.)

On 21/2/1982 the news says Karamanlis warns people that the wait for a
rainy day. As chairman of the so-called Greek Republic and as a maximum
body of Zionism warns the Greek people ca worst days. So why put us in the
12/5/1982 The news says "Hell, Athens, reaps the cloud - Hundreds of
hospitals. Each comment left over after the Athens did ghettos.

On August 3, 1982 The story says: "Fires in Penteli and Dionysus, burned
two (2 people and 40 houses). As usual and continues to 14/8/1982 "The
Bogiati in flames." On August 28 the news saying: "He resigned unexpectedly
yesterday from his office by the Minister of Internal Affairs Stathis Panagoulis.
In a letter to the Prime Minister and President of PASOK Papandreou notes
neglect of the Government and expressed his opposition to using government
positions to reproachable persons. Comments surplus.

News of 1/9/1982 states: "Closes and" CHROPEI 'other 6000 work.

Problems in hospitals from lack of good and many medicines CHROPEI. The
CHROPEI closed for two main reasons, as the owner of the great economist
and Sotiris Sofianopoulos said many players on television, calling the Prime
Ministers and politicians of New Democracy and PASOK great traitor of Greece.
Specifically stated that the CHROPEI closed from interest rates established by
law the New Republic and implemented by PASOK and the second ground was
closed because the Minister of Trade Law. John Varvitsiotis great Jew and
Zionist, in CHROPEI repeated requests to adjust the selling prices of the
pharmaceutical industry has always been negative so Medicines CHROPEI be
sold below cost and so, of course, comes the collapse. When such drugs
imported from abroad were sold to the Greek market at prices four times and
five times higher than prices for such medicines CHROPEI, Mr. Varvitsiotis did
not approve an increase in the prices of medicines CHROPEI so close to Labor
and 6,000 unemployed. These then are the Jewish Zionist rulers of Greece
maximum greek-haters.

On May 12, 1983 news report: "Panic in the great fire Klathmonos
burned shops, huge losses. Deplete slowly - slowly Greek enterprises.

July 22, 1983: "It burns the forest in Polidendri. Hell fire several
kilometers in northeastern Attica.

August 29, 1983: Prime Minister of Canada made an official visit to

Athens. Asked by the journalist Pierre Trinto said: "Nothing I said Papandreou
gave me the impression that he intends to withdraw from NATO. " Otherwise
you may remember that the principal said: "EEC and NATO in the same union.

March 1, 1984: 500 people in hospitals from the cloud. "

March 21, 1984: 15 shops were destroyed in the city center by a terrible
fire. " Of course all the shops on the streets Polyclitus, Vissa and Athena
belonged to Greek traders.

July 22, 1984. "Burn the outskirts of Athens' ..

August 19, 1984: "Panic among the dried grapes. They supposedly sent by
mistake caustic potash instead of insecticide.

1, 2 September 1984. Just to mention a story that was extended Evangelos

Averoff the leadership of the South. between two candidate heads to South.
namely Constantine Mitsotakis and Kostis Stephanopoulos elect new leader of
South. K. Mitsotakis (votes from 1960 to 1940).

September 21, 1984: Government reshuffle to remove Anthony Tritsi by the

Ministry of Education. The Tritsis was initiated in the Eleusinian mysteries. That
was great Greek and acted in the Department of Greek and so the Zionists
expelled from the Minister. Later elected Mayor of Athens, but will quickly kill
the minds of laser and die very young this beautiful Greek.

October 12, 1984: Died at age 94 years, the famous industrialist Ch.
Katsambas who founded the largest textile industry in Europe, "Piraeus -
Patraiki, which the PASOK will be closed, as these belonged to the Greek
Evritania and so will lose their jobs of thousands of Greek Labor.

March 28, 1985. Just mention the news that says "New President of the
Republic was elected Chris Sartzetakis.

June 6, 1985. To say the news story that says that PASOK is the triumph of
the elections held on June 3, 1985.

17 August 1985. "Chaos for Northern to lift the warring parties in Albania.
Jew Papandreou with the minister for Foreign Karolos Papoulias, President of
the Republic today and said that Greece belongs to the Greeks, and therefore
belongs to the Northern Epirus Northern Epirus. Later, nor will the northern
continent are named but I would say southern Albania. Both the representative
of the New Republic Win Tzavela and Foreign Minister Theodoros Pangalos of
PASOK will be reported in southern Albania, and not Northern Epirus.

November 13, 1985: 48 Greek authors express their concern about the
abuse of language. " Of course both New Republic and PASOK abused the
Greek language to Greek children are left entirely uneducated.

December 5, 1985, "drowned the smog in Athens, 848 people sought help
and had to be hospitalized.

February 6, 1986. “Lektorato” the Greek language at Harvard University.

Independent from Zionism foreign universities recognize that the Greek
language are divine and promoting it. The Greek political Zionists want to
destroy it completely.

March 19, 1986. "On a proposal by PASOK members of parliament

commemorated Eleftherios Venizelos (Beni Zelon) on the occasion of the
anniversary of 50 years from his death. What other evidence we want for the
300 of parliament and that tobacco smoke when they honor the great
nightmare of Hellenism?
May 8, 1986. "With most overt statement of Belgrade puts Macedonia. We
have prepared for this news from a previous visit made by the Jewish
Papandreou in Belgrade and spoke with the leadership of Yugoslavia for all
Balkan and international issues.

August 4, 1986: "The burnt Varibobi danger of Loutraki and Skiathos. The
work of Zionist agencies in the Zionist rulers of Greece, PASOK and the South.
keeps well.

April 28, 1987: Farmer, a fan of PASOK shot himself for the anti-agricultural
policy of the Government while pre-elected said different. PASOK has brought
farmers in despair.

July 28, 1987, "officially announced that deaths from heat and smog arrived
in Athens to 878.

August 12, 1987. "Dimensions tragedy takes fire in Rhodes. Emptied

villages. The odd comment.

September 2, 1987: "On two fronts, the fire burns the central Chios. The
writing on the series to understand the Greek the evil Giachveiko Zionist plan
to destroy Greece.

January 1988: A. Papandreou said: In the EEC forever. "

March 2, 1988: "Murdered by the 17 November (or Mossad writes Fourakis)
Alexandros Athanasiadis (Bodossakis). He was the sole heir and representative
of large economic units Fr Bodossaki (Larco, PYRKAL, Bodossaki Foundation,
etc.) and murdered fiber vast fortune to reach the power organ of Zionism.

June 10, 1988: Ambassador of Greece to Cyprus Stoforopoulos accuse in an

interview in Davos and called degrading Ozal's visit to Greece. Stoforopoulos
The ambassador was recalled from Cyprus. As Greek Greek protested and

June 28, 1988. "The leaders of the EEC (all Jewish Zionists and no genuine
European Greek, German, French, English, etc.) prepare for monetary union.
The leaders of 12 state agreed in Hanover on a committee that will prepare by
mid-1989 plans to create a single European central bank system. So the
banking system is unique and there is a currency (Euro) that the Jews be able
to dominate and control it very easily according to their interests and all the
peoples of Europe for their time and be a shepherd to the flock, Jew-Christian-
Zionism . Today 2010 is not fully verify?

August 4, 1988: Resigned the. Mantzaris by MP and member of PASOK said

it is "a complete lack of democracy within the party." No comment

November 19, 1988: "He died suddenly today Chr. Onassis in Buenos Aires.
The murdered to grab the giant fortune of Onassis. Crimes against Greek
businessmen and celebrities have no end.

December 15, 1988: "With 8selidi letter from the former Minister Stathis
Yota, resigned from both the MP and CC PASOK, speaking betrayed September
3 movement and political and moral collapse and ultimate decay of institutions
and democracy. " Referring to the statements on other "loyalty" requested by
Papandreou, Stathis Yiotis states that 'refuses to go with orders inspiration and
fascist attitudes and allegations of wrongdoing by a financial advisor of the
Prime Minister. " So here is the original Greek that exposes the true criminal
and immoral person PASOK and its bodies.

April 26, 1989. "The report of the Governor of Greece that the debt has
reached 7 billion dollars against 500 million dollars left by the dictatorship. You
see who fired the debt of Greece and PASOK finance minister Zionist. Tsobolas.
The information says that the maximum percentage of these loans went to the
funds of Zionism and the pockets of government bodies of PASOK.

June 18. In the first elections the party turned out to Law. But did not
obtain an absolute majority.

July 1, 1989. "New, New Government cooperation. - Coalition partner in

Prime Florakis and J.. Tzanetakis. See all the parties clamor from far left to
right the same purpose and program of zionism out and do not hesitate to
cooperate even the two extremes.

August 16, 1989. "43 dead and 300 wounded in the exit of Assumption.
Terrible slaughter. Most accidents that caused the invisible hand of Zionism,
since laser blinding drivers and caused by frontal collisions car drivers. Mostly
young Greeks. The same will continue for many years and until recently the
world superpower until the new power-friendly company of Greeks threatened
with reprisals so nearly ended in this criminal plan.

18 and August 23, 1989: Huge fire in Thassos. The flames that burned
70.000 acres arrived in port. The flames also sweep in North Athens. The
comments are redundant.

January 13, 1990. Surprise caused in the party circles of Law. The sudden
resignation of MP's, the famous composer St. Xarhakos. He said he wants to
continue unfettered and out of this hopeless political situation, the spiritual and
creative struggle as a citizen and man. Since then the erased and the musical

March 3, 1990: Severe created today in parliament during the third vote to
elect a new President of the Republic. Suddenly environmentalists and MP
Maria Dizi opened a banner with the words "arrives in the theater, plus one,
the President and the cloud." Of course everything is cynically fob theater for
the Greek people. And the theater and they issue the 300 MPs, except those
found in rotten and resigned from members both from New Republic and
PASOK, but they counted on the fingers.

March 5, 1990. "Former KGB agent who defected to the U.S., Victor Sefmof,
including revealing that" the second most powerful man in Cyprus was an
agent of the KGB ». Seems to help their brothers Jews in the Greek struggle
against them.

April 8, 1990: In elections to become the first party "New Republic" with
Prime Minister Constantine Mitsotakis.

April 11, 1990: The story says: "Immediate privatization of state

enterprises under the program of the new government of New Democracy." In
1976 to 1981 it was again the Government of New Republic? Why then
nationalized the three banks and about twenty major companies subsidiaries
belonging to a big Chian Greek Stratis Andreadis? Now of course privatize
everything to give her brother Zionist Jews. Shame!

May 4, 1990. Just write the story the news saying "a vote in parliament
again turned out to President of the Republic Karamanlis.
May 24, 1990: "The smog choked back to Athens with 500 victims in
hospitals. No comments.

May 29, 1990: "The public debt at 15 trillion drachmas. It excludes new
measures in June. The Mosaic law is clear and applies with reverence "You
want Israel is lending all the nations of the earth and you have to head over
"ethon", because "people holy to the Lord you are", "says this about the
Christians' Bible."

June 4, 1990: 'Five fires in four days and even in Athens is the first report
of the arson of the summer season.

June 15, 1990: 85,000 acres of forest have burned so far. The plan to
destroy the beautiful forests of Greece and continued by the Government of
the South. Mitsotakis.

June 11, 1990: "As a sapper smooth trajectory and instigating terrorist acts
of arson, etc. featuring a statement by Mikis Theodorakis Papandreou Andreas
Papandreou. None of this comment, because the truth Mikis Theodorakis says.

July 28, 1990: "The Government of the South. took a decision to sell
directly to state companies. And so when will the Zionist Mitsotakis
Government, Minister for Coordination with the Jew S. Mano, will selling off
state assets to domestic and international Jewish case list lentils instead of
taking the same course, awesome motors.

September 11, 1990: The story says: "The positions of Costas Simitis (or
Aaron Avouris) for Congress." In preparing for a future Prime Minister and

October 10, 1990, the news said "Stefanos Manos vs. Anthony Tritsi. The S.
Manos vs. yperellinos A. Tritsi.

October 15, 1990: In Athens, at the rate of 50.12% Anthony Tritsis elected
Mayor of Athens.

December 26, 1990: 29 dead, 300 injured u in 200 road accidents, is the
tragic account of the Christmas exit. The laser of Jew-Sionists that blinded
many young drivers have created the slaughterhouse to little by little
extermination of the Greeks.

December 31, 1990: "Mass exodus Northern Epirus to Greece. Nothing any
Greek government did to stop the evil not vacated the Northern Epirus and the
Northern Epirus stay in their homes. So after a while we go in Northern Epirus,
Foreign Minister T. Pangalos to indicate that in Gjirokastra and the Northern
solved after all came to Northern Epirus in Greece, and immediately he and all
the representatives of other parties such as the Nike Tzavella N.. will call
Northern Epirus southern Albania. These then are the Zionists and anti-Greek
nightmares of Hellenism.

January 3, 1991: "He took the new Mayor of Athens Mr. Anthony Tritsis the
yperellinas. As though the chased Steph. Manos, Mitsotakis, Papandreou and
other political Zionists, the Athenian people understand what the Tritsis and
elected him mayor.

January 11, 1991: Four people were burned and killed again by a major fire
that broke out in the building that housed the shop "K. Maroussi "Omonia.
Another great Greek shop in the heart of Athens incinerated. The records all
the series. It can be objected that all this methodical burning department
stores and by chance all owned by Greeks, not Jews, Dutch-Jews or
multinationals that there is a work of Zionism and the Government of PASOK
and New Democracy?

March 12, 1991: First Private Casino announced by Tourism Minister G.

Kefaloyannis. The casino will operate on the premises of "Porto Carras" in Neos
Marmaras, Halkidiki. Has the authority to fill the casino that Greece will devour
the nest egg and fortunes of thousands of Greeks to destroy a healthy part of
Greek society. As I heard from a serious broadcast TV channel, all the casinos
in the world and of course Greece, with the exception of the casino "Porto
Carras" that epic legal battles with the Jews took from the Greek T. Stengos,
belong to Jews. The largest casino in the world not owned by Jews and Jean
Cohen is the casino of Loutraki. In Israel does not operate or a casino, that the
Greek society and many other countries the societies to destroy, but the
community of Israel to protect it.

June 6, 1991. In the complaint, the presence of asbestos components in

bread made today by representatives of the federation Artergaton. The
chairman of the federation. Frosty argued that most bakeries in Attica
amiantoplakes made from this material and after a while it is dangerous for
both artergates and the general public. In the ideas of crime and lethal acts
against the Greek people both Zionism and the governments of Law., PASOK is
unique fiber achieve the annihilation and destruction of the Greek people.

July 22, 1991: "The sale of four companies decided that the Government
Law. "Larco" in Bodossaki Athens of paper, “Viex” and the property of" PYRKAL.
The seized by the Greeks who created this huge economic units and now the
Jewish Zionists K. Mitsotakis and S. Manos to give to Jewish brethren abroad.

September 8, 1991. "In the new sacrifices invites employees Prime Minister
Mitsotakis. One new piece by the State decided to give wealth funds of Zionism
and that the Zionist Prime Minister says and helps to usher the measure as
essential to the economy.

October 14, 1991: "For Sale ... rocks. Turns out the hammer Greece K.
Mitsotakis. In the footsteps of Uncle Ben's Zelon (Venizelos) which destroyed
the great Greeks situated around the small, then Greece.

October 25, 1991. "Ash is Rector of the Polytechnic.

December 2, 1991: "According to the document bearing the signatures of
the Governor of NIS P. Bali, the First Deputy B. Paint and is regarded as top
secret, accused Skopjan-friendly propaganda and anti-Ethnic work Members
George A. Papandreou, George and George Lianis Petsas and request to take
administrative action against. " All of these occupied ministerial positions, and
the GA Papandreou is currently prime minister of Greece!

February 3, 1992: "Fifteen subsidiaries ETVA ... privatized, and expedite the
liquidation process and other 20". And indeed, as mentioned above by direct
selection of the Mitsotakis government of the buyer. All this is to sell and
deliver all the economic units to Jews.

11 to 12 March 1998: "Sold by surprise the biggest cement producer in the

country 'Heracles - Hercules' the Italian company" Kaltsestroutsi. It's scandal
pales in front of this Koskota "said the chairman of the parliamentary group of
the KKE Dimitris Kostopoulos. Kostopoulos is the original Greek and in the
1999 elections, witnesser the subversive and anti-Greek policy of the
Communist Party of A. Papariga did not want to be a candidate member of the
Communist Party and who complained.

March 23, 1992: "Ischemic stroke suffered today by Athens Mayor Anthony
Tritsis. As he writes Anestis tiles, the Zionist necrosis minds laser and will soon

April 1, 1992: "By July have sold or have been sent to 151 companies in
liquidation Reconstruction Organization, said today the industry minister
Andreas Andrianopoulos. General sweep for the destruction of the national
economy without taking care of their employees in such firms. So minded
Zionism and what do the so-called Greek Prime Minister and ministers.

April 7, 1992: Anthony Tritsis the Great-Greek died. No comment about who
sent him to the grave.

April 9, 1998: "In the U.S. bank OTE The OME - OTE complained that while

the value of OTE is 9 trillion drachmas, the Mitsotakis government tries to sell

it only in 750 billion drachmas. That is only 1 / 12 the actual value of OTE. The

comments about who ate the money of the State and the Greek people


May 22, 1992: Prime Minister K. Mitsotakis says, "The Aegean is not only

Greek »(!!!) Mitsotakis speaks as a Greek Prime Minister or as the greatest

Jewish Zionists?!

June 2, 1992: "Denmark is a small European country said no to

Maastricht.Denmark and its people, they saw that the complete unification of
Europe leads to chaos and the only winner in this case will come out Zionism
so that the dark scenes will exercise its power more easily and grab the wealth
of Europe and its people that would make them proletarians and poor as it is
today in 2010. The former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said delighted that
the Danes have offered service to democracy and condemned the Brussels
bureaucracy and 100 members of the party's overwhelming tabling a resolution
in the House of Commons calling for Britain to reconsider the country's future
within the Community. All this very well, but with the difference that the British
central bank issuing the pound that the English coin, as I read it belongs to
Jews and not the State.

August 5, 1992: Assigned the task of mobile telephony in two groups. The
OME - OTE featured outrageous the government's decision to deliver the most
profitable telecommunications business to foreign private interests "(in Hebrew
stress too). Jew Stefanos Manos selling off the national wealth in Jewish

7 August: Mini-reshuffle. Great-Minister Stephen Mamos. So apart from

Finance Minister was also Minister of the Treasury. The Great-Greek Anthony
Tritsis had persecution of Stephanos Manos, the tomb and S. Manos great-
minister to finish up the Greek businessmen, who managed to survive after
ethnocide and law-terror as he did himself Stefanos Manos in 1986 with the
Jewish M. Evert, and which law applied to PASOK.

September 6, 1992: "horrific fire in Attica. In skull place has turned the last
24 hours the fiery storm most of the northeast Attica. The same criminal
Zionist plan continues.

October 21, 1992: "The committee with the participation of the Greek
commissioner V. Papandreou upheld the decision of our 11 partners and thus
Skopje can stamp all documents with the words" Republic of Macedonia ".
What evidence we still can see that the European Union with the current
governors of states, which are all Jewish Zionists are extremely hostile to
Greece and the Greek people? It certainly is not the same as the European

October 23, 1992: "The flames throughout the island. Huge fire scattered in
many parts of the island of Crete swallows. The same criminal Zionist hand
over Greece.

November 1, 1992: "Lunar landscape reminiscent of the region of Pelion,

which burnt in the wake of the fiery whirlwind."

December 3, 1992: 1500 Jews marched with lit candles yesterday afternoon
outside the German embassy in Maroussi, expressing their indignation about
the resurgence of Nazism and anti-Semitism in Germany. " The Jewish lie,
deception and misleading the great reason to greatness!

December 8, 1992: "a very serious complaint about a scandal of 100 billion
drachmas against the government yesterday made a question in Parliament by
former Deputy Prime Minister Athanassios Kanellopoulos. Kanellopoulos is a
genuine Greek and denounced as a very smart man who saw the effects of
anti-Greek government of Constantine Mitsotakis and the bodies of the Zionists
and submitted his resignation as Deputy Prime Minister Mitsotakis. On
February 18, 1993 attacks on the House political Stefanos Manos. Especially
for the repeated issuance of treasury bonds with terms of various foreign
currencies and high interest rates (20 to 22%). The Athan. Kanellopoulos said
that Manos made a penny in the currency of the United Nations. Here you just
apply the Mosaic Law and the S. Manos facilitate Jewish brothers should be
remunerated in Greece with very high rates (20 to 24%) and thus sorbing
literally blood and sweat of the Greeks.

Athanasios Kanellopoulos 16/12/1994 to die of heart failure. The death of

the highly suspect, because the last time fight the established policy, even
resigning from Deputy Prime Minister of New Republic of Mitsotakis. This writer
believes that definitely were killed by laser, because it had not yet grown old to
die of natural death due to old age.

January 21, 1993: Bill Clinton was sworn in as the 42 th U.S. president
"pawn of Jewish Zionism he and his wife Hillary.

February 10, 1993: 500,000 illegal immigrants in Greece. " All this influx of
illegal foreign immigrants are carefully planned to bring mix of foreigners after
the Greeks to distort at some future time when the electorate in the country
called Greece, to be serfs and slaves of evraiosioniston. Just that today, the
largest greek-hatred Papandreou - Monthly Mrs. John Saragkousis (Ragousis)
turned the Hebrew name of, summarily ethnocide voting laws, as the law of
illegal immigrants, the "Kallikrates" to achieve just the above in purpose of
Zionism. And as Jews are not ashamed to speak that way they issue these to
save the Fatherland "!

February 11, 1993: "Biblical disaster in the paper «SOFTE). The so-called
czar in the early 1980's the economy, from Jewish mother, Gerasimos Arsenis
despite the agreement he had with the owner of this factory great-Greek
Kefalas, socialize the above company «SOFTEX »so the owner heads to a
stroke and become paralyzed, and now it is his own hand fired this giant
factory and unemployed thousands of Greek Labor. Today 2010 the economy
again tsar's wife Arseni, Luca Katseli.

May 14, 1993: In Greece and Luxembourg people dying in the street, since
40% of deaths in these two countries due to traffic accidents.This massacre
Methodized and carried by the hand of Jewish Zionism.

May 29, 1993, "Deputy Finance Minister Petros Doukas, Jew and groom
from his daughter M. Evert, announced yesterday a series of actions to give
the licenses of eight casinos in Greece. "And all the casinos of Greece took the
Jews. But as I read all the casino land in all countries belonging to Jews and
operated so as to destroy the societies of the countries they operate. In Israel,
however, prohibit operate casinos.

July 14, 1993: "burnt the last lung of Athens. Prey to arsonists yesterday
ended the eastern Attica, and no power seems able to stop the action and save
the last green lung of the capital.

August 2, 1993: In the fiery grip the country.Dozens of small and Large
fires were lit in many parts of the country over the weekend.The damage is
estimated at hundreds of thousands of acres of forest and farmland. These
people are ruthless.

August 18, 1993: Pyrini destruction Thassos and Evia.

September 2, 1993: "Fire burned the warehouses' Sklavenitis" to the Red.

"The Sklavenitis is great-Greek from Lefkada and did not want to sell a lot of
Super Market at the international Jewish capital, and then destroy it with fire.

17 October 1993: "In yesterday's election won by PASOK. Prime Minister

Andreas Papandreou again.

November 4, 1993: M. Evert was elected leader of South Republic.Head

South Again. anti-Greek Jew
April 1, 1994: "Bulk of crowd at the rally in Thessaloniki for Macedonia.But
who will listen? The Zionism that created it?

August 8, 1994: "George Stainet: We are all Greeks."The famous historian

and professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Oxford, George
Stainet at a lecture he did in the Festival of Salzburg argued that Europeans in
general and the whole culture of modern western world derive what led them
to their cultural development from the tradition, myths and the works of the
Greeks, led by Shelley's dictum: "We are all Greeks" remains alive in the mind
and soul of every civilized man. " The point is that governments of all countries
of the West are Jewish Zionists, and they have lime hate everything Greek.

17 August 1994 "have caused incalculable damage to Lesvos is a large fire

raging since last Sunday and already incinerate 50,000 acres of forest and
arable land.The comments are redundant.

December 29, 1994: "In repealing the Greek language European

Union.Emeritus Professor at the University of Athens, FT Bitsakis said: The
European (Zionist) Association have no illusions, we know that the gods are
trade and money. After the abolition of Greece by the history of Europe, we
remove the Greek language. But let's remember that Europeans "allies," said
Bitsakis that when the Greeks cultivated the sciences and philosophy, when
they create the tragedy and lyric poetry, their ancestors lived in the forests.
But of course there are people in Europe who take such decisions, but the
rulers who are all Jewish Zionists and deadly hate everything Greek.

And now at the year 2010 comes greek-hatred Papandreou and Co, all
Zionists and laugh at the Greek people that Europe and the.N.T. will save
Greece with alleged loans interest rate of 5 to 6%. These are funny, no but I
have the same opinion for the peoples of Europe, despite the brainwashing
they issue them with the Zionists PM Information which govern themselves, all
European intellectuals and intellectuals in particular are all philhellenes. From
the peoples of Europe excludes English, but the Welsh, Scots and Irish who are
pro-and also with the Zionist Jews drafted majority and the people of Belgium
and the Netherlands.
These events until 1995, I recorded chronologically from the book
"Chronicle of 20 th Century" will now write the events to date 2010 based on
my experience that watching the political, economic and social life with as
much as I care both Greece and humanity.So I will describe the major political
figures in government and rule of Greece today and will record a summary of
the events and crimes which are intended to destroy Hellenism and Greece or
even the white race is in the programming and goals of Jewish Zionism.

So in early 1996 became seriously ill Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou

and as they had prepared in 1986 by the then Minister Simitis selected him
now that he methodically supposedly elected by the own will of the PASOK
parliamentary group and he did this Jewish Prime Minister and sionist Costas
Simitis and Aaron Avouris. Andreas Papandreou will die on June 23, 1996.
Needless to emphasize is that the government of Costas Simitis followed the
very anti-Greek and greek-hatred policy, same and worse by the policies of
previous governments and has practically all the commandments of Jewish
Zionism that ultimately, the decline of Hellenism and the destruction of. Some
of the disastrous policies of the Simitis is: The involvement of Greece in its
dispute with Turkey Imia, as you know where officers were killed Ch.
Karathanasis and Panagiotis Vlahakos after Turkish helicopter shot down, and
instead act in the Greek Navy, as he proposed to do the Greek Admiral Christos
Limberis, the government of Costas Simitis has prohibited such an
intervention, and the entire Greek people have been on anger and resentment
the killing power of the Turks on the island of Imia those two officers Greek
Prime Minister Costas Simitis sent a formal step in parliament thanks to the
U.S. that prevented the involvement of Greece after Turkey. The September
1996 elections were made which again was elected the party of PASOK and
legally now Prime Minister Jew Aaron Avouris and Costas Simitis.

On November 20 Simitis announced tough new economic measures to

tighten his wallet the Greek people and all to the crime deepens dependence of
Greece in Jew-Dominated, Zionist and united Europe.

During the Greek government of Costas Simitis as completely destroyed by

fire in the beautiful forest of Thessaloniki Sheikh - Sue and all forests located
around the urban area of Thessaloniki removed so that the lungs of the
inhabitants of Thessaloniki. Happened and hundreds of other wildfires in the
criminal action against Greece of Zionism. Simitis was elected again to PASOK
Prime Minister in 1999 and lost the election by another nightmare of Hellenism
Jr. Costas Karamanlis, the Greek rather than Jewish Zionists and the change
took place on March 6, 2004. Karamanlis multiple committed crimes against
Greece and the Greek people and lost the elections on October 5, 2009 by
another nightmare of George Papandreou, Greek, Jewish and great great body
of Jewish Zionism, which is already depressed with the Government acts
completely burn the Greek people and wants to finish him for the future can
not be an obstacle to plans by the Jews and the establishment on earth of the
Jewish dictatorship and so all people to become vassals and serfs of Zionism.

On July 5, 1998, in the era Simitis in Athens and in Greece broke out at
dawn from the previous day fires in sixteen different areas of Attica and spread
to multiple fronts of fire that bounce like a Hydra fires through the embers. The
rest of the country the same day, 168 fires occurred.

If this many fires in Attica in Greece did not enter by hand, criminal felony,
which I fully support that it was Jewish Zionists, and one can argue that was
supposedly random, then it can support only one irrational or paranoid .

On July 22, 1998 a fire broke out on Hymettus and if it were three men of
the Fire Brigades victims were burned because of uncontrollable flames.

On August 6, 1998 broke new igneous ringer in Penteli and burned forests,
homes and shops. On July 30, 1999, the statements of Foreign Minister George
Papandreou, that the Muslims in Thrace are entitled to call themselves Turks,
provoked a storm of reactions of all Members and some members of PASOK
asked to resign by Secretary of State, because the statements negate the
Lausanne Treaty, which recognizes only the Muslim minority and not Turkish.
The betrayal of Hellenism in the greatness of the Papandreou.

December 16, 1999. Foreign Minister George Papandreou ignited new fires
in the House with his statements on decriminalization of soft drugs and sold
freely on the prescription. This just shows how much strain and large body of
local and international Zionism are Papandreou, since production and
marketing of drugs in the hands of the world of Jew-zionists and drug want to
earn lots of money, but most important to destroy the young of nations of the
white race. Why not do the same in Israel? Another giant of treason against
George Papandreou of Greece and the Greek and above all against the Greek

Another measure of depressive Simitis was when he entered the OTE shares
on the stock and had sold 49% shares and 51% held by the Greek State. The
Fall 2001 is coming to Athens, big businessman and international fraudster
George Soros Hungarian-Skopje-American Jew and meets in a hotel in Glyfada,
the Greek Prime Minister Costas Simitis and his minister for the economy
Yannos Papantoniou (by which I learned that only went to Greek schools;
because his parents are Jews who lived in Mauritania) and the Soros told them
that we want the majority of the shares to reach in any case the international
Jewish capital, and the two said they would they issue immediately. OTE then,
according to accounts he had 400 to 500,000,000,000 Dr profits. At the same
time, the actuarial expert for the entire security system all Greeks increase the
actuarial deficit at 600 billion drachmas. If the OTE's profits poured into the
budget of insurance and with the assistance of another source of revenue too
small, which could be found, the insurance automatically solved all the Greeks
for 50 years, including writing and some leading newspapers and publications
of the era. But what to make of this concern for the Greeks? The Jews are the
rulers who their boss Zionism tells them to extinguish the Greeks from Greece?
So the then ruler of the economy, Yiannos Papantoniou appear on April 4,
2002, and shalt make for misleading statements by the Greek people that the
Government decided to sell its 15% stake in OTE Consortium Banks OTE and
so passed by the Greek government to private hands is Jewish (he had sold a
49% stake and is now 15% us 64% in private hands). So naming the imposter
Jew Panagiotis Vourloumis President of OTE which runs until today, and despite
the sale by the New Republic a smaller stake and management to the
Germans. Therefore, and this giant entity, property of the Greek people was
sold to Jews and even from a government that calls itself socialist fraudulent.

Papantoniou to mislead the Greek people did not say that selling the shares
to international and local Jewish capital, but it sells 15% stake in a consortium
of banks.The fraud at its best. Simitis through all the time as Prime Minister of
cheating the Greek people and imposed a harsh austerity for the people on the
ground that this would enable Greece to join the euro area and replace the
oldest currency in the world, the Greek drachma coin EURO. This was done by
the Government of Prime Minister Simitis and Hebrew in 2002 abolished the
penny and the official currency of Greece today has become the euro.

K. Karamanlis is the youngest elected twice as Prime Minister on March 6,

2004 and the 2007 electionsand ruled that the specter of the Greeks for nearly
5 years. I mention the few greatest evils that he did as Prime Minister. With
deceptive because shalt make reforms that will benefit Greece and the Greeks
made several privatization, ie the selling off of assets of the Greek people.
Among them was selling off the few shares that remained in the public OTE
and gave the Management of OTE in German Jew. Maximum criminal act of
Prime Minister Karamanlis was in the profitable big Greek bank, the
commercial that grabbed her by the great Greek banker and Professor Chian
Stratis Andreadis and nationalized his uncle Kostas Karamanlis And now comes
his nephew Karamanlis and sold to French Jewish bankers peak bodies
nightmare of humanity Bankers Rotsil. Another piece of property of the Greek
people sold out to the Jews, this nightmare of the small Greek Karamanlis.

In the period of five (5) years of government of Greece under Karamanlis,

except the smaller crimes that he did, which I can not say, only emphasize the
huge fires that occurred in 2007 Peloponnese, Evia, in Greece, thus burning
more than 10 - 35 people and gigantic disasters always occur during the period
of government under Karamanlis. My friend told me a police officer that if he
wanted the Government or a tree could not be burned, and now half of Greece
disappeared from the huge fires and that the government of Karamanlis did
not do anything. Consequently all these disasters were a draft of the
government itself.

Finishing the present period of government of Greece in the nightmares and

oletiron Jewish Prime Ministers of Greece Costas Simitis, Karamanlis and
Papandreou who is now Prime recapitulate the greatest crimes and evils done
in Greece, the Greeks and Hellenism.

Through all the above government of Greece in the top three destroyers
Jewish Prime Ministers of Greece prevailed in Greece, the immunity of the
rulers and institutions, the vile trade, speculation, which of course were the
bodies of Zionism, the opacity of the proliferation of drugs, the death of public
opinion on national issues such as Skopje and Cyprus, the wretched education,
which the children themselves denounced as the culture that made them
illiterate, since the main concern was education and the teaching of the dire
Old Testament, the Jews are holy book of Christians and taught them all to the
magon, pimp and criminal Jew Abraham and the descendants of criminals,
Isaac, Jacob, etc. as a prostitute and Sarah and Rebecca's similar, etc. Also in
this period with culminating in the current period of 2010 the majority of the
Greek people fell into poverty and high poverty. All this of course after our
entry to the EU and the euro. Here comes a simple question. What is the
feasibility of Greece to join the EU and that the Euroland and reach all the
people in economic misery. They all captains and above the previous cheating
the Greek people that from that accession will result greatly well, depressing
situation is necroses public opinion of the people and the Greeks above all
today in 2010 in distress and thus apply draft of their brother Joseph, who
collected all the Egyptians in populous centers, ghettos and made them all
Egyptian vassals and slaves. Just the same, and now seek to do and other
European nations, Americans, etc. vassals, serfs and slaves.

The populous city and country ruled hardly told the ancient Greek sages,
because involved in foreign settlers and u grab it safe to power and wealth and
destroy people and societies. That negative wrote the ancient Greek sages for
people and communities to avoid it and apply the positive things written about
people and societies, unfortunately, who ruled the Jews and rule humanity and
Greece have implemented just the negatives have said more wise.

It is this negative has been said by ancient Greek sages Plato and Aristotle
applied by Papandreou which shrinks the Greeks with the "Kallikrates" in
populous ghetto. But what can one say when they did against the Greeks and
Greece all the above, which shows, monsters and more!
Because Jews are not too many multinational companies have created,
destroyed domestic industries and large entities, awakened greatest local
entrepreneurs seeking to unify Europe with a central authority, which would
naturally belong to them so that they issue so that they want and all European
peoples, Greeks and other peoples of the earth to have slaves and serfs, just
write and "our writings Saints'! Beyond large multinational companies, large
industrial and commercial units of all countries, casinos throughout the land
and other activities that the ownership and operation belongs exclusively to
Jews, and created the world's stock markets are run by Jews and through them
seize the whoever left the other robber drain that do, the rest of strangers rich
nations, the wealth of enterprises and local individuals and companies.

The aim in all of the illegal wealth, said the wise Greeks Plato and Aristotle,
leading to angry(mad) societies, namely the forfeiture of all moral values and
thus results in the complete destruction of societies.

Today there are television channels that transmit continuous operations and
performance of stock markets and encourage people to buy shares to grab
Jews and the latter their savings because they determine, in accordance with
their interest in the performance of stock and no fixed rule applies to their

Farmers and the islanders now brought them to Greece in a state of

economic despair abstinence in order to induce them to migrate to large urban
ghetto to become faceless people and unite with the great mass of people in
urban centers and so much governed easily because it will become weak-willed
individuals and non-thinking on the brainwashing that they issue with the
media and lethargy which are all owned and run by the Jewish Zionists.

The vast majority of the Greek people came to a dramatic and dire
economic situation because wealth of Greece in seizing the Jewish Zionists with
their minions, with the known methods so far developed and became
exponentially since 1997 until today to respond to and even sometimes very
hard, just as time went by Jewish Prime Minister of Greece George Papandreou
at a farm rally in Tripoli, Arcadia and the people spontaneously objected to
very strongly. The same happened in the theater of Herodes Atticus, and all
Members of all parties do not dare to appear in a village or a town square and
their world was throwing stones on them very wild.

To subdue, and to meet the legitimate social and popular resentment and
opposition of the Greek people and communicate daily announcing on
television, radio, etc. the results of various manufactured and rigged poll and
some announcements like the following record:

The Greek people have benefited from the EU and monetary union then
sought to abolish the historic penny.

That the majority of the Greek people for favors Prime Minister Costas
Simitis, the Karamanlis and Papandreou today.

That the overwhelming majority of Greek people welcomes and admits K.

Stephanopoulos and K. Papoulias as President of the so-called Greek Republic.

That the integration of Greece into the European Union reached a major
national goal and is telling the truth so that the Greek people is more of a
servant and vassal Jew-sionists and other similar matters and utter deceit
falsely reported to the Greek people.

To mislead the people by the difficult economic and social situation that
brought him since Greece became a member of the EU put and put the
President of the Republic and turns and turns in the province, abroad and
attend various meetings and ceremonies, and where both Mr. Stephanopoulos
and with the current President Karolos Papoulias celebrate the European Union.
Here mention a fact which escaped and reported and NET. Konstantinos
Stephanopoulos visited as President (1998) the island of Syros and a collection
of local officials and residents of the island said: Is it a bad thing the
participation of Greece in the European Union. Soon the whole audience burst
into cheers and sky-applause because it seems clear now that people will only
suffer come from the European Union and most financially worse off and more
suffering will come when it will happen and monetary union and will replace
the historic drachma by the euro. After this spontaneous manifestation of the
Syrian people got the word and turned and said to the audience. I rushed to
applaud, not meant to be a bad thing the participation of Greece in the EU and
began to analyze the fraudulent and false and good benefits that will arise for
Greece Ms. Greek people by their inclusion of Greece in the EU On the side of
the audience about what Stephanopoulos said, there was not an ovation and
even a clap. Make of it imaginary.

Finally this great historical journey from 1910 until today 2010, Zionism
designed and held the decline of Hellenism and exterminated at least 5 million
Greeks and got all the powers at the present Greek state and snatched and
grabbed the greatest wealth of Greece and the Greeks I conclude with the
following nightmare that:

Today, with the absolute control of power and economy, achieved the
destruction of the Greek economy as well as many other countries, also the
destruction of agricultural, livestock and fisheries structure in the country so
that young people of Greece aged 20 to 40 years in nightmarish proportions
40-70% in the region they can not find jobs with good wages which allow them
to form families and so the Greek young men and women do not marry
positioned so as to reach a disaster for the Greek people, the low birth rate,
which of course sought the Jew-Sionism methodically throughout this century
for 100 years. Now Prime Minister is the highest organ of Zionism as the
elected president and the international socialist, G. Papandreou, who was
himself the leader of the Greek National Intelligence Service (Greek
Intelligence Service), along with Lieutenant Governor of the same service
during the decade of 1980, the then PASOK deputy writing denounced the anti-
national activities and propaganda of Skopje, together with members of PASOK
G. and C. Liani Petsa or this George Papandreou Minister of Foreign Affairs
officially requested the free movement of soft drugs or that he made himself
said as Minister of Foreign Affairs and claimed that Muslims in Thrace are
entitled to be called Turks overthrow the Treaty of Lausanne, which the
minority in Thrace Muslim names, which in all these acts against Greece should
be impeached on charges of treason and instead Zionism supported him with
all the media wrong and the Greek people elected him Prime Minister. He took
such a depressing action against the people and voted in parliament four
country-killing legislation on immigration, the economy, Kallikrates that would
erode the rural population in populous centers ghettos and the insurance goes
to Greece on course for achieving that said Ch Protopappas the Jewish Zionists
(and I think today PASOK MP Christos Protopappas is the son of) that which
the Greeks will go to 15 to 20 years to the Greeks beat them down. This I
heard with my own ears when X Protopappas said at the panel having 5 to 6
persons in University Street, just opposite the cinema REX. The Protopappas
was former Secretary of the Party of Jewish KODISO Yiangou Pesmatzoglou
(and made him president of the Academy, our funk!) and then the strain was
C. Protopappas Coalition. Here I note that all parties of Greece, and above all
the left are hard bodies of international and domestic Jewish Zionism and anti-
Greek and very treacherous.

Here I finish all this historical overview of the sad state that Greece, the
Greek people and the Greeks with the policy of the current nightmare and
destroyer Minister George Papandreou at the end to complete destruction of
which Zionism sought earnestly to all this centenary.

Fortunately, however, the Greek people are subhuman, as are the Jewish
Zionists (Jew-apemen) but heavenly people and spirited, and despite the huge
losses and damage caused by the package but still somewhat camouflaged by
Jew-Christian-Zionism able to withstand today began the countdown not only
Greeks but also for the generous white race and all people of the earth to
survive, grow and walk in a glorious way according to ancient wisdom, which is
now a guide throughout the good in humanity and particularly wise intellect
and leading group persons who knew all the ills brought on earth Zionism and
now the fighting vehemently.

So here is below the 4 th Chapter posing the Greek and international rescue
plan for humanity and above all the Greeks who began to apply in very short
time be applied whole to Greece and then in the world, USA, EUROPE Russia,
Japan and rest of the world and then Greece on what we give to humanity and
to the whole world to glory once again.

The current economic crisis both Greece and the world, excluding China, is
artificial and not real. And the crisis created by Zionism to burn the people of
Greece, America, Europe, etc. But how managed and created this crisis? With
what I will describe in detail below will show that Zionism has had the power to
create such techniques shocks to the economy, politics and relations between

In the decade 1990 - 1998 I studied very closely the so-called "Bible", ie
the Old and New Testament several times, and many segments of the wording
in these two Jewish wills very often. So decoding the texts of wills, which are
text guides to administer and govern the chosen people (Jews) people see fit
to have them slaves. So after a long study of "Holy Letters" as they call the
two wills and after a careful study of super texts of the books of Plato and
Aristotle, issued "CACTUS" I wrote my first big book titled "THE GREAT
CONSPIRACY AGAINST HUMANITY" 500 pages. In this book is full decoding of
the Old and New Testament and explains all the crimes and evils which were
primarily the Greeks and the whole course of humanity. How successful is this
book and how original it seems to acceptance by the global giants of spiritual
intellect independent from Jew-Christianity which in their letters and messages
I have expressed their congratulations on the grounds as I told that "this book
should was written for 1700 years "when the famous ancient Greek culture and
Greek would have been saved and will not prevail in Europe in the dark, ie the
middle ages for over 10 centuries.

To depict, interpret and explain the crimes and the main events of the 20 th
century as described in the earlier pages of this essay, both for the Greeks but
also for humanity, I studied with great care and deepening the massive book
that bears entitled "Chronicle of 20 century" and has more than 2,500 pages
long.In addition to correctly interpret economic phenomena, particularly the
monetary both in Greek and studied the global economy often the most
important book of 440 pages, entitled: "General theory of employment,
interest and money" the leading economist 20 th century Englishman John
Maynard Keynes.

I mentioned above, these books from which it drew its clear sources to
depict events and to explain and interpret financial and monetary phenomena
of humanity and Greece, which unfortunately so led the Jewish Zionists to
happen happened u planned against people and the Greek people and for the
benefit solely of Jew-Christian-Zionists. But what the present applied
treatment? I will describe below, so fiber restore the right for the welfare of
Greece and of humanity.

First I will describe the anomalies and distortions which led the world
economy and of course Greece and then describe the financial and monetary
management of the Nations, including the U.S. and Europe and other nations
made fiber eurhythmy economy for economic development and proper
consequence of the welfare of the peoples of all nations of the earth and above
all of Greece.

The rough economic situation that existed for over two centuries,
culminating in the last 20 th century and above all the present time we are told
that what he planned and implemented by Zionism is an economic crisis due to
the following rough economic situation applied.

As the above description in Deuteronomy of the Old Testament (which is for

Christians the 'Bible' fright us!) writes that your brother Jew never want to lend
money with interest or anything of interest. That'll make will not ever. Only the
people of other races would borrow with interest. Elsewhere, it writes this, says
that giving money to your brother Jew without interest, fiber goes to all the
earth to establish his business, because you are holy people to Jehovah (the

To make the call that the Mosaic Law (Deuteronomy, Old Testament) was to
create the right conditions. So the Federal Reserve USA adopted the dollar in
December 1913 established the President Wilson but gave the bank the Jewish
bankers Rockefeller, Rotsild, Morgan Rikartno, etc. made it private, removed
the privilege of publishing the dollar by the U.S. government and from 1913 to
the dollar issue at will and without any monetary rule greatest Jew bankers. In
"time of the 20 th century is recorded as news of 1913 that President Wilson
established the Federal Reserve of America (Federal Reserve Bank of America)
had granted the private banks of these Jews, that is the Federal Bank was
acquired by private and a unique issue that the U.S. dollar.The concession
contract signed bank stated that the "value of money (dollar) will vary
automatically based on the conditions of prosperity and recession." The
recession and prosperity will consider most individuals (Jews) and who will
issue the amounts of dollars as they wish and the will. Of course President
Wilson realized the great mistake with his statement before he died in 1921
said "I got a terrible mistake because the sovereignty of the American people
and handed over to profiteers Jewish bankers".

But the co-owner of Federal Rotsild Jewish bankers, said in Frankfurt,

Germany is the head of the banks, that "give me me to manage the currency
of any country and I do not care who is in the country as Prime Minister and
Governor, I these do not count and so I would govern this country that I am
the editor and manager of its currency.

Thus in 1913 the Jews became bankers FEU.S. D and now without any
monetary rule or the golden rule monetary started to issue up to now as much
dollar amount (money) like or want as much today because they consider the
recession and prosperity of America and the world after the dollar have
harmed the basic global currency in which foster or destroy any economy of
any nation, according to the likes or dislikes with the Jewish Zionists. Needless
to write that is the greatest dislike to have the nation against the Greeks and
the terrible crimes that are caused and continue to cause it to numerous than
the record above. All this money issued by the Jews of the Federal Reserve to
have their hands in principle to have six (6) of the largest banks in the U.S.
(Morgan, Goldman SACHS, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, etc.) with a minimum
rate of 0.5% because it does not cost anything as worthless paper, print and
issue the dollars. These six (6) U.S. dollars the banks raise interest rates to
0.5% from the Federal Bank of America in unlimited amounts of money are in
principle in all Jewish Zionists and the banks then lend the principle in
American State with the highest interest and large quantities of dollars to lend
to U.S. citizens with much higher interest rate and thus nothing to unduly
burdening the American people. So nothing to profitability and get the sweat
and blood of the American people to such an extent that today, while U.S.
government debt is 13.5 trillion dollars, and the total debt of U.S. government
and American citizens will reach the 55 trillion dollars. From the U.S.
Government took all the gold and took them and store them in a huge
warehouse in the Swiss Alps town of Basel, Switzerland and the U.S.
government does not have an ounce of gold. The same thing he did and the
Jewish Greek Prime Minister Costas Simitis and Aaron Avouris, who in eight
years that ruled Greece 1994 – 2004; raised by the Bank of Greece 20 tons of
gold and took gold in Jewish stores in Basel, Switzerland.

Regarding the issue of the dollar and the above-mentioned dollar amounts
injected into the American government and American people is one side of the
coin. The flip side is that the Jewish Zionists who have the world's vast
majority of the media or misleading in their service, gave technical value to the
dollar as world currency with its value be determined by them against other
currencies in the desired humanity from its own price and value of each foreign
currency in every state. So almost the dollar, especially after the Second World
War was established as the main currency of mankind. This just enters the
"Holy Bible our" Fright us, says brother Jew never want to lend interested
money or anything of interest. By tokon will not ever lend your brother Jew
because you are holy people Ms. fiber so God will bless you brother Jew to
establish your business across the globe. So the Jews in the mid 19 th century
but especially after the Second World War Zionism them scattered in all
latitudes and longitudes of the earth, ie all countries.This was achieved mainly
by technical Semitism that he did Adolf, brother Jew Hitler of Germany and
Poland, which is a huge Jewish lie, and a neat and nice-looking myth because
anti-Semitism of Hitler, Zionism was able to send in 1939 after several millions
of Jews in Palestine to establish the state of Israel and some hundreds of
thousands of Jews scattered in all nations of the earth. In all countries did the
Jews Jewish banks to their superiors had given to those quantities like free and
interest-free dollars and set up or seized by local entrepreneurs all the greatest
industries and entities, and so they got their hands on the wealth of nations
but also seized all political power, economic, social and even religious, but let
us admit that religious authority is theirs because their creation is.

So with plenty of free cash and took the Jews created industrial and
financial units and can tell the countries that promoted the industrial growth
has been strong economic growth and prosperity to the people but never
ceased to be a distorted economy the way it was developed. Parallel to the
creation of giant economic units with free money in the Jewish instinct and
insight created by local entrepreneurs and those banks and maximum
economic units that contributed to the economic progress of peoples and
nations. Unfortunately, here again the criminal acted finger of Jewish Zionism
and many such entrepreneurs Japanese, Greeks, Americans and others killed
or physically or new businesses seized with plenty of dollars or the Jewish
Zionists and closed as in Greece with unbearable interest rates. The surge of
economic growth in 20 years from 1950 to 1970 how many Japanese
businessmen do not let the breath from the very young strokes and heart
disease. Those tragic people grabbed their business the same criminal tribe.
Such sudden deaths and disappearances have magnates and Greece as
Onassis, Nikos Vardinoyannis (died at age 42), Alexander Bodossaki,
Athanasiadis, its head, etc.

Germany, France, England and Japan and some other countries have
encouraged and developed to a very large extent, Greece, but they hate and
that our country because of the enormous wealth that has been in precious
stones in strategic minerals and oil could be industrially developed better than
any country in Europe, fought off the great pride and effort worthy of Greeks
with the divine spirit overcame all the obstacles raised by Jewish Zionism and
created a thriving economy, unfortunately, as we read above Greece with evil
plan of Zionism and performers all the Zionist rulers of Greece from 1910 until
today destroy a maximum extent.

Yet the Greek people, even with huge losses eternal Greek sites in a human
population stood back and I will be reborn from its ashes.

By creating these giant these industries (automotive, agricultural

machinery, etc.) outside the U.S. got their raw materials from the first to
productive resources in the world that the U.S. forced the American people to
industrial products to enter these countries and thus the richest country in the
U.S. land and its people are indebted. Someone smart, educated, Greek-
American told me that America is the only large frieze which is the highway of
New York - California if sown wheat will produce both sufficient grain to feed
through to the American people for a year. I also said that America (USA) has
100 million cattle whose milk is not only enough to eat as much milk they want
the Americans very cheap, but the milk would be enough Americans to do the
swim with milk. But I said, who is leaving for all Americans prosper, the Jews
who dominate America and around the world who want people poor, because
they grab all the wealth. Below I will describe what must be done in America,
but this exaggerates how perverse and inhuman economy works and does not
implement the wise admonitions and exhortations of the greatest economist of
the past century world of John Maynard Keynes. For misrepresentation claim
and reported that they apply the general theory of economy Keyns, but
actually implementing the commands of the Mosaic Law, ie the Old Testament
(the Bible of the Greeks and ourselves Christians and all Christians on earth.
Fright us!)

For the dollar will come back for what should be done. Now let us describe a
few and for our new currency the euro, the International Monetary Fund for
Jewish European Central Bank, the European Union that all these institutions in
accordance with what he writes the great historian and researcher John
Fourakis institutions are closely and run by Jewish Zionists.

To be understood to those below will describe the euro and other

institutions that the international Zionism, will record here indicates that the
great English economist John Keynes in the main book, entitled "The General
Theory of Employment, Interest and of the MONEY. The coin said to be issued
by individual states and whether based in the Golden Rule or not the
movement of money followed, decided and determined the amount of traffic
from the monetary authorities in each state.

In no case is the issue of currency by individuals just like 100 years is in

the U.S. now happening in Europe with the euro, after he took away the right
to at least 17 European countries and of course Greece to each country adopts
the currency. The issue of currency from each country and its monitoring by
the monetary authorities is of paramount importance that directly record and is
an essential rule of running the economy of John Keynes, I can abstain rule
was applied by today both in America and several in the Europe. Tackling
unemployment and the goal of full employment was in the Philosophy of
Keynes fundamental rule. And this against Keynes is not achieved, particularly
in times of recession through private investment and only the goals of
employment and combating unemployment is achieved through state
intervention. Keynes argues that the growth of a country and full employment
achieved when the state directs investment in infrastructure and productive
projects, and encourages and guides and private finance initiative for the
economic development of any country. This implies that the country should
adopt the amount of currency as needed and lend private initiative with very
low interest.

Today we know and live in our skins that all banks are private and owned
by an overwhelming percentage of the "fortune race" literally extracted by the
government and citizens to borrow with the highest interest even interest
rates. These are all provided by Keynes and condemnation. The greatest
economist of this century 20y Keynes says that now dominates the public
speculation and that which prevails in all the stock of the world and they all
belong to the Jews and led by them and any investment made to purchase
shares is not aimed at the have the funds production but primarily intended
speculation from the resale of the shares, in which case as currently
implemented in all States with employment, produce goods and income
decline. Have the ending and funds played in casinos and whatever they all
belong to the Jewish world.

So today we got as a state and as citizens in the current impasse in the

bankruptcy of the economy and soaring unemployment and a large decrease in
income and the state and society.

Here precisely lies and drama and the tragic situation in both Greece and
the Greeks to adopt a currency of Greece's Euro 2002 from the Jewish Greek
Prime Minister Costas Simitis and the abolition of the drachma issued by the
Greek government to unduly burdening Today in 2010 in Greece, the Greek
people and brought the Greeks, and many other people in despair. Why all this
happened and is happening in countries that have adopted and whose currency
is the euro? These occur just because the euro is a deceptive and trashy the
currency as the dollar fails by positive currency rules, but this is a currency
issued in amounts from the European Central Bank to manage the Jews and
public bodies of big bank businessmen Jewish Rothschilds, etc. and the
currency is issued and is available to Jewish banks with a low rate of 1% and
the banks lending to the states and citizens of countries with a much higher
rate of interest and so overcharge citizens and the government of any state.
Today the president Jan Klon Trisse is French-Jew and avatar and body Rotsilt
and Zionism and carry out the instructions how to adopt the euro and to
dispose of. So the paper prints the euro and the small metal coins of the euro
and interest 1% are not available to individual states but with very small
features of interest to banks in unlimited quantities and banks are all owned by
Jews and institutions of Jewish Zionism, including 4 to 5 Greek, supposedly
Banks, lend these funds to the euro government or people with multiple
interest rate of 1% to get the money from the European Central Bank's Trichet,
literally sucking the sweat and the blood of individual Eurozone nations. So
unduly burdening an excessive interest in Greece and the Greeks and brought
to the point of bankruptcy for a fraudulent, false and crooked debt created by
the Jewish Zionists deliberately through the fake currency is the euro, and if
issued by the Bank of Greece, the drachma as the other countries in the euro
area currencies, the economy will be serviced by a number and the necessary
funds for investment in infrastructure and other needs, after the heads of
these (DR) will be available to the Greek State and its citizens with a low rate
of interest, today on fraud created by the Greek government debt of 330 billion
will be standing at a sum equal to 1 / 10 of the current debt of 330 billion
euros and the Greek Government under the earned income could service the
debt of 30-35000000000 euros and would not ever take these people for
depressive austerity measures by cutting wages and pensions and other tax
measures and not only that, it could even increase the income and not to

The current Prime Minister of Greece George Papandreou Jew to mislead the
Greek people are not telling the real and blunt truth is that the money stolen
by the banks with high lending rates in euros, the Greek government, but
vertically, and says that the misleading deficits blame corruption and Greek
citizens with the alleged squandering that do. And that alone is not enough, he
make of the Prime Minister of the Greeks who supposedly loves you and wants
their own good. Here's what he told a dinner in January 2010, which had its
same European when they began to say that the Greeks are cheats, thieves u
lazy, then called Greek Prime Minister Papandreou stood up and told the
identical-like Europeans that the Greeks are cheats, thieves and lazy and
discredited. The registrant of this news in the newspaper asks: How can a
Prime Minister to blame so the people who actually governs the luncheon of
the European leaders were shocked and wondered and whispered that he who
is not Greek or Holland, Finland and says publicly Greeks what others whisper
behind closed doors (Journal: Type the Sunday, page 25 / 13 June 2010). So
this is the Prime Minister, who supposedly govern Greece to the rescue! SHAME
on the Greeks who elected such a prime minister! Corruption and wastefulness
is not the prestige factor of the creation of huge public debt of Greece, but the
euro currency borrowing by the banks u high interest charged by which the
Greek government and Greek. The same happens in all countries of the
Eurozone and non-excluding the large countries such as Germany and France.
They talk about the Kensianiki economy, but implement economic policies that
neither touches the economic philosophy of the great economist John Keynes,
whose basic prescription is the movement of the currency would fall on
individual states, each state has the opportunity to lend the government but
and citizens with the necessary them money and the state to coordinate
investment programs under the guidance of the state will implement and
private initiative that will help the state and will finance with low interest loans
and the only way in Keynes can be no complete labor force will eliminate
unemployment and a significant increase in income on all sides. Now with the
euro incurred financing and loans with excessive interest to earn huge amounts
Brothers bankers, States and citizens overcharge a deceptive and fake
currency is the euro, but that they issue a seek to poor people and poor, to
grab the Zionism of each asset and create a homogeneous flock, as they write
and "our Holy Gospels."

The application of economic theory of Keynes we see today in China, whose

currency the Yuan issued by the State and the rule of China directs and
finances for free or a low interest rate all state and private investment and we
see that the economy China each year is 10% growth in all its beneficial effects
on employment and income growth of Chinese.

Today best virtue of what testimony and evidence we have from this
example of China to comply, and all mankind and of course Greece.

From what I read even the Bank of England gives the sterling is private and
dominate the Jewish Zionists, and this is why England has arrived and is on the
verge of bankruptcy.

Some readers of this article, remember that the Clinton administration, both
the cunning Jew and a maximum body of Jewish Zionism Henry Kisigker and
then-President Clinton to the Jewish wife Hillary visited Beijing several times
and had very long talks with leaders China to contribute to them and the
vicious circle to grab their currency and the wealth of China. The leaders of
China, however, fond of their country and their people and did not fall into the
trap of the Jews and the results we see today, with the enormous growth and
progress of China. I do a parenthesis to say that Chinese intellectuals entertain
genuine love and worship for the ancient culture and very much love the
Greeks for this half of the transportation of imported goods and exported them
to have awarded to Greek shipowners. That only happened in China and Jewish
Zionists is not the case with Japan, which is one of the most Jew-slaved
countries around the world and major industries owned by Jews, such as The
Nish and which even the name is Jewish after one month called Nisan in the
Hebrew language.

After what was depressed and criminal events and incidents that happened
and is happening to humanity and of course in Greece, the Greeks and
Hellenism, the society is moving more toward a natural death on globalization
advo daily and constantly raise the media and up today to irregular economy;,
public and private which he organized in order to grab the wealth around the
nations and peoples to work and to seek solace and great fiber crossing herself
after death enjoy a heavenly paradise they promise?

I like a scholar, historian and economist as a publicist assured that those

who planned and carried out far too quickly overturned and another wind will
blow on the earth and the people will prevail on earth and most peoples logic
and everything will be done with knowledge and spirit of those who dominate
today most people will set aside land forever and would eventually steal them
with their banks, casinos, their multinationals, their dollar to the euro to the
pound, of the exchanges etc. The great historian and researcher John Fourakis
prophet, prophesied in a book, 1997 the today tragic crisis in the economy and
also writes that the American people, consisting of a set of different
nationalities and peoples including blacks will wake up and realize all the
crimes did the Jews in America (USA) and the American people will revolt and
slaughtered all the Jews of America and an up to save them will resort in
Europe where (Switzerland) moved across the Golden humanity and the
massive underground storage in warehouses in the Swiss Alps, in Basel,
Switzerland . So Switzerland kept her out of the European Union and the euro.
Personally I do not want it to be verified Fourakis to the extreme this
attitude, but one side but they necessarily like all those institutions built to
oppress the nations and peoples (Banks.N.T., KE Bank, European Union,
casinos, etc.) And here to do this, they have planned and carried out daily the
right things to pursue all nations and all peoples.

How to establish quickly the world economy and politics and how to save
Greece, the Greeks and the Greeks, and a political economy based on
knowledge and regenerative spirit. First you say the U.S., EUROPE AND OTHER
COUNTRIES OF THE PLANET and then I will refer to Greece, the Greeks and

The sun of justice imaginable Odysseus Elytis, or more precisely on the

intellectual superior to that superpower America, Russia, China and Europe,
which regulates the government ideology of humanity and of course the
Greeks, on the occasion of the coming of the third millennium of earth at the
end 20th century has proceeded as follows. For all mankind are two basic
philosophies which should dominate the nation, its people and their
communities. The one which I say to the obscurantist and the Jewish world
view with both Jewish covenants, namely the Old and New Testament that all
this theory of two wills in the ancient Greek text made mole occupies 1200
pages of large books. The other worldview is Greek,or for humanity and the
Greek and the light/bright ancient Secretariat humanity and Hellenism on any
progress made to date in societies relied on in this unique ancient wisdom, and
rescued this infinitesimal wisdom from destruction by Jew-Christianity two
large libraries of Alexandria, and I say this is a giant that was rescued in
connection with the Hebrew texts of the two wills, and that these texts,
particularly the New Testament is interspersed with wise sayings of the ancient
Greeks, because then all Jews spoke Greek and were inspired and written for
Jews only shepherds and benighted political, economic and social issues were.

So this spiritual superpower of humanity and of course the Greeks the

divine race of the Greeks chose a brain spiritual personality was a good
Christian Orthodox, because all Greeks willingly, taken from early childhood
initiate to now this Jew-slaved doctrine of Christianity is the orthodoxy. That
spiritual entities to have thoroughly studied both philosophies and decide what
is most beneficial to the nation and humanity will prevail on earth, that the
Jewish doctrine of theocracy or the ancient Greek wisdom, as expressed by the
detail and greatest thinkers of humanity and greatest political scientists Plato
and Aristotle. The Jews accepted the this figure because they were pious
Orthodox Christian and I never thought that this person will be condemned
Christian belief. So the biggest criminals of humanity, the Jewish-Zionist
German-Jew-american Henry Kissinger, shrewd and cunning to influence the
Greek, that everyone will remember that at a gathering in Chicago, USA said
the following, which have been published and although we all know, But do not
know their importance, now the first to reveal myself, around the world. He
told Kissinger: "The Greek people are hard to governed. So you must strike at
the culture, Greek language and religion. "Emphasize religion because it said it
misleading to not to deny the above Greek scholar, so that's how the Jews win
for sure bet, so the globalization imposed on mankind the Jewish dominance
for at least a thousand years, as calculated they would make a single king to
all humanity by David Root.

The Jews would never want to deny the Greek Jewish orthodoxy, because it
is the most Jew-slaved doctrine of all doctrines of Christianity and even the
Jewish Zionism leaders expressed occasionally as to the entire humanity to
impose Christian orthodoxy, so the caress Patriarch Bartholomew of
Constantinople and the Patriarch of Moscow. The above facts clearly
demonstrated, it becomes obvious why this great Jew and a senior body of
Zionism, Kissinger said the misleading word religion to confuse the spiritual
above the Greek surveys, do not ever come to renounce Orthodoxy, for to win
the Jews as the above reports. So that spiritual Greek more than a decade
often leafed through the Old and New Testaments, but parallel studied the
ancient Greek literature and especially the writings of Plato "State" 4 volumes
and "Plato's Laws" on volumes and books Aristotle "POLITICAL" 4 vols.
Throughout this period of over 10 years of studies and thorough investigation,
the nominee that has accepted Greek spiritual tremendous pressures and hints
at what should be embraced by tens of writers and media from both camps say
the Jewish theocracy and unequaled Greek wisdom, through the Greek
Secretariat rescued and printing volumes at the publishing house 'CACTUS'
Street University of Athens.

Finally, the aforementioned Greek obeyed privy to that spiritual superpower

humanity (the invisible sun of justice) and with great diligence for many years
sat and studied both worldviews and ultimate ruled that the Jewish 'world-
show' is a dark, including in it and Christian doctrine of any religion, and
ancient wisdom is the only one who can provide solutions to all problems
between nations, people, societies and humanity. The undersigned heard this
path step by step, which is why I write is completely authentic and true,
because I did parallel studies and especially the Greeks who for 100 years and
they suffered from the woes Jew-Christian-Zionism and politicians all there
were bodies so far, which summarizes the description in previous pages.

So after the above considerations set out the only way for mankind to reach
the correct way is: I should rule on the U.S., then to Europe and other
countries are subjected to Zionism and last will vote for their favorite place I,
Greece, which in essence is home to sacred to all mankind, because the whole
culture and that there is a nice man today, started from this unique country
called Greece and the Chinese and they currently progressing continuously and
economy and culture, to admire.

It is no coincidence that while in Greece and throughout Europe there are

thousands of Chinese, seldom or not at all hear that a Chinese or Chinese
committed crimes.

In America, as he and President Wilson in his old age, surrendered the

sovereignty of some American Jews when they surrendered the privilege of
publishing to the U.S. dollar and in quantities that want to adopt (in fact,
printing paper) Jews bankers, they say above. Just why the Americans to
regain the people's sovereignty should immediately take the privilege of
publishing the dollar by Jewish bankers (Rockefeller, Rotsild, etc. of the Federal
Reserve Bank of America) and reach the issue of the American dollar
government. Regarding the Public Debt of the U.S. State amounting to 13.5
trillion dollars, a U.S. government that has U.S. President, not Zionist, as were
former presidents and current Barack Obama has a Jewish mother and Jewish
and wore the CEFR head (indicating allegiance to the Jews) when the New York
bow to the Chief Rabbi, then when you come true American president not to
recognize this huge debt incurred by the American people, but from 13.5
trillion to recognize only 1 / 10 that 1.350 trillion dollars, which can easily pay
the U.S. government. The remaining 12.200 trillion to pay the non-Americans
because they are stolen and bogus charges the U.S. government by Jews with
fake and illusory dollar issued by them. Also, the huge debt that they created
themselves with fake currency (dollars) issued not to recognize the Americans,
because as I read in financial newspapers, the Jewish vote and the illusory
currencies USD, EUR, GBP, lavishly distributed to the nations Such coins and
unduly burdening the states of land amounts multiples of annual income from
all nations of the earth. So China has to foreign reserves 3 trillion dollars, but
keeps the central bank only 850 billion U.S. Treasury bonds, which the U.S. are
required to pay, but not another huge amount in the air and crushing created
their own Jews to fake who took loans in China and unduly burdening

In this case, the future coming true American government should make
known to the Chinese, who created this huge debt and to bring the two parties
in a fair and appropriate response to the reality of settlement this huge debt
and thus pay. Also after the Americans put in some arbitrary order and
depressing current banking system and to settle a huge debt of American
citizens is the astronomical sum of 54 trillion dollars, which represents the
annual income of the world (earth) and is currently indebted U.S. even though
they have meager incomes. And this huge debt is fictitious, created by
illegitimate and the Jewish banks with phony and rigged dollar issued in
unlimited quantities. That is, print the paper dollar and give them where they
want because they do not cost anything and give the dollars to six (6) Jewish
banks with a minimum interest of 0.5% unto his brethren of Jews scattered
across the globe give them according to the Mosaic law free dollars in any
quantity demanded and demand, and of course without interest, and these
Jews with money that gave imaginary value purchased and established in all
countries of the greatest and largest economic entities having killed physically
economically or large local entrepreneurs. This is a phony and unorthodox
economic system presented to mankind, except China and so the casinos and
their multinationals abnormally developed in all countries arrived at the current
tragic impasse, or rather the Jews themselves have created the tragic impasse
since they dominate the increasingly unbalanced economic system. Another
issue that needs to watch the real Americans and not Jew-Americans is require
to receive the same share of gold stolen from Jews in America and storage in
the huge cellars of the European Alps in Basel, Switzerland. There he built up
all the gold of humanity and all states must enforce them to the stolen gold
and precious metals. Certainly the Jew Greek Prime Minister Costas Simitis and
Aaron Avouri there and brought 20 tonnes of gold stolen from the Bank of
Greece and the Greeks have to claim and take him back. Both the U.S. and in
other countries of the world and of course Greece, must reclaim the stolen gold
with the good or violent because the Jews are already weakened.

With regard to economic policy to implement America (USA) to get into an

orthodox path to development and progress of the state, and to eliminate
unemployment and for the prosperity of American society, listed below. The
design is simple and readily achievable. That is, America (USA) to apply under
the maximum economist John Keynes put forward for the economy and the law
applicable policy. Firstly as I write above, the government should immediately
take the U.S. version of the dollar and remove this privilege from Jewish
owners (Federal Bank Jewish). The publication and circulation will be based on
the known monetary rules and always will be controlled by monetary
authorities in the U.S.. The U.S. central bank will have the dollar amounts
according to the needs of the American government and economic needs of the
American people. The money will be available in small amounts borrowed will
take and the very American people with a very low rate of interest, but the
available in the U.S. government funds to banks to qualify for the U.S.
government to operate and other citizens who seek to large amounts have
been somewhat larger and reasonable interest. What should one make of a
real future government that really cares about the American nation and the
American people is the issue of investment and jobs to apply fully in the great
English economist Keynes suggested. That this government should invite top
economists and technocrats Americans or foreigners and establish a program
and infrastructure investments in all U.S. states and pick the brightest minds
to implement programs or to take small or large entities are always and the
financing of the U.S. government which will allow and monitor all investment
entities or other public or private infrastructures. Obviously these people are
not dependent on the fanatical Zionism and Christianity, but it is free. America
(USA) has many sources of wealth which, if used correctly knowledge and
wisdom, then the U.S. will become a country of proud people and have a
happy and self-sufficient.

All stressful fabrications of the Jews in Hollywood have, along with the
music zougklodi raised daily by all means of mass deception be removed
immediately after sending the American Jews to hell and replace them with
film and television projects that will elevate the quality ethos of citizens,
zougklodis simerni music and the music of the jungle drums be removed
immediately and to promote quality music and the sweet music not only
elevates the spirit and morals but also contributes to the disease and be
treated like this and thought The ancient Greeks, I still recommend the
immortal chants of Epirus (folk songs) to the giant of the spirit of Goethe called

Apart from this I want to stop the Jews to produce Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola
which contain poisonous dioxins and poison the American youth and all its
young people and to desensitise them being prone to the painful drugs. Also,
to combat drug and or removed completely or reduced to a minimum.

It is much more that must do tomorrow's excellent command of America

and these people that they themselves will understand and apply them in
America. I only recommend to study in depth the writings of Plato, Aristotle
etc., who analyze in detail all aspects, politically, economically and socially to
be applied to a prosperous state and its citizens and in this case, America and
So much for America and only mention that the current Zionist Jewish
U.S. president Barack Obama drew some Ordinances-like supposed to limit the
Wall Street Journal, but I do not think this time the American people to fall into
this trap set-up of Zionism and follow the right path as we describe above.
Finally for America cites the case of Henry Kissinger's "first-class" body and
strain of Zionism who the Machiavellian politics of the world and caused
millions of deaths in Cyprus and incalculable damage and destruction and
instead send him to a number of international courts to condemn him as the
greatest war criminal, reference is genuine patriot Slobodan Milosevic
supported strongly the home court in Serbia Hague where he died and who
knows what caused the middle of premature death.

Now come the supposedly united Europe, Europe is not only because the
Jews dominate a gang heads of European states. Protoklasata mention the
names of the gang which is true institutions of Zionism and not institutions -
rulers of nations and their ill-fated European peoples. They are: David webcam
England, Nikolai Sarkozy of France, Angela Merkel of Germany, George
Papandreou of Greece, Jean Trichet President European Central Bank, the
President called European Union and all other leaders of European countries,
all serving their purposes of Zionism, globalization and the creation of a
European people flock and shepherd the Jewish Zionism. The Giscard de Sten
is the large patron, General Manager of Bank of archievraiou Rotsild banker.

What to make of each trapped in Zionism and the phony and false euro
currency, European state will draw its information to act properly, according to
those below the description for what should be done in Greece to save and to

From what I write in this essay - articles, from 1910 until now he did
Zionism in Greece, the Greeks and Hellenism countless crimes, the principal
whose record detailed and compelling evidence and evidence that the ultimate
goal was to physically destroy all Greeks. But you see the Greek people are
divine and they could destroy them all while several million Greeks were killed
by these criminal acts and conspiracies of Jewish Zionism. A Jew who is my
roommate in the apartment, a senior officer in the Air Force, retired; because
it is benevolent person although Zionist and between us we have created a
close friend named Manzaris Konstantinos Elijah, who knows my beliefs, my
books u my race, I confided that: "From the last 19 centuries and until the mid
20 th century, my tribe (Zionism) tried to destroy the Greeks, because as you
know is the mortal enemy of the Jews and the ideology of (theocracy) that
spread around the world.Unfortunately in this fight, intervened on the Jews,
cursed Epirus benefactors and the surprisingly large benefactions have
supported the Greek state. And now it seems to me like you Stephanos and
Epirus, which like a true Greek'll make this great race course along with many
other Greek and foreign to the Greeks and against Jew-Christian-Sionism to
abort the big plans and dreams of the Zionist Jews and indeed to saved Greece
and the ancient Greek intellectual giant and current culture of the Greeks. "
So, having now lost by the Jewish Zionists that the large Greek (first was a
good Christian or for the fittest was Jew-slave) battle in the spiritual arena, so
their dreams and enforcement of thousands of years of Jewish sovereignty
over the land and of course on the Greeks went out. The Greeks are now all
free to regroup and create a fair and proud Greek state with optimal policy,
with robust economies and societies are correct.

So the Greeks will soon awaken, and all those who ruled the Greek
government for many decades and they are all Jewish Zionists to set aside
immediately and even be punished properly and is now ready Greek-hearted
many intellectuals who can take the reins of the Greek state to govern
according the writings of Plato and Aristotle, that the Greek nation to excel and
give the example to all nations of the earth to get rid of the dynasty of Jewish
Zionism and govern themselves with knowledge and wisdom for the good of
their country but above all for prosperity and happiness of their people.

Already in Greece the great Greek-hearted economist, journalist, originating

from the region of Agrinio, Spyros Chatziaras every evening hours 11 to 12
evening lecture by the television station Blue - Sky and the same hour was
broadcast the day from the same station in the morning 8. 30 to 9. 30, says all
this which I chronicle in this article .The same journalist S. Chatziaras
announced that founded the Committee for National Salvation and even as a
party now drew together for full Self-government elections in November the
county and the municipalities of Attica. Until the elections in November, this
reporter S. Chatziaras announced that the party of the National Salvation
combinations will draw in Greece. Therefore as a legitimate party all Media
Media, television and radio stations will be required to transmit the
communications of the National Salvation, which in summary would you details
of all these recordings u so the Greek people will understand and will be
awakened so will bring the desired freedom and rid the greek-hatred far rulers
of Greece who are Zionists and begin a new course for the nation of the
Greeks, but Greeks are full-bright and creative and this should be an example
for all other European countries and throughout the world. In this Committee
of National Salvation is ready tens and hundreds of nested Greeks, intellectuals
very worthwhile from Greece and abroad who are ready positions of
government and administration to provide valuable services. Of these mention
a few: Evangelos Bexis, archaeologist, historian and editor of Ihor, Spyros
Chatziaras economist - a journalist who broadcast on the channel Blue - Sky
entitled "the truth uncensored" speech and says all the brutal truth as I
describe it above and enthusiastic crowds of Greeks viewers watching, Andreas
Athenian, Greek-American University in U.S. universities, a great economist,
and Greek-hearted of Greece, speaks regularly HE television station - Channel
and shocking speeches which, it analyzes the great Greek and world economy
Particularly in monetary policy, a genuine Greek Government has come to
assume the financial sector can make Greece a rich country with Greeks will
have full financial self-sufficiency, that will prosper. Michael Kalopoulos many
great writer can offer an entirely Greek Ministry of Education Kyriakopoulos
spoken in HE - Channel, famous speaker analyze all issues relating to the
Greek and many other spiritual men, and Greece of Greek-hearted can offer a
lot in this immortal nation called Greece. As long as the Greek people feeling
fed up, disgusted and angered by the constant lies and false promises all the
political present and past in a body will turn to the Greek party, or more
parties that may spring up with the same political ideology and so fitting and
now the polls show that 41% of Greeks is opposed to all existing parties, soon
heard when all the media, the voice and the actual placement of Greek political
parties since the vast majority of the Greek people will support the Greek or
Greek parties.
What to make of the Greek party soon that will come through a legitimate
democratic election process u will understand the power of Government.

As he writes the great historian and author J. Fourakis prophet and like
myself to analyze solid evidence in my books and my writing, the European
Union, the European Central Bank,.New Fund are all instruments of
international Jewish Zionism and perform with dedication commands. For this
to Greece with Greek institutions Rulers of the Jewish Zionists collapse it in E.
Union to destroy it completely. And we see from the 1979, which Karamanlis
on the assistance of his brother Jewish Zionists French President Giscard de
Sten, Greece became a member of the EU Union is starting a progressive
pattern is destroyed to reach Greece or rather came violently to the current
state of bankruptcy. They destroyed the economy greatly, as all the economic
and industrial units belonging to the Greeks, the closed or even destroyed by
physical extermination of Greek businessmen. Imagine if hundreds of these
major economic plants were in operation hundreds of thousands of Labor how
large amounts of tax would provide the Treasury and more great amount of
contributions would collect the insurance funds. Furthermore, by order of the
E. Union and some compensation from the funds of Europe forced thousands of
farmers to uproot their vineyards, olive groves and to destroy the production of
vegetables and other agricultural products. They destroyed much of the
livestock on the ground to import livestock products (meat, milk, etc.) from
Europe and this course against the income of the Greeks and the Treasury.
Suffice here to mention that during the dictatorship cows in Greece amounted
to 1,500,000 head, and now reduced this number down from 500,000 head.
The same applies to sheep and goat-owners. Also this cursed as it is today
Europe is managed by a gang of Jews, took over the fishing boats of the
fishermen and islanders and destroyed is still fishing. And other and other
disasters that I can not say.

After all those real and genuine Greek Government that will surely come
soon, according to those who listened to analyze the great Greek-American
economist Andrew Athenian must immediately withdraw from the hostile
European Union and leave the possibility of a future European federation
European peoples when all these European countries freed from prison in
which is now the Jewish Zionism and their governments will no longer be
nationalists and patriots. He argues economist and I fully espouse that Greece
should immediately withdraw from the euro and bring back the drachma based
on sound monetary rules and the adoption and traffic will be monitored by
government monetary authorities.

It is understood that the provision in the amount of GRD in both public and
low-budget Greeks until a reasonable amount of borrowing will be a very low
rate. Also to state banks and private banks will now work with transparent
criteria would lend the state with low interest, but loans will lend the banks to
Greek owners and operators will have interest reasonableness, and not
depressing as it is today and the banks are reaping huge profits. Of course,
shamelessly speculated against the Greek government and Greek citizens and
businessmen when they took and get huge funds to the euro from the CC Bank
interest 0.25 0.50 1% today and lend and lend the Greek state with 8%, 7%,
5.5% today and the Jewish Prime Minister of Greece George Papandreou tells
us that the loan gets the Troika (IMF, ECB and the euro area) with high interest
of 5% saving Greece. For laughs and pied kid. The 4 to 5 Greek banks
supposedly Jewish but essentially the difference in the rate from 5 to 7 units
and secure installation in the Greek government have had and certainly it safe
huge profits borne on the backs of the Greek taxpayer, notably the poor
people. This just seems that the huge deficit that loaded the Greek people and
more than 300 billion is not the actual debt of the Greeks, but the vast sums
stolen by the Greek and foreign banks with previous rates of 22 to 24% who
lent the Greek State (during the reign of Jewish Zionists Tsobola, Minister of
Finance for 8 years) and so far interest rates ranging from 5 to 8% and banks
all Jewish money is the EURO which unduly burdening Greece, this elusive
money in Trichet does not cost anything (paper they print the euro) was taken
by the Greek and foreign banks from the ECB interest from 0.25 to 1%. So
what is charged in Greece and the Greek people is deceptive, not real, that is
robbed banks and stole a part of the Jewish Zionists are crooks "Greek" MPs
and government officials. And just as you analyze the present debt of Greece's
300 billion euro a large Greek-American economist Andrew Athenian, the
actual debt is actually today that Greece is at 1 / 10 the amount of 300 billion
euros, ie 30 to 35,000,000,000 euros and certainly argues that only an
economist this amount The 30 - 35 billion is required to repay Greece and no
other amount as the other amounts allegedly owed by Greece are false
charges by the Greek government and consequently caused allegedly by Greek

Which in this case economic policy must be followed by Greece; According

to Keynes's General Theory in order to eliminate unemployment in one country
and to create conditions for full employment of the people to adopt the state
itself under the positive monetary rules and so the state to coordinate all the
investment and infrastructure or are made by governments or by individuals
(private initiative) in which the State will stand-aside and will finance the
necessary capital is always a low interest or no interest in the case of
productive resources that are exploited and thus contribute to income growth
and full employment of labor. In our country, Greece has huge potential for
economic development. As the recently issued recording multi colored book
entitled "Gems and strategic minerals of Greece", which includes all studies
and descriptions of minerals of Greece from the Technical University professors
of Greece and the School of the University of Thessaloniki, precious and
expensive in the international minerals market in Greece are so numerous and
closely related to the value of which is estimated at 54 trillion euros. When the
total debt of Greece is 300 billion, the reader understands what is meant by 54
trillion euros the value of minerals of Greece (gold, precious stones, large
quantities of expensive uranium, oil, etc.). That is no reason to pay by Greece
created false and fraudulent debt of 300 billion, but if you repay Greece, the
debt would be nothing if one immediately drew on some of the minerals hidden
in the bowels of the Greek land. In this vast wealth of Greece said in the book
and the great scientist - Cop economist Rep. 1947, but the accused as a
communist and shot in 1951. The cop says in his book entitled "The heavy
industry in Greece" and those states approved by the then Rector of Athens
University Law Kitsikis that Greece with the rich in minerals subsoil could be
the richest industrial country in Europe. But who allow this to happen! The
Cooper, of the famous German band Zionist "Cooper, Moses Ezekiil rapporteur
then the FAO (Food and Agriculture organization), then the chairman of the
International Bank for Reconstruction and E. Meyer, the president of the
Morgan bank. The key detail is that all three of these were Israeli origin. And
as Jews who wanted to destroy Hellenism would leave Greece or might not be
allowed to dissolve industrialized population of the 4 horizons hoping that this
will end with the Greeks who both fear that the revival of ancient culture will
extinguish the Hebrew shadows and visions.

As the reader can easily understand the above with a true Greek
government will soon come, the economic problems of Greece and the
development of this unique and beautiful country on Earth is a simple thing, so
for sure the Greeks will prosper and the nation of the Greeks back to the glory
we will undertake. Just think and suggest that the great Greek-hearten
economist and Greece of Greek-American Andrew Athenian, whether
undertaken by the sector of the economy of Greece, surrounded by many
economists genuine Greek from Greece and abroad where he sent them
Karamanlis, who died for them erased from the map of Greece, then with such
a team of Greek-hearted economists soon the economy will take off and of
course will take off and the economic situation of the Greeks. In this book of
gems and minerals strategies of Greece not only described but also large color
photographs depict all the places are all these expensive and valuable minerals
for immediate exploitation. Thus one of the most rich and exploitable areas is
that the fossil of Greece which can thrive heavy industry as described by the
tragic death ranges from the state itself, Dimitris cop in his book, 1947.

The economic team that chose young Greek students, students and
entrepreneurs to push the establishment of economic entities across the
beautiful countryside and only Greece and the fund now drachmas with the
necessary capital for the industrialization of Greece. This will return the young
Greeks with an appetite in the countryside, in villages where small towns with
a good job and other incentives to legislate the state will be able to marry and
create families with many children and so that would be immediately
terminated, and the demographic problem of Greece . In this new real Greek
state should provide high benefits for children who are born and they are
higher for families who will live in villages, towns and countryside in Greece

That's it for part of the great mineral wealth of Greece. Not only that.
Greece is a country that can be self-sufficient in almost all the goods needed
by the population, but also to draw enough of them. So we must strengthen
and develop animal husbandry by creating many dairy industries. It should
also enhance fisheries, horticulture and agricultural and generally the Greek
government will now seek to strengthen and develop all areas of wealth.
Particular attention should be paid by the Merchant Shipping domestically and
globally, Greek owned. For shipping propose that the Marfin Egnatia Bank of
Greek Andreas Vgenopoulos be supported by the Greek government with
plenty of very low liquidity which will lend loans to those with Greek
shipowners want, wherever you are on earth. The Greek state will provide
Greek shipowners all facilities will require, after the Ministry of Merchant
Marine, will be headed by the Minister of their choice. The only claim that the
Greek state will by Greek shipowners will be for the manning of ships be done
first by Greek sailors, who of course have to be paid well. Industry and Trade
will receive beneficial policy and develop a better and higher.

With regard to education there is now Greek government must show

greater sensitivity for both the training and the good income of teachers, but
most importantly to be the make of Education must be Greek and to stop
teaching in schools of Jewish fairy tales and obscurantist of the Old and New

We must return to circumspect extent Ancient Greek, as the record in 4

volumes entitled "Hellenist" the hellenic professor and author Anthony
Antonakos, other details, the future prominent Attainment in the Minister,
together with excellent partners will do it all.

Ends with a huge issue that created the Greek people and this is the religion
and especially the most Jew-slaved Christian doctrine is the orthodoxy, I say to
each Jew-slavery because Greek is certainly a descendant of Aristotle had not
in any way either the Church or so-called mysteries of marriage, baptism,
death having the priests say that the Greek is the Hebrew Abraham, Isaac,
Jacob, Sarah, of Mara and 'evil girl encounter'.
Already there are great Greek historians and researchers who have studied
the ancient Greek religion and who are able to directly replace the stories of
Jewish orthodoxy with loose Greek-cultured rituals and pure Greek festival
there will be no obligation to accept them all the Greek and each Greek by
coercive measures, such that will be punished in life after death, etc.

Here I finish arguing that wrote the truth and all the Greek people but also
for Europeans, who hope soon to get rid of Zionism and Jews in Jew-French
Ntomenik CVD or Cohen's.N.T., the president of RC Jew-French Bank Trichet,
Sarkozy French-Jew president of France, David Camera British-Jew Prime
Minister of England, the German-Jew Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and
even the Jew from Jewish mother U.S. President U.S. Barack Obama, etc. I say
that because I wrote the truth that we all have the correct and honest people,
this truth must be employed.

The great ancient Theban poet Pindar said: "The truth is the daughter of
Zeus." The great tragic poet of Athens, Sophocles said: "A lie never lives to
grow old." And the tragic Jewish scientist Albert Einstein to justify a race that
all the lies and crimes in most states govern the land, he said: Ǭ Lie policy
was raised to nobility." Here is the abysmal gap between the Greek divine
wisdom and Jewish obscurantist and criminal mind.

Before closing to inform the reader that when the Jewish Zionism has lost
most definitely spiritual game from the upper spiritual man in the press made
the confession confession of a song that he wrote a Jewish scholar who says:

"What I hide in me nobody knows about it and not rush you talk to me.
What hides inside me like a knife cut, more to see and to listen and another to
live. "

In particular type of complaint has not been heeded by the intellectual

support Zionism, another Greek-speaking Jewish songwriter wrote a song:

"We asked you I can save mankind. I asked for love and affection. "

Because here in the multi-page script I do not want to leave anything

unclear is this fact that as the last record. Everyone will remember the second
of five years as President of the Republic of Constantine Karamanlis 1990 -
1995, he was on the rise the Macedonia and every day was huge rallies in
Athens, Piraeus, Greece, Karamanlis arrived in Thessaloniki and journalists
asked a statement on Macedonia, Thessaloniki airport when the plane went
down. Then he with defeatism and some tears in a low voice said: "I know one
Macedonia and that Macedonia is Greek". After what crimes he did in his long
political career in Greece, Greece and Hellenism, which are above the record
with compelling evidence, how can this Greek-hatred to make such a

The explanation he gave my friend my Greek-lawyer. Karamanlis, he said,

was initiated and well-informed about Macedonia's brothers Tito and Joseph
Billy Mitrant previously had several hours of talks with them in many meetings.
But now after seeing the furious reaction of the Greek people with daily
populous gatherings and rallies, tried to disappoint the Greek people to cry for
him and give despondency and defeatism to calm the terrible reaction time.
Because, said the lawyer, no general and weak if his troops did not appear
before the defeatist and battle cry, as did the Karamanlis.

I hope , you, fellow-Greeks to awaken as soon as possible, for the sake of

yourself, your family and dearest of our country, our Holy Greece.

I wish to you Health and Joy, may be sound

and happy

From Ioannina Asimochori Stefanos A. Noutsis

Economist, Writer, Poet

Please Visit my site here for Greek version too

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