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Issue 5 - 2005


Why I Soak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Carol Arnott

Anointed for Battle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Capt. Kevin Hutcheson, US Navy

(see page 3)
SOAK ‘N GO: Confessions of a Navy Wife. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Paula Hutcheson

How to Experience the Depth of God’s Love through Soaking. . 16

Eric Rosé

Giving God a Home. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Buck and Anna Eaton


(see page 7)


Melinda Fish

‘Be Part of a Grassroots Revival’ 20

International Itinerary 30

Upcoming Events and Visitors’ Information 32 HOW TO EXPERIENCE THE DEPTH OF GOD’S
(see page 16)
Melinda Fish
Of all the powerful In order to change your flavor, you The problem is that it takes time.
revelation that must resign yourself to spending time Maybe your good ideas need a little
has come from soaking your mind and emotions in the more soaking. Maybe your dreams do,
this outpouring of Jesus who lives in you. The best pickles too. Maybe you need to stop right now,
the Holy Spirit, are made from young, freshly picked invite the Holy Spirit to bathe you in His
the dearest to me cucumbers that are soaked in a cold love and just spend time basking in Him.
is soaking in solution that causes their texture to
God’s presence. become crisp. I believe that In this issue, you will read the
Before 1994, I had no idea that in experiencing the zest of the life God has testimonies of some ordinary
order to survive as a Christian and laid out for you makes you crisp. This cucumbers who just chose to spend
certainly as a minister of Jesus Christ, includes living day to day, relishing it. It time pickling their hearts in God’s love.
I would need to become accustomed means making choices out of the Wait until you read what happened!
to absorbing daily doses of the integrity of your heart, which include Happy Holidays and enjoy this issue as
presence of God. In fact, I didn’t know loving your family, doing what is right our Christmas gift to you. <>{
that it was possible. I spent most of when it is easier or it seems more
my days working hard at the tasks of profitable to do what is wrong. And it
ministry. While I am still a task- even includes enjoying the people you
oriented person, I am different find yourself working with and the

SPREAD THE FIRE is published : January, March, May,
because now I know it is possible to circumstances in which you live. August, November.

access His presence and enjoy Him. Submit communications to:

SPREAD THE FIRE, Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship,
The flavor doesn’t come, though, 272 Attwell Drive, Toronto, ON. Canada, M9W 6M3
Phone: 416 674 8463 Fax: 416 674 8465
I believe that the supreme until you choose to soak yourself in the Email: [email protected]
revelation of Christianity is the sweet God who lives in you. Don’t you More information and updates on Toronto Airport
mystery that God has somehow agree that there are too many ‘pickles’ Christian Fellowship can also be obtained on our
‘wadded Himself up and stuck you know who have chosen to soak up
Editor-in-chief John Arnott
Himself’ inside of me. I am really just a the sourness of life without allowing Editor Melinda Fish
Art Directors Russell and
tank for God’s presence. If I can’t God to turn their sorrows into joy and Jo Smith

Production Manager Veronique

sense His fullness, I’ve lost my purpose? When you taste the flavors of Golloher
purpose. I believe that it’s possible to the pickles around you, it is easy to tell Graphic Design Laura Ramirez
Chris Cole
have Jesus in you and not be full. what sort of bath they’ve soaked in. Layout Jesse Rayburn

When I am not full, the sign to me is They have an effect all right, but it’s Original concept by Ian Dudgeon for B.A. Design
Phone: 416 209 2644 Website:
emotional blandness, like a cucumber not the taste we’re going for.
Printed in Canada by CoFAX, Markham, ON. Canada.
begging for something to punctuate Phone: 905 471 9988
its texture with radical flavor. Each sweet pickle you will eat this SPREAD THE FIRE is published by Toronto Airport
Christian Fellowship, 272 Attwell Drive, Toronto, ON.
holiday season is soaking right now in Canada, M9W 6M3

Learning to soak in God’s presence a recipe that includes vinegar, water, SPREAD THE FIRE, USPS # 013 982 is published by
means realizing that without Him, you salt and spices. Every life has each of Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship. 2045 Niagara
Falls Blvd Unit 7, Niagara Falls, NY 14304-1675
taste to the world like a cucumber, these ingredients. The sweet ones,
Canadian Publications agreement # 40063095
just another vegetable on the relish however, have something more. These
ISSN 1712-0853 SPREAD THE FIRE (Print)
tray that really needs a dip! In order to have been submerged in a boiling hot ISSN 1712-0861 SPREAD THE FIRE (Online)
stand out in a lost world, you must solution that has enough sugar to U.S. Postmaster send address correction to:
soak in something that will make literally candy them. Soaking in the SPREAD THE FIRE, P.O. Box 403, Niagara Falls, NY
those who are hungry for God take presence of Jesus is the sugar that
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notice that there is something changes the flavor of your life and Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, 272 Attwell
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different about you now, something causes you to have that same sweet
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that they need and want. effect on those around you. © Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship

2 Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005

Carol Arnott

have always been a worshipper and liked to pray, but I have not always lost my first love. Working for Him is
been a listener. It took this move of the Spirit to teach me that listening different from spending time loving Him
means learning to soak in His presence. Soaking is simply resting before and letting Him love you. Had you asked me
Him, listening for what He says by learning to read the impressions He back then if I had lost my first love, I would
prints on my heart and mind. I have learned to experience the reality of God have denied it.
daily through soaking. He is present in me, transforming my inner man as my
soul becomes aware of His indwelling presence. When I married John, he owned a travel
agency and was not in the ministry,
When the Holy Spirit fell on us on January 20, 1994, I was thrilled at His although that had been the longing of his
presence and power. Before that time, I had experienced little tastes of Him heart. When we first started a church in my
at meetings that put a deep hunger on the inside of me to experience more. hometown, I used to cry and say, “How can
When Kathryn Kuhlman used to sa, “The Holy Spirit is more real to me than I be a pastor’s wife? I can’t sing or play the
any human being,” I longed to know Him like that. But how, I wondered? piano.” In fact, I was so shy and intimidated
that John had to give me three months
My life as a pastor’s wife was very busy. I found myself binding up the notice to prepare a message for Mother’s
brokenhearted, setting the captives free and attending to church life in Day. I would only speak once a year
general. But although I was very busy working for Him, I felt as though I had because speaking made me so nervous.

Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 3

The first time we met Marc DuPont, he gave me a prophetic word that I would be Jesus addressed this tendency in a
speaking to pastors and leaders, and to thousands of people. I must admit that I visit to the home of Mary and Martha.
laughed aloud and said in my heart, “Some prophet you are!” (I have since Mary, who opted out of kitchen duty
apologized to him.) But what transformed me was soaking! with her sister Martha, chose what
Jesus called ‘the better part,’ and
WHAT IS SOAKING? Jesus said that it would not be taken
away. Mary valued His presence by
Maybe you are puzzled by this concept and are asking, “What do you mean by sitting at His feet, loving Him and just
‘soaking’? Why do I need it? How do I do it?” being with Him. Martha, on the other
hand, was preoccupied with
Soaking is positioning yourself before God to preparing dinner.

experience His love for you and to give your God wants more than a five-minute
love to Him. fling. It takes time and a conscious
effort to prioritize what God sees as our
While it involves listening for the still small voice, it is more than that. It means deepest human need, the need to
allowing yourself enough time to be immersed in the tangible presence of God. It is experience His intimate, unconditional
really the fulfillment of the first commandment, which Jesus said is, “To love the Lord love. In previous revivals, our
with ALL your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37) forerunners in the church referred to
this time of ‘soaking’ as ‘tarrying.’ They
There must be time in your life just to love Him and let Him love you with no learned to spend entire meetings just
agendas, no shopping lists of ours or other’s needs. God is love and wants us to be waiting in His presence.
lovers of Him first before we even try to love others.
What works for me is to get quiet
Psalms 45:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.” But from early childhood, before the Lord. Sometimes I listen to a
most of us have been taught to accomplish more, to finish the task, to be constantly worship CD, one that helps me focus on
‘on duty.’ I have sadly noticed this in meetings. When God’s presence comes my love for Him. Then I get comfortable
strongly, people cannot seem to remain and rest in His presence. They receive on the floor with a pillow under my
prayer and within five to ten minutes, they get up and are on their way. They have head. I do not think that posture
missed the point, which is learning to personally experience His love. matters. I believe that you can soak in
your favorite chair.

Turn the phone off and let the

answering machine get the messages.
During this time, ‘The Distracter’ likes
to remind you of the many things that
you still need to do. I outsmart him by
taking a note pad and pen and jotting
down all the things he reminds me of
and then return my focus to Jesus and
continue soaking. He soon gives up
when I refuse to remain distracted.

How often do I need to soak? We need

to develop a habit of spending time with
Him everyday. It will usually take at least
a week of daily soaking to begin learning
to bring your soul to a place of stillness
and rest. We get so busy ‘doing’ that we
find it hard just to ‘be.’ This is because
our minds are always analyzing rather

4 Spread The Fire Issue 5- 2005


Before I started soaking, I never had a vision or heard the voice of God on a regular
FIVE -MINUTE FLING basis. However, since I have learned to soak, the Lord has shown me things visually.
Just recently, I was telling the Lord in prayer about how I missed my dad and that I
really needed a dad. A couple of days after telling Him, I was lying on the floor
soaking and received this healing vision.
than receiving. In the beginning, you
may experience deep frustration as you In the vision, I was dancing with Jesus. As we were twirling very fast, I was
try to quiet yourself before God. wondering where we were. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a very
However, when you are faithful and shiny floor. Thinking that we really needed to be careful not to slip and fall, I
obedient to pursue Him, you will quickly suddenly realized that we were dancing on the sea of glass in heaven. The vision
learn how anxious He is to be with you. widened, and I saw a massive throne in the distance with smoke and fire coming
from under it. A figure stood up from the throne and began walking toward us.
Maybe you are thinking, “But I read
my Bible everyday and pray. Why do you About a week before this vision, I had been reading in Daniel 7:9-14 about the
think that it is so important to soak?” Ancient of Days. It says that His garment was white as snow and His hair was like
pure wool. Because Jesus said, “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father,” I
The Bible is a book of law, history, pictured the Father just like Jesus on earth. When I saw the passage in Daniel, I was
prophecy, poetry and teaching. astonished to realize the Father looks like the glorified Jesus of Revelation 1:14.
Everything in God’s written word comes
out of the experiences its leading In my vision as the figure came closer to us, I saw that He had white hair. He
characters had with God. Soaking or approached us and said to Jesus, “Excuse me, but may I cut in, I would like to dance
experiencing His presence opens up the with my daughter?” At that point, I cried and cried as I realized in the deepest part
heart and soul to divine romance. It of my heart that I have a heavenly Dad that really, really loves me. He not only loves
allows the Lord to love you and you to me, but He knows and cares about the smallest need in my heart.
love Him, much like a couple in love find
that their love and intimacy deepen as
they spend more and more time
together. As with any relationship,
spending time together is one of the
most valuable things you can do. This is
one missing piece of the Christian
experience that God has come to restore
in this move of the Holy Spirit.

Each time you spend with Him will be

different. At times, He will flood you with
His unconditional love and affection.
Other times He will cover you with His
healing. He may go back and heal a deep
wound from the past. Sometimes He will
flood you with abundant joy. Then at
other times, He will empower you for the
ministry He has for you. Your whole life
will change when you take time to realize
that the Lord loves you. Once you realize
how much the Lord desires to woo you
and is enamored with you and that He
really likes you, loving Him will just flow
naturally. Is He not wonderful?

Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 5

I have learned to experience the reality
of God daily through soaking.
SOAKING BRINGS Soaking does not mean that you do soaking, connecting with the intimate
BOLDNESS, CHILDLIKENESS nothing for God. John likes to put it and powerful presence of God.
AND FRUITFULNESS this way. The Christian life is like a
circle. On that circle are three words, Sarah Edwards, wife of the Great
Soaking has also given me a holy He, they and I. We need to be Awakening leader, Jonathan Edwards,
boldness in ministry. The anointing of constantly filled because it is wrote in the 1740’s that, “During
God has made room for me and it will impossible to give away what you have revival I was conscious of His
for you, if you spend time with Him. I not received. When we are full of His nearness to me and my dearness to
know more than anyone else does that love and presence, then we can pour Him.” This is my prayer for you.
if the Holy Spirit ever lifted, I would go out our love to Him. As our own tanks

back to being that shy, frightened, become full, our focus turns to the
intimidated girl that I used to be. broken, the hurting and the lost. You will Carol Arnott was
While I do not want to be like that any then accomplish more in one hour than born in a small
more, I do want to be childlike. you used to in a whole day. town in southern
Ontario, Canada
The Holy Spirit likes it when He is in Some people say to us, “Are you still and now co-
control, and we become like children. lying on the floor? We have moved on.” pastors the
Jesus said, “…Unless you become as Toronto Airport
little children, you will by no means But as my friend Melinda Fish says, Christian Fellowship with her husband,
enter the kingdom of heaven. “Moved on to what?” When you have the John. Carol has an amazing gift of
Therefore, whoever humbles himself presence of God, what is there to move loving people that is based on her own
as this little child is the greatest in the on to? I wonder if they are moving back deep and profound love for Jesus and
kingdom of heaven.” The price of to the way they used to do things. We His kingdom. She is very active in
entering His kingdom is becoming are creatures of habit who like the ministry, both in her home church,
humbly vulnerable and completely familiar and being in control. speaking and praying for others, as
trusting. This is the beginning well as extensively traveling
of a fruitful Christian life. Maybe it is time for you to go back to internationally with John.

6 Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 Photographs in this article by Sarah Nickling

y name is Captain Kevin Hutcheson,
U.S. Navy. I am a Naval Aviator with
3,800 flight hours in the A-7 and F/A-
18, and over 1,000 carrier arrested
landings. In a previous assignment, I was the
Commanding Officer of a Strike/Fighter squadron
forward deployed in Japan. I have spent the past 24
years fighting tyranny and injustice around the
world. What I experienced on my last deployment has
overshadowed every previous experience in my life.

In May 2004, I checked into my current job as the

Battle Group Operations Officer of the USS John F
Kennedy Carrier Strike Group. I am on the admiral’s
staff in charge of the operations for the entire battle
group, which consists of an aircraft carrier plus
eight other ships with approximately 10,000 men
and women.

In June 2004, we left Mayport, Florida for a six-

month deployment and headed straight to Iraq. It
was during this time when I started a soaking
center aboard the USS John F. Kennedy, right in the
middle of the Persian Gulf. I am so encouraged by
the presence and power of the Lord that I have
experienced on a Navy ship in the middle of the
biggest spiritual battlefield in history.


While on deployment, I encouraged the chaplain

to start a Pentecostal service. Our goal was to
introduce the hungry sailors to the power and
ministry of the Holy Spirit over the months at sea
through the Word and soaking in the presence of
the Lord. Soaking is so simple. Just lie down and
say, “Come Holy Spirit.” It is the key to unlock
God’s heart. You will begin to have an intimate
relationship with the Lord and hear directly from
Him, and you will never be the same. Who would
have thought that He would bless us all so directly
in this powerful way? by
The Lord blessed us in power at each meeting. Kevin
One week I explained that God was as big as the Hutcheson
box you put him in, encouraging everyone to let him

Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 7

be bigger than they can imagine and eyes off Jesus. He further explained that some of these young sailors have
do more than they think. I also trouble in port because they take their eyes off Jesus.
explained the power of unity in
corporate prayer, that the Holy Spirit Several people were blessed with visions from the Lord. They were very hungry
inhabits our praises, which are for whatever the Lord had for them. It was so powerful and wonderful that one
tangible. I then asked everyone to get woman who wandered in by mistake was saved. She wept openly when she came
up, and we all raised our voices to the forward and accepted Jesus as her Savior. The presence and the power of God in
Lord. We prayed for the Holy Spirit to the room overwhelmed us.
take our praises and raise them to the
Lord so that He would come down One of the men, an older petty officer, was lying on his side all curled up like
and ‘El Kabong’ us. He did. We were a baby with the most wonderful grin on his face. I put my hand on his shoulder
totally wiped out! and the Holy Spirit was flowing into him. His face, although normally rough, had
that awesome childlike look that people have when the Holy Spirit allows us to
I then proceeded to give an see people through His eyes. The look on this rough man's gentle face touched
introduction to soaking. The Holy me so much that I talked to him afterwards asking if the Lord blessed him during
Spirit impressed upon me to teach the soaking time. He said it was the most wonderful experience he has ever had.
everybody about the intimacy you It was as though the Lord was holding him in his arms like a baby. His experience
experience while soaking and why it was so wonderful that he did not want to leave that place.
is important. I had prepared by
listening to John Arnott’s CD, “The We witnessed the power and person of the Holy Spirit at these services and the
importance of soaking,” and then it Lord always blessed us with His awesome presence. I spoke often about how the
was time to get everybody marinating. Lord will come to you at night when you are alone in the rack (naval term for

I talked about the connection with the

Lord and the person of the Holy Spirit
coming to you to teach you and how you
can ask Him things and He will talk to you.
It is all about Him and your relationship
with Him. He has many servants but not
many lovers. He wants you to love Him
just for who He is, not for what He can do
for you. You could hear a pin drop. After
the teaching, we started to soak.

One of the young men was really

expecting something from the Lord. He
was on his face, on the floor, in nothing
flat. The Lord really touched him. He
said afterward that it was beautiful,
that he saw himself walking on water
between two boulders, talking with
Jesus. Another young man said he saw
Jesus on the cross.

Our worship leader was touched

powerfully as well. The Lord gave her
the scripture about Peter walking on
water. He explained to her that Peter
only began to sink when he took his

8 Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 Photographs in this article provided by: Kevin and Paula Hutcheson
‘bed’). All you have to do is invite him that he was searching for Jesus in his I explained that the Lord was taking
by saying, "Come Holy Spirit," and He life. He saw how once he had found away all those offenses, everything
always comes! Him that he realized that he had from his past, and was doing a deep
always walked away from Jesus rather healing in him. Once he was able to
GOD IS SO VERY HUGE than to Him. identify the offenses and forgive the
offender, the Lord would be able to
One time a lieutenant walked into When the lieutenant began his do a deep cleaning and healing work
an evening Soaking Service by testimony, he was sitting up against in him. I then explained that once you
mistake and had no idea what he was the wall; but by the time it ended, he repent from sin, the Lord does
getting into. He just showed up in the was on his back on the floor. Every remove them as far as the east is from
middle of the teaching. During the time that I put my hands on him, the the west. The ministry of the Holy
time of soaking, he was experiencing Lord would really plow through me Spirit is a powerful and effective
manifestations, rocking back and into him. He said that he was having method of sanctification. I have now
forth. He had never heard of that, let difficulty with some events that had seen that there is much more than
alone experienced anything like that. taken place during his childhood. He salvation. God wants us to have an
As he left, he gave me a wonderful hug said that while soaking, he saw the entire life operating in and by the
with tears streaming down his face. offenses he had experienced and they Spirit of the Lord.
were stacked all around like the
Another sailor said that the Lord chairs in the room. Then the Lord It was such a blessing for me to
was showing him that the chief was came with a leaf blower and blew spend a quiet and private time with
going to be a missionary. He just kept these childhood offenses off him, like the Lord and with these men. The Holy
seeing ‘missionary’ with the chief’s a leaf blower clears off the driveway. Spirit moved very powerfully on these
name. It was another wonderful
evening, and by the time it was over,
I was pickled.

The next soaking service, the

Lieutenant brought a chief with him. I
began teaching the ‘Introduction to
Soaking, as we had several new
people, followed by ‘Hearing the
voice of God’. Suddenly, I began to
talk about childhood experiences and
how the Holy Spirit will free and heal
you. I couldn't seem to get off that topic
and talked about my own family
experiences and how the people you
trust the most have the ability to hurt you
the most. The only way to free yourself is
to allow God's Holy Spirit to operate
within you, directing you. I spent quite a
bit of time on this topic and then came
back to it later. I knew the Holy Spirit was
operating through me to reach someone.

Afterwards the chief came up to me

and said that every time I put my hand
on him while he was soaking, he went
back into his past during the periods

Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 9

our hands on him and the Lord I thank the Lord every day for John
continued to bless him. I asked the and Carol Arnott, for teaching me how
Lord to give him visions. The Holy to yield to the Holy Spirit by sharing
Spirit was so thick on this young man love to the men and women aboard the
and a powerful silence fell on us. JFK through soaking. I personally
What a wonderful thing the Lord does want to let them
by imparting the fullness of the Holy know how much I love
Spirit person to person. and appreciate them,
specifically for ‘getting
Afterwards, he said the Holy Spirit horizontal’ and just
took his breath away and overcame letting the Lord do
him in a wonderful way. Revival fire whatever He wants.
has been planted in him.
Thank you so much
One of the guys had been soaking in for deeply touching
his rack at night. He said that he feels my life and helping to
so peaceful after soaking. He has equip me for whatever
never been able to sleep on his back the Lord has for me.
before, but when he lies down God bless you all. I
and asks the Holy Spirit to come, love you.
he falls asleep and wakes up
two men and their lives were changed refreshed and calm.
Afterwards a young man who was
visibly hungry for more mentioned that I just want to give you a word of
he was very interested in receiving encouragement. God is really pouring Captain Kevin
more. I asked him if he would like to out His Spirit on the earth. He poured Hutcheson is a
receive an impartation from the Lord Himself into the men and women of naval aviator with
right now. He said, “Absolutely yes!” the USS John F. Kennedy who simply 3,800 flight hours
took the time and said, "Come, Holy in the A-7 and
I asked two of the other ministers Spirit." I had the privilege of inviting F/A-18, and over
to come over and lay hands on him. the Arnott’s to experience soaking 1000 carrier
As they put their hands on him, I put aboard the JFK during a dependent’s arrested landings. Currently he is the
my hands in his asking the Holy Spirit cruise in February 2005. John and Battle Group Operations Officer of the
to come and release the impartations Carol experienced a day aboard an USS John F Kennedy Carrier Strike Group
that I had received from the prayers aircraft carrier. One of the highlights serving on the admiral’s staff.
of other people such as John and was watching the F/A-18’s launch
Carol Arnott, Carlos Annacondia, and recover aboard the ship, very Kevin and Paula have taught over a
Randy Clark and Steve and Kathy exciting. But the real highlight was thousand people in Vienna, Austria,
Gray. I prayed for him to receive a the time we spent soaking in my Sophia, Bulgaria, Washington, DC, and
soaking ministry, healing gifts and stateroom together with a couple of in St. Julian, Malta, on how to “Soak in
words of knowledge. I prayed, “All the sailors from the soaking service the Presence of God.” They have
that I have received, I freely give. Now followed by a worship service in witnessed God’s miraculous power
receive, receive.” the JFK Chapel with many of the released through soaking and
sailors and family that were invited experienced first hand the ministry of the
When I said that, he collapsed onto aboard. John and Carol blessed Holy Spirit as hundreds of emotional and
the floor like a piano from the eighth us greatly with their presence, physical healings took place among the
story! It was awesome. We just kept preaching and prayer. people. Email: [email protected]

10 Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005


Paula Hutcheson

married Captain Kevin Hutcheson, US Navy, on January 14, 2003. For our the price that military families pay for
honeymoon, we attended the Pastors and Leaders Conference at Toronto our freedom. Still I had a desire to take
Airport Christian Fellowship (TACF) although we are not pastors. Two months what I had learned and experienced in
later, I was diagnosed with severe rheumatoid arthritis and was Soaking School and give it to others.
crippled in every joint in my body. Then the Holy Spirit said to me, “Why
don’t you soak on the go?”
In September 2003, I attended Catch the Fire Ministries Soaking Prayer School.
While in Soaking School, Jesus appeared to me. He spoke in detail about the events MY FIRST ASSIGNMENT
of the past several years of my life with compassion and love telling me that over
time I had listened to the voice of the enemy. As I had listened to Satan, he had I completed the Soaking School on a
distorted the truth, and I had become sick. Friday and received an invitation to an
Episcopalian home group on Monday. I
Then Jesus said to me, “Paula, I have made you whole”. Instantly I was healed of had no idea what I was doing nor
a crippling disease for which there is no known cure. All pain left my body and total anything about Episcopalians. I only
movement was restored to my joints. Jesus had made me whole, but it was the knew that every time I said, “Come,
experience of being able to talk to Jesus, face to face, that touched me the most for Holy Spirit” in Soaking School that He
there is fullness of joy in His presence. came. So I went. When I said, “Come,
Holy Spirit,” He came!
Attending the Soaking School helped save my life. God willing, I plan to spend my
life soaking people who will stay still long enough for me to say, “Come Holy Spirit.” There were so many people lying on
I never know from day to day where we will be or if I will be separated from Kevin. the floor receiving a touch from God
This is part of being a military wife. I learned that my life is literally not my own. It is that they covered the entire living

Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 11

room, dining room, kitchen and hall
floors, and I had trouble walking over
them. I was so nervous until I heard the
Holy Spirit say, “Could you move over
and allow me the use of your body?”

As He spoke through me, I watched

Him touch people and change lives
right before my eyes. He directed
everything, even to the smallest details
such as where to place my hands upon
someone and what to say. He spoke
through me and used me as an
instrument for His purpose to set the
captives free. I learned first hand how

Ministering as a Husband and Wife

powerful and life changing soaking is,
and that anyone can do this.

A few months later, The Gate in Chevy

Chase, Maryland asked me to teach on
soaking. It was during this time that I
experienced ‘the other side of the
cross’ with a group of dedicated
soakers. Sometimes in the beginning
when people start to soak, it seems to particularly for its pastor and for the church and pastor
be all about them and their need for who allowed us to use space in their facility for our soaking
inner healing. It was true of this group, sessions. After an intense time of prayer, we nearly fainted
too, but at a certain point, the group when both the Baptist and Episcopalian pastors walked in!
began to heal. The turning point came
when we began soaking and seeking We encircled them and invited them to lie down so that
the will of God. we could soak them. They weren’t sure what we were
talking about, but the sense of the presence of God was so
What happened next was huge! God strong that they agreed. They could not deny that
would come down and give each one of God was among us because the Holy Spirit began to refresh
us a piece of the puzzle of His heart. and heal them.
Afterwards we would come together
and share about our experiences MINISTERING AS A HUSBAND AND WIFE TEAM
during the soaking times. When we put
them together, they gave us a better January through March 2004 while Kevin was working at
understanding of the Father and what the state department, we were sent to Vienna, Austria.
was important to Him. Some saw While we were there, Vienna Christian Center invited us to teach soaking. We
remarkable visions, some heard music, spent much time with the Filipino Fellowship there, upwards of
some received words, but they all fit two four-hour sessions per week for eight weeks. They were so hungry for what
together. I do not believe that we have the Lord had for them. Their pastor had seen John and Carol Arnott on the
even begun to tap into the power that is ‘Spread the Fire’ television show and had been praying for someone who could
available to us through soaking in the teach his fellowship to soak. He believed God had answered his prayers by
presence of God. sending us there. At the first meeting, the two of us soaked over
80 people. Several hundred people attended during our time there.
One time the Lord led us to pray for All of them have testimonies of what the Lord did while they were soaking in His
the church across the street, presence. We experienced the book of Acts during our time together.

12 Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005

... the Holy Spirit does not need any help. You are an ‘usher.’
You will usher them into My presence and help them find
their seat at the feet of Jesus.

We learned a great lesson in Vienna. At

the end of our time there, they honored
us by putting their hands toward us and
praying for God’s blessing upon us. The
feeling of love from the Father that we
experienced as they did this was
overwhelming. It was as though the Lord
Himself came through them into us, the
purest love I have ever felt.

During our assignment in Vienna,

Pastor Zhoro and Mariana Penshev of
New Life Fellowship in Sophia,
Bulgaria invited us to come. As Kevin
began to teach about soaking, an Then the Lord led me to John 6:45 and help them find their seat
anointing of joy struck the interpreter. where it says, “It is written in the at the feet of Jesus.”
She couldn’t stop laughing and was Prophets, ‘And they shall be taught
only able to interpret about one in of God [have Him in person as their In June 2004 on a farm in Virginia,
every ten sentences. Since Kevin had teacher]. Everyone who has listened we held our first Surf Camp for youth.
only been speaking for five minutes to and learned from the Father The testimonies of the youth,
when this happened, the Holy Spirit comes to me.” counselors and leaders who attended
told him to stop and that He would speak much more than my words can.
take it from there. The presence of This is what soaking is all about, I
God came down like a tornado! Once thought. SOAKING FOR
again, He proved to us that all you COMPANIONSHIP
need to do is be willing to show up Then Lord said that He wanted
and He will do the rest. something new for his children, a In June 2004, Kevin went back into
‘new’ program where they would the real Navy in his current job as
THE BIRTH OF A SOAKING experience His presence and have Him Battle Group Operations Officer of the
CAMP FOR YOUTH as their teacher. USS John F. Kennedy Carrier Strike
Group. He left Mayport, Florida in June
One day while I was soaking at Over the next months, I began to for a six- month deployment and
home, the Lord took me to Isaiah 54, write as the Holy Spirit led me. What headed straight to Iraq.
my prophetic chapter. As I read verses He gave me is a soaking program for
1-3, they jumped off the page. youth called, “Surf Camp, Son On the way, the JFK stopped at the
Bathing in the Presence of God.” To Mediterranean Island of Malta for four
“Sing, O barren one, you who did not the very best of my ability, I have days. I flew to Malta where Kevin and
bear; break forth into singing and cry sought to hear the Lord’s voice, to be I had the opportunity to teach
aloud, you who did not travail with led by His Holy Spirit and to be ‘soaking’ with Patrick and Maria
child! For the (spiritual) children of the obedient to His will for His program. O’Cock who were graduates of the
desolate one will be more than the Once completed, I asked the Lord if I soaking school. Their fellowship is
children of the married wife says the was going to be a helper to the known as Joel’s Place.
Lord…And all your (spiritual) children Holy Spirit.
shall be disciples (taught by the Lord I returned home from Malta to an
and obedient to His will), and great He said, “No, the Holy Spirit does empty house on a navy base where I
shall be the peace and undisturbed not need any help. You are an ‘usher.’ knew no one. Kevin would be gone
composure of your children.” You will usher them into My presence until Christmas. We had been married

Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 13

Soaking for had felt the power of God go into him.

companionship Praise God! Within days, the medical

authorities released him and called
it a miracle.

The most important thing that has

happened to me through soaking
people is how God has changed me.
God has given me eyes to see what He
sees in people. I have developed His
compassion for people. Now I have
abundant hope knowing that all
things are possible for those that love
God and live according to His
will and purpose.

The past two years of soaking

ministry have been greater and more
wonderful than I could have imagined. I
have been around the world giving
away what I received in Toronto.
Learning about soaking has deeply
touched my life and helped equip me
for my destiny. Who would have thought
that the Lord would bless us all so
directly through soaking in this
powerful way? I have been so blessed
two years and now we would be on the Holy Spirit to take care of me, I with His presence every time I utter,
separated for six months. Soaking led grew beyond anything that I could “Come Holy Spirit!” So I suppose I will
to the greatest time of intimacy with have on my own. see you on the floor.
the Holy Spirit that I have ever known.
In December, the JFK pulled into
I knew that the Lord would not take Barcelona, Spain where I met him.
Kevin away without giving me While we were there, a young sailor
something greater, if I would just was hit by a car as he walked into the
have the faith to believe. It is hard to street. He was in critical condition Paula Hutcheson
explain if you have not experienced it, with a broken collarbone, broken ribs is a revivalist
but I have little recollection of Kevin and his lungs were filled with blood and soakaholic.
being gone. I would simply soak and and he was unconscious. She is a member
ask the Lord to unite me with Kevin in of World Revival
the spirit and we would be together. Kevin and I decided to go to the Church (formerly
hospital and soak him. We simply put the Smithton
At any time I could ask the Holy our hands on him and said, “Come, Outpouring) in Kansas City, Missouri
Spirit what Kevin was doing and he Holy Spirit.” We could feel the and attended World Revival School of
would tell me. If I needed to talk to presence of the Lord go out from us Ministry. She is a graduate of
him, I would ask the Holy Spirit to and fill the room as we prayed and go Catch the Fire, Soaking Prayer School.
have him call and within a short time, into the sailor. We stayed for an hour, She teaches a soaking program
the phone would ring. In dreams, we soaking him continuously. The doctor for youth called Surf Camp: Son
were together as though he had never came in and said they did not have Bathing in the Presence of God.
left. The Lord is so faithful. By relying much hope, but we did because we Email: [email protected]

14 Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 Photographs in this article provided by: Kevin and Paula Hutcheson
third heaven revelations conference

May31- June 3,2006
March 29 - April 1, 2006
Speakers include:
John and Carol Arnott,
Bobby Conner,
Speakers include:
Paul Keith Davis,
Bob Jones John and Carol Arnott,
Jack Frost,
James Jordan,
Ed Piorek
Registration and
information: Registration and information:
416 674 8463 416 674 8463
1 866 500 0003 1 866 500 0003

chURCH outSIDE tHE wALLS november 10-12

fall conference
Faytene Kryskow, author and pioneer, oversees Extreme Prophetic Vancouver (with
Patricia King), mobilizing people to take the love and power of Jesus to the highways
and byways. She recently completed Siege, a Canadian tour to Government houses
and leaders for the purpose of re-establishing righteousness in Canada.

Join Faytene in Stratford as she passionately teaches and releases us to become

the mobilized church outside the walls.
$25.00 per person ($15.00 per person per day).
Faytene Kryskow
707 Downie Street, Stratford, Ontario, Canada • • 519 273 4441

Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 15

HOW “ I pray that out of [God’s] glorious riches He may
strengthen you with power through His Spirit in
your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your
hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being
rooted and established in love, may have power, together
with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and
deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that
surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure
of all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:16-19

My first experience of the power of soaking prayer came

about nine months after I came into the renewal. When I first
encountered ‘the River’ and the teachings of the Father Heart
of God, I suddenly became aware that my prior Christian
experience had not managed to solidly establish myself in the
love of God. Although I was born again and filled with the Holy
Spirit, when I pictured my relationship to God’s love, I would
see a vision of myself alone at night in a driving rainstorm,
struggling up the side of a jagged cliff, moving toward a
warm, safe, lighted cabin which I felt like I could never really
reach. I was subconsciously convinced that even if I did reach
it, it would not be long before I would find myself once more
in the darkness to begin the struggle all over again.

When I began to soak in the presence of God, this issue was

front-and-center in my mind, and it remained there for a long
time. During that time, I gladly received the teaching on the
love of God and eagerly expected Him to confirm it during my
times of soaking, but for a long time it seemed like nothing
was happening. While people all around me were getting
‘blasted’ by the Holy Spirit and hearing God speak or having
open visions of the Father, I honestly did not hear, see, feel,
Eric Rosé

or smell anything to give me any indication that anything was

happening to me.

About nine months later, however, the Lord suddenly drew

me up into the vision of being lost on the mountainside,
except that this time everything changed. In the vision, I
suddenly reached the cabin, went inside. Instantly God
surrounded me with a warm, almost palpable experience of
His love pressing in on me from every side. I turned around to
see the door close behind me and then vanish completely,
and I heard the Lord say to me, “You are now inside My love
and you will never leave it.” At that precise moment, all of the
fear, insecurity and doubt that I had wrestled with for my
entire Christian life vanished completely and the scripture
that says, “Nothing will be able to separate us from the love
of God”, became one hundred per cent true in my life. There
has never been a moment since that time that I have doubted

16 Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005

that the love of God holds me
completely secure against anything the
world or the devil can throw at me.

This revelation is the foundation of

the fulfillment of the prayer that Paul
prays for the Ephesians – not just the
understanding that they dwell fully in
God, but that God dwells fully in them.
After God establishes the believer in His
love, it is then possible to move into an
understanding of the fact that Jesus is
seated within and working powerfully in
and through us. This, in turn, brings us
into an experiential awareness of the
love of God, which goes far beyond the
ability of our minds to comprehend, as
Paul wrote, “To know this love that At that precise moment, all of the fear, insecurity
surpasses knowledge.” God never and doubt that I had wrestled with for my entire
meant for His love to be simply a Christian life vanished completely and the scripture
concept. He wants you experience it, that says: “Nothing will be able to separate us from
because experiencing it will irrevocably
change you.
the love of God”, became one hundred per cent
true in my life.
and spirit. The outer ring represents the body, in which are written the names of
The following diagram explains how our five natural senses: sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. Information comes
soaking works, and what the Holy to us about the natural world through these avenues. The next ring beneath it
Spirit is doing in us as we present represents our consciousness, which contains the will, the memory and the
ourselves to Him. understanding. These allow us to analyze the information we are receiving in light
of experience and then decide to act or not. The next ring in is the subconscious,
This diagram illustrates the threefold which consists of our emotions and intuition. In the center is the spirit, which in
nature of the human being, body, soul someone who is born again is joined to Christ and forms the fountainhead of
revelation that flows out to illuminate the soul.

A couple of years ago the Lord used this diagram and a teaching about how
lightning strikes during a thunderstorm to illustrate for me the way that the Holy
Spirit acts to transform us when we soak. During a thunderstorm, a negative
electrical charge builds along the bottom side of a cloud until it is so strong that a
series of invisible pulses of electricity begin to grow down towards the positively
charged ground below. When the trail has moved close enough to the earth, it opens
SPIRIT up a highly conductive pathway for electrical charge to flow, and the massive
electrical charge in the earth flashes up along the pathway, producing the visible
discharge of energy that we see as a lightning strike.

In applying this teaching to the action of the Holy Spirit, we consider that the
spirit within us is the earth, and our senses are the thunderclouds overhead. As
natural beings, we perceive God and the truth about Him primarily from the
outside in, through our natural senses: we read the Bible, we see God move in the

Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 17

painful memories to be brought into the light of God. A person
forms walls in response to emotional trauma when he feels pain or
shame and lock that part away from the rest of who he is. We create
walls against intuition because our highly rational and logical
culture devalues intuitive reasoning and trains us to do so. It is
actually easier and more natural for us to hear the Lord to speak
into our emotions and intuition because they are farther inward
nearer our spirits. We focus our minds more often on the
information coming to us from the natural world than the
supernatural one.

In order for us to be ‘filled to the

measure of all the fullness of God’, all
of these walls have to come down.
It is important to realize that these walls do not just keep the
truth out and therefore keep large parts of our souls in darkness.
They also keep the power of God within us bottled up so that it
cannot flow out into the world. Removing these walls is a matter of
embracing the truth in every area where a wall exists. Embracing
the truth is a process that begins with an intellectual agreement but
must end with the transforming work of the Holy Spirit. This is what
we are positioning ourselves to receive when we soak.

earth, we hear testimonies about His power. The things
we perceive sink down into our souls to a certain degree True soaking is not a passive activity. As we soak, we are taking
and then stop. As we meditate on these truths and let time to experience the reality of Christ dwelling within us. We are
them ‘dwell richly within us,’ they take root deeper and giving the Holy Spirit the opportunity to take the truth in our minds,
deeper inside until a clear pathway opens up between clothe it with the love of God, then send it out to evangelize the
the soul and the spirit in light of the truth on which we parts of our souls that are farthest away from God’s light, those
are meditating. At some point, suddenly revelation places behind the walls. Soaking is as vital a spiritual discipline as
flashes out from the spirit and illuminates the pathway worship, prayer or reading the Bible. We submit our minds and
within the soul, and God establishes more of His souls to receive the transforming work of the Holy Spirit by a
Kingdom within us. In other words, the light of the process. How, then, do we go about the business of soaking?
revelation we receive from God permanently transforms
that area of our souls. First, for soaking to be effective, we must come to it with an
attitude of expectant faith in God. We must believe that He exists.
The problem is that each person puts up walls We must believe that He will answer us. We must wait eagerly and
throughout the conscious and subconscious mind, expectantly for Him to come. My pastor likens this kind of waiting
which block truth from flowing inward and the flow of to the way that Wiley E. Coyote ‘waits’ for the Roadrunner; this kind
revelation and power outward. When we describe of waiting is anything but passive! We also have to wait in faith,
knowing something of God in our heads but not in our because we may have to wait a long time without any necessary
hearts, we are describing a truth about God, which has indication that anything is happening as in my case.
lodged in our understanding or our will, but has been
blocked from connecting with the spirit by a wall in the The Lord showed me a vision once in which I was standing with
soul. Walls commonly appear in the understanding as Him on the ocean shore watching the waves lap up onto the beach.
unbelief. In the will they appear as rebellion, All of a sudden, as we watched, the lights went out and the Lord
judgment, and unforgiveness. In the memory, walls pointed out to me that even though I couldn’t see the waves, I
appear as suppression, a refusal to allow dark or could hear them at work.

18 Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 Photographs in this article by Veronique Golloher
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THE FIRE to a friend (complete their
details below).

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“Day and night,” He told me, of those walls that needs to come Other
“whether you can see them or not, the down, many times it is simply an
Please make checks payable to Toronto
waves never stop washing the shore. opportunity for the Holy Spirit to Airport Christian Fellowship or use the credit
And in the same way, day and night, deepen your experience, as Paul puts card form below.
whether you see it or not, my love it, “How wide and long and high and
never stops moving upon and washing deep is the love of Christ.” If you have moved or are moving, please give
the parts of your soul that you have us your new address so that you can continue
submitted to me.” As you continue this practice and the to receive your copy of SPREAD THE FIRE.

walls inside your soul begin to wash

The next step in soaking is to away under the influence of the love of Name:

withdraw your mind from the God, you develop a habit of turning Address:
distractions around you and focus on inward to find Him. In other words, you City:
the presence of God within. The Bible learn how to abide in the love of God
tells us that the Kingdom of God is and bring more of your soul under the
Postal code/Zip:
within, and that, in fact, the Father, influence of His Spirit. It is this habit
Son and Holy Spirit have all taken up that over time opens up the way for you Country:
residence within us. Our minds are to experience the fulfillment of Paul’s Phone:
usually so active and distracted with prayer for the Ephesians, “That you
the things going on around us and may be filled to the measure of
our efforts to find God ‘out there’, all the fullness of God.”
that the last place we think to look for VISA MASTERCARD AMEX
Him is the one place that we can Card #:
really be sure that we will find Him. Expiry date:
A member of
With our minds quieted and our River City Church
attention tuned within to the of Pittsburgh,
presence of God, we must surrender Eric Rosé is an
our own agenda and wait upon the avid student of
Lord. Soaking is not an opportunity to classic Christian
tell God what we want Him to do for literature on
us. It is an opportunity for us to contemplative prayer.
surrender and submit to the He lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
transforming and renewing work of with his wife Carolyn and daughter PRAYER REQUESTS/PRAISE REPORTS
If you have any needs you would like us to
the Holy Spirit. Although this may at Rachel, and can be reached via e-mail at agree with you for God to answer, or if God has
times turn into a dialogue about one [email protected] blessed you in some way through the ministry
here, please write to us and send it using the
enclosed envelope.
Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 19
At the one-week SPC Training
School, you will receive
personal instruction from our
SUPERNATURAL POWER? CTF Team and impartational

THEN YOU NEED TO START SOAKING! prayer from John and Carol
Arnott, as well as course
materials including the SPC
Experience more of God through ‘soaking’ in your own home: waiting on Him and resting
Study Kit.
in His presence, and becoming completely immersed in his amazing love. We have
heard so many amazing testimonies from people who are already soaking.
The cost of each SPC Training
They have found more love, desire, passion and hunger for God. Their
School is $299 USD per person.
lives have been transformed!
Transport and accommodation are
additional. The price includes the
If you’ve always dreamed of being more effective for God and being
SPC Study Kit and free registration
catapulted into ministry, then this is for you!
to the corresponding conference.

Catch the Fire Ministries want you to be part of a massive

grass roots revival by equipping you to start a Soaking
Prayer Center (SPC) in your
office or church. 2. SPC EQUIPPING SEMINARS

You can start a Soaking Prayer

If you can’t take 6 days to come SPC Equipping Seminar teachings:
Center (SPC) by either attending
to the SPC Training School, we
a 6 day SPC Training School,
are bringing our team to a place • How to Minister in your home
by attending the SPC near you to train YOU so it’s • Healing Life’s Hurts
Equipping Seminars, more convenient. We will visit • Moving in the Prophetic
or by buying a SPC the same location 4 times in one • The Importance of Forgiveness
Study Kit. year to train you through our • How to soak one another
SPC Equipping Seminars. You • Hearing God’s Voice
can attend all 4 and graduate or • The Father Heart of God
take one session on its own. • Multiplication

The cost of each SPC Equipping Seminar

is $49 USD/person. If you book all 4 at
one time, and sign up for the Premium 3. SPC STUDY KIT
Membership, the combined cost is $125.00 USD.
Welcome Packet - Includes welcome letters from John and Carol
Arnott, registration forms for your Soaking Prayer Center and
other training information.

DVD #1 With Manual: “How to Start Your SPC.” A special training

hosted by Carol and John Arnott plus a coordinated teaching

DVD #2 “10 Years On” celebrates 10 years of this powerful

visitation of God and includes rare archive footage taking you
back to the beginning of this mighty outpouring.

Certificate: Designed to be framed and displayed so

others will know that you are an official
'Catch the Fire Soaking Prayer Center.'
1 Soaking CD
Soaking kit $49 US + shipping and
applicable taxes within Canada.
SPC Training School teachings: STUDY KIT (SEE DATES BELOW):

• Vision Please enroll me (us) in your SPC Training School.

• How to Start a Soaking Center
(Please check below, school date and location requested).
• What is Soaking?
• Hearing God’s Voice January 17-20, 2006, Toronto, ON, Canada
• Intimacy with God February 2-4, 2006, Tonbridge, UK
• Coming Home to the Father March 29- April 1, 2006, Toronto, ON, Canada
• Contemplative Prayer May 31- June 3, 2006, Toronto, ON, Canada
• The Importance of Forgiveness June 19-22, 2006, Toronto, ON, Canada
• Ministry Team Training September 27-30, 2006, Toronto, ON, Canada
• Performance
• Plus… lots of Soaking! The cost of each Training School is $299 USD per person,
$498 USD per married couple. Transport and accommodation are additional.

Please enroll me (us) in your SPC Equipping Seminar* Please send me (us) the
(Please check below, school date and location requested). SPC Study Kit

November 4-5, 2005, Guelph, ON, Canada (Seminar 1) The cost of each SPC Study Kit is $49 USD + $8.50
November 11-12, 2005, Chesapeake, VA, USA (Seminar 3) USD North America shipping and handling or
November 18-19, 2005, Houston, TX, USA (Seminar 2) $15 USD International shipping and handling.
January 6-7, 2006, Fremont, CA, USA (Seminar 2)
January 6-7, 2006, Guelph, ON, CAN (Seminar 2)
January 13-14, 2006, Houston, TX, USA (Seminar 3) *The cost of each SPC Equipping Seminar is $49
January 27-28, 2006, Chesapeake, VA, USA (Seminar 4) USD/person. If you book all 4 at one time, before the
January 27-28, 2006, Detroit, MI, USA (Seminar 2) first seminer starts, the combined cost is $165 USD.
February 3-4, 2006, Guelph, ON, CAN (Seminar 3)
February 17-18, 2006, Fremont, CA, USA (Seminar 3)
March 17-18, 2006, Detroit, MI, USA (Seminar 3)
March 24-25, 2006, Houston, TX, USA (Seminar 4)

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g you
To Enroll: Internet: Book online at
Phone: Call toll-free in North America 1 800 264 4025
E-mail: [email protected]
Buck and Anna Eaton

“Y ou should go to Toronto, and go to the Soaking School there. I

think it would be good for both of you, and also give some
credibility to what you are doing,” said a dear friend of ours. It
was August of 2003, and in fact, this was the third person in
two weeks to encourage us to go to Toronto for the Soaking School.
to open our home to the anointing.
We started inviting friends over for
‘River’ meetings. People were
amazed that the Lord would touch
them in a house meeting! We had
By the third time, we decided maybe the Lord was trying to say meetings monthly for several years,
something to us! always inviting in a guest minister. We
also hosted a few conferences at a
This came at a very pivotal time in our lives. We knew the Lord was about local hotel.
to make some changes for us, but we really didn’t have any clear direction
yet. We had been touched by revival years before, in 1996 in Houston, From the beginning of our home
Texas, in some meetings with an Australian evangelist named Chris Harvey. meetings, the Lord had given us a
The anointing was very strong in Chris’ meetings, and he taught us that we dream of a ministry that would be born
could ‘lie in the River’ at home, and that the Holy Spirit would touch us. from this. We didn’t really know what it
would look like, but we knew that the
Meanwhile, we had been raising our children in good churches in the Holy Spirit must have the freedom to
Houston area, but over the years we had gotten dry. We just were not touch His people. That was His desire,
satisfied with the regular routine of Sunday morning church anymore. and we wanted to make room for that.
We wanted His presence! When we had attended the revival meetings, it
was like pouring water on dry, cracked land. We just soaked it up! By August 2003, the Lord had been
speaking to us that we were to take
In 1999, after going from revival meeting to revival meeting for a few the ministry further and make it more
years, often in other cities or states, we began to feel the Lord telling us structured than just home meetings,

22 Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005

but we still didn’t know exactly what this teaching. We were learning to minister. We would soak in God’s
we were to do. Buck had even felt led to things we had never heard before! presence, and Buck taught all the things
leave his career of 16 years in the that he had learned at the Leaders
financial services industry. This was a But, of course, it was the teaching on School. We also began to step out and
major decision, because we had four the Father’s love for us that completely give prophetic words to people. Our
children, a mortgage and everything that changed our lives forever. We had no meetings were sometimes very small,

goes with it. But the Lord confirmed idea that the Lord’s love for us was so but the Lord always touched people, and
this several ways, and we knew we had passionate and radical. I wept as The the anointing was always strong. Many
to obey. (Buck even received a Father’s love swept over me. Inside, I people received much healing and
generous offer to stay on with the firm, kept thinking that everyone everywhere revelation at these first meetings. The
but had to refuse.) should hear this teaching. Why, why, meetings slowly began to grow.
why hadn’t we heard it before?
So, when three different people, During this time, we also formalized
who didn’t even know each other, all Buck returned to Toronto in January the ministry, getting our non-profit
told us to go to Toronto for the Soaking to attend the Leaders School. It was status approved, and establishing a
School, we asked the Lord if He during the Leaders School that Buck website. We named our ministry The
wanted us to go, and He said, “YES!” received two visions that completely River Connection.
Although we had been in revival for changed his concept of the Lord, and
several years, we had never had the that have become the cornerstone of While in Toronto in January 2004,
opportunity to go to Toronto, or hear what we teach now. Buck had met Cindy Parton from Dallas,
any of the teaching from there. Texas, who has held ‘soaking parties’
At the end of the Leaders School, John in her home for many years. In April,
We arrived in Toronto in November and Carol Arnott prayed for the students she and her husband Bob came down
of 2003, for the Soaking School and to receive an impartation of the Father’s to our home to hold a soaking seminar
the Father Loves You Conference, and love and to send us out to minister. for three days. We had a blast with
the Lord began ministering to us from Something was truly imparted to us, them! Through these meetings, we met
the very first day. June Bain told us because now, whenever we minister, the other people in the area who were
about the beginning of the renewal in Father’s love is the foundation of interested in soaking, and many of
Toronto and taught about everything that we teach and do. them began coming to our soaking
contemplative prayer, soaking and meetings. One couple we met, Dennis
inner healing. Jeremy Sinnott taught When Buck returned home from the and Lydia Tyne, had moved here from
us about hearing God’s voice and Leaders School, we were still holding South Africa because they felt the Lord
journaling. Buck and I both just loved meetings in our home, but now he began had said that the next great move of

Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 23

for us. We have also had John Scotland
minister for us, as well as Chris Harvey.

From the beginning, we have not felt

that we were to have ‘just a church,’ but
that we would also be a training and
equipping center. We believe that we
are to help train up others for the
ministries into which the Lord has
called them. Too many people have
been sitting on pews or chairs as
audience members for too long. The
Lord wants to raise up an army to do
the work of gathering in the harvest.
... the Lord wants to raise up an army to do We are already praying about the next
building so that we can have room for
the work of gathering in the harvest. more people, training classes, a
Healing Room, a youth ministry, and a
revival bookstore and coffee shop.
God would be in America. They have Dios. Prior to that, we had received a
since become a major part of our church. prophetic word that a spiritual
All of this really was born out of
explosion was about to take place in our
soaking, and we are so thankful that
We also were hosting conferences at area. The first day of the conference,
the Lord sent us to Toronto to attend
a nearby hotel. About this time, we there was a literal explosion at a factory
the Soaking School. We still pray for
began to feel that it was time to move just a couple of miles away. Thankfully,
people and soak at the end of every
the meetings out of our home. We no one was hurt. We felt that this was
meeting, and on Wednesdays, we have
began looking at different places, but confirmation of the spiritual explosion
a special soaking night. We will never
none seemed right. However, that that the Lord had promised. That
get tired of soaking, because it’s there,
October during another conference we conference with June was wonderful,
resting in the presence the God, that
were hosting, we happened to mention and was the start of the River pouring
we are refreshed, changed, healed,
to one of the ladies there that we were out at the new building.
revived, and just fall more and more in
looking for a place for our meetings.
love with our Lord.
She excitedly waved over her friend, In January, we began holding Sunday
Carolyn Borger, and said: “Carolyn, evening meetings at Amigos. The
listen to this!” I repeated what I had initial response was good, with more
said, and Carolyn smiled and said, than 30 people attending those first Buck and Anna
“Well, I have a building.” couple of meetings. Eaton are pastors
of The River
It turned out that she runs a food One thing that the Lord instructed us Connection Church
pantry ministry called ‘Amigos de to do was to help ‘bring Toronto to and Training
Dios’ (friends of God), in nearby Houston.’ What we believe He meant by Center in Stafford,
Stafford, just outside of Houston. She that is to bring not only the anointing Texas. They have
and her late husband had started it in, but also the teaching. We invited four awesome children, Collin, 18, Tyler,
many years before when God put it on Mark Virkler to minister this past 15, Caroline, 13, and Zachary, 11.
their hearts to reach out to the poor March, and 120 people squeezed into
and needy. Carolyn offered to let us our building! They loved the They have been in full-time ministry for
use the building for free if we would Communion with God Seminar that two years, and have loved every
just cover the electricity bill. Mark taught, and many of them also minute. They have received training at
took the follow-up class that we offered. the TACF Leaders School, as well as
That December, we held our first River This past June, Ivan and Isabel Allum Restoring the Foundations International
Connection conference at Amigos de came and taught a Prophetic Conference Training Center in North Carolina.

24 Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 Photographs in this article by Russell Smith and Sarah Nickling


John and Carol Arnott
Gordon Robertson
Duncan Smith
Worship with Lindell Cooley
and Robert Augi

Info and registration
1 866 500 0003

Virginia Beach, VA, USA

February 16-18, 2006

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Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 25

Surname: Spouse (if attending):

First name: Phone (home):

Address: Phone (work):


City: Province/State: E-mail:

Postal code/Zip: Country: Church:

Pastors and Leaders Conference Please check the box where applicable:
January 17-20, 2006 I am a full-time pastor/elder/evangelist/missionary
Early registration: $99 CDN per person $149 CDN per married couple ($83/$124 US) I am a youth leader
After September 1: $119 CDN per person $169 CDN per married couple ($99/$141 US) I am a senior pastor I am a worship leader
At the door: $139 CDN per person $199 CDN per married couple ($117/$166 US)
Group rate: $75 CDN per person ($60 US)
Meal Plan $80 CDN per person ($65) I require the following special arrangements:
wheelchair seating visually impaired seating
Father Loves You Conference hearing impaired seating
March 29- April 1, 2006
I would like to have translation in______________
Early registration: $99 CDN per person $149 CDN per married couple ($83/$124 US)
After September 1: $119 CDN per person $169 CDN per married couple ($99/$141 US)
At the door: $139 CDN per person $199 CDN per married couple ($117/$166 US)
Group rate: $75 CDN per person ($60 US) There is a $25CDN ($18US) per person rental charge for use
Meal Plan $80 CDN per person ($65) of the headsets for each conference.

Fresh Wind Youth Conference GROUPS OF 10 OR MORE from the same church or ministry
April 13-15, 2006 have special pricing: $75 CDN ($60 US) per person. Please
contact our office for details and group registration forms. These
Early registration: $49 CDN per person $59 CDN including Delirious Concert ($42/$50 US)
forms are also available to download from our website.
After March 1 : $69 CDN per person including Delirious Concert ($60 US)
At the door: $69 CDN per person including Delirious Concert ($60 US)
Group rate: $49 CDN per person $59 CDN including Delirious Concert ($42/$50 US) MEALS: You may pre-pay for meals for the entire conference. A
conference meal pass includes lunch and dinner from Wednesday
(Thursday for Fresh Wind) - Saturday. This full meal plan must be
ordered when you register at least 1 week before each conference.
PLEASE NOTE: There is a $25 CDN/US per person cancellation
fee. Please inform us in writing before the conference if you wish
to cancel. The meal plan portion of your fee can only be refunded
Pastors and Leaders Conference if your cancellation is at least 15 days before the conference.
Conference registration(s) PAYMENT OPTIONS: Please make cheques payable to
“Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship”, in $US or $CDN. Post-
Conference meal plan at $80CDN(65US) dated cheques will not be accepted. International guests please
use credit cards (include signature). Credit cards will be charged
Father Loves You Conference in $US for US residents and $CDN for the rest of the world, and
your credit card company will convert to your currency as
Conference registration(s) specified in your credit card agreement. Please note: For AMEX
you will be charged in $CDN as we are unable to process AMEX
Conference meal plan at $80CDN(65US) in $US.

Please note: US prices are subject to change based on the

Fresh Wind Youth Conference current exchange rate.
Conference registration(s)
Conference meal plan at $53CDN(45US)

Mail: Attention Conference Registrar
Card #: Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship,
272 Attwell Drive, Toronto, ON. Canada, M9W 6M3
Expiry date:
Phone: 416 674 8463, 1 866 500 0003
Signature: Fax: 416 674 8465
E-mail: [email protected]

26 Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005

A conference for youth and young adults
w i t h M a r k Vi r k l e r
who want to discover who they are in
Christ and live a supernatural life!
JANUARY 6 - 7, 2006
“MY SHEEP HEAR MY VOICE” John 10:27 Imagine thousands of people
IT’S GOD’S GUARANTEE NOT MAN’S. worshipping together with
SEMINAR SCHEDULE revolutionary speakers, practical
hands on workshops and worship with
Friday, January 6
7pm-10pm - FREE SESSION (open to all) Delirious?
Saturday, January 7
9am-5pm (by registration only)
April 13-15
Cost is:
For more information and to register:
$15 CDN/person, $10 CDN/child 7-16 years old
includes workbook and lunch
1 866 500 0003
7pm-10pm - FREE SESSION (open to all)

Register on-line at

or call 416 674 8463

Experience the magnificent sights
and sounds of the Falls. View the
main attractions of the region,
including: the Skylon Tower,
iagara alls our ide
Whirlpool Rapids, Hydro-electric
dams, Queenston Heights, Floral
Clock, and Niagara-on-the-Lake.
Tel: 905 693 8761
$85/person Fax: 905 876 0324
$75 Seniors/Students Email: [email protected]
$55 Children 3-12 years Toll-Free Can/US: 1 866 833 0460

Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 27


Quality Suites Country Warmth

Toronto Airport at a comfortable price.
262 Carlingview Drive,
Toronto, Ontario, M9W 5G1
Phone: 416 674 8442
Toll free: 1 877 755 4900 (CAN/US)

• 254 all suite, full service hotel

• separate bedroom with King size bed
• minutes from Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (TACF)
• pull out couch and dining area in living room
• 2 color cable televisions with remote
• in room coffee maker with tea and coffee
• iron and board, hairdryer and mini bar/fridge
• Grafitti’s Italian Eatery Toronto Airport – Dixon Road
• extended stay suite
• shuttle service to and from TACF available during Feel right at home with our Promise of Warmth surrounding
conferences the fireplace in the lobby.
Suites starting from $92 Experience an atmosphere of residential hospitality that glows
TACF rates: $92 single/double $97 triple/quad. with the warmth of golden Canadiana Pine furnishings,
Please quote the TACF rate. accented by early Canadiana artifacts, prints and brickwork.
Call today and book your suite for the next Special rates for
time you are in Toronto! Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship

$92 $98
Most homes are within 5-20 minutes driving distance to Toronto
Airport Christian Fellowship and offer a breakfast with the room.
(Price in Canadian funds and subject to
$45 single/$60 double CDN per room (cash only). applicable taxes and availability.)
$38 single/$50 double US per room (cash only).
- Inroom coffee makers
Christine Marie Cuthbert* 905 487 1427 - Indoor pool, whirlpool and sauna
[email protected]
- Ample parking
Behruz and Lakshmi Daroga* 905 794 9975
[email protected] - Pat and Mario’s restaurant
Marina and Faustin Fernando* 905 696 0583 - Complimentary Shuttle bus to and from airport
[email protected] - Giftshop
Joe and Betty Lawlor* 416 621 8364 - Electronic card key
416 621 6170 (fax)
- Shuttle service to and from TACF
Gilberto Lima 905 271 9619
[email protected] available during conferences
Mel and Susan Natagoc 905 789 0684
[email protected] For reservations call toll-free
John and Sylvia Pedlar* 905 799 3778 within North America
[email protected]
Rudy and Pat Roth* 416 614 8297

Barbara Rundle*
[email protected]
416 740 0051
1 888 483 6887
[email protected]
John and Alexandra Tanyan* 905 696 8618
[email protected]
Bruno and Naomi Ierullo* 905-264-3983
416 674 2222
[email protected]
*Those that offer transportation at a reasonable rate. Travelodge Hotel,
For more information, visit the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship 925 Dixon Road, Etobicoke, Ontario, M9W 1J8
website: (visitors) Phone: 416 674 2222 Fax: 416 674 5757

28 Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005

Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 29



November 5 Mary Audrey Raycroft Cambridge, ON, Canada Tina Brown, 519 240 0298, [email protected]
November 8-10 Steve Long Sapiranga, Brazil Ministerio Internacional da Colheita, Vania Rorato,
051 599 2686, [email protected],
November 11-13 Steve Long Sao Paulo, Brazil Geraldo Denarde, 19 815 87481, 11 820 27249,
[email protected]
November 11-13 Bill and Melinda Fish Robinson, IL, USA Crawford County Christian Center, [email protected]
November 12-13 Melinda Jeffrey Buffalo, NY, USA Prophetic Weekend, [email protected]
November 15-18 Alyn and AJ Jones Toronto, ON, Canada TACF School of Ministery, Joanna Steinman
[email protected]
November 15-20 Steve Long Parana, Brazil Geraldo Denarde, 19 815 87481, 41 267 3032
[email protected]
November 18-19 Bill and Melinda Fish Grand Rapids, MI, USA Grand River Church, Ron and Kim Cipcic
November 19-20 Russell Benson Brandon, FL, USA Covenant Community Fellowship, Russell Benson,
813 504 1122, [email protected]
November 19-26th Melinda Jeffrey New Orleans, USA Ramesh Naraine, [email protected]
November 20 Bill and Melinda Fish Kalamazoo, MI, USA New Day Community Church, Cameron Wright,
November 25-26 Peter and Heather Jackson Collingwood, ON, Canada Eagles' Rest, Peter and Heather Jackson,
705 429 2661, [email protected]
December 1-4 Peter and Heather Jackson Vancouver, BC, Canada Agape Life Center, 607 708 3762, [email protected]
December 4-9 Peter and Heather Jackson Orangeville, ON, Canada School of the Father's, Singing Waters, 519 941 0929,
[email protected]
December 9-10 John and Carol Arnott Oakland, CA, USA Shiloh Christian Fellowship, Verleeta White, 510 261 2052


January 8- 14 Melinda Jeffrey New Orleans, USA Ramesh Naraine, [email protected]
January 29-31 Peter and Heather Jackson West Milford, NJ, USA Christian Life Centre, Nancy Carhart, 973 728 3479
[email protected]
February 16-18 John and Carol Arnott Virginia Beach, USA Signs and Wonders Conference, TACF, 416 674 8463,
416 674 8465 (fax), [email protected],
February 16-18 Duncan Smith Virginia Beach, USA Signs and Wonders Conference, Jon Long,
416 674 8463 ext 2225,[email protected]
February 26 - March 05 Ian and Janice Ross Carribean TACF Catch the Wave Conference
March 16-18 John and Carol Arnott Halifax, NS, Canada Father Loves You, TACF, 416 674 8463, 416 674 8465 (fax),
[email protected],
March 16-18 Alyn and AJ Jones Halifax, NS, Canada Father Loves You Conference, Monika Ozimek, 416 674 8463
[email protected]
March 30 - April 2 Mary Audrey Raycroft Cranbrook, BC, Canada Releasers of Life, Cathy Pretty, [email protected]
May 25-27 John and Carol Arnott Birmingham, USA Father Loves You Conference, TACF, 416 674 8463,
416 674 8465 (fax), [email protected],
May 25-27 Alyn and AJ Jones Birmingham, AL, USA Father Loves You Conference, Monika Ozimek, 416 674 8463,
[email protected]
June 19-21 Alyn and AJ Jones Toronto, ON, Canada TACF School of Ministry, Joanna Steinman, [email protected]
June 22-25 Alyn and AJ Jones Hartford, VT, USA 17 Days of Revival, Dee Copley, [email protected]
November 2-4 John and Carol Arnott Raleigh, NC, USA Show Me Your Glory

For more information on these speakers and locations visit the

30 Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005

October 31 - November 3 Alyn and AJ Jones Hemel Hempstead, UK PIH Europe Conference, Ed King, 416 674 8463,
[email protected]
November 1-3 John and Carol Arnott Hemel Hemstead, UK Partners in Harvest
November 2-6 Ian and Janice Ross Redhill, England Redhill Vineyard Church, Graham and Selina Pipe,
01737 215122
November 4-6 Jeremy and Connie Sinnott Seaford, England Father's House Europe, Jeff Scaldwell, 01442 216621
[email protected]
November 6-11 Peter and Heather Jackson Shaftesbury, UK School of the Father's Love, Dawn Merry, 017478 54993
[email protected]
November 12 Ian and Janice Ross Netherlands Dik and Maravanada Pols, 341560193,
[email protected]
November 13 Ian and Janice Ross Montfoort, Netherlands Eric and Helena de Kruik, 348474522,
[email protected]
November 13-19 Ian and Janice Ross Torhout, Belgium School of the Father's Love, Hugo and Inger Van Leemputten,
[email protected]
November 14-18 Peter and Heather Jackson Kiev, Ukraine Leaders School, Pastor Dan Slade, [email protected]
November 17-19 John and Carol Arnott Dresden, Germany Father Loves You Conference, TACF/ Nicola Tancock,
[email protected], 416 674 8463, 416 674 8465 (fax)
November 17-19 Stuart and Lynley Allan Dresden, Germany Father Loves You Conference, Stuart Allan
November 25-27 John and Trish Bootsma London, England Streatham Baptist Church, John Moncrieff,
[email protected]
December 15-20 Alyn and AJ Jones Kharkiv, Ukraine Renewal Meetings, Alyn Jones, [email protected]

January 27-30 Ian and Janice Ross England, UK The Gathering Place, Blandford Forum, New Green,
01258 455761, [email protected]
February 2-4 John and Carol Arnott Tonbridge, UK Nicola Tancock, [email protected]
February 3-6 Ian and Janice Ross Newbury, England Hedley and Sue Smyth, 0163 541319,
[email protected]
February 13-17 John and Trish Bootsma Shaftesbury, England School of the Prophets, Dawn Merry, [email protected]
February 17-19 Mary Audrey Raycroft Crediton, Devon, UK Jubilee Church, Paul and Mary Stanbury, 0136 383774
[email protected]
February. 20-22 Mary Audrey Raycroft Plymouth, UK Well Spring Church, Pete and Pam Ash, 0175 278883
[email protected]
February 23-26 Mary Audrey Raycroft Manchester, UK Releasers of Life Sale, Eunice Risbridger,
01352 780735, [email protected]
March 4-6 Mary Audrey Raycroft Blackpool UK Ansdell Baptist Church, Rick Oldland, [email protected]
July 27-29 John and Carol Arnott Finland Catch the Fire Finland



November 18-22 John and Trish Bootsma Tokyo, Japan Kumiko Obara, [email protected]
February 6-11, 2006 Duncan Smith ILSoM, Nigeria Jon Long, 416 674 8463 ext 2225, [email protected]
February 27- March 10, 2006 Duncan Smith Capetown and Durban, South Africa Sarah Wessels, [email protected]
March 24-26, 2006 Alyn and AJ Jones Palmerston North, New Zealand Katherine Ellis, 011 646 356 1287, [email protected]

Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship website,

Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005 31

Toronto Airport Christian H O W T O F I N D

Belfield Road To Hwy 409, 401

Father Loves You, Dresden, Germany Hwy 409 To Hwy 401

November 17-19, 2005

Speakers include: John and Carol Arnott, Marc Dupont, Marmac Drive

Hwy 4
Don Williams

Hwy 27
Worship leaders include: Noel Richards

Attwell Drive

Pastors and Leaders Conference

January 17-20, 2006
Speakers include: John and Carol Arnott,
Dixon Road
Henry Madava, Colin Dye
Hwy 401
Worship: Marco Barrientos, Diego and Laura Ladino
Grace and Glory, Tonbridge, UK WY 4
To H gara Fall
February 2-4, 2006 To N
To Downtown
Toronto HWY 427
Speakers include: John and Carol Arnott, David Campbell, Toronto Airport Christian South To QEW East
Rupert and Penny Foxwell
N 272 Attwell Drive, Toronto
Worship leaders include: Eric Terlizzi

Signs and Wonders, Virginia Beach, USA

February 16-18, 2006 AIR TRAVEL
For airline discounts and up-to-date travel information, please either visit our
Speakers include: John and Carol Arnott, Duncan Smith,
website at (visitors), or call our contact centre at 416 674 8463.
Gordon Robertson
Worship Leaders include: Lindell Cooley, Robert Augi

SPEAKERS 2005-2006 For our recommended hotels and hospitality homes, please either visit our
website at (visitors), or refer to the advertisements in this issue
November 3-5 Kenny Blacksmith
November 11 Scott and Hilary Dalton CAR RENTAL
November 17-19 Freedom,Forgiveness and Victory, Majed El Shafie National Car Rental provides a discount for guests of Toronto Airport
January 6-7 Mark Virkler: Communion with God Seminar Christian Fellowship. Please either visit their website at
or call them on 1 800 CAR RENT. Be sure to quote our contract ID number:
New format to focus more on the presence of God, Tuesdays will be our
3710394 when making your reservation.
SOAKING Center, Wednesdays will be INTERCESSION, Thursdays
will be SEEK HIS FACE meetings Friday will be 'Come Holy Spirit
meetings (unless listed above).
(In the Chapel Room from Tuesday to Thursday)
Tuesday Healing Rooms, 10am - 12pm, 7- 8pm
Toronto Airport Christian Wednesday
Catch the Fire Soaking Center, 7:30pm
Wake-up Call, Women’s Meeting, 9:45am - 12pm
Fellowship Intercession Meeting, 7:30pm
Seek His Face Meeting, 7:30pm
Come Holy Spirit meeting, 7:30-10pm
Sunday Prophetic Presbytery, 9:30-10:30am
EAST: Ajax, ON, Canada Prayer Meeting, 10am
Meeting Times: Sundays, 10am-12pm Church Family Worship Service, 10:30am
DOWNTOWN: Toronto, ON, Canada YN: Junior High Storm, 10:30am - 12:30pm
Meeting Times: Sundays, 6pm-8pm Spanish Meeting, 6-8pm

For more information on our Satellite churches, vist

32 Spread The Fire Issue 5 - 2005

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