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Coalition Field Manual

Written By
Sean Patrick Fannon

Art Director
Aaron Acevedo, Alida Saxon

Graphic Design & Layout:

Aaron Acevedo, Jason Engle, Thomas Shook

Carinn Seabolt

Cover Illustration
Gunship Revolution

Interior Illustrations
Matheus Calza, Martin de Diego Sádaba, Gunship Revolution’s
Brian Valeza, Justine Cruz, Timothy Terrenal and Oliver Morit


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n North America, the two most advanced war machine in so many ways. For over
and well-equipped armies are those of five years, these tools of combat established
Free Quebec and the Coalition States (CS), the power and authority of the Coalition
and the latter army is larger by an order of over the vast majority of so-called civilized
magnitude. While many argue which force North America.
is the most advanced, most of a strategic and In 105 P.A., Emperor Karl Prosek unveiled
logistical mindset concur that the Coalition his “Campaign of Unity,” which revealed a
edges Quebec in sheer production capacity. complete overhaul of the Coalition States war
In fact, only the New German Republic machine. A brand new look to the standard
rivals the CS in mass producing weapons body armor, as well as many of the uniforms
and machines of war capable of conquering and suits worn by CS troops, established a
the world. desire to cause additional fear among the
While function is the primary component empire’s enemies and terror among the
of most Coalition arms-and-armor design, populations they set out to pacify…or destroy.
visual impact clearly runs a close second. Stark, light gray skeletal highlights updated
The Coalition propagandists’ handiwork is the image, and a general improvement in
most evident in the skull motif visible on technology and manufacturing ensured
everything from the helmets of the infantry an overall superiority against most enemy
forces to heavy armor and transports such forces. This technological upgrade is in the
as the UAR-1 Enforcer, the Spider Skull weapons and other equipment on the front
Walker, and the Death’s Head Transport. lines of conflict and those units assigned to
The mere appearance of a squad of “Dead the imperial capital of Chi-Town. The older
Boys” functions as psychological warfare suits and weapons remain mainstays for
against both enemies and the population garrisons, remote outposts, and those forces
they are sworn to protect. newly brought into the fold—such as the
The unified look of the Coalition military soldiers of Fort El Dorado in Arkansas.
first took hold around 100 Post Apocalypse
(P.A.), featuring the primarily black
uniforms and armor. This is also when
the vast majority of CS forces received
the standardized weaponry, vehicles, and
equipment that now define the Coalition

CA-1 “Dead Boy” Heavy Body Armor: The
COALITION ARMOR standard issue to Coalition soldiers circa
101 P.A. and still one of the finest combat
suits found in service anywhere. With the
Original Coalition armored suits are upgrade currently underway to advanced
metallic black, fully sealed with excellent models within the CS military, more of
electronic systems and communication, the older Dead Boy suits are finding their
and marvels of advanced combat personal way into the Black Market. CA-1 models
protection all their own. They were the state- provide +6 Armor, +2 Toughness, and Full
of-the-art that all manufacturers of personal Environmental Protection. They also have
protection measured their designs against. built-in mini-computers for basic functions;
The helmets have a skull-style motif without a communications system with a 10 mile
looking purely skeletal, and the eyes gleam range; public-address loudspeakers; and
red to further enhance their menace. While thermal vision mode for vision. This suit
not particularly easy to find, it is possible has a Strength Minimum of d6.
to search out those willing to (18 lb, 45,000 credits)
sell such suits, especially
among the Black Market.
Those divisions enjoying
the upgrades look to profit
from the old armor.
The new suit designs of 105
P.A. dehumanize the soldiers
even more than previous styles.
The upper faceplate is smooth,
polyceramic glass, with the lower part
exhibiting a light gray stylized skeletal
jaw—a faceless, deadly, fearsome enemy.
The stylized skeletal highlights adorn a
lighter, tougher frame, improving mobility
while enhancing defenses.
The overall environmental systems are
significantly improved, including full
radiation shielding, protection against
temperature extremes (including normal
fires), and five hours of oxygen supply
that kick in when the filtration systems
aren’t up to the environmental hazards.
The system has a state-of-the-art
computer control system with extensive
sensors to monitor conditions and make
adjustments. A separate computer system
monitors bio signs, which can be directly
reported to a medic or doctor, and a third
internal computer acts as a voice-activated
data aid that, among other things, will
actually scan and read written materials for
the wearer. This last feature is helpful, as
nearly 85% of Coalition soldiers are illiterate.
The system also manages the Heads Up
Display with multi-optic sensor filters and
targeting displays.

CA-2 “Dead Boy” Light Body Armor: CA-7 Special Forces Heavy “Dead Boy”
Lighter weight and easier to wear, the Body Armor: A very special suit designed
CA-2 was primarily used by pilots, scouts, for elite assault and special forces units, the
and police forces before the massive CA-7 has a significantly different design.
upgrade program. It provides +6 Armor. While there are some updated details—
It also provides the same basic electronic including a new approach to the skull-
and environmental systems. The biggest motif helmet and studded spikes on the
attraction most buyers have shoulders, helmet, elbows, and shins—the
to this version is the lighter CA-7 returns to the all-black coloring of
weight and greater mobility the original Dead Boy suits. These
(no Strength Minimum). (9 lb, suits also feature embedded vibro-
35,000 credits) knives on the forearms
DPM 101 “Dog Pack” (Str+d6, AP 4, Mega
Light Riot Armor: Issued Damage) and a garrote
primarily to Coalition Dog wire connected to the left
Boy soldiers, this armor wrist (Str+d4, must follow
has none of the electronics successful Grapple with a
or environmental systems raise). The suits are also set
of the CA suits. It is fairly up to embed a Mag-5 Jetpack,
lightweight and certainly a personal flight system with
easier to find and acquire. sound-suppression buffering
+5 Armor. This armor has systems (Flight Pace 10").
no Strength Minimum. (8 CA-7 suits provide +8
lb, 14,000 credits) Armor and +2 Toughness.
This armor has no
CS INFANTRY ARMOR St re ng t h M i n i mu m.
(POST 105 P.A.) (20 lb, Unavailable
CA-3 Light “Dead Boy” Body for purchase)
Armor: The new standard
for scout and special CS POWER ARMOR
commando units, the (PRE 105 P.A.)
CA-3 features light The pinnacle of power
sensit ive coat i ng armor opt ions for
on the highlights Coalition troops was
to e n s u r e n ig ht the SAMAS for many
maneuvers don’t suffer. years, and there’s no
CA-3 models provide +6 Armor, +1 denying that even
Toughness, and Full Environmental the original version is
Protection. They also have built-in one of the most terrifying sights in the
mini-computers for basic functions; a sky. Most front line battalions continue
communications system with a 10 mile to count on the PA-06A for primary
range; public-address loudspeakers; air support.
and both night and thermal vision PA-06A Coalition SAMAS:
mode for vision. This suit has no Although classified as Power
Strength Minimum. (12 lb, Unavailable Armor, the flight system
for purchase) requires a Piloting check for high-
CA-4 Standard “Dead Boy” Body speed or tricky maneuvers in the
Armor: The new standard for Coalition SAMAS. With the recent spate of
Grunts, the CA-4 provides +7 Armor and +2 upgrades a few of these have found their
Toughness. It also provides the same basic way into the Black Market. Even for the
electronic and environmental systems as prices they go for, they get snatched up fast
the Light Armor. This suit has no Strength thanks to the integrated vehicle-grade flight
Minimum. (20 lb, Unavailable for purchase) systems. (1.6 million credits)

PA-06A SAMAS: Size 2, +10 M.D.C. PA-100 Mauler: Size 2, +10 M.D.C. Armor,
Armor, +2 Toughness, Strength d12+4, +2 Toughness, Strength d12+5, Pace 7
Pace 10 (Run d8) Notes: Maneuvering Jets (Jump 8"
Notes: Flight System (Pace 25, Climb 2) horizontal, 4" vertical; Swim Pace 8)
Weapons: Weapons:
„„Light Rail Gun (handheld) „„2 × Anti-Personnel Lasers (forearm-
„„Rocket Launcher mounted; use C-10 Light Assault
Laser Rifle stats)
CS POWER ARMOR (POST 105 P.A.) „„Mini Rail Gun (handheld)
Nuclear-powered and embedded with even „„Mini-Missile Launcher
more robust environmental systems, the new „„2 × Plasma Ejectors (shoulder-
Coalition power armor suits are marvels of mounted; use NG-E4 stats)
military engineering. Computer-controlled „„2 × Vibro-Sabers (forearm-mounted;
combat systems incorporating radar and Str+d8, AP 4, Mega Damage)
laser targeting, provide a bonus of +2 to
offset range and cover penalties for Shooting PA-09A Super SAMAS: Often called the
rolls. The communications systems have a “Grinning Demon,” thanks to the shape of
range of 500 miles. the skeleton jaw motif, the Super SAMAS is
PA-100 Mauler Power Armor: Nicknamed a significant upgrade to the original SAMAS
the “No Neck,” the Mauler is a blunt-force power armor. It’s intended for multi-profile
design best suited to urban assault and riot missions, including establishing low-to-
control missions. It also functions pretty mid altitude air superiority. Though many
well underwater, useful for salvage and pilots are happy flying into battle with only
amphibious assault tasks. The Mauler has the standard weapons, more than a few will
small maneuvering jets that assist with carry the CTT-P40 Particle Beam Cannon
both extended jumping and underwater (found on page 9) as well. (Unavailable
movement. (Unavailable for purchase) for purchase)

PA-09A Super SAMAS: Size 3, +12 M.D.C. targeting enhancements, extensive sensor
Armor, +3 Toughness, Strength d12+5, suites—plus the extraordinary defenses
Pace 7 of a walking tank. CS robot armor suits
Notes: Flight System (Pace 30, Climb 2) provide their crews with ejector seats and
Weapons: parachutes, and the ability to set off a self-
„„CTT-P40 Particle Beam Cannon destruct that demolishes the vehicle while
(handheld) doing 6d6 Mega Damage in a Large Burst
„„2 × Grenade Launchers (forearm- Template. As with the power armor suits,
mounted) the targeting systems provide +2 to offset
„„2 × dual-linked Plasma and Laser range and cover penalties for Shooting rolls.
Weapon System (shoulder-mounted; Coalition UAR-1 Enforcer: At nearly 20
each system fires as either a Light feet tall and designed to look like a giant
Laser or as a Plasma Ejector; use the suit of Deadboy armor striding across the
NG-E4A stats for the latter) battlefield, the UAR-1 Enforcer robot armor
„„2 × Vibro-Blades (forearm-mounted; is bound to make anyone think twice
Str+d10, AP 4, Mega Damage) about doing battle with the Coalition. This
venerable war machine remains in extensive
CS ROBOT ARMOR (PRE 105 P.A.) use throughout the CS, though more and
In order to combat dragons, giant demons, more are finding their way (repainted
and humongous arcane war golems, the and modified, of course) into the Black
Coalition turned a lot of attention and Market. One artifact of its original design
resources towards bipedal war machines is that much of its sensory enhancement is
capable of standing toe-to-toe with the external to the main body; the sensor turret,
worst the world can bring. These have which provides +2 Notice and radar, can be
all the advantages of their power armor directly targeted (−4 to hit, an attack dealing
suits—nuclear powered, multiple computer 15 damage destroys it). Knocking it out
systems for life support management and removes those benefits. (28 million credits)

UAR-1 Enforcer: Size 6, Crew 1+1,
Strength d12+4, Toughness 33 (15),
Pace 10
Notes: M.D.C. Armor
„„Heavy Grenade Launcher
(use WI-GL20 stats)
„„Heavy Rail Gun
„„2 × Light Missile
„„2 × Medium
Lasers (turret)
„„Medium Missile
Launcher (turret)

CR-003 Spider-Skull Walker Assault

Armor: Designed as much for terror as for
tactics, the Spider-Skull is a giant death
head motif hull on six legs, festooned
with heavy weapons. At 30 feet in
height, it towers over most battlefield
combatants, and the insect-like
legs give it exceptional mobility
through rough terrain and
surprising capacit y for
climbing fairly steep inclines.

Very few find their way into the Black Market,
as they’ve not been part of the phase-out COALITION
programs. (36 million credits) WEAPONS
Spider Skull Walker: Size 8, Crew 2+6,
Strength d12+6, Toughness 35 (16), Pace 12 Naturally, right alongside the armor
Notes: M.D.C. Armor upgrades came improvements to the
Weapons: Coalition Army’s issued weapons. Greatly
„„2 × Dual-linked Heavy Lasers (turret) enhanced accuracy, power, and efficiency
„„2 × Heavy Rail Guns abound in the new arsenal, while the
older models remain fine weapons in their
CS ROBOT ARMOR (POST 105 P.A.) own right.
IAR-4 Hellraiser Robot Armor: Designated
officially as an Infantry Assault Robot,
and unofficially as a “Robot Killer,”
the Hellraiser is a highly mobile and COALITION VEHICLES
maneuverable combat vehicle designed
to counter the heavy weapon platforms of
enemy forces. Considered by many frontline While quite a few new designs are in the
veterans of the Coalition as the best of the prototype and even limited production
new vehicles, the Hellraiser is, among other stages, the sheer expense of upgrading the
things, looked upon as a fine “Glitter Boy vehicle fleets of the Coalition means most of
killer.” The Hellraiser is also effective for the military continues to rely on circa 101
urban missions and riot control, with a P.A. transportation and fighting vehicles.
special Electro-Stunner weapon designed AFC-023 Coalition Sky Cycle: One of the
for nonlethal pacification. (Unavailable key components of the Coalition military’s
for purchase) air force, the one-man AFC-023 Sky Cycle is
an adrenaline junkie’s dream and a safety
IAR Hellraiser: Size 6, Crew 1+2, Strength officer’s nightmare. A longtime mainstay
d12+6, Toughness 36 (18), Pace 15 of the Coalition’s military machine, a small
Notes: M.D.C. Armor number of 023s recently came into the Black
Weapons Market as newer vehicles slowly replaced
„„Dual-linked Light Laser (turret) them. Fantastic speed and maneuverability
„„Electro-Stunner (Range 10/20/40, make it highly desirable and hard to find,
Damage 4d6, RoF 1, Nonlethal unless even for the cost. (2 million credits)
the Shooting Die rolls a 1 or 2)
„„Heavy Plasma Ejector (use NG-E4A AFC-023 Sky Cycle: Size 2, Acc/TS 30/190,
stats) Toughness 16 (6), Crew 1
„„Light Missile Launcher Notes: Exposed Crew, Handling 2, Sensor
„„Quatro-Gun, four-settings weapon Suite, VTOL, M.D.C. Armor
system: Cutting Laser Beam (Range Weapons:
10/20/40, Damage 3d6, RoF 1, AP „„2 × D u a l-l i n ke d M i n i-M i s s i le
20, Mega Damage); Flame Thrower Launchers
(Damage 2d10, RoF 1, Mega Damage, „„Heavy Laser
Cone Template); Particle Beam
Cannon (Range 20/40/80, Damage AFC- 050 Coalition Death’s Head
3d8 + 5, RoF 1, AP 6, Mega Damage); Transport: One of the most terrifying
Medium Laser sights in the sky is a fully-loaded Death’s
„„Vibro-Claw (Str+d10, AP 4, Mega Head transport; a single vehicle represents
Damage) a large unit of Coalition soldiers capable
of taking on an entire town with ease.
The usual compliment aboard is the nine-
man crew (Pilot, co-pilot, two gunners,

C-18 Laser Pistol 15/30/60 2d6 1 2 10 2 12,000
Notes: Semi-Auto
C-10 Light
30/60/120 3d6 1 2 30 5 16,000
Assault Laser Rifle
Notes: Semi-Auto, Integrated scope with night vision and laser targeting (offset 2 points of range
and/or darkness penalties).
C-12 Heavy
30/60/120 3d6+1 3 2 60 7 20,000
Assault Laser Rifle
Notes: Semi-Auto, 3RB. Integrated scope with night vision and laser targeting (offset 2 points of
range and/or darkness penalties)
C-14 “Fire Breather”
30/60/120 3d6 1 2 20 10 30,000
Laser Rifle
Notes: Min Str d6. Semi-Auto, Integrated grenade launcher (20/40/80, Shots 12, damage by grenade
type) and scope with night vision and laser targeting (offset 2 points of range and/or darkness
CV-212 Variable Light
30/60/120 3d6+2 3 2 30 8 50,000
Frequency Rifle
Notes: Mega Damage (uses 10 shots), 3RB, Snapfire. Integrated scope with night vision/laser
targeting (offset 2 points of range and/or darkness penalties). Ignores any laser resistance.
C-27 Heavy
18/36/72 2d10+2 1 — 10 12 32,000
Plasma Cannon
Notes: Min Str d8. Mega Damage, Snapfire. Ignores non-sealed armor. Targets may ignite (6 on a
d6), burning for 1d10 continuous damage until doused.
C-20 Laser Pistol 15/30/60 2d6+1 1 2 21 3 16,000
Notes: Semi-Auto.
CP-30 Laser Pulse Pistol 12/24/48 2d6+1 3 2 30 4 26,000
Notes: 3RB. Optional hip/backpack energy pack grants 72 shots
CP-40 Pulse Laser Rifle 0/60/120 3d6+2 3 2 60 9 40,000
Notes: 3RB.
CP-50 “Dragonfire”
30/60/120 3d6+2 3 2 60 10 50,000
Laser Rifle
Notes: Min Str d6, 3RB. Integrated grenade launcher (20/40/80, 12 shots, damage by grenade type)
and scope with night vision and laser targeting (offset two points of range and/or darkness penalties).
C-29 “Hellfire” Heavy
18/36/72 3d10+4 1 — 16 12 42,000
Plasma Cannon
Notes: Min Str d8, Mega Damage, Snapfire. Plasma hits all of a target at once, ignoring Armor unless
it’s fully covering. Targets may ignite (6 on a d6), burning for 1d10 continuous damage until doused.
CTT-P40 Particle Not
30/60/120 3d8+5 1 6 40 89
Beam Cannon Available
Notes: Min Str d12, Mega Damage, Snapfire.

two communications engineers, three „„Twin Medium Lasers (360 degree
technicians); two Mark V APCs with 20 turret, dual-linked)
Dead Boy soldiers in each; two UAR-1 „„2 × Dual-linked Twin Light Lasers
Enforcers; a Spider-Skull Walker; and either (360 degree turrets, one each side)
a hundred more Dead Boys or two dozen „„2 × Mini Missile Launchers (Forward
SAMAS troopers. One of these should mount)
represent a terrible threat for any group of „„2 × Mini Rail Guns (Forward mount)
heroes, more of a thing to avoid instead of
taking on unless they’ve got one seriously
fantastic plan. (Unavailable for purchase)
Death’s Head Transport: Size 10, Acc/TS
30/245, Toughness 52 (30), Crew 2+407
Notes: Environmental Systems, M.D.C.
Armor, Sensor Suite, VTOL Officers, intelligence operatives, commandos,
Weapons: and specialists of various types are
„„Heavy Rail Gun often issued various pieces of equipment
„„6 × Heavy Lasers (three 180 degree developed to enhance their mission profiles.
turrets on each side) Electro-Adhesive Pads: Connected to
„„2 × Medium Missile Launchers a small energy pack, these two hand-held
devices have a small electric current passing
Coalition Mark V Armored Personnel through them that helps them adhere
Carrier: Most experienced mercenaries and powerfully to metal surfaces. The system
adventurers in North America dream of one provides a +4 to all Climb checks involving
day having a Mark V to call their own. A metal. (.5 lb, 30,000 credits)
machine designed for combat zones, this Lock Pick Release Gun: This automatic
eight-wheeled monster normally loads up system handles just about every form of
20 Dead Boy soldiers and 6 SAMAS, with purely mechanical lock, providing a +4 to
enough room for crew and cargo for a couple any Lockpicking skill check with such locks.
of weeks in the field. Two gunners operate (2 lb, 1,800 credits)
the heavy rail gun and the laser turrets, Utility Belt: Standard issue for all field
while the driver or co-driver handles the personnel, the Coalition Utility Belt has
forward mounted mini rail guns and numerous pouches and containment
the missile launchers (a communications options, carrying a number of very useful
specialist is usually assigned as well). It’s items. While not as all-purpose as the NG-
highly illegal to own one with the full S2 Basic Survival Pack, the belt does aid in
armaments compliment anywhere near survival and other operations in many ways.
Coalition territory, though a stripped-down (4 lb, 2,500 credits)
model (laser turrets only) will normally
only get the hairy eyeball from Coalition „„Canteen (half gallon).
authorities if paperwork is otherwise in „„Communicator (5 mile range).
order. (21 million credits fully loaded; 10 „„Compass/inertial mapper.
million stripped down) „„Firestarter kit (solar-powered lighter
and flint & steel).
Coalition Mark V APC: Size 7, Acc/TS „„Flashlight/signal light (with bright
5/30 (3/10 in water), Toughness 32 (17), halogen and infrared options).
Crew 2+33 „„ Mini first aid kit (+1 Healing check,
Notes: All-Terrain, Environmental only one use).
Systems, M.D.C. Armor, Sensor Suite „„Power bars (three, each can sustain a
Weapons: normal human for a day).
„„Heavy Rail Gun (360 degree turret)


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