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1. Evidence of relationship................................................................................................................3
2. Your relationship with your partner..............................................................................................3
2.1 How, when and where you first met...........................................................................................3
2.2 How the relationship developed..................................................................................................3
2.3 When you moved in together, got engaged or married..............................................................3
2.4 What you do together.................................................................................................................3
2.5 Time you spent apart...................................................................................................................3
2.6 Significant events in the relationship...........................................................................................3
2.7 Your plans for the future.............................................................................................................3
3. Finances.........................................................................................................................................3
3.1 Joint mortgage or lease documents.............................................................................................3
3.2 Joint loan documents for major assets like homes, cars or major appliances.............................3
3.3 Joint bank account statements....................................................................................................3
3.4 Household bills in both names.....................................................................................................3
4. Your household..............................................................................................................................4
4.1 A statement about how you share housework............................................................................4
4.2 Household bills in both names.....................................................................................................4
4.3 Mail or emails addressed to you both.........................................................................................4
4.4 Documents that show joint responsibility for children................................................................4
4.5 Documents that prove your living arrangements........................................................................5
5. Social matters................................................................................................................................5
5.1 Joint invitations or evidence you go out together.......................................................................5
5.2 Proof you have friends in common..............................................................................................5
5.3 Proof you have told government, public or commercial bodies about your relationship............5
5.4 Proof you do joint sporting, cultural or social activities together................................................5
5.5 Proof you travel together............................................................................................................5
6. Commitment..................................................................................................................................5
6.1 Proof you have knowledge of each other’s background, family situation or other personal
details. You could tell us this at an interview....................................................................................5
6.2 Proof you have combined your personal matters........................................................................5
6.3 The terms of your wills................................................................................................................5
6.4 Proof you stay in touch when apart.............................................................................................5
7. Additional proof of a de facto relationship....................................................................................5

7.1 If you haven't been in the relationship for 12 months, tell us in writing why the 12-month
requirement does not apply. For Attachment:..................................................................................5
8 Appendix.............................................................................................................................................6

1. Evidence of relationship
Please upload the following supporting documents that demonstrates evidence of your relationship

 Your relationship with your partner

 Additional proof of a de facto relationship

2. Your relationship with your partner

If you are married, provide your marriage certificate or other evidence that your marriage is valid in
Australia. If you are a de facto partner, provide proof of your de facto relationship.

This proof should show that:

 you have a mutual commitment with your spouse or de facto partner to the exclusion of all
 your relationship is genuine and continuing
 you either live together or don't live permanently apart
 you are not related by family

Tell us in writing about:

2.1 How, when and where you first met

2.2 How the relationship developed

2.3 When you moved in together, got engaged or married

2.4 What you do together

2.5 Time you spent apart

2.6 Significant events in the relationship

2.7 Your plans for the future

3. Finances
Show us how you and your partner share financial matters. You could give us:

3.1 Joint mortgage or lease documents

3.2 Joint loan documents for major assets like homes, cars or major appliances

3.3 Joint bank account statements

3.4 Household bills in both names

4. Your household
Show us how you and your partner share domestic matters. You could give us:
4.1 A statement about how you share housework

4.2 Household bills in both names

4.3 Mail or emails addressed to you both

4.4 Documents that show joint responsibility for children

4.5 Documents that prove your living arrangements

5. Social matters
Show us evidence that others know about your relationship, such as

5.1 Joint invitations or evidence you go out together

5.2 Proof you have friends in common

5.3 Proof you have told government, public or commercial bodies about your

5.4 Proof you do joint sporting, cultural or social activities together

5.5 Proof you travel together

6. Commitment
Show us how you are committed to a long-term relationship with each other. You could give us:

6.1 Proof you have knowledge of each other’s background, family situation or other
personal details. You could tell us this at an interview

6.2 Proof you have combined your personal matters

6.3 The terms of your wills

6.4 Proof you stay in touch when apart

7. Additional proof of a de facto relationship

In addition to documents proving your relationship, show us you have been in your de facto
relationship for at least 12 months before you applied for this visa.

7.1 If you haven't been in the relationship for 12 months, tell us in writing why the 12-
month requirement does not apply. For Attachment:
 provide evidence you have registered your relationship with an Australian births, deaths and
marriages agency, or

 Explain any compelling and compassionate circumstances exist to grant the visa

8 Appendix

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