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5, MAY 2008

Lifetime Maximization for Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Networks

Wan-Jen Huang, Student Member, IEEE, Y.-W. Peter Hong, Member, IEEE, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— Joint relay-selection and power-allocation strategies objectives and network topologies. However, minimizing the
are devised to prolong the lifetime of amplify-and-forward (AF) average power consumption in cooperative networks does not
cooperative networks. Lifetime is defined as the time duration necessarily maximize the network lifetime since the lifetime
within which the desired signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the
destination is met with a certain probability. Based on selective depends not only on the average power consumption but the
relaying, we propose three strategies that take into account the residual energy information (REI) of the users as well. Without
local channel state information (CSI) and the local residual balanced energy usage, some users may run out of battery-
energy information (REI) at each relay to prolong the network energy more rapidly than others, and the network may become
lifetime. With a finite number of power levels, the energy non-functional even when some users have a large amount of
dissipation process can be modeled as a finite-state Markov chain
and the optimal lifetime maximization strategy can be derived battery-energy remaining.
using dynamic programming. We demonstrate that the network Based on selective relaying, we examine four joint relay-
lifetime can be extended considerably by exploiting both CSI and selection and power-allocation strategies, namely, the mini-
REI via numerical simulation. The performance of the proposed
strategies that utilize only local CSI and REI is shown to be mum transmission power (MTP) strategy, the maximum resid-
comparable to that of the optimal strategy that demands global ual energy (MRE) strategy, the maximal energy-efficiency
CSI and REI. index (MEI) strategy, and the minimum outage probability
Index Terms— Cooperative communications, lifetime maxi- (MOP) strategy, to prolong network lifetime. Here, lifetime
mization, selective relaying, energy efficiency, power allocation. is defined as the time duration during which the SNR re-
quirement at the destination is met with a certain probability,
i.e., the time during which the outage probability constraint
I. I NTRODUCTION is met. Lifetime maximization methods have been studied
extensively in sensor networks, e.g. [9]–[13], but most works
OOPERATIVE networks [1]–[3] refer to communication
C systems where users cooperate by relaying each others’
messages to the destination. Many cooperation strategies have
along these lines define the network lifetime as the time
duration during which all users or a particular number of users
remain active. This definition does not fully characterize the
been proposed with different relaying techniques [2], such operability of cooperative systems since the energy depletion
as amplify-and-forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF). of a single node (or a certain number of nodes) only decreases
At each time, one user serves as the source while others the diversity available in the system while QoS may still be
form a distributed antenna array that simultaneously retrans- achieved cooperatively with the remaining relays. The MRE
mits messages to enhance the detection at the destination. and MEI strategies studied in this work was proposed and
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques, such as analyzed in [13] for data gathering applications in sensor
beamforming [4], space-time coding [5] and antenna selection networks. In our work, we adopt the MRE and MEI strategies
[6], [7] have been examined to exploit the diversity and the for relay selection in AF cooperative networks. Due to the
multiplexing gains. The AF selective relaying, also referred to differences in the nature of the AF transmission and the
as opportunistic relaying, is shown to achieve full diversity at definition of network lifetime, we show that the MRE no
high SNR regimes in [6] and can be carried out in a distributed longer performs well in the cooperative system, which is
manner [7] since it requires only local CSI at the relays. in contrast to that shown in [13]. Moreover, based on our
Due to the spatial diversity gain, user cooperation re- definition of lifetime, we propose the MOP strategy, where
duces the total energy required to meet the quality-of-service a relay is selected to minimize the outage probability after
(QoS) requirement at the destination. Several power allocation each transmission. This is equivalent to performing step-by-
strategies [8] have been proposed to minimize the average step maximization on the network lifetime. We show that the
transmission power for different cooperation schemes, system MOP outperforms all schemes, but the MEI is able to achieve
Manuscript received December 15, 2006; revised September 11, 2007
comparable performances with MOP when the initial energy
and February 17, 2008; accepted February 20, 2008. The associate editor is large [c.f. Section V].
coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was
R. Fantacci. This work is supported in part by the National Science Council Furthermore, with a finite number of power levels, the
of Taiwan, R.O.C., under the grants NSC-95-2221-E-007-043-MY3, NSC-96- evolution of users’ residual energies can be modeled as a
2628-E-007-012-MY2 and NSC-96-2219-E-007-012. finite state Markov chain, where each state records the REI
W.-J. Huang and C.-C. Jay Kuo are with the Ming-Hsieh Department of
Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA of all users [11]. In this case, the average network lifetime
90089-2564, USA (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]). is equivalent to the average time to absorption in the Markov
Y.-W. Peter Hong is with the Institute of Communications En- chain, where the absorption states correspond to non-operable
gineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (e-mail:
[email protected]). REI values, i.e., values that cannot meet the outage constraint.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TWC.2008.061075. Moreover, with global knowledge of CSI and REI, the optimal
c 2008 IEEE

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r1 t1 variance. Assume that hkD is independent for all k. The signal

hS1 Relay 1 h1D to noise ratio (SNR) observed at the destination is given by
r2 t2
hS2 h2D z PS Pk |hSk hkD |2
Relay 2 SN R = . (3)
..... 1 + PS |hSk |2 + Pk |hkD |2

Source Destination

Our goal is to study joint relay-selection and power-
hSN rN tN
hND allocation strategies to prolong network lifetime. Most pre-
Relay N vious works [9]–[13] view the network lifetime as the time
duration in which all users (or a certain number of users)
Fig. 1. A system model of the proposed cooperative relay network. in the network remain active. Instead, we define the network
lifetime as the duration in which the SNR requirement at the
destination is achieved with a certain probability.
Let ek [m] be the residual energy of relay k at the beginning
lifetime maximization strategy can be obtained by dynamic
of the m-th time slot. It is assumed that each transmission
programming [11]. We show that, compared with the optimal
lasts for one time unit and the transmission power is equal
strategy that requires global CSI and REI, the performance
to the amount of energy consumed during the transmission
loss of the strategies that demand only local CSI and REI
interval. The maximum power that relay k can transmit in
(e.g. MOP and MEI) is negligible.
the m-th time interval is denoted by ek  = max{εi : εi ≤
ek , i = 1, 2, · · · , L}. The outage of relay k occurs when the
II. S YSTEM M ODEL maximum achievable SNR at the destination is lower than the
target value γ. The outage probability of the k-th relay in the
Consider a network with N +1 users cooperating to transmit m-th time slot is given by
a common message to the destination. In this system, one  
user acts as the source and the other N users serve as PS ek [m]|hSk hkD |2
Pout (ek [m]) = Pr < γ , (4)
cooperative partners that relay the messages from the source 1+PS |hSk |2 +ek [m]|hkD |2
to the destination, as shown in Fig. 1.
which is a function of the residual energy ek [m]. It was shown
Cooperative transmission from the source to the destination in [14] that
is achieved in two phases. In the first phase, the source sends 
data symbol x to the relay nodes, where x has zero-mean and −( γ 2 + γ
2 )
Pout (ek [m]) = 1− e PS σSk ek [m]σkD
unit-variance. The signal received at the k-th relay is
 4γ(γ + 1) 4γ(γ + 1)
rk = PS hSk x + vk , k = 1, 2, . . . , N, (1) 2 σ 2 K1 2 σ2 ,(5)
PS ek [m]σSk kD PS ek [m]σSk kD
where hSk is the channel coefficient from the source to the
k-th relay, vk is the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) where K1 (·) is the modified Bessel function of the second
at the k-th relay with E{vk vj∗ } = δkj 1 , and PS is the trans- kind of order one.
mission power of the source. Assume that hSk is circularly Let e[m] = [e1 [m], · · · , eN [m]], and let e[1] be the initial
symmetric complex Gaussian with zero mean and variance energy distribution at the relays. Notice that, with selective
σSk 2
, i.e., CN (0, σSk ), and is independent for all k. relaying, only one of the relays is selected to forward the
source’s message in each time slot. For any reasonable relay
In the second phase, we adopt the selective relaying method
selection strategy and for any given channel state, a relay may
where only one of N relays is selected to transmit, as proposed
be selected only if it belongs to the set of relays that is able
in [6], [7]. When relay k is selected to transmit, it will send
to achieve the target SNR with its residual energy. Therefore,
an amplified version of the received message, i.e.,
system outage occurs if and only if the set of relays that

Pk satisfies this condition is empty, i.e., no relay is able to achieve
tk = rk , the target SNR. Given the residual energy at the beginning of
PS |hSk |2 + 1
the m-th time slot, i.e., e[m], the system outage probability is
where Pk is the transmit power of the k-th relay. Suppose that computed as
users are limited to L discrete power levels, i.e., Pk ∈ {εi , 1 ≤ N

i ≤ L} where 0 < ε1 < ε2 < · · · < εL = Pmax . The signal Pout (e[m]) = Pout (ek [m]). (6)
received at the destination in the second phase is given by k=1
  Notice that, given the residual energy values, the probability
PS Pk Pk that a system outage occurs is independent of the relay
z= hSk hkD x+ hkD vk+vD , (2)
PS |hSk |2 +1 PS |hSk |2+1 selection strategy. Lifetime is then defined as follows.
Definition : The network lifetime is defined as
where hkD ∼ CN (0, σkD ) is the channel coefficient from
the k-th relay to the destination and vD is AWGN with unit L(e[1]) = max {m : Pout (e[m]) ≤ η}

kj is the Kronecker delta function where δkj = 1 if k = j and δkj = 0
where threshold η is the maximum tolerable outage probabil-
if k = j. ity.
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More specifically, lifetime is defined as the maximum m and an outage occurs. As long as the outage probability of the
after which an outage would occur with probability greater network satisfies the QoS requirement, the network remains
than η. Since the system outage probability in (6) depends active even though the current transmission fails. Since these
only on the residual energy at each node, the lifetime for any methods demand only the instantaneous information, index m
given strategy is then determined by the average number of is omitted in the following discussion.
transmissions that it takes before the system enters one of The three methods along with the minimum power solution
the energy states that causes the system outage probability to are described below.
exceed the required value. (I) The minimum transmission power strategy (MTP):
Choose the relay that requires the minimum transmis-

In this section, we propose several joint relay-selection kM T P = arg min wk .
and power-allocation strategies for lifetime maximization in
(II) The maximum residual energy strategy (MRE) [10]:
cooperative networks. Note that, with the maximum power
Choose the relay with the largest residual energy after
constraint Pmax , a selected relay must satisfy the condition
2 retransmitting the current message, i.e.,
that 1+PPSS|hPSk
max |hSk hkD |
|2+Pmax |hkD |2 ≥ γ. Let

kM RE = arg max ek − wk .
PS Pmax |hSk hkD |2 k∈RE
RS = {k : ≥ γ}
1+PS |hSk |2 +Pmax |hkD |2 The goal is to maintain the maximum diversity gain by
be the set of such relays. If all relays experience a deep fade preventing any node from depleting its energy earlier
at the same time such that RS becomes empty, none of the than others. This method balances the energy consump-
relays will be selected and an outage will be automatically tion across relays.
declared. As long as the system outage probability (as defined (III) The maximum energy-efficiency index strategy
in (6)) is below the given threshold η, the network is still (MEI) [12]: Choose the relay with the maximal energy
considered to be active. efficiency index ek /wk , i.e.,
Let wk be the minimum transmission power level needed ∗ ek
kM EI = arg max .
for the k-th relay to achieve the target SNR, i.e., γ, at the k∈RE wk
destination. For k ∈ RS , we have
That is, we choose the relay that consumes the least
PS εi |hSk hkD |2 portion of its residual energy.
wk = min{εi : ≥ γ}.
1+PS |hSk |2 +εi |hkD |2 (IV) The minimum outage probability strategy (MOP)
Without considering the residual battery energy at the relays, [15], [16]: Choose the relay that has the minimum out-
the best strategy is to choose the relay node that demands age probability after the current message is transmitted
the least transmission power to meet the target SNR, i.e., the (even if it is allowed to expend all its residual energy
node with minimal wk . However, in cooperative networks, for transmission), i.e.,
minimizing the instantaneous transmission power does not ∗
kM OP = arg min Pout (e−wk 1k )
necessarily lead to maximum lifetime. In fact, the residual k∈RE
energy distribution is also an important factor in this problem. Pout (e−wk 1k )
= arg min
As shown in [10], the average network lifetime can be k∈REPout (e)
computed as Pout (ek −wk )
N = arg min , (8)
ek [1] − Ew k∈RE Pout (ek )
E[L(e[1])] = k=1 , (7)
Er where 1k is an N × 1 vector with the k-th element
where Ew is the average sum of residual energy at all relays equal to 1 and 0 elsewhere. The MOP selects a relay
when the network becomes non-operable, and Er is the average that minimizes the outage probability after each trans-
sum of energy consumed by all relays during each trans- mission. Since the network lifetime is defined by the
mission. To maximize the network lifetime, relay selection outage probability, it is equivalent to performing step-
must minimize the average energy consumption as well as the by-step maximization of network lifetime.
wasted energy, which are closely coupled. Since the minimum With a finite number of power levels, there is a non-zero
average transmission power decreases with the number of probability that the optimal selection criterion is achieved by
relays due to increased spatial diversity, it is desirable to more than one relay. In this case, a relay is selected among this
maintain the maximum number of active relays to minimize optimal set to transmit with equal probability. It is reasonable
the rate of energy consumption. to assume that each relay is aware of its residual energy
Here, we study three joint relay selection and power allo- and the transmission power required to achieve target SNR
cation strategies that exploit local instantaneous CSI and REI, at the destination. Since these strategies depend only on local
i.e., wk [m] and ek [m] for relay k, to maximize the average REI and CSI at each relay, they can be implemented in a
lifetime in (7). In these schemes, only nodes that belong to distributed manner by employing the so-called opportunistic
the set RE = RS ∩ {k : wk [m] ≤ ek [m]} are eligible to relay carrier sensing method proposed in [7], [13]. Although both
the m-th message. When RE is empty, no relay is selected MRE and MEI meet well our intuition in preserving battery
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ST E[L(e )]. The average residual lifetime of energy state e ∈

/ ST
Pr(e1 e3) Pr(e2 e4) ...... is given by

Pr(e1 e2) Pr(e2 e3)
E[L(e)] = Pr{e → e }(1 + E[L(e )]), (9)
e1 e2 e3 ...... en en+1 e

Pout(| e1 |) Pout(| e2 |) Pout(| e3 |) where Pr{e → e } is the transition probability from e to e .

L(e1) L(e2) L(e3) ...... L(en)=0 L(en+1)=0 Since the probability of self-transition at state e is equal to
outage probability Pout (e), it follows from (9) that
⎛ ⎞
Fig. 2. The state transition diagram of an energy-consuming process. E[L(e)] = ⎝1+ Pr{e → e}E[L(e )]⎠. (10)
1−Pout (e)  e =e

The average lifetime of a network with initial energy e[1]

energy, the latter actually
achieves better performance. This is E[L(e[1])], which can be evaluated recursively from the
is because, when k ke [1] Ew , maximizing the average terminating states. The computational complexity of the re-
lifetime is approximately equivalent to minimizing the average cursive algorithm is O(N |S\ST |) since there are N possible
transmission power. In fact, when the relays selected under transitions from each state. When the initial energy is the
the MRE and the MEI strategies differ, the relay selected by same for all users, i.e., ek [1] = E0 for all k, and the energy
MEI always demands lower transmit power. To show this, levels are uniformly spaced, i.e., εi = i × PmaxL , the number
let us assume that the two strategies select different relays, of states is approximately equal to LE0 /Pmax N . Hence,
∗ ∗
i.e., kM RE
= kM EI . By definition of the two strategies, the computational complexity is exponential to the number of
the following inequalities must hold, i.e., ekM ∗
−wkM ∗
> relays. It is worthwhile to notice that, when the relay channels
−w ∗
kM EI and e ∗
kM RE /w ∗
kM RE < e ∗
kM EI /w ∗
kM EI . It follows are i.i.d., E[L(e)] is invariant to the ordering of residual
that wkM ∗
< wkM∗
. Therefore, MEI is expected to have energies in the state vector e. This property can be utilized to
longer network lifetime than MRE when the initial energy is reduce the computational complexity when evaluating (10).
large. The asymptotic optimality of MEI have been studied
in [13] for sensor network applications. The performance of
these methods are evaluated in Sec. V by computer simulation. B. Optimal Selection Strategy with Global CSI
For a given set of power levels and initial battery energy,
IV. M ARKOV A NALYSIS AND L IFETIME M AXIMIZATION the optimal network lifetime can be computed using dynamic
programming techniques [11]. Specifically, we construct a
A. Performance Analysis of the Proposed Strategies path for each state that goes through the maximum average
number of transitions before entering a terminating state. The
With a finite number of power levels, the set containing all
maximum average network lifetime is obtained by Bellman’s
possible values of residual energy e[m] will be finite. More-
equation as
over, since the energy consumed during each transmission
depends only on the current REI and CSI, which is assumed 1
E[Loptimal (e)] = ×
to be i.i.d. in time, the evolution of the residual energy levels 1−Pout (e)
{e[m]}∞ ⎛ ⎞
m=1 can be modeled as a finite-state Markov chain, as

shown in Fig. 2, and the network lifetime can be derived by ⎝1+ Pr{w = u} · max E[Loptimal (e−uk 1k)]⎠,(11)
computing the average time to absorption to the non-operable k∈RE
{u:∃k,s.t.0<uk≤ek }
energy states as detailed in the following.
The state space, S, of the Markov chain is the set of all where u = (u1 , · · · , uN ) is a set of discrete transmission pow-
L residual energy levels, i.e., S = {e : ek = ek [1] − ers with uk ∈ {0, ε1 , · · · , εL }. For a given set of power levels,
l=1 l l ≥ 0, ∀υl ∈ N ∪ {0}, ∀k}, where ek [1] is the initial
υ ε the optimal network lifetime E[Loptimal (e[1])] is obtained
battery energy of the k-th relay. A state transition occurs after backwards from terminating states. With global knowledge of
each transmission, with transition probabilities that depend REI and CSI at all relays, the strategy that maximizes the
on the current energy state and the joint relay-selection and average network lifetime is given by
power-allocation strategy. The set of non-operable energy

states is defined as ST = {e ∈ S : Pout (e) > η}. koptimal = arg max E[Loptimal (e − wk 1k )]. (12)
Let E[L(e)] be the average residual lifetime given that the
current energy state is e. By definition, we have E[L(e)] = 0 Although this strategy maximizes the average network life-
for e ∈ ST . For a state e ∈/ ST , the average residual lifetime is time, it is difficult to implement in practice since it requires
equal to the average number of transitions that occurs before global CSI and REI, and that E[Loptimal (e)] must be com-
entering a state in ST . Note that, when an outage occurs, puted in advance. The computational complexity may be
no energy is consumed and a self-transition takes place for in the order of O(N LN |S\ST |), as discussed in [11]. The
states e ∈/ ST . When a transition occurs from e ∈ / ST to e , performance of this strategy serves primarily as an upper
a unit time passes and the average residual lifetime becomes bound to other schemes.
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We compare the average network lifetime of the joint 80 MEI
relay-selection and power-allocation strategies by computer 70 L=10

Average Network Lifetime

Discrete Optimal
simulation in this section. In the simulations, the transmit Continuous
power of the source and the target SNR are chosen to be
PS = 12dB and γ = 8 dB, respectively. The threshold for 50
the outage probability is η = 0.1. Channel coefficients hSk
and hkD are i.i.d. CN (0, 1) and varies independently in each L=5
transmission. 30
First, we compare the average lifetime achieved by MTP,
MRE, MEI and MOP along with the optimal strategy in (11)
for a network with 3 relays. Suppose that the initial energy 10
ek [1] = E0 for all k. In Fig. 3, we show the average lifetime in
terms of initial energy E0 for the case with continuous power 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
levels, i.e., L = ∞ (dash-dot), and the case with L = 10 Initial Battery Energy E 0
(solid) and L = 5 (dashed) number of discrete power levels.
We set Pmax = 82.25 and the discrete power levels εi = Fig. 3. The average lifetime of MTP, MRE, MEI and MOP strategies and
the maximal lifetime derived in (11) for a 3-relay network with continuous
i × Pmax
L . The average network lifetime for the discrete case transmit power (dash-dot) and discrete transmit power with L = 5(dash) and
is obtained via the Markov analysis described in Sec. IV and L = 10(solid).
the continuous case (i.e., L = ∞) is obtained with Monte-
Carlo simulations over 25000 realizations. From (7), we know
that the average network lifetime is a linear function of the 260
total initial energy and the rate of increase with respect to the 240 MRE
initial energy is determined by the average transmission power. MEI Continuous
As shown in Fig. 3, MEI and MOP have a faster increase MOP
Average Network Lifetime

in lifetime than MTP and MRE. This shows that, although 200
MTP minimizes the energy consumption of each transmission, 180
the MEI and MOP demands less average transmission power
than MTP because a balanced usage of battery energy at the L=10
relays results in higher spatial diversity. Although MRE has 140
a much lower amount of wasted energy, it does not perform 120
as well as MEI and MOP since it tends to choose a node 100 L=5
with higher transmission power. In the discrete case, we see
that the MEI and MOP have comparable lifetime performance
compared with the optimal strategy. Due to the quantization 60
effect, discrete power allocation loses by approximately 22% 3 6 9 12 15
and 39% for L = 10 and L = 5, respectively. Number of relays
In Fig. 4, we compare the average lifetime of the four Fig. 4. The average lifetime versus the number of relays (N ) for a cooperative
strategies for a cooperative network with different number of network given fixed sum of the initial energy at relays, i.e., N E0 = 18Pmax .
relays N . The sum of initial battery energy at all relays is
fixed N E0 = 18Pmax , which is equally distributed among
all relays. In Fig. 4, all curves are obtained with Monte Carlo
simulations averaged over 20000 runs. As the number of relays after each transmission. Therefore, MRE outperforms MTP
increases, the average transmission power decreases because in [13]. However, by defining the network lifetime with the
of spatial diversity. When N is small, the network lifetime outage probability constraint, having a certain number of
increases with N although the initial energy at each relay is relays become inactive does not necessarily cause the system
reduced. When N is sufficiently large such that the initial outage probability to exceed the required value. In fact, as
energy E0 becomes comparable to the average transmission shown in our simulations, minimizing the transmit power may
power, the network lifetime begins to decrease with N . This be more beneficial than balancing the residual energy at each
is shown in Fig. 4 for L = 5. However, this is observed for node. Furthermore, we can see that the MOP performs better
other cases as well at larger values of N . Although MRE than the other strategies in all cases (i.e., for different number
performs slightly better than MTP when N = 3 (as shown of relays or initial energies). Similar performance has been
in Fig. 3 for L = 5 and 10), the performance degrades observed for the case with non-identical channel statistics.
rapidly as N increases. This is in contrast to that observed Interested users are referred to [16] for further detail.
in [13], where lifetime is defined as the time duration during In Fig. 5, we compare the average outage probability of the
which a certain number of sensors remain active. Indeed, four strategies with respect to the number of time slots. We
in MRE, the relay with the maximum residual energy is consider a network with N = 12, continuous transmission
chosen and, thus, reduces the probability that a relay dies out power (i.e., L = ∞), and small initial energy at relays,
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MTP power levels, the design of a good selection strategy is actually

0.3 more important than increasing the power levels with complex
Average Outage Probability

Based on selective relaying, three lifetime maximization
0.2 strategies that take into consideration both CSI and REI,
i.e., strategies MRE, MEI and MOP, were proposed and
0.15 compared in this work. For the system with a discrete power
level, the average network lifetime of the proposed strategies
0.1 were derived using Markov chain analysis and the optimal
strategy was obtained via dynamic programming. The MEI
0.05 and MOP were shown to achieve near optimal performance
with significantly lower complexity.
12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
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