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Submitted to:

Doctor Vermont Khan L. Juvahib


Submitted by:

Sharon G. Villaestiva
MPA Student
Activity 2

1. Identify atleast 3 functions of your office/workplace

1. Facilities examination and driving test

a. majority does not know the traffic rules and regulations (gaps)
b. some applicants cannot read or write
c. student drivers having difficulty in the written and actual driving test 30mins
2. Provides driving license to clients
a. student permit
b. non-professional driving license
c. Professional driving license
3. Expensive fines in violating traffic rules
a. No proper documents and driving license (gaps)
b. No proper accessories
c. Reckless driving
d. Driving under the influence of alcohol
e. Failure to wear safety prescribed seat belt device

no.4 others examples

Enforcing traffic rules and regulations
a. Law enforcers Making sure that Drivers take with them their valid driving license ID
b. Making sure that they have proper documents on hand of their vehicles are registered and
updated if they violated traffic rules If they cannot show proper documents they get fines
accordingly, if you cannot provide proper documents are presented to the office their
vehicles will be permanently impounded
c. Making sure and checking that their vehicle body parts and accessories are working

2. Identify at least 3 operational gaps or problems related to each function which you have
Identified in item no.01

1. Student drivers having difficulty in passing the written and actual driving tests
2. Student drivers having difficulty in acquiring driving license cards
3. Expensive fines in violating traffic rules
a. No proper documents and driving license (gaps)
b. No proper accessories
c. Reckless driving
d. Driving under the influence of alcohol

3. Formulate problem statements to each area as identified. Make use both descriptive and
inferential questions in formulating your problem statement.

1. Why do you think LTO should get their student drivers prepare for their exam?
Driving exams are costly and they want their student drivers to qualify for the exams and enjoy the
convenience and benefits of passing a driving license because those who failed aren’t studying
diligently, are reckless drivers and their reading comprehension is weak. Students have difficulty in
passing their written and actual driving test for the reason of not studying the traffic rules and
regulations for failing to have actual practice before getting their exams.

2. What is the reason behind the difficulty of acquiring driving license cards?
The LTO only have one machine in printing driving license and the plastic cards runs out which
delaying the giving out process or release of driving licenses,
Clients/drivers are coming to claim their driving license are many than the printed driving license
cards and small workers like the janitors and office runners take the advantage to take extra money
from clients, drivers and student drivers and to do any worked as fixers to gain money which is
unknown to the management and taking money from the clients and licensed drivers informing them
that they know Mr. so and So and Ms. So and so the in-charge persons who works inside are my
friends by saying he will give it to the in charge and they will finish the work immediately for you if you
pay them to claim their driving license cards on time or immediately. The applicants and qualified
drivers who passed the exams are lazy to go to this process and, the LTO is always open on
weekdays, while Robinsons is open on weekdays until Saturdays through 08:00am-05:00 pm student
who passed their exams must take and give allotted time to immediately come in acquiring driving
license cards. The LTO should strictly make new laws and systems to destroy fixers that destroyed
the name of the person inside the LTO agency.

3. Why the government placed an expensive violation charges?

The government made sure that a higher price and expensive fines to penalized traffic rules and
regulations to encourage Filipino drivers and make sure that they learn from their own lessons and to
remember safety first to avoid accident and other undesirable fines. The government placed an
expensive violation charges or fines to generate revenues for the use of government, utilities and its

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Based on what you did in activity 2 formulate a possible Research title on respective area as

Write it down on the format provided below.

 Research Title –

Passing a Driving Test and getting a Driving license:

Difficulties acquiring a driving license card

Passing a Driving Test steering wheels with Driving license

Passing a Driving Test : getting a Driving license:

Difficulties acquiring a driving license card

Passing a Driving Test , getting a Driving license:

Safety and defensive driving save Lives

Passing a Driving Test , getting a Driving license:

Steering a car with valid driving license card

Behind the wheel: On the road driving & operating road

. Behind-the-Wheel isn’t designed to teach driving, but to
prove that the student is ready to have a license

 Problem Statements-

Passing written and actual driving test is the most victorious day for people who
dreamed to get a driving license and drive their own cars. The LTO or Land
Transport and Authority should provide best customer services to hasten its
services to our aspirant new drivers, in order to get their driving license early they
have to be quick and efficient in their services to save time and money

I’ve experienced an all-day through waiting just to get my driving license card and
convert it from UAE to Philippines driving license card. I went the LTO Bacolod
branch by 07:30 am and ended up by 5:00 pm because there were fixers inside that
made their processing delayed and slow clients are complaining on why their
numbers and turns to be served behind and the last ones to arrive are the first ones
to be serve first also it was very hot and there is no good facilities to give people
relief from burning sun and there was no air conditioning in LTO, the receiving and
waiting areas are congested that made the people more impatience.

The efficiency of the current processing system and area of receiving and waiting
areas of the LTO and fixers are wasting our time, money and efforts which can
result to a greater complaints and shame against LTO for wasting our resources of
going back and forth over there.

A warning has been given to the public from LTO Central visayas regions has
warned the public not to deal with fixers after uncovering fake driving licenses LTO-
7 Director Victor Caindec issued the warning after at least 10 driver's license
applicants were allegedly asked to pay P6,000 each.

Our payments in our driver license is P800 and in additional we need to go there by
personal appearance because they will take from you pictures and crossed
checking your thumbmarks. If you say no need for you to come to the licensing
center because there was a fixer for you to cater your needs it’s a sure signal that
you are dealing with a fake transactions for you are needed to come there

Therefore, by optimizing of our current LTO processing system and services to

stick to its strict implementation of no fixer allowed from both inside and outside of
its agency with transparency it can destroy corruption and fixers and inequality. As
a result the LTO can improve the level efficiency of retrieving and processing
documents for driving license and for the fast and best service for the general
public of releasing driving license cards on time and early.

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