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(a) Value Added by firm A

= Sales by firm A - Purchases from firm B + Change In stock (Closing stock -

Opening stock)
=100 lakh - 40 lakh + ( 20 lakh - 25 lakh)
=100 lakh - 40 lakh - 5 lakh
=55 lakh

Value Added by firm B

=Sales by firm B - Purchases from firm A + Change in stock(Closing stock -
Opening stock)
=200 lakh - 60 lakh + ( 35 lakh - 45 lakh)
=200 lakh - 60 lakh - 10 lakh = 130 lakh

Ans: Value Added by firm A = 55 lakh.

Value Added by firm B = 130 lakh.

(b) Gross Value Added or Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost

= Value added by firm A + Value added by firm B - Indirect taxes

=55 lakh + 130 lakh - 30 lakh
=185 lakh – 30 lakh
=155 lakh
Ans. Gross domestic product at factor cost = 155 lakh

[Note: Value added by firm A and firm B here implies gross value added at market

2. Solution:

(a) Gross Value Added at Market Price

= Value of output of different sectors - Value of intermediate inputs purchased

by different sectors
=800 lakh+200lakh+300 lakh- 400 lakh -100 lakh – 50lakh
= 750lakh

Ans. Gross value added at market price = 750 lakh

(b) National Income = NNP fc

= Gross domestic product at market price - Consumption of fixed capital -

Indirect taxes + Subsidies + Factor income received by the residents from rest
of the world - Factor income paid to non-residents

= 750 lakh - 80 lakh - 50 lakh + 20 lakh + 10 lakh - 20 lakh

= 630 lakh
Ans. National income = 630 lakh.

3Q. Answer
NVAfc = Sales + Change in stock (C–0) – IC + subsidy –Depreciation 1
NVAfc = 140+(–10) – 90 + 5 –20
= 25 Lakhs 1½

4Q. Answer
NDPmp = GNPmp – deprecation –NFIA
= 87703–5296+20=82427
NDPfc = NDPmp –NIT
= 82427 – 3996
= 78431

5Q. Answer

6Q. Answer
(i) GVA fc = sales + change in stock - purchase of intermediate producut -
excise duty + subsidy
= (i) +(iii) - (ii) - (v) - (iv) + (vi)
= 800 +35 + 40 -350 - 10 + 30 = 435 (3)

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