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E4-E5 (Management) – Drafting of Committee Reports Rev date: 21-03-11

Chapter 14

Drafting of Committee Reports

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E4-E5 (Management) – Drafting of Committee Reports Rev date: 21-03-11

Drafting of Committee Reports

Introduction: In an organizational setup, many committees are constituted for

accomplishing specific tasks. Committees are formed even in societies, schools,
government setup for various issues, monitoring, execution or policy making etc. This
chapter discusses the concept of committee and guidelines for its report writing with
respect to BSNL setup.

Lesson Plan:
• Concept of Committee: pros & cons
• Generic tips for committee reports
• Tender Evaluation report
• Scrapping of assets report
• Executive Promotion Policy DPC report
• FRAC report

Committee: A committee is a group of persons within an organization (may include

outsiders also) to whom, as a group, some matter is committed. The committee may be
formed for a limited duration or a standing committee. Also the members of the team
may or may not have other responsibility in the organization in addition to those as a
member of the committee.

Advantages of Committee system

• Professional expertise to examine various aspects of problem

• Collective responsibility leading to fearless approach
• It is possible to bring together a wide range of ideas, expertise and interests
• When committee consists of people representing different departments and
functions in the department, it helps to ensure that all aspects of a decision are
considered before final decision
• As decisions are taken jointly by all the committee members, their acceptance by
all the departments represented on the committee is easier.

Disadvantage of committee

• Usually require considerable expenditure of total manpower in the committee


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• The committees are also known to cause excessive delays in decision making and
in taking action.
• Frequently, an absence of a clear cut authority and responsibility for results, the
committee tends to take decision that represents compromise between dissenting
views rather than an optimal balance of conflicting requirements.
• In some situations, where one member or a small group is significantly more
powerful than others, some people may impose their decision on the committee.
In this way the more powerful members gain power beyond the intended limits.

Generic Tips for Committee reports:

• All pages must be signed by the members

• All pages must be numbered mentioning total number of pages also. [ e.g. 1 of n]
• In the beginning of report, constitution of committee, its member details,
authorization (formation) memo details must be mentioned
• Date, time and venue of the committee meetings have to be mentioned in the
• Brief background on the task & scope of the committee.
• Observations of the committee members
• Facts need to be substantiated by giving appropriate references of the file
number/letter number. As far as possible, relevant extracts of the referred
notes/orders/rulings may be made annexure to the report. It is desirable that
committee report is written as a standalone document complete in itself to the best
possible extent.
• Appropriate format for data tabulation/comparison should be used such as tables,
piecharts, graphs etc for ease & clarity of communication.
• Recommendations of the committee need to be clearly stated at the end of report.
• Report should be concise, to the point and in an unambiguous language. Use of high
sounding words should be avoided. Long sentences need to be avoided. Punctuation
makes a lot of difference in the meaning of sentence. For example, what do you infer
from Giant Panda: Eats bamboo, shoots and leaves.
• In case of dissent by any member, the same should be clearly stated so with reasons

Tender Evaluation reports:

Apart from following the generic tips, the tender evaluation report should detail the
• Any clarifications sought, discrepancies noticed, bids rejected by Tender Opening
committee etc.
• Compliance to all mandatory eligibility conditions has to be checked and

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• These conditions are in general specified under the head ‘eligibility conditions’. It
is usually specified that non-fulfilment of any such condition will lead to
summary rejection of bid.
• Criteria used for evaluation of bids have to be as specified in the tender document.
• While assessing the reasonability of rates the basis of arriving at such result need
to be mentioned.
• In evaluation of financial bid, committee needs to confirm in its recommendation
that rates are reasonable & competitive.
• In case of single bid being evaluated, the conditions as specified by BSNL CO
must be checked for compliance and indicated so in the report.
• While preparing the report, compliance to CVC guidelines must be ensured.
• In case, negotiations are recommended as per CVC guidelines, the reasonable
rate/ assessed by the committee along with reasons for doing so also needs to be
mentioned in the report.

Drafting of report for Scrapping of the assets in BSNL

The equipment/items procured in BSNL like switching, transmission, line and wires,
cables, instruments, vehicles, computers, electrical items (including fans, air-conditioner,
water coolers etc), battery and power plants etc are required to be scrapped once the life
of these items is complete as these items are no longer in use and unnecessarily occupy
precious space. Moreover we can easily purchase new equipment/item against the
scrapped ones.

The lives of various telecom assets in BSNL has been re-fixed by BSNL vide letter no
8-39/2001-PHM dated 05-09-2001 of BSNL Corporate office.

Normally any item is scrapped based on following criteria:

• The life of the item is complete.

• The technology of the equipment/item is outdated and that item is no more in use.
• If the life is not complete, but it is faulty and its repair is not viable.

The concerned unit under which the equipment/item is to be scrapped prepares the list of
the equipment/item, to be scrapped. The unit in charge should ensure that the
equipment/item to be scrapped is of no use within the unit where it is working and even
within the whole BSNL. This later point is ensured by circulating a list of the equipment
to all the field units with a clear request to place a demand of any of the equipment/item
which is being scrapped. Sufficient time is given for this request. If some field unit
requests for some of the equipment/item, that is diverted.

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The remaining equipment/item list is prepared and a committee is constituted by the

competent authority to scrap the equipment/item.

The scrapping committee examines following data:

• The list of the equipment/item to be scrapped.

• The History sheet of the equipment/item in which there should be details about
when the equipment/item was purchased, its purchase order no. , estimate no., the
• expenditure incurred on its maintenance.
• The committee calculates the life of the equipment/item.
• Requirement raised by the field units and diverted equipment/item, if any, is also
put up to the committee
• The prescribed life of the equipment/item by the BSNL Corporate office is taken
into account.
• It is also checked by the committee that the technology of the equipment/item
under scrapping is obsolete or not.
• If the technology of the equipment/item is not obsolete, then the total expenditure
which is estimated to be incurred to make the system running is considered.
• The performance report of the equipment/item under consideration is taken from
the concerned user of the equipment/item.
• The comments of the concerned vendor who was providing maintenance support
to the equipment/item.
• Based upon the above facts and data the committee should decide about the
scrapping and should prepare the report taking into consideration of these facts.

Drafting of screening committee report for executive promotion policy

Pursuant to absorption of Group “B” level officers of various services/cadres into BSNL
w.e.f. 01.10.2000, BSNL management finalized a time bound executive promotion policy
in respect of Group “B” level executives to meet their career aspirations in the company
(Ref: Letter no. 400-61/2004-Pers.I dated 18.01.2007 from Jt. DDG (Pers.), BSNL C. O.,
New Delhi and subsequent clarifications issued on the subject). As per this scheme a
screening committee has to examine the eligibility of executives and give
recommendations accordingly. Following issues have to be thoroughly understood,
examined and substantiated by the committee members in their report.

Upgradation criteria:

• Review: The review for all executives meeting the qualifying service conditions
will be done every year on 1st October. On being found fit, the IDA scale

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upgradation will be effective from the due date i.e. date on which the executive
fulfills the qualifying service condition for upgradation to next higher IDA scale.

• (ii) Fitness: The fitness of the eligible executive will be judged by a prescribed
screening committee on the basis of performance rating of ACRs, subject to
necessary disciplinary /vigilance clearance and no punishment is current.

• (iii) Performance ratings in ACRs: The ACRs of the previous 5 (five) years
• be taken into consideration for assessing the fitness of eligible executives on the
basis of following criteria:-

S. Scale Category Grading criteria

1 JTO to SDE OC No Adverse, not more than four Average

SC/ST No Adverse
2 SDE to Sr. SDE OC No Adverse, not more than two Average

SC/ST No Adverse, not more than three Average

3 Sr. SDE to STS OC No Adverse, not more than two Average

SC/ST No Adverse, not more than three Average

4 STS to JAG OC No Adverse, not more than one Average

SC/ST No Adverse, not more than two Average

5 JAG to NFSGJAG OC No Adverse, not more than one Average

SC/ST No Adverse, not more than two Average

Compulsory Training: Every executive whose pay scale is upgraded to next higher IDA
scale will have to compulsorily undergo two weeks training for being eligible for drawal
of second increment in the upgraded IDA scale. The training is to be completed within
two years from the date of issue of such upgradation order failing which the concerned
executive will not be eligible for consideration of next IDA scale upgradation even if
he/she is due for upgradation otherwise.

General principles:

• On being found fit for IDA scale upgradation, fixation under FR 22 (I) (a) (1)
shall be allowed.
• (ii) Time bound IDA scale upgradation are not linked with the availability of the

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• (iii) For the purpose of counting the service in current IDA scale for any time
bound upgradation, technical break periods in the adhoc arrangements ordered by
DOT/DTS/DTO/BSNL C. O. will be treated as continuous for the limited purpose
of counting of current IDA scale service only without any other benefit, monetary
or otherwise.
• (iv) IDA scale granted to any executive by virtue of any local officiating
arrangement will not count for the purpose of IDA scale upgradation.
• (v) Review, as on 1st October every year, is to be done at Circle level for all
• (vi) Consequent to upgradation of IDA pay scale, there will be no change in
substantive status, designation and duties & responsibilities of the executive,
unless ordered in any specific context.
• (vii) Under the policy, no claim what-so-ever can be made by comparison on
grounds of seniority, class, community, cadre, stream etc. Further, except as
provided in the policy, no claim will lie on account of any of the other provisions
of FRSR in the context of pay scale, pay fixation, substantive status etc.

Proceedings of screening committee

The establishment/HR section or concerned section of the Circle office will submit
following documents for the consideration of the committee:-

• Pay scale status of eligible executive on relevant dates, details of intervening

promotions if any etc. duly certified by Accounts Officer (P&A)
• (ii) Disciplinary/Vigilance clearance with no current punishment status as
certified by respective controlling officer / Vigilance section.
• (ii) Original ACRs of eligible executives for previous five years.
• (iii) Details of completion of compulsory training undergone by the eligible
executive as applicable
Service books of executives are to be made available wherever demanded by screening

The screening committee has to examine documents as submitted by concerned section

with reference to various provisions contained in the policy and would recommend the
case of IDA scale upgradation for all those executive who are found fit. The screening
committee will also specify the due date from which IDA scale upgradation will be
effective. The minutes of meeting shall have following documents as annexures:--

I. Pay scales status of executives on relevant dates

II. Disciplinary/vigilance clearance status
III. ACRs gradings of executives for last five years

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• To ensure competitiveness and transparency, whenever any

commercial/residential premises are to be acquired on lease/ rent etc., an
advertisement in leading newspapers is required to be given. The advertisement
should contain salient features like area of accommodation required, locations
preferable and other terms and condition to be quoted by the tenderer. Preferably,
tenders shall be invited by the two bids system viz, technical and financial. The
technical bid shall be opened in the first instance and legal entitlement of the
Person making the offer and legal ownership of the property, suitability of
accommodation, terms and conditions offered, specifications and other liabilities
should be assessed. The market rate justification for the areas at which property is
available should be assessed before opening the financial bid.
• The accommodation should be procured only after proper advertisement in
leading newspapers etc. irrespective of the amount(s) of rents etc., involved.
However, competent authorities could decide cases on merits subject to usual
formalities if Government/Public Sector accommodation is proposed to be
• While inviting lenders for renting accommodation it should be borne in mind that
tender is invited for hiring of accommodation on the basis of carpet area
prescribed in BIS: 3861. The Civil Wing in accordance with relevant instructions
should measure the carpet area of the building offered and a certificate of
measurement obtained from them. Any discrepancy between the carpet area
quoted in the tender and that actually measured should be settled before hand.
FRAC should be asked to recommend rent in terms of carpet area and give clear
recommendation taking all relevant factors into account. The rent should be fixed
only on the basis of carpet area and the lease deed should be accordingly worded.
• Whenever any premises includes any open land etc., full details of
area/boundaries etc., of the same should be clearly mentioned in the agreements
so that there are no occasions for dispute.
• To avoid in-fructuous expenditure, it should be scrupulously ensured that there
are no time gaps between dates of execution of lease deeds and dates of actual
occupations of the rented premises.

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• Appropriate notices should be sent to the landlords well in time as per the general
prescribed notice periods for such actions as per the signed agreement. Such
compliances are essential for safeguarding the B.S.N.L’s interest.
• As the signed lease deeds are required to be got registered, it may be useful if the
advertisement for accommodation also makes it clear that the lease deed will be
got registered expeditiously by the landlord at his own expenses.
• As non-payment of rent can even result into eviction and other penalties,
expeditious action should be taken for payment of rent regularly as per rules and
relevant guidelines.
• The figures of 15% and 24% increase in rent after expiry of three years lease
mentioned under para 3 are the upper limits. The increase in rent proposed by the
units should be based on the existed market trend in that area. However as per
normal practice the payment of rent at enhanced rate should be subject to signing
and executing a fresh lease deed by the landlord.
• In cases of hiring building which have other occupants and/or building centrally
airconditioned and/or building having lifts facility, the Clauses concerning to the
above given in Annexure A may be suitably incorporated in the Standard Lease
Agreement (SLA) document. (Reference B.S.N.L C.O. order No- BSNL/15-
1/SR/NB?2001 dt. 23.03.2004).

2.0 Fair Rent Assessment Committees:

All cases involving payment of rent beyond the power of AMs/Dy.GM (TDM)
shall be assessed by a Circle Assessment Committee comprising of
Officer in Dy.GM rank [Chairman]
I.F.A [Member]
Executive Engineer (Civil) [Member]
The Assessment of rent on the basis of capital cost should be made by the E.E (Civil) and
this should be given due consideration while taking into account other conditions such as
prevailing rentals etc.

3.0 Assessing reasonableness of rent

The assessment of rent of private building is to be done on two basic principles:
• On the recognized principles of evaluation (as enumerated in DG (W) on No.
8/5/87 WII (DGW) at 16*87).
• (ii) On the corporate study of the rentals prevailing in the locality leaving the
final decision with the authority wanting to hire the property.

4.0 Point to be observed for hiring accommodation

• The suitability of the accommodation offered with reference to the requirement of
the department should be assessed after visiting the premises, especially the

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availability of municipal water supply, electricity etc. and other facilities in the
building. Merits and demerits of the accommodation offered will have to be
clearly brought out in the minutes.
• he reasonableness of rent of the accommodation offered for rent is to be made
with reference to prevailing rent for similar accommodation in the area.

5.0 Point to be observed for hiring Land for GBT and BTS

• The land should be easily accessible and approachable by vehicles etc.

• It should be by and large leveled plot with minimum undulations and should not
be low-lying with respect to main road as far as possible for convenient and
effective drainage of storm water and also avoiding high cost of developing the
• Land having the rock at shallow depth should be avoided.
• It should be free from any encumbrances & encroachment of any kind and should
have the clear title and legal power of attorney to authorized person.
• Electric power & water supply line should be in close proximity of the land being
• No H.T/LT. line /Sewer/water supply mains should be passing across the land.
• In case of tower location, the land should fall within lat-long given and as per R.F
survey norms.
• Assurance from land lord should be obtained for obtaining the NOC, if any, from
local body.

6.0 Points to be observed for hiring of Building for R.T.T

• It should have clear title.

• It should be R.C.C framed and sound structure without any apparent structural
cracks with minimum ground plus one floor.
• The minimum size of RCC columns should be 230x300 mm with minimum 6 nos.
12 mm dia reinforcement or equivalent.
• For anchoring the foundation of R.T.T, column dowels preferably should be
• Terrace should be accessible and proper space should be available for hoisting of
BTS and Tower material.
• Sufficient kachha space should be available at ground floor for earthing.
• Assurance from the land lord should be obtained for obtaining the N.O.C from the
local body prior to handing over of the terrace location.

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Draft minutes of FRAC meeting for hiring of building.

Fair rent assessment committee was constituted vide PGMT, Chandigarh order
No………………….. dt……………………..for the fair assessment of rent for hiring
accommodation for Telephone exchange at town………………………… Following
members of the committee met on …………….at………
1. Shri ABC DGM…………………………, Chairman
2. Shri DEF CAO……………………………Member
3. Shri GHI EE(C)………………………….Member
4. Shri JKL DE (plg.)…………………….Member coordinator.

Total four offers were received in response to advertisement in newspapers. All the
sites offered for the rent were visited by the committee members on
………………and their technical suitability is evaluated as under-

1. Shri UVW……….. site at…………………………………………..

The site is not technically suitable as there is no offer for the G.F which is mandatory for
installation of Telephone Exchange and E/A. Further there was no open space for
earthing. Hence the offer is rejected.
2. Shri. PQR……….site at…………………………………….
This site is under construction and also far away from main population area.
Hence, it is not technically suitable and therefore, rejected.
3. Shri XYZ…… site at……………………………………………
This space is available at ground floor and area offered for rent is also suitable as per
requirement. This site is also within the load center. Open space is also available for
earthing. Proper approach road is available & amenities like water supply & electricity
are also available. Hence, the site is suitable for consideration.
4. Shri LMN…………… at……………………………………
This space is available at ground floor and area offered for rent is also suitable as per
requirement. The site is not very far off from the load center. Open space is also available
for earthing. Proper approach road is available & amenities like water supply &
electricity are also available. Hence, the site is suitable for
In view of above, the committee recommends to open the financial bids of the
suitable offers at S.No. 3 & 4 above.

2nd FRAC Meeting

Following members of the FRAC met on ………………………….. at ……..
1. ………………………………………….
2. …………………………………………..
& so on.

The opened financial bids and comparative statements were put up by the
member coordinator to the committee for consideration.

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The lowest offer of Shri XYZ………., site at ………… Rs. 30,000/- p.m. Fair rent
assessed by the EE (C) is Rs 24,000/- p.m. Therefore, the lowest offered rate is higher
than that assessed by EE (C). The committee invited the party for negotiation of offer.
After vigorous persuasion, the party has agreed to accept the reduced rent at Rs. 26,000/-
The prevailing market rates as enquired by the member coordinator were found to be in
the range of Rs 26,000/- p.m to Rs 28,000/- p.m for the same carpet area in the near
vicinity. Moreover, this offered site is located at the main road and in the center of highly
populated area. The fair rent assessed by EE (C) is based on certain standard calculations
as per codal provisions but the prevailing market rate in that vicinity cannot be ignored
while assessing the fair rent. Moreover, the reduced rent is quite close to the prevailing
market rate as well as to the standard fair rent assessed by EE (C).

Therefore, in view of above, the committee recommends for acceptance of rent @ Rs
26,000/-per month for the building of Shri XYZ…………………..for a minimum
period 3 to 5 years.

sd sd sd
..……………………… ………………………
C.A.O (member) EE (C) (member) D.E (plg.)
DGM (Chairman)
Conclusion: Only few cases have been discussed in this handout. No format can be
perfect. Reports will differ depending on the knowledge & style of writing of committee
members, the type of audience for whom the report is written, the nature of subject etc.
Following the best practices of report writing minimizes the chance of wrong
interpretation and also improves the probability of outcome expected from the report.


1. What Is Committee?
2. Where the advantage?
Disadvantage of committee system?
3. Describe five tips for committee report?
4. What are the criteria of scrapping of any item?
5. What are the document which should be annexed with the minutes of
meeting in case of Executive Promotion Policy?


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