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® Brief
B C M 3 3 5 0 F E AT U R E S S U M M A R Y O F B E N E F I T S

• The highest level of silicon integration ever achieved • The BCM3350 integrates all the silicon components of
for a DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS cable modem, integrating a cable modem, resulting in dramatic overall system
all the major silicon components of a cable modem cost reduction.
into a single device
• Includes a 100 MIPS CPU with EJTAG embedded
• The BCM3350 integrates: ICE support for ease of software development and
• QAMLink transceiver supporting Annex A/B/C operation debug.
• DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS 1.0/1.1 based MAC • Displays superior performance in noisy plant
• High performance 100 MIPS CPU environments as a result of Broadcom’s newest
• 10/100 Ethernet MAC and PHY with MII interface generation of Broadcom QAMLink technology.
• USB 1.1 slave port with integrated transceiver • Features a full IPv6 IPSec module to support
• IPSEC interface including DES, 3-DES, CBC, MD5, SHA advanced applications such as Virtual Private
algorithm support Networking (VPN).
• TDM interface capable of supporting up to four voice
• The full USB 1.1 compliant interface enabling simple
plug and play external cable modem implementations.
• SDRAM interface
• External bus interface with eight programmable chip selects
• The integrated 10/100 Ethernet MAC and PHY with
MII eliminating the need for any external Ethernet
• GPIO interface components.
• 2.5V operation • Includes seamless interface with the BCM4210/4100
• 352-pin TBGA package HPNA 1/2 components for low-cost home networking
• Features a completely static design with powerdown
features for low-power operation.

Low-Cost DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS Cable Modem


SAW BCM3350 10/100
EuroDOCSIS 1.0/1.1 USB 1.1
Cable Modem
HPNA 2.0 4100 RJ-11
B C M 3 3 5 0 O V E R V I E W

GPIO Port Clock Gen & PLLs D-CACHE DMA Controller & Central Arbiter
Timers PIC I-CACHE with EJTAG Interface
Serial Ports
16-bit External Bus Interface
JTAG Port Peripheral Bus Peripheral Bus Bridge

10-bit QPSK/16QAM Starvue Upstream 16-channel Direct TDM CODEC Interface


32-bit SDRAM Controller

Amp/Tuner Control Register Interface BPI Interface Reg Interface

10-bit QAM ITU-T J.83 Downstream Two-channel

Demodulator Annex A/B/C FEC MAC DS DMA USB Device Controller USB XVER

Acquisition SPI 10/100BASE-TX 10/100BASE-TX

FEC Memory IP Security Module Ethernet MAC Transceiver
and Tracking Loops

The Broadcom BCM3350 represents a new level of cost- • 10/100 Ethernet Transceiver and Media Access Controller
reduction for DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS cable modems. Key (MAC) with MII. The transceiver/MAC performs all of
modules integrated in the BCM3350 include: the functions for 100BASE-TX Ethernet in full- or half-
duplex mode over Category (CAT) 5 twisted pair cable and
• 64/256 QAM receiver which supports direct IF sampling 10BASE-T Ethernet in full- or half-duplex mode over CAT
with an integrated 10-bit A/D converter and a ITU-J.83 3, 4, or 5 twisted pair cable.
Annex A/B/C compatible decoder. QPSK/16QAM
transmitter consisting of programmable • IPSec module with single-DES (CBC & ECB modes),
DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS and DAVIC FEC encoder, with pre- triple-DES (CBC & ECB modes), MD-5 and SHA
equalization filter and a 10-bit D/A converter with output authentication in hardware providing support for
power control. application in Virtual Private Networks (VPN).
• DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS 1.0/1.1 based MAC supports an • TDM four-wire serial interface with variable timeslots
integrated DES encryption/decryption engine, and QoS, from 2–32 that can be assigned to one of four transparent
support for 16 SIDS in the downstream, 16 destination input/output channel controllers enabling support for up
address filters, 256 multicast DA filters and 16 independent to four voice channels or one video (384 Kbs) and one
upstream queues for QoS, as well as extended network voice channel.
management MIB/diagnostic features
The BCM3350 represents the first silicon solution that
• 100 MIPS R3000 processor with 4K two-way set integrates all the key silicon components of a cable modem
associative I-cache and a 4K two-way associative D-cache. into a single device, reducing the overall cost and complexity
of cable modem products.
• Full-speed USB 1.1 interface supports concurrent
operations of control, bulk, isochronous and interrupt Ordering Information:
endpoints. It also supports USB standard commands, as BCM3350KPP Commercial Temperature Grade
well as class/vendor specific commands.
BCM3350IPB Industrial Temperature Grade

Broadcom®, the pulse logo, and Connecting everything® are trademarks of Broadcom Corporation and/or its
subsidiaries in the United States and certain other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.

BROADCOM CORPORATION Phone: 949-450-8700

16215 Alton Parkway, P.O. Box 57013 FAX: 949-450-8710
Irvine, California 92619-7013 Email: [email protected]
© 2003 by BROADCOM CORPORATION. All rights reserved. Web:
3350-PB04-R 06.13.03
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Datasheets for electronic components.

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