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Chapter 5: Confucianism: Conduct and behavior in accordance with

defined Relations in Society

1. To discuss the religion Confucianism.
2. To enumerate what is the importance of different relationship in the society.
3. To appreciate the contribution of Confucius and its writings.

Confucius was born 551 BCE of a wealthy family. The name Confucius is the Latin
equivalent of Kung Fu Tze (Teacher Kung).

Confucius is the greatest philosopher in the entire china. His philosophy called
Confucianism became the state philosophy, from the Han Dynasty to the end of the
imperial rule in 1911.

Teaching and Beliefs:

Confucius mentioned the following 5 important relationships in society.

Leader and follower

Husband and wife

Parent and child

Elder and younger sibling

Friend to friend

For Confucius, the answer to all evil, like the greed and violence of people and society,
is the possession of jen or pure conscience, is one of the goals of human beings.

The Confucianism of the early period was trained on the chuntzu, or gentlemen who
were planning to serve the government.

One of the most famous popular writings of Confucianism was the Analects.

The last part of Confucius life was devoted to writing books which became part of the
study of the Confucian philosophy.

The book cannons include the 5 classics:

Classic of poetry

Classic of history

Spring and Autumn Annals

Records of rites

Book of changes
Confucianism had many followers for 200 years and one of them was Mencius or Meng
Tzu (371-289 BCE).

Mencius beliefs revolve around:

The natural goodness of people

The separation of roles and activities of people in society

The significance of the leaders obligation to his subjects

Mencius wrote his book entitled Mencius in the 4th century. It contained his teachings
and discussed governance with emphasis on the welfare of the people as the most
important goal.

Over time, Confucianism became the foundation for the proper and orderly system of
governance, and Chinese society in general.

Reference: Asia: History, Civilization, and Culture

Farnier, J.N. Banasihan, M. et’al (2006): Aisa: History, Civilization, and Culture, Anvil
Publishing Inc.
Identification .

Write your answer on the space provided.

__________ 1. It is the greatest philosopher in China.

__________ 2. On the early period in Confucianism gentlemen who are trained to plan
the Government

__________ 3. For confucious it is the answer to the greed and violence of people.

__________ 4. One of the famous writings of Confucianism

__________ 5. It is one of the followers of Confucianism who believe on the natural

goodness of people

__________ 6. A system of philosophical and ethical teaching founded by Confucious

and developed by Mencious

__________ 7. It is the most revered sacred scripture in the Confucian tradition

__________ 8. It is the veneration of the deceased ancestors whose spirits are believed
to control the fortures of the descendants

__________ 9. Derotion and obedience to and reverence of the elders of the family by
younger members

__________ 10. It is the golden rule in the confucianism’s primary principles.

Multiple Choice

Encircle the correct answer on the given question.

1. What is the gentlemanly man of virtue?

a. Jen
b. Chun – Tai
c. Cheng – Ming

2. What is the proper palaying of society rules?

a. Jen
b. Chun – Tai
c. Cheng – ming

3. Does Confucianism concern in the existence of God or Not?

a. No
b. Yes
c. Maybe

4. Confucious was an ancients Chinese philosopher, living on what Century?

a. 4th century BCE
b. 7th century BCE
c. 8th century BCE

5. What are two main principles that form the base for Confucianism?

a. Jen and Chi

b. Jen and Li
c. Jen and Tzu

6. It was the center and foundation of any society according to confucious?

a. Parents
b. Friends
c. Family

7. Confucianism was origirated with the teachings of kong QIU or also know as?

a. Confucious
b. Mencius
c. Xunzi

8. What is the center of Confucian philosophy?

a. Behavior
b. Humanism
c. Morality

9. What does confucious devoted o last part of his life?

a. Sharing
b. Study
c. Writings

10. Kung fu tze is also known as?

a. Teacher Zi
b. Techer Kung
c. Teacher Meng


Sacred Texts of Confucious





Important Relationship in Society







1. Compare and differentiate Confucianism to your religious belief. Explain.

2. What does Confucianism , Taoism and Buddhism have in common?

Key to Correction


1. Confucious
2. Chuntzu
3. Pure Conscience
4. Analects
5. Kung Fu Tze
6. Confucianism
7. The Lun-Yu
8. Ancestor Worship
9. Fillial Piety
10. Jen

Multiple Choice

1. B. Chun-Tai
2. C. Cheng- Ming
3. A. No
4. A. 6TH Century BCE
5. B. Jen and Li
6. C. Family
7. A. Confucius
8. B. Humanism
9. C. Writings
10. B. Teacher Kung


1. The book of History

2. The book of Poetry
3. The book of Changes
4. The book of Rites
5. Spring and Autumn Annals
6. Leader and Follower
7. Husband and Wife
8. Parent and Child
9. Elder and Younger Siblings
10. Friend and Friend
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Santa Cruz Main Campus
A.Y 2016-2017

Major 11

Name: Cathrina D. Cabalo

Yr.&Section: BSED IIIC- Social Science
Teacher: Dr. Ray Samuel Grecalda

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