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PhD Programme in Engineering/Sciences

Aerodynamics, Propulsion
Flight Control , Avionics


Materials, Surface
Structures, Composites

Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR)

CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore


Sl. No. Topic Page No.

1. Introduction 3

2. Eligibility for admission 3

3. Summary of the Courses offered at CSIR-NAL 5

4. Syllabus of the Courses offered at CSIR-NAL 9

Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR)

PhD Programme in Engineering/Sciences

CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories (CSIR-NAL), Bangalore

1.0 Introduction:
Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR) has been established in 2011, by an Act of
Parliament, as an 'Institution of National Importance' with the mandate to create and train some of the
best of tomorrow's Science & Technology leaders through a combination of innovative and novel
curricula, pedagogy and evaluation. National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL), Bangalore is a
constituent Institution under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of India. NAL is a
high technology oriented institution concentrating on advanced topics in the aerospace and related
disciplines. Aerospace technology encompasses the trans-disciplinary areas of science and
engineering and is in the forefront of modern developments and achievements in the fields of
aeronautics, space and defence. It involves study of various disciplines namely aerodynamics,
propulsion, flight mechanics, avionics, materials and structures. The Integrated PhD (Engineering)/
PhD (Engineering)/ PhD (Sciences) programme being offered at CSIR-NAL, Bangalore through
AcSIR aims to provide in-depth exposure to the engineering concepts, scientific principles,
research methodology and hands on experience on advanced real life R&D projects in
different disciplines of flight vehicle engineering. Students completing this program are expected to
be fully research – enabled and industry ready. This helps in meeting the severe shortage of the
highly skilled manpower required for developing technologies for the future generation flight vehicles.

The first few semesters of the program focuses on the coursework required for equipping the students
with the fundamentals of the subjects related to their research problem. In the subsequent semester/s
the students work towards preparing a research proposal before taking a comprehensive examination
by selecting topics of high relevance and novelty, and will have state-of-the art review, methodologies,
recommendations etc. After successfully completing the comprehensive examination the students will
be utilizing their knowledge acquired through the coursework and literature review to solve real-
world design challenges by working on advanced R&D topics and for a thesis on the chosen topic.
Simultaneously, they will also be involved in a Six–Eight weeks project concerned with societal/rural
issues under the ‘CSIR-800 Programs’ which needs to be completed before submission of the thesis.

2.0 Eligibility for Admission:

Integrated PhD (Engineering):

A Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology with exceptionally good academic record and
eligibility to apply for a fellowship* such as CSIR-GATE-JRF or equivalent. The candidate should have
specialization in Aeronautical/Aerospace engineering/technology and keen interest in carrying out
research on topics relevant to flight vehicles. The candidate will be admitted to Integrated Dual
Degree PhD (IDDP) programme. On completion of IDDP programme the candidate will be awarded
both M.Tech (Flight Vehicles) & PhD (Engineering) degrees.
PhD (Engineering):
A Master's degree in Engineering/Technology with exceptionally good academic record and eligibility
to apply for a fellowship* such as CSIR-SRF or INSPIRE or equivalent. The candidate should have
specialization in Aeronautical/Aerospace/Mechanical/Structures/Materials/Metallurgy/
Chemical/Polymers/Electronics/Communications/Computer engineering/technology and keen interest
in carrying out research on topics relevant to flight vehicles.

PhD (Sciences):

A Master’s degree in Sciences with exceptionally good academic record and eligibility to apply for a
fellowship* such as CSIR-NET-JRF or INSPIRE or equivalent. The candidate should have
specialization in Physical/Chemical/Material Sciences and keen interest in carrying out research on
topics relevant to flight vehicles.
*After enrolment to the PhD program, the candidate should separately apply to the funding agency and get the fellowship awarded.

Note: Existing Project Staff (Research Fellows/Project Assistants working on research projects at
CSIR-NAL for a minimum period of one year and meeting the guidelines of CSIR-NAL Academic
Cell)/CSIR Scientists/Industry Sponsored Candidates who fulfil the qualifications as per AcSIR are
eligible to apply for the PhD programme.

Before applying, Project Staff/CSIR Scientists/Industry Sponsored Candidates should have identified
and established contacts with a scientist from CSIR-NAL who is willing to supervise the thesis work.

For other details (such as Admission Process, Eligibility, Important Dates, Fee Structure, Mode of
Payment, Online Application, Academic requirements etc.)
please visit the AcSIR website For details on fellowships please visit the respective
websites such as,, etc.

3.0 Summary of the Courses offered at CSIR-NAL:

Foundation Courses (Level 1)

Code Name of the Course L-T-P-C Course Coordinator Division
1. ENG(NAL)-1-3501 Applied Mathematical Methods 3-0-0-3 Dr AK Onkar STTD
2. ENG(NAL)-1-3502 Applied Numerical Methods 3-0-0-3 Dr M Manjuprasad STTD
3. ENG(NAL)-1-3503 Aircrafts and Systems 3-0-0-3 Mr. Vineet Kumar CCADD
4. ENG(NAL)-1-3504 Aerodynamics 2-0-0-2 Dr V Ramesh CTFD
5. ENG(NAL)-1-3505 Aerospace Propulsion 2-0-0-2 Mr. P Manjunath PR
6. ENG(NAL)-1-3506 Flight Mechanics 2-0-0-2 Dr C Kamali FMCD
7. ENG(NAL)-1-3507 Avionics 2-0-0-2 Dr CM Ananda ALD
8. ENG(NAL)-1-3508 Aerospace Materials 2-0-0-2 Dr M Sujata MT
9. ENG(NAL)-1-3509 Structural Mechanics 2-0-0-2 Dr DVTG Pavan Kumar STTD
10. ENG(NAL)-1-3510 Aviation Meteorology 3-0-0-3 Dr Mrudula G
11. ENG(NAL)-1-3511 Research Methodology 2-0-1-3 Dr Mrudula G CEM
Computer Programming for
12. ENG(NAL)-1-3512 2-0-1-3 Dr Mrudula G

Core Courses (Level 2)

Code Name of the Course L-T-P-C Course Coordinator Division
13. ENG(NAL)-2-3501 Fluid Dynamics 3-0-0-3 Dr V Ramesh

14. ENG(NAL)-2-3502 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3-0-0-3 Dr JS Mathur CTFD

15. ENG(NAL)-2-3503 Gas dynamics 3-0-0-3 Dr V Ramesh
16. ENG(NAL)-2-3504 Low speed aerodynamics 3-0-0-3 Dr L Venkatakrishnan
17. ENG(NAL)-2-3505 Boundary layer theory 3-0-0-3 Dr R Mukund
Dr B Dileepkumar
18. ENG(NAL)-2-3506 Gas Turbine Propulsion 3-0-0-3
Heat Transfer in Propulsion
19. ENG(NAL)-2-3507 3-0-0-3 Mr. R Senthil Kumaran
20. ENG(NAL)-2-3508 Aircraft Stability and Control 3-0-0-3 Dr GK Singh FMCD
21. ENG(NAL)-2-3509 Systems Engineering 3-0-0-3 Dr CM Ananda
22. ENG(NAL)-2-3510 Advanced Avionics 3-0-0-3 Dr CM Ananda ALD
Advanced Embedded Systems and
23. ENG(NAL)-2-3511 3-0-0-3 Ms. J Jayanthi
Software Engineering
24. ENG(NAL)-2-3512 Mechanical behaviour of Materials 3-0-0-3 Dr M Sujata
Processing and Characterization of
25. ENG(NAL)-2-3513 3-0-0-3 Dr Venkatswarulu
Metals MT
26. ENG(NAL)-2-3514 Advanced Ceramics Materials 3-0-0-3 Dr PK Panda
27. ENG(NAL)-2-3515 Piezoelectric Materials and Devices 3-0-0-3 Dr Soma Dutta
28. ENG(NAL)-2-3516 Corrosion Engineering 3-0-0-3 Dr JN Balaraju
29. ENG(NAL)-2-3517 Surface Modification Technologies 3-0-0-3 Dr ST Aruna SED
30. ENG(NAL)-2-3518 Nanostructured Coatings and 3-0-0-3 Dr Harish C. Barshilia


31. ENG(NAL)-2-3519 Advanced Structural Mechanics 3-0-0-3 Dr DVTG Pavan Kumar

32. ENG(NAL)-2-3520 Finite Element Methods 3-0-0-3 Dr M Manjuprasad
33. ENG(NAL)-2-3521 Structural Dynamics 3-0-0-3 Dr S Raja
34. ENG(NAL)-2-3522 Stability of Structures 3-0-0-3 Dr AK Onkar
35. ENG(NAL)-2-3523 Mechanics of Composites 3-0-0-3 Dr SR Viswamurthy
36. ENG(NAL)-2-3524 Design of Composite Structures 3-0-0-3 Dr Byji Varughese

37. ENG(NAL)-2-3525 Analysis of Composite Structures 3-0-0-3 Dr VL Sateesh

Processing & Characterization of
38. ENG(NAL)-2-3526 3-0-0-3 Dr Shylaja Srihari
Composite Materials
39. ENG(NAL)-2-3527 Engineering Electromagnetics 3-0-0-3 Dr Hema Singh

40. ENG(NAL)-2-3528 Computational Electromagnetics 3-0-0-3 Dr Shiv Narayan

41. ENG(NAL)-2-3529 Atmospheric Electromagnetics 3-0-0-3 Dr Mrudula G
Advances in Computational Dr Balamati
42. ENG(NAL)-2-3530 2-0-1-3
Intelligence and Applications Choudhury

Specialization Courses (Level 3)

Code Name of the Course L-T-P-C Course Coordinator Division
43. ENG(NAL)-3-3501 Grid generation techniques for CFD 2-0-2-3 Dr JS Mathur
Kinetic schemes for the CTFD
44. ENG(NAL)-3-3502 2-0-2-3 Dr JS Mathur
computation of compressible flows
45. ENG(NAL)-3-3503 Turbulent Flows 3-0-0-3 Dr L Venkatakrishnan
46. ENG(NAL)-3-3504 Experimental Aerodynamics 3-0-0-3 Dr R Mukund
Mechanical aspects of Turbo
47. ENG(NAL)-3-3505 3-0-0-3 Dr S Jana
Propulsion Systems for Light Aero Mr. K
48. ENG(NAL)-3-3506 3-0-0-3 PR
Vehicles Monickavasagom pillai
Experimental techniques in
49. ENG(NAL)-3-3507 2-0-2-3 Mr. P Manjunath
Flight Vehicle Identification – Tools
50. ENG(NAL)-3-3508 3-0-0-3 Mr. Basappa
& Techniques
Digital Image Processing and
51. ENG(NAL)-3-3509 3-0-0-3 Dr VPS Naidu
Applications FMCD
52. ENG(NAL)-3-3510 Multi Sensor Data Fusion 3-0-0-3 Dr VPS Naidu
INS/GPS Multi-sensor Kalman
53. ENG(NAL)-3-3511 3-0-0-3 Mr. N Shantha Kumar
Filter for Navigation
54. ENG(NAL)-3-3512 Vision based Guidance and Control 3-0-0-3 Dr SM Vaitheeshwaran ALD
Advanced Experimental
55. ENG(NAL)-3-3513 2-0-2-3 Dr Anjana Jain
Techniques in Materials Science
56. ENG(NAL)-3-3514 Materials for Energy Conversion 3-0-0-3 Dr ST Aruna SED

Nano-Dimensional Magnetic Thin Dr Prasanta
57. 2-0-2-3
Films Chowdhury
Computational Structural Dynamics
58. ENG(NAL)-3-3516 2-0-2-3 Dr M Manjuprasad STTD
and Aeroelasticity

Computational Nonlinear Structural
59. ENG(NAL)-3-3517 2-0-2-3 Dr M Manjuprasad
Mechanics and Vulnerability
Computational Stochastic Structural
60. ENG(NAL)-3-3518 2-0-2-3 Dr M Manjuprasad
Mechanics and Reliability
61. ENG(NAL)-3-3519 Applied Aeroelasticity 3-0-0-3 Dr S Raja

62. ENG(NAL)-3-3520 Smart Materials and Structures 3-0-0-3 Dr S Raja

Vibration Control Techniques for
63. ENG(NAL)-3-3521 3-0-0-3 Dr S Raja
Aerospace Structures
Finite Element Methods for
64. ENG(NAL)-3-3522 3-0-0-3 Dr S Raja
Aircraft Structures
65. ENG(NAL)-3-3523 Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics 3-0-0-3 Dr CM Manjunatha

66. ENG(NAL)-3-3524 Mechanical Design and CAD/CAM 3-0-0-3 Dr G Balamurugan

Mechanical Systems Design and
67. ENG(NAL)-3-3525 3-0-0-3 Dr G Balamurugan
Aircraft Systems
Optimization Techniques in
68. ENG(NAL)-3-3526 3-0-0-3 Dr DVTG Pavan Kumar
Engineering Design
69. ENG(NAL)-3-3527 Impact and Crashworthiness 3-0-0-3 Dr S Sathiyanarayan
Finite Element Methods for
70. ENG(NAL)-3-3528 3-0-0-3 Dr AK Onkar
Digital Signal Processing and
71. ENG(NAL)-3-3529 2-0-2-3 Mr. PS Vijayakumar
Manufacturing Techniques for
72. ENG(NAL)-3-3530 2-0-2-3 Dr Ramesh Sundaram
Repair Technology for Aircraft
73. ENG(NAL)-3-3531 2-0-2-3 Dr D Saji
Structures using Composites
Experimental Techniques for
74. ENG(NAL)-3-3532 2-0-2-3 Dr D Saji
Non-Destructive Testing and
75. ENG(NAL)-3-3533 2-0-2-3 Dr M Ramesh Kumar
Introduction to Continuum
76. ENG(NAL)-3-3534 3-0-0-3 Dr VL Sateesh
Textile Reinforcements for
77. ENG(NAL)-3-3535 2-0-2-3 Dr BS Sugun
Electromagnetic Design and
Dr Raveendranath U.
78. ENG(NAL)-3-3536 Analysis of Radomes 3-0-0-3
Adaptive Antenna Algorithms
79. ENG(NAL)-3-3537 3-0-0-3 Dr Hema Singh
Frequency Selective Surfaces:
80. ENG(NAL)-3-3538 Design and Analysis 3-0-0-3 Dr Shiv Narayan
Design and Analysis of Radar
Dr Balamati
81. ENG(NAL)-3-3539 absorbing Materials and Structures 3-0-0-3
Atmospheric Dynamics And
82. ENG(NAL)-3-3540 Numerical Weather Prediction 3-0-0-3 Dr Mrudula G

Level 4 Courses
Code Name of the Course L-T-P-C Course Coordinator Division
83. ENG(NAL)-4-3501 Review Article 0-0-0-2 Thesis Supervisor
84. ENG(NAL)-4-3502 Research Proposal 0-0-0-2 Thesis Supervisor All
85. ENG(NAL)-4-3503 CSIR-800 Project 0-0-0-4 Thesis Supervisor

4.0 Syllabus of the Courses offered at CSIR-NAL

Foundation Courses (Level 1)

ENG(NAL)-1-3501: Applied Mathematical Methods: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr AK Onkar
Associated Faculty: Dr VL Sateesh

Linear Algebra: Matrices and matrix algebra, system of linear equations, LU decomposition,
introduction to vector spaces, linear transformation, orthogonalization, eigensystems,
diagonalization, singular value decomposition, introduction to tensor and tensor calculus.
Ordinary Differential Equations: Introduction to first order ODEs, method of separation of
variables, exact solutions, introduction to second order ODEs, homogeneous linear
equations, equations with constant and variable coefficients, nonhomogeneous equations,
series solutions of ODEs, Legendre and Bessel functions, Strum Louville problems, Laplace
transform and its application to ODEs. Partial Differential Equations: Introduction to first
order PDEs, method of characteristics, method of separation of variables, classification of
second order PDEs, reduction to standard form, heat and wave equations in one and two
dimensions, two dimensional Laplace equation, PDEs in infinite and semi-infinite spatial
domain, integral transform, Fourier transform, solving PDEs using Fourier and Laplace
transforms, non-homogeneous PDEs

ENG(NAL)-1-3502: Applied Numerical Methods: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr M. Manjuprasad
Associated Faculty: Ms. S Manju, Mr. PS Vijayakumar, Dr G Mrudula

Modeling and Error Analysis: Mathematical Modeling and Engineering Problem Solving,
Approximations and Round-off Errors, Truncation Errors and the Taylor Series. Interpolation
and Approximation: Lagrange and Newton Interpolations, Interpolating Polynomials using
Finite Differences, Hermite Interpolation, Piecewise and Spline Interpolation; Least Squares
Approximation, Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalizing Process, Legendre Polynomials, Chebyshev
Polynomials; Uniform Polynomial Approximation. Linear Algebraic Equations: Direct
Methods: Cramer’s Rule, Gauss Elimination Method, Gauss Jordan Elimination Method,
Triangularization Method, Cholesky Method, Partition Method; Error Analysis and System
Condition for Direct Methods; Iteration Methods: Jacobi Iteration Method, Gauss-Seidal
Iteration Method, Successive Over Relaxation Method; Convergence Analysis of Iterative
Methods. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: Bounds on Eigenvalues, Jacobi Method for
Symmetric Matrices, Givens method for Symmetric Matrices, Householder’s Method for
Symmetric Matrices, Rutishauser Method for Arbitrary Matrices, Power Method, Inverse
Power Method. Differentiation and Integration: Numerical Differentiation: Methods Based on
Interpolation, Non-Uniform Nodal Points, Uniform Nodal Points; Methods Based on Finite
Differences; Methods Based on Undetermined Coefficients; Optimum Choice of Step-
Length; Extrapolation Methods; Partial Differentiation; Numerical Integration: Methods Based
on Interpolation, Newton-Cotes Methods, Trapezoidal and Simpson’s Rules; Open Type
Integration Rules, Methods Based on Undetermined Coefficients, Newton-Cotes Methods,
Trapezoidal and Simpson’s Methods, Gauss Quadrature Methods, Radau Integration
Methods, Composite Integration Methods, Romberg Integration, Double Integration. Roots of
Equations: Bracketing Methods: Graphical, Bisection and False-Position Methods; Open

Methods: Simple Fixed Point Iteration, The Newton-Raphson and Secant Methods, Multiple
Roots, Systems of Nonlinear Equations; Roots of Polynomials: Polynomials in Engineering
and Science, Computing with Polynomials, Conventional Methods, Muller’s and Bairstow’s
Methods. Ordinary Differential Equations- Initial and Boundary Value Problems: Single-Step
and Multi-Step Methods, Convergence and Stability, Euler Method, Backward Euler Method,
Mid-point Method, Taylor Series Method, Runge-Kutta Methods, Finite Difference Methods,
Finite Element Methods. Partial Differential Equations: Method of Finite Differences, Elliptic
and Parabolic Equations. Signals and signal processing: Characterization and classification
of signals, signal processing operations and applications. Transform –domain representation
of Signals: Fast Fourier Transform its applications and properties, z-Transform. Introduction
to Analog and Digital Filters and its applications, basics of filter design procedures and
design examples. Introduction to time_frequency methods. Seminars on advanced/special
topics in Numerical Methods.

ENG(NAL)-1-3503: Aircrafts and Systems: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Mr. Vineet Kumar
Associated Faculty: Mr. Lakshminarayana and Mr. Bhaskar Chakravarthy

Evolution of heavier‐than air aircraft for several applications: passenger, transport, freight,
military applications. Configurations of various types of aircraft: Fixed wing aircraft, various
types of aircraft, identification of various structural parts, materials used and their functions.
Interplay of aerodynamics, structural mechanics, propulsion, avionics and controls in their
conceptualization and performance. Introduction to aircraft specifications: Standards for both
Military and Civil aircraft, Airworthiness certification aspects aircraft introduction to
flight‐testing: Purpose and Scope of Flight Testing; introduction to general flying and
handling characteristics of aircraft. Flight test plans and procedures, Flight test data
acquisition, analysis and interpretation. Aircraft systems: Mechanical, Electrical and Avionics
subsystems integration.

ENG(NAL)-1-3504: Aerodynamics: 2-0-0-2

Course Coordinator: Dr V Ramesh
Associated Faculty: Dr TN Venkatesh

Introduction, relevant properties of a fluid, pressure, temperature, density, viscosity, bulk

elasticity, Thermodynamic properties. Hydrostatics, aerostatics and the atmosphere.
Aeronautical definitions: Wing geometry, airfoil geometry, aerodynamic force, force and
moment coefficients, pressure distribution on an airfoil, estimation of the lift, drag and
pitching moment coefficients, Trailing vortex drag, lift dependent drag, airfoil characteristics.
Basic Fluid mechanics: One dimensional flow: The basic equations of conservation,
measurement of air speed, compressible one-dimensional flow, speed of sound, one-
dimensional normal shock waves.

ENG(NAL)-1-3505: Aerospace Propulsion: 2-0-0-2

Course Coordinator: Mr. P Manjunath
Associated Faculty: Dr S Jana, Mr. R Senthil Kumaran, Mr. Ashfaque Ahmad Khan

Introduction to Aerospace Propulsion, Basics of Aerospace Flight and Propulsion, Standard
Atmosphere & Operational Envelopes, Basics of Aircraft Engines and Rocket Engines.
Thermodynamics & Gas Dynamics: Basics of Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Laws
of thermodynamics, Isentropic Flow, Flow with Shocks, Fanno Flow, Rayleigh Flow,
Multidimensional Flow. Combustion & Heat Transfer: Chemistry & Stoichiometry, Premixed
Fames, Diffusion Flames, Ignition, Subsonic Combustion, Supersonic Combustion, Heat
transfer basics, Heat transfer challenges of propulsion systems. Aircraft Propulsion: History
& Classification, Propellers, Gas Turbine Engines, Cycle Analyses, Components (Inlets,
Compressor, Combustion Chamber, Turbine, Afterburner & Nozzle) Analyses, Engine
Performance Analyses. Turbomachinery Mechanical: Components (Compressor, turbine,
rotor etc.), Materials (Conventional & Advanced), Failure Theories, Structural Vibrations,
Rotor dynamics, Bearings. Rocket Propulsion: History & Classification of Rockets (Solid,
Liquid, Hybrid, Cryo, Electric & Nuclear), Nozzle Theory, Basics of Rocket Flight & Orbital
Mechanics, Solid Rocket Propulsion, Liquid Rocket Propulsion.

ENG(NAL)-1-3506: Flight Mechanics: 2-0-0-2

Course Coordinator: Dr C Kamali
Associated Faculty: Dr GK Singh, Mr. PVS Murthy, Dr P Lathasree

Systems of Axes, Euler Angles and quaternions, Axes Transformation, Static Equilibrium
and Trim, Aircraft Static Stability, Contributions of Wing and Tail, Neutral Point and Static
Margin, Longitudinal Stability and Control, Directional Stability and Control, Roll Stability and
Control, Equations of Motion and their alternative forms, Solution of Equations of Motion,
elastic airplane equations of motion, Transfer function and response characteristics, State
Space Method, Aerodynamic stability and control derivatives, Aircraft modes of motion,
Longitudinal and Lateral dynamic stability modes, mathematical model structure, reduced
order models, frequency responses and time histories, aerodynamic Modeling, flight path
reconstruction techniques, aerodynamic derivative estimation.

ENG(NAL)-1-3507: Avionics: 2-0-0-2

Course Coordinator: Mr. CM Ananda
Associated Faculty: Ms. J Jayanthi, Dr SM Vaitheeswaran

Role in Aircraft, avionics environment. Avionics Systems: Equipments, Principle and

operation. Communication Systems: VHF, HF, AMS, RTU. Navigation: Introduction and
basic principles, Radio direction finding; Radio ranges; hyperbolic system of navigation
(LORAN, DECCA). VOR/DME and TACAN; Doppler navigation; Inertial navigation: GPS;
Terrain reference navigation. Aids to approach and landing. FMS, Gyros and
accelerometers. Attitude and heading reference systems. Surveillance systems: EGPWS;
SWS; TCAS. Data recording systems: FDAU, SSCVFDR. Data bus protocols: A429, A629,
AFDX, CSDB, Mil-Std-1553. Basic Avionics Architecture, Packaging and EMI/EMC.

ENG(NAL)-1-3508: Aerospace Materials: 2-0-0-2

Course Coordinator: Dr M Sujata
Associated Faculty: Dr D Saji

Aerospace Materials: Design requirements for aerospace structural materials, general
perspectives of advanced aeropace materials with regard to fuselage, propulsion and space
vehicle applications. Metallic Materials: Aluminium alloys-Physical metallurgy and
mechanical properties with emphasis on aeronautical requirement, temper designations,
processing and properties, alloy specifications of aerospace grade Al-alloys; magnesium
alloys used for aerospace applications; structural steels-various grades of steels used for
landing gear, transmission systems and fatigue critical applications; Titanium alloys-Physical
metallurgy, mechanical properties, processing and applications of aerospace grade alloys;
Ni-base superalloys-evolution of materials for aero-engine applications, recent developments
for aero-gas turbine, advanced thermal barrier coatings on superalloys used for gas turbine.
Polymeric based composite (PMC) materials- Introduction, quasi-static strength of PMCs,
reinforcements and matrices in PMCs, interfaces, processing and properties of composites,
advantages of composites; carbon fibres, Carbon fibre-reinforced plastics (CFRP) and glass
fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP), joining and repair of composites, Introduction to Damage
tolerant composites, Destructive and Non-destructive testing, fracture and toughness of
composites, fatigue strength of PMCs. Metal-based composite materials-Introduction, metal-
ceramic composites, laminates, and applications of MMCs. Recent advances in smart
materials’ applications in aerospace, superplastic forming and diffusion bonding processing
of aerospace alloys. Life prediction of materials and structures in aerospace-fatigue and
fracture of metallic materials, random load fatigue and life prediction, physical reason for the
existence of effective K (Keff), crack growth and life prediction, special testing techniques-
SCC, fracture toughness, microstructural degradation, stress rupture etc.,

ENG(NAL)-1-3509: Structural Mechanics: 2-0-0-2

Course Coordinator: Dr DVTG Pavan Kumar
Associated Faculty: Dr VL Sateesh

Basic elasticity- Stress and Strain, Equations of equilibrium, Plane stress and strain,
Boundary conditions, Principal stresses and strains, Compatibility equations, Mohr’s circle,
Stress-strain relationships, Hooke's law; Two-dimensional elasticity problems in Rectangular
and Polar coordinates: Stress functions, Bending of an end-loaded cantilever, Plate with a
hole; Torsion of solid sections; Stresses in Simple Structural Members: Axially loaded
members, Stresses in beams, Deflection of beams by integration, Euler column buckling,
Thin-walled pressure vessels, Yield and fracture criteria, Introduction to bending of thin

ENG(NAL)-1-3510: Aviation Meteorology: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr Mrudula G

Composition of atmosphere, vertical distribution of temperature , pressure, wind, stability and

instability, development of inversions, types of inversions, surface effects, diurnal variation,
International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) , Altimetry, calculation of terrain clearance, lowest
usable flight level, effects of convergence and divergence, General circulation, Turbulence,
gustiness, types of turbulence, origin and location of turbulence, Jet Streams, origin,
description and location, heights and seasonal occurrence of jet streams, CAT, cause,
location and forecasting, Standing waves, Thermodynamics of the atmosphere,
thermodynamic variables, Adiabatic processes, Clouds, formation and description, cloud
types, cloud classification, influence of inversions on cloud development, flying conditions in
each cloud type, Fog, fog types, mist, haze, Precipitation types, methods of development,
Types of air masses, properties of an air mass, Fronts, geographic differentiation, movement
of fronts and pressure systems, life cycle, Different Pressure Systems, Tropical revolving

storms, development of tropical revolving storms, origin and local names, location and period
of occurrence, inter Tropical convergence zones (ITCZ), weather in the ITCZ, general
seasonal movement, climatic elements relative to the regions, Typical weather situations in
mid-latitudes, westerly waves, high pressure area, uniform pressure pattern, Local seasonal
weather and wind, Flight Hazards, Icing, Turbulence, Windshear, Thunderstorms, electricity
in the atmosphere, conditions for and process of development, forecast, Thunderstorm
avoidance, down bursts, micro and macro bursts, Tornadoes, Low and high level inversions,
effect on aircraft and flight execution, Hazards in mountainous areas, Visibility reducing
phenomena, Meteorological Observations, PIREPS, Weather Charts, surface charts, upper
air charts, symbols and signs on analysed and prognostic charts, Information for Flight
Planning, aeronautical codes, METAR, TAF, SPECI, SIGMET, SNOWTAM, runway report,
meteorological broadcasts for aviation and use of pre-flight meteorological documents,
meteorological briefing and advice, measuring and warning systems for low level windshear,
inversion, special meteorological warnings, information for computer flight planning.

ENG(NAL)-1-3511: Research Methodology: 2-0-1-3

Course Coordinator: Dr Mrudula G

Introduction to The Process of Conducting Research, Research Design Introduction, Steps

in the Process of Research, Identifying a hypothesis and/or research problem, specifying a
purpose, creating research questions, Reviewing literature, Ethics of research and informed
consent, Introduction to Qualitative Research, Essence of Qualitative Data, Sampling,
Collection Techniques, Case Study, Interpreting Qualitative Data, Qualitative Data Analysis
Procedures, Coding, Thematic development, Introduction to Quantitative Research, Essence
of Quantitative Data, Collection and Analysis Techniques, Sampling Concepts, Defining the
Target Population, Representative Sample, Design Effect, Sampling Methods (Cluster,
Stratified, Simple Random), Quantitative Data Collection Instruments, Choosing a good
instrument, Interval and Ratio Scales, Introduction to Applied Statistics, Identifying the
dependent and independent variables, Confidence levels, Math that manipulates data,
Descriptive Statistics, Summarizing and describing a collection of data, Univariate and
bivariate analysis, Mean, mode and standard deviation, Percentages and Ratios,
Histograms, Identifying randomness and uncertainty in data, Inferential Statistics, Drawing
inference from data, Modeling assumptions, Identifying Patterns, Regression analysis, T-
test, Analysis of Variance, Correlations, Chi-square, Introduction to Mixed Methods
Research, Advantages, Design Components, Explanatory Mixed Methods Framework,
Exploratory Mixed Methods Framework, Data Mining – Finding the Patterns and Problems in
the World of Data, Writing About Quantitative Findings, Writing About Qualitative or Mixed
Methods Findings, Critically Critiquing Research Reports, Applying Research in the Security

ENG(NAL)-1-3512: Computer Programming for Research: 2-0-1-3

Course Coordinator: Dr Mrudula G
Associated Faculty: Dr Hema Singh and Arun Kumar A

FORTRAN Programming: Variables, data and types, assignment statements, arithmetic

statements, input and output statements, FORMAT statements, DO Loop, block IF, nested
block IF, computed GOTO statements, Single and multidimensional arrays, function and
subroutines, nesting of subprograms, COMMON and EQUIVALENCE statements, Problems
related to areas in statistics and numerical analysis, manipulation of characters and strings.
C Programming: Data types –Operators and Expressions, Control constructs—if-then-for
and while, Arrays, Functions –General from arguments and return values, Dynamic and

Static variables, Advanced Programming Techniques: Control constructs –do-while, switch
statements, break and continue, exit function, Functions – parameter passing calls –by-
value, call – by- reference, calling functions with arrays, argc and argv, Recursion, —Basic
concept, design, Dynamic date structures: Pointers, pointer, Dynamic allocation functions-
malloc and calloc, Structures –Basics of structures, Referencing structure element, Array of
structures, Passing structures to functions and structure pointers, Unions –Declaration and
uses, File handling—file accessing functions, fopen, fclose, putc, getc and fprintf. Elements
of Parallel Computing: Solving problems in parallel, temporal and data parallelism and its
comparison, inter-task dependency, basic structure of parallel computers, pipelined parallel
computer and array processes and software problems in parallel computing. Shell
programming: Introduction: Kernel, Shell, How to use Shell, Common Linux Command
Introduction, Process, Linux commands related with process, Redirection of Standard
output/input, Redirectors, Pipes, Filters, Shell programming, Basics, Special Characters,
Introduction to Variables and Parameters, Variable Substitution, Assignment, Special
Variable Types, Quoting, Quoting Variables, Escaping, Exit and Exit Status, Tests, Test
Constructs, File test operators ,Other Comparison Operators, Nested if/then Condition Tests,
Operators, Numerical Constants, The Double-Parentheses Construct, Operator Precedence,
Internal Variables, Typing variables: declare or typeset, Manipulating Variables, Manipulating
Strings, Parameter Substitution, Loops and Branches, Nested Loops, Loop Control, Testing
and Branching.

Core Courses (Level 2)

ENG(NAL)-2-3501: Fluid Dynamics: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr V Ramesh
Associated Faculty: Dr TN Venkatesh

Introduction: Concept of a fluid, continuum, properties of a fluid. Pressure Distribution in

Fluid: Pressure and pressure gradient, equilibrium of a fluid element, hydrostatic forces.
Fundamental conservation equations: Integral and differential forms of Mass, Momentum
and Energy conservation , Boundary conditions, stream function, vorticity and irrotationality.
Viscous flow: Reynolds Number and Geometry effects, Introduction to Boundary layer
theory. Potential Flows: Elementary Plane-Flow solutions. Introduction to Compressible
flows: Introduction, speed of sound, adiabatic and isentropic steady flow, converging-
diverging nozzles.

ENG(NAL)-2-3502: Computational Fluid Dynamics: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr JS Mathur
Associated Faculty: Dr V Ramesh

Introduction to CFD, Equations governing fluid flow, Hyperbolic partial differential equations
and shocks, finite difference technique and difference equations, Implicit difference formula,
Time discretization and stability, Schemes for linear convective equation, Analysis of time
integration schemes, Monotonicity , Schemes for Euler equations, Finite volume
methodology, Introduction to unstructured mesh computations.

ENG(NAL)-2-3503: Gas Dynamics: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr V Ramesh
Associated Faculty: Dr TN Venkatesh, Dr Kaushik and Dr Sintoo Singha

Fundamentals of thermodynamics; propagation of small disturbances in gases; normal and

oblique shock relations, nozzle flows; one-dimensional unsteady flow; small disturbance
theory of supersonic speeds, generation of supersonic flows in tunnels, supersonic flow
diagnostics, supersonic flow over two-dimensional bodies; shock expansion analysis,
method of characteristics; one-dimensional rarefaction and compression waves; flow in
shock tube. Laboratory classes for demonstrating the concepts and conducting of

ENG(NAL)-2-3504: Low speed aerodynamics: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr L Venkatakrishnan
Associated Faculty: Mr. P Suriyanarayanan

Elementary flows, Introduction to small perturbation theory, 2-D airfoils in subsonic flow,
numerical methods for 2-D airfoils, similarity rules, Multhops method, vortex lattice and
double lattice methods, aerodynamics of wing-fuselage system and aerodynamics of control

surfaces. High angle of attack aerodynamics: non-linear aerodynamics, unsteady
aerodynamics. 2D numerical solutions. Thin aerofoil theory, lifting line theory.

ENG(NAL)-2-3505: Boundary Layer Theory: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr R Mukund
Associated Faculty: Mr. M Viji

Navier-Stokes equation and its importance, Prandtl’s boundary layer approximations,

Significance of scaling, 2D boundary layer equations, asymptotic theory, Blasius solutions,
momentum integral methods, Axisymmetric and 3D boundary layer, thermal boundary layer,
compressible boundary layer, Unsteady boundary layer, Instability, turbulent boundary
layer, Reynolds stress, turbulent boundary layer on flat plate, pipe flows, introduction to
perturbation techniques.

ENG(NAL)-2-3506: Gas Turbine Propulsion: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr B Dileepkumar Alone
Associated Faculty: Mr. Kishore Kumar, Mr. K Sathiyamoorthy, Mr. G Muthu Selvan

Introduction: History of gas turbine, Introduction to gas turbine-components, Classifications

of gas turbines, Thermodynamics of aircraft jet engines, Classification of jet engines,
Performance parameters, Specific thrust, Specific fuel consumption, Thermal efficiencies
and Propulsive efficiency. Intakes and diffusers: Introduction, Inlet ducts geometry, Diffusers/
Classifications/ Characteristics, Methods of flow control, Subsonic inlets, Transition ducts.
Compressors: Cascade Aerodynamics - Compressor cascades, Turbine cascades, Losses.
Axial Compressor Aerodynamics – Introduction, Axial compressor /fan, Euler's equation,
Velocity triangle/ h-s/ t-s diagrams, Performance parameters, Compressor characteristics
Instabilities in compressor & their controls, Losses, Compressor design methodology, Radial
equilibrium method & Stream line curvature method, Degree of reaction, Diffusion factor &
Work coefficient, Multi-staging, Recent trend in turbo machinery design. Centrifugal
Compressor Aerodynamics – Introduction, Stage dynamic, Inducer and impeller, Diffuser &
its performance characteristics, Introduction to stage design, Introduction to Aero elasticity/
Optimization techniques, Measurement techniques in turbo machines. Combustion
chambers: Basic considerations, Combustion fundamentals, Diffusers, Combustion
aerodynamics, Swirler aerodynamics, Combustion performance, Fuel injection, Combustion
noise, Heat transfer, Emissions. Turbines: Introduction, Eulers equation for turbines, Velocity
triangles, Dimensionless parameters, Secondary drag/ losses, Comparison between axil
compressors and turbines, Free vortex theory, Mean line design, CFD for turbines.
Afterburners & nozzles: Basic principle and Components of Afterburners, Ignition, Flame
stabilization and combustion in Afterburners, Heat transfer in Afterburner, Afterburner
performance evaluation and test facilities, Basic principle and types of propulsive nozzles,
Fixed and variable aircraft nozzles, Performance evaluation. Component matching:
Introduction, Performance characteristics, Equilibrium running diagram, Procedure to find
equilibrium point, Balancing. Coupling and alignment, Performance evaluation, General
matching procedure, Operating line & Transient Operation

ENG(NAL)-2-3507: Heat Transfer in Propulsion Systems: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Mr. R Senthil Kumaran
Associated Faculty: Mr Y Giridhara Babu, Mr. J Felix, Mr. C Jayaprakash

Fundamentals of heat transfer: Conduction, Convection, Radiation, Concept of boundary
layers - velocity / thermal. Temperature measurement techniques: Infra red thermography.
Thermocouples, Heat flux gauges, Liquid crystal thermography, Temperature sensitive
paints. Heat exchangers: Types, Design Factors. Turbine blade heat transfer and film
cooling: Leading edge film cooling and heat transfer, Trailing Edge film cooling and heat
transfer. Impingement cooling and heat transfer: Effect of geometrical parameters, Effect of
flow parameters. Effusion / transpiration cooling: Flat and curved Plates, Starter films, Effect
of compound angle. Anti-icing and De-icing: Theory, Application. Turbine rim seals: Types,
Flow through rim seals, Ingestion, Geometrical and flow parameters. Engine Temperature
and Health Monitoring: Thermal barrier coatings, Engine temperature monitoring, Engine
safety and health monitoring.

ENG(NAL)-2-3508: Aircraft Stability and Control: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr GK Singh
Associated Faculty: Mr. PVS Murthy, Dr R Guruganesh, Mr. S Viswanathan

Introduction to open- and closed-loop control systems and examples, Differential equation
models of physical systems and solution methods, choice of linear models, Laplace
transforms, transfer functions, and block diagrams, State-variable system models, relative
stability, gain and phase margins, Bode plots, Nyquist stability Criterion, Nichols chart, linear
design process, Root locus design methods, System bandwidth, Feedback system
characteristics, Design of feedback systems in the frequency- and time-domain, Pole
placement method, Observability and controllability, angle-of-attack limiter, sideslip angle
and sideslip rate feedback, roll rate feedback, design of command paths, nonlinear design
and verification, control power requirements for unstable aircraft, control actuator rate
requirements, limits on static instability, control surface sizing, center-of-gravity limits, inertia
cross coupling, roll coupling, autorotation, roll reversal, Longitudinal and Lateral stability
Augmentation, Fundamentals of Inertial Navigation, Basic autopilot control laws

ENG(NAL)-2-3509: Systems Engineering: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr CM Ananda
Associated Faculty: Mr. A Pankaj, Dr Manju Nanda

Principles and processes of Systems Engineering, Need of Systems Engineering, Meaning

and Context of Safety Integrity Targets. Systems Engineering Process: Functional analysis
and Specifications, Requirements Analysis and allocation, System Synthesis, Analysis and
Design Optimisation, Development of the System Logical Solution, Effectiveness Evaluation
and Decision Making. System Design and Integration: Design Requirements, Specifications,
Architecture analysis and design, Model Based Design, UML/SysML, Model Driven
Development, Integrated Model driven verification and validation, System requirements,
analysis, systems integration, Systems certification, Systems Engineering Review Process.
Selected Design Engineering Activities: Software Engg, Reliability Engg, Maintainability
Engg, Human Factor Engg, Safety Engg, Quality Engg, Environmental Engg and Life Cycle
costing Engineering. Reliability Modelling: Block Diagram Analysis, Common cause Failure,
Fault Tree Analysis. Engineering Design Methods and Tools, System Reviews, Systems
Engg Program planning, Integration design and test planning, Organization of Systems
Engg, System Engineering Program Evaluation, System Engineering Management.

ENG(NAL)-2-3510: Advanced Avionics: 3-0-0-3
Course Coordinator: Dr CM Ananda
Associated Faculty: Ms. J Jayanthi, Mr. A Pankaj

Aircraft Architectures: Federated and Integrated modular avionics, DIMA, Avionics systems
integration. Displays: Introduction to EFIS, EICAS, Head-Up displays. Advanced
Visualization Concepts: Intelligent displays management, EVS/SVS, LIDAR. Advanced
Navigation Concepts: Vision aided Navigation, Highway In the Sky, CNS/ATM, GNSS.
Advanced Surveillance Systems: TAWS, TCAS I and II. Control Systems: PFCS, Fly-by-
wire, Fly-by-light control systems, Automatic Flight Control Systems. Landing systems: ILS
and MLS, IESVS. Aircraft Data Networks, Bus Architectures, Advanced bus protocols,
AFDX. Avionics Health Management Techniques. Model Based Design, Model Driven
Development, Tool Based Automation. Software Engineering: Life cycle management, IV&V
process, planning and testing, Formal Methods, Software Quality management,
Configuration management and certification. Integrated System engineering Platform,
Integrated System Integration Platform, Integrated Model Driven IV&V. Standards and
regulations related to Civil Aircraft: DO and FAR. Terminal guidance systems, Telemetry
systems, Man-machine interface. Modular Avionics Packaging, ARINC and Mil types,
system cooling, EMI/EMC requirements BIT and CFDS, Automatic Test Equipment, Speeds
maintenance, ATLAS, Remote diagnostics and maintenance support-Life Cycle Costs for
Military and Civil Avionics, Software costs, Establishing spares level.

ENG(NAL)-2-3511: Advanced Embedded Systems and Software Engineering: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Ms. J Jayanthi
Associated Faculty: Dr CM Ananda, Dr Manju Nanda

Embedded System Basics. System Architecture: von Neumann, Harvard and differences.
Memory Architecture and their implementation. ADC and DAC. I/O Devices and
Mechanisms. Instruction Set and Addressing Modes. Interfacing of Memory and Peripheral
Devices. Bus Architecture: evolution and implementations. Embedded Systems Software:
Issues. RTOS: Introduction, scheduling, memory, I/O, device driver. Embedded Software
Development perspective. Performance Analysis and Optimization for advanced avionics
system design. System Specification and Modeling. Basic Digital signal processing: wavelet
and speech transformation. Embedded image processing: vision based tracking. Micro Air
Vehicle systems, hardware, MEMS sensors, interfaces, software platform, development
suite and hardware in loop testing.

ENG(NAL)-2-3512: Mechanical behaviour of materials: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr M. Sujata
Associated Faculty: Dr S.K. Bhaumik, Dr CM Manjunatha, Dr Shylaja Srihari

Structure and deformation in materials-introduction, bonding in solids, structure in crystalline

materials, elastic deformation and theoretical strength, inelastic deformation, summary. A
survey of engineering materials-introduction, alloying and processing of metals, irons and
steels, non-ferrous metals, polymers, ceramics and glasses, composite materials, materials
selection for engineering components, summary. Mechanical testing-introduction to tension
test and other basic tests-engineering stress-strain properties, trends in tensile behaviour,
true stress-strain interpretation of tensile test, compression test, hardness tests, notch

impact tests, bending and torsion test. Stress-strain relationships and behaviour of
materials-Introduction, models for deformation behaviour, elastic deformation, anisotropic
materials. Review of complex and principal states of stress and strain-Plane stress, principal
stresses and maximum shear stress, 3-D states of stress, stresses on the octahedral
planes, complex states of strain. Yielding and fracture under combined stresses-general
form of failure criteria, maximum normal stress fracture criterion, maximum shear stress
yield criterion, octahedral shear stress yield criterion, discussion of the basic failure criterion,
Coulomb-Mohr fracture criterion, modified Mohr’s fracture criterion. Time dependant
behaviour- creep testing, physical mechanism of creep, time-temperature parameters and
life estimates, creep failure and varying stress. Fatigue of materials-introduction and stress
based approach-definition and concepts, sources of cyclic loading, fatigue testing, physical
nature of fatigue damage, trends in S-N curves, mean stresses, multi-axial stresses,
variable amplitude loading. Fracture mechanics-application of K to design and analysis,
fracture toughness values and trends, plastic zone size and plasticity limitations on LEFM,
fracture toughness testing, and fracture mechanics beyond linear elasticity. Fatigue crack
growth-introduction, fatigue crack growth rate testing, effects of stress ratio on fatigue crack
growth, trends in fatigue crack growth behaviour, life estimates for constant amplitude
loading, life estimates for variable amplitude loading, design considerations, plasticity
aspects and limitations of LEFM for fatigue crack growth, environmental crack growth.

ENG(NAL)-2-3513: Processing and Characterization of Metals: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr K Venkatswarulu
Associated Faculty: M Suresh Kumar

Preparation of metals and alloys by liquid metallurgy, powder metallurgy routes. Atomisation
technique for preparation of metallic powders. Processing routes such as rolling, extrusion
and forging. Advantage and limitations of processing methods. Preparation techniques for
advanced composites and alloys. Elastic deformation. Plastic deformation. Interpretation of
tensile stress-strain curves. Yielding under multi axial stress. Yield criteria and macroscopic
aspects of plastic deformation. Importance of sever plastic deformation. Strengthening of
metals by cold work, solute atoms and grain boundaries. Dislocation and their role in plastic
deformation. Mechanisms of strengthening in metals. Recovery, recrystallization and grain
growth. Strengthening by second phase particles. Optimum distribution of particles. Lattice
resistance to dislocation motion. Methods of deformation, conventional thermo-mechanical
processing of metals and alloys. Basics of optical microscopy and SEM imaging, including
instruments, signals, uncertainties, imaging (SE, BSE), diffraction, resolution, aberrations,
depth of Composition analysis using EDS, capabilities & limitations. Identification of phases
by metallographic and XRD studies, microstructural studies using optical, scanning and
transmission electron microscopy.

ENG(NAL)-2-3514: Advanced Ceramics Materials: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr PK Panda
Associated Faculty: Dr R Ramachandra Rao, Dr L Rangaraj, Mr. A Udaya Kumar

Physical Ceramics: Introduction and classification of ceramics, oxide ceramics (alumina,

silica, zirconia, magnesia etc.), non-oxide ceramics (SiC, Si3N4, SiAlON, Boron Carbide etc),
chemical bonding and crystal structure, defects in crystal, x-ray diffraction, Bragg’s law,
phase analysis of ceramics by XRD technique, morphology and ceramic microstructure by
scanning electron microscopy (SEM), phase equilibria of binary and ternary ceramic
systems. Processing of Ceramics: Hydrothermal synthesis, sol-gel, co-precipitation, reaction

synthesis, colloidal processing, slip casting and tape casting, injection moulding, isostatic
pressing, Gas phase synthesis: chemical vapor deposition (CVD), chemical vapor infiltration
(CVI), Fabrication of ceramic components by CVI/CVD, sintering and crystallization, hot
pressing, nucleation and grain growth, hot isostatic pressing, spark plasma sintering, Liquid
phase synthesis: melt infiltration and polymeric derived ceramics (PDC). Characterization of
Ceramics: particle size and surface area analysis, porosity and density, theoretical fracture
strength, Griffith’s theory of brittle fracture, toughness and fracture toughness, factors
influencing the strength of ceramic materials, toughening mechanisms in ceramics,
Mechanical testing of ceramic materials: modulus of rupture (MOR): 3point and 4 point bend,
Tensile strength, Fracture toughness (KIC) by indentation, Single Edge Notched Beam
(SENB) and R curve methods, Hardness measurements, creep and fatigue, thermal
properties (heat capacity, thermal onductitvity, coefficient of thermal expansion) of ceramics,
thermal stress and thermal shock resistance (Kingery’s and Hasselmann theory), thermal
fatigue etc, Electrical properties: dielectric, ferroelectric, piezoelectric properties, barium
titanate and lead zirconate titanate (PZT), sensors and actuators, magnetic properties
(diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic). Applications of ceramic materials for
aerospace applications, high temperature structural application, as sensors and actuators

ENG(NAL)-2-3515: Piezoelectric Materials and Devices: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr Soma Dutta
Associated Faculty: Dr Anjana Jain, Dr PK Panda

Introduction: Definition, Introduction of Piezoelectricity, Different types of Piezoelectric

Materials. General Principles and Theoretical Considerations: Origin of Piezoelectricity,
Principles of Piezoelectricity, Dielectric and ferroelectrics, Polarisation and domain wall
movement, Alternative formulation of piezoelectric theory, Secondary piezoelectric effect,
Piezoelectricity in the light of atomic theory, Basic mechanics of piezoelectricity and
Constitutive Constants. Nonlinear Piezoelectric Effects. Piezoelectric Materials: Natural &
Synthetic Piezo Materials (Barium titanate, lead titanate, lead zirconate titanate (PZT), Effect
of composition, Phase diagram, Soft and hard PZTs, Effect of dopants on piezo properties,
Lead –free Piezo Materials, Piezoelectric Polymers and their Composites. Material
Preparation: Bulk Piezoceramics: Mixed oxide route, hydrothermal, sol-gel, co-precipitation,
wet-chemical method, spray drying etc., calcinations and sintering, electroding and poling.
Thin/Thick Film Piezoceramics: Preparation Methods, Physical Vapour Deposition, Chemical
Vapour Deposition, Chemical Solution Deposition, Pulsed Laser Deposition, Electron beam
heating. Piezo-Polymer: Solvent Cast Method, Hot Press, Extrusion method and their
combinations, Spin coating technique. Characterization of Piezoelectric Materials: X ray
Analysis, Differential scanning calorimetry, IR, Raman, Tensile Properties, Measurement of
Piezo-electric coefficients for bulk and thin films, Dielectric constant and loss factor,
Hysteresis, Strain and block force measurement, IEEE standard on Piezoelectricity.
Piezoelectric Devices: Fabrication of Multi-layered sensors and actuators, Different types of
actuators. Low dimensional piezoelectric devices and MEMS, Flexible Sensor Devices.
Applications: Vibration control, Flow control, Structural Health Monitoring, Dynamic Pressure
Sensor, Noise detection/cancellation, Bio-medical applications, Electronic Applications,
Piezoelectric Transducers (Acoustic, Strain gauge & Ultrasonic), etc.

ENG(NAL)-2-3516: Corrosion Engineering: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr JN Balaraju
Associated Faculty: Dr Meenu Srivastava, Dr Amitha Rani

Electrochemical and thermodynamic principles, Nernst equation and electrode potentials of
metals, EMF and galvanic series, merits and demerits; origin of Pourbaix diagram and its
importance to iron, aluminium and magnesium metals. Exchange current density,
polarization - concentration, activation and resistance, Tafel equation; passivity,
electrochemical behaviour of active/passive metals, Flade potential, theories of passivity.
Atmospheric, pitting, dealloying, stress corrosion cracking, intergranular corrosion, corrosion
fatigue, fretting corrosion and high temperature oxidation; causes and remedial measures.
Susceptibility tests for IGC, stress corrosion cracking and pitting, sequential procedure for
laboratory and on-site corrosion investigations, corrosion auditing and corrosion map of
India, Salt Spray Test and standards. Corrosion prevention by design improvements, anodic
and cathodic protection, metallic, non-metallic and inorganic coatings, mechanical and
chemical methods and various corrosion inhibitors.

ENG(NAL)-2-3517: Surface Modification Technologies: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr ST Aruna
Associated Faculty: Dr Meenu Srivastava

Introduction to Surface Modification – Importance and Methods. Surface degradation-

tribology, wear and corrosion- types of wear, adhesive, abrasive, oxidative, corrosive,
erosive and fretting wear, role of friction and lubrication; overview of different forms of
corrosion, Tribocorrosion. Chemical and electrochemical polishing, chemical conversion
coatings- phosphating, chromating, chemical colouring, anodization; Electro/elctroless
deposition - deposition of copper, zinc, nickel and chromium, alloy and composite plating by
electro/electroless methods, sol-gel coatings, their properties and applications.
Thermochemical and plasma chemical processes- nitriding, carburising, ion implantation etc.
Vacuum deposition techniques - physical vapour deposition (PVD), evaporation, sputtering,
ion plating, plasma nitriding, chemical vapour deposition (CVD), plasma assisted CVD.
Thermal spraying, techniques, advanced spraying techniques - plasma surfacing,
detonation gun and high velocity oxy-fuel processes, laser surface alloying, laser cladding,
specific industrial applications.

ENG(NAL)-2-3518: Nanostructured Coatings and Materials: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr Harish C. Barshilia
Associated Faculty: Dr ST Aruna, Dr Prasanta Chowdhury, Dr PK Panda, Dr. CM Manjunatha

Introduction: Concept of nanomaterials – scale / dimensional aspects, nano and nature,

effect of size reduction on various properties, advantages and limitations at the nano level.
Methods to produce nanomaterials: Plasma methods, chemical vapour deposition, sol-gel
process, electro/electroless deposition, ball milling, severe plastic deformation, combustion
synthesis etc. Applications: Fullerenes, carbon nano tubes, nano composites, nanosensors,
nanomedicines, multilayered coatings, Superhard coatings, Magnetic materials etc. Health
Issues: Understanding the toxicity of nanoparticles and fibers, exposure to quartz, asbestos,
air pollution. Environmental issues: Effect on the environmental and other species. Societal
implications: Implications of nanoscience and technology in society, government regulations.
Introduction to characterization of nanomateials. Nanofibers, methods of preparation,
electrospinning, polymer and ceramic nanofibers by electrospinning, applications of

ENG(NAL)-2-3519: Advanced Structural Mechanics: 3-0-0-3
Course Coordinator: Dr DVTG Pavan Kumar
Associated Faculty: Dr Amit Kr. Onkar

Thin plates: Kirchhoff theory – strain-displacement relations, stress-strain relations, stress

resultants, equilibrium equations, boundary conditions; Analysis of rectangular and circular
plates with different boundary conditions and loadings; Buckling of plates; Thermal stresses
in plates; Membrane theories for the analysis of circular cylindrical, spherical and conical
shells; Bending, shear and torsion of open and closed, thin-walled beams: Bending of open
and closed section beams, General stress, strain and displacement relationships for open
and single cell closed section thin-walled beams, Shear of open section beams, Shear of
closed section beams, Torsion of closed section beams, Torsion of open section beams,
Analysis of combined open and closed sections; Stress analysis of aircraft components:
Tapered Beams, Fuselage, Wing. Introduction to fatigue, fracture and damage tolerance
analysis of aircraft structural components.

ENG(NAL)-2-3520: Finite Element Methods: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr M Manjuprasad
Associated Faculty: Ms. S Manju, Dr Amit Kr. Onkar

Introduction: Historical background, The basic concepts of the Finite Element Method,
Fundamental concepts in elasticity, Potential energy and equilibrium, Raleigh-Ritz method,
Galerkin’s method, Solutions of linear equations. One-Dimensional Elements: Introduction,
Interpolation and shape functions, Governing differential equations of bars and beams, weak
form and finite element modeling; Potential energy and Galerkin approaches, classical Euler-
Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam, linear and quadratic elements; Assembly of stiffness
matrices and load vector, Treatment of boundary conditions, Stress computation,
Temperature effects. Two-Dimensional Elements: Introduction, Finite element modeling and
formulation, Plane elasticity and axisymmetric problems, Isoparametric four-noded
quadrilateral element, Numerical integration, Higher order elements, Bending of Elastic
Plates, Shear Deformation Plate Theory, Convergence studies. Three-Dimensional
Elements: Introduction, Finite element modeling and formulation of hexahedral elements,
higher order elements, Shell Elements. Introduction to FEM in Composites, Structural
Dynamics and Nonlinear Mechanics. Seminars on special topics in FEM.

ENG(NAL)-2-3521: Structural Dynamics: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr S Raja
Associated Faculty: Mr. B Balakrishnan

Introduction to vibration and airframe structures, single and multi degrees of freedom
systems, different structural models (physical, spatial, modal), vibration of beams & plates,
numerical techniques in structural vibration, measurement devices & instrumentation,
structural testing methodologies, structural coupling and vibration controls.

ENG(NAL)-2-3522: Stability of Structures: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr Amit Kr. Onkar

Concepts of stability, bifurcation and limit point instability, stability of discrete systems, linear
and nonlinear behavior, stability of beams and columns, energy methods, static and dynamic
formulations, axial-flexural buckling, lateral-torsion buckling, buckling of beams on elastic
foundations, imperfection sensitivity analysis, stability of plates, axial-flexural buckling,
shear-flexural buckling, buckling under combined loads, introduction to inelastic buckling and
dynamic stability, parametric instabilities and stability under non-conservative forces,
introduction to aeroelasticity, divergence and flutter.

ENG(NAL)-2-3523: Mechanics of Composites: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr SR Viswamurthy

Classification of composites, behaviors of unidirectional composites, prediction of elastic

constants using micromechanics, Homogenization theory, Voigt and Reuss approximation,
two and three phase composite cylinder models; strength of composites, failure modes,
macromechanical analysis of lamina; Properties of laminates and their constitutive
equations, classical laminate and shear deformation theories, analysis of laminates,
interlaminar stresses, failure theories, analysis of laminates after initial failure. Analysis of
laminated composite beams.

ENG(NAL)-2-3524: Design of Composite Structures : 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr Byji Varughese
Associated Faculty: Mr. Lohith, Ms. Kumari Asha

Refresher on composite analysis: Lamina micromechanics, Lamina macromechanics,

Classical lamination theory, Failure theories, Strength of laminates and examples. Vibration
and stability of composite plates: Governing equations for vibration and buckling of
composite plates, Vibration of simply supported composite plates, buckling of simply
supported composite plates under in-plane loads and approximate methods. Introduction to
structural design: Inputs for structural design, Steps in structural design, Selection of
structural configuration and Structure sizing, Laminate design and carpet plots , Design
principles with composites, Selection of orientation and thickness and Design examples,
Stiffened composite plates. Design of joints: Introduction, Types of joints, Mechanically
fastened joints, Failure modes in mechanically fastened joints, Design guidelines for
mechanically fastened joints, Adhesively bonded joints, Failure modes in bonded joints,
Stress distribution in adhesive joints, Types of bonded joints, Selection of type of adhesive
joints, Design guidelines for adhesively bonded joints and Decision on the type of joint.
Damage tolerance in composites: Introduction, Sources of damage, Types of damage, FAR
requirements and advisory circulars, Building block approach, Impact damages: Damage
growth under fatigue loads, Residual strength: Tests and analytical methods. Detailed
design: Basics of projections, Drawing standards and conventions, Introduction to CADD,
Design of composite parts and Assembly design. Optimization: Fundamentals of
optimization, Mathematical concepts in optimization, Optimization of composite plates.
Testing of composite structures: Factors influencing testing, Test environment, Test methods
and standards, Introduction to static testing of composite structures and Examples. Repair of
composite aircraft structures: Introduction to repair, Repair philosophy, Repair sequence,
Repair criteria, Damage assessment, Classification of repair, Selection of repair joints,
Repair procedures, Certification of repair

ENG(NAL)-2-3525: Analysis of Composite Structures: 3-0-0-3
Course Coordinator: Dr VL Sateesh
Associated Faculty: Dr L Srikanth, Dr GN Dayananda

Introduction: Definition, Classification, Tailoring composites, Mechanical properties of

composite lamina, Prediction of strength and stiffness. Elements of micromechanics.
Macromechanics: Analysis of lamina, Constitutive classical laminate theory, Thermal
stresses. Analysis of composite plates, Analysis of composite shells, Vibration of beams and
plates, Examples of applications

ENG(NAL)-2-3526: Processing & Characterization of Composite Materials: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr Shylaja Srihari
Associated Faculty: Dr A Vanaja, Dr Sandhya Rao

Introduction to composites, classification of composites (based on matriices-PMC, MMC

&CMC, based on reinforcement – particulate,continuous reinforcements,special class of
composites – hybrid, bio composites, Nano composites), PMC for aerospace application (
thermoset/ thermoplastic based composites), Polymer matrix composite processing
technologies, characterisation / testing of composites (physical/ thermal/
mechanical/thermomechanical/hygrothermal), hygrothermal effects on the properties of
composites(hotwet degradation & certification aspects)

ENG(NAL)-2-3527: Engineering Electromagnetics: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr Hema Singh

Maxwell’s equations in free-space and time-varying fields, plane wave in dielectric and
conducting media, wave equation, Poynting vector, Wave polarization, Reflection, refraction,
and diffraction, Modes of Propagation in Waveguides, Transmission lines, Antenna
Fundamentals, Antenna Arrays, Radiation Characteristics, microwave source and

ENG(NAL)-2-3528: Computational Electromagnetics: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr Shiv Narayan
Associated Faculty: Dr Hema Singh

Basic Electromagnetics: Maxwell’s equations, interface and boundary conditions, uniform

plane wave, pointing vector, polarization, image current and equivalence principle,
reciprocity theorem, surface integral equations, volume integral equations, Green’s function.
Analytical Methods: Method of Separation of Variables, Orthogonality condition. Low-
frequency Techniques: Method of Moments (MoM), Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD),
Finite Element Method (FEM).Hybrid Methods: Mode Matching-Generalized Scattering
Matrix (MM-GSM) method, Transmission Line Transfer Matrix (TLTM) Method, PO-MoM

ENG(NAL)-2-3529: Atmospheric Electromagnetics: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr Mrudula G
Associated Faculty: Dr R U Nair, Dr Balamati Choudhury

Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic theory, Electromagnetic waves, polarization,
spectra and Fourier transform, the Doppler effect, angular distribution of radiation, thermal
radiation, diffraction Propagation through homogeneous materials, Plane boundaries,
volume scattering, reflection and emission from real materials, The nature of electromagnetic
radiation: source, Polarization, Stokes’ parameters, Radiation laws, Blackbody emission,
Brightness temperature, interactions between electromagnetic radiation and atmospheric
gases, aerosols and clouds, and ocean surfaces, covering the spectrum from the ultraviolet
through the microwave, Radiative transfer processes in atmosphere, Electromagnetic energy
interactions, Electromagnetic radiation models (wave/particle), Atmospheric refraction,
Atmospheric scattering, Atmospheric absorption (“atmospheric windows”),Radiometric
quantities and reflectance, radiative transfer equation, propagation through the atmosphere,
electromagnetic properties of the atmosphere and surface, atmospheric emission
characteristics, electromagnetic spectrum, emission range, Introduction to Radar, basic
principles, Electromagnetic Waves, Radar Hardware, Radar Equation for Point Targets,
Distributed Targets, Doppler Velocity Measurements, Spectrum Width and turbulence,
Meteorological Targets, Clear-Air Return, Meteorological Uses of Weather Radar, Effects of
weather systems on performance of radars.

ENG(NAL)-2-3530: Advances in Computational Intelligence and Applications: 2-0-1-3

Course Coordinator: Dr Balamati Choudhury

Soft Computing: Artificial Neural Network: Neurons, Single layer and multilayer architecture,
back propagation learning algorithm. Radial basis function (RBF) neural network, learning
algorithm. Fuzzy Logic: Types, membership functions, fuzzification and defuzzification, rule-
based fuzzy inference engine, Type-1 and Type-2 fuzzy logic, typical applications. Genetic
Algorithm: Basic concept, Parameters: Reproduction, Crossover, Mutation, Types: Real
coded GA, Binary GA, Mixed integer GA, Parallel GA, Hybrid GA. Swarm Intelligence: Basic
Concept, parameters of PSO, Real and binary PSO, Boolean PSO, Pareto Front Multi-
Objective PSO. Bacterial Foraging Optimization: Basic Concept, chemotaxis, swarming,
reproduction and elimination-dispersion, algorithm of BFO. Applications of Soft Computing:
Applications to Electromagnetics, Communications, Controls, Aerospace, Signal Processing.

Specialization Courses (Level 3)

ENG(NAL)-3-3501: Grid Generation Techniques for CFD: 2-0-2-3

Course Coordinator: Dr JS Mathur
Associated Faculty: Mr. K Madhu Babu

Introduction various grid generation techniques, structured grid generation, Algebraic grid
generation methods, introduction to PDE based grid generation techniques, concept of grid
control and grid control functions, examples of simple grid generation methods in 2D and 3D,
multi-block approach for complex configurations. Introduction to unstructured grid
generation, Delaunay triangulation method, 2D and 3D unstructured meshes, concept of
isotropic and un-isotropic tetrahedral meshes, concept of hybrid grids. Unconventional
methods, the Cartesian Grid and Mesh free approach. A brief hands-on training on the
POINTWISE software for grid generation.

ENG(NAL)-3-3502: Kinetic Schemes for the Computation of Compressible Flows: 2-0-

Course Coordinator: Dr JS Mathur
Associated Faculty: Dr V Ramesh and Mr. Keshav S. Malagi

An introduction to kinetic schemes for CFD, The moment method strategy for computation of
in-viscid flows. Concept of up-winding at the kinetic level, introduction to 1-D FDM,FVM
kinetic upwind schemes, stability and consistency studies for kinetic schemes, introduction to
multi-dimensional problems, variants of kinetic schemes, the kinetic mesh free methods.

ENG(NAL)-3-3503: Turbulent Flows: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr L Venkatakrishnan
Associated Faculty: Mr. N Karthikeyan and Mr. Kiran Chutkey

Characteristics of turbulent flows, RANS equations, vortex dynamics, concepts of

equilibrium and similarity, Free shear layers, wall bounded flows, Stability of fluid flows,
laminar-turbulent transition, statistical aspects of turbulence, scales in turbulence, spectrum
of turbulence, basics of turbulence modelling, turbulent measurement techniques.

ENG(NAL)-3-3504: Experimental Aerodynamics: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr R Mukund
Associated Faculty: A Sathia Narayanan and P Suriyanarayanan

Introduction to aerodynamic testing in various speed regimes; requirements of aerodynamic

testing; Design aspects of low speed wind tunnels; flow visualization methods; Measurement
methods for flow variables. Wind tunnel balances; Elements of computer based
instrumentation ; measurements and analyses methods; Model Design, Pressure, Flow, and
Shear Stress measurements; Forces and moments from balance measurements, Sources of
error in wind tunnel data, scale effects in data usage, general test procedures for aircraft.
Introduction to advanced optic based flow diagnostics.

ENG(NAL)-3-3505: Mechanical Aspect of Turbo Machinery: 3-0-0-3
Course Coordinator: Dr S Jana
Associated Faculty: Mr. SS Kulkarni

Introduction to Mechanical Aspect of Turbo machinery: Engine Configurations, Compressor,

Turbine, Combustor, Materials. Mechanical Design of Rotor Components: Compressor
Blade, Turbine Blade, Disk, Blade Disk Attachment, Impeller, Bladed Disk. Rotor Systems
and Dynamics: Rotor Configurations, Support System, Lubrication, Critical Speed Analysis,
Unbalance Response, Balancing. Vibration aspects: Blade Vibration, Disk Vibration, Bladed
Disk. Advanced Bearings: Foil Bearings, Active Magnetic Bearings.

ENG(NAL)-3-3506: Propulsion Systems for Light Aero Vehicles: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Mr. K. Monickavasagom Pillai
Associated Faculty: Mr. HS Muralidhara, Mr. AJ Steve Mithran

Introduction & IC engine basic theory: Engine types - Operating cycles of SI and CI Engines
- Calculation of performance parameters - Typical Performance curves - Components of the
SI and CI engines- Fuel supply system - carburettor, fuel injection - ignition system - Engine
cooling and lubrication system - Turbo charging and Super charging - Effects on engine
performance - Aero diesel and gasoline engines – Small gas turbines. Fuels: Introduction -
Structure of petroleum, Refining process, Products of refining process. Fuels for SI & CI
engines: Properties of fuels for S.I. and C.I. Engines - Potential alternative fuels for S.I. and
CI Engines and their properties - Alcohols & Gasoline blends - Fuel additives - DEE/DME -
Biodiesels - Biodiesel blends with diesel - Dual fuel systems. Fuels for Gas Turbine engines:
Specific requirement for Gas turbine engines and standards - Properties of liquid fuels &
Gaseous fuels - Fuel handling systems, safety and additives. Hydrogen - Properties - Use in
C.I Engines - Use in S.I Engines - Production methods- Storage methods - Safety
precautions. IC engine combustion: Combustion Chemistry - Combustion in SI engines-
Initiation of combustion - Flame velocities - Normal and abnormal combustion - Combustion
chambers - Combustion in CI engines - Vaporization of fuel droplets and spray formation -
Air motion - swirl, squish, tumble flow - Diesel knock and engine variables, features and
design considerations of combustion chambers. Engine emissions: Introduction, concerns,
regulations - Mechanisms of pollution formation - Carbon monoxide, unburned
hydrocarbons, oxides of nitrogen and smoke/Particulate emission - Effects of pollutions on
environment – Methods of measurement - Methods of controlling emissions for SI, CI and
gas turbine engines - Correlations. Wankel rotary engines: Basics - Working principle -
Merits and demerits - Comparison with reciprocating engine - Applications - Engine Design
aspects - Geometrical equations, P-V diagram, V-theta diagram, Torque fluctuation - Engine
components - Coating requirements - Testing of engines - Airworthiness certification - Aero
Wankel engines. Recent trends: Homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI) - CRDI in
CI engines - VVTi - Lean burn engines - Stratified combustion engines - Fuel cell - Use of
light weight materials for engine components - Flexible fuel vehicles, Small UAV & MAVs
power plants - Introduction - Electric motors with high specific energy batteries - Mini
I.C.Engines - Merits and demerits.

ENG(NAL)-3-3507: Experimental Techniques in Propulsion: 2-0-2-3

Course Coordinator: Mr. P Manjunath

Associated Faculty: Mr C Jayaprakash, Mr. G Muthuselvan, Mr. Y Giridhara Babu, Mr. SS Kulkarni, Mr. R Senthil

Introduction: Introduction to Propulsion Systems, High Speed Combustor Test Facility,

Combustion and Gas Dynamics, Heat Transfer in Propulsion Systems, Turbo machinery,
Mechanical Aspects of propulsion systems Measurement Techniques: Measurement
techniques in propulsion systems, The study of temperature, pressure and mass flow
measurement, The study of Data acquisition & controls. High Speed Combustor Test
Facility: The experimental study of Nitrogen gas command/purging system, The study of
Oxygen gas system, The study of Hydrogen gas system, The experimental study of air flow
system, The experimental study of kerosene fuel system, The experimental study of high
pressure air compressor system, The experimental study of pre-heater01 up to 500 K
temperature. Combustion and Gas Dynamics Lab: The study of lean blow out prediction in
swirl stabilized combustor, The study of atomization performance prediction of simplex
atomizer. Heat Transfer lab: The study of convection heat transfer coefficient measurement:
Turbo machinery Lab: The study of wake flow measurement in a linear cascade. Mechanical
Aspects of Propulsion Systems: Rotor dynamics analysis of typical geeffot rotor system, The
study of advance bearing system.

ENG(NAL)-3-3508: Flight Vehicle Identification – Tools & Techniques: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Mr. Basappa
Associated Faculty: Dr Sachin Tharewal

Introduction: Motivation, Measurements, Methods, Models, Validation. Data gathering:

Optimal Input Design, Maneuvers, Instrumentation, Calibration. Aircraft Mathematical
Modeling: Reference frame, Equations of Motion, Navigation Equations, Aerodynamic
Modeling. Estimation and Optimization: Properties of Estimator, State Estimation, Parameter
Estimation, Optimization Methods. Regression, Ordinary Least Squares, Generalized Least
Squares, Nonlinear Least Squares, Model Structure Determination, Maximum Likelihood
Method, Output Error and Equation Error Methods, Kalman Filtering. Model Validation:
Statistical Accuracy, Residual Analysis, and Simulation.

ENG(NAL)-3-3509: Digital Image Processing and Applications: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr VPS Naidu

Digital image fundamentals, intensity transformations and spatial filtering, frequency domain
processing, image enhancement, image restoration, color image processing, morphological
image processing, image segmentation, stereo vision and correspondence problem, image
registration, image fusion, matlab examples, and case studies.

ENG(NAL)-3-3510: Multi Sensor Data Fusion: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr VPS Naidu

Multi sensor data fusion introduction, algorithms for data fusion, Multi sensor estimation,
Decentralized data fusion, Multi sensor multi target tracking, Fundamentals of image
processing, Image registration, Image fusion, Flight vision, Matlab examples and case

ENG(NAL)-3-3511: INS/GPS Multi-sensor Kalman Filter for Navigation: 3-0-0-3
Course Coordinator: Mr. N Shantha Kumar
Associated Faculty: Dr Sudesh K Kashyap, Dr C Kamali

Inertial sensing principles and technology, Simple low cost INS implementations, Inertial
mechanization / Error models, GPS principles, signals, receivers, Simple multi-sensor
Kalman Filter, Error modeling applications, INS/ GPS multi-sensor integration.

ENG(NAL)-3-3512: Vision based Guidance and Control: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr SM Vaitheeswaran
Associated Faculty: Ms. Veena Shantaram, Mr. H Lokesha

Introduction: Background, requirements and issues, human vision. Image formation:

geometry and photometry: Geometry, brightness, quantization, camera calibration,
photometry (brightness and color). Image segmentation: Region segmentation, Edge and
line finding. Multi-view Geometry: Shape from stereo and motion, feature matching, surface
fitting, Active ranging. Image classification: Pixel classifications, region classification, face
detection and identification. Object Recognition: Alignment methods, Shape descriptions.
Motion Analysis: Motion detection and tracking, Inference of human activity from image
sequences. Applications survey, Review: Industrial, navigation, mapping, multimedia.
Course Intro and Demos of Working Computer and Robot Vision Systems, World 2D:
Representing and Manipulating Points, Lines And Conics Using Homogeneous Coordinates.
World 2D: Projective Transformations and Transformation Groups. Characterization of
Distortions Caused by Projective Imaging and the Principle of Point/Line Duality, Estimating
a Plane-to-Plane Homography with Angle-to-Angle and Point-to-Point Correspondences,
World 3D: Representing Points, Planes, and Lines. World 3D: Quadrics, Transformation
Groups, and the Absolute Conic. Visual Perception and Edge Detection (Sobel, LoG,
Canny), Extracting Interest Points and Their Descriptors (with Harris, SIFT,
and SURF) in Image Pairs and Establishing Point-to-Point Correspondences Between the
Images. Estimating Homographies with Linear Least-Squares Minimization, Robust
Homography Estimation with the RANSAC Algorithm, Refining Homographies with Nonlinear
Least-Squares Minimization (Gradient-Descent, Levenberg-Marquardt, and DogLeg), Image
Segmentation. Binary Image Processing Algorithms, Measuring Texture and Color, Camera
Models: The Pinhole Model. Camera Models: The Finite Projective and the General
Projective Cameras. Image of the Absolute Conic (or How to Make a Camera Figure Out Its
Internal Parameters from a Couple of Images). Camera Calibration (Zhang's Algorithm),
Extracting Features by Bin Counting in Parameter Space -- The Hough Transform. Epipolar
Geometry and the Fundamental Matrix, PCA for Dimensionality Reduction and Data
Decorrelation, LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis) for Image Recognition, Face Recognition
Studies with PCA, LDA, etc., and Nearest-Neighbor Classification, Automatically Learning
the Most Discriminating Features through Class Entropy Minimization, Image Segmentation
using Graph Partitioning Algorithms.

ENG(NAL)-3-3513: Advanced Experimental Techniques in Materials Science: 2-0-2-3

Course Coordinator: Dr Anjana Jain
Associated Faculty: Dr Venkateswarlu, Dr M Sujata

Metallographic techniques: Resolution, depth of focus, polarized light, phase contrast,
interference microscopy, quantitative metallographic techniques and Image Analysis. X-ray
diffraction techniques: Bragg’s law, Diffraction methods, Stereographic projection. Cameras-
Laue,Debye-Scherer cameras, Seeman- Bohlin focusing cameras, GIXRD. Application of x-
ray diffraction: Indexing space group identification, intensity calculation, lattice parameter
measurement, stress analysis, phase analysis. Electron microscopy: Construction and
operation of electron microscope –specimen preparation techniques. Image formation
methods in scanning electron microscope, composition analysis, EDX, WDX. Basics of TEM
and STEM. Scanning probe microscopes: Scanning Tunneling Microscope, Atomic Force
Microscope etc. Advanced chemical and thermal analysis: Basic principles, practice and
applications of surface analytical techniques such as X-ray spectrometry, XPS, AES, SIMS,
Thermal analysis methods – DTA, DSC, TGA. Nanomechanical characterization: Dynamic
Indentation Technqiues, NHT, Tribology at Nanoscale, Nanotribology and Nanoscratch
Testing. Spectroscopic techniques: IR, FTIR and Raman spectroscopies.

ENG(NAL)-3-3514: Materials for Energy Conversion: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr ST Aruna
Associated Faculty: Dr Parthasarathi Bera, Dr B Shri Prakash

Fundamental of electrochemical energy conversion – Thermo dynamical and kinetic

aspects– Relevance in aerospace applications- Principles of Batteries and Fuel cell
operations – Types of batteries and fuel cells - Components of batteries and fuel cells and
their material aspects - Experimental techniques. Introduction to solar radiation and heat
transfer, various types of solar collectors, solar water heating, solar cooling, solar industrial
process heat and types of solar thermal power systems, photovoltaics, Hydrogen energy -
production and storage.

ENG(NAL)-3-3515: Nano-Dimensional Magnetic Thin Films: 2-0-2-3

Course Coordinator: Dr P Chowdhury
Associated Faculty: Dr Harish C. Barshilia

Introduction: Magnetism, Magnetostatics, Magnetism of electron, Ferromagnetism,

Antiferromagnetism and other ferromagnetic order, Micromagnetism, domain and hysteresis,
Nanoscale magnetism, Experimental methods, Application of soft magnetic materials and its
application, hard magnetic materials and it’s applications, Spin electronics, Magnetic sensor,
Principle of magnetic sensing, Signal and noise, Different type of magnetic sensor, field
mapping, Applications of magnetic sensors.

ENG(NAL)-3-3516: Computational Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity: 2-0-2-3

Course Coordinator: Dr M Manjuprasad
Associated Faculty: Mr. AC Pankaj, Dr Amit Kr. Onkar

Variational Principles, Hamilton’s Least Action Principle, Lagrange’s equations; Vibration of

multi-degree of freedom systems; Finite element formulation for elasto-dynamics of
continuous systems; bar, beam and plates; Normal mode expansions and direct integration;
Static/dynamic condensation and sub-structuring techniques; Torsion and bending of an
aircraft wing; Static aeroelasticity and divergence of a wing; Dynamic aeroelasticity and

bending-torsion flutter of a wing; Dynamic response of a wing to gust and atmospheric
turbulence; Introduction to system identification based flutter prediction; Concepts of
nonlinear vibrations.

ENG(NAL)-3-3517: Computational Nonlinear Structural Mechanics and Vulnerability: 2-

Course Coordinator: Dr M Manjuprasad
Associated Faculty: Dr DVTG Pavan Kumar, Mr. J Dhayanidhi

Review of linear FEM. FEM for one one-dimensional plasticity: Perfect plasticity, Isotropic
and Kinematic strain hardening, finite element formulation, Newton-Raphson solution
technique, one-dimensional viscoplasticity, integration algorithms. Continuum theory of
plasticity: Yield condition, Flow and hardening rules, loading and unloading conditions,
stability, convexity and normality, J2 plasticity /viscoplasticity. FEM for two-dimensional and
three-dimensional plasticity: Rate independent plasticity, Explicit and Implicit techniques,
Return methods for J2 plasticity, finite element formulation, NR technique. FEM for large
deformation elasticity: Continuum Mechanics - Description of motion of body, deformation
gradient, Green-Lagrange strain, Rate of deformation, principal stresses, polar
decomposition, Cauchy stress and P-K stresses, balance of mass and momentum, Principal
of objectivity, Constitutive equation for hyper elasticity, New Hookerion elastic model, finite
element formulation for finite strain elasticity, Total Lagrangian and updated lagrangian.
Introduction to nonlinear FEM for structural dynamics, Nonlinear FEM for composites,
Concepts of structural damage and vulnerability.

ENG(NAL)-3-3518: Computational Stochastic Structural Mechanics and Reliability: 2-0-

Course Coordinator: Dr M Manjuprasad
Associated Faculty: Dr Amit Kr. Onkar, Mr. AC Pankaj

Introduction to probability, random variables, different probability distributions; Random

process theory, stationarity, ergodicity, non-stationarity, power spectral density; Random
field theory, homogeneity, non-homogeneity; Vibration of S.D.O.F. system under random
inputs; Input output relation, Extension to M.D.O.F. system; Failure of randomly vibrating
systems; Formulation of reliability for structural problems; Exact solution methods – first
order and second order reliability methods, transformations; Simulation methods – Direct
Monte Carlo and Importance sampling methods; System reliability methods; Introduction to
Reliability based design concepts; Concepts of stochastic finite element methods.

ENG(NAL)-3-3519: Applied Aeroelasticity: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr S Raja
Associated Faculty: Mr. D Dwarakanathan

Aerodynamic-structural coupling, static aeroelasticity (divergence, control reversal etc),

dynamic aeroelasticity (Flutter, Buffet, Gust), flexible loads, introduction to numerical and
experimental techniques in Aeroelasticity. Aerodynamic theories (subsonic/supersonic),
basics in active controls, aeroservoelasticity (modeling, analysis) & its applications: active
flutter control technique, gust load alleviation etc.

ENG(NAL)-3-3520: Smart Materials & Structures: 3-0-0-3
Course Coordinator: Dr S Raja
Associated Faculty: Mr. D Dwarakanathan

Introduction to smart materials, constitutive modelling, smart & adaptive structures concepts,
numerical & experimental methods for adaptive structures (sensing, actuation, monitoring),
active-passive vibration controls, shape control of structures, optimal placement techniques
for sensor & actuators.

ENG(NAL)-3-3521: Vibration Control Techniques for Aerospace Structures: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr S Raja

Introduction to vibration, sources of vibration, passive vibration control approaches,

modelling different vibratory loads & structural system, system identification techniques,
introduction to active control system, feedforward & feedback controls, modelling of different
actuators and sensors, control system design and analysis, experimental techniques in
vibration control.

ENG(NAL)-3-3522: Finite Element Methods for Aircraft Structures: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr S Raja
Associated Faculty: Mr. U Ashwin

Introduction to thin walled structures, Isotropic & composite materials, beam, plate & shell
theories, R-R method and displacement based FE procedure, novelty in FE coding,
numerical experimentation with FE analysis, static & dynamic solutions using numerical

ENG(NAL)-3-3523: Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr CM Manjunatha
Associated Faculty: Dr PK Sahoo

Introduction to fatigue of materials; Mechanisms of fatigue failures; HCF and LCF; Fatigue
design concepts; Fatigue testing; S-N curves, factors influencing S-N behavior; Strain-life
approach; cyclic stress-strain behavior; Fatigue life estimation under block and spectrum
loads. LEFM concepts; crack tip plastic zone; FCGR; crack growth life estimation; statistical
aspects of fatigue; variable amplitude fatigue; load sequence effects. Introduction to SIF,
SERR, J-integral values, Irwin’s theory, 2D and 3D VCCI and MVCCI methods, MVCCI
method, methods of crack growth analysis in metals/composites using FEA.

ENG(NAL)-3-3524: Mechanical Design and CAD/CAM: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr G Balamurugan
Associated Faculty: Mr. AC Pankaj, Mr. Mahesh Kadam, Mr. K Vinod Kumar

Fundamentals - Introduction to Design: Design, Design Process, Problem Formulation,
Factor of Safety and Design codes. Load analysis: Equilibrium equations, Free-Body
diagrams, Load analysis case studies. Materials and Processes: Material-property
definitions, stress-strain relationships, Heat treatment, coatings and surface treatment,
material selection. Stress, strain and deflection: Principal stresses, strains, Mohr’s circle,
types of stresses, stress concentration, combined stresses, thick and thin cylinders,
columns, case studies. Static failure theories: Selection and use of failure theories, factors in
the selection of safety factor, General guidelines for adopting factor of safety. Applications -
Introduction to the Design of Material handling equipments winches, wire ropes, shackles,
hoists, tackles etc, IS standards. Basics of Mechanical Design, Design of Gears & Power
Screws, Design of Keys and Shafts, Design of Springs, Brakes, Coupling and Clutches,
Design of Flexible Mechanical Elements (Belts & Chains), Selection of the Rolling Bearings
& Sealing Elements, fasteners & Joints. Case studies, Geometric Dimensioning and
tolerance practices, standards etc. CAD/CAM - Introduction to CAD, Solid Modeling, Feature
Modeling, Parametric Modeling, Boundary Representation and Constructive Solid Geometry,
Transformations and Projections, Computer Aided Manufacturing.

ENG(NAL)-3-3525: Mechanical Systems Design and Aircraft Systems: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr G. Balamurugan
Associated Faculty: Mr. Jaidev Vyas, Mr. Mahesh Kadam, Mr. Vinod Kumar

Introduction: Review of fundamentals of kinematics-Mobility analysis -Formation of one

D.O.F. multiloop kinematics chains, Network formula - Gross motion concepts. Kinematic
Analysis: Position analysis -Vectorloop equations for four bar, slider crank, inverted slider
crank - Geared five bar and six bar linkages. Analytical method for velociy and acceleration
analysis - Four bar linkage jerk analysis - Plane complex mechanism. Path Curvature
Theory: Fixed and Moving centrodes, inflection points and inflection circle. Euler Savary
equation, Graphical constructions - Cubic of stationary curvature. Synthesis Of Mechanisms:
Type synthesis - Number sythesis - Assosiated linkage concept. Dimensional systhesis -
Function generation , path generation, motion generation. Graphical methods. Cognate
linkage - Coupler curve synthesis, design of six bar mechanisms .Algebraic methods.
Application of instant centre in linkage design. Cam mechanism - Determination of optimum
size of Cams. Dynamics Of Mechanisms: Static force analysis with friction - Inertia force
analysis - combined static and inertia force analysis. Shaking force, Kinetostactic analysis.
Introduction to force and moment balancing of linkages. Spatial Mechanism And Robotics:
Kinematic analysis of spatial RSSR mechanism - Denavit - Hartenberg parameters. Forward
and inverse Kinematics of robotic manipulators. Aircraft Systems: Hydraulics Systems,
Hydraulics (Theory and application), a) Pumps - Different types of pumps, Pump
characteristics & Theory, Aerospace applications b) Valves- Different kinds of valves, flow
and pressure loss calculations,Flow through pipes, Control systems , c) Landing Gear
system- Architecture, subsystems, Load calculations d) Fuel system- Architecture,design
etc. e) Thermal Systems Thermal engineering (Theory) Thermodynamic principles,
Refrigeration and air conditioning, Heat exchangers, Compressors & Turbines,
Environmental control system-Architecture , subsystems , Load calculations d) Simulation
methods applied to Systems using Bond Graph techniques etc.

ENG(NAL)-3-3526: Optimization Techniques in Engineering Design: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr DVTG Pavan Kumar
Associated Faculty: Dr Amit Kr. Onkar, Dr M. Manjuprasad

Introduction to Optimization, Classical Optimization Techniques, Unconstrained
Optimization, Constrained Optimization, Linear Programming, Multi-objective Optimization,
Finite Element Based Optimization, Structural Design Optimization, Introduction to
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, Evolutionary Optimization and Optimization of

ENG(NAL)-3-3527: Impact and Crashworthiness: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr S Sathiyanarayan
Associated Faculty: Mr. J Dhayanidhi, Dr Satish Chandra

Classification of Impact, High velocity and low velocity impacts, Stereo-mechanical Impact,
Central Impact, Rotational Impact and Eccentric impact. Vibration aspects, Wave
transmission in Elastic solids, Impact of two rods, Impact of rigid mass on a rod, Transverse
impact of a mass on a beam. Contact phenomena, Forces and deformations at the contact
point, the hertz law of contact, other contact deformation relations, examples. Soft body
impact at high velocities, shock waves, bird hit, hail impact. Energy absorption concepts,
airbags, foams, gelatine, Crashworthiness of vehicles, Calculation of energy absorbed
during low velocity impact. Experimental aspects of impact, measurement of accelerations,
velocities of impact, low velocity, high velocity impact, high speed photography.
Computational methods for impact analysis, explicit analysis, examples.

ENG(NAL)-3-3528: Finite Element Methods for Composites: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr AK Onkar
Associated Faculty: Ms. S Manju

Introduction to finite element methods: Discussion on mathematical modeling, weighted

integral and weighted residual methods, Rayleigh-Ritz methods, principle of minimum
potential energy, weak formulation, FE solutions of one and two dimensional problems,
convergence analysis. Mechanics of composite laminates: Introduction to composites,
micromechanical analysis of composites, homogenization theory, macromechanical analysis
of lamina, properties of laminates and their constitutive equations, classical laminate and
shear deformation theories, interlaminar stresses, failure theories, environmental effects.
Finite element modeling and analysis of composites: One dimensional modeling of laminated
beams and plate strips by CLPT and Timoshenko beam theory, two dimensional modeling of
laminated plates using CLPT, FSDT and HSDT, layerwise theories, 3D modeling of
laminated plates, cutout in composites, statics, free-vibration and buckling analysis, first ply
and progressive failure analysis, modeling of delamination, intra-ply and inter-ply damage,
nonlinear and post-buckling response analysis.

ENG(NAL)-3-3529: Digital Signal Processing and its Applications: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Mr. PS Vijayakumar
Associated Faculty: Dr VPS Naidu

Introduction to Signals and signal processing: Characterization and classification of signals,

signal processing operations and applications. Fundamentals of Discrete time systems:
Introduction, Basic Definitions, Important discrete-time signals, Discrete-Time systems,

Sampling of continuous time signals, Digital filter with A/D and D/A, MATLAB Exercises.
Transform –domain representation of Signals: Discrete-Time Fourier Transform, Discre
Fourier Transform (DFT) and its properties, Computation of the DFT of real sequences,
inverse DFT, The z-Transform, MATLAB Exercises. The Fast Fourier Transform and its
applications: Introduction, Computation of FFT, Convolution of two sequences using DFT,
MATLAB Exercises. Analog filter Design: Introduction, Filter types and Transformations,
Implementation of second order Filters, Component requirements, Filter approximations,
Filter design procedures and design examples, MATLAB Exercies. Digital Filter Design:
Introduction, Filter specifications, Magnitude and phase response of Digital Filters, Filter
Design considerations and Realization, MATLAB Exercises. Time-Frequency Analysis:
Theoretical background, Fourier transforms short comings, interpretations difficulties,
Spectrogram, Time-scale analysis, Wigner-Ville distribution, MATLAB Exercises. Digital
signal processing Applications: Vibration data processing, System Fault diagnosis and
Health monitoring, Case study using MATLAB simulation exercises.

ENG(NAL)-3-3530: Manufacturing Techniques for Composites: 2-0-2-3

Course Coordinator: Dr Ramesh Sundaram
Associated Faculty: Mr. Satish S Nimbal

Introduction to course/Why Composites, Health and Safety Issues, Glass / Carbon / Organic
Reinforcements /Thermoset / Thermoplastic matrices, Ceramic / Metal matrix Composites,
Hand layup/Wet Layup / Spray up/Vacuum Bagging, Prepreg and Autoclave moulding, Tool
Design & Manufacturing, Matched die / Compression molding / SMC, Pultrusion / Filament
winding, Cocuring and Integral Construction, Sandwich composites, Liquid Composite
Molding, Joining Composites, Thermoplastic processing techniques, Machining of
Composites, Repair of Composites, Recycling, Quality inspection / Testing, Natural Fiber

ENG(NAL)-3-3531: Repair Technology for Aircraft Structures using Composites: 2-0-2-

Course Coordinator: Dr D Saji

Introduction to aircraft materials, classification of metallic materials, basic material structures

and properties, mechanical behaviour of materials and manufacturing process, Introduction
to composite materials and their processing, Mechanical testing of composites. Adhesively
Bonded Joints & Mechanically Fastened Joints. General Engineering Applications of FRP
composites. Introduction to repair; Repair philosophy, Repair sequence, repair criteria,
sources of damages, Types of damages, Damage assessment. Classification of repair,
Design of repair joints, Design of damage tolerant repair joints, Selection of repair joints,
Repair procedures, Repair schemes for damaged composite aircraft parts. Why composites
for repair of aged metallic structures, crack patching, repair qualification and certification

ENG(NAL)-3-3532: Experimental Techniques for Composites: 2-0-2-3

Course Coordinator: Dr D Saji

Introduction to composites, Manufacturing processes for polymer matrix composites, Micro

and Macro mechanics, Classical laminate theory, Introduction to Fracture Mechanics, types

of damages in composites and damage propogation. Fundamental Strain Gage Technology,
Strain Gages on Composites, Normal-Stress and Shear Stress Gages and Rosettes, Strain
Gage Reinforcement Effects on Low-Modulus Materials. Experimental characterization of
composites, Mechanics of materials approach to stiffness Determination of E1, E2, v12 etc,
Mechanical Test Fixtures. Instrumentation Practices for Tension & Shear Testing of
Composite Materials, Creep and fatigue testing of Composites. Non destructive testing of
composites- Ultrasonics, Acoustic Emission, X-ray, Infra red thermography. Advances in
composites testing- Digital image correlation system, laser Doppler vibrometer
Vibrothermography, laser ultrasonics, Embedded Fiber Optic Strain Sensors for damage

ENG(NAL)-3-3533: Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation: 2-0-2-3

Course Coordinator: Dr M Ramesh Kumar

Introduction to NDT: Explain: Selection of NDT methods. Visual Inspection (Optical method),
Liquid Penetration Inspection, its advantages and limitations. Magnetic Particle Inspection:
Methods of generating magnetic field, types of magnetic particle and suspension
liquids.Eddy Current Inspection: Principle, operation variable, procedure, inspection coils.
Microwave Inspection: Microwave holography. Ultrasonic Inspection: Basic equipment
characteristic of ultrasonic waves, variables inspection, inspection methods pulse echo
A,B,C scans transmission. Radiography Inspection: Principles, radiation source – Rays and
gamma rays – rays tubes, radio graphic films, scenes and filters, image intensifiers,
Industrial Computer Tomography. Optical Holography: Basic of holography, recording and
Acoustical Holography: system and techniques applications. Advanced Techniques:
Acoustic Emission, Laser ultrasonics, Acousto ultrasonic, infrared thermography.

ENG(NAL)-3-3534: Introduction to Continuum Mechanics: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr VL Sateesh

Vectors and tensors: Introduction, Vectors: vector addition and scalar components. Indicial
notations, finite roations. Scalar products, vector products. Change of orthogonal basis.
Tensors: Rectangular Cartesian tensor components, tensor properties. Vector and tensor
calculus: gradient, divergence and curl. Stress: body forces, surface forces, traction vectors,
stress components. Principle axes, principle stress and invariants. Strain and deformation:
small strains and rotations in two and three dimensions, kinematics of a continuous medium,
rate of deformation tensor, spin tensor. Finite strain and deformation, Eulerian and
Lagrangian formulation, rotation and stretch tensors. Compatability conditions. Basic
principles: Integral transformation, conservation equations (mass, engergy, angular
momentum and linear momentum). Entropy and the second law of thermodynamics,
clausius Duhem inquality. Engergy potentials. Constitutive relations: Introduction to ideal
materials, classical elasticity, visoelastic behavior, introduction to plasticity.

ENG(NAL)-3-3535: Textile Reinforcements for Composites: 2-0-2-3

Course Coordinator: Dr BS Sugun

Introduction to textile structures, weaves, knits and braids, Introduction to basic weaves and
weaving machinery, yarn and fabric mechanics, woven cloth construction and design, glass
and carbon weaving, 3D preforming technologies such as stitching, tufting, multilayer

weaving, orthogonal weaving and 3D weaving, woven fabric geometry, weaving calculations,
testing and evaluation.
ENG(NAL)-3-3536: Electromagnetic Design and Analysis of Radomes: 3-0-0-3
Course Coordinator: Dr Raveendranath U. Nair
Associated Faculty: Dr Shiv Narayan

Basics of radome performance parameters: Power transmission, power reflection, insertion

phase delay, boresight error, antenna pattern degradations; Classification of radome wall
configurations: Radome types, Classes and Styles. Monolithic and multilayered structures;
Radome materials: Organic radome dielectric materials, Foam materials, inorganic radome
dielectric materials, Radome design techniques: Constant thickness design and variable
thickness designs. Broadband radome designs; Radome analysis techniques: Geometrical
Optics (GO) methods, Physical Optics (PO) methods, plane wave spectrum method, finite
element method, and Hybrid methods; Novel Radomes: Frequency Selective Surfaces
(FSS) radomes, metamaterial radomes; Radome performance measurements: Power
transmission efficiency measurements, Insertion Phase Delay (IPD) measurements,
Measurements of antenna pattern degradations.

ENG(NAL)-3-3537: Adaptive Antenna Algorithms: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr Hema Singh

Adaptive antenna fundamentals, Beam forming networks, Antenna beam/sidelobe control,

Degrees of Freedoms, Adaptive Array Processing: Narrowband/Wideband, Sidelobe
Cancellers: Conventional GSC, DF-GSC, Blind DF-GSC, Adaptive Algorithms: LMS
algorithms, RLS algorithm, SMI algorithm, Weighted Least Square algorithm, Active
Cancellation in adaptive arrays, Correlation/Coherence between Signals, Mutual Coupling
effect, platform effect.
ENG(NAL)-3-3538: Frequency Selective Surfaces: Design and Analysis: 3-0-0-3
Course Coordinator: Dr Shiv Narayan
Associated Faculty: Dr Raveendranath U. Nair

Fundamentals of Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS): FSS elements, Types of FSS,

dielectric loading effect, grating lobe phenomena, Wood’s anomalies; Single and multiplayer
FSS, FSS structure with multiple periodicity; EM design of FSS structures: Dual-band, Multi-
band, FSS performance parameters, Optimization of design and performance parameters;
Cascading of Multi-screen FSS;FSS Materials and Fabrications; Measurement Techniques;
Applications of FSS: Radomes, Antennas, Radar absorbing structures (RAS).

ENG(NAL)-3-3539: Design and Analysis of Radar absorbing Materials and Structures:


Course Coordinator: Dr Balamati Choudhury

Associated Faculty: Dr R U Nair, Dr Hema Singh

Concepts in Radar cross section (RCS), Radar range equation; Stealth techniques; Radar
Absorbing Materials (RAM) and its ideal requirements; Fundamental EM concepts for RAM:
Maxwell’s equation, surface boundary conditions, constitutive relations, EM wave
propagation through free space, homogeneous, inhomogeneous medium, EM parameters
for RAM; Mathematical analysis for RAM on surfaces: Reflection at planar boundary, curved

boundary, grid-based methods, high-frequency methods; EM design of RAM and Radar
Absorbing Structures (RAS): narrowband absorbers, broadband absorbers, realization of
RAM in practice; Absorber Characterization Techniques: measurement of material
properties, free space techniques; Identification and applications of RAM; Trends in RAM;
Advanced metamaterial based RAM.

ENG(NAL)-3-3540: Atmospheric Dynamics and Numerical Weather Prediction: 3-0-0-3

Course Coordinator: Dr Mrudula G

Equations of motion in spherical and polar coordinates, isobaric coordinate and sigma co-
ordinate system, scale analysis of dynamical equations, Rossby Number, Classification of
flows, geostrophic wind, inertial wind, Eulerian flow and cyclostrophic wind, gradient
wind-cyclonic and anticyclonic cases, horizontal accelerations and ageostrophic flow,
thermal wind, backing and veering, local temperature variations, barotropic and baroclinic
atmospheres, Divergence and vorticity in different co-ordinate systems, significance of
the various terms, divergence and vorticity of the geostrophic wind, the vector vorticity
equation and its scale analysis, the divergence equation, balance equation, Atmospheric
waves , concept of wave motion, simple harmonic wave, stable, unstable and neutral
waves, linear perturbation theory wave equation, Fourier series representation of wave
form, Acoustic waves, shallow water gravity waves, internal gravity waves, inertial gravity
waves, Rossby waves , forced topographic Rossby waves, mountain waves and Lee
waves, equatorial wave theory, mixed Rossby gravity waves, Kelvin waves, vertically
propagating planetary waves, Quasi geostrophic analysis, geopotential tendency equation,
omega equation, Hydrodynamic instability, Kelvin Helmholtz instability, linear barotropic
and baroclinic instability and cyclogenesis, available potential energy, the Raleigh
Theorem, Atmospheric energetics, energy equation, internal and potential energies,
NWP, Finite difference Techniques, Spectral Technique, Galerkin Methods, Staggered grid,
CFL Criteria and Stability Analysis, Nonlinear Instability and Aliasing, Boundary Conditions
and time integration, Different Models, Coupling, Hierarchy of Coupled models, Coupling
strategies, spin up problems, Basic Concepts of Parameterization, Overview of Objective
Analysis, Basic Concepts, Optimum Interpolation Technique, Static Dynamic and Normal
Mode initialization.

Level 4 Courses

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