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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
High School Blvd. Brgy. Lourdes, City of San Fernando
School Year 2018-2019
Direction: Read and analyze each situation. Choose and write the letter of your choice on your answer sheet.

1. Music has a melodic complexity and ornamentation and harmony is not emphasized.
A. Central Asia B. South Asia C. Southeast Asia D. West Asia

2. Indians common style of singing, which in the Philippines this style is only used in chanting Epics and
A. Guttural and Throaty B. Melismatic and Nasal
C. Nasal and Throaty D. Syllabic and Nasal

3. The common system of rhythm in India literally means clap.

A. Matra B. Raga C. Tala D. Tintal

4. Israeli dance Hora uses accompaniment which has __________.

A. Regular beats B. Strong off beats and asymmetric meters
C. Strong off beats and symmetric meters D. Syncopated beats

5. The distinctive vocal style of Israeli Singers.

A. Guttural and Throaty B. Melismatic and Nasal
C. Nasal and Throaty D. Syllabic and Nasal

Choices for numbers 6 – 9

A. B. C. D.

6. Psalterion is made from wood and relied on natural acoustics for sound production.
7. Shofar lacks pitch-altering devices, with all pitch control done by varying the player’s embouchure.
8. Rabab was a fretless instrument, and the string being o gut, suffered from certain limitation, and
therefore, it was more suitable for the rhythmic elaboration.
9. Jewish Lyre strings were set in vibration by the fingers or by a little stick.

10. The song of Israel has a __________ melodic interval/contour on

the first measure.

A. Leap B. Repeated C. Skipwise D. Stepwise

11. West Asian music is commonly used during the following events EXCEPT:
A. Communal Worship B. Entertainment C. Life passage events D. Work

12. The two performers on the picture are playing __________ and __________.

A. Bansuri and Daf B. Bansuri and Tabla C. Shehnai and Dhol D. Shehnai and Dholak

13. The identified Indian instruments above are classified as __________ and __________.
A. Ghan and Avanaddh B. Ghan and Tat C. Sushir and Avanaddh D. Sushir and Tat

14. The context of music lies outside the religious domain played during life passage events.
A. Devotional B. Hazan C. Secular D. Shofar

15. Both the Jewish Devotional Music and the Pasyon of Filipinos are featured during:
A. Birthday and Interment Day B. Christmas and New Year’s Day
C. Sabbath and Holy Days D. Wedding and Christening Day

16. Arab Goblet ; Philippine Debakan ; Middle East __________

A. Darbuk B. Dhol C. Dholak D. Tabla

17. In India, this term refers to Music Hindu Scriptures.

A. Rig Veda B. Samagana C. Sama Veda D. Sangeet

18. The most common style of singing in Hindustani music which means imagination.
A. Krti B. Kyhal C. Rig Veda D. Sama Veda

19. Devotional Song Compositions in Carnatic music is called __________.

A. Krti B. Kyhal C. Rig Veda D. Sama Veda

20. The performers in the picture are playing __________ instruments.

A. Arabian B. Indian C. Israeli D. Pakistani

21. Both Hindustani and Carnatic music use complex rules to create elaborate patterns of rhythm for
classical music.
A. True B. False C. Often D. Sometimes

22. Teacher Mina instructed you to listen and watch Zum Gali Gali video performed by Israeli Choir. At the
course of the song you noticed that there is a change in its tonality, therefore, __________ occurs.
A. Innovation B. Modulation C. Progression D. Transposition


The Indian instruments shown in the pictures above are bowed stringed instruments which is classified
as _________.
A. Ghan B. Sushir C. Tat D. Vitat

24. If you were asked to keep the rhythm in playing Carnatic music, which instrument should you use?
A. Dhol B. Ghatam C. Mridangam D. Tabla

25. When a Jewish boy reached the age of 13, he becomes a full-pledged member of the religious
community. This ceremonial event is called _______________.
A. Bar Mitzvah B. Bat Mitzvah C. Hassidic D. Hazan

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