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Compare food-based sites

Student Name: Upam Chaudhary

Group: 5

Source and resources:

Laptop: Dell Inspiron 7000 series

Mobile: Samsung A30s

Network: 3G/4G

Desktop Browser: Microsoft Chrome and UC Browser

Mobile: Brave

Web-sites with links:

 Link:::

 UberEATS Link:::
1. Opening same link in two different browsers. (record the time)
Websites Browsers: - Microsoft UC Browser
Chrome {Time(sec)} {Time(sec)}
Deliveroo 3.08 6.81
UberEATS 5.89 3.34

2. Time taken to navigate from one part of the website to another part of website
Websites Browsers: - Microsoft UC
Chrome {Time(sec)} Browser Task
Deliveroo 2.68 3.08 Signup page
UberEATS 4.98 5.22

3. Max and Min font change observation

Websites Browsers: - Microsoft UC Browser
Deliveroo Good Good
UberEATS Good Good
*** How easy is it to read the text
***Measure (Good, Bad, Moderate)
4. Scroll to bottom time task in mobile site and desktop site
Websites Browsers: - Microsoft UC Browser
Chrome {Time(sec)} {Time(sec)}
Deliveroo 6.41 7.02

5. Single hand navigation ease in mobile site

Websites Browsers: - Microsoft UC Browser
Chrome {Time(sec)} {Time(sec)}
Deliveroo Moderate Moderate
UberEATS Moderate Moderate
*** Using a single Thumb and mobile on the same hand. Record your response (Good Bad Moderate))

6. View of screen with responsiveness according to the screen size.

Website Browsers
s :- Screenshots {Actual Resolution (3840x2160)} Resoluti
Microsoft on
Delivero good 1920 x
o 1080


*** Record the screen view while changing the resolution of the screen.

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